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Hanging on edition
previous >>200348869
I find Rose Noble sexually attractive. There I said it...
how retarded of me >>200365011
Loving the latest development of Time Lord Tennis, where successive showrunners take it in turns killing off, then resurrecting, the Time Lords
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*sigh* somehow Time Lords returned.
Wasn't the whole Flux multi-episode arc about planets being devoured or something?

Here we have dust destroy almost all life in the universe (?) then it gets undone 10-20 minutes later. Stop saving the universe, for fuck's sake.
>Presumably the dust doesn't burrow down underground.

Somewhere, a very confused group of Silurians are peeking their heads above the surface and wondering what the fuck the apes did to the planet now.

(Torchwood: Miracle Day didn't get picked up by Starz, now THIS is on Disney. Take that you American cunts.)
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I'm not against the time lords being back but I am against RTD writing their return after how shit this entire season has been. Moffat at least still captired the corrupt nature of the timelords with the 12th. I feel like RTD is going to go the modern video game route of just making them all "funny and quirky"
RTD > Moffat
Explain Ruby's character arc.
I like the Susie Costello actress. They'll recycle actresses, but some actors just seem fun and talented then get wasted. Fuck, I'd throw Jodie Whittaker in there.
Despite all of the stuff of the Doctor fondly reminiscing about Gallifrey, he still made the Time Lords villains in End of Time.
If you are trans yes.
Fuck off baiter
And that was just Moffat reheating old ideas from his short stories
Hastily written out because she was a diva on set.
She's in Season 2 THOUGH.
Her ordinary human mother had a teen pregnancy to an abusive teen boy, she gave up the baby in a church so they would look after her. She saw a bloke so she pointed at a street sign to signal that she should be called 'Ruby'. The bloke never communicated with the church but they also decided to call her Ruby by coincidence. Then she was fostered/adopted and grew up an ordinary teenage life as a keyboardist in a band.

She thought she was special and so did everyone else but it was a series of misunderstandings. Now she's happy with her birth mother and about to meet her birth father. I think she has a personality of her own? Plucky. Eager. She might have gotten upset once, I can't remember. Maybe she learned a lesson.
>to an abusive teen boy
It was her stepdad who was abusive, the lad just never knew about it
Ruby is Rose Tyler, I mean Any Pond, I mean Clara Oswald. Oh wait sorry, she's actually just a random girl who only has any value because society gave it to her cause otherwise she's completely worthless. She likes Christmas, had her growth from dealing with abandonment issues be erased so she got no canon character growth, and she got to meet her birth parents.
This literally never went anywhere. Scenes with her mum not knowing she was a lesbian then it just fell by the wayside.

Also who was the Danny Pink in the future?

Moffat when you start writing these things please finish them. RTD's problem is he writes a conclusion then keeps going. Rose is a goddess/science-fiction whizz in another universe. Martha is a UNIT expert who also marries Mickey for some reason. Donna gets rich then gets un-rich, but the magic goes down to her transgender daughter.

Nardole is the most normal companion and he's a weird alien. He also died and came back to life I think.
Ruby's character arc is unironically that even if you are an orphan with a found family and established identity you should obsess over your 'family' that you don't know and chase after it until you are reunited with your biological heritage and also that to mature as a person you need to simaltaneously realize that escapism and being adventurous is bad and that settling down with family and living a mundane life is good

a bizarrely conservative message when you really stop and think about it
Fair enough lad, misheard. Remember them saying they were both 15.

How do you 'hide' that in 2004? I was a teenager then, you don't exactly have the rights you do as an adult and leaving a baby outside IN THE COLD is pretty fucked up. Sounds like she knew who the father was.
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Everything could have been saved if Nardole was the watcher and 12 regenerated into Matt Lucas.
You all missed the big one of "fell in love with The Doctor"
If Moffat tweeted out that Rory being the master was canon, I would legit forgive him for how abysmal Series 6 was
>RTD liked the TLJ reveal that was the result of non joined up thinking and immediately retconned the following movie
is he retarded or does he only read the the headlines?
Series 6 > Series 4
>How do you 'hide' that in 2004?
A lot easier than you do in 2024
>leaving a baby outside IN THE COLD is pretty fucked up
The fucked up part is the TV/movie idea of "just knock the door and run off without checking that anyone picks the baby up" has legit meant that some babies that have been left on doorsteps of a church or orphanage weren't found until the morning.
I hate how all these fuckwads in NuWho right the Doctor as being a romantic and keep trying to force love relationships between him and his companions. At least the 5th through 7th were Aromantic and ficused on saving peopls first and foremost. It was better representation for the lgbt+ than this recent faggot bs
>Dust of death kills everything throughout space and time
>Woman hides out from it in...a tent
the best RTD seasons are worse than the worst moffat ones
I was waiting for her to say he's "part of the family" and it wasn't a ROMANTIC "I love you."

All the theories about multiple off-screen adventures, years passing, episodes out of order. You think she'd realise he's gay.
Does she know?
Also, magic snow.
I agree with this but also Series 6 was still shit outside of the Silence.
>two deaths make life
>Just like two negatives make a positive
So why are they portraying it romantically? The mum seems like an ordinary, lovely woman who had her reasons.

