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donjolly.com edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.



>Important links

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200462442
sacred thread
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I can already tell this is gonna be a good thread
tj is no position to cheat,he is handicapped all alone in his apartment, if anything he should be worried about taylor cheating on him with the whippets crew
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Smelly, sweaty threesome with Ella and chicken lady
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Do it for her
I genuinely want to hear Don's side of working with Sam, he wasn't an OG member of the MDE crew but he was in pretty early and was probably there when Sam was at his lowest.
Based markysexuals
ftl2 is full on cope mode about tays new bf
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My CK has landed in RI
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Will there be domestic violence???
Stealing state secrets
Finally an edition I can get behind
All this concern trolling will look silly when they reveal TJ has been there with Taylor the entire time
TJ is dead bro
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He is literally me
Who has the season 2 episodes so these kikes can get skirted instead of expecting people to pay $60 for what should be free after 6 weeks of constant free money
Jollite thread
and thats a good thing!
So he’s just playing video games and watching movies while everyone else hangs out?
him not being there is not a reason to concern troll to start with
He is gonna be NPC and cant do much physical labor because of his fucked up arm so he is killing time
How tall is Charls? Most sources say 5’10” but that can’t be right
roughly 5'7 or 5'8, I think.
if it was ck3 could have been believable but he has been playing bg3, he is definitely not going to be on 2.5
he's played bg3 on his laptop before i believe
also find a new topic faggots
why even watch
Damn nice
CONFIRMED: Mondo Megashills are already subverting ftl threads with tayleigh support, it's a deep plan to make 4chan users be more attracted to "masculine" bodies...

It seems it's working...
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let's discuss letty's huge letties!
his laptop couldn'nt handle bg3, even his pc gets heated up
Can confirm this is true, I work for them.
Me in top left
How do you know he didn’t just buy a better laptop?
Consider this:
There are pretty good computers in the location where they stream FTL
Because it took him months to get his car A/C fixed for $50 and 1 hour even after winning 50k and even though that was the only thing his room temperature IQ ass could come up with when asked what he'd do with the money
so he is plays 5 hours of bg3 and than goes on to watch his movies all while his girl hangs around with wiggers till 4am.
tj is not going to be on 2.5 its confirmed dawg
Imagine how taytriots would have reacted if josie was exposed for having a secret boyfriend instead lol
it sucks that it starts the one night where i actually do shit
Goodnight I hate TJ he did not have a character arc he was pushed through by the producers and was one of the most boring contestants and was way too docile and him winning was one of the results of s2 failing. Taylor is only with him for clout because she is a whore party girl and dropped him the second the wiggers invited her back to 2.5 and as I type this she is getting railed by one of the wiggers while teejay is at home. You know it's true. TJ also didn't win any fight in s2. Redditors and twitter faggots only began to like him when sam and co started pushing him on his fake character arc because mde is a cult and everyone always parrots what sam says and does.
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Reminder Jordan won
She does it's just less obvious
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is this poor trog gonna be on the show again or what
josiecels have been remarkably calm about this whole situation, taytroons far worse if the situations were reversed
Hopefully not
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>starts fucking tayleigh
>the male 30-35 suicide rate goes up
>Q becomes the next Elliot Rodger
because ultimately they dont care about tayjeets. they only laugh at them but dont really take too much of their time thinking about them. meanwhile tayjeets have to resort to some giga filter list because josie lives in their head rent free.
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they couldnt handle her desu
Josiecels dont care. Those cucks were supportive of her going after some white band dude she had a crush on.
Which is somehow healthier than the tayfags crying because that rancid hoe wants nothing to do with her fanbase lmao.
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What kinda nufag samefagging tourist fishtank shill are you?
Josiecels were also Jetsie shippers during s1
Jordan's future
Based and literally me pilled
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Wait this come out yesterday on Taylor's account but she was already at the show right? If her editor and her have content lined up for every day while she's there, she deserves all of lazy Trish and Tayleigh's viewers
I hope Q is ok, it’s been a devastating 24 hours
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I'm the guy that says "Josie!" and posts a picture of her.
why does tay want to throw away free easy money

are all poor people this stupid
yes, unironically
It's a fact
Yes it's true
I love Betty
Yes I do
So what time does this shit start
Aww but she's trash anon.
Reminder that Tay is the one who beat Clayton (Probably because she was high on windex drugs).
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Holy shit first time checking in on her since she was streaming while season 2 was still happening, she has 126 videos.
this. all the signs are there.
>mean drunk
>quick to resort to violence even when sober
>blames everyone else for problems she is guilty of also known as projection
>likes to cut off her nose to spite her face
its clear she was the one who beat on clayton

Remember when shippers were fighting over who Vance liked better between Josie and Letty?
also you forgot she's admitted multiple times that she sees shadowy figures in the corner of her eyes, probably a sign of schizophrenia or BPD
Did Q kill himself already? AHAHAHA
how tf did she tame a moth lmao
Total Betty love!
me whenever I see a nigegr on TV
What is she looking to accomplish posting such photos on the internet?
that stream was funny. the moth would just chill on her head. apparently she was feeding it and stuff.
She desperate for a father figure because she doesn't even know who her real dad is.
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i'm hopeful for taylorian kino, hope she can harvest her stream energy for 2.5
Humiliation fetish, same with the pissing
made for BBC
Taylor will find a frog or something and keep it in her pocket
She would rather be poor and swallow some random white dudes cum than stream for a bunch of parasocial losers.
Let that sink in.
sadly, i doubt we will see her much. she seems to be part of production. idk how much we will see production on cam, and even if they do participate a lot, we cant get a cam dedicated to her like we would the actual contestants.
I think she's desperate for any figure at all desu
She will most likely do Josie duties
if they waste taylor for a 2nd season running
>nifty, why did you tell me earlier that you fucked a 16-year old when you were an adult. that was fucking crazy

