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The Day of Sutekh
previous >>200360558
first for ruby's big tits
They're not even big.
The Satan Pit preserved the genuine mystery of what the beast actually was
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Your reaction to next season when RTD brings back Romana as a member of Faction Paradox?
why was the audio mixing so bad? I could barely hear what sneedtek was saying over the score
because that one didn't awkwardly try and explain why it was a god and have to somehow fit the lore from 50 years ago back in
the beast was there sealed next to a black hole and had always been there sealed away until it managed to start breaking through, while sutekh was inexplicably stuck on top of the tardis with no regard for the plot holes of that and his godhood was explained until it also made no sense
impossible planet/satan pit actually had restraint while empire of death had none
shut up
>in the latest commentary RTD admitted he took the inspiration for the Ruby's reveal from TLJ
So this confirms it, he actually believes triggering people = good. This also explain why he said TTC was claver.
I'm in awe that RTD allowed the super evil nazi DNA testing to save the entire universe
Is it just me or did Mel look extremely cute and kissable in the last episode?
he also recently expressed his admiration for Star Trek Discovery, he has brain AIDS
Big enough
> super evil nazi DNA testing
That was a Blair policy, no? RTD's a very 'Cool Britannia' kind of poofter
>I created an apparition of Susan wherever we went- it was the perfect scheme!
why Susan specifically, what does that even mean, what the fuck does Susan have to do with everything
“She wasn’t pointing at you, Ruby. She was pointing at the sign post!”
There was nothing wrong with Rey's supposed origins in TLJ, it's certainly better than what RoS established.
Because *obviously* Doctor Who, famed anagram fanatic and multiple-times Countdown champion, couldn't help but notice Susan Triad as an anagram of Susan TARDIS
Russell worked with Susan Twist in his soap days and liked her name, so he decided to base a whole story arc around it
none of it makes sense because it never seemed like sutekh needed to wait for the doctor to notice susan twist before he could emerge, and he'd have been better served just emerging at some random point and sending off the dust of death at any time
like even in parting of the ways at least they remembered to have rose scatter bad wolf everywhere specifically to lead herself to the game station, they just forgot to have sutekh explain why he needed susan twist at all
It was a trap to lure the Doctor in.
From which he easily escaped
also, the satan pit two-parter had stakes. Toby ended up dying, Scooti was killed, lots of Ood also died

they didn't need to wipe out the ENTIRE UNIVERSE EVER and then undo it

less is more
but why was a trap required at all? Sneedtek's plan had already come to total fruition, it's not like he needed anything to come out of hiding
why was the final susan a tech CEO? why was that necessary?
Are Sontarans gay?
He was hiding on the TARDIS for who knows how long, why would he need to lure him?
Firstly, the Beast was a new villain - with Sutekh it both pisses-off people who are familiar with Pyramids of Mars and means fuck-all to someone who's entry is NuNuWho. Secondly, it is a well-execute base under siege story. Thirdly, there is mystery to the Beast. Fourthly, you don't get a retarded situation of Sutekh being on the TARDIS since Pyramids of Mars.
Because that was nearly 20 years ago when the show was good. RTD has brain worms now, so we get Sutekh as a joke villain being dragged by a lead through the vortex.
can't wait til Season 2 where Rusty reveals the Beast from the Satan Pit has been hiding in the TARDIS lamp ever since then
nearly all the crew died and they made it clear that by the end, they'd started to care about the ood, so you had the final scene of the episode be zach (I even remember the fucking supporting cast names because they were all so good) logging all of the deceased ood as dead with honors
I don't know he just used the name Susan to get the Doctor's attention.
Because he based an entire series around Sutekh sounding a bit like Sue Tech. It’s that retarded. He ditched the tech stuff immediately in this finale.
RTD finales were never that good.
>let me just get the attention of the only person who's ever beaten me solo
>when the only way I was ever beaten before was by horus and 750 osirans
why the fuck didn't he just hop off the tardis on one stop and unleash the death wave?
all they needed to do was establish that because he was hiding in the perception field of the tardis, he couldn't leave it until he'd drawn everyone's attention to it
it's weird how Ruby is totally unphased about the universe collapsing, no previous companion would act this way, it's completely bizarre
she's still entirely concerned with who her mother is the entire episode even though she and everyone else is certainly dead
Because he wanted to know the answer to the mystery box, duh
How many cards are there to play of X returns? They have squandered the chance to really do Susan. Romana gets in the way of the whole last of the Time Lords RTD wants to stick with. Ditto for The Rani. Just do The Master has returned again? The Daleks have returned again? Drag back some old companions that the audience it is being sold as being for would have no connection to?
It's retarded but I can rationalise it as Sutekh wanting to maximise the spread of his gift to every time, place and dimension via the tardis and decided for some reason to spring it now.
I don't get it.
I don't know what the fuck this show is about any more.
>Romana gets in the way of the whole last of the Time Lords RTD wants to stick with.
Also Lalla Ward would utterly seethe if any other actress is cast to play Romana. She almost left Big Finish when they made an "alternate Romana".
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it's his time
Let's be honest it was either this or bringing back Rose Tyler yet again
when they brought the daleks back they just did an extremely smart episode to establish them and who they were, they did not did a highlights reel and then explain 20 times who the daleks are
"show, don't tell"
At least she can regenerate.
Because it wasn't written by RTD
Russell's problem is that he brings the big bad back far too late, meaning you have at most like 1 episode to destroy them
Sutekh should've been revealed 1/2 way through the first episode
peak zoomer selfishness
It's not as if BBC/Disney give a shit about Ward walking from Big Finish. It's not as if a new younger TV Romana stops her doing Big Finish.
>The death of one man is a tragedy. The death of millions is a statistic
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>I want Romana to return
Romana returns as either a man or the most ugly woman they can get
why was sutekh obsessed with ruby's origin story??
But we would have no surprising cliffhanger then.
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>wasn't written by RTD
It doesn't stand a chance.
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reddit trannies are breaking the conditioning
it's over for disneywho
Do we have any proof he rewrote it or just his claim?
Because Sutekh is retarded and the TARDIS is retarded for not sounding the alarm and trying to shake him off. THE LOGIC OF IT ALL IS JUST RETARDED.
RTD clearly didn't really want to touch the Egyptian aspect of Sutekh. That's basically his defining feature. In which case, why bring him back? The fixation with the Doctor and with word games/anagrams don't fit well.

