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Classic edition

Off a cliff: >>200376073
it was a good finale
Feel like Gatwa's gonna be another case of where I can't confidently look at him and go, yeah, he's the Doctor until his final season when the feedback of his previous seasons is heard. Classic Who and even Jodie had the same issue. Gatwa's gonna get it the worst, because of Russel shooting season 1 and 2 of his back to back.
What was Sutekh's thoughts when the Flux (pronounced the FLOOOOOUUUUUUs) happened and pretty much did his job?
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>The Timeless Children got 3.78m overnight
The show has fallen even past its previously lowest point that we all agreed was the absolute nadir.
Wait so... Sutekh was actually hanging onto the Tardis since the last time they met? I get all my information on this show from these threads.
If Ruby's mam was just some teenage slag, why did it snow every time
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Because of Sutekh
Woven into Tardis-chan's shell, apparently.
Sutekh jumped onto the Tardis via the Time Vortex at some point after Pyramids of Mars.
The Tardis only began groaning at the start of Wild Blue Yonder, which is probably in Russel's mind when Sutekh actually got on.
The issue is, Sutekh was then stated in the show to have been hiding on the Tardis for thousands of years which didn't help in explaining when Sutekh actually got on the Tardis.
So now until Russel clarifies, people take the piss.
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The death knell.
The reason Ruby's mothers appearance was shrouded was because of love, you see.
>Bill, that's not the line
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Probably cried and emoted like this.
Mrs Flood
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Doctor Who, 2024.
Why didn't 14 help in defeating Sutekh?
busy drinking cocktails with Donna.
Tom Baker banished Sutekh to the Time Vortex where he simply existed. At some point during the Doctor's travels, the TARDIS traveled through the Vortex and got close enough so that Sutekh could grab on. It is never explicitly stated WHEN Sutekh did this. Could've been Peter Davison, Could've Been Eccleston, Tennant, Smith, etc. At any rate, Sutekh had been traveling with the TARDIS for a long time.
He didn't want to go
>I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry.
fucking her more like
>Tom Baker banished Sutekh to the Time Vortex
He banished him into a time corridor. Semantics but it's a different thing. The corridor led from A-B, ie. Earth to Mars

RTD retconned it and hoped nobody would notice.
millie gibson cleavage
What was that shit about The Doctor not having children yet? The show has explicitly stated the opposite.
you mean ménage a trois with Shaun
Yeah. You're right.
answered your own question
He had 7000 years to figure out a way to escape
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Could you solve the riddle? I couldn't
>RTD retconned it and hoped nobody would notice.
They won't because RTD fags don't watch any Who that isn't by the gay welshman
Because they believed hard enough that she was special and it did, ok? It just did.
And he did so by latching on to the TARDIS, somehow.

It's all just dumb.
Very worrying because the only reason that line exists is set up for future stories - get ready for a Doctor Who mpreg arc.
It kind of sounded like that spoon lady was talking about him.
I'd get ready for Big Finish to do a boxset about it in a few years.
The three Sutekhs come first
The Triad of Sutekh
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Best BF audio ever.
>Didn't remove the Dalek Sec symbol
The laziness of Big Finish cover artists knows no bounds
It's one and the same. The 14th Doctor is leading a caravan consisting of classic Doctor Who characters to fight one of the Sutekhs and gather survivors.
I'll wait for the 7+4 but I don't think these ratings are defensible. The finale only being 4th or 5th highest of the season? Yikes.
How come Ruby's DNA test and doxxing suddenly worked in the current day?
Caravan of Doom
by John Dorney
Shhhhhh...don't ask.
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Dunno. How come she was never on file at all in the boom episode when they made a big deal out of it?
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From the official podcast -
I just assumed they stole shit from 2046 and didn't want to have the Doctor complain about it so they didn't mention it. The whole episode has half a dozen glaring plot holes like that.
Because of Sutekh, duh.
actually, the real reason is that Millie Gibson was fired from the show, forcing RTD to hastily re-write the finale
Fired because Ncuti was fucking her and Rusty got jealous.
Wonder if the Mouse said she was too white and asked for a POC British Companion. So Russel (thankfully) bumped up the Curry Girl over the Slag.
But they EXPLICITLY told us on screen, with images AND dialogues, that
>Davina McCall lineage tracking didn't work, UNIT was surprised so it has SOME credibility
>UNIT's own doxxing didn't work; hence letting the Doctor use the le sekrit time mirror
But this makes no fucking sense. Even if le evil welsh prime minister in the future did make some compulsory DNA database, it would only work for those who has partaken since. They even said this on screen, hence why Ruby's mam wouldn't be on record.

