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Donald the Vampire Slayer edition
previous: >>200366273
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First for The Pope's Exorcist
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Horror in the High Desert shill. I will now proceed to watch Horror in the High Desert II.
Seventh for fuck (You)
Nell Tiger Free
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There hasn't been a single horror movie that's scared me. Not one. Is this normal or am I broken?
Watch Schindler's List, it's scarier than any horror film
Schindlers List.
Because it really happened.
I like you guys, so I just wanted to share this important info with you that could save you a lot of trouble in the future.

If you ever open up your microwave to pop some popcorn before you start watching a horror kino but notice there’s a shit ton of ants in your microwave, do NOT immediately slam the door shut and turn on the microwave to attempt to nuke them to death because ONE, it barely seems to even effect them(like half of them died?) and TWO, if you run your microwave with nothing inside of it, that burning smell isn’t the ants being murdered but is actually your microwave being destroyed. Using a microwave without any food in it wrecks your shit and your microwave will overheat and break. Luckily for me after I unplugged it and plugged it back in it seems to be working again. Just thought you guys should know.

nice try, but I know that's a Comedy
kek. that's good to know though.
also reminds me I need to see Kingdom of the Ants.
>but is actually your microwave being destroyed. Using a microwave without any food in it wrecks your shit and your microwave will overheat and break
This isn't true. Lazy larp.
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if your microwave has ants in it you need to throw out the microwave you disgusting fuck
what did ants ever do to you
its normal. youre an adult now. all the magic in the world is gone forever.
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Times you acted like Rhodes?
In the Pool, a Thai horror movie I recommend, there are animal deaths.
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>who you callin' pinhead?
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I was sleeping over at a friend's house when I was 13 and he lived in a shitty old house that had ants in the walls. I woke up in the night itching and realized I was covered in fucking ants that had crawled all over me.
I was actually embarrassed for my friend and that's when I realized he was truly trash, because he didn't even see anything wrong with it. He just brushed it off like it was a totally normal occurrence.
Stopped hanging out with him shortly after that.
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Try it yourself wise guy. You’ll be sorry
About a month ago I ate some fried chicken up here and got a few crumbs of breading in the floor. The next day when I came back there was a fucking army of ants in here eating the chicken breading bits and vacuumed them up and sprayed a bunch of poison but ever since that day I now have very regular ant problems all the time. I can’t even leave my favorite hot sauce bottles out anymore because apparently these ants also love them. Suffering.
Stop hanging around Pajeets. Lemme guess, your friend lives in Brampton and there were actually 10 other people in the room with you.
>Try it yourself wise guy. You’ll be sorry
You are clearly under 18 and don't understand how microwaves work.
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>Otis, plug the ant microwave in
I'd probably behave exactly as Rhodes did in that situation. The last guy that pussyfooted around got eaten and the scientists weren't getting anything done
We're both white, it was nowhere near Toronto.
Dude your place is infested. You need to get a bunch of those traps and some of the ant goo in the bottles. I lived in a shitty apartment in college for one year and it had ants but I was able to get rid of the ones in my place using that stuff. Get on that ASAP, ants are dirty niggers and can make you sick.
Yeah I was just talking to my friend who used to work in pest control and he told me if I buy poison bait traps they will take it back to their colony and kill all the other ants. Sounds like exactly what I need to do
I doubt those traps work lol
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Yep, they take it back to feed it to their friends and Queen ant. You'll be committing regicide in a way, that's pretty based.
We need these types of traps for roasties to take back to their roastie queen.
Kill yourself, brown piece of shit
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They do work. Some of them eat the poison themselves and die, but ultimately this starves the colony because they now have fewer soldier ants to scavenge and defend the colony. Some do make it back and spread the food around, killing the others.You need to remove any/all other food sources from the area for it to work though, otherwise they'll still keep feeding off other stuff in the house.
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>roastie queen.
Gosh, she looks annoying af. Holy fuck. Someone should throw a chair at her. Look at her face. She is not even smiling lmfao. She is literally scowling and looks unpleasant.
Awesome scene. I loved how Chucky was ranting like she personally fucked him over. Really showed you he was fucking nuts and was going to cause a shitload more damage.

