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The Goran Shuffle Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.

https://pastebin.com/MkxawPjr (embed)


>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D (embed)

>Thread template if needed
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>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200438444
skibidi chungus
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Now that the dust has settled, what race/phenotype is this?
Jordan won
ketamine-fueled golem
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Cole come home
That's a man
create a player girl preset #1
fucking kek

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Can we expect more jet slops when 2.5 starts?
when exactly does it start?
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Naturally. It'll be called "Fishtank 2.5"
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>won 70k
>pulled a hot loyal sex kitten
>not larping in the woods for two weeks getting shot with airsoft guns for no money
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june 25 2 pm est
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Tomorrow at 2pm EST
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but at what cost?
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nice bug
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Which would you prefer: working as a delivery driver or spending two weeks in the woods with Jimmy & Jon?
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she mindbroke millions
Tay is getting her tight autistic pussy penetrated by this retard. It's over. God damn.
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Cost? He's finally got some breathing room. He can play CK3 in peace without some sex kitten blabbering in his ear about moths and kei trucks
Ancient north Eurasian
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Aparently taylor has a lisp?
How cute is it?
Delivery driver no questions
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cum on her face
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Yeahhhh im thinking she's best girl
I'd do two years of delivery driving to avoid that
I wish she stayed. Her and Cole were kino together and she was the only one that didn’t know MDE.
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be silently drawn and get raped
Heh how her hair covers her chin
watch the HD episode where she is in it.
damn he really did win
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Jet heavily implied this is the last time we'll see this cast so we better have one more Betty appearance before this season ends.
its baffling to me that there are people watching this dogshit
it's an underrated storyline how much of a pathetic reddit-tier faggot vance is
horrible tat lmao
it's not nothing lol
and now he is going through his worst phase
>broke his RIGHT arm
>won't be making an appearance on 2.5
>currently lives in his apartment all alone
>his girl left him to go hang out with the wiggers for a couple of weeks when he could have needed it
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anyone have a link to the guy saying you're shaking to sam? I heard people talking about it a few threads aho
vance isn't pathetic. he was the second best contestant of s1 and he was the only one generating content when letty wasn't being a cunt to everyone in the house. without him, the season would have failed
Anon, Betty killed herself and was found dead this morning
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The monkey's paw of being carried to victory.
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what position? for how long?
Sam said it to the guy.
Nice try, Vance
She's ridiculously cute TJ is a lucky guy.
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Stupid fucking lazy cunt.
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It's not enough to ditch us for a month, and give no updates, she has to cuck us for good as well. ungrateful cunt.
vance did nothing and sucks and now he's telling people that he's putting even less effort into his appearance on 2.5 than he did in 1. and the fact that he thinks he can talk shit about the s2 fish saying they sucked at improv when all he did was yeahmax is way through every conversation says a lot about his swiss cheese brain
Built For Big Cole Cock
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ask him
for real, good on him
But he's so boring!
Missionary until I cum inside her
More rugged TJ
It’s the other way around. The guy is trying to get Sam to fight him and Sam says “you’re shaking” then the security guards escort him back to his car and they both also tell him he’s shaking while laughing at him, then the guy threatens to call the cops.
You were retarded enough to be scammed by a leaf nigger. Shut the fuck up, you pathetic cunt. Fuck off back to /bant/ with your shitty takes. Not even Vance is dumb as you and he can't even do simple arithmetic.
Vance is fine you guys are just adhd ipad babies that constantly need keys jingled in your faces
>He looks like TJ's non tarded twin
Oh lol.
love taxcin, tj, and abi bf for making incels seethe
He mogs tj
He got rejected
Taylor's going to date Tacxin after fucking him in the woods while TJ sexts Abi.
This nigga loves dudes!
its over im dropping tay why would she cuck us
Why do incels like you hate on other incels, literally zero self awareness, this stuff should piss you off
There is no wariness behind those eyes. I think she might be mentally deficient.
I just remembered that Vance is the most endorsed for 2.5. How the fuck is that possible?
season 2 day shift run by vance and josie
>so uh guys
>can you guys all come in the living room
>uhh yeah so
>we're gonna do the walk up the stairs challenge
>so like.. start walking up the stairs
>no there's no reward or anything
>*someone starts doing something funny*
>uhhh yeah no let's not do that
>goes downstairs
>people stop walking up the stairs
