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im not really watching but I'll bake anything Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200531488
Xavier Gay fucks birds
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i can't look away
please tell me someone clipped the duke rolling up on the dirtbike. that was a choice cut of kino
I don't give a shit this is fucking amazing
I haven't watched any of this season

What do we think about it so far?
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Is that Joel Haver?
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>I'm taken, I have a boyfriend
What did she mean by this?
>Duke and Xavier are siblings
>Up to your old tricks, Xavier?

How do you respond to this without sounding mad?
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what the fuck is this shit im dying
>I've ready your Early Life, Xavier! I know what you really are!
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honestly this whole thing seems like something Sam would have made fun of back in the day
after you see those super nasty extremely huge areolas the magic is gone
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this is too kino
I can't believe I ever doubted you jet
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It's fun but in a different way. Not as kino as S1 and S2 imo
gregkino inbound this show rocks
To think that letty would be carrying waifu wise
how did she fix her lazy eye i swear she was uglier in s1
I thought taytriots were aware she is an unfunny cunt and thats why they liked her
it is. this is really fucking gay and hard to watch
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He would be a good vampire
You are an absolute faggot
This makes me want to roleplay better at dnd
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hows it hanging, taytards???
Tayleigh is such a retard lol
reminder that xavier asked tay what her bf's name is and she said "i'm not gonna say it"
she has to know /bant/ already doxxed jordan, right
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she looks at the camera
she makes a stupid face
Her lazy eye only shows sometimes
Someone posted a pic of it yesterday
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Ensuring she has absolutely nothing left once this is over. She's toast. Even her most dedicated simps have completely exhausted their efforts and they too have given up.
They will now pretend they never simped for her moving forward to save face.
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only one of them is big and weird, the other is normal sized
Congrats cuck. But no, this is just an extended sketch
I'm glad Clayton beat Tayleigh and I hope Jordan does the same
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she gains power from virgin seed
god she sucks so much
Its just epic gaslighting trust the plan taytriots
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Daily reminder that male feminist faggot Null brought Channing in to try and epically dunk on Sam Hyde because he was mad that people saw him as an e-daddy. Then Channing completely fumbled the whole thing like a retard and Null got pissed off that she ruined his killshot and pretended like this wasn't one of his passive-aggressive, single-mother-raised schemes.
why are you congratulating me
is The Duke of Goldstriker heritage?
It’s not really a game show
It’s fun if you enjoy parasocial relationships and cringe kino
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captcha: STAN
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Has Sam said anything about his buddy Dr. Disrespect? Not a good look considering Sams own history with underage girls
Those are top tier puffies you are talking about.
I kneel
it was so obvious lmao especially with xavier asking how long that has been going on
whats xavier's real name guys
she never stops looking into the camera
They need to soitax this bitch
this rp shit is fucking embarrassing to watch
Stop making those retarded faces at the camera god damn it Tayleigh holy shit
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abi won
I never doubted for a second
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>ruins your xavier kino with wacky reddit faces
they seriously need to media coach her she fucking sucks at this
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Dumb question, but can anyone answer why some Twitter videos are easily downloadable with a button, and others aren't?
Tayleigh sucks so fucking much it's unbelievable
that's the point dumbfuck
>Xavier (in character out of character?) whining about production not playing along properly
valid theory, she also just looks healthier in general compared to s1. like she gained weight and got a tan
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She has perhaps the most punchable face and insufferable voice on earth
Jan Killnigga, he has a long history with MDE
I see you aren’t familiar with his gumroad content
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Tayleigh is a disaster class in RP
Xavier just got tay pregnant
how is it possible that you are rping more than them
Eggs Savior
who is playing xavier?
Taytriots in absolute shambles. You love to see it.
for fucks sake stop looking at the camera
Xavier unironically carrying this shit on his shoulders rn
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Are you guys actually enjoying this garbage or are you all trolling?
Tayleigh's downward spiral has been absolutely pathetic
Letty is such a butterface
Jace Connors aka Jan. He's been in a bunch of MDE shit
you're right, that is a dumb question
not at all, i will never send a CENT to sam hyde
Taytriots are the most cucked fans ever
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incredible work so far
i didn't pick up exactly what he said. anyone know?
I'm genuinely having a great time
Dude just shut the fuck up. You unironically call your loser NEET site operator "dear leader"
That bit was pretty funny. I'm sold on 2.5
For those who don't realize it, they obviously set that bit up directly for her to be able to say she has a boyfriend and he makes her happy. It was their way of putting all of the retarded drama to rest.
what did the trannies on kiwifarms do ?
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Was she gaslighted into dating him? Are all women this easily manipulated?
its not funny or fun to watch i dont see the point?
He called Bex and the other wigger vampires unprofessional kek.
>big ass wock
lol wait what did he say
ive had enough of this
She has to know that everyone knows his name, right?
Have they said if 2.5 is going to have archives? I hope it does because I'm not no lifing this season like the others so I'm going to miss a bunch of stuff
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Who will apply lotion to poor, sunburnt Taylor's back?
Too bad I couldn't even watch the fucking thing because of the lag and stuttering
wtf is this real??
I'm going to gorilla fuck your chudwife for a measley $50 KEK
I'm going to force yer stepdad to film it at gunpoint.
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no she's a princess actually
>information overload

