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Absolute Pino (Peter + Kino)! Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.



>Important links

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200466512
Letty thread
Peter thread
Peter board
That's fair
>>What do I do with item drops?
>Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP
let's just get rid of this shit already
Pino IS Back on the menu
Why isn’t Ella there?
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baesie mogs
Richard niggas rise up
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God I want to flay this cunt alive
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get yo black ass outta here with that shit nigga
we be wachin Sheep_Xing here nigguh
real G shit u kno im 'sayin
When I think about it Brian crushing Summer, Trish, JC and Tay just by existing was amazing.

Even TJ and Jimbo loved him, thats embarrasing.
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I love her
Allow me to be real: I was Don Jolly'd
Her contact lenses freak me out
she set up Jimmy
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Look at this. Am I meant to be jealous of fishtank viewers and their content? Because I am not. KEEP your reality show!
boo hoo faggot
>for the record, that was All Ster by Smishmouth
how come the bummy buster was never invited back?
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I had an insane interaction ratio in the Tay streams, about 80% of my chat comments were read out loud

shit was so cash
we don't sign our posts here
He was the most normie of them all. Also helped he was tall and dominated every physical challenge there was. Every loser wishes they had a jock friend
Betty Betty Betty Betty Betty
Always on my miiind
Hey, so I've never posted here, but you guys know Tayleigh is ugly, right? I went to high school with "her" and I knew a couple guys who were weird enough to perceive her visage and they said she has like, a hideous busted face. I saw someone call her Gayleigh and that's funny because that's the name she was born with lol. Don't get me wrong, I like Tayleigh although she's a lot more mean/antisocial than I think you guys understand, but it seems like some of you are interested in her sexually? Lol. Nigga you gay
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she's really something else
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Wish Goran a successful contentslop so he doesn't get fired and have to move back to Macon, Georgia.
for $5 worth of crack cocaine she can be on your dick
she's a fucking whore, ignore her
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my nigga, you got bad taste, shes clearly a woman
We're making Jon and Jimmy share a tent hahahahaha

Too unprofessional, even for Jet and pals, apparently they paid for a flight for him to come down in S2 but he did a bunch of xannies instead and missed the flight

It's also likely he's sold his body for drugs in the past
The song she played at the beginning of that stream was fire
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>Tay dating one of her online simps
>Summer dating one of her online simps
>Sylvia knocked up by her online simps who got her attention by talking about how he wants to fuck her on 4chan
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you like Goranslop, yes? he make it just for you
Now have the roof of your mouth and the barrel of a shotgun share space too :)

>T A N K S K A N K S
>P A Y P I G S I M P S


>T A N K S K A N K S
>P A Y P I G S I M P S


>T A N K S K A N K S
>P A Y P I G S I M P S
sounds based, good work as always Jet
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God I love her

The lowest point for sure was when Brians Harem as we called it ganged up on Cole. It was like they were ganging up on the viewers themselves lmao

No but yeah dude I can definately look back fondly it was so fucking funny

*does Cumtown bits with Red Scare vocal fry *
Was fun makin her laugh. Her streams was kino. Feels sorta shitty knowing i wont be the one giving her love but im glad that she found it regardless.
>It's also likely he's sold his body for drugs in the past
that's not disqualifying for fish tank, if anything it's a prerequisite
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Has Betty killed herself yet?
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Jet is a moron if he doesn't bring Betty back for bloodgames especially if they're doing a full reset for s3. He knows that's what everyone wants. And Betty would be stupid not to go because it's her only chance to get closure for all the oppressive fishtank memories that weigh on her and she doesn't have much else going on besides masturbating in her car at 6 am.
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can't wait for brand new goranslop with 50x more technical difficulties
no but she did OD on African cum a few times
>doesn't have much else going on besides masturbating in her car at 6 am.
How could anyone possibly know this
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yeah bro it was dope but she just doesnt seem like a showman at all low self esteem and whatnot

this the path of the warrior bro loneliness
No, just let her die in obscurity like she deserves
How many fishtokens do I need to buy you a personality?
Wait you faggots are actually going to watch this shit? I thought we were here just to shitpost?
>Has everyone sit around him to do nothing
I vividly remember yelling at the monitor to get this guy off the show. We need retards, not failed normal faggots
>can I get paid now?
I'm so sorry, but that's never happening. Her pussy stinks like really, really bad and that's why she has no friends. Only cats can stand the odor.
I paid money for it I'm going to watch it
information for those who weren't on /bant/

