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Jimmy did nothing wrong edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.



>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
>2 minutes from start
>not even 5,500 people watching
lol s2 really killed the momentum. dead show.
it proved Jet and the wigger crew fluked it on season 1, plus including Josie and Vance was a huge mistake and they took only grit/edge this show had left
s2 killed the show. The degenerate potheads accidently made a good first season. That really only had a few days that were good.
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Are there any Asian people in here? Can you describe how this image makes you feel?
lmoa are they trying to do accents?

>not scripted
massive failure already
good job jet
how do i watch this shit
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are you fucking kidding me brian is here
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the porta-potty are really ruining the immersion
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Sex horse
just remember. not a penny.
tj fucked that
Built for horses
letty talking shit about jon
most of the men there have too
how does the boss nigger do it man
How soon will the rp break down?
They don't know why s1 was good.
>An error occured trying to resume playback
>Greg talking about going to a pride festival
sweet cope chudgang
man nothing like not being able to hear a single fucking thing anyone says
Hopefully soon Brian is already getting on my nerves
you just dont understand the advancement of culture going on
For a while, until Fatty shows up. You know he'll keep some shitty accent going the entire time.
holy shit this is cringe
they're in the threads. we tell them a million times.
and they still don't get it.
don't fucking give them a penny
this is awful
Which cameras are even working, I can't see shit other than >error occurred and the inside of a pocket
>can't hear shit over midi track
>audio keeps chopping in and out
Culture status?
Taylor is so unbelievably perfect. I never realized how tiny she is
Just hearing Jimmy's gay reddit voice triggers me so bad, why is he here ffs
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>you look like you need to be circumcised
no fucking sound
catastrophic failure
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This is what the average millennial MDE fan looks like
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>it's just larping
I fucking knew it
yeah, we all knew it. that's what it's always been.
Ok jet this MIGHT be kino
why would anyone watch this lmfaooooo
good job jet
fucking retard. he already blew it. somehow he blew it even harder this time
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Trish. So hot right now. Trish.
wow sherlock here really figured it out. not like jet literally said as much months ago.
Its worse than I ever could have imagined
imagine when jet or whoever pitched this to same

trish has a double digit iq
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Brutal Twink Death
mfw when this piece of shit loses money and Jet finally is relieved of his duties
Brian best roleplayer?? Who would have thought
too many soupkitchens
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I'm just waiting for jimmy to murder mauro
Letty is above this somehow and she fucks a teenage wigger with down syndrome
mauroGODS.... we won.
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Did she get LasiK????
josie on production
how long before all the fucks ups and mistakes are attributed to her sabotaging pedo sam and wigger jet and not just being retarded
what are contacts
they werent prepared at all just like I expected
this shit sucks bad so far
Contacts are very bad for camping
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hi BI
>Josie turned down the offer

Sad to see but understandable.
how are the fishtank s2 episodes still not out yet? fucking hell.
Too much fent and campbells
So without the season pass i can't watch a majority of the cams
and that leaves me with two choices
pay 60 dollars to wigger jet to watch horrible roleplay bullshit that nobody fucking asked for
or simply log off and not watch.
easy fucking decision. fuck this shit.
When does the gay sex start?
is the main stream also laggy af? jesus jet
No but she got fake tits and they make me want to cum
i don't want to watch teh same retards i watched before
Bend over for me
Not seeing any hype for this on X and this thread is slow as shit. Jet is sweating.
Nina is acting up already. When is Jeremy showing up as a vampire??
Yeah the show is finished but there's another active thread
KEK, I wasn't even aware of this. Who the fuck would pay 60 dollars for this.
so they admitted that the biggest mistake of s2 was casting mde fans just to fucking bring them back?
mauro and jimmy are going to fight
screenshot this
We need bossman Jet or Sammy to come in and set the scene for them to get rolling, this dawdling is turning many people off
These useless niggers are already smugly FailRPing and inside joking. Hope Goran does a brutal torture on them, culturally
i want to see him tackle jimbo
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i missed the sound of letty's voice.
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they literally have gay sex
jimmy flew across the country to new mexico to "hang out" with him
Sorry guys no Gormedios Goldstriker tonight, he is with his merry band performing stand up comedy in the far away land of Atlanta
jet it up
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cope and sneed faggoo
i hope charls appears this time but its unlikely. he definitely could roleplay and steal the show.
ben how did you not stop this horrible idea from coming to fruition
true this would save it
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Thicc Trish looking so fucking fine
Something bad needs to happen to Sams crew. They can't keep getting away with this.
hey guys it's me Sicko_Hunter just here to write another essay on why Letty from fishtank is among the greatest characters in fiction
brian is a dipshit but he's funny when he's acting. He's good at improv
move to this thread tards it's the main one >>200478779
We bent her spine badly and she will have to rest for the first 4 days. Sorry
That's it. I'm done. Fuck Scam Hyde. You were right he is a grifter. I can't believe I gave these lying SCUMBAGS so much money. I'M FUCKING DONE! THIS IS A SLAP IN THE FUCKING FACE! FUCK THIS SHIT!
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guys please just imagine how fucking hot and sweaty her tits are going to get holy shit im going to fucking CUM
Taylor's tits looking bigger than Letty's even with her getting enhanced
Letty is actually funny and the only reason this might be watchable
Letty and Tai will probably save this season, Jon and Jimmy might make it gold or unbearable
this is infuriating because they could do whatever dumbass game jet has planned and NOT roleplay
people don't want to watch them all play retarded characters we want to see them interact with each other
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Duan'ye is already starting to build animus against Letty, I can't wait to see them go at it
jon and jimmy will fight
screenshot this
Dunye already breaking out the anti-asian racism, kek
Tai and Dunye will have good bants
gotta say, so far its pretty brutal how shitty and boring this is.
skibidi chungus
>your kind
this nigga can't let up for one second
So is Vance officially out?
letty already mogging
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>I said fuck off
Made me laugh out loud, who is this dude.
Getting ready to spend the next two weeks watching this 16 hours a day and constantly complaining about it on ftl like its the worst thing ever.
Tay looks good with short hair
Its Scott you dumb nigger
I'm just gonna listen to Tai in the background the whole time, all I did in s1 and 2
that looks like the pot bellied ginger
Can't believe I hated Dunye when he first entered the tank, he absolutely saved the show after Jimmy left.
she's already trying to assist tai with the quest. shes turning the nontent into content

