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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Telepathic sex edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

Previous >>200470019
What is this expression attempting to convey?
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Ah. I don't watch French films but thanks anyway.
It's a little gem of a film. Kinda lives up to its name too.
>I don't watch French films but thanks anyway.
Due to any particular reason?
Ah, I knew I recognize it from somewhere.
>I think he's a lot more interesting than people give him credit for, even if that was accidental.

Probably. These kind of filmmakers are sometimes truly unique and underrated.

>She was very into piss though I think. Chloe Cherry's blindside really fucked me up

Yeah, Charlotte's a crazy woman. I like her a lot, I'm crazy too, but I'm a male. What fucked you up? I don't really know what is blindside, but I like Chloe too.

I hope not, but there are rumours and she hasn't performed in a long time

>Imagine parody remakes of classic Hollywood films. Remaking it, making fun of it, and making it a musical with a bunch of busty women.

You're pretty smart. I think that to make these kind of meyeresque films made the right way we'd have to create a new sensibility. I feel like kino takes itself too seriously nowadays, we unironically need a Meyer type figure in the underground or the mainstream. Even Quentin seems to have become too serious in these last few years.
I wish movies still looked like shit. I have ingrained in my memory the look of VHS movies and don't like how they look on BluRay of 4k. I just re-watched Ghostbusters and the film just seems too colorful and sharp to me.
I like IMAX. Only watched VHS kino as a child, don't remember it. I'd say that TV looks like shit nowadays though.
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you say cum genesis. i say cum genesis.
>I just re-watched Ghostbusters and the film just seems too colorful and sharp to me.
That's how it always was. Movies always looked great in theaters. You don't know how sharp a pristine 35mm print could be. VHS was raping cinema.
>These kind of filmmakers are sometimes truly unique and underrated.
Not sure how true it is and I think I've only seen Plan 9 but I remember someone saying Lynch cites Ed Wood as an influence. And John Waters was in the Herschell Gordon Lewis documentary venerating him. Influence can come from the most unlikely of sources. Blood Feast feels like it was made by aliens to me, but like in the most brilliant way. I really aspire to make something like that.
>What fucked you up? I don't really know what is blindside, but I like Chloe too.
Her retirement. Happened out of nowhere. She showed up in the S2 premiere of Euphoria and became mainstream basically overnight. It's like her porn career never happened. She actually has fans now and its not for how she sucks dick. Now she's even getting her filler dissolved. Heartbreaking shit.
>I think that to make these kind of meyeresque films made the right way we'd have to create a new sensibility.
>I feel like kino takes itself too seriously nowadays
I wouldn't know how to define that sensibility and I think I'd get too autistic about it. Like I'd get caught up in comparing and contrasting "Beyond" with its predecessor and trying to figure out what makes it art. I didn't watch many Russ Meyer movies when I decided to look into his filmography because they're kind of exhausting but there are moments of brilliance between the excessive tittage. Probably no need to get theoretical about it though. This is like trying to deduce why I love Jim Wynorski.

Random thought but it strikes me, Russ Meyer would've been the perfect director for The Stepford Wives. An adaptation by him could've been an honest to God masterpiece.
Disgusting language despicable people.
>fag is the king of /film/
adds up
...After a while of not looking I visited Emma Fogarty's letterboxd page...what the hell is with this I love lord Jesus shtick and Catholic conversion thing? Mentions it constantly now and has even started going on about pro-life. After years of banging on about "my grandpa and daddy were commies and I am a atheist" .
>Not sure how true it is

I think both John Waters and Lynch are pretty much a b-movie / arthouse crossover. Happens more often than you'd first think

>Her retirement.
Chloe is still in the game

>I wouldn't know how to define that sensibility and I think I'd get too autistic about it.

An autistic personality is needed to truly grasp kino imo
watch DogMan
>Chloe is still in the game
Huh? No she isn't. Where'd you get that from?
>b-movie / arthouse crossover.
That's probably my taste. Which is odd because I feel like I'm not into arthouse at all. What even counts as art house? I have no idea. Anyway, there's such a thing as too autistic. But "Russ Meyer's Breakfast at Tiffany's" is a thought that hasn't left my mind. Or would it be "Beyond Breakfast at Tiffany's"?
I didn't enjoy Kwaidan
The only Masaki Kobayashi films I like are Harakiri and the Human Condition
Samurai Rebellion wasn't interesting
Based third world Huppert appreciator.
Is Climax (2018) in English?


