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The only reason you're watching this boring piece of shit Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200529756
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
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the only reason he's not here is because he'd be too powerful in his domain.
taylor and xavier are all i care about
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I love Xavier :)
Would you faggots tell me what happened last night and this morning already?
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OP is gay and forgot to include donjolly.com
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she's actually perfect
Blessed 1488 thread
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Gross fridge body
QRD on the events of today? Anything interesting happen? Any Kentucky TTS to tayleigh?
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xavesie mogs
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Jan is funniest MDE guy.
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marriage with Taylor
who are these people that aren't fish or part of the crew that are RPing? getting huge douche chills
where clips of the up close taylor boxing
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Fishtank fans are living in a completely different world detached from us.
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Hey guys, Cryo here

June 25-26 2024 http://FISHTANK.LIVE (ALL STARS)
Did you miss last night? Jon Returns, a Stranger Appears, Jimbo & Jon Fight Vampires! #Jontent is BACK!
0:00 Jon Returns!
1:07 Mysterious Man
1:44 Jet 4th Wall Break
4:28 Vampire Attack
5:50 Jon FailRP
6:32 Rules of The Game
12:27 TTS Returns!
15:31 Congrats Tai
21:00 Jimmy'd Confederate Flag
27:30 Jon Vs. Tay

https://x.com/cryo2052/status/1806052484080603498 FULL VIDEO HD 720
she's a literal sex doll
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1488 thread. nice
How much did Sam simps ("Samps") pay for this garbage
Nah it's censored
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Sam was raped in the shivering winter of '23
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peterphiles are thriving right now
a veritable brian renaissance
peter W
Of the cock? Is Xavier a master cocksmith?
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Brian is eating up this arthur morgan character.
got the camera looks down and everything
Deputy Brian and Xavier kino
Why do season 2ers love doing this fucking The Office face? How are they Sam fans?
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>Hey guys, Cryo here
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Vancemaxxed deputy
I thought you hated this season?
>glowing eye avi
>pays for twitter
>name is parody of someone
Instant block
Who's that kid next to Letty? He looks sickly
Christmas example!
Xavier had a hard life
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Pathetic loser. Go meet a woman. Seriously. Turn the computer off
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Get kneeling, boy
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Any Tay updates?
Put it on YouTube Cryochad I don’t use X, did you get yesterdays daytime events as well
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I keked
Where's today's New Pill video, fatso?
i completely forgot she was even in S2
anyone have jace clips to compare?
still ugly. still a dyke
ill keep you posted on any changes
actually no she is not a "literal sex doll" as she is clearly an adult human female
t. Virgins who've never felt the warmth of a woman
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this season has been kino overload
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>mfw Sam pays me $50 a day to listen to Xavier LARP anime but it's better than a soup kitchen
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>director cutting away from the kino
How has Tayleighs attitude been today? She was absolutely shook last night and couldn't sleep lmao kwab
Is this what it's called when Sam Hyde gives blow jobs to mexican rentboys from okcupid?
She converted to Islam.
Xavier kinda has the same delivery as that one dude in Kung Pow
her final simps seem to be a polish dude and some canadian (indian) dude
Fat Brian is kinda based
It’s actually insane that there’s a single person (Channing) who incessantly spams every single Sam hyde related thread with the same exact posts and images. I don’t even know why she’s so obsessed with him, she even dressed in a disguise to antagonize Sam at one of his shows. She’s fucking deranged
Lefty must acquire 10 silver by sundown
Jon has joined the duke’s team, mixture of moping and mogging today
Jimmy sperg
Tai & Xavier carrying
Tay hid most of the day, some say due to illness - other say she’s afraid of a Kentucky chicken
Rather be a virgin than fuck a fridge
>women are defined as an adult female human being
>pulls out tayleigh
Sounds like him and they're built similar. Holy shit, how much is Sam paying him? They've cut off ties years ago.
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>The Duke
hangs out shirtless in the sun
Needs an umbrella and a massive hat to go out into the sun

