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Sutekh and the Tardis edition
Previous >>200369902
Hiatus won't change Doctor Who, why would it? The era of fanwank will never end because we've opened this pandora box this decade and nostalgia and legacy stuff will never go away unless civilization collapses. You will forever see old villains returning and Doctor Who's recast and reintroduced until the end of time!
>roles in US shows and films
That's not necessarily a good thing. Hell, if they hadn't had been cast in DW they probably would have all ended up doing more respectable homegrown stuff instead of Hollyweird cringe, for better or worse they would have been TV "that guys" like Martin Freeman was in his pre-Sherlock/Hobbit days. For one thing you wouldn't have had Karen being wasted as a retarded sexless bald blue robot thing in the fucking Marvel movies.
Did the new faggot doctor get his crust busted yet?
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me watching 2024 Dr Who
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Which Chibnall series do you think is better than season one (2024)?
I unironically agree with this. Even with the dwindling ratings the show feels more alive than it did under Chibnall and when Moffat was running on fumes after Smith left, though it just shows how dismal the past decade has been rather than vindicating this year.
>and when Moffat was running on fumes after Smith left, though it just shows how dismal the past decade has been rather than vindicating this year.
so you liked this new series better than Capaldi?
you just know...
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Sex with Ruby.
NTA, but while I enjoyed Capaldi's era a lot, I wouldn't say the show felt particularly alive during it. Most of those wider-reaching events fell off like the proms and general discussion just felt a lot more lethargic because moffat was balancing multiple shows and barely had the time to focus on any of them, let alone do additional marketing for them

>All of NuWho must be viewed in the context of it being controlled by people who were a) massively influential in the Doctor Who fandom in the Wilderness Years, and so feel like they're especially 'important' to the show, and b) entered into the media industry at a time when Doctor Who was deeply uncool, and they all felt incredibly embarrassed to be massive specky twats who liked the show with the wobbly sets and the toilet plunger monsters
100%, and it's why they won't let the show die too. RTD and Moffat are traumatized from the original wilderness years and view Doctor Who being off television as the absolute worst case scenario. so they will keep it on life support forever rather than letting it be cancelled again. which ironically will lead to its permanent death.
>So will takeover from RTD then?
I suspect he will just step back from being the main writer but continue to oversee the franchise via his Bad Wolf production company. like I said, he will never let the show die if he can help it. when he tires of writing it he will probably stay on as a producer to be the glue holding it together.
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Doctor Who still existed in the public subconscious during the Capaldi Era because it was coming right off the 50th. There was merch everywhere, 12th Doctor got some LEGO sets and video games.
Now it's just a corpse being propped by astroturfing and guerrilla marketing, and you're delusional.
fair enough
but i'd much rather have a lethargic show that actually has some storytelling merit than some kind of exciting publicity machine about doctor who's current frankenstein self
The tardis was named in honor of the main demographic that watch this show!
Yeah, the assumption that 'becoming an A-list Hollywood star' is the only meaningful measure of success is retarded, just getting a steady stream of consistent work on British stage and screen is more than some professional actors can hope for
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Power to the dads.
Wasn't this particular series supposed to be a reboot? Like that will make the world feel big again, will have new drama, new stories? Instead it's just usual Last of the Time Lords stuff but made worse, with RTD half-assing Moffat's greatest hits.
NTA, but while I prefer Series 8 and Capaldi had higher highs over his run, comparing them as series I probably prefer Series 14 over 9 and 10. Capaldi has his great moments, but 9 and 10 weren't great as a whole.
The Chinese Triads?
Any DW youtubers who actually like this crap

what a downgrade compared to Billie, Freeya, Karen and Jenna
for his faults not using classic monsters in his first season was a good idea. He did fuck up everything else.
This series was supposed to be an entry point for new viewers. What a joke.
She's the most coombait the show's had for a long time.
I also appreciate his companion departures just being
>the companion decides they've had their fill and chooses to return to their normal life, content with having expanded their horizons
rather than all the overdone melodramatic contrivances that had clogged up the departures since Doomsday (with only Martha being spared)
So that's 2 things he got right, maybe if we really try hard enough we can come up with a third!
yeah I can agree with this. I actually think Capaldi's run is a lot better than Smith's and arguably the best NuWho has ever been, but the audience was definitely starting to falter at that point. I remember a lot of people dropping off around season 8. But I don't think it had much if anything to do with the quality of the show at that point, there were a lot of other factors contributing to general audience fatigue, including imo season 7 which was an absolute slog and worse than any Capaldi season. it was just able to keep audiences by dangling the 50th anniversary in front of them. once that hype balloon was popped, it lost all momentum.

