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>>73673770 (OP)
Yes and that's a good thing.
>>73673770 (OP)
Where do you think we are?
>>73673770 (OP)
You'd suck that cock wouldn't you
Only if I looked like this.
If she smacked that thing against my lips I wouldn't say no.
Would you also look like this?
I would drop to my knees instantly for a chance to suck Juri's perfect cock
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>>73673770 (OP)
Nope. /v/ say it super straight
>super straight
/v/ is the most in-the-closet board on this website. Have you seen what happens every April Fools?
...speaking of, I hope it's applicable to lewd shit so I can cum my brains out to futastuds with fellow anons on the day.
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>>73673770 (OP)
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I consider myself a massive faggot and love futa, I can't speak for anyone else though. I mistakenly assume everyone I chat to is a little gay and sometimes I'm wrong.
I don't consider myself 100% gay but I'm totally cocksexual.
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100% gay even if you want to dom them.

Also, I exclusively jerk off to 3D futa I don't know why. 2D futa looks so fucking bad. I love glossy, sweaty, glistening juicy futa cocks, I just want to bend them over and rim their asses and suckle on their balls until they're blasting ropes all over my palm.
Can't believe Nyl2 hasn't animated anything with these two
I find woman hot.
I find cocks hot.
Do the math.
Who would you service first?
Juri or Cammy.
All at the same time.
has there been a futa render/animation made in the last two years that didn't have the girls dick at such a ridiculous size? it looks so silly and takes me out of the immersion completely
i don't know, I don't care, I just like jerking off to women with dicks
>>73673770 (OP)
When the woman is getting dicked. Picrel
It's not lesbian if it's anal, though.
Does the service imply fucking her in the ass, jerking her girlcock, or both
All three of them gangbanging Sakura and Makoto
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>>73673770 (OP)
I just want a futanari to let her testicles rest on my face...
Easily Juri although they're all good
>>73673770 (OP)
To me it’s bi, I love dick and I love hot girls

Like I can’t tell you how many fantasies I had of girls I like, like princess bubblegum struggling her dick while moaning fioanna’s and marceline’s names…

>>73673770 (OP)
Being attracted to women isn't gay.
>>73673770 (OP)
Yes, and there's nothing wrong with that.
>that pic
I fucking love different colored dicks
It’s why adventure time works so well with futa, that and the designs having so much personality that it fuels you with so many ideas~~
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My favorite futa doujin
Depends on why you seek futa porn
Anyone wanna gush about futas together? My taste is mostly /co/ centric but I’d love to talk ideas back n fourth <3
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Futa supremacy
Futanari testicles are so beautiful I swear
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If only...
Amazing. More?
clothed is so much better..
For me it's futas GLORPing obscene amounts of condoms until they're burried in tied-off spunkbags.
Two people having sex, with one being able to impregnate the other, isn't gay. Have you not seen these doujins where futas knock up guys?
So... by that logic mpreg isn't gay?
I want to have sex with those filled condoms
>>73673770 (OP)
Yes and that makes it so much hotter.
>cum so gloopy and thick that fucking a hole in that condom feels like a hot sloppy pussy
I wouldn't want to have sex any other way
mpreg isn't real tho, it's all horseshit. Futas, on the other hand, can do incredible shit
Its because their faces are ugly horrible abominations.
>>73673770 (OP)
Gay is a bad word because it means too much to different people
I think it needs to be broken down into more objective labels like "likes dick" and "likes female body"
I irrefutably like dicks. If that is gay in your eyes, then there is nothing to be argued. If you think gay means more than that, then there is room for argument.
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Unrelated to the OP question but I wish reasonably-sized futa was more popular
gotta worship that with my mouth
>>73673770 (OP)
Not always but it is better when it is.
Imo average size is too normal, I prefer my futas to be either tiny or huge.
I want to have a futa's babies
I want to stuff my face in her musky taint and feel it twitch under my tongue and feel her balls wriggle and swell with eager spermies
I want her fat cock to get hard and hot on my face
>>73673770 (OP)
No. If drawings of loli isn't pedophilia then futa isn't homosexuality. Of course, if you're jerking off to trannies and she-males then it's 100% gay
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Bros why is futa on femboy so good
aint no cock like samus cock
It's only gay if their cock is under 20 inches
Only if balls are touching.
>>73673770 (OP)
as a gay person, no. I hate futa. unless you really specifically obsess over the cock I don't think it's gay. or at least, only slightly. the same way I as a gay person can like some pics with pussy that feature no womans body (orbfucker, non humanoid pokemon) so it doesn't necessarily make me straight or bi since I'm still not attracted to full blown women
b-but anon thats the best part!
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if you wanna get reamed by busty and virile futas until you cum from butt pleasure alone, then you're probably gay
That's reassuring, cause I want to suck, slurp, snort, and touch tips with the fattest, smelliest, greasiest futa cock I could find.
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I don't care what it is, it's hot and that's the only thing that matters
watching a futa's fat nuts clench as she empties herself into a fertile hole is so fucking hot I can't stand it
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OW has infinite delicious futa for us to enjoy.
I have spilled so much cum to this video
cumming with her feels amazing
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Same, I've drained my balls a million times to nyl's futa overwatch content, it's godlike, makes me want to fuck an onahole next to her on the same bed enjoying the show.
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Nyl does maybe too much widow, I'll still take it tho
>Nyl does maybe too much widow
A fair point I'll concede anytime
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I go crazy edging myself and then when I see her taint start to pulse and she's spurting it makes me spurt and omg it feels so good to explode with her I can't even describe it
I feel so connected pulsing hard with her and I just explode everywhere
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>makes me want to fuck an onahole next to her on the same bed enjoying the show.
lame, I want to be her onahole
>>73673770 (OP)
Futa is bi.

