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Bicycle built for two edition

Previously on /who/: >>200476047
Aborted timeline: >>200519436
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>the chimp sideprofile
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tennant being pegged
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Dressing up as Master Therion at a red carpet event is a bold choice.
Given the success it's obvious negotiations are underway for a cinematic movie as well as the regular series, Christmas Specials and the spinoffs.
With a movie budget they could do Frobisher.
Why is Tennant so gay?
Things that will never happen on TV (again)
- the rani
- frobisher
- doctor who (2023) season 3
he must have met jimmy saville while young
Why was it so sad?
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dead on arrival
oh no
Yay more Silurian and Sea Devil genocide. Thanks Disney
I half wonder whether this isn't actually Sea Devils considering the name drop in 73 Yards.
Why are they so upset?
rtd can't write anymore
Oh boy a tv show about Wales!
what does he mean by that?
>the three best episodes of the season are the two that the Doctor is barely in and the one where 15 and Ruby are written as 12 and Clara

it's so whover
The best 3 episodes are Rogue, Boom and The Devil's Chord.
The ratings for this will make the main show look like a Hollywood blockbuster
I'm suspecting it's not Sea Devil stuff now. Might feature them but since that phrase turned up in the series, it feels more like it'll be more genericky alien fantasy type shit.
>Sea Devils = Lowest Jodie episode
>RTD be like, lets use them for spin off
The fact he green-lit this shows that RTD is past it. He used to have a good sense of what would be popular and relatively successful (e.g. SJA). I’m not sure who Sea Devils vs Silurians is meant to appeal to, but it’ll almost certainly get canned after 1 series. If you’re doing a spin-off, the most obvious option is UNIT. Even then, he’d need to ditch the more annoying side characters he’s introduced since The Star Beast. Even just Kate and Osgood is better than Rose, Morris and the random soldier guy who stands around doing nothing.
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>Sea Devils vs Silurians
In fairness, this is pure speculation based on rumour from a newspaper article. It could be a more wider alien invasion type of show. I imagine UNIT would be involved, but man... imagine setting up a spin off with bland Kate Stewart, midget on wheels, 60 year old Bonnie Langford, 60 year old Susan Triad maybe, and diversity man as soldier #48764
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so anyway I heard the finale brought back sutekh as a giant dog so the doctor put a leash on him and took him through a walk through the time vortex but sadly he died for some reason

RIP sutekh, you were a cute pupper
very sad

I don't think the doctor should be murdering dogs
what do you expect from a black guy
Torchwood and SJA were custom made to cater to specific demographics in 2000s television, an enviroment RTD knew like the back of his hand. He doesn't understand the current environment nearly as well partly because things are more complicated and changing more quickly these days, and partly just because he's getting old.
Back in 2021 when he started planning this stuff he thought he could make Doctor Who like Marvel and Star Wars, with a billion spinoffs about every niche of canon. Now that the plan is being put into action it's already been clear for a while that even Marvel and Star Wars can't keep up like that, let alone Doctor Who.
Russell T Davies says Doctor Who should have Marvel-style shared universe of spin-offs

He feels that Doctor Who should be just as ambitious as Hollywood's major franchises. Russell T Davies has said that the BBC's long-running sci-fi franchise Doctor Who should have a vast shared universe similar to that of Marvel and Star Wars.

>"I was in the middle of running an empire," Davies said of his time on Doctor Who. "And my god I did that 10 years too soon, didn't I?"

The screenwriter is referencing the point at which his run on the show included spin-offs Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures, which ran alongside - and occasionally crossed over with - the main series.

>Davies continued: "There should be a Doctor Who channel now. You look at those Disney announcements, of all those new Star Wars and Marvel shows, you think, we should be sitting here announcing The Nyssa Adventures or The Return of Donna Noble, and you should have the Tenth and Eleventh Doctors together in a 10-part series. Genuinely."

The most recent Doctor Who spin-offs are 2016's Class, which was cancelled after one season, and the recent YouTube series Daleks!, consisting of five episodes between 10-15 minutes long.

