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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Izzy Adjani edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

prev: >>200500916
Isabelle a shit
beautiful queen
Our fact checkers have determined this is false
New toyoda kino when?
she's beautiful but i cannot stand her acting. her endless wailing and sobbing in possession just completely turned me off. i have to watch that movie with sound off and subtitles on.
Everyone acts that way in Possession
Was just going to watch The Driver 1978
i know it's a terrible film. but still turned me off on adjani she didn't seem much better in the other stuff i watched
Good movie
>Criterion Channel only has 9 westerns
They used to have a decent selection and get interesting stuff in most months. Now all they add are movies about being gay and black.
I found her disturbed behavior arousing.

First time I see another human being say what I was afraid to say. I'd say it's a terrible film and I didn't enjoy it, but I guess I'll have to be a pussy and say 6/10 (4/10 enjoyment)
Everyone knows Possession is a fucking shit film. It's only praised by horror fans who think they are too cool for Texas Chainsaw Massacre
so desu ne
The absolute state of /film/
>/film/tards now are filtered and triggered by all the Possession love
Damn, what an unexpected development
>hating on Possession
For what purpose? Brain damage?
I'm a horror enthusiast. I can't imagine a real horror buff praising Possession, it's just too fucked up and incoherent of a mess to even pass as a horror film. It's just nothing man, a nothing film. I even questioned myself if I didn't get it or something, but now I see that I'm not the only one that thought it sucked. I don't understand why it is considered like the 200 best film of all time on RYM
A lot of /film/ movies suck ass imo
>filtered by Zulawski's most accessible film
Possession is and has always been a great film. People going contrarian on it because the wrong kind of people also like it are just disgusting hipsters.
And it's not even Zulawski best film, btw
Contrarianism. Every board hates their respective subject matter.
Good westerns though.
Really, huckleberry? Name ten.
>And it's not even Zulawski best film
Based. He has loads of underrated films.
>I'm a horror enthusiast
Yes, we can see you're a retard.
Not a contrarian, I just sincerely hated Possession. I also hated Stalker and Mirror, but I loved The Ascent, for example
The only incoherent part is the apocalyptic stuff at the end that came out of nowhere. Everything else was pretty straight forward.
I think /po/ is an exception
This movie has always been universally hated by everyone who doesn't make/watch Youtube essays
If you’re used to broadly watching horror then it’s really not hard to just go with the character plot and ignore anything that may seem like a structural error in the narrative.

It’s really not a difficult or inaccessible movie. It’s a married couple saying the meanest things they can think of to each other with some occasional euro horror visuals.
Yeah, Possession is just old and shitty, people only care for the memes and the edgy stuff. It doesn't make any sense and it's not even scary.
An amazing and much better film is this year's The First Omen. It even does better what Poshitsession tried to did before.
it's anons who are coming in the thread just because of the OP. they aren't /film/ regulars
Oh god it's the Nellfag
>tried to did
I don't know why I even try taking these people seriously
Theorema (don't see it discussed here, but it's by Pasolini, so...)
In the Mood for Love
Fallen Angels
The Lobster
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Inland Empire

The 400 Blows also turbo overrated, but not sucky enough to make the list
>0 Adjani
>le better at anything
Get fucked, queer.
I can see that you're ignorant about a genre and judge things without even experiencing them, therefore, your opinion is worthless
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More like shit taste.
Is this /hor/? lol
*the shit
>I'm a big horror enthusiast, I'll have y'all know
I never said it was difficult. It's actually a very easy and in some way even commercial "arthouse" film. I think it was always bait for the pseuds. A horror enthusiast sees through the bullshit and just gets absolutely nothing from the film, except the classic freudian / jungian symbolic pseud bullshit that these hack directors use to give "meaning" to their vacuous films
I suppose I know more about movies than you. Lil bro didn't watch horror films and thinks that he knows kino as a whole lmao
I remember when /hor/ was good, still free of the inevitable mentally ill ghouls who love making a general their home for unbarred shitposting. Now I find the place full of them. It was a comfy general, pretty sad.
Stalker and Eraserhead deserve the praise they get
>400 blows
I mean it's a French New Wave film, of course it's fucking bad. We only pretend it's good because it's a /film/ tradition. No one actually thinks Godard, Truffaut, Varda, Rivette, etc are good directors, right?
I could say the same about /film/, but it lasted two weeks tops
Smart and well structured response. Really showing your intellect to these pseuds!
>wasting your precious energy and limited time on this planet arguing with a stranger on an anonymous vietnamese basket weaving image board about things you don't agree on, will never agree on, and are not willing to make any compromises on
Fell asleep to Eraserhead. Shit was miiiiiiiiiid. Then I watched it again. A piece of shit still.