10/10 reaction from jimmy
>She would rather be poor and swallow some random white dudes cum than stream for a bunch of parasocial losers.
she could still swallow his cum and take money from her simps what a fucking retard
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>pic related
She's funny and interesting and anyone who thinks she's disingenuious is either retarded or a troll.
His polite smile to to duanyay’s shitty second joke made me laugh as well
Whens Bettys BLACKEDRAW debut?
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>nifty will never prey on you as a teenage boy
>we never got to see niftys polycule
What a wasted bit.
Would be so dope if she did that
who’s the guy on the left?
>nifty dates a 16yo at like 20
>Sam dates a 16yo at 30
A ok
I'm so excited guys
If Betty has humiliation kink and she is also racist wouldn't getting fucked by BBC be the ultimate humiliation?
she is so fucking fake. she tries to cultivate this bubbly character and even latches onto other people characteristics like tj's stimming, deep down she's an easy going whore who will soon move onto suck someone else
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>tj is part of 2.5 btw
Stop the cope
also Nifty was playing a character lol Sam confirmed this
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Can't wait for the show to start so the threads can read less like /bant/ schizo ramblings
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me too jet actually got everyone

what happens after they've been dating for a year, what will you say then?
>tayleigh being a hypocritical cunt simping for ogre cock
Get your predictions in now: Who is Xavier? My guesses are Cole, Mauro or Greg
my nigga tj is back to playing bg3 lol
yeah this assures he is not going to be on 2.5
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4 hours...
What are you gonna do during those 4 hours?
I am gonna go spilt sticks which shouldn't take me that long, but then I have no idea what else to do
tay was always the worst choice and the fact that she got jeets to donate 15k to her when someone like trish deserved it far more is quite sad

im glad her fans are all but dead at this point save for the few diehard cucks in /ftl2/
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Yes, that's exactly why she has so many BBC dildos
Will Tay irl streamwith her bf like summer?
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fuck that dyke bitch, always punching down
Javier is a good man.
get a job nigger
steamy mating press sex with nifty until I cum inside
if she does she would get absolutely blasted hard
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No you don't get it she CONSENTED to being punched in the face
my name is sam
Thats me
she is a massive attention whore , she knows that tj's clout is over. i give her a couple a month max to move onto one of the wiggers
>right eye: contempt
>left eye: sadness
>third eye: love
what is he doing man
the plural would be trannies you stupid ESL faggot
obviously are tay haters are faggots
watching France v Netherlands
What's he doing man, what's he up to?
im glad im not the only sane one to see it
Seething troon got exposed kek
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I love abi
A job nigger? Where are you going to get one of those? Sounds useful
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Imagine hating this woman
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i love her
So that's where this nigga been hiding, I was getting worried
If you hate her, you hate TJ. Simple as.
I hate simps
Simps ruined women
Simps ruin everything
need lalo to pick him up
simps are what drive fishtank faggot

now sit down and shut up
I miss /bcs/
Everything since has been terrible
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What time does it start?

Will it actually start on time or will the entire first day be waiting for everyone to actually show up?
>Tay got her pussy blown out by some retard from Kentucky
Damn, she's going to get absolute holy hell in TTS. It will be kino.
what is he suppose to do? he got a fucked up arm. lives alone while his girl is busy doing whippets . i'm glad lil nigga is keeping himself busy
bcs died with howard fuck vince and fuck that faggot show
No, simps ruined fishtank. I will not sit down and I will NOT shut up

When did he join? He was there during the hydewars days, when Sam would upload once every 2-3 months, but he wasn't there for the tv show, right?
kek now enjoy no money you windex huffing dyke cunt
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these two fucked
No letty no watchy
Her brother
There will be TTS, right?
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why does he look like Elliot Page
she is getting her holes widened up by the wiggers for the past 4 days , i love this slut
tj already resized that thing with his tardcock
she's on the show this season, retard
solid post from a solid guy
It’s like anything related to women is simping to you fucking weirdos
3 hours 30 minutes
Where are the free szn 2 edits
if tj is not there for the s1-2 wrap-up that 2.5 seems to be he's missing out
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Mommy Bex taking me to urgent care after physically abusing me!
With he terrible sense of time i cant imagine those cookies came out any good
whippet huffing crack head nigger
Italian girls are so spicy
If you think any woman who knows her self-worth would even consider sleeping with the wigger crew, then you're smoking crack (or doing whippets)
It will be a long time before they have sex if ever. They'll loop in a perpetual 'talking stage's until that energy dissipates
jets little clitty won't be able to even rub against her walls
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She tries her best anon
Anon have you slept at all
i wonder if they filmed this trip at all
clips of bex and tj outside the house in the final edit?
>her face seconds before eating your ass
Greg probably has dead animals burried somewhere near his apartment. It would be children but he is too much of a coward to go after anything that might fight back
The wigger crew all have girls now. Why do you think Jet went on twitter to beg for money. Those zoomers have babies and baby mamas to feed now.
nigga they probably fucked the second they met, theres a reason she moved to michigan and it ain't to listen to his views on barry lyndon
god she's so fake its repulsing
Simp in denial