Needless to say, it's not quite on the same level as the 10 blockbuster Star Wars shows currently in development or the numerous interconnected Marvel shows coming this year alone - but Davies has hope that Who can catch up.

He added: "You laugh, but did Star Trek fans ever think they'd be getting a Captain Pike series? Ever? That's insane. The whole science fiction world is so creative and so money making right now, I think your wildest dreams can come true."
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he's deluded
It's what Big Finish is. Endless stories. I'm sure he would get Briggs to help.
BF is trash but at least it's audio.

Sounds like Rusty wants a bunch of old people back on TV who weren't even that skilled of an actor in the 80s never mind now lmao
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I don't get it
why not do a spin off that's actually good
back in 2013 Steven answered why he wouldn't do it, even though I don't agree with his answer

>Speaking to Digital Spy at the Doctor Who Celebration, showrunner Steven Moffat quashed the idea of an Eighth Doctor prequel series inspired by Paul McGann’s fantastic performance in The Night Of The Doctor webisode.

>“This [50th anniversary] is a party time, so we’re doing things differently,” Moffat said.

>“One Doctor at a time is the real rule – ‘Who would be on the lunchbox?’ is always my question when we talk about having more than one Doctor.

>“I have a slight paranoia that at the moment it seems like every bugger’s playing the Doctor – more or less all of Equity!” he continued.

>“Quite soon, it’s going to go back to, ‘There is one Doctor and that’s who he is’. He’s one man with many faces; he’s not a committee of people with unusual hair.”
I suspect that most spin offs would be be primarily new casts with a legacy character or two showing up.
>awwww he's smiling :)
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Racism is bad.
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"The Lost Adventures of Kamelion" coming soon.
It's actually quite interesting how BF anticipated by at least half a decade the Disney+ model of endless content sludge, and thus by a whole decade the RTD2 era.
I never thought I would say this, but I have to admit that Briggs was ahead of his time.
An entire spin-off set in the TARDIS broom cupboard?
>Russell T Davies, a noted retard, recently said a large number of retarded things completely unprompted.
>"I'm just so fucking retarded!" He explained. "Just a great big gay retard!"
BF was tolerable until about 2014, or whenever they acquired the new series license. After that, it was a slurry of Time War slop (still going to this day... the War Valeyard, I mean for fucks sake) and it's been crossover central ever since. Absolutely dire.
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>People keep asking if I'm back, and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm back.
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there should be a big finish range where you'd change Tardis teams for already existing episodes to see how differently they play out
The current project seems to be 'how many companions can we pair Derek Jacobi with before he dies?'
>the name drop in 73 Yards.
>People keep asking if I'm Black, and I haven't really had an answer. But now, yeah, I'm thinkin' I'm Black.
DOCTOR: Oh... That smell. That green. That coastline, Ruby. Oh, the rocks and the water, it never ends. The war between the land and the sea.

ENID: Is it not? The clifftops are a boundary between the land and the sea. A liminal space, neither here nor there, where rules are suspended.

DOCTOR: Oh, that smell. That green. That coastline, Ruby. The rock and the water, it never ends. The war between the land and the sea.
>He added: "You laugh, but did Star Trek fans ever think they'd be getting a Captain Pike series? Ever? That's insane.
I mean, it's not really insane? Pike is anchored by his relationship with Spock, a well-established and central character to the IP. Discovery tried (but failed) to do the same thing with whatshername being Spock's adopted human sister.

And SNW in general is functioning as an extended leadup to a remake of TOS, given they keep introducing characters like Scotty and Kirk in bit roles. It'd be like RTD making a prequel series centered on Susan Foreman, anchored to her relationship with the First Doctor, with Susan knowing at some point in the future she'll be dumped on 2150 AD Earth.
Anon, you just said a terrible idea out loud.
In the intervening moments, Big Finish have already produced twelve different audios based on it and RTD is planning a spin-off starring a morbidly obese Nigerian lesbian.

I hope you're happy.
that's such shit. Speaking of 73 Yards does anyone have a concrete explanation of that episode's ending
*draws a line of salt around the BF car park*
Woman in black is Ruby all along.
73 Yards didn't have a title sequence so it's not canon.

