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haha i hate myself

roadkill: https://desuarchive.org/trash/thread/70974790/
habits: https://mega.nz/#!14tzGArI!GJVpT9n0k7QzsFGSTvWNfG57LFEn2lJV7X6ydBvIen4/
tagmap: https://tagmap.io/tag/haha,hahaihatemyself,posshouse/
steam: https://steamcommunity.com/groups/posshouse/

real posses drive FORDS
you know what ford stands for dont ya
fix it again tony
Cracked Heads Every Valve Rattles Oil Leaks Engine Ticks
do boys (human) who look like the dalmatian boy character and have his vibe exist
it is
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i am
a non furry
reply to my profile >>70983057 pls im desperate
dale that's a fiat I'll tell you h'wut
then why hasnt it happened yet?
did you go to a gay bachelor party at a strip club like mikey did?
that's me
another thread, another reminder hes never coming back
how is this an easy situation to get into
i miss beepers
it's as easy as it's painted out to be poss, just like you wished it were
sorry all I got is a Volvo
would have sex with
i miss blasco
i miss snacks
i miss yeeners
i miss poss
Volvos are cool i wish we had more here in the US
most of the ones up here are post ford buyout
I miss all the nameposses
i know who doesnt miss me
but i do miss you
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look at him
stop looking at him
when was that mines an 08 and it's pretty cool but it's a BITCH to repair because of foreign parts
30+ year old posses in a nutshell
i drive a wrx actually
poss help im shaking and quivering
I told you not to do heroine
Some would say I'm squivering.
yeah i imagine sourcing volvo parts isn't the easiest assuming you live outside of europe
i don't really like the design concept of boxer engines
a clean hour spent on shaving
felt so good i looked at myself in the mirror and had to take pictures
god i love my body sometimes and hate it a lot of other times
post 'em or don't mention it at all don't be a tease poss
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hate it too much to post (also would be disrespectful to poss)
love it too much not to capture in digital form
just sharing my happiness
i love my body none of the times
what a lucky poss
ayo he got the crocs on?
this is actually quite literally me
people don't get it when I say I'm just happy
i used to have no purpose! but now im happier than i ever thought i could be! all thanks to you guys
look verrrry closely at his hands too
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woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss wosswoss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss wosswoss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss wosswoss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss woss
pizza soba
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maybe tomorrow
I hit people who talk to me like that
i just wossed for the 3rd time today
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>4chan supports mp4 now
about damn time
should've been done 15 years ago
i cant hear it
what a beast
this poss looks damaged
holy shit since when???
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i graduated college and got a job those questions dont go away so just do whatever
doesn't matter since i'll still have to clip the audio from my ripped instagram videos
adhd coded video
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you never notice when i get trips or quads... you hate me
It seems like no one is doing good these days, no one can get a job or are in student loan debt and cant get a job, everything is so expensive and no one has money
and to think, it's only gonna get worse from here
you didn't make any trips or quads in this thread
im only in this thread
it's gonna get a whole lot better just hang in there
im indifferent
it feels weird having a job where I break even every month and aren't in debt and am not actively suffering
it feels like I did something right but I don't know what I did right or how I did it
it helps if the job isnt totally awful
getting spitroasted by the cookie crisp wolf and the trix rabbit
poss sometimes I think you might be a little too gay...
what about getting spitroasted by the cookie crisp dog and burglar
getting spitroasted by tony the tiger and sonny the coocoo bird
getting spitroased by the golden grahams bear and digem the frog
he has been online for the past 5 hours and i have yet to message him
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ntp but i do too but i dont want him to post here because he'll just be a laughing stock again
i drive a kia
why not
sorry i dont understand why would you like somebody like him and how would he be a laughing stock when he was just sad the last time
no reason to talk to someone who doesnt want to talk to you
what a piece of shit for being sad
who are you talking about
i probably have super microplastics poisoning from playing with bionicles and using my teeth to pull stuck pieces apart
he was a piece of shit for other reasons
such as
whoever he is
ah that clears things up
they just let them take their switch and get away with it?
sorry for killing the thread
he is taken
apology not accepted
how come
in a bad mood
my life will be over soon
he is on his phone now
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nobodies lonelier than me
>"poss is typing"
why are you like this
done 300 mg of dxm hbr i think this is the first time this year ive been happy
dont you love when the typing warning stops and you wait for it to come back and it doesnt and you have to try again 30 minutes later haha
pbfs all let you down eventually
what a babe
>Finally find someone you hit it off real well with
>They're slowly starting to become less responsive
Yeh.... it's unfortunate.
why cant me have a physique like that
people have met their husbands on here
one out of how many?
because we're not friends
learn to take a hint loser
1 couple, out of how many?
this post is about me
I love massage table porn so much its unreal
Maybe I should take massage therapy lessons
wanna be friends?
im actually depressed and upset
i'm currently booping to this
are you just chugging cough syrup
i feel powerless and scared all the time
nta but you can get it in freebase/pill form now pretty easily, even amazon sells robocough now for like twenty bucks a bottle
its almost cry myself to sleep time
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same, it sucks
i dont know what to do
that sounds bad for your health
>status set to offline
if you don't want me to bother you then just unfriend me
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me neither. sorry i can't help.
okay will do
pink nose
maybe i should have responded to that guys in game mail when he tried to contact me, but i had already ruined my life between the time he left and came back
would it be weird if i sent him a friend request if we have only talked once?
well thats what im going to do
it's definitely not ideal but unless they're eating pills every single day or taking it with booze they'll probably be ok. it won't kill you like hard drugs or other types of dissociatives, just makes you annoying
that actually normal
thank you for giving me some ammo to help beat myself up with
>discord made a noise
>its not him
prepare yourself
he is gonna think you are his friend and he will start inviting you to hang out
you have been warned
pussies are really cool but the sight of a pussy right next to an asshole pisses me off. it just looks annoying
this doesn't happen with a penis next to an asshole
some of you guys are way too neurotic about steam and discord friends i'm discord friends with people i've spoken to maybe once. it's more useful to just think of it like an address book in itself. the relationship comes with effort, vulnerability and reciprocated interests, not dming "how are you" constantly and then getting upset there's no conversation or spark being led from there
sorry i have autism
try having them as your only friends
a one time interaction isn't enough to be considered a "friend"
>friend collectors giving advice
obviously we have very different views on relationships
sorry, i meant two couples out of however many posses there are
so we're in agreement that the discord/steam/messenger "friend" distinction isn't necessarily the same as actually being acquaintances let alone friends with someone online and that you shouldn't let the affordances and constraints of whatever software you're using psyop you into the efficacy/validity of your online interpersonal relationships. good talk!

