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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

FUCK the links, old /film/ edition

Previous: >>200293640
Good, I missed you guys
True Previous: >>200341135
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I saw that for the first time a couple weeks ago. Need to watch Rancho Deluxe now apparently.


>FUCK the links
>wanting worthless charts or pointless links
Murder yourself
Det Forsømte Forår?
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Why does Dumont have the absolute worst movie posters of all time? They all look like straight to DVD slop.
I missed you gays
Reflects the movies.

I absolutely loved O Sangue, and then I guess I got filtered by this.
What am I missing? There are some great tracking shots and closeups, and I get its “slow” compared to traditional films, but outside of that I really don’t see what everyone praises about this film.
I’ll watch the next one, but if I dislike it as well I’m considering jumping straight to Horse Money
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Of course I forget the fucking poster, I’m talking about Casa de Lava
What’s everyone watching over the weekend? I’m listening to the John Ford TCM podcast so I might throw on one of his
I've never seen High Noon so I might watch that. Otherwise Friedkin or maybe some neo-noir.
Which neo noir?
I have the Argentine crime film If I Wake Before I die saved but the other Christiansen movie I saw was lame so I don’t want to get to it.

I was also thinking of watching the Makioka Sisters. It is on demand.
> I have recently seen the silliest film. I do not believe it would be possible to make one sillier. And as this film sets out to display the way the world is going.

> It is called Metropolis, it comes from the great Ufa studios in Germany, and the public is given to understand that it has been produced at enormous cost. It gives in one eddying concentration almost every possible foolishness, cliché, platitude, and muddlement about mechanical progress and progress in general served up with a sauce of sentimentality that is all its own.

> Possibly I dislike this soupy whirlpool none the less because I find decaying fragments of my own juvenile work of thirty years ago, The Sleeper Awakes, floating about in it. Capek's Robots have been lifted without apology, and that soulless mechanical monster of Mary Shelley's, who has fathered so many German inventions, breeds once more in this confusion. Originality there is none. Independent thought, none.

>All the air and happiness are above and the workers live, as the servile toilers in the blue uniform in The Sleeper Awakes lived, down, down, down below. Now far away in the dear old 1897 it may have been excusable to symbolize social relations in this way, but that was thirty years ago, and a lot of thinking and some experience intervene. That vertical city of the future we know now is, to put it mildly, highly improbable. Even in New York and Chicago, where the pressure on the central sites is exceptionally great, it is only the central office and entertainment region that soars and excavates. And the same centripetal pressure is driving out of industrialism and labour from the population center to cheaper areas, and of residential life to more open and airy surroundings. That was all discussed and written about before 1900. Somewhere about 1930 the geniuses of Ufa studios will come up to a book of Anticipations which was written more than a quarter of a century ago.
Some canadian guy on twitter is dropping a restored version of the mad max trilogy tonight. He's being a cunt about it and making the whole thing limited so if anyone on /tv/ wanna grab it and share with /film/ be my guest. The guy's @ is NCseventeen.
Doesn't a bluray of it already exist? Why would you care about some amateur restoration? Someone will probably upload it to private trackers anyways.
Mad Max is not /film/
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r8 the shirt i got
The colors seem better than on the bluray and a guy promoting artificial scarcity over some fan-work of things he didn't create and has no rights over pisses me off. Besides that I thought that maybe some autist in here would care for it.
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He piss-filtered it too much.
Eat nigga, eat.
lol soulful. Reminds me of shirts I used to make for my friends and myself in college, did screenshots of Bergman, Tarkovsky, Godard films
what does opv mean
it's cringe with the text, like those niggas on the subway reading dostoevsky books with huge display jackets
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I think this uncredited actor in High Noon is a time traveling Harry Dean Stanton. I actually had to hit pause to look it up even though he would have been about 30 years too early to look like this.
I absorbed a lot of the film through cultural osmosis so there wasn't much surprising in it except being impressed by a few bits of camerawork and Lon Chaney Jr as the previous marshal but I can see why it's so influential.