wait a sec guys.....
she tapped out for like 3 hours cause alleged heat exhaustion or some shit
Kek tay simps absolutely melting down with impotent rage.
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is the soundtrack original or did they rip these from games? im retard
There is NOT a correlation with height.
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
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insane how fat he got, reddit moderator tier
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Is there a list of people they brought back from Seasons 1 and 2?
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As expected of someone who tried to shine a light on the lack of ethics in games journalism
Locust from Gears of War
I like him a lot more now that he got chubby and doesn't reek of desperation
Choosing the easy route?
why was she shook? I missed last night
Xavier boring
>Xavier boring
Xavier boring
>Xavier boring
Xavier boring
>Xavier boring
Xavier boring
>Xavier boring
Xavier boring
>Xavier boring
Xavier boring
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I don't know why you assume it's always channing with 0 proof
I marky-post all the time for example for the simple fact it triggers you faggots so much
enjoy worshiping your pedo master, cuck
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>Now hold on Sheriff, I think that Jon boy there may be some sort of homosexual
pretty much everyone but the winners and the fat chicks
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How many silver you guys have?
Xavier just btfo'd brian in his face kek
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oh my fucking god....
you're a faggot get off /tv/
They're a great comedic duo
We don't know yet, the shitty low-pass filter they put sometimes makes it seems like it's original, but by WHO
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I knew that already
Has been with production all day because she's "sick", just came back a bit ago, she was puking etc
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>Tay: "I aint no slut like Letty!"
>Also Tay: fucks a fan from Kentucky after he buys a plushie and knowing him for 3 weeks
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damn brian got xavier's ass
No it’s the hard route
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Malia will be my wife but I want Trish to beat me.
>yeah alright that's fair

>homosexual babble
it's actually insane you're defending child rapist Sam Hyde while he plays with Jon's dick in the woods
>Xavier is a vampire theory is confirmed
Goddammit jet, you fucking haxk
Reminder that this character is literally based on Sam Hyde.

Brian just leveled up
Hey Pelech we miss you brother
there's no need for that.
I don’t like Xavier disrespecting Deputy Brian
anon all you have to do to remain a virgin is exist as yourself.
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kek, insane that this goblin thought she was remotely comparable to princess letty
He's also not quoting podcasts every 2 mins.
xavier was really good yesterday when he appeared, but he has overstayed his welcome
>"there is a corelation with height and stolen valor of leadership"
colebros, they're mocking us again...
sex with taylor while xavier watches and narrates
letty looks gorgeous dude... seriously it's insane
That's pretty interesting. No Cole I'm assuming?
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Long story but she was called out for fucking a fan and then ran to jet to censor any more TTS about it
The people who stack silver are just too broke for gold


xavier is so shy..
Because it is Channing, or one of her goons, which is exactly what you are. Nobody else on earth has anything to gain by no-lifing these threads and taking out your gay anger on him. You trying to talk to your way out of it isn’t convincing anyone you annoying bitch. Get over it already, you’re fucking annoying
what he say
yeah anyone that was removed early isn't there (simmons,cole,summer)
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you're imagining things. sam was a scrawny nerd in college, there was none of this fitness shit back then.
i'm about to goon to furry porn someone QRD what i missed when i get back
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
is it just because he doesn't like the sun or was it more concrete? I was kinda tuning it out
he is so me
frightened of fair ladies..
woah, she shaved her armits
>Taylor broke TJ's arm to force him to stay at home while she goes off to fuck Brian
>that ohohohoho
he's literally him
To speak his name is forbidden within this realm!
Sam broke up with you please just get therapy and get better
She looks so much better now that she stopped shaving her eyebrows
The look of rivilement on Jon's face KEK
Because he said the sun is his most foul nemesis
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if the music is original its prob produced by jet/taxcin/joeyy/bic etc (wigger crew), but ive been enjoying it desu. i'd listen to it on spotify
Yeah, this is her future mother in law.
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>90% of cams are completely unwatchable
Can't believe people actually pay for this
kek I was hoping that would happen, that rules. Anybody have clips of it?
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if i did a 3x3 of today it would all be pictures of Xavier
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sam did it again
sam was a skinny fag in high school, got fit in college, and has been bloatmaxxing for the last decade
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best I could do, the bouncy movements and foliage in the background really kills the quality you can get
>imagine not having at least 2 windows open hot-swapping cams

what's your fishtank setup anon?
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>And now the obese, swarthy gentleman seems to be... prematurely ejaculating
what a tragedy
Bex = Sex
stop wasting your time switching cams and watch director like everyone else. its clearly the intended experience
sexo ___ ____