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Really enjoyed this. Was having fun and laughing a lot at the comedic moments until the hospital hallway scene, then shit got serious real quick. Got a bit unintentionally comedic during the bathhouse scene at the end, then pretty depressing again. I’ve had neck pain/issues before and it’s no goddamn joke, so maybe it hit closer for me.
Was surprised to read that alot of critics at the time said the film was brutally slow- I don’t feel the same at all. I feel like there were slow cinema at the time that were way way slower than this, longer takes, etc. I felt like it moved pretty briskly even compared to his previous film.
Excited to keep watching in order, next up is The Hole
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Bumping your bump
For me, it's cum genius.
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>it’s not a gender-swapped reboot
Shitposting aside, it’s great Robert Towne is back considering he wrote both Chinatown and The Two Jakes.
>Robert Towne is back
he wrote lots of bad melodramas and got a pity credit in Mad Men but the high point of his late career was when he got millions of dollars for writing Mission Impossible 2 which is a remake of his own Tequila Sunrise with a touch of Hitchcock's Notorious
hell yeah i love shock treatment
>Mission Impossible 2’s script is just a remake of Tequila Sunrise
Based if true.
Are there any schizo films similar to Lodge Kerrigan's stuff? I watched Clean, Shaven and Keane and loved them
What are some sweaty summer movies?
oh boy
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favorite /film/ reviewers?

mark kermode?
Saw Napoleon (1927) the other day. It really feels like one of the best historical epics ever made desu
Despise most of them. I follow David Ehrlich on letterboxd and also watch Kino corner's YouTube videos, but other than that almost none
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sa2 the first like 10 minutes while eating dinner or some shidd and was blown away. so ahead of its time

buti havent watched it since kek
Rosenbaum is decent
sally jane black
>VHS was raping cinema.
Sadly lots of BD masters are continuing that tradition...
I think Ebert was very entertaining.
Willingly posting that profile when your taste is that bad is crazy.
Bazin, Rosenbaum, Tag Gallagher, Nick Pinkerton, Filipe Furtado.
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one of the best films ever made imo. I think if Gance was able to finish his Napoleon series of films it would still to this day be considered as the greatest cinematic achievement
Is anything besides Napoleon, La Roeu and J'accuse worth watching?
One would suppose this being the /film/ thread, people would have better taste. But most of the time it's just modern "arthouse" slop

>modern "arthouse"
there has never been a golden age of arthouse
>only 57 movies watched before 1970 excluding shorts
Worthless opinion.
I haven't seen any of his films outside of those three yet, but I plan on watching them eventually
Working on it
I agree, but I don't like how "tumblr-esque" modern arthouse is
>those 5 stars
do you just give a 5 star to every movie you watch?
But a dark age...
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One of the oldest and best whats app /film/ chats
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>I agree, but I don't like how "tumblr-esque" modern arthouse is
Everything is ultimately a product of it's environment.
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already forgotten
No, these are the only good films ever made.
Someone post the demographics of this whatsapp group. I bet it's full of Indians.
it's over
David Thomson's "Have you seen...?" is excellent both as a recc book and a review book. I like his biographical dictionary of film too.
Portuguese people don’t know how to make movies.
>giving a fuck about “reviewers”
kys, all of you
dubs of bait
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I am not gay, and I do not hold political sympathy for gay people, but I was deeply moved by Hirokazu Koreeda's Monster. It just felt very real and human.
Uncultured favelado opinion.
Just joined, there's 5 indians 3 Israelis like 4 Argentinians, and a couple from UK, chile, México and the us
On par with his best in my opinion. All the superstitious remedies leading up to that hallway scene are great too. Don’t remember the ending, or if he actually got cured, need a rewatch.
>movie about kids
Into the trash it goes
Koreeda peaked with Maborosi.
They are really good actors.
give me arthouse action kinos
You rated Sound of Freedom 5/5 are you some trump sucking populist retard?
It's a shit movie and insulting to cinema
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Shocky in /film/? Sacrilegious
Cuckmont is cooked
teenager opinion
I guess it depends on where you draw the line with arthouse. Most are definitely trying to appease fans of the genres even if they're not afraid of alienating general audiences. Is Takashi Miike's First Love arthouse? Is The Raid?
Classic dance move. The one hand basketball shot.