I rewatched Chinatown recently so I've been in that kind of mood. Maybe The Long Goodbye? Been a long time since I've seen it.
I'm watching the F1 race tomorrow and maybe some Eurocup match.
Why did Justin Kurzel sell out bros? Snowtown and Macbeth were so good then he did Assassin's Creed and its been all downhill ever since. True History of the Kelly Gang was mediocre and Nitram was pretentious drivel. His upcoming The Order looks to be much of the same but replace the message of gun control with nazis in society. Kurzel doesn't seem to me to be a filmmaker anymore but a propagandist for the hollywood/cannes elite.
>Watching Mütter Kusters Fahrt zum Himmel
>Kino Ending
>Then this appears
>Get an inane Happy Ending scene aftewards

>but if I dislike it as well I’m considering jumping straight to Horse Money
That's retarded. Horse Money is a sequel to Colossal Youth.
>The colors seem better than on the bluray
Only if you like piss-filters. The 4K release of the Mad Max trilogy looks perfect with natural colors.
>piss filter
>blown out highlights in the hair
>added vignette in the corners
This is ridiculous.
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He really does look like dracula crossed with a mantis
why? no one uses the links anymore anyway?
t. chartanon
yikes, that's some poor taste
Sounds like you need to give it the long hello how have you been?
Delete the links so the next OP can’t use them
old/film/ shall rise from the grave
Fuck dubbing.
Fuck subtitles.
If you don't understand the spoken language, you'll never experience the film.
Ok, good to know. Is Ossos or Vanda worth watching or skip to colossal?
That's about as true as you wont understand it unless you were the appropriate age when it was made.
Agreed. Which is why we need AI to perfectly reproduce the actors original performance in whatever language you choose
You’ll never understand art unless you’re the artist.
watching this today, what am i in for?
Anyone remember a Japanese film in which an earthquake occurs and when the man comes home his wife is nowhere and he thinks she is probably dead but years later he happens on her in the street and she has a child and it turns out she took the opportunity to start a new life?
In Vanda's Room is where Costa really starts developing his signature style. Definitely worth watching. If it filters you hard, you probably won't like Colossal Youth either. Vanda also appears in Colossal as herself, so there's some continuity between the films.