Did RTD leave it off because he was embarrassed for it to be associated and hoped people would view it as a one-off epic drama he wrote?
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They did something similar in 2015 for the 200 releases mark of the monthly range, a trilogy of stories with McCoy, Colin and Davison dropped into adventures of the first 3 Doctors.
If you ever wondered what kind of subtle changes and fascinating conflicts would develop if you dropped the 7th Doctor, the most subversive and manipulative incarnation, into an adventure meant for the 3rd Doctor, the most institutional and straightforwardly heroic one, then the answer is... absolutely none at all, apparently. Thanks, Nick!
Lot of Twitter accounts getting suspended for criticising David and Georgia Tennant
Very suspicious
Musk probably has a rogue employee
>by Nicholas Briggs
There's the problem.

Sounds like a decent concept otherwise, if limited before the novelty wears off.

Speaking of BF, what a shame they even tarnished their old Unbound range by adding Time War slop to it.
>He added: "You laugh, but did Star Trek fans ever want a Captain Pike series? Ever? Did they ever, in their most delirious dreams, ever envision an era of slop so empty and derivative and degraded that some coke-snorting kike would seriously be able to pitch such a moronic thing?"
>He laughs as he prepares another line. "I see myself as doing for Who what Alex Kurtzman has done for Trek... And YOU CANNOT FUCKING STOP ME!"
>Colin and Peri do Hell Bent
I could dig it
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I gotchu pham
Concrete, no. But the finale threw more fuel onto the flames when it state that the TARDIS' perception filter functions up to 73 Yards. Which means that maybe the TARDIS had something to do with what Ruby was going through. I half wonder if it could have even been related to Sutekh, considering that he would have been integrated into the TARDIS during 73 Yards, and it did seem like Ruby died before she was sent back. I suppose that it would also explain why so many people had left flowers and gifts to the TARDIS instead of not noticing it if it had somehow tethered it's perception filter to Ruby.
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gotta admit that 6/Ace spin off was weird
If old lady ruby waited her whole life to stop the doctor from stepping on the magical fairy bullshit circle and getting his black ass disappeared then how was young ruby still able to turn into old lady ruby and wait her whole life just to show up there to warn them

logically old lady ruby shouldve ceased to exist when the doctor didnt step on the fairy circle meaning she couldn't have been there to warn him to not step on it but the resulting paradox this created would've sucked all the frothy hot cum out of rtd's ass and his great big welsh bottom would be all lonely and empty
When are the ratings coming out?
Well, as it's only been 4 days since transmission, it's a bit early to release 7-day ratings
The TARDIS could probably support a paradox that small.
even Gold has given up
this is just a mix of old shit

>david banks sounds utter shite now
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doesn't work because the song is Murray's style and doesn't fit back then, also speaking of Murray why is he so lazy now?
Cybermen sounded so cringe in the JNT era.
First Doctor in Silence in the Library / Forest of the Dead just to see how the Doctor-River interaction.
what a shit opinion
Cybus Cybermen sound much better.
>Trigger but robot
another shit opinion
What part of objective correctness do you find so offensive?
sadly this
Both of you are wrong, the Cybermen have not yet found a kino voice.

They're all either too robotic, or just shit.

