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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

WMAF edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

Previous: >>200368375
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Miyazaki's ACTUAL best film.
Always thought it was his worst. I feel it looses all steam in the last 30 or 20 minutes.
His best works?
Rewatched this masterpiece recently. Is really funny when he says this
>/film/Art isn’t meant to be about understanding
>also /film/ hates feeling
What did /film/ mean by this
Shut the fuck up. Just shut the fuck up.
>hates feeling
I cry on allmost every movie I watch nowadays
Melodii Marks made a white nights movie?
What film is about, I haven’t cried in ages. What were the films?
Europa '51
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I've been thinking about this. I think it's because at the highest most substantive tier it becomes linked with criticism, the art and style of intellectual critique. If you look at the colleges and highest tiers of education that's what all those kids are doing. It's kind of an ego thing, they don't want to be a fan, and they want to be more active and have a part in developing something further. It's supposed to foster more control and better understanding of art for the new generation instead of being merely a fan and idolizing the previous generation if they can't copy or understand the technique or technical knowledge or a lot of the 'why'. Being critical just gives more people an understanding of control behind art and develops and complicates communication in what's supposed to be a constructive thing. It's a social context thing, usually European, usually protestant, following Palingenius' call at the beginning of the reformation for each man to have some proficiency in every art
Gabbeh, Color of Paradise
Carnival of Souls was pretty good
>Adèle Haenel left the project due to disagreements with Bruno Dumont over the script, which she characterised as "dark, sexist and racist".
uhm, which part of the script was she talking about?
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We're so back.
Trash OP
Goodbye, Dragon Inn
Stray Dogs
What Time Is It There?
The Wayward Cloud

But you should watch them chronologically anyway, since many of the films are connected to each other.
I’ve only watched straw dogs and I found that extremely tedious and slow.
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This little low budget kino has more soul than 99% of the artfilms posted in this general.
stick to mad max
Didn't like it that much.
Because it is a spiritual sequel to like 10 films worth of buildup.

mad max is actually kino though.
I’m a fan of slow cinema shit was slop. Like a 17 minute scene of him staring at a wall woah deep
This Mitsubishi commercial directed by Edward Yang is better than 99% of the films posted in this general: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vNT-ZIt7LU.
I mean, how often do you visit this general? I must have seen Haru posted here at least three times in the last few months.
>mad max is actually kino though
Yes, it is. Three of them even: 79, Road Warrior and Fury Road.
For a bonus, it's also the kind of filmic genre fun that triggers the ghouls of this place.
Just another fortune cookie gong hit scam by Beverly Hills Yang.
Furiosa > Fury Road
Based estrogenic poster
The result of this will be that people never learn anything about art or cultivate a sensitivity to its effects.
AUGUST IN THE WATER is the peak of cinema
>/film/ hates feeling
Quote atleast 10 posts where this is stated and provide context
This little low budget kino has more soul than 99% of the artfilms posted in this general.
but what if art isn't something special like that, what if it just means excellency or proficiency and all that luxury is tied in with the moral good that sets the aesthetics where we feel emotionally secure. Critique is really just trying to add back in that specialness and sensitivity in a way that feels more legitimate, but overall I disagree with it because it's an empirical effort. I'm like you where I need that a priori standard before anything else, usually that has to be a type of dark Kantian eroticism, personalism, metaphysical chauvinism. The gaps in that moral aesthetic are going to spawn some type of higher critique to keep reaching for more legitimacy and security
It'd have to be Mizoguchi with Yokihi as the highest mixture of all this, him being heavily influenced by Ibsen and Ibsen being Kant in art form.
decent film directed by a woman, wouldn't call it canonical though
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This any good or more bullshit I’m trying to get tricked into watching?
I thought that was JP Léaud
whaddya think
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>when the newtroons don't realize Ingrid posting is just to torture that guy that used to sperg in rage over her in /oldfilm/
Haha, no
>andrew scott
The worst actor in the world.
Alright Mr. Oldfag, tell us more about this piece of the old lore.
God, I hated the ending to this. Women are useless, aren't they?
>but what if art isn't something special like that
Then you're changing the definition of art, and one can just as easily reply that you don't know anything about art and artistic culture as it has existed for 99% of history. So the term 'art' still includes those experiences that you know nothing about. Frankly it's a little silly to imagine that art isn't something quite, almost biologically, recognisable, and that something affecting 'specialness' or 'sensitivity' is criteria enough to be art. And, at the end of the day, involving 'criticism' in the artwork itself has not, 'yet', led to any great art. So you're really only saying 'this garbage art of now will ONE DAY lead to a new type of art that is interesting again!'. It's a superficial academic culture that has nothing to do with true artistic productivity.