I didn't enjoy both Kwaidan and Harakiri. Didn't finish Kwaidan, but it was boring. Harakiri just felt overrated. Still, both were good films.
Ebert for me.
I’m 38
El mariachi
A Better Tomorrow
A Bittersweet Life
Fuck no.
You probably just care about the score and can't appreciate something like Roger Ebert going on about how Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome is by far the best of the 3 movies and how utterly shocked at the idea that not only could a sequel be good but the third movie in a franchise be the BEST of them all then directly comparing Bartertown to Xanadu and "the Vienna of The Third Man"
Kino review

Kek, based Bye Bye Birdie appreciator
I loved The Human Condition for 99.5% of it, but the last few minutes killed the movie as it makes literally the whole thing pointless.
Wahhhh mommy the movie’s ending made me feel bad it made me feel sad wahhhh I can’t take it the whole thing is pointless change my diaper mommy and give me a good bedtime story where we all live happily ever after!!!
Based happy end enjoyer.
I unironically could have fixed her
Movie name?
We're all going to the world's fair
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Thank you.
Like pottery.
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i've watched 60 films in june
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Is there any specific things in the movies that you like?
For me it's Split Screen and Jump cuts.

I'll go with split screen first, I really like it for some reason. Every time I see it, it make me happy and I wish more filmmakers were to use this technique more desu. >>200515469
is a prime example of how kino it can be and I always find the use of French flags to be quite beautiful (despite the fact that I haven't watched it)
I sometimes day dream about making my own short movie about a story of a man's ego and use the split screen (3 split screens to be exact) to show the audience of how he "see" himself. Would've been a kino if I know how to write desu,

and of course the jump cuts, I'm not sure but but it does turn me into a basedjak every times I see em
Do you like to watch women get fucked by other men?



not typically /film/ related, but I love whenever they light a stunt man on fire. it's always a fun stunt imo
I watched 17, and most of them were the Planet of the Apes franchise
oh it's definitely /film/ related.
another weird thing that I like is (this one I usually notice it from colored western films) but when they shot exterior film, I like it how I can see the artificial lights pointing directly at the actors, it's so unnatural and just fake but I really like it.
I meant lighting people on fire isn't typically happening in /films/, that's more of an action movie thing
We’re all dilating at the trannys fair
Can you please list the films you’ve watched?
Jump cuts
Shaky camera
action movie is /film/
don't let any faggots in here say other wise.

Shaky camera is either a hit or a miss desu, sometimes it's work and compliment the movies so well, sometimes it feel "try hard" I'll add another which is floating/moving camera, examples are movies by Gaspar Noe's and I am Cuba (This movie is one of Noe's favorite, so this isn't a coincidence)
Myself because I'm the only one with good taste
I enjoy scenes that are explicitly edited and/or choreographed to songs. I, Tonya was pretty clever where it used the choreographed ice skating set to music but other scenes as well mirroring a routine. The sigur ros scene in Life Aquatic. The scene in Body Double where he just walks into the music video for Relax. Sergio Leone uses the technique a lot having the music written first. Not necessarily diegetic music but when the scene is seemingly built around the music.
Its hard when you have good taste. Too dignified for /hor/, not pretentious enough for /film/.
>action movie is /film/
>don't let any faggots in here say other wise.
they can be, but I wouldn't say they always are
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Static camera + careful composition
Ambient sound
Diegetic music
Wipe cuts and dissolves
The use of long focal lengths
Bleach bypass in film processing (pic related)
nta, but this is what I >>200528555 have watched in June so far, because I know you care so much
>Dr. No
>Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
>Saw X
>War for the Planet of the Apes
>Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
>Rise of the Planet of the Apes
>Planet of the Apes (2001)
>Under Paris
>Battle for the Planet of the Apes
>Conquest of the Planet of the Apes
>Deep Fear
>Escape from the Planet of the Apes
>Under the Flag of the Rising Sun
>A Bittersweet Life
What do you think is better?
How has nobody said Scaruffi yet??
he stinks
I’m sorry
I like both but you’re spot on. Also not alcoholic enough for /druk/ lol
better than fucking Armond White or Ebert lol
Barely better than Armond and Ebert was a competent writer who didn't need an open thesaurus to finish a review.
Your 60s decade is absolute shite. You're worse than the sound of freedom prick
love Maurice Chevalier films
>reading reviews
lol I just check Scaruffi's scores/lists, no review necessary
Armond is a pathetic culture warrior and Ebert was a fragile prude. Scaruffi has immaculate taste if you do a deep dive into his lists and ignore his overall best list (although that's still better than almost anyone elses tbf).