Rhodes was losing his shit but he was right. The scientists were fucking wackos. It was only a matter of time before they got everyone killed.
>when you get hit with the magic chair that makes you gay
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>final thing an ant sees before it dies
an illegal migrant?
She looks like an ant too.
Frank is Italian American.
>He hasn't seen Maniac
Lmao, fucking pleb
A mexican rapist?
A Chinese business man?
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>I walked into this house today where this junkie asshole just fried his baby in a microwave because it was crying too loud, so let me share that with you.
Every good man with responsibilities where lives are at stake inevitably becomes Rhodes
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Ebola Syndrome.
Thank you. Your microwave may be fucking ruined though, make sure you pay attention if it's working well
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>watching horror movie
>it's THE antichrist or straight up Satan xerself
>le 666
The First Omen was pretty good but I prefer the kind of demonkino where it's not the Big Bad but a smaller bad or it's left vague at least. Hereditary and The Nun did a good job at this. Give me some demonic kino recs
>biblically accurate $oyjaks
Was he trying to suckle that big Jew's teat?
This is a cool poster. First time seeing it.
Hereditary and The Nun are literally soi horror thoughever
Seems alright. I microwaved the popcorn and it seems to be working just like before. That’s what I was really worried about, I can go buy some $5 ant traps tomorrow but if I had to go buy a new $100 microwave I’d be seriously pissed.