The adoptive mum should be furious and they should call social services or something. Get solicitors involved. Why is it a saccharine happy ending?
he's not actually the real god of death he's a LARPing chuuni alien that liked being worshipped as Set by dumb egyptian humans and stared believing his own bullshit once his time on the TARDIS made his powers start to catch up to his own hype
he wants to kill everything because he's just a megalomaniac psychopath that hates everything except himself and just wants to be alone
The Impossible Astronaut and Day of the Moon is one of the best stories in the entire show.
My cousin hid her teen pregnancy from her mother 'til a few weeks before the birth.
this is exactly why 11 is and will always be the most based version of the Doctor, there is no gay romance bullshit he's just an autistic action hero
Sounds like she should have social services after her.
>great now i can watch TV and catch up on reading
>oh no, nobody is making those things any more
and who will listen to his pompous speeches? ;_;
Only now he's part of the Pantheon of Discord, extradimensional beings so advanced that they are as gods unto us. All that stuff about just being a hyperviolent alien with a funny head is soooooo old fashioned
>The One Who Waits
When I heard that my initial theory would be that it would be Death itself, but I didn't expect something this dumb. It was Sutekh who literally just waited while squatting on the TARDIS for millennia.
so is mrs.flood gonna be river song or the rani or the master?
>Get solicitors involved
Calm down, dear.
Even real gods fear him
She is the Master and will regenerate into John Simm.
Is it even possible to give a shit anymore?
Why is RTD obsessed with grannies
It makes no sense at all that the dust is what kills everything, but it's reversed purely by Sutekh travelling through the vortex, doing NOTHING to actually reverse the dust effect.
The writer literally told you (gaslit, really) that all the meaning is hallucinated by you.
>The adoptive mum should be furious and they should call social services or something.
It was just a kid trying to do the right thing, innit
Can't believe Sutekh has been on Woolf's shoulder for nearly-50 years.
The River Song one?
The one Waris Hussein complained about because the programme got too sexualised and he kissed the new companion in the first proper meeting?

One line in 'City of Death' and he's asexual/sexless and that should have been it. Bringing it up to modern standards, have companions who enter relationships. Susan had whatshisface for plot contrivances, Rose had Mickey because it was the noughties.
She'll regenerate into the Fugitive Doctor obviously
This is the only time he has done it.
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What happened to Sutekh when TARDIS when into siege mode?
there's no contradiction between this interdimensional pantheon thing and Sutekh having just been an alien at one point
the pantheon is made up of members who either just became powerful enough to be part of it overtime or were just that powerful anyway because they're so advanced; none of them are literal gods in the sense of being actual deities
actually there is a contradiction since he sits atop the pantheon as the big daddy ruler of them all but his whole shtick is wanting to destroy all life
That skeleton dude in Torchwood is the real god of death
RTD should have brought the Gods of Ragnarok back if he was going to turn Doctor Who into a shitshow circus
How did the pantheon know anything about 'the one who waits' if he was just attached to (or part of) the Tardis the WHOLE time?
>there's no contradiction between this interdimensional pantheon thing and Sutekh having just been an alien at one point
I'm just pointing out that what he was in Pyramids of Mars is very far removed from what he is in Empire of Death, and they even pay lip service to it in the episode by Sutekh claiming to have 'evolved'

The Mind Robber/Land of Fiction. Had multiple identities in the past and it tracks with what she's saying about stories and so on.
>The fucked up part is the TV/movie idea of "just knock the door and run off without checking that anyone picks the baby up" has legit meant that some babies that have been left on doorsteps of a church or orphanage weren't found until the morning.
humans are so fucking retarded lmao it's kind of impressive
Can this show receive Sutekh's gift of death already?
He turned from a simple but competent Omega-style helmet costume to a CGI dog.

For all the Disney budget, they got really cocky there. Abaddon in Torchwood looked better.
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>tfw no one bothered to remember a toilet in the Remembered TARDIS
What about Abaddon?
He turned into gas and went underground as featured in the prologue of Scream of the Shalka (now canon).
Who killed it?
Chibnall did. RTD is just trying to Frankenstein this corpse back into life with gay science.
I didn't find the genius little kid annoying.
The Midge Machinegun was one of the best laughs of the episode tbf
Felt sad when he turned to dust
>Get solicitors involved.
What do you think she needs to be sold?
I couldn't understand a word he said. I had to rewind and turn on the subtitles every time he said something that seemed relevant/important to the scene.
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Imagine just slamming Morris Gibbons as hard as you can. Just going full speed, grabbing him with both arms, lifting him clear over your head, and just slamming him down into the concrete with every fiber of muscle in your body. The noise of his destruction would be akin to a gunshot, but rather than the crack of a supersonic bullet, it is the collective cracking of every bone in his tiny body. He could just be waddling his little midge waddle and suddenly find himself lifting into the air, and the next time he blinks he is launching towards the sidewalk at literally breakneck speed. Every little midge bone in his little midge body would be broken, if not outright shattered. Compound fractures would tear through both his skin and pierce his internal organs. Blood and cranial fluids would leak from the multiple open fractures across his skull. His lower teeth would be driven into his unhinged jaw. And as the life fades away from him and his vision would turn black, he's look up at you and beg with his eyes "Why?" Yet your casual stride away from him would give him the only answer he is worthy of: "Why not?" You see, Warwick's entire midge life is utterly beneath the notice of actual humans, and snuffing his pathetic life out was an action done so casually and so carelessly it was far beyond your notice. It was a thoughtless impulse, one already forgotten. The one and only reason nobody had ended his pitiful midge life earlier was because nobody else could be bothered. He wasn't even worth the time to put any conscious thought into killing. With that realization, Morris Gibbons releases his bowels (a runny midge poop, as midges lack the intestinal length to properly process food) and dies. Nobody bothers burying him.
zoomers cant even use find and replace
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anybody else hate this little gubber goo slime boy?
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They really messed shit up by killing him
That's your problem then because I understood everything.
Question: if fairies exist in Who now and can just whisk people out of existence and create other timelines why didn't they just do this to Sutekh when the death wave came to kill them? Or does this imply Sutekh is somehow more powerful than these fairies?
What happened to Lee Evans? Did his character die?

