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Jimmy's Security Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.

https://pastebin.com/MkxawPjr (embed)


>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D (embed)

>Thread template if needed
https://pastebin.com/raw/yeSLgsLE (embed)

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200442274
first for peter aka brian aka alex aka tall guy
skibidi chungus
duanyay arriving at chicago for the bloodgames
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Remember what you're fighting for
I wont be watching if there are pavement apes
Especially gay pavement apes
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is this nigga gonna resurrect king von for the show?
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>tfw a 19 yo schizo kissless virgin wastes countless hours of his valuable college stay on 4chinz trying to get the girl's attention only to be made fun of
>but you get the girl just by making one(1) twitter video
This is my first post since season 2 ended, and what I want to know is, where is bliccy?
Ella Mogs
So that guy that payed shinji 1000 dollars in his gofundme effectively just gave a thousand dollars to andrew tate indirectly
>she is fucking some guy in kentucky just because she is visiting her brother
are all tayseethers this retarded
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thalmor brat !!
Tai just posted at airport as well
Could be Taylor went early to help prep and dunye going to pick up TJ?
She on twitter, she got an Ipad recently.
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The Save The Children's charity and tuition late fees, whatever happened there
Cole here.

I’m faggot!
My bed

confirmed npc/production:

rumored or likely npc/production

am i missing anyone?
highelf looking ass bitch
Need to see these two blacked psycho whores suck some bbc at the same time. they HATE white boys
TJ paypalled Duanyay a couple days ago for some reason
Absolute whorew cunt
just tweeted this to her https://x.com/JaxtonBrygart/status/1805364335360836089
Tj and bex are not on it for sure
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don't impersonate me.
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>hasn't streamed for one month
>still the most discussed fish
main character status
would be cool
tj is at home currently. maybe he'll come midseason but doubtful
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Are you fucking serious?
Is Greg there?
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My president posted up in the digi camo on his way to bweak the bwoodgames
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remember Tay's little tantrum when she found out Nifty dated a 16 year old when she was 20 and called her a pedo and got her to leave?
Did we ever get a reaction to her learning about Marky?
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Breeding Ella in the coonskin cap!
tayleigh won't see that shit retard, ur account is shadowbanned, have to click "show offensive content" to find it. try your main instead.
>main character status
>least endorse
brian if he's actually jet's favorite contestant
I fight for Jordan's girl
She may not be smart but she knows not to bite the hand that feeds you
Nifty left because of Jimmy's chemical attack on her
Wasn't this clown shit on viciously by Tayleigh during a voice call? What is he doing still hanging around?
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Every namefag nigger from /bant/ should expeditiously kill themselves.
You can put Abi on the rumoured list because of the Twitter screenshot with jet
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>Tayleigh it turns out has been dating the plushy chicken guy
>How do i feel about it?

She's been dead to me for over a month now.Feels great.
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We need Betty to streamsnipe. She lives close by I heard.
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don't forget the speculated cole bait and switch with vance
No the fuck "we" don't
She'll get mauled by the wildlife if she does that
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we need abi on 2.5 she can be an alien elf vampire or something
tay started the incessant nifty seething and harassment for days that led to jimmy's chemical attack
it was really annoying because nifty being there was actually funny, she leaned into her bit so well
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I watched the video he is kinda charming
who's that goddess?
it's possible. she's gone radio dark since taylor was confirmed. she really has a stick up her ass about
>"boring taylor"
being associated with mde and her being banned. typical friendtank seether.
don't start this shit here. keep it in the /bant/ thread
Yeah that was going through my mind hopefully.
Bruh... I'm endorsing Jon to make her last place. Endorse Jon
Same. I'd been warning people to let her go.
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this 2bqh, it's not fair to the actual humans of /tv/. these animals were exiled to /bant/ for a reason, we shouldn't have to suffer their subhumanity here
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endorse letty and her big juicy letties!
Why did she flirt with Q when she had a bf? Is this the true nature of women that /pol/ told me about?
kys piss whore
Qnanons new tayleigh jaleigh
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tj confirmed
photoshop the hair out and that's what every nerd in computer club looked like
gegg she cute doe
damn am i glad i turned off auto renew on tays youtube sub
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Do you trust him to make things right?
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>TJ has to follow Letty IRL because Taylor looks at his twitter/ig
I don't think you should give money to the wiggers, but if you have to, please only send to tayleigh and ask her about her new boyfriend
yes! (I'm lying)
the psyop is working xisters they're dropping tay for abi in the dozens!!
Nigga is a cartoon character
is that tayleigh
Weckingball is a surprise guest for 2.5, don't ask I'm not telling
kek i actually had to look twice too at first
There is no getting through to the Canadian he is completely mindbroken defending her 12 hours a day in every thread.At least you tried anon most could have seen the writing on the wall.She deserves nothing she especially doesn't deserve anyone's support.
Ella mogs them
>Reeee everything is le psyop
Kill yourself already cucknadian
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How badly will she bully Tayleigh?
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>I want to balkanize her face with a hatchet that supid whore.
She won't be able to if Jimmy is there
>Unironically watching Jet Neptune's airsoft LARP party
hopefully she makes her cry she deserves it
Yes she made THIS >>200445923 face when someone tts donated marky to her. "I know but cut it out faggot" type face I'd say.