Stalker just terribly boring and lacking substance. Slow as hell for no reason. Overrated. A 6/10. Russian Indiana Jones but low budget and "philosophical"
Why does horror make this board seethe and shit their pants anytime it's discussed?
It's the ultimate tranny genre.
This along with just low quality shitposting has become rampant in these threads lately
Gotta just ignore them and move on
On /film/ you fit in by offering hot takes and (mostly) pretending to be retarded >>200588693
Makes me feel relaxed

Pridefully, and I know a lot about it, something you won't experience in any area of kino
Weak bait but I still want to clarify that saying this shit
>lacking substance
is even worse than saying 'pretentious'
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She's reading this thread rn
I Saw The TV Glow >>>>> Poshitsession
I liked her in Ishtar
well hello
>A horror enthusiast sees through the bullshit and just gets absolutely nothing from the film
Glad I’m not a mentally retarded horror enthusiast then
Not a bait, just sincere. I think that having the same taste as everyone confirms that one is a pseud. I like some /film/ movies, but I sure as hell won't ever think that shit like Possession is the 135 best film of all time. Hell no.
>It's for trannies because....it hurts my feelings!
Horror is so based for making faggots like (You) seethe
Humiliating the retards in these threads is like a nice therapy session, very easy and quick to do as well
I Saw the Tranny* Glow

I'm glad too, wouldn't wanna talk to someone like you ever.
>caring about others taste
you’re a self admitted contrarian and self admitted retard. Consider suicide
Add to that fact that hating trannies for no reason is weak as shit as an intelectual resource and will probably be laughed at in the future. Retarded shit.
"negro piss man" /hor/ user is currently invading the /film/ thread! /hor/ isn't even the best genre of film!
I wouldn’t want a mentally retarded faggot to talk to me in the first place, so please don’t respond to any of my posts and leave these threads
Didn't understand my point. Your IQ is below room temperature. What a dumbass
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There’s some interesting characters in /hor/ like the Kolobosanon but I only hate that one ESL fucker that replies to the same post 5-6 times in succession like it’s nothing
Kind of useless when each person thinks they are doing it to the other, just makes the general shitposting central
The ESL is the the negro piss man
You don't own me. I will continue whooping your ass for the rest of the year, if necessary. Go watch your TV shows, lil bro, leave the discussion of kino to discerning adults.
lol interesting you thought to include the potential in there
I may be retarded but at least I'm not pretending that Anna Karina is beautiful
Ugly mid af roastie
The literal definition of projecting. I’d feel bad for you, but I just laugh at pathetic retards, I don’t pity them.
She looks like she drinks ass juice like a typical stupid roastie, yet beta cuck redditors simp for her kek
Crossing another one off my negro pissman bingo card
I do own you
Yep that’s exactly who I was referring to. I asked him once why he does it and he replied “why not?” lol
Yeah, but still so few for a genre that's full of classic Hollywood stars
She was super hot. L take imo