>everyone goes back to sitting around doing nothing
>vance comes back upstairs an hour later
>ok uhh so guys
>next challenge is the close all the doors challenge
Yeah no shit Tay, doesn’t mean you didn’t wanted that big retard cock
Vampire (the wiggers) Bloodgames (the ritualistic alienation of Don Jolly)
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stop tayseething already faggots
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What kinda low life, samefagging fishtank shill are you?
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bic won
All you niggers can think or talk about is cucking. I get it's a traumatizing event but you have to learn to move on eventually. You can't make it your whole personality.
Improv GOD
Shit was amazingly pathetic.
we dont want to be cucks man
bro vances profile is the saddest thing
the subhumans from bant probably don't get it
Tayleigh doesn't just get to cuck an entire legion of loyal soldiers and get away with it. Sorry, but we will not be silenced.
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ngfl if they made vance run bits like that and announced to the audience that they were bits he came up with and thinks are funny it would actually have been great
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>hasn't streamed in one month
>still the most discussed fish
Main character status
cringe wat to say it but yeah
Literally who
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Why did Letty decide to come back?
When the guy said Hong Kong I thought of the Hong Kong 2 podcast!
She's trying to bait a lawsuit when a Jeremy TTS sneaks through
She came back just for us, Anon.
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Where my vancemaxxers at?
She isn't interesting or attractive. I don't understand the obsession.
Rocky Stream was Don Jolly'd. Pray for Pete
Jet said they're doing a full reset after this so she probably doing one last appearance before leaving fishtank behind.
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sad people just forgot Shinji exists
Drug money. Latest evil boyfriend's idea. Who knows.
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letty will mog tayleigh and jimmy
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is josie gonne be there?
Literally who??
How did Jet pull this off?
She wants to make kino
hope so tay deserves it now
where did Jet say this?
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He served his purpose as a booster for the White Boy. Brotherhood was a joke.
i don't give a shit about taylor good for teej nigga
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Reminder that every mean thing you say about Tayleigh here makes a canadian piss and moan in a thread on /bant/ so be sure to do your part.
Kubrick. Spielberg. Tarantino. Nolan. Neptune.
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Will Tayleigh ever get her teeth fixed?
>Rocky Stream was Don Jolly'd
Qrd on Don Jolly. I was always confused by his name because there is a comedian called Dom Jolly.
You will never have sex with an attractive women
>hasn't streamed in one month
>still the most discussed fish
Main character status
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Poor Frank had to kiss that.
the price of victory at 2.5
Worked with Sam post world peace but pre zoomer crew. Was a junkie that Sam kicked out. Very talented writer however
>dead last in endorsements
main character? more like lolcow.
no and she wont have fans if its confirmed that she fucked that dude
That's Eggy not Jet
Who is Jet Neptune's personal favorite fish?
ugly inside and out
It was part of the deal with iFunny. They agreed to fund this season if Letty came back for one last appearance.
Neptunesisters... do you know how good we're eating? We actually won. No more hell house (Sam's influence btw), we're getting true and honest Season 1 style Season 3. Friendtank is in control, Sam's shitty leadership during S2 was so pathetic he's returned the keys to their rightful owner- Jet Neptune.
most discussed fish currently
1. Tayleigh
2. Abi
3. Tai
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Tayleigh is perfect
Well he must have had a pretty bad drug habit given how xan'd out the zoomer crew are.
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+1 for Josie! Stream in 2 hours!
Don Jolly
And the proof of concept for the r9k wiggers little mk ultra larptank. donjolly.com isn't a joke, it's a real website that you should visit
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I don't know why you guys and bant complain about each other so much, you both mostly just talk about Tayleigh.
It applies to both.
Nice cope
jet likes to talk like that, he's full of ideas. remember the synchronicity tweet.
Abi is very pretty which is proven by her making the correct decisions on the show.
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Forever the spiritual winner of s2
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>has been dead for 79 years
>people still seethe about him
main character status
No one seethes about Hitler
if Tayleigh is the main character why is she second to last in endorsements?
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She looks like a suomi FAS baby, not even White.
nope. won money and didnt do shit with it. just sits at home all day gooning to dyke porn.
Will she be appearing tomorrow?
her raspy cocksmoker voice ruins it
she is a lolcow just as much as jon. nobody actually likes her, they like to laugh at her.
how much money does the spiritual winner get
weak bait
The cuck stuff is a cope.
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Hopefully she’s a fairy NPC
Wigger sabotage
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If tay takes a break no matter how long

I will still be a taytriot

No matter how long my cold head must wait for my beanie

I will still be a taytriot

Once everyone deserted

I will still be a taytriot

To the very bitter end

I will forever be a taytriot

Taytriot battle prayer........