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>delivers all of his lines like an irritated supermarket manager
I always really liked both The Tenth Planet and The Moonbase.
Excellent. At least there's a reminder that they were once human. The modern era ones just sound like shitty robots. The 70s ones were terrible, and the 60s ones are okay but sometimes hard to understand wtf they're saying.
They just had deep voices, like the Cybermen from 2013+.
Which Dalek voice is best? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N5vXTddUiE
As much as he is a meme (especially with Daleks), Briggs.
>a reminder that they were once human
The problem is it's *too* human. He's constantly showing emotion; frustration that his plans are being interfered with, excitement that his plans are now working out, hate for the Time Lord (*tfu*), etc. What worked so well about the Tenth Planet voices was that all of the delivery was just completely matter-of-fact, regardless of what they were reacting to, because Cybermen have intentionally excised their emotions
The worst for sure is the 1996 movie.
All downhill from Tomb of the Cybermen.
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I don't want to hear RTD speak about anything, it's like a car salesman from...eugh...over there (Wales)
Hang on, did that snow thing happen in the actual episode?
Wtf was the voice on Day of the Daleks before the remake? It was like a grandad scolding his child.
I think it did yeah, in all honesty I wasn't paying much attention
No RTD decided against it cos it felt too twee and rubbish, he said in the podcast
It's funny how they nailed the voice in their first appearance, and then went too roboty for a good while after.
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Briggs has said it's because they never wrote down the modulation setting. I guess why would they cos they never thought they'd need it again, not bringing Daleks back. Then they did, and panicked - or different crew were in charge and had no idea.
I get it, but at the same time it might have tied the snow plot up better.
The director had never done Daleks before, reviewed a couple of prior Dalek episodes to get a feel for how to work with them, and decided he didn't like how Daleks had sounded before. So they brought in 2 new voice actors, and went for a different recording method (on-set voice modulation, rather than the Radiophonic Workshop crew doing it in post-production). End result is you have actors who don't know how to make that clipped, staccato speech pattern work (and it's a lot more difficult than it sounds to read dialogue in that way without it sounding crap), combined with a rough modulation that just sounds grated rather than mechanical
what bothers me is that when Susan Triad's PA or whatever turned to dust, the skeleton wasn't aligned to how he was standing
when the dust gets the vlinx, its head falls off
when everything undusts, its head is magically reattaching
Wibbly wobbly timey wimey.
>the vlinx really was a bloke in a suit the whole time
>when the dust gets the vlinx, its head falls off
that's pretty funny because what is the dust actually doing? why is the Vlinx there? it seems like a CBBC gameshow host
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Disney bribing reviewers again
I'm so glad we finally learnt why Ruby arsepull can summon snow.
This is sad.
I love everything about this whole interview too, but what he says at 7:34 is so true
>RTD's first Doctor
>>legitimate actor who cares about his craft and respects the history of the show
>RTD's latest Doctor
>>flaming faggot who got the part because Rusty's bumming and tells fans to stop watching
Chris is up himself sure but it's better than being up other men's arses
What do we think about Marigold more explicitly reusing music from his previous eras for RTD2?
I really do think they planned a UNIT spin-off where he'd have been the Mr Smith type character, but it never took off
Even he's phoning it in now. Don't blame him, since everyone else is.
War Between Land and Sea will probably feature UNIT heavily if it ever gets fucking made
easy money for a lazy job
It's all just lazy rehashing. RTD is using old scripts, Moffat is using old scripts. All old companions, old ideas, nothing new apart from the lazy levered-in messaging.

They know it's sunk after season 2, nobody has any intention of renewing it, but RTD will fill his pockets from it, while lying to everyone's faces. He knows it's shit. They all do.

The only people that don't are braindead redditors.
le "call your mum"
RUSSELL you DID this in 2005!
they even copied shots, like the giant space window the companion looks out of. i get that this is generic stuff but it just adds to the pile.
That one was used for Martha as well though. It's a part of his playbook, like the classic "character is amazed at seeing Earth in space for the first time".
also lazy there's no real follow-up on character beats now. in 2005, it was maybe too domestic but it felt realistic, following Jackie's journey of slowly discovering who Rose was with, slowly learning to trust the Doctor, arguing with him in World War Three about keeping her safe, etc. to the point in the finale where Jackie actively helps Rose get back to the Doctor. this time around, Ruby's mum meets the Doctor *off screen* and by episode 1 or 2, she's super casual with the whole thing and doesn't bat an eyelid
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fellas, was RTD always a hack? do I have those rose-colored glasses on
>Ruby's mum meets the Doctor *off screen*
Apologies, she meets him in the Christmas episode but at the end of Space Babies when he's properly introducing himself, all of that conversation about who he is and what he does is off-screen, and the next time we see Carla she's not at all fazed
no, just 20 years of sissy porn melts a mans mind
What faggots don't want to admit is that RTD heavily relies on romanticizing a certain aspect of pop culture. That's why the 2005 reboot initially worked. Warm colors, motorola flip phones, the council estates, etc. Moffat didn't use pop culture as much, he repeated his own writing tropes in different scenarios, but pop culture went down the drain hard around 2012 and it kept deteroriating faster and faster. So when RTD tries to rely on pop culture again in 2024 it feels fucking awful.
What are they saying?
I liked the paradigm voices a lot