that's fine

also fine
who is the other one?
we aren't in agreement on anything and you should kill yourself
very worried that if i met a poss close to me hed just want to have sex
I have 300 people on my steam friend list but I talked to each one of them at least once
so therefore I am not a friend collector
go back to myspace nigga
i liked this idea of only keeping real friends, and then the list got more and more exclusive until there was nobody left
ntp, but it's (Me) and (You(please)) <3
i have 44 on an account i've had for 12 years, but most of them i just talk to outside of steam itself
yeah having 20 ghosts you'll never talk to or play with again is much better
my girlfriend's cousin is my friend on steam but can't take a hint that we're not actual friends
i added someone from work on steam and never talked to him once
i think it reflects an attitude of friendliness that invites openly invites conversations with many people
when pop can no longer muster a nihilation of the World, a nihilation of the Possible, then it will only be the ghosts that are worthy of our time.
>opens conversation
>never talk to any of them
have sex
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i guess it really is over...
can we have a cnc day at the posshouse?
what's a cnc day
posted it again award
connoncon day
you can grab anyone's weiner and anyone can grab yours
no one would grab mine or want me to grab theirs
Computerized Numerical Control day
poss is going to machine us precision butt plugs
i wouldn't be able to post in here anymore if i did.
you can grab mine
i WILL grab yours
that sounds good