A while later she went on a rant saying she doesn't care, she's "not your middle man" for hating on production. she said she saw the markybait brian clip.
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no she doesnt stop it :(
Why did Tayleigh throw it ($5000/month) away?
Mental illness. I don't understand why people give this retard attention on /bant/
and wp2 is nowhere in sight
women lack agency
She will attack letty
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Tayleigh doesn't have what it takes, she's a loser
Would she push Letty down the stairs?
She found love
lol letty will fucking mind break her
for mid hillbilly cock
Because he's a funny little guy and he made the MDE orbiters spiral in that one space he joined.
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Betty is an experienced woodsman, we could manifest this
is there a clip of that?
Yeah man she's gonna cut up her yarn and BREAK her.
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What's wrong with you?
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*booba mogs tayleigh*
Q is our retarded brother he might piss us off but we still try to steer him right.And if all else fails laugh at him.
Q, do a /tv/ space tonight discussing Tay's boyfriend. Kino .
it's too long to go into he joins like 50 minutes in https://gofile.io/d/wSaMBz
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Gonna cry, Taytriots?
I heard it's coming out next summer after fishtank 3.5
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>day 4 ruins the secret that everyone is an MDE fan and in on all the jokes essentially making the show pointless
>screams and lunges at the new girl to attack her screaming FIGHT ME
>plays copyrighted music on stream costing them tens of thousands of dollars
>spergs out about being molested, names specific people and very seriously threatens to kill them
>begs for CDs back and promises to play only his own music
>plays more copyrighted music on stream getting them fined even more
>gets mad at production, says to camera that he knows where the structural weak points of the house are and he will act if they don't stop being unfair to him
>throws a mallet full speed at a girl narrowly missing her head
>is gay with fat hawaiian mauro
how will liability jim add to the list this season, and what did i miss?
damn, who was in this space?
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Can anybody give me a QRD on any important highlights during the offseason? Didn't follow much since season 2 ended.
He will kill Letty and a flashlight.
It’s hilarious Tayjeets think she can take on Letty. Frank fucking broke Tayleigh with ease.
I want to have sex with Betty
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Tayleigh will try to get violent with Letty just like she did with Trish
But Letty is far more popular and it's not going to end well for her
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I believed in Tay and gave her hundreds of $ just to be called a "no life internet person", ditched for a month, and cucked by some guy in kentucky

she expects support on bloodgames? kwab
fat pig
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Please don't bring up frank they are having a bad day today please understand.
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>I want to have sex with Betty