Who was right?
Probably people seething because Tennant criticised some conservative equality minister in some awards speech he did.
Yeah, when he said he wanted to wake up in a world where she "didn't exist anymore"?
You're not allowed to call for people's deaths in this country, mate. Sorry.
I wish RTD would disappear. Doesn't mean I want him dead. Retards gunna retard I guess.
Are there any good Doctor Who comics?
You sound like a snowflake.
>I wish RTD would disappear. Doesn't mean I want him dead
of course it does. There is literally only one way to make someone "disappear", ie. their entire existence ceasing to be.

You might as well be saying "I wish I had a cup of tea", then saying "uhh not that I want someone to put a teabag in a cup and cover it with hot water, optionall adding milk!"
of course you are. That's exactly what you mean.

Its just a cheap way to weasel out of the consequences of things you say. Faggot behaviour.
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Harriet Jones. The Doctor was being such a deluded and self-righteous pussy.
I mean, no, anon.

If I tell someone I wish they'd disappear, what I tend to mean is that I wish they'd fuck off somewhere I never had to deal with them again. But, as I said, retards gunna retard.
I remember watching this the night it dropped as a five year old. The sword fight was really intense for me.
I love Christmas Invasion but the Doctor being able to grow a new hand because "quite by chance" he was still within 15 hours of regeneration was the first warning real sign of RTD asspulling and it was a slippery slope from there. (I guess he also did the asspull with the TARDIS in Boom Town too.)
I remember watching Creature from the Pit as a 13 year old. The scene where Tom Baker mimes a handjob with the titular creature's green penis-like organ instilled a sexual awakening in young Anon like nothing I had ever rexperienced before.
Also it helps that streaming services weren't a major deal so UK audience couldn't see the plagiarism of Buffy and Smallville
>seethes over Harriet Jones destroying a ship, meanwhile...
>The Brigadier commits genocide; Doctor is still cool with him
Is the Doctor just a misogynistic chud?
>I don't know what words mean
A sane person would say "leave"
>Look it up
>Tennant throwing shit verbally at the black woman "conservative" MP and its so bad apparently the brown Prime Minister has condemned him and the Labour leader has "distanced himself" from the comments
>“A rich, lefty, white male celebrity so blinded by ideology he can’t see the optics of attacking the only black woman in government by calling publicly for my existence to end.”
Fucking lel Dave I hope all the virtue signaling was worth it you cunt.
Wondering if the Cons are as popular as they once were.I saw some recent Cons footage of England's Cons,they had "OLd Who" doctors there,don't think the recent woke bunch would show up to one...
Tennant literally said "doesn't exist any more".
Are you fucking stupid, you think that means anything other than being dead?