>Ibsen being Kant in art form
Is that you, Weininger anon?
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probably not the right thread to ask i guess but does anyone happen to have any of these willing to sahre? trying to find some rarer pinku/nipponese bubble era kinos i dont have yet and only managed to grab Top Stripper thus far
how were the sex scenes? Better than porn?
it's over
A shot in the dark is great. 60 years old.
we are so back thoughbeit
Wayward Cloud is his only good film. Wildly overrated.
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Goddamn this was a crazy film. Some of the best truly dream-like writing and visuals I’ve seen in a film. Cinematography was great, dialogue was poetic and intriguing. Like a slower version of a Zulawski or Jodorowsky film.
Such a based man.
What are your top 5 performances of the 50s? For me

1. Burton, Look Back in Anger
2. Newman, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
3. Brando, A Streetcar Named Desire
4. Mifune, Seven Samurai
5. Cybulski, Ashes and Diamonds

Please expand my taste with your recommendations.
its over
Is Anatomy of a Fall any good or is it one of those "we won't give a concrete answer because it's le arty" bullshit non-mysteries billing itself as a mystery?
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Seen recently:

C’est pas moi - Great Carax although I'm not sure if people who dislike his late work would like this one. There have been some people who criticize it for the Godard influence but I disagree. While the film starts from a similar point as some of the essayistic Godard films the end result and the sensibilities of the films are completely different. The weakest part of the film are the few political parts.

La Bête - Bonello's best for me. Still not perfect and a little bit stretched but it works as the weird melodrama it is. Feels like a grander, extended Coma with some of the things it's going for.

Eureka - It's good but I understand the mixed reception. Each chapter varies in quality and might appeal or not to different people. The film is too long for sure but I enjoyed it despite its flaws. That being said it might be his worst film.

L’Empire - Just slightly mediocre, sure it's preposterous and basically a feature length prank but it has a few good moments and doesn't really drag that much. Not offensively bad like some reviews would let me to believe.

Dark Glasses - Not as horrific as some of his other late films but not good either. Don’t why this is praised as a return to form, not even close to stuff he made in the early 2000s.

Great film, you should check out Three Crowns of the Sailor and Manoel’s Destinies if you have not already.
>Gabbeh, Color of Paradise
Was looking for a/ /film/ rec and choose Color of Paradise. One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen, cheers Anon.
79 is boring as fuck. Road Warrior and Fury Road are good. Haven't seen Furiosa.
Holy pleb
Meant for: >>200410609
What movie is this?
melodies of a white night
What are some films like Chungking Express and Millennium Mambo but not about vapid whores?
it's as if there were more than one person posting
back to /r9k/, incel.
Yeah, back to /pol/, chudcel.
>That being said it might be his worst film.
I agree but I did not like the film. The last portion, which felt like a bad Joe film, was especially egregious.
Definitely not. His worst films always tend to have a free flowing plot that clumsily stumbles its way to an ending.
How is Days (2020)?
I'm reading Cinema Speculation by Quentin Tarantino at the movies, and he mentioned how he often went to the movies with his mom and his stepdad (Curt). They saw a lot of films a kid wasn't supposed to watch, like MASH or Deliverance and more.