Do not sexualize Betty!
there was some girl on twitch that savagely cut her arms to this
Sylvia has white kids, that makes her best girl until further notice. You can stop now
why is the common theme with tayleigh centered around ntr
>audibly cucking the taytriots whenever possible during s2
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Kek, remember when she kissed Frank LMFAOOO
finally something to watch
i should have seen the signs and dropped her then
Tayleigh hates her fans
so does everyone else
>Do not sexualize Betty!
>proceeds to post a picture of her half naked
Poor brocklanders didn't even get a resentful handjob out of pity.The guy who bought a chicken plushie gets the keys to the kingdom.She did the homie dirty he spend 1000s
some girl that was into TJ cut her arms after tweeting a reaction to this image. pretty nasty. it seemed like a thing she did often.
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holy crap lois it's the president of the people's republic of china
>faggots on bant that simp for tay all gave themselves nicknames and lore
>tj and taylor are actually in love
>sam hyde did really bad stand up comedy but old MDE fans all came out to the shows anyway to get a picture
>trish has a fat ass and did streams i guess
>megan isn't fat anymore I think
>jon fucked summer in the ass and summer has a nu male bf now
>the one guy who simped for Sylvia on /ftl/ literally got to fuck her and knocked her up
>Jeremy is in jail
>simmons was a contestant on Family Feud
>Jet got on ozempic
>tayleigh has a boyfriend and all her simps are very upset
They actually think she got kiss raped kek it's pathetic
She will beg letty to throw piss on her
>Taylor moved in with TJ and became a streamer
>Shinji had a mental breakdown due to not having any money and now hates Fishtank
>Sylvia had a kid
Hi Plac.
The seething ultimately stems from a feeling of rejection and shame.
now you know why tay couldn't just say "no" when asked if she had a boyfriend. don't you feel stupid?
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Ready for Letty to be out there destroying the competition with piss cantrips
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Kek it really will be like this
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I will not stand for you faggots shit talking my Gamer strategy gf Tayleigh.
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Shinjibros... what went wrong?
he was supposed to be the most well put together of all the fish
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>Tayleigh: *puts hands on ground* I am one with the trees. I speak to them and they speak to me.
>The rest of the bloodgames cast:
It's refreshing to see taytriots rejecting tayleigh instead of going full cuckmode like TJmaxxer does.
what do you mean? it's just what's happening we got cucked
He tricked by some gaijin into going on Fishtank and being abused by Sam and didn't even get any money. Now he will have to go back to Japan and become a prostitute instead of inventing the porn matrix, very sad.
I don't even get how he fell off so hard when all he had to do was shoot the shit with chat the exact same way he did on shinji radio nights in the tank

Crash had to save the children
treacherous worm
>shinji has to work to pay for college
a true tragedy.....
we're all just waiting for tayleigh's cam to go live so she can fucking explain herself, I'm going to send her TTS about it. I thought she was my wife.
honestly I thought it was an awful idea, but the cast of the "allstar season" isnt that bad and could be interesting
but we have to watch them do Jet's little faggot airsoft larp bullshit
I'd literally rather have them locked in a house with nothing to do for 2 weeks. no challenges no plans. not exaggerating that would be so much better
Sex With Sylvia bro needs to get her and their kid out of America, we're finished, this is no place for white children
They're in New Zealand tardo
Operation kill chudgang is now in full effect.

To all the operators who have sown the seeds of their destruction on /bant/ the past few months i salute you.
this analysis was fucking trash especially when it came to tayleigh. she was a floater at best for the first 3 weeks
sylvia is moving to new zealand
she was so down bad that she fucked her one simp on 4chan, got pregnant, and is moving across the world for him
Betty deserves _______
Lettycels can’t stop winning
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Love and respect
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Letty is going to make Tayleigh eat her stinky disgusting pussy
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abigods are with letty btw
I think the turning point for Tay and her fanbase was when she followed Sam around the house cheering
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I'm glad TJ won it all. Got the 50k, hasn't blown through it, and is fucking Taylor.
lucky fatass i bet they smell heavenly tangy musk
i stopped liking her with the "THINK IT DREAM IT DO IT... and fuck idubbbz" thing on day 5
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>Shinjibros... what went wrong?

