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Yokohama edition

ー How do I travel by public transportation? ー
Use Google Maps within cities, install the Jorudan or Navitime app for intercity travel

ー Dude, what should I see in ________? ー
>Solid general guides - sights, sample itineraries, pre-travel considerations, etc
*You should probably check on google if a place is still in business before you plan a whole trip around it*

ーJR Passー
JR Rail Pass is it worth it? Since JR has adjusted the prices for the pass, not really anymore, unless you want to travel by train very extensively. You can plug in your itinerary in the links below and compare prices to the JR Pass.
With the increased price of the JR Pass, local train passes might be good deals now.

New prices starting May 2024
>7 day Pass: ¥50,000
>14 day Pass: ¥80,000
>21 day Pass: ¥100,000

ーInfo on Prostitution ー
Check out the links below and try not to derail the thread with repetitive questions about this or janny will get mad. You can also check out old threads under 4plebs.org. Any question you might have, like "Do I need to speak japanese to see a prostitute?" or "Can I really have penetrative sex in a soapland?" have been answered hundreds of times, learn to use the fucking archive OR READ THE GUIDES LISTED HERE. STOP FUCKING TALKING ABOUT IT IN THE THREAD.


previous: >>2706474
Last thread is finished but is ginza worth skipping? I hear it's just the rich district.
It's always been the upper class shopping district. I've only ever gone there when I found a restaurant on tabelog I wanted to try, and when I was craving chain restraurant pancakes (Eggs n Things).
Have you been to ginzan onsen?
I thought it was pretty rad and sugoi
Anyone have any bad experiences in Japan? People rarely talk about bad things that happened to them on their trips
Can any Jap readers get any info on Komyozen-ji in Dazaifu? Google maps says it's closed but one recent review says it's open on saturdays and sundays. Any other english info I can find is out of date.
There's a festival at Akasaka Hikawa Shrine for three days starting today.
There'll also be a Bon Odori dance starting at 6:30pm. If you're in Tokyo now, be sure to check it out.
I went to a restauront bought an overpriced pizza.
$21 USD for a floppy pizza that barely takes up the space of the plate its on. Tasted ok, but thats it, just "ok" for $21, not worth.
Coupled with the staff coming up to me and going, in decent english i admit; "We are reserved on all tables tonight, so you need to finish by (30 minutes away)"
I dont think they were lying, the place was empty, every table was shifted to form a few massive tables and each had a reserved sign.
>Anon goes to japan to buy pizza
I wanted pizza alright, and i forgot dominos existed!
What would i do with the pizza box afterwards anyway?
Where are these used panty vending machines that I used to hear so much about?
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Why the fuck are you advertising Yokohama! This is MY SPOT! My Thing! I have a good thing going here and I don't need you fucking normies and tourist trash fucking it up for me.
Reee GTFO!!
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>she didn't get the dominoes volcano delivered to her hotel
quite a few, but i've been living here for a little while now. once you step out of the tourist bubble you quickly come to understand that japan is a regressive bureaucratic shithole and the real wonder is that they've managed to compete so closely with the rest of the world given how ass-backwards and inefficient a lot of shit here is.

that said i still it here and it's a better place to live than am*rica that's for sure
>japan is a regressive bureaucratic shithole
It's comments like this that make me appreciate living where I do now. Sometimes I fantasise about living in Japan, having a happy and peaceful life, and then comments like this bring me back to reality.
In my 2019-2020 trip I neglected to book accomadation in Tokyo until the last minute and booked an Airbnb which was obviously a Chinese investment and managed one. The room was acceptable enough but there was an issue with the fire escape window where it didnt seem to be able to close or open and I got a bit sick around the time I stayed in there. The management was done remotely through Wechat and they didn't seem able to offer a solution.

The second worst experience I had was queueing for Reitaisai with my mother in 2012 and confusion about where to line up, with a guy getting frustrated and Xing her away which is still a joke between us.

That's really all. I can't recall anything else.
Having lived here ten years: yes.

I imagine that if I came as a tourist, most of my bad experiences could probably be chalked up to expecting service and customs to be similar to my own country. That is, tourists make their own problems.
Mostly work-related -- being ignored because "This is Japan". Or being confused as a FOB foreigner if I ever dress down on the weekends. I think these are more "microaggressions" than actual bad experiences, for the most part, but the frustrations do accumulate over time until you come to terms with the fact that

>You will never be Japanese.

There's always things like being denied credit card applications or struggling to find housing because landlords feel you're a flight risk, despite you having paid into the pension system longer than some 22-year kid renting their first house.

You'll always be a second-class resident. There's just no escaping that.
Something I don't deal with as a SOFA member. Nothing like getting paid USD and living in Japan.
>Sometimes I fantasise about living in Japan
When I got here I realized that Japan is an ASIAN country, all the "weird Japan" idiosyncrasies and quirks that you used to read about or watch on TV make absolute perfect sense when you view Japan as another SEA country that spends actual money on public services.

From watching too much jap films and anime I used to have the impression that it was a "western" country with Japanese/Asian characteristics. It's the other way round.
Yeah. Everyone I've met who's been in the military has loved their time here. I'm not the most patriotic of people, but I envy those who've put in the years with the military and had it pay off for them.
being stationed in Japan as an active duty cuck is hell. being sofa civilian is god tier however.
What's there to defend in Japan?
The used panty vending machine is an urban legend, and the fact that such a vending machine was ever installed has not been confirmed.
I've heard that Brucella Shop, which is based on this rumor, has placed a vending machine for used panties in its store.
Vending machines selling pornographic magazines do exist. Some business hotels, capsule hotels, and saunas also have vending machines selling new underwear.
Its American Neo-colonialism is whats to be defended.
>actually having transferrable skills that allow you to go back to America
Gonna say this is the biggest problem with living in Japan long term. The longer you're here, the harder it is to ever go back without starting over at zero.
>American Neo-colonialism
Japan has to be one of the few countries that actually needs America.
I would rather literally kill myself than have to deal with American military personnel on a daily basis, whether it's in Japan, the USA, or anywhere else on this planet.
>Vending machines selling pornographic magazines do exist.
Are these in discreet locations?
I've been kicked out of places for being gaijin which would be national headline making news and protest worthy racism in America but it's just normal here. this happens maybe once a month. that's why people end up in the gaijin bubble. it gets a little old after a while so you just end up going back to the places you know will accept you.

Not like this, bros..
>the Japanese government plans to launch the system by 2030
It's will be too late. They need to implement ASAP and make the price like $100. Get rid of the shit tourists.

japan 'needs' the US only in the sense that they need america to pay out on the billions japan owns in treasury bonds. they don't need mutt burger savages building bases, destroying the environment, and raping the locals in their country
Pretty sure they need the economic and defense security that america provides.

I don't understand weebs that hate their own country, actual negatives notwithstanding.
This doesn't actually happen. He's kicked out because he can't communicate or understand the system, not because he's not Japanese.

Every single time some westerner bemoans not getting service, it's because they couldn't understand what was going on, and they're upset that they weren't catered to.

The only real racism is against Koreans and Chinese. And in most cases, that is deserved because they literally come over here just to complain and reaffirm their jingoism.
Repairs were completed last spring and the temple is now open to the public.
There are no Japanese people who discriminate against Chinese or Korean people,
except for malicious YouTubers who pick fights with Chinese tourists for minor manners violations in order to get more views.
So how does this thing work exactly?
You go to a website before your trip and apply for entry. If it's good - it's good, if it's not - you'll have to apply for an actual visa just like a third worlder needs right now.
>Landed in homecountry yesterday
>Already miss Japa
This is laughably naive. Don't let the kpop boom of the last few years fool you, Japanese believe they are superior to Koreans the same way Americans feel they are just naturally better than Canadians. Only worse, because we never tried conquering and raping Canada.
I've had deeper talks with a few Japs. Chink tourists are definitely their version of African-American tier niggers
Where are the stamps from the train stations exactly? I have a stamp booklet that I plan to fill up
Random JP guide; https://stamp.funakiya.com/jr-78stamp.html
Why does south of tokyo look so much more appealing than north of tokyo?
Google streetview doing them dirty is one thing, but the cities still look drab and with less attractions.
>Tax free konbini.
>Untaxed price put first and in large numbers on items.
>Only tax free if you sped over 50k yen or something
Who spends 50k at a konbini all at once? How many people does that feed?
Oops, meant 5k. Still, who spends that when every item is around 140 yen? Thats 35 items!
Eh. The next time I come here, if I do, it will have to be targeted. Shrines, landmarks etc, a lot of the novelty wears off outside of those things. Out of Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto, Kyoto seemed the more enjoyable city.
I'm pretty sure JP-CN-KR all hate each other. At least that's my conclusion given how they depict each other in fiction (manga, manhua, and manwha), people from the other nations are often antagonists that are comically scummy/evil.
I miss Japan, but I've forgotten that magical experience.
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idk, tokyo is a east (nicer) vs west (shithole) city to me
Is it me or has Japan not progressed technologically since like the mid-late 00s?
No your right.
The common saying is Japan is like living in 2008 in 1989.
Thst being said there are some new things but Japan has never really recovered from the bubble.
Saw my first impromptu idol group performance at a mall today. It was cute. I even have a favorite. A few salary men were really enjoying it. Perfect Blue is not a meme
Generally since it's a consumption tax it's not for your beer or onigiri, so it's even more limited
How many 196 cans can I buy at once before the clerk begins to judge me?
me at 10pm getting fried chicken and ice cream 20m away from my hotel
I know it's extremely popular, but last year I went to the muscle girl bar and it was incredibly fun and its one of my favourite japan memories but you gotta go with someone you meet over there to make it even more fun
Nagoya's nightlife should not be slept on. But you need a local with you.
Make it count before 2030 lads
This is America's fault. They were first adding a pointless extra process to extract a tiny bit more money from law abiding visitors and now every other country feels the need to reciprocate the fuck you charge
>pointless extra process to extract a tiny bit more money from law abiding visitors
lol? lmao even.
No actually you're right. America DOES NOT have an illegal immigration problem.
People from Europe or Japan aren't illegally going to the USA to live there and definitely not at rates exceeding the vice versa. People jumping a fence aren't filling out your pathetic form. There is already a long established visa or no visa needed country system.
So, what's the fucking point then, genius?
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When did Kyoto get so scummy? Went to the gion district and it was scammier than Shinjuku...

Shinjuku, they're straight up about prices and fees. My dumb bitch of a gf got lured into some (((exclusive))) sake bar that wanted to charge $35 AUD for 30min of talking and on average $70 whisky / sake shots that I'd seen in the shops

She thought she was being adventurous because I done the seedy tour of Shinjuku. Honestly, Kyoto is kinda meh but found a great little restaurant.

I also learned Okini is a very kind way of saying Thank-you but it's only in Kyoto
You really don't think there's not thousands of Europeans, Canadians etc overstaying their visas in the US? Are you dense?
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Not sure why, if you're working on a SOFA visa then you technically are working for an American corp/government just like at home.

I enjoy my job because honestly its piss easy and I get to live in Japan making USD.
I would like to try and start a small business here, just to have more roots. But honestly Japan is so fucked and is basically run by a gerontocracy that has no incentive to change or give their slice of the pie.
I wish I would have got the elevator lady's name and Line. I did see her the next day and we both stopped our spaghetti
A tiny amount, and the amount of Americans overstaying in Europe, Canada, etc, is probably much higher given the availability of government services and ease of dodging authorities compared to the US
And how is your extra charge and form stopping that? Because it doesn't change it one bit
This. It's not like China would just mind it's own business if the US wasn't there, and as good as the JMSDF's ships are they'd still be massively outnumbered by China's new build navy. It's not an idle threat in the least.

The USA's illegal immigration problem is that it's so difficult to immigrate legally and so time-consuming to claim asylum. We're throwing away our actual superpower, robbing other countries of their smartest and hardest working people. It is actually far easier to immigrate to Japan or the EU legally than it is to the US.
Legally, sure. Not like that stops anyone from doing otherwise though.

Anyways back to Japan
You're ex-military though, right? So I don't think job hunting would ever really be an issue. Versus me with management experience here, which is such a soft "skill" that it's practically worthless.
What kind of people walk into the adult sections of the stores in akihabara? I've been "accidentally" walking in and walking out with a fake confused look on my face instead of the jav/hentai addict that I am.
I've seen business looking men mostly and the odd retarded need jap looking kid.

Only ever seen gaijin walking into the actual coomer girl clubs. I'm thinking of trying it but honestly I can get the same prices at Aus with full service and better speaking English girls but fewer options
>coomer clubs
Yeah, I'm okay with just jav and hentai. Is it all softcore? I still haven't actually browsed properly inside on.
>I also learned Okini is a very kind way of saying Thank-you but it's only in Kyoto
it's used all over Kansai. in Osaka they say that too
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As for the Tokyo Hentai club stuff, I haven't tried it but I might give it a go in Osaka.

I went to a type of bar that has a type of K sounding name in Jap. The girl sits next to you, you can touch her a bit and talk. If you buy her a drink, she gets on your lap and kisses you. You buy her another drink, her top.comes off, she pashes you more and you can suck her tits.

Also you can grab her ass once she's on top of you. There's like an entry fee, then you obviously buy overpriced drinks for the girl at like 2000yen or something. Then there's crazy expen options but I wasn't gonna spend $200 for 12 shots of tequila.

Here's a photo of their card. It was in Shinjuku

Ironically, Shinjuku are straight up about prices and fees unlike shifty fucks here in Kyoto.
I went on an evening tour called Tokyo Bay Summer Cruise, but even at 9pm the temperature was still 30 degrees Celsius and the humidity was high, so it didn't feel that cool.
I was talking about used DVD and bluray stores.
Just go fuck a Jap girl even if you have to pay for it. Get some Sumata in Japan. Live a little

This place feels like early 2000s for me growing up but I was too young to have adult fun. Now get to have a second chance at it before it all turns to shit

Seriously, going out and doing the real deal, first time will be awkward and weird. You will get more confident

Have fun anon
Like I said, I'm sticking to JAV and hentai.
At least touch a Japanese woman
The anon who answered to you is a funny kind of sad. No matter what you talk about, jav, food or even gardens, he'll pop up saying you absolutely have to fuck a whore in Japan.
I don't know if he's literally a pimp or simply so alone he tries to get others into his depression pit.
We were talking about coomer shit. Might as well try the actual thing and make the fantasy a reality at least once. I've done temples, Namba Park deers, hiking, biking etc. I just like the dark shit too and suggest you push a step further and experience it
Does he do this all the time?
topkek imagine actually fucking prostitutes
>le heckin China
what exactly would china stand to gain from conflict with japan? there's hardly any specialized industry anymore, japan is a service economy. what, are the chinks going to invade and make it so takeshi has to do chang's taxes for free?
Although each Japanese person may have his or her own opinion of the Chinese and Koreans, most Japanese will try to help them as much as possible if they ask for directions or if they are in trouble.
What I am trying to say is that there are very few Japanese who would be discriminatory to them face to face.
I think so, I once was talking about my upcoming trip with the cities I would visit and stuff I'd do, and he answered how I HAD to fuck a whore.
Wasn't me. Anyway good night
Weather looks good lads, tomorrow is finally time for fireworks!
I see. Anyone else bought hentai and JAV from these places?
>what exactly would china stand to gain from conflict with japan
What do they stand to gain from conquering Taiwan, or bullying the SEA countries into giving up their reefs and atolls, or fighting with India over utterly desolate mountain passes?

I think it's just a sex tourist thing of assuming anyone else traveling to places they've whored in are doing so for the same reason, whoring. Personally, I visited a soap back in 2017 on my first visit to Japan just to fulfill that JAV fantasy, but my main reason for visiting then and my subsequent visits was always hiking, history, food, railfanning, and anime stuff.