also, Capaldi's era has received a lot of retrospective reevaluation lately and become somewhat of a cult classic. in "favorite doctor" polls now, Capaldi often dominates. his era has aged really well and will be remembered fondly despite the fatigue during its original airing. I don't think RTD2 will have that luxury, nobody is going to be coming back to it in a decade and proclaiming it a misunderstood masterpiece like they are doing with Capaldi. Moffat won the long game.
Whole thread is worth a couple of laughs
The way I see it, the only way to save this show after a long hiatus would be to

a) stop numbering incarnations, since multiple showrunners have buggered this up
b) never reference anything that happens after Capaldi again so people can make up their own canon
He might have had the best Sontaran episode of the revival, though his only competition was the Series 4 two parter.
well yeah...it's been 7 years or so since Jenna left
doesnt change that is a lowering of standards
Sex with Rose Noble.
Jenna rarely got her tits out like Millie.
RTD's last contribution should be to retcon the Time War and let McGann take over.
Capaldi as well as late Smith were dampened by heavy Moffat fatigue. people wanted him gone after S6B ended up being shit and S7 ended up being mediocre and the negative moment was seriously something. when you seperate those series and marathon them they're not that bad, but being a Doctor Who fan in 2012-2017 it was Moffatfuckoff o clock and it's hard to forget it.

This new season with Ncuti was so ass that it might make people reevaulate we'll see
never reference anything period is the only way to save it
Lawrence Miles really is such a bitter little scrote
I'm quite convinced that marketing it as a reboot and calling this "season 1" is some sort of legal shenanigans to prevent Disney from claiming rights to Doctor Who stuff from before this run. Notice how they also don't put Tales of the TARDIS on Disney+. The BBC has a stronger defense against Disney trying to expand the terms of the licensing agreement if they can say, "No, we didn't give them rights to Doctor Who (1963) or Doctor Who (2005), we only gave them rights to a brand new show called Doctor Who (2024)."
I really enjoyed the Doctor, Nardole, Missy dynamic (and Bill was there)
mental illness
Its not like jenna's pancake tits are anything special
>So that's 2 things he got right, maybe if we really try hard enough we can come up with a third!
nothing to do with chinballs but his era had the best time vortex VFX
It was rebranded so that it could be added to Disney+ without the baggage of 'this new show has 13 seasons + specials of catch-up to get you up to speed!'
I just wish Jodie had been able to show a little bit of femininity at all
>the chad master dress wearer versus the virgin dresses like a sexless incel doctor

RTD doesn't like McGann.
Is anyone else finding Ncuti Gatwa to be pretty poor actor? He's a bit like Jodie in that all his delivery is same and he doesn't elevate the dialogue at all, sometimes he even dampens already poor material. He was miscast and he can't actually carry the show on his shoulders.
You've said it yourself, it was riding the coat tails of the 50th but the rot was certainly setting in, not dissing Capaldi himself but the first two series were weaker than what came before. And you talk about merchandise but fact is it was during his run that it dwindled, you had jackshit Character Options figures from his series, the Doctor Who Adventures magazine died which matters when you want to keep the kids engaged, and sure there was Lego Dimensions but that doesn't add up to Smith who had a ton of games. What killed it further was having fuck all of a show in 2016, that joke of a spin-off, and Capaldi's final series being lame as fuck with the exception of the kino finale.
He was cast because Rusty is bumming him
I never thought he's good but I'm generally racist so I'm not the target audience.
There are great black actors but he's not one of them. He feels like he's on speed constantly.
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Thirteen ditching clingy old Yaz before her regeneration was hilariously based, something a Classic Doctor would do.
He's better than Jodie, also hotter
>It's a special effect, nobody pays attention to special effects, it's 2024.
unfortunately he hasnt been given a single good script to work with
Why did RTD escape criticism for shitting all over the 60th anniversary with his fan wank bullshit when he wrote 4 seasons out of 60 years ?
fucking kek that pic
Jodie never got to look hot and that is the second greatest shame after the fact she got nothing but garbage scripts
Make Lawrence Miles showrunner and let him fucking try
Boom? Church on Ruby Road?
Boom was pretty good, the rest of the seasons good episodes were written around his limited availability.
So, we can be sure that the BBC have negated their agreement with the Terry nation estate then?
Tennant is the most iconic Doctor after all. But while it was just because the lockdown stuff made Tennant and Tate nostalgic, there wasn't exactly many good options for a multi-Doctor special. The classic Doctors are too old minus McGann, Eccleston wouldn't do it, Smith probably would, and Capaldi doesn't want to revisit 12. So it'd just be another Tennant and Smith special with McGann instead of War.
I think getting all of the Doctor Who stuff onto iPlayer is a better tribute to the show instead of forcing the old Doctors into their ill-fitting outfits, so new people can actually watch Classic easily.
For this myth to die they need not be in the Christmas Special.
PS: "need not be"? Really?
That was always just a rumour. Though when a Season 2 trailer comes out this year, it could have Daleks in it to keep the rumour alive.
Disney have deaging tech and shit. Hell, have Sixie get stuck in the toon dimension or some shit to have a final half animated. Go balls to the wall crazy with it.
Skaro was shown on a screen.
Doctor Who has a higher budget, but they don't have an infinite budget.
compared to the 50th which brought the whole history together it is a major step down, doesnt sound like RTD even considered anything else
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Who would make some good guest stars?
Series 9 and 10 are the best of the entire show.
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>PS: "need not be"? Really?
No, it's "need to not be". "need not be" is a choice.
Boom and Rogue
gosh this was fun to have them back
It was kino.
I don't respect your opinion
It was average. In other seasons, it'd be forgettable Tooth and Claw tier.
bless old Katy Manning, she's very sweet but she doesn't half ramble on and heap praise on literally everything