Also this whole ant microwave thing got me so riled up it’s now midnight and I’m only 7 minutes into The Wailing so I think this movie will be watched tomorrow instead.
If they're soi then I'm a soiboy I guess. Sucks for me. Gimme a rec at least.
Kek that's a funny story though. It happens fren
>anon..help..i wet myself already..
Horror in general is kind of a söy genre, if we're being honest
No, you are kind of a faggot if we're being honest
The Omen 1-3 if you haven't seen them yet
The Devil Rides Out
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thinking about the giant mutant ants you're going to wake up to tomorrow I assume
lol I’m definitely watching “Them” at some point after this is all sorted out.
damn even horror has demoralization agents now
It is though. A good majority of movies are feminist or le metaphor movies
For sure. Under Paris was like an all brown cast.
Calling some schlock like The nun söy horror and ignoring how more popular "true" horror films are actually söy was more my point
Hello pajeet
What is the most alpha film genre?
go make a thread
Horror made before 2005
Also do not reply to the pajeet
Westerns by far, followed by film noir
Shoot em up action/thriller, obviously. No deeper meaning or message
Look guys, the 5% female complainer.
Lol, i'm more white than you guarenteed
Lol the brownie is mad
Feminist sister puts her chad bro on blast.
The Divine Fury is mma horror.
kill yourself.
From Dusk til Dawn is the manliest horror movie
So many beta simps on /horror and /hor/ tonight.
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even the good stuff has generic slop moments but idk there's a charm to the genre. Sometimes you gotta dig deep for those gems however fleeting they may be. But in general I get what you mean.
I was considering The Omen after watching "The First Omen" but I remember watching the remake when it first came out years ago and being underwhelmed. You're referring to the originals? I'll check them out and The Devils Ride Out. Thanks buddy.
Is this you?
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The guy saying horror is soi is a spammer, don't reply to him
Is it also the Nell poster?
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I am once again asking you to knock it off so I can enjoy my day off talking about horror.
Is that what Jamie Lee Curtis is doing now?
I'm not a spammer. I literally didn't even bring up söy crap other than to reply to the anon saying the nun and hereditary were söy, as if a good percentage of horror isn't inherently söy based on themes they revolve around. Never said horror wasn't good, but it's not some hyper masculine genre, not by far lol
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Do you think they will make another Orphan film? First Kill did well it seems.
No, he's not the spammer.
This creature is the spammer
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Just try and ignore him. Have any good recs?
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Orphan was the first horror movie I saw in theaters as a 10 year old and it fucked me up real good. Genuinely haven’t watched it since even though I’m 26 now because I’m kinda scared of it
>There is a Pajeet here?
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I recommend George Romero's The Crazies. Pretty good, I'm surprised at how many people hate it
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>supernatural horror
>spooky nun
>found footage
I WANT TITTIES AND GORE GODDAMMIT (preferably at the same time)
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Her age is starting to show
Rosemarys baby
The autopsy of Jane doe
lol this is some TCM shit
You should put her face on your body, lol
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Heard of it but haven't seen it so I'll take a look. I love hazmat wearers though.
side note: whenever I'm like "that would make for a good slasher costume", I look it up and one exists. Fireman slashers, baseball slashers, hazmat slashers
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Another good Romero one I suggest is Martin, if you haven't seen it yet.
>I love hazmat wearers though.
The Crazies is filled with them, don't know about the remake though as I haven't seen it yet
He cute
I'm pretty sure I've seen Martin but didn't like it. This was so long ago though that I was probably watching a blurry 500mb rip and expecting Bram Stokers Dracula, so I could give it another shot.
pretty sure there's niche porn for that. especially in the jav field they literally do everything. if nip girls can get you hard you can try that. Or watch older slasher films. Don't really get the point of nudity and sex with gore myself but to each his own I guess.
Check out Murder-Set-Pieces
Yeah you should give it another shot. It's one of the most original and unique vampire films. Also, it's funny how it can be recommended as a vampire film or a serial killer film.
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Zoinks Scoob this Wisconsin farmhouse sure is spooky. Like, has anyone seen Daphne lately?
A reasonable request. Nudity made a comeback in horror with X and Suitable Flesh, both featuring well/known actresses
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>Nudity made a comeback in horror with X and Suitable Flesh, both featuring well/known actresses
Let keep /hor/ to just October.
that's hardly a comeback. I actually was looking through recent films with nudity and could only think of X, Suitable Flesh, Infinity Pool and one of the V/H/S films.
That means when Maxxine comes out, Mia Goth is single handedly going to be over 50% of the nudity in recent major horror films.
>Scooby holds up mask
>REEEEHEHEHE, rook raggy I'm a rooman!
>Like... I don't think that's a normal mask Scoob...! That's like... *gulp*, human flesh!
So Mia Goth's ass and Heather Graham tits are chinese instruments of dissent now?
It's a very modest beginning but it's something.
>Mia Goth is single handedly going to be over 50% of the nudity in recent major horror films.
let's hope her percentage increases. I find her very hot, also did great nude scenes in A Cure for Wellness so she's practically a scream queen by now
Nell's sexiest pic yet but she should shave
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>Watch horror kino
>Can't decide if I hate it or like it
Anyone else do this sometimes? For me it's picrel
I didn't care for this one. Give "You Might Be the Killer" a try for a similar movie (not documentary-style but similarly meta)
it feels like a film you should absolutely love or hate, but somehow just doesn't stray far enough from the centreline to be that kind of film.
It's comfykino.
Might watch Pumpkinhead in a bit.
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Silent Night Deadly Night 2 is actually pretty good if you skip the flashbacks
Haven't seen it yet but the first was good.
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When you watch it, skip the first 40 minutes, it's just flashbacks to the first film. Once the actual film starts, it's pretty good
Is the original Slumber Party Massacre really a le feminist movie?
kind of. Roger Corman also made sure it's full of tits so it really comes of just an earnestly human film.
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The script was written by a feminist but the director and producers removed most of the "satirical" elements and filmed the actual movie as a straightforward slasher. So not really.
>Back when the movie was about to come out
>Playing Battlefield Bad Company late at night with my friend
>The studio bought in-game ads to be displayed on random signs throughout wartorn not-Russian villages
>Turn around a corner and the first thing I see is the fucking poster for this movie
>Immediately scream, fire my RPG directly at her, killing me and my buddy
Thought they said they wanted to do another one after First Kill but not sure if there's been any news since.
>>Immediately scream
Men don't scream
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Been long enough since I've seen the original that I might just watch the entirety of 2 sometime.
This was bretty good
cool poster
Yeah it's good. Has an interesting atmosphere/sense of place
whoops been a while
It's true.
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I don't know why I like The Conjuring 1 and 2 so much. It's like they are scary but also grounded in reality but also quite adventurous? I don't understand.
I don't know how they became a big hit, Conjuring seemed like just another ghost film when I saw it.
Apart from Patrick and Vera. A+ couple, but they are more comfy in the sequel.
It's a proper horror movie: familiar faces, no excesses of le trauma, good vs evil, scares etc. As >>200388195 mentions, it's comfy
are there more movies like this?
Unironically The Pope's Exorcist. Not shitposting.
Night Stalker. Both the movie and the series
The Innkeepers is a comfy movie, cute girl, spooks.
I watched handling the undead recently.
wasn't what I was expecting but it did it pretty well. It's a slow movie but it was probably the only horror I've seen that made me feel uneasy.
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>mfw I put any swedish film on
had it's moments but mainly thought it was quite boring.
wait it was norwegian lol. either way I'm not sure I've seen many scandinavian films that didn't feel like looking out a rainy window.
This is the unedited photo.
I haven't seen Urban Legend since I was a kid. I should rewatch that, I remember loving it
Horror in the High Desert 2 wasn't bad. They've got a formula that works so I'm guessing there'll be 10 more of these increasingly jumping the shark.
I just remember the microwave part which made me sad as a kid.
That's normal for adolescents. Once your brain fully develops it starts happening again.
Stylish, solid, tight. Grounded. Classical plot. Good director. You need to refine your palate.
>You need to refine your palate.
nta but lmao in schlock fan
If Changeling, Don't Look Now and Poltergeist are classics, the Conjuring is too. We just don't think so cause its still modern.
it's like 20 years old and shit
You forgot incredibly generic.
How the fuck is it grounded? It's just amityville, one of the dumbest and fakest stories ever conceived but again.
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>Classical plot
Well as I said, a ghost film I've seen before. Maybe you prioritize stylish directing but I'd take a shitty found footage film if it instead actually creeps me out, does something I've never seen before or sparks an interesting thought.
I will say though, the sheet scare was great. Should have ended it there instead of having it fly up into the house.
>Should have ended it there instead of having it fly up into the house.
Of course it couldn't. James Wan is a bad director, the Hayes twins are bad writers and the Warrens are completely full of shit failed nu-catholic grifters. Any time any of them accidentally stumble onto something good they ruin it because they have no foresight or capacity for nuance.