betty has stated that she has a condition where she has to masturbate every single day or she will die of a seizure
No one cares about your weird black cock fetish oklahoma boy
of course I'm going to watch it, how else will I know who to send money to?
fuck off /bant/ faggot
For sure. She was gonna stop streaming eventually she just aint seem to have it in her. I guess people are pointing to her relationship as the reason for her stoppin but that was gonna happen anyway in my opinion. Hope she does one every now and then tho.
That's pretty normal isn't it?
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Yeah, early days of her streams were suck kino, to bad she doesn't like doing them anymore, will never regret watching her, nobody else provided peak content like her.
I know anon, we are probably going to watch it for the first three days and then talk shit about it.
over half the people here are bant faggots, including you
she doesn't do them anymore because she's a lazy druggie whore
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It's groomin' time!
lol what a faggot

everyone laugh at this pathetic loser
hahahahahaha !
Qsissy this is all your fault, you should have protected Q, mission failed
holy shit are all tayleigh simps such huge cucks

she is getting her back blown out and youd gladly slurp up the cum out her snatch
But you will still keep talking about her obsessed troon.
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>"would you suck their dick if their name was edie"
Based Chan-chan
fuck off back to bant no one cares about your black cock obsession homo
weirdo incel
is this from the night Sam got arrested or is she just following him around?

either way based.
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king david
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so glad they brought boss nigga Jimmy back
Go to bed nigga you've been doing this for over 14 hours
Sam's standup is horrible jfc it's worse than i thought
You the only one writing out your sex fantasies about her dude. I get you got too invested in her for months but some of her viewers just liked her chill streams. Have fun donating more of your money to her, to talk shit now on 2.5 lmao.
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Becoming a parent with Sylvia
Go to Kentucky and suck her jizzed in snatch you pathetic simp
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>*grabs your arm*
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why is it showing 0 endorsements on everyone?
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youre the one donating to someones bitch lmao. go buy her another stream deck and pay her money so she can take her bf out on a date. KWAB.
Should have donated to flowstreams
sorry you're not black enough
Kinda weird that this is the tranny/Twink Sam got obsessed with when they're not even hot, there are way hotter trannies
i honestly think Jon is more of a wildcard than Jimmy for this season
i'm very confused how an outdoor livestream of multiple contestants on multiple acers is going to work
bug because they hired a pajeet programmer.

except for Tayleigh. She literally had 0 endorsements.
Sam's standup really is awful fuck
>his e-sons cheering like monkeys because he said ARYAN
I don't support piracy
Anal birth with Sylvia
People were saying he might just markypost and then run into the woods so anything's possible with him
I think they're all wearing POV cams
>inb4 “production told me…”
This retarded junkie dumbass can't even pronounce "edie"

Jesus christ Channing you're a cluster fuck
seethe harder tranny
I honestly think Channing is Sam's biggest fan
You are just a plain ol cuck! Big KY cock won! Tiny canadian clittys rope!
Maybe he likes the ones with big dicks?
He's probably been with others but this is the only one that outed him
idk whats worse sams standup or dedicating your life to following sam around and tracking his every move to "own" him while he keeps getting richer.
I doubt it, they probably put it at 0 so they can fake them now.
She's the ending he deserves.
stop seething here and make fishtank good sam
the Mega Powers of fish tank
idk about that but Jon would definitely stop playing along with whatever bit they're doing before Jimmy
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He isn't coming back, is he?
Oh yeah no I'm not defending Channing, bitch is insane.
Countdown to Jimmy seething about not being coddled by production.