Actually, you know who *is* a proper god of death and likes word games? The Fendahl. And I think RTD did once say he wanted to do a Fendahl sequel, didn't he? I wonder if that was the original plan.
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They're finally breaking the conditioning
>yes, I totally wrote the episode that is the least like the rest of my stories and is also one of the most beloved episodes
RTD is a hack, sorry, we all saw it with torchwood which was the show he had the most control over
Predict the viewership figure and what they will blame it on.
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Who was the woman with the spoon, and why were we supposed to give a shit about her?
What does Sutekhs™ gift of ice cream flavour taste like
He claims to have written everything not by Moffat, Chibnall, or Stephen Greenhorn. Basically, if you've ever been a showrunner then you get a free pass
>she was pointing to the street sign- naming you
okay, but who was around to notice that and remember that it was the baby's name
The weather is the only thing they have. There is no football on - the only UEFA game left today is Belgium vs Romania with kick-off at 8.
It means that there's going to be more to Ruby's origin. Mrs Flood is seeming more and more like a storyteller.
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Sutekh goes to a lot of effort to discover the identity of the woman he can’t see properly. Why does he care? What in his nature forces him to answer that question? Why doesn’t he just go “Huh, curious,” then get on with the business of destroying everything, and pat himself on the back for a job well done?
How the hell is the Memory TARDIS created? Because of the Time Window? How on Earth does it happen that if you look at something through a Time Window, you’ll get a modest-sized Gallifreyan time capsule fueled by memories? Or was it separately created and someone put it there?

About "where did the Remembered TARDIS go???" Apparently RTD says in the video commentary, it “drifts away” and then ends up doing all the various Tales of the TARDIS minisodes with the different Doctor/companion pairings from the past.
He handed it off to Chibnall in Series 1 and 2, made the best Doctor Who story in Series 3 and left the Americans to ruin Series 4 with some support from him.
so ruby and the doctor solve the puzzle of ruby’s biological mother by… using the dna data base of a fascist??
>Dr Katherine Sally Lethbridge-Stewart, known professionally as Kate Stewart from 2004 to 2023, was the Chief Scientific Officer and Commander-in-Chief by 2024 at UNIT where she quickly gained notoriety under the pseudonym Kripple Killer Kate. She was the daughter of Fiona and Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart and the mother of Gordy and another child. Among the LGBTQIA+ community she is more commonly known as The Oncoming Storm.
There is little here besides Doctor Who celebrating itself for being Doctor Who. Yes, it was fun to see Mel and Bonnie Langford get a turn at being an evil villain. Sure, Ncuti Gatwa and Millie Gibson get some good scenes to act in (Gibson in particular). But this is the most Chibnall-esque episode of the show since The Power of the Doctor. It hangs together slightly better than, say, Resolution, but barely. This is the sort of episode I was worried about when it was announced RTD was coming back to run the show. One step forward (Gatwa), two steps back (RTD returning, Disney+, etc). Mr TARDIS on YT posted a reaction video to this where he says RTD with this episode seems to think Doctor Who’s best days are behind it, and I think it’s a fair point. I’m slightly worried about my favorite show.
Because Sutekh fancies himself an almighty god, and finds the idea that he doesn't know something after clinging to the TARDIS outrageous.
the gods are…sometimes explicitly magical things from outside the universe, and sometimes aliens mutated by riding around in the time vortex and you can pull them along on a bit of string? And the dog leash one is the best one?
Stop shilling your dogshit videos. you did this before faggot
I wonder if Salamander is a god now.
it feels weird that once Ruby knows who her mum is she stops worrying that she can produce snow from thin air. The show doesn’t do anything to park that, it just expects you to forget. Unless that last scene with Mrs Flood is meant to connect it with her instead.
>come up with arsepull (Doctor & Ruby go to future where all biodata is recorded)
>awkwardly crowbar it into a different episode mid-season by jack-knifing a spooky rural horror story into a weird political thriller
>now it's not an arsepull anymore
BAFTA award winning Russell T Davies
Scrawling "BAD WOLF is on a coke machine or some shit!" Isn't co-writing.
I haven't seen the latest one, but Satan Pit also works as an episode even if the beast isn't literally Satan. It's still a crumbly base on ancient ruins orbiting far too close to a black hole that has something evil in it which may or may not be a biblical monster from before time.
The gods are just incredibly powerful beings. They're gods in name alone.
> One of the best episodes of S2
> Oh yeah, I rewrote most of that even though it’s someone else’s idea

He would say that, wouldn’t he?
The Beast's dialogue and the Doctor's interactions with the mindless beast are pure RTD.
He seethes about not putting his name on The Family of Blood because he thinks he deserved the BAFTA instead of Cornell lmao
my issue is that we shouldn't have to be begging for doctor who to not be this bad, they have infinite money and the showrunner who was responsible for the revival and who, in his tenure, has some of the best episodes of the show but of television in general
the show has been poisoned by chibnall trying to show everyone how big his brain is
Someone explain Faction Paradox.
So he’s a control freak?
It's pretty believable because of how much RTD pushed the Ood. I think he's credited as their creator actually.
To be fair, he did rewrite a lot of scripts... but if The Impossible Planet was already fairly fucking good, then it's not like he can claim he improved it. Whereas apparently he scrapped a lot of Human Nature and rebuilt it from nothing.
Predict season 2
he's probably just mad that his only contribution to the monsters of the doctor who universe are the slitheen
RTD did invent the Ood.

He rewrote a lot of scripts, because he wanted consistency across RTD1. In fairness, I think he mostly achieved this. And Moffat rewrote a lot too, hence he started adding his name to episodes eventually.
He's credited as the creator of the Ood, which suggests that he did significantly contribute to it.
Aborted timeline
>Doctor Who celebrating itself for being Doctor Who
That's really been the MO for a while, since at least Last of the Time Lords
The writer assigned to this narrative was Matt Jones, who had written the 1996 Doctor Who: The New Adventures novel Bad Therapy for Virgin Publishing. Jones was working on his scripts from February 2005, initially under the umbrella title “Satan Pit”. A key change involved Toby's continued possession in Episode Two. Originally, Jones intended to hold this revelation back until the serial's climax, but Davies felt that doing so seemed too abrupt. Jones also felt that his early drafts lacked the diversity which would be provided by a tangible alien presence. He obtained Davies' permission to use the Slitheen, first introduced in 2005's Aliens Of London / World War Three. Now enslaved by humanity, the Slitheen secretly believed that the planet orbiting the black hole was actually the dwelling place of their god, who would free them from servitude.

