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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

Zhang Yimou edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms

Prev. >>200595746
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>Zhang Yimou
never heard of this guy, then noticed i have seen one of his "films". i didn't like great wall but it had some decent elements. op poster is intriguing, hoping it's about how great 4 wives is and not the other way around
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Redpill me on the Korine-Trump connection
He’s probably begging for money
Rich New York kids, probably they share the same drug dealers
it's so odd to think of harmony korine as a republican.
takes a lot of guts to let the camerman control your movie that much. i remember listening to the shining commentary by the steadicam guy who filmed it. he invented the steadicam and said that kubrick was still always trying to get in the way and micromanage it
>Zhang Yimou
Cool, just watched Red Sorghum and Yellow Earth few days ago
even more odd that he would be "studying the torah". he doesn't strike me as a religious person at all
that's gotta be a euphemism for banging each others wives or something
>Apparently the cinematographer was heavily involved in the framing of each shot, colors, lightning, etc.
Well yeah, that's literally their job.
>all this korine talk
You retards complaining about trolls are talking about fucking korine then pissing and shitting your pants because he is possibly a republican and that he studied the Torah. He shoves his low brow pseudo spiritualism in every film, the end of trash jumpers is a creature praying, spring breakers he described as an American spiritual experience, like seriously he shouldn’t be discussed in the first place but the fact that you missed any of this means you came here straight after lunch at the middle school special ed table and were impressed by shitty live action Ed Edd n eddy but worse because it catered to your mongoloidism. Can the trolls come back so these retards can go away
i tapped out on him after gummo and the aids movie when i was a young lad. haven't seen a single thing he's put out since. you're not exactly selling him to me
Filtered kek
If Korine is film, then Ed Edd n Eddy's Big Picture show is film, since it genuinely has more value than anything Korine ever dreamed of. The fucking anti-troll posters, literally spent an hour talking about 'dude LSD' then fantasized about him and Jared Kushner fucking each other's wives. /SpecialEd/ needs to be made for piffle like this, holy fuck. Mommy Mommy Korine, the fucking guy spent 3 hours talking about trolls, then bragged about watching Korine, then watches the piece of shit then derails the conversation speaking about his cuck fantasy regarding him. Genuinely deranged.
So it’s confirmed, all the religious nuts that hate korine
The AIDS movie is based. Showcases old school NY before it got cooked by gentrification and lost its essence
this nigga actually watched trash humpers lmfaooooo
He is fucking terrible I am selling you against him, I think he is completely worthless and should never be discussed here, did you not read my post. You seem to be retarded and belong in the /SpecialEd/ general as well for having no reading comprehension, you vulgar ape.
Based trolls triggered a few KEK
I liked Kids, Gummo and Spring Breakers, everything else is too out there in a shitty way. Not religious for the reference
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The rare troll post that is funny
you know you love it. it's the perfect friday night slop for /film/ after a hard week at work
Gena rowlands is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Let’s pray for her /film/ bros.
Beach Bum kinda funny too. Annoying film though
It has nothing to do with religion, and Korine thinks he is religious. I swear to God we need to make a /SpecialEd/ general to contain this shit, between the anti-trolls poster shitting his pants over Kushner and Korine cucking him and him not being able to watch, to the retard who hates Korine but can't read my post, and then you who has this hard-on to say religion bad, even though you were pissing and shitting your pants over Korine potentially being religious earlier and missed the obvious shallow subtext in the films. Korine is bad, because he films mental retards documentary style, and calls it a day, that is quite literally his first 4 films, then he made dude Music Video the movies. He is horiffic on a superficial level, not because you missed out on him cucking you and are angry, not because he thinks he's religious.
safe and effective
>even though you were pissing and shitting your pants over Korine potentially being religious earlier
What is this schizo on about I’ve just arrived. Also Gummo is kino of the highest order.
Redpill me on Ed Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show
trips of truth
That's like saying 'you love pissing in your pants it's the perfect thing to do on a Friday night after work,' no I do not love watching a retard film other retards, and Dude music Video the movies, nor will I watch Dude Video Games the movie, as for Ed Edd n Eddy, yes I enjoyed the Big Picture show as there is a greater degree of artifice than filming a bunch of retards down at the gas station and pretending it's a film.