>there's no simping here, bucko, we're just gentlemen, that's all...
Lettycels let's go
Are you going to post this after every taylor post? Kind of pathetic to run a 1 man crusade against some dumb bitch.
this, they fucked the first day probably
there’s simps I won’t deny that
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>had to reset the score to 0 after tay got BTFO in endorsements
I'm gonna fuck that witch
tj said as much on the stein interview lol
If they end up using dewalt tools again I’m not going to watch.
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>show about vampires
>invite the energy vampire himself

bravo jet
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only one of those merit unapologetic unshameful simpage
its the same 2-3 guys I’m guessing. If it isn’t just one.
That's infinitely more unfortunate
>Verification not required
congratulations cuck
Jet here

Sorry guys, the date has been pushed back, we have to delay again. We appreciate all the hype and support but we need more time to make this right. New date is August 31
Why do you want this to be true so badly? You are low IQ and unable to wrap your around the fact that someone can be attractive and genuine simultaneously.
yes #savemyniggaTJ
jet thinks they're exactly alike for whatever reason
dont do drugs
I thought lettys tweets were bad but tays are even worse. She really is a poor mans letty.
No imagination needed.
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what did he say
>nose ring
>makeup around her eyes
>larps as wholesome girl

Bro you are tripping. I aint leaving my overpriced milwaukee or makitas around the wigger crew. Ryobi is too nice for them.
This makes sense. I like Taylor but I hate TJ. He's not retarded (he's also not intelligent,) he's just lazy and his apathy is definitely not something Taylor will put up with for long with how hard she's working
Case in point
Is this why the s2 finale was so abrupt?
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Ever notice how Chuck wants absolutely nothing to do with FishtankLive?
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>all the while she gets her disgusting bony ghoul ass plapped in kentucky
it would be tragic if it weren't so hilarious
she is party slut and probably fucks most men on their first meet up.
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>Jet I'm fucking telling you I have 10 years experience as a plumber I know how to fix the fucking water heater
the final Q kino
Have fun supporting your wife's bull and his baby.
This is what would have happened if Jimmy didn't prevent Operation Jimmy Missile
Based Jimmy
Tay probably (and hopefully) asked production to blacklist mentioning Q and her other insane simps from tts messages.
its because its nothing more than a satanic humiliation ritual in worship of mammon
stein asked him about it and he started smiling and fumbling over his words
only they can save america
That's just normal tj behavior
Not enough of a buffer on her for that sound. Probably sounds more like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZsZj6xL4zLk
Well he's still guilty by association if that's true
All women love cock from random men. It's just how they're designed.
>(and hopefully)
kek you cuck
if i was TJ i would take what I can get, watching those edits made me realize that taylor was his only hope
>uhhh I don’t uhhh it’s like uhhh I don’t know
TJ gets it though, you’re just an asshole. A man should be a little stupid, he’s far from retarded like you larpers like to claim.
Mammal like to breed? No shit? This is utterly insane news to me and I despise the X chromosome now
He should be an NPC who offers contestants predatory loans
yeah tayleigh was too depressed to stream for two hours two days a week

so depressed she had to take a month long sex vacation to swallow globs of cum to feel better from some redneck named jordan
Jet here

Guys, the date has been set back to August 31
We need more time but I promise you guys it's worth it. We have so much in store for you guys, get hyped
Sorry for the delay but it has to be done. We don't want to do this unprepared. I know you guys will understand. thank you for all the support!
I forget that these threads have fat women in them.
Anyone who thinks this based on her social media presence has never spoken with a real "party slut" or probably even gone to a party. You have shaped your perception and biases around popular culture because you are low IQ and unable to parse information on your own.
Bringing back the fish is fucking dumb most of the excitement is seeing what new fish do. Also you people are embarrassing unironic stalkers and should kill yourself.
Stop posting and that problem solves itself
Thanks Jet i wanted to go back to bed anyways
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these lips are made for making the tip cream
>Josie, fish tanks biggest all star
>not in the cast

She big leagued Jet how embarassing
she had to train for the show bro

ignore the fact that taylor, trish, greg, jimmy and vance still managed to stream during that time, even though they have much smaller audiences
She looks like Rocky after his fight with Drago
its a pretty easy choice
>make a lot of money staying home being comfy
>be given 1k for two weeks in the humidity battling ticks wasps and jimmy
Sexo con bexo
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>fishtank astroturfing threads appear on /tv/
tj's mommy
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You could tell she was sick of their shit by the end of season 2
Why did it take him months to fix his car A/C even though it only costs around $50 and an hour at Autozone, and even though that was the only thing he could come up with when asked what he would spend the 50k on? But I don't think he's a bad person because he's lazy, I think he's a bad person because he is selfish. As an example, the only time he would show up to Taylor's streams to support her is when he would daydrink and turn her chat into a QnA about him when she had previously mentioned that she herself wasn't comfortable about talking too much about Fishtank during her streams.
Wow bro.
Are you seriously telling me that women, even loser bitches like Tayleigh, would rather go out into the world and live their lives than sit in front of a computer like some fucking incel.
Woah anon you cracked the code. You should write a book.
>*Incoming tts sound*
>Tayleigh, Brocklanders said this and that and it made Wes seethe and then Q did a xitter space where he said this and that and then Badideas joined and they were talking about these and those things

Would be absolutely unwatchable
So she's not a real party slut? Just a fake party slut?
im a spaniard and i lol'd
are we literally discussing here if taylor is whore or not? lol.
there was this guy on twitter who would often tweet at taylor to hangout and meet up and most of his likes and replies were to onlyfans girls thrusting. a couple of weeks ago taylor followed his private insta account .
Jet here