If Sutekh can kill everyone and everything on and off earth at places Doctor has been to, why the fuck would he need to know the name of Ruby's mam to kill her too? Sutekh doesn't know everyone he's killed off-world without some fucking DNA database.
I think the cliffhanger was in the wrong place. Imagine if they kept Legend going another 10 minutes, ending with the Doctor, Ruby and Mel in the Memory TARDIS, as we see the montage of the entire universe dying. People, Ood, Slitheen, Daleks, Cybermen, all of them turning to dust Avengers style. Then Empire opens on the planet with the kind woman, like a year later, the Doctor, Ruby and Mel still living in the memory TARDIS, scavenging to survive.
fired for having too big booba
This is your daily reminder that Millie was fired because Ncuti decided he didn't like her, then the team pegged her as a "diva" to keep their pet wog happy and she was written out of the rest of the show, only reappearing once RTD realised he'd mentioned her in the 1950's episode, so they had to go back and do reshoots for that
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Why the fuck would they fire THIS? Baffling.
>Ruby's mother was pointing at the road sign and naming Ruby
Ignoring the incredibly cryptic nature of this, it doesn't mean anything. The only other person around was The Doctor who left so the orphange or whoever must have named her Ruby by astoning coincidence.
She wasn't gay enough and Gatwa was being jealous and overdramatic so she had to go.

Or the token while girl companion was only meant to be around for the first season to help keep viewers.
either they forgot that Ruby already found the identity of her mother from the future database and it was superfluous from an earlier draft or they figured the audience would forget that Ruby already learned the identity of her mum from the future database and shoved a DNA test in to reaffirm that it is indeed her mum.
Roger ap Gwilliam is back in season 2.
"I was named... after a road..."

"Sorry love, I was actually pointing ominously at the pub behind the lamppost. My daughter is called The Lamb and Flag."
millie wasn't fired you tabloid slop swallowing retards
>only reappearing once RTD realised he'd mentioned her in the 1950's episode, so they had to go back and do reshoots for that
4th place.
>The finale only being 4th or 5th highest of the season?
That's not that unusual. As an overview the placing of the finales in past series in chronological order were
>Series 1- 10th
>Series 2- 5th
>Series 3- 2nd
>Series 4- 1st
>Series 5- 12th
>Series 6- 6th
>Series 7- Tied 7th
>Series 8- 2nd
>Series 9- 4th
>Series 10- 7th
>Series 11- 9th
>Series 12- 10th
>Series 13- 5th
So is Captain Poppy from Space Babies.

Get ready for more of the same old shite.

>Ncuit being an egomaniac and demanding a companion be fired
New Who finally has a true successor to Tom Baker
You're right >>200390696 is likely what actually happened. She got lowered to a re-occurring side character every so often.
Russel already admitted Disney has input and can make requests on what they want to see.
Roger Ap Gwilliam exists SOLELY to be a spiteful naming of a character after Roger Williams, who is a much more successful gay Welsh writer who actually cares about his homeland, speaks Welsh, helps in the community and does work for S4C Welsh language programming.

He wrote "The Feast", a really good Welsh Folk Horror film, and it was recognised by people that matter in the industry. Why do you think RTD made a big deal out of 73 years being Welsh Folk Horror even though 15 minutes in, she goes to London and gets into a political episode?
Season 2 Episode 1 title leaked

More of the Same
I know you're out there webm bros. Gimme that delicious tank top Millie webm goodness.
I'm convinced you're this "Roger Williams", nobody knows who he is, while RTD has had several acclaimed shows.
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Actually scripted Doctor dialogue written by an actual human, 2024.
The episode they filmed at Penarth Pier, where they made it look like 1960's America, the one with the cinema marquis in the leaked pic. They all filmed there, quite some time ago, and then they had to hastily come back a few weeks later, disrupting everything and filming during a fucking storm. Gibson was the only actress I saw there. No doubt they had to film a special scene where she says "oh no, I have to go now, my planet needs me" before never showing up again
Nice fanfic, bro.
Can't believe RTD read English at Oxford University.
I don't know, I can see most of the revival Doctors saying that. Only really 9 and 13 not fitting it.
>I'm convinced you're this "Roger Williams"
holy schitz
>nobody knows who he is
Unless you're into Welsh filmmaking, you wouldn't give a shit. RTD knows who he is though, and he must hate him.
I assumed The Empire of Death was her exist, akin to Martha leaving in The Last of the Time Lords.
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That honestly doesn't make it any better. It's garbage.
She was supposed to be in both seasons, so no. That tardis scene was tacked on to get her out of the way.

