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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

I Saw the Tranny Glow edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

Previous >>200407547
Based on a comprehensive aggregate of over 23 website polls, a compiled a list of the top 10 greatest movies of all time. This list reflects the collective wisdom of film directors, critics, and enthusiasts from around the world. Each film’s position is determined by a weighted score, with the #1 film receiving 10 points.

>1. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) by Stanley Kubrick with 162 points.
>2. Mulholland Drive (2001) by David Lynch with 120 points.
>3. The Godfather (1972) by Francis Ford Coppola with 83 points.
>4. Vertigo (1958) by Alfred Hitchcock with 77 points.
>5. Stalker (1979) by Andrei Tarkovsky with 55 points.
>6. Citizen Kane (1941) by Orson Welles with 49 points.
>7. Do The Right Thing (1989) by Spike Lee with 38 points.
>8. In the Mood for Love (2000) by Wong Kar-wai with 36 points.
>9. Apocalypse Now (1979) by Francis Ford Coppola with 34 points.
>10. Persona (1966) by Ingmar Bergman with 34 points.
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>I Saw the Tranny Glow
This phrase cracks me the fuck up bros… why are trannies so maladjusted? Too much time warp?
I agree with this dude, it is all about authenticity. The Kendrick example is so good, pure tourist rap for people who know shit about rap. The same goes for filmmakers that include persons of color, asians and latinos just for inclusivity, which imo seems more racist than just casting based on what really fits the film and your OG visions of the film, rather than feeling pressured to include and change shit based on what is "needed" socially atm.
>Rosemary's Baby
>Take supposedly comes from a Polanski fan

I mean, hard disagree with that opinion, but to each his own man. What are your favorite Polanski films then?
I posted the phrase first, I honestly have no issue at all with transexual people.
I’ve never watched the film and will never waste my time watching it. I have a friend who actually sat through it and confirmed that it is indeed a massive piece of shit.
I just can’t stand when people are handed a career based solely on shit that doesn’t matter- if he was still called Dan, would people give a flying fuck about his previous film or this one?
I highly, highly doubt it.
>no P B OP
I don't feel movie magic anymore.
try watching some anime. the quality is so shit, it will make you appreciate movies again.
Knife in the water, repulsion, and cul-de-sac are all great films. What the fuck happened to that filmmaker, where did he go? I can defend other films from him of course, but after that run he’s been very hit or miss. Maybe I’m not the “huge” fan I thought I was, but those first three again are great.
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Kinos with this feel?
Is Polanski-Crew-Member-Anon still here? Wanna give another Polanski story for old times sake?
It can harm the film if the roles were originally written specifically for whites, if the diversity hires are not good actors or if it's a historical picture in a place that historically did not have racial minorities / the actors are cast in roles of historically white people.
Otherwise it does not matter. Unless you're a /pol/yp as in caring less for the filmmaking quality and more for the film to align specifically with your socio-political views.
Culture is any number of certain "traditions" or traits common within a community. Again this is just wishing films to align with your personal socio-political ideas. It's not culture if it doesn't represent THOSE specific cultural amalgamations (like hood culture). A film being about something that is rare, that is specific and not generalized has nothing to do with it's quality either.
>Yeah but you know at one time the socio-political power and cultural forces were authentic. The Civil rights movement, the cold war, real shit that people cared about.
Lol, it's all manufactured. Even back then people were noticing this shit. Every movement is "manufactured" it cannot sprung out otherwise, someone (not some specific person. could be many people) has to point out to people some sort of idea of collective interest to have them rally for it together. Most of the time people don't care much about things beyond their family, this is a natural state.
Those things only seem more "authentic" because you're looking at them through a historic lens. Current zeitgeist is no more phony that past zeitgeists.
Again, this just seems like wanting cinema to align with your socio-political beliefs. Quality of art is not as much in it's themes or intentions as it is in how it ends up in it's formal presentation. I personally found the way ISTTVG was presented very affecting and engaging. If you didn't that fine, if you don't like how it looks aesthetically that's fine too, you don't have to watch anything. Cont.
Never saw Knife in the Water and Cul-de-sac. Didn't even knew Cul-de-sac existed to be fair. I'll rate the movies I've saw by him.