Rogue was a serviceable episode in a season where half the episodes are bad.
Dot and Bubble or 73 yards are the best episodes of the season. Boom is the best Ncuti performance.

pretty much this
Rogue is the best episode of the series.
I couldn't stand Rogue because of the romance
>inb4 gay
I won't lie that is part of it but it's like 20%. 80% of it is being so crass and sexual in a way the Doctor should not be.
The 11th Doctor was quite sexual.
It's a very low bar.
Such a weird episode
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Does this faggot have anything else to wear besides a white tee and a button up? Ffs why does this bother me so much each episode?

In fact why even have a host like this in the first place? The old Confidential format was just fine
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The actor that played rogue was shit, and the villains were trash as well

And people took the piss out of it then, or other characters like Jenny thought it was very inappropriate.
Rogue would have been better if it was set in an episode of Holly Oaks

I too enjoy watching the beginning part of a gay porno spliced into an episode of doctor who.
Moffat will give us dark kino for christmas
I think it was most noticeable in S7. I wouldn’t call most of them bad, but the episodes in that series were largely very forgettable. Still, most of them are better than Empire of Death.
A Town Called Mercy was great.
I marathoned most of Moffat after he quit the show and thought most of it was alright so I never got most of the complaints. But then again I thought most of RTD1 was alright too.
also I promise I did not have a stroke by typing "most of" that often, I'm just tired.
It’s not one of those most will immediately remember, but it wasn’t bad. Compare any of that Smith era to what we have now and the decline is obvious.
So...what the fuck was any of that? Sutekh allowed Ruby to attach some rope to him? He couldnt break that fuckoff magic rope?
Just noticed Millie's right ear sticks out while her left doesn't
That rope just came from nowhere too. Was it attached to her belt or something? A blink and you’ll miss it moment.
I think she pulled it out of her ass or maybe the fake le nostalgia tardis, but the tardis wasn't there because they were teleported back to unit hq by skeletor mel, right?
For me, it was forgettable at its worst. For a seven year sign as showrunner, that’s probably the best you can hope for. He didn’t totally shit the bed and produce any all time worst episodes.
People think they made the tardis interior bigger than ever to show off their budget, but it was actually to accommodate Ncuti's massive arse
Yes. It seems there are real issues with every main plot point in that episode, which makes its 7/10 rating on IMDb bizarre
>look at our budget! big tardis! big cgi dog! big Avengers tower unit hq! big volume screen! but uhhhh it all looks empty/underwhelming
Is that why 11's are much bigger than 9 and 10's?
What does 11 have that's massive?
Sonic screwdriver
the collection of scenes where "I Am The Doctor" starts playing
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who should be the next companion?
Rubes isn't a blank slate, certainly, but where’s the conflict? What are her flaws? When will we see her make meaningful choices? Now that she has answers about her past, who is she beyond that? What does she want? Will we ever see her grow as a character?
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Best to worst:

Dot and Bubble
73 Yards
Space Babies
The Church on Rubes Babes Road
The Legend of Ruby Sunday
Empire of Death
The Devil’s Chord
I'd put dot lower and yards higher but I actually agree with this lol
fellow Devil's Chord hater
Best to worst:

the first 3/4 of 73 Yards
Dot and Bubble
The Church on Ruby Road
The Devil’s Chord
The Legend of Ruby Sunday
the last 1/4 of 73 Yards
Space Babies
Empire of Death
still mulling a lot of things over in my head, but I think the problem with Ruby’s arc for me is not about what the answers were or weren’t, which seems to be what a lot of people are arguing over. I didn’t have any specific expectations there. it’s that she feels just as much a bystander to her own story as anyone else. I like the moment where she decides to meet her birth mother against the Doctor’s advice, because I’ve been so desperate to see her make actual choices, but fundamentally she still feels like the same person at the end of the season as she was at the start. her circumstances have changed, but she herself didn’t. idk I just didn’t feel emotionally fulfilled by it. not saying it’s objectively bad, but the way it was handled didn’t resonate with me at all.
Rogue > Boom
fuck I need to put devil's chord lower, above rogue
Another hot companion with big booba to balance out all the gayness from the doctor and story.
ok faggot
Homophobia is bad.
Homophobia is good.
you know what else was bad? Rogue. beyond the faggotry it was a thoroughly poorly written episode
The faggotry was the best part.
You really like being a contrarian don't you
For me it's