I've seen all of his films out of morbid curiosity, his last two at least before dood video games attempt to develop an aesthetic more than filming retards at the gas station or making prank videos the film, he is youtube short tier in terms of quality.
One thing I dislike about korine is he rates his influences as flicks like porkys, cocoon to get away from the fact he steals everything from cassavetes and Godard.
This is basically saying youtube shorts of homeless people is kino of the highest order, yes you may enjoy watching fellow retards and discussing them in /SpecialEd/ but not all of us are that retarded.
what would you say korine's ouvre is?
It’s waaaay above your head jeez you got filtered badly bro
This was great when I was a kid. One of the only cartoons that never really fell off in quality and even had a perfect ending to wrap it all up
wow actual shots fired. starting to get a little hot in here boys
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Was 1966 the greatest year in cinema history?
It is an actual artifice centered around retards that isn't just a retard filming other retards. It is a film and enjoyable

His influences are absolutely John Waters and Porkys, the Godard influence is him trying to elevate himself about 'oh I filmed retards outside the gas station on the 1 million dollar budget I got for nepotism.' Godard also sucks and would never deign himself to retard filming other retards, he has to prop himself up as a savant with unwatchable garbage that references meaningless shit for no reason. Cassavetes has zero relation to Korine other than the Beat movie (shadows?) he made.
i'm pretty sure barbenheimer officially marks the greatest cinematic achievement of all time. followed closely by 1982
Out of those I only liked Balthazar and Patriotism.
we are now in our vulgar ape era...
no you're just retarded and got filtered by the Ed Edd n Eddy movie.

filming retards he saw outside the gas station or YMCA and another retard he saw on a shitty MTV with a cameo from Chloe Sevigny and the lady from Days of Heaven, and so wacky scenes like Korine getting drunk with a midget.

>Donkey Boy
Filming an actor playing a retard among other retards to capture the 'soul of the city' which was just retards being retarded, with cameos from Herzog, and so wacky scenes like him being suicidal and that fat guy with the gun or whatever.

>Mister Loney
Getting actors to play retards, and pretending it is religious with that whole nun sub-plot.

>Trash Humpers
Trying to make a film out of a youtube prank video, which is just korine filming himself doing retarded things, and wacky scenes like that fat kid in a wheel chair

>Spring Breakers
Making a movie out of a music video, there is at least skill in this one, but I despise it.

>Beach Bum
Making another movie out of a music video with Mccoungey as a self-insert, and a weird cucking angle to it.

Haven't seen, but it's making a film out of tik tok shorts of video games as he claims in interviews.
do you guys think tsai is a bottom or a top
unbelievably based effortpost. i agree with you and >>200628776 that he keeps making these wacky meme movies because he's devoid of anything of merit or inspiration. for that reason he's just low brow slop
>I only watch le exotic art films core
No, these suck, the best of 1966 is War of the Gargantuans, Charlie Brown All Stars, and The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown
Wrong Gummo uses all the form from Godard- why do you think Godard sent him a letter praising it? + the whole enfant terrible provocative style.
The ‘filming retards’ as you put it is clearly a Herzog influence which he admittedly does sight as an influence.
Cassavetes- The one thing cassavetes was know for is how non judgemental he was towards his character - especially the bad ones, a flair korine has completely used in all of his film.
Jesus you’re retarded and not worth debating
Something a 14 yo would think is cool, no wonder Korine slaps that in his flick.
Curse you for conjuring these images in my mind.
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>because he films mental retards documentary style, and calls it a day
But when it's in a foreign language it's high art...
Don't forget about Batman: The Movie and One Million Years B.C.
There is genuinely no form in Korine.
Okay, but 'filming retards' in Even Dwarves started Small or whatever is an extremely superficial reference, and the point of the matter was not if Herzog influenced him or not. John Waters filmed retards too, as did Todd Browning and William Castle.
Yeah, idk Cassavetes makes more than just retards wandering around, there is a degree of storytelling and artifice, there is nothing in Korine other than filming retards genuinely, you are grasping at straws to elevate Korine.
>There is genuinely no form in Korine.
How so?
Korine also hung with Biden. It’s just jew connections.
This is Korine's actual favorite movie I believe
How stupid are you? I was saying he steals from other artists not trying to elevate him. When gummo was released even room iq temp critics like yourself could see the cassavete influence plastered through out it
These are garbage