I appreciate all the support from our fans, it's great to see the hype. But guys we have to delay again. It's for the best. Tune in on August 31! Peace
that would be absolutely based kinda deserves it for being such a cunt
God I want her to chop my cock off and suck on it as I watch in horror bleeding out in her car bed
>when you can’t look at your phone for 30 seconds
Kek. Poor tj
it seems she found herself a bad boy, i wouldn't want to be in TJ's place

>bloodgames starts
>"okay guys, first challenge is the "shave your head challenge"
>"tay you go first"
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she got Josie lips
Xavier is someone new, not a former fish
The weather didn’t call for it. What’s the rush? He said this in a stream. The rest of your shit is stupid.
what account?
Reminder that Taylor not only streamed all the way up until she left for the show, but she also has scheduled content being posted while she's gone. Reminder that the biggest audience isn't Tayleigh's, but almost certainly Taylor's. What people don't realize is that Tayleigh's concurrent viewers are the same 150 people every time and with how she streams she has zero chance for new audience outreach or any other kind of growth. Taylor, on the other hand, has a smaller concurrent number of somewhere in the 80s, but since she's getting 10k views and new subscribers who probably haven't even heard of Fishtank on her daily Youtube videos now, her number of unique viewers per stream is probably 500+, maybe even closer to 1000 when she does her 8 hour streams. Her 24 hour stream will easily break that mark.

Please use this
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i know this feeling
there is no one quite like her, its insane
i would clap and kneel
do that jet
it will completely redeem you of everything
Bully Tayday
the guy lives nj , so most probably when she is done getting railed by the wiggers she might make a quick visit or who know she had already been there.
Why are you telling lies
think of all the TTS you can farm from humiliating tayleigh jet
don't protect her you know she doesn't deserve it
she's a "free speech absolutist"(retard) herself
Anyone else bothered that Letty's birthplace is "Alberta, Canada" on the site, when all the other contestants have their city of birth listed? It's inconsistent
to get a (you) from you, dumb nigger
wouldn't tts just fuck up the larp
Sorry no negative TTS this season we’re trying to celebrate the culture and have a good time with returning faces
Guys what are you still doing here? I told you it's been delayed to August 31
Scram, get lost, go jack off to your E-girls or what ever. It's not happening today, or even this month

Q is dead. Send your regards by replying to this post.
What's wrong with free speech? It has nothing to do with posting lowlee like Sam roid raged about
ocd much?
>the rest of your shit is stupid
canadians aren't people
Because americans wouldn't know where alberta is unless explicitly told its in canada
She was birthed from Alberta's oil wells.
>season 3 is supposed to start by then
They'll never be ready in time
>bloodgames starts in 3 hours
>absolutely zero hype
Remember when Jet's genuine advice to TJ for overcoming his anxiety was to drink every day
lies? prove it than.
I'm bothered they named her Letty rather than Nina
He would be a famous actor by now if he was an alcoholic
He should have told him to start inhaling nitrous
hi cole
You guys won't believe me but I'm on Cole's close friends list on instagram and he's posting stories from Rhode Island
That was the only way to make TJ entertaining. I got to back Jet up on that one.
goodmorning saar :D
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RIGHT ON CUE, NEW TAYLOR CONTENT KEK https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MBg0Tkp9dKA
He wasnt wrong. The only downside is if you become an alcoholic but not everyone is weak like that.
If Jet really wanted to be evil he would have told hom to wste his money microdoaing shrooms and lsd.
> than
tayleigh wasn't born in stephenville, she doesn't even live there anymore (she lives in Palestine)
His involvement with streaming was probably just to get closer with Taylor. He hasn’t hopped in her chat in weeks and I don’t think he cares for streaming in any way shape or form so it comes off as pessimistic when you use that as some sort of cudgel to grandstand about his feelings towards her. You’re literally just online too much, they don’t broadcast much about their relationship anyway.
>all this gay gossip about if a girl will cheat on a retard or not
Why are you such women? Im just here to get mad at jet for fucking up (again)
Tj won 50k and plowed this multiple times. Learn a trade.
my queen
How many of the women involved in Fishtank are whores that post pictures and/or of themselves on the internet?


I don't follow this shit but i'm certain there are much, much more
He also told him to not drink 10 shots in an hour and black out. He also warned him not to use it as a crutch and become an alcoholic.
TJ and Taylor are just Leaving Las Vegas irl
this makes no sense. isnt every view on a video/stream a unique viewer? tays last stream still had well over 3k views compared to taylors >1k views combined on twitch and youtube for her streams.
People will say Tay is a Lying, Cheating, Lesbian, Stealing whore now. This is because she was found out to have gotten a boyfriend
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Should be all of them
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>on the show for 5 days
>puts infinitely more effort and time into her streaming and content creation than anyone else on the show
this so much this
Coble 6
>forgetting her season 1 bio
The train wreck hasn't started yet
Marky doesn't, does she?
I mean lewd shit only
Which is jets fault.
You're missing the point. It's not that he wasn't actively supporting her, which he wasn't anyway, but that it's disrespectful for him to only appear in her chat when he's been drinking and for the sole purpose of making it about himself.
>inb4 you can't him for people asking him questions
He would join her stream and instantly start posting about random shit he did during the day while Taylor was talking to her chat about something else. It made her visibly annoyed on more than one occasion.
taylor was sick last month for about a week ,tj took her to a doctor and was with her until she got all better but now that tj is handicapped this bitch left him alone to do whippets
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"Allow me to be real: we need money"
>heh... fucking dumb whores... posting sexy photos... dumb bitches
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I mean she should be doing lewd all of them should.
Who is "You guys"???
It's not me, who ever it is
Did Betty kill herself yet?
Not how it happened. TJ didn't show up to take her to the doctor until 2 days later and then left right after. She took off streaming and gave up an entire week of donations to be with him. He doesn't deserve her.
marky was an underage camwhore on /b/
Social media has pretty much ruined everyone's chance of finding a non slut gf/wife
I'd rather order an escort than give a girl a like on Instagram
Jealousy. They see TJ as a bigger retard and/or less worthy than themselves, and it's not fair a hot girl for some reason is with him and not themselves.
>Im just here to get mad at jet for fucking up (again)
Why get mad? At this point watching production's train wreck is part of the entertainment
>we need a janny
can confirm
>Im just here to get mad at jet for fucking up (again)
oh a fellow upstanding connoisseur, this is the true definitive fishtank experience
Letty doesn't meet your criteria btw
Good morning I hate Jimmy
Holy shit you guys are absolute faggots. Give it a rest.
>be autistic retard named TJ
>win S2
>win 50k
>Taylor becomes your gf