His language barrier caused viewers to think that he was funnier and a much better person than he actually is.
based, they would be a good team
Yeah that was pretty awful too
it was when she was drunk and said no comment on the bf question
it’s all moot considering it came down to the olympics. waste of time
thanks for the update ya deranged subhuman bant nigger. any other simptank faggotry I should be aware of?
now that she has white kids all is forgiven, sex (white) with Sylvia indeed
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Facts i just want lil bro to thrive.
more nigger dildos
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based and chaos pilled
Yeah the person I'm replying to turned out to be a huge faggot
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can't wait for this little faggot to show up and mindbreak you losers
100% chance taylor is cheating on tj seethe all you want
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Tay is going to win just by being the best at larping, this is irrefutable
This is how I normally take pictures too
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you're lucky to get away with a warning this time
but at what cost
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Remember to say yes to love and life and no to death and destruction.
I'm in good company then
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this is cope because he's a fairly well adjusted kind hearted guy and he's got autistic rizz.
He's pretty dumb. He thought a reality show would fix his poor planning, and not only that, but he blew a chance at 10k when on it because he was "bored".
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hugs and cuddles
>he thinks they're not going to give up the LARP aspect a day in
Wasn't on /bant/ but I'm all for this.
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>hasn't streamed ever
>still the most discussed contestant
main character status
sad but trve. she's a lazy window cleaner huffing, cum gargling, not-so-closeted dyke goonette
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Why did the Gaytriots turn on their chudwife?
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Nah she sucks
trish wit the booty shorts NAH
>girl and guy are in the same room
I love interacting with shut ins who are hopelessly addicted to porn
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Ok but what if they're just in the same state for a short time?
she's ugly
she was mean to them too many times
>3 streams a week to 2 a week to work on beanies
>never shipped out beanies except to frank and the guy currently fucking her
>continuously got hostile with chat and her fans
>called them losers
>never bothered putting up videos in her absence
>revealed to have fucked some fan in kentucky for a month instead of streaming
treasonous vermin
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Was chudgang based and redpilled?
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How did this 100 lb autistic girl mindbreak the internet this badly?
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>enters tent
How do you respond without sounding afraid?
>kissing with open eyes
yeah he's retarded
I'm not just a taytriot. I'm chudgang.
You've just been raped
no it was cringe and restraining order pilled
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Uh fuck no jimmy is like a brother to me :-(
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The truth is that Jimmy developed a crush on her but she just doesn't feel the same way
It is what it is
Talking shit about production is weirdpilled. They're putting a ton of their own time, money, and work into make this season as good as it can possibly be and making fun of them or critiquing their work is frankly cringepilled and unbasedpilled. Getting serious weirdpill vibes from some the posts here
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Throw a jar of piss in his face
straight up lied
>im depressed going on vacation to visit friends and family
>fucks a hillbilly for a month
Unbiased Autistic Summary of the Tayleigh drama;

>Tayleigh opens her crochet shop on April 15th
>She has a 50 dollar chicken plushie for sale
>Guy named Jordan (cizzydunt on twitter) buys the chicken plushie
>April 22nd the chicken has arrived and Jordan tweets a video thanking Tayleigh for the chicken plushie.
>Tayleigh then follows Jordan, the only person with no fishtank related clout that Tayleigh follows. Basically a random person
>The four other people that bought from her store and tweeted at her only got retweets, but no follow.
>Fast forward one month, Tayleigh gets visibly tired of streaming and talks about taking a break, she says she will visit her brother before 2.5 (she has two brothers and doesn't say which she's visiting)
>Tayleigh has never told us where her brothers live (correct me if I'm wrong).
>Today Tayleigh posts a picture of Mammoth Cave (tourist hotspot) in Kentucky
>Jordan has his location on twitter set to Kentucky
>And this is why people say Tay has a bf.

Thanks for coming to my Ted talk.
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Time is running out....
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Q status?
your post is seethe tho
still a kissless virgin incel
Do you think jimmy will try to rizz her up? what will be his line?
someone post the fake face revel
she has a brother that lives in ohio
That’s all gonna change soon!
disgusting whore
Who isn’t in these threads
all of chudgang combined has less than half the support tai has
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Fear not from chudgang.Our top J is naked on this mission but the knowledge he has been provoked will set im motion their end.The wheels of justice are motion.Our other operative letty with help from abi are on standby.The world can no longer stand by and let the cancer of death and destruction flourish.