He blew his mouth off, thinking he was safe in his little bubble and then consequences of his ill-chosen words came back to him quick. Seems fair to me.
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Gotta love how you can plainly see from the episode and the comic sequel confirms that there were no women and children on that ship. Like its hardly far off from blowing up a shipful of Sontarans or even Daleks.
okay retard, keep retardin'
In retrospect they should've cast the uppity bitch who played Martha's mum to play Harriet
tbf he had a point
based tennant
this is planting the seeds for time lord victorious
Harriet Jones
Unlike his son.
i blame georgia for that
Leave Kemi Badenoch alone, you absolute freaks
I have to wonder how well they're going to do. They're an absolute laughingstock, but it feels like Labour is just going to win by not being the conservatives rather than them being compelling in their own right. It'll be closer than most people think.
>David "I hate niggers" Tennant had a point
nah, she should disappear
All conservatives should disappear.
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>It'll be closer than most people think.
Preserving this for next Thursday.
It won't be close. Reform are diverting votes away and splitting the votes.
A black PM in the 2000s would be unheard of
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By way of an anti-black woman gun
what party is Harriet Jones?
that determines whether I think she was based or not
lmaoing at your misunderstanding by failing to read the whole post
Sure in the real world, but this is ReTarD we're talking about here.
Imagine thinking that the conservatives aren't throwing the race. They know they have to pass the baton, so that labour can have a chance to fuck things up, siphon more money out of the country and make stupid promises that don't go anywhere.
Closer than most people think is not completely disappearing off the map.
Nice cope.
did david tennant have his son's penis cut off
>How d'you do fellow Conservatives? Look at that heckin lefty I bet he doesn't even support Israel the cuck!
She's Labour
um, ackshually
>Harriet Jones's political party is left intentionally vague. In the real world, the Labour Party were in power at the time Aliens of London [+] and The Christmas Invasion [+] take place. In Aliens of London, Harriet's attempts to speak to the Prime Minister and her referring to herself as "hardly one of the babes" implies that she may have been a Labour MP, although not one elected in the 1997 intake. Likewise, with the unnamed Prime Minister in Aliens of London [+] heavily implied to have been Tony Blair, Harriet Jones replacing him would indicate that she was a member of the governing party, rather than the opposition. In The Christmas Invasion, Harriet states that she won a "landslide majority" at a general election, although it is unclear whether she came to office that way or if she called the election herself.
>The short story Judge, Jury and Executioner [+] depicts the journalist Vivien Rook comparing Harriet to the Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, although this is a comparison Harriet seemingly dislikes. Her actions in The Christmas Invasion were interpreted by some viewers as a direct analogy of Margaret Thatcher, particularly her destruction of the Sycorax ship being an analogy of Thatcher's decision to sink the Argentine warship ARA General Belgrano.[4] Phil Collinson stated in the DVD commentary of The Christmas Invasion that Jones's downfall could be seen as a "hark to Thatcher", with one of Thatcher's aides reportedly having remarked that she looked tired during her final years in office.
iirc it was implied that she was Labour
reminder that RTD killed off Tony Blair in Aliens of London
Sure. Very convenient that BoJo, who buttfucked Labour in 2019, went and got replaced by the brownie no-one likes. And yeah I know there was another foid PM who lasted a week but she barely counts lmfao
So let me get this Straight
>David Tennant stars in Harry Potter as a villain who "transforms"
>then David Tennant plays the Doctor in Doctor Who
>has a companion named Martha who is a black girl
>in one episode Martha uses a Harry Potter spell word to save the day
>David Tennant's Doctor says "Good old JK!"
>Faggot showrunner RTD wants JK Rowling to guest star but Tennant says thats a terrible idea
>JK Rowling later comes out as hating Trannies
>David Tennant's son later becomes a tranny
>then the Doctor becomes a tranny
>then the doctor detroons and David Tennant plays him again
>meets the child of one of his old companions who is also named after his Doctors love of his life
>Who is a black and ALSO a tranny
>then the Doctor turns black and David Tennant leaves but gets to still exist
>Then a black woman in real life hates trannies and wants them not to exist
>David Tennant wishes the black woman didn't exist and gets cancelled
>JK Rowling defends the black woman and slams Tennant