Oh wait that's just him doing his pre-planned character, this is actually a really fun silly bit
TJ is picking him up right now
Cloudsprout did that too.

it's eeee-D
Does anyone else think Jet is a real cutie pie
Any word on Frank? Is he coming back this season? Is he still alive?
she scorched him, fuck tay i simp for channing now
Jon is far to retarded to have a plan. If you think that's possible you don't know him at all.
Taylor is driving, TJ is asking Cole if he is able to navigate millenial spaces.
He said he'll be back for S3, but not this one. Besides, he's too fat for physical activity.
I actually do. fishtank has a lot of cute boys
ugly ghetto nigger mexican

go back to containment
ugly croatian troll
He has a BWC
Yeah Frank is not gonna fuck with people with airsoft weapons. He only bullies defenseless people.
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Calm down pey
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You will see EVERY Josie post and you will LIKE it.
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face of a 50 year old eastern euro man
body of a chubby 13 year old boy
match made in heaven
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post this cat :)
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>obsessed heckler yelling that he fucks trannies
>"hey uh.. please shut up"
sam lose his edge. his standup is awful too
r9k archive fact checks confirm this as FALSE
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what time does this sorry shit start?
datamine poll https://poal.me/czx268
these south park episodes are funny
In am hour and 20 minutes
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he looks like a baby

and you're the

Count down has about an hour left, so probably around 5 hours from now.
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>Tai arrives 4 minutes before it starts
boss baby looking ass
stupid fucking whore
Dumbgay looks half german half french in this one
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Lock him up
for the first time in history op is not a faggot. donjolly.com is indeed important
Nope they confirm it as true, he’s hung
Funnier if he just walks into the woods with luggage mid-larp
It's time all the fags fucked off back to San Francisco.
isnt she blowing some hick from kentucky? kinda cucked to simp for someone who is taken.
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Tayleigh season finale or series finale today, depending on her answers. possibly.
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Love that cat
Hurry up and dox this shitshow are the kiwifarms trannies on it or what?

Rhode island isn't that big
I guess Bex is there afterall
Crazy that Tay is the most datable of the 3
Is this really what femanons are like??
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They already did
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Inconclusive but promising
based bex refusing to be Jet's personal mommy again
so was Cole
what are they supposed to do? send pizzas to the woods?
>Crazy that Tay is the most datable of the 3
on planet retard
>Valedictorian, highest IQ
>or at least they tell you so at the Windex HQ
Hopefully someone annoys them with drones or loud engines/music
>she's still posting
Chances that Taylor actually has a backlog of like 15 videos scheduled for every day she's on the show?
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sometimes all you need is the wrong person in the right place
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Peak viewer count predictions?

>only 2000 online rn
i thought we liked sam?
very likely. she was smart to hire an editor right out the gate.
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idk im not homo but his sister is cute.
Where is it then? Coords? Address?
hhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiii Benji (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
hhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiii Ligman •ᴗ•
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>the last thing she will ever hear is a shrieky nerd voice yelling "YOU BREACHED THE CONTRACT"
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Q needs to come there, if they won't invite him he needs to take things into his own hands.
I doubt it's that high. They definitely fake their view counts
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>G-guys, you mean so much to me...
>*squirts some visine into eyes off screen*
>Thank you so much for the support *sniff*
>*one hand under desk texting her 50 dollar KFC meal*
>I promise I'll give you guys the chicken plushi- I-I mean the beanies you guys ordered
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Probably, before this past weekend they posted something daily for 2 weeks straight
36k tonight
1.3k throughout the 15 days
42k if jimmy does something really bad
32k during finale
she's blowing his fat Kentucky fried cock like the stupid whore she is
its going to be fake anyway so probably 10k
Jet caught viewbotting again!
Somewhere in MA
Check the archives

>Posted a track on her insta story called 'Mommy' after Jet posted about needing a production mommy on Twitter

cut deeper
is flowstream here? the noise whever you hover over a windows is extremely annoying. is there any way to mute it?
storm the place and behead jet live
>Q confronting Tay live on stream
An unstoppable force meets an immovable object, it would be the most kino ending
>"my nightly routine :)"
she's anything but stupid and knows how to play the game because I am going to watch that video right now
Spice Bear is #1 but channing is prettier


This is the official tier list but I’m willing to accept suggestions
If you are upset with the placement of your fandom on this scientific formula, please email Jet
mid fat face
>Shit Tier
All of them
Spice Bear is my schizo waifu
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Nifty Niggers belong in SS tier
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Trisha militia is underrated. We just want best for that girl's crazy life.
>no mentions of marina or debbie simps
Taytriots are cucks now
I invented Trisha Militia btw
move tatyriods into K(kentucied) tire and betty bitches into A and i can get behind this list
I'm gonna play Quake until it starts
What is the ranking based on?