I've bought a bunch of doujinshi and tanks from physical stores in Akiba (RIP Toranoana), and also from Comiket. You just walk in, pick out what you like, pay and leave. Nobody cares, nobody is going to confront you, anyone who judges you is going to keep it to themselves.
tell me more abouth this cruise anon. I kinda like the idea of cruising down the river taking in the sights on the deck with a beer in hand but i can't really find anything that caters to that idea. they all seem to be inside afairs with meals and stuff. Or insist you need at least 2 people to book onto it which is no good as i'll be solo.
Mate you can do more for cheaper at Western strip clubs
>wanting gross western used up whores instead of pure kawaii waifus
Anons im not fucking around I've seen more crazy genuine Jap debauchery in Sakae district of Nagoya than I ever did in many nights of Tokyo or Osaka.
elaborate. I'm planning my next trip and wanna see if I make a stop there
There's no tourist district, it's Nippon nightlife for Nips. Smoking everywhere, hanging on street corners in groups at every intersection, arguing, fights, catcalling (whatever the jap word for that is) and what inspired me to post was I just saw a lad pull a girl by her hair out of a Family Mart and throw her to the sidewalk. (White knights swarmed her) And the lad walked off.
lads my 1 year exchange in tokyo is coming too an end. what should i do in my last 10 days
this is not a good feeling bros
Get the fuck out of Tokyo. That city is aids.
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>you're a white knight for stopping an assault
No, everyone watched her get dragged out. He was silent. She was making some yells during it, he left her on the sidewalk and after he left she was swarmed by guys who were literally patting her and shit. No one actually stopped the guy during it.
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wondering what Utsunomiya will be like
start a fight with drunk australians
I desperately want to go back. The months I spent in Japan were peak existence.
Coming back to NA was beyond disappointing. How do you guys cope with this?
What do you miss the most? Personally I like that convenience stores are open 24/7 and you can buy alcohol 24/7 with silent judgment. I like that in Japan there are many establishments in any city that cater to kinks or other vices. But I couldn't imagine living here with a career or family.
So many things.
The food is on a whole other level.
The streets are clean for the most part and even the slummy places have a gritty charm. Those tiny bars with limited seating. Meeting interesting people. Jap normies are boring, but polite and undiaruptive, while the jap non-normies are very fascinating and fun to hang out with.
I liked that I could casually hang out with a beer at 3 am in a park and it not feel illicit or niggery.
The houses and apartments I have lived in were super comfy.
Convenience of literally everything.
I spent a whole day riding random train line for the lulz. Not something I would ever do here.
>place :(
>place, japan :)
It's real.
it's the land of happiness
everything is designed to make you happy
Got an itinerary ready, but I am getting second thoughts about Osaka.
We have 8 days in Tokyo, 4 in Kyoto and 3 in Osaka - 1 of which is a day trip to Nara.

A bunch of people told me Osaka is meh and mostly good for nightlife, something I am not interested in.

Should I just add another day in Kyoto for the Nara trip and do something else on those 2 days? Right now my Osaka days are like Osaka Castle + Namba
Also their customer service ethic is awesome. Attention to detail and extra decorum makes any experience better. Instead of some dead-eyed faggot muttering something at me and looking disinterested I get a smile and a bow and an extra second of attention.
It's the little things. Japs don't know how good they have it. When I explain to people what life is like in the West they don't believe me.
i no longer want to go to japan to experience japan
i want go to japan to re-experience the 2000s
To much time in osaka? Kyoto is 15min, nara is 30min, himeji is less then 1h. Half of /jap general is lost in translation closeted faggots that cant see past tokyo. Osaka is good city, better than tokyo in my opinion. And even if you dont fancy it that much you have so much shit to see on the outskirts of it that you basicly spend a 2 weeks there using osaka as a hub and sleeping zone.
Shrines are boring. I just want to talk to pretty girls who like my green eyes.
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a very good post, listen to this man
Whats the best site to see upcoming events and festivals?
Stop bragging. Fucking normalfag.
I'm done with areas like Shibuya, they've become intolerable.
>whores covered in tattoos
>interracial couples other than wmaf
>dude bro home boys
>black and brown tourists and temporary residents everywhere
The DEI nightmare has reached Japan, time to retreat to places left untouched by this degeneracy
>idk, tokyo is a east (nicer) vs west (shithole) city to me
You must be fucking retarded.
Yeah I know but I wanted to see it here. My first time in Nihon. Just like back home can get JAV chicks at times or other pure Jap chicks that barely speak any English. The only draw back is the lack of selection and they usually only visit once as they come here to whore out but it doubles as a brothel.

I don't know who runs it. When I've gone to see jap women it's almost ways the same two apartments
>mutt goes against his own rules
How prevalent is the hikki phenomenon?
One day I will reside in Japan.
I'm manifesting that fantasy ATM.
>It is actually far easier to immigrate to Japan
Is it really?
I know plenty of legal immigrants in the USA who don't do "skilled jobs".
Technically I know plenty of like that in Japan, too, but they're JET gaijin and that's it.
>implying I'm a mutt
Get fucked, americans are by far the worst tourists here
>be me
>english teacher master race
>every time a tourist stops me to ask for directions or help i flip a mental coin as to whether i help them or put on a fake russian accent and pretend i don't understand what they're asking me

we have fun here
Sorry, that was last year's information. I happened to get on without a reservation.
Operator's website: https://www.nouryousen.jp/
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No that honour goes to Chinks, followed by pajeet. So few pajeet but they still manage to just fucking assault you with odour and push in lines.

Chinks also try and push in but only females on females

Also, what's the best e-sim for Japan? I've been using Sailey, it's been okay mostly
this thread sucks. post actual travel shit.
How delusional am I being thinking I can have a real relationship with a Japanese woman who doesn't speak English and myself not Japanese?
99% delusional. Because most Japanese girls explicitly state that want their foreign partner to be able to speak Japanese. But there is always that 1% of girls who don't care and just want their gaijin bf to show off to their friends.
Whatchya mean??
It's cute for all of one week until you actually need to convey deeper feelings or discuss serious shit like living arrangements, etc. Don't fuck around and start learning now, cause English proficiency remains poor over there.
being in japan sometimes feels like being back in the 2000s
learning Japanese is certainly a task. I had fun trying to pick up girls here but I'm now thinking long term, and if I stay neglecting and procrastinating learning the language I will never get a girlfriend here. Remember to visit >>>/jp/djt
>all that time and effort just for one person
not worth it, unless you learn early and spend your whole 20s picking up japs
then settle down with someone from your country in your 30s
What ward of Tokyo should I stay at for the first mid of october? Ikebukuro ? Somewhere else? I still don't know, and I'm quickly getting tired over noisy, dirty and disrespectful gaijins
I mean I'm not just doing it for a girl. I want to eventually come back to japan after working here the 2 years I'll be here.
Yes, because Japan doesn't make you go through a lottery to get permanent residency, and that permanent residency path is time-based and can be either through both employment and being a student. For the US, employment visas are lottery based and capped at 85k total applicants each year. From there, the company has to sponsor you for a green card for permanent residency. This is expensive for the company, there's zero guarantee they'll do it. There is no permanent residency path in the US if you're on a student visa.

>I know plenty of legal immigrants in the USA who don't do "skilled jobs".
Both countries have citizenship paths for people who have family that are citizens/permanent residents, but most people don't do the marriage of convenience thing unless they're very desperate, seeing as it's illegal in the US. Not sure about Japan.
So you're saying there's a chance?
>I'm quickly getting tired over noisy, dirty and disrespectful gaijins
Then why are you going to Tokyo?
he's just some zogbot spic sex tourist who doesn't even really like Japan. I've seen him post on other boards like /a/. I'm assuming he has a soulless atomized life but enough money to fill the void with consumerism and whores but yes it's all he fucking talks about like this is a SEA thread

I hope he an heroes one day because he seems like an asshole.
I swear every young Japanese mother that I see has the same style bowl cut.
It's kinda cute innit
What okonomiyaki place in Osaka would you recommend for someone who never tasted one ever before?
and if that sounds harsh unless I'm confusing him with some other anon my first encounter with him was him bragging about how much money he makes and how he gets a sadistic rush from paying
women who don't want to have sex with him because he's not Japanese and probably not even white (inferiority complex) while talking about how much he hates Japan for not letting him do things the way they do back home (leave nigger)

I don't think it would be a great loss for the world if he drank himself to death. Maybe I'm being too mean and I know this is 4chan but he just rubs me the wrong way. Just really hubristic and soulless even though he bitches about how Japan is full of "bugmen"
Anyone else here try out day game in Osaka?
Of course, but it's not worthwhile. The novelty of female companionship and affection wears off very quickly when you're just being treated like an object. At least it did for me...and I used to be the kind of guy who would say "Use me, I don't care, if I have female company I'd be happy." How wrong I was.
But she's so nice and giggly surely she won't devolve to not a crazy demon?
Takotako king. There's a good one in Amerimura and another good one near Dotonbori. They make great takoyaki and okonomiyaki. It was recommended to me by my japanese drinking buddies
Anywhere in Nishinari-ku
It's possible. Don't let haters tell you otherwise. I am in this situation but you both have to make a sincere effort to improve your communication. I recently got N4 and my cutie got B1
What's day game?
It's almost time bros
I'm curious, will Japanese women ever show interest or is it expected that the man make the initiation i.e. ask for a date even if the woman hasn't made any explicit signs that she's into you? This is for irl interactions not online bs
Based. I'm gonna watch Asian Kongfu Generation
Like any other country, if a girl is outgoing and likes you, she will show interest or make some sort of advance. If she's not outgoing, she won't. If she's drunk, more likely to make an advance.
Is it uncouth to hit on a Japanese woman while she is working?
>sexhaver normies ITT
>never been to japan
even the ugliest most incel loser in japan gets a girl to go to a love hotel with him anon
Figured I would post one last time about to head to the tonegawa fireworks show, anyone else attending?
jaapnese girls will fuck anyone
>thinks he can tell who's who on an anonymous forum

Unironically take your meds senpai
Currently putting together a few fits for Japan. I'm going all out. I want to stand out. I want females to look at me in awe, and the males to be jealous and angry at how brazen I am with my fashion choices. What am I wearing?
I've been right before. Even managed to track one guy down to the state/possibly county he was in through the foliage in his photos.

context clues, syntax, filenames etc. It all says more than you think.
Meds. Now.
Sorry for the Japanese site.
Why doesn't my home made curry taste the same as the one i had in japan?
What are they adding or doing over there to get good curries?
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Only because I know you're talking about me and my coomer light tour in shinjuku and insist that if anon fap to porn / hentai / jav that he should go out and do the real thing.

Then you say it's the same as some spic in a/ who hates japan and forces bitches to fuck him etc. Of course it's not and you're just reading into things.

I don't Kyoto gion district at late night last night. No tourists all the seedy japs, stressed out people and smoking bars

Also found a playground from 1915 and an old shrine/temple. That was nice

I hope this country stays good but I doubt it
foreigners in Japan are one of the most stuck up main character syndrome cunts
how would you communicate? with hand gestures? Jap girls are super overrated btw, having a jp gf was a life changing experience for me because I didn't experience teenage love and Japanese girls are very childish but the "sex" (I wouldn't even call it like that) was so bad it made me feel so bad with myself and my physical appearance. Maybe because we were both inexperienced but she didn't even try it.
Other than that japanese girls and people in general have this sort of veiled racism everytime they deal with a foreigner, they hate you or they workship you just because you are from another country, you are basically a dancing monkey for them and the more you act like a walking stereotype the more they like it
this anon gets it
People who want to talk about sex should make a dedicated thread for that and move it there.
stop posting your sideways photos
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I tool them upright but they post sideways. I don't know why. Gomen
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anyone do language immersion in japan?
i'd like to do a program that takes the gi bill
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It's not me. I'm assuming you're in Japan too atm? I'm going Osaka tomorrow (the normie tour).

I'm not here for coom but I love it regardless. This place is like a time capsule.

How good are the $2 meals at a convenience store? This is dream land.

One of my favourite things is walking around late at night to see the darker side of Japan and after hours tourism.

I love just random little streets and such

I'm worried this 2030 initiative might fuck me so I want the most out of this place
meh on second thought you don't seem so bad. I was dealing with some
emotional transference since I was mad at someone on /a/ and you superficially reminded me of him. I know thats nuts but it is what it is.

I am curious if I was right. I guess I am schizo I just wanna see if I was right this time. I get a lot of false positives but when I'm right it tends to really get under people's skin.

Sorry for the hostility
To make your images not post sideways just crop them by a pixel. IDK why but it just works
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Thanks for the apology anon it actually means something. I shouldn't shit up the thread with it but wanted to share my experiences with the other shit.

A week from now it will be back to my life in construction which isn't too bad. When you wear hi-vis, a lot of tourists ask you for directions which even I have no clue since I drive everywhere
Amazing how brightly lit everything is at nighttime in Japan
i think it's hard to transfer regardless.
to get overseas via sofa you have to pick a job no one wants or be skilled to beat out the retirees that game the system. if you're civilian going to work in japan for a serious job it's about impossible. usa hr doesn't know how to do that shit
and to iterate usa hr is shit right now in general. they can't read resumes and would have no idea what you actually did in japan. you can lie thru your teeth i guess. it's ethical because fuck hr
Kid, when you get some experience, you'll get what I'm saying.
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My phone does some light capture stuff to make it brighter

This photo was dark but it lit it up
Samsung S23
Where is that in Japan?
pretty. If I ever go to Japan I want to start in Iwate of all places and try to make it to a major city in foot/rail only. Treat it like a game. I don't know why I picked Iwate.

I think because it's the closest analogue I could find to the shithole I live in.
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I may be wrong but do the Tokyo, Kyoto , Osaka tour of Japan for your first time to get the hang and feel for the place. There's shit-tons to see
Buying a cheap bicycle in Japan was the best decision I've made
they will most often just stare at you in my experience
a thread on >>>/fa/ about this would be funny but i dont know if you'd get anything out of it
It is interesting to ride around Tokyo on a bicycle, although this season is too hot to do so.
lmao, weeb's fantasy got shattered
I'm going to the sumo tournament in Fukuoka next november!
I'm really excited about this trip.
Anyone's view of Japan has been shattered a second time?
Where can I get a nice kitchen knife without getting scammed in Tokyo or Osaka. Something multi purpose as I only want to buy one.
i make it a goal to try day game at least once any time i go to the city (i live in an inaka ass town so it's impossible here for many reasons)

i'd say about 10-20% of the time i can get a LINE and of those maybe 25-50% of the time i'll get a response back to my messages. really depends. i have gone on dates with girls i've gamed though, so it's worth trying. i would imagine osaka is better for it than my city since osakans have that reputation of being friendly and such
First off are you tall because if you're under 6 feet just give up now.
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I matched this girl on tinder and she messaged me first, we chatted for a bit and I got her insta and then pic related so I’m a bit confused, is this what jap girls do?
Tokyo: Kappabashi Dogukai
Osaka: Sennichimae Doguya-suji
So this eikaiwa hired me from the states, decided they didn't like me a week into training and fired me/kicked me out of the training center dorms effective immediately, then escorted me to a station and said bye. The fuck?
I have 0 teaching experience compared to my coworkers who were being trained, but I'm sure I did ok enough to go through. I got along with everyone, but I asked why we needed to wear masks and that I didn't like a document they gave me because it was all in Japanese. They say that's not why, but I could tell it was. It was stupid because the trainers were all American talking about how you shouldn't question your superior in Japan like some meme they get power boners over. Anyway, now I'm homeless, jobless, living in a super cheap place at my friend's while I figure out my next move.
I lived in Japan before, but as a base worker. I didn't plan on staying at the eikaiwa for long anyway but this isn't how or when I would've wanted to leave it.
Wat do? Any tips? I've been applying and hitting doors, only a couple interviews so far. Thinking about staving off expenses with wwoof or workstays.
She changed her mind about you or has another guy in sight. Happens all the time, be it men or women.
Travelling from city to city is horrible since I got a fuck load of luggage I expected to unload into an apartment, I've been tossing things and I'll probably just bite the bullet on selling shit for cheap at a hardoff including a couple luggages.

