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Safe filming practices edition.

Did not film safely: >>200436937
oh so she was never in any real danger
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>Sooo.... what are we listening for?
This meme alone has made wading through this diarrhea river of a season worthwhile.
And yet he made a camp baboon the latest doctor. Amazing.
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>alien has special pronouns
>have a really camp transexual on the show, also pronouns again
wtf RTD was on our side all along?
I think that's just a case of being tone deaf. This show is like a school play to everyone involved, they're just having fun wanking off to each other, no one really gives the roles a second thought.
I want to have sex with Rose Noble.
>I want to have sex
Looks like you badly misspelled Rose Tyler's last name.
Interstellar travel using baby farts as the fuel
actually it was only interplanetary, but yes.
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>oooh yeah I'm gonna shove the monster up my ass and it'll save the world
Whofags be clappin'
Our baby is going to be beautiful.
Anyone got the article where RTD was afraid of the screwdriver because it looked "like a gun"?
Someone said on the last thread something about gritty urban fantasy, and i think that fit quite well on the show, maybe because i like angry Doctors and when the budget was low and they were forced to do more indoors/city episodes with some tricks to make it look better
Is that why it's a fat remote control now?
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>next up...
do you think they would double up and make a nigress doctor?
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They already did that when they turned him into a woman the first time. They introduced a new 'hidden' Doctor who was an obese gorilla-looking creature, then said the Doctor's origin was that he was a niglette girl from another dimension and then evil white men stole her magic darkie powers.
Reminds me of that whitest kids u know sketch.
>It's okay. I was never in any real danger.
racism is bad
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What is this, some kinda bust?
Unless it's the time the woman Doctor told Nazis that the Master was a gross browno so that they shouldn't trust him.
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i didn't understand why he said cultural appropriation on this part
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best camerawork of the episode
We know, remember, they did a whole Rosa Parks episode where evil white male aliens want to stop the whole bus thing from happening, so all of the Doctor's companions gather around and complain about living in a white society (even though they already established that britain was always heckin' diverse) and then they all go watch Bill Clinton on the tv to make themselves feel better.
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>doctor who
Yeah they were describing series 1, I’m currently giving it a rewatch and it honestly holds up well nearly 20 years later. Characters like Cassandra are camp but we all come across these diva types once in our lives, the emotional beats hit in all the right moments. Chris already brings a standout scene in the second episode when he makes the speach about the earth one day being nothing , rose has equal characterisation and a good blank slate for audiences , music slaps . It’s honestly a neat perfect revival, there’s a reason it had been a success in an era where it was constantly critiqued as being cardboard sets and bubble wrap Aliens . And honestly it’s a jarring the same showrunner made both series 1 and season 1 . I think Russel’s strengths was his writing did play on writing realistic characters , you watch a show like queer as folk and it’s best bang into what gay culture is and then watch it’s a sin and it’s heavily skewed and sanitised with not an inch of realism but what could be. Rtd at some point got all his views and experiences through anything if but really life and it shows so badly. People call his character of the doctor too human but in the context of the show it makes perfect sense . I don’t even know if there’s an in universe reason behind nciti being flamboyant and calling people babes and honey
Poor bastard is going to be more autistic than the average /who/ poster
last year I went on a binge through pretty much all of classic and new who. one thing I was really surprised of was how smooth the transition felt between McCoy's last season in '89? and the first revival season with eccleston. I guess because towards the end of classic they started doing more shooting on location which gave it that urban london feel that RTD's first run has, and also was starting to use visual effects. anyway it really felt like a continuation of the same show as it was when it went off air, just modernized.
watching through RTD again for the first time in a decade, I will say it hasn't aged as well as I remember it. I can see a lot of his present flaws in it, like his contrived endings and his idea that emotion trumps logic. but he wrote characters was WAY better back then. and the whole gritty tone of the show and the kind of edgy 2000s soap opera thing it had made it charming and made you look past those flaws in the writing. on top of that, it was just edited and directed better. and the scripts had more room to breathe.
this return kind of feels like george lucas syndrome, it's like RTD hasn't been told no and to reign in his nonsensical stories anymore. and I don't know what happened but he can't write characters for shit anymore.
I will say I agree with the 'RTD's Doctor is too human' sentiment, on rewatch I vastly preferred Moffat's characterization of the Doctor as somebody who was strikingly alien but still had a human center. Tennant on rewatch kind of got on my nerves. He's charismatic for sure, but his kind of egoistic, self important Doctor wore thin on me. It works in the greater context of his character development across regenerations. but I just don't love it. it's the side characters that really excel in RTD's first run imo.
Ncuti is a bad Doctor for a different reason though. Tennant's ego-trip arc like I said works in the greater context. but Ncuti doesn't feel like the same character at all.
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As someone who has not watched in a while, why is Sutekh the Destroyer being added to random images?
She was hot in a chavvy way
After he was banished to the vortex at the end of Pyramids of Mars, he clung onto the outside of the TARDIS and has been there ever since.
It's very impressive but we need to ask you a few questions
Is that really Mel?
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I can't even tell if you're making a joke or not.
The Fugitive Doctor is actually kino. You would know that if you had actually watched the show.
>blame my mother
I kind of do, in a way. Your race is matrilineal, after all.
Isn't technology wonderful
>1970s Sutekh was defeated by being dropped in the time vortex
>supposedly escaped by holding on to the TARDIS when it flew by
>50 years later Rusell Theodore Davies brings back Sutekh only to defeat him in the exact same way
>but this time Sutekh is dead fr fr because we saw him get Thanos'd
>universally acclaimed as perfect for the role of the doctor
>didn't bother to check any of the source material
>doesn't even know what/who the character is/was
>unavailable for filming nearly half the time leading to being absent/diminished in half the episodes
>terrible on set, demanding his co-star be fired
>can't control himself in public, slags off fans
>tells them not to watch