now this is what i call insane life RNG
Never trust a woman with pigtails
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Pussy rubs for jobie
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Such a stupid thing to hang on and type up paragraphs about. It’s a nonissue at this point considering, like I said, he hasn’t been in her stream in weeks. He unfollowed Abi after the Greg shit, that doesn’t mean anything to you?
Not disagreeing with you but she's lucky she found that editor, dude's been putting in work
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Anon she's been thirst trapping for an entire month
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Take one look at the faggots who do
Real Nigga Grindset
>I'd rather order an escort
>paying women money to whore themselves out
I wouldn't even do that. The audacity whores have

They can pay me to piss on them if they want
>Why get mad? At this point watching production's train wreck is part of the entertainment
Thats what i mean. Jet hateposting is what brings all the factions together.
Like >>200470216
Jets looking for a mommy to clean up after him because the wiggers literally cant throw cans in the trash.
She does
Why does she do this. It was only quirk chungus the first time
What's the statute of limitations on not respecting your partner? How long until previous behavior suddenly doesn't matter? A month? A year? And if we're talking about other social media bullshit, why did he like a Letty titty picture on his main account?
He is what a min charisma /int max luck character looks like.
Thought you meant nudes lol
>the Greg shit
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how does she so effortlessly mogs every single female in existence (let alone tankskans)
I mean... there are those, too

And it's vomit inducing
>What's the statute of limitations on not respecting your partner?
Are you some borderline personality disorder troon or something? You really dont see how faggy your posts are do you?
I'm here to bridge your understanding of women forever
Women get a kick out of showing off the same way you get a kick out of saying nigger
You want to get reactions with little effort and its addictive

So next time YOU decide to say the "N" word, try spreading your asshole on the internet, you'll probably like it
Not posted by her, they don't meet the criteria
mmmm slimy boobies
these niggas still seething over tj kwab
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Simply by being Josie! She's amazing.
i love my man TJ, but he's clueless about the (sexual) nature of women, he's a lost case since he behaves like a puppy doormat

Women who are Wholesome Pretenders are the most manipulative, most duplicitous you'll encounter in life, but they don't really want you to know they're like that.

Wholesome Pretenders are like sexual chameleons, if she's in the company of of a guy who puts her on a pedestal and she perceives him to be somewhat naive/conservative/prudish/monogamous than she is, she will quickly present herself as a Innocent Wholesome Girl
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I did. Not that great rather say the N word
She took them and sent them. That's whore behaviour. So is taking lewd photos of yourself and posting them on social media, which is my "criteria"