I have connections but they're all researchers/engineers who have no money to give me, only "collaborations" it's fucking worthless. I can't get a military contractor job because I was never in the military or had security clearance, base jobs don't support civilian workers as much as they did when I worked there before so I'm left with what??? I was hoping to job hop once my Japanese was better and target career skills were higher.
On top of all that, Ive started to hate how jap bitches are always saying "one worded exclamation" *annoying fucking fake giggling*
She's going to fuck another dude and let him cum inside her raw.
I'm that dude btw
Were they really authorised to fire you in less than a week time without any perspective? They have to give you a reason, unless in Japan you can get fired at will?
Their policy said I was in a 3 month probationary period where they could get rid of me whenever. termination letter said poor performance and that's it, but I could tell they just didn't like how I was the only one with a spine. They acted very passive aggressive and rude to everyone.
full rick
what the fuck is a tsukimi burger
i wasnt gonna fuck with maccas while in japan
Tokyo people loon at me like I am an alien
Oosaka and Kyoto people were much more normal
It's an egg
I hate all those nearing middle aged, plastic surgery eyed Christmas cakes that stare you down like you're meat. I much prefer the young college ladies who take the time to work up the courage to ask for an English engagement while you see them melt in your gaze.
Ordered Korean fried chicken in Osaka, holy fuck is this supposed to feed 10 people?
And what's wrong with Christmas cakes
I don't want to wear black, everyone in Japan wears black. I really want to shock people, but at the same time, I don't want them to think I'm trying too hard. I don't want to be looked at as someone who is into street fashion, if that makes sense.
Do you mean when they say "Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh?!"
I find that cute.
they always put eggs on things
i swear
Theyre some of the most ran through whores on earth with a superiority complex.
After you hear it repeated for years it just becomes grating. That's all they got, act stupid/dumb and cute and have no ass or wear a stupid mask to hide their ugly fuckin face.
*uses chopsticks*
*eats natto*

Like just shut the fuck up bitch.
That's very informative, thank you anon.
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Post Japanese food
And where can I find these ran through whores?
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Your meltdown is hilarious. Please continue seething, it's a nice change from the whoreposting.
Hiroshima restaurant in Nara
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i just want my turn on the bicycle not to gf them.
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it's hilarious. some of the kindest and most wholesome people in Japan I met were middle aged men and women
Kushikatsu is great but kinda pricey in Shin-sekai. Would still recommend trying it once
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Made by sister in law
Same here. And the shallowest were the 20 something crowd except a few here and there.
>that menu
they sure love ハイボール in Osaka
Just work in the West? Are you fucking retarded? Unless you're a Jap or non-white in nihon who has no other option. This is a hole to work in that I've heard of other Japs and the hoes I've done back home (I like to talk to them)
Otherwise work at maccas or something
I'll second this. I really enjoyed osaka
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is there anything to do in saitama lads?
people walking up to girls and try to chat them up. if once you know they exist you can watch these guys stand on a well trafficked spot and and get rejected by girls all night
I was there a long time ago for a bonsai exhibition, and I remember there being a lot of nurseries that I could walk around and visit, other than that there was a park that had an archery range but that's about all I rememberother than that there was a park that had an archery range but that's about all I remember
That's not true. Maybe if you're White
get murdered. unironically. tons of manslaughter and murders (jap on jap and even jap on foreigner) in saitama these past few years, its starting to get a reputation
any good museums that have Ukiyo-e in Tokyo? does the Hokusai museum have?
>A week from now it will be back to my life in construction which isn't too bad
You do construction in Japan?
You can get a visa for that?

I remember seeing some foreigners doing construction when I was out there, wasn't sure if that was a normal thing.
It's fucking over, so much for me buying a new camera lens this trip
literally just walked up to an open bar with seats available and ask for 2 seats in japanese and they just hit me with the X right off the bat. I was with another anon too who also speaks japanese. I don't known why >>2710844 is larping like japanese aren't xenophobic. yes 99% of japanese just treat you like any normal customer but some behaviors which in America would be considered horribly racist and equivalent to genocide such as banning someone from your restaurant because of their race or nationality is just normal here.

the thing is we just shrugged and went to another restaurant and had a great night anyway. racism is treated like this horrible bogeyman in America but when it actually happened to me after traveling abroad it was the most innocuous thing. Americans act like there are chuddie death squads roaming for POC scalps like a Cormac McCarthy novel every time someone gets their pronouns wrong or asks if you like fried chicken or watermelon.

I don't like this kind of weeaboo foreigner in Japan who acts like Japan has no flaws and all accusations of xenophobia or culture shock are grossly exaggerated or even malicious lies. they are more common than I'd like to admit however. it's usually the folx who just moved recently. all of the foreigners I've met who've been in Japan for about a decade or more will readily admit if you're not ethnically japanese life is more difficult for you because of your race. especially my Korean friends living in Japan say this. see >>2710844
for a good example kek
Japanese arcades are really above the rest of the world but fuck, same thing applies to difficulty/rigging.
Tried to win a Honkai thing at an arcade building in Ikebukuro but after like 6 tries of grabbing the thing and moving it by 0.1 inches I gave up and bought it at lashinbang
I mean, as a Black guy, I'd rather get treated like an outsider in a place where I AM an outsider, than a place where I'm not.

That's why It's so easy for you to accept, It'd be easy for me to accept racism in Japan, too, if I experienced it, but so far in my total time of four weeks there, I can't recall experiencing any racism outside of some patronizing jyouzu nihongo (my Japanese is shit).
Even in stores, I expected for cashiers or attendants to be eyeing me the entire time, like whenever I enter a Hispanic/Asian/White store in America, but they just stay minding their business -- no eye contact, no looking in my direction, and they help without attitude when I ask.

But even if I got hit with some racism in Japan, again, It's a lot more palatable when I am indeed an outsider, rather than experiencing it in the place I SHOULD belong.
your average uneducated Chinese douyin scrolling peasant has burning hatred for Japan because most of their history classes in schools is about japan bad. but every Chinese met who has actually traveled or is smart enough to pick up a book or use the internet knows that it's government propaganda. some of the biggest weeaboos in the world are Chinese.

idk it's a generational thing. old people who grew up during the war or immediately after obviously have a bone to pick. but the young people who grew up with the internet are mostly just curious about each others' cultures.

well it has to do with their economy. their bubble crashed in the late 1990s. they had lots of capital to rejigger their industries from the 1950s until the 1990s. but after the bubble popped the capital dried up, the manufacturing went to china, and the high tech industry went to SK Taiwan and America. back in the 1990s it was widely predicted that the japanese economy would overtake America's by the 2020s. you can read front page Wall Street journal headlines with this prediction.

kyoto is totally overtouristed at this point. no point in visiting unless your're a professional tiktoker or something.

she wanted the dick bro I've seen it in my japanese pornography movies

I shop in them all the time. idk it's so ingrained as an American that boobies=evil but once you get used to japanese attitudes towards porn you get less nervous. I find that it helps to just buy something, anything. once you realize that nobody gives a fuck you'll relax a bit.

it's very prevalent but it's hard to see because hikkikomori are always staying home. I have a friend who is a NEET in Japan and all he does is beg for money from his family and play final fantasy. it's sad

nah deadass tho frfr

usually what happens is that you fall in love with a fantasy of each other.
I like Ikebukuro because it's cheap for being on the Yamanote line and even though there are a lot of foreigners there aren't really any tourists. and it's a red light district so there's something to do their all night.
if you still have a visa I'd try to get another Eikawa job. idk it sounds like you don't really understand japanese culture though. if they say wear a mask you have to wear a mask. if they say take this document you take the document. you have to follow every little rule they give you. if you can't learn how to do this you'll get fired. it's not like America.

the national museum in Ueno has some but not a lot. but I recommend that museum anyway. best overall collection of japanese art in the world imhotbqhwy

I'm asian and I live in an asian neighborhood and the only time black people come here is to rob somebody, usually an old lady or a mom with her kids, so yeah maybe that's why they give you dirty looks. I'm not saying it's fair but it's true where I live in America. but your attitude is what I'm talking about. I go to a white store they look at me weird too. do you get bad looks when you go to a black gas station? of course not. don't act like all of America belongs to you. that's not how it is for anybody in America.
Shut up faggot. Every country where the ethnic majority still rules has the right to refuse any fucking outsider. It's the natural order and you're lucky to even be in the country all things considered. Be humble you gigantic homo
>t. Nationalist
>don't act like all of America belongs to you. that's not how it is for anybody in America.
You see my problem?
I'm not acting like all of American BELONGS to me, but I am from America, amongst, presumably, Americans, so you would think I'd feel more welcome here than anywhere else, least that's how it should work.

Yet, when I go to Japan I don't get the dirty looks and constant monitoring of my every movement when I go into a store.
It shouldn't be that when I go to a store half a mile away from me, or even right down the street, that I feel so unwelcome, while when I travel to the literal opposite side of the world, I feel nothing but hospitality.
>stare you down like you're meat.
I like being objectified though. Or do you mean something else by that?
Tell your fellow African Americans to stop stealing and you would never have that problem.
>the young people who grew up with the internet are mostly just curious about each others' cultures.
Maybe that's it. The Chinese dudes I met don't have a burning hatred for japan or jaapnese people like I'd heard about
>t. sheltered suburbanite
Do you judge every wh*toid as a child molester?
Drank with some Japanese lads tonight. They hate the Chinese tourists as much as I do. Feels good
I grew up in the hood and live in the inner city. I know what I'm talking about. You're the Detroitfag right? Who consciously denies this is even an issue within African American neighborhoods (theft / stealing)
My best friend is black but even I can joke with him how the majority of his community are thugs and trash
Oh, I'm sorry, let me just go to the African-American summit and get everyone to sign a treaty to NEVER steal.
Oh wait, right, I don't actually have control over what other people do, just like you don't have control over weirdoes shooting up schools (this applies to you whether you're White, Asian, or Hispanic).

>My best friend is black but even I can joke with him how the majority of his community are thugs and trash
That's because he's a cuck.
I don't mind criticizing my own community and/or race, but letting someone else joke about what he doesn't actually know is peak "Haha I'm not like the rest of those n*groes, pick me!" energy.

Also you didn't grow up in the hood, stop LARPing.
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gaijin tourists are all like: "yeah bro I visited Japan before. Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto, bro"
>i saw the meme on twitter
As opposed to?
Drinking with japs can get pretty wild.
Next time tell them you wanna do Hashigo and you'll have a great time
No, I'm a white guy from Atlanta and I'm calling you out for being a dumb fucking hypocrite. You are literally the rube in LBJ's quote about convincing the lowest wh*toid that he's better than the best colored man.

There is nothing wrong with this. People don't have unlimited time or money, so when they travel they naturally go to where the best infrastructure and most cultural sights/heritage is. Nobody is going to sit in bumfuck inaka town for a month on their first trip to Japan, they'd be bored out of their mind by day 3. I'm convinced this dumb meme is just "Real Small-Town America" cope applied to Japan, as if 92% of Japan's population didn't live in cities.
as opposed to not Tokyo, Osaka and Kyoto
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Today is 9/15 in Japan.

In the chaos of arriving to japan on 9/13 I forgot to buy travel insurance, and I found a plan that allows me to start a policy on 9/16 until the end of my trip. I applied and was accepted.

I immediately was accepted but Im already starting to feel sick like a cold and I want an examination. I can probably bear it for a few days until 9/18.

Will I be able to make a claim on 9/18 or will I be declined for already being sick before entering? I'll just tell them I got sick the day I called them but I'm not sure if they'll accomodate that.
Shut up commie
>travel insurance
>in Japan
Holy fuck you are a gigantic moron
>I asked why we needed to wear masks and that I didn't like a document they gave me because it was all in Japanese
Nigga, if I was a jap I’d fire you too if you do this shit in your first week
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>wants to see a doctor because he's getting a cold
I went for 2 weeks a few months ago and genuinely didn't have any bad experiences.

I got the train to hakone (hot springs town) and wasn't allowed in an onsen because I was £0.20 short (I feel like I'd get away with that in the UK, but I get it. All exchanges were closed too).

After shagging a jap nurse I had a frank chat about the kind of guys she likes. She said she likes all except black guys (based).

That about all the 'bad' stuff I saw as a white, blond haired/blue eyed 5'11 brit
Still cannot for the life of me understand why people agree to "teach" English there for $2000/month.
Tell the story about how you ended up shagging a Jap nurse
Please and thank you
what is there to do in osaka?
What colour is your skin? Just trying to see something.
Matched on hinge, I was staying in Shibya and she lived about 40 mins away in northern Tokyo so I suggested we get coffee at place called white glass coffee near shibuya train station.
We got matcha and talked for about an hour. One of us suggested drinks so we walked around trying to find a bar and settle on a random one a couple of floors up. We drink for another hour then headed to the door.
After that we just walked and talked for a bit. I pointed the direction of my hotel andshe was just like 'cool let's go in that direction'. There was no talk of sex but we both knew what was going to happen.

When we got to my room we sat on the bed for a couple minutes talking and then I kissed her and we had sex.

She missed the last train home so I offered to pay for a taxi. She refused and stayed the night but had to get up at 5 am for work. I'm a proper gentleman so I walked her there

I had sex with 3 japs while I was there but she was the cutest
And then she did it again the next night with another gaijin.
but not with you
Nihon... I miss you. Something went very wrong because I was not born rich and Japanese.
Grass is greener on the other side. Think of all the things Japanese hate about Japan and you'll feel better.
English teacher master race here, got the day off from work tomorrow as it's a holiday, what should I do today? Already went out last night and Friday so I just want to chill out a bit. Brunch cafe or drive out to a petting zoo, WWYD?
Yeah wherd you ride around? Did you travel with it too?
it's more than I can ever hope in my country
Trust me, after moving back to the US the first time I applied, interviewed, grovelled my ass off. The last job I held was permanently part time and I couldn't get more hours
Anyone been to a happening bar in Japan? i.e. Swingers clubs, but more of a maybe it works out maybe it doesn't basis.
Why? All employers Ive had are careful to not piss me off at least until after my first paycheck
Stop wasting your money on a tourist mindset and settle in. Go grocery shopping.
I was barely making that in the US and was unable to break even with CoL, I don't even go out and spend money or buy stupid shit.
I’ve read about them on the forums but they sound too scandalous for me.
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it's too hot to be in Japan right now
Anyone been to the Shiba cafe in Kamakura? Gonna go and be a menace to the staff and their 100 rules and 30 minute limit.
Anyone tried renting a bike in Japan? Is it hard to ride it inside a city like Ustsunomiya or Tsuchiura?
I remember when 'JR Rail Pass' was the most common phrase on here, now it's absolutely gone since they fucked it up
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No no sir. Construction in Australia. I've had a look at the sites here. They don't wear hi-vis and they have vests with fans build in them to keep you cool.

From what I have seen, we definitely do more and do it better. When it takes ages, it's because: they're fucking around on purpose / it's a government job / it's a union site.