One night, he wasn't allowed to go to the theater to watch a double feature with them because it was rated X. One of the movies was a blaxploitation film, and the other was a film by Robert Altman. He mentioned how, after they came home, his stepdad couldn't stop talking about how terrible the movies were for days. The thing is, his mom usually be vocal about the movie, to either defend it or talk shit on it, but this time? she didn't say anything at all which QT found to be "strange"

Then, less than a year later, his mom and his stepdad (Curt) broke up. and his mom ended up exclusively dated Black men for the next three years (his words, not mine).
Question is, what's up with QT and the blacks? Why is he so obsessed with them?
anything shot by Christopher Doyle
His worst film
Where to find this movie? I can't find it on 1337. I don't have access to ant private trackers.
Excited for this one
My favorite part is when he basically says the "He Cute" copypasta happened to him in real life

>Goes to black theater with his black stepdad
>Everyone is being rowdy niggas but the movie sucked so it was cool
>Tarantino yells "Suck MUH DICK"
>Stepfather says "Heh you a cool kid Quentin."
In the same boat it’s great for mainstream stuff but when you need that old classic it can be tough. Archive torrents are dead they rarely download fully as well.
So SOULful.
lmao, I just finished that chapter and right now I have a dilemma, should I watch the movies that he mentioned in the book first before reading its reviews or just read it and watch it later. there are a lot
I don't think there's a right or wrong way to enjoy movies. If you're scared Quentin's commentary might alter your viewing well then watch it before reading but really it's up to you.

His commentary on Dirty Harry is excellent.
it's on snahp if you're on there
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I've been listening to his video archives podcast and he has pretty clever but reasonable takes on movies most of the time.
Sadly no. I used to be in asiandvdclub a long time ago, but not anymore.
>I'm Dandy
I enjoy old silent films very much, but I truly don't see the appeal of Nosferatu and I'm convinced most people that praise it never actually sat down to watch the whole thing.

Even much older and technically more primitive films like Student of Prague or Birth of a Nation were far more engaging to watch let alone its contemporaries from the 1920s like Phantom carriage or phantom of the Opera, Nosferatu in comparison feels like an unfinished amateur project.
Miyazaki's ACTUAL best film.
Nosferatu has one or two great aspects, like the vampire acting, and some of the frames. But that doesn't change the fact that ALL of Murnau's later films are better than it. Just Sunrise and you'll see how ridiculously overrated Nosferatu is. You'll then understand why Murnau is so highly esteemed.
you niggers really need to learn how to use rutracker. they have pretty much everything, especially when it's a soviet production
It'a good but probably the worst acclaimed Murnau.
Detective was kino, 80s Godard is awesome.
Nice to hear about Carax. I have to check the Dumont now it's online.
anyone have any karagarga invites
sent ;)
thanks friend!
>Opensubtitles srt file is 1 second ahead of the Mosfilm youtube version of this film
The Killing of a Chinese Bookie
>Like a lot of teens, I was into masturbation. But I had to quit. I was very proud of myself when I did! I was 19. That was my first victory. [...] Well, I actually still do it. But I hold myself in. I don’t go all the way, so it doesn’t count. I just do it a bit to wake myself up in the morning. But I never come. I just pull my hand away when I feel it coming. Then I get up and go drink my coffee. It makes my heart beat real fast and helps me get out of bed.
just resync the subs
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What's your favorite medieval kino?
Marketa Lazarova