Blunder of the century. Even Jodie was forgiven because she goes to cons and is nice to people. But this?
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And yet nobody seems to have made a Sutekh-shop of the big in Utopia where Jack grabs the TARDIS and gives through the time vortex.
So was Sutekh's belief in the invisible woman so strong he was making snow and carol of the bells? Was he just hiding up there with a snow machine and an MP3 player biding his time and waiting to add dramatic flair?
Was Sutekh the Hybrid because he merged with the Tardis?
Things Sutekh doesn't give a shit about:
>the time war
>bad wolf
>the cracks in time
>the death of the doctor
>the hybrid
>the flux

Things Sutekh does give a shit about:
>some woman leaving a baby at a church
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If Sutekh's gift of death turned everyone into dust and then they reconstituted at the end of the episode but were still dusty for some reason, where did the extra dust come from? More importantly, why won't someone think of the poor daleks being killed and then brought back but now their highly self contained vessels are full of dalek-dust. Are they self cleaning enough to deal with that? Do that have to open up each dalek chassis and some poor fucking dalek squid has to manually clean them out? If Sutekh killed everyone everywhere then how does everywhen figure in to it? The Doctor has been to a lot of times at different points, did the universe die out at different points based on when the Doctor arrived in that region of space the earliest? If that's the case, then was the Doctor just flying to the ass end of time in the episode when everything was dead? He wasn't using a Sutekh-infested tardis so he presumably could have gone places that hadn't died yet, and presumably things couldn't have died at the beginning of time because we saw fallen civilizations and ruins. Can Sutekh make a boulder so large that he himself cannot dust it?
I'm starting to think RTD might be a hack
>i didn't understand why he said cultural appropriation on this part

The ancient Egyptians got the ideas and concepts for their gods from the memory and artefacts of the Osirans. It's a similar set up to now the Isu in Assassin's Creed form the basis of most of the Gods found in pagan pantheons in those games.

Calling it cultural appropriation is a quick humorous way to explain it, turning it on its head as it's an ancient civilisation doing it to a civilisation that's even older.

Of course you can bet that mid-wits watching will get it the wrong way round and think it meant the older Osirans were somehow being accused of cultural appropriation of the Egyptions and start screaming "WOKE!!!!!" at the top of their voices, in scenes reminiscent of that but in the movie " Return to Oz" when Dorothy wakes up Mombi's heads.

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Completely and Utterly Redeemed
>Of course you can bet that mid-wits watching will get it the wrong way round
I think that's the fairly obvious assumption to make if you haven't seen the original serial. The whole van Daniken thing isn't really in the public consciousness these days like how it was 50 years ago
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>in scenes reminiscent of that but in the movie " Return to Oz" when Dorothy wakes up Mombi's heads.
Wouldn't have expected that in here but god bless you anon. Return to Oz is one of my absolute favorites
I mean, standing next to the most bland version of the character there's ever been, sure.
70s Sutekh wasn't even dropped into the time vortex - he was travelling through a wormhole and the Doctor moved its endpoint to the end of the universe.
>Google that line
>It's an actual excerpt from the novelisation of The Witchfinders
Terrance Dicks didn't die for this shit
13 was bland and written like dogshit and hired only because she was a female and acted badly and ruined the lore forever, but compared to the most faggoty faggot who's ever fagged, she wasn't so bad.
Fugitive is straight up DEI and I give zero shits about the show in general after more than one 'hidden doctor' gambit. Hurt was a legendary actor (in a shitty reveal for the Time War twist sure) but he earned it.
I've seen three, anon.

Obligatory LURK MOAR
>Dalekwolf mod
I didn't realise that patricians posted here.
The correct term is "Cargo Cult" - you know, when filthy Browns try to ape human civilisation?

It's always embarrassing. I mean, look at Ncuti.
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>Look Peri! I've changed the TARDIS into something other than a police box!
>*muffled screaming*
Hard disagree.
Can't be redeemed if you never did anything wrong
Season 2 mystery boxes:
>who is Mrs. Flood?
>what's up with the Pantheon?
>who picked up Toymaker's cockring at the end of The Giggle?
>who is Ruby's dad?
>will the Jamaican lady ever get her cup of tea?
>who will replace Gatwa when he quits at the end of the season?
What are you most looking forward to, /who/?
They already said 'antigrav' back in Dot & Bubble
Is Sutekh going to get horrible revenge on the Master for shrinking him in Logopolis?
>tfw you realise the CiN special only exists so the BBC honours its agreement with the nation estate
So does this mean that, in Who canon, Ruby Sunday has a nipple piercing as well?

Even without that, the Doctor being in the run from the Time Lord's is an exciting set up. Had Chibsmell only thought to use that as the main plotline for the 13th Doctor rather than Tim Shaw and the dead Nan and "let's kill Rassilon" it could have been a legendary run.
This is pretty neat
>who is Mrs flood
Just an ordinary next door neighbour.
You expected more? Haha! Pranked!
That's only because the space racists didn't want to use a word coined by the mixed-race scientician Isaq Newton
You think I'm here because I look forward to this show? I'm here because I can't quit, I hate this show, I haven't liked anything about it in just about a decade now but I feel like it's my duty to an old friend who has long since gone into a coma and won't stop shitting himself.
>you now realise that the TARDIS was groaning in pain after Tennant smashed Sutekh into a wall in Wild Blue Yonder
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The Abslom Daak game we deserved, but never got
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>Didn't replace Doomguy on the HUD with Colin Baker
>Doctor being in (on) the run from the Time Lord's (Lords without apostrophe) is an exciting set up.
It's also been done several times already in the classic series.
>Already been done to death in the Classic series and EU
Never stopped them before
>universally acclaimed as perfect for the role of the doctor
I don't recall a single person unironically excited for the AIDS man to take over except for basement dwellers who were happy that people were mad about it.
>After having his brain fucked with by Sil, the Doctor goes on a rampage throughout time and space
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How does Sutekh deal with this situation?
>Sutekh: What's that? Ewww, Barrowman, put your nob away.
Desperately trying not to cum
>The fucking YALEYARD thinks he's the dark version of me!
>The Valeyard!
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>HUD Games
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So I guess the Daleks came damn close to boiling him alive.
>>who is Mrs. Flood?
The God of Stories or something. Might be a secret returning character, but it ultimately won't matter
>>what's up with the Pantheon?
Just a group of bad guys that don't interact with each other. It's a way of adding fake relevance
>>who picked up Toymaker's cockring at the end of The Giggle?
Doesn't matter. It was just a call back to someone picking up The Masters ring in LOTTL. It's just a "The Master will Return" card
>>who is Ruby's dad?
A nonce kek
Seems like they've already forgotten about it
>>who will replace Gatwa when he quits at the end of the season?
Depends if Disney renews or not. But I think we would get another female Doctor Who

Not as a whole series of them sending assassins armies and all sorts of shit after him/her in sheet desperation, as the division would.
Same way as everyone else: by desperately hoping for a threesome with the two Amy Ponds.

