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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Suspiria ‘77 edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

prev: >>200586744
Good job with the thread title, retard.
Movie name? Looks really nice
>Seen every Argento, Fulci, Bava, and Soavi film
Which Italian horror director do I watch the films of next?
it looks like suspiria japanese poster from the file name.
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Sergio Martino made great giallos but I wouldn't call any of them outright horror except for Torso
Sign me up
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Bruno Mattei
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What are some /film/ that made you do this facial expression?
for me d'amato would be good to add into the rotation. there's a lot of mileage in his career and enough beautiful women. anthropophagus is a good starting point
Is that le heckin japanese poster of an italian movie
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>open /hor/ and /film/ in separate tabs
Does /film/ like David Cronenberg?
>cannibal holocaust
>house at the edge of the park
>body count
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Good question.
i rewatched crash recently and was surprised at how well it holds up. the structure and pacing of the script is really well done. i miss when people made movies that didn't have to answer all of the unanswered questions of the universe and could just slow down in a certain vibe
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Loved The Fly, Existenz, Dead Ringers, The Brood
Liked The Dead Zone, Rabid, Shivers
Sat through most of his others and didn't think much of them.
You didn't like Videodrome? That one is great. I agree otherwise though
Is Monkey Shines /film/?
I like seeing Debbie Harry but otherwise it did nothing for me. Maybe I'll give the TV cut version a try sometime it seems interesting.

not that anon but i love videodrone. it really did spawn the entire retro vhs scene
The sex scenes in Crash are surprisingly hot
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Scanners is also kino
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I am here to tell you that I like Suspiria (1977). That's all. No, I won't elaborate further. Thank you.
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Angst (1983) is kino and everywhere here should watch it. The cinematography and soundtrack are great too
Very based, you should now watch Inferno, it's sequel (which is good but not as good as Suspiria)
yes they are, i didn't want to admit it but it holds up in a lot of ways. zoomers should discover that one. the best part about it is the dark natural lighting and sense of melancholy from the actors
Meant everyone here not everywhere
Watch the films of Bava's son
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What’d you think of Cronenberg’s exploration of death/car crashes as a fetish? For a supposed drama it damn near felt like a horror film at times

My friend, you have incredible taste. Carry on.
Probably not that one, but I imagine some of Romero's other films, like his dead trilogy and Martin, are /film/

saw mark kermode recently say cronenberg's crash is a perfect film
i think that if you put those actresses' tits on anything it would be hot as fuck. they handled the perversion with enough high class to balance everything out. the male characters had a bit more depth in that regard, especially spader who was clearly disgusted with himself, and koteas who had the best performance. neither of the men seemed to enjoy what they were doing and seemed to be holding back shame. i think that's one of the things that makes the sex scenes work so well is the conveyance of the feeling of doing something you know is wrong but can't help yourself
Is this implying you have multiple images with HDMI cord in their filenames?
The dude that made Salò (Pasolini)
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It’s from a shitpost I never got around to posting for whatever reason.
>when he plugs in the HDMI cord
based. best arquette btw
what are some comfy films starring women?
Great taste. Pat Arquette’s ear-piercing screams in Dream Warriors impressed me but I’ve always been partial toward Roz
High quality thread anon good job.
The Strange Vice of Mrs Wardh
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Suspiria ‘77
In the same tab!
The whole film feels both sleazy and oddly high-class at the same time. It’s like watching an indie film with polished cinematography
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/hor/ and /film/ have been combined
This is now a thread for the discussion of horror cinema.
/hor/ runs film.
>The whole film feels both sleazy and oddly high-class at the same time
That's the best kind of movie. Something without any sleaze or griminess is boring.
Runs or ruins? Could be both, ngl
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Anyone seen this? Underrated Shaw brothers horror kino.
Silvia Prieto
Makioka Sisters