I guess whatever the 1960's american cinema episode is about, it needed her to be around
Only Roger Williams would say that he's more successful and well known than RTD. Like think whatever you want about what he's made, but people constantly go crazy over RTD's shows.
Returning characters from just a couple episodes ago doesn't sound fun in Who universe. No constant returning characters, no biregeneration, no Time Lord retcons, please. NuNuWho is exasperating
Yeah, ignore the retards. RTD wrote her story to cover Season 1, and then decided she'd be a recurring role rather than a full time companion in Season 2.
I feel like RTD went from being the only gay in the village somewhere and thinking he was going to be the effervescent “gay one” to realising he’s not only one of many gay Welsh writers, but also the least interesting.
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>dr who beat the weather this week
feels bad bros
RTD just said that he thought that it wouldn't make sense if Ruby immediately went back to travelling with the Doctor after reuniting with her mother. It makes sense honestly, it always felt off that Amy's parents were shoved off to the side.
>Only Roger Williams would say that he's more successful and well known than RTD
to our eyes, he isn't. But RTD honestly thought that he was going to be some rare Welsh talent, flying the flag for Wales and his Queerness, and while the mainstream public eat up his shit, he ain't going to any film festivals and getting accolades from his peers any time soon.

People in the industry who he respects probably laugh at him. That's gotta rankle.
Doctor brought death to Death to bring life or some deep and soulful meaning shit like that. They could have done the liner better.
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>Doctor brought death to Death to bring life
Very Russell T Davies, and very retarded.

I'll make sure to shoot my dead gran at her funeral so she comes back to life then.

(I'm taking the piss but, honestly, "I bring death to death to bring life" is fucking retarded nonsense.)
I know way too much about Russell T Davies, because I grew up around the same area, and my elder brothers and parents had...dealings with his family. Sketty wasn't a big place, and the Davies' weren't shy about their dirty laundry.

I would think that most of the Welsh writers hear his name and think "yeah, the disney guy. he left Wales pretty fuckin quick, didn't he?"
Nobody in the industry is laughing at RTD what is this cope
Oh good, schizo is back talking to himself.
Is that JOY?
our manic pixie dream girl fanwank character?
She's a quirky chungus just trying to live her best life and WACKY things keep happening!

Turns out she's the key to everything, and perhaps, if we're lucky, a little festive cheer.
*winks at the camera*
Multi award-winning Russell T Davies will take control of the TARDIS once more as the next Doctor Who showrunner, succeeding Chris Chibnall who departs next year.

Russell T Davies will make an explosive return to screens to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of Doctor Who in 2023, and series beyond. BBC Studios are partnering with Bad Wolf to produce.

Davies left the show in 2009. A lifelong Doctor Who fan, he has most recently achieved huge success with Years and Years, A Very English Scandal and It’s a Sin which won Best New Drama at the National TV Awards this month. Russell T Davies says: “I’m beyond excited to be back on my favourite show. But we’re time-travelling too fast, there’s a whole series of Jodie Whittaker’s brilliant Doctor for me to enjoy, with my friend and hero Chris Chibnall at the helm – I’m still a viewer for now.”

Chris Chibnall says: “It’s monumentally exciting and fitting that Doctor Who’s 60th anniversary will see one of Britain’s screenwriting diamonds return home. Russell built the baton that is about to be handed back to him - Doctor Who, the BBC, the screen industry in Wales, and let’s be honest everyone in the whole world, have so many reasons to be Very Excited Indeed about what lies ahead.”

Piers Wenger, BBC Director of Drama says “As the 13th Doctor prepares to embark on new and extraordinary adventures, the winds of change are blowing… bringing with them news to delight Doctor Who fans across the globe. We are thrilled that Russell is returning to Doctor Who to build on the huge achievements of Chris and Jodie. Thank you to the two of them and the team in Cardiff for all they continue to do for the show and hello Russell, it’s wonderful to have you back.”
i dont believe rtd is human
They're all laughing at him.
It's still hilarious to me how RTD's idea of the "evil far-right" is "um they want to nuke everyone and create a national DNA database"
Even funnier when the latter is something the Blair government tried to do and backed down specifically because of the backlash from right-wing politicians like David Davis that RTD fearmongers about constantly.
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>I'm convinced you're this "Roger Williams", nobody knows who he is, while RTD has had several acclaimed shows.
I am laughing my ass off at RTD.
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Is it that you have to ask which door the other would say is the right one?
Oi, don't slag off Moff.
This is such a cancerous mindset for creating art.
I'm sure online content is great for the viewership in the short term, but in 10 years time no one will care about the fan theories or speculation, they'll care about the story itself.
We need to stop making disposable television
I like Moffat considerably more than the other showrunners, but her certainly went to the Neil Gaiman school of writing female characters
Are there any good Big Finish covers?
>creating art
why do you think that's what's going on here?
The point of 73 Yards wasn't commentary about evil right wingers, he made Gwilliam cartoonishly obsessed with nukes just to make it clear that he's bad news. It was about living a life of penance doing good things.
>russell t davies and his wilderness year clique
>moffat and gatiss and old fan cronies
>chibnall and his talentless hacks who wanked over rtd nostalgia
>russell back with yes men everywhere and writing most of the show