However, this tunnel building shit is some of the first in the world so not everything was accurately quoted for
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I like the Gracery hotels.
>in the place I SHOULD belong
You mean Africa?
It's not difficult at all. The public transportation system in northern Kanto is so poor that local governments are encouraging people to ride bicycles within the city.
Caught covid and was stuck inside with the shits for a week.
Missed a lot of cool shit, but I got to peoplewatch Kyoto station from my hotel room window which was fun I guess.
Only time I was ever approached by chicks while out in Japan was while wearing a sport jacket with a white undershirt and jeans.
Dress in a full suit and they'll just think you're a salaryman. Dress too casual and you're an ugly american tourist.
Ota Memorial Museum
Who /sumo/ here?
Are you fat and or balding
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Any anons want to meetup in Tokyo? I'm kinda bored and hate it here
Mmm, I'm planning to go to Minoh park and Dotonbori. Also I'm super excited for the bullet train ride from Tokyo.
I'm more if a J-league guy
you should go for a walk around nishinari, i hear its a nice neighbourhood
Absolutely BTFO
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Seems okay. This bridge is pretty neat.
I told you guys if you want to do a meetup you have to pick a specific time and place a few days in advance and tell other anons to meet you there.
>they literally come over here just to complain and reaffirm their jingoism.
Geg, so they would get out of their way and make all the effort to get a visa and a boarding pass to Japan(a country they dislike) just so they could complain?
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Think I'm back in Tokyo on the 19th for two more nights until I fly out
anon you know that your phone has a built in photo editor where you can rotate the images before posting them right?
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I took it landscape maybe? But all the images appear upright until I post them
Airin-chiku in Nishinari is one of the most unsafe places in Japan.
>Next time tell them you wanna do Hashigo and you'll have a great time
Yeah, going to a few different bars in succession in Japan is somehow different than another country, you fucking weeb.
I'm going to tour Kamakura tomorrow, I want to go to the beach since its fucking hot.

Going to take this route (picrel) early as fuck in the morning then hit the beach. Are the beach changing rooms open?
Should I drive (expat I own a car) or take the train?
I am Japanese and I am interested in how Japan differs from other countries in this respect, could you please tell me?
It doesn't.
bar culture in japan seems very "specific".
What would you do, if you were in japan for 30 days, starting from today, and having only money to eat? Accomodations and commutes are already paid for, but I'm gonna pass a month like a bumfuck in here.
Usually, in September, the facilities for bathers are removed.
Also, there are few people swimming in the sea in September because of the risk of being stung by moon jellyfish. Only surfers are active.
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How far does a dollar go in Tokyo? I'm an american so I felt pretty rich in SEA and eastern Europe but quite poor in say NYC and western Europe
Sure I just got here an hour ago
In july it was basically SEA levels, its still pretty high even now despite a drop from 160 to 140.
Sounds good. Is equipment like helmets, etc mandatory?
>Dress in a full suit and they'll just think you're a salaryman
This is true everywhere I've been to in East Asia - Japan, Korea, China, HK, if you wear a suit on a night out people will assume you've just gotten out of work.

All the slayers I've met here were dressed in minimalist loose-fitting semi-streetwear style clothing. If you're a foreigner you can get away with more since they apply a different set of rules for you.
>every jap says kabukicho is the most dangerous place in all japan
>go there last night
>it was nicer than the nicest area in my home city
SEGA really doesn't have that big of a presence in Japan does it?
I feel like I would have enjoyed my trip 300% more if I had taken the time to learn enough Japanese to have a basic conversation.
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Also, awesome little pizzeria in Osaka
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Didn't /trv/ anons do a meetup every 2nd sunday in harajuku or something? Is that still going? I'll be in Japan soonish.
I'm gonna touch you
getting real sick of your rotated photos man
What a life they live. Hang out every day. Eat at good restaurants every day. Drink beer every day. It feels weird being there, knowing back home I spend all day in my room on the computer.
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I took it upright. I have no clue if it will rotate photo or not. I'm sorry desu

These nip fucks have no idea how good they've got it

I'm loving Osaka so much more than Kyoto
what do you like more about osaka?
There are no penalties for not wearing helmets, although wearing them is encouraged.
In fact, many people do not wear helmets.
Fewer tourists, prices seem a bit better. People seem more genuine. It's kind of more ghetto but feels real. Energy feels better here.

Also its cooler weather wise
no. I have a six pack and a very mild widows peak
I'm in Osaka too maybe we walked by one another
yes. last month there was (reportedly) a cute femanon that was in japan for some cosplay thing there that made out with two anons that night
Oh dammit. I don't have a six pack and not balding
Not a single Japanese woman has approached me in the streets or anywhere else. The Internet is a lie.
Women usually don't approach men anywhere in the world anon
So anyway, the wayward eikaiwa reject drifts in the countryside, wishes to continue onto Fukuoka, the place of his dreams and nostalgia in hopes of gaining an income. Compared to Hiroshima where he sewed seeds, should he find more luck?
I'm staying near Nazazakicho station
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How can someone who was not even popular in his own country be popular in Japan?
>"cute femanon"
it was a troon wasn't it.
the fed is cutting interest rates this week. the dollar could weaken further vs the yen.
Same with the Chinese running around Boston. I think your supposed to show them your bwc and gage thier reaction.
I've been walking 20k+ steps everyday for the past two weeks but I'm still fat?
Did you talk in English or Japanese?
Going right in mid april is great weather right? But what about the crowds?
I can take time off work next year for either april, july (nope) or october.
English the whole time. 2 of the girls spoke fluent english (including the nurse, she had lived in Canada for a few months), the 3rd had okay english but we had to use google translate a few times.

I can say a total of about 10 words in japanese so it's definitely not required
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Wtf is this Osaka-Umeda subway mall complex?
Some Osaka metro stations are like underground cities
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Room I stayed In last night in Furano, ran by some 3ft obaachan, was max comfy
>The single wall light in arms reach while sleeping.
>The blinds right next to the bed.
>Chargers right next to head.
Holy this is max comfy.
Sarariman, obaachan, oji san, shut the fuck up. She's an old woman not your grandma you weeaboo faggot.
If I travel northward, should i visit coast towns like Matsushima/takagimachi, or inland towns like Naruko Onsen?
I haven't even researched the west coast either.
Uhh anon obaasan means your literal gran whilst obaachan means graany and it’s just an endearing word for old ladies you retarded cunt
Ok been here for two weeks now, I have questions(last stay was 5 years ago):
>What the fuck happened to cc lemon? I see it a lot less in the vending machines and the few times I had it it didn't taste as lemony. I have found this pokkasapporo health drink thing that is okay but still not quite what I'm looking for
>Where did all of the Choco melon pan go? I have seen a few 7-Eleven that have a watered down variant that is just strips but I have not found a single actual one even at multiple bakeries.
>Do any anons have suggestions for good stew places in Tokyo/Osaka? I'm getting a craving I need to scratch
The fantasy you guys have:
“I must be popular with Japanese women because I'm white” or ”Japanese women must want my dick because I'm black”
How do I stop getting drunk in Japan?
Thoughts on Beppu? Worth going out of my way to visit?
I've only been approached by Malaysian and Thai women so far. Slightly disappointed
Ukon no Chikara
ermmm i also went to nara thank you very much
So I'm staying in an inaka university at the moment since I have a friend here, I got my own room. I went to a lounge to read and saw this nerdy hottie. I struck up a convo with her and she seemed receptive, so I asked if she wanted to come to my room, and she did. So we get up and she's in, we lock eyes and advance with light touching and she nudges me away and says she's got a bf, so I'm like ok... Well I guess we can hang out,?? So we just get to know each other for a little bit and i touch her lightly here and there, getting at least one more nudge away before I just fully quit trying. Anyway, she leaves after hanging out with me for 30 minutes. Didn't want to exchange lines, but she seemed pretty chill and kept locking eyes with me. Perhaps I can wish she pays me a visit one day or I'll get kicked out and get my friend in trouble??
Last time I got a girl in my hotel room we fucked after meeting in the lobby (in America) and she was literally a model, so what the fuck? I remember my first gf here essentially said I raped her into being my gf. We were together for 3 years. I guess I was just too nervous about the whole situation and forgot japs are freaks
>grrr grrr you can't have fun in or like japan grr grr
>posted on 4chan
You're the dumbest retard gorilla nigger I ever did see
The best pizza in Osaka is Pizza Bar Fullhouse
2 Chome-13-1 Nishishinsaibashi, Chuo Ward, Osaka, 542-0086, Japan
I don't usually eat fastfood, but having a pizza a coke there sent me back straight to my childhood.
I'm just sour n sad my nig, sorry. I got fired, my ululations are all over this thread like dried cum. Read away and you'll find me.
I just wanted a low CoL, safe environment so I could focus and not be so angry all the time but I seem to just always be angry. I gotta regulate my shit dawg. Enjoy yourself.
Then what the fuck are you doing on travel you insufferable miserable cunt?
If it's your first time experiencing hot springs, it might be a good idea to visit Beppu, Japan's largest hot spring town.
After that, you can find a quieter hot spring or one surrounded by nature that suits your taste.
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Thanks. I'll be cycling in Tsuchiura around Lake Kasumigaura soon
Dang well the second sunday is today right?
Any chance you guys would be down to meet again next sunday?
From the end of April to the beginning of May, there is a big holiday called Golden Week, which lasts more than a week, and many Japanese go on vacation, so all the tourist spots are crowded.
Any Hokkaido/Sapporo fags here got any input on the north?
Any good places inbetween to stop from Tokyo to the north???
Im also considering riding it on a bicycle
You sound like a creep.
Post a pic
This nigga really be going around like
More like
>our eyes meet she so wants to fuck even if she doesn't want me to touch her and she did say she had a boyfriend but I'm sure she wants to fuck did I tell you my ex said I raped her into a relationship lol
Is the traffic from ginza to haneda really not that bad? Was looking at taxis and Google implies it's half the time of a train ride, even though last time I took a bus from haneda I was stuck in traffic for over an hour.
Yeah and??? You gonna tell your Tenga egg about it?
Has a Muslim woman approached you? (;゚Д゚)(゚Д゚;(゚Д゚;)
breh just take a train
Nice projection, mongoloid.
just so you're aware if you pull out a samsung or any kind of android phone in public it's an instant -9001 aura. Japan is an iChad nation
A crusty old Aussie man showed me how to pickup women in Osaka and the madlad walked out with one. You a real one Daniel
Dude she went to your room and didn't leave after "nudging" you away twice. Japanese girls say they have boyfriends because it turns them on when they feel like they're doing something wrong.
His first advice is that there are 10 women for every man here so don't get hung up on one. Even if you know Japanese, sometimes pretend like you don't otherwise they will think you are a playboy. Offer them a fun time out (bar hopping, food/drink) he was telling me all of this and then I said ok do it to the girl next to us and he did and they left. She was young too. Took him all but 20 mins
what did he say to open her?
Friends, don't be a curmudgeon.
fuckin' hell that's class
Well he was saying to me the entire time he thought they were lesbians (two girls together but we saw them meet) so when I asked him if his theory is true and talk to one and show me how it's done.
Where can I find some good deals in hotels? I'm planning a trip taking the train across several cities west of Tokyo and I'm gonna need to sleep in some hotels like 1 night every couple of towns.

Also are lockers safe to leave your luggage for several days? Is there a max number of days on them or something?
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wtf happened here?
Google maps is pretty good, it seems to compare all the hotel sites (booking.com, agooda etc.). Just search for hotels or hostel in the area you're visiting
So two girls meet, he talks to one and leave with her, but what happened to the other one?
Idk some white girl wearing a cross. She didn't go but went outside with us
Putting Sapporo aside, going out further into the prefecture is a top tier experience. The best way in me experience is to rent a car and hit the road. The roads leading to Asahikawa are super comfy. Tons of national parks in the center and east of the prefecture.
Alternatively the stretch between Hakodate and Sapporo is pretty cool.
The western road out of Sapporo towards Kamui is epic too, but you gotta pick the right weather because it's coastal
If you like to ski then Teine-Ku has a great ski resort.
As far as between Tokyo and Sapporo is concerned I only know Sendai and Aomori, but I didn't stay long in either.
>Airin-chiku in Nishinari is one of the most unsafe places in Japan
Which means It's still safer than anywhere in America.
Agreed kek
What's the 90 day limit thing about? And when would things go digital exactly?
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Level 32!
Whats the hiragana after nu? I’ve been practicing B)
Yeah ive been wondering about rentinga car as well
I thought someone said the liscnese part was hard? Willnthe international liscense work??
Did you sleep in the car or camp? Any idea what the rental cost was?
topkek I use this app too and I'm level 54 now
Renting a car was incredibly easy for me, done it twice so far. If you're from the US, go to a AAA branch and get an international driver's license (essentially it's just a translation of your US drivers license), and then you can show the rental companies that as your license to operate a car. IIRC prices were around $20-$40/day for a small sedan. I rented from Toyota both times.
that's omedetou. "me", not "nu"
sweet. thanks. Haven't started learning the M's yet. slowly but surely
Ok cool thanks. I have my International liscesne (used it in poland in May for a nice roadtrip)

Is parking in the cities difficult or do you simply just find a hotel with parking or find a paid lot?
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Is that Renshu? I've been using that. Was going to post I've been learning some Hiragana. Been reading some of my washing machine options. Though i don't know what the words fucking mean
>Is that Renshu?

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For me, it's butadon. There's a place in Ueno Ameyoko Shopping Street that grills the pork with sichuan pepper (pic is from an inferior place). It's like crack
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I'm going to cop it here but I lurked pLebbit and I became convinced that Renshu sounded like the best app.

Also the developer is extremely active and helpful which is surprising

I've also got Bunpo but I'm yet to use it

Time for a 711 coffee

Pic is graffiti I found in Osaka but it looks like English characters
make sure you know how to read and write kana first
Just get an international driver's license. They are cheap and good for a year.
I rented a shitty little kei car because it was not winter and I felt like experiencing a kei car. I think it was about $40/day? But I didn't look hard because I couldn't be bothered. I was told you can get them cheaper though so don't be like me and do some shopping around.
I stayed in hotels and airbnbs.
I do plan on doing a legit camping trip though
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Fellas. Next year is gonna be it. I've gotten into the best shape of my life and plan to improve in the next few months. I've got a decent level of Japanese and I'm planning to spend at least a month dating in Japan (in between visiting like normal). What is your advice in looksmaxxing for Japanese girls tastes?

My biggest concern is body hair. I've always hear they don't like it so I'll get a wax before going there. Apart from that I'm a pretty average 6'0 guy. How is the dating scene there? Are there local dating apps I should look for? What places are socially acceptable to approach girls at? Any advice in general?

also to be clear I'm not expecting to be drowning in pussy or anything. I just think dating in a place that far removed from where I live is just what I need to get the practice to stop fumbling dating in my own country. It's likely I'll date foreign women visiting Japan more often than Japanese women.
I'd check the archives. also I don't get japanese pussy. plenty of filipino girls unfortunately..
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Think it's just hiragana I've been learning. Skipping Katakana for now.

Haven't done Jap since highschool as it was the less shit option of the two (other being spaghetti Italian) if I knew it could get me some hot laps then I would have had plenty of incentive to learn. But then I didn't like Asians back then either, it'd be about another two years until some thicc mixed Korean chick would awaken a facesitting fetish I didn't know I had

I'd say Osaka is your best bet. First place I've been here and I've noticed girls actually locking eyes with me
Bald, fat, hairy, body odor, if any of these apply to you, you're out.
This is so funny. A guy made a video about this scenario to a literal t, including the bf comment.