Sylvia Simps deserve S tier as the one Sylvia simp straight up impregnated her despite the fact she was infertile

I'd like to see Josiejohns or Tayzondays do that
disregarding whether it's fake
8000-9000 today because no one gives a damn about this
Fly a drone over the playing field with a zip lock bag of piss with a tiny hole, spritzing the contestants and production
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They made their own twitter
>abusive dyke
>nasty coochie
>poor addicted to meth
>doesnt want children
>terrible tits and malnourished baby
>willing to become a mother
>beznos better than meth
>fat mother will breed healthy strong child
>crazy kinky sex RP
Fly a bag of KFC chicken to remind her she's blowing a retarded Kentucky fried cock like the whore Tayleigh is.
Ben here.

Jimmy fucked up.
We're looking for a replacer. If we're lucky we'll start 9pm EST.

Love you guys
All of this for 99 dollars a month? What a steal!
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The fuck?
you're crazy. both seasons finales had ~17k viewers.
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Damn already???
Whoa, that's crazy Benleaks, anyway...
It's a real conundrum, take Sylvia for example. I despised her when it was assumed that she would shit out some kind of mongrel halfling but now that she is the mother of white children I can't stop thinking about her fat tits. Life is cruel
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1 more hour everyone
someone should marky/eddie post there
The numbers I've guessed are botted btw, Jet's desperate
Bex bros we won
Big dick Nick
Tayleigh hasn't even sent out any of her orders except to Frank and the KFC guy. She cares so little about even her own business that she spent her entire time not streaming getting fucked in Kentucky instead of fulfilling orders.

132 IQ btw
Fishtank threads are mostly bot replies. Never forget. Wouldn't be surprised if they're sponsored by Sam Hyde himself.
hardest worker btw
I don't want to watch fishtank.
don't forget getting drunk at marias while constantly being bitchy and abusive towards chat
hey man, she's horny, she needs that tight pussy fucked. She sits in her room all day flicking the bean.
Securing a mate to procreate is pretty high iq actually.
5k max for today
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Taytriots deserve to be at the absolute bottom, what are you smoking lol
worst contestant in fishtank history, its baffling she has a fanbase

josie is really fucking annoying but there is effort there AT LEAST
They are gonna be really hungover and try to build their shelters
Tayleigh even left it so late so the pathetic simps can't do chargebacks for their cuck beanies!!!!

Played like the stupid worthless simps you are

Maybe she'll wipe her asscrack with yours after she's done getting railed up the booty so you can sniff her shit and her bfs cum? lmao
Chay-Chay is S++, none of the fishslop skanks can compete
I'm so excited to see my favorite fish Tayleigh, Brian, and Mauro back in action!
they will hit 10k
its mostly ugly men who latched onto because she is right wing and spouts 4chan ifunny memes. she understood 4chan and their culture.
josie has 0 good streams
she's a bitch through and through, always jealous and always punching down at easy targets
Wow, it's like she's a drug addict who spent the first part of the season sleeping in her room going through withdrawals
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fucking ugly dyke bitch, even waited multiple months later to not let people do chargebacks... SHE PLAYED YOU ALL
We need to get our wife out of the owen benjamin lite redpill sphere, that shit is boring
we need to find a way how to get rid of these foshtank normal fags on /tv.

please make your e-celeb threads somewhere else you bastard autistic normies

also fuck sam hyde>>200472137
its not that deep. its just meant to be one giant party/camping fun time before they start completely fresh with S3.
Hello Goran
You’re a normalnigger who watches movies and television shows
>one giant party/camping fun time
they think fishtank fans want to see that because....?
keep whining faggot
>Worst contestant
Tayleigh at least had the value of being so profoundly retarded that it was easy to make fun of her. Worst contestant would be that fat lump Meg, who was even worse than Mauro.
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main character
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>No Cole
>No JC
>No Frank
>No Betty
>No Bliccy
>No Ella
Who gives a fuck
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my mime wife
look at this thread. people are shitting themselves over
quick simp milking
I love seein the DAWGS together
Nick Mullen is a based communist
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What kinda cocksucking samefagging fishtank shill are you?
they had 2 seasons with 2 winners and they couldnt even get one of them to come back for this

