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Nardie edition

Previously on /who/ - >>200466109
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they uploaded the clip officially
Demons of Punjab > Rogue and Devil's Chord
Go away chibcuck, nobody likes you!
I fucking hate his comedy. But, he'd made a far better Doctor Who than what you have and love
Rogue > The Girl in the Fireplace
the Thijarians (I'm sad that I remembered this and googled it after to confirm) looked like Kalmah, the red Barraki so at least there was that
So...RTD ripped off the fucking Lego Dimensions game? What the fuck am I watching.
Ncuti Gatwa is one of the best Doctors.
That's Judge Holden
by what metric?
He's kino.
aw look at the baby
Unsubstantiated and objectively wrong
>rtd predicted trump
He's better than Tennant.
Just a reminder
>1st Black Doctor
>0 Black Writers
>0 Black Directors
>0 Black Historical Figures
>They got rid of their black composer
>RTD wrote the episode about race and it was originally meant to be for the 11th. This implies there's a one in a billion chance where the races were reversed and the whote doctoe wouldve dealt with racist black people
Is Trump a pedophile?
I hate this fucking faggot so goddamn much. GET OFF OF MY BAKEOFF YOU BALD CUNT
so will the next season be better or worse?
not that it matters, RTD got normalfags in for a second with The Legend Of Ruby Sunday only to fuck everyone over with the atrocity that was Empire of Death
next season will have ratings so dire it's beyond comprehension
there ain't gonna be a third season for our zesty nigga, nor is there going to be another Doctor for at least another decade
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>Do you like my puppets, doctor?
I will say if there's no historicals with niggas as the main focus in season 2, RTD is somehow more racist than Chibnall. Like wtf. No Egyptian or Mali stories?
So, Doctor Who is now unwatchable. Yet, you keep making generals for it in 2024? Maybe, just maybe, haha, you are part of the problem?
Next season will have a greater amount of writers. We'll be begging for it to be mostly RTD again. I wonder if Gatiss is going to come back.
omg is this real?!
how do we go back
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>Doctor Who is now unwatchable
Only Space Babies is.
These days schizos are more normal than your average normalfag.
Space Babies is the only watchable episode of the season, pure kino in fact.
There were a couple generous handfuls of reasons to watch this season.
Stop trolling.
Something for the dads.
torchwood and the giant earth vagina
Even something for the granddads.
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they upscaled some iplayer thumbnails with AI, the lazy hacks

The Christmas special was directed by a black
omg 1 black guy

This is the best piece of music ever recorded. No synths, no sequencers: just some signal generators, a razor blade and sellotape. Yes, you've heard it 1000 times, but stick your headphones on and have another listen. It's magnificent.

cancel doctor who so we can get a new era of gritty and ethically questionable doctor who books
Looks like absolute shit. How does anyone look at that image and think it's even remotely acceptable to upload anywhere?
Books aren't canon.
Howell > Derbyshire
They are, but woketards can't read
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The guest writers next series will be DEI hires, as per RTD
>former showrunner Russell T Davies laments that he didn’t approach voice of the Daleks, Nicholas Briggs to pen a story for Doctor Who. Davies said:
>“Looking back I think, to be honest, I always regret that we never asked Nick Briggs to write a Doctor Who script. He writes cracking Big Finish stories.”

lmao at RTD being nice about Briggs in 2013, but completely showing how much he was lying since Briggs is nowhere to be seen this era
He's gay.
> Shit opener
> Abysmal Devil’s Chord
> Rogue
> Shit finale