It's like ripping a plant out by the roots and throwing away the scraps. No need to save the seeds or cultivate them because you'll probably just stumble across another in the future. Everything is disposable to people like that.
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>So Mia Goth's ass and Heather Graham tits are chinese instruments of dissent now
Some one green light this.
>but ever since that day I now have very regular ant problems all the time.
They leave scent trails for other ants to follow. Just follow the trail back and dust it with borax or permethrin.
2013 was a rough year, huh?
Not really, but I view all years as equal. I liked 13 more than I disliked so far from that year.
The Conjuring 2 has great scenes. The scene with the painting and the nun walking into it and then running towards the guy was cool. I get it, you like canned fish, I like fresh fish.
I'm watching Hidden (2015) right now, Really hope the plot twist isn't gonna be "actually, there's no apocalypse above". I'm 23m, into it and I'm eating three pizzas.
>James Wan is a bad director,
lol yeah. A solid horror filmography and they let him direct Furious 7 out of nowhere. You need to refine your palate.
>Should have ended it there instead of having it fly up into the house.
Gotta dumb it down for the Americans.
Try expanding your vocabulary if you want to spam troll posts all day.
>They leave scent trails for other ants to follow.
speaking of ants, this girl is the roastie ant queen. ---> >>200383565
Try refining your palate. "James wan bad director." Lol yeah sure buddy. You dont know good directing if it came on your face.
Grounded in reality for a ghost movie.
It did have great scenes, it took inspiration from Ghostwatch a little bit.
I particularly like the scenes with the toys and the little play cabin.
But if we're talking about the absolute best The Conjuring Universe has to offer, it is Annabelle 2. The demon taunting the little girl was good.
Bait used to be believable
Just because you have nothing to say doesn't mean it's bait.
>N n no u.
They wouldn't let a shitty director director Furious 7, one of the biggest grossing film franchises if he was shitty. And he started off as a horror director and mainly is too. James wan put horror back on the map.
Watch more movies.
nta, but how many movies or horror movies have you seen?
He's just baiting and lazy about it too. Naming ultra popular normalfag shit while saying anyone who doesn't praise it needs a "refined palate" and needs to watch more. You don't pick up that it's obvious bait from him trying to make a point out of directing a fast & furious movie must mean everything else you made prior to that has to be good?

The only other possibility is he's medically retarded.
>The only other possibility is he's medically retarded
This is 4chan, so that's probably correct. Nobody that's normal is on here, we're all fucked in some way.
Mom literally called just to tell me Young Frankenstein is on the Sundance channel.
>having a good relationship with your mom
What are some slasher movies with large bodycounts?
Rhodes was right, I would have done what he did a hell of alot sooner though
Not sure about flying the coup but merely inspecting frankenstein's lab would be enough for him to be shot, especially in the extra scenes of the dead floating zombie fetus looking thing in a tank
A daring synthesis
The current Guinness record holder is The Summer of Massacre with 155, although the kills are all really shitty CGI from what reviews say.

