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/dft/ - Discord Fappy Talky

Post tags, talk about your fetishes, and jerk off

Groping edition

Previous: >>67752267
Groping my genitals

Getting gay with anon in a totally casual, platonic way and getting each other off with our cute twink feets~
Male feet
Im a failed male so i earn my attention by acting as a female gor other horny failed men online
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I was a failed mail once when I got my hand stuck in a post box.
That post box? I delivered it
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I'm so hated
Ever since a while I've stopped watching like flat out lewd stuff and now I watch a ton more videos where a girl just says nice stuff and lovebombs me. My favourite so far is an RP where an Idol stalks you.
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Girl penis
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have sex, idiot!!!
Stubbed my big toe. It's over.
Ako, I just wanted the world to know that I love you so much. I love you, always forever
So high on boys rn. Cock is basically my God. glitchedking9
hi potato
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When bro asks me to bounce on it:
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With who?
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Woah where did you get this photo of my wife?
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Ohhh poor baby, let me make it better for you.
What is hotter a neet subbing for a wagie or the other way around?
Oh, it was just... Promotional... Charity... Event. She did with some of her friends. I'm sure you can understnad
Boogie is rich, very prideful, weak, and has a taste for whores. One of those women must have realised they could simply beat the shit out of him and rob him blind with no consequence.
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O-oh okay.... I never knew about it but if her friends were doing it too..... and it was for charity... I guess its okay....
Yeah, it's all okay I'm sure. She probably does lots of stuff like that given her position and fame
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neets have big fucking hairy cocks and are usually chubby..... mfffuck
How can he be so rich yet suffer so much
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She has done a lot of shoots for a lots of different types of brands! I guess like you said its just part of her fame. Makes sense there are plenty she hasnt said anything about
Neets using their stinky cocks to make me waste the little free time I have after work to slobber all over them
From what I heard she often does stuff like that for free - she understands a lot of -initiatives- would love to have some recognition with her but wouldnt normally be able to afford to book her, or get time in her busy schedule...
That's what I heard when I talked to her, anyway. And it makes sense!
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Oh almost always! She's so generous and sweet, some of the many things I love about her.
Mhhh you're right it does! At first it took me a while to properly understand, but when she explained it more thoroughly I understood
Yeah, she really is.
Also Cynthia really understands the power her... Image has and just how much good she can do simply posing like this.
I can't fault you for finding that admirable about her
Somebody called?
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Energetic hand humpers.
Hey, at least tell me your name before you rub your pretty face all over my sweaty crotch.
I wish I hadnt removed that anon. He probably wasnt good for me but subbing for him felt really good
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Well I'm happy you agree~! There's just so much to love about her, its hard not to obsess over each reason why! Especially when she helps out sooo many enthusiastically as well. No matter the time or place shes just happy to show up and do her part
Name him
she's built to cuck her son
You don't even know half of it; as long as you can convince her that it's worth her time and the -cause- is good, she won't mind doing just about anything for nearly no payment
AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH. I need to tell someone that I love them.
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With who?
Your mom
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Wow I guess she does get up to a lot more of them than I thought >< But if they are able to convince her then I'm sure its more than enough to convince me too...
I lost his name, some german guy
Will not lie, it does seem like a lot of her -work- nowadays. A small wonder she still manages to accept challengers and do her pokemon league work!
Do you wish to talk more, and post your tag?
You could say you love me even if it's just to practice.
Starts with a B...
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You're right, she never shares stories about league work anymore~! Granted she has stopped really saying anything about any of her work anymore...
Sure ^^ my tag is hornyfren
Why hello, bitch. help yourself out!
Tell us more about him!
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Everyone keeps talking about cock.
But have you tasted how delicious cup noodles are?

Dominant but still kind. Well read. Respected limits.
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smelly neet cock....
Why did you delete him then?
Give it a nice biig whiff before you start licking it now
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Fuck, if I whiff it then you might need to guide my head. The scent will completely wipe my brain and I'll get really needy for more
It took too much of my time and I felt it wasnt healthy and he was not interested in any other way. Though I miss him sometimes it may be for the better that way
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What a cute bitch.
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I came...
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That's exactly it. It'll make you beg a whimper for just a lick, a little taste of that sweaty goodness <3 You'll naturally just guide your lips against the tip and slurp on it before you can even form a cohesive thought
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Thread full of ugly cocks
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Just what should be in the mind of most posters here!!
This kind of advertisement has always fascinated me, it's meant to be parody by being over the top, but it's massively cut back compared to their other adverts so it's only really working at all by being so out of place in a fantasy game world.

However if you compare the same sort of thing done in Yakuza 6, the RIZAP product placement is done in a similar in your face sermon way but it's instead completely unironic, but their unironic is so bold and soulless it comes across like a parody if you haven't seen their other adverts.