The Legend of Ruby Sunday (7/10)
Dot and Bubble
73 Yards
The Church on Ruby Road
Space Babies
Empire of Death
The Devil’s Chord (2/10)
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ah yes a person sucking his own cock
but not the one i expected
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multi-doctor special but Jodie isn't wearing the oxfam outfit and has better hair
Yes, he's terrible. Almost unwatchable.
what a lovely smile...perhaps I treated her too harshly
>wish Jodie had been able to show a little bit of femininity
that was their biggest mistake, she is really sexy in literally any other outfit and hair style.
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>Born in 2004
It just reminds me how old I am when zoomers look like this now
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looks better here even
Daleks were reasonably scary.
Was one of those the Me season? It was mostly ass.
Villains were SHIT. Barely above Slitheen level.
just look at her, sometimes it doesn't even look like the same person in the show
it really bogs my mind man
>worst opener of Who
>worst finale of Who
sasuga, RTD2.
I'm honestly surprised the normies hated the finale as much as they did. Apparently even they don't take kindly to a bait and switcheroo.
but they normally like having their expectations subverted
>magic rope?
Magic rope, magic TV screens, magic dust, magic anti-dust (or SOMETHING which wasn't actually explained). Magic, magic, magic all the way down.
>teleported back to unit hq by skeletor mel
By Harbinger activating something in the Tardis...or both in combination. Who the fuck knows, there's no way TO know. Nothing in this story made sense.
Dot and Bubble
73 Yards
The Devil's Chord
Boom -- Starting from here, I did not enjoy
The Legend of Ruby Sunday
Empire of Death
Not worth ranking since NONE were actually good.
Dot and bubble was not only poundland black mirror but also hilariously out of date with it's boomer tier social critique.
I forgot about Space Babies. Hopefully I truly forget about Space Babies one day.

tl;dr Space Babies goes last.
Or maybe just above Empire of Death since that was a mess of a story while being an odd middle-finger to viewers.
I thought it was hilarious, although I don't think that's exactly what they were going for. It still made a fun ride for me.
the Davros 2 parter was pretty good if flawed, same with the Before the Flood 2 parter right after it. the whole last trilogy is fantastic, yes including Hell Bent. it's just the middle part of the season that drags, and even the shitty Zygon episodes have that kino speech by Capaldi. its not a perfect season but its peaks are among the best Who ever.
I remember people trashing the Davros episodes where the Doctor was riding the tank and playing the guitar, calling it a jump the shark moment. but in all honesty it wasn't any goofier than the stuff that came before. I think people were just looking for an excuse to drop the show because they were fatigued of it, so they picked excuses like that or "Capaldi too old/mean" because they couldn't admit they were just tired.
like it was said earlier itt, Capaldi's seasons have gotten way more praise in retrospect. his seasons were more consistent than Smith's, they just didn't have the same hype behind them. and they have aged a hell of a lot better than RTD's first run. seriously people have major rose colored glasses for RTD, there are a LOT of stinkers in his seasons. Capaldi wasn't always perfect but it will go down in time as the most consistently good era of NuWho.
the problem with series 9 is that it's not a real series like all the others
the real meat of the series is really just the finale, while the 9 episodes before it are mostly companion pieces that set the stage for the characters and themes of the finale
it's more of a prolonged expansion pack for series 8 than a true series of individually compelling episodes, but series 9's filler provides a lot more important buildup for its finale than the series 8 episodes do for that finale
but if you like looking at seasons as collections of individual episodes then yeah series 9 feels pretty shit
Pretty good:
Yards, Boom