20 years in, i think the show needs a lot of new blood bros
Why is Ruby functioning as a fucking TARDIS with a 73 yard field and making snow if she's just a slag's unwanted baby?
I want to have sex with Rose Noble.
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Content status: Generated.
Why is your impression on point, I can practically hear his doctor who confidential voice from back when
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Watch Season 2 to find out.
>Why is your impression on point
Because I'm a sociopath, and we all talk the same
Roger ap Gwilliam is Ruby’s brother. Calling it.

“ap” is Welsh for “son of” - making both Ruby and Roger the children of William (why else would they tell us her dad’s name in the finale?)

They made Roger out to be such a huge deal, I’m sure he’s coming back.
Ruby is a descendent of Lolita confirmed
So it can be explained by the brown FtM companion with crutches? No thanks.
You give RTD too much credit. His name would be something like Llun Ryddgoch
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The Sound of Drums was 19 years ago.

I feel so fucking old.
That blonde was proper fit.
Time moves quickly. You should be proud of every second you've had here, anon. It'll be done sooner than you imagine.
and it was kino
For once I believe the hype RTD is selling us on.
Solely because I enjoyed every Christmas special of Moffat's era, more than I enjoyed any of RTD's era.
Wonder if Sutekh saw the CyberKing while squatting on the Tardis in Victorian London, or when it got thrown into the Time Vortex.
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>>the sound of drums aired 19 years ago
>posts a clip from an episode that isn't the sound of drums
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Have they seriously dropped Ruby already? She was about the only good thing in the entire series.
shut the fuck up or i'll kill you
I wanna eat out Old Melanie's Bush while she's on duty for UNIT.
What is stopping Sutekh from just grabbing on to the TARDIS again
kino: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2QEXo-HAbU
kino: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zo5HgJhqqi0
kino: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p4GaDBlTVOw
And proven by 73 Yards ratings kek. Seems like she was downgraded to a side character in S2 for unknown reasons. RTD admitted she was supposed to be around for both seasons.
She's pulling a Martha in Series 4.
dobby jesus
>Vote Saxon.
But King Arthur wouldn't like that.
Got his paws trapped in the leash
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>not the sound of drums
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That's a point. How come we managed to go 60+ years without a Doctor Who's take on Arthurian Legend on TV, in a post Robin Hood world?
>robot of sherwood
tbf they are shit
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Yeah, you can tell Russel skipped Robot of Sherwood during the twitter rewatch
Watch Merlin
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>creepy as fuck
>time travels at will without a mode of transport
>summons a fucking beast
>dips forever

what did he mean by this
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wat the hek is big finish smokin
Big Finish will forever be the retirement home for British Actors who don't get much work anymore and once appeared in Doccy Who. Bonnie Langford's probably the only one outside Tennant who managed to break out from the Show, do a Big Finish stint along-side their main gig, then come back as a reoccurring character on the show while still doing her BF stint.
Television viewing habits have changed since 2023, and although the weather may now play a larger role in what shows people watch, the only numbers that really matter are the 60 day consolidated ratings.
So cute and playful
wrong. Television viewing habits have changed since 2023, and although the weather may now play a larger role in what shows people watch, the only numbers that really matter are the 365 day consolidated ratings.
Jacobi is a huge actor.
Mrs Flood is the Master of the Land of FanFiction
>everything after Tom Baker is non-canon.
>2.25 mil
I really hoped we were gonna see a drop into the 1 mils. Oh well fingers crossed for next season.
What makes you say these things?
Feel like I have seen that guy in a bunch of things but, I can't actually think of any.
They'll try to call this a success, but finales are always much higher than regular episodes, so this is dire.
>haha remember that mystery we teased you with since Christmas? yeah it was literally fucking nothing haha you just made it important in your head :)))
honestly i couldn't give a fuck any more, rtd needs to be axed, he's reached the same point george lucas did where he's just too old and past it to have any good ideas
Charlie Brooker for showrunner.
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How does he generate seethe so effortlessly?
I'm sorry but none of his wot ifs will ever top WOT IF SUTEKH HITCHED A RIDE ON THE ROOF OF THE TARDIS FOR 40 YEARS
Worse than that, it's what the kids call "gaslighting". He bigged it up for so long as a big mystery, then tried to act like it was always just the viewer who was making a big deal out of it, like "the power of your belief made it so!" or some shit.