Yes all of these vulgar auteurs are hacks. Bruno Dumont, Carlos Reygadas, Lisandro Alonso, Tsai Ming-Liang, Apichatpong Weerasethankul, Pedro Costa, etc. filming retards act retarded is worthless to everyone.
Killing of a Chinese bookie, woman under the influence, faces, husbands, numero deux, weekend, Hail Mary, breathless- all mixture of korines favourites. You know nothing about what you’re harping on about
>These are garbage
Rank goes;

Julien Donkey Boy
Trash Humpers
Mister Lonely
Aggro Dr1ft
Spring Breakers
Beach Bum
Gummo> Spring breakers> donkey>mister lonely>aggro>trash humpers>beach bum
Yeah idk what to tell you, I don't think you understand how influence works. There's no such thing as 'stealing,' and maybe from Shadows, but this is just kind of ridiculous. Going to the YMCA and filming retards doesn't require Cassavetes or Godard, I'm sorry.

There is form in Beach Bum and Spring Breakers, but anyone could go to the gas station and film the homeless people there.

and it's a terrible film, but still at least has a narrative and coherency
>vulgar auteurs
You don't understand what that means.
>never heard of this guy
/film/, everybody
Yes, you listed a bunch of films. What's your point? Who cares if they were his favourites, if I go to the gas station and film homeless people, that is not me stealing from Herzog, it's me being retarded.

No. Beach Bum and Spring Breakers are the only two with any attempt at artistic merit. The top 4 are just filming retards at the ymca.

Beach Bum
Spring Breakers

Power Gap

Mister Lonely
Julien Donkey Boy
Trash Humpers
>but anyone could go to the gas station and film the homeless people there.
But that's content. Form is how they are filmed. You can't make a film without form. There is always form.
One of the most stupid anons in these threads ever
Yes, it's filming homeless people or actors pretending to be homeless people and calling it a day. The only vulgar auteurs with any merit are Gus Van Sant and Richard Linklater, since they use actual actors.
i'd imagine Travis scott->Kanye->Trump
not a single one of those belongs to vulgar auteurism, except maybe Dumont with some of his films. what the fuck are you on about?
this is the correct approach. pointing a camera at a grotesque human is cheap and exploitative. to draw allusions to stupid french directors in an effort to elevate yourself is so dumb. i wish jon lovitz would make one more season of the critic so that he could make fun of people like korine.
You're like pissing and shitting your pants because Godard saw Killing of a Chinese Bookie and Weekend, two shitty films, then went to the YMCA and started filming people and somehow he's ripping those off. No, he is just shit on his own terms, not because he has the same ideal as Godard and Cassavetes, but executed it poorly. By that logic Pedro Costa ripped off Korine, since they both go to the YMCA and film retards.
nigga don't know what vulgar auteurism is
>it's filming homeless people or actors pretending to be homeless people and calling it a day.
It never meant that, retard.
yes, they are all vulgar auteurs, filming homeless people and retards and then getting them naked, it's genuinely despicable and they should be in jail.
That's not what vulgar auterism ever was. You don't get to redefine terms, bud.
>cheap and exploitative
Congrats you have the same brain dead convenient opinion as the bourgeois critics had when Gummo came out.
that's got nothing to do with vulgar auteurism, THOUGH
>because Godard saw Killing of a Chinese Bookie and Weekend, two shitty films
Because Godard what ahaha you’re so lost. Have a coffee. Both great films btw
he's about on par with the girls gone wild film makers
No the defintion is wrong, I am correct, it's retarded that bad hollywood films with odd aesthetics like Ron Howard's The Grinch is vulgar auterism, when those are almost solely made by studio directors with no discernible style, but yes Rob Zombie and Wes Craven are okay.
Beach Bum is not very good at all, Spring Breakers is mediocre.
>No the defintion is wrong, I am correct
lol, lmao
You swine that isn't what vulgar auteurism means.
Of course I do, the definition is retarded and includes mere directors.