Yeah, I look back on it now and the fact that we sat so close to each other on my bed, her weak nudging away my direct touches to her hips, yet staying and seemingly was still relaxed... I could have just lied down and told her to do the same and bada bing. Oh well.
I am bald, fat and have tons of body hair
I only ever used it when going to out of the way places that were inconvenient with public transit, Lake Towada, Lake Nojiri, Akakura, Togakushi, etc, so never had a problem with parking. The Akakura hotel had free parking, but it was also off-season and we were the only guests in the whole place. I've never looked into what parking is like for bigger city hotels, I'd imagine you have to pay for parking like in the US but maybe not, I don't have an answer for you there.
Looking good
just unfortunate
i watch every gaijin video on youtube except for this guy's
i just dont like him for some reason
seems like a sex pest
How do I live in Japan forever?
have 500 yen on my pocket and cant exchange money because of the holiday, fuck me... gotta starve the whole day
Im kinda disapointed on my search for second hand stores in Tokyo
The prices are still high, like almost brand-new high
Am I looking at the wrong shops?
How long do you message the girls before asking to meet up?
Im living in Tachikawa, the nightlife is kinda shitty, non-existant almost
If a girl that I've met irl gives me her Line, does that mean that I'm in?
Because you people are driving up the market for used goods.
not me, im not looking to resell stuff i buy, i'm legit just a broke student so i need second hand stuff
Go to recycle centers
How the fuck am I going to pay my rent in Japan?
I only have a bank account here at home with dollars.
Do I make a Wise account and load thousands of dollars to that and convert it to yen? And then what?
good solo activities for the evening? or is quiet today because of the holiday
Nationwide flea market information:
>bar hopping :(
>bar hopping Japan :)
Shut the fuck up, weeb.
What stuff are you looking to buy? 2nd street in suburban locations typically has cheaper clothing and second hand houseware, appliances etc. Trefac is another good source for clothing
just clothes mostly, i found 2nd street and trefac still a bit expensive
are these 2 the cheapest options for clothes?
i havent been to shimokitazawa yet, but i've read some mixed stuff online
bar hopping in japan is fun though because you can let go and dont have to worry about what people think because youre not part of their society and your misbehavior wont affect you in the long run like it might if you did it back home
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Thanks. Any specific hotels you'd recommend (reasonably priced)? I wanna mind my budget for the first half of my stay and be in a relatively nice hotel for the second half just to get somewhere comfy to sleep in at the end of the day.

Also I considered renting a small airbnb apartment to get the full experience of living there
I heard all the anime merch and all in akibahara is marked up? Do i just need to price check everything or is there a better area to loook for things?
I went to shimokitazawa and i found it better than the rest of tokyo by that's maybe 6 years ago, Osaka wasn't bad either
den den town in Osaka is way better for second hand weeb shit
2nd street has vintage racks usually in the back of the store with imported american stuff from the 60s-90s mostly under 2k yen each. It depends on the store though and you really just have to go by photos. What do you call expensive for various items of clothing? How much are expensive jeans? Shirt? Light/heavy jacket?
>What is your advice in looksmaxxing for Japanese girls tastes?

stupid question because you're going to be judged by a completely different set of standards as a foreigner than regular japanese guys.

everyone will rush to tell you japanese girls don't like fat guys, beards, body hair, muscles, etc. yeah they don't like those on JAPANESE men but on a foreigner a lot of them wont even think twice

also like half of them will disqualify you right off the top for being foreign and no amount of looksmaxxing will change their mind

tldr: just looksmaxx the way that makes you happy and bee yourself when you come here, they'll either like you or not, if you talk to enough girls you're guaranteed to get laid at least once
i was looking at the google maps destination in the op, and i noticed that theres a lot of activity south of japan, and little more north
is there a reason why? asking because i was thinkng of traveling north than south this time
northern honshu (tohoku as it's called) is inaka as hell. the biggest city between tokyo and hokkaido is sendai which is only pop. 1.2m. i road tripped through the entire region last november and there were literal abandoned villages along the side of the freeway.
That sounds just for me actually!
Was there anything notable that caught your eye though? I was planning my trip to go a whole loop starting from Tokyo to aomori, and just trickle my way down back to Tokyo
lots of gorges where you can view the fall leaves, plenty of them offer boat tours too which are fun. more forest preserves, nature trails, and caves than you can possibly want. in aomori (specifically hachinohe) there's a huge morning market on certain days of the month which was fun to attend. aomori city itself was kind of a dud though.

the most interesting thing i saw was on the return leg in yamagata prefecture, a temple that had mummified shinto priests on display.
>abandoned villages
could you inhabit one of these houses if you had nowhere else to stay?
I guess I can make it as a day trip from sendo
Thank you for the info, I’ll still try to trickle my way down. I’ll share an itinerary later for more insight
take a screenshot of the pic and upload that instead
What typically closes during the holidays in Japan?
You literally just have to edit the image and resave it and it will post correctly but he doesn't even bother to do that
Lost my job, staying in the Hiroshima countryside on the good terms of a friend. I'm running out of money, my work visa will be valid for years to come. My Japanese is shit. Pretty sure I'm blacklisted from all the big shady eikaiwas. Where do I move if im fairly charismatic? Somewhere where there's more foreigners but not Tokyo/Osaka tier. I love Fukuoka but I can settle for somewhere else. Hiroshima city just doesn't seem to have the vibe.
Do japs get drunk easily? Despite the fact that drinking is very widespread there I have the feeling that on average they can't handle much
but bar hopping is fun anywhere
It's kinda 50/50. Some are one beer queers, others I've seen drink all night and wake up ready for another 10 hours at the office followed by drinking until last train.
Why did she give me her Line if she doesn't want to talk?
At the end of the year? Literally everything.
How the hell did you got a work visa if you barely speak japanese? Do amerilards really have it that easy?
And no offence, but you do sound like a cunt, so no wonder you got fired. If you want to keep that better-than-you-native attitude, you won't get employed anywhere.
People lie all the time on 4chan. You should by default take the position that everyone is lying.
>others I've seen drink all night and wake up ready for another 10 hours at the office followed by drinking until last train
pretty sad but also kinda based
How pathetic do you have to be to lie in a thread about Japan? Jesus.
Because she wants to fuck, dumbass. But you have to jump through the necessary hoops of saying the right things to make it happen without her feeling like a slut.
Okay what should I say
Show us what you've been saying first.
All I've said is that it was nice to meet her last night. We met randomly yesterday and she asked for my Line. But she hasn't responded
Ok I'll try this
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Anyone else at the pillows 35th anniversary concert?
What's the best thing to use 10 yen coins on?
Drinks at a vending machine
Need more context. How did you meet her? Who approached who first? How much time did you spend together? What did you do with her? What did you talk about? How much do you think she likes you?
>inb4 she gave me her line so she must like me a lot
Not guaranteed. Girls do that to get you away sometimes.
I'm not gonna do that on my phone desu
Where are the alchemists? Do detectives have a monopoly on sponsorship?
Sigh picture didn't upload
Aoyama (Detective Conan author) was born there.
I was planning on going to Tottori
7/11, just shovel them into the machine when buying something, and hopefully get less coins out than you put in.
Walking aimlessly in Osaka's underground city is so comfy lads.
Met her at a club. She initiated everything after i "saved" her from a rapey pajeet. We were hitting it off but then her ugly fat 1/10 friend kept pushing for them to leave
Her friend was pushing for them to leave because before girls go out they make arrangements to protect each other from undesirable guys. Sorry anon.
Ah that's probably why she asked me to save her friend from the pajeet that was kissing on her neck. Her friend even took a picture of us wo
Yeah. Probably why she isn't replying, even though girls look at their phones all day.
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Seriously guys is there going to be another meetup this month?
im down as long as that cosplaying fag isnt there
Cosplaying fag?
I'd be available Sep 23 to 26 and Oct 8-9
So early april has less crowds, and overall less temperature? Sounds amazing!
How does late september - early october compare in weather and tourists?
No offense taken, I guess this means I should either live off of the dumpster, marry some old jap cunt or start a business
Is 86kg considered fat in Japan?
Just withdraw cash from an ATM at any konbini, n00bs
My jap drinking buddies told me to never shop at Daily Yamazaki and if you do you are a bum
Anon, early april is sakura season, meaning the busiest and most expensive time of the year.

If you're 145cm tall? Sure.
There's a rather cool bar in Tachikawa I forgot the name but it has cool neon lights
There's a discord for fags meeting soon
Oh cool, didn't know that.
Why does there need to be a discord for fucking everything
>you need a local with you
that's a must for nightlife in Japan in general
osaka is swamped by western Chad normies now
why can't it ever be me :((
how do you respond to that without sounding angry
so much for JBW huh
post it
in Japan, you are the one receiving the favour when they allow you to work for them. Know your place gaijin.
>talked for about an hour
how do you do this? talking to people is unfathomable for me.
Post the link?
no facial hair, no chest hair, no glasses, full head of hair, at least 6'0, less than 12% bodyfat. Most women aren't interested in foreigners so you're competing for the very small pool of those who do.
you ask them out straight away. There's no point talking about pointless bullshit until you get ghosted.
I found it that it works better for me asking them out after talking to maybe around 5 days to a week unless she gives strong signals she wants to meet right away. Other opinions might differ but this is what works best for me.
Yeah okay buddy
i'm bald with glasses and chest hair and i've dated 2 and fucked over 10 girls in the 3 years ive been here
But are you skinny
Thx bros. Yeah im sure the rental agency and locals can help explain parking to ease my mind, with GPS it should be ez to find i suppose

SIM card reccomdations anyone?
no, i'm 6'2" and i've been working out for over 15 years. when i wear my contacts out people say i look like statham or "ワイルドスピードのドム!"
Kind of a dumb question but... is Japanese hard to learn? Speaking is easy but reading is hard? Been going at the Renshuu app every night but only have a week left here in Japan so I'm not expecting anything. I just mean by this time next year

I learned FUKURO for bag today lol. Think it ended in ro
This but also be under 25. Tiktok prettyboy phenotype is most popular in japan, it's over or your too masc/old
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Also I'm hating Katakana but I can't let my personal feelings win. It kind if looks cooler though

Nonsense, I seen some older dudes like 50s ride young girls around on motorcycles
>Nonsense, I seen some older dudes like 50s ride young girls around on motorcycles

They are most likely in a sugar daddy/papa Katsu relationship. It can work when your older but it's cringe, similar to just paying for a whore
>This but also be under 25
that's the biggest crock of shit I've ever heard
zoomer cope
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Wandering around Osaka at night is fun
I did a Tohoku loop in summer 2018, but I was using public transit except one instance. Lake Towada was the biggest highlight of my trip, I did 2 nights at a ryokan ($100/night for half-board and room) there and took the ferry across to Oirase stream for a hike on my full day. I had to rent a car to drive to the lake from Hachinohe because I missed the bus, it was only running twice a day with the last departure being like 11 AM.

Sendai and Hirosaki were the two towns that seemed the best bases to day trip from for me, though unfortunately I wasn't actually able to stay in Hirosaki. The closest I could get was Odate, everything else was sold out from people coming up for the Nebuta festivals. From Sendai you can see Matsushima, the Nikka Miyagiko distillery, Yamadera, and maybe Mt. Zao. I also went up to Hiraizumi to see Motsu-ji, which is one of a handful of remaining major temples built by the more powerful Buddhist sects prior to the shogunate. Sendai itself also has a really big pedestrian shopping street right across from the bullet train station.

In the Aomori area, other than Lake Towada/Oirase, I also did the Anmon falls hike in the Shirakami forest, which I highly recommend. It takes you up a narrow gorge along a path carved out of the rock faces on either side, to three impressive waterfalls. The only thing I did in Aomori city other than the Nebuta festival was the Seikan Ferry museum because I love ships and trains, and then the Resort Shirakami scenic train down to Noshiro and Akita with a stop at Juuniko for the ponds. Unless you're going when its colder I don't recommend the ponds, the mosquitos were hellish except for right at the Blue pond. I also took the Akita Nairiku line from Kitaakita down to Kakunodate on my way back to Tokyo. It's around a 2.5-3 hour train ride IIRC through some still living tiny countryside towns and some nice scenery, and a bunch of the farmers make art in their fields for the people on the train.
Anywhere in Nippon is fun at night because you see drunk Japs, stressed Japs and almost no Tourists
Last night there was a heavy thunderstorm, but it seems there was a brief power outage while I slept, and when I woke up in the morning, the air conditioner was turned off.
And my body was drenched in sweat and the heat and humidity in the room made it hard to breathe. If I had stayed in bed, I might have died of heat stroke.
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Flying back home tomorrow after having been here in Japan for 15 days for the first time. What a whirlwind but I learned a lot. I'll definitely be coming back and probably sticking to only one region instead of trying to see as much as possible in 2 weeks time. I skipped Kyoto this trip but not ragrets
reading is hard because of the writing systems yes, but it's not a complicated language. it will still be hard for you because it doesn't share any roots with another language you know so it's very different and it's like starting from 0
are transaction fees going to crush me if I live for six months off of 7-11 ATM withdrawals?
and I can't pay rent like that
I don't recall the transaction fees on 7/11 ATMs being very bad. I think I had like $2-3 in fees per withdrawal. I just got back from Cancun and some of those ATMs had $20 in fees per withdrawal. You can dodge the fees completely though depending on your bank, I use a Charles Schwab checking account and they refund all ATM fees at the end of the month, and the debit card has no foreign transaction fees in case I need to use it to buy stuff.
How do I find a decent shared house?
My first week I'll be staying at a friend's place in Tokyo so I'm hoping one week is enough to look through all the shared houses in their area and pick the best free one (can't get an apartment because they seem to want 2 year minimum rentals).
How to get data on my phone in Japan?
Use a service provider that isn't shit. For Americans T-Mobile and Google offer full international capabilities
buy an esim
I'm very happy that Japan fully embraces the Tokyo Drift theme (don't know the actual name of it) probably heard it 5 times in my travels here
You're in a new country with someone who has lived a completely different life to you. Surely you're interested in learning more about them, seeing what recommendations they have, and maybe teaching each other your languages. She's almost certainly interested in the same - that right there is a few hours of convo. Just branch off naturally as the conversation flows

Sounds like meme advice but you honestly just need to go and practice this stuff. I'm a massive introvert but I can trick most people into thinking I'm extroverted if I hang out with them for only a couple days. Most conversations are very formulaic
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Damn anons, I've spent the entire month solely in these threads and nowhere else in the Chins.
Kind of regret not meeting up with some of you faggots while in Japan. But really enjoyed my time here with the advice and recommendations.
Would appreciate some image dumps on your travels JP
She's going for white dude n°2? Don't fool yourself, baby boi.
Thank the gods you weren't born Japanese.
this retard has never even been to japan
yes. I feel like I’m brute forcing Hiragana into my head and it might be my lack of vocab to associate the letters with but it feels random as fuck. elementary school kids are expected to learn 1,000 kanji before middle school. And then it triples for high school level. But don’t let it deter you. Its fun and interesting and its not suppose to be easy. Its like exercising.
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Kobe back in July I took. Cant wait to upgrade my phone and take real photos
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This is my favorite picture I took on my trip a year ago
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Osaka from the skybuilding
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Osaka is just kewl
Weebs, what website streams anime with Japanese subs? I couldn't find anything on 9anime.
>I couldn't find anything on 9anime.
Probably because the site got nuked to oblivion by Crunchy a week or so ago
I watched Lucky Star with subs there today wdym
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Japanese subs? How?
nevermind it was Japanese audio with English subs
Do pocket wifis need to be booked in far advance or can i get that anytime?
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kyoto from the silver pavilion
Some dude is looking for rare pokemon cards are willing to cough up some dough
only one I got is that 15k yen Snorlax
you'd probably have to dig around the cat site for that. If you have a vpn or are already in Japan you could do amazon prime video or whatever streaming sites nips use.
Must've been a mirror
Is this in kawaguchiko? Looks nice
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It's definitely like starting from 0. Feel like a baby as I try and read things

