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/ERP/ - Erotic Roleplay Thread

Stress Relief Edition

Previous: >>70979402
Xth for!
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xth for ___!
Female avas after I’m done shoving my cock in their face.
Based xth right there.
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Should've known it was you Gabbu, based taste as always it seems.
HG is looking sweet right about now.
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Yeah, it's a pretty nice image. You really, really can't go wrong with dommy maids and cold expressions/ and shaded faces.
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Creepy mean loli girl…yep, definitely Caren
Yep, especially the part where she's so generous as to let him lose his virginity to plastic, her sadism gets better and better as she goes on.
Sure it is.
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Glad to know I am completely right and correct and never wrong as always
The cold types fit you. Everytime you type kek I imagine you’re completely emotionless behind the screen…only smiling when engaging in acts of perversion and sadism and whatever amuses your cold evil heart.
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Hmmm, I mean, it's not a proper virginity loss by any means, but if it's his first orgasm caused someone else...it's a really shameful way to lose it. The reveal he actually came inside a toy has got to be quite the scene, like getting kicked in the gut...
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I think he kinda deserves it honestly…that’s the whole appeal of hiring that specific maid. If you wanted to lose your virginity to a nice maid hire someone else…ffs getting blind folded by her…idk what he expected desu. It’s so pathetic, in any other world getting milked by a girl with a toy would be a win, but his dumbass got cucked. Then again, if he was dumb enough to hire the degrading femdom loli he kinda deserved it…either way lots of despair, the hope was snuffed out of him, so you’d probably like I I think kek
>knocks over >>70986711
Dang it who's going to clean this up?
Even a broken clock is right once a day...
Hey when I type kek I'm going kek irl, shush.
With those eyes staring down at him, his cum dripping out of plastic whiles she makes him thank her for allowing his virgin penis to defile her onahole then charge him for it of course. Overall Maika giving the best service as always.
You knocked it, you clean it up
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Huh? When have I ever been wrong? I can detect a Caren based off a single sentence you write. Broken clock…this clock’s working just fine thank you very much
You make the face of Maika in that pic when you type kek, kek
>Scratches nose while waiting for Nurse
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It depends on how you look at the scene. He may know what he's getting into, and he may not. There's a difference between a bit of dommy and forcefulness, alongside a blindfold, and being denied pussy at all...So he could expect some meanness, get shocked by just how mean she actually is, or....he's so naive he's utterly blindsided by their betrayal.
Personally, I lean more towards him not expecting it at all, but I can see the goodness behind every possibility here.
Not another one...

It's not like he wouldn't pay, even if he didn't get exactly what he wanted, the sheer domination and instilled subby-ness should make him bend the knee and pay up. Hopefully it doesn't become something really ingrained in his head, unless he wants to be made into even more of a sub, or get milked dry of money.
She's in hg. Come over and talk to her.
Amy Rose brapping.
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True true. There’s lots of interpretations you can make. We don’t have the full context. And the maid herself can be hired, it could be a roleplay. Therefore, this could be intentionally done by both parties with the knowledge beforehand…tho, your love of despair leans towards him being genuinely caught off guard, like you said. Or it could just be how far he’s allowed to go with her, legally. Honestly, I can really decide one over the other, it really does just depend on the sort of mood you’re looking for. Which in your case is the betrayal and despair, getting milked but still being a virgin…with Maika’s disgust being even more…you know, disgusted by him. Even in a best case scenario where he is aware of what’s happening cause he wanted it, I doubt the look of disgust is anything less then genuine…
Too often I'd say mhm.
I make that face when I step on a pair of balls and call the person garbage, we are not the same...
Well to get him addicted to being pumped by plastic is one way to milk him dry, maybe even a promise of gloved hands on his dick wearing a condom for extra would also be effective. Many ways to go about it.
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Lies. No money for you…
Well, I’m pretty sure I did that to Schezo at least once…maybe twice…probably three times. At least. We are the same…I’m going to Caren…
Now hush or I’ll step on your balls and call you garbage
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Yep, there's as many ways to go about it as there flavors of ice cream, to each their own regarding what they like best...
It's fun stuff, good taste whoever you are.

That does sound like a pretty easy way to get someone hooked. I know a lot of types in it for the money would prefer whatever takes the least amount of effort, or go for things where they need to touch someone as much... Why get filled with loser seed, when you can just milk it out with hands through 2 layers of protection? If it works them into even more of a spinless loser, then that's all the better for them
Che giornata di merda
Wendy's what you want?
Not a problem.
>Already took all the money she had on her.
You'll get a pinky in the urethra and like it if you keep this up.
I'll be napping again, at night... it'll count. So see you around Revs.
It's the perfect plan, once they are completely conditioned all you need is a blindfold and now they are at your whims for a premium. Cold and sadistic is how he likes it anyways, no harm done.
Anyways gotta nap again so I can make a complete recovery, see you Gabz.
Priscilla from Re:Zero
I'll take two number 9s, a number 9 large, a number 6 with extra dip, a number 7, two number 45s, one with cheese, and a large soda.
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Breaking people into masos or making them so much worse...
Oyasumi Caren.
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>Counter pokes
Gee, sure is slow around here.
>slaps your angel ass
Hey babe.
say goodbye to your hand
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>Your hand hits something hard, yet formless before getting to slap the angel's ass. Also, your hand suddenly bursts into flames!
>bursts into treats
>mouth hits and sticks to wall before slowly sliding down and saying "You're despicable..."
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Oh wow, he actually burst into treats, and he didn't even do the dinosaur... Welp, you brought it on yourself.
Okay zoomer.

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