If she is fucking the chicken plushie dude i will kill myself.
Nah her friend went missing and they never found him
you’re retarded and not funny
It's probably Damiel, since he's one of their junkie friends
No it’s not, you will legitimately will never have sex with an attractive woman
She enjoys fishtank more than I thought
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shes so retarded looking, gotta love her though
She has a nice voice
>nobody likes her on /tv/
>nobody likes her on twitter and reddit
>nobody likes her on fishtank (dot) live
>group of simps in the designated /tay/ thread like her
its literally blown out for dick and fireball
But enough about Abi
>If she is fucking the chicken plushie dude i will kill myself.
true. I remember in the pre stream chat in her stream that dude came in and said cucks and never typed again
Retarded is having a crying fit because you cut up yarn and then going home to stream to 10 viewers, including you I guess. :)
damn that sounds so emasculating lolol, so just eye witness reports? no video:(
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These people are no match for Letty.
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Do Jon's "fans" genuinely respect him or are they laughing at him and his retardation?
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>hasn't streamed in one month
>still the most discussed fish
main character status much?
shes a confident woman, in other words a total slut
which ever one Sam hates
Mostly the latter
tayleigh built up so much good will after fishtank, then destroyed it all because shes lazy and cannot stand her own fans
You have a cuckold fetish
your joking right? shes a party hoe you are just in denial. shes the furthest thing from a pure waifu
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/biz/ here
isn't this that ponzy scheme where 2,800 investors raised 900k and got the rug pull
>moar time to get better
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This but in the woods.
She’s pure
god she looks so fucking stupid. female louie anderson.
Jimmy looking good
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>shes the furthest thing from a pure waifu
he didnt say that though. he said she was cute and has a cute voice. youre the one who immediately thinks of cock and balls when looking at a cute girl. might wanna get your head checked.
stopped streaming early just for the love of cock
No she isn’t you massive virgin
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>betrayed by crash
>betrayed by TJ
>betrayed by mde
>betrayed by the UCLA
How much punishment can one little japanese man take?
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>pure waifu
Shes not anime retard
her voice is haggard and it comes from a haggard soul. this bitch can be summed up as a person with shots and blowjobs.
Tay is the one who shuns responsibility to party at her friend's for weeks at a time.
Taylor is in a commited relationship with her boyfriend who she moved to be with.
Cuck incel faggots like you don't deserve love no need to hate.
He was a josie loving fag in s1 and then gay for brian in s2, with some love for jimmy
>waifu wars
shut the fuck up you spergs
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Tayleigh I love you
Can you blame her? When half of her audience consists of people like Wes and Q, why would Tay want to continue streaming?
She's a dumb ho from Florida with instagram pics of her drooling on her tits in a public bathroom, nbd.
Brian, Meg, Mauro, and Simmons
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>this bitch can be summed up as a person with shots and blowjobs.
see there you go again. ima pray for you anon. hopefully your lust for cocks will go away. try thinking of a girl you think is cute, if you find girls cute. might help.
Jet said this and the paintball in s2 was a big inspiration for 2.5
taylor has just got off the cock carousel we all saw the pictures, some slut faux dyke hoe (hypersexual females are all lesbos) with a burnt out voice box from down liquer. shes nasty and a pathetic choice for simping
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Taylor has a nice voice and you are a cuckold fetishist
Insider here. The reset Jet mentioned is referring to Fishtank Japan. Shinji will be cohosting with Sam as the comedy duo he thought of during season 2.