Love and life.
Q is unironically better than her, he's kind of out of her league now. She's gonna be an ugly crack whore in 5 years while Q will have a successful career as a Computer Scientist.
this is nice, real artist guy shit
>56 votes in 17 hours
is bloodgames DOA?
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doubt it
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Hello , I'm watching Josie and can confirm Q is still alive, thank god.
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I'm glad he switched to the winning team
>tayleigh 1 vote above jon
Thee taytriot is mow a josiecel.


It's genuinely over for tay
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Yo Vance
jimmy is a virgin who says he's had 30 sex partners
tay retweeted! she's on her phone still, guy who tweeted the jordan thing, do it again
Yeah because he never cumed he's still a virgin.Jimmy is weirdopilled he is such an annoying faggot.
Who are the Taytriots?
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What kinda poorfag fishtank shill are you?
based ginger
Jon, Jimmy, and Tayleigh all chudding out together is gonna be the worst thing Jet Neptune has ever facilitated and that's saying something
my cock which is inflicted with a curse of not being able to go limp or cum until after about 3 hours of mind-numbing sex
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He's a confirmed pedo now it's over Qtriots
thank you for summarizing.
bant freaks should be euthanized for the safety and betterment of society
thanks, ab
It'll be completely unwatchable when those three are together
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remember when Jimmy said he has had sex with 27 girls but he's never cum from sex
>i'm just here to Jolly post
>oh ok you're free to go
how did garland get away with it?
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I mean if she won't I will.
he counts hugging a girl and then fapping to it later as sex
>tay retweeted a post
>probably saw the allegations post
>still follows the hillbilly
My favorite Jimmyism is that he constantly fakes a deep voice until he's in a stressful situation (like when Sam escorted him down the stairs and slammed the door in the clip today) then his voice becomes normal
fuck her honestly. non-communicating stupid hick bitch.
He's literally a Valorant e-boy forcing his voice deeper, it's so cringe.
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Tracks. Can a nigga get some more evidence?
I did it when I was like 13 and look back on it with extreme embarrassment, it's insane to do that as a balding 27 year old
he also literally looks like tj trying to be cool
I don’t believe you
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Me too and I’m still a virgin!
Where is xer jaw?
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What's he doing right now?
skill issue
His body count went up by one in the house and he stuck to it.
q is 19 years old, tay is 22, why does he think he's got a chance.
loading up airsoft guns and charging batteries
Literal demon
it went up by two after he hug-raped nifty and trish iirc
Why should I believe you
why would I lie on a anonymous website?
how do we get IDs in this joint, feels like I'm going crazy
getting sugged off by tayleigh
I have more respect for josie now, it seems like she didn't want to be on bloodgames and said no
go back to /bant/ nigger
IDs are bad
help me decide
If people had IDs in here you could see how mentally ill they were.
imagine wanting clout for your posts on 4chan
bant faggot deserve death. truly the most pathetic existence possible
so taylor arrived 3 days prior to 2.5 leaving her bf alone in dire situation to hang out and ride some wiggers dicks is insane
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Which party is the based and redpilled one?
/bant/ fried your brain
in scotland?
tayjeet seethe