Halloween Kills (Evil Dies Tonight!) has 30 with 11 in the opening against the first responders.
Ok I didn't see the "we are rage zombies who can turn back to normal" plot twist
>three pizzas
You need to cut back. I can take a medium by myself, and I'm a skeleton but feel like bloated shit afterward.
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Fucking kek. I loved playing Bad Company 2 back when it first came out
That's okay, i just ate 2 of them in the end and put the 3rd one in the fridge. I hope it will be still okay tomorrow approximately 27 hours from now.
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This fuck was the villain of the movie
>seemingly has PTSD/on the verge of a breakdown
>is mad that the others aren't as fucked up as him
>when someone shows they are, he mocks them
>gets bit, gets amputated, then maliciously lets zombies in to kill his girlfriend and company for seemingly no reason, he even goes out of his way to do it taking the long way up to the elevator instead of opening the barricade doors in the tunnels

unironically what was his problem
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>Patrick and Vera. A+ couple
True. They always put in great performances no matter the movie.

I love my parents but no relationship is perfect. I should get mom to watch Hereditary for those dinner table fight scenes, might hit close to home
As long as it's wrapped up, or better, put inside a zip lock bag, it'll be fine. There's actually an entire jewtube video on which chain lasts the longest in the fridge by Sam Reid.
>I should get mom to watch Hereditary
Watched it in theaters with mine. She liked the car decapitation scene the best and when the mom was camping on the wall like a spider.
Since Independence Day is the next big holiday, at least for the USA, what are the best horror movies for it? Food horror is also acceptable because of the hotdog eating contest.
I didn't wrap it in anything... it's just on an open plate... does it mean I'll die if I eat it?
It'll just age/dry out quicker. Putting it in a ziplock bag, container, or just wrapped in something will keep it fresher. It'll still be fine to eat if you reheat it for a couple of days.
>Is clearly mentally unstable
>Girlfriend doesn't take away his rifle whilst he's tranquilized
post the last good horror kino you watched
You should do a marathon.

The Outer Limits: The Zanti Misfits
Phase IV
Ants! (aka It Happened At Lakewood Manor)
Empire Of The Ants
The Bone Snatcher

Also ran:

Legion of Fire: Killer Ants! (aka Marabunta)
Glass Trap
The Hive (2008)
It Came From The Desert

Bonus non-horror:

The Naked Jungle
The Hellstrom Chronicle
It's Sunday. What does everyone have lined up?
Currently watching Dawn of The Dead Complete Cut:


It's been years since I've watched DOTD and never seen the "complete cut" before so should be interesting.
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worth a watch?
Just watching TV. I already watched the current new TV show I'm on this morning (not horror) and also putting together a DVD-remux of the original YGO Duel Mosnters show subbed.
From this poster it looks like they made a movie of the spiders on the internet meme
Here's the ranking of horror movies I watched this month:
>Devil's Pass
>Exhibit A
>Never Send Me, Please
>Lumberjack The Monster
>I Saw The TV Glow
>The Blooming
>8 Found Dead
>Digital Video Editing With Adobe Premiere Pro: The Real-World Guide To Set Up And Workflow
>The Psychics
>Exhibit #8
>P.O.V. - A Cursed Film
>Big Bad Wolf
>The Legend Of Boggy Creek
>The Forbidden Door
>Zombie School
>Devil's Pass
>Exhibit A
>Never Send Me, Please
>Lumberjack The Monster
>I Saw The TV Glow
>The Blooming
>8 Found Dead
>Digital Video Editing With Adobe Premiere Pro: The Real-World Guide To Set Up And Workflow
>The Psychics
>Exhibit #8
>P.O.V. - A Cursed Film
>Big Bad Wolf
>The Legend Of Boggy Creek
>The Forbidden Door
>Zombie School
>The Legend of Boggy Creek
Ever heard of The Evictors or The Town That Dreaded Sundown by the same director?
>The Evictors
Haven't heard of it
>The Town That Dreaded Sundown
I saw the 2014 one, but never the original.