there was no information, nothing ever happens, this is gay
I wish a woman would gaslight herself into dating me……..
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Uh wrong, it's the Kiwi Daimyo. Retard.
Jimmy is shockingly reserved compared to S2
she just likes the attention, she'll be on some new shit soon im sure
Season 2 didn't have proper archives
>NORMALLY I am used to dealing with PROFESSIONALS, I have attended MANY conventions and this HAS not happened before!
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betty :)
So you're saying they told her to lie? I don't understand
but I need to know
the "download" button exists for some videos, while others I have to rip them with an extension
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Its so kino
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people simped for this
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>Xavier made tay cheat by having her hold his hand
>and then tayleigh was like "ummmm... this is hecking weird! you don't see that every day! ummm, is it just me, or was that freakin strange as frick?"
he's free from his handlers
Red flag: the woman
Pretty Betty!
Shouldn't you be donating more money to the "legal fund" (aka moving null back into his mother's house fund)
what did they do that hasn't happened before?
no, i'm saying they were intentionally prodding her about the chicken guy
She has speedrun a streaming career in 6 months from a simp army to a army of hate real quick.
>Jon still isn't sure Duke or Xavier are vampires
Holy fuck he's so dumb
He's medicated and there's no booze.
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He lost his anti-depressants during S2 which is probably why
Whoa blacked betty bam a lam
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Am I the only one that really lust Letty's personality. On top of being cute, she's also funny and witty. Very rare for a woman. I like how she provokes people.
holy shit
>Jimmy making Letty dress up
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>Duke, please....
>Save me Duke...
>kill this dyke bitch, please...
Because he's not competing against them, they're on the same team, and also there's no grand prize so there's nothing riding on it
fat fuck faggot hippo Mauro only comes to "RP" when it's time to eat.
Do Taytriots still exist?
>Jon still isn’t convinced that either the Duke or Xavier are vampires
Is he right to not assume things about people?
Letty is done with jimbo. Hammer soon
I don't know why they just don't sell or have the complete archive footage of the auto/director cam. Imagine watching full unedited days of Fishtank. The retards (myself included) would watch it again.
I would tongue her asshole
I hope they kill jon
>Yon....yu vill need to...zuck
Boss nigga beautifying the Jewish skeleton. Based.
I cant believe I stuck up for Tayleigh!
Vance name dropped. Vancepills incoming
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he was pretty reserved for the first couple days in s2, just give it a while
Oh, duh, they don't like her. Do people dispute this?
Sounds like you want to get pegged
Damn, Letty seriously looksmaxxing.
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Don't forget her world-class tum tums.
Aussibro wya?
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They're ensuring that everyone has access to their meds this season
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people have been saying this
that could have been pretty kino if it was anyone but tayleigh involved in the scene
>Jon using maximum brainpower
I missed him bros
No he wasnt. He yapped from the first minute until he was kicked
Sensei Scott.
I agree
Believe it or not, yes
You can take solace in the fact that they will never reproduce
I don’t think people realize that Taylor is just as if not more retarded than TJ.
how much shipping to india sar?
Vance' laid back nature would actually be a nice contrast to all these annoying retards constantly rambling about stupid shit
>Zooming in on Jon's face when Greg says failrp
Only in jest at this point.
>I saw him today when he wasn't covered at all!