This is insane, feels like a Doctor Who episode with all the twists and timey wimeiness of it all
Keep choking on your weird copium, anon. Have a good one!
Labour will comfortably win, even if that comes down more to a Conservative loss than a Labour victory. The Conservatives are doing badly in general and the vote will be divided due to Reform. The way the electorate system works means it very much comes down to winner takes all per individual seat. Even if the Conservatives do relatively well in the popular vote across the country that will not translate into a considerable number of seats.
>Very convenient that BoJo, who buttfucked Labour in 2019, went and got replaced by the brownie no-one likes
He tried to get back in the race after her but was probably told that he was retarded for trying by everyone so he stopped.
>but it feels like Labour is just going to win by not being the conservatives rather than them being compelling in their own right.
While you're not wrong on this point, it is also the exact sentiment that gave Attlee his landslide. I don't buy the 'zero seats' meme, but the Cons are absolutely getting rinsed, and are almost certainly going sub-200 seats again.
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Gwillam's Isticknukesinmyanus Party will win
He wasn't even racist or anything, he just really wanted to use a nuke. It's pretty badass
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It's just the Conservatives trying to get to get some half decent publicity. It's something that nobody will remember in a couple of months.
>Even if the Conservatives do relatively well in the popular vote across the country that will not translate into a considerable number of seats.
This is the thing. In 1997 Labour got 418 seats with 43.2% of the vote, the Conservatives 165 with 30.7% of the vote. In 2001 Labour got 412 seats with 40.7% of the vote, the Conservatives got 166 seats with 31.7% of the vote. In 2005 Labour got 355 seats with 35.2% of the vote, the Conservatives got 198 seats with 32.4% of the vote. It may be close in the popular vote, yet it will not be close in seats won.
>By: RTD
>On 14 May 2019, businesswoman Vivienne "Viv" Rook (Emma Thompson) causes controversy by saying she "doesn't give a fuck" about the Israel-Palestine conflict on the political debate show Question Time. Meanwhile, Rosie Lyons gives birth to a son, Lincoln. Daniel Lyons, her brother, worries about the state of the world and what Lincoln’s future will be. The timeline skips forwards to 2024; in the meantime, Donald Trump wins a second term as president, and China constructs an artificial island and a military base named Hong Sha Dao in disputed waters. Daniel marries Ralph, Queen Elizabeth dies, Viv tries and fails to be elected as an independent candidate in the 2022 general election, and a Russian-backed military government takes over in Ukraine. Daniel manages a local council-run refugee camp, where he makes a connection with Viktor, who fled Ukraine after he was tortured for being gay. Teenage Bethany tells her parents, Stephen and Celeste, that she is transhuman, to her mother's horror and disapproval. Cracks begin to form in Daniel and Ralph’s marriage, as Daniel's feelings for Viktor cause him to detach from his husband. Viv starts a political party, calling it The Four Star Party, the stars representing the asterisks that were used to censor her unapologetic use of the "F-bomb" on TV. Rosie goes on a date with Tony but leaves in disgust after she discovers he has sex with his house robot. At a party for grandmother Muriel Lyons' 92nd birthday, the family get a video call from long-absent Edith Lyons, who has travelled to Vietnam, close to Hong Sha Dao. As air raid sirens sound in the UK, news comes that Trump has fired a nuclear missile at Hong Sha Dao. In the ensuing uproar, Celeste tells Bethany that she can be whatever she wants to be, reversing her earlier opposition to Bethany's transhuman ambitions, and Daniel flees Ralph and his family for Viktor, and they have sex for the first time.
>businesswoman Vivienne "Viv" Rook (Emma Thompson) causes controversy by saying she "doesn't give a fuck" about the Israel-Palestine conflict
God, I wish there was a single candidate right now who felt like that.
Why did Missy never fully commit and do a cheerleader dance routine? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3E-Zrg9CB_Q
>tfw siding with Tennant because I am just sick to death of niggers and especially nigger "women"
Never thought I'd die side by side with a Scot.
>my name is roobeh
Good. I can't think of any sensible reason to vote conservative after the last 14 years. Labour will just continue their policies, but people just want anyone but the Tories atm.
Good. I can't think of any sensible reason to stop eating shit after the last 14 years. Glumbo the Docile will just continue his policies, but people just want anyone but the Tories atm.
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>"the troon lord victorious is wrong!"
Isn't it implied in Mawdryn Undead that shit can go seriously wrong with regeneration and not heal? Actually no, nevermind. I just remembered that was some guy larping as a timelord but yeah, I agree. That stuff with Tennant was stupid.
Meglos was superior, it was a really a fun story. I think Season 18 is my favourite. There's just a certain unique feeling that Season 18 and Season 19 evoke that could never be recaptured.
RTD: a time lord is effectively indestructible in its first 15 hours of regeneration
Moffat: but if you get shot during regeneration you die

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