Rory can watch.
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This is fine.
>reddit spacing
>bothering to write him/her
Remember to dial 8 several times a day for the rest of your life or the hole will seal itself.
Fucking christ it's so dumb I almost love it.
>Who will replace Gatwa?
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>Season 2 mystery boxes:
The biggest mystery of all: will ANYONE be watching?
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>Yo, my niggas!
Russell is obsessed with little wheelchair fellas now, so it's not impossible. Part of me wants it to happen to see the reaction (though judging by the ratings, most people are just apathetic now)
Woah! I'm seeing triple here! Nine Sutekhs!
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>you now realise that Sutekh got penetrated by the Space Titanic
we've had like 6 threads of photoshopping
dr poo lol
There's a Sutekh inside another Sutekh
he got smushed into a wall in the CiN special too
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So that's why the angels turned to stone as they shook the ship. He was watching, losing his balance now and then.
There were either nine or ten Sutekhs, spinning like crazy and trying to not throw up, while the Doctors were scanning Gallifrey in Day of the Doctor.
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It's probably being hard carried by Sutekh's gift of memes in /who/ but that stupid fucking finale was more fun than most. Rather than getting pissed off about a dumb retcon so the Doctor is some super space god and the time lords stole his power rather than just a disgruntled time lord himself that stole an old tardis and ran off with his granddaughter, I can instead imagine what Sutekh's up to in every story after Pyramids of Mars
S01: Daleks
S02: Daleks + Cybermen
S03: Master
S04: Daleks + Davros
S05: Daleks + Cybermen + every alien ever
S06: Silence
S07: Great Intelligence
S08: Master + Cybermen
S09: /
S10: Master + Cybermen
S11: Tim Shaw
S12: Master + Cybermen
S13: Davros + Cybermen + Sontarans
S14: Sutekh

When will NuWho stop wanking the past so much?
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You're right. We should try doing what Series 11 did again.
Now write up the classic series finales
>new attempt at villain was shit
>implying fanwank stuff is automatically great
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His contract runs for 3 seasons and he will be popular enough to be offered less actor roles in Hollywood and want to do more RSC stuff too, so he is going at the end of that even if RTD wants him to stay and he enjoys the role.

If Disney are still involved, and they will be as it's this show that attracted under 30s back to Disney + one Disney in general so they got exactly what they wanted (look at the box office for Inside Out 2 for an example of the Doctor Who effect), then it's most likely they will ask for an Asian female Doctor. Their go to Celestial is Awkwafina and she certainly has the comic timing and distinctive look that would make for a great Doctor in a Matt Smith way.
>as it's this show that attracted under 30s back to Disney + one Disney in general so they got exactly what they wanted (look at the box office for Inside Out 2 for an example of the Doctor Who effect),
What the fuck are you talking about?
Classic "finales" are a slightly different beast. "Seasons" as we view them were sort of retroactively created later, but as we see them now:

1. The French
2. The Meddling Monk
3. The War Machines / WOTAN
4. Daleks
5. Cybermen
6. War Lords
7. Doggies from Inferno?
8. Master / Azal
9. Master / Kronos
10. Giant Maggots
11. Metebelis Spiders
12. Cybermen (originally intended to end with Zygons)
13. Krynoids
14. Magnus Greel
15. Sontarans
16. Black Guardian
17. Nimon
18. Master
19. Master
20. Master
21. Sharaz Jek
22. Daleks / Davros
23. Valeyard
24. Kane
25. Gods of Ragnarök
26. Master
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>1. The French
More specifically, Robespierre
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>21. Sharaz Jek
Oh shit yeah, my bad.

How the mighty fell, from one of the best villains to one of the worst in the space of 1 episode.
>there's never been a season where the villain is the doctor
Season finale villains, in full:

1. Robespierre
2. The Meddling Monk
3. The War Machines / WOTAN
4. Daleks
5. Cybermen
6. War Lords
7. Doggies from Inferno?
8. Master / Azal
9. Master / Kronos
10. Giant Maggots
11. Metebelis Spiders
12. Cybermen (originally intended to end with Zygons)
13. Krynoids
14. Magnus Greel
15. Sontarans
16. Black Guardian
17. Nimon
18. Master
19. Master
20. Master
21. Mestor the Slug
22. Daleks / Davros
23. Valeyard
24. Kane
25. Gods of Ragnarök
26. Master
TVM: Master
27: Daleks
28: Daleks + Cybermen
29: Master
30: Daleks + Davros
31: Daleks + Cybermen + every alien ever
32: Silence
33: Great Intelligence
34: Master + Cybermen
35: Rassilon
36: Master + Cybermen
37: Tim Shaw
38: Master + Cybermen
39: Davros + Cybermen + Sontarans
40: Sutekh
If you want to count the 60th, you also get the Celestial Toymaker. And mid-series finales give you Silence/Kovarian and Weeping Angels too.
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Did they accidentally paint Sutekh pink too?
from every villain's POV, every season finale monster is the Doctor
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Is that Paul Magrs or Paul Magrs (in-universe)?
The show attracted under 30 year olds in late numbers. They were abandoning traditional tv shows and films because they are "too long" for tiktok and Facebook reels, but they came back for Doctor Who, which helped them find other things they liked on D+ and got them excited about and confident enough to watch films again. That's why Disney bought it and judging from the record breaking opening Inside Out 2 had it worked. Nobody was watching Pixar films (see Turning Red getting the same treatment as Haunted Mansion at the cinemas) and now everyone under 30 is. That's what Disney wanted, something that would play well with young people, anything else was a bonus.
That's Trial of a Time Lord.
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Imagine being a Who fan in 1984:
>the past four weeks have been one of the greatest stories the show has ever seen
>easily the greatest send-off for any of the Doctors
>tfw the next story is The Twin Dilemma
>tfw you have to go through four weeks of utter dreck
>tfw it's finally over and it's going to be 10 months before any more Doctor Who
congratulations on your retardation
Fuck off, honestly
This dumb trolling is barely a step above spamming "greenis" in every single thread
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completely agree, it's awful.