He's just a hack, and this show is now worse than She-Hulk. Definitely worse than Willow.
Which is the most sadistic Doctor?
Fuck off Russell. Stop hogging the showrunner bench and let someone else have a go
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The early ones were very atmospheric
it very clearly goes in hand with the bleeding of fiction into reality that started with the return of the toymaker and will continue into next series if not ncuti's entire tenure
>finales are always much higher than regular episodes
See >>200390770
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Whether or not it is actually good I am unsure but, I like this one.
>Murray Melvin
Didn't die three years ago?
>giving rtd this much credit
>and will continue into next series
enjoy eating even more slop for no closure, idiot.
It really is easy to sucker chumps these days.
To be fair I'm not surprised more people tuned in after the Sutekh reveal. Word of mouth was probably very good, RTD can write the shit out of a build up but ALWAYS drops the ball with the finale except for like once.
April 2023
that big finish is the last one he did
he spells it out. try actually watching

enjoy watching something you claim not to like over and over and over and over and over again to improvise new ways to whine
RTD has never felt the touch of a woman.
Remember when The Toymaker's plans actually involved toys and games?
the cope is unreal. enjoy the slop.
cope for what exactly you buzzword addicted fucktard
>he unironically likes doctor who in 2024
>he's actually being serious and not even baiting
hahahaha you mong
>watching something
I haven't boarded this ship of Theseus since Capaldi's last episode. Let it go. I'm sure plenty of people here can recommend some great big finish stories of some of the books.
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Which one of you did this?
cope for the fact that you're having to invent headcanon for stuff that was apparently "clearly" spelt out when it wasn't
Sutekhs gift of bait
>now he's getting mad because he built his entire identity around doctor schlong and is such a slave to "canon" that he can't into comics, audio or books.
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>b...buu...but it'll all be clear next season bros!!!!!!!
oh god, it's all so tiresome
I'm pretty sure this is what it is. RTD confirmed they're bringing in more diverse writers next season too. The mouse's DEI rules are pretty strict based on the leaked docs from a while ago.
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A stained-glass Dalek is just interesting.
even better, enjoy getting worked up over something you don't even watch

take your adhd meds next time

unfortunately you just made all that up
CG model made by Gerry Anderson's son.
>take your adhd meds next time
nice rebuttal, anon. as i said, enjoy next season.
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You'd have to be clinically brain-dead to sit through the garbage they're sloughing out of their slopchute these days. I'll take that as a compliment.
there's nothing to rebut, you're plain wrong

what possesses you to discuss the quality of the plot online if you dont watch it faggot retard
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Okay anon.
>what possesses you
I delight in the mistakes of my enemies, and can't wait for the next wilderness years so that better writers get a chance to devise stories, instead of some fat hack with a granny fetish.
i asked you a question. if you refuse to answer it then i win and you're mad
you are an ass hat
>then i win
lmao, okay anon, okay. enjoy your sloptor whooooweewooo
You fellow DW old timers out there know how Mel was never really given a fair shot at shining on the show, given the dire state it was in during Six's run with that dreadful Trial of a Timelord series. And her most memorable lines with Seven were screams. (lol) Totally underutilized.

I liked her, and I consider RTD setting the timeline right by giving her a significant role. And Bonnie Langford is an absolute GEM of a human. I dare say teenage me may have had a little crush on her back in the day.

Let's hear it for Mel!
>I win
You're watching and defending the quality of current who. You're de facto one of the biggest losers there is.
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My first finale disappointment. Young me dropped the show in autistic rage after following since S1 because I was so pissed about the last episode being awful after the amazing build-up. Sneakily watched the adipose ep when S4 started but pretended I wasn't and then just let it go. Still watched Tennant leave but felt like I could let it go when Matt Smith took over. Then I tuned back in for S6 like an idiot, got hooked by the first episode and astronaut mystery, watched all of S5 and thought it was a return to form and couldn't believe it was so good again, and then got crushed by S6 also being awful. I dropped the show like 3 times and keep coming back, it's like being abused I hate this fucking garbage.
I love you too, anon. Seriously though, try big finish. The eighth doctor stuff is fabulous.
>it's like being abused I hate this fucking garbage
we feel your pain, having sat through ChibWho and now RTD2 slop
>what possesses you
A failed writer jealous of RTD. You ever notice how a lot of outrage youtubers are failed writers?
just zesty homobane for rtd toddler milk
i win twice and youre both mad
end of

ive listened to plenty of big finish
try doing something other than building straw men
Stop larping as the actual RTD2 defender, this is embarrassing.
Not looking good for the story quality next series then
>straw man
I mean, it isn't but okay

>ive listened to plenty of big finish
name your favourite, and why
cyberman cock
put your cue cards away and speak from the heart
Hand on heart, Empire of Death and most of Season 1 was dogshit.
I dropped Chiball at the little shit eating a spaceship with a pregnant man on it episode and refuse to watch what I missed. I read the story changes but the show actually didn't even feel like Doctor Who or have any kind of personality during that era for me. Like even now RTD2 is shite but at least it's got character
>I mean, it isn't but okay
yes it is, you decided im some insane tv obsessed cock sucker
>name your favourite, and why
the phoenicians because i like historicals
I’ve seen online people debating about whether the new season succeeded as a jumping on point for new fans. I obviously can’t speak for everyone but I just thought I’d give my opinion as someone who did decide to start with this version of the show.