fill in the blanks
Sam trains everyday for years and yet his cardio is shit
He was not fit in college
Should child rapist Sam Hyde get therapy for his sexuality issues and body dysmorphia? How about speedballing the tren with chemical castration?
I bet every npc is a vampire
gods work
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Josie is shit testing you with her whole anti-coomer thing she has going on. She wants you to tug your pathetic little worm to the thought of her. Imagine, years of being turned down by guys and now she has an army of simps who would do anything for her. She loves it.
remember the time the government just decided to take everyone's gold and gave them no compensation? haha, fun times.
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greg is doing great with the larp but it's a shame his social battery is so weak
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simple as
Did they ever go pick up the vamp loot from last night?
with Cole
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There’s some good shots to be found flipping around
Also good if the group is split and you want to follow a more interesting contestant than the ‘main quest’
no but he should fucking wwe chokeslam your ass again lmao
kek it’s so blatant you’re Channing
boxingbros, is sensei potbelly good? the guy who trained sam for the match years ago was someone else (shawn bay the loud black guy from s1)
bex pls start wrestling with taylor and letty
Jimmy is literally there
she's so flustered !!!
They need to coach Tayleigh to stop looking into the fucking camera
Don jolly
that xavier ninja stealth run was gold
Taylor was just swinging her arms around like TJ lmao
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>last thing a minor sees before being abducted
drinking diet coke means you're fit in america anon
you sound like a real strong woman hitting sissy too
she was doing that last season too
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Why does Tay act like a toddler who is afraid of getting cooties from boys. It's so annoying.
If Xavier wants to date Tayleigh why doesn't he just give her $50?
No, Jimmy or Jon suggested they go look for it then the girls said ‘it’s too dark, we’ll get it in the morning’
Then they all forgot about it
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need more taylor boxing
bad ass
god I wish Sam's sweat was dripping on my face instead fuckk
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>Sam sweating on Tai
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eh, it's just a hedge
I said chokeslam not hit learntoread
she's a fucking whore
>Xavier is Jeffery Epstein
Imagine licking the cake and icing off of her face, but like just as a joke. Haha.
She has a bf now

She's gay
greggy only has social energy when grooming on on discord
The Duke > Jason Goldstriker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Judge
bouncy booba
she hates sluts even though she's the biggest one of all
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>tayleigh lurks 4chan and got all her stream thumbnails from /bant/
Kek you just know she's freaking out internally that she lost her few remaining supporters
fridge body
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I feel like I could trust Tai with critical information of my life and he wouldn't immediately tell everyone in the local vicinity and also on twitter had he a phone.
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omg yes please
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letty is such a sex demon holy fuck
i want to kick jimmy in the teeth every time he says "okay" in that faggy voice
He’s looking real old
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>tai is on point and funny as fuck, hasn't missed a beat
>jon is immediately retard kino
>letty is settling back into her role as a shit stirrer and is already goading jon into arguments
>jimmy is a cringe faggot that relies on unfunny, preplanned bits
>taleigh is a cringe dyke that cried to jet have TTS censored, brings nothing of value (was gone basically the whole day and nobody noticed or cared), and relies on office jimming to the camera
Can we finally put the "S2 cast good, just mishandled" cope to bed? S1 cast gigamogs S2 cast so hard it isn't even funny, and it's especially more apparent when having them side by side and you can directly compare.
>sam having to deal with channing while in character as goldstraven
need it
god i wish i could be her
jimmy's gay little "oakay" makes me want to gut him
fuck Tay's voice is pure sexo
>sam does awful stand up about how trannies disgust him
>sam sucked off trannies
uh guy?
Dick and balls have many curves
>hungry anon?
spitting on Tai and the camera on purpose is my favorite bit so far
Judge > Duke > Jason
god i wish you were her
Everyone does it, grow up.
It's not that hard. Don't put your ego before the show. Acknowledge The Don and we will have peace
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exactly how I feel, now we just need abi to join so she can get into fights with jawn
S2 >> S1
uh oh
It's unreal how big of a difference there is
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the ifunny jewish merchant is such a strange character
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i wanna fuck that fridge
It's his docile subservient voice lol
Sam lusts after disgusting troons? I thought he was a based anti-tranny chad
no they don't you fucking faggot
S2 was so much better than S1 it's not even funny
who doesnt want to suck and get sucked off by trannies?
She got him to hate her in record time
Jon and Letty should start a podcast, their brother vs sister chemistry would get a couple thousand views
The two best season 1 contestants against the two Reddit contestants of season 2.