and yet somehow, the ratings stayed pretty stable for Season 22 despite that
>, but they came back for Doctor Who
That's an odd assumption to make when the series has consistently failed to yield enough viewers to make it into the published Nielsen charts
>That's why Disney bought it and judging from the record breaking opening Inside Out 2 had it worked.
Inside Out 2's success has nothing to do with Disney+. It's the exact opposite; it's a significant box office success after a string of failed attempts at releasing content direct-to-Disney+ (such as Turning Red)
And to make it worse, the final line of the season is: "I am the Doctor. Whether you like it or not"
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Honestly, what the fuck were they thinking?
> https://www.dexerto.com/tv-movies/doctor-who-showrunner-doesnt-care-season-14-ratings-low-2773628/
>Davies is quite happy with the numbers they’ve managed to pull in.
>“I was brought back in to bring in a youthful audience,” he explained. “That’s been massively successful. The audience no one ever gets is the under-30s. They just don’t watch television anymore. But those figures are astronomic for Doctor Who, it’s their top program in that bracket.
>“I never thought it was possible, to be honest. But according to the people who juggle the numbers, all targets have been reached and exceeded. The BBC are running around like mad things.”
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Stop hatewatching these garbage programmes and let it die.
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Oooh, he's coping
>Davies is quite happy with the numbers they’ve managed to pull in.
>>You know, they might not be the ratings we’d love. We always want higher.
How the fuck would he know how old are the people watching the show on TV?
Are you a retard?
the same way broadcasters have known for fucking years who their audience demographics are, down to sex, age, etc
Are you?
>5 people on the house
>different ages
>one of them is watching NuNuWho
How do you know which one?
Go back to school and learn what averages are.
>anon doesn't know that broadcasters get statistics about their audiences
i know this general is full of retards, but damn
They don't check the ratings for every house in the country. It's a select sample of people representing multiple demographics to give an overall idea of the population.

Similar to election polls - you question a sample of people rather than the entire country. That sample should be representative of all walks of life.
Huh? So Mr BBC doesn't run around to every single person's house in the country every hour with a clipboard to check who's watching the telly? Strange.
We need to skip the Christmas special and season 2 to ensure another wilderness
Viewing figures aren't the real viewing figures. Barb have a selection of households based on the geography and demographics of the UK and what they watch is what they estimate the viewing figures as. One household watching something equals thousands watching something.
Why were these hacks obsessed with the Cybermen / Master combo so much?
This isn't even about Disney+ ratings ffs, the RT interview is just talking about domestic viewers
>The audience no one ever gets is the under-30s. They just don’t watch television anymore. But those figures are astronomic for Doctor Who, it’s their top program in that bracket.
lmao that is incredibly cheeky wording. "This audience is tiny, but that tiny audience are more likely to watch Doctor Who!" is trying to spin 'no one's watching' into a positive
>so many master finales
>never had his name in an episode title
feels bad bros
>>“I was brought back in to bring in a youthful audience,
Ah, that explains why we got farting space babies and snot monsters, and a finale featuring a villain from FORTY NINE YEARS AGO

what a genius this man is
into the dalek was shit
Moffat fudged his first finale with the combo, but the second go was kino

Chibnall's a lazy hack
>no episode called The Master's Dalek Plan
Remembah The Five Doctors? I remembah The Five Doctors.
>you now remember S9 was originally Moffat's last
>Husbands of River Song would've been his last episode as showrunner
>no Nardole continuation
>no World Enough and Time / The Doctor Falls
>no closure for Missy
>no Mondasian Cybermen
Big Finish did it
That would have been better. We wouldn't have gotten retards obsessed with the Master being redeemed, nor would there be people insisting the Doctor died on the ship.
Just realised all of Chibnall's tentpole episodes that brought old monsters back use the same X of the Y format, except Resolution

>Revolution of the Daleks
>Village of the Angels
>War of the Sontarans
>Fugitive of the Judoon
>Ascension of the Cybermen
>Eve of the Daleks
>Legend of the Sea Devils
The Mondasian two parter was dog shit. The set up and premise was solid (although part one's ending was ruined by atrocious cringe directing by showing Bill's tear beneath the Cybersuit, fucking stupid). Part two was full on trash. Went from a nicely paced actual story of humans resorting to Frankensteining their own bodies into machines to survive because they've been stranded in one place for so long, then it becomes LE CYBERMEN WITH LE ROCKET SHOES LE FLYING AROUND AND LE EXPLOSIONS AND LE SHOOTING LASERS. Moffat is a hack.
>>War of the Sontarans
Yes, Chris, that's their thing. What an uninspired title.

>>Ascension of the Cybermen
Bro just typed "Rise of" into a thesaurus
You're not wrong, but The Doctor Falls still has kino with the 2 Masters stabbing each other in the back, Nardy's emotional farewell, and one of Capaldi's best performances
>"The Pandorica Opens"
>"Closing Time"
>"Nightmare in Silver"
>"Dark Water"
>"World Enough and Time"

5 out of 6 Moffat series have Cybermen in their penultimate episode
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> some of the ideas they had for World Enough and Time
never forget what they stole from us
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>Eccleston: 13 episodes
>Tennant: 47 episodes
>Smith: 44 episodes
>Capaldi: 40 episodes
>Whittaker: 31 episodes
>Tennant: 3 episodes
>Gatwa: 9/10 episodes
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>Face the Raven
>Heaven Sent
>Hell Bent
>The Husbands of River Song
Is this the best 4 episode run in the whole of Nu Who?
>The Timeless Children
>Revolution of the Daleks
>The Halloween Apocalypse
>War of the Sontarans
beats it

1st place:
Human Nature
The Family of Blood

2nd place:
Father's Day
The Empty Child
The Doctor Dances
Boom Town
Only Heaven Sent is good.