so technically yes
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When I notice her huge balls throbbing my shaft does too like I'm an animal in heat. It's a visceral animalistic reaction and a desire to fuck anything with the same lust until you feel the backbreaking sensation of cumming for a long time. Pure cock empathy.

I'll be honest I'm not into getting my ass plapped. But I wouldn't be against frotting, jerking her off or sucking her cock a bit in the midst of things.
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>I'm not into getting my ass plapped
you deny your ass of its true purpose
when I see her plow that onahole so harshly, I just get jealous
Is Mpreg gay if the sperm comes from a futa
>that pic
N-no... I don't want to... maybe...
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sounds like admitting it you would to me
>>73673770 (OP)
zzzxxxccc's Chun is literally perfect. This studgoddess needs to be worshipped at all times.
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Stop giving me weird ideas that I may or may not be up to...
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Very much so
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I'm sure you're coming up with plenty of these ideas on your own already
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Is it okay if I still want to fuck her in the ass? Maybe getting creampied isn't as bad but I still want to breed her and stroke her giant cock.
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meant to go on /pol/ to laugh at retards who fell for it again but accidentally typed in trash out of habit and thought the mods were just out like a light
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So I like futa. I like it quite a bit.
But for whatever reason I cannot stand 90% of the pics that are chosen for these threads, I can't place it. Whether it be /hfur/ or /gif/'s futa threads everyone else's standards just seem to be so far off from mine, what is up with that. Anyone else?
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The indisputable holy trinity.
>>73671483 →
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I agree with the picks but also add Radroach.
I wish futa were real
how does someone go about making something like these? which ai program is this?
>Scarlet produces 37 liters of cum
imagine being the lucky son of a bitch who's in charge of milking her...
>>73673770 (OP)
Without balls yes because that is an actual futanari.
With balls makes it a trap which is objectively not gay.
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I don't. I mainly want to get cucked by a woman who is more of a man than I will ever be.
It's the third time today I'm going to jerk off to futas because of this thread. Hope you guys are happy.
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Amazonium should be added as well. Especially with his Wonder Woman model.
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Forgot about Rigid3d.
I'm not gay, I just have a cock fetish
How could anyone look at this and think it's gay?
Cute Vanilla
Fun times with partner
how can you tell they're gay? what would it take to make you realize they're straight?

>i have a really powerful sense of what aura is about.
I want a futa to transform me into a female, followed by getting impregnated by said futa
Miss when futa actually meant both sets of genitalia.

Mutual simultaneous penetrator-penetrated sex is a kink of mine that has all but vanished from all media
I miss self-fucking
that was really hot
/v/ is full of subhuman nigger trannies
How do people make this sloppa?
>>73673770 (OP)
Does it matter? People get too caught on "is it gay if...", when it basically doesn't matter other than labeling.
If futa is gay, then so am I.
>>73673770 (OP)
Obviously it's a bisexual fetish. It can be more or less gay depending on the pairing. Futa x female is almost straight. Where as futa x femboy is basically gay. Selfcest and futa x futa is neutral.
>inko midoriya cock
wow i didn't know i needed this

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