Good vibes:
Rogue, Space Babies, Church

Dot and Bubble

Devil's Chord, Legend, Empire
Boom was mediocre for a Moffat script, it's elevated by being one of the rare Ncuti episodes when he's NOT acting as if he's trying to suck every cock in the galaxy. He was watchable
73 Yards
Legend of Ruby Sunday
Empire of Death
Dot and Bubble
>Not bad
Space Babies
Devil's Chord
Nah he loses to Capaldi’s, however it’s only ever seen in I think twice upon a time
8, 9, 10, 11 and even 12 got to be sexy. Chinball was trying too hard to be respectful to the first female Doctor and forgot that women have agency to look hot. A skirt here and a dress there instead of dressing her exclusively like Colin Baker.
In his attempt to be respectful to the first female doctor, he disrepected the doctor's own personality.
No arguments here.
He's one of the best Doctors.
So...what about that whole thing with like a demigod showing up that the toymaker and maestro kept going on about? Something about another deity from another dimension? Was that supposed to be satekh? I really feel like rtd forgot all about the first half of the season.
Maestro mentioned the oldest one and the one who waits.
The one who waits was sutekh.
The oldest one is Yahweh and Mrs Flood is their harbinger
Except satekh couldn't manipulate reality like the other characters, and he isn't some human concept personified, it's literally just an alien thing that likes to act like our understanding of a god.
>The oldest one is Yahweh
Even rtd is smart enough to avoid that can of worms.
>RTD shamelessly copies the Rey reveal from TLJ
>fails to realizes that fangirls were gushing over it b/c it was a sweaty Kylo/Rey scene
RTD may be gay, but he's still a dude given how he fixated on TLJ's plot rather than the onscreen chemistry.
The stories were arse
Every gay man is still a man, they just have more mental problems
What's with all the fags here saying Rogue was good?
Only twelve episodes into the new RTD era and already I've pissed myself laughing more than I have at this show over the last 19 years.
You just answered your own question, though i would argue that it was better than devil's chord
Jonathan Groff made it good.
Rogue was a good bottle episode.
>18th century regency
>bounty hunter looking for an alien shapeshifter
>aliens are Bridgerton fans looking to cosplay
>the doctor falls in love with the bounty hunter
>aliens are defeated and the doctor has a broken heart
this is easily the funniest era of nuwho
>Donna has a tranny daughter with fake tits and ass implants - pissed myself laughing
>black Issac Newton - pissed myself laughing
>bi-generation - pissed myself laughing
>singing goblins - pissed myself laughing
>talking babies and booger monsters - pissed myself laughing
>a drag queen villain - pissed myself laughing
>midget in a wheelchair - pissed myself laughing
>Sutekh was just hiding on top of the TARDIS this whole time since 1975 - pissed myself laughing
I keep ruining my pants.
she deserves to be the companion of a horny shota Doctor
It's women. Women love gay romance.
>Donna has a tranny daughter with fake tits and ass implants - pissed myself laughing
I want to have sex with Rose Noble
So if you murder an alien with a tow rope, it undoes everything it did in its lifespan? Like a magical illusion?
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I would add the confused boomer with gaypronouns to the list but overall its a great summary of the whole season
i think you spelled the wrong name
sutekh has the power of death
the doctor used sutekh's power of death in the time vortex to "kill death" - cancelling all the of sutekh's deaths out and undoing the destruction we see at the start of the episode

It's flimsy logic but it's the best you're going to get
do I even want to know who Sutekh is?
Is that actual actor that plays rose even actually male? They sounds way too feminine to be a guy. Though now that I think about it, it would be kind of funny if they hired a female to play the role of a mtf tranny.
google yasmin finney
No, Moff and RTD are both regressing and will never deliver us anything better than Boom or 73 Yards for the rest of their lives
Oh, he must be one of those people that got put on estrogen at a really young age.
No point getting excited for any plot points in the RTD2 era, because he's just going to pull a "actually it's just a completely ordinary thing lol get subverted"
Mrs Flood is probably a nothingness as well
She will probably be some obscure one off character you have to consult a wiki for. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't even reveal who she is because "it doesn't matter"
Church: OK. Decent introduction.
Space Babies: Terrible. Stupid plot, and stupid ending. No, methane will not get you to another planet.
Devil: Enjoy the hell out of Maestro.
Boom: Might be the best episode of the season.
73 Yards: Enjoyed, but hell if it makes much sense.
Dot and Bubble: Great. Did not see the ending coming.
Rogue: Throwback to older Dr.Who. Decent.
Legend: Amazing buildup.
Empire: Terrible conclusion.
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>RTD series 1 final; Humans are turned into Daleks.
>RTD series 2 final; Humans are turned into Cybermen
>RTD series 3 final; Humans are turned into Toclafane
>RTD series 4 final; Humans aren't turned into anything
>RTD Specials final; Humans are turned into the master.
>RTD2 anniversary specials final; Humans are turned into toys
>RTD2 Series 1 final; Humans are turned into dust, or Harbingers.
So you're saying he has a transformation fetish.
Slitheen's can also be counted as a transformation fetish
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>rating nu-who episodes
Ruby Sunday mom revelation was lovely
Sutekh plot resolution was dogshit
So that's it? That's the whole season?
Christmas special will technically be part of this season.
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>Doctor meets Wilfred again
>"Hallo me old soldier"
>Tardis-Sutekh, the God of Death, kills the Bernard Cribbins
That's some meta shit right there.
How is Rogue a good script?
Doctor Who walks up to a bounty hunter and says "omg, you're so sexy, let's go back to our spaceships and kiss"
Followed by "I love you, doctor who, will you marry me"
Yes that line was meant to fool the birds but they played it as real.
He was a bounty hunter. Doctor who should have hated him
>Only one episode didnt make it into one of the positive categories
Who are you trying to fool?
>Doctor Who walks up
>Doctor who should have
this is bait
Why did UNIT give a 13 year old access to a segway with laser weaponry installed?
Rubes is a cute fetal alcohol syndrome slag
>half a year for a new episode
I feel like I should probably care or be excited but I really do not.
Remember when UNIT was United Nations Intelligence Taskforce and then nobody could think of a good replacement, so settled on having the UN bit stand for UNified? Rather silly
I guess that means daleks for christmas then
Didn't Chibnall do that 3 years in a row?
The totally-not-real-guys-i-swear contract gives them no choice unless they want to work daleks into the main season somehow.
The real sad truth is that they're not allowed to use daleks anymore. The terms of the contract would never have allowed for third-party intervention, and in accepting that from disney, the Nation estate would have nullified all rights.