Vampire Cumlines coming along nicely
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Josie W
Jon is the only one who noticed the Duke misdirection
He’s actually not a vampire but everyone is fooled by his accent
This is literally how jon remembers this moment
>coping this hard
she got a little JordanJunior inside her
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I forgot about this, can I get a quick rundown of whats happened so far?
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She put on make-up after getting mogged by Taylor earlier lol
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Is there still tay simps???
lol tayleigh doing the vampire voice actually made me laugh
yt-dlp https://twitter.com/i/status/whatever --cookies-from-browser firefox -o output.mp4

replace the X.com link with twitter

there used to be a time where you needed to login to your browser to pull them with yt-dlp. But recently I saw you can do a download button. Maybe only certain video formats are available?
The vibe in this is nothing as toxic as it was in s2 and so far production hasn't fucked with him
we're seeing jimmy in a more natural (ha) environment
>the betty we deserve
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jon.... stop
god im so bitterly alone
Jon is right and everyone else is too caught up in the RP
i want to punch that shit eating grin off his face
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ayoooo this nigga zesty
greg would've killed it but they're wasting what time they have him here
no Sam just pulled him aside and say to play against the group and he does whatever Sam says
summer >>>>>>
I bought the drumstick the mushroom keychain for my mom :)
Sort of failingrp by saying failingrp. Could agree with Jon and say yeah maybe its a red herring
>Letty can't read an analog watch
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Xhe means xher split personality, Tyler Durden.
she does look better then S1 and pics during S2 it's like her face is wider or something, hard to explain.
Then again, he looked rough at the end of S1. Black bags under he eyes.
jesus christ this bitch has ZERO SWAG
I thought his role as medic meant he couldn't use any weapons
>looking at the camera is le bad
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why is everyone fat in this show?
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Do not sexualize Betty!
Christ she can't read a clock?
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>I told you I'm on birth control dude just shoot inside me come on hurry up man
nobody is as retarded as tj
why did they bring her back for this.. fucking simmons would be doing a better job
I think she's about 1000x more retarded. TJ is retarded in the "has some form of brain damage so he talks slow" way, taylor is a major autismo
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Imagine getting cucked by some retarded redneck from Kentucky. It's crazy because if she's fucking one of her fans, that means all of the Taytriots actually had a chance.
What's your excuse for not rizzing Tay, huh Anon?
So Sam is dressed like Vampire Hunter D, does a Dracula accent, and Jon is not convinced he's a vampire.
>Your body is a temple so you can't get unhealthy and fat
>Tai, smoke these 10 cigarettes
simmons was an improv expert he would run this shit
duanyay-style pose
>about vampires
>least Satanic season of Fishtank
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This but unironically
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She needs to fucking stop. Jordan, I know youre lurking these threads. Send a message to production and tell her to just fucking leave already. It's only going to get worse.
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Are all women whores?
She's very ugly and annoying
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was it rape?
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I will never forgive Tay for getting Tai's gun busted. Obviously you shouldn't put a gun to Gormedious' face on day 2 you fucking cringelord.
>Duke is 2000 years old
>not a vampire
ok retard
whats the bet he is fucked up
sex with sylvia poster did it first
Normally I can't stand skinny girls but Summer would get it.
This dumb bitch is a -jak OC machine.
simmons would insist upon dressing up like a female vampire again, for lore reasons
This is like the scene in titanic where rose dies and goes back to the ship to see all her old buddies
it's set in america
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Reminder that Letty literally had to be shown how to use a broom. She was holding it backwards trying to sweep with the long end of the bristles facing towards her.
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yes, but there are good whores and bad whores
it's an obvious red herring and you're more retarded than Jon if you think otherwise
the ones that are obviously whores and the ones that try WAY to hard to act like they aren't always are
Imagine how boring of a fuck she would be. Total dead fish.
>I'm a patriot
>keeps putting the flag on the ground and wears it like a towel on his neck
Jim fucking Halpert. BOOT HER OFF THE SHOW
I cant believe I fucking Vemo’d that fucking bitch $50 because I genuinely thought she’d change for the better. Fuck you Tayleigh
downtime, post more betty
He’s a werewolf
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It's funny that I can see internet daddies telling their followers to get a career, hit the gym, become successful...and then this guy pays $50 plus shipping and not only plaps Tayleigh, but got her to drive like five hours to him lol
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tayleigh didn't stream to fuck her boyfriend, taylor on the other hand can multi task
Jon seems like the type of guy to go on a bulk but then never be able to cut the weight
and your point?
good fucking shot patriot, you made me proud
smacked that dyke right in the kisser.
good morning saar
you're completely retarded man you should end it all to be honest
>good whores
wait until the 50k is done
tfw the internet gamer girl I gave money to has a boyfriend
Xavier and Duke are brothers. They're both vampires, this is just an internal struggle
How many red herrings did we have in S1 and S2 in the end? Fucking zero?
How long do LARP sessions usually last? Is two weeks a long time or is it pretty typical?
She just blow in from stupid town?
Wait. The guy who knocked her up is really that guy? lol wtf
Jon getting fuckin sassy
She probably has more money than him at this point.
Larp is like a single afternoon session.
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He just posted a video of her. What made you think its sexual?
i wonder if people really believe shes been dating him for almost half a year because he won 50k
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why does this bitch make these ugly ass cringe faces all the time?
I really hope Jon falls through that roof
>I dont know what RP stand for
oh boy
Brutal time for simps lately.
Production refused to give him weapons because of his past mallet incidents
Medics are ‘legally banned’ from combat and that’s the RP excuse
In practice, he just asks Tai for a gun and Tai gives it to him
the entire conceit of this is that there's an actual plot, even though it's a retarded attempt
>Tai doesn't even know what RP is
Yeah I thought the same. That's why the zoom was so good. For once Jon was had the right to look at someone else as if they were retarded.
>webm of an image
nigger what the fuck are you doing?
>I don't know what RP stands for
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>What about me, JET?
>You have gay powers