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Did Sam ever make his old man proud?
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I really fucking hope they give her a spell that makes people stfu for like 10mins. it's crucial for jimmy exhaustion
I kekd nigger lover. abi you must understand that everyone hates race traitors, it's just not allowed to be stated publicly. 4chungus doesn't have this problem, seethe more you finngolian looking whore
hate to break it to you, but a pretty face does not mean a pretty soul, shes a gambling addict, party slut and disgusting human being
Wesley jesus just remembered he will probably bombard tay with retarded tts yippe.
>Taylor v Tay v Josie war
It's like this place never left for 5 months
I hope they put some weird shit in this season, I want to make a twin peaks edit
taylor is furthest thing from pure , she has been getting dicked down by the wiggers for the past 2 days
He goes to ucsd not ucla
The thing is, no one is going to follow the rules
He's openly admitted to sabotaging her spin-the-wheel streams by repeatedly donating for the sake of tanking the bit-rate as well.
stop projecting, you are the one running interference for some slut because shes a tight little piece, just like marky this whore is not worth a damn
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Favorite Delaney moments?
we all love her but she cucked us and thats unforgivable
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come, imagine a girl you find cute. its fun!
Touch grass sweetie.Because you will never touch pussy.
Cuckold fetishists lol
Don't remember much from her, but her and Jimmy made a cute couple. Her boyfriend is a massive soiboy, though.
randomly being a bitch to people
that's why i said 10mins. i know he'll never get that far. maybe 5mins at most, which is actual intended goal. if i have said 5mins, he'd only shut up for like 1 or 2 at most.
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getting drunk and calling sam a faggot
so no more goldstriker.
Looks like it was made in minecraft
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her first appearance when chat revolted when they found out she was coles replacement
Gay nigga
>PLAP PLAP PLAP GWAK GWAK GWAK Oh no what are those Vampires doing to Dryad Taylor!?
they kind of worked themselves into a corner with that character. there wasn't really anywhere left to go that wouldn't be extremely derivative
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in the end, Love wins.
Time to baldbromaxx
50 year old chainsmoking dyke voice
Puking then waking up and saying someone puked on her
O i know he got a ban earlier in the month for saying he was going to kill me lol.I fucking hate that fat faggot he is a cancer wherever he goes.
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So you're an allstar?
What kinda
allstar are you?
What character? It was just sam being sam
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for some.
She constantly licks her lips and mouth because she wants to suck cocks, anon.
Could you imagine Cole with a gf kek. He wouldn’t know what to do with her
She’s hot though
you dont even need to get taht complicated you just need to LOOK AT HER. that girls an unconscionable slut
Based Leaf. or Britbong.
That fat faggot has threatened to kill so many people now that I lost track. I'm sure he's going to be ban evading in the /tv/ threads too.
it insane some people on here thinks taylor is some pure soul or some shit
she is nasty party slut who abandoned her tard bf for some wigger dicks
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Which Goldstriker family member will we see?
Says a fag with a terabyte of photos of a below average broad so desperate in life she’s fucking some 60IQ tard who just got a check for 50 grand lmaooo. Self awareness is just something you fuckers cant comprehend
That’s the library
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i can imagine it but it's not pretty
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what do you mean by that peter?
She is a normal American girl. Not a slut. Not pure. She has a genuine relationship with TJ
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there you go with the dicks again. come try it anon, instead of dicks think of that girl you find is cute!
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Zero impulse control. No sense of self-preservation.