idk the character but thats scott sulivan MMA fighter, sensai from last season
brian is actually doing a good job and I fucking hated him in s2
anon, vance was never in. it was all a trick to get greg to become a contestant, like how they basically kept him hostage from the moment he entered the S2 house
Trish delish, my favorite fish..
i kinda hated brian too but hes got a good cowboy accent
is tai's cam losing signal? kek
who's going to join the duanye + tayleigh clan?
The Twisted Stranger
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is the website broken for anyone else?
only way I can watch this is on flowstreams rn
we got some brian orbiters in the thread
I see Josie is still dogshit and retarded at autocam
This is DOGSHIT. I hope Jet and Sam both get raped and murdered by a pack of wild negros.
>he doesn't know that gayleigh nuked her fanbase within the last 24 hours
flowstreams has directed view and fullscreen
fix the site jet
just watch director cam
Show hasn't properly started yet. I'm waiting for Jet and Goldstriker to gather everyone together and properly introduce the show. Remember this is how the other seasons of fishtank begun, just a couple of fish hanging out waiting on the others to arrive
Brian buddy in the making
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She didn't even want to do season 2
lowkey been thinking this too
It's broken for me
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i thought tayleigh nuked her fanbase by being an annoying bitch in s2
pick a fucking camera and stick with it for longer than 5 seconds
jesus christ director
You are unable to detect if tits are fake or not
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>website doesn't have full screen toggle
>website doesn't have theater toggle
>70% of the screen is filled with bullshit garbage
Ok so I see the FREE WATER jug is in the gulch, which is past the pvp area of the wilds
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Jimmy and Tai hanging out in the woods is comfy kino
normal, well adjusted people never liked tayleigh
most of her simps dumped her after she said she'd suck frank's cock and swallow his cum
it took her getting her box rammed by some retard in kentucky for the holdouts to finally break
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Adolescent boy
basically, she only went because it paid more than streaming would've
how do I watch this on my smart tv?

am I stuck to YouTube restreamers?
They all already know eachother. THIS SUCKS!
Watch it on your computer like a normal person.
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>"smart" tv
>no browser
dungay hates all women
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jet it up right guise
ok i missed the intro so maybe they explained it but...
what happens when they go to the bathroom / change / sleep? do the cams stay on? or can they turn them off for a bit? i feel like the POV is going to backfire quick...
Is Cole going to appear?
anon... there was no intro. this is it
Jimmy is so autistic hahahaha
weeks ago they said they can take them off when shitting n stuff
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love his autistic ass
going for letty with that rizztraining order
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The Duke of Schitty
Sam just isn't funny since he started doing stand up. I think he just got old :(
And my name?
>35 posts in ten minutes
dead on arrival kek, everyone who went back for round 2 of this humiliation ritual deserves what's coming to them
how long until he stops putting on the makeup?
Jimmy camera audio is muffled
they haven't explained anything, they just let the retards loose. presumably they shut the cameras off at night to recharge and one of the freeloaders will hold their rigs when they poop
have tays simps turned on her?
Tay simps were bad but tj simps were worse
chud tai
they were angry with her for ditching streamer for an entire month and then a whole ass drama with a secret boyfriend ensued
Taylor > Blacksmith's wife > Trish > > Letty >> Tayleigh
could a kind anon make a webm of mr hyde motorcycling in on trailcam with the music
I say that as someone who hated all of the s2 contestants. I honestly barely saw an Tay simps It was mostly tj and summer weirdos
>>35 posts in ten minutes
>dead on arrival kek, everyone who went back for round 2 of this humiliation ritual deserves what's coming to them
Thats what happens when you are a jobless neet. You release shit on a Tuesday at 3PM EST 12PM CST when everyone is still working. Bunch of fuckin retards.
Tayleigh's already found loot, the others are cringe RP'ing in town.
>one hour of people awkwardly standing around
This is some groundbreaking stuff.
why the fuck is it renaissance themed... vampires are a 18th/19th century gothic revival / romantic / victorian era thing. this is dumb.
Letty tits and pits
It's insane how good Letty is at getting under people's skin.
why does nina walk like that lol
Her ability to interrogate is threatening
>Tayleigh already lost a life
Wtf happened?
the camera audio is trash, the cams switch back and forth way too fast, theres no clear narrative or idea whats going on, the contestants have no clear instructions, the audience doesn't know waht they are supposed to do to win.
is it? I disagree
oh it's just bant freaks thinking that tay's their e-gf? she always sucked shit
ya classic simp shit
You didn;t even mention the motorbike! this will be mentioned in my complaint email to Sam and Jet
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>MPV script for clipping
Letty is a freak. But I am watching for her and Jon.
Normal well adjusted people don't watch this trash.
so they are next to a road with constant trafic? Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah my interest fell drastically
The dungeon synth is too loud sometimes.
I’m waiting for Sam’s outfit to get caught in the wheel
They would otherwise reality shows and maury wouldn't make bank like they do, but the real fact is no network would ever support this trash.
stupid fucking picture but i appreciate it anon
they should have drones attacking Letty like in Ukraine
sam apeing resident evil village hard rn
Why do none of the audios work ?
at least tai is funny
Are you new?
Bros this is terrible and I don't think it's going to get any better. Sam just makes me cringe anymore this duke thing isn't funny at all. I feel like I'm watching some 8th grader's home video of him and his LARP pals being edgy in the woods.
whats MPV?
This is so fucking gay it's just going to be friend tank no drama all the threads are nothing but stalkers and simps this is just jet and his friends hanging out fuck this
its good and funny. zoomers seethe
its like VLC
most paluable vlayer
LARPing is fun.
His stupid rat face is so disgusting. I will never understand why anyone rooted for this thing.
the only reason i'm still watching this is hoping to witness tayleigh die in some sort of accident
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ATV's for the noobs soon
I like Tai, also I like Letty so far even tho I didn't care for her in s1
he fucked taylor and won 50k
idk anons, i am willing to give Jet a shot on this one
blacksmith and his wife are so kino
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>Jimmy went digging into a beehive
Based retard
Taylors ugly too
tai got 10 silver
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TTS is 7 bucks right now lmao
Reminder Jet stole this idea from Wrong Turn 2
They brought back Brian too? Fucking gay I hate seeing these people again the fun of fishtank is the new fish what a fucking crock of shit
>why do you have that?
>i found it
violetta looks good in her face now
the brit yellow dress babe is my wife now
Maybe, but it's not fun to watch other people do it poorly.
Kevin Durant's mom.
it's called fishtank all-stars you fuckin dork
i just started watching. does it suck?
letty asking sam "what's your name again" was funny and a cute moment
Sam gonna fuck TJs girl lmaooooooo
Who the fuck would pay for this shit? Its jets larp house on steroids. Its literally the worst aspects lf fishtank all in 1 with none of the good
>Allstars is just everyone