You never know how retarded will the society be in the future

You are too dumb to understand anything. Just do your school homework bro
What kind of wordplay is that? At least call it Pozzedsession or something like that.
Flanders > L'Humanite > Hadewijch > Jeannette: Childhood of Joan of Arc > Twentynine Palms > Li’l Quinquin > The Life of Jesus > Hors Satan > Slack Bay > France > The Empire > Camille Claudel 1915 > Joan of Arc > Coincoin and the Extra-Humans
Btw, the only films I rated lower than 8 are last three, Camille is 7.5.
My problem with CoinCoin is that it's just not particularly funny. The third episode is the best one. Not much in terms of compelling dramatic elements either, I think it's the least "serious" of his films, which hurts because it's not a good comedy. I really like the ending tho.
Empire only barely holds between a 7.5 and 8. But that kissing scene in the last third of the film is one of Dumont's finest moments.
Imagine liking the horror genre, it's soi and beta AF for redditors who drink cum and use /horror. This general is becoming /horror in here
Ugly roastie who has never playd in a good movie
And now he’s in this thread, no fucking way lol
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>I Saw the Tranny Glow
I did not enjoy his film.
Just what /film/ needed: another major schizo to shit the place up. We'll be lucky if it leaves after this thread
Looks like a typical soi boi horror fan kek
This is some terrible bait my brother. You need to add some spice. This is legit /b/ tier shit
Don't they just rotate what they show kind of like MUBI? Or do they have a permanent catalogue (besides the ones available on the blu-rays)? I pirate everything so I have no idea how most of these work.
Kek this soi boi thinks he can downvote posts like in reddit. Go back to drinking black cum u simp
Lol seethe cucky, horror is beta AF
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Remember that scene in The Tenant when she was groping Polanski's dick?
True. Urotsukidōji was a banger OVA series btw
How hard is it to simply look at the immediately previous thread? Pretty hard for retards, obviously
Horror is just soi boi cuck shit u cucky
Reel men who are alpha watch action movies
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I guess we can't talk about Isabelle Adjani without this oxygen waster showing up
I hate this timeline
No, but I remember the scene of Polanski crossdressing while being zesty as shit in his room
kek this beta boi thinks he is in reddit where he can downvote post that make him mad
try watching action movies u simp
You really don't see how trannies identify with it? In spite of being one?
Who said anything about hate?
kek true, horror fans are beta and tranny AF, they simp for roasties. alpha men watch action kino
Yeah, I didn't like that plot twist
>zesty as shit
so he is typical horror fan? kek they are such beta boi every time, imagine watching horror films lmao
Only that the film is purely a zoomer meme.
And that's how these creatures always win, they crave to destroy any place they go, the normal posters are silenced and end up going away
lol this beta boi is mad af. this place is for /pol/ alpha males now, go back too /horror cucky. u need to watch action kino like rambo or something
Hot little cumslut.
Anti trans discourse is esentially trans hating. Pretty obviously I'd say. Also, the 4chan trans obsession is gay as fuck
you have never touched a woman
She looks like she drinks ass juice while horror fans be cucks lmao. Meanwhile I watch action kino and laugh at u cucks
True. This shit is essentially thinking that Casablanca is the best film of all time tier of retardation and sheepish behavior
what are you buying in the steam summer sale bros?
It must take a lot of effort to be this retarded
Hopefully Elden Ring. Shit is never on sale