Ossos is fine, liked it more than his first two. I'd watch it because it's the first film Costa shot in Fontainhas and also stars Vanda (although here she plays a character). It's interesting to see how the same location is used differently in In Vanda's Room.
I taught myself French in order to read French literature but I haven't spent much time learning to understand spoken French and so I can't watch French films without reading French subtitles but the French are terrible when it comes to subtitling
Feels bad man
Elliot Stabler origin story
Most artists don't even understand their works. Art isn't about understanding.
reminder to not dress like this.
The Teen Wolf jacket makes it a lot worse
Correct and Bressonpilled.
a fr*nch would say this
>hon hon hon you cannot understand my film unless you know which gender a table is baguette omelette du fromage
I do understand the spoken language when it's dubbed though.
Autistic post.
you can't since they turned off the dialogue and put someone else's voice on top of it
How do they do that without interfering with the music too much
thank god im not a dumb american that can only understand one language
It doesn't interfere with the music at all because dialogue and music are on separate stem tracks. And no I won't explain what that means.
Yeah, and I understand this voice.
I understood just fine, and it makes sense how Italians were able to put out all those movies with different dubs
yeah but you can't hear the film's dialogue
What about all the movies that ADR everything and never recorded dialogue on set?
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>the cinematography was so ravishing
>le cahiers de cinema just declared it the best movie of the decades. they know it's a tv show but they are making an exception just this one time for DAVID LEEEEEENCH
>every frame could hang inside a frame and be in a museum as an artistic masterpiece
These are the unintelligible non-films.
Damn you must hate Italians
They're still using the original actor for the ADR 99.9% of the time, unless it's some Italian trash.
On opensubs
It's funny, from watching many Italian b movies I've noticed they kept using the exact same voice guys from the heyday in the 60s right up to the very end in the 80s.
So foreign dubs of Italian """trash""" are fine? And what about cases of actors dubbing themselves in foreign language versions then?
>So foreign dubs of Italian """trash""" are fine?
No. The Italian release version is still what the filmmakers intended, as silly as the audio may sound.
>And what about cases of actors dubbing themselves in foreign language versions then?
Way better than using someone else, but still bad.
Dubbing is gay.
Well-mixed ADR is kino.
Many filmmakers abandoning ADR is in part what has led to inaudible dialogue in modern films.
>Many filmmakers abandoning ADR is in part what has led to inaudible dialogue in modern films.
Shit mixing is still shit mixing even with ADR. I see it a lot in older films as well, it's definitely more common in modern movies but entertainment films from the 40s and 50s have absolutely no problem letting the music just drown everything else out.
And what about the dubs approved by the filmmakers?
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>watching a movie
>notice a stock sound effect
>be instantly pulled out of the experience
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Daily reminder taking notes on films is for nerds. Also shit OP.
Name ten examples and point to sources regarding the filmmakers approving them.
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>watching a movie
>notice they snuck in a wilhelm scream
I swear every Hollywood film uses the same creaky door sound any time a wooden door opens
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Godard Anti-intellectual
There's some siren(?) sound effect that's used in lots of cheap Italian movies whenever there's a scene with ships, boats etc. Then I heard it in Antonioni's The Passenger too
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God tier
Godard is old/film/ and would’ve thought links in the OP is for retarded faggots like yourself
Combined with shit mixing technique and god awful sound bars being purchased by the masses
I am asking hypothetically.
Let’s say you received 10 examples and actually had sources for all of them- what would your reaction be?
In that case the director may be dismissed as a retard and a hack. To the trash pile.

It would negatively affect my view of those directors.
bresson listed Bicycle Thieves among his favorite movies yet he doesn't speak Italian...
Bresson is a dope then
Pseud anon BTFO
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i'm in love with her, bros
Bicycle Thieves' genius lies in the fact that it can be viewed perfectly fine without subtitles or dubbing. It's cinema, not a filmed play.
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>One of the reasons Bresson doesn’t go to see films is that he can’t stand the way they sound. He hates filmed theater and can’t sit through it. The minute you use a professional actor, you involve another medium, not just cinema. He can’t watch films in a foreign language (with subtitles, he says), because each word, each sound is important, and the subtitles take that away.

>He can’t watch films [with subtitles]
Dubbedchads rise up
Who is the king of Japanese cinema?
Winter Light is such boring trash. Truly one of Bergman's worst. Can't believe that he and the actors involved were surprised that the audience found the main character to be an unlikeable dolt.
Who? Movie?
From the top of my head I can think of Kubrick, Brooks and Haneke (also Godard and Syberberg when it comes to voice-overs – what about these cases by the way?). What do you think about them?
Kurosawa, or, hmmm, probably Ozu, or, maybe, just maybe.. Mizoguchi?
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1. Nastassja Kinski
2. Isabelle Adjani
3. Winona Ryder
4. Anouk Aimee
5. Marika Green
6. Tatyana Samoylova
7. Olivia Hussey
8. Miriam Cooper
9. Ingrid Bergman
10. Lee Kang-sheng
>My all time favourites and films I watch so much I don’t sleep: Her, call me by your name, boyhood, amelie, Frances Ha, Donnie Dario, three colours: red.
*Zoomer comment: omg you have such good taste!
Art ho: omg you have seen so much great stuff do you like DAVID LEECH
Poster: Yeah he’s my favourite director! Such a master of cinema.
Why the fuck are normies like this. How the fuck are you meant to socialise with the ‘cinephile’ disease of these people, is everyone like this at film schools too?
Can just imagine my family reading said posts: ‘Omg you would get on so well they like movies like you!!@)
>From the top of my head I can think of Kubrick, Brooks and Haneke
My opinion of Kubrick lowers yet again. Can't say I like Haneke at all to begin with. Not sure which Brooks you're referring to. Mel, James, or Richard?