It's like if Sergeant Benton just disappeared or something. It would be easier to care about UNIT if they had a consistent cast (and didn't just teleport from HQ to HQ.
>if fairies exist in Who now
Torchwood is canon.
Lots of people enjoyed it. Especially people who don't watch every episode obsessively and just have fun. What's your problem?
How? Between his speech impediment, accent, and the constant sound of gargling spit I couldn't make heads or tails of it.
If people enjoy it and that factors into more stories like this, I do not want more stories like this. I mostly disliked it.
Fairly straightforward, I think.
Fairies are cunts, everyone knows this. They only use their powers to be cunts and nothing more. When Sutekh extinguished life in the universe the fairies probably all just moved to a parallel universe and laughed about it.
When is the Bowlestrek video coming out?
Doctor Who has largely been left with the dregs of an audience.
>Lots of people enjoyed it
means fuck all.
Source? It's a flagman show on the biggest streamer in the world.
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Even "geeks" are embarrassed to admit they watch Doctor Who now
RTD's confirmed that there's going to be more revelations about Ruby's family in Season 2. There's more to the mother than it seems.
The sound mixing was noticeably shitty.
15 years ago Doctor Who was one of my favorite TV shows and I recommended it to just about everyone I knew. There were several people I convinced to watch all of Series 1 with me, about half of them started watching the show and the other half thought that much was worth the watch as a self-contained season/story but didn't bother continuing. Now everyone I know stopped watching years ago (and so did I) and I haven't even told them I picked it back up with this new season. I won't even admit to hatewatching it, this is my private shameful punishment.
It was bad. I refuse to believe normies enjoy 'It was important because you thought it was important'.
The show wasn't much better 15 years ago.
But what about the hidden song in Ruby's heart?
>The sound mixing was noticeably shitty.
Very true. It was especially bad in every scene featuring Sutekh on-screen, all his stomping and growling overpowered all his dialogue and I had to strain to hear it sometimes. It's a shame that such a cool voice and good voice performance got drowned out by stupid dog sounds. Whoever did that should be fired.
>There's more to the mother than it seems.
Or is it that there's more to her father who we haven't seen yet?
The Doctor is her father
The Doctor doesn't have sex with humans.
End of the Doctor Who podcast.
They found her father through the DNA database at the end of the episode, so we know it's not the Doctor.
There was that on-screen DNA scan too.

Who's to say the bigeneration doesn't leave him with his human half? Would explain the more emotional/family aspects to his character.
>Ruby's famiy story is not over

The Doctor hasn't even conceived Susan's father yet. He's a virgin.
It wasn't through the DNA database, but Ruby's mother knowing where his parents lived. Suppose she could have gotten pregnant from someone else, but they aren't doing that when she gave Ruby away when she was 15.
Cringe. Wasn't the entire Moffat era about how Dr Who actually fucks?
>RTD's confirmed that there's going to be more revelations about Ruby's family in Season 2. There's more to the mother than it seems.
>here's a huge very important mystery box for 8 episodes
>HAHA suckers it was actually about nothing and you were stupid to get excited
>but actually there's also more mystery boxes for later so make sure you're excited for that
Only kissing has ever been shown and possible cunnilingus was implied (when he was hiding naked under that one woman's dress). No further sexual activity has ever been shown or implied.
she wasn't. ncuti didn't like her, and only ONE of them was bumming rtd...
RTD didnt like Star Trek until he watched all of Star Trek Discovery
You tell me
10 fucked way more than 11 and 12 put together, aside from 12 being forced to fuck River.
My brother in christ what do you think Matt Smith has done every night with River Song while she was in prison? What do you think Capaldi has done with River Song on Darilium.
I don't like Stingy's face.
>She's in Season 2
Not even her parents were alive in 1964.
Incorrect, 10 would rather have sex with men.
It's just Rey all over again, like Sutekh is Thanos all over again.
Disney has a very thorough bible of tropes their writers have to follow. It's a rinse and repeat company model. That's what we're reduced to, now Russell's sold what was left of the show's soul.
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visual representation of my interest in the rtd2 era disappearing after that awful finale
Holding hands, hugging, kissing, and making cringy boomer innuendo at each other that never goes anywhere.
Can't imagine Matt Smith having sex
What about me, you, handcuffs?
There's nothing inherently sexual about the use of handcuffs. Maybe they just like playing cops & robbers and practicing escaping handcuffs.
What are you so hellbent on this? Why can't you accept that Dr Who has put his dick in his wife?
Boom confirmed the Doctor's first sexual experience was oyakodon when Hartnell was a young man.
I can, he has the biggest penis of all the actors who have played the Doctor.
He really IS following the Star Wars (lack of) plan.
Are they even actually married? They never signed and filed a marriage license in a court of law.
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watch House of the Dragon then
Isn't that flopping now? Why is Matt Smith poison to any TV show or movie?
you know he did this because he wants to make Susan's mother the doctor's gay adoption baby
>Isn't that flopping now?
no? wtf are you talking about
Matt Smith isn't even the main protagonist/hero in that show either, are you retarded?
Him being in Morbius massively improved it.