It’s like a cute Jane Austen novel mixed with an anime. I would be Kuriko of the main four.
Can slashers be /film/?
Do any of them transcend their slop status?
Maniac and Don't Go in the House are pretty kino
I'll take that as a no.
I'll take that as, you are a queer who hates kino
they can probably be labeled as entertaining /hor/ bro but to be a /film/ it has to be like crem de la crem. slashers are usually low brow affairs though I'm partial to Texas Chainsaw.
If Texas Chainsaw Massacre is considered /film/, why couldn't something like Maniac be?
"I'm partial to" doesn't mean "is /film/", ESL friend.
I've seen it mentioned here a few times before, and it's on one of the /film/ charts. It seems some do consider it /film/. I've seen this happen with the original Halloween also
European restoration labs, Italian especially, can't do dissolves at all, the jumps in quality are always terrible and impossible to unsee. American labs are always perfect.
The original Texas Chain Saw Massacre is definitely /film/. I wouldn't call Maniac /film/ though. Hard to explain why.
European labs stay true to the original theatrical experience when it comes to dissolves, and American labs re-do them from scratch. Not sure which approach I like more. Japs usually do the same as Euros by the way.
I think you just gotta like what you believe in and not cowtow to anyones opinion, but that being said here on /film/ we ought to hold the medium at a very high standard that no one in the other threads are willing to do. So I personally like Texas Chainsaw Massacre but it really is just an entertaining spectacle at its core. (possibly among the highest caliber of entertainment I might add)
Maniac is schlock slop through and through, while TCM at least maintains some level of artistry to its visual direction.
The remake is certainly slop, but I think the original one has some artistic merit to it like TCM. Certainly more artistic than most slashers
>The remake is certainly slop
Everyone would agree with you there.
It has it's (retarded) defenders in /hor/. The Texas Chainsaw remake does too for some reason
May have just grown up with it.
What makes a film slop? How do I identify slop? Slop is usually easy to point out, but the question is why and how? What qualities does slop have that kino doesn't?
Yeah, thats usually the case. Nostalgia tends to cloud peoples judgement. Even mine sometimes.
I imagine they are the same sorts of people who watch the latest Saw or The Conjuring film and think it's kino. It's not nostalgia, it's just retardation
In the case that we are talking with right now (Texas Chainsaw Massacre) I like to refer to it as milking. First one is great, Second one is camp, Third one dangerously close to slop, and by the fourth one and beyond an intelligent viewer can understand that they are just milking the the franchise just to make a quick buck. In my opinion, this is the most common occurrence of slop we see because it is the easiest to implement and It can go on and on and on with no end.
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This is the current /film/ horror chart. Is it based?
>First one is great,
Some franchises were slop from the start, like Friday the 13th or Saw
>They are just milking the the franchise just to make a quick buck.
Yeah I noticed every slop film has to become a franchise. It's rare to see slop that doesn't have sequels or remakes.
For someone getting into /film/ I'd say this is good.
>Funny Games
Why the fuck are these slop movies considered /film/? Good chart if these were removed and replaced with actual good films
Is that another no/film/ chart by one faggot or an actual /film/ chart that was voted for?
We already have a horror chart that anons actually voted for.