Repulsion 8.5/10
Dance of the Vampires / Fearless Vampire Killers 4/10 (total shit)
Rosemary's Baby 9.5/10
Chinatown 10/10
The Tenant 8/10
Ninth Gate 6.5/10 (entertaining and cool)
Venus in Fur 3/10 (despicable)
Days of Heaven
>if the diversity hires are not good actors
That is exactly what I’m saying, and it extends to all members of cast and crew
Why so hot on Rosemary? I thought the writing was complete garbage and the acting was total let down. Nowhere near the mood and atmosphere from something like Repulsion either.
>Current zeitgeist is no more phony that past zeitgeists
I am sorry if you genuinely believe this. There's no arguing with you.
Like it doesn't matter where you stand politically, no one believes this. Ever since the 90s the culture has been becoming more and more manufactured
>A movie is like a dream. And in your dreams you’re free to do whatever you want. Haven’t you ever killed someone in your dreams? I won’t give you any names, but I love waking up and saying to myself, “Ha-ha! I just killed so and so.” It’s a way of getting rid of your anger. You can also fuck whomever you want in your dreams. I once dreamt I fucked Ava Gardner. I never had an interest in her, but after that I really respected her work. Diane Keaton showed up in one of my dreams once. I fucked her too.
>I once dreamt I fucked Ava Gardner. I never had an interest in her, but after that I really respected her work. Diane Keaton showed up in one of my dreams once. I fucked her too.
Unbelievably based
But I find it annoying when people just go straight up to muh politics, muh it's not spiritual, or some crap like that. You don't hate the movie in this case, you either hate that a movie is trying to represent something that is a part of that reality that you personally dislike or you're just afraid for some reason to admit that you don't like something on a personal level aesthetically.
I find the former most annoying. It's just insufferable political doomerposting. You don't care about art in a vacuum, you care more for politics, you're depressed about the current state of affairs and you shit up everyone else's film discussion with your depression. Do I like the current state of things? Hell no I don't. It may not seem that way, but I have reactionary views, someone might think they border on schizo babble. But I'm interested in art over politics. I understand that current art will represent current times, current aesthetics, current feelings.
Although I will say that I do understand why someone who grew up somewhat absent from the zeitgeist or immediately disliking it will have harder time with a lot of current cinema, not just mainstream. I grew up somewhat spoiled, and also very liberal. Not as in my parents were liberal but as in I myself was. I was a guy watching cartoons, disliking sports. My views through teenage years were bordering on progressivism. I struggled with deviant denegenrate sexuality too. And while I have altered my life path and moved away from those things in mind, I still retain a lot of aesthetic preferences in art / media from that time, and I couldn't let go of them. This makes it easier for me to engage emotionally with most current media / art.
I like satanism. Also, the atmosphere of the film is supreme, the ending is the shit. The fact that the mythos beyond the film also enhances the film (the apartment where the satanists live was actually the place where John Lennon lived and is close to where he was killed). Acting was cool, specially from Chadavettes. Themes of paranoia slapped, and I weirdly can relate to them. Mystery elements are really well developed. All in all, one of the coolest horror films ever made imo. I'm a horror enthusiast btw, so I can tell you that I'm not a genre tourist just trying to look knowledgeable.

I actually like the film a lot more than Repulsion. I feel like Repulsion was Polanski finding his style, and that's good, but he really came into himself with Rosemary's Baby. The apartment trilogy flows really well, and something I've always liked by Polanski is how he has woven themes of satanism and the occult in all of his movies, pretty much.
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I just saw Szürkület and really liked it. Anything in the same vein (expect Tarr)?
NTA, but I agree with this. Shit, when I was a child we had questionable stuff being shilled, but nothing felt as forced as nowadays political discourse. Just watch Eurovision bro.
Everything else from Feher
I remember first watching this as a terrible low quality bootleg. You kids have it good these days.
America has fundamentally changed after going from a Republic to a clear democracy. Giving women voting rights. Giving racial minorities voting rights. These were the seeds of current progressive zeitgeist. The "collective socio-political interests" were manufactured since back then constantly, to push everything into more and more liberal territory, a territory that wasn't a natural human state. America started out as being modeled after Roman Republic, and by the beginning of the 20th century it was anything but. It was an unnatural change, any change as fundamental and rapid is unnatural.
It feels more forced because there's more of it. But that's the entire catch. It had always been forced, manufactured, but slowly to give the illusion of it being natural. But after a certain point you pass past the point where the progressive, liberal elements seem naturally "authentic". Like with numbers. 1 doesn't seem a lot, 2 doesn't seem a lot, 3 doesn't seem a lot, by the time you get to 100 the numbers feel big.
I consciously put "slapped" into the text because I knew the bait was too savory for you.
I pretty much agree with everything you said. This is Illuminati type shit though (I believe in that conspiracy btw).
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Bidenfags vote against their own economic interests
Nah it just wasn't in your face probably because it wasn't manufactured. It was real people with real concerns and real struggle.
They still make films about real people and no one complains they are woke because they feel authentic. i.e Florid Project
The part that actually triggered me was you admitting to be a horror fan and going into the history of the shooting location
Tarks cinematography is still baller though
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making usury illegal, with the punishment of firing squad, would eliminate all of the financial problems in the US
Not sure what this has to do with arthouse and classic cinema?
Why should you be triggered by me being a horror fan and knowing the location's history? I'm also a b-movie enthusiast.
Please recommend feature films without dialogue, or with very little of it. Silents permitted if they include no intertitles at all. Don't bother mentioning Tsai, already seen all by him.
It's kinda related to the discussion of I Saw the TV Glow. Don't know if that counts as arthouse, though.
Angel's Egg
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not a feature, but I just watched this and it's fantastic. there are some intertitles, but they can pretty much be ignored. also Le Quattro Volte and Limite
They vote for gun control except for Biden’s druggy son because then the rules don’t apply to him.
this guy killed himself.
It's the jews. I know DA JOOS but ffs, it is them. But not as in the entire jewish race. I don't think it's the rabbis with the funny looking hats that are doing it. There are always people who are degenerate, who deride the tradition of their people, who are inferior genetically, weak, perverted sexually. That includes jews. The jews that are doing that shit are the jews who would lovingly subvert their own people, who are despised by the conservative jews. They hate all traditions. They still stick to their jewery when it's convenient, but only for that - convenience. I don't think they want as much to destroy whites altogether as they want to make whites a weak minority. Because when strong they're too smart to fall for the subversions of jews. The progressive kikes do in fact believe in progressivism, they're themselves often sexual degenerates, race mixers, etc. They have in their mind good intentions, but vile methods. And this is their downfall. They BELIEVE their ideas of a good society are good, and that the methods will be forgiven / ignored / forgotten because in the end they will build a great society. But their intentions are degenerate and dysfunctional, a fact they're oblivious to, and in the end it will be their downfall.
The thing is, I have no power. I try to prepare myself physically and mentally for the troubling current and even more troubling future times. It's difficult, especially considering I have fell for the progressive and degenerate trappings myself throughout my teenage and young adult years, but I try. But it's personal prepearations. I don't believe I can change shit fundamentally. I put my hobbies, emotional support, over the political concerns of mind. And therefore I reject viewing art through political alignment. And again, I do admit it is easier for me to do, as I retain aesthetic interests from my progressive period.
yes, and? the film is practically his suicide note
>I Saw the TV Glow
All of the analog horror and creepypasta-esque stuff in it showed that the influence of internet content will be a disaster upon many millennial and zoomer filmmakers. At times it felt like a YouTube horror short stretched to feature length.
I actually don't think it's the jews, just the unironic occultists that run the world.
Thank you. Will watch them.