Of great concern was the form in which the Beast would manifest. Although “Satan Pit” was intended to air midway through the season, it would be made towards the end of the schedule, when money was typically starting to run low. Davies worried that the production would not be able to afford an elaborate computer-animated creation, and that a prosthetics approach would not be sufficiently credible. Instead, he suggested that the Beast might appear as an old man or a gigantic disembodied eye; another option was for the entity to take the form of a young girl, inspired by one of the avatars of the Senior Partners in the vampire drama Angel. Davies also briefly considered tweaking the storyline to replace the Beast with the corrupted future humans he had originally offered Robert Shearman for use in 2005's Dalek, and which would ultimately become the Toclafane of The Sound Of Drums / Last Of The Time Lords in 2007. In the end, however, a compromise was reached on other digital elements which would enable the Beast to be realised through computer animation after all.
At a late stage, however, Davies became concerned that the presence of the returning Slitheen was detracting from the humans whose pioneer spirit he felt was at the heart of the tale. He discussed the matter with Millennium Effects. They confirmed that they could create a small set of simple alien masks within the budget originally allocated to refurbish the Slitheen costumes. On this basis, Davies devised a new alien race which he dubbed the Ood. Their simple name was a deliberate contrast to his typical flair for ostentatious alien nomenclature, and reflected his intention that they seem “odd”.
My theory is that he wrote a good chunk of Rogue too, but couldn’t put his name to 7/8 episodes
>The writer assigned to this narrative was Matt Jones, who had written the 1996 Doctor Who: The New Adventures novel
I hate this stupid fucking geeks' club
chibnall's motive for wanting to retcon the old series so much is obvious – he watched the show back in the day, but seemed to hate it – but RTD's decision to retcon sutekh into so much of the show's history is bizarre and self-evidently nonsensical as soon as you think about it for even a few seconds

it doesn't really jive with his past go as showrunner, either. he was necessarily interested in bringing old characters back but his most egregious act was to bring them back in questionable, campy ways – he was a homosexual fanfic writer who didn't seem to have a problem with the old series, but wanted to leave a mark on the series he helped bring back and consciously forced it to his sensibilities. he was also a weak writer who relied on forcing a sense of tension/escalation to make his stories work and the scale he brought the series to didnt jive with the old series or leave a readily manageable situation for future writers

moffat was an oldhead who clearly loved the old series. he seemed really interested in bringing back old characters and settings in a manner that was faithful to what they were before, and really only modernizing as much as necessary to keep modern audience attention. he tried to balance his most intense stories by scaling back the setting – yes, big bang two resets the universe, but it's for the narrative conceit of deescalating the ridiculous point RTD brought the series to. a few of his stories subtly try to dial back some of what RTD did

chibnall is a fucking hack who watched the old series but hated it. his motives for wanting to retcon so much consequential lore and flux are pretty obvious and needs no elaboration

RTD is already playing around with bringing back "gods" and eradicating all of reality. so you're in for another era of RTD doing ridiculous DBZ-like power scaling until he brings the series to an untenable/tired point, except in the aftermath of chibnall he's also happy to fuck with and retcon old lore, too
>RTD was inspired to make Ruby not actually important in any way and to rugpull the audience by The Last Jedi
but somehow this is worse than The Last Jedi because nobody ever hinted that Rey was important, whereas RTD spent half of the entire first episode of the finale obsessing over Ruby's mother in that retarded memory machine
treating your audience like shit does not actually make your story compelling, russell. If you're bored with writing a fun and camp family sci-fi show maybe you should go write a novel you fat faggot
It's a wilderness years gerontocracy all the way down
He probably had a hand in it. He rarely left other writers to their own devices.
It felt like the most RTD episode not written by RTD (at least nominally)
Moffat2 when?
there's no way he didn't come up with dancing to kylie minogue
that's some gay club shit if I've ever seen it
What's he come dressed as?
Odds on the 2 women having watched a bunch of RTD1 and just rehashing his style? Rogue was the safest episode of the bunch.

Also, in Unleashed, RTD said he came up with the bird creatures.
We know at least that the women who wrote it are writing the novelisation.
>Stephen Greenhorn
I wouldn't want to have my name anywhere near Fear Her either
It's the result of the combined brain power of *two* whole women
And most of it was just
>OMG have you seen Bridgerton???
>OMG do you like D&D???
>What if two guys kissed 0.0
That one was Matthew Graham. Greenhorn was The Lazarus Experiment (shite) and The Doctor's Daughter (also shite)
also isn't the Rogue character just a slightly different version of Captain Jack lmao

that was Matthew Graham but I think RTD said he left his script alone too
Fear Her was Matthew Graham. Greenhorne is Lazurs Experiment and Doctor's Daughter.
The beast was defeated by a masterplan put in place by ancient all powerful gods, the doctor simply pushed the last domino. Sutekh was defeated by some rope
Ah yes, but RTD did leave Graham alone too. I seem to recall him saying anyone who'd already headed their own show got the final pass of their own scripts, or something.

Ironically, RTD might have left Greenhorn's stuff alone but he did come up with the idea of the Doctor's daughter to begin with.
>Sutekh was defeated by some rope
not really. He was dragged across the time vortex by his neck and killed by the Doctor taking his title
That's pretty kino
Which was made possible because he couldn't outsmart rope
I'm trans btw
>That's pretty kino
top kek
So this is getting a third season then?
>Sutekh was defeated by some bungie cord
Unconfirmed but likely, even if Disney drop it after Season 2.