Based edger. Cooming is for degenerates.
cctv garbage, you would eat shit if tsai ming cuck told you to
This but The Valley of the Bees instead
>cctv garbage
Dishonest critique. No need to be mad.
Tsai should cast a big titty blonde bimbo as the lead in his next film
he's way too gay for that
1. Marketa Lazarova
2. Lancelot du Lac
3. Valley of the Bees
4. Andrei Rublev
5. Die Nibelungen
Hard to be a god mogged all
Also Macbeth by Polanski :3
Andrei Rublev
Marketa Lazarova
Chimes at Midnight
The Seventh Seal
Alexander Nevsky
>Hard to be a god
the cinematography ruined it for me
Best thing about the film.
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here is your arthouse flick, bro
>it's a French movie made after 1980
>it's fucking garbage
why are you surprised
it's hard to believe you about the dumont after seeing webms like this >>200432352.
i also enjoyed the beast. i have only seen 1 other bonello - nocturama, i preferred the beast
these are the special effects frenchoid taxpayer money goes to
Hackmont should be ravaged and torn apart limb by limb by a violent mob of common folk for stealing their hard earned money for his pretentious but also incompetent slop
the rest isn't that bad
>it's a movie made after 1980
>it's fucking garbage
why are you surprised
dumontsisters... it's over
why is he trying to appeal to capeshitters and star wars fans
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someone stop Shitmont, he is an enemy of cinema
He is trying to parody those films......you do not get it.
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and five minutes later
Pray I don't kill you Leeposter
he literally isn't, the film is only slightly comedic, he takes that shit mostly seriously
there's shit ton of le metaphysical landscapes and classical music is playing dramatically and the characters talk about muh human condition and muh demons and muh Satan
Would party with
just making the same thing isn't parody
Sometimes I wonder if this movie would've been better if Tom Doniphon did not shoot Liberty Valance at all, which I feel would make Tom's sorrow more interesting beyond being heartbroken seeing Hallie care for Ransom
Plot... yawn.
he seems insane at karaoke
lets be honest, The Empire is much much better than his Jeanne d'Arc flicks
Childhood of Joan of Arc is delightful. Jeanne is meh tho.

It's clearly a comedy brother...I hated it but it's a comedy.
It filtered millions...
Can't stand the Depp whore daughter despite not having seen anything with her, shan't be watching or maybe will pirate in few years.
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Doesn't look better than Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust
Off-topic, you know what to do.
kino of the decade
>complaining that it's not like Lynch
back to r/truefilm
There are a handful of comedic scenes, but it's not as fully comedic as Quinquin or Coincoin. Not even as comedic as Slack Bay which had the constant joke of those overacting bourgeois. It wasn't funny of course, in fact it was painful to watch and really more of anti-comedy, but it was objectively an attempt at humor. Empire doesn't have anything as dramatic as the trans subplot in Slack Bay, but it also is generally more sparse and observational. The comedy is mostly relegated to the extended cameo of gendarmerie duo and Fabrice Luchini chewing the scenery.
Empire doesn't really make any sense outside of the conext of Dumont's filmography. It's like him examining his own style. His common theme of some sort of chtonic evil (that's not always specifically evil, more like a force) is taken literally in it with the alien characters, the "bad" ones call themselves demons occasionally, in one of the cathartic scenes the "good" alien girl calls the enemy "Satan". After his visual experimentation of Joan of Arc films, an attempt at a "mainstream" film in France he went back to a more regular style of his. It's more dramatic that Coincoin too, I don't remember any scene in that one which had at least some sort of a serious or "elevated" tone (unlike the first season).
Wrong thread.
Great. Looking forward to the Carax.
I like him but the trailer is pretty meh. Hopefully the film is more akin to his first 2.
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one more (with the proper subtitles)
The whore, the entire plot are comedic....
creator of surrealism David Lynch
doesn't load for me
I found the main character in this film so annoying. I don't get how someone could cry over a girl that believes herself to be the savior of humanity. Such ego, man.
make the webm of that dialogue near the end, it's really kino, and the kiss scene where the camera is spinning and then a ladnscape shot, fucking KINO
>Boring as fuck