*main lolcow

I used to be a mod on this shithole.
Basically my intel said that Sam Hyde has been paying the current mods literal money to allow fishtank threads to exist.
it's genuinely terrible that you bastards are here on /tv.
You don't belong here.
>she understood 4chan and their culture
nah she came off as extremely cringy, pandering and for a lack of better term "pick me".
josie is someone who ACTUALLY understands 4chan culture and the subtlety of it.
she's unironically heaps and heaps ahead of tayleigh in IQ.
guess all that windex didn't pay off.
They got Mauro
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>hasn't streamed for one month
>still the most discussed fish
main character status
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You need to go back.
school themed fishtank would be pretty fun
just base it off bully and make it team based
and the crew would be teachers/staff and everyone has fishtank themed uniforms
I'm just gonna watch the highlights

No way I'm wasting any of my summer keeping up, not again
prove it
I think fishtank threads are slightly better than the 5 “The boys” threads that are up here every single hour
Sup rockystream
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by all means, send these threads to /bant/ we could use more traffic there
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where's damiel
>Now make a donjolly.com post in perfect english and make it real fucking based
status: fitted
Cry harder... NIGGER
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stubsies adventuurreee has just begun!
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QUICK! What are some things we should TTS to Tayleigh during bloodgames?
>Missing Jordan yet?
>I hope that kentucky fried dick was worth it
>How does it feel to have no fans left?
>Cat's out of the bag.
>Frank was right. You asked for it.
>You could have stayed home and streamed to your loving fans while making more money than doing this.
>You have no future after this, Tayleigh.
>Cancelled my beanie order and charged back
>Clayton did nothing wrong and deserved better than you.
>We didn't fail you. You failed us.
>You’ve been a failure your entire life, I only hope that you succeed one time.
>I'm wasting any of my summer keeping u

its 2 weeks
Will there ever be a good fat contestant?
Yes, they tend to get tired quickly, but surely in a country that’s 40% obese there are some entertaining ones
When you think about it, most popular streamers are much thinner than normal
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What a sexy kitten, KFC is so lucky.
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we're so back

you guys hype to critically analyze everything we're watching for the next two weeks like autistic maniacs?
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bag the groceries, rocky
hi jet
The words "sexy kitten" absolutely do not belong next to Tayleugh
She's a disgusting looking chudette with a disgusting soul
Fuck off your containment board >>>/bant/, kike
no tj
ok jet. for the real haters, dont watch, endorse anyone else but tay and IF she returns to stream, send 5 1$ donos about kentucky then close the stream and never give her another view again.
whats this chigga up to
QRD on the past 8 or so hours?
I’m ready to watch production fuck up live-streaming and audio hardware
Small brains bully contestants
Big brains bully Jet
Overdosing, mostly. Gay sex sometimes.
fucking whore laying there in those tights showing off her legs
No one cares about him lmao we don’t want him on
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been makin moves
You’re a newfag
So it’s gonna be Team S1 vs Team S2

Jon vs Jimmy
Vance vs Brian
Letty Vs Tayleigh
Mauro Vs Duanye
Tai Vs Taylor
Because the show hasn’t started yet, the threads are mostly just psychos from /bant/ arguing about petty nonsense
Tayleigh has been lying for months and manipulating her fans
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he was raped
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You talk like a faggot, just look at her erotic legs
>Bringing Brian back
Yeah I'm going to skip this one
I cannot wait to see Letty dominate Tay
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Spider betty
Tell her you're proud of her for finding a nice white guy. It's tough for texas white girls to do that with societal peer pressure and the hordes of incel south americans who all want white girlfriends
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No negative TTS this season guys it's all about bringing people together and having a good time this time around
>I hope that kentucky fried dick was worth it
>How does it feel to have no fans left?
>You could have stayed home and streamed to your loving fans while making more money than doing this.
>You have no future after this, Tayleigh.
these will sting for sure
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What are you going to do about it PUSSY l000000000000000l
why does he have so many selfies?
is it a zoomer thing being so self obsessed like a teenage girl even when you're a grown ass dude?
How did you feel when Bex was confirmed to be back?
She's Betty tier bro
At least Taylorfags I can understand, she's basically a succubus
Josiepedo posting is off topic anon
not another year on tv/ with fishtank niggers. How and why is this zoomer Big Brother shit related to television and film.

please FUCK OFF to the e-celeb board you zoominoids with all you Hapa incel e-celebs!!