That's not how it works retard
Seeing Jimmy interact with people again is so kino. His streams are absolutely miserable, he just sits around doing nothing. The moment he opens his mouth around another human being, it's instantly the best thing ever.
When does Jon get here?
Letty Tayleigh and Taylor, my three wives all in once place.
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How is Brian an all-star? How is Tayleigh an all-star?
well she did say her husband died
is there no autocam? everything feels so hard to keep track of
Brian is their personal friend
Most of the top clips of S2 are Tayleigh's nipples, that's the legacy of the entire season
AAAHH I HATE GREG!!! Where's Vance?
Jet's favorites which is why we dont have fan-favorite Cole
what can you tell me about that?
letty rules, can’t imagine leaving her cam much
Cole would be terrible in this. Hes an """actor""" that couldnt be anyone but his spergy self
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lmao these fucking retards
>Trisha's fat ass
>Trisha's fat ass
i'm ready for some scuffed retard kino
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Is TTS on?
the only time we were close to having a """star""" in fishtank was when that nigger almost raped tay everyone else is a boring hack
Okay we get it very funny
>Trisha’s fat ass
Is it really bee keepers or did jimmy just find a single bee hive and is saying its bee keepers?
We're gonna need freeTS to save this
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>Trish's fat ass broke the bike
What powers does it hold?
what time did the show start?
Fuck this I'm out. Even my loser ass has better things to do than watch this garbage. Great job Sam and Jet, you somehow beheaded an invincible cash cow.
i just downloaded mpv and i have no idea how to use it where do i even put the script
that ass is reserved for soup kitchen bros only
Can I get a QRD on the JDA?
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no vance? not watching. simple as.
fix typo:

#EXTINF:1, Gulch
I actually prefer it to suck so I don't have to watch it
where the fuck is jon?
special rules designed so jimmy doesnt assault people. which is the only thing that makes him entertaining
>not Joker posting
I just logged on and 30 seconds was enough for me to realize this is not going to be fun at all.
Its watching a dnd stream (which is gay enougu) with a bunch of people that dont know what larping is.
Greg produces more content than Vance anyway
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What is my grild Tayleigh doing?
>already this poggers when its only the first hour orso and they are still setting up
its gonna be based
too many cameras makes it hard to keep up with what's going on.
greg is the main character
greg is the main character
greg is the main character
greg is the main character
so much lag
is it lagging like crazy for anybody else?
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All of you that can't shut up about tj and Taylor I just want you to know that you are the absolute worst fishtank posters and I sincerely wish you would kill yourself
I think it'll be better when everyone is grouped up
She died earlier. That's about it.
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Remember season 1 when jon took all the way to midnight to get there? Probably that. Retard doesnt know how planes work
it's nice that director cam is absolutely worthless
It's not even playing
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>Letty and Tay
>Jimmy and Jon (and Taylor)
Shit LARPing aside, this has potential
Just go director cam and fugetaboutit
Letty looks cute in Tai cam
>tts test
>Greg complaining about the construction site to Sam