Surprisingly I'm finding the Hiragana not too hard. I can recognise a fair amount of them. The ones that fuck me look like an I with a sort of N going through them. There's three or so im aware that look similar

RE and WA, I can think of top of my head that look bit confusing. Also TSU in Katakana looks like some other Kata

I usually try and find words on products or billboards and try and read it. Found KOKORAMI means: from here
STOP Posting images until you fix this shit
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It seems random as to whether it rotates it or not. I've tried portrait and landscape photos and it's not consistent
Will I be okay without knowing a lick of Japanese?
yes, just speak english. all you need to know is excuse me, and thank you
Stop posting retard
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Not on my phone bucko
Yes but you should at least take the time to learn how to check into a hotel, buy something from a store, order from a restaurant and have a basic conversation. Will make your trip 10x better.
Someone needs to tell the Japanese that a Salisbury steak does not = a hamburger patty.
>t. ameriburger
hamburg steak > normal steak
Take full advantage of translation apps.
These impoverished but ambitious young men who once came to Osaka from the countryside dreamed of owning their own business in Shinsaibashi.
I haven't seen a single Westerner with any of the kawaii or hot jap girls. I think they're totally off limits to us gaijin, we have to settle for the plain jane's and ugoos
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If I had the time I'd go for it on Tinder
I’m going to tell you a secret: kawaii/hot Japanese girls are pretty rare, Japanese girls are not as pretty as Korean or Chinese girls on average and the ones that do manage to make it to adulthood with straight teeth and no moonface basically have a buffet of options to choose from in terms of men and careers.
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Is Harajuku still full of interestingly-dressed people on Sundays or can I skip it?

truly hot japanese girls I saw primarily walking by themselves when I was there. most natives are getting the plain janes and uggos too.
The difference between a hot Japanese girl and a normal Japanese girl are that the hot ones put on a lot of makeup and dress up. Without all that they're just ordinary looking Jap girls. You see one and you think "I wish I was walking with her," but she's just an ordinary girl with no substance other than her hobby in playing dress up.
The real head turners though are the ones who wear dresses and platform heels. They're a rare sight and everyone stops to look at them when they walk by.
>us gaijin, we have to settle for the plain jane's and ugoos
my favorite kind desu
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Been sitting at this small train station for like an hour just watching the trains go by. The locals probably think I'm lost but it's comfy. Nice breeze, cute chicks getting off every train
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That's not even getting into what a hot japanese chick is. Like I think pic related is smoking but I suspect many would consider her an uggo/plain jane.
Some of these Japanese girls walk around thinking they're way hotter than they actually are. I feel sorry for the Jap men that have to deal with their bullshit.
that sucks man
any interesting observations from people watching?
Every single photo of Japan just looks so nice and peaceful
this looks perfectly fine, a more expensive phone would just add more aggressive post-processing (which tbf would be handy when taking pics in low light)
Yeah I've noticed they all tend to have bad teeth. Asians in general do, the non westernised ones
It's a tourist shithole, hasn't been a hub for fashion for years.

Skip it unless your heading down further.
Could just try at the airport, with Esim now most people are using that instead.
I think they must be booked in advance.
animelon is made for learning japanese and you got many sub options
>Approach random Japanese girls in HUB
>Say hello how are you in Japanese then swap back to English cause I can't into complex Jap
>They giggle and walk off awkwardly
It's over being 5ft6 is a curse.
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>こにちわ、お元気ですか? hey, wanna see my dick?
Out of the two Osaka Castle or Kyoto which is better?
You can enter Osaka castle, although it's been rebuilt as a museum.
What's price the last ticket you bought for was?
>walking through shibuya
>from meters ahead some balding white guy in a sleeveless tee
>walks up to a pretty girl in a mini, opens his wallet and gestures it to her
>she shakes her head and walks away
Which one of you is soliciting random women
Osaka. The Kyoto one isn't typical of a Japanese castle to be honest. Himeji is very close to Osaka though and it's regarded as the best in Japan.
Rookie error
was just walking by a park on my way back from the convenience store to my hotel and passed by two white guys that were sitting on some benches. i could see one of them had a can of some kind in his hand. i tried not to make eye contact with them but 2 seconds after i passed by i heard someone laugh behind me and could distinctly make out the words "fat ass." i just pretended not to hear anything and sped up back to my hotel. fuck english teachers, fucking scum. if i wasn't afraid of getting in trouble with the cops i would've beat their asses
The ん fucked off to another place, like the girls did with this anon.
Are you a fatass though?
just lose weight?
Found the 30+yo boomers that still think they "have it" because they paypig for some 5/10 zoomer whore
>ーJR Passー
Wow, they practically doubled the prices.
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Found the incel

Also, found a Cherry Blossom tree
>come back to Japan after 5 years
>tattoos everywhere
It's over isn't it? I'll come back in another 5 years and every store will have"LGBTQI+" friendly stickers on the doors and every ad on the train will feature a black man with a Japanese woman, won't it?
lmfao I'm 31, broke af and still have no problem meeting women in Japan. you're just a whole new level of deluded, zoom zoom
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They already have faggot friendly living advertising

I see tatooed and wrinkled western whores wearing kamino clothing with their smug fucking faces. Jesus fucking christ I hate these bitches and their fucking faces.

Pisses me off because they will just spread their shit and just act whorish. No I don't want their affection or attention, I want to see them beaten and left in the streets

They're becoming Jew S A slowly but the reality is Jap women are hard to impress and not having kids, their population is shrinking so they have had to open up

Saddens me that I'm sure this place will be a humid jungle shithole in the future with niggers and pajeets everywhere
What do you mean "heading down further"?
Please respond.
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Leaving today, waiting for the airplane. It was great 2 weeks, I'm gonna miss it. The peacefulness of this country combined with youthfulness of bigger cities was something outstanding, coming from Central Europe.
I know that feeling. It's sad when you land back in your home country. Although I like to remember that being on vacation is a bit different from working fulltime in that country. You're basically free to go wherever you want. If you were doing the 9am-6pm daily in Japan you'd probably not feel the same.
Let's do a /jpg/ sento or onsen meetup, or are you all cowards?
I am going to Japan in November for my third time :) Sadly my work only allows 2 weeks off at a time. So I will have two full weeks of CoCo Ichibanya and ramen
You're making me miss the anon who non-stop talk about whores. At least when he posts he doesn't got on an incel rant and his photos are rotated. And he can be filtered.
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Alright bros give it to me straight

How fucked is it to go watch a bunkasai and taiikusai while I'm in Japan this fall?


^ Those are for high schools but I'm curious about college ones too

I just want to see if it's really like my animes and mangas
You'll be the creepy foreigner in the high school ones, if you can enter them.
But how else am I going to get a JK girlfriend if I don't shoot my shot? I'm only 23, it's not creepy yet. Worst case I'll try for a JD girlfriend at a college bunkasai.
You're a foreigner, probably ugly as sin and who can't speak japanese, going to an event solely made for the families of the high schoolers only to prey on underage girls. You're a creep and a retard on top of that.
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No, I'm the retard photo tilt anon. When I say whore I just mean low dog piece of shit. I personally love whores and think they're great women (usually). I just hate the sea ones.

I'm now drinking at 711 Umeda but I will wonder on soon.

I'm not depressed, just enjoying late night Japan and dreading going back

Love this humidity and buzz
What are the best spots in Boso Peninsula (Chiba Prefecture)?
>this nigga drinking Asahi in Osaka instead of Sapporo Classic in Sapporo
I guess beggars can't be choosers
Kirin > Sapporo > Asahi
Yebisufags btfod
Asahi > Kirin > Sapporo
Just learning about japanese culture why you have to be mad
Actually I'm basically a native Japanese who's sexy as virtue who speaks fluent Japanese going to an event solely made for me to nanpa underage girls. And I'm a genius.
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I got drunk and some Japanese teenagers offered to pay me for a taxi home lol. Based nips. I forgot his name already

Even the late night Korean helped me.stumble outside the restaurant
I have a downjacket fetish
Do I spend my schizo welfare money on a flight to Sapporo? Even though I've booked the hotels in Osaka/Tokyo already?
>go to Shibuya 6:30am on a Saturday after waking up 1am cos of jetlag
>see Hachiko
>walk about, litter everywhere
>kinpatsu faggot spits walking past me cos i'm his height, jacked and have a Mike Tyson sweatshirt on
>Starbucks doesn't open till 7 and this place is a maze
>go to Ikebukuro
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kirin > asahi > sapporo

you should go to pic related, cape inamuragasaki, beautiful view and nice quiet park
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emergency meeting lads
i have 5 days left in tokyo
what do fellas
That's a nice view, I missed it when I was there. I took the Enoden over to the first stop on the beach, and walked from there to Enoshima.
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>in the span of 5 years, jap (and korea for that matter) women completely lost their interest in white men
>there was a point in time not long ago where Charisma Man was a thing. Now gaijin in japan are miserable

what the fuck happened?
Insufferable faggots ran a train on the gaijin-hunter demographic? I remember this being a meme when I was in high school. By the time I graduated in 2014 the JBW craze went global and you had shitholes like Medellin getting the SEA sexpat rejects. Not surprised people got tired real quick. It isn't hopeless either, I'm sure a relatively well-adjusted dude can date normally in Asia, but the days of cycling through women are probably over for our lifetime. Couldn't care less, Japan always fascinated me for the feudal history and their unique futurist society (that has since stagnated heavily, I'm aware). All the sexpat shit is just.....sad.
No. You're lying to me! I have yet to visit!!!
>in the span of 5 years, jap (and korea for that matter) women completely lost their interest in white men
I wouldn't say they lost their interest, it's more like they don't really care about race anymore. they just wanna find someone compatible and gaijin are often seen as "won't be staying here for long" kind of people which is not really suitable for a long term partner
In Osaka, every single girl unmatched me when I said I was only travelling here. In Tokyo, only about 50% did, kek.
Always makes me kek when white incel chuds go on rants thinking they are any different to Japs than the niggers and pajeets they hate
You guys have to actually be attractive now. Hit the gym, lose weight, dress better, don't be a weirdo, learn a bit of Japanese you know put in some effort.
If I have to do that all that I might as well stay in US!
If you couldn't pull a decent girl in your home country, you weren't going to pull a decent girl in Japan. This has been true for a long time.

>verification not required
Covid lockdowns, blame the gaijin-satan for all evil in the economy and health, that somali streamer, that white streamer, the other white stremer (though they were a few years ago)
That's right white boy, it's all about that Brahmin C now
Im going clothes shopping today at those trendy vintage stores so I have something nice to wear when I go to Kobe later this month.
It's all the same to me.
try not being a fat embarrassing weeb.

t. White guy living in Japan that gets plenty of attention
Forgot to close the curtains when the delivery health girl came over and I'm pretty sure the office workers in the next building over got a good view. Hope they enjoyed, god she was cute.
I'm getting worried about how I'm going to find short-term housing (a few months) when I get to Japan next week.
Which websites should I use to search?
Probably just airbnb. It will probably be expensive for just 1 person. I saw a video of some chick get 1 months living arrangement at one in Korea so don’t see why it’d be any different in Japan.
I'm looking for a sharehouse or furnished apartment (although I know apartments almost all have two year minimum contracts, so those won't do).
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I just want to get drunk and wonder around with having to be robbed. We're only here because our faggot nations aren't ethically homogeneous and this is as close as you can get I suppose
hep5 is unironically one of my meet up spots with friends of the bratty nature
this guy thinks white trash doesn't exist
No, you are doing this in Japan because the only places you can do it in the US without needing a car to drive you to and from the urban area are prohibitively expensive to live in, and NYC especially has gotten prohibitively expensive to even visit. I've never felt unsafe walking around NYC, Chicago, Philly, or even my own city (Atlanta) at night. Statistically, they're all safe and crime rates are trending even lower. Leave your fucking basement and touch grass.
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I've literally left the basement and flown to a different country. Jew S A is trash.

Compare crime rates of a rich black neighbourhood to a poor White one

Sounds like an STD keke
Have any of you done a connecting flight from Haneda to Chitose? Was it difficult to get to the next flight?
bumping because I don't know much on that if you can't find anything on airbnb. do japanese people still use craigslist?
>Dislikes his own country because it's not homogenous
>Goes to Japan, making it less homogeneous
Gonna go look for pokemon potholes at the park. Thinking about going to shinjuku but I gotta do some work shit in the morning.
Brown hands typed this
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Yes unironically. We don't have cool shit like this anymore. This much detail and effort. Service is beautiful, food is awesome. It's everything 2020 should have been by now
please for the love of all fuck stop posting your sideways photos
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I miss Tobita so much

I've been googling and skimming through photos of menus. Where is horse sushi in Shinjuku/Asakusa/Akihabara/anywhere around that area?
which stores?
What to do on this rainy day on Tokyo?
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Gonna be in Osaka between 04th of October and 13th anyone want to meet up and get blitzed or something, leave your contact, I'm Australian and male. Feel free to also offer any ideas on what to do in osaka
i'm 90% sure i've had it at sushiro before.

anyway it's a kumamoto specialty so go to kumamoto
Best okonomiyaki in hiroshima city? Hiroshima style ofc
I was gonna hit up shimokitazawa but I’m all shopped out after going to the dickies store in Machida. The mall here is really cool, I’m glad I stepped out and looked further than the stuff in Yokosuka or even Yokohama.
the american bbc propaganda has reached the land of the rising sun.
>I'm only 23, it's not creepy yet
it's way too creepy already. The youngest you should go is 22
you've only fucked 35 plus single moms, not young uni students
Cope. Im in my 40s and strictly fuck 18-19yos. They are even more into me now then when I was in my 20s
That's a sex room?
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Japan is very photogenic but so is my home city so it felt nice like a home away from home.
Today I saw a Jeet taxi driver in the night district. How long before we start hearing news of jeets raping drunk women in their taxis?
I went to a club in Osaka and there was a group of cringey jeets. They dress nice and do their hair well but for whatever reason their energy is very rapey and cringe
Jeets have permanent resting rape face. It's very creepy

away from Takashita street towards Meiji Jingu or the opposite way towards Zenko-Ji temple the side streets are nicer.

less niggers trying to sell you fake over priced shit.
Join the discord anon, they usually have a gathering every month.

Also don't admit your Australian until its to late and they can't leave.
Are the sunsets in japan different?
I was driving home at 5pm today in NZ, it was overcast and stormy, and the sun was just sorta... grey? Nothing was golden, everything was just bleh.
Meanwhile in japan, the sunsets were always amazing when i was over there.
Yes, this could be a case of
>Place :|
>Place, japan :O
Or maybe its some geography science or something with difference of hemispheres, idk.
sunsets you gotta get lucky, plenty of good sunsets here in NZ. I certainly had shit suntimes in japan
It's to do with the angle of sunlight being distorted as it enters the earth's atmosphere. I'm in Auckland and the sunset here would look different than in Christchurch on the same day, for example.
What's the discord link?
Must be why summer sunsets in Finland are beautiful purplish orange, but in the winter the bastard just barely peeks above the treeline and dips immediately in reddish orange
One of their spare rooms downstairs.
>Girls in Japan keep staring at me
In this country, I. AM. HANDSOME.
Girls don't stare if they think your handsome, they quickly glance and look away
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But why don't they fucking try talking to me!!!!

Anyway, which of you niggers are penmaXXing in Japan? I'm disgusted that no one has mentioned the pens
Oh fuck really? So every Japanese girl thought i was hot?
Chinese air lines are so much cheaper but I've heard horrible shit about the switch airport ...
tell me about the pens, are they good for drawing or something?
Everyone ready? We are getting off at the next station.
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I honestly haven't even used on yet. I dont have pen autism but I'm pretty sure 0.5mm is hard to get but you see then here.