Good recommendation but already seen it, as well as Le Quattro Volte. Gonna check out Limite. Thanks.
>just the unironic occultists that run the world.
that just all happen to identify as jewish
They use that identity as a cover for their degen shit. They know that polfags will unironically attack the jews from the crimes that they, the real occultists, commit. A lot of them also identify as catholic, muslim, etc. That's why you see a lot of pedos into the church, buddhism, etc. They are just bad people, the only thing that unites them are their rituals. Anything else is pure illusion.
A film doesn't have to represent a common group of people, it can represent a very specific group. Again, overrepresentation of very specific groups in mainstream media is surely DEI (even tho even for that i don't care, as i don't really watch mainstream stuff much in the first place plus if the acting skills of DEI hires are still good and it's not some alteration of history it doesn't matter much)
And specifically I Saw The TV Glow doesn't even have a representation that is super uncommon. There are blacks in suburbs. And Justice Smith isn't even dark black, he is a mulatto, and he is portrayed as such in the film too (his father is white, played by Fred Durst). And even with the tranny subtext, it actually makes a lot of sense as blacks in suburbs are rarely "tough" and most LGBT blacks did not grow up in ghettos, they would probably get killed there.
I think it can. It's not like the usual A24 horror, like Hereditary or Eggers stuff. Those lean much more into the genre. This is more like a drama with vaguely creepy elements. It's structure is very loose and the narrative is told through series of monologues mostly, and even the dialogues are shot and acted in a way where they characters feel like they're talking to the "screen" rather than each other (deliberate, and I thought worked very well). It's not "original" but it's different from other "nu-horror" and has much less mass appeal that those.
Just consider the logic and effects of social media. I think this is what makes our zeitgeist absolutely the most phony.
Watching Brakhage. Feeling intellectual.
This but with Benning.
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Roast my taste
Wouldn't be friends with.
>live-action anime
>dogme trash
>an attempt to seem edgy on letterboxd
>baby's first chinese film
I do not associate with Sonofags. Especially ones who rate him over all other Japanese cinema.
Love Exposure 7/10. To keep it a hunned with u, I think it's the 2nd worst Sono I've seen after Antiporno; that one was total ass.

The Celebration 4/10. Shit man, I even forgot I fell for this slop when I was a teen. I even watched it with friends lmao

Kung Fu Hustle 7/10, but enjoyment 9/10. Based shit.

Haven't seen Triumph of the Will, but I'll bet it's based. I could give you a chance to show me 3 more movies, and if shit sucks I'm out.
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Roast my taste
Why do people keep throwing around the word "over-representation"?
Who should even get to decide how much reprsentation is "too much"?
And why do people only talk about representation wrt race/gender/LGBT shit?
What about the over-reprsentation of rich people, or conventionally attractive people (over 50% of Americans are obese but you wouldn't know it watching their "cinema") or any number of other demographics that appear way more in film than real life?
Why does the right always say that the left makes everything about race/gender when its the right losing their minds every time they see a black woman in a movie and conveniently ignoring the other things I mentioned?
>I even forgot I fell for this slop when I was a teen
Watch it again it's quite good. What didn't you like about it?
Also I thought Suicide Club and Play in Hell were bad Sono films. I liked Love Exposure and Escher Street.