Wonder how long it will be before people realise all they are seeing is stock footage?
It's already hinted that they're basically remaking either Tomb of the Cybermen or Attack of the Cybermen. More likely a combination of both where Telos is explained, then a Cyberman Tomb is opened
if the 2005 reboot was a direct response to the success of buffy. If you had the opportunity to reboot i,t what show in the current landscape would you base the shows writing and direction off?
I'd unironically hire 2 or 3 anime studios to make adaptations of Big Finish stories. It's cheap, will 100% be good and can go on indefinitely.
>Ruby Sunday's father is called William Garnet
>Ruby: A precious red gemstone
>Garnet: A precious red gemstone

Just a coincidence, or did Ruby actually imagine her parents into existance?
The Boys
>William Garnet
William Benjamin Garnet
>Bill Benjamin Garnet
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What 4 billion years of no pussy does to a motherfucker
Clala owes him sex
are you really still theorizing about something written by RTD?
Little reminder, after the Devil's Chord finale people were eager to say surely there was going to be a reason for the Doctor to start a musical bit. But no, it turns out they really just started dancing and singing randomly. RTD doesn't write to be coherent, he writes anything that seems cool to him in the moment, and then forgets about it, just like the bi regeneration.
Luckily immediatley after this he spends 26 years balls deep in River.
This. Remember when EVERYONE was just so sure that the show wasn't shit, it was a meta reference and the doctor was going to turn out to be in a TV show or simulation at the end?

What happened to that? How do they now explain away the fact that characters speak directly to the audience and wink at the camera and break into musical numbers?
Mrs Flood
What was sutekh doing all this time
The TARDIS was parked for 2 weeks from his perspective
>How do they now explain
They stopped doing that a long time ago.
I just don't fucking care anymore. I don't know why I bother keeping up with this shit. It's just bad and they want it to be bad so they can turn around and call everyone names for not liking their wank sessions.
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tastes like garlic bread
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but what made it so good? i honestly think rtd only striked gold again in series 4
Series 1 had that gritty urban fantasy feel they completely abandoned after Eccleston left.
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I can't figure out who the woman with the spoon was. Why did the Doctor cry when she died?
Didn't bother with the last few episodes because I do enjoy having eyesight and I was afraid any more of this would damage my pupils.
What happened with everyone's fan theories about what characters were coming back?
>I don't know why I bother keeping up
I know why i do, i have invested way too much time on this show, watching every episode. Ever since TTC dropped i kept hoping it would eventually get better but those fuckers seems to be enjoying turning the show into "lol whatever the canon doesn't matter and it never did!" and the shills following suit.

No other fandom can understand this, because no other franchise has so that much history and material.
I haven't watched Who since the beginning of the Capaldi era, is the new season worth picking up again? Has RTD's return lived up to the hype? Is it possible to dive right back in or will I be confused?
If they revoked the rights then every episode with a Dalek would have had to disappear from iPlayer. You can see that with when Classic Doctor Who was streaming on Twitch, and they had to skip the Dalek episodes because they legally could not broadcast them without permission from the estate.
Fucking RUN bro, RUN and tell your friends to stay the hell away
>because no other franchise has so that much history and material
>Just a coincidence, or did
No Russel is just that big, gay, and welsh.

>it's the wrong anagram

>and then forgets about it
This seems so true. There are a number of inconsistencies this series. Most notably having the doctor saying the dot was anti gravity after establishing that it will always be "mavity" going forwards.