Sam of you are reading this,
you are a loser.
You failed
you never made it into mainstream
now you are feedinh these retarded zoo zooms on your own privately hosted website.
You are never gonna make it big if you continue like this. Time to move on and act like an adult.
Also Richard says hi but also go fuck yourself lmao
isn't blud 30+ years old ong?
I cried like Vance
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that kentucky guy will get to touch tay's hair when they grow back he is so lucky
Production told me that this is fake and gay.
He’s a philipino
Absolutely disturbing
you’re the only guy making these posts
the meat master
You have to have a visual presence if you’re social media is your job idiot
He’s 30 years old, he’s one of you nigger
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gonna shit up his diaper and flaunt his filter list like a pussy
Taylor is fat, betty is hot too so I don't know what the fuck are you talking about faggot
she has the legs of a spider, druggie whore needs to eat something
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>Vance has a concert in Washington today so he's gonna be a whole day late at least
What do you reckon are the diameters of her pussy and asshole while she’s squatting like this?
Qrd on richard?
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Holy shit taste
>betty is hot too
Hahahaha this explains everything about your tastes holy shit, what a self own
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I bought the final cow plushie. I also have shrooms, it's my turn to dive into that Sweet Pendleton Pussy™
The bee plushie was already sold out, wonder if the person who bought that got Pendleton Pussy™ before me.
>taylor is fat
>betty is hot
Hello betty!
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Who cares? I’m still right
Oh boy cant wait for bant circle jerk to shit up the show with this cringe.
So you guys are niggers into bbw?
Being into Betty is embarrassing.
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nah bro we're making onto Joe Rogan any day now, we just have to keep interacting with Joe's minions on podcasts
The bee is pretty dope actually
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epic brosie W my troonsie wosies let's get in the 'cord and draw guro furry art for our stim queen
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In these inhabited spaces
To escape is necessity
Bro you're the one into rail thin mentally broken chicks, you can't speak
You're telling me Tayniggers didn't immediately buy out all of the things she had in stock? Fake megafans.
Take a break from the computer son
bettys holes are PRISTINE
she deserves zero cents
The no future after this one will be in the back of her mind till 2.5 ends.
Pretty sure this is projecting.
hey /ftl/ I just jerked off to furry porn
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remember to edit/resize your images slightly periodically to bypass any filtering. we need maximum exposure
PRISTINE holes for Bitty, only for BBC
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>Cucks an entire board of 4chan simps after milking them for hundreds of dollars easily
Is Tayleigh actually based?
do I really need to paypig to switch cameras? fuck you jet and sam you fucking jews.
I’m into both
>josie is here
>ella is here
>vander built is here

Aight Mr. Brooks you're not gonna get your money
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at least tay faggots don't have a 'cord josieniggers really are the worst
Only if she never streams again
I mean I get why they wouldn't now but they didn't know she was getting that KFC $50 fill-up prior to last night. No wonder she gave up streaming her "fans" didn't even really seem that interested in her.
Vance got replaced with Greg in FTL website
>they removed viewer count
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Say hi!
Greg is a leader
I assure you that I am not a rail thin broken chick anon
I am a fully grown adult man
And Betty is a disgusting person if you know anything about her, don't just judge her on her physical appearance. She may look passable from certain angles or images, but once you really *look* at the images with the added context of her past and current social media interactions, they're simply disgusting to see.
Hi Ella
Shut the fuck up, you fat indian pooshitter