cope and seethe cucky. /pol/ alpha males rule this general now, horror beta boi like (You) belong on reddit. Go watch some actual kino like rambo and swallow (2019), cucky
30% off right now
It’s nothing new, don’t know why anyone is giving a fuck
Again- ignore, don’t respond, move on
what a cuck lmao
Thanks for letting me know. Maybe I'll buy the mf now
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Tranny punks fuck off.
I enjoyed Wedding Crashers btw
Hating gays for no reason is weak as shit as an intelectual resource and will probably be laughed at in the future. Retarded shit.
>Casablanca is the best film of all time tier of retardation
Nah it's way worse, it's 'Citizen Kane is the best film of all time' tier
Classic roastie jeet man.
Every month they lose some movies and gain new ones, but they've lost so many westerns and gained so few new ones that it's down to just 9 movies, most of which have always been on there (stuff they released on blu-ray, like Dead Man, Stagecoach, The Shooting, etc).
They also like to advertise groups of movies they bring in that highlight a particular theme, genre, director, or actor, but western collections have gotten few and far between, and director/actor highlights seem to mostly ignore them lately.
They keep the film noir flowing steadily at least, but I'm getting to where if they don't start bringing in better stuff by the time I have my fill of their Japanese and Hong Kong catalogue, I'll just cancel my subscription
roastie movie, Drive (ryan gosling one) is based and for alpha male so watch that one unless u are beta AF
off-topic posting wins again
True, but I don't hate gays nor trannies. It's just an expression lil bro. I'm gay btw (I'm happy)
ur white pass has been revoked beta boi
what a stupid roastie
why do horror fan soi boi simps like this bitch
ur mother last night begs to differ
The real alpha male movie is Angst (1983)
Stop asking like a cucky roastie and fuck off back to r/horror
lol u mad af, real alpha males watch action films. I think that new expandables movie was based u should watch it instead of watching horror soi boi movies
looks like a typical roastie when they hit the wall kek
Rob Zombie general
If it was alpha male he wouldn't have gotten caught at the end.
lol she is so ugly, female beauty is stupid AF and a myth made up by roasties and only horror fans and beta boi believe it
her movies are cringe too
This is my wife on that pic
WHO is beautiful?
stupid simp u are beta AF, go watch some action movies so u become manly
women are not beautiful they are roasties
So you're into men?
based AF for making stupid simps mad
Women are dumb and annoying, men are alpha and based
lol roastie is mad AF that I dont like dumb bitches
Ugly dumb bitch looks like she drink piss and shit and cum and ass juice. Horror fans will really simp for this roastie lmao.
Action movie chads are so much more based than horror soi boi cucks
lmao horror fans are such cucks, they are beta AF
Name your top 5 action movies
I was just asking.....
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The only woman to surpass Isabelle Adjani in terms of beauty
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Great taste.
she is a slut for black cum and piss and shit and ass juice, typical roastie bitch
Rambo, Expandables 2, Drive, Last Action Hero, John Wick 4
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Looks like Nico
>Looks at woman
>Thinks of other men cumming on her
Gross AF
U beta boi need to use /pol/ and watch action films so u become manly. I suggest watching some John Wick and Rambo movies so u become manly
The one and only
dumb roastie looks like she is about to eat some poop lmao
Horror is cringe AF
Based alpha male making beta boi horror fans and roasties mad AF
First Blood 7.5/10
Drive 9.5/10 (not action btw)