>no? wtf are you talking about
It's bleeding viewers.
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>if fairies exist in Who now
They've existed since 2005.
you know there's only been a single episode out right now, right? How can you possibly know it's 'bleeding viewers?' Retard
>How can you possibly know it's 'bleeding viewers?'
The Season 2 premier is lower than the Season 1 premier.
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Bros... is RTD secretly a genius who's been planning this for decades?
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Never doubt the big gay Welshman.
I want to cuddle and kiss Mel.
He did say that he's thought about Sutekh returning ever since he watched Pyramids of Mars 50 years ago...
This. They treated her pretty poorly. Putting the word out that she was an unreasonable diva on set, like anyone would believe it. She worked on Coronation Street before this. She doesn't have any allusions about how a production runs. But Ncuti didn't like her, they fell out while filming at Penarth Pier (for that 1950's episode), and that was it. He wanted her gone. They did any extra day of filming there with her a few weeks later for the sake of continuity and that was it. Bye Ms. Gibson, hello Indian woman from the Disney stable.

Spooning and napping with Mel in the TARDIS.
>been thinking about this idea for years bros
>since i was a kid fan
>gets job in 2005, does 4 seasons of doctor who
>4.5 seasons of SJA
>4 seasons of torchwood
>never does the sutekh fanfic
>only comes back 12 years later to rescue the show and does the sutekh fanfic

what did he mean by this
>Space Babies
>Devils Chord
>73 Yards
>Dot and Bubble
>Legend of RS
>Empire of Death
5/10, I don't think I will watch the next season. Just going to fantasize about a Doctor Who game from now on.
that doesn't mean anything, season 1 was two years ago, that doesn't mean season 2 is flopping
she's thinking about Seasons 23 and 24, bless her. better times.
> Please come back

The fucking desperation.
I honestly hate how all online discussion has just converged around this meme of making [writer of media franchise] a heckin genius who plays 4d chess while sitting on the toilet. It's a shitty feedback loop because the writers buy into their own hype and then their writing becomes increasingly more retarded
>Putting the word out that she was an unreasonable diva on set
"Doesn't she look tired?"
>we have more mysteries and i can promise you it'll be thrilling and epic and marvellous
well, rusty, based on the last 8 weeks, i seriously fucking doubt it mate.

enjoy your 1.7m viewership in the UK next year
If he's lucky it will be rainy next year.
Big Jeb Energy
>Gallifrey is destroyed
>we brought Gallifrey back!
>Gallifrey is destroyed
>we brought Gallifrey back!
how many more times can they do this
you're about 7 years too late with that
Sutekh is defeated far too easily, almost comically in fact. And apparently billions of years of traveling through the vortex is fine, except for when Dr. Who throws him into the vortex and suddenly he can't survive it.

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the time corridor that connected from Sutekh's tomb to England was just a two-way portal, not the /actual/ time vortex. What's this nonsense about clinging onto the TARDIS? He wouldn't be anywhere near the thing!
That's not how it works. Right?
I thought the idea of dragging Sutekh around the Vortex was to kill the Sutekh that was killing everyone, not bring EVERYONE back to life.
Old RTD would have never brought back Sutekh. He's talked before about how there's the fan approach to things, and the real approach to things. He much preferred the real approach to things outside of the occasional treat. But I suppose after Moffat and Chibnall went all in on the fan approach, he thought he could do Sutekh.
Yeah, definitely. RTD is fanbrained to fuck now.
Why is he wearing a Chibnall type shirt?
Tune in next year!
A gay floral shirt? Yes
More Sutekh edit fodder if anyone wants.
This whole thing has been so fucking dire in the worst way. There's no bite to it. No negativity. No edge or any kind of upset. Like it's been written for the same audience as Bluey. Everyone is always friends, never say anything bad, the doctor and ruby have been super duper besties forever, everything is positive affirmations, the most minor of conflicts required to actually be a story get resolved so quickly they might as well be patting a child to soothe it after it sees a scary picture for a second.