Weekend isn't even a film, it's like an HR presentation made by someone trying to be edgy, it's embarassing.

They are both terrible, but they are more than filming retards at the YMCA, he's trying to be artistic.
>Of course I do, the definition is retarded and includes mere directors.
Spoken like a true retard.
>he needs to arbitrarily redefine terms because he can't form coherent arguments
no, because I am right, i find them vulgar and they are auteurs, so it makes perfect sense to me, I don't care that somebody on wikipedia said Ron Howard and Clint Eastwood are vulgar auteurs.
>i find them vulgar
that means nothing
Yup he’s braindead
this just might be the worst thread in the history of /film/
don't bitch when no one understand you, if you refuse to use terms correctly, retard
Vulgar - lacking sophistication or good taste; unrefined.

While it is ultimately subjective, it's obvious that everyone I listed is vulgar.
You sound like a whiny offended Twitter user , waaahh I can’t cope with anything heavy so throw words around like ‘edgy’ and ‘vulgar’. Go to sleep
Vulgar is easily defineable, as lacking sophistication or good taste and an auteur is a filmmaker whose personal influence and artistic control over a movie are so great that the filmmaker is regarded as the author of the movie,

which is obvious in this case, since those men do not work within the studio,
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Tsai Ming-Liang's blown out crusty asshole.
You uneducated troglodyte.
Korine fucking up the film medium and /film/ threads
Me thinking BASED.
If you think going to the YMCA and filming retards is heavy, because it made you feel comfortable being yourself, then I won't fault you for liking Korine and am happy you found films to relate to, but to me that is simply vulgar aka unrefined and lacking sophistication.
you seem confused, retard. vulgar auteurism was defined over a decade ago, no one gives a shit about what you think
has anyone seen this? I went in expecting something akin to one of Takashi Makino's films, which I think are fine but nothing amazing, but this was so much better than I was expecting. would recommend for anyone looking for something highly experimental to watch
Retard BTFO’d
Imagine being this retarded.
Why are /film/ fags so effeminate and gay?
>lacking sophistication
Tell me you’re a fart sniffer without telling me you’re a fart sniffer
Is this that Merzbow album
auteur was defined in 1960, and vulgar was defined in the 1400s, so my usage should have been understood since the 1960s, since word usage in context is sort of inherent. I'm sorry you had to wait 50 years to have it defined for you, and incorrectly at that.
no, it is Rainer Kohlberger's film, It has to be lived once and dreamed twice
I mean there's a good chance that you are an unironic fart sniffer since you see a lot of yourself in Gummo, so it's strange of you to call me that.

I'm sorry you can't understand how adjectives or words connect to each other.
>he thinks vulgar auteurism simply means "auteur who is vulgar"
ESL moment.
hey guys I'm going to the YMCA to film my latest flick, anyone want to talk about how vulgar I am. FUCKING RETARD. STOP THIS SHIT NOW FUCK OFF KORINE IS GREAT AND IDC IF ITS DUMB IT MEANS A LOT TO ME
>Korine is a hack coz uh he films retards at de gas station
Great analysis there
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If the camera moves, I'll close the movie.