3 more that I liked: Late Spring, Prince of Egypt, Beau Travail
>or conventionally attractive people
Attractive people deserve to be overrepresented. Film and all art is the pursuit of beauty Afterall.
>over-reprsentation of ... conventionally attractive people
Have you watched any modern cinema, dude?
>the thing I claim to be against is actually okay if it gets my dick hard
It's not about getting my dick hard. I also like seeing beautiful men in movies, I like people with beautiful voices to sing..etc
>Who should even get to decide how much reprsentation is "too much"?
The statistics.
>And why do people only talk about representation wrt race/gender/LGBT shit?
Maybe ask those who care about "representing" them.
So its about your subjective personal preferences?
What statistics?
I don't for the first 100 years of cinema the people in cinema looked in accordance to my "subjective" preferences. Similarly in the 1000 or so years of painting before that.
only recently was there nonsense about "everyone is beautiful in their own right" I am ugly, I accept that, I don't want to see people who look like me in movies.
>The statistics
By that logic there are countless popular things we should make way less films about because they rarely happen or haven't happened in a very long time. What a pathetic nonsense argument.
Which cinema master wrote the rule that actors in a fictional medium should be proportionate to real-world statistics? The only time that should be true is in a documentary.
So what you're saying is we need to see waaaay more hispanics in American films.
that massage scene from Days made my body tingle.
please end the /pol/yp debacle
Suicide Club is my favorite Sono I think. Even better than Cold Fish imo.

>What didn't you like about it?
Boring aesthetic (obviously), acting and themes overall. Just felt like a pointless waste of my time.
I am against any forced representation, including beautiful people. Hell, I'm tired as fuck of seeing Anya Taylor Joy and Timothee Chalamee in every slop that comes nowadays.
Dude, I don't give a shit one way or another, I just guess that's what people are referring to when complaining about over-representation. "Forced representation" would be a better term of course.
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fine, have some 50s sci-fi classic kino
all cinema is a waste of time. what matters is if you enjoyed wasting it.
if you want to do something productive go join a cause that matters.
lol forgot pic
>Suicide Club is my favorite Sono
I really didn't get it. That entire campy low budge vibe and the philosophical Evangelion-esque meandering didn't click with me.
>Boring aesthetic (obviously)
The aesthetic is great. The more you are saturated with movies the more fresh it seems. If you've seen it before you haven't seen many films it feels boring.
Some people say it strips away the bells and whistles of filmamking.
it's so sad that technicolor died of ligma
what's technicolor?
whats sad?
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An early color process where you had to shoot on three separate negatives simultaneously (red, green, and blue). These three negatives would then be combined to create the final theatrical prints in true color. The cameras were huge and the process was abandoned when they figured out how to make color films with a single negative.
>All cinema is a waste of time.
Not if it's good. We were not talking about productivity, but rather the merits of a film.
>I really didn't get it.
Horror fan here. I enjoy blood and philosophical shit when the japs do it.

>The aesthetic is great.
Too boring for me.
in awe at the size of that lad, absolute unit!
>muh arbitrary lists
didn't read, filthy plebian
They had to make the cameras that big to contain sheer amount of SOVL
When did you realize 80s/90s anime is peak /film/?
It's over for people like you.
Yeah, OG Devilman kills 80s Devilman... lol
*sarcasm* if anyone missed it
I've only ever read the manga and thought it was shit
Phew, almost downvoted you!
Terrifying take if for real. Have you read Berserk?
How old are you? genuinely asking. Because I feel like failing to appreciate anime and animation in general is one of those generational things.
Like your dad can't appreciate all the good grunge, alt-rock acts that came after his time but for you can pick the good dad rock bands like beatles and pink Floyd and enjoy them.
pls bring back /pol/yp discussion instead
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While you're objectively right, at least in my subjective opinion, it doesn't matter. Film making will morph and change and every generation will bitch about the next one. We will eventually die out and these hacks will become the next "greats" who will, in turn, criticize the generation until the art form completely die out and devolve into pure diarrhea
What did you think of it?
NTA but it's very middling even if taken as pure camp. Now Blame! there's a good manga.
These takes man... I really can't comprehend how one could read Berserk and think that it sucks. At least with Devilman one could be easily filtered by the shitty art, but Berserk is unironically one of the best pieces of art / media made in the last century.
it's already over. the canon and important movements/styles in cinema have been set in stone.
You could have completely stopped making films 10 years ago and not much of value would have been lost.
I like it. Great art and dreamy atmosphere, partly surreal
middling =/= sucks
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>invents surrealism
I'm ESL. Still a concerning take. Devilman and Berserk both 10/10
>Devilman and Berserk both 10/10
Come on now. You must be very young.
A young 27.
At least he didn't say One Piece is a 10/10
Not a shonenfag. Only really like DB/DBZ/DBGT and Yu Yu Hakusho (for aesthetics, the show is lacking in depth overall). OG FMA also cool.
Devilman is just capeshit and Berserk doesn't have much going for it besides the art. Suffering through that Jap melodrama isn't worth it just because of the nice drawings.
First half of this yes. /film/ think they’re above /pol/ but are genuinely worse than them. Like that retard yesterday how much of a virgin do you need to be to care about how someone earned money for their films. Ahhh an actor took a job for a film I’m going insane. Hope the men in white catch him soon.
>Just capeshit