God, remember Capaldi calling Clara fat and old and being a careless, thoughtless cunt half the time? Remember her going fucking ballistic at him? Remember when 10 and donna would snipe at each other for bantz instead of drinking endless bland daquiris in a gazebo and telling the tranny du jour it's pretty every sixteen seconds so it doesn't hang itself from a light fixture?

What did we get? 20 seconds of shuck and jive from Ngubu when someone does a racism, told to spit because that's kind of what Eccleston did in Dalek.

The "senpai" was bad enough for being an instant group of friends forever, but this is worse. It's like the whole fucking galaxy is a care bears episode. Looking forward to the next season of tastless mush. Sure there'll be an episode where someone raises their voice, so the tardis spits SSRI's from the food processor.
Stop being homophobic.
>but I thought the time corridor that connected from Sutekh's tomb to England was just a two-way portal, not the /actual/ time vortex.
The Doctor did use the TARDIS to stretch it out in time so that it took Sutekh thousands of years to travel along it
>No negativity. No edge or any kind of upset.
Genuinely thought Rusty was going to get ballsy and have Ruby's mum reject her and leave at the end. But I should've known better, that sort of thing's really not in his wheelhouse
How low is the viewership going to be for the finale?
Nah fuck that. For one thing it's ignoring all that Lie of the Land crap. And also they at least acknowledged that Ruby has a father too.
2.5mil overnight
Sligihtly less than 4mil consolidated
>And apparently billions of years of traveling through the vortex is fine, except for when Dr. Who throws him into the vortex and suddenly he can't survive it.
I think it had something to do with him hanging onto the TARDIS. Its shields probably protected him, like how the Doctor can open the door in the vortex without issue or sit with his legs hanging into outer space. But once he was too far away from the TARDIS the raw power of the time vortex started tearing him apart.
Why would it be over 2.02 by any significant amount? Who would watch part 2 without watching part 1?
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Some people could have watched part 1 later and then decided to catch part 2 right when it aired.
Half the problem is what's even meant by
>I clung to your infernal machine.
Obviously they chose to represent that as a literal visual, with Sutekh draped over the exterior, but that obviously cannot be the case, right? That's at odds with everything from TLoRS
Admittedly I've seen this happen, sometimes people think the finale will have more action or a regeneration or something so those who would normally wait, watch it overnight instead.
Part people who iPlayer'd the first ep, part people just absentmindedly going, "oh, it's the finale, I'll give it a look" because honestly who wants to watch Turkey play Portugal?
>because honestly who wants to watch Turkey play Portugal?
who honestly wants to watch Doctor Who?
>That's at odds with everything from TLoRS
Not really. They show him becoming invisible as he clings to the TARDIS. I interpreted that as him basically being somehow out of phase with reality and what allows him to realign with reality and manifest is the temporal crossroads created by the time window being powered by Ruby and the Doctor's memories and conjuring up such an emotionally resonant scene along with the TARDIS memory appearing in the same building as the real TARDIS. It's like a perfect storm combined with a paradox that allows Sutekh to manifest himself and finally let his plan come to fruition.
Sutekh did more than just hold onto the TARDIS, he says that he knows exactly how it works. I'd say that the way it'll be portrayed in the future because there's going to be stuff that references it in comics and audios and nonsense, is that Sutekh was that energy field for most of it and he hid himself within the TARDIS to infest it and gather power.
true but it won't be many
also last week they said SUTEKH SEDUCED THE MACHINE like it was woven into the fabric of the tardis

this week? none of that mattered
>install new vegas
>download fallout who vegas mod
>play the closest thing to a good doctor who game
It's funny to imagine Sutekh in Heaven Sent having to watch the crystal wall for 4.5 billion years while the Doctor is punching the wall.
I don't think the Tardis was in that episode. IIRC it was wherever he left it in Face the Raven. Can't remember how he got it back in Hell Bent.
where even is the tardis during heaven sent? we only see it in the random desert at the end of hell bent
why do people make shit up like this?
People that were going to watch it were going to watch it - they are not going to stumble upon it or give the finale a go on a whim. If the season had a greater engagement and positivity then it would not be unusual for there to be an uptake in viewership by those that had casually been watching however, Doctor Who is not even in the zeitgeist or really have a sizeable core audience anymore. With the absence of a regeneration there is nothing to generate real hype, and you would have needed a certain amount of hype to have been there throughout the season anyway. Sutekh only means anything if someone is familiar with Pyramids of Mars.
What do you think happened to Sutekh when the tardis got hit with a hammer and split in two? id he bigenerate too? Is one of him gay?
time for some comfy kino bros