Better 4:
The Pandorica Opens
The Big Bang
A Christmas Carol
The Impossible Astronaut
>1st place:
>Human Nature
>The Family of Blood
Oh that's pretty good to be fair
Weird lie to attempt, mate. Considering every single review, every single interview, every single media mention has bigged him up as being the best portrayal of the doctor ever.

I can think of multiple better four episode chunks.
Father's Day-Empty Child-The Doctor Dances-Boom Town
Human Nature-Family of Blood-Blink-Utopia
Silence in the Library-Forest of the Dead-Midnight-Turn Left
Wow, look at the size of that blueis, so. big it completely obscures the background. No wonder she's taking a selfie with it.
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The quality of the edits have quickly improved too, giving the collection a healthy dose of diversity.
I still don't understand that episode, thematically what it was trying to do, or how it ties into the season's arc.
>It's so fine that he called a press conference to announce without prompting that it was fine
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>red dwarf tier comedy
He still watches Doctor Who
I remember it being shit.
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That's a bit routine
I'm not even a fan of Red Dwarf but, that's an insult to Red Dwarf.
Of the viewing figures what percentage do you think is hate-watchers?
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Doesn't hold a candle to the GOAT run of Classic Who
>Spearhead from Space
>Doctor Who and the Silurians
>The Ambassadors of Death
To this day nobody can explain why the BBC/doctor who productions did this.
>3 seasons + 3 specials motivated by Chibnall's sheer pathological embarrassment at this clip
It was just to shake down the EUfags.
Honestly, probably not that many anymore. They've shed so many millions, we're probably just down to the last dregs now - those who'll remain loyal no matter what slop they're served, and a tiny handful of hate watchers
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All that, and he never even brought back the Vervoids
Ambassadors of Death is a bit shit to be entirely honest.
would you believe that they honestly thought it was good enough? Same with all BBC doctor who audio stuff. They want to take the Big Finish audience, but they don't want to spend any money. It's why we end up with shit like those three lesbians on a fake podcast talking about how they want to meet the doctor.
Ambassadors of Death > The Silurians.
The Face of Evil
The Robots of Death
The Talons of Weng-Chiang
Horror of Fang Rock
Doctor Who and the Silurians is great
What about The Green Death?
That's absolutely fucking terrifying.

I mean, they're so advance they can make human bodies into cybermen and they still have to deal with philips screws.
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>he's here
Doesn't really fit into a solid 4 story run
>Planet of the Daleks is immediately before it
>Death to the Daleks is the 4th serial after it
amabassadors is an interesting concept padded out with poorly performed stunts and capture-escape-capture-escape cycles like most pertwee stories
It's pretty boring. Doctor Who should have never had seven part serials.
>Robots of Death
>Talons of Weng-Chiang
>Horror of Fang Rock
One of the best three episode runs of anything ever.
But it's an amazing story.
I can get behind this. The only 7 part serial that justifies its length for me is Inferno, although desu you could hack it down to a pacier 6.

6-part serials are generally the worst, I'd say.
I like the green goop from Inferno. What do you think would happen if you smeared it on your dick?
This looks great, but I am glad they went with the cloth faces. These designs would legitimately terrify children, but the cloth masks wouldn't. Yet it leaves most of the horror up to the imagination, so when you think about it, then cloth masks are even worse than these designs.
What's the strongest run of serials from the 1980s?
I am..... HORNY
Why would someone do that? Go on the internet and just lie?
Inferno > The Green Death > Creature from the Pit > The Caves of Androzani
Fair point. Maybe they could've gone with one of these briefly, as we see the creepy surgeon guy stretch a cloth over its face, so this concept becomes an mid-point between human head and finished cloth face.
I don't think they ever managed more than 2 consecutive bangers in the '80s
Only in the 73 yards future working Ruby.
it would turn you into a werewolf, just like if it touched any other part of your body
You don't suppose it could turn your dick green? That would be pretty gnarly.
More like Vulvoids.
I think the strongest runs of 3 are

>Full Circle, State of Decay, Warriors' Gate
>Ghost Light, The Curse of Fenric, Survival
The Visitation
Black Orchid
I think you may misunderstand the concept
fairly sure they never brought anything back from the Pie era, except the companions.
please don't talk about that stuff here. we have a resident nutcase who will go insane at the mention of green penises
Wow! I love all of these stories so much.
>The Long Game
>Father's Day
>The Empty Child / The Doctor Dances
>The Deadly Assassin
>The Face of Evil
>The Robots of Death
>The Talon of Weng-Chiang
You forgot The Green Death.
the funny thing is that caves is the second worst story here
>>The Face of Evil
2nd half is dull as fuck
In retrospect, The Face of Evil ruined what would have been an all-time run.
I think fans have mostly finally admitted to themselves that Caves of Androzani's reputation rests in large part on the years of industrial-strength diarrhoea that preceded and followed it.

It's... Fine. With one really cool speech and cliffhanger.
most colin baker stories are better
It's also because 5's era, on the whole, is pretty average (and when it's bad, it's awful) so Caves came along, he was finally free from Adric/Turlough/Nyssa/Tegan/children and actually felt more of a hero than a passive dad trying to keep his kids in check
>The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
>Ghost Light
>The Curse of Fenric
>rests in large part on the years of industrial-strength diarrhoea that preceded and followed it.
Not really, it rests on being a phenomenally well directed serial. There's a good reason why Graeme Harper was the only classic director tapped for the new, modern Doctor Who. His approach was genuinely cinematic, at a time when Doctor Who was still thoroughly rooted in the theatrical
Let's not go crazy.
That would have been decent, yeah. Or seeing a few of them on gurneys, so that it's presented as a sort of unfinished half-way point or another way of cobbling together these cybermen. Actually, it would have been good to have a load of mismatched designs and features, so they look like they were made in desperation, but maybe it would have cost too much, or something.
so close
Peter Davison's era had some genuinely well-directed (if not written) episodes.