A pleb reading a pleb
why? I had fun watching all the Planet of the Apes films
Why are you here?
why not?
Pre-opening credits scenes like in Yoshida movies. For instance the way Affair in the Snow begins, it's so immediate, grips you instantly
>20 films from the 50s
>20 films from the 60s
>40 films from the 70s
>600 films from the 2010s
What the actual fuck, who wastes their time watching garbage like Challengers and Monsterverse slop when you haven't even seen basic stuff like The French Connection or Doctor Zhivago
Here's the real /film/ letterboxd you plebs ahahahhahahah
this nigga >>200531783
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Have any of you seen The World's Greatest Sinner? If so, what did you think of it, and do you think the restoration will receive a physical release anytime soon?
why do you retards hate fun? while I have seen a lot of 2010s films, I've also probably seen more silent films than most anons here. here's my breakdown by decade (excluding shorts)
25 films
84 films
124 films
99 films
82 films
138 films
201 films
267 films
351 films
704 films
1,074 films
111 films
yes, there are still a lot of classics I haven't seen, but I'll get to them. I just don't mind throwing something on for dumb fun every once in a while as well. I'm past the age where I'm trying to impress anyone here with my taste
Alright, but I guess I won't discover anything new from him / her
I need to neurotically impress people watching all the classics and giving them ratings between 1,5 stars and 2,5 stars, with the rare 3.5 stars given as a way to show that I'm not a pseud. Everyday I think about ending it with a rope while watching some Tsai film on my kinoplex
Plenty of good reccs there, but to say anyone has immaculate taste is a stretch, much less Scaruffi.
in case anyone didn't know, this is the actual /film/ letterboxd. it just has all the /film/ charts in list form, and has every film from a chart marked off
I'm watching Love Letter (1995) today...
Im watching The Love Parade
this shit is hilarious
I’m really sorry
This retard hasn't even watched all the shit he rated.
The “dumb/fun” confession is one of the worst “arguments” ever thought up by mentally retarded wastes of existence.
Also, you need to watch more films, kiddo
Begging the question fallacy, nonsequitor fallacy.
I have a lot of fun watching classic films, arthouse films, avant-garde films, experimental films. Some of them could be considered “dumb”, but the only thing truly dumb here is you who wastes their existence on complete garbage then desperately tries to claw their way to a cope.
End your life now.
Why are (((they))) trying to push the Kylo Ren actor as a serious legitimate actor?
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>2010s films
>self made white military guy
>hurrrr durrr Kylo Ren and ((((they))))
He's good
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Aggro Dr1ft when
already out
Wish I had actually watched all his films back when the Tsai posting madness was happening
Watching them now, I truly think they’re good films, but I haven’t gotten to his “masterpieces” yet
Watched the trailer for Here- while it looks cheesy as fuck, I do have to commend Hollywood on taking a shot with something slightly outside of the norm like this.
I still won’t be watching it.
I hate that you can't talk about Koreeda anymore without people on here screaming woke.
It is a great film
Retarded opinion, modern Koreeda clears 90s/00s Koreeda.
>modern Koreeda clears 90s/00s Koreeda
I wouldn't go that far man. I think he hits his mark almost every single time. Probably the most consistent director alive imo.
>modern Koreeda clears 90s/00s Koreeda.
No. Not even remotely.
The triality of man
As much as I like him, I do think he has some pretty big misses, Distance and Hana, for example. And compared to his only modern misstep, Third Murder, I really don't get how one wouldn't rate modern Koreeda more favorably.
>his only modern misstep, Third Murder
The Truth was even worse.
The Truth is decent, borderline good tbqh
Roger Ebert, Vincent Canby, Pauline Kael
YES! Imagine that being your debut film? That level of technical mastery and dominion of genre, I don't understand why Bogdanovich isn't mentioned in top 3 new hollywood directors, he was great. And a Fordhead.
>Retarded opinion, modern Koreeda clears 90s/00s Koreeda.
Broker and Shoplifters are brought down a notch due to the crime element which makes it feel more like genre.
>Also not alcoholic enough for /druk/ lol
Didn't even know about druk. I definitely don't drink enough for that, but I've been trying.
I like to follow AV Club alumni on Letterboxd
>Mike D'Angelo
>AA Dowd
>Caroline Siede
>Nathan Rabin
>Scott Tobias
Only the first two post consistently
Margaret and David (At the movies)
>I don't understand why Bogdanovich isn't mentioned in top 3 new hollywood directors
He has unquestionably directed a number of great films, but over half of his filmography is somewhere between mediocre and dogshit.
now watchan'
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actual my asshole
if it's in the mega, it's on the letterboxd
Which one of you is this
My fiancee's son.
nah his best film is after life
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The moment Cannes lost all its credibility.
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too lazy to make a whole list of it, but here are the highlights
very interesting selection of films. why do you like 666: Devilish Charm so much? I have not peeped this.
If this is true, then yes you’ve got more interesting taste than the majority of posters here, combined with actually watching the films- congrats. people on /film/ would do good to be more like this guy
The moment Cannes gained* all its credibility.
Just watched Martyrs, actually think it's arthouse sadistic horror. Literally Hostel but arthouse. I think it was good. The ending was great. a 7.5/10.
watch eyes without a face, it was an influence on martyrs
The moment Cannes both lost and gained all its credibility
a love letter to cinema
Not even close lmao
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Kiyoshi Kurosawa's taste is pretty iffy.
I spit on you cum gensi.
1 hidden post
Not really. It's just that his mind is free from the shackles of canon lists like Sight & Sound or whatever. I'd much rather listen to people with his or Hamaguchi's taste than people who parrot the same 20 movies and nauseum.
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Is this as good as everybody says it is, should I watch it
Yes, it's excellent. The ending is very stupid however and brings it down from potentially great to just interesting.
was Catherine Deneuve in pulp fiction?
>i just killed my wife and my mother
>i know they'll get me
>but before that
>i have many more Targets
>french faggots
>french film faggots
>french film faggots that thought spike lee should be a judge
Cannes never had credibility
Redpill me on Tobe Hooper
idk, The Two Jakes missed something, can't really say what, but it was either the direction which wasn't gutsy enough or the script which had too much plot/mimiced the original too much, beautiful film but felt flat and uninteresting
Not enough Jakes
Polanski didn't direct it.
He's funny
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Anyone seen this? Thought it was pretty frickin good. Ganz and the soundtrack are top class.
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Gakuryu Ishii's stage play version of The Dekalog