strap in

season didn't even end with an intriguing cliffhanger like S2 or S3 did, just some old biddy banging on about dr who facing more terror (wat? no way)
No way this shite is getting a third series
Fear Her is an ok episode
RTD got paid so much to jiggle about a few unused scripts, and string them together with hamfisted mystery boxes. Amazing.
Forgot it wasn't there at the end. I suppose maybe Clara retrieved it.
I get what it's going for, but the decision to hang the entire episode on the shoulders of an (unfortunately not good) young actor was an obvious mistake. The extended cast tend towards irritating rather than amusing, and the ending is way too 'cool Britannia' camp
Season 1 > Series 2 > Series 9
He was fucking the door of the TARDIS with his giant Osirian dog cock for most of the finale so that makes sense.
So I understand why RTD wants a third season, but would Disney really say yes? I thought numbers are what primarily decides their projects. DW's numbers have been really low and it's not gonna get any better. So what would be their reasoning for approving more seasons?
iirc they steal a tardis from Gallifrey and then the Doctor's tardis is in the diner at the end. so I guess at some point in between Clara went and picked it up for him.
Love & Monsters > Fear Her
Disney ask for all the rights so they can bumfuck it and reboot it and make it their own way completely, or tell RTD and BBC to fuck off.
>So what would be their reasoning for approving more seasons?
Costs them nothing. Handful of actors they already have on staff. Animators that aren't doing anything loaned to them for a weekend. Couple of set designers. The rest of it is probably BBC money.
If you are trans yes.
They're going to bring back Tennant
>disney money
>sutekh still looks like scooby doo monster from 2005
For Disney, the main figures they're concerned about are their Disney+ figures. We don't actually know what those are. It's certainly not record breaking.
The trans love Series 9.
>Like, zoinks Sutes!
I was expecting something like
>a record breaking run of Doctor Who on disney!!!!
but it's like radio silent

I wonder if it's fucking flopped internationally
maybe if they think they can still profit off merchandizing? does anybody still buy Dr Who shit anymore? if it does get renewed, it will probably get a budget slash.
I suspect that at some point they will "soft-retire" it and just wheel it out every few years with a one-off special to keep the IP alive.
>"and now, Ruby Sunday...goodbye."
>Doctor dematerialises the tardis, rotor starts up
>she then leaves
>I wonder if it's fucking flopped internationally
of fucking course it has
It's on slow mode.
yeah but like more than even we think
Unless they bring back a Tennant/Smith type doctor that tumblr girls can fangirl over its fucked internationally
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I watched Heaven Sent and Hell Bent instead of Empire of Death
fuck it, at this point, just throw money at both Tennant and Smith and let's have a 14th Doctor+11th Doctor series
You will never be a woman.
Disney don't get any money from the merchandise, that's all on BBC Worldwide. Disney just have global distribution rights (where previously there where a bunch of different distributors across various countries), and will presumably have the same distro rights for any of these apparently upcoming spin-offs
Season 3 will be a joint doctors season if it gets made, let's be honest DT needs the work anyway
*BBC Studios, not Worldwide. BBC Worldwide is now BBC Studios, in the same way that BBC Worldwide used to be BBC Enterprises
>will presumably have the same distro rights for any of these apparently upcoming spin-offs
Only if they invest money into it. The reason why Tales of the TARDIS doesn't get put on Disney is because no Disney money went into making it.
Probably, though since it's most likely going to be Ncuti's last RTD will want to end it with a Journey's End style bang.
I would expect Didney would be keen on the spin-offs (at least when they made this deal, maybe not so much now lol) just because it's more fodder for the D+ catalogue. Tales is an odd case where it's all cobbled together from prior Doctor Who episodes, and it's not entirely clear just how all-encompassing this deal is in terms of whether it's going to be just stuff Disney's co-produced or if it's going to extend backwards to some extent (either just to 2005, or all the way to 1963)
>I wonder if it's fucking flopped internationally
Hungarian anon here. 100% it has flopped. This is hard to understand if you're from the anglosphere but we generally don't care for gay black men. It's not that we want them dead though I'm sure some of us maybe do, but even those who don't want them dead have no interest in watching a show about them and there's nothing shameful about openly saying that. The show feels very gay, very fake-happy like everyone's on way too many antidepressants, and that has no appeal to most people. Most Europeans don't want to see this, Asians and muslims definitely don't. Show had real presence here during Tennant and slowly trickled down, now nobody cares. Our TV stations don't even transmit the show past S11 anymore.
Really the only audience outside the UK is America and I don't think the show now is entertaining enough to make it big there either. So internationally it will flop, because the world is less negrophilic than UK and US.
what the fuck even is tales of the tardis? Like some gay doctor who confidential shit where they tell you why you should like the shitty episode you just saw?
>a Journey's End style bang.
They can get the whole gang back together.
It can be a gang-bang.
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>Hungarian anon here
Then go get something to eat, dumbass
I worked in a school in Beijing when Jodie got cast. Up until that point, the kids LOVED doctor who, there were several translations made and kids would beg me to talk about it with them. Then the doctor was a woman and they just did not care anymore. Overnight.

Strangely enough they LOVED 11. Way more of them loved the Smith Era than the tennant, because they found him annoying.
I wonder who RTD originally had in mind before he cast Ncuti?

>white dude?
>non binary
>another black dude
>black woman?
This is a good question. I guess when Rusty said this story would establish this Tardis as THE Tardis he meant it has to be the one that goes all the way back to Tom. But...how do we (or the Doctor) know that Sutekh wasn't duplicated?
Another gay man.
so it's a handful of old episodes, with all the "problematic" scenes taken out? Yeah, nah.
It's just old serials cut together with an introduction and post-episode bit with Doctor Who characters. Pyramids of Mars cut out stuff like the riddles, but I'm not sure if the others went that far.
Gay/black/tranny propaganda funding is what decides their projects.
Sutekh is a power above the Toymaker. I don't know if he could duplicate him.
Olly Alexander
>very fake-happy like everyone's on way too many antidepressants
gay black men aside this is the worst part of the show now at least to me
feels like every character and the episode director are overdosing with SSRIs
There's no way Tennant, Smith, even Capaldi get roles in US shows and films without DW

Even Karen Gillian as well

Whittaker got nothing from the show, same for the companions, Ncuti at least has some independent success but there was a time when being cast as the lead or companion made you a household name
Based Chinamen
at least something done by Chib was retconned in the end.
tbf this was probably done so they could deal with the Flux.