Didn't see the rest.

My own tier list:

A Bittersweet Life
A Better Tomorrow
Matrix Reloaded
Mad Max 79
Female Prisoner 701: Scorpion
I like rambo not first blood
ur picks are beta AF
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>here's your ghastly femcel bro
>Looks at woman
>Sees what she is
John Wick 1 sucked ass. Beta ass soundtrack. Sounded like stock rock music, Imagine Dragons meets The Black Keys type beat. Pew pew sounds every time a gun was shot. Stock ass storyline
>Dude I think about other men cumming on women
Don't you dare lump Last Action Hero in with that slop
John wick 2 3 and 4 are based af
lol horror fan is mad af, dumb beta cuck lmao
Only u r obsessing about other men here
You think about other men cumming on women, le cumslut. What a cuck
Talking of horror, I gonna watch The Devil's Bath, had good reception in Berlinale.
It's interesting that Ulrich Seidl's wife is making more or less genre horror.
kek this beta boi watches horror, u cringe AF
You’re gay as fuck. Imagine seeing her and thinking “looks like she drink piss and shit and cum and ass juice”
She does she is a typical dumb roastie. U are just a mad AF simp horror fan beta boi
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Damn near about to make a Carrie/Sissy thread
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lol u are a beta boi, go back too /horror. Real men dont watch horror they watch action movies
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gross AF, go back too reddit u beta boi simps. this thread is for /pol/ alpha males who like action movies
It got old 30 minutes ago lil bro
lol u are mad af, typical beta boi horror fan
Yeah, I'm a horror fan, so? Go back to /b/ bro
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U are a beta boi simp kek. Go back too /horror while us alpha males discuss action movies
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I see you've never had the misfortune of browsing /hor/ over the past few months, I envy you. It's pointless to argue with him, he's a complete lunatic retard and you'll have better luck talking to actual rocks.
Lol she looks like she is about to look a toilet lmao what a dumb roastie. Possession is cringe AF
*lick a toilet lmao
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What Criterions are you guys buying tomorrow? What Kinos are you buying today?
lol what a beta af cucky, u probably simp for roastie to. Cringe AF bruh
cringe movies
thank you. THIS is why I come to /film/ threads. that was my take from possession too, just melodramatic overacting in a relationship drama that features emotions such as despair, hatred, outrage and lust. it appeals to base instincts. i prefer for films to be more subtle and even keeled. argento, say what you will about him, knew how to keep things more stable and grounded between the extremes
>action movies
Literally r.eddit.
lol this horror fan is beta AF, dumb cucky u are cringe
Yeah, /hor/ sucks
Argento's based. My fave from him is Phenomena. Amazing practical effects and a cool bug theme.
lol u are beta AF, horror is for roasties and beta boi
Action is cool. Unironically want to watch the Resident Evil film who's webm has been memed to death here. I think it looks fun
Lav Diaz is slowly becoming one of my favourite film makers of the modern days. Norte, The End of History is great and I really enjoyed it
i'm laughing so hard at this successful bait
lol u are mad AF, stupid cucky
Succesful? I'm betting samefag on this one, but this shit was so lame lmao
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Action just means it has cool stunts
How did they make the guy that goes through the window look so real? No way that is a real dude falling that way, he'd be dead as shit, right?
suspiria is my favorite but i've probably watched phenomena more. it's too bad adjani never did a film with him.
it was a different time
If it's in a HK movie it's at least 90% real most of the time. He has some padding under his shirt and maybe pants. Maybe a very thin pad hidden where he first lands but probably not.
Insane if true.
Yeah, Suspiria is probably his greatest film, I just like Phenomena more, I'm kind of a gore hound to be honest. Adjani would have been cool, Natassja Kinski too
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I wish he’d get in a fatal car accident
a lot of the times they have pads underneath the clothes or hide the pads in plain sight. jackie talks about the techniques in the extras for one of the police story movies, can't remember which. keep in mind these are trained acrobats and they do a ton of rehearsal. there's also a yuen biao interview floating out there talking about it and he was one of the best stunt guys of that system.
But he hits his head! He should have been dead lol
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True alphas shit on /horror/ and /action/ and watch GODard instead.
he probably was injured, they do get fucked up a lot, jackie chan has a permanent hole in his skull from a fall.
>who think they are too cool for Texas Chainsaw Massacre
Kek what are you talking about? Somebody who likes The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is significantly more likely to enjoy Possession than the average person.
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I wonder what /film/ regulars think of Suspiria and Argento in general.
I like him, and as much of a contrarian as I am, I think he made the best giallos in general. Even Bava was not on his level
Just shilling the biggest county arthouse theater for any Southern California anons, The Frida Cinema in Santa Ana.
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I'm with the other posters who like Phenomena more. Not only is it as beautiful as any of his other movies but has such a great genuinely clever and composed protagonist. My second favorite from him is Opera.