If Disney drop it, S3 will need to be funded by the BBC and [some other party/streamer], as RTD has basically admitted they can't wholly rely on BBC budget alone anymore.
Probably. The question is whether Disney are going to continue to co-produce it
The Battle of Ranskoor av Kolos > Empire of Death
Yeah. Yeah, it was. What a depressing thought.
How can you outsmart rope?
He's a dog
stop responding to yourself faggot
>top kek
you need to go back

so this is where baby doccy who was found
If you are trans, yes.
Turn it to dust like everything else?
You can't kill rope.
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did you really expect the hairdresser to be an attractive skinny woman?
no, but a woman at least
'cause she sawn'd 'er cock off lmao
No way the Toymaker is afraid of this jobber
The Lazarus Experiment was great.
you're not funny
God that shit was retarded.
>broooooooo sutek was there ALL ALONG!!1!
Shut the fuck up.
The Beast was defeated by muh Rose killing a virgin.
Every tranny in the production crew keeps a tranny off screen. It's why TRose wasn't front and center.
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She should have helped Toby out at least.
I am the bringer of much mirth
men can be hairdressers
Here comes the chibcuck contrarians
I have nothing to apologise for. I stand by everything I said about it.
You mean shit?
It's true, there's clear signs of contamination there
He told Chibnall to rewrite a lot of Series 2, and had him change the finale so that Owen and Tosh were killed rather than Ianto
So, at what point is Mel meant to have died?
But the Ood are completely different creatures in this as opposed to Planet of the Ood - which feels like pure RTD.
When they went back to UNIT headquarters
But she was with the Doctor the whole time?
Why does he cries to everything? In almost every episode he cries
Fucking pink mafia at it again, sacrificing a happy straight couple so the bumboy can live
Im on episode 4 and good god this show is boring. The first episode was ok. But now its just a snooze fest. "OH SOME WOMAN IS FOLLOWING ME." Thats it, thats the entire episode. lol wtf
So quick question are Nerdrotic and the Critical Drinker secretly in the closet?
>not the first post from this IP
unironically The Pink Mafia sounds like a good Dr Who title
Oh yeah.
Meanwhile she can conjure snow, has the power to make a fake tardis a real one, and do some other weird shit with that time window viewing thing that shouldn't be possible.

I'm kind of worried rtd has syphilis or something.
I mean their married but clearly Nerdrotic wife's his beard...and also a dead ringer for miss Piggy.

Thay would explain all those women faces posted on male body builders.
It almost sounds like a lost McCoy-era script that's all meant to be one big analogy for the AIDS epidemic or someshit
Is 15 is the lamest Doctor to go on adventures with?
RTD has done this before you fucking newfags
Don't cross the pink mafia, their give you a pair of really tacky cement shoes.
Why do you think he's lame?
Critical Drinker is autistic so would do gay stuff just by suggestion and Nerdrotic is an ex junkie so has definitely sucked a few dicks to score hits.
Nah its 12.
stop responding to yourself
>I'm kind of worried rtd has syphilis or something.

Syphilis is usually pretty treatable these days... it's not considered as big a deal.. provided you catch it in time
I've read drinkers books, they are the most homoerotic things out there.

And also guilty of the same things he bitches about, girl boss female characters, hates men, lame action.

He's a con man and one who really needs to to get some sort of comupance
13 would the worst. If you're with 10 or 12 with Rose or Clara expect yourself to be a massive third wheel.
Normally when we say
>take your meds
we mean anti-psychotics. With RTD, we mean PrEP
Faction Paradox are the Time Lord version of Satanists - they worship paradox and temporal discontinuity, everything that Time Lords abhor.
Their founder was "Grandfather Paradox" who erased himself from existence by murdering his grandfather, but still lives on as a sentient and autonomous idea in the minds of his believers.

They eventually become involved in a universe-shaking war between the Time Lords and a mysterious enemy with the ability to rewrite reality.

Everyone agreed it was kino, but its creator is legitimately insane, so they were eventually written out very abruptly.
>He's a con man and one who really needs to to get some sort of comupance

Nonsense. He is a slop merchant serving up hot bowls of agreement to Chuds and is loved for it, despite having that annoying affected slur. String up half the eorld if ye hang him lol
The memory TARDIS, when Sutekh started to talk to her and the skull thing flashed.
That Rose and Clara tribbing svene was pretty awesome though. Shame they cut it. Clara's muff was yuge
So how is Gatwa and Millie as actors?
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>tfw clara 2.0 isn't going to be on the show anymore
Safest Doctor to be with?
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Any new watchers?
Millie Gibson's alright. Definitely a soap actress, although a soap actress who can reasonably aspire to more
Gatwa has basically no range. He can cry on cue, and he can be a loud mincing-lala-homo-boy, but struggles with anything else. Which can get you a decent career on stuff like Sex Education, but it's a bit of a ticking timebomb because you eventually age out of being able to play those roles
Millie was sacked
I know it's dumb but someone should do a list of death by story.

But honestly 4
Millie is fine, nothing special. Gatwa started off rough, but it feels like he's been getting better and better.
If it's in the universe then it counts.
Syphilis eats your brain, making you horny, incoherent, and emotionally unstable

You may be onto something
Also Kelsey from SJA is in it and is a serial killer.
She will be.
She's in next season though.
It is curable though. If someone can horsepaste his cereal...
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So how are the ratings overall
Unless they're going to do some weird ass pull thing where they go 'lmao jk the doc comes back to ruby and they go on more adventures', she's going to be like a guest appearence in 2 episodes at most.
I'm anticipating it being a bit like Martha in S4
Someone on IMDb said they were good.
Honestly I think it's going to be some sort of twist where her biological mother is a lie.
15 hasn't killed anyone yet, though Ruby isn't done yet.
You've been done. RTD spent 6 months telling you it was important, just so he could smugly pull the rug out from under you. There really is no greater mystery, he was just wasting your time so he could gloat about it
But the snow
No I meant something worse, like his fanbase getting tired of him and sitting on him constantly
so how much does the finale crap over the lore
It's been said the TARDIS team is going to be the Doctor, her, and the woman who sounds like the shadows from Series 4. Not immediately though.
maybe it's just series 8 clara to series 9 clara where she left at the end of 8 and then switched course in the christmas episode
forgive dave
I think with Rusty the meaning is implied, but to the rest of us it really is a mystery lol. Skill issue, not malice, but guarantee you he's alreafy forgotten it lol
The snow was only there because you thought it was important. You idiot. You absolute fool.
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But they are always for want of something to grizzle about. Are some PC elements in media divisive, alienating, the product of a singular worldview? Sure but being butthurt is an industry as well, rent seeking occurs
watch there be an even bigger twist, cos it snows at the end, right? THE SNOW WAS AKSHULLY MRS FLOOD ALL ALONG NOT RUBES HOW KLEVER
Sutekh's being clinging to the TARDIS since the 4th Doctor, but aside from that, not really.
There hasn't been a Clara 2.0 on the show.
The Doctor
>meets Helen Keller
>gives her a titty twister z 2
>refuses to elaborate
who's watching Moffkino with Karen Gillian thursday? Douglas is cancelled will probably beat doctor who in ratings as well which makes it funnier

can't show ancient egypt as that would be racist or something

did they miss the last RTD stint, every finale was a let down or an asspull
The absolute state of RTD babbies lmao. You were warned that he was a fucking hack whilst you cried ‘Moff is ruining muh Who’ for a decade. Look at you now you stupid cunts.
Their co-producer is Disney EMEA - which recently admitted that it was totally broke and "considering its future" after their revenue dropped a staggering 50% in one quarter.

>According to the accompanying financial report, the subsidiary’s directors are “in the process of considering the company’s future” although for now they expect it to continue trading.


They've been ordered to cut at least $5.5 billion dollars in spending. It's expected to be apocalyptic.

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Yeah but it's going to back fire one of these days, they'll shit on their own or there will be a division and it'll all fall apart.
I could buy Chris Boucher leaving express orders to whoever manages his estate that they must never, ever, EVER let NuWho touch his stuff
she was the only reason i came back to watch it again and i regret it too, should've only fapped to her bikini sideboob pictures
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nice thumbnail
They are an amazingly febrile bunch and yet the gestalt goo is itself strong

I do agree with them some of the time but honestly feel like it'sa dearth of creativity on their part. Just tell the stories you want to hear ffs
why not make it Fenric?
Actually love his ensemble here
Bit disappointed TitPig has tattoos
Her tits look nice but I worry it's too much like coleman's where they sag way too much.
This image killed me thanks for the laugh anon. RTD is a colossal retard
Only doable after a few beers.
I assume you're talking about the one on the right?
They can't though, they lack any sort of talent, fuck they need to make shit Acolyte look worse then it is to keep employed.

I mean its not a great show, the worst thing I can say about it's okay, the same problem afflicitng all tv shows.
ok so what is the explanation for Sutekh to affect the story now? why not intervene before
Oh dear.

He wanted to find out who Ruby's mum was
I just ignore most post 1999 kino anyway. I have a century of cinema
No one ever mentions the shit in 1999
True facts
>Walt Disney EMEA
Can you imagine how pissed Sutekh was after he spent so long reconstituting himself only for the 11th Doctor to blow the TARDIS up and then he has to start all over
>Somehow David Tennant returned
hype for Disney to drop Season 3 but fans blame it on disney, rather than the show itself being dogshit. they'll be in full cope mode.

or we'll get "it doesn't need disney anyway!!!"
The dog was clinging to the vehicle even then!
>"She was important... because we think she's important. That's how everything happens - every war, every religion, every love story. We invest things with significance. So while the whole of creation was turning around her, it made her sheer existence more powerful than Time Lords and gods. In the end, the most important person in the universe... was the most ordinary. A scared little girl... making her baby safe."

Is that why they broke the 4th wall all the time? So they can be like "SEE YOU THOUGHT SHE WAS IMPORTANT SO SHE'S IMPORTANT"
There's always a Susan Twist at the end
I mena do they?
>writer puts a lot of significance and importance on a character / plot
>pulls the rug
>it's the audience's fault for investing in the writer's story when they fucking told us it was important
this is not how u drama
RTD's target demographic is the BAFTA committee, he was addressing them
The ratings were low because everyone was at the midnight cinema release instead !!

its amazing how writers, directors, creative types get worse with age. is it because they no longer have to compromise ?
for money, yes
RTD has said they wouldn't realistically be able to make Doctor Who on a BBC budget alone, presumably unless they chopped episodes more or just did super low budget stuff and then the show just falls even more off a cliff because it can't compete with other entertainment anymore
>or just did super low budget stuff
Crack out the video cameras. There must be a couple of still useable ones in a store cupboard at TV Centre. Make it a novelty throwback
RTD messaging Moffat
>"Steve, Steve! How do you get away with plot bollocks?"
>"Tell them it'll be revealed next series."
>"But I don't have it planned out?"
>"Don't worry, just have the Doctor strip off and go to church for half an hour in his last episode and distract the audience."
Olds - is this what the JNT era felt like towards the end?
It really doesn't, and I have a strong feeling all the lgbtbbq stuff being thrown in now is from disney fuckers meddling with the show.

At any rate I really think the show at this point should go into another hiatus for a few decades again.
Before now he's been clinging onto the TARDIS, getting knowledge and growing in power. He had been laying traps with making the same woman appear again and again, but what spurred him into action is the mystery of who Ruby's mother is, because it's something that essentially a god like him has no knowledge of, which he can't accept.
No Santa appeared in the TARDIS. Disappointing
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Leaked S2 villain.
>lgbtbbq stuff being thrown in now is from disney fuckers meddling with the show.
You are aware of who the showrunner is, yes?
>Doctor Who could never survive as a low budget sci fi series with boundless imagination!
In hindsight, we at least know Moffat fucked it up because he was overextended after taking on too many episodes of Who each series + managing Sherlock. RTD doesn't even have a decent excuse
>and I have a strong feeling all the lgbtbbq stuff being thrown in now
Have all of the critical darlings that actually put RTD in a position to showrun Who in the first place just been forgotten?
If you want more stuff like Fear Her or Love & Monsters, a BBC budget will probably suffice just fine.
amazing to think that even 10 years ago TV shows could have 10+ episodes, come in on budget and release every year

Now we seem to have fewer episodes, bloated budgets and it takes 2 years between seasons
>You're a barnacle. Gods don't have to thumb a fucking ride!
What about Blink? 42? Dot and bubble?

There's a lot of cheap stories you can tell.
>Now we seem to have fewer episodes
and with the slop served up in the last decade, that's actually a fucking mercy

But yeah I get you.
tbf, it couldn't, but not because the audience wouldn't watch it, more because TV's disgustingly nepotistic and all the BBC luvvies are embarrassed to have stuff like that on their channel
Dot and Bubble cost a lot of money, RTD even said he pitched the idea during early Moffat but they'd never have afforded it.
>Shitty writing is caused by low budget!!!
>SOVL comes from dat jew money!
Ask me how I know you're an American.
I'm not even referring to the writing of L&M or FH, anon. More that they're smaller scale stories with limited cast and limited VFX.
Those were both unusually expensive episodes.
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Season 2 he's back and an actual god now
Sure thing
Did they explain why 14 didnt turn up?
So, of the mysteries...
>Ruby's mother is a big fat nothing.
>Which means the weird snow has NO explanation (or 'perception filter', which is then another nothing).
>Susan Triad is a made-up series of people.
>THE Susan is still just 'out there' somewhere.
>Mrs. Flood is To Be Continued
Wilf shot him
Overall thoughts on the season?