But also RTD likes every theory people puts on IG.
>Way more of them loved the Smith Era than the tennant
damn who knew chinks had taste
It doesn't go that far. Though the main reason to watch it is just the fanwanky intros and outros where they hug each other.
I'm pretty sure he was initially planning to do a whole season with Tennant and Tate, but they had scheduling conflicts
I think the Chinese kids (I say kids, they were like..18) enjoy the idea of an autistic, nerdy hero figure. A lot of their movies have the same kind of gangly, awkward characters. Then again, they mostly liked Amy for her legs and Rory for "wearing the green hat", which I found out later is their euphemism for being a cuckold.
No he didn't.
So the Tales Of The Tardis that went up this week was...when Doctor, Ruby and Mel were in the memory Tardis this episode, except they kept Mel offscreen? And this story was the origin of the memory Tardis?
I remember hearing it was just a single special before it turned into 3.
It started out as a single special which then became 3.
Billie got an acting career out of Who.
And Jenna, of course.
You could spend three nights in a row with a three different Doctor Who companions. Who do you pick?
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close-up view of Mrs Flood's bag from Empire of Death on set of the latest Doctor Who Podcast
Millie Gibson is going to be in the new Forsyte Saga

She'll probably end up back in Coronation Street
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paul mcgann, colin baker and christopher eccleston at comic con yorkshire (2024)
>be Chibnall
>retcon the Doctor's entire history, destroy Gallifrey (again), destroy half the fucking universe
>refuse to elaborate
what the actual fuck was he thinking. whoever was next was always going to have a huge fucking mess to clean up
Romana II, Jo, Leela.
no wonder he couldn't find someone to take over
always feel bad for Christopher
apparently he was going through anorexia during S1 i read the other day
He's a great actor just never got the right roles (Bloody GI Joe, Thor 2) at least he'll get a steady income and love from the fandom now he's doing conventions and big finish
I already hate this character (she's more of a plot contrivance than a character to be fair)
I take it this is to fuck? Romana II, Nyssa, Peri
oh ok nvm then. thought I read that somewhere but maybe not
he was expecting his contract to be extended but i think the BBC said no so he thought he'd write the flux as a final FU
Romana I, Romana II, Romana III
>McGann and Colin fucking around and having a laugh
>Eccleston with a slight smile, slowly allowing himself to have a tiny bit of fun
What a fucking hack.
K9, K9 ,K9
>Thor 2
Utterly wasted in that film. A bunch of actors were wasted in the MCU.
Bill's mum > Bill
delusions of grandeur. He never liked the show and convinced himself he was going to fix it.
How could changing the history of Gallifrey and turning the Doctor into a character that simply accepts everything that happens with a shrug fix the show? Who knows, autism works in mysterious ways.
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Eccleston is the Harry Kim of Doctor actors.
kek, I was about to start listing K-9 Mark I etc.
I blame the agents who rushed in after the first Avengers film and started scrabbling to get their clients parts like fucking prospectors fighting over patches of dirt
>woman falling in love with the zestiest nigga ever
Yeah right.
Rose Tyler (Mickey Smith forced to watch), Amy Pond (Rory Williams forced to watch), Clara Oswald (Danny Pink forced to watch)
that clip of him on youtube as a kid
that is still him 40 years later, he never grew up and wanted to enact his Chibnall master plan

the black refugee angle was probably just added due to politics warping his brain
Non-romantic love.
he had a big issue with the make up iirc
Ruby's nan > Bill
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All of NuWho must be viewed in the context of it being controlled by people who were a) massively influential in the Doctor Who fandom in the Wilderness Years, and so feel like they're especially 'important' to the show, and b) entered into the media industry at a time when Doctor Who was deeply uncool, and they all felt incredibly embarrassed to be massive specky twats who liked the show with the wobbly sets and the toilet plunger monsters
What we've been seeing is a bunch of insecure little geeks trying desperately to prove to their W1A mates how not-sad Doctor Who is, while asserting to anyone who complains that they just need to shut up and let the REAL fans do their job
>She'll probably end up back in Coronation Street
Honestly soap operas seem like pretty good work for an actor/actress. Relatively well-known in your home country and steady work you can be in for decades.
>I have based my entire persona and livelihood around blueboxman and while I know it's objectively complete shit now, I have to pretend to like it in purely subjective terms so that I have something to talk about online and can still make money
Bonnie should go back to Eastenders, she was wasted here, spent most of the time just asleep or looking bored
This is why I like Lawrence Miles. He never got a chance to be corrupted by it all.
both her kids were murdered, not much point re-joining