Presuming the former.
This looks like something a pseud redditor would make. It's only missing Midsommar and Get Out, or else it would literally be reddit
Cope, no/film/fag
>Noooo you have to like pseud reddit slop like Antichrist and Inland Empire or you are le no/film/
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Fuck yeah.
Cool it with the buzzwords. You're trying too hard.
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>Antichrist and Inland Empire are pseud reddit slop
This is a good way to describe them honestly, the buzzwords fit them perfect. But I will re-word it for you
>Antichrist and Inland Empire are garbage made for pseudointellectuals
Is that better?
>made for pseudointellectuals
How so?
The films are don't actually have anything new or interesting to say, nor do they offer any sort of entertainment value (no good story, visuals, soundtrack, etc). The films are ugly as shit, boring, simple, and made to appeal to pseudointellectuals who think that watching a long movie where nothing interesting happens makes them smart. It's the same as an A24 movie, just wrapped in a different package.
This is especially true for Antichrist.
I expected actual critique instead of just "thing bad because I say so". Post again when you've grown up.
>pseudointellectuals who think that watching a long movie where nothing interesting happens makes them smart.
You're projecting too hard.
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I love Suspiria Part 2!
>I expected actual critique instead of just "thing bad because I say so". Post again when you've grown up.
I gave some actual critique? One good critique is that the films are extremely ugly. You must be blind to think Inland Empire looks visually good.
>You're projecting too hard.
Lol what? I just said I hated Antichrist and Inland Empire, both are long, boring films with barely anything happens, and the people who like them usually believe these films to be intellectual. Are you implying I secretly enjoy these films?
>I gave some actual critique?
Not once. Saying that the stories, visuals, or whatever else are bad/boring without giving any reasoning or arguments is not actual critique.
>and the people who like them usually believe these films to be intellectual.
And there you go projecting again.
>Not once. Saying that the stories, visuals, or whatever else are bad/boring without giving any reasoning or arguments is not actual critique.
How am I supposed to prove the visuals are bad? I think all it takes is good eyesight in order to spot shitty visuals
>And there you go projecting again.
They literally do? Read some reviews of the films, or read what people have said about them here before. These films are unironically considered "artistic" and "intellectual". Also, how the fuck is that projection? Are you, again, implying I secretly like these films, or are you just mindlessly using a buzzword?
not the sharpest tool in the shed
let's try and guess this anon's age
Imma say 17
>Can't prove why the films are good
>Starts throwing around insults
Please explain how I am wrong? What is so entertaining or interesting about Antichrist?
>How am I supposed to prove the visuals are bad?
I didn't ask for proof, ESL friend. Anyone can say anything is bad, that doesn't mean a thing. Try making an actual argument for once.
How am I supposed to "make an argument" for the visuals being bad? An argument about something being bad requires proof. is it even possible, or are visuals a subjective thing? In fact, isn't more "film criticism" just subjective opinions?
I personally think Antichrist has nothing to offer outside of edgy shock value.
that's the thing anon, I don't think they're good films
but anyone who seethes that hard while not being able to formulate actual criticism is a certified retard
How exactly am I supposed to make "actual criticism" of a film, without it being written off as just "your opinion bro!"?
NTA but I can respect von Trier for whatever he was going for in Antichrist, despite not enjoying it much. The House That Jack Built though, that’s a different story.
finish high school and you'll know
or did you sleep through your writing classes
How is that one any worse from Antichrist?
>How am I supposed to "make an argument" for the visuals being bad?
>An argument about something being bad requires proof.
Now I'm certain you are ESL. What you need is well-formulated reasoning in order to create an argument regarding a subjective medium such as film, not "proof".
>is it even possible, or are visuals a subjective thing? In fact, isn't more "film criticism" just subjective opinions?
Of-fucking-course they are subjective, you mental midget. Hence why you need to reason instead of just saying "thing bad" like a massive retard.
>is it even possible, or are visuals a subjective thing? In fact, isn't more "film criticism" just subjective opinions?
These are the sort of retards we post with. Grim. Took you long enough.

It's not his idea,it's J.G Ballard.
Jennifer Connelly was popular as fuck in Japan for some reason. I mean yeah she's cute (no pedo) but why her
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True, I completely forgot Crash was based on a book

>(no pedo)
No shame lol Phenomena-era JCon was quite cute, like she would’ve easily been the cutest girl at my high school.
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>why her

Labyrinth. At the time it came out in Japan the most popular thing in manga and anime was Gegege No Kitaro ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/GeGeGe_no_Kitar%C5%8D ) which was about yokai which are similar to faries and goblins and that sort of thing in the West (they're a little different in that they're kind of like nature spirits liked to shintoism but they fill the same ultra-terrestrial niche). Gegege was, and still is to an extent, a super popular and long lasting media franchise there, similar to something like Scooby Do in the West. Then along comes this Western film called Labyrinth...

Gegege fans, which was most youngsters and youths in Japan at the time, would have literally creamed themselves when they saw all the cool goblins and shit. Goblins and varied were as exotic, different and, in this film at least, rather funny. Labyrinth itself was quite original to Western audiences but imagine how much more original it must have felt in Japan, where they weren't getting half of the fantasy novels, tv series and films we were in the West thanks to Dungeons and Dragons, Ian Livingstone and Lord of the Rings popularity. To a Japanese person at the time this was the equivalent of Akira as a breakthrough film.