there's a song that plays
it was consensual. she cheated.
werewolves can’t ride dirt bikes so you even know the lore?
yes he posted in bant for months and finally achieved his goal
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you guys don't actually give e-celebs money right? it's just a joke right?
it's a really long time. larping is usually just a couple hours. it's like paintball or airsoft or whatever.
There’s no other reason
so if i pay for shipping does that get me anal with tay?
she loves reddit and the Office is her favorite show
She doesn't know how to be funny
Do you sort your Fishtank folder by season or by character?
Jon's entire demeanor changes when someone makes a gay joke about him. Most closeted nigga I ever seen.
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Rules? Not part of the JDA
If i am
>under six foot
>ftl poster
How can I even get a gf? Is it possible?
i take it as a no then
Jon vs. Tai is the unstoppable force vs. the unmovable object
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Has Shinji showed up yet?
no fucking way
shes only makes like 800-1k a month
Jon needs to leave Tai the fuck alone
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So far this season is looking up, much more positive and funny, and far less grim
she was bombarded with messages from hundreds of people asking if she liked Tj, so much so it convinced her she does.
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just b urself bro
Jesus Jon is such a fag. He keeps wanting to touch and grapple with the men and hates to interact with the women.
I got spent like $10 on Tayleigh getting her to react to stupid 4chan stuff like the poetry challenge. That's it though and I think it was worth it to pop the boys.
Get offline
Lose weight lift weights
Join a run club
I've donated probably in the five figures range to Josie.
hell yea man they streamed together they went over his coomer comments
Ordered a ghost soon as she got out the tank
Never heard back
Never received it

Thanks dyke
Money stolen Jordan fucked
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oh no no no
-1000000 aura
I would ironically kill someone if they challenged tai to a fight in front of me
He's in japan bitching and moaning that his dream career of making sex robots (was never actually gonna happen) is over because of fishtank
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i would suggest going after fatties like the other anon yesterday, but even they probably wouldn't touch you. maybe just troon out or smth idk
the day is should've dropped her but i was under her meth spells
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Seems like they actually tried to plan some shit ahead of time this go around, but it's Day 2 and we got 12 more days so who knows.
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Cold showers and a haircut bro
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he constantly talks about touching other men's dicks it's insane. i swear it wasn't this bad in season 1
I mean, how delusional do you have to be to not see the writing on the wall with this stunt? Hilarious that Tay simps are acting like this latