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>1. Love RWBY, hate RWBY, just don't tell us it's good
>2. Read the Pastebin: http://rwbyg.com/
>3. Arguing about the thread, ships, porn, E-Celebs or IRL politics is not discussion
>4. Report and ignore any spam or troll posts
>5. Don't believe their lies
>6. Patch will rise again

Rooster Teeth has shut down: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rooster_Teeth
All RWBY & RT content can now be found at https://rtarchive.org/
RWBY has been bought by Viz Media: https://x.com/officialrwby/status/1809301772608872576?s=46

Previous Thread: >>71694658

Scarletverse Thread: >>71706970

Archived Threads:
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first for cutest endgame
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Second post best post! Arkos best kos!
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The Strrripey lady I am completely lovesick for.
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>Cinder kills Pyrrha again and she becomes a cuck ghost
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NTR is equivalent to hog posting.
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On with the show.
At 1,1 is a small workshop that produces blank books and stationery. Not doing well at a score of 3 - how much you'd reckon a town would need to write things has been cut heavily by the modern age of digital storage and electronic recording and wireless connections.
3,4 holds a daycare that is steadily becoming more and more like an orphanage. Not every fallen militiaman had a family, but enough of them did to swell the workload of caring for all of them far past the point of being overtaxed.
The camping ground right past the hill makes for an alright place to run around and play in when it's empty.
The kids have enough intuition to not go near or mess with strangers from out of town; even though said strangers are slim pickings these days.
Never played this game but I'd nut in Ashley
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she was made for brother abuse
Feeling comfy
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I love them
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World at War is really really difficult, bros.
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Would more fanservice have saved RWBY? I know it wouldn't have fix the actual flaws, but could it have at least kept it financially viable?
>anti upskirt Monty wanting to sexualize his underage characters
Why are RWBY commers always pedophiles?
>Pyrrha's hand grasping Cinder's shoulders to prevent her from avoiding the creampie.
RT's target audience is American liberals and the teenagers they prey on.
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Own up and say you bust to drawings of kids right now to your family and see how they take it. What will the operative word be that stands out when they hear it?
inb4 anon posts an mp4 of himself talking to ash urns with his parents in them
>Projects while in thread full of gooners over rwby.
I think you might be the problem.
fuck the drawing I just came to was 17.99999 years of age now I am going to jail!
>he won't do it because he knows the rational human mind when confronted with an admission to pedophilia is disgust and usually violence
I accept your concession
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Burn'em Out is fucking infuriating on veteran difficulty
>Projectors clinging to every strawman argument and climbing their high horse.
Yes but I am a fan of Willow Schnee, because she is a mother I'd like to fuck.
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>Why yes, I am an unabashed pedophile who uses 2d material for my personal pleasure. >How could you tell?
Would go up and tell your parents you busted a nut to regular porn where the title says Young son fucks Step mom?
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you sound like a loser
Got the Definitive Edition of Grimm Eclipse delivered. Gonna play this shit before I try ripping it open for models.

Did you guys know that lactose intolerance can be randomly onset? I say this because my father and sister aren't, and I don't remember diary giving me the shits in childhood, but it does now.
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What a prude. Imagine NOT liking CSAM
1. Why would tell your family you are cumming to porn anyway? That is very weird no matter what it is so that whole argument is retarded
2. About a huge fuckton of americans bust it to Porn, Hentai, anything there and as far as i can see no type of Hentai is actually outlawed in america cause they don't consider it Realistic.
If Blake and Yang needed a sperm donor, would you fulfill your biological imperative on them?
no i'd rather kill them-.... actually i'll just kill yang and keep Blake as a pet to abuse whenever i want, it's not illegal since she is a terrorist.
Absolutely but speaking truthfully which of the characters would be the sperm donors for each girl? Sun for Yang since he's a faunus? Actually, wouldn't that mean Yang would want Tai to fuck Blake because then the baby would be the closest to her genetically?
>as i can see no type of Hentai is actually outlawed in america cause they don't consider it Realistic
18 U.S. Code § 1466A - Obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children
it's literally not even a law they enforce at all
That only works if you can prove that she is a terrorist, and even still you have to worry about WF or human faunus synpathizers planting a bomb in your car/mail box
>th-they don't enforce it so I'm not a pedophile
Anon, I don't know how else to break it you... but doing something wrong when no one knows or will punish you doesn't make the act right.
Witness protection

not him but that has nothing to do with Loli or Hentai, it's a completely retarded law anyway cause it requires going through so many tests and by the time it's reached the end Judge would not give a fuck so it's no longer a thing anyway cares about.
You sound like a jew.
>Obscene visual representations of the sexual abuse of children
She's 4000000 years old, jimbo
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you realize how retarded you sound ye'? this law was originally against pornography and it means absolute jackshit otherwise damn i guess everyone is a criminal. Did you know there are other laws still in place too that would make the average American a criminal? Good thing no one gives a fuck about them anymore
Man, FUCK Negative Blake.
>my drawn csam that was only based off of depicted csam isn't csam by technicality!
>take that non-pedophile, I'm clearly not one either!
>*goalpost scraping noises*
Keep going, please.
Laws aside, they sound like that one animal rights activist that is cruel to animals while projecting on normal pet owners. Like PETA ads
Another fine day in rwbyg
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Show us your hard drive jack, what you got on there? People who yell the loudest always got something worse
Why are there actual pedophiles in this thread trying to legalese the acceptance of child pornography? It's not a gray area issue.
>I look at kids getting fucked
>I look at cartoon kids getting fucked
You're not Vaush
Look I don't care for fan service either, and I do think it's weird that presumably grown ass men are lusting after, in Beacon era, cartoon teenagers, but there's nothing that bad with it, and they're all of majority age at this point in the show anyway. They're just normal perverts, not chomos.
What kids are being fucked in RWBY? What the fuck anon?
>No reply after getting outed
>Continues to yell about "THOUGHT CRIMES!"
You watch actual CSAM on your real computer with no VPN through TOR
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Not him but when I was 14 I had a porn pic of dawn from pokemon am i going to jail
(now im after johana)
nah everyone has at least once jacked it to one of the girls (Misty, Dawn, etc) from Pokemon in young or older age
Talk about projection, anon. You know a bit too much about where to acquire csam, buddy
dont look at this cartoon drawing of a 17 year old getting fucked
You sound like the type of person that uses twitter and goes into a random real young girls DMs and tell them you will kill yourself unless you get a nipple pic
>pedocaster CRINGE
tfw I remember stories antisex advocates used to scare kids of that one boy who got a nude from his gf in middle school while in class and got rolled up for cp possession as a minor
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It's so over. We're all going away for a long time, lancastersissies...
>You're not vaush
But you sure are i remember that faggot saying anime is for pedos along with watching Hentai makes you a pedo, then would make the argument on how owning a Phone means it's okay to own CP.
So I think overall the answer to that one fanservice guy's question is a resounding 'no'. No it would not have saved RWBY lol
Is it still pedophilia if it's older woman/younger man?
no... no.... nah
In the words of Carl Benjamin, a known English tranny chaser, "It depends on the child."
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>Nigger complaining about busting to cartoon characters on an anime site because he wikied their ages beforehand
>bias nigger be like
Kind of fucked up once you realize that Ozpin is technically a groomer and a pedo and takes over children's bodies. Maybe Salem was right.
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desu if I was in charge of a reboot I'd just age everyone up a year so Beacon is unambiguously fantasy fight college. You'd still have the same argument but at least it'd be isolated to Ruby.
Yeah, this is why we all think Ozpin is a faggot and should suffer.
This. Pyrrha was grooming Jaune too and she's, like, a whole month older than he is too.
>Caring about a drawings ages
I really miss when anime and shit wasn't popular to the mainstream moralfag retards
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Conception of Yang Xiao Long
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Cute knight
They deserve each other
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It's creepy they know the ages of fictional characters.
Like what do they do with that knowledge?
It's a red flag to me that they even obsess over it.
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RWBY should have had a gyaru character
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Safe sex
Bruh, I couldn't be Ozma. I'd get myself /ss/d
>tfw Ruby Rose is 17 years and 364 days and 23 hours and 59 minutes and 12 seconds old
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Happy Brithday to Ruby!
I can't believe Jaune just got sent to prison...
I meant what I said when I brought up wiki searching. Seeing a hot anime character then mmediately running to google and fandom wikis so you can jerk off to them "guilt free" is standard procedure nowadays for a lot of people
>Seeing a hot anime character then mmediately running to google and fandom wikis so you can jerk off to them "guilt free" is standard procedure nowadays for a lot of people
The absolute state of zoomers
The absolute state of pedophile hunters and chronic masturbators (the same people)
There's a lot of people who aren't interested in their peer adults.
There's a lot fewer mental asylums than there used to be.
You think you're calling out the types who woild jerk it to Marin from My Dress Up Darling with this observation. You're actually calling out the twittertrannies that seethe over those people.
What do you mean? They jack off to porn of anime characters. If we accept that as normal, then isn't it simply responsible of them to ensure they're not jacking off over a depiction of a minor?
The world would be better if both were sentenced to death by hanging.
Imagine being so mentally enslaved by society that you need it's approval to jerk off.
>Worrying this much over a drawings age
literally show everyone here what you got on your phone and computer, you have twitter downloaded and snapchat to texting minors and you wanna feel totally innocent in the public eye so you have that need to go after anyone who jerks off over a drawing of a fictional character
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>Yang dressed as Ayla for Halloween
oh fuck
Uhhh, no? Discord and Whatsapp are the two social apps I have, the former for games, the latter for work. The post you replied to was my first post in the thread, you are jumping to a weird set of conclusions for no reason.
Sun would do this
Blake 2 months into Vacuo
You're paying for CP on there
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didn't take long for her to run towards the nearest blonde white skin human

