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>1. Love RWBY, hate RWBY, just don't tell us it's good
>2. Read the Pastebin: http://rwbyg.com/
>3. Arguing about the thread, ships, porn, E-Celebs or IRL politics is not discussion
>4. Report and ignore any spam or troll posts
>5. Don't believe their lies
>6. Patch will rise again

Rooster Teeth has shut down: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rooster_Teeth
All RWBY & RT content can now be found at https://rtarchive.org/
RWBY has been bought by Viz Media: https://x.com/officialrwby/status/1809301772608872576?s=46

Previous Thread: >>71660927

Scarletverse Thread: >>71647205

Archived Threads:
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Strrrripey! even if quite off-model
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My post best post
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Pretty tiger lady!
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I love Yanderecaster!
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I want to read a fanfic where they go back to Remnant before Beacon and unfuck shit
Yes she is. And the couple you post are usually full of MOTIVATION.
Are they mutually lost in the feeling of each other?
I want to read a fanfic where they go too far back to unfuck shit and fuck Summer
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Jaune and Winter have similar hurts and make good partners to each other to heal! They're utterly lost in their shared happiness
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What does she do in her spare time?
Drink herself into a stupor and cry herself to sleep thinking about Tai and Yang
I know to my bones he'll give her a life of goodness.
Peek on Tai with small portals and masturbate
Abuse her prisoners, sashiko, and tea ceremony.
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I wish RT made it more obvious from the start that Adam was supposed to be a loser, i thought id get a big bad jet stream sam rip off doing cool samurai shit and instead i got yandere ex kai leng
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For the life Penny never got to have
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Also based
All they had to do was never give him that scar or have him shit on his men in V3 like he did in V4/5 and it'd put everything he did in a new light
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The life of being a sex slave to some loser moid
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Chocolate bnuuy!
>Pyrrha vs Red
Finished binging Ice Queendom. While it's not the best anime I've ever watched by a long shot, this has been the most I've enjoyed watching RWBY in a long time.
Post moar of these strange cartoons
When are we going to start genning that village again, Stripey? I really enjoyed it and would like to continue.
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Very cute WM/BF family
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Raising Cinder right, I love this series.
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It's very fun and one of my favorites
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Even in victory and after being saved, Cinder must still suffer (lightly)
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1 more because I hate taxes. Now I must get back to work
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Felt the same way.
It captured the beacon spirit that has been missing from the series since after Vol3.
>Cinder's the responsible one
It fits
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Ice Queendom made me ship Monochrome.
>Ruby fails to save Weiss
>Blake saves Weiss via the power of anime and not wearing pants
Tbf Ruby did solo the nightmare grimm possessing Weiss. Granted, that was due to Silver Eyes, but still.
>SHE was at the end of Sonic 3
Sally Acorn fags SEETHING tonight bros
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Weiss being the aggressive one if RWBY comes back would be refreshing and maybe even funny
self insert power fantasy OC's deserve to get raped by every male in remnant until their prostate turns to dust.
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That's overdramatic. Some guys just don't insert as Jaune like you do
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Lancaster Rubbies!
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I also don't like SI OCs, overpowered or otherwise
I wouldn't mind overpowered SI OCs if anyone in this fandom could actually write a decent fic with one. They all either are atrocious writing or have about 50 other OCs included reducing it from being RWBY to being loosely RWBY inspired fiction.

Actually there's also a RWBY "dating sim" or "VN" or whatever you want to call it and I have the same problem with that because the sequel to the first game is literally like 90% random fucking OCs or something
I question if you even can write an OP SI OC in a "decent" way, I've certainly never seen it done. The very concept is overindulgent to begin with. Unless it's like a fake premise, where the SI OC essentially gets shit on and the OP is voided in some way, it seems like it'd be something completely void of any interesting narrative. It's fine to write indulgent fanfic and all that, but I certainly don't care to read that flavor of it.
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>So thirsty they're getting him while he's on airplane mode
The thirst transcends such petty barriers as connectivity
Well, its simple. The overlord method. Just focus on everyone else except them and make it funny unintentionally.
As an original property, Overlord sort of sidesteps the SI and OC part of things. Ains is a normal isekai character that happens to be pretending to be an SI OC, and the OP appears to be incidental. That said, I got pretty bored of it by the 2nd season so it might just be my personal taste.
The novels are generally better than the adaptation which is true in many cases anyways
Tomorrow. I'm damn exhausted right now, sorry
My work has me start at midnight. But today had been the last chill Saturday of the year, so the function had us take in food that we said we'd bring.
Everybody said they were bringing dish-name this, fancy thing that. I decided I would bring Meats.
With no idea what that was meant to be, I bought seventy dollars worth of chicken and lamb, and fifteen dollars of seasoning. Sliced them up into bits and pan-fried them, then put them in a big pot of homemade gravy.
I show up at work with it, and nobody did anything likewise. There was some rice and some noodles which could imply a cooked meal if not for those being takeaway-store-bought shit.
Short version is, I was on my feet for twenty hours and will be heading back on Monday.
I need a rest for today, apologies

But, I will say that I'll consider last time's effort to be one completed section of the village. Tomorrow we'll start the next one!
The last three digits of this post are the compass heading of the new one in relation to the first one.
If it's higher than 359, I will divide by 2 until it is so.
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>And they say female beauty standards aren't impossible
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>Fag art style.
Why do (You) like them?
Where the FUCK did the image go?
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Because they cute and they canon
This is true, yes.
Looks like this section is a hair above true west. All good
What's gone on in the day?
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Been a good day, fren. Vacation is a go and I'm kicking back all comfylike. How about you?
OCs in general are beyond the grasp of most fanfic writers
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In the most concise and eloquent terms I am able to muster,
Glad you're doing better than me lol. Using the aforementioned gravy as dip for my chips right now, and cracking open the second beer. Opening the doc to further plan out my fic right now
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Finished listening to Kerry's episode of Morning Somewhere.
>In regards to RWBY.
>"I've been talking with them and they're working on stuff."
>"I'm still feeling very good about things."
Sounds like Kerry isn't too involved with things because he didn't say "We're working on stuff".
Hopefully things pick up for you fren! Have fun writing
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Is it her master plan?
>mkek is in the shitter and at best production consultants
Holy reboot incoming. No v10 to speak of
[spoiler] just 2 more weeks, right? [/spoiler]
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>I've been talking with them and they're working on stuff
I'm stuff
>chibifag is being brought in to create rwby content
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Actually wouldn't be the worst possible outcome, except for Weissbros
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Lots of reasons, but I guess the simplest is that they just fit together. They compliment each other well, and they make for a nice, straightforward relationship that is mutually beneficial and could only grow stronger over time.
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Based and Arkospilled
Arkos is the most anti-Jaune ship by the way because it makes it so that Jaune remains simping for a dead girl and never moving on
That's Cardin BTW
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Arkos is the most based Jauneship because I said so.
I'm gonna suck off Ice Queendom for at bit.
>Is it the best show ever?
Hell no!
>Does it seem a bit generic and unimpressive, especially by nowadays standards?
Hell yes!
>Did it remove some of the good and fun bits from Volume 1?
Yep again!

But, it was still good. And to be frank, RWBY hasn't reached the level of good in terms of writing for a long time, debatably ever. Something that I actually like about this show is that it actually sells Team RWBY's friendship, despite things still feeling a bit rushed like V1 was. Matter of fact, this show takes advantage of how rushed some elements of V1 was, like Weiss accepting Ruby as leader or Blake's past. In this show, she's actually lying and repressing feelings that she needs to work past. And sure, Team RWBY felt like fast friends here, but they still feel like actual friends to me. They feel like an actual team rather than a group of girls that a best did combo attacks. Hell, one of my complaints about the original series was that Weiss never felt like a truly Lancer to Ruby, and this show fixes that without much effort, picrel.

In terms of writing, Ice Queendom is probably the best RWBY has ever had to offer. This tier writing and Monty tier animation is all RWBY would need to be great.
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I'm drunk, discuss.
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>Jaune's taking her from behind
>They're bros now.
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That sounds like Hog speak.
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Always am
He is a dramatic bitch supreme and owns every ounce of it.
She's in support because her daily life and duties see her returning to immaculate treatment in a great home where she has every one of her aches and stresses meticulously worked away. Not once has she left without missing the happy haze he brings her to.
This is based on nothing whatsoever. And most importantly, I made it up
Who's the dude on the left?
Serpico from Beserk
Serpico from Berserk. He's actual rather stoic concerning most manners outside of Farnese (his form pyrophile half sister who doesn't know that she's his half sister). He's introduce as an adept saber wielder and later upgrades to using a magic feather that can cut through virtually anything with the force of wind. He also gets a cloak that practically lets him fly.
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Have another meme I made while I debate on whether on not I should make a short greentext to finally put mash together a crossover that's been stuck in my brain for several months.
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Oh wow, misjudged him completely. Well, I say a spar between them would just be their foreplay. I strive to get tough enough to be the same way with mine
Overall they seem like they'd be a great match. How would they judge how the other takes their coffee/tea/wine/drink?
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>her best outfit was in vol 2
>she haven't worn since
It hurts.
Not big on coffee, tea, wine, but I imagine it goes something like this:

Serpico initially orders something rather basic: completely black coffee, or some low quality tea. Winter can't help but sneer at his choice, it's not normally in her nature to comment on something so petty, but she can't ignore a lack of proper drink etiquette. With a disapproving comment, she takes charge and mixes a proper brew for him. He tastes it and learns that she has a rather refined palette. Excusing himself, he goes over to make his own brew for her. She is initially hesitant, given his previous lack of care, but ultimate takes the cup. She's impressed, though an unobservant eye wouldn't noticed. He picked it from her small, but appreciative smile.
That's the good shit! Well done, they go great together
I'm now picturing them with their drinks of choice sat down somewhere and judging the shit out of people passing by.
Unironically why I like Arkos. That blonde faggot is only good for affirming how good Pyrrha is and what a big loss RT did by killing her
I can see it. She comments on people and can come off as rather disdainful. He notices more than she does, though he comments without judgement, purely to make conversation. Or at least he thinks he isn't judging. She notices, that he has his pet peeves, though he tries to act like above that sort of thing.
Ambrosius, create 8ft tall futanari versions of Pyrrha Nikos and Yang Xiaolong. Reprogram them to have severe maternal instincts BUT make them think that having sex with someone is the same as protecting them. Alter their perception to make them think that I am their son.
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I imagined this with this meme format, but with Whitley in the place of Tony.
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Jaune and Ruby playing Elden Ring!
That room smells like energy drinks and teen spirit. I can sense it.
Jaune and Ruby trading pokemon with little letters to each other as held items!
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Chocolate kot
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Checked kot is sluttier but happier than her canon self
Like if the angle her character was build up on was Chieftain's Daughter instead of Island Princess. Everybody else has to play the rules, chief's daughter gets to do what she wants. And it could be that what she wants to do is any boy or girl or multiples thereof.
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Cute choco bnuuy and kot
My life and my erection for Velvet
No fanfic tonight. No working on mods tonight. Just learned the Macarena and now I'm exhausted due to this being the first good workout I've had that I've had in a long time.
This night for yourself, brother!
How to fix Blake in one easy step:
Make her parents the former leaders of the White Fang but don't make them the leaders of Menagerie.
So Sunny Bees would be endgame for Choco-Blake?
Blond harem for Black
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Honestly better looking than le creatura.
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New SV thread >>71706970
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Surprised she even kept the lingerie instead of just taking everything off and leaping into a tentacle pit.
Racism… baka
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Did anyone sneak out of Willow's room?
Qrow but he went out the window instead
no she died
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Alright, now is the tomorrow of yesterday and I figure we can get started.
Pic is the first section of the village, which is on an eastward heading from this one at a compass heading of 91.5.
For today it's the same as before;
>Third-last digit of your post number is the X co-ordinate.
>Second-last digit of your post number is the Y co-ordinate.
>Last digit of your post is how well the place is doing.
Post what you like in response to these and I'll figure out how its contents can apply to this settlement.
Last section had a lot of shops and all of one farm - and the extensive cloth-related industry suggests that this village's mainstay moneymaker is wool and cotton products.
Food has to come from somewhere, though, and shipping food inwards isn't always reliable. We'll see just what feeds this village today, I feel.

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