TJ is your boyfriend now: Ok!
Come back to 2.5 and leave him behind with a broken arm: Ok!
Make like a circus seal and suck every wigger cock here: Ok!
no lmao
fucking loser, I’m not abi
didn’t read the rest of this shit past that
No doubt he will he works for nasa after all lol
Count Dracustriker
Taylor is hot
best not be or us taytriots will cut your eyelids, make you look white for your funeral
it's so hot
This girl is fucking retarded.
Went from naming the Jew to this. Jesus fucking Christ talk about a waste.
very gay post, brother!
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Can't believe you faggots actually watch this zoomer shit. Foh
She was unshowered for like a week at this point btw
I mean that he wants one so bad but he’s autistic, he’d lose them in a week
her band put out some good records before she got kicked out for being a retarded junkie
good goy, you serve your masters well
her snatch sinks anyway, zero change
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>Cole’s face
She made the right choice. Imagine goran having footage of you showering
Taylor has big yummy boobies and a nice apple bottom
what time does it start tomorrow?
artist guys should draw these three lezzing out as a joke
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ourguy was running through the foids pete
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ponder the aroma
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All the men were in heat for her so I’m not suprised
yeah as a joke haha
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Sam wanted to PLAP her tits
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Season 1 was superior to Season 2 because of the element of ma.
I <3 this
Only beaner and black cock has been here
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normal American girl ? lol
she flew 3 days prior to show leaving her handicapped bf alone in the apartment to suck some wigger dicks for 2 weeks straight
Taylor has translucent skin.
abi looks so fucking stupid
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Try not to have your heart stolen challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)
why is every girl in fishtank a coalburner?
i HATE that she doesn’t like white men :(
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why does nobody ever talk about how jimmy and mauro are literally gay with each other
jimmy (who is clearly in the closet gay, the rape victim variety of gay) flew out to new mexico just to "hang out" with mauro
why doesn't anyone talk about this
you guys are obsessed with cuck fantasies it's so fucking weird
To be fair she has great tits
Sir the correct term is beanburner as they've all had latinx lovers
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she needs corrective BWCsex
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>mfw she sees the obese beaner cock
i dont care, i wont forgive them.
The only coal/beanburner confirmed is Sylvia and Abi
>alex looking on as his gf assumes doggy position in front of cole
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Bex = Based
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this is uncalled for...
and the tj girl and bex, both party sluts
Which one of them tops?
Good. I hope those simps stay there. Shit is fucking pathetic.
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Did they?
fishtank women were made for my BHC (BigHispanicCock)
JC, CK, Summer, Trish, Taylor, Ella, Liquid Cole, and Bliccy owe Cole sex
hey abi, stop spamming, I'm not watching your fucking streams, you are boring and have 75 IQ
Remember when she said she hates brian because he's a white male. so freaking based
bex is too busy twerking on nigger rappers and being called the dominican plug
that is dangerously close to a hoverhand, weak contact at *best*
>Tayleigh’s alleged BF looks just like TJ
So the reason why Tayleigh went so hard on TJ after Taylor arrived was out of jealousy and spite?
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Jet won
she said that to Oliver, you fucking retard
the norwood reaper is coming for cameron, he'll be bald in two year
Uh the simps are all here and they're rabid.
girls shouldn't have high IQ faggot
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Betty OWES me sex
tj girl is a party hoe with niggers and bex twerks on niggers on instagram. im NOT the cuck in this scenario, all of you are for simping for them.
are you some kind of sam hyde fanboy
They shouldn't be on wigger shows either.
Bex isn’t like that
He already has a bald spot. He is in vance territory
Are you black?
Yeah pretty much
tay's type is longhaired white/mexican dudes so yeah
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But neither of those things you say are true. You’re simply making cucks out of people that challenge your inceldom but, sadly, it’s all in your head, anon.
no I only watch fishtankslop
You’re a cuck for typing and thinking about those things
ignorant retard go look at bex's insatgram yet again the party slut is. guess what? a slut.
she doesnt need u, she has bbc dildos
so nasty and beyond saving
Yeah they would of made a great couple tay was too retarded to see that now everyone hates her.
why did tj spend 5k on his streaming setup
the SEETHE you faggots have for "wiggers" and normal ass girls is so fucking funny, aspergers much?
TJ is too good for Tayleigh
CK3 and sex pervert reasons.
Tay doesn't deserve TJ
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Fucking miss this dude.
$3k actually
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Yeah that's true she is a puke dyke beat bitch who deserves nothing.
niceguy :D
she doesn’t hook up randomly like you imagine in your cucked brain. Girls are allowed to go to parties in America.
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I keep track of these things.
you forgot summer. and trisha too but she's brown so.
Letty amir cum.
Tayleigh fucked a guy named Lopez but insists was white passing.
bex is a SLAG, she got called the dominican plug whatever that means and she said "shhh" shes a total hoe
I like taylor, I don't care if she was a ho for a few months lol