Why would you admit to this?
And that image is fried for some reason. The fuck
What does this have to do with whether looking up the age of fictional depictions of characters is creepy or not?
>Why would you admit to this?
Because I'm not a discord tranny, even if I use the app. I also had Teamspeak and mumble and vent and all those other ones back when they were popular.
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>I'm not a Discord pedo tranny
>still uses Discord
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This thread has gone awry
I'd rather not if I didn't have to, but it's excellent for VC and movie night and shit. If I didn't have it, I'd lose contact with a bunch of friends
Anyone want to chip in to >>71720757 ?
This section's looking a little sparse aside from that concentration near the orchard.
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Needs a borger joint
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I can recognize that they cute
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Here is an image
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okay this made me laff
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Maybe something barbecue-related?
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Much thanks
But this is out in the sticks. No proper fancy frying-place - you get a saloon at 3,6 where the chef makes a damn good burger.
Except that wellness score of 1 is because he buried his son last week.
Brave militia boy didn't come marching home
kek and Cheers!
3,9 is occupied - moving to 4,6.
A Mistrali family-run crab farm and restaurant that competes with the above, and likewise they've buried sons and brothers as of late.
They're used to loss - they're managing to keep on keeping on.
It's a triple bodybag with dining and related now, damn! Cheers
5,3 holds a grill run by a gender-flipped Hallmark protagonist - hugely successful Atlas businessman on vacation thought this village was alright to take a shit in and nothing else. But then he met eyes with the chubby sweetheart working that grill shop over yonder, and it was love at first sight.
Even with all that's going on to make things worse, they manage to do alright at a wellness of 5.
>Dudes concerned about jerking off to Ruby like Lindsey hasn't done a Ruby impression while conceiving a child before
>3,9 occupied
Meant to put 4,9 there. I do not know where the six came from instead
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big if true
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Without question
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bad ending: you are now liable for 18 years child support
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Evil Hog behind Salem for 6,6 for evil
And put regular salem at 6,5 so it looks like she is behind the hog. Truly an evil being.
Not if I marry them.
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No image posted = roll invalid
Your words say 6,6 but your digits say 4,6. That means right next to the saloon is a pig ranch.
Real suspicious how it's doing well. You know what they say - never trust a man who keeps pigs. lol
The daycare's little ones would never win a wrestling match with a mama or a papa, but in theory the piglets could be overcome by a co-ordinated effort.
"God this game sucks" I say as I genuinely enjoy playing Grimm Eclipse.
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Where are the cops and how shit are they
How about a karaoke place?
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Nice co-ordinates there
According to your roll of zero it's the same story as a lot of places - depending on when you ask, things are either awesome or dogshit.
The two in the back of that pic have to be tweaking, though. Normal people do not A-pose out of nowhere.
7,5 holds for us a karaoke bar!
All the other places don't have a function that lets you both get wasted and embarrass yourself singing.
This is a containment area for idiot teenagers!
An essential service, to be sure. And it sure helps with morale to forget everything and be a fool for a night or so, so in a sense it checks out that it's doing great.
just give Yang a tan
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You are right! I should have posted the hog. Here is the couch hog.
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A second pig farm at 5'7, and these ones stay fatter because the cops keep tossing them leftovers.
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Maybe a health insurance firm somewhere would be good
Impregnating sex with Yang
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Ye Olde Mechanices' Shoppe
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>If I catch that robed guy stroking the truck's muffler again I'm gonna have to kick his ass.
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>tfw some motor oil smelling autist you paid to change your tires comes running out of the garage screeching some shit about a machine spirit
I have an interracial fetish but every time it’s verbalized I am overcome with cringe.
As in human and nonhuman or white man and non-white women?
Greentext/writing prompt:
Some days Jaune prefers to be left alone.
Tfw ToB direct sequel never ever.
Uh, both actually. I like AM/WF as well but not as much.
>I like AM/WF
Is there even a market for Asian Male/White Female pornography?
Asian men
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What does Salem do on Nondescript Winter Holiday?
I only think that would work if it was post ever after to be honest
I thought that was kind of implied.
>Ranged kill mastery isn't skill all characters share
>It's just for Ren
It was enough of a grind to get 200 ranged kills with Ren (who has fuckin peashooters for guns), and now I find out that the bonus I get from this doesn't even apply to the other characters?