Did a masters level thesis last semester on Devilman. Got far for being capeshit.
God i hate weebs so much
You can make one out of anything. Post it.
>Did a masters
Already failed. Opinion invalidated
>rosemary’s baby
>mikey & Nicky
>the dirty dozen
>the fury
Yeh I’m thinking based director and actor
Yeah Steve Rambo is cool
What is the point. It's in spanish. I won't leak my shit for dudes that don't even speak spanish and won't understand it even if they did.
But to elaborate, I am pretty sure people wrote thesis about capeshit as well. A lot of anime is great but if you write theisis about it, you're overthinking it.
The good anime are by Miyazaki, Takahata, Oshii, Kon and Yuasa.
Spanish isn't some secret club language. Get real.
Yes, people did write thesis about capeshit. The thing is, Devilman is actually good and deep. All of those dudes you mentioned are good.

My fave anime of all time is Evangelion followed by Lain.
True, but I still won't leak it.
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>Devilman is actually good and deep.
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>Devilman is actually good and deep

Bro come one it's just fun. It's not deep in anyway. Saying it's deep make you sound like a poser.

My favorite movie is Kung Fu Huslte. But I keep a very clear distinction between kitsch and profound stuff.
how much screentime does fred durst have in that movie
Will Ketamine therapy make me enjoy movies more or less?
A couple of minutes.
It's deep to me. You wouldn't get it man, you had to struggle shit like what Akira went through to understand. It is antiwar, but the manga also talks about losing hope in life and giving up to violence because of being a victim of life and violence in itself. I got fucked up by life since I was a kid, and when I read Devilman I got it instantly, a true feeling of being understood, but you wouldn't get it.
Watch Altered States and Stalker in a k-hole state
Watch Texhnolyze
Any fans of Damon Packard here or David Blair’s WAX?

These two tickles a very specific spot for me that I can’t fully explain. I’ve never never discovered anything else that sends me into this strange mood that these two do
Saw a few episodes, didn't enjoy it that much. I'll eventually finish it, but I'd rather watch something easy to digest and actually based like Kaiji or K-On! rather than try and take in something slow and abstract as fuck like Texhnolyze.
Meme pic
No. He just made it good.
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Nosferatu and M unironically hold up. Besides Metropolis, which I will get to, are there any other German oldies I need to watch, or have I already skimmed the best bits?
Triumph of Will
Every film that Murnau made afterwards is better.
What was the last film to giver you very strong visceral feelings of catharsis? how long did those feelings last?
Actually was not a fan. Olympia was somewhat better, but eh...
You need to be a Nazi to get it. To each their own I guess.
Dr. Mabuse the Gambler and Die Nibelungen are both better works by Lang than Metropolis.
I am not a nazi, but I probably get it more than you give me credit for.
Cold Fish. Lasted like 5 minutes after.
The last one to fuck me up was Sonatine. Got upset without even knowing why for like 1 hour after.
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Unironically enjoyed this one a lot.
I am just kidding. I like the marches, the spirit of the people, Hitler's speeches and feeling like you are there at that nexus moment in history.
They must be beyond god tier then
They are. Die Nibelungen is the second best silent after Gance's Napoleon.
After Life. I felt some catharsis with the Village, but not tons.
Better than M?
Alan Clarke > Mike Leigh (except Meantime)
Will try Die Nibelungen
Will try Faust.
Is this a race meme or is it legit?
It's a legit film bro
I'd probably rate M a bit higher than Dr. Mabuse, but Die Nibelungen is his best film.
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>Is this a race meme or is it legit?
Dr. Caligari
The Golem: How He Came Into the World
Dr. Mabuse, The Gambler
Die Nibelungen
The Last Laugh
Joyless Street
The Adventures of Prince Achmed
Berlin: Symphony of a Great City
Pandora's Box
Diary of a Lost Girl
The White Hell of Pitz Palu
Woman in the Moon
The Blue Angel
Westfront 1918
The Testament of Dr. Mabuse
>Is this a race meme or is it legit?
NTA but The Golem (the 1920 one, exactly) is a banger.
Thanks, I will check that one out too.
Polanski chads rise up. No mention of bittermoon cmooon
Film historian and collector William K. Everson stated that the only surviving print of 4 devils was lost by actress Mary Duncan who had borrowed it from Fox Studios. In the December 1974 issue of “Films in Review,” he explained that Mary Duncan, one of the film’s stars, wanted it to show to a group of friends in Florida. The star was aware that it was a dangerous nitrate print and assumed that Fox had others. She threw the only copy in the ocean, a mistake characterized by Everson as “a monumental blunder to rank with Balaclava, Sarajevo, and the Fall of Babylon as one of history’s blackest moments.”
>lending the only print in existence
Stupid fucking retards were asking for it to happen.
should have been raped and murdered for this
why are women like this?
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You heard him, but is this true? It was rather a snoozefest

It's dull plotfaggotry. Nothing to do with cinema.
Le Quattro Volte, the best movie of the 2010s.
Is there some kind of database/website that tracks new releases as they come out via streaming/bluray so i can add them to my Radarr download queue? Preferably ones that filter out quantity over quality netflix streamslop and are actual films made by actual studios and directors?