based tai ruining goran's story
Letty and Tay need to kiss asap
It's a shame Sam's best character was wasted on the absolute worst season
>What is my grild Tayleigh doing?
She got blasted by chip doing a no-step on snek routine. She's been just wandering around in the woods confused because her intro quest is literally just find random lootcrates thrown around.
them not being confined to one space definitely makes it hard to follow
Yo is Greg going to save this season with his sincere roleplaying
what's the """goal""" in this game?
His best character was S1
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>does nothing
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where is she
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Sam is
Yea I think Ive had my fill of cringe
>Vance Helsing was supposed to be the main character
>now Greg Helsing has to improv the entire season
Switching through the cams to see letty
>Viewership dropping
Season 2 was better than Season 1 just fyi
Jose is a retard what do you expect
notice sam has a bela lugosi accent..
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s2 was better in 3 days then s1 in 42 days
It's fucking impossible to follow anything that's happening even with the director cam
it makes it impossible to follow
It’s getting better
Whats their cope gonna be? They were just trying shit out for S3? They knew it was gonna fail?
>Season 2 was better than Season 1 just fyi
Absolutely true and its not even close
How many times is Jimmy gonna mention the bees?
letty looks like a beautiful canadian babe
I forgot how hard it is to look at Letty's eyes
thats jimmy's thing... he just repeats the same shit over and over
jimmy is awful still....
Lazy eye letty makes my japs eye leaky
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Cute domesticated goblin taylor
Every time it cuts to Jimmy he is telling the same story
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no man Sylvia and Letty going into the basement was better, vance and josie really had personality man you don't get it
God I hope Tai shoots him in the back
Duke has to fight back to retain authority and respect, he cant have Greg fucking up his shit just like that
It is Jonning time
yea its bad
he's worthless without the freak outs
He's doing Gary old man dracula
Or At least he was earlier
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it's hard NOT to look at them
How the fuck is Jon gonna do this lol
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stupid retarded dyke
Watching letty and tay together is insane. Letty is so beautiful and tay is transitioning into a 14 year old boy
she fucked a fan in kentucky, the chicken plushie guy
brutal mogging
Crossover of the century
>2 seasons have passed and it still doesn't work
bravo, goran
Average lesbian couple
gotta give it to them, tech seems surprisingly solid
a nightmare to have this many wireless cameras/mics in a fucking forest
let's see how it holds up
Tay literally has no feminine features its insane
Where the fuck even is autocam? I'm shuffling through the live feeds like crazy
why do they think the npcs are gonna give information? they are just winging it and don't know anything
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At least she doesn't have to be a part of this and listen to you incel's mean TTS, and I don't have to bother carrying anymore.
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Gyppo wife Trisha
Not posting in a Jimmy thead fuck you
what did jimmy say?
They need to kiss NOW
tts is too quiet they need to up the volume
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>need to chose between hearing lettys voice and following her story to maybe seeing her on the director cam
this sucks
What's his class going to be? A reverend?
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Average irish woman
Jewish squirrel
Letty mogs her and Letty is a 4-5 at best lol tayfags hurting right now
i wish it was more than pov cams and you could generally see what was happening in a specific area
Is the site muted for anybody else? There seems to be no way to adjust it.
so are they waiting for Jon to really start or is this it
It's always funny when Sam gets checked because he'll always recognise it and do something for the person doing it, like Letty in S1
good for her
Someone said Sam Hyde is owned by Peter Thiel. Does anyone know what thats about?
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its not that hard to find anon
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The judge gives and takes away
Well the key is that jimmy will do it anyways
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>no gameplay discussion
the way she surrendered to chip, got shot for being transphobic but charisma'd her way out deserves kudos still
Same lol
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TTS is only $7.50, it should be blasting from all speakers but apparently it's not working at all.
Do they care about how much money they are losing?
tayleigh face looks like those long faced dogs with a lot of folds
Tay is super ugly but I think letty is pretty cute
kek greg was built for this retarded shit
just use the flowstream site, its less shit
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are you ready for Jon RP?
...look, I'm stupid
>Saves season 2.5
Yeah he’s gonna be kino for sure
Thiel is the funder for world peace S2
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
it's broken so it doesn't matter.
wesleyan engineering at it's finest.
has anyone seen Bex yet?
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Only reason I'm watching. I love him.
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anon, did you miss the memo, she fucked a fan and cucked you
Yea he was hanging out with Roger stone
Dude Greg is fucking gold I hope he keeps up this energy, his roleplay autism is gonna keep this rolling
what are they even playing for again?
her hair is so cute :)
>can’t you just cover up the camera?
Letty’s gonna let us listen to her piss bros
qrd on her fucking a fan?
That is the face of a recently satisfied woman if I ever saw one
it's nice that he is actually putting effort on it.
Have any TTS gone thru? Reminder to needle tay about her boyfriend
he won't rp and it will be hilarious
Contestant RP abilities ranked:

1. Greg
2. Letty
3. Jimmy
4. Tai
5. Tayleigh

I think Vance will be good when he shows up, and John will be the worst
I've only heard one tts and it was super quiet and being talked over
based duke zooming around
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>that fan could've been me
she shoved a fan up her snizz
Damaging their reputation by associating with a gay pedophile and child rapist
ETA on him reading the bible again on a megaphone
Im glad Greg replaced Vance, he is carrying this shit
so who's gonna be the first to forget to turn off their camera when going to the bathroom
Jordan won
Q lost
I don't think this will work, too aimless and big to follow. Shit is not coherent at all
Bex left town
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It's noble to be loyal to your employees, but after two seasons of fuckups with technical difficulties I would put that Wes guy into a subordinate IT position and hire someone with more competence.
Spend your own money, broke faggot
I'm just hoping they don't horrifically abuse her this season
he'll repel the vampires with the power of Christ
Vance isn't coming and everyone but Tai sucks ass wtf are you talking about. Brian is doing better than those retards
sam zooming around on that bike is saving this
Jon and Jimmy are either going to fuck or murder each other. There is no grey area here.
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what is jimmy doing?
I heard one but I’m guessing it was just a test by production.
I hope they do after she lied to her audience for a month and turned into a huge cunt
the stuttering is fucking awful
She's being cringe already
I friggin love greg
wow neat a child rapist on a dirt bike
Making poopholes
Fisting the ground
taylee + fan in kansas = they fucc
>Vance isn't coming
Source: my ass
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she fucked the first guy who bought something from her store, only 20 days later.
he lives in kentucky, tay took one month off streaming and went to kentucky to meet him
that's all.
>he's here
jimmy jons meltdown
>I'm just hoping they don't horrifically abuse her this season

Tayleigh DESERVES rape
By Jimmy
>can't access all the cameras without a season pass
guess i'm not watching then
he's doing Kinski Nosferatu
Jimmy only attacks women he'd never fight a man unless Sam told him to
He’s playing a show today. He’ll probably turn up eventually
Vance is not coming becasue his gf won';t let him be anywhere near Letty
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anyone else get scared when they hear a doorbell or is it just me
tay sucks
how did people find out lol, was she open about it?
Holy shit you're that one sperg
>Had jet set up blood games just so he can have a place to ride around
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ay l(ee)mao
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>*Lightning strike 02.wav*
Mmmmmm baddass
Scam hyde and all these other redpill faggots told us for years and that simping for egirls wont bring you laid and now look
>Summer dating her simp
>Tay dating her simp
>Sylvia knocked up by her simp
They fucking lied to us, we spent years normiemaxing and trying to find girls at clubs, or in church or some shit, when we should be looking for them on image boards and twitter.
>tay doesn't know who fargoth is
>tay pretending to have played morrowind again
tay lying about knowing anything about elder scrolls again lol I remember last season she wouldn't shut up about morrowind, and then greg mentioned stuff from the literal intro and she had zero idea what he was talking about
why is it so awkward? jimmy is barely even yapping
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>go on soda tent cam
>see a black figure on a bike behind the trees
Least autistic josiecel
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The one thing I miss about using the site is the chat
>only 10 posters in here
When are they going to torture Tay?
Is flowstreams down?
Ok im impressed with the tech so far
But TTS should be more prominent
They need to start soi taxing Tay again
Sam is the only good part of this as usual
Kino as fuck vampire boss
"Did u take Vance's spot" Tayleigh sucks at larping so much
/bant/ investigators found incriminating evidence of SEXXXXXXXXXXXXOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
This has been kind of fun so far but the novelty is gonna wear off quickly
cole and greg would have been perfect together for this spinoff
It’ll be interesting when they have to camp
Tay and Sylvia are ugly and Summers bf has money and lives in Vegas
it's easier to follow when they're not separated
it would be so awesome if jimmy died
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letty is so pretty nowadays
Have they said the reward yet? What's the point of this?
is sam wearing a fucking corset under that or something?
>This has been kind of fun so far but the novelty is gonna wear off quickly
Same shit could be said about S1 and S2.
does someone have the flowstreams vlc file?
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lmao crying nerds
This, but with (You)
even if sam told him too, he'd reluctantly do it, then quit immediately
Letty and Trish are hot
as soon as jon arrives lol. letty was already talking shit about him.
No idea what point you think you're making
>flowstreams dead
Its over
what compels someone to sign up to be on fishtank, it basically guarantees that your life will be fucked up in one way or another
the crazytown singer shifty shellshock died the day 2.5 began. coincidence? i think not
it looks like football linebacker armor under it, look how high and absurd the shoulders go out
this lol, jon will not larp whatsoever
it's so funny that everybody forgot about shinji already
works on my machine
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Always was
when will there be nudity? that was an important aspect of S2
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Can Jet put on a fucking shirt
why tf is jimmy the only one with a satchel
slavic nipples
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fuck that cunt, try hard BITCH
Jets fat ass running to catch them lmao
>jet left his vape out
this is very specific, but she looks like john stockton's avater in the first nba street
Wonkers we're so back!
i have no idea. it's a show with no intro.
Tay sucks at this lol
Kill Jet
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cope and seethe josiepedo
none of these people had lives that could be fucked up more than they already have
except maybe greg and tai but viewers love them and they aren't forced to be edgy racists for pennies
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Letty hot
wait the ifunny thing was REAL?
Neets and minimal wage workers. And shinji but he was tricked by crash.
Greg is an innocent soul.
Jet is so disgusting to look at
Sam is really ugly
check the ifunny site dawg lol
you just know someone is going to get run over by bike or some shit
Greg is gold
I love this lil nigga (Greg) like you wouldnt believe
Calm down, love
I never noticed her scars
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>letty is back
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Goran looks like a fallout raider
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Wtf, does any fishtank girl not have mad cutting scars?
Tai looks cool with blonde hair
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they have banner up on the site too
>Sam just riding dirt bike whole time
>Jimmy's first time vaping
>i funny workshop
....did jet really think this was a killer joke?
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is it me or does letty look like pokimane
Friggin forcefield
Thank you iFunny and thank you Popeyes Chicken!
taylor, trish
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thank you iFunny!
im tapped out. too hard to follow, cams look like shit, sound is shit. maybe i will check back when theyre all sitting around the campfire or something.
put on a shirt nigga
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thank you ifunny
Greg endorsements skyrocketing
>jimmy violently coughing after smoking
yep, we're back
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>859 messages
i see people with absurd amounts of messages in screenshots all the time, how is this even possible? i'm convinced they make their messages "unread" after reading them to pump the number up
do you really think any woman on this show would be of sound mind
>im your duck
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I wanna read your tweeeeeets!
I wanna read your tweets, Jeremy.
Yummy yummy, mmm mmm mmm!
just you
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Letty and Jimmy are the true chudgang
ugly dyke bitch lol
Jet and Sam need to fucking explain shit. I have no clue what's going on
>How do we make fishtank appeal to a wider audience?
>Let's get an ifunny sponsorship!
This guy has bpd
I'm starting to think Jordan actually lost for fucking that thing
>everyone already getting sick of Jimmy
hes gonna have a meltdown
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>fish tank all-stars
>none of the contestants are winners
niggas invested a milli into a show that can only pull sponsors from a dead meme app
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Kek taylor's editor in chat, they fucking hate him
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Jet is insanely stupid
>ywn go camping with Letty
>ywn spend a night in a tent next to a tired sweaty Letty
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>night time vampire is Jeremy
this would unironically be KINO
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...How many men has princess Letty ruined?
Is there only like five of us watching this?
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>myspace angles
>glasses to hide fucked up eyes
I'd sooner fuck Sylvia
I wanna make this guy my slave
Ifunny Jimmy
jimmy needs to go away
thank you ifunny
The endorsements were reset to zero
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>the sponsorship is actually real
>is that 9gag
letty mogging
You’re gay
>Jimmy spends 3 hours explaining FunnyJunk to Letty later
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>Is that 9gag?

>what is that sign? is that 9gag?
Letty is hilarious
>they fucking hate him
who is they? you mean they the chatters hate the editor or greenshark hates greg?
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What the FUCK bros
Jimmy is with FunnyJunk now????
Friendship with iFunny over????
Why didn't they explain the mechanics to the fish BEFORE the game?
Is this what taylor left tj with his broken arm to get here 4 day prior ? sadyw0r
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what a difference a little bodyfat can make
she really looks good now
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josiepedos on suicidewatch
>Sam and Jet best part of the show
as usual
I will be her potty
i cant imagine 2 weeks of this lmao
warming up to nina desu
somehow funnyjunk jimmy is even more embarrassing than reddit jimmy
ifunny tayleigh needs to fuck off
its not a sponsorship, jet literally paid to get the banner up.
I like this cast, especially with Greg in the mix now
she looks really old for being 23
Can someone streamsnipe already
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thank you ifunny
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It's okay to be into ugly bitches
I honestly had no idea it was still a functioning website until season 2
yeah i'm warming up to him ngl
>advertised on the frontpage of ifunny
>6k viewers on day 1
it's so over
pre crack letty was peak
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is she hot? discuss
This is such bullshit this retard told everyone to DM her their orders on insta before she got her shop up and I had to be one of the first ones only for her to totally ignore insta DMs, get her half assed store up, then close commissions.

Then she totally stopped streaming and stop fulfilling her commissions to go fuck some dude?

Jet is going to lose his first sponsor because Jimmy is a Funnyjunk disciple
very different vibe from everyone towards Jimmy. not laughing at his shitty autistic jokes like when they were locked in a house with him.
hes not gonna like that
truly an FunnyJunk.com moment
warming up levels are rising
she's homely
the way he acts like it's some ancient secret club is the worst thing ever
How many people are watching on flowstreams?
No but I like her.
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I love letty!
Her husband TJ and she visited his grave. He’ll be there as a vampire.
"she" is not hot, already mogged by trish bex and taylor
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I like how wide her pussy is
she looks younger
You have no proof of that
You’re gay
And thats a good thing
she looks nonbinary
It's only been an hour, they're gonna be real sick of him in a few days
works for me
yeah probably because they all know he tried to brain someone with a mallet over a $10 toy phone for toddlers
why do they all walk and sound so weird?
I wasn't keen on S2 Greg but he's making this for me so far
787 on director + a few on others
Taylor and greenshark made those videos she posted on her twitter exposing him when he read fake dms from her on stream to justify stealing hundreds of dollars from his audience
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>didn't even mention Josie
>still seething from season one
Lettyfags are pathetic
how do i save this as a .m3u?
fishtank is incredibly more watchable with a hot girl but we need letty tummy now
they are all retarded, anon
beat dyke
she's the girl you date for 5 years because you can't get anything else
nasty whore spread her legs for a rando
he is an eternal newfag
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I miss the wig already
This is the first time in the shows entire run that I’ve actually tuned out. Nothing about this is what I enjoyed about the actual seasons. Still can’t believe they pussied out of the secret cult plot in s2 yet decided this was somehow a good idea. It was fun while it lasted i guess
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Letty mogs
Post the one with the pencil. Her tits look world class in that one.
Cute cat
because they know they're being filmed so they're attempting to say at least something instead of moping around in silence
Is anyone actually jumping around? I gave up awhile ago and just have it on director cam.
Nah but I'd still fuck
i don't see this thing making any money as of right now
just like ru paul's drag race all stars
she has great tits
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>mid bitch nudes
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>josiepedos intimidated by bexxxposting