marginally better than claiming you love the show because it pisses off the people you hate i guess
It's RTD's worst, but RTD's worst is still decent Who. That's what they're saying, and they're right.
thanks for reminding me. last week he loved the episode

this week... hahahahahahahaha

Romana II
Moffat's worst > RTD's best
Depends on the role. Some people take it too seriously and think the actor is the villain of the soap which ends up getting you harassed.
Eh, define 'corrupted'
Look, I think Mad Larry's an interesting guy, but it's so blatant that a lot of his writing is just rooted in a place of seething contempt for that clique after he got excommunicated from it. He always used to come off as very reactionary, like his main goal is to make it clear how totally opposite he was to Moffat/Gatiss/Cornell/et al
I wouldn't be surprised if Miles was in these threads half the time. He's really just some fat nerd who wrote fanfic that happened to be bretty good.
If you are gay, yes.
The Wedding of River Song or Empire of Death? Vote now!
adding the minorities was his coward's plan, and it worked.
now everytime people talk about TTC and how garbage it was there is always going to be an army of idiots who will defend because surely you must be racist if you hate that retcon..
Wait so you're saying that all of NuWho is secretly government by Nerd Illuminati? Are you serious
Fuck no.
He's just some Gen X shlub, and nothing more. It just so happens that even THAT would have been far and away better than what we ended up with.

I'd take Faction Paradox "magic" over this any day of the fucking week.
Tell me what's your daytime job.
Empire of Death.
did the same thing in the giggle so ncuti and tennant/donna could have a last little heart to heart before he left
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Done yesterday already.
>daytime job
the fuck does that mean? Why would I have two jobs?
>Chibnall in the RTD scale at all
>The best RTD only being half of Moff
Falsehoods, all of it.
Mad Larry has a point. Every RTD villain has interchangeable generic "bad guy" dialogue.
Killing death > Forcing the gay Doctor to marry his beard.
Tell me what's your job.
For what purpose?
So will takeover from RTD then?

Unless Moffat wants the job again surely the show has to go into hiatus unless there are some secret DW fans in the woodwork who didnt want to get involved previously for some reason (maybe work clashes but most writers dont have long term contracts)
All of the kino RTD episodes were adaptations of existing stories. RTD was initially good at picking good stories to adapt. He also used basically all his own ideas up by Series 2.
I want to understand your soul.
>So will takeover from RTD then?
I'll do it.
>Killing death
Nobody became immortal afterwards.
>tardis lands and a new susan triad is made every time by sutekh
I want to know how all the Susan Triads that must be living in Cardiff haven’t bumped into each other
I step in front of cars and sue the drivers
Remember thursday night
Watch 'Douglas is Cancelled' Moffkino with Karen Gillian and Alex Kingston
>Chibnall master plan
I suspected that was Chibbers plan to address the regeneration limit, just reveal that...' it turns out the Doctor had infinite regenerations the whole time'.
This could also be done with the Timelords gone and I guessed he liked the Doctor being the last of the timelords so he nuked them off-screen.
but instead of accepting what Moffat had done he just forced it in. It's been years but I can't beleive how awkwardly it was done.
Neil Gaiman
Doctor Who, 2024.

The TARDIS saved up that juice to make the tech billionaire Susan Triad.
David Tennant
How would you all fix this show after a hiatus?

Where would you pick up from and what would first episode be about?
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"i love you Doctor but im not gonna mention the fact Sutekh has been hugging me for over 500 years and wants to destroy every living thing one day, its not very important and im not sure how House didnt notice him either but oh well the only water in the forest is the river"
Why did they never make the time lords real villains? Imagine the doctor being hunted throughout time and space, having himself erased from everyone's memory, his universe getting smaller and smaller until they finally catch him. That'd be great.
That was some classic Who tech.
i assume there was some deep talk about talking disabled teenagers/children (idk how old he is) and turning them into killing machines after this?
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they hated anon because he told them the truth
Waters of Mars was his last hurrah, and even that was someone else’s story that he rewrote
The TARDIS never told the Doctor what was going on with Sutekh while it was normal. Sutekh was like an unnoticed tapeworm. Or at least that's Gaiman's official cope.
Hiatus won't change Doctor Who, why would it? The era of fanwank will never end because we've opened this pandora box this decade and nostalgia and legacy stuff will never go away unless civilization collapses. You will forever see old villains returning and Doctor Who's recast and reintroduced until the end of time.
Nobody. It's hiatus time. The only reason NuWho had any spark is because the Wilderness Years happened and DW was allowed to flourish beyond the constraints of its format. Take it off the air.
Don't samefag, Judy.
>unspecified incarnation
>no need to put number on it
>do a 2005 and just ignore a lot of the past unless it's genuinely relevant or advances the character stuff
>no returning characters other than daleks

so I guess 2005 it
Regenerate >>200376073
I'm not a great writer so I'll just give you a jist. I would just concentrate on individual stories. I wouldn't even try and have an overiding story. perhaps the final episode would just be a little bigger in scale.
I would also try to avoid referencing lore as much as possible.
this is just what chibnall did and it went shit because no one cared about anything
no man has ever had an 'eating disorder'
Yes they have.

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