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/hfur/ general
Post and discuss your favorite furry dickgirls, herms, shemales and futas.

Contribute to the thread with pics, stories and banter.

Story Mega:
While on top, which hole is your favorite goal?

Mine is the urethra, extra tight, more taboo and making good use of a dick too large to fit anywhere.
cockhole, ass, nipples, mouth
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It depends. Urethra fucking can be hot, but I prefer my futas to have realistically sized cocks. For me, it's the pussy. That's what makes a futanari a futanari for me.
On one hand, fucking the cockhole of a futanari is based. On the other hand, I want her cock to not make my ass bleed when she puts it in me.
Using futa cock as an onahole is sublime
The pussy is definitely top tier, without it how is she supposed to get pregnant?
Nice saggy balls and big flare.
Love pictures of futas trying to hide their huge cocks, balls, and tits unsuccessfully in clothing that clearly wasnt made for their assets in mind.
Bonus points if they're embarrassed.
i love the thought of teasing a futa like that until she cant take it anymore and gets aggressive
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dead thread
mokeys are ugly
And you're an illiterate posting nothing
on life support honestly
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He's right though.
As opposed to half the tumblr-tubbies that get posted?
Also like I said, thread is dead. Might as well post something relevant. So deal with it
>>73710795 →
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>thread shilling
>sonic cringe
>Posting reaction images
>bitching and whining
And this is why this general is dead.
Yummy girlcock
Love my hung deathclaw ladies.
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