It helped as well that it had David Bowie in it, who had a decent sized fan base in Japan already, and that the girl in it was quite hot and having dark hair, someone that girls could relate to a lot more than some blonde or ginger woman. She seemed pretty but more attainable and less flashy than someone like Goldie Hawn or Kathleen Turner, a girl next door type who, being a teenager like them, would probably be into teenage things like listening to music on Ghetto Blasters, break dancing, skateboarding and other 80s teenage pursuits. You could fuck her (according to Japanese age of consent laws) OR be friends with her, maybe even both. Kind of like why Awkwafina is so popular in the West, nowadays.
Metaphysical masterpiece yet again....bravo...images of Brechtian complexity...
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Suspiria 2018 and The Shining strike the same chord. It's the same lubricious madness, bathing in blood, the Universe seeping in and not necessarily making sense. It takes on the form of the divine feminine, possibly with implications that the Universe itself is a woman in a Spinozian pantheist sense and that the witches are her avatars, out of place in our Apollonian patriarchal world. In the case of The Shining, it was pure “scratch the Universe and who knows what the fuck will come out”.
For tasteless /hor/tards that prefer the original, Suspiria 2018 just looks like a bunch of women (gay) dancing to a soundtrack that isn't black metal, and that's as deeply as they engage with it. Shocking that these Cheeto-y chuds don't get it; as years go by, it will be re-evaluated as one of the best horror films in cinema history, while the themes I've mentioned will be explored further in books and scholarly journals.
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Aggro Dr1ft is the most unique and transgressive film of the decade so far.
are there any good "afropunk" /films/?
Haven't watched it yet but I imagine this is it
I'm trying to watch Le Empire but dear god french is one of the ugliest languages I've ever heard, almost as bad as German or British.
how are you in this thread if you've never seen a single french film?
I've seen a lot of french films, they're just always so grating.
i know what i'm watching today
It's a masterpiece (1988 cut specifically)
Aggro Dr1ft is in narrative structure the same film as Korine has been making his entire career. Nothing particularly strange. Put heatmap filter and random CGI inserts on Spring Breakers and it's gonna be the same thing. There's no true formal innovation, only gimmicks.
how are Gummo, Julien Donkey Boy, Trash Humpers and Spring Breakers all the same film?
speaking of Korine, has anyone watched this? the fact that it's got so many directors attached has me interested, but I don't like Travis Scott's music
>a scattered narrative with narration elements creating some sort of an ethereal tone, the films follow a group of oddball people
Julien Donkey Boy is literally the same movie as Gummo too, but much worse. Practically unwatchable trite. Terrible text and they never shut the fuck up.
Anything visually interesting happens in the first 20 minutes rest is just a concert film where Travis Scott is performing his crap muzak in some Coliseum type thing
TCM is a good piece of filmmaking. Maniac is dull even for a horror movie. It's a thin premise to deliver on realistic gore shots. It's artless and tedious for anyone not interested in that kind of depravity.
beautiful trash is the best genre
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is this real
Korine Rank
>Trash Humpers
>Mister Lonely
>Aggro Dr1ft
>Spring Breakers
>Beach Bum
is kpop /film/?
any Aggro Dr1ft MEGA? don't see it on trackers yet
>The file you are trying to download is no longer available

I pirate all of Harmony Korine's movies then make fun of him for being a commercial failure (this for some reason makes him angry)
there's another mega floating around, so here
Romero is an auteur and therefore, /film/.
I hope he doesn't do anything to the cute dog.
Movie name?
Exactly what the other anon said. I was massively disappointed that the whole thing wasn't a visual album. And regarding Korine, he only director the concert part.
Not caring for animals is the surest sign of a shitskin.
Lemonade Joe
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I do like him and have saw most of his films. I feel even his shittier movies are fun and interesting in an intellectual way. I also like his non horror stuff like Maps to the Stars
La marge
Belle de jour
Texas Chain Saw Massacre and Black Christmas I think are /film/
what did you guys think about crimes of the future? i thought it was a great return to form but felt like a tv movie at times.
Friday the 13th was always slop, first Saw film was interesting and I've seen many people tell me that as a whole, the franchise is underrated.
It depends on the genre, but usually there are many characteristics that make films slop:

All genres: wooden acting without artistic justification, poor dialogue, poor script, unappropriate camera work, explaining the plot too much, etc.