Simple as.
simple and to the point I agree.
>he can't grasp terms beyond the surface meaning of the words that form them
Autist moment.
Please stop before you embarrass yourself even more.
There is no vulgar auteur movement it was complete made up, nobody says 'oh I'm a vulgar auteur, oh I'm going to make a vulgar auteur films,' it's a description of genuinely vulgar auteurs like Dumont and Reygadas who go to homeless shelters to film naked people and call it a day.
in order to be /film/, one must not simply film at the gas station. one must BE the gas station. Korine does not do this, and that is why he fails
>Dumont and Reygadas who go to homeless shelters to film naked people and call it a day
>he makes up things to get mad about
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Bartholomewian oneiric maximalist roccoco
They literally have homeless people fuck in Battle in Heaven and Hors Satan.
Wouldn’t say this about Herzog , fart sniffer
Why does the presence of homeless people buck break that anon so hard?
Religious I’m guessing
Yet they didn't simply go to homeless shelters to flail their cameras at naked people and call it a day.
Homeless kinos?
Right here
Yes, only Korine does that

Killer of Sheep, Apu Trilogy are good because they don't revel in filth like the ones I listed do
I Don't Want to Sleep Alone
Stray Dogs
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Is A24 /film/?
depends on the film.
Of fricking course! In fact A24 is /film/'s favorite studio
Only Spring Breakers is.
i've waited my entire life for this moment
I saw every A24 film and because enlightened, I now have no idea what to watch and look forward to the next A24 film, so I can watch cinema again.
you uncouth rabble-rouser
There's so much warmth in Lee's face. Tsai on the other hand is enshrouded in this disquieting dark aura.
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Korine and Herzog are vile misanthropic trash. I will never watch their malicious, dehumanising garbage.
>I watch a film
>I like it
Why does /film/ make it so complicated, analyse shit to death and get so hurt wah someone likes a film I don’t.
Film was literally born from the circus so in this regard korine is totally ‘/film/‘
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this is why i come to /film/. right here.
Even Son of a Gun?
Spring Breakers, Uncut Gems, and Climax are substantially better than the bulk of A24 films in spite of them being completely worthless vulgar garbage, as they didn't rely on being elevated John Hughes or some modern form of Repulsion or Rosemary's Baby.
Recordações da casa amarela
>analyse shit to death
No one does that here. The average /film/ poster simply posts that a movie was shit or ugly because that's how they felt.
Weird take on Herzog
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Fart sniffer BTFO’d
i find all a24 films to be repulsive reddit oozes from every scene
They are homosexuals with woman-like mindsets
Of course it's A24 and that's real cinema. I saw Janet Planet Opening night and now am counting down the days to Maxxine.
Based theaterfag
The truth /film/ won’t accept
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my favorite film
Is it /film/?
I'm a Benningchad, thoughever.
anything by Giuseppe Andrews
Love how it’s ‘exploiting’ and everyone just blindly agrees. Here’s the hard truth zoomer fart sniffing ‘intellectual’s’ won’t want to hear. People like being used, everyone gets used. They probably appreciated someone wanting to film them. Definitely leftoids with all this whataboutery. Gummo is /FILM/.
>go to the gta forums to discuss films
Kill yourself, retard.
I thought they get paid in liquor
I know this is a joke but it reminds me of a skit from a comedian. When people go aw I hate giving money to the homeless because they’ll just use it to buy drugs. Then guy says ive only ever given money to the homeless because I assumed they’d be buying drugs. What they gonna do put it in their 401k. Pseuds BTFO’d once again
What directors do you like?
None, film is a script based medium, so I only ever look at screenwriter and never director. Visually, animation is the best, but if an animation film has a bad script it’s bad, so script wins again
>above liking directors
Just when you think /film/ can’t get anymore contrarian and pretentious
I’m the guy that just bought it on Blu-ray. It’s great.
When you're really into cinema you start out seeking specific cinematographers, set designers, costumers etc
Didn’t they otherwise
Don’t engage with the low quality trolls. I’ll be watching Aggro Dr1ft later and we can discuss it then.
>When you're really into cinema
As if everybody else isn’t, you really are the most pretentious annoying anon I’ve encountered on this board. No one cares about your retarded opinions. Also study a dictionary
Okay, thats when you start. Good to see you are getting into cinema.
if you really appreciated cinema, you would tell it you loved it more often. when was the last time you brought some flowers home to cinema? or even just took it out dancing?
>you would tell it you
Thanks for proving my point
Is The New York Ripper /film/?
Stop trolllling
Looks kino
Rob Zombie > Harmony Korine
Agreed, stop engaging with the trolls and start actually talking about arthouse/classic cinema.
Think I’ll be revisiting either Tarkovsky or Tarr this weekend, I’ve bought 4K releases from both I still haven’t seen, only ever watched them on DVD
i've tried to watch solaris 30 times and i can't get past the first scene. i always fall asleep. one day i'll make it through. tarkovsky puts me in a trance, same thing with stalker, i just zonk out
Gus van Sant > Ed Edd n eddy > Linklater > rob zombie > korine > safdies
where do Ryen McPherson and Giuseppe Andrews fall?
The virgin 181 replies in 2 days troll and arthouse disccusion thread on /film/ vs the chad 300 replies in 5 hours /hor/ general on /film/
>I've tried to watch solaris 30 times and i can't get past the first scene.