same way I like TJ despite the fact hes a coomer who could barely talk
She forcefully ate Josies pussy in the basement of the S2 house in the cold, cold winter of 2023
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>TTS: sylvia is a fat coal burning junkie hog oink oink
>he was literally dominican you asshole not black
>bro how do they even know that?!?!
>they stalked my shit bro!!
season one was so much funnier
Thats kinda hot
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kek she do be perfect tho
Stay indoors if you're a women in New England for the next two weeks
This is not allowed
you’re delusional embittered incel. Just get offline.
TJ was into Tayleigh not the other way around. He kept hitting on her but she kept telling confessionals she had the ick and tj is an autist.
Have a feeling this quote is going to get a lot of use in a few days
That's not what happened at all you lying sperg.
fuck you simp
that was years ago bro
she said he had a nice face
Them withholding Sylvia pig TTS and let her build up her ego until they finally unleashed it was brutal. One of the rare smart decisions that production made between both seasons.
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It's hard not to feel sorry for Sylvia's unborn child
shitskin incels are having a serious melty itt, ya hate to see it and them
i mean she's right
not simping, you’re wrong and retarded.
There's a decent chance Letty isn't getting out of those woods alive.
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Just a month ago this cute chud sperg had the most devoted following and she just goes and throws it all way. I hope you are happy tayleigh.
the funniest part is sylvia then called that random girl on twitter fat?? lmfaoooo
Are people seriously finding this bitch attractive ? Seeing the HD footage made me realize that she attached herself to lubecooch because they're both similarly dysgenic
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Beautiful princess
She's gonna have to constantly walk on eggshells around him which is gonna suck, I wanted to see her be mean and nasty
Cry tjmaxxer you don't know shit. Tay rejected him a million times and preferred Jimmy.
Not so devoted seems like
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Yeah Tayleigh is cooked LOL. Nobody is going to support her, not even her few remaining taytriots she had on bant. It's 100% over for her. What a cunt. KWAB.
>he'll be bald in two year
please don't get my hopes up like that
i still don't understand why sylvia was as hated as she was. she didn't produce a lot of content but i thought her personality was pleasant
I never got why she randomly put stars on her face.
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I can't believe you people have just been here or /bant/ this whole time. I stopped following /ftl/ the day s2 ended and just now came back for 2.5.
10s, maybe 100s of thousands of posts. You're all fucked. Do you have literally nothing else in your life? With peace and love my brothers, fucking what????
dw she'll say nigger during bloodgames and her loser fans will freak out pissing themselves and buy all her merch
She was eating a big bag of stars right before this
She was fat
I thought it was clear as day since day 1. The support given for this disgrace of a man literally blackpilled me on how bad the "Nu-MDE" fanbase actually is.
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built for sex with chuds
Hides pimples
Looking pretty sexo in the right image.
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they're zit patches
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you right
She has a boyfriend apparently so they are all dropping her. I Don't think she can come back from this
turning on a camera for a few hours a week is hard bro I have a fucking life bro
>i still don't understand why sylvia was as hated as she was.
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Why are so many people upset just because Tayleigh has a boyfriend?
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Now everyone hates tay i like her again.
Fuck off you tayseething schizo faggot
Based contrarian
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>Tayleigh now has her own WQ (winston question)
If production is lurking they need to make her aware of this. KWAB.
Nobody was gonna endorse her anyways
she was a mean bitch to letty
She is beating Jon somehow. Endorse Jon and get him ahead of her.
Will Jimmy shoot out one of Letty's eyes in self defense?
there was like 3 or 4 sylvia meltdown nights that were the funniest moments of fishtank and none of them made the episodes
>fights with letty then gets uncensored TTS unleashed on her and breaks down screaming back at it all night
>gets Hassled by frank, slips and falls on her ass multiple times, has a tantrum screaming through the house till chris gets triggered and screams back even more insane, sylvia then claims she was "just acting bro"
>paypig keeps buying shark attacks on sylvia, she gets shit dumped on her, cries, showers, gets more shit dumped on her, cries, showers, gets more shit dumped on her, screams and cries that her fake hair is ruined, gets pork rub seasoning blown in her eyes, threatens to quit the show
>went in the bathroom and wiped her shitty ass with lettys clothes. chat catches her sus behavior and makes production root through the trash and find letty's poopy clothes
season two didn't have a single moment as funny as the hog meltdowns
It was scary how fast he knew where it was.