How much of it is calculated how much is accidental and when should I be laughing or should I be getting mad at being advertised to it melts my brain thinking about it. You can leave now.
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i love all cocks no matter how big they are or what they look like. They ALL deserve love and worship and a nice cleaning
An equal cock lover, cute. Want to post your tag and help me finish off my hairy thing?
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I’m a neet but my cock is always trimmed and i’m very skinny
Don’t reply to kronk newfag
I do as I please and will reply to whatever I wish.
Didn’t read. Don’t reply to me.
So just as a warning, these threads are gonna get a lot worse. Sturdy is deleting /d/ so all the pag and cc refuges will flood here again but this time they won't leave quickly.
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I deleted my account... sorry

All cocks deserve love, Anon. No matter how they are!
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Well I've officially gotten extremely horny reading the thread and now I just want to use a cute slut's throat until we're both a mess and we cum a lot together.

It’s joever…
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Time to make it again then. You got a lot of cocks waiting
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Reply to me again then!
Sturdy didn't "flood" here when it went down before it was just you and the two other idiots. You're a minority there.
Who is “sturdy”?
Sturdy chon is another imageboard website. It's filtered here so you can't actually post the full name or address.
You didn't see what happened after dft hit bump limit and the new thread was made. People kept full on ignoring rules here and kept posting loli.
Also the uptick in blacked posters are from there. And the belleposters. So i'm just saying.
Oh nobody uses those sites so I doubt anyone will “flood” this place.
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Mine needs extra care
Not him but as you wish
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Mentally Illya Hours
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Well call the other person a stupid bitch for not doing it himself!
0-4 smoke now
5-9 smoke later
I saw it just fine, boy. You are correct though... you are just saying.
>muh rules
Imagine LARPing as a janny on the asshole of the internet
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I just wanna meet nonny irl
Turn off your monitor.
Why do all girls get tattoos now? It's gross.
Stop being a stupid bitch and respond to
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But you won't be able to see the cutest nonny of them all.
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Good boy, I am pleased with your actions anon.
You truly are above and beyond the average shitter that posts here.
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Women are conformist creatures, so since 'everybody' has them, they have no choice but to get them.
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Post tag and lets meet up!
Thank you, your appreciation is all I want
Nobody is online to fap with…
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I'll shove my balls in your cumhungry mouth if you keep acting so deranged, you slut. My hairy, sweaty balls filled with cock nectar.
So true
Fap to what?
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i'm not deranged i just love COCKS AND SWEATY HAIRY BALLS
I watching a film about an autistic accountant and to calm down Ben Affleck is in a dark room with music turned up loud staring at flashing lights and hitting himself in the leg with a rolling pin.

When the autists here say they need a moment to calm down after I milk them is that what they are doing?
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Leaving your mouth so open and happily rolling your tongue all over my throbbing bulge makes you pretty deranged, cocksleeve. Especially when you happily breathe in the musky scent and suck on the wet stain that grows bigger and bigger at the tip.
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You know?
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Avoid posting her, or I'll kiss you
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Keep spouting shit like that and I will fuck your face with all of my sweaty meat rod down your throat. My greasy cumtanks slapping your chin over and over, my crotch kissing your face til it goes numb. Your brain will scramble around until you are a completely braindead onahole.
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That positon works too, you disposable onahole. Lying down while I grab your throat and feeling me violate your throat, your eyes slammed by my swollen nutsack. Pubes sticking to your face, your lips as I thrust harder and faster into you. Stretching you out and making you choke and gag while your my bitch breaker is bulging out of your throat.
And you are going to love it like the deranged freak you are. You are going to squirt your bitch juices like a good girl and swallow every thick drop of nutsludge I feed you.
Go ahead and squirt like you want to.
Go ahead and submit.
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i came againnnn <3<3<3<3
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Good work making that mess, you cockslut. Hope it felt good getting used and ruined like a sextoy. No doubt you will keep coming back for more throat breakage soon enough with how needy you are for thick nutcream.
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yesdaddy yesyesyesyesyseyesyesyesyesyes
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Need something nonners?
Thanks I spurted
My favorite AGP anon isn't online
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No calling me the d-word or you will really not get to leave until I'm all empty and your mouth stuffed with spunk. Leave and rest while you still can.
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>they say ttyl
>they dont ttyl
I think im gonna leave here forever I keep trying but Im not cut out for it. I dont know how you guys do it. You are probably more confident in yourselves than I.
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daddydaddydaddydaddydaddydaddydaddy <3<3<3<3
tag? I'll ttyl
Take responsibility and come online to get your load.
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Testing the waters for now~
Dumb tranny flag anons.
but i might not be the one you're thinking about...
say the first 3 letters of the tag
Anon creampieing my imouto like an onahole since we have a supportive flag up!
Are you dumb? If I was really confident I would have made long term friends here and left instead of saying ttyl to people then bailing.
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Keep doing your thing then, I'm liking what I'm seeing~
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You useless cumdumpster.
Now I don't care if you squirt your bitch juices or not. Now I'm gonna force your jaw wide open and pound your fuckhole to the point of it aching in pain. Wearing and tearing you up for what seems like forever in your cock drunk state.... Until I erupt.
Time for more cock abuse, cocksleeve.

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