Boggy Creek wasn't bad, just was the same thing over and over again. Couldn't get into it.
The creek...He always follows the creek....
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posting a nell
Except the time he went back further into the woods after getting shot, and when he attacked the cabin multiple times.
>tattoos and piercings
Into the trash she goes
You love her really
No, I don't love mental illnesses.
Zombi 2 aka Zombie Flesh Eaters yesterday.
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Nell Tiger Free is not mentally ill
Tattoos and non-traditional ear piercings (among other things) are a 100% proof positive sign of mental illness.
Indepence Day might be an holiday, that does not get it's own horror movie. We have ones for Christmas, Halloween, Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Mother's Day, Father's Day, April Fools Day, Midsommar, St Patrick's Day. Now that I think off it, there's not a one for Easter or New Year either.
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This is untrue.
Yes, it is. She's an actress, meaning she's an attention whore by default, which is a mental illness.
Furious and Aquaman are shit, but I have to admit that I like Wan's all horror movies.
Nell isn't a whore
Easter has Easter Bloody Easter (2024) and at least one other, but I forget the title. New Year has Bloody New Year, New Year's Evil, and Terror Train.
Well this was fun
>The Day of the Beast (1995)
You might enjoy Dance With The Devil, The Last Circus and Witching & Bitching from the same director.
Donald was like the grandpa I never had. He was great enough to be the North American answer to von Sydow
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>Witching & Bitching
Already downloading that one! I'll check out the others, thanks.
My favorite from his is Perdita Durango
Independence Day has IKWYDLS and Easter has Critters 2
I forgot IKWYDLS was on 4th Of July. Guess all the holidays are covered. Unless you go into fake holidays like Juneteenth or Sweetest Day.
I would like to kiss Nell Tiger Free
more like smell tiger pee
She smells delightful I am sure
Watched Retreat (2011) after, it's the same minus the fantastical elements and a lot more boring, because they wasted all their budget on hiring Cillian Murphy.
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Gizmo, the evil Gremlins and the babelicious Phoebe Cates.
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Nell Tiger Free looks good here
Patrick Wilson and Nell Tiger Free
is this any good?
i really liked the movie
made by some of the same people
I feel like there's something else big I'm forgetting.

Set in March but The Purge series are good all-American movies to watch.

Easter has some low-budget stuff like Easter Bunny Kill! Kill! and Beasterday. (the latter is just so, so bad)
>Trim Season
had a good setting and premise but very bad
had a good plot on paper and some tense scenes, but put together clumsily and overall bland
hoping the Caveat guys next movie
is better
>Nell Tiger Free
I thought this was just some new meme on /tv/. Who the fuck actually names their daughter like this jesus?
>N-word Fell Tree
Incorrect. That is beloved and acclaimed American actress Vera Farmiga.
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this is your call to watch Sweatshop, the gore is sooo much fun. The rave at the end is 12312312312x better than blood and honey 2
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>hoping the Caveat guys next movie
The Caveat bunny appears in the trailer for his next film for some reason.
Ant traps are set in various parts of the room. Gonna watch The Wailing pretty soon
Sounds like you need some House Centipedes. They'll eat all the ants and pretty much any house pest. Catching them afterward would be tough, they're very quick.
I've caught two coming out of the drains in my bathroom. Really nasty creatures. Had to buy new drain lids after that.
>The Caveat
that movie fucking blowed, it's so goddamn boring and shit looking
seriously, what the hell did you get out of this low budget garbage?
Indonesia made a horror movie called Till Death Do Us Part, which apparently has nothing to do with the US movie of the same name.
Don't worry about it. It's not for you.
Caveat had a decent story and idea but did not tell it well and, besides some tense scenes when you're still learning what's going on, it had few scares and got less interesting and scary the more you learn
i feel like good horror movies, the more you learn the more messed up or scary/unsettling things are
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Hell yeah, then I can get some rats to catch the centipedes, and some snakes to catch the rats. Then maybe I can just douse the whole place in gasoline and set it on fire.
based mom
No, just some Mongoose to eat the snakes. Then get the mongoose outside for hawks and eagles to eat them. After that, shoot the hawks and eagles down with your gun. Problem solved.
But when I was a young man I was led to believe that organizations would kill my snakes for me :(
Possession is doubly nightmare fuel if you've had a bad relationship