You're just in denial because you're a simp
It's funny watching the Tayjeets going through the 5 stages of grief. They're on anger right now
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She's a skinny fat mexican that's insecure about her weird male looking body and talks like a barely sentient nigger thoughbeit
If she's in the company of a man who she knows can see through her disingenous, prudish facade, she'll get as raw and kinky as she thinks that man wants her to be, assuming she's attracted to him
summys getting fat
I was a day 2 tj endorser but i still think he is really dumb and can't speak for shit. You cant tell me with a straight face tj is charismatic. Most people didnt even remember he existed the first week when he was fucking up the vaccuum, painting the wall for 5 hours or reading out loud to no one (and when he finished tts told him to go read more and he sulked upstairs and kept reading).
Hes genuinely a good guy though but every time he opens his mouth its unintentional comedy.
We're happy 4 him
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are there any restreamers left, i don't trust flowstreams to not dox and rape me irl
Is TTS on?
I will murder you fuck niggler bitch
With Jimmy there, probably not
Shes a fucking boring streamer
>every time he opens his mouth its unintentional comedy.
Yea. Congrats for figuring it out, autist
>TJ vs Jimmy clip drops
>Tay gets outed as lying cunt
This is why chudgang supporters are attacking TJ at all angles
Greg started a dono goal of like $600 to visit TJ and Taylor (and Brian I guess) in Michigan. The thing is he never told any of them about this, he just sprung it on her and I think she said she would've liked to be told before hand if he's coming up there. Greg started to pretend like it was all ok and he had the go ahead (when he did not), even read fake DMs from Taylor saying it was ok. I think they unfollowed each other over it.
Chinese spy
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>Most people didnt even remember he existed the first week
you're forgetting one of the most iconic moments of the season
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>tay confirmed dating some guy in kentucky
>start cuck posting about taylor a tj furiously
cool. anyway, how many bongs til i can see letty argue with jon?
reposting the copypasta from when it happened
>Here are the facts of the Greg situation:
>Greg hits up Taylor in her DMs (and no one else for some reason,) and asks what her closest airport is IF he decides to come visit. She provides the name of an airport and no further information, but asks Greg to keep her up to date on his plans. Greg agrees. End of conversation.
>Greg puts up a $600 donation goal with Taylor, TJ, and Brian's names on his stream WITHOUT asking permission and WITHOUT the knowledge of anyone else involved. At this point, Taylor is still the only person he has reached out to.
>Several weeks later, Taylor is asked about this donation goal on her stream. She claims to know nothing about it and says that Greg has not communicated any plans with her.
>Greg is then asked about this in his stream. He and his chat claim that Taylor has forgotten that she agreed to it. Greg calls her a knucklehead before reading their private DMs out loud on his stream. Her reads them verbatim, until the end when he makes up a line by Taylor ("Sure, see you soon!") to make it sound like she agreed to it. Greg continues taking money for this donation goal knowing full well that he has now lied about it to his viewers.
>Taylor finds out that Greg lied about what she said. She confronts him in private and attempts to resolve the situation. Greg apologizes to her and make excuses. Taylor says that she doesn't appreciate Greg lying about what she said and that she's too busy for a trip. She tells Greg to change his plans. Greg agrees.
>Greg changes the wording of his donation goal to "Big trip." He is asked about this on stream. He says that there was miscommunication between he and Taylor but that she is still down for a trip. Taylor hears about this and becomes angry that Greg has lied again. It is ONLY at this point that Taylor releases the videos of Greg lying.
Greg lied to his audience and faked messages from someone else to steal money to pay his rent
Your woman sending YOU nudes is a good thing. You are free to think whatever you want about the thirsts traps, I didn't even dispute you that. Why are you upset?
? You seem upset for no reason
I slowly grew to hate Jimmy over time but this night makes me hopeful Medic Jimmy will redeem himself.
Not an argument, dilate
The first 5 days of S2 was peak fishtank. Then, it all went off the rails.
Bex is Queen of Clubs. But who are the Queens of Spades, Diamonds and Hearts?
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Jimmy is king.
Tj as a person is boring BUT he was a magnet for content. The tj haters will always leave out stuff like this
>Queens of Spades
Blacked Betty
reddit frog
reddit jimmy
>all this shit for 600$

damn it sucks to be poor i guess
I actually missed that night so i couldnt forget it as i dont really know what happened besided ice on his head
But what does that have to do with Abi?
You wrote a lot just to say
>he sucks
>he’s unintentionally funny
Common groomer greg L
>Why are you upset?
I think it's more you upset and projecting
When you are upset, you project your feelings onto everyone else

Go outside and take a break. Stop white knighting for internet whores, clear your head
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Why does nobody care that the show is supposed to start in 2 hours
If you had Jet's number? What would you guys say?
I don't know, TJ always likes pics Abi posts and other fishtank girls.
We arent having a debate, you are just gossiping about the relationshil of people you dont even know. Only fags and women do that
abi is also a destitute poor scumbag useless whore
abi had recently gotten a copyright claim from restreaming taylor, sided with greg and pretended to be upset with him making fun of taylor.
I luv u Jet
Jimmy elected himself as the medic of the house and unintentionally almost killed TJ several times trying to "save" him. Ben ran up and one point to get him to stop, and as soon as Ben turned around Jimmy immediately went right back to try to forcefeed TJ handfuls of advil.
>giving examples of why i endorsed him is me saying he sucks
I think you might be the autist here
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yjk she a freak
God damn jimmy was such a liability. Its impressive he lasted as long as he did
abi is poor like really really poor lmao
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and yet she effortlessly mogs everyone and especially that fake whore you posted
really makes you think huh
Enjoy life friend, stop seething
Women don't need to be rich that's what men are for
She lives at her bf's section 8 housing in the desert
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>this guy gives you a thumbs up and says "good idea bro"
what do?!
Bro everyone but Cole is poor
Which is why nobody should be believing jet when he says he’s giving jimmy a weapon
What are abis socials
He looks so old. There's no way he lives past 60
he was gonna give him permanent freeze burns all over his face
Thanks dude! *leans in for a kiss*
The "weapon" is a uv-flashlight
He's 57.
He's gonna forcefully shove it up someone's asshole and rupture their sphincter
He's gonna find a way to shine it directly into someone's eyes or just throw it at someone (Letty)
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Fishtank Live has made me laugh harder then any other media in the past 10 years, I've been crying at moments; it is a rollercoaster ride especially when there is a major meltdown.

The ability to pay for messages and gifts is genius. It provides a stream of fresh ideas for the contestants and producers; keeping contestants distracted for the duration of the show.

Only Jet, Sam and the crew can keep a project like this entertaining as it requires allot of daily effort behind the scenes and in front of the camera; I'm sure the show will only become better as they gain more experience as show runners and their gaslighting skills continue to improve.
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Josie is literally the only contestant who stands out as a personality without just being an asshole. And hoes with generic Red Scare/Tumblr/Twitter personalities don't count.
You're a fag and a conformist
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Protect Jet.
Nourish Jet.
Cuddle Jet.
Kiss Jet.
Buy Jet Whippets.
Cherish Jet.
Comfort Jet.
Cradle Jet.
My bet is he is going to bash someone with a traditional rock or a stick
her body is insane, shame about that face
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Word is that Jet has found some real vampires on craigslist.
Yep. What a shitty idea to bring him back lol
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i hope bex is there
i love her!
She was super cute when she had baby fat but that was years ago
I still think she looks alright. Her feral sexuality makes a big difference
kek I just this moment got that, that's why he's the medic
>you drank too much alcohol? here drink this milk bro it'll help
fucking legend
tayleigh is retarded enough to think people will buy her shitty crochet stuff without her streaming and while having a bf KWAB
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which one should i buy?