your girl fucked some hick for three weeks in kentucky while you waited for nonexistent streams
You’re the same guy every time.
See if we had IDs we could see this guy has posted 80 times in here, would you really want that?
Tayleigh's endorsements are still going up despite people saying they'll change. I'm starting to think I'm talking to one guy in here
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post this cat :)
This nigga mindbroken
The hick guy mogs the fugly disgusting wiggers
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there's only one person who likes tayleigh ITT and it's you
>See if we had IDs we could see this guy has posted 80 times in here
Yes, IDs prevent spam because people starts getting embarrassed when the number of times goes over 14 and they'll slow down.
I want to meet sam IRL and repeat that line to him over and over again haha I bet he would love that
Cole status?
nasty bitch getting dicked down by some Kentucky hill billy. DROPPED.
eveyones is going up
still second to last
I like Tay too, she's fun, carried the second half of season 2
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Why is he the least endorsed contestant?
Why would 4chan implement something that lowers the number of posts
Besides technical issues what are your predictions for the first 24 hours of bloodgames?
you've never had sex
under appreciated especially in comparison to the others
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Does she spread her thighs like this for him, anon?
I've had sex many many times, Tay is mid as fuck and she's getting dicked down by some poor Kentucky faggot.
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Either drinking himself to death in his car while watching the sunset in Little Rock or on a plane to Providence so he can be on Bloodgames tomorrow
>still second to last
that's been the case since they added it, Tay has been closing the gap to Tai, difference used to be 80-90
Jon is an unlikeable failed pimp
He puts on this act and pretends to be nice and religious
He tried to be a "manager" for both Betty and Summer
I have never kissed before but I can't imagine doing it with your eyes closed because then I can't see. I mean, why would you close your eyes? I don't get it
His retarded hi jinks after S1 burnt a lot of goodwill and kind of killed his Jontent image.
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His whole shtick is boring now
cole is a fag, his mom is an alcoholic so now he becomes one too, what a bitch.
There was a period of time a day ago when it was like 3 votes.
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>takes streaming seriously
>loves her fans
>posts clips daily
>loves and takes care of her bf
she's everything Tayleigh isn't
im a virgin which is why i simp for the ugliest girl on fishtank (tayleigh)
Once you kiss someone you'll get it
that's not nice
I have hugged zero girls apart from my mother and my sister
kys coleseether
He was never popular
I don't think it's gonna happen. I'm autistic and not attractive. So can you just explain to me? Thanks
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KWAB. he still cries on /bant/ too. dude is a fucking loser.
its been hovering around the 10-20 for like a week now. and barely beating tai wont be a good look. supposed most popular of s2 and cant even beat jimmy.
regardless of all that she's just so perfectly attractive
>10/10 big blue eyes
>10/10 cute blonde hair
>10/10 big natural tits
>10/10 soft perfect tummy
>10/10 breeding hips
>10/10 healthy ass
and im sure the foot game is impeccable
Fraid so
>Vance is a bait and switch
>First thing they do it set up camp, there are less than 6 tents and they have to decide how to share
>Explore map for most of day, familiarizing themselves with the location
>Probably a shooting range where they practice their airsoft
>Couple of NPCs first day, expecting Dunye and Taylor
>Sam's new Goldstriker character arrives and there's a loredump, hints at whoever "Xavier" is
>Chat around campfire
>First wave of vampires
>End of Day 1
She has the personality of a slutty rock.

Even her fans when they post about her always compare her to Tayleigh like they're in competition. It's very weird.
>I've had sex many many times
Tayleigh is just human excrement. We're talking a big meaty shit straight from a hobo's ass that gets dumped onto a pile of stale dogshit.
So thar means Tayleigh doesnt have a boyfriend then?
> makes out with frank
I think it's more grim that there are so few endorsements in general
this so much this
>doesn't care about her since she's not entertaining just try to dig at tayleigh
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If Bloodgames is just lewd and funny hijinks with Letty then I might actually enjoy it
Look at the thread. Not many people would want to hang around a community this vile.
It's not something you can really explain, you just close your eyes because that's just what feels the least awkward. Maybe there's some deeper explanation like trusting whoever you're kissing and letting your guard down but idk
op needs to link this next thread
one thing i've noticed about taylor fans is that they don't actually like her, they only watch her to spite tayleigh
> one thing I've invented
add donjolly.com to the thread template NOW
>Tayjeet vs Lettychud waifu blood war begins tomorrow
imagine the smell
Y-you wanna... you wanna hug...? Or... I mean not in a gay way you know what I mean, like in a bro way, or something. Or maybe not I don't know it's just an idea... never mind haha i'm just joking
I wanna see Tayleigh and Letty's cute feet wiggle when they sleep.
Have you ever watched a clip of one of her steams? She's a genuine idiot.
Greenshark does slave away editing for her because he wants to fuck her, so she's got that.
Rei Vs Asuka
while the tay haters definitely use taylor to "get" at tay, thats just not true. her chat doesnt ever mention anything fishtank related outside of TJ.
it's asuka vs shinji in this case, dont lie to yourself
our lovely general would improve greatly with cultured donjolly.com in the tempy
they're both asuka
Is it like if you close your eyes then you don't have to stare at eachother in the eye from an inch apart so it's less cringe? I mean, expressing your feelings for one another is inherently cringe so you might as well go all the way and just open your eyes
this. how mentally ill do you have to be to want to be anonymous and get attention at the same time
wrong tayleigh and letty fans are aryan chads and letty + tayleigh will be friends and maybe fool around :O
lol no
Tay has a penis?
That might be it yeah, I've never really thought about it I just kinda do it and she does it too. You're also so close together that you won't really even be able to see much
they definitely loved Tj in that chat
Tayleigh fans are the lolcows of fishtank community
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Operation kill chudgang will be feared jimmy and his orbiter's will eat shit.
cmon dude
That’s pretty grim
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uh oh kentucky boy tweeted
Wait...How do you know she does it too if your eyes are closed?
thats fair
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smella chad approved! we Love taylo in this house as well