Horror: jumpscares every 3 seconds, stealing other films' ideas (ripping off a more popular film), abstract plots that make no sense ala-Altered States

Drama & Arthouse: symbolic bullshit that means nothing sprinkled over a basic ass film, director trying to make a plot twist at the very end of a film to make everything seem "meaningful" but only failing due to it looking pretentious, overemotional acting (generally done by girls in unfitting scenarios)
>abstract plots that make no sense ala-Altered States
>symbolic bullshit that means nothing sprinkled over a basic ass film
Well it's not really symbolic if it doesn't mean anything, now is it.
to me slop is defined as something that appeals to lower class masses. this would mean films that rely on fart jokes or dumb comic book movies. some examples of slop that i can think of are fast and furious movies, furiosa, stuff like that
The most intellectually stimulating discussing on /film/: "what is slop?"
Faust 8/10
Vampyr 10/10
Bride of Frankenstein 8/10
Psycho 7/10
Eyes Without a Face 9/10
Night of the Living Dead 10/10
Tetsuo 8.5/10
Kwaidan - Didn't finish it, but it was boring 6/10
Repulsion 8.5/10
The Tenant 8/10
Rosemary's Baby 9.5/10
The Shining 7.5/10 (this one's overrated, not better than a lot of b-movies to be fair)
Inland Empire 3/10
Suspiria 10/10
Possession 6/10
The Fly 9/10
Videodrome 9/10
Hausu - Being honest, not horror. 8/10
Eraserhead 5/10
Cure 10/10
Pulse 9/10
Audition 9.5/10
Santa sangre 6.5/10 - Slop, but entertaining
Salo 9/10
Peeping Tom 7.5/10 - Overrated
TCSM 10/10
The Thing 9/10

Good list, but not very helpful to find underrated films. This is pretty much stock "classic horror-core"
most intellectually stimulating discussion on post-no/film/*
films with a complete alignment with the society that produces them
Furiosa is a director making the exact work he set out to make. The Mad Max movies aren't profit-maximization assembly line products.
Mainstream/popular/big budget isn't necessarily slop.
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>this would mean films that rely on fart jokes
For me, it's Ozuslop.
Didn't see it. Should I?
nonsense, it's films made for immediate consumption and immediate oblivion
This is slop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8XH3W0cMss
An entirely disposable product with zero artistic value that lures in the masses with its famous cast, generates a bunch of money for the big studio heads, and is forgotten about exactly 30 seconds after you leave the theatre.
Altered States is really, really bad. 3/10.

That's the point, it's like Evangelion, using the sign of the cross and the Tree of Life as symbols yet Anno has admitted that they don't mean anything and he just put them in the anime because they looked cool. It's cool in Anno's case because he has admitted that the symbols were just for aesthetics, but there are films where the director just includes shit, never explains it yet still pretends that the meaningless bs that he sprinkled over the film actually means something, which makes him look like a pseud. Look at the dialogue in Possession or the images in Altered States.
What is the moment when slop becomes kino? When is it that Demolition Man becomes an arthouse comedy instead of the action film that it was meant to be?
what should I watch today?
>The Adventures of Faustus Bidgood
>La Dolce Vita
>Mystery Train
>Wings of Desire
>Letter Never Sent
>Do the Right Thing
>Gett: The Trial of Viviane Amsalem
>Fail Safe
>Three... Extremes
>Sans Soleil
>Back to the Future II
>Endless Poetry
>Irrational Man
>Altered States is really, really bad. 3/10.
I didn't like it either but I don't see how the story doesn't make sense.
already seen it, but are the sequels worth watching?
La dolce vita 100%
No. 2 has some cool effects work but as a whole the film isn't good.
It makes sense, but the symbols in the film are pure filler devoid of meaning or aesthetic purpose. It's really incoherent. I bet Russell must feel so ashamed of that movie after making The Devils
2 is okay, but certainly not on the level of 1. 3 is a toy commercial.
Sans Soleil or La Dolce Vita
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>abstract plots that make no sense ala-Altered States
>It makes sense
You got me. I was trying to talk about the symbolic element in the film, my bad