Just wait until Vance is here or Mauro replaces Jon when he blows a gasket.
Letty and Abi together would have been tard raging like crazy
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erm...she is happily taken
Were there any doubts that the S1 fish would mog the S2 fish out of this plane of existence?
They have gay bff and hag chemistry
Sam Hyde:
>Can I kneel in front of you and jerk off you're so beautiful Eddie
Uh oh half life sfx are not public domain valve is gonna shut them down
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Letty immediately sees what's up, and gets a little jealous :3
The first batch of DLC characters for Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames have leaked (found by dataminers on the site)

>Oliver Gay

What are we thinking?
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they'd get along so well together
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Taken by anybody and everybody
Jimmy cucked by his greatest love: dogs.
Tai is the only thing you got right and he was kino in both seasons.
Cute little attention hungry princess...
based greg
Oliver isn't even ironically funny I hate him the worst just a faggot that wanted to hang out in the show
Based Greg
do they get greg drunk before they throw him on camera
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she would never
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anybody have the jimmy angle? i was stupidly on director cam because i thought the idiot camera man would show us the goods.
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release the swamp djinn
they all are mid
I wish letty wasn't so hot bros...
she's a huge slut and afraid of being judged for it
There's just something gayer about watching director feed instead of scanning cameras. It's objectively better but not as fun as S1 and S2
Greg is burp mogging
>maybe we can shadowbox later, jimmy
either he's bricked up or he really wants to punch her
Oliver Operators run these threads faggot
Sam looking like Lenny from Delray Misfits
Fuck no
So all these bullshit "leaks" about Sam hating Jet, and Jet trying to push Big God out, out of jealousy were just that? Bullshit?

I bet not even "dumb squaw" happened.
>shoutout to my cock buddy
What does this mean? I might be autistic but I've never heard that phrase before
how long until chris shows up and ruins everything
Jimmy is such a gigantic unfunny vile piece of fucking shit. He is the worst contestant right next to Tayleigh, and it isn’t even close. The show could go on for 10 more seasons and Jimmy will remain the worst. There’s just no way they could ever reach the lows that they’ve reached due to Jimmy’s presence. I genuinely hope he gets attacked and eaten by a bear and it’s captured on the highest quality camera they have.
>the guy I hated the most got the girl I found the most hot
I hate this shit
>anybody have the jimmy angle? i was stupidly on director cam because i thought the idiot camera man would show us the goods.

damn, I just thought of that
does flowstreams have a dvr? only thing we can do is timestamp it and come back later
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My wife is coming back!
Was Tayleigh the only one who lied about not going on bloodgames?
Lettyfag coping. They're soulmates
Agreed. Too bad the cams suck this season but if they keep this same crew and effort for s3 it’ll be really good I think
Missed it, what he say
Name one interesting thing he did
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expanded lore
You aren't wrong but you are comparing the worst of S2 with the best of S1. See Mauro vs Brian for example. That fat faggot spic can barely talk and hides from the camera while Brian is killing it.
N word count so far?
Why are Jimmy seethers such hysterical women?
Is this real? I wouldn’t mind a return of Oliver gay spam
Jon you're holding the flag the wrong way
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why? isnt it a good thing?
>luv amewuka
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Cannot even imagine being this filtered by the single best contestant to ever be on Fish Tank.
she's trolling /bant/ schizos.
i love fishtank it's like having real friends (except half of them are pederasts but still its nice)
Delaney if she's boozed up
Which body cam have (You) used most?

For me, it’s Tai
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Jimmy did nothing wrong
seethe more
laney will rape jon
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I missed season 2 when it aired. Who is this guy and why is he there?
man shut the fuck up bitch nigga
oliver owns you
any word on when they're dropping the abi DLC?
Jon with the cum on his face
>all will be revealed in due time, jon
>when wiwl thawt be
Jon sucked jimmy off in the woods?
"shout out to the guy who put his cock in my vagina"
Tai is the only one worth a damn.
Cum on Jon’s chin
made you seethe
Based cameraman
has trisha called jawn gay yet today
You are the brownest nastiest sinkiest indian.
The dude she fucked bought a chicken or a "cock" plushie
he's just some fanboy faggot they felt sorry for and let on the show like a makeawish kid
the show is generally difficult and cringe for me to watch but I can deal with it as background noise, but when jimmy shows up i cannot physically bear it, i have to mute or close the tab. very few people are capable of doing this to me
Jon dropping Disney pills
jon showed up.
they stayed up till 2am and tayleigh called jon a huge fag for walking away from the camera when tts calls him gay. jon sperged a bit.
next morning, tay got dehydrated and bulimic threw up and was gone till like 2pm.

they cooked some breakfast eggs and pork chops, jimmy being the fire keeper. generally a sense of them working together as a team. if there were any secret whispers about alliances I didnt hear them or was watching other cameras. Also jimmy cut down a tree near their beds but tried to push it over at first.

ben rally'd the fish at noon to the town. the town was in ruin after the vampire attack with a few benches and tables flipped. the npc blacksmith lady was on a NPC loop all morning crying and wanting to repair the town but the fish were too retarded to notice or ask about it.

ben made a funny speech where he was interuptted by brian for calling the vampires zombies, so ben raged at brian. He explained they needed to wear goggles when adventuring out with weapons and vampires / them gotta yell PVP to flag up and start shooting. Tai was in the shower so Jet made them do the entire scene over again.