>Godard and Syberberg when it comes to voice-overs – what about these cases by the way?
Only dubbing voice-overs and nothing else? wut
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>antagonist is completely justified and was just teaching the protagonist a lesson
Are there many films that have the avenging hero as the antagonist? There's plenty of antihero protagonists and outright villainous protagonists (Aguirre, Clockwork Orange, Taxi Driver, etc) but they're rarely given an antagonist.

I guess any Macbeth adaptation would be this.
give it a rest, in these threads we don't badmouth Donnie Dario
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Out of those I've only seen Three Colours: Red. It was okay.
>Not sure which Brooks you're referring to. Mel
This one, yes.
>Only dubbing voice-overs and nothing else? wut
Bildbuch and Our Hitler.
amelie's bussin thoughbeit
the last batman movie
Who said anything about basedcialising?
Kurosawa is the normie answer but its true. Ozu, Matsumoto, Terayama, and Kore-eda are certainly close but nobody directed as many masterpieces as him.
Hate Godard but hes right.
lel didn't work
>This one, yes.
Dubbing his films is a weird idea in general due to how many of his jokes are dependent on the English language. You know, puns and such.
>Bildbuch and Our Hitler.
Haven't seen them.
do you still have some pics?
>certainly close
Mizoguchi, Naruse, Ozu, Shimizu, and Kinoshita are all way above him if you want Jap drama.
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I hate living with the fact that only the italian dub of The Big Gundown has the full opening scene where it shows Corbett has 3 bullets already lined up for the 3 outlaws as they walk up to his camp. The english version shaved that off for some reason even though it's like 5 seconds.
>Kurosawa is the normie answer but its true.
He's up there, but he's way too uneven compared to Mizoguchi and Ozu. I'd say both have more masterpieces.
Shouldn't even be in the conversation. Demons is a great samurai movie but come on now.
Pastoral is his only great film. Throw Away Your Books had potential but it's a mess with some good ideas scattered throughout. Most of his others are complete shit.
u trollin?
No. Tark was the floating woman shot, Bergman was kids hand against the face in persona, Godard was some random shot of Karina. All cheap iron-ons, some we fucked with the colors before ironing on. Looked better after a bunch of washes with fading
Based quote
bicycle thieves has a lot of dialogue though and bresson said each word of a film is important and sutbtitles take that away. anyone who hates subtitles would not watch the film to begin with...
Not that much, and the film is extremely easy to follow even without subs. Any truly great film doesn't require translation.
anyone have recs for modern arthouse? im talking last year or this year
Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell
The Beast
Close Your Eyes
The Taste of Things
>modern arthouse
Only the River Flows
Hi newfriend
>Not that much
yes it does, i rewatched it this year and there are a lot of key quotes, you can under the story without it but it's not the same experience as understanding what they say as the same titme, it gives it texture.
>the film is extremely easy to follow even without subs
there a lot of films with a miminal plot where you could do the same. but you didn't address my last point, he said he hates subtitles, he shouldn't have watched the movie to begin with
> Any truly great film doesn't require translation.
what? i just watched lighting by mikio naruse and it was a great film, the dialogue enriched it. again, bresson each word of a film is important.
got some corecore romance drama
Bresson shares the philosophy that the words of a film matters. He made some dialogue heavy films like Diary of a Country Priest and The Devil Probaby, neither of which you should watch if you hate subtitles.
>but it's not the same experience as understanding what they say
Indeed, which is why it's ideal to view the film when you know Italian. If you don't, it's still a worthwhile experience without subtitles, because it's truly visual cinema at its core.
>and it was a great film
Wrong. Filmed theater isn't great.
>bresson each word of a film is important.
Words as sounds are important, not words as text.