I like Suspiria but not as much as those other two.
corr used to be one of my fave films
I’m definitely a Suspiria guy but I should check Opera out sometime. I’ve only heard good things about it
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Deep Red to Opera was a great run, one of the best for any horror director.
Phenomena is sloppy Fulcian nonsense, I get why zoomers think it's his best though. For me it's still Tenebrae > Suspiria > Inferno before everything else
>brings up zoomers out of nowhere
This just makes it sound like you have no confidence in your opinion
deep red deserves a mention too. it's often overlooked but probably has the best cinematography and script. nobody can reproduce this style with digital
Fulci has made some good films though.
Beautiful photography and colors. What a master.
For me, it's Suspiria and Tenebre. Dunno what #3 is, maybe Deep Red or Opera.
hidden life by malick any good?

got it recorded

not sure if bothered to look

had a couple quick looks and

just cant stand that pretentious garbage of his later works
Zombi 2 was so based
>get into director
>need to watch his entire filmography
Anyone else relate to this tism
yes, but only for the ones i really like
I only do this when I hate them or I love them, specially on the case of directors I feel are overrated. I need to see all of their shit as fast as possible so that I can develop an opinion and come to /film/ so that I can shit on them with facts and logic.
I like a lot of his stuff actually, from horror to giallos to westerns. The Beyond is almost peak Italian horror if not for some retarded plot decisions
My favorite Fulci film is Aenigma
Pretty based desu I do this with books. Need to know your enemy so you can destroy them
They say it's similar to Phenomena... Should I watch it?
Yeah, it's pretty good though it doesn't feel much like a Fulci movie
I do too, had to do it to em with Dostoyevski. I was in a Dostoyevski seminar in Uni btw
I haven't read a book in nearly a decade, /film/ for this feeling?
Aggro dr1ft
Skins season 1. Watch Sid's episode. Peak doomer kino
anything by harmony korine
anything by Rob Zombie
It's reasonably good yeah. Especially considering Fulci and the Italian movie industry were both half dead at that point
What gets you out of bed apart from watching films? Probably rope if they didn’t exist
zombi 2 proved fulci had more than meets the eye (no pun intended). it was as serious in tone as carpenter could get but at the same time had such slapstick moments like the obese zombie falling in the water, or the sharknado zombie underwater tit grab
Trapped in the Closet, episodes 1-33
Just hope, 4chan and sometimes League of Legends
Movie was the textbook definition of based. The eye scene is a classic. The setting in the island was so cool too. Also the zombie shark, and the fact that it was an unlicensed sequel to Dawn of the Dead lol
He's an arthoe he probably does read but just stuff that impresses normalfags like Hunter S Thompson, Heller, Pynchon and whatever he gets recommended by podcasts.
Yeah hope is a killer
I unironically know it's gonna end someday bro. Shit can't be that bad forever. It got better today, to be honest. -100 anxiety for me. Things could change tomorrow
Bro is an actual horror fan, but he's probably cool. Maybe listens to Kyuss. I want to see The Devil Rejects. Seems that all early to mid 00s mathcore / deathcore bands sampled that film lol
i think they also illegally filmed in new york. don't quote me on that though. but if i recall back then no one could get permits to film so they had to get sneaky. the unlicensed sequel aspect i never thought of haha
Zombie has his best soundtrack too, slow and ominous and doomy just like the zombies themselves
I do not care for Bava
Argento > Fulci >>> Bava
that was goblin. they were pure hit makers. i agree the soundtrack is very memorable and critical to the film
Feeding my ducks
Cooking and cleaning
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>Tenebrae > Suspiria > Inferno
Tenebrae’s in my top 3 Argento along with Deep Red so I respect it.
Everything about the movie is just cash money to me. Raw in a historical way
I can't afford to buy any more movies right now. It hurts less with Criterion because their shit never goes out of production, but anyone else I feel like if I don't get it soon enough, it'll be gone forever
Bava's cool too, don't underrate him, he was Argento's master in a way
I bought a 4K UHD of Phenomena and one of Suspiria recently. I might be a blu-ray of Stendhal Syndrome too
Time to pirate some shit my dude
*get a blu-ray of Stendhal Syndrome too
I don't know why I typed "be"
Blood and Black Lace is excellent tho
Classic imo. A Bay of Blood is also fun in a memey way
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This one?
Bava is kino. Seen lots of Argento and Bava, only seen a few Fulci flicks which were decent but I didn't love as much. Still have more of his movies I need to check out though.
I personally like to pirate movies, and then if I like them enough, get physical copies of them
Also, nice digits
Lisa and the Devil & Hatchet for the Honeymoon are kino as well.
Digits check. I got you, I do the same for vinyl
it's the mark of a kino director that nobody agrees on their favorite film
He had Bava do the effects on Inferno, as a last tribute right before Bava died
Never seen them. Maybe I should watch more italian films to be honest
You got digits this time too, looks like I did at >>200595011
i pay for the criterion streaming and it's based as fuck. i subbed when i saw they had all the jackie chan movies
>Maybe I should watch more italian films to be honest
Definitely recommend.
Kill Baby Kill and Planet of the Vampires are also very good.
>How did they make the guy that goes through the window look so real? No way that is a real dude falling that way, he'd be dead as shit, right?
Because it was real. No CGI crap. For big stunts, They usually only had 1 take. 1 shot to get it right. Because the stunt guys or the actor would be messed up afterwards.

Back then, they did their own stunts and put their life on the line. They were trained to fall certain way for a scene. Practicing hundreds of times before filming. Training for months. If they didn't do it correctly, then they would break bones or fall the wrong way like landing on the necks or heads and possibly killing themselves.

Sometimes their tried to hide padding under their shirts, jackets, or putting a mat where the camera can't see. But that's not always possible and they have to had to just deal with the pain. If they did the fall correctly, then at least they wouldn't break anything.