I've never seen Demolition Man but the thing about studio movies back then is that at least had some basic grasp of film language. The term slop is already starting to be overused and losing its meaning anyway. It's becoming a general insult for things people don't like.
Is McDonald's arthouse like Joker slop? Can something like Poor Things be considered slop within the context of arthouse cinema? I don't think these movies have zero artistic merit but at the same time they're also appealing to the lowest common denominator, just of a different audience.
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Demolition Man is so based. You need to see it.

Poor Things was also a succesful sellout film, and was really good. McDonalds food is good slop. Joker was an alright Taxi Driver ripoff too

Even legitimate slop like Barbie these days is fun. Post-irony has killed my ability to destroy a film's merits because everything seems like a joke nowadays. I just destroy films that seem pretentious to me, or that bore me.
Bro got cooked. Name of the film?
maximalist rococo onanism
Ken Russell
it's about a crazy nigga who makes weird movies based on composers
Ken Russell's Mahler
>Demolition Man is so based. You need to see it.
Alright, I will. I probably have a higher tolerance for those kinds of movies that most people here.
Even F&F movies that another anon mentioned only stared becoming slop starting with 6 imo.
Barbie became slop the exact moment it had a car commercial in the middle of the it.
>they're also appealing to the lowest common denominator, just of a different audience.
this is an interesting point but i still don't think i would consider those slop like marvel shit
Retard BTFO
furiosa is slop in its purest form. a prequel to a sequel with no point other than to make money and put bright lights on the screen for normies to ooh and aah at
i wouldn't exactly go out and rush to watch it, worth forming your own opinion of it though, first watch was entertaining enough for me
i don't know why /film/ is filtered by altered states. it's kino with great acting and cinematography
He doesn't
slop can transcend as kino if it is subversive enough. for instance, if a film was just a non-stop barrage of people farting and reacting to farts, it might go full circle into something more meaningful
slop is subjective, like a star rating. anyone can perceive something as slop and be correct from their point of view
No, George Miller clearly has a vision he went for. He obviously didn't make it to make money, even Fury Road wasn't profitable.
Literally what is wrong with The House That Jack Built?

Probably slop. Thanks for the sauce
If you say so. Retardation is a complex concept to grasp
How are slashers considered slop, but Italian horror shlock like these considered /film/?
Acting good, script is a mess. Cinematography dated
This is a Freddy Got Fingered type beat imo
who killed captain alex
Italians knew how to be artful.
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*filters /film/*
>Cinematography dated
It's literally a movie for faggots who eat shit
but he is one of my favorite directors?
Because slashers removed the subtleties that made giallo kino ie. the color grading and composition, artsy and sophisticated camerawork, engaging soundtrack etc.
Yep, looks like straight up youtube poop tier material at times

Not even a criticsim on you
Not even a criticism on your part*
I doubt any serious critic even considered him as a /film/ director after The Devils
The Conjuring might not be /film/ but it’s definitely kino.
I want to marry 1977's Jessica Harper
>youtube poop tier material
So are we talking about cinematography or editing now?
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Me but late 60s–late 80s Jessica. I’ve thought about her literally every day for six months, how bad do I have it bros?
We’re not- this is just an influx of trolling/shitposting right now. Again, ignore them and move on
>Possession, Suspiria, The Fly, and Videodrome all beside each other
It was already a great chart but now it’s kino
Hey mommies got any recs for wittle ole me, kissy wissy wissy woo, been watching some Terrence Davies in my undies and cuddlin up with my lover. Tippy toe hehe bookum is back bitchez un un un un un un un un un heheheheheehehehheeheheheheheh is mayonnaise an instrument bookum is back call the press un un un live from Phoenix Arizona hehehehehehehehhehehehehehehe
I saw benediction and was blown away, I saw Manchester by the sea and said oh yeah now that’s a film. Every 5 years we get ourselves a kino, jus gotta be patient boys but as far as I’m concerned benediction is the last great film, ya feel me. Un un un im bookum for boo boo puffs, my book is um, im booked hun there’s butt cum hehehehehehhehehehehehe
Time to get out of the character bro. Altered is pretty bad desu. Never have been considered /film/ or good btw
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Not like this
Neither can possibly be dated.
Come on man. They just look old and poorly done. The monke at the end looked so bad too
Looking old is a good thing.
Alright man
To me there’s only 1 living director worth a salt and that’s Kenneth lonergan. Robert eggers could have been that guy, but nah man nahhhhj that ain’t it. Manchester by the sea and Margaret just dove right into the depths, nobody else is doing that shit man. Nobody.

21st century kino winos
Breaking and entering, cold mountain
Margaret, Manchester by the sea, you can count on me
House of mirth, of time and city, deep blue sea, sunset song, a quiet passion, benediction
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oh my god you suck
don't come back
Baby boy, shaft (2000)
Fredomland, child 44
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What was her fucking problem
Adjani + Harper + Huppert
Arthur p Jacob’s
Anthony Asquith
John singleton
Kenneth lonergan
Anthony minghella
Terrence Davies
Gabriel pascal
Charles Burnett
What makes Manchester by the sea so revered?
is it just filmed theater-fags circlejerking?
there's not a single interesting visual moment in that film when it comes to the camera work or editing.
it looks like a straight-to-TV movie.
Wow, it’s not often you come across someone here with perfect taste.
Filmed theater is the ideal, straight to dvd quality is generally Hollywood -, like the lion king 2 ( underrated) or other shitty Neil green garbage. The strength of Manchester is the manifestation of a brilliant script, taking theater beyond the bounds of the page and stage, without wacky gimmicks like Godard and Greenaway rendering it to this unenjoyable bourgeois art that demeans the people while pretending to venerate them. I, Claudius the miniseries or Howard’s end is essentially the ideal, television is a model to be followed.
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GODards demand that films be appreciated with both emotional and intellectual engagement (which can be off-putting to the filtered cattle) is why his movies remain timeless, continually captivating and inspiring audiences.
The French new wave killed cinema by pretending it was about the director more than the writer, Truffaut realized this, eusatche realized it, rivette too, and even Resnais conceded he was reliant on the scriptwriter, it was Godard and Greenaway who murdered cinema, because Hollywood used this as an excuse to neglect writing. Gore Vidal said the same as me, and this is why Michael Cimino is the best director of the 80s with 3 masterpieces, and why Coppola In the 70s was so brilliant.
Nobody genuinely enjoys Godard films, in fact his only worthwhile film breathless was co-written and co-directed by a superior filmmaker in Truffaut. Filmed theater is the ideal
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Heaven’s Gate is unfairly maligned and the Criterion release is fantastic.
I hate how Lanthimos edits his movies, I hate where he places his camera, I hate how he moves his camera, I hate how he directs his actors, I hate how he uses his score, I hate his sense of humor, I hate his use of dissolves, his use of black-and-white, I hate every single decision he makes
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>Michael Cimino is the best director of the 80s with 3 masterpieces, and why Coppola In the 70s was so brilliant.
Worst take ever back to /tv/
0/10 bait
The Sicilian is the superior film, it was written by gore Vidal and the directors cut finally unearthed confirmed it as a masterpiece. Year of the dragon is his 3rd masterpiece, with sunchaser being a decent tv flick, and thunderbolt and light foot being a good first film. The Oscar bait garbage deer hunter and the abysmal desperate hours can be tossed in the trash. The real artist is Mario Puzo, godfather, godfather 2, Superman, Superman. 2, and yes godfather 3 and Christopher Columbus are all masterpieces
It’s true only a small percentage of low testosterone fart sniffers online would pretend to enjoy them. It’s genuinely embarrassing that him throwing up a bunch of superficial references and shitty cuts impressed you.