Better than the second one imo. That one's overrated. OG Mad Max is gritty as shit, it should have stayed that way forever.
>Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Where can I watch this?
Watching childhood favorites has been a disappointing experience.
The Devils
>Star Wars fans are like ISIS
It’s true though, have you people seen the level of fanaticism they project? Both are living in make believe, swinging swords made to decapitate foes.
America and ISIS, same coin, different sides.
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What are some of the best movies about prostitution? I love see women being sexually exploited, something about it just tickle my fanny

bonus point it's eastern european
not exactly prostitution, but you'll love duel in the sun and senso
Lilja 4 ever
Taxi Driver
Belle de jour
Pretty Woman
Vivre sa vie
Midnight Cowboy (gay shit though)
Pretty Baby
Once Upon a Time in America
If you count stripping, then see The Wrestler
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Confessions of a Brazilian Call Girl
House of Tolerance
Street of Shame
Also, Street of Shame was kinda good.
Mizoguchi made a bunch
Do people here enjoy The Human Condition? Marathoning all three movies in a day is definitely an experience to remember.
One of these is not like the others.
Is youtube my only option for classic Hollywood from the 20s/30s or what?
Torrent your shit, my dude.
Which one?
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Thanks, why didn't I think of that?
You can wear any brand you want, as long as it's Balenciaga.
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>Lilja 4 ever
On my watching list
>Taxi Driver
not really what I am looking for but of course i love that movie
>Belle de jour
I think that movie was so terrible. extremely overrated
>Midnight Cowboy (gay shit though)
not exactly what I am looking for, LOVE the movie.
Hell yeahhhhhhhhh
If you're going for YIFY just search their homepage. If not, just use kickasstorrents and hope for a QxR or Sartre rip. If there are no torrents of your movie go to archive.org or sites like rarelust. If everything fails, just accept defeat. Also, 4 seeders is possible to download at a good enough speed.
The movie P B. It contains material that in most places would be illegal today.
Belle de jour is great, what the fuck lol
Bro, believe me, it is nothing to write home about. I'm not a pedo btw, and I watched that film a long time ago. Never got into a FBI watchlist to my knowledge. Shit, the USA needs to stop being so oversensitive to normal human stuff, child nudity is not CP, and the movie was made without the intention of it being CP. Imo, Lolita by Kubrick is way cringier than Pretty Baby. Also, the film is quite good.
It's just the truth.
>Never got into a FBI watchlist to my knowledge
where do you think you are dot jpg
It's boring and so surface level when it come to the story.
I've watched few Luis Buñuel movies but I can safely say that he had a thing for a sweet and innocent woman that turned into a whore.
>Belle de Jour? The Young and the Damned? Tristana?
It's no coincidence. Anyway, I'd rather read a hentai than to watch Belle de Jour, it's so boring for a fetish film.
wait wdym, I searched up the mf nude scene and I see nothing..... do you tell me the french did it again, aren't they?.....
The aesthetics in Belle de jour are so strong though, and the movie is so entertaining and memorable. Who cares if Buñuel liked turning "innocent" women into whores.
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>ywn be abducted by villagers in rural Japan to be a husband to a homely Japanese cutey who just wants to make sweaty love to you in her sand prison