Fuck this, I quit. It's kinda my fault for choosing to grind skills, but at the same time half of the skill tree requires grinding to get. And most of those grindy skills are per character, they're aren't a shared pool. Maybe if this was a more fun game, I'd be willing to commit to the grind. But for Grimm Eclipse? No thanks.
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Just grind Jaune because he's the GOAT. And Pyrrha because she's also the GOAT (I just like her)
Maybe tommorrow. As for now, I got carpal tunnel from shooting Ren's guns too many times. Words cannot express how disappointed I am that this isn't a buff I can share with Ruby's sniper rifle. Like man.
Short hair Pyrrha, my love.
Honestly, for all of my whinging, I'm very excited about having this. I like how the maps look a lot, and I look forward to ripping them tomorrow. Now all I have to do is figure out how to jailbreak a Nintendo Switch.
Pyrrha copying Ruby's haircut because she's so close to Jaune
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Weiss's hairy pits...
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I like Gilded Rose
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It's pretty good. It's a total pipedream, even if Pyrrha wasn't wasted, but it's a fun one. Ruby is the only other character that would treat Pyrrha like Jaune does

It would still end terribly because V3 is rude as hell, though:
>The Pyrrha Nikos I know would never back down from a challenge!
>Ruby, I...
>And if you really believe it's your destiny to save the world...
>Jaune, you too...?
>You can't let anything stand in your way! Trust love!
>[They both get polarity'd into a wall]
Thank you, Jacques. Very cool!
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The Crimmy time draws near
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Thank fuck I'm done work
Based Bingo free from the wage cage
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Neat color scheme
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Damn it, I completely forgot I had these open.
Last ones for the night - more coming in around about four days.
A dedicated insurance business at 85 is itself the mark of a really successful settlement out on this frontier. Chances are they double as a banking service.
Mark my words, the karaoke bar they're next to is far more successful than the business.
They're scraping by, which means whenever they say they're doing great is when they've just managed to bank away a little more of other peoples' money.
The proprietor of the mechanic depot at 5,4 was born on a mountain and raised in a cave. Truckin' and fuckin' is all he craves - and the people are astonished by his doctrine.
There's plenty of machines needing repair and maintenance out here, which means he's always in good business at a wellness of 7.

That's that. Goodnight fellas

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