IMDB fucking sucks for that kind of shit.
You're okay in my book.
>directs the best movie of the 2010s
>directs the best movie of the 2020s
How does he do it?
based leftoid
it's just a hyperbole from someone who loved the film
when you really deeply love a film it's hard to stay in the lane of "respecting opinions", at least for some time after watching it, although the effect doesn't always wear off
i remember getting pissed at seeing people not liking Pat Garret and Billy the Kid after watching it, loved that movie so much
i was fucking nervous when the Criterion release got announced because i consider the only canon version to be the one with the ending that repeats the opening scene, but it seems the Criterion has several versions on the release, including that one
i wa
I found Il Buco massively disappointing after how great Le Quattro Volte was. Sure, it looked nice, but I didn't get much else out of it.
He's just cool like that.
I rise up.
RYM unironically
Will has good taste, this just threw me off because I did not enjoy McCabe AT ALL. I'm sitting here like what the fuck did I miss with everyone praising it to the point that I question if we all watched the same film
I only read reviews if it’s for some super niche thing like 70s Japanese nunsploitation
how to sort films by newest on there? Only thing i can really find is top films of X year lists.
It's not exactly what you're looking for but I use this to keep up with new streaming releases: https://thefilmstage.com/tag/new-to-streaming/.
Maybe JustWatch, that thing that's integrated into Letterboxd.
Need to pay for the RSS though
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The closest I know of is to make a chart with films filtered by date (2024), and choose top, popular or whatever filter you want for films. Then, you can start digging page after page of the newest films sorted by whatsoever criteria you want. If it is a new film it will be there, but you're have to search to find it. I think my answer was mostly useless as I didn't read your original post right, but it is what I use.
nice one thank you lads
Doesn't raadr have a calendar?
I watched Furiosa, what did I think of it?
It does but you have to populate it yourself with either existing lists from imdb/wherever or manually by adding the films yourself. Using IMDB release lists will clog your radarr up with absolute tripe, filling up your limited hardrive space with shit you wouldnt watch in 1000 years and doing it manually is slow and its hard to keep up with semi interesting new releases. Having a release calander to pick and choose from is like a nice middle ground.
Good SFX / CGI
This sucks, I could be watching Redline instead!
do you like "Post-Iwai Shunji" films?
Good night, /film/
Good night bruh
Lily Chou Chou 9.5/10
April Story 5/10
Kamikaze Girls 5.5/10

Only ones I've seen anon. I bet I will like many more, when the time comes...
Was Iwai Shunji really that influential? I never hear anyone talk about him outside very niche film circles.
I mean fame wise he's a couple tiers below Kar Wai and very few people would say Wai influenced them

Any kinos with this feel?
Wai is just spammed at this point. His films are more accesible to normies than Iwai's.

I'd say in the next decades we will see the true reach of Iwai in more mainstream productions. His films have a vibe kinda like live action Evangelion, it's just a question of time until the zoomers / gen alpha / whatever discover him and make a "aesthetic" out of his style.
Nah, no one cares about art anymore, it's just a few of us who care about this bullshit. The average normie today is nothing but cattle, they will keep swallowing whatever netflix feeds them.

You're very optimistic to be thinking like this. Mainstream productions are already dead, arthouse is soon to follow.
I was never optimistic. I think normies discovering stuff is terrible. Just waters down the aesthetic and mythos of whatever was "discovered". In music, look at Deftones; in film, look at Possession. Both were kinda popular among the initiated, but respected for their achievements in their respective currents, but when the normies "discovered" them, it all became a mindless spam of "creepy woman" images via Possession and of "sex music vibes" from Deftones. Gatekeeping is natural, but sometimes mistakes happen.