You’re being very kind here
The Devil's Chord is one of the best episodes this series and Rogue is the best.
who the fuck are you? how can you even begin to hold this opinion?
He inserted a dumb robot into UNIT just to give Briggs something to do
Someone who knows kino when I see it.
TDC fails at the first hurdle, in that it doesn’t even feel like Doctor Who. That alone puts it at a 2/10 without even mentioning how dire the story and musical number are.
Literally everyone hates him, even the sad boomer who makes these threads has given up that claim
How would the resolution of Dot and Bubble work with 11? Prejudiced against Time Lords?
Jinkx Monsoon was kino and that's all that matters.
>musical number
Wasn't canon.
Everyone loves the 15th Doctor.
Why? The show is already in HD, just grab a screenshot from the actually episode!
Time Lords look the same as humans though.
They're both subhumans for using Twitter
Most of these new episodes cannot be good simply because their tone and general atmosphere is completely wrong. They feel like pride parades with everyone being overdosed on antidepressants, not Doctor Who.
More generalized xenophobia, refusing to go with him because he's not from their planet.
Twitter has bene pretty fun since Elon took over, and celebrities are funnier to troll
Is using /who/ any better?
He's retarded for engaging with him but he also has a valid point. Why would I drive to the fucking movie theater if I can watch the episode on my phone?
Just have 11 slip a reference to being a Time Lord.
Sure but I highly doubt he would be offend by that the same way 15 was.
Same thing for the 50th though, right? Why would I drive to the cinema (and pay cinema prices) for something I can watch at home for free?
At least in /who/ i can admit I'm subhuman and not pretend I'm morally superior over my fellow degenerates.
but he hasn't invited him to write an episode
>>>“Looking back I think, to be honest, I always regret that we never asked Nick Briggs to write a Doctor Who script. He writes cracking Big Finish stories.”
He's invited all of 1 writer back so far, give him a bloody chance
He isn't gunna invite Nick Briggs to write an episode. He knows BF is sub par dogshit lmao

Mind you, so is RTD2 so far tbf
i mean he is right
plus the it wasn't just any series finale, it was an anniversary special AND a culmination of SEVERAL seasons of buildup
in fact that makes the series finale theatre numbers look really fucking good
He's not the reason.
>RTD: "We changed the sonic screwdriver so kids don't think its a gun."

>Empire of Death: 13 year old has guns built into his mobility scooter
RTD tried and failed to defend his dildo sonic screw driver to go along with his nigger doctor who literally is being used for a humiliation kink.
Just got gifted a whole bunch of First Doctor novelisations + the Highlanders. Would you say the novelisations are worth reading? They seem to be for serials that are either mostly or completely missing.
Also got 2 DVDs that appear to be from when BBV were putting out fan films in the Wilderness Years. The first one seems to be a collection of them, and the second one seems to have P.R.O.B.E stories at least but I almost didn't get the first DVD out of the player so I can't be bothered finding a player with a tray in the house to play it on at the momenr. Any decent BBV stuff?
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oi doctor, you have a time machine, you can just hop 5 months into the future and pick ruby back up after she's had some time with her senpai, stop fuckin cryin
yeah they've done this for a while, the classic who thumbnails are like this
they also have a retarded saturated filter over their non-HD programming
Didn't mean to reply to anyone.
I can thoroughly recommend any of the Hartnell/Troughton novelisations written by David Whitaker, Donald Cotton. All really solid adaptations, good prose and some nice little moments of expanding on the characters' inner monologues in a way that TV doesn't really lend itself to (and Cotton's contributions are all genuinely very funny)
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yes he is, he's an ugly, talentless diversity hire
*& Gerry Davis, his name was meant to be third there in the list, not sure how I fucked that up
>im sorry, im so sorry
Fucking kek
He wasn't hired for his race, he was hired for another reason if you know the guy who cast him.
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>media refuses to hire white people
>doctor changes race for no reason
he's a diversity hire
Changing gender is worse.
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Briggs voices the Vlinx. Watch the show, you absolute nob jockey.
In that case, I'll be sure to check out The Highlanders, The Myth Makers and The Celestial Toymaker.
this is so fucking bad what the fuck
nice tits on the broad tho
you missed my point, but whatever retard
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full of shit you are
Rogue is a kino character.
Why? and why do you think that episode is better than The Girl in the Fireplace?
Rogue didn't have the Doctor fall in love with someone he just met as a child a few minutes ago.
So that is you entire reason for thinking its a better episode? Is that seriously how basic your thought process is?
The Girl in the Fireplace is one of the most overrated episodes anyway.
Why is /who/ so dead?
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dead show, dead thread
Who was this guy again???
I remember him being there in the capaldi episodes out of nowhere
think he was like a robot butler that used to work for River Song until she entrusted him to the Doctor. he's introduced in the Christmas episode with River
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I haven't watched since Capaldi's finale, did either of the next two Doctors ever go back to help Nardie. it was kind of fucked up to just leave him on a giant ship full of Cybermen.
None of these are funny. Stop posting them.
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I think they are hilarious.
There's a reason people are ignoring your garbage. It's not funny.
>i inspired a new generation (to switch to stranger things)
Did 13 take her boots off even ONCE
I don't know why they insisted the cinema release being at midnight instead of a few hours earlier.
because it's cheap to book showings in cinemas late at night when there are no horror films on the schedule.
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How did the Doctor go from carrying himself like this:
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to carrying himself like THIS? And more importantly, why?
I didn't appreciate how good we had it. 12 was my favorite doctor
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or like this? What is this shit?
He was a woke faggot, the only positive is he's not a woke faggot and a diversity hire
>"I don't like guns"
Hey don't let Chibnall's shitty writing represent the logic of all Doctors. We don't talk about Arachnids in the UK for a reason.
Corporate targetted marketing. A young adukt tv show with writing that ranges from reject kid show scripts to demented fetishy fanfiction
For as much as the Doctor stays the same with regeneration he also differs quite a lot. Take 10, who at the end of his life talked about how he saw humans as giants etc., versus 12 needing flashcards for basic empathy.
The finale was so shit that even RTD himself regrets writing parts like the TARDIS teleporting people through time without them being inside of it
Is no-one else tired from all this culture war shit? I just want the show to stop with the universe-ending threats every episode.
It honestly makes me appreciate Claasic Who even more. There were some seasons and episodes that were dedicated to saving the universe but then you had smaller scale stories like Black Orchid, Happiness Patrol, and ofc the 1st and 2nds historicals.

Geniune question. Would people be able to handle a story woth a scenario similar to Reign of Terror (trapped away from the TARDIS in X year, trying to survive the time period) if it came out this year or would audiences be too bored?
so now that the season is over, it seems pretty obvious rtd's decision to include so much more magic and superstition is actually just a barely concealed attempt to more easily create asspulls without any internal logic to them?

because before he had to come up with some process sped along by technobabble, now it's just inventing nonsense out of thin air? apparently ruby's mom had a weird cloak covering her because time shrouded her, that's what RTD said behind the scenes for the finale. there's no clues in the plot being pieced together over time here, just magic and shit explaining everything away
>"It pains me, I blame everyone else"
Motherfuck you wrote over half the episodes
yeah basically. RTD has always operated by pseudo-magical thinking and feelings-trump-logic mentality, even back in his first run. it was just veiled under a thin veneer of sci fi. but now he seems emboldened to just run with it. probably has no one willing to tell him to dial back.
I legit think a return to the episodic serial format might be the best option for the show at this point, it satisfies the need for cliffhangers with actually giving a story the time to breathe.
fuck whoever linked that stupid fucking meme generator here
thanks for giving the retard AI spammer more ammo
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>bro these old farts sitting around talking about nothing is so boring, you know what we need? we need the doctor to go dance with some rizz at a sweaty rave in a manchester nightclub!
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it should have been from the start. the biggest problem of Nuwho has always been the run time, the scripts don't have time to take off. the majority of episodes should have been 2 partners at least.
at this point I would just say drop the traditional format entirely and turn it into a kind of anthology show. just let it be a blank slate for upcoming writers & directors to make like a 4-part mini series in the universe every now and then without being tied down by continuity or a consistent cast. people are familiar enough with the concept of regeneration at this point that you don't need to go through the whole song and dance to recast the Doctor. every mini event could be a fresh start, all you need to know is there's a madman with a time machine, and its just a vessel for fresh talent to make a sci fi story.
the problem is nobody wants to work on Doctor Who anymore. 15 years ago everybody in British showbusiness wanted a chance to cameo, or write or direct an episode. they would've have people chomping at the bits to write their own spin on it for a few episodes without having to commit to being showrunner for 4 seasons. but now the IP is a joke again like it was before it got revived.
That was Judy herself.
Tales from the TARDIS should've been a series of guest episodes where the Doctor goes on some standalone adventure. Could even bring back some of the classic Doctors to reprise the role.
Jesus Christ is that George Dawes?
I will say it works for the Big Finish audio stories. It also artifically creates more episodes so then the program can run longer throughout the year
Say what you want, but atleast RTD didn't pull a deus ex machina to beat Sutekh. The Doctor legit tricked Sutekh then dragged his dog faced ass across space and time like cosmic roadkill.
BASED Tennant

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Tennant is a proper wanker.
Who sisters, what do we do now?
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I hate trannies as much as the next guy, but I don't use twitter... is it normal to repost the same line?
>Liz was only around for one season
What an absolute waste
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yeah it's pretty normal
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Weather report
Fuck Nigcutie.
That's quite a faggot face.
If they gave him the Gandalf in Hobbiton treatment he could play it very well IMO.
third doctor kind of boring?
being stuck on Earth is dumb
i put on s8 so i can see katy manning get naked and the master but its so lame. should i just skip to 4?
You have the ones for Christopher Eccleston, Matt Smith, and Peter Capaldi?
If you're not feeling 3 watch Inferno and The Green Death and move on to 4.
>The Green Death
i can't do giant bugs, which means i can't watch 4's introduction. and I watched most of Inferno, I think. so s12 it is.
4's introduction isn't the one with the bugs, that's his second serial. his first is Robot, which is pretty much just a 3rd Doctor story but with Tom Baker. so skip anyway if you find that stuff boring, but it's a fun intro to Tom at least.
but yeah the 3rd Doctor can get boring, it's pretty formulaic and stuck on earth is lame. I found it comfy to have on in the background, but if you're not feeling it it's not really worth sticking out. just go to 4.
He has an orangeis.
At least his penis is an interesting colour!
i was talking about planet of the spiders, which i had assumed was his introduction. had no idea about ark in space so thank you. damn.
Actually, he has a redis because he's a Republican.
ah yeah I guess planet of the spiders is technically. his introduction, but only the last few seconds, it's mostly a 3rd Doctor story. Robot is the first episode 4 gets to do something.
Ark in Space is kino, one of 4's best serials, but if bugs freak you out then yeah maybe best to skip. 4's early seasons lean into the horror aspect, and some of it is still pretty effective even with the laughable practical effects. if you find you're not enjoying a story, just skip it. 4 goes through a lot of different eras with different styles, it's very eclectic so not everything will be to your taste.
the special is going to be great and the highest rated in the season.. we are so back bros
thanks for being so helpful and understanding anon
I don't actually dislike the Flux that much. Yes, the hodgepodge of villains is too much, but Dan is good, the Vinder/Bel love story is good, the serial across different settings is reminiscent of classic Who like The Keys of Marinus. And despite The Division being a lame asspull born of the Timeless Child, it takes a back seat to the actual settings and plots of each individual episode.

Much better than series 11, somewhat better than series 12, and probably better than The Trial of a Timelord. It's brought down because the schizophrenic direction kind of turned Jodie into an absolute mess, worse than she was in series 12, but on average the quality of the story was better.
whats a better outcome for a show to be in dormant status?
>ends on a bit of a stinker with two doctors that were far too silly in presentation, cheaper budget that made it have the status of having "bubble wrap monsters" and flimsy sets. All in all as the show ages people still appreciate its camp budget and the doctors get there redemptions through big finish . Show is rebooted but by this time theres a keenness to see where new creatives can lead it
>currently with its biggest budget ever, mystery box plotlines that go no where, two doctors (arguably three) that probably will not touch this property if it gets cancelled again, lore has been completely trashed with no where to go at this rate, viewer perception is at an all time low as its obvious its used for tellling viewers the message for modern day. Big finish is out of control.

Like i honestly dont know if a show like this could have a wilderness era again. Ncuti wont take the time more would jodie so your elft with no one. Bleak times
Retard here. Can someone just summarize this for me?

Nope. Most of those are bots meant to feed content to other users.
It's safe to assume that the Xmas episode will get an increase in viewership
>12 hours on a clock
>Show goes to shit after the 12th (main) incarnation
Really makes ya think
not just that, but the Doctor was only supposed to have 12 regenerations total. that's the Time Lord's regeneration limit. Moffat invented the War Doctor so he could make Matt technically the 12th and "solve" the regeneration limit. anyway, with just a fewww tweaks, if you get rid of War and have Matt regenerate normally, Capaldi would have been the last natural regeneration of the Doctor. and he would have just died.
I think that's what my headcanon will be when I remember this show.
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Never even watched Doctor Who but Jenna’s just so fucking cute bros :)
this one here
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A Timelord is meant to have 13 incarnations total. So Capaldi doesn't really work as the last Doctor, because if you're not counting War you shouldn't be counting the half regeneration that was left vague on whether it counted as one or not.
>Just fling it at the screen, it's Doctor bloody Who
Kek even Moff has given up trying
I like how the regeneration limit was "solved" and Capaldi being the 1st of a new cycle was perfect. Unfortunate what happened after that.
ah yeah I forgot about the weird half regeneration with the meta crisis tennant or some shit? so nvm
Moff claims its the last story he's doing, but he always says that.
I'd be fine if he does the Christmas episode every year.
Hello marketers, good morning
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The BBC respond to Doctor Who’s viewing figures.
It also sort of made sense that 12 didn't want to go on being more people, by the end of his time. He'd been lucky enough to be granted a bonus life, after his original cycle, and was now ready to go. I quite like the idea that, no matter how many years a Time Lord lives, one regeneration cycle is 'enough' for them, like it's weirdly also natural.
Under 35s says a lot
They don’t say 8-16
So the audience is probably retard fans 20-35
>Doctor Who remains one of the most watched programs on iPlayer
Doesn't specify that it's the new season
Note the careful wording. Half way through the statement, it becomes "Doctor Who is doing well on Iplayer" - not necessarily "this season is doing well", but DW as a whole. Which, yes, of course, there's 800+ episodes on it.
When the time comes, how will BBC handle announcing it is going on hiatus?
I kind of wish 14 had more time for that to cook instead of
>oh darlin', you came back to this old face because you wanted a vacation
>in keeping with our commitment to champion cutting-edge drama, we have made the difficult decision to put some of our ongoing programmes on hiatus for the time being to instead give an opportunity for up-and-coming new creators to make their mark
Basically the same thing they backpedalled to after the backlash when they tried to cancel it in 1986, only this time there won't be a novelty record and tabloid campaign to bring it back
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>Doctor in distress
>We want Ncuti back in a dress
>Doctor in distress
>Bring him back now, we won't take less

With the recent announcement of Disney deciding not to renew their partnership with Bad Wolf Productions for 2026, the BBC Drama Department has now made the unanimous agreement to relinquish all rights relating to Doctor Who until a third party partner who can add in its production can be found. We would again like to thank Disney and Walt Disney Corporation for their assistance these past three years in not only bringing Doctor Who to hundreds of thousands of small screens in Britain but in helping to stream it to hundred of millions of homes both here and around the world. More news to come.
Tennant is a massive pro-troon cuck and made a massive pro-troon cuck speech at some award ceremony
>only this time there won't be a novelty record and tabloid campaign to bring it back
there'll just be a few delusional fans on twitter in denial

"it's just a break, no big deal, we had breaks before guys"
Yeah, they'll leave it open ended. The same way they never outright stated they cancelled it in 1989. It was just on a break... for... a bit
The BBC won't say anything critical because they wanna collect that Disney money for a bit longer
The Trans Lord Victorious
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The things I would do..
>overnight ratings don't matter in a world of on-demand blah blah blah
the consolidated +4 ratings are shit too
>it's up to 6m omggggggg
probably so would a lot of Dr Who episodes if you left it long enough
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how the fuck does this ai know about martha's vase shit
>episode 1 is at 6 million
Not even a good thing, when you think about it. People are thinking "maybe I'll watch Doctor Who!" Then clicking on the first one, and dipping the fuck out after 5 minutes.

Not sure how iplayer works, but it might even autoplay the first episode when you open the series...
also, how do they count viewers? surely someone has to watch a certain % of the episode before it counts as 1 view?
for the BBC, I think it's one minute of viewing.
if the number are so low even after they being cooked up, imagine the truth
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Marthavase is real and the prop department are in on it, they even put one in the remembered TARDIS next to some other glass containers.
what if the entire tardis was a martha vase?
>At this point in the episode as originally scripted, RTD explains, the Remembered TARDIS had collapsed and disappeared after depositing the Doctor, Ruby and Mel in 2046. That was an SFX sequence too far for this already-packed episode, and so it was cut from the script.
So why didn't they go back to UNIT HQ in the Memory TARDIS?
2005-2009 was in SD
Because he's fucking LYING. Everything that RTD has said in the last few years has been a LIE.
But it's definitely true that the Remembered TARDIS wasn't destroyed in the episode as filmed. They just kind of forget about it
The way RTD just flippantly makes up stuff in interviews shows how little thought he puts into his writing
in the commentary, he says he imagines it just drifts away

so yes, he forgot about it
Rishi Sunak has intervened in a row between Kemi Badenoch and actor David Tennant, saying the Doctor Who star is "the problem".

I guess Rishi wasn't a fan of the 14th Doctor shit either
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I wouldn't be surprised. The Tennant part was always literally controlled by glass ornaments, and if you still think that's just a coincidence UNIT HQ uses shockingly similar control systems too.
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Those are just generic paperweights you can get at any stationery shop
New project on Reddit
IRL yes, but in the Doctor Who universe they are more than that.
to achieve what?
proof that disney money well spent
>but in the Doctor Who universe they are more than that.
I mean, I'm fairly sure they are literally just using them as paperweights on the UNIT set
no they are magic space shalom crystals
the only reason she is in that role is to deflect any criticism as racism.
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Dude the capital of Galifrey is literally just a giant glass paperweight
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What was he doing outside all alone?
Shaboogan stuff
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It's a sigma male thing, normies won't understand.
Karen > Jenna
Him being stuck on Earth with the Master is one of the best parts of classic who.
S8 runs out of steam with that idea really, really quickly. By Claws of Axos it just feels like it's spinning wheels and doesn't properly pick up again until he's got the TARDIS working again in S10
This would be me if I was a Time Lord desu.
>introduce the master
>put him in every story of the season
>have a son
>troom them
Do you think Matt Smith regrets not staying on Doctor Who longer after his post-Who career has been mostly bad?
He's probably had the best post-who career desu. All his attempts at joining a Hollywood franchise flopped (Star Wars, Terminator, the worst Edgar Wright film etc) but he has big parts in TV shows (The Crown and HOTD)
He was in Morbius so it doesn't matter.
It feels like The Crown is the only real success he's had post Who. Even House of the Dragon is being watched by people only to see when it has it's big fuck up, and viewership is declining.
What does Smith think of Tennant's ways now?
>Most watched show THIS YEAR by under 35 year olds.
>Over 6 million unique viewers watched "Space Babies" on iPlayer and still rising.
>BBC and Disney pleased, renewal certain, spinoffs on the way.
>Chuds on suicide watch.

>renewal certain, spinoffs on the way.
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>Please come back
He got to fuck prime Karen Gillan both IRL and canonically off-screen, he's doing ok.
Source he ever did that?
If you think The Crown was the bigger than HOTD you live in a weird bong bubble.
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14 years ago today
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>Prime Karen Gillan
He fucked her on the set of Stacked in 2008?
Wtf. Moffat was the abzorbaloff all along?
This is /who/, you should have said 2008's Fires of Pompeii
House of the Dragon is a bubble waiting to burst. But The Crown was loved by bongaboos.
>bubble waiting to burst.
seethe toddler
why did her dress regenerate
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Just because Matt Smith made you gay, it doesn't mean House of the Dragon is going to stick the landing.
Who gives a shit about "sticking the landing" that's not what this is about. Smith has top billing on an expensive HBO production with major worldwide appeal, not just bongs or geeky nerds.
don't argue with trannies, they are anti-logic
When House of the Dragon pulls a Game of Thrones, it's going to ruin Smith's career. You don't see anyone who was big in it do stuff now.
The Eleventh Hour made many boys straight after they had already watched New Earth a few years ago.
meanwhile homobame show hits rock bottom
It's destiny. The best Smith can do is be written put early.
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Her cousin (who played her younger self in the show) is hotter now than she was then
Rogue > New Earth

Rogue is straighter.
>>according to a NL
New Earth is anti-trans and has a straight kiss. Straightest episode.
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Rogue never had a scene as gay as this.
NL? What does that mean?
everyone hates the toddler
That's a scene naking fun of trannies. It teaches boys how not to act. Unlike Matt Smith teaching boys to kiss other boys.
you are pathetic, you lost, your showrunner betrayed you, consider kys
>That's a scene naking fun of trannies
uh-huh we all know how much RTD doesn't like trannies don't we
RTD is a secret TERF. He just knows to toe the party line.
Will RTD have a Jesus episode next?
Being the next enveloped to be pushed.
So that guy's subhuman but negroes aren't?

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