Reminder she chose the wardrobe for S2 and is responsible for such masterpieces as

>That striped jumpsuit that was passed around between the girls
>Anything that accentuated Trish's ass
>Tayleigh's neat brown jacket outfit
Donate to flowstreams instead
Then whore is a meaningless label, no one is against that
Is TTS on?
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Buy alcohol and watch on Flowstreams
S2 wardrobe was actually amazing.
Did they add 2 hours to the countdown?
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>Her feral sexuality makes a big difference
fact, though I'd refer to it more as a demonic malevolence
Hey, so I've never posted here, but you guys know Tayleigh is ugly, right? I went to high school with "her" and I knew a couple guys who were weird enough to perceive her visage and they said she has like, a hideous busted face. I saw someone call her Gayleigh and that's funny because that's the name she was born with lol. Don't get me wrong, I like Tayleigh although she's a lot more mean/antisocial than I think you guys understand, but it seems like some of you are interested in her sexually? Lol. Nigga you gay
Allow me to be real: I was raped
do you guys actually like don jolly or pretend too so you can spite your internet daddy??? that u keep coming back to, you do know he was fired because he was trash talking sam to his friends and because he threatened to kill himself in Sam's office and blame it on a woman who worked there
keep going...
In the shivering winter of 23 Samuel Hyde was raped
>she had previously mentioned that she herself wasn't comfortable about talking too much about Fishtank during her streams
untrue, besides tj rarely talked about fishtank when in her chat. him only showing up when daydrinking is just you interpreting his tardy writing as being drunk ergo headcanon
he supported her enough. she wouldn't have a twitch career to begin with if not for him and he's collabed with her a number of times doubling or tripling her viewership. at the trisha/brian collab he even sacrificed and offed his own stream just so she'd be able to stream. i don't see the selfishness
it's pretty insane that you're that obsessed to need to extrapolate all those tiny bleeps of online interactions between them into a projection of their relationship just because you're locked out of their private life lol. i'd love to hear how you came to the conclusion of tj not taking care of her while she was sick
>how hard she's working
kek no
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holy shit get a job man
>still seething over harmless tj
jet posted a video ig story 20 minutes ago and he sounds hungover and retarded
Vance here. Im crying
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>that time Jimmy was going through his CD's and said "Queen? Yeah that's probably public domain."
how could you not love this guy?
I assume she made those videos with her editor kek. That plus her copyright striking Abi is so based, never hesitates to go for the kill shot
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He's a wigger zoomer, he doesn't know what professionalism is.
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Because he's a spineless quitting retard
Tai's flight lands at 2:00 lmao
fraid so
I love all of them (tay is okay) and wanted TJ to win back when the show was on but jimmy and cole were by far the best fish
Nasferatu energy vampire looking ass
Jet it up!
>I have been raped every day of my life
trust me, if I got my hands on Summer, she would be
She was born in Odessa
>doubling/tripling her viewership
Another case of /tv/ posters not understanding how to valuate concurrent viewership numbers.
because he's annoying and gay
nobody likes Jimmy nigga
nah that's Cole you're thinking of, Cole quit
so he sounds like he always does then
Jimmy doesn’t know much about words
he's doing a bit retards
Two things can be true at once
nah fuck off
Did you stay in your 3 foot world /tv/?
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Jimbo thread, newfags
I'm so glad this general doesn't like Jimmy anymore
The bit of a being a retarded whippet huffer? That's a long time to commit to a bit
you mean kentucky?
Thats not true because this is true
yeah and i got raped
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>do you know what that means?
>kind of...?
Jimmy fans lost all respect when they couldn't handle him getting his ass kicked by TJ
if you still dislike jimmy you are a faggot, he practically made season 2 good

its like hating nifty or something
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somehow Palpatine is back
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For me? It's just GOTTA be Big Jimbo!
Love Nifty hate Jimmy simple as
Is that you in that picture
>he practically made season 2 good
enough about TJ,Oliver,and Cole. Jimmy was never entertaining
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that's just mormon reddit niggers
jimmy is the great filter
only the most sophisticated people get and appreciate the jimjammer
So plain lol
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I don't care if she fucked a black guy, I'd still marry her.
I like jimmy but the threat of him freaking out and committing assault NEEDS to be there. Otherwise he’s just an autist dork who won’t shut up
Only new fags like Jimbo

Oldheads were there for Yaptank
Milquetoast taste
I'm the guy who does his job.
You must be the other guy.
This is the correct take
>TJ,Oliver,and Cole
>Jimmy was never entertaining
When he's comfortable and in on the joke he fucking sucks. He's like Fatty where he's only entertaining when he's in genuine distress
>tj and oliver
christ, you gonna add jc in the mix while you're at it?
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Name 10 entertaining Jimmy moments that don't involve him assaulting someone or getting angry
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Brian won
personally, i think they were all great
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>Scares the hos
>Nukes social interaction
>Cant play a part
>Go away heat

He has the highest peaks for sure but it just wasnt worth it
The shit taste in this general astounds me sometimes. What's next, we're going to have people saying that the Brian and CK love plot was on the level of Gone With the Wind?
if i was going to show fishtank off to someone I'm not going to show them a clip of TJ analyzing a painting, I'm going to show jimmy freaking out.
I'm feeling particularly immune to fishtank allure this morning
Oliver was very entertaining if you stayed up until 2 or 3am to watch him
Haha star of david. Get it?
based fish tank enjoyer
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>is supposedly toddler-brained
>is the only one smart one to turn down going to this unmitigated disaster
checkmate atheists
his rotten prison wine
him not shutting the fuck up about the CD's
him retaliating about the wine and smearing vaseline all over production stairs
making sam to shut him up with his cringe
12 years of mma
mormon niggers
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Why did it get moved up? I set an alarm by this countdown yesterday and it was supposed to start later than this???
put donjolly.com in the next OP
I’m also going to show tj constantly boxing and getting too drunk
no one wants josie on 2.5, not even her fans
actually i would show them The story challenge from the first day so they can decide who they like based off of that and not something that isn't seen often so they get their expectations up and end up like the people in this gen
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yeah that's fair
That’s part of the overall experience though. Like, if you watched the show in clips, yeah Jimmy is the undisputed king but in reality everyone had their time to shine. Everyone is so gay in here.
bring back bestgirl Blicky
He was okay, but he wasn't given much to do. His brotherhood with Shinji was cool to watch, though.
It's starting 2pm est
8, exactly my point
Fucking hell Jimmy looks so deadeyed in Dumbgays pics. He's got to be worried of what upcoming humiliation they have planned for him during the next two weeks after that last clip they dropped. Everyone else looks so happy
She’s kind of ugly but she’s okay overall
>Dumb gay, how would you feel if you didn't eat breakfast?
>but I didn't eat breakfast
>thank you
I think about that a lot.
Didn’t Steinful say he was putting out another clip today? Wouldn’t it be best to drop it before the livestream starts?
he's just doing the fake stoic face he always does because he thinks it makes him look cool
I understand that. Yesterday the countdown would've ended either 4 or 5pm est, I don't remember which.
yes but to enjoy TJ you have to watch the entire thing and get invested in the story line and his relationship with taylor, without context he is not entertaining

jimmy having an entire group of guys sending him code then choking on a whole pepper is unbelievable
>that don't involve him assaulting someone or getting angry
He has no life in his eyes, like a doll or an animal. Nothing going on in his brain besides youtube poop and childrens movies
This alone makes me want him to die on stream. But bringing up molestation and pedos every 2 minutes was so draining. I dont know how anyone could listen to him at all. I changed cameras whenever he walked into a room
>I'm bringing my favorite fish back
Of course it's Brian. Why is Jet such a fag for him?
sorry to ruin your fun but if you think duanye doesn't know about the breakfast question you're a fucking moron

>his rotten prison wine

>him not shutting the fuck up about the CD's
Asking production for stuff is a JC bit.

>him retaliating about the wine and smearing vaseline all over production stairs


Its whatever

>making sam to shut him up with his cringe

>12 years of mma
That and him not knowing what a granby roll is was just bad cringe, you wouldnt get it casual

>mormon niggers
That was cool yeah
you couldn't point even 5 for any other contestant besides maybe cole.
jimmy mogs and made me laugh the most out of any other contestant.
him being a deranged women beater only makes it better.
his only downsides are being prone to quitting challenges and getting absolutely KWABitched out of the show in his lubecooch fight performance.
A contestants positive worth is directly linked to how often they fucked up productions plans/bits. Tj is the bootlickers choice of contestant. Contestants like jimmy, Jon, Tayleigh, Cole, while annoying, justify their existence by fucking with production, regardless of if they intended to.
>jimmy having an entire group of guys sending him code then choking on a whole pepper is unbelievable
Did you read the document they wrote for him? Incredibly lame and clear Sam Hyde Idubbz copycat shit
nah you are, he's just gay and black
>haAAAA he said "he just gay and black"
What's the over under on how quickly Jimmy transitions from silly pre-planned bits talking about his Facebook conspirators, to seething and whistling murder Jimmy
It's only 12pm est
Neither of those are entertaining without context, that’s my point. The mallet clip is easy to show people as is a TJ boxing match. As a show, they were both great additions to the cast, sorry if that bothers you.
Does anyone have the pic of Jet on TTS and in fishtank chat of him trying to give Brian advice
The hypothetical doesnt work if he didnt actually eat breakfast you moron. He doesnt need to imagine anything because its how he actually feels
>in his lubecooch fight performance
that was a work, ya mark
>a tj boxing match
that isn't funny though, you only find that entertaining if you like the character growth stuff
The storyline shit isn’t even that cool. He was literally just the resident crash test dummy. Passed out on a ground of 2x4’s getting his brains and ribs smashed from always fighting, walking around like a puppy unable to speak. And “content” always seemed to find him. He never ducked it like shinji

Raping TJs liver
Emerging out of the Gooncave to confront Trish
The whole Jimmy chemical weapons mini Arc

Like I said some of the highest peaks but just not worth it
they exploited him in backyard boxing matches to sell on the internet, shaved his head, and dressed him like an Auschwitz then took him to urgent care when the abuse started to look like it might have consequences
I wonder how many questions the doctors asked.
No he's just out of shape and a coward
The whole show is about being funny though, I don’t know what you want me to tell you.
nah you are
thats what I'm saying you dick, half of TJ's moments were not funny they were just 'look how far hes come'
Tj fought sam Ben jimmy and a girl. He’s the champ
and a chinaman
you faggots that simp for these trash dumb tankskanks are a bad joke just fucking stop you humiliate yourselves you little gang of drama queen cuckqueers
It was all funny, retard
taylor is the only reason tj won, shes the only reason people cared about him

>he boxed everyone!!!
who cares
My bad I meant *not about being funny
Good morning
Not really.

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