i'd grab it, poss
saying he hates me over and over until i fall asleep
are you okay
sigh i wish backwards baseball caps were real
what do you think
*grabs you*
you gotta learn to relax poss
posshouse can't even do a shitty game night
I doubt a crocs day could even happen
i did that when i was fixing my car the other day since the front of the hat kept hitting the wheel
stream it next time
yeen moment
had a panic attack and called my mother and for the first time in a long time she actually made me feel less anxious
which just goes to show how unbelievably terrible the situation was
all me
ball pee
i get panic attacks but they're always super random and unrelated to anything. like all-in-all i'm doing just fine, reasonably happy, but then every now and then i get hit with a wave of oh my god i'm literally dying RIGHT NOW
it's the worst. sometimes it happens when i'm driving and it's scary
are you my mom
no but i could be your dad if you wanted
i really dont want that. that is kinda gross.
okay sorry i didn't mean it
its okay. we can still be friends
you have the disorder variant of panic attacks
not regular panic attacks
unironically get medicated
yeah probably
i'm just hella lazy when it comes to like. doing things
plus it's one of those things where i'd worry the treatment would fuck with my head. like when i tried
to get my ADHD treated and the nice old lady didn't want to put me on stimulants so instead we tried like 4 different alternative ones and each of them made me feel fucked up in a new and unique way. and then she suggested turmeric and lion's mane mushroom powder on our final visit. that was a pretty epic experience. i've been on a waitlist to get a formal diagnosis for like 9 months now
posting the two possums go to disneyland story again that doubles as an informative guide to what it takes to have fun there and not get stuck in lines all day… with possible gay love story (open to interpretation)… https://rentry.org/2xhi5nso if you read it or liked it please respond i dont know if anyone has yet
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Need df pbf to sperg out with and cuddle with
y'know for a possum thread there are very few nocturnal posters
sorry im busy experiencing existential dread
now im really scared again lol i hate going outside
sometimes when i go out i wear a mask because i get scared and i feel better when muzzled
thank you i hadnt yet but will later tonight...
but the outside has a 711 and a 711 has pizzer and marlboros
Why don't you hate yourself people come try out HG? >>70986711 We're cool as biscuits.
please leave us alone
more like hunger lames....
Haha I love myself <3
I'll take two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
me personally i just order a $6 meal deal
maybe a big mac with reward points
whoa i got a 6 dollar meal deal from dunkin this morning
is this industry standard??
yeah i think so
i used to hit up wendy's for their $6 biggie bags before i got keyed into the fact that mcdonalds has the same thing
taco bell might have the best one for bang-for-buck though, $6 build-your-own-cravings-box. there's a couple different options but i always go with chalupa, spicy potato soft taco, fiesta potatoes, and a baja blast
wtf i just looked and it's actually $7.50 now
the west has fallen....
I can't believe we all died in ww3 yesterday.........
a banan a day keeps the monke away
Hg has orangutans. Come roleplay with us.
the luxe box is pretty good but yeah.. 7.99....
i miss their 5 dollar boxes
i'll never forget the morning i went out for one and got to eat it while watching a new campcamp episode and posting about it with /co/
I'm serious btw (just look at antarctica on the tag map)
i dont smoke and i make my own pizza + going to 7/11 are you a millionaire???
why did they buy an ad
was it really just wanting more posters
how do u make ur own pizzer if you arent millionaire
ok its kind of expesive but its just water and flour and yeast and salt and tomato sauce and cheese and oregano and basilicium then you can put things on it if you want
ww2 seemed kind of random
why did everyone fight like that
sounds harder and more expensive than 7/11
i'm jealous of twitter clout chaser 'b0tster' s entire persona but since i'm not them i also find them really tedious
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yuck city
I've got no problem with trannies, furries, or homos until it's.. this type of shit
youre welcome take your time (its long) and let me know what you think! i tried to be as realistic as possible to make it actually useful to any possums who at some point might want to go there in the future
did they get them at least?
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pizzer making with the pbf…
im jealous of everyone with a happy life and stuff they like without several looming problems that could destroy their happiness
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footage recovered of the racchouse making a preemptive strike on the posshouse
why would they attack their own boyfriend supply… something is fishy here…
does it count as a first kiss if the person doing it did it as kind of a joke and kind of to annoy his ex but there was a little tongue

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