His only good films are the ones Gerard brach wrote, and they’re all subtle codes for his pseudo occult degeneracy and sex magic he was doing behind the scenes. This is why he hasn’t made a remotely watchable film since bitter moon.
>New Dumont released
>It's trash again
He's just a caricature at this point, right?
Hadewijch is now 15 years older and it's the last acceptable film he made. And it's not like he's not trying.
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A real auteur is about to make everything else irrelevant come October 4th
>vulgar auteur exploitation garbage good
No hadjewich and all of his films are terrible.
Why are you posting what I once did but with worse grammar and a less respectful tone?
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Had me in the first half, not gonna lie
I don't even know who that is
His earlier films are much better
/film/ still not realising this guy is larping
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>How bad
it's not, if you don't think about prime jess every day of your life then you're not a man
Auteur of the seminal comedy trilogy, The Hangover.
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Very based. I watched Todd Haynes’ Safe starring Julianne Moore a decade ago and was shocked to see it pop up in Harper’s filmography. I had no idea back then
>bumps a thread on page 2
NTA but it feels dead since the horror discussion got RIP'ed and we started with the same GODard memes etc, as usual
Current trolls are killing discussion, it’ll come back.
Still making my way through Tsai and I’ve got the new Korine to watch this weekend
sorry. currently distracted by other threads
The Lake House (2006) is auteur cinema. I will not elaborate.
>I will not elaborate.
Why not? Tell us about the film.
Are we excited?
You say this but Hangover 2&3 are subversive kinopieces.
Subverting what?
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just put this thread out of its misery already
the monkey is a practical effect which has nothing to do with either cinematography or acting. do you really mean to suggest that altered states has dated cinematography and editing because the creature design is dated?
Subverting the expectations of people who wanted new jokes and not just recycled ones from the first film.
that scene was her putting a curse on the girl
Stop engaging
2 places the characters in the same events as the first but they’re miserable and a lot of the “wacky” elements are played straight. 3rd is barely a comedy and more of a thriller.
Just finished AGGRO DR1FT. Makes a lot of sense that Miami Vice is one of Korine's favourite /film/s.
Whoever made this I wish them a wonderful day.
i agree. lanthimos is the todd solondz of europe
Breakers and Beach Bum are the worst Korine’s. Beach Bum is borderline unwatchable.
Embarrassing, bookum
they're not trolling i don't think, they obviously know enough about the film to talk about it
it was me. great film btw if you haven't seen it
Aggro is even worse than Beach Bum kek.
You guys are so dumb. Legit waste of oxygen. Just stop using the internet and take a shot to the head. So ridiculously low IQ. Give me the strength to kill myself already
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For me Korine's nadir was when he did all that David Blaine stuff.
Yeah, this shit is so dead without me. Every major classic thread of the last 2 days has been me. Without horror, this is garbage
unironically kino
You were BTFO hard
It's formally and ideologically heavy-handed student-film tier garbage. Utterly dull, ugly, soulless and insulting.
>It's formally and ideologically heavy-handed student-film tier garbage.
How so?
i never watched the suspiria remake and never will. i will avow myself to never having the knowledge required to participate in your reddit buzzword soup
Who cares, kill yourself
After you
What threads are you even talking about? I made this one.
Aggro is way better than Beach Bum
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Anons who prefer the remake absolutely BTFO.
Not a single actual argument was made; no one was BTFO.
>zero reasoning
No actual arguments there.
which films had a better use of color than suspiria? maybe vertigo? has there ever been anything even remotely close? does anyone know if argento ever explained whether he went by feel and emotion or whether there was more symbolism behind his color patterns?
Apparently red foreshadows the presence of the witches. It's interesting rewatching it with that in mind.
Don't care who created it, I made it good
i knew there had to be something like that going on. even watching the clip i posted that holds up to be true. they're always spraying the actress with a red glow too, like it represents the witches attacking her


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I’ve always been a fan of Jimmy Stewart so Vertigo’s not a bad choice at all. Apparently the cinematographer was heavily involved in the framing of each shot, colors, lightning, etc. They managed to evoke a feeling/aesthetic not present in any of the other Sargento films I’ve seen.

And blue light indicates absolute darkness for the characters, like in the barbed wire scene
>trolls bad
>im watching dood video games with Travis Scott this weekend
If you’re going to complain about conversation don’t mention that you’re watching a fucking korine film you dumb ape

Stop posting here seriously go back to GTA forums or the special ed table in middle school

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