It ain't fair bros
In some place on Latin America. No dudes in a black van outside my house btw.
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I really liked Certified Copy. Where do I go next with Kiarostami?
To his Iranian films
>material that in most places would be illegal today
Why isn't it then?
>being so scared of child nudity that he refuses to even type the film's name
there's literally nothing wrong with Pretty Baby. anyone who heralds the film as some pedo fantasy has clearly never seen the film. the whole message of the film is that Bellocq is wrong for trying to take advantage of Violet, and Violet is a naive child who only got into that situation because of where she was raised and who she was raised around. now the Gary Gross photos and the surrounded press are another story. either way though, both the film and the photos have been ruled legal in a court of law
>Who cares if Buñuel liked turning "innocent" women into whores.
I don't but that doesn't mean that the story isn't boring as shit
Who cares about the story bro, kino has always been about aesthetics
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this car crash is quite disappointing in comparison with the scene of Brechtian complexity from France
>Three Crowns of the Sailor and Manoel’s Destinies
Three Crowns is already downloaded but I didn’t have Manoel on the list. I’m reading it’s a children’s film and that isn’t my style at all.
But we love children here, anon. Just see all the anons coming out in defense of a blatant pedo film
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I watched footloose last night. Very good movie. What are your thoughts on it?
Have you seen Pretty Baby?
How far we have fallen
Absolutely /film/
This, everyone do your part
No and I never will! Why would I watch some pedo filth?
>This little low budget kino has more soul than 99% of the artfilms posted in this general.
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In a thread last night I called it Sloppity Slop of the 80s, I thought it was hyperbole as this is known to be one of the classics of the 80s, at least among the public.
But then I see the reviews online and it's really bad. Damn the public is stupid!
MOOOOOOOOOOMMYYYYYYYYY I’m literally shaking and CRYING right now WAHHHH WAHHHH make them stop MOMMMYYYY they’re talking about the P B MOVIE I can’t even fully type the name without SHITTING MY DIAPER IN FEAR AND RAGE WAHHHH this is ILLEGAL in 99.9% of the WORLD just like E M P MOMMY MAKE THEM STOP CALL THE FBI RIGHT FUCKING NOWWWWWW!!!!!!!!
Damn, a Yang Kino I haven't watched. Shame about no subs. Any Kara anon can check for subs and better quality?
>E M P
You mean ETK?
Pretty Baby anon....pls come back
If you'd dare to see the "pedo film" and experience it for yourself you'd see that it is actually just a normal period drama, nothing scary about it, nothing pedo about it. It is legal, literally.
YES I didnt even want to abbreviate it properly I cant let them KNOW I CANT LET THEM WIN
Well, RYM thinks Tarkovsky is the shit and Cannibal Holocaust IS shit, so the moral of the story is: have your own taste and never have blind faith in what others say about kino.
I’ve already reported you to the authorities for even thinking about this 100% illegal child pornography material
For me it's Maladolescenza
Wow this post triggered a lot of people.
Unironically soulful, based, nostalgic and comfy. 9/10 commercial for me.
What other commercial kino is there?


These are kinda funny / ironic.
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I never left
Roy Andersson has a bunch of them in his usual deadpan style. The Glazer Guinness commercial is also cool. Other than that, no idea.
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Even Letterboxd thinks it's mid and Letterboxd likes every movie.
lol no, it’s just fun laughing at and humiliating retarded faggots
That's why, u fag: >>200438700
GODard's Nike Air Max 180 commercial

This shit is so bad lol. Well, I think my man Godard was being ironic in this one. (For clarification, it's kino in the "so bad it's good way"). ;)
There goes the thread?
Wtf why is it still up MODS do your job!
Let me ask a question that never been asked before. Why can't millennials make quinoa?
They don't know how to activate almonds, let alone quinoa.
His “commercial” for Darty supermarkets is fucking incredible
They certainly can, for they watched their God LYYYYYNCHHH give the recipe and make it in the special features on the Inland Empire DVD
>and Letterboxd likes every movie.
lol no. letterboxd only likes every film that agrees with them politically
>jabbers away in moontalk for the whole thing
>mitsurubishi arr noew rancer
why do they do this?
Congrats, you've got it. Behave accordingly.
Keep it regular, breh.
Don't worry, he spoilered.
*blocks you're path*
nothing personelll
Want me to post a particular webm from it? :)
>Poltergeist ahh poster but the kid watching the tv is black