I had been interested in the series and tried to get into it before. I watched the first few episodes of the 2005 reboot and I didn’t think they were bad but they didn’t quite grab me. But when I saw people saying the 60th anniversary specials would lead into the new season and serve as a fresh start I decided to try it again.

The specials including the church on ruby road were enough to make me excited for the season and overall I thought it did work for someone who was new to the universe. I’ve seen some people say that they worried the show explained too much stuff too fast at the beginning of space babies. But I didn’t mind it and again I can’t speak for anyone else but I think the reason they did it that way was because unlike back in 2005 they weren’t bringing the show back after it had been off the air for almost twenty years. I’ve heard about dr who for years now because it’s kinda always been around now for most of my life. So I had heard about the basic stuff like the tardis and the fact that he was an alien.

Going back to space babies I know a lot of people hated the episode and it wasn’t my favorite either but it didn’t turn me off from wanting to see more. Again I had always heard people say dr who could go from campy to serious so I wasn’t too thrown off by it. I think the big reason this season worked for me was Ncuti even if I didn’t catch every single reference I was just excited seeing him because I loved his performance so much.

So yeah sorry if this is long or if it’s kinda a dumb post for this 4chan. But I just wanted to give my perspective as a new fan and say overall I think the season did succeed in making at least one new fan.
>some insane tv obsessed cock sucker
You didn't deny it until just now
>I like historicals
How do you manage to justify Rogue then? Or Devil's Chord? They're absolute trash "historicals" and make a mocking pastiche of the historical eras.
I'm so sorry.

But on the plus side, you'll hopefully discover that this show used to be good.
Grab us a couple of Cybermen while you’re up there on your stool pal
Hey Russel - you're not fooling anyone with this larp. Go outside and touch grass.
If he wasn't so busy painstakingly, and beautifully, restoring the missing classic episodes, then the BBC should contact Ian Levine and appoint him as script editor, or even perhaps the new showrunner.
This was supposed to be a back door pilot for a Disney owned spin off series about a gay bounty hunter trying to get back home. RTD has probably already written the first series.
I can't believe I'm saying this but Ian would unironically do a better job at this point
don't get why they're so scared of bringing back Barrowman because of a bunch of twitter trannies
he's still a fan favourite, most of the casual viewers don't even know about the cock stuff
The twitter folk you mention are the main audience now.
I hate him
Yeah the ending of season 3 is terrible. I dropped
Who after season 9, because I heard there
was gonna be a woman Doctor. I finally watched season 10 this year, but won't
watch Jodie because everyone seems to agree it's shit.
Wasn't his last appearance with Jodie well after he was cancelled?
Think so but that episode was filmed like a year before the allegations came out and he was a big part of the plot so it's not as if they could cut his scenes
Whatever people say about that era the classic monsters they brought back had great redesigns. The sontarans look great and the cybermen head design is great too. There's a cool twist with the daleks also. However episode quality is generally poor.

If you're a fan of the classic series you'd probably enjoy her final episode.
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kinda weird that RTD's strengths, despite all his flaws, were in created grounded characters that feel authentic and real and relatable
but here we have Ruby and Ncuti and i feel none of that now, they are both so Chibnallian. they're a bit more "fun" but don't seem to have any interesting characterization beyond creating "vibes"
It's getting harder to pretend he's an ageless immortal desu
Since 2005 the show has been objectively shit a lot more than it's been good. It's funny how much faith I still place in it
he still ages though
but have him in thousands of years in the future looking slightly older
also me
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hilarious how much this riled him and his boomer buddies up

>this was actually, unironically 20 years ago

The Beast and his armies shall rise from the pit and make war against God.
The Beast : This one knows me, as I know him: the killer of his own kind.

The Doctor : [pause] How did you end up on this rock?

The Beast : The Disciples of the Light rose up against me and chained me in the pit for all eternity.

The Doctor : When was this?

The Beast : Before time.

The Doctor : What does "Before time" mean?

The Beast : Before time and light and space and matter. Before the calaclysm. Before this universe was created.

The Doctor : That's impossible. No life could have existed back then.

The Beast : Is that your religion?