Pretty decent but hey needed more episodes, and more writers.

Gatwa's great but he needs more time to be more eccentric.
uh no, we think she's important because you spent the entirety of the first episode of the finale making the plot revolve around her and her mum abandoning her in that memory machine
is RTD okay? like, is he suffering from some sort of mental disorder?
One of those had an entirely new cast, the other one ends with the DOCTOR AT THE FUCKING OLYMPICS

Jesus Christ, just shut up.
in anyway, its still better to see her own posted pictures than watch her, since the pics got more exposure of her tits
it really bothers me that it feels like pop culture has just lowkey accepted the insane black israelite bullshit about the Ancient Egyptians being black. I unironically believe that this is why they would think leaning into the egyptian aesthetic would be racist and why they had The Doctor say that stupid fucking line about 'cultural appropriation.
Fear Her was written very budget-consciously
>Budget issues prompted the postponement of Fry's adventure... Davies initially asked Graham for a budget-conscious narrative... With the production team keen to limit the story's visual effects requirements, it wasn't practical to digitally remove such giveaways as the actors' steaming breath. Instead, dialogue was added to the script which explained that the Isolus was absorbing heat in its vicinity.
To be fair, it's at least at the stage where it's 9 episodes releasing every year again. With all of the mid seasons breaks and taking a year off I'd be curious to know how the episode per year rate compares to later Moffat.
73 yards
Why would he do that?
>it's got literal whos in the cast
>the main vfx is blown on a shitty olympic stadium only seen briefly
>mostly shot on 1 street in 1 house and the tardis, and david tennant on some steps
Thought he was a mole, innit>>200368905
why can't doctor who do decent budget-constrained episodes like Star Trek does with bottle episodes
Did this set a new record for space magic nonsense?
Did any of it actually make sense?
Does it make any sense that Sutekh gained powers from riding the Tardis but was killed by being in the vortex...but only because the Tardis doors closed???
...But you intentionally picked two episodes with shit writing to try to make your argument that Doctor Who is good because of its high budget.


...How is it possible to even think something so mindbogglingly retarded?
Where the fuck do you think you are? What do you think you're talking about?
>...But you intentionally picked two episodes with shit writing to try to make your argument that Doctor Who is good because of its high budget.
No I didn't, anon. I picked two which were made budget consciously because the budget had been blown everywhere else.
It used to. Boom Town, Midnight, Amy's Choice
There wasn't one GOOD episode.
there's a protective field around the TARDIS, that's why the doc and co can sometimes open the doors and look out into space or sit on the top of it and not be harmed.
When Sutekh was on the leash he wasn't close enough to it.
Being limited to 8 episodes killed it
I have long held the opinion that at least for TV, quality is inversely correlated with budget
when you have infinite money you care less about making sure you have a solid and thoughtful script, and forget that all the flashy CGI and costumes and locations are completely incidental to the story
I'm sure you can map a correlation between number of episodes written by the showrunner and the quality of that season

Chibnall wrote pretty much all of them, seems like RTD2 has done the same
Also, Doctor Who does need money. It's got more crew than ever, has to compete with other shows in terms of how it looks, VFX for UHD/4K alone is not cheap, and inflation. Also, every single location they want to use requires cost, crew, lighting, hiring of extras, etc.

Clearly some people on here have no idea how much TV costs. RTD has said himself that the show needs more money than the BBC can provide. If it didn't, don't you think they'd be making it without having to tie themselves up with Mickey Mouse.
Jack got killed holding on to it
>We wanted to keep the budget down and limit the effects.
They literally say that about every episode that's not the finale.
Up the page they're saying the exact same thing about The Satan Pit - the Ood and the look of the Beast were both a cost-saving exercise.

Now, with dat sweet Disney money, they don't have to worry so much... Which is why it's now such endless kino, apparently.
Corporations have this funny idea that the more they can compartmentalize and the more people they hire, the faster they can ship a product out and have quality increase. Instead of just bloating a budget and creating an inferior product that lacks direction and soul.
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>The finale is here!! Join Nadia, Shabaz,
as they unpack EMPIRE OF DEATH, chat to Lenny Rush, and get a tease on the future of #DoctorWho from Russell T Davies!
Why is Stingy back?
>couldn't get on Radio1
>have to settle for interviewing midgets about naff cult tv
I think the whole concept of a showrunner is a meme except if you're vince gilligan
Someone please summarize the entire plot so that I dont have to artifically boost viewership for what sounds like a trainwreck of an episode.
Love Shabaz's accent. Rubber Dinghy rapids, bro
>Doctor who gets lower ratings than saturday night quiz shows

the budget should be cut
cosmic death god > squishy gay human
while being close to the TARDIS, the time vortex can't damage Sutekh enough to destroy him whereas a human is so weak that just going through the vortex at all kills them
also known as Series 8 - 14.
Sutekh was a TARDIS vouyer
Series 8-10 are the best series grandpafag.
It's no secret that the budget has greatly increased in the last few seasons - which have been utter trash.
Cutting it back and hiring competent people could save it
Sutekh must have been pissed when that happened, especially since Jack can't be killed.
go back to your carehome, you clearly have dementia
>wanting 5 more episodes of the same quality as the 8 we got
I'd argue the bigger budget isn't the issue, it's the writing and the fact they just got Phil Collinson, RTD, Jane Tranter, Julie G, etc all back in and didn't bother to get fresh talent in apart from 2 women writers

and 95% of chibwho was written by chibnall, which hasn't helped matters either
He got killed because sutekh was already clinging to the tardis, in reality jack was clinging onto the death god.
Rogue is one of the best episodes of the entire show.
He raped him
Sutekh's been humping the TARDIS the whole time
He really wanted to know what the plot twist with Ruby's real mum was
Turns out there was no plot twist, fuck you
They chuck Sutekh into the Time Vortex to go chill with Ramon Salamander
Ruby reunites with her real mum
I'm buying as much of classic who on physical disks as possible before the BBC fucks Classic Who up too after all this horseshit.
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when you think about it the fact that Sutekh was never detected or known about at all even by like Rose when she became Bad Wolf or Clara being 'the impossible girl' speaks to just how powerful you have to assume Sutekh actually is - which makes it even more nonsensical how he just gets defeated by being leashed to the TARDIS and dragged around
Presumably if there were 5 more episodes RTD wouldn't have had the time to write them all so he'd have been forced to hire more people and hopefully a few of them might have been talented.
Second this. And while it was at its worst with Sutekh, I couldn't always make out what the Doctor was saying very well either.
Why didn't Sutekh intervene when The Master turned the TARDIS into a paradox machine?
How did Sutekh survive the tardis exploding? Amy only brought the doctor who back through her memory connecting to the crack, did she remember Sutekh as well?