this movie showed me most youtubers don't know how to pronounce caveat
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rec me some pumpkino
Do you like the Final Destination films enough to keep them on your hard drive? I just watched some of them on the telly and just the opening death scenes for the later movies.
I keep everything I like on my NAS. I like all the FD movies except for The Final Destination.
film name?
>Rosemary's baby
how the fuck is this movie scary in the slightest?
Lmao are you a 30 year old man getting scared at the conjuring 2?
Because when you get older you realize real life things are a lot worse than horror movie problems, ie being in a dead end job or being single/childless past 40.
I 100% agree with that pumpkin man. Not only should all teenagers who have sex be killed, but anyone that isn't married and having sex should be killed.
Even if I think a movie was pretty mediocre I keep it on my hard drive unless it was offensively terrible. Hard drive space is pretty cheap
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I thought new and unique slashers were supposed to make a massive comeback, but all I'm seeing is "legacy sequel" crap and Blumhouse trying to get classic franchises
Because I like having a vast collection of movies
>he doesn't have 1334 movies backed up for easy access
I'm 3 away from being leet
Damn I only have 633. How do you even find more movies? I know most normalfags just scroll through Netflix or whatever but at the amount I have now I often think “what are some more movies I need to pirate” and can’t think of a single one. I’m not sure how to broaded my taste and most of the movies I download are just things I hear about from /tv/
I miss Yify
Post wall female behaviour. Or low T betamale.
What do you mean? It still exists. I still sometimes download them for movies that I barely care much about or I know don’t have lots of dark scenes or sound that needs to actually be fucking heard
>How do you even find more movies?
I pick random shit from the private trackers I'm on to watch. I read the description and check the screenshots. If it sounds and looks like I might like it, I watch it.

I hate micro encoders. The quality is always pretty shit. It's a last resort suffocation, no breathing. I'm old enough to have downloaded the 700MB 1CD aXXo shit.
Can you link me their "official" website?
Every time I've googled them in the last year or so I always get weird .ru mirrors that don't have shit for new releases. OG Yify would have tons of new quality releases, typically days before they'd even become available on digital.
I still don’t really know wtf private trackers are or what the point of using them is over 1337x
>Can you link me their "official" website?
I didn’t even know they have one. I just know anytime I search for a movie on 1337x or Pirate Bay they always show up on there with the most seeders alongside whatever “txxgoodies” or whatever is. The movies always have quiet audio and bad artifacting in dark scenes though.
Private trackers encourage/require people to seed for long periods of time. Keeps torrents healthy instead of people stopping right when they complete the download. You also get tracker specific encoder/release groups, mainly for Remuxes and Hybrid Remuxes. Private trackers are also a way to better organize and corrulate torrents. Instead of having 20 copies/renames of the same movie, you have one per category (4K, 1080p, etc.). Keeps things tidy and well seeded.
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This movie has a lot of scenes so far that feel unintentionally hilarious
Are these new movies or older ones? I imagine the older ones are still circulating and that's why they'd still come up on other sites.
Oh I guess I sorta understand. I’m one of the niggers that instantly deletes the torrent after downloading. My internet is already dogshit and I disconnect way too often when I’m trying to play online vidya without seeding hundreds of movies. I’m sorry.
True. Conjuring and Possession have two of my top horrorfus so I can’t argue against either
Damn I guess you’re right..I just searched Abigail, The Strangers Chapter 1, and The First Omen and didn’t see Yify torrents for any of them. I didn’t even notice that.
If your connection is that bad, not much you can do. Mine is relatively fast so I just seed everything and delete oldest stuff when I run out of space. I also have all my music searchable to download on Nicotine+/Soulseek because why not.
Frogs (1972) is Independence Day.
I salute you for your service and understanding fren
Going to make a new thread
I've been a dedicated for several private trackers before, so I just like people getting a chance to watch/listen to stuff that I like. Same reason I like posting recommendation charts.

Not there yet, but when we are, make it spooky.
orphan was awesome
that little slut acted the shit out of it
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That's the trick. Not unintentional at all. Keep watching it.
Does /hor/ like August Underground?
I do. I even own both sequels on DVD, which are numbered and autographed.
Needs to be more pumpkin horror movies.
Wacko 1982
any horrors about denying your gay urges or about gayness in general
it's a serious question
No need to deny it, just don't be one of the bad gays.
Why is that hilarious? Korean cops arent mad low IQ people like american cops.
I guess I do the same, almost... I just have a higher threshold on offensively terrible. Not that Final Destination would count, I just think "will I ever actually rewatch it, rather than go to Youtube and look up the death scenes?".
ngl this movie sucks fucking ass, Parasite was more entertaining than this. And I prefer horror, this movie just was such a drag.

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