The Doctor : [pause] It's a belief.
Mrs Flood is a reverse triple backwards double cross and is actually the Beast
I wonder if Sutekh was shitting bricks when the TARDIS was with the Beast?
>Delta wave
Would it have killed Sutekh?
>The Beast and his armies shall rise from the pit and make war against God.
>I am the God of all Daleks
what other memorable lines has NuWho given us from villains?

>And how will you do that from beyond the grave?
For the affect it has on the Doctor
>You would make a good Dalek
I hate how they cheapened this later with
>You are a good Dalek
The Beast possessed Sutekh.
>The man who abhors violence, never carrying a gun, but this is the truth, Doctor: you take ordinary people and you fashion them into weapons... behold your Children of Time, transformed into murderers. I made the Daleks, Doctor, you made this.
So, the doctor's enemies have done an all-star team-up before and it was super cool (one of tbe best dr who episodes imo) but what if, in a similar vein, a collective of all if the specific enemies who've "killed" the doctor were to form a sort of club. (Basically, every individual being who's caused the doc to regenerate getting together and doing evil) and this club would gather in some kinda timey-wimey space that lets them, displaced through space and time, all converge together.

At which point the doc would have to fight off every being whose ever ended him all at once. (Obviously, certain liberties will need to be made due to casting problems, but i think it would be a phenomenal episode despite that). The only real issue would be in instances where the docs death is nobodys "fault" like when 11 regened to 12 from old age or when the same happened to the war doctor and 9.
>Killing the creatures that want to destroy the universe makes you just as bad as the creatures themselves
Not on the same level or thing as the Beast of Dalek Emperor but, The Master has some pretty good lines
>This country has been sick, this country needs healing, this country needs medicine – in fact I'd go so far as to say that, what this country really needs, right now, is a Doctor.
I've been thinking about the the current run of the series. Ncuti is good but too much cheery for me and less of a rude or chaotic than its previous incarnations, less running and ADHD, more emotional. I do not like that the series is shortened. Since the Chibnall took over the show it has gone downhill even the storyline had potential which was left untapped. Not that this arc is bad but I think that it is way rushed. Hope that there will be some emotional development.

I think that we deserve a slightly darker personality and storyline. The defeat of Sutekh should leave some scars - chaos. I think that the Dream Lord should make its return. The Doctor could become more unstable since he had the Master in its head - he would be more morally grey and becoming insane; maybe bipolar. What if some of the Timelords survived the Flux, the Hybrid prophecy, and what if it survived a little and had its effect in another universe. What if Rose Tyler had an accident and her Doctor has returned and somehow regenrated into Matt for the last time to became the Valeyard. How about 6b regeneration turned to be a Bi-generation and the legends about them were because of him. I'd like to see more classic WHO monsters, enemies. How about a storyline where the Doctor interacts a disease that affects his looks and he has to wear some holographic mask then his regeneration malfunctions he is stuck in a series of small regenerations; draining his energy and almost ending his life. Should the Master be revealed having clones which is why he survived so many things? I'd like to see Omega escape and Trenzalore becoming a new Gallifrey.

I do not know but it would be interesting to see some one of these things to happen. What would you like to see in the future of the DW?
>the show was bad with Capaldi

I hate this meme.
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Not good but, I recently stumbled upon this and found it to have a certain comedic factor about it.
More that preaching that you hate violence but letting people do the dirty work for you is bad.
I skipped Jodie’s whole run after watching the first 4 episodes, but thought I’d skip ahead and watch TTC to see if it was as bad as I’d heard. I hate the lore changes like most people do, but the potential for an amazing episode is there. Mandip nails The Master in his first few scenes. The whole setup for the episode is awesome. There’s weak acting from every supporting character but that is basically a staple of DW at this point. The potential for a great reveal that doesn’t change the context of the last 60 years of the show while still being shocking is there.. and then the most ill-thought out exposition dump ever written ensues..
I'm giving this whole scene
>MARGARET: I promise you I've changed since we last met, Doctor. There was this girl, just today. A young thing, something of a danger. She was getting too close. I felt the blood lust rising, just as the family taught me, I was going to kill her without a thought. And then I stopped. She's alive somewhere right now. She's walking around this city because I can change. I did change. I know I can't prove it
>DOCTOR: I believe you.
>MARGARET: Then you know I'm capable of better.
>DOCTOR: It doesn't mean anything.
>MARGARET: I spared her life.
>DOCTOR: You let one of them go, but that's nothing new. Every now and then, a little victim's spared because she smiled, because he's got freckles, because they begged. And that's how you live with yourself. That's how you slaughter millions. Because once in a while, on a whim, if the wind's in the right direction, you happen to be kind.
>MARGARET: Only a killer would know that. Is that right? From what I've seen, your funny little happy go lucky little life leaves devastation in its wake. Always moving on because you dare not look back. Playing with so many peoples lives, you might as well be a god. And you're right, Doctor. You're absolutely right. Sometimes you let one go. Let me go.