Earthshock is genuinely cinematic, and Kinda is borderline experimental.
I'm still mad they showed us the 'evolution' from Mondasian design to RTD design to Moffat design, and skipped showing us the 80s design. The 1980s Cyberman design is the only one NuWho has never given us :(
And then he gave a kid actual guns
The decision to make him so utterly passive (I'd say "useless") is perhaps the single most inexplicable of JNT's endless series of inexplicable decisions.
Kinda's kind of the opposite, where instead of aiming for cinema it digs down into being more avant-garde theatre
>universally acclaimed as perfect for the role of the doctor
About 50% of this was just because he's gay and black.
To be fair, most of the major ones - Douglas Camfield, Peter Grimwade, David Maloney - were dead
It's fairly easily explicable; Tom Baker had dominated the series for 7 years. He'd managed to assert himself as *the* Doctor, both by the length of his tenure and the force of his performance (especially during the Williams years, where it all just devolved into 'The Tom Baker Show'). Getting the public to accept a replacement was a tall order, and trying to out-presence the man was an obvious dead end, so they tried to make the Fifth stand out by going in completely the opposite direction. Make him quiet instead of loud, agreeable instead of domineering, friendly instead of snappy, just make him the anti-Tom Baker
Yeah, exactly - you can tell they're going for a Black Box Theatre vibe.
And in fairness, it worked. Davison worked and the era performed well.

It's just a shame he was often lumbered with too many people in the TARDIS.
Remember how JNT fobbed Grimwade off because he was angry that Grimwade took out the cast and crew for dinner without him, unaware that Grimwade was planning to take him out for a dinner separately?
>>didn't bother to check any of the source material
>>doesn't even know what/who the character is/was
this is based and how it should be. Jodie actually seemed similar.

Tennant and Capaldi's "i was a fan since i was little!!! it's a dream come true!!!" shite is annoying. not as bad as when people fake it for Marvel interviews or whatever, but i'd rather they just hire a decent actor instead of a "lifelong fan".
>>Peter Grimwade
>kino director
>shit writer
kek the catty old poofter
anyone read that book on how JNT was a wrong'un? was he?
Remember how he spat in Nicola Bryant's face at a convention and they never spoke again before he died?
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>decent actor
they're both excellent actors, though..
>About 50%
You're about halfway there
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>While filming the scene where Ace attacks the Dalek, Sophie Aldred, sensitive to cigarette smoke, asked John Nathan-Turner if he would stop smoking for the next take. He obliviously lit up another one and blanked her. While looking at her on the monitor, he said, "Find the camera, you dizzy cow"
>It worked
>Davison worked
anon, some of his ratings were better than some in Tom Baker's own era
>Doctor, who was that dog fellow?
>Ruby, babes, here's Doctor Who: Season 13, Episode 12: "Pyramids of Mars" - Part 4 (1975) to explain
why do all these big wikis include real-life stuff? 'a character used a toothbrush once (Novel: The Dentist of Death)'

i know what nutmeg is. stop it.
Where was Sutekh when the TARDIS became a woman?
>Quiet, agreeable, friendly
I mean, these mostly describe Troughton too, but Troughton wasn't a wishy-washy nonentity like Davison tends to end up being
>I wanted him to fuck off and solve it - or die, really
Could've come from the mouth of your average DWAS member tbf
shhh RTD doesn't care it's gonna be great it's gonna be the best finale you've ever seen
The show would still be dead if it wasn't for the lifelong fans. Or worse, the BBC would have finally accepted one of the shit reboot ideas they were given, like the one where the Doctor isn't even in the show because he's dead.
>the TARDIS is infested by a big old dog
>the TARDIS eventually turns into a white woman
Makes you think
Davison > Ncuti
the Tales of the TARDIS retelling is canon, they altered the special effect of the vortex. it's like Jabba on Tatooine.
Remember how "The Uncanny Valley" in Robots of Death is called "Grimwade's Syndrome" because Tom Baker ad-libed the name after hearing Grimwade complain about having to constantly work on shows with robots.

Then they hired him to direct Earthshock.
I like how Jodie was racist to that tooth guy and kept calling him Tim Shaw, it's like calling a Chinaman chingchong or something
>caring about canon
>in doctor who
kekkity kek kek
>tales of the tardis
>watched by a hundred thousand people at best
>now canon
Someone needs to update this page with every other episode ever made: https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Sutekh/Appearances
His partner was a nonce, officially it's unclear if he knew. And approved. And helped. And joined in.

do you think Sutekh was happy about the jukebox? gay men have banging taste in choonz.
how the sublety of this would be translated by the tardis
How will the Sutekh memes affect Russel's writing for season 3?
You know full well he's seeing the memes making fun of his choice right now, as he writes season 3.
He won't give a fuck, honestly
it's nice when they admit to this. remember that time Angus Deayton had sex with a prostitute AND did some cocaine? cancel yourself, don't let the tabloids/Twitter get to you first.
>season 3
there is no such thing
I worked with a guy called Tim Shaw when this episode aired, it was mildly humorous.
I'd say that more comes down to the difference in focus, where JNT actively wanted to push the series into being more of a human drama because he was a poof and thought soap operas were the height of storytelling, but none of the writers were interested in (or particularly good at) that kind of thing so it just results in long stretches of what's meant to be interpersonal drama, except no one has any decent material to work with. Meanwhile with Troughton, you're going into the Innes Lloyd period where the focus is just on introducing monsters and chasing them down corridors, so Troughton's constantly being given something to do and that gives him a lot more scope to really create a character through his performance
by all means insult the Sontarans for their beliefs and warmongering, but all the height/potato/'leave the helmet on' is going too far.
There won't BE a season 3. Labour government at the point though, so the writing will shift from internal struggles to external ones, and tribalism will be a good thing. Expect cybermen. The license for daleks is gone, but they'll want to bring people back somehow.
Season 3 aired in 1965.
he's already writing it
bbc will make it even if disney drop out
it'll just be cheap as fuck
He's just happy for the engagement and it will just reinforce his terrible views that payoffs don't matter as long as people talk about it
>There won't BE a season 3.
Season 3 aired in 1965, it already happened and can't be undone.
Matt Smith watched Tomb of the Cybermen and that was enough. if he'd watched every episode ever before then, he'd be like RTD, Chibnall, etc. where he has some very specific fanboy idea of what the character/series should be like. that's bad.
>Season 3 aired in 1965, it already happened and can't be undone.
You say that, but half of it is missing. RTD's master plan.
Time can be rewritten.
we need a name for the 3rd series
season / series / sasonale
>implying we're not on season 2B-Zeta/7
...How long until a leak of a BBC higher-up talking the same way about RTD?
true. It's a shame so much of it is missing.
>license for daleks is gone
Source: your own rectum
Series 16
where is series 14?
They appeared briefly in one of the last two Doctor Who: Unleasheds. Part of the Whoniverse brand, they're safe for another year.
>Nation estate almost drops the agreement completely over twitch streams and needed to be placated heavily over it
>They're somehow completely fine with the Disney Corporation