/tv/ is making fun of us again, bros...
Why the fuck is Angela Merkel in OP
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fucking Lubitsch
how was he so good?
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Awesome film. What are some other classic Japanese horror I should watch? I already watched Kuroneko by the same director and I have Kwaidan on deck. I might work through Schindo's films, but he has a ton and Onibaba and Kuroneko are the ones I've ever heard of.
Wolf Guy
>I might work through Schindo's films, but he has a ton and Onibaba and Kuroneko are the ones I've ever heard of.
His film Conquest is similar to Onibaba/Kuroneko but not as good. He has a lot of hidden gems though, so I recommend exploring his filmography
Just found a trailer and this looks dope. Perfect amount of cheese.
Thanks. I'll start with Conquest then cruise around his filmography to watch what sounds most interesting.
>how was he so good?
he had the Lubitsch touch
Jewish genes
>gee bill, how come your mom lets your keep TWO jakes?
the best american director is back on the chair
aggro drift online! lets see how shit it is (pensive).
There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin
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Did they CGI the blood stain on his shirt? What the fuck?
thats not it :(
Low effort.
they put up a wrong link, i will ask in the TG channel for a proper one
Just like all his movies
I could up it but I'm busy, and by the time I'm free someone will already have upped it.
Yotsuya Kaidan 1959 is way better than you'd expect a 75 minute horror film from 1959 to be. The film itself is in color if anything
I already watched it before watching Martyrs. Very good.
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>the best american director
I was expecting a Michal Bay movie. Extremely disappointed.
I don't know how you people watch stuff like Hostel and Martyrs. I literally couldn't even sleep after watching Last House on the Left and Ichi the Killer and I've heard these are nothing compared to Martyrs
Franju also had that nasty documentary short about a slaughterhouse
here you go niggers. KOTY coming through
>Korine Of The Year
I would be really surprised if there was another one.
>Hostel and Martyrs
Its all garbage, hard to take seriously or let it affect you in the slightest
Thank you!
More like SHITTY
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What a coincidence, my limited edition Trash Humpers Blu-ray just came in too
Jah bless.
Oh shit, cumgenus BTFO
I mean, if it's not for you it's not for you. I think Ichi the Killer was worse for me than Martyrs and Hostel, because I'm more sensitive to some of the sounds presented in Ichi than to the violence of Martyrs.