Luckily I'm not a peasant who can't understand French.
Good night, /film/ sisters
Night? It's morning!
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Adding this to my movies that are nice to watch when you're kinda sleepy but still want to watch something good shelf
don't hate subtitles, hate the retards that don't put love into their translations and subtitling. if i were to ever film a movie in a foreign language i'd do the english subtitles myself because none of these morons can get it right
Good morning sir.
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>a sign that you're about to watch kino
How does that not count as a subtitle
Any text on screen =/= Subtitles
>Subtitles are texts representing the contents of the audio in a film, television show, opera or other audiovisual media. Subtitles might provide a transcription or translation of spoken dialogue. Although naming conventions can vary, captions are subtitles that include written descriptions of other elements of the audio, like music or sound effects.
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>when your kino comes with the official seal of authenticity
is it as dreamy and ethereal as The Swimmer? I tried watching Twilights Last Gleaming for more Burt kino but turned it off after 25 minutes.
It’s Louis Malle so it’s pretty grounded aesthetically. Mostly people having conversations.

Burt Lancaster as Lou is great though. You can definitely enjoy it just for him.
the original poster and bresson says they can't watch any foreign language films unless they understand the language.
>Words as sounds are important, not words as text.
well then you have a disagreement with bresson
>It’s Louis Malle
meh okay, basically one of those movies that is technically good and that I'll probably like well enough but will be nothing special and not very rewatchable.
Watched Ugetsu last night
What should i watch next?
I've already Sansho the Bailiff twice
Watched Evil Does Not Exist yesterday. Shit was trash. Legit 1/10.
Give it a shot it might surprise you
The Story of the Last Chrysanthemums
The Crucified Lovers
The Life of Oharu
Oh noooo I have a disagreement with Bresson :(
What will I do noooooow... Mommyyyy!!!
Like I give a shit.
I can't believe an anon would DISGRACE daddy Bresson by DISAGREEING with him!
call the FBI. Right fucking NOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sources say that Bresson is FURIOUS.
yeah that was my point since the beginning, we both disagree wtih him
What am I in for?
>claimed to be against filmed theater
>thought that making his actors act autistically would somehow be pure cinema, and not filmed theater
this Bresson fella wasn't alright in the head lemme tell ya
The first quarter of what might as well have been a season of television.
Robert E. Fulton III is the greatest filmmaker to ever live. Languagefags hate him.
it's done
We need a chart for movies like that
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I got so much second hand embarrassment from this movie. The MC was over the top awful to others, but it seemed raw and real at the same time. Viewed as a character study I think it is interesting. I enjoyed it for most of the runtime.

But at the same time, I really hated the ending. It seemed to say that unpopular kids generally bring it on themselves by acting like jerks to others, but in my experience it isn't like that. And that to become popular, all you have to do is act nice to people. That isn't true either. I almost think it would have been better if the protagonist killed himself at the end. The climax of the film just seemed so hopeless, that I think going for a sweet ending misses the mark.

I just don't think I like coming of age stories. Usually because it details experiences I never had. But this one I disliked for opposite reasons. At the end of the movie, the unpopular MC who drives everyone away by being a jerk watches the end of the school year movie of everyone having great experiences. You are supposed to come away thinking that the only reason he wasn't a part of those was because he willfully cut himself off from that by being a narcissist, which is true in the movie. However, the manager's rant near the end seems to imply that most nerdy boys IRL who are excluded are excluded because of their narcissism as well. It just hurts because it seems to blame me for my own isolation, when I only ever felt like I tried to be nice to people.

It seems to say that movies are a way to cut yourself from the real world, and that you miss out on real experiences by obsessing so much over them. I think that is true, but the film doesn't understand that many people are almost forced into it. It isn't this willful and purposeful isolation as the film thinks it is.