Or is just a case of bad writing
They probably won't get the actress back so despite all the 'perfectly ordinary = most amazing in the cosmos' it wrapped up fine by RTD standards. And we won't get The Ordinary Girl battling aliens on Xendar IV in 2027.

Really it should have been a two-parter, or a one-off like Father's Game - just little seeds here and there. Someone rein Russell in, please.
BOTH were shit.
>mrs snow starts being mean and cruel to ruby's grandma
>almost gleeful that they are about to die and how she is going to attack God
>next scene she's laughing and hugging her and is happy to be alive
can someone explain this shit to me like I'm retarded?
She's already confirmed to be coming back.
My headcanon is Sutekh wasn't on the TARDIS until Wild Blue Yonder
>Joy To The World, written by Steven Moffat, will air on BBC One on Christmas Day and guest stars Nicola Coughlan opposite The Fifteenth Doctor Ncuti Gatwa. Season 2 will see Gatwa return alongside Millie Gibson and new addition to the TARDIS Varada Sethu.

Galway born actress, Couglan, has made a huge impact in film and television having starred in standout roles such as the hilarious Clare Devlin in award-winning drama comedy series Derry Girls, Penelope Featherington in the regency-era international sensation Bridgerton, and not to forget one of the Barbies in mega-blockbuster Barbie, alongside the Fifteenth Doctor Ncuti Gatwa.
Doctor Who will then return in 2025 with Season 2, which will see The Doctor (Ncuti Gatwa) and Ruby Sunday (Millie Gibson) reunite alongside new companion played by Varada Sethu. Sethu made a surprise appearence in Season 1 as part of the cast of Boom.

Varada joins the Whoniverse from a galaxy far, far away after starring in the Disney+ Star Wars series Andor. Now she straps in for another journey through time and space alongside Ncuti Gatwa as the Fifteenth Doctor and Millie Gibson as Ruby Sunday.
Imagine how stoked he'd be if there was a Romana Mark XXIV out there. Could even have different actresses (actors? aliens?) play her, address the 'wardrobe change' scene.

I think they've scrapped the idea she was every President of Gallifrey but they had a ton of adventures, she's a Time Lady, long-lived and can change form. Sarah Jane Smith was just some woman. Jo Grant was better. Leela was better. Why was Mel here? Who the fuck likes Mel?
She's just the schitzoid next door, part & parcel of living in London, you can't hold it against her
All of this bullshit because the Doctor poured salt on the floor. Thanks Russel
Mild Amusement to 0.6m Viewers
>she starts reciting some weird ass chant or poem right before it happens to
Fuck. They literally say in the episode it's wrapped up, her storyline is done.

Just move on to that new woman and forget about Ruby. If she's not special any more, stop having special companions.
Oh yeah, it seemed like her tech going global was going to be part of the big plan, then just...nope.
She got freed from Sutekh's influence like Susan
She had some grandiose designs but she isn't too fussed about them. She'll take what she can get, the evil and the good.
>Why didn't Sutekh intervene when The Master turned the TARDIS into a paradox machine?
Why would Sutekh intervene in any instance of bad shit happening that would result in mass death like The Master winning? His whole deal is he wants as much death as possible; if you think about it another way villains like The Master were just fulfilling hos own goal for him and he only decided to act and release the death wave once there was no one left to fuck with the universe and do the job
>How did Sutekh survive the tardis exploding?
maybe he didn't and just let it happen and was revived afterwards anyway - alternately he's a cosmic death god by this point and can't actually be killed, his 'death' at the end of the latest episode is a fakeout
>Amy only brought the doctor who back through her memory connecting to the crack, did she remember Sutekh as well?
The Doctor and the TARDIS being brought back means Sutekh is brought back because he's tied to them
Mrs Flood already died to Sutekh but will be revealed as some even more powerful being
>Sutekh being on the TARDIS since Pyramids of Mars.
I'm waiting for somebody to point out all of the situations that have happened which make this part seem HUGELY implausible. Like when we had the 'dead' Tardis on Trenzalore.
Chaotic Neutral character that does cryptic and whimsical shit
Is she the Doctor's mom?
we did this in the last 5 threads complete with photoshops
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There's probably a ton more to consider but just from my memory of revival era Who:

Was Sutek constantly being obliterated on repeat during the Total Event Collapse/Big Bang Two? Did he also shrink during Flatline while the Tardis got smaller, or was he just perched on top of it the whole time? Would the Daleks have destroyed him when they tried to incinerate the Tardis in The Stolen Earth? Did Sutek care that The Master was messing with his grand death plan when he turned the Tardis into the paradox engin? Was Sutek just taken along for the ride when The House hijacked the Tardis, or was he inside the woman just like the Tardis' mind?
>why was the final susan a tech CEO? why was that necessary?
Why was it portrayed positively? "haha elon musk haha tech billionaires."
Then a moment later she's intelligent and kind and ought to be proud of herself.

The boy billionaire in The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky was an entitled dickhead ("it's been a long time since anyone said no to you.") waving guns around and bragging about how clever he is. Redeemed himself with a sacrifice at the end.

Even if this iteration of Susan is a woman genius, why doesn't she get the same treatment?
Millie deserved more...but then from what they just said on Unleashed it seems like she's still in most of series 2.
Has RTD ever referenced a Moffat episode?
She stood up to RTD just like Eccleston
She's a muse. An actual, literal, muse. That's why she narrates to the audience.
About S11 tier for me.
You're expecting her to be a dickhead, so the fact that she's nice throws you.
The recursive loop of TARDISes in Logopolis
The TARDIS getting blowed up in Frontios
There was some throwaway line that he was riding the spine of the TARDIS or something, I think that's as good as you're going to get. There's a fuckton of rooms and he wasn't corporeal. There was that whole 'Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS' episode.