The other ones are like felt tips or fountain pens for drawing all the moon runes. They're about 220 to 400 yen each and stores don't seem to have many. I'd get them most of all

Here's a helpful picture of more common things for other anons
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Better one for 711
>0.5mm is hard to get
not in Bic territory
Can anyone recommend me some unexpectedly cool/high quality stuff I should buy before leaving japan?

For example I bought the comfiest walking sneakers I've ever had in a mall in shibuya. I'm wondering if there are other stuff that people don't know about.
Might buy some Beyblades while I'm in Japan
FUCK YES! I'm gonna go to the same and go play Beyblade with local autists in public venues
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Which city is better for nightlife, Nagasaki or Hiroshima? Just try to sort my itinerary for November and I want to go out, get drunk and meet people on Friday/Saturday evening.
fountain pens
Are there any problems doing night walks in Japan or is it fine if you don’t act like a negroid? What’s the best time to do them?
The best time for a night walk is around noon.
My local bookstore chain sells 0,5mm and other Japanese pens and I get all the free pens from work I could ever need
So I'm covered unless I want a special one
Seeing as the cops will stop you either way if they feel like it I dunno, maybe? You may run into more odd locals though
I always walk drunk back to my hotel because no trains
Has never been a problem also bless Japan for clean PUBLIC toilets
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Fellow anons I spent the entire week of my honeymoon in Tokyo, we were supposed to go to Osaka and Kyoto on the fourth day but I convinced my wife to stay in Tokyo and we caught some of the autumn festivals which were amazing. Gotta say as someone who always wanted to go to great nippon and just went for the first time, my god the jap women are jaw dropping, I’m not the type to ogle but has to look aways sometimes. I really felt like I made a mistake sometimes seeing how fucking incredible they were and how beautiful and clean Japan is, like another anon said earlier in this thread I couldn’t stop getting drunk everyday. how do I cope knowing what’s out there after just marrying someone that will never be as good looking as a rando kawaii subway girl I saw hundreds of everyday hour.
Trade her in at best buy
I went to a curry 'resturant' that opened at midnight and closes at 2pm shortly after opening and walked back to my hotel which took about 45 minutes. No issues, and I saw a couple playing with their dog in a park.
It’s okay, after your second child you will divorce and then when your kids are adults going to college and bums and asking you for money you’ll have a brand new filipino wife
>he thinks these women use their real ages
>stay in most expensive hotel in city (probably not, close I bet though)
>Still Chinese everywhere
I thought I could escape them...
I woke up this morning to a Chinese man and his kid shouting in the hallway (6am).
chinks are rich now, did you miss the memo
Probably Hiroshima, Nagasaki is tiny.
when you spend more on a hotel, what are you paying for, really? a nicer looking interior?
>a nicer looking interior?
Not necessarily even that, the layout is usually the same, but there is a weird window on the bathroom wall that lets you see in there from teh bed.
If you REALLY splurge huge fucking money, you might get a nice room with sofas and shit, but they cost a lot. Besides, do you really need more than a door that locks and a bed?
Should I delete my torrent software or something before going to Japan?
Seriously worried about torrenting anything there.
Is it even legal to watch pirate streams of copyrighted material?
>Should I delete my torrent software or something before going to Japan?
I don't see why it would come up but maybe
>Seriously worried about torrenting anything there.
So don't?
>Is it even legal to watch pirate streams of copyrighted material?
It's probably illegal but virtually non enforceable in a whole load of countries. Authorities usually concern themselves with hosts and torrent sharers, not people who download or stream a single copy to enjoy by themselves
do they check your computer at airports?
t. never flown overseas
>purchase world heritage pass for koyasan which covers return trip train travel etc
>get to station, go to board limited express
>conductor tells me I need a separate ticket in addition to the pass
Fuck this autistic country, there is no guidance anywhere on the pass or in the station about this and when I found out the train was leaving. Imbeciles.
not usually, but many countries now have laws that if they request it you have to tell them your passwords etc or they'll get you for not complying
>limited express
It's in the name, anon
Pretty sure the pass says it covers local trains, buses and the cable lift
How is it in the name? I'm not Japanese, we don't use terms like this in my country, it means nothing to me other than "doesn't stop at all stations".
Anyone have the address to the old guy with glasses with the vintage game store from a few threads ago? I can't seem to find it.
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I posted this above no?
Lucky nigger
I've never been harassed by the cops here and I was drunk and pilled in Shibuya. Then I harassed them for a selfie in which they politely and repeatedly declined.

Then they stopped some teenagers for not wearing hi-vis as and I watched as I finished my beer in front of the police post
Is it worth going to Universal Studios? I know there's a chainsawman thing going on, but its just a 3D movie and then a zombie parade after. Anything there that isnt in the US version of Universal Studios?
Not sure. Just go around saying Hiroshima-Nagasaki really loud, especially on the trains and the friendly locals will point you to the right one
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I had fun there last night
I've torrented for years here and never had a problem
from the train window last night I saw a scene of some teenagers hanging out in front of a family mart in one of those semi rural towns that only the local train stops at and it was one of the most soulful tableaus I had ever seen. some shit taken straight out of a Hirokazu Koreeda film.
don't be a fat fuck
I'm a /p/hag and one of my biggest regrets in my time traveling there is not having a camera out when I saw an edgelord teenage girl with piercings, metal themed clothing and heavy makeup talking happily with a kindly obachan on a train, after the former boarded and the latter commented on some of her jewellery. Always need to have a camera on hand, even doing something as mundane as taking public transport.
why didnt you just use your phone?
no, that wasnt me
im talking about going into itoya store in ginza and buying those $200+ fountain pens
$200 fountain pen? That's crazy nigga

I'd rather a delivery health girl kek
I heard a lot of people say Osaka people are the kindest in Japan while Tokyo people are kind indifferent but so far Tokyo people have been much warmer towards me. Saitama and Chiba counts as Tokyo
it'd be good if people mentioned the context of the encounters they had in which people were friendly. for example, when you say people were friendly, do you mean people you met at bars or other social places, or do you mean theyre just polite and friendly in general?
osaka was the only place I've had salarymen go "why are there so many fucking foreigners out here" I had a chuckle.
usually a big difference is in the services, I know a guy that worked in a luxury hotel and he sometimes had to do shit like drive to a place two hours away to get this specific brand of bottled water that a client asked for
>You have to see Osaka!
>Why? What's there?
well /jpg/? how do you answer?
>40 pins on my to do map for Kyoto
How will I ever be able to do this peacefully unless I get stuck in Japan during another pandemic?
the walking gets brutal so you'll probably physically not be able to
Thanks for nothing, I guess only trillionaires are allowed in here. Should I take a 3 grand bank loan to survive for the next 28 days? I basically have 1200 yens per days to survive here until I go back in the plane (if I don't take any loans ofc)
if you already have the accomodations and commutes paid for just eat stuff from konbinis and you'll be fine, look for what has the highest calories/price ratio
would you mind sharing? or just giving an idea of the distribution, e.g. 30% restaurants 20% shrines etc etc
Why would you go to Japan for one month if you don't have any money you stupid fuck.
I would do it Bald and Bankrupt style, by being likeable and charming and charismatic and just try to meet locals and see what interesting situations I can get myself into. I would talk to people I wouldn't normally want to talk to, such as old people, homeless people, and so on. If you don't speak any Japanese (which I assume you don't), learn enough to have a basic conversation.
If you are already paying for your commute, does that mean you have a commuter pass?
If so, you are free to get on and off the train as long as it is within the ticketed section.
Get off at each station within the section and make full use of your commuter pass, such as looking for inexpensive supermarkets or taking a mini sightseeing tour.
tokyo is also the youngest and most welcoming of foreigners
I'm curious about the social dynamic in Japan. Let's say you walk into a restaurant in a Tokyo neighborhood, and there are a bunch of locals inside eating. Do they all know each other or are they strangers? Do they all know the cooks? I'm just wondering what it would be like as a foreigner, if everyone knows each other and you are the stranger to everyone, or if everyone is a stranger to each other (except for those in groups). Just a thought I had while showering.
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The really small old locals bar won't let you in or say reservation only. I know because I've tried. It's not often though.

I guess they would have regulars but I've walked into places with only Japs and no tourists and they were fine with it. There's a photo of it in this thread or the last one

That fat gook wasn't happy I snapped him lol. Was one of the dodgier places
there isn't that much to "see" in Osaka, it's an amazing place to hang out in
it might be a mix of new people or regulars, if it's some random weekday it will be a few regulars lost likely. i ways felt welcomed and had a good tire with them
Only if it's a very small restaurant not in the busy central parts of Tokyo. If not then chances are everyone there is a complete stranger and has probably only been there a handful of times at most. I never saw people chat to restaurant staff or talk to people they weren't sat in a group with when I was in Tokyo.
>arrive in Fukuoka
>More jeets walking around than Ontario Canada
Is it over? Why does Fukuoka have more jeets than the rest of japan combined
I just got back home from 2 weeks in Japan. I want to go back. Does Japanese immigration/customs find it weird if travelers leave and revisit within a close time period?
>Its close to a lot of cooler cities
No, just don't overstay.
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Now it's high season of Cluster amaryllis (Japanese name: "Higanbana=彼岸花, " meaning "flower ofanother world.")
This photo was taken in some station on Nagano in a couple of days ago. Don't you think it's too beautiful to be of this world?
I seriously doubt if I had got lost in another one by accident.
You'll see tourists at least I tend to on my trips and of course locals. I've seen a non-employee woman like once
I mean being honest it's not like Japan couldn't just build its own Nukes fairly quickly. Their plants already provide all the raw materials for the actual bomb it's just the missile systems they'd have to build.

Assuming China did genuinely seem to prone to attack you know the US would never back any sanctions towards Japan.

To be fair data does show there's a high chance of large oil reserves in the contested waters
The Halloween stuff is nice, and there is a bit of novelty in watching the Harry Potter actors randomly switch from EN to JP
There's rarely an issue. Like maybe if you're renting an AirBnb there's a small chance your host gets a letter and you get reported on the app if they have a shitty ISP but otherwise nah you'll never get caught
Anyone there right now? What's the temperature like? Is it true Fall/Autumn is gonna start late?
>Doesn't recognize "de"

Bro it's a basic particle as well you gotta at least memorize what they look like
It's in the 30s right now
hot damn, do temperatures shift fairly quickly over there or will there still be 25+ days a month from now?
I wouldn't eat the money
I want to quit my job and go back.
>that said i still it here and it's a better place to live than am*rica that's for sure
that's all i want
few times I've been it's generally been a better experience then living in the US, but I've also lived in some of the shittiest parts of the country so japan feels like a significant upgrade to me
but my limited exposure to japans bureaucracy has actually been kind of annoying how slow it works
anytime I'm sending out emails I always get responses back quick but anytime I need to fill out paperwork or documents that shit takes ages to get submitted or responded to
months long wait times for the most basic shit is incredible
I'm back in Osaka for the first time since 2018. I remember it being gritty compared to Tokyo, but jesus, is it just me or has it gotten really rough since? I see far more homessless, deranged old men on bikes spitting everywhere, and street prostitutes than I remember back then. A lot of places look quite run down too, and I'm not just talking about around Shinsekai. What the he happened to this city? I feel like I'm in one of the shittier neighbourhoods in Seoul.
Really? Didn't go there since 2017, but will do several days in november. I quite liked the city back then. Oh well, I'll be mostly doing day trips anyway.
It's not Detroit levels or anything, it's just a startling contrast after making my way down from Tokyo and Kyoto. Maybe Umeda is nicer, but Namba, Nipponbashi and Shinsekai are raw as fuck.
Certainly an interesting side of Japan.
topkek did he say this in Japanese?

sure. I mean like people at bars and making new friends. approaching people overall seemed harder. Tokyo people are easier to strike a conversation with. and it's not just the language barrier, I can speak passable Japanese.
They're still really kind and helpful though. Like, I remember asking a random woman where I could find an ATM and she actually walked along with me for 10 minutes to show me the way. They're just not necessarily interested in striking a conversation.
>deranged old men on bikes spitting everywhere
I was surprised about this too. in the area around Shin-sekai and Nishinari there were always drunk old dudes talking loudly and spitting on the floor. it's not a bad place though, it feels more genuine in a way
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I love Osaka.
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Definitely grittier but I didn't see any prostitution. Not saying it's not there but I really expected it to be blatant. Found it in Kyoto.

Kyoto is far shadier and overpriced shit IMO. Anons here will rip on Shinjuku but I honestly never got scammed with those African bar things and it was always clear about the prices.

There probably are shit ones or outright scam ones but the few I went to were fine. Never felt funny after a drink.

They're good though. You come out, they line you up for the next one or just a straight brothel. Too scared of catching shit here though. Taiwanese girl in the bar though was fire. Well worth the 1000 yen beer, sitting with her for like 20ish min, touching her etc. Had to leave though or I find myself spending too much

Thanks for reading my blog

Drunk Asian tourist. Don't say us Aussies are the worst
Are slavs considered white in japan?
speaking of expo, is the commemorative park in Osaka worth visiting?
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The Japanese prostitutes are next to the Hotel American in Umeda and Kintetsu building in Nanba. Papakatsu girls tend to meet in Umeda or Nanba. The foreign prostitutes are in the Dotonburi area. There are also hags around Tennoji. Aside from those places the main Shinchi are Tobita (Nishinari), Matsushima (Kujo), Shinodayama (Izumi), and Imazato (Higashinari).
Wait really?
Shit, I was thinking of staying there for 3-4 days
Luckily I haven't booked anything there yet
Any other recommendations in Kyushu besides Kagoshima, Kumamoto and Nagasaki?
I just meant in getting-all-respect-and-all-the-women way
I know slavs are white, i guess i got brain rot from all the chan users claiming only anglos and jews are white
I saw some nip in a suit walking around dottonbori with two young black women in matching dresses kek
>reading reviews of a popular onsen
>legions of dipshits (mostly with Hispanic names, oddly enough) complaining about their no tattoos policy
I want these people to go somewhere like North Korea or Iran and complain about local customs.
We must ensure Japan maintains its anti-degenerate policies at all costs.
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She's not wrong you know...
Holy shit bros stay posted for a kinda crazy, not too crazy but crazy enough to be the highlight of my typical nothing special trip. converting vid to webm now
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Ah, I snapped the Hotel American the other night but I wanted to just find a seeds ally to go down for lulz. Then I went to 711 and bought a shoju and that
-97 suntory thing and went back to the ally to have the drinks. Looked up and noticed it and seen some Jap go in there with a girl.

Then I had the same two drinks closer to another 711 and didn't realise how strong that shit was and I was saying Kanbanwa to the locals at night.

Some Jap teenagers walked me to near my place lol and even offered to pay me a taxi if it was far
People who have lived through the disaster of social media slacktivism are entitled to protect other countries from its consequences. I don't take orders from some child who has no idea what they're talking about.
Nips just don't know how good they have it
they don't give a fuck if you're slav or other miscellaneous white.
t. Romanian
This is a white leftist larping as Japanese
It wouldn't even matter if not. Time and time again Japan and its youth ignore western political trends. All kinds of movements get momentum in Korea, gay, feminist, animal rights, etc. Those fuckers love to jump on a band wagon and love to get mad at politicians.
Here they just start awkwardly look at their feet and change the subject.
So a tiny number of smooth brained kids who studied abroad aren't going to have an impact.
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Okay I'm ready to spill the beans.

So I was walking in this abandoned park, it was totally dark by 10 PM, I smelled some weed at this skater shop earlier and didn't think anything of it, anyway I got to the waterfront, took some pics, and behind me was this parking lot, and I heard some voices.