Even during those periods where the Doctor is away for some time, what did Sutekh plan on doing?
In 73 yards, why didn't he strike out and dish his gift of death to everyone when it was clear the Doctor wasn't coming back. He really just sat on that hill looking at the circle thinking "now what?"?
Was his plan really "find out who rubys mum is" from the get go or is that a recent thing?

>Why did the Doctor cry when...?
That's his "brilliant, allonsy, geronimo"
>Has RTD's return lived up to the hype?
I think he caught AIDS or something.
After the entire episode was already finished, RTD learned that a certain actress he wanted to work with was available for a short scene. So he came up with something new that could be shot on separate sets with only one other actor and slotted into the episode.

Notice how the spoon vanishes a split second after he inserts it into the tv screen.
Sutekh should have realized the Doctor isn't coming back in the Turn Left timeline and manifested himself.
She was just a random woman. The Doctor cried because she died, and it was tragic that she had lost her memory to that extent.
>Was his plan really "find out who rubys mum is" from the get go or is that a recent thing?
It was his plan as soon as the TARDIS went to Ruby Road to save Ruby and the Doctor and Sutekh saw the cloaked figure.
the only other i can think of is Star Trek and it doesn't even come close to Doctor Who.
Would Hell Bent have been better recieved if they didn't include the scene of Clara saying she was going back to Gallifrey "the long way round", implying she was gonna be having immortal having lesbain Doctor Who adventures indefinitely?
I thought the "spoon" was a meta reference to RTD shit posting on /who/
With this spoon. I promise you.
Hell Bent would have been better received if it was Clara who got her memory wiped, with her biological functions starting to return like the Doctor planned.
Not that I like it or think it's any good but Star Wars has a tonne of material even if the history isn't as long
Also Marvel/ certain capeshit
Hell Bent would have been better if it ended with Clara still alive on Gallifrey where the bird can't find her and the Doctor having to wrestle with a decision to stay on Gallifrey to be with her, or run away again and leave her behind.
Hell Bent would have been better if it ended with Clala accepting her death and going back to face the raven.
It's annoying we didn't get any Christmas clips aside from a clip of the Unleashed for the Christmas special. It surely must be in a state for a teaser at least. It'll probably end up being in Children in Need in November.
>Star Wars
I suppose you are counting the books, not even close to Doctor Who even in that regard.
So up until that point, he was just going to stay on the Tardis as long as he could until the Doctor had been everywhere?
And Sutekh was near enough to that woman to realise she was just some literal who and not in any way important.
I don't know, with capeshits it's always "lol forget everything we're starting over" every few years, same with Godzilla. Doctor Who (attempts) to be a single continuity. I'd agree about Star Wars though.
Honestly I don't know much about capeshit but it seems they put effort in to all the multiverse crap to combine all those different threads
Even if there's a narrative continuum with Who it's all so ridiculously scattered and according to the whims of people making it at that moment that I don't think it really counts for much
>So up until that point, he was just going to stay on the Tardis as long as he could until the Doctor had been everywhere?
Probably, or at least to when he had been most places so he could deliver his gift of death.
>And Sutekh was near enough to that woman to realise she was just some literal who and not in any way important.
There's going to be more to Ruby's family than we already know in Season 2. I wouldn't be surprised if there's still something about that scene yet to be uncovered.
>There's going to be more to Ruby's family than we already know in Season 2
I'm now convinced they are going full Star Wars sequels and saying "Ruby's parents aren't special, but her grandparents are"
books, comics, videogames, an MMO, cartoons, tv shows, that ridiculous Star Wars theme park Disney built that gets spammed on here, etc. there's a LOT of material there
>I'm now convinced they are going full Star Wars sequels and saying "Ruby's parents aren't special, but her grandparents are"
Oh lol I never realised this is how they tried to justify Rey being told her parents are irrelevant in the second movie. I thought Palpatine was her father and they just straight retconned that line.
Apparently RTD was inspired by TLJ, though what I think it's going to be is that her family isn't special but there's someone (Mrs Flood) creating a story by manipulating events.
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>RTD openly confirmed that he loved The Last Jedi
Dios mio, no wonder this new series is just re-hased garbage of stuff that was done 100x times better in the past both on screen and in the expanded universe material.
Her great great (many more greats) grandfather via her dad was Horus all along
Pretty based of Sutekh to close his eyes every time a Weeping Angel came near the Tardis, just so people like Rory could get kidnapped.
The reason Ruby's mothers appearance was shrouded was because of love, you see.
>Bill, that's not the line
What was the implication supposed to be with the TARDIS's perception filter's limit being 73 Yards?