inneresting m8
Greg is CUTE
Letty is CUTE
Jon is CUTE
Tai is CUTE
Tay is CUTE
Jimmy is CUTE
kek. very accurate.
the stuttering is awful. fucking hell
Need more Letty and Taylor interactions
advertisers don't put links to where they are advertising. you pay to get your link in the banner, they don't pay you then put a link up there, thats not how things work
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she is the type of girl you could marry and spend your life with and never get into an argument but always have the thought at the back of your mind telling you. ''maybe I could do better''
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pretty much, it hilarious to me how easy she is, knew him for only 20 days and Tayleigh travels to some random guy in kentucky to fuck him
When does it start to get dark?
aight be honest, would you drink Jet's milk?
way too many cams and too much of a pain in the ass to try navigating them. I'm just leaving it on director for now fuck it.
Go back to jerking off to jet
i kek'd
Based cuteposter
we need her and taylor to compete
only watching this for Letty Tai and Greg
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Here u go sir
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Tay a cute
looks the same? am I missing something other than 5 pounds? he was never a twink, twinks are petite.
>he read fake dms from her on stream to justify stealing hundreds of dollars from his audience
Quick rundown? Trying to watch Greg makes my brain bleed
Tay is fucking Tomboy Kino if you disagree you are just plain wrong.
around 4 hours
>letty thinks theyre too stupid to bury anything
prob true desu
is this a flip? only hot one ive ever seen
so fucking repulsive and disgusting
Tai shitting on Jets planning
>she is the type of girl you could marry and spend your life with and never get into an argument but always have the thought at the back of your mind telling you. ''maybe I could do better''
Wrong, Tayleigh nitpicks all the time, especially when she is nervous
what is a sponsorship and collaboration?
this is starting to get unwatchable
~3.5 hours from now
i refreshed the site and now it's not loading
Seriously what can we do as viewers without spending any money to get Jimmy off of this?
Lmao idiot
>Tay is fucking
you got that right LOL
website just went down for me. its over
i made this
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No, she's actually attractive. Unlike Letty
The worst part is her attitude completely changed once she followed him. Went from loving streaming and having fun to being a miserable cunt and having onlyusemeblade-tier drunken meltdown streams. KWAB
ngl best start to a season so far EXCEPT THE FUCKING SITE IS DOWN
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whos this guy
her and jet have the same type of tits
>they had to pick the patch of forest with the active construction site next to it
This makes bringing Betty in even meaner kek
Do you guys hear the helicopter??
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Trish's sister
Letty mogs
No, but I don't care
are you gonna send her an acid bomb and then kill yourself?
Is the campsite next to train tracks? WTF is that noise?
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The cameras are actually working a lot better than I thought they would.

Famous last words
Nah you must be imagining things again anon
This reminds me of when I was in Nam
I just tuned in what the fuck is that noise are they next to a construction site or railroad
We all know you're not
expose twitch DMs with a minor
warm glass of raw Croat milk before bed, do me right
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Dude everyone is sandbagging my man Jimbo

he aint did nothing tho
damn, she brutally mogs trish
>letty doesn't have a body of a 12 year old boy
>josiepedo is furious

Did they just find Ben's weed?
tai found weed and a pipe
What flavor of spic or asian is Trish? I need a thick brown bitch
>This nigga went to prison for revenge porn
I hope Sam brings back the self admitted animal abusing nigger rapist who said he specifically targets white women! Erm, based much?
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it's working better for me now. no stuttering anymore
This actually isn't that bad so far
flip HAPA
>Jimmy found a weapon
>they’re gonna smoke weed around the campfire
>lowers voice
damn right anon. he didnt do shit.
Bloodgames might be the worst decision that Jet has ever made
I'm gonna send the mallet clip to iFunny support and say "why are you guys supporting this guy"
he's a jew from israel
>spic or asian
Both. She's a filipina
>stealing chip's gun, cbd and cigarettes

This won't end well.
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>Looting Chip's shit
these fish are about to get fucked up
so what are they doing right now? looting equipment by day to survive the vampires at night?
>there's still tay simps
Does Taylor have those long "elf" ears? I'm at work so I can't confirm
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filipina and huwhite
Send all the marky evidence too
post the family photo that looks like a porno ad
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absolutely brutal mogging
it's Trish's sister, they're both half white.
Trish fucks up with the way she dresses
look at her in the outfit she's wearing on this season, its an immediate improvement
Trish needs to have a gothy outfit
For a dyke?
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You think she >>200483534 >>200483382 looks 12? Lettyfags are that delusional.
Trish mogs them both
oh is it the kike from /bant/? He was suicidal when josie showed up in season 2 kek
>the jackhammer in the background
Is Josie v Letty the Rei vs Asuka of /tv/?
No Anisa is hot
i am weirdly getting in to it
Are they gonna kiss? I hope so
It would be ironic if Tay is the only one on Chip's good side
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this one?
I hate this Chip fella. Most forced character ever
it’s his shack nigga
>no bakers around
>kike josiepedo