TAY-LEE... WHY.... *sobs*, you fucking dyke puke bitch...
You usually both close your eyes as you're leaning in, sometimes you close yours a split second before sometimes she does
Her boyfriend is white, that's enough for based status in Bidens America sadly
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What was this guys name again, I'm drawing a blank? I believe he was a freeloader on season 1
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ella better be joining letty, taylor and bex
Peter W
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>uh oh kentucky boy tweeted
it's real, kek
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Yeah but she could open her eyes again pic rel
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how come abigods and lettychuds are so chill and unproblematic
that's fair
when was this?
Q... it's fucking over?

How did he do it? He got the girl... online?

lmao taytriots, you can't deny it now

kek, Tay fuckin boobuigi
I mean yeah but still idk it just feels right to have your eyes closed
haha so random this pic. and cute. cute lil baggy in a bag coming out to play. wait a minute...
And I thought I was awkward. Zoomers can't even look eachother in the eye when they're kissing. Amazing
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>5 minutes later
holy shit... donatorbros...
Taytriots I've given the narrative killshot: Tay isn't a nigger lover: Use it or continue to fail
lololol! but rlly tho what did he mean by it?
>tay literally just gave her pussy to the first nigga that bought the chicken
the intro to Team Skeet....
Dallas Won
The Tayjeet Riots
cats outta the bag
Jesus what a whore... gave her pussy to the first nigga she clicked with....
>tayleigh tanks whatever little popularity she had left less than 24 hours before 2.5 starts
actually incredible timing
It's one of those things that doesn't make sense on paper until you kiss someone and then you'll see why you do it
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meant kitty* not baggy wtf
reminder taytriots, she is NOT a slut, she's not that kind of a girl, she's actually a femcel like she said she was.
>fucks the guy who bought her plushie chicken 30 days later.
That’s ideal world situation you’re talking about. I guess all women of old are whores.
woah :O thats rlly smart
is there a pornstar that somewhat resemblances to tay?
taytriots are beginning their raid on the bloodgames compound
टायली द विश्वासघात, आप केंटुकी गुफा वाले लड़के के साथ मेरे साथ ऐसा कैसे कर सकते हैं !!!!! :(
pajeet death squads en route to rhode island
tayleigh's streaming career is definitely over now, making 5k a month wasn't good enough I guess kek
>hey guys... I love you guys so much... please donate
>*takes headset off*
>*ends stream*
>haha fucking idiots..
>fuck you're so big
lmaoooo just like what she did before the swamp olympics

such a dumb ungrateful slut
Quirky white boy dick is priceless I guess
Tayfags really should have cashed out with the whole Frank debacle. We tried to warn you
the timing is impeccable lmao tomorrow is going to be hell for her
I will never find out. No one would kiss me except on the cheek by drunk 40 something year old women
>trish iirc
His sprint out of the gooncave after tts said Trish needed a hug was incredible.

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