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>You're telling me Tayniggers didn't immediately buy out all of the things she had in stock?
lucky me, if I didn't get that cow plushie, I wouldm't get Pendleton Pussy™
If you remember the Trish and Tay lesbian part in S2 you can see Tayleigh knows how to fuck.
Ass up face down, I'm coming for (in) that Pendleton Pussy™
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>it's actually real
they're going to bot it like they did last time
expect a 40% increase every time goldstriker appears on top of the 2000 bots running during all on hours. i believe the count now is legitimate but it'll be just as obvious as it was during s2 when it inflates.
Hot take: Betty shouldn't kill herself
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tay is irredeemable 1488 pick me reddit cringe but the day she made her simps pay $300 for her to speak to them was based. then IMMEDIATELY ending the stream once the goal was reached was MEGA based
Based fuck Vance fags
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tayfags hating the josiepedos will always be funny to me, they have no self-awareness
Josie posting in FTL chat
Holy based. Gregg is back on the menu, boys
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I believe Rocky Stream, his claims are credible
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Vance is such a faggot lol
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You can do better anon. Have some self respect.
The only people who sincerely use the term ‘pick me’ are fags and women
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lmao this shit show is off to great start
I don’t understand how this guy even has fans
Best possible outcome. Vance sucks ass and Gregg is 10x more entertaining
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>replacing the contestant that had by far the most endorsements 30 minutes before the show starts
Jet it the fuck up
she is a pure hearted person, you can't see it because you're a judgemental faggot
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I can't believe he even contemplated spending 2 weeks in the woods with jimmy and jon
Vance saw the writing on the wall and dipped out of this disaster like his little sis Josie. Fishtanks finest going their own way. Love to see it.
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I want goblina so fucking bad ong
vance didnt quit

he got raped so hard he cried and one of his eyes fell out and he is at the hospital getting fitted for an eye patch rn
>No Russian milf
>No Chip
It’s over.
she's fat dude. She has stumps for legs from being 300 lbs for YEARS. she got on ozempic.
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gonna be boring af. let me know when fatty joins the crew
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every single one of you in here would fuck that Pendleton Pussy™ if she came for your dick. , don't act like Tayleigh isn't sexy, she spits ffs.
She's gross. Her Lance parody Twitter account is all dudes getting fucked in the ass
Can we get some screencaps
Without Vance there is no one to tard wrangle Jimmy and Jon
Chip is confirmed, he was in one of the preview pics.
Fatty is a roaming miniboss according to their investor video.
it's just gonna be Greg for today until Vance gets back from the concert he didn't quit lmao
>No CK
It’s over.
How is she a pick me but also alienating her simps? You can't have both retard.
less than 30 minutes remains

so it will probably start in 4 hours
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Can we get some appreciation for Jimmy's mom, she will be in the fishtank chat (website)
>Letty MIA
>Vance quit
>Tai delayed and rethinking his life choices
Are you ready for Bloodgames with Jimmy, Jon, Tayleigh, Mauro, Duanye, Greg and Brian?
I might have to impregnate her if she keeps sexually harassing me with her tight vegan body
vance had to go pick tai up at the airport you retards
She was spamming "hype", didn't screenshot
i look forward to making fun of jet for another two weeks with you all.
She isn't pure hearted at all. She's vile and deranged, and she has no sense of decency.
>Tard wrangle
Did you even watch S1? All Vance was gossip like a woman behind Jon's back. He's too much of a pussy to assert himself.
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Jon is gonna quit like a big autistic baby again? This should be his element if his big talk is to be believed
what she said?
Ella mogs
Trish also has obese legs and cankles
>stumps for legs
>tardwrangling anyone
He literally doesn't have authoritative bone in his body. Remember Damiel's chimpout?
Josie no...
Jimmy's mom looks psycho
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because nobody fucking cares, you fucking simp
Vance is performing at a show on the other side of the country in a few hours so i don't think he's gonna show up
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are you gay or low T?
i hope he beats the shit out of jimmy
>Her Lance parody Twitter account is all dudes getting fucked in the ass
kek based, you're just making me like her more. Lance is a faggot
kek based
They didn't update the fish toys
He was competing in s1, in s2 he was the first one on the scene when someone got aggressive.
easily the best MDE member
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Absolutely Goranian
Her legs are obese peoples legs, it’s really weird, she has cankles too
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Case in point
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he couldnt even get the camera down before tay and ben made it into the room
Whose POV should I watch? I'm thinking Jimmy or Jon
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The bait and switch is in motion. Coleburners in control
What the fuck are cankles
Are you all women
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kek I could see that happening
A Jon and Jimmy scuffle would be great
Maybe Jimmy would hit Letty
Tay tard wrangles jimmy when she's not being a tard herself
Because he was an authority figure in s2. He would never do shit as a contestant
It’s a common term, everyone knows it and women don’t know it more than men do
I'm going to cuck Jordan, I literally have blue eyes and long blonde hair and a stronger jaw than him. Tayleigh is a (ethical) nazi so I won't have a problem.
I don't think so, she has a hear of gold.
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what's the prize for 2.5
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jon is either gonna hate him or love him. they're two people who have to be at the center of attention at all times, so i wonder how its gonna go. hopefully jon feels like he has to prove himself over the season 2 people so he already has some animosity towards them
Having fun in the forest with friends
what is tayleigh feeling like right now?
that's a med trait, the flips got it from getting raped by colonial Spaniards
Tay wants aryan traits to be preserved though so she would prefer you going out with a blonde blue eyed girl.
Warm handshake and Temu beetle from mr goldstriker
They're getting paid in weed and exposure
Sitting here in some 84 degree weather in rhode island