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She was in the same state as a fan who bought one of her plushies and we're getting full schizo meltdowns lol
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The hogroast night of the camping arc was one of the best moments of s1
>tts had been mostly filtered up till then
>letty was the one getting the most hate, being called a goblin lazy eye witch
>hog and letty get into an argument
>jet chooses THIS moment as the time to let the floodgates open on the fatfilter
>constant barrage of weight-based tts for 1h
>slyvia breaks immediately, half in tears, saying she doesn't give a fuck
>blames letty for this happeneing immediately after letty tried to consol her by saying she knows how it feels because she's been getting hate for weeks
What a based scene
We didn't deserve s1 bros
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Tayseethers are sad and lonely people. I pity them more than I hate them. I truly do.
I wasn’t a Sylvia fan but she was a good addition to the cast and had some funny moments
Sure abi whatever you say. Look I know it's a bummer that 4chan is the only market for you to shill yourself but you should've thought about that before going on Sams show. When you eventually shit out some mongrel kids can you have the decency to live in the fathers neighborhood? Why do all race mixing white girls insist on living with their mongrel spawn in white neighborhoods? If you love shitskins so much then go live with them
Fuck my life. I was wondering why she followed that literal who with 4 followers.
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Same, it's like we're back in the tank lol. Going full circle.
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Reminder that this is NOT fishtank, or at least what you imagine fishtank to be. This is going to be a LARP. Fishtank Bloodsports will not have elimination challenges and we'll be lucky if it has in-fighting at all. It's a team scenario where a bunch of autists shoot airsoft guns at people pretending to be vampires. If you're expecting 2.5 to be even close to 1 or 2 it's gonna be terrible. Just prepare for the worst and expect 15 days of 'uhh... chat says you got shot, did you take a hit?"
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that was years ago bro
did we ever get any back story for the 2 black guys they brought it as security around jimmy? like who where they, did they get paid, where did they come from?
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She mindbroke (You)
that retard of all people figuring this out is so funny, total taytriot death
problem is Jet caters to the neutered faggot twitter orbiters and made sure season two had more "storylines and gaslighting" and less mean spirited shit that made season one so funny
They were guys Goran's dad knew
Do you unironically think these people like Tay?
who fucking cares you autistic cuckold
You got me, I’m Abi. I didn’t want to reveal it to the public but I’m dating an uncut Aryan with A10s and blonde hair. You’ve forced my hand.
Jet was too busy giving screentime to his gay detective larp that nobody found funny.
Canadian bro take the night off from defending her relax you will see her tomorrow.
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I think they love her.
I think they can't go a day without thinking of her.
One time I was at blaze pizza hanging out with a cousin
I passed by a table on the way to my own
It was two adult women with their separate kids
One of them had a cute looking kid with blond hair. Looked very much like his mom. They looked like a normal pairing
The other was an ugly mutt so gross I recoiled in disgust as I passed
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Remember. Not a penny.
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I swallow, Frank. I swallow real good.
Letty's money ran out after a year of neetdom.
they're part of s3 lore
She's just like me fr
grow up
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If you hate her, you're a brown incel until further notice
Guys from Sam’s boxing gym
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erm i love opsec queen nifty
Kissless loser virgin, imagine wasting your prime college years obsessing over a random internet show and for an ugly ass dyke looking bulimia bitch LMAO
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Is jeremy currently behind bars or a free man?
Not true the taylist is black and a thief.
same for if you love her
plac the cuck?
More often than not racemixing results in less attractive offspring
This isn't some big secret
Sorry about your dark skin, tho
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true that, respect jordans girl
true he's such a loser. i like wasting my prime college years obsessing over a random internet show but not for the ugly lesbian
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This is you and you don't even like her.
I hate her brown fans
I want her smelly fat ass on my face.
jail, people have been posting "new" leaks this year and it's always screencaps from videos or gifs made of rarer videos that were available in 2023.
I’m white.
I know that's you Jimbo, I'm not entertaining this.
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why are Taycucks not happy she found love??
Everyone is sick of seeing these race traitors and their ugly mutt kids
The dude is not bad looking, has a personality and initiative. Unlike a certain docile virgin 19 loser. Get fucked Q. ahahahahahah Tay is for BIG JORDAN COCK.
I fucking swear anons posted her tiktok the night she first appeared, but it's since been lost.
/pol/ is that way
The remaining taytriots are turning on her
Love? pfft. she just needs dick
Feel bad for the guy, because now he's saddled with Tayleigh
i said the cuck part as an insult but it appears it is actually the truth
>junkie tj
you're finngolian, abi
I'm not a taytriot, guy. idc what this micro eceleb does with her pussy
a junkie confident version of TJ is probably tay's ideal man lol
You’re right
fuck Tayleigh. I'm a Nifty Nigga for life
>This is you
I'm not tayleigh
with a vagina
it wasn't her it was some other crazy lady i remember
same, some kooky annoying bitch
Genuinely where did Jet find her? Local comedy scene?
Based i have already sent jon a list about tayleigh and jimmy.He wants to try be friendly but he has all the ammo he needs to thow in there face if they act up.
Nifty niggers were we at?
juice this so she sees it going into bloodgames
t. blacker than mr popo
sam found her at some art school he still hangs around (not risd)
This is hilarious I hope Jon starts rattling off talking points
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Would getting sodomized by a tranny and living off a simp cuck loser following make your dad proud?

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