> Oh cool, I should go say hi or someth-

I notice there's 10 bikes (motorbikes? scooters? idk) parked there.

No one at all in this park, for an hour, and suddenly a decent-sized group (a few cooing girls too) and baiku.


So I could have walked back along the waterfront but I got curious and wanted to get closer so I walked through the middle of the parking lot.

The bikers (I didn't dare look in their direction lol, they're probably just punk kids but they outnumbered me) started saying shit like "get the fuck outta here!" "we'll fuck you up!" "someone flip him upside down!" (my japanese listening skills weren't super good due to the fight or flight response)

I managed to leave without a problem. Every time I heard a motor behind me I'd look back scared but it would just be a truck or something.

BUT then then came up from behind roaring their engines and I thought I was fucked. But they just drove by...

Later I asked a salaryman going home late after overtime, and he said yeah those guys show up from time to time, he didn't seem to think it was a big deal lol.
This is sad.
sounds like just some punk kids acting their part, I doubt that those threats were serious, don't worry about it
I'm sure you're right. Thank you anon.
I was pretty surprised though since this was just a 30 min walk away from a pretty big station. I didn't realize Japan even had punks that rode bikes anymore.
Honestly this made my trip.
ngl if I stumbled upon a weird gang while alone at night in a foreign country I'd shit my pants too, but yeah it's a pretty curious encounter so you could call this type 2 fun
Thanks haha, I feel better now.
What's type 1 fun? Visiting my 50th temple?
Do you guys recommend going to a high end sushi place o-makase style, like those on the Tabelog Awards? Most are over 30k yen per meal so I'm wondering if a one time expirecice is worth ir or if they are mostly traps for rich people
I only recommend it if you actually like nigiri sushi and real wasabi. I went to one in Kanazawa in 2023 that was 20k/person. The chef was cool to chat with, the fish and rice were the best I've ever had, and the wasabi was freshly grated off the root right in front of you. If you want to save a bit, there are places in Tokyo where it's closer to 5-8k for a lunch omakase course, and it's been 6 years since I did that but I'm 90% sure they used real wasabi as well.
I had Kobe beef in a fancy restaurant owned by a relative of one of my salarymen drinking buddied. It was a pretty good experience. Can't say it was the best I've ever had, but I don't regret it.
So yes, go try your fancy sushi, god knows you'll regret it if you don't
Monjayaki really looks like vomit
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I'm going to arrive at fuckin 5am and super jet lagged and I'm not expecting to get any sleep during the flight either and the check-in for my accommodation only opens at 4pm. Is there a place where a guy can just crash and get some sleep?
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Wow that's incredible, did your camera also take this picture of some station near tokyo? Dont you think its too ai to be a picture of this world?
Find a coin locker and then ride the train
You will sleep in no time
I want a bed, bros. Should I just book a love hotel? Lmfao
Yes, people do that all the time
Oh god my life is a comedy movie
But how's the taste?
Find a coin locker, store your stuff in there and go to the nearest net cafe. They have cubicles you can sleep in (in exchange of money), showers (in exchange of money), and food and drinks (free if I recall correctly)
Sounds like that's what I'm gonna do. Hope they have one around Asakusa
I'm going to Kanazawa, could you give me the name of the restaurant?

Yeah I guess knowing the owner is a big plus in these places
Sushi Haru, it's right off Ohori Dori, between the castle park and Omicho market.

Also since you're going to Kanazawa, you're ever craving a burger there's a burger restaurant called The Godburger that's pretty good and has a cool owner. It's on the east side canal bordering the Nagamachi District. We chatted with him a bunch about some of the different burger styles and flavors we've seen in the US. It'd be awesome if he got some successful new menu items out of it.
It's an outdoorsman thing
> type 1 fun - regular, normal fun
> type 2 fun - shit that feels scary and/or stupid while it's happening but sounds liek fun in retrospect
> type 3 fun - the totally not fun kind of shit where you usually hit SOS on your phone or GPS, like crashing a plane in the middle of bumfuck nowhere
What's up with soap lands?
Is Mt Aso worth the long ass bus ride to get up there?
100%, seeing the tower of the sun up close is pretty awesome. Loved the "Japanese Garden" too, lots of koi and turtles
Like actual kids from high school?
My brother says yes, that was one of his favorite places he went while he was in Kyushu.
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I went last year. I don't personally think it's worth it. It takes a while to get there if you're in Fukuoka/kumamoto or beppu/oita if you're in the east. There's not much to see up there. If you do go once you get to the summit thing where all the regional buses stop. Don't pay for the bus up to the volcano it's like a 2 minute ride and it's like 600 yen or something dumb for one way.
Anyways Kyushu is the shit otherwise love that place.
Lots of cute chinese girls in dotonbori.
I'm thinking of squeezing in a day trip to Kagoshima, any thoughts on that?
Probably about 19 or early 20s
He said it in Japanese, and right when I passed by too. Like I was the final straw.
I only understood gaijin but I knew what he said. My alt friend then translated
I’d eat any ramen
>anon, why are you putting on a condom? I thought I was your girlfriend
>Strong Zero is now 6% alcohol instead of 9% because too many assholes were drinking them
this is worse than the holocaust
What japanese alcohol beverage should I try for a beginner like me?
thank you, I'll soon have half a free day in the city that I still didn't what to allot to, so I think I'll go there to chill a bit
shochu mixed drinks
ah yes, the famous five-eyed acid demon of Osaka, the most famous mascot of the Kansai region!
Capsule hotels, there's even one inside Narita airport.
Can't go wrong with a yuzu sour.
Either that or a hapa, which is worse.
yeah the most bang for your buck in terms of food is 10k per person. once you go higher than that it's just the service that improves.
get the grape flavored and yogurt flavored 3% alcohol drinks at 7 or fami. they are designed for girls that don't like the taste of alcohol so they'll be perfect for you.
>The Godburger
I've seen that while walking around Kanazawa but I'm only ever in that part of town long after it's closed for the night. Guess I should make an effort to show up when it's actually open.
It's cool, but it's also kind of in the outskirts without much else worth seeing nearby so budget accordingly.
The hotel I'm staying at has a channel that has some 90s Japanese drama called "hotel" on each day. It'd so corny but utterly charming.
English teacher here, about to clock out for the (three-day) weekend.

Not unless you're a sushi aficionado. 90% of the time any decent local omakase place will be just as tasty for half the price.
Unironically a love hotel. Salarymen and tourists get short stays in them all the time.
I quite enjoyed it, but I drove, not sure what the bus timetables are like.
Umeshu on the rocks, or any of the big three beers. I prefer Kirin.
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This country really does have everything!
>any of the big three beers. I prefer Kirin.
Yebisu is love, Yebisu is life
How much time should I put aside for a trip to Himeji?
a friend who's been there told me that aside for the castle there's not much else to see or do there, so half a day is probably enough
>Umeshu on the rocks
Show tits
Ah cool, just found out it's basically nozomi all afternoon so my onward trip to himeji to Hiroshima requires a transfer.
How do these idiots still justify excluding nozomi from the JR pass with the price hike? Wasn't the whole point that the exclusion was to encourage people to pay a premium for that service? For fuck sake.
>go into izakaya
>literal rat shit on the bench
Anyone know how to submit a report to local authorities? Yes, I want to narc on these pigs. It's in Osaka if it matters.
I come from Haneda
Question - is it true that Japanese language certificates are required for anyone intending to find work other than as English teacher? Personally, I'm from Europe and consider literally every option at this point, since perspective of working for minimal wage as scientist with PhD in applied physics while society considers you a parasite at best and family a failture, isn't very positive.
If you trust the word of a random youtuber living there currently (Mudan), then no, they'll interview you to confirm your fluency.
I had to get N5 for convenience store job but passing N5 is really easy
You can still buy the 9%
Yes... that's right anon... there are no cute Chinese girls... you just let me take care of this for you
>The Godburger
I will try to check it out and I'll post an update here early November.

Also gonna put the Sushi on the list.
Speaking of Japanese burgers, MOS Burger and Lotteria are trash, do not go there.
>travelling to the otherside of the world for burgers
Do Americans really?
eh I understand them, trying out a familiar dish that's been adapted to the local tastes can be pretty interesting
Americans are asleep.
Of course we don't silly. But sometimes you're craving a burger, and as >>2714495 said it's always interesting to see how one of your local specialties has been modified for a foreign palate, and the Japanese specifically have a reputation for going off to culinary school in foreign countries and bringing what they learn back to Japan to open their own restaurants. Plus the cool ojisans that get hyper into something while abroad like philly cheesesteaks and then come home and open a philly restaurant.

Bruh it's 9 AM on the east coast. Like half the country is starting their day.
Homeless and jobless in Japan update:
I can't stay at the 1000/night hotel anymore, so now I'm at a guesthouse. Every guest house I asked isn't looking for workstays right now, but I have an interview for one next week in a totally different city.

Oh yeah and I interviewed today and got a tentative offer, going to do my first paid trial lesson tomorrow, could'nt get a straight answer on how many hours but it sounds very part time, so here goes for more interviews.

Why are all the data center jobs in Tokyo? I want to live in Fukuoka. I have no IT experience and my Japanese skill is barely conversational.
Have you considered coming back once you have language accreditation?
>Why are all the data center jobs in Tokyo? I want to live in Fukuoka. I have no IT experience
It sounds like you're not qualified even if these positions were in Fukuoka?
If you need some cash you could always help me find weeb shit as a shopping assistant this week, there are too many stores for me to hit them myself
Why does it feel impossible to find a good gym in Japan?
>anon, why are you putting on a condom? I thought I was your girlfriend
y-you too
just buy 2 cans, you're not poor right?
Sure what are you looking for
Coming back to where? You mean going back to my country where everything costs 2x more and I cant even find a job there? Where I'm not forced to use Japanese? Hmmm
There's pull up bars and tracks everywhere. Plus I've seen some decent tiny cheap gyms with free weights
Chinese goddess are taking over.
T-Tomoe-chan... uwu
just how poor are you?
what makes you so bad that you cant even find a job in your own home turf?
also with your japanese level, you're worse than jeets and chinks students that work for peanuts who are your job competitors
Where can I get my dick sucked in Osaka?
I'd never be comparable to shitskins in any way. If you think it's so easy to get a decent, worthwhile job, my advice for you is to quit yours and get another one.
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What is the Huis Ten Bosch in Minato, Tokyo (not the Nagasaki theme park). I can't find any photos or information online. Is it a theme park too? Or just a town with the same name?
What's the best web site to use to reserve Shinkansen seats to Osaka? Im so confused.
I feel called out. went all the way to tokyo and stopped at the fucking wendys cause it's been almost a year since I last had it. coulda gone to any of the cool ramen places but no, wendys.
whatever, 7/10
is what I did last time.
Are we allowed to use our phones to film in Universal Studios? Also do the staff speak English? One of my paranoid fears is staff not checking up on my seatbelts/restrainers before a rollercoaster ride.
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>Japanese women would never look at a Jeet
Umm chudsisters... our response?
I've literally never had an issue buying a non reserved seat at the station. And I've used it at least 6 times
>literal 0.01%er wealthy fully westernized jeet
exception that proves the rule, you don't look like him pranjeesh
She is obviously over 40.
Tokyo Office of Huis Ten Bosch, headquartered in Nagasaki.
What is there to even do in Japan on weekends outside of going shopping or to a cafe or something?

I don’t like bowling or any of that gay shit, and I’m not into tranime. Outside of going to a bar on Saturday night I’m really not sure what to do.
Relax in a public bath or sauna
Visit a museum
Find a bargain at a flea market
Watch a baseball, sumo or wrestling match
Explore the neighborhood by bicycle
Read manga at an Internet cafe
Suzu City, which was severely damaged by the Noto earthquake on January 1 this year, is now in serious trouble due to flooding.
Staff are good at safety. The menus all have pictures and english. Phones are ok but probably not selfie sticks.
I didn't realize how far Osaka was from Tokyo....fuck...time to navigate these stations
What's the most working class suburb of Tokyo? Saitama?
jokes on you, already quit before got another and quit again and now i run my own business/shop
I notice Japan doesn't season their food with salt at all. Even the fried ones, which is crazy. The only salted foods I've tasted so far are their sausages which are godtier and anything with onions sauce. But everything is so fucking saltless, the karaage, the steak, the curries, they just don't like salt.
They say the only drawback of Japanese cuisine is the high salt content.
There are museums on various themes in Tokyo and Osaka.
Best restaurant in Osaka in your opinion?
I know how to create a "my google" map like this.
I know how to edit one.
I know how to share one.
But is there any way to share one anyone can edit like any other standard google app, ie docs, slides, sheets?
here it says that you can have it on your google drive and when you share it with other accounts you can toggle their ability to edit the map:
If we get through tomorrow, it will suddenly cool down!
>in October
>on a rainy day
what the fuck
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27 is relatively cool. It's been 30-40° in Kyushu earlier this week
Not to blog but this: https://hobby.ec.volks.co.jp/item/4518992702025.html
Holy fuck I have been to hobby stores across the entire country with 0 luck.
I went to Koyasan the other day - honest to God red maple leaves starting to appear on some trees. Won't see that in the lowlands until December at this rate.
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>Tfw arriving on heavy rain day
Please don't get cancelled
Awesome, this worked!
How true is the "Walk into any building, try the elevator and go to the highest floor for a free view" statement?
It's pretty true. A lot of the buildings have a bar / restaurant / terrace at the highest available floor in an elevator accessible to the public
However, if you go up to the roof of a building that is not open to the public without permission, the police will be called for trespassing.
Gaijin smash is becoming less and less acceptable these days, and you may never be able to come back to Japan again because of it.
Had a work interview (paid of course) today. First employee I met went RED in the face a couple times when we talked. Lots of eye contact She looked cute but she had a muzzle on so hard to say. Should I go for it?

As for girls in Japan, I'll always get these plastic surgery eyed 30 yo+ women absolutely glaring into my eyes whenever I pass them like hungry wolves. I haven't bit yet, but I like going up to the nerdy 20's girls who completely freeze up and when you say let's go to my room they just say ok and follow.
>I like going up to the nerdy 20's girls who completely freeze up and when you say let's go to my room they just say ok and follow.
Why is Japanese TV so fucking trash?
>Eats an Indian shit on live tv
>Picture in picture of live jap tranny rxn

Copy and paste
Cool story bro. And today I met Aika, she even invited me for dinner.
yes the stereotype of japanese food in the rest of Asia is that it has no flavor. it's the "wypipo dun season dey food" meme but for asians.
they have weird rules about grunting ... every gym has the same vibe as planet fitness, and they're usually cramped and small. the hardcore powerlifter gyms are supposed to be god tier though, but they're much harder to find.
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It's my first day back in the States, and I miss Japan already. I've heard of the post-travel depression, but damn this sucks.
Where does the Gyaru Queen work nowadays?
I'm going latter half of february.
How far north of Tokyo do I have to travel to get to somewhere completely snowy?
just go to Nagano
But Japan really doesn't like seasoning. I know they're all about subtlety and a lot of raw foods, but for foods that aren't about subtlety like fried chicken and pork, those should be salted well. Every piece of food I've had so far are cooked perfectly, all tender, the rice is always perfect, but they won't fucking put salt on anything.
has anyone been to a non-wwe show in Japan? what was it like?
Why have there been so many posts lately? I can't keep up.
Why is the country filled to the brim with tourists post covid.
Getting a tattoo in Japan, yay or nay?
new thread?
new thread.

Only famous tourist destinations are flooded with foreigners at the moment.
Should've waited till we got 2x 1000+ post threads in a row.
>Getting a tattoo
Both in Japan and outside of Japan

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