Like Jack hanging on the TARDIS in 'Utopia' except metaphysically in a coat rack somewhere.
Also Alex Kingston in it.
the answer to all of these questions is that the show itself literally shows you in his reveal that he's in the form of a swarm of paricles/mist before reforming into the jackal form i.e. he is never literally just invisible and perched on top of the TARDIS, only when he first grabbed onto it, the visuals of the mysterious cloud around the TARDIS is literal and not jus ta representation of him being hidden
he even says he became part of the fabric of teh TARDIS, you're a retard with no media literacy if you watch it and go 'huh big doggo on the box... does that mean big doggo always on box??'
Yes? Did you watch The Giggle?
Was he really a billionaire?
>the entirety of everything that happens between them entering the memory TARDIS and appearing again in front of Sutekh was completely pointless
what the fuck did they mean by this
When Timothy Dalton was Rassilon the Doctor's mother assumed the pose like 'the Weeping Angels of old'.

I hope they just flat-out say the woman in this episode was Susan's mum. It's fine. Fuck your mystery and masterplans. They're scraping the bottom of the barrel with bringing back characters anyway.
>Sutekh's dust wave destroyed almost all the metal in the universe so the Doctor has to find a random woman to beg for a spoon
>The DNA database is completely intact
Wow RTD is an actual faggot and a disgrace to the lgbt+. Gotta love him making the argument that you are basically worthless unless society gives you value or purpose, literally defeating the entire purpose of his shittly written Baby episode. This is a man that if he died tomorrow I would break my AA to celebrate.
it wasn't pointless, they needed to realize that Sutekh was being a curious retard letting them live because of just wanting to know who Ruby's mom was as well as having access to the molecular thread to leash Sutekh
from a character standpoint it was to showcase the impact of Sutekh killing all life and sad scenes of doc and co
How did this season start out so strong yet end so weakly.
this was a fun scene, why was this kind of tone completely absent from ncuti-who?
He invented the Atmos gadget that was in every car, I just assume so. Point is he was stubborn whiny tech bro who bragged about being a genius. Playing against the Tenth Doctor.
>the wave instantly turns everyone into dust
>... except for a couple of people of people
>but she was killed by...a bird! *looks bemused*
moffat btfo
It's to tell you the backstory in case you don't watch to watch Classic Who or Tales of the TARDIS.

Like when RTD wrote a new backstory for The Master. He wasn't just some old archrival, surprised the Mary Poppins Time Lord forgot to mention the whole Untempered Schism-induced madness brought about by drumming situation.
Every planet except gas giants should cease to exists then if theres little to no metal. Jfc he literally just doesn't care about the science anymore. It's just about visuals and forcing emotions onto viewers
They also chose specifically to visualise it as Sutek clutching onto the tardis as it flies through the vortex, it's on them if thats now hoe people are just going to percieve Sutek hitchiking through space and time for the last 50 years
But he still got more powerful while in the field?
The dog was always there just invisible.
I really didn't care for the Maestro episode but that tuning fork scene was neat.

73 Yards was a cool idea until the rushed ending.

RTD needs a writing partner. It's like when the Red Dwarf duo split up and Greg Rayner didn't understand it at all.
Tennant specials basically made this a full nu-Who series.
If they air it on disney Plus.thay is

Hinestly that's what's hurt this show
Chibnall unironically did this better with the Flux and RTD was just salty and trying to one-up him with this which it why it falls apart like this
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Sigh... somehow Time Lords returned.
trannywho defender has arrived
£0.01 has been rebated to your Television License account
He's a God of Death it's probably pretty cold. Hugging the TARDIS is the best he's felt in millennia.
Presumably the dust doesn't burrow down underground.
It is weird that I want to have sex with Ruby Sunday? She looks like a slutty english girl.
good. fuck chibnall
I don't know about that, there's about 7.5mil D+ subscribers in the UK, compared to the 24.5mil TV licences in force right now
if you're not just a squishy human then being exposed to the time vortex or even just looking at it makes you more powerful apparently
I think it's terrible writing anon, I'm saying that's why I think that line was in there. I don't expect writers to be psychic but the "i hitched a ride and here's why you didn't notice", that was the best they came up with.

At least Adric was an actual stowaway.
worth remembering RTD "likes" hundreds of comments anyway
This show needs to stop killing whole races or people only to bring them back again in constant loops.
Sutekh has space magic dust, reversed by...just BEING in the time vortex, like his mere presence negates it purely because the plot says so.
>Chibnall unironically did this better with the Flux
Begone, Chibnall.
Shit I mean Iplayer.
Probably just fat-fingered it
Kek, Indira Varma was totally wasted on Slitheen-tier villains.
spending 11 years building up to their return only to kill them off screen (and prevent all possible life on the planet ever again or something) was Chibnells 2nd biggest war crime
I thought Capaldi era brought the timelords back? how did they all die again?
Master was very angy that Doctor Who was secretly a little black girl
The Master found out all Time Lords were based on the Doctor since she was the Timeless Child and nuked them all and turned them into Cybermen.
holy fuck I just realized something and I'm shocked nobody has pointed this out yet
>Sutekh, the God of Death is killed by just being in the time vortex
thanks Russell
>Why was it portrayed positively
Wasn't there a line in part one that basically said Elon was (also) an EVIL tech billionaire?
The Master found out that since the timelords had gotten their ability to regenerate from The Doctor's DNA this meant his own DNA contained a part of The Doctor which horrified him so much that he genocided all of them (and turned what was left into cybermen) and then blew up the whole planet again with a life killing bomb afterwards
>and I'm shocked nobody has pointed this out yet
If we pointed out all the ways this don't make no fuckin sense we'd never get anything done
that's really stupid lol
The bit when Doctor just appears in that tent without showing him taking the Tardis anywhere in particular or telling Ruby and Mel to stay behind was odd.
>Dust of death killing everything throughout space and time
>Woman hides out from it in...a tent
>the god of death wants everything dead because he's ooooh sooo evil instead of respecting the natural cycle


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