As for mainstream productions being dead, I guess in a way they do. The Incredibles 2 sucked compared to the first one, but not by that big of a difference as to make Incredibles 2 unenjoyable. As for arthouse being dead, it maybe always was, as arthouse has by default always been a honeypot for pseuds, both directors and fans, and so, the quality in film, demand and review / distribution has catered many times to garbage without artistic merit.
Idk about "influential" but I've noticed All About Lily Chou Chou to be really popular with certain types of zoomer weebs (the same ones who cream and shit their pants over stuff like Evangelion and Lain)
They almost had a masterpiece on their hands but had to ruin it with scenes from the sequences from a psychiatric ward which were unengaging, meandering, emotionally, texturally void and plainly in bad taste. Everything else was incredible. Terrifying, but you can't look away. Surprisingly comedic at points. Revelatory. Idk how many more epithets can I come up with. I was floored. It's so frustrating that they thought they had something with those demented grannies scenes. It could've been so easily cut. Maybe they could've made a separate film about psychiatric wards and psychiatric hospitals where these scenes would get properly contextualised.
>with scenes from the sequences
Had a little stroke here
Are there any funny films set in the medieval period?
No idea desu
L'Armata Brancaleone
Canterbury Tales
Tate was so unbelievably hot
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>do the right thing

come on barry lyndon is much better than 2001

pretty sureive seen M but dont remember anyfing bout it

one wiv de balloon right?
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any yall garn see bikeriders? that /film/? jeff nichols?
lancelot du lac

kind of likea superior version of holygrail. youll love it. hilarious especially the sword fighting.
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anya cute?
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I need kinos like I need to breathe, and if I don't watch movies, I feel like I am dying.
The pedo killer.
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Different movie
I feel like they had a similar scene in Leviathan, with the worker sitting in the break room watching the TV that obviously had the footage replaced in post instead what he was watching at the time, solely to make a very on-the-nose humorous comment.
That being said, Im interested in watching their new film because I still really loved their last one. I’m kinda queasy when it comes to body shit though lol so I’m debating it….
why are young passing trannies so cruel
>The vibes
>the MEMES
>I can quote them on reddit and get upvotes
>the spooky garbage man
>the creepy phone guy
>Every frame should be put in a MUSEUM
>I'm finally among my own people. Not you icky MARVEL fans.
>Mommy I am finally... /film/!!!!!
>"We here at Cahiers de Cinema declare Twin Peaks the Return the greatest film of the 2010s. Yes we recognize that it is a TV show, but wee are making an exception for


>dude he was so funny in that louie CK tv show
>whooooa I loved him in the STEVEEN SPIELBERG MOVIE
>I can't wait for his WEATHER REPORTS to be given the criterion treatment. They are so random and funky just like his tweets!
>No transcendental meditation isn't satanism, it's FUN!!!
>I love him soooo much guys he's like my cuddly grandpa!!!
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Nykvist was a good cinematographer.
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what are some times you acted like Jony
>soundtrack performed by Yuja Wang
I will now watch your shitty movie.
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>shot - inbred peasants staring
>reverse shot - landscape
>shot - inbred peasants staring again
he just can't help himself can't he
>barry lyndon is much better than 2001
no way lol
>ywn worship Yuja Wang's feet and lick her butthole
its just not fair...
I hate trannies but in a way I can respect it.
As well as the Decameron and Arabian Nights.
after watching Flanders and The Empire back to back (Flanders was a rewatch, my favorite Dumont, it's just perfectly refined) i'm in such a weird feeling
it's kinda uncanny, you can see that despite so many elements changing the fundamentals are still in place, it's still very much Dumont
i think the main differences would be the camera moving much more often than before, even in dialogue scenes camera often pans, closer to the character, as in getting closer to their face and the use of sountrack, bombastic classical music with some electronic tracks in there too
his films also have been very very blue for a long time already, but without it muting other colors, it's not just a "Ridley Scott blue filter", he clearly puts effort into color grading
i think the first time Dumont used a soundtrack was in Hadewjich, and that also was the first film of his which was very noticeably bluer, and with that specific light blue tint, i think that had some pans onto the face too, but i think i noticed it first later, in Camille Claudel
it was a big thing in France, i think there were at least three scenes where the camera was slowly panning onto Seydoux's face
I don't even consider them human. If a person as much as mentions watching tranime I instantly lose interest in whatever they have to say and or dismiss whatever opinions they have. Same goes for people that were filtered by Citizen Kane. In fact, the latter is a better lithmus test of whether a person is worth your attention or not; it's understandable that many were misguided into watching tranime by internet culture in their youth, doing that as an adult is inexcusable however, even if they do it by the inertia of consumer habit.
I can’t tell what’s bait/troll/shitposting or not anymore
git gud
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I don't understand how people can watch Happiness tbqh based on the wikipedia summary that I read
He didn't do either of that. Especially Il Buco which is just solid and not great.
It's a cave exploration simulator and the old man part is really tacked on and unsubtle.
>75% of the thread is inane political posting
I hate Amerisharts and their obessions with politics.
i a parallel universe Lily Rose-Depp never quit Dumont's L'Empire, and in that universe this shitpost would have been even more shitposty
This. Political shit is off topic- everyone, you know what to do.
everything is political CHUDDY
Yes fundamentals are still in place >>200456772. That's why even in France he had to go to the French countryside for an unrelated episode because his idea of transcendence is fields in the French countryside.
As far as the other elements in his films go often time he just pushes the extremes he has in his other films to the opposite direction like L'Humanite anf Coincoin to try and go for the opposite mood like comedy in the latter. The issue with this approach is that already some of his serious films like Flanders can be funny due to their intense misery and self seriousness which loops into absurdity and comedy, at least for me in that case. His later films can then become absolute clusterfucks in tone. L'Empire being the prime example.
>Bruno Dumont has set up his next film.
>Screen Daily reports he’ll direct the Romeo and Juliet-inspired “Red Rocks”, which will be set during the summer on the French Riviera. Production is expected to begin this year, the film will follow the “rivalry between two gangs of kids, a blend of locals and summer visitors, who compete in the perilous game of cliff jumping.”
i'm guessing that the French government decided to scale down his budgets after the newest whatever the fuck that was movie
also he decided to relocate to the south this time, i'm guessing the entire village he cast in Empire saw the film and now wants to tear him apart limb by limb so he had to flee
the tonal clusterfuck is honestly kind of the appeal to me
if anything i feel like Empire could've been even weirder and more transgressive
i didn't find Flanders comedic tho, i think it's a harrowing film
23 Palms is pretty funny tho
>why are mentally ill people who are encouraged to lean harder into their mental illness so mentally ill?
We may never know.
I like it in theory but in practice the film is a middling with even more inept attempts at serious stuff.
middling comedy*
A Scene at the Sea
Cafe Lumiere
Why would you start the thread with this bullshit? This is /film/
wrong picture.
it's over
Did Riefenstahl learn montage from Eisenstein or Gance? What WERE the major cinematic influences on Riefenstahl?
he will find a way to the north for sure
Tranny pitch for a movie
they are all pedos in disguise
better picks and opinions than 99% of this thread
All shit that people here would pick, dear tranny, except for Wes Anderson of course.
The 1% being me.
>it's like uhm like so like feels like
I guess this fag is really a woman
I always knew Peeping Tom was peak trannycore. What an overrated shit movie. Can't believe Powell directed it.
>in disguise
it's more of an open secret at this point
Would be more pleasant if they dropped that disguise.
>Like your dad can't appreciate all the good grunge, alt-rock acts that came after his time
I cannot either.
Meantime is so good. And I say that though I hate kitchen sink dramas.
Nice collage unironically.