A surprise. Possibly nothing
>they're two people who have to be at the center of attention at all times
Usually, this ends poorly.
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place your bets! is the show going to start in 18 minutes?
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i won't have none of this vance trash talking
in this general vance is a hero end of story!
It’s not a med trait it’s an ugly trait she’s also sub 10 probably sub 5% med, Filipinos have very low Spanish admixture
Glad she finally gets to watch fishtank as a spectator.
She doesn't give a fuck. She thinks it's funny.
How so? She cuts herself, used to spam her gross porn everywhere, would shittalk others who were nice to her irl and discuss their private affairs with her orbiters, and has tried to dox others.
lets hope so
Getting to pretend to be Jet's friend
Almost certainly not.
She knows it's over.
Yes but some of them gonna be late I bet
>3k for the first new content in months
hate to break it to you, but Vance is very boring. He's like an NPC
lyme disease
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She's just a little lost and hurt but she's a good person. And the people she tried to dox deserved it.
it is, Italians and Greeks have those squat legs too
>what i wish she felt like
like absolute shit
>what she probably feels like
unbothered because she's a cunt who doesn't see anyone or anything outside of her 3 foot world
Bex here

It's not looking good guys, Jet is passed out on a mattress surrounded by empty whippet canisters, I think he shit himself
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No probably naught
That’s fair
>And the people she tried to dox deserved it.
Jon didn't. He's just a harmless retard, but she and her telegram orbiters still targeted him
that hair was fucked up
What time does it start?
No, all those times Vance was silent in Season 1 wasn't because he was an awkward dweeb with nothing to say he was gaming the whole time playing them all for fools while keeping his secret (real) personality suppressed in such a tactical manner that it landed him in 3rd place.
If you watched his prank call streams you would know every word that comes out of his mouth is like velvet caressing your ears, such charisma can't be unleashed all willy nilly like you see? He knows when to hold back, and THAT is why he's so GOOD.
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>Fishtank Allstars
>It's just S2 but airsoft edition
Supposed to be in about 15 minutes.
Probably won't be.
Qrd on Vance not doing it? Where did the news come from
14 minutes remaining so three hours
Why did Tayleigh choose to fuck the VERY FIRST guy who bought something from her plushie store.
I'm laughing my ass off, wtf is she thinking.
Took less than a month before she decided to meet him irl.
He was the first guy to face dox
That's why he won and Q lost
I’ve never seen it that bad before
Im no taytriot but Im against the term
'pick me'
it seems to be an attack on women for wanting attention. but theres already a word for that, attention whore. Its also the nature of women and you cant change that.
she's such a whore lol, fucks the first guy that buys shit from her store. if it was that easy anyone would have.
he has chad face
Just think, any one of us anons could have been Tay's boyfriend if we had just gotten the golden ticket by buying from her store
Who knew it would be that easy
not me im fat
even if i bought her stuff she probably wanna know what i look like first
This lol. Q thought his Eyes Wide Shut photo larp would get her pussy juices flowing
>my intel
holy shit you sound like such a massive faggot
I can already hear it
I'm just surprised she's that easy, must be a while she's been loved by anyone.
She made 5k a month after fishtank on her streams, which is good money, but that's gone now
“Pick me” is a more specific behavior. It’s when a girl pretends to be interested in things guys like so that she seems different and cool.
she is horny she needs cock, that simple. Women can only go like a week or two without getting dick.
Sam Hyde scam situation
I'm here for Letty nudes to goon.
nigga thinking about tay 24/7

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