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>Wonder when Doc's getting back.. Oh shit. Is that an Angel? Don't mind me bro, just gonna shut my eyes. Ruin their day.
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>This is fine
Probably something that will never be touched upon.
Ruby is a TARDIS
Nah, the BBC can easily claim any dalek appearances already made as their own. The issue is with using them in the first place, not showing them on the screen.
>the BBC can easily claim any dalek appearances already made as their own.
Yet, they didn't have permission to put the Dalek serials in the Twitch marathon. They eventually made a separate marathon dedicated to the Daleks, probably forced to by Terry Nation's Estate.
So they DID have permission to do it, but had to abide by some separation clause, or (knowing the BBC) tried to stiff the estate out of money and got their asses slapped, so had to make a wholly distinct entry, from with the estate was paid.
>ruby's mum was just some slag
Did RTD forget that Sutekh wasn't a one-off and was from an entire race?
They got the Dalek marathon like 9 months after the first marathon started airing. It's very obvious that the BBC did not have permission for it when they creating the big marathon.
Which regeneration scene did Sutekh judge the hardest?
How does the gift of death even works, simultaneously across time, but also up and down bloodline? How the fuck does that not fuck up causality and shit
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Because the Nation Estate's agreement doesn't allow for third parties, like twitch. Which is why I think they heard about disney and just said "fuck no". Which, while powerful, the BBC and Disney have to abide by. Like that guy who owns the rights to 1 or 2 eps of the first serial, and have denied rights to BBC and disney outright.
>I don't want to go
>nooooo ten, stay forever nooooo ,_,
>Because the Nation Estate's agreement doesn't allow for third parties, like twitch
Except they did still get the Dalek marathon eventually, which means that there's no blanket ban on third paarties.
Russel wanted the Faction Paradox audience.
>an odd middle-finger to viewers
Hold the fuck up. If Sutekh was there """""all along""""", then did he get split with the fucking 14th/15th tardis hammer split???
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You think Yaz and 13 tickled Sutekh's Osiran balls in their final moments together?
That's the point, total life and time death for the Big Bad Doggo
He's on a level above the Toymaker. Sutekh being with 15 is the proof that 15 got the real TARDIS.
>blanket ban
Well, no. It's an agreement, so it can be amended on a case-by-case basis. They were probably less worried about it being on twitch and more worried about loss of revenue
It just seems like you're bending over backwards to insist that the myth is real.
It's been a while since I've seen Pyramids of Mars, but was Sutekh just a powerful psychic alien that used technology to make him appear as a God? It feels like Fenric would have made more sense for the finale.
audible kek
Why he seems to be much weaker than The Toymaker then? The Toymaker could change his size, create objects from a thin air and even turn galaxies into a pinwheels effortlessly
Sutekh came from a god-like race of aliens that inspired the Egyptian mythology. But the thing is that with all of his time integrated into the TARDIS is that he evolved.
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We were robbed
>name it "series 1" and put it on Disney+ to try and reach new viewers
>final episode is a sequal to an episode from 1975
What did RTD mean by this?
Disney budget wasted on earlier episodes.
Maybe he retconned his own origins in timewars and after The Big Bang like Vivec from TES
Why was Ruby's mum's name so important to defeating Sutekh?
I'd travel with Jodie (ALONE, not with gramps and others) if she changed her hair/outfit up and wasn't so much of a spastic
>name it "series 1" and put it on Disney+ to try and reach new viewer
>Specials and nu-series has a classic-who Companion brought back as an reoccurring character who you're supposed to feel bad for when she dies and is taken over by the villain from a 1975 serial.
>Vivec from TES
Death is inevitable.
I want Romana to Mrs flood over my face
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Who cares
>She was pointing out the name of the Road. She was naming you
I lost count how many times 15 cried in this ep
>talking to sutekh in time mirror room
>talking to dead mom losing memories
>ruby goodbye
He was great in TCORR. Idk what happened after that.
>no moi daugh'er's name is lamppost
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After all these years I still can't stand the 10th Doctor, he was such a fag.
Sutekh simply went mad and thinks he's a god like the Dalek Emperor.
Was Ruby so excited to meet her Dad? Wasn't he a rapist step-dad?
What, we get no indication of him doing so. Being propped up on the tardis since 4 leaves alot of fucking questions which STD won't answer and the time war was more along the lines of a playground scuffle to the Osirans. Sutekh/Osirans ranges in magnitude from Post Classical Time Lords pre rediscovery of tech to War in Heaven Peer of FP and GH to Post Time War combatants tier to Guardian tier (sutekh somehow) with the latest Sutekh episode.
He was looking at Peri's tits in Caves of Androzani. He just like me fr fr
Still far weaker than the Toymaker
I just found it annoying the 60th anniversary felt more like a celebration of the RTD era rather than the show itself.
>So I guess your name is...Road. Road Weekend

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