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>Sammy couldn’t bother to pay actual artists so used AI slop instead
Remember on stream when he ranted about how AI art was bad?
Any links to those? I watched 5 minutes of her first stream then she totally left my mind
I seen it's weird how a lot of mixed ones are hot while the full flips are one of the ugliest races on the planet
No, Josiefans have zero ground to stand on except their shared psychosis.
those look so nice
Tbf this is the one time he's worked because he's just roleplaying as a murder hobo
>im invisible
>im invisible
>im invisible
>it's my shack nigga
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chip goated fr wigger thinks this is real life on g
>smoke weed
tai running away with the weed
Chipp is not acting
>losing a 1v5
>greg pointing his crossbow at chip the whole time
he's a real one
I actually feel bad for tay simps, that is pure bottom of the barrel
>allowing themselves to get robbed by the NPC
shoulda shot him
He doesn't care about this or you. He hates us.
Thank you ifunny
What just happen3d? Site wasn't working for me
Where did Trish, Taylor, the others go? are they back in the wigger HQ for now while the contestants roam the woods?
why do femtoids put flower scribbles on themselves
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Me and the baddie I picked up by being autistic.
>letty running pov
>TTS is only $7.50, it should be blasting from all speakers but apparently it's not working at all.
>Do they care about how much money they are losing?
It took hours before TTS started on Day 1 of S2 and S1.
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Even her imposter is more attractive
>sammy "the jew" hydenstein being a greedy hypocrite
adding random ppl into a group chat on https://boards.fishnet.gg/
Massive orgy
tay is really the bottom of the barrel
even fucking NIFTY was better than this
>kike josiepedo likes the anorexic girl with the body of a small impoverished boy

>tfw fishtank site is way better quality than flowstreams
reminder that TTS was $50 early on in S2
At least now it is not trying to do LE EPIC FAKE DRUNK GUY shtick but yeah I hate him too I just take a break when I see him
wholesome :)
I think Josie and Letty are cute
i think so
LOL nice try jet
Flow streams doesn’t even work
I wish Trish replaced Tay
Here's the pasta about it
>Greg hits up Taylor in her DMs (and no one else for some reason,) and asks what her closest airport is IF he decides to come visit. She provides the name of an airport and no further information, but asks Greg to keep her up to date on his plans. Greg agrees. End of conversation.
>Greg puts up a $600 donation goal with Taylor, TJ, and Brian's names on his stream WITHOUT asking permission and WITHOUT the knowledge of anyone else involved. At this point, Taylor is still the only person he has reached out to.
>Several weeks later, Taylor is asked about this donation goal on her stream. She claims to know nothing about it and says that Greg has not communicated any plans with her.
>Greg is then asked about this in his stream. He and his chat claim that Taylor has forgotten that she agreed to it. Greg calls her a knucklehead before reading their private DMs out loud on his stream. Her reads them verbatim, until the end when he makes up a line by Taylor ("Sure, see you soon!") to make it sound like she agreed to it. Greg continues taking money for this donation goal knowing full well that he has now lied about it to his viewers.
>Taylor finds out that Greg lied about what she said. She confronts him in private and attempts to resolve the situation. Greg apologizes to her and make excuses. Taylor says that she doesn't appreciate Greg lying about what she said and that she's too busy for a trip. She tells Greg to change his plans. Greg agrees.
>Greg changes the wording of his donation goal to "Big trip." He is asked about this on stream. He says that there was miscommunication between he and Taylor but that she is still down for a trip. Taylor hears about this and becomes angry that Greg has lied again. It is only at this point that Taylor releases the videos of Greg lying.
Then they blocked each other and Greg's mods started going after her on twitter, which he encouraged and called her a bad person. He never admitted that he lied.
Just tuning in: is it Neptunian or Goranian?
where is she?
Where is Jon?
nobody believes this, ben
they updated the UI to flowstreams its way better now, refresh
flowstreams cams are always way too far behind the main site to be useful aside from accessing the paywalled cameras
remember when everybody thought the special guest last season was gonna be letty and it was chip again? Like right after Cole left and was bitching about how it's all the same bullshit from season 1? that was awesome
Goddamn you people who stalk them and watch them outside the tank are so fucking pathetic
they were stolen away by the Duke Germedious Von Goldstraven
Am I the only one whose stream is completely fucked?
Works for me
The hair is a huge halo
Unfair actually
To trigger you retard what do you not understand
Duke Child Rapist Von Trannyblower
Letty has nice tits tbf
oh thanks. flowstreams is better quality now. had the tab up since before it officially went live so maybe that was why.
we're in here
We need two threads. One for all the overdone catchphrases and simping and another for normal discussion
Stuttering a bit for me. Gonna drive me to get a drink after 1 day of sobriety.
The NPCs have done almost nothing and they're gonna be doing even less as it goes on

They should have a camera in whatever building they're in right now, let us watch them play Scrabble or whatever they're doing right now lol
anyone's got the m3us? flowstreams is sucking even harder than the main site.
cucked btw
>the winners of both seasons are so boring they didn’t make it to the “all stars” edition
It’s over.
Are they allowed to get food or water
Can they go to the bathroom?
I hope they're getting paid well for this shit I would be bored out of mind and sweating balls
but they are both there now. are they getting along now?
TJ is going to return as a vampire later. Taylor visited his grave earlier.
Anyone else hate this and is very unimpressed?

Muffled audio sound of crunching leaves everyone's scattered
Just because they're both on the show doesn't mean anything. They're being paid
nah he ain't coming back, he's got a fucked up arm and is busy playing bg3
>the tank
You're a faggot if you actually watch this shit
So he will take orders from production again? Another TJ win for S2.5 then.
Ewww Lettys scars
>look at letty cam, she’s already tired and just laying on the ground sighing
Somebody get this bitch some sodium
I hope Sam brings back the self admitted animal abusing nigger rapist who said he specifically targets white women! Erm, based much?

>splitting threads again
fuck off nigger, we're here >>200483878
What are they going objective wise? I'm so lost

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