yeah alright
The last Doctor Who episode to not feature a returning villain was The Woman Who Fell to Earth because Sutekh was there all along lmao
What was the first nail in the coffin for Doctor Who?
>he's already writing it
uncalled for
>Davison's highest rated episode is higher than Baker's lowest rated episode!
What an odd statement.
Why didn't Sutekh use the Great Intelligences plan and jumped throughout the Doctor's Timeline, instead of waiting for the Doctor to go everywhere in the Tardis?
They appeared in the comic relief episode too
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Weird how a production designer in DWM said he was already working on a Dalek redesign then, but sure thing anon. Oh, and one appeared in the Children in Need skit under RTD's watch.
interracial gay kiss
Why? Is it because it gave everyone carte blanche to ignore the incarnation list as it exists?
they had to remove Susan because Stef Coburn was having a mad one on Twitter.
Unironically MIDnight.
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>He thinks Doctor Who won't sink lower in the next season
Probably not, he's got mates in high places. He's been working on-and-off for the corporation since the 1980s, and has just recently been commissioned to write yet another new BBC drama about faggotry. That's the key difference between RTD and JNT, JNT spent all his time courting fanboys while RTD spends all his time courting other people from the TV industry
And they were deliberately featured in DWM's comic strip (after being absent for literally years) as a way to feature them with the 14th Doctor, in RTD2's era.
How long ago was that, though? If it's every year as the rumours say, they needed a quick refresher.
Shot > Stabbed

Sweaty, none of this is canon.
I'm sure people will make arguments that it could have been done good and/or saved afterwards but, frankly making the Doctor a woman was the beginning of the end and would have been so even if better handled.
>man lies in magazine
Also, yes. They could be used in BBC charity media. I think that CiN was probably a clause on the agreement since forever.

Seriously, look up info on it sometime. The BBC have (had lol) a less than tenuous hold on the dalek property.
It just finished last week.
aired on channel 1 = canon
No I don't? I have no confidence in RTD, in fact I'm convinced he will only ruin it further
keep reaching anon, i'm sure you'll find more shit up your ass too
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lil segue lad becomes a companion. whizzing around all those ramps, correcting Dr Who on his mistakes.
It was last year. We're still due a Dalek appearance if the myth is true. But they can easily be the big tease in the Season 2 trailer around Christmas, or be in another Children in Need special. Using archive footage as appearances is cope.
Apologise? What for? I never doubted you ever Colin. What the BBC did was uncalled for.
I think establishing the canon that time lords can regenerate into different genders as far back as the Corsair was the actual beginning of the end because that allowed Missy to happen which in turn allowed Jodie to happen, as much as I have a crush on Jodie
He makes a very good Doctor in the Big Finish audios.
>If it's every year as the rumours say, they needed a quick refresher.
If it is true (and that's still *if*), it can't be based on calendar years just by virtue of the Daleks not appearing at all in 2018 (between Twice Upon a Time in Dec 2017 and Resolution in Jan 2019)
i'm sorry i called your episodes RUBBISH and SHITE.

they are but i should have kept that to myself.
Yes, a man working on the current TV series would outright lie about working on a new Dalek design because... uhhh

Yes, they lied in CiN Unleashed when they said Daleks would be back

Yes, all sounds like perfect sense to me. The Nation Estate having a problem with Twitch streams in 2017 sure would be relevant to a show airing in 2023 and beyond with new people in charge.
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>Oh don't worry, I've got a few ideas that /who/ is gonna love talking about (which is the same as loving)
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He'll save Doccy Who in 183 days
The once a year/series thing is a myth. BUT the Nation Estate does not like the involvement of third parties and threatens to cut all ties over it. They came perilously close over twitch streams, so I can't see them being any more lenient with Disney, unless the were paid a LOT of money up front.
There's the cope that we *heard* a line of Dalek dialogue in a trailer for Resolution, but who knows.

Just gunna leave this here too.

>Steven Moffat has denied that the Daleks appear so frequently because of a contractual obligation.

>Speaking at the recent Royal Television Society panel: “You certainly don’t wheel the Daleks out because you’ve got a contractual obligation to provide Daleks.”

>He adds: “I think Doctor Who is great when there are Daleks in it [and] I don’t think you should go too long without Daleks.

>“For a child, a year between Dalek stories is an eternity – I remember as a kid saying ‘Why haven’t they done the Daleks for ages? It’s been four or five weeks!'”
Gender swap. Not something either the core fanbase or really even casual audiences were clamouring for. Caught up in the cultural war aspect, which was the only reason why it even happened as opposed to any actual creative reason. Did nothing with the premise. Even with a better showrunner/writer you run the risk by writing a female Doctor that does something with the gender change as either being patronising to women and/or insulting the audience broadly. The gender changed opened the floodgates to how the next Doctor had to be non-white, which, like it being a woman, is something that could have been done in a different era and worked but stood no chance in the current climate.
>Yes, a man working on the current TV series would outright lie
The writer and showrunner did, so why can't everyone else?
>Daleks would be back
media spin. means literally nothing.
>The Nation Estate having a problem with Twitch streams in 2017 sure would be relevant to a show airing in 2023 and beyond with new people in charge.
Yes? because the terms of the agreement are the same? Are you stupid?
>Are you stupid?
No, you clearly are though. Here's your last (you) from me unless you can provide a source for them not having a license they've otherwise negotiated/had for 61 years.
>muh gender
>muh colour
seethe cletus
Matt Smith watched multiple episodes with different Doctors, but ended up liking the Second Doctor's silly-but-secretly-grim portrayal and took elements of it.