Hostel is fun garbage, Martyrs is an actually good film with an interesting premise that just happens to be very violent. I wouldn't even say that the intent of Martyrs is to get off on violence, it's more of a sad and depressing film than a sadistic one imo, it's just that the plot involves sadistic characters, but the focus of the film is on compassion for the victims rather than delight at their suffering.
Never watched it. Have just watched Kids, Spring Breakers and The Beach Bum by Korine. I think he's underrated, to be fair. Is Trash Humpers a banger?
He didn't even direct Kids anon. Watch Gummo and Julien Donkey Boy (my favourite)
I know he didn't direct it, but he wrote it I think, that's why I included it. I will watch the films you rec'd. What do you like about Julien Donkey Boy?
Eeee thank you
Good taste anon his finest works
Well this was fucking horrible.
thank you for confirming my suspicions. shan't be watching...
You need to immediately watch Gummo, his best film. Julien Donkey Boy is a close second.
Trash Humpers is an acquired taste, but I love Korine and I absolutely love this film. The world and atmosphere, the images in the movie, is something only he can really do and it really worked for me. That being said, I once put it on for a group of friends to watch and they all forced me to stop it after about 20 min lmao. Filtered pleb faggots.
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letterboxd always uses the worst poster that's available
>What do you like about Julien Donkey Boy?
Schizo kino. You have the usual characters on the fringe of society, but it feels a lot more empathetic than most of Korine's other films. It's sad and beautiful. You also have Herzog being Herzog

Someone post new Korineslop webms, I don't want to have to actually sit through the whole movie
I forgot this isn't the same film as Red Psalm. I've seen both years ago and they're so similar they coalesced into one film in my mind
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it was pretty kino...
Downloaded that rip from KG and it looks absolutely awful. Zero bitrate. Going to wait for a better release before watching.

I would but ^
Free and easiest way to make webm?
t. boomer
I hope people who memed Dumont will keep the same energy with this piece of shit.
Still on the backlog
... but I'm now putting in on the frontlog because these screenshots look amazing. Thank you for posting this!
/film/bros, should I get into New French Extremity? Which are the best films of the movement?
Webm for Lazys (formerly retards)
Martyrs I guess.
Already watched it anon.
It's not a movement.
What is it then?
NTA but it's more of a trend/descriptor. It's not a movement like the French New Wave or Dogme 95.
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Is it kino?
Anatomy of Hell, Battle in Heaven, I Stand Alone, Irreversible, Sombre
All the films I listed are very good, I’m a fan of both the films and filmmakers
Everything K-On related is, to be fair. Will god give us comfy anime kino like the late 00s / early 10s again?
Any classic Hollywood films where a female character wears slacks prominently?
It's because they want you to pay to change the posters.
Back in the days when I was still watching anime Kyoto Animation was the embodiment of everything I hated about modern anime and its fans but it has only gotten worse since
Mid to late 00s moeshit was the golden era. The 90s were cool too. NHK was my shit back then
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Criterion without the PR. What an insane boxset.
lol why do people pretend that korine is like a director or some shidd

just a moron with a camera
>Mid to late 00s moeshit was the golden era
I only like Hidamari Sketch
Aren't all directors just dudes with a camera? Btw, Korine is good
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Latex sexo
dang, I'm tempted to buy this. do they ship to the US and will it play on a normal US bluray player?
Remember Dumontfag and his estrogen coffee ahaahahhahaa he's probably killed himself after L'Empire BAHHAHHAHHAHAHA
Anyways can you guys recommend me absolute kino which is on YouTube? something to immerse myself into /film/ culture I'm just after watching J'Accuse very good!
Vampiros en La Habana
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>do they ship to the US
>will it play on a normal US bluray player?
It's region B so no, you'll need a region free player.
I'm pirating the SHIT out of these movies. Being a latino shitter has it's advantages
Is this shit trained on 4chan? lmao
I'm European and I do the same.
From what I know piracy is complicated in the USA. A friend of mine got Elon's internet here in Latin America and now has to run a VPN to download shit or risk getting cooked by US law lol
>getting cooked by US law
Are you for real? I'm a 3rd worlder and I've always assumed Americans were obsessed with owning everything and so anti-piracy because they just like to CONSOOM. Can you really go to fucking jail for pirating stuff there?
try le cercle rouge
Trouble every day
for me i look for attractive actresses, music is key, and steadicam. I can't stand wobbly shaky images. For me if the cinematographer isn't focused on a smooth ride I'm not having a good time. A perfect example of an ideal film for me is Touch of Evil.
don't waste your energy talking with anyone who sorts films into 2 genres, democrat and republican
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bake new bread
My friend didn't give enough details, but I think so. That's why they pay for watching TV shows I guess
Okay, I’ll do it.
no it seems to be trained on reddit's idea of 4chan, but you can definitely get it to say some funny shit with the right prompts

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