It's always funny when the zero-budget fan trailers are infinitely better than the dross the BBC produce.
Not a villain quote but
>The Doctor : [Nancy locks the door on the Child] What's this, then? It's never easy being the only child left out in the cold, you know.
>Nancy : I suppose you'd know.
>The Doctor : I do, actually, yes.
nilson asher binge judy
have RTDfags ever been on suicide watch this hard before?


Season 1 > Series 2 > Series 9
>DAVROS: I hope you are grateful. It wasn't easy to procure. And very nearly unique, of course. You should feel privileged. The only other chair on Skaro.
>(The Doctor looks round to see he is sitting on an ordinary metal frame chair.)
>DAVROS: Don't get up.
>DOCTOR: You neither.
Just wait until the allegations come out next month
>HALF-FACE MAN: It cannot end.
>DOCTOR: It has to. You know it does. And there's only one way out.
>(The Doctor opens the doors.)
>HALF-FACE MAN: Self-destruction is against my basic programme.
>DOCTOR: And murder is against mine.
>(They struggle in the doorway.)
>HALF-FACE MAN: You are stronger than you look.
>DOCTOR: And I'm hoping you are too. This is over. Are you capable of admitting that?
>HALF-FACE MAN: Do you have it in you to murder me?
>DOCTOR: Those people down there. They're never small to me. Don't make assumptions about how far I will go to protect them, because I've already come a very long way. And unlike you, I don't expect to reach the promised land.
>(The Half-Face Man turns off his flame thrower. They release each other.)
>DOCTOR: You realise, of course, one of us is lying about our basic programming.
>DOCTOR: And I think we both know who that is.
>Cast old man as The Doctor
>First episode he tells Clara he's not her boyfriend and kills a man
Kek, it's like it was designed to piss off the tumblr crowd
>>11 shows up at the end begging people to stay with the show
>kills a man
We'll never know that for sure.
>kills a man
>Kek, it's like it was designed to piss off the tumblr crowd
Do you think we'll get a Season 3 or Ncuti leaving announcement before the end of the year?
If someone writes "2+2" you'll know it's 4, even if that person did not write the digit 4. We know 12 killed the android because we know he's the one lying about his basic programming ("I don't murder")
Thr tumblr crowd haven't watched classic Who. They follow the stupid idea that The Doctor has Batman's no killing/no guns rule.
I remember watching that episode at the time and thinking it was a standard fare. My god, if only I knew how bad the show would get 10 years later.
There's a 0% chance this is getting commissioned for a third season by Disney. It might continue on BBC only though.

I personally hope they cancel it.

Ncuti will probably regenerate in a special after season 2. He's been in Hollywood and other major shows so I can't see him committing to this crap for years to come, especially with likely salary cuts if it's dropped by Disney - which I would put money on that happening.
>Brigadier commits genocide
>Doctor still cool with him
what >>200394795 said.
the doctor has killed many people and aliens in the past. family of blood etc.
>Ncuti leaving announcement before the end of the year
But who will replace him?
A troon
a white woman
I can see them doubling/tripling down and getting a non-white woman.
As this point, RTD might as well cast himself
if disney pull out of the deal, odds on RTD himself either leaving or stepping aside to a side producer role so someone else can drive the show into the ground with no budget
a non-binary person probably. or another woman. i personally wouldn't mind seeing an east asian man playing the doctor, maybe one of the actors from squid game (the fat one or the guy with the glasses), with an alien companion (placed by bryce dallas howard).
I imagine a lot of people would turn down the role at this point.
as a black fan, if they don't go back to the default white doctor, i would love for them to get a non-faggot black man. ncuti's doctor has been an embarassment.

Please oh please oh PLEASE save us from this, Mark and Ian.
which is why I reckon it'll be a deluded woman who thinks she can be the saviour of the show, or fuck the male audience amiriiiiiiiiite gaaalsss
>east asian
If it is going to be Asian it has a far greater chance of being South Asian as that primary the type of Asian they have in the UK. You get the ridiculous situation where there are more (South) Asians in the UK than Black people but, Asians have nowhere near the same amount of representation.
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I can respect all the other doctors for their fighting but only troughton's doctor had the balls to go hand to hand with a yeti
NEW >>200395064
NEW >>200395064
NEW >>200395064
NEW >>200395064
Regenerate >>200395077
I hope she goes back to Manchester to take fat Northern dick, God bless the Norf
Black people are not particularly common compared to other racial groups in any Western country other than America, but everyone still has to bow and scrape and crowbar them into everything because America is where we get our brainworms

Fuck Burgers forever

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