What's the /film/ equivalent of this?
teenagers have sex with each other anon
unless they're losers
i lost my virginity at 14 to a girl from a parallel class in school
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Finchersisters, let's GOOO
Is Gittes really that interesting of a character to warrant prequels or sequels? I never watched The Two Jakes but I assume it's pretty inconsequential even if it was well made.
Towne is alive? Thought that boomer had croaked long ago.
He's not even a boomer, he's older than that. Which makes me even more surprised.
Fincher is a vile hack

peeping tom is good
mike leigh is just le quirky exaggerated cockney woman
Persona was good on a technical level, but the dialogue and themes sucked. 7/10.
Is there anything special about Joel Coen's Macbeth?
it's got funky cinematography and set design I guess
NTA, but Peeping Tom is highly overrated. It isn't bad, but it also isn't as good as people make it to be. 7/10.
To be fair, rich/attractive people at least serve a narrative/aesthetic purpose.
Does /tv/ have an argument for why I Saw the TV Glow was bad outside of “it’s woke”? As far as production, execution and performance, it’s easily the top 3 of this year.
can you please help me know the names of the Japanese movies in this video?

>it’s easily the top 3 of this year.
It's very good. Don't expect honest discussion here though.
Someone in the comments already named a ton of them when replying to another comment. Which ones are you still looking for?
I loved the lighting, the eerie feeling of the movie and how the actors nailed the average /r9k/ poster perfectly.

Might be my #2 movie so far only behind Cabrini.
There haven't been 3 films better than it this year.
The lead actor and the forced fake voice he put on pretty much ruined the entire film for me. Baffling casting. Didn't think much of the lighting, it was okay I suppose.
>The lead actor and the forced fake voice he put on
I've met autists who talk exactly like that.
Okay, I haven't. Thought it was very distracting and obviously put on.
>As far as production, execution and performance, it’s easily the top 3 of this year.
Watch more films.


>chinatown prequel series
>squid game remake
Good lord, someone hit over the head with something heavy.
What are your top 5 of the year?
Production-wise it looks like a Netflix show. It doesn't have much going for it besides the tranny allegory, and I don't see why films shouldn't be criticized for their content. In an autist's world where only "production quality" matters, Avatar: The Way of Water is the greatest film ever made. And Justice Smith was shit casting. He can't act.
Even Challengers was better than that gimmicky garbage.
What are the other 4?
You said top 3.
Through the Graves the Wind is Blowing
Black Tea
Kung Fu Panda 4
All better
>You said top 3.
You should probably learn to read before you get into arguments.
NTA, but
>As far as production, execution and performance, it’s easily the top 3 of this year.
You're wrong, anon.
>NTA, but
Ironic since those are different posters as well, retarded bitch.
>it is top 3
>it is not
Kek, mmmmmuuhhh different poster. Retard.
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>I Saw the TV Glow
i talked about why i liked the film in the previous thread
but average /tv/cel obviously is not interested in any arguments other than woke
but we already had this discussion i the previous thread and at the start of this one

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