Lol, hope you're trolling. I also think Tarkovsky sucks but, I mean...
i didn't mean it because it's bad, it just puts me to sleep
I would say prime Argento is /film/ but Fulci isn't. Fulci was schlockier.
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Looks like nothing but kino tonight.
Keep Forbidden Planet, trash the others.
>drive my car
i couldn't suffer through it. monster is a hell of a movie though. forbidden planet too, definitely a good lineup 3/4 not bad
Forbidden Planet is kino.
Recommend Bava's Planet of the Vampires if you want a similar old school space kino but from Italy.
I enjoyed enough of 'Evil Does Not Exist' to think I at least have a shot here. Good to hear the others are good.
>Bava's Planet of the Vampires
Will try it out, even if I am not the biggest spaghetti fan. I do like old school space kino.
sometimes i watch all the italian hercules movies too when i get in that mood
Drive My Car was great. Evil Does Not Exist was the moment he jumped the shark
How did you feel about the end of Evil Does Not Exist? For me, it took a legit 9-10/10 movie to a 1/10 status
The ending was one of the worst I have ever seen, but luckily, I still feel like I left the theater with a positive view the movie. 90% of the movie is 9-10/10 tier, and since it is more meditative than plot driven, I feel like I can mostly ignore the shitty ending.
So in conclusion, it probably only went down to a 7/10 for me due to the shitty ending.
Yeah, my brother also gave it a 7/10 with the same reasoning as you. I thought that the ending was so bad and incoherent that it trivialized the rest of the movie. I think that the director must have fancied himself a genius when he wrote the ending, terrible mistake
I don't blame you for feeling that way at all. From what I have read from the director, I think you hit the mark there with your psychoanalysis. He thought he was doing some genius auteur ending, when I honestly feel it almost betrays the rest of the movie.
This piece still hits hard
I liked it but i'm not sure about the v/o, seemed like pseud ramblings to give it some flavor but it ended up being too distracting for me, i'd prefer some ambient music or something. Also i downloaded it from slsk and it seems to be the same quality that is on youtube which is fucking shit, but i don't know if that's the real quality because of how glitchy the film is to begin with, i need answers..
i forgot movies could hit you in the feels until korea started putting out these bangers
It's decidedly over.
I disagree.
meh, I like reygadas, cool dude. He's consistent. Whether you believe consistently bad that's up to you.
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Do any other movies put their credit sequence in the middle?
Nobody replied to my thread so I'll ask here
I have replied
End of Evangelion
How much smut in film is acceptable before it becomes tacky and the work loses its cinematic value?

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