Strangely, I thought we're going to the world's fair was more empathetic in general to the isolated.
I have probably put on My Dinner with Andre to fall asleep to at least 20 times. Intentionally, I might add. The first time I watched it, I was so disassociated, I forgot I was living in our reality...
>After John Cassavetes was signed to play the race car driver, director Don Siegel found out the actor could barely drive.[6]
fuck the closest I've come to crying ng in a decade was when I watched "a man escaped" and I have idea why it was when the main man was on top of the prsion looking into the sky I nearly teared up
Tsai is a pretentious cum slurping HACK.
Suggest me some groundbreaking movies in terms of technical achievements like sound, camera work, FX, etc. Preferably from 1930s on
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It woulda been even more kino if the subtitle explaining the film was in fact, unsubtitled, was untranslated
just in case you don't know, from psychological point of view your proud signalling of working yourself up into exaltation isn't any different from sois filming themselves crying over star wars trailers
>each word, each sound is important, and the subtitles take that away
How is the implementation of subtitles in any way messing with the intonation of the words spoken in the film? Arguably, subs help in retaining the original message and tone far, far better than a dub ever would.
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Kino film
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>when the subtitle makes a suggestion
At least dubs don't constantly fail to pick up on background dialogue.
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>when the localization hits you in the feels
film name?
I watched Dead Man's Letters recently and the subs were so shit. I expected better from the ruskis on rutracker
Fastest way to learn French? Moving to country and picking it up but I don’t have means for that sheit.
Night River / Undercurrent, one of those japanese dramas about a woman fucking a married man. It's a Daiei film but feels like a Nikkatsu; I guess there's a reason why Daiei barely made any dramas after Mizoguchi died.

It's ok. Yoshimura has better films (Bamboo Doll of Echizen). Fujiko Yamamoto, really cute. *checks wiki* hey she's still alive
Where is the lie?
Who has better filmographies overall???
Cassavekeks... out laid back macho papa isn't as cool as we thought...
Where the Three Stooges popular internationally? I’ve been watching a lot of their stuff recently and the artistry is amazing, comedy is the kinoest of genres
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I hate redditors so much
What are you complaining about exactly?
What about redditors?
I don't think the movie was generalizing about people who like movies or are unpopular, he WANTS to be liked and have conections with people but he's a cunt to everyone so it doesn't compute, if the way you are is fucking up what you want then maybe you should change the way you are
That's what anon is complaining about.
Just don't go on reddit then?
Cassavetes was always a peacocking poser. His Dick Cavett interview is embarrassing.
Be honest, there's at least one filmbro film that you guys genuinely like and it always hurts to see it surrounded by garbage on a bunch of normalfag lists
I liked all of those that I've seen, never got around to watching Whiplash, but I can easily understand why they're still popular decades after they released.
But half of this macedonian finger puppet website are twitter and reddit screenshots
wtf this blud doing
take Dumont's camera away from him
the fuck did i just watch
Just don't go anywhere, amirite?
A film made by a hack.
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Since 5 years ago when i got into Kubrick and Tarkovsky and Kaurismäki and "auteur"-films in general, Kurosawa was a name I saw a lot in these discussions of the great essential auteurs so it was a name i added in the back of my mind for many years to check out, but never found enough interest or fascination to check out.
I started watching Ozu which I enjoyed and awakened my interest for other japanese filmmakers of the time and sort of soft-launched an interest to finally check out Kurosawa.

I started Ikiru and besides great dialogue, I can't say it reaches the levels of polish and constraint of Ozu, or even of Tarkovsky's or Kubrick's films.
It had awkward fast sloppy editing, awkward sound design, generic uninteresting wardrobes, overuse of generic soundtrack music and the acting and delivery is overtheatrical in that ingratiating anime way.
I just want the protag to speak in a natural voice, but it's like he masks his real voice with this forced frail coughing texture throughout. I quit watching it halfway through to go to sleep and have zero interest to return to it.
>zoomer filtered by a traditional acting style he's not used to
Many such cases.
Kurosawa goes for the grand and theatrical. Don't expect "constraint" with him.
>It had awkward fast sloppy editing
Kurosawa edited his own films and he's easily one of the greatest to ever do it. His sense of visual rhythm in narrative cinema is unparalleled.