Not even a poltard myself, but this retro shit with politically correct characters sucks.
>politically correct characters
the fuck this means
That every modern tv show and movie released nowadays has to have woman and or minority representation for it to be taken seriously / not cancelled.
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this one?
>Cassavetes is a sellout for acting in mainstream movies to fund his projects
>but Godard making commercials for Nike is a-ok
/film/ logic
You might be retarded
You might be /pol/
Might or might not, shit still sucks.
Yeah, and Cassavetes was based as an actor.
No but this is kino.
this has nothing to do with the movie's quality, unless it's a historical picture where shit ton of blacks in the background or in main roles can weird and distracting
Never used that board in all of my life. I'm also latino and watch porn regularly. I also listen to rap music regularly, and watch and love Hollywood slop like Barbie (with my friends too). I just think that minority representation / political discourse has become too forced in modern tv and film releases.
Yeah, but it's still boring to see forced representation everywhere. Plus the fact that films with forced representation get higher ratings than those that do not
According to you someone who acts dumber than the average 4chan poster.
Opening night was mid, Woman Under the Influence was great. Any other ones to check out?
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Are any of the movies Natalya Varley is in other than Viy worth watching
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>forced representation
/pol/yp nonsense (or at least the overuse of the definition is a /pol/yp trait)
not denying DEI existence, but not every film that has a woman or a black guy or deals with "progressive" themes is DEI, sometimes the director themselves just wants to have women or blacks or progressive themes
DEI and the word "forced" implies external pressure and meddling, as in executive higher-up meddling, but if progressive elements are director's own vision it's by definition not "forced"
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No idea, that’s the only one I’ve seen her in.
Nah, I'm based and redpilled, believe it.
lel, wtf is this?
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Well I guess you don't need anything else.
How do you know when it is forced vs when it is the director's vision? Nowadays 90% of Netflix shows have "progressive themes", so I bet it is just external pressure. Hell, even k-dramas have the token black dude / gay nowadays, shit that 5 or 10 years ago was non existant in said dramas.
Based on a comprehensive aggregate of over 23 website polls, a compiled a list of the top 10 greatest movies of all time. This list reflects the collective wisdom of film directors, critics, and enthusiasts from around the world. Each film’s position is determined by a weighted score, with the #1 film receiving 10 points.

>1. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) by Stanley Kubrick with 162 points.
>2. Mulholland Drive (2001) by David Lynch with 120 points.
>3. The Godfather (1972) by Francis Ford Coppola with 83 points.
>4. Vertigo (1958) by Alfred Hitchcock with 77 points.
>5. Stalker (1979) by Andrei Tarkovsky with 55 points.
>6. Citizen Kane (1941) by Orson Welles with 49 points.
>7. Do The Right Thing (1989) by Spike Lee with 38 points.
>8. In the Mood for Love (2000) by Wong Kar-wai with 36 points.
>9. Apocalypse Now (1979) by Francis Ford Coppola with 34 points.
>10. Persona (1966) by Ingmar Bergman with 34 points.
I am black and I don't like seeing movies with black leads unless they are made by Africans. City of God was decent too.
>but if progressive elements are director's own vision it's by definition not "forced"
The director's vision was shaped by a decade of cultural war and white guilt into putting a black person as the lead.
The lead should typicall be someone handsome unless you're trying to tell a story that requires the lead not to be handsome, that's how cinema has operated for a 100 years before woke politics.
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The Telephone Book, a kino sex comedy
I've seen 8/10 I'm such a kinosseur
it's an indie movie with a 10 million budget one
the director is transgender which implies that he / she whatever is progressive politically two
but sure, you can't 100% tell if the inclusion of Justice Smith for example was a decision by the director or the studio specifically asked for a minority for the main character, but i see no reason to assume it was a forced decision as it is not a mainstream film, and DEI only makes sense for those as they're the building blocks of mass culture, not indies
plus again, it doesn't really matter much, the filmmaking matters
Mulholland Dr. 8.5/10
Godfather 9.5/10
Vertigo 7.5/10
Stalker 6/10
Do the Right Thing 9/10
Mood for Love 5/10
Apocalypse Now 10/10
Persona 7/10