You know: research.
I get the impression that Missy was some misguided attempt by Moffat to try and silence people that were demanding the Doctor becomes a woman. The thing is it is just one of those things where it just encourages them.
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Honestly? Purely talking Nu-Who? I wanna say the 2008–2010 specials. There's only one "good" episode to come out of that era and it'd be alright at best if it wasn't for the ending which just feels more stupid as time goes on.
It was the first time when the nu-series very much felt like it was struggling to think of ideas.
>because the terms of the agreement are the same
>>they had to re-negotiate rights and terms for twitch, which they did successfully
>>the rights and terms are exactly the same as they always were
pick a side anon
stop talking bullshit
By that logic, the Doctor would also have to be removed.
the director should be able to fix her, but they had nothing to work on
chib era is just an sketch
>I only believe people with a vested interest in deceiving me
cool. I already told you that you can look all this stuff up online, and make your own conclusions, but you want to believe the DWM who says "yeah, they're coming, it's gonna be AMAZING!"

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Lucky trips confirm
>Caught up in the cultural war aspect, which was the only reason why it even happened as opposed to any actual creative reason.
Reminder that Chibnall only accepted the job if they agreed to let him cast a woman. Chibnall just wanted to be seen as a progressive. I'm glad it backfired.
When Tennant removed the dick of his family member
remember when Moffat also said he was going to give the Daleks a rest?

and how yeah, 'Resolution' popped up at the perfect time. i don't believe they COULDN'T do a Dalek episode tbqh.
Moffat I kneel.
>>they had to re-negotiate rights and terms for twitch, which they did successfully

No, the BBC had to do a shuck and jive, remove all the episodes and make separate streams for them, likely with all the monetisation carefully examined by the estate to make sure they got their cut, as per the agreement already in place.
says the anon believing bullshit he read online
somewhere but wont say where
or who
yet official magazines and actual person on the show said he's working on a design
to a prop they supposedly dont have rights to no more
the fuck anon
you are the retard here
The argument being made is they did nothing with the gender change. A female Doctor could have worked but they utterly botched it. I also can't imagine many black fans are impressed with the 15th Doctor being an emasculated cry baby.
that's why they wrote him out of the show. that character is now having picnics with the Nobles. they can reference him but we'll never see him again.
Susan wasn't created by Anthony Coburn, she originated in the back-and-forth memos between Sydney Newman, CE Webber, and Donald Wilson
ad hominem
>>no they had to not use episodes
>>they had to re-negotiate the terms
yes, we are saying the same thing lmao
In the past their charity appearances have been counted separately from their main series appearance.
>officials told me so
And RTD said this season was the biggest, best thing ever. You believed his lies, and you're a gullible moron. Cope, I guess.

Anyway, you can look this stuff up online, but you'd prefer to have an "official magazine" blow smoke up your arse. That's funny, and it will never not be funny.
Moffat has written two stories about landmines and two monsters you need to keep looking at.

What will his next episode be about?
The thing is that The Master could get away with becoming a woman for a bit, because it's an unatural act. But, having The Doctor become female goes completely against the type of male archetype that he is
seethe louder
Monsters you forget about when you look away.
Santa's Elves.
>And RTD said this season was the biggest, best thing ever.
>>man states opinion ("gunna be the best ever")
>>man states a fact ("in my job i am working on X and i have no reason to lie, if i wasn't why the fuck would i even mention it")
these are two different things, retard
No, they used the episodes, but they had to make a separate stream to do it. So they didn't re-negotiate the terms, the BBC obeyed them.
I'm marathoning nuwho again.
They should have played into the fact that the Doctor was a woman for the first time in however many thousands of years, instead of making her devoid of just about every piece of femininity which makes it clearly a sociopolitical decision, hiring her for the sole reason that she's a woman
the BBC had to pay KitKat millions of pounds to wrangle them back.
I imagine it'll include a quippy, sexually aggressive woman who flirts with the Doctor.
the Nation Estate pulled out of the twitch stream because they wanted more money or whatever their demand was

so the bbc negotiated with them to allow Dalek episodes to be shown

how full blown retard have people in this general gone?
>landmine that explodes if you stop looking at it
bonus: if anyone else looks at it, they be come part of the trigger
Remind me: What was the Doctor's human mother's name?
>"in my job i am working on X and i have no reason to lie, if i wasn't why the fuck would i even mention it"
can you show me this quote then? or did you make this one up? lmao
I feel like having that blue shit in his veins while he was standing on that mine should have had lasting effects
i'm glad there weren't really any "but you're a WOMAN!" scenes like the Big Racism Scene this series.

you can argue she was more nurturing because she had a 'senpai' rather than companions.
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Oh, sorry, I was wrong, it was TWO people on production. Here you go.
>or whatever their demand was
The agreement isn't set up for third parties. Which is why they had to obey the terms, not re-negotiate them.
I thought it was dumb, but it was just because Ecclestone wouldn't come back and they needed someone to play that role
Half Human > Timeless Child
i'd throw the landmine like a frisbee then blink

take that fuckers
You think either of those statements are true? Oh my god, what a retard.
They're both so easily weaseled out of, it's unreal.
The Woman, says so right in the credits.

Sure thing anon. I'll look forward to your cope when they appear next year.
she got accused of being a HWITCH in the episode where gay faggot King James showed up. remember that? I remember.
ha! You can "look foward" to whatever you want.
Ain't gonna happen.
Like Daleks.
>I'll look forward to your cope when they appear next year.
>He'll be watching next year
You're the real loser here, anon
culled geezer
Hartnell regenerating
why have you turned Quark greyscale

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