>Kurosawa's creative team believed that the director's skill with editing was his greatest talent. Hiroshi Nezu, a longtime production supervisor on his films, said, "Among ourselves, we think that he is Toho's best director, that he is Japan's best scenarist, and that he is the best editor in the world. He is most concerned with the flowing quality which a film must have ... The Kurosawa film flows over the cut, as it were."
>Cassavetes was always a peacocking poser
Yeah cause posers turn down millions from studios to put out their own pure vision instead and work on a film when you’re dying such a poser
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i'm fine with kids show delivery, just present it in a funny kids show or sardonic comedies, not 'le serious Dostoyevskyan play about le mortality'

i bet you gasped and shed a tear when Kanji started singing that old song with le exaggerated face l'expression close to le camera
>kids show delivery
Dishonest critique.
>zoomer immediately gets mad and begins spamming 'le'
Many such cases.
what should this translation really say??
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I was completely right
The Empire was basically a shitpost with Dumont Dumonting, his style is simplistic but very peculiar and this is like him doing a sort of pastiche of himself. Retarded villagers, classical music, landscapes, landscapes, landscapes. Chthonic evils (literally). One of his most vague films thematically. It's not particularly comedic mostly, but there are funny moments. It did have one striking scene, a dialogue between the main characters who are enemies, they talk about the humanity in the human bodies they possessed, the "evil" guy calls himself a demon literally, while the girl says he is lying to himself, and then says "I am not afraid of you Satan", and they kiss and camera is spinning, and classical music is playing, and then it cuts to a beautiful landscape wide shot and I audibly said "Kino!".
OH NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!
Benning finna pop a cap in dis filtered niggas ass!!!!!
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>immigrants are literally aliens who wish to replace us
>all women are whores
>outside forces want to dabble in white people's affairs to assimilate them and "enlighten" them
>lmao tranny is getting beaten
Is he the only right wing filmmaker?
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Wasn't Husbands a studio film technically? Also he acted in Hollywood slop constantly to get money for his own indie productions
Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters is Paul Schrader jerking off Mishima's politics unironically.
What film is this?
>just the filmmaker jerking off
dishonest critique
It's fine in context with Mishima
>In the seventy-two hours between landing and leaving, Truman saw much of Tokyo, got drunk on sake, and met the novelist and playwright Yukio Mishima, who greeted him as a comrade. In fact, he and Truman had much in common. They were almost exactly the same age, they were both homosexual, and they had both achieved early renown. On January 6, 1957, Mishima took him and Cecil to a Kabuki performance, then backstage to meet the leading player. The following night he entertained them at a restaurant and guided them through a red-light district.

>What seemed like a natural friendship did not develop much further. Mishima came to the United States in the summer of 1957 and later complained that Truman had not reciprocated his hospitality. Truman denied the charge. “I was nice to him,” he maintained. “He said he wanted to suck a big white cock. (I don’t know why people always think I can fix them up. I’m not really in the pimping business—though actually I do know a lot of people.) I telephoned a friend of mine, and he did go out with Mishima. But Mishima never called to thank me and he never paid the boy.”
wow what an original and very humorous joke do you write your own stuff?
The Fury
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*tickles your cock*
Thanks :)
yeah i dont get it these are all good movies
Yeah fucking normies, why can't everybody be learned enough to enjoy only true luminaries like Artavazd Aristakian??
when you watch a movie its important to know the year it was made. then you can place it. Its not very good to compare tarkovaky to kurosawa and acting changes over time