Sloppy list. Mostly good shit, but basic as fuck.
>I am black and I don't like seeing movies with black leads
lol coon
You might need /pol/
I'm latino and I feel that the latino representation nowadays accentuates the stereotypes that filmmakers are supposedly trying to deemphasize. Shit just makes me cringe 9/10 times.
Anyone who likes Viy is a friend of me.
I'm good.
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>not posting the updated rigged list
>the director is transgender which implies that he / she whatever is progressive politically two

this is exactly why millenials will never make kino just as I stated
>The director's vision was shaped by a decade of cultural war and white guilt
The zeitgeist is too poisoned. Mentally ill people are given millions of dollars of budget.
NTA, but this is racist and not in a funny way lol.
The site includes any poll made on the internet. So that's factored in
Compare the results-
Godard maintains his cinematic style, personal/artistic ethics, and leaves with both a paycheck and massive “fuck you” bite to the hand that feeds. A true artist.
Cassavettes meanwhile instantly sold his soul, dancing like a pathetic monkey to the tune of whoever threw a dollar the quickest, and was left with dried cum in his eyes like the embarrassing dirty whore he truly was
Godard is a legend and hero of cinema. Cassavettes is barely mentioned as an uncle to mumblecore, a “title” that literally deserves a punishment worse than death
Do the Right Thing sticks out like a sore thumb
Watched Black Narcissus. I didn't expect this kind of film. I think I should rewatch it now knowing what it's about.
>nothing to do with the movie's quality
Purposely hiring cast and crew based on skin color or gender to fill a quota rather than experience and expertise certainly does
>i'm black
doubt, but even if you're you don't represent the entire fucking race
>made by Africans
as in Africans in Africa? there are blacks outside of Africa too, an in America they're 13% of population which while not overall that much, is still a lot, and there are places in America that are completely black all over, like a shit ton of Louisiana for example
>The director's vision was shaped by a decade of cultural war
This can't be said about anything. Everything is shaped by the socio-political environment. Forced does not imply "free of any vague outside influence", it implies "altering of original intent by specific people outside of the directors circle of interest".
>The lead should typically be someone handsome
The lead should be played by whoever the director wants to play the lead. Other positions are all corporate thinking with the goal of pandering. Either to general audience by casting conventionally handsome people, or the DEI handlers if forced to cast only minorities and people of unconventional looks.
This post is based, but I don't think Cassavettes was sucking cum with a straw like you just said. The man was in Rosemary's Baby, for fucks sake!
Is it filthy?
I'm not used to seeing nipples so high up on a girl's body.
Trannies are only marginally more "deviant" that any homosexual. And there were many good and great gay filmmakers through the years. Don't see how a tranny can't be a good filmmaker.
I'm not the anon who posted the original post (which was written like bait anyways) but I liked the film. Pleasant aesthetic, great soundtrack and i liked the way the narrative was presented through monologues and even dialogue felt like monologues. I think this confrontational approach, while not original (Straub - Huillet), is still interesting, and worked very well in this specific instance with these specific themes (not just the trans subtext, but also the general theme of feeling like you have wasted your youth and went in the wrong path in life).
Try it with the sound muted and subtitles turned off
This is true. Casting based on representation is only a step below giving the acting jobs to nepobabies because daddy paid for it. It is unfair and harms kino in the long run.
>as in Africans in Africa? there are blacks outside of Africa too

Africans as someone who was born in the culture, and whose decision to cast Africans comes from an authentic place.
Like City of God, Spike Lee, Training Day. Not that only Africans can cast Africans, but you know modern twitter browsing transexual urbanites who have no culture and are void spiritually, who grew up to see everything in an identity politics lens, who listen and pretend to care about Kendrick Lamar, these people stink!
>This can't be said about anything. Everything is shaped by the socio-political environment

Yeah but you know at one time the socio-political power and cultural forces were authentic. The Civil rights movement, the cold war, real shit that people cared about.
The socio-political discourse of the last 10 or so years has been completely poisoned and manufactured and anyone that can't see it and think it's all the same is an idiot.
The ironic part is that I’m actually a huge Cassavettes fan lol, I just like arguing with retarded faggots on here when I see anyone make a dumb as fuck post like what he was originally trying to say about his career choices
Also Rosemarys Baby is total shit, and I also say that as a huge Polanski fan lol
I still don't know what to make of his comments. Is he saying the KKK was formed simply because Black men were raping and pillaging? So I'm supposed to believe the KKK are merely vigilantes who did what the police were afraid to do? Or perhaps Friedkin was a racist piece of **

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