Jackie Chan put himself in the hospital dozens of times and nearly killed himself. His movies took months to film because of complicated stunts. But when they were finished it was glorious to watch. Timeless action.
Good luck to you anon
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Didn't know, cool W from Argento
Rabid Dogs is my favorite Bava but it isn't quite exactly horror
you should. the italians are the real kino makers. fuck the french. italy has a history of maximum effect opera and theater. they have mastered it down to a science
He is great. One of my favourite of his is Season of the Devil, it's an acapella musical. I don't think I've seen anything like it. Of course sometimes he indulges too much. Almost all of his films are about muh martial law period, it can get a bit tiring. He also hasn't been trying anything really new for himself since Norte, The End of History. I mean it's ok if he wants to just keep doing things in his style at his own pace, but I like it when filmmakers try to diverge a little sometimes. I think he went back on shooting on film stock recently which is interesting. He has been one of the pioneers of digital cinema and was shooting on digital for almost two decades straight.
I'll watch them, thanks for the recs man
Based. French horror films suck
>. They were trained to fall certain way for a scene. Practicing hundreds of times before filming. Training for months. If they didn't do it correctly
Most fall stunts and fight choreography is figured out on the day in HK.
he truly is the greatest and sired a bonafide milk maid
You're welcome anon, hope you enjoy. Bava's films have great atmosphere.
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what movie does she wear that outfit in?
>Subbed to Criterion for Jackie

Unbelievably based from both anon and Criterion. Nice.

>Because it was real.

This makes me apreciate these films even more. True love for the craft. I have to watch the old Jackie kino RIGHT NOW
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Nice. Jess and JCon are great in their respective giallo (inb4 they’re both technically supernatural horror)
I have a poster of Phenomena. You guys own any horror posters?
I know I'm gonna make it. We're all gonna make it bro, just gotta be patient and don't give in to frustration
One Deadly Summer. Just okay movie about french kids growing up in a shithole small town, but she is naked quite a bit and also gets raped
Is it weird that I kinda understand what he's saying in this quote?
/film/ is better for horror discussion than /hor/ today
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Devilish, not even taking his daughter into account.
At his peak yeah but he fell off hard in the 2000s. De Palma had better range
Sadly, no. I've got no money and no space in my tiny room. I'd like to have friends and a girl that apreciated my taste to show them, but for now I've just got vinyl records and old books ;(
Not really, only retards wouldn't understand him and then get triggered over the quote
make sure you watch mario's son lamberto's movies too, especially demons. don't fuck with demons 2. just watch demons.
Out of season /hor/ sucks because the majority of people who stick around are just posting the same stupid shit every day or are otherwise extremely braindead and like stuff like saw.
True, we are the true masterminds of horror reviewing lying behind a facade of being into arthouse. We were the impostors all along
Demons 2 is decent but nowhere near as good as Demons

Never knew he had a son that directed kino. I'll check that too. I think I've heard about Demons before
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Any /tv/ thread where Suspiria or Possession gets discussed is probably the best thread that given day. Others will disagree
The first Demons has a character played by Soavi, who is also a kino Italian horror director. Cemetery Man and The Church are great
yes, sorry for dragging /film/ into the gutter of horror but it was inevitable with the original post
It happens. Sometimes neither gen is on the catalog if you can believe it
demons is insane. it's pure carnage from start to finish and has a ton of exploitation. there's a scene where a chick has coke sniffed off her tits and then they decide to have a gore scene cutting her nipple with a razor
This thread, negro piss man aside, has had better discussion than any /hor/ thread from the past year
a thread where both are discussed is a great day indeed
Fuck, the nipple thing reminded me of Ichi the Killer. One of the few films that fucked me up.

I love exploitation, the tit scene sounds based. Some anime OVA type shit from the sound of it
Guess I’ll also make the next thread :)
I like when that happens
Make it another horror thread
I want more horror discussion
Would be based
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Of course.
cemetery man might have the best tits ever filmed too
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>Go into the arthouse thread
>They are discussing classic Italian and exploitation horror kinos
>Go into the actual horror thread
>They are discussing the latest streaming service originals
Italian/euro horror is high art
Hey I like a bunch of pretty low quality movies but it gets pretty tiresome when people treat "Totally Killer" and "Terrifier 2" as being exactly as good as TCM like their brain's maximum capacity is "liked it" or "didnt like it."
>Most fall stunts and fight choreography is figured out on the day in HK.

Well... It Depends on the movie, budget, and the actors involved. No name budget movies get minimal time and studio support. If you have a big name action actor, then they can negotiate more time.

For example, That's why back in the day... big Jackie Chan movies took forever to film. They practiced their choreography ahead of time after scouting a location. Jackie Chan insisted on doing it a certain way, and the studio gave him all the time to do it his way. You can confirm it in behind the scenes interviews and videos. Some of them you can watch on YouTube.

But if you are a nobody filming an HK movie in the 80s and 90s, then your budget and time is limited.

It all depends.

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