>enough to put on a list acting as emblematic of an entire genre
Absolutely not
Kys tranime faggot
youre a faggot
This but unironically
Yeah, it is probably intended to be viewed as a character study instead of a generalization. I probably get too defensive here.
New Carax?
because most people have to work fatso
Did you mean Artavazd Peleshyan or Artour Aristakisian? Both very kino and rather underappreciated directors.
I have to WORK!!!!!!! RISE AND GRIND mean ANYTHING to you?!?! I don’t have TIME to experience art, I only have time for what Netflix shoves down my throat, cause IM WORKING!!!!!!!!!!
lmao I work 50hr/wk, worst excuse I’ve heard in awhile, try again retard
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Mix of both as generic shorthand for true art being mute slavs living in hideous squalor, black and white, two to two and a half hours of this
>less than 80 min
Silence of the Lambs 10/10
LotR Fellowship of the Ring (theatrical cut) 7/10
Lebowski 8/10
Mood for Love 5/10
The Thing 8/10
Apocalypse Now 10/10
Whiplash 8/10
Godfather 9.5/10
Good Bad and Ugly 10/10

Overall, good list.
I mean, you got filtered I guess, but give Kurosawa another shot, any of his films should do the trick.
>any of his films should do the trick.
Only if we pretend his early films don't exist. The Sanshiro Sugata flicks and The Most Beautiful are pretty bad.
What do you mean by yawn/10?
Kurosawa was more influenced by kabuki theater than his contemporaries so calling it "overtheatrical" isnt exactly wrong.His films are much closer to the acting of the silent era. I remember the performances being more realistic in High and Low so check that one out next
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>FUCK the links
Does MEGAnon happen to have a link for 'Nous sommes tous encore ici' aka 'We're All Still Here'?
squints and rubs sleepy eyes/10
That's just a regular user who has access to some high tier private tracker and only uploads the films to mega after he downloads them from there kek
So no, he doesn't "have" them, those are movies uploaded by other people on film trackers, if the movie you are requesting is there then he downloads it and uploads it to MEGA.
This was obvious and doesn’t change anything- he is still a legend and hero
it was strange and I don't understand why that movie hit me as hard as it did, more than any film ever has
Silence of the Lambs is that one horror/thriller I'll never understand the love for. Manhunter is shit as well
It's understandable, it's about the perseverance of human spirit to live in the most dire circumstances.
Fucking amazing, thank you
did it hit as hard as Thief? that film resonates with me to a degree that very few films do. I cry nonstop when I watch that masterpiece of art.
They offered him millions for the original cut as they viewed it as a comedy so he completely re-edited it. Oh noo!! He took jobs to get money to fund his films what an evil poser. His ‘indie productions’ which inspired countless artists and films. What an absolute clown and embarrassment to this board you are.
>He took jobs to get money to fund his films what an evil poser
This but unironically
Bitter jealous clown who doesn’t have a buck to his name. Just revealed yourself as poor and shit in taste well done
Also remortgaged his house multiple times to try change people’s lives. Such a poser
>Bitter jealous clown who doesn’t have a buck to his name
VS a slutty prostitute ready to whore himself out and repeatedly humiliate himself forever in the name of the holy dollar
There’s certainly no jealousy of that here
Silence of the Lambs as the top thriller? Lmao
I’m sorry your hero is an embarrassment, but cheer up man, dry your tears and pop his cock out of your mouth, there’s always someone else to pathetically fawn over
No that outrageous of a choice.
It's over lambbros...
I agree with you, that is an outrageous choice
You have 0 idea what you’re talking about, back to /tv/ it’s more your speed.
The definition of projecting
t. tranny
This retard got an off switch?
>you will never be this /film/
Godamnit why am I such an incel poser who will never understand anything about the medium and only use it to express political philosophy/religion. Godamnit I’ll never be Godard or GODSnyder and understand art
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bake new bread
not yet, retardo
face blindness: the post
Could be multiple people, not just one person.
>MEGAnon is literally they/them
/film/ in shambles
that's previous stupid
Thanks ;)

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>obliterates your fragile masculinity with one look exploding your nutsack into a tiny million pieces
God Ingrid
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Real new.


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