The blacksmiths wife went missing so the party had to go on a quest to find her but they were all retarded and tired so a lot of them wandered away and split up. They went with Greg and Xavier (yellow sammurai). Shot some vampire minions and tried to find the blacksmith lady.

The merchant caught letty stealing last night by using CCTV magic, so she owes him 10 silver. Jon haggled on her behalf and said if they dont pay 10 silver back by sunset they can pay 30 in 3 days instead. He did this without letty's consent while she was standing 3 feet away watching.
da fwee maysuns
Also she worships his cock.
when wiww youw decide
jon everyone in holywood is a fucking freemason
letty needling jon will never not be funny
She looks like someone from a low budget British cop show
jon the cum eater over here
Do people think if they defend Jimmy enough here they're gonna be invited to hoardermans and hang out with him?
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why are the "girls" all so ugly? They look like creatures or outright men.
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>fewtefweedegwee fweemesun
Tayleigh kinda looks like my friend Andrew when he was 12 what the fuck happened
She was found in the files at launch but apparently she’s been removed after the latest update
>look into it!!
the cry of a retard that doesn't know what they are talking about or how to explain it
Sounds like autism, gentle Anon.
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>only thing we can do is timestamp it and come back later
you gotta timestamp i think they took out going back for flowstreams
Chay-Chay is Bae-Bae, put on the trip queen
Very poetic of her lmao
Letty is so cute, bros
Better Walt than the pieces of shit running it now, Jon
>the fouwnder was a 33ewrd degree mason dawg look intow it
Correct, Jimmy does have what sounds like autism.
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what the fuck bros...
feels like there's been so few memorable TTS. Idk if it's because there isn't as many in general, because they're blocking the good ones, or I just haven't noticed/can't hear them due to the fucked up setup for this.
kek thanks for keeping it on topic greg
Yeah, first week. Second batch the second week.
this isn't twitch chat
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Josie is gorgeous thoughbeit.
Is anyone not able to connect to the site?
Based Greg is the only contestant with heart/soul.
>NYC Freemason that ran for senate and admitted to drinking baby blood publicly

Bros who is Jon talking about?
Be Tay
>very start of season 2: boy
>end season 2: girl
>start of season 2.5: boy confirmed
jon quit giving people with theories a bad name
sounds like a you issue. work on it, pussy.
fucking over fans and ducking hillbilly cawk is so punk rawk
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Would really LOVE to bury my face in this! !!!!!!
I’m free basin with free masons
All three, like those 5s
hot girls have better things to do than this shit. bex is an enigma.
if they stop blocking anti-tay tts there will probably be some good ones
I feel like jon and letty do a good job of carrying the show without tts anyway
In balls?
It's so easy to piss Jon off
why did you edit out his bulge
sick lie lmao
they aren't touching lance with a ten foot pole anymore
a guy he knows. dont worry about
He draws furry porn for commissions lmao
in martin shkreli's taint?
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Xavier is great. Wish they had more good larp characters
They've been banning people for being gay. Sorry bro.
Good summary but you got one thing wrong
Jon pulled Jimmy 10 ft from camp and told him that they could work together and that the ‘females, Letty and Taylor’ (he meant Tayleigh) had already formed an alliance against them
This wasn’t true but was surely true in Jon’s mind
He's delirious from the heat and from limited brain activity.
Are there any clips of Taylor talking directly to the director camera in an introductory sort of way? Or even just waving at the camera? In the red dress
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fact check: false
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Can't believe this shit is scheduled to go for two whole weeks.
i mean he just regurgitates shit he read in a twitter post and can barely remember or understand. if you give him any pushback or questions he shuts down lmao.
or just call him gay
I thought Oliver was actually fine but just not assertive enough. The couple of things he did do, it was pretty funny.
Bored me to sleep
They are blocking anti tay tts
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That looks like a troon.
Oliver would actually be a pretty good fit. He did try to get things going in S2, but the shit production gave him nothing to work with.
>cameraman has to point the camera at any sfx or tts that comes through, no one notices or cares

they aren't gonna make any money on that shit at all
dude trust him
He's kinda cute
Oliver gay
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People actually gave thousands to this "thing" lmao
>They've been banning people for being gay
Ban Sam
fucking hell flowstreams is literal garbage now
Seems the show is losing steam fast
Jet it up
Jon loves offering up other fish as slaves lmao
Only the most deranged of retards will spend $30 to send barely audible TTS inna woods. They'll probably drop prices later like they did S2.
luv poopsie
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taylor trish letty bex need to box every day in the sweltering heat in microkinis with the directors cam focused solely on the girls
they're running the same streams the main site is running and better man. blame jet
>You don't wanna turn me gay cause then I won't shoot straight
That was a great joke
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>actually no she is not a "literal sex doll" as she is clearly an adult human female
>adult human female
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With Don Jolly?
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hey guys what's goin on
jesus never Argued Against slavery
make it happen Jet
yea a bunch of other little things happened, like ben pulled jon aside and told him deputy brian outside of RP was a fag so instead of threatening to shoot brian all the time he should out-mog him infront of the ladies.

Jon did a ton of fail RP trying to press the blacksmith and his wife by saying they dont know the names of any town citizens who were dead.

ah didnt catch that, thanks
I actually think regular bikinis are more attractive than microkinis
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letty, i hate you, but i'm gonna need you to piss off jon again right now
i need something to happen soon
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You'll love josiecock
Letty mentioned talking to Tayleigh before the show and forming an alliance.
They did rescue the blacksmith's wife. She didn't want to be rescued.
Tayleigh is about to be raped
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my favorite oliver moment (it's the only oliver moment i like):
>tay vs oliver beef
>contest is "who can be the biggest faggot"
>tay runs up to one of the bedrooms and starts acting like an obnoxious retard
>oliver just goes to the bar and smokes a cigarette, does nothing else
>oliver wins in a landslide
how do you clip? Idk how this new site works
what happened with Lance
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fishtank season 2.5 didn't you hear??
It was really fascinating seeing Tayleighs victim complex and lying firsthand last season. The underwear stealing, on top of many more unfounded accusations, getting “bad vibes” from people, but the funniest one was the day after she kissed Frank, which we all saw, she did it consensually and laughed about it. Frank was teasing her about it the next day while she was hung over and groveling on the floor weakly, and sure enough she brought out her patented “you fucking grabbed my face dude”, it was hilarious because she said it so weakly with a shaking voice. Even when in a state of pain she couldn’t help herself to just lie and make more accusations about being raped or taken advantage of. One of the most vile people in the world
Soda guy is so weird and underrated
jimmy being painfully unfunny is in itself pretty funny
This geek nigga is so funny lmao
No shit retard why would you believe anything posted here?
Xavier threatened Soda Man? WTF
shout put to my cock buddies
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beautiful lanky navajo queen. she's amazing.
Jeremy's cock
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hey where’s the ice cream in this joint? hehe, just kidding.
did the soda shop guy just trip and fall?
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>letty, I hate you
stopped reading there
pay up
>tune into directors cam
>its a tayleigh scene
>she immediately does the JIM OFFICE LOOK right at the camera
>close the window right away
can she fuck off with this shit? imagine if we had trish and her fat ass instead of this fucking retard.
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>Xavier wants to meet me 1 on 1? He's not going to sniff my panties, is he?
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based javier
why does tayleigh emulat her dad's faces all the time
POV you ask where your beanie is
the best part was that everybody in these threads was saying it was gonna happen in that exact way, the night before she woke up
i hate tay so much
jet please just kill her
I miss these pants, Josie's zoomer weeaboo drip was wild.

Tayleigh on the other hand should be forbidden by law to dress herself.
How is Greg not melting in this heat?
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can we all agree Tay has beautiful eyes?
yup there it is
the basedface
can sam put her through another humiliation ritual already and she can fuck off
they're just brown?
no. they're brown.
Ruined by the acne scarring unfortunately.
I want to bash Tayleigh's ugly face in with a frying pan. I can't stand it.
it was scripted cuz he just got jumped by xavier
please kill yourself
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i love him. I feel like he's had this character on layaway for at least 15 years and it's just become who he is
damn taylor is a full blown slut, some one here said that she arrived 4 days before everyone , now I believe it
brown eyes you can find on a literal jeet and all of the worlds subhumans, you fucking jeet
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>i know that you're an all powerful ancient unknown samurai being but that's just creepy dude im not mad or anything but just chill dude i dont mind that you're crushing on me or whatever but it's creepy dude you're not a creep or anything man just stop creeping on me
>t..tai... uhmm mmm. ok.
and this is tay, arguably one of the most social ones of S2. Imagine how agonizing a POV camera on TJ would be.
they're just eyes
I remember that, it’s why everyone in the thread immediately blew up laughing. She sucks so bad
Tay making me want to jump through the tv and knee her in the face the fucking faces she's making.She is so fucking cringe.
This is Jets wholesome chungus summer camp. no mean tts allowed
He can make her a star don't worry bro
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>you asking if she wants to hang out later
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so xavier is inviting tayleigh and her plump ass over for rape?
you're trolling
Taylor is the embodiment of "Has sex, doesn't know what sex is"
how the fuck are there SO MANY of these soi face screencaps. Why is no one telling her to stop fucking doing this shit
I used to spend lots of money sending funny TTS but after season 2 was that fucking awful i'm not giving them any more money till they deserve it
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Taylor does have beautiful eyes i agree
Fucking this
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what do you think his reward was for finding her
it's not about color retards
I don't think she has acne on her eyes sir.
that's fair
Someone really needs to just smack the absolute shit out of her. It would fix a lot of problems I think.
all the NPC larpers are great and are trying to tardwrangle the fish back into RP. Even the blacksmith and wife were in-character making fun of Jon when he was pressing them, it was so great
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>No Ella
Ellachads it never been more over....
erm doink heuhuehue
>humiliation ritual
the r9k wigger special. ciara was the first. this production is so unclean
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they need to have her become a player. she can replace jimmy or tay. either one is fine.
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Xavier kino incoming
all night wrong
Holy kino
clayton didn't go far enough
it's crazy how Taylor seems like a much bigger whore than Trish despite there being more actual direct evidence of Trish's thottery. I think Trish is just more endearing whereas Taylor comes off like she's hiding something.
xavier has untold swag
The cheeks are the highway to the eyes anon.
Cringe kino inbound
Xavs is going to smash that
Ella will be in batch 2 dw. They dont want people to lose interest so they’re waiting until the last week to release her
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that's ok, i had another great dream of her again last night <3
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get in line buddy
i forgot about half of that but you're right and she's a terrible person
>it's not about color retards
color is such a huge factor you tard and literal shit eyes automatically disqualifies you
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still not gonna watch it, but this sounds based
I like xavier fuck off
>When you ask where's the beanie you ordered from her.
it's up
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>showing the most retarded cast member than Xavier controls the zombies/vampires
she wont convey this information or do fucking anything with it
what a waste of time
same I like javier
Ella mogs
xavisie mogs
Is that a bamboo forest
Also it's pretty impressive they're able to keep up the larp to such a good quality. Some talented turbo autists I love it
>I wanna have the power
Tay is going to get turned.
She’s playing right into his plan. The fool
this dumb fucking bitch is STILL whispering
the dynamic between Goldstraven and Xavier is just like season 6 of Lost
Xavier is singlehandedly making this shit remotely worth watching
XAVIER needs his own cam and also a spin off franchise
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he singlehandedly saves the season
If I ever get on Fishtank I'll basedface every chance I get
he's hilarious
is this real?
this is fucking kino lmfao
TJ won cope and seethe
Ella is so cool guys
Cute but you shouldn't have this.
Between jack and Locke? It’s been years since I finished the show
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Okay this rping is really fucking cringe
she would be perfect if not for the nosering :(
>What do you mean thank you
>you're not my type
the triple take soi face!!! WOAH SHES SO COOL
>I'm taken
>I'm taken
I can just imagine him sitting in that tree for hours until someone shows up
>to be clear you're not my type
>what do you mean thank you
>… I’m taken…. I have a boyfriend….
tay bf mention
>the negging didn't work
you're WHAT?!?!
>when they do the handcuffed to jimmy challenge
fuck this bitch
>you’re not my type to be fair
>thank you
it's roleplay you fucking retard
>i'm not gonna say it

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Xavier Gay
Cant block tts about her bf if she’s talking about him
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>ruins your larp kino
/bant/ fags in the ground.
cucktriots roping right now
>I have a bf
>fail RP
Xavier is so fucking kino.
lmfao xavier's making tay shit herself
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Lmfao are you happy with him
My mouth hurts from grinning so much
what was the fail RP?
Holy kek
>"failRP, you're supposed to like it"
taylor is such an attention where, she ran back to twitter to check if someone clipped her
taytriots in absolute fucking shambles
taytriots in shambles
gmod admin kino
>i've had some issues with production
oh no
tay yapping about her bf
rape her xavier, as punishment for failRP
She said she has a boyfriend, but she's not supposed to be Tayleigh, she's an RP character.
Jet stop browsing here
Tay liking him is supposed to be canon
Saying she has a boyfriend.
taylee is so fucking stupid i almost feel bad for her
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Sorry Taytriots, but in the end, its the Kentucky boy that gets the chudwife
Xavier is so powerful, this is true old Internet kino.
It's insane that fucking QnAnon is the one that figured all of this out lmao
she's a literal whore
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is he... raping her?
It seems that Production has hired a web Taytriot and told him they’d follow the script that he wrote for them
He’s increasingly annoyed they’re not following his script and also he didn’t know about the Kentucky chicken
why did she feel compelled to admit that under these circumstances? she does know this is a roleplaying game, right? her boyfriend isn't gonna care if she pretends to date a LARPer in a LARP game.
Why are they wasting all this on person who is the worst at playing along?
fuck she does just rely on making faces at the camera

Major fucking fail
>tayleigh falling into a trap
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Xavier I fucking kneel
please someone clip the dirtbike duke rolling up out of nowhere that was kino
Because she is retarded
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>CAW cAw CaW CAW cAw CaW CAW cAw CaW CAW cAw CaW CAW cAw CaW CAW cAw CaW CAW cAw CaW CAW cAw CaW CAW cAw CaW CAW cAw CaW CAW cAw CaW CAW cAw CaW CAW cAw CaW CAW cAw CaW CAW cAw CaW CAW cAw CaW
oh god xavier is in trouble
Duke remembering the basics of CQC
>commenters in YouTube restreams hate Xavier
Based son of the hills. Master of the blue, blue grass. Keeper of Tayleigh's heart.
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i bet tayjeets are real SOUR right now
>Still up to your old tricks, Xavier
They should bring Charls on, he would be good at this
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DukeGODS stay winning
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duke... i kneel.......
300 YEARS AGO....
Sam and Xavier carrying this gay shit so hard.
this is some anime shite. fuck me
please tell me someone clipped the disarm
Duke and Eggzavier kino
this is great
the remaining ones get off to this shit lmao
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His real name is gonna be like David Silverstein or something isn't it
what level is the duke?
what class is he?
what is generator and what is his spender?
what is his ultimate?
what is his passive?
holy kino
Realize what thread you are in and what kind of product Sam is peddling with this fishslop, and what kind of sewer people come to these threads. Ill take 10 channing goons over a single josiepedo
>"I need more power" with a vergil impression
Bringing Dumbgay here was such a waste, he's good at talking and he's had almost no role, he should be the king vampire or something
The Duke and Xavier are siblings?
give it a couple of days, the fish will cave and enter full immersion RP mode
it would be so funny if Tayleighs boyfriend ended up dumping her and she lost a handsome guy and her simps too
they gotta stop bringing her on these projects man
For those who don't realize it, they obviously set that bit up directly for her to be able to say she has a boyfriend and he makes her happy. It was their way of putting all of the retarded drama to rest.
using her for this mission is completely baffling
They just gotta give prizes out to the best fish roleplayer / most in character to incentivize it. But they should probably get eased into it with like an event
Xavier has been asking other contestants to convey his interest to Tayleigh and has written a whole script that he wants production to follow
What don’t you understand
I don't want to leave this thread. It's the best one yet.
i dont think thats going to stop the obsessed weirdos who will post drama all the time anyways
jan is so fucking funny
All Tayleigh can do is stand there and make onions faces in silence while still ruining the bit somehow
Tayleigh has gotten on her knees and said "sir" to every single male NPC
you are putting way too much faith in this fanbase.
What do you mean a web taytriot
was that hand-rape?
fucking tay is ruining this with her negativity
We already knew she had a boyfriend, this changes literally nothing
Submissive and breedable
She also submitted to Frank
Watching Jon and Letty sit around and listen to TTS is making me nostalgic for season one.
this is so fucking funny
tjmaxxers i have a question. are you disappointed how badly that retard squandered any potential prospects of an online presence? so much that he won the previous season and probably wasn't even considered to be on here because he's so trash
Can i get a qrd from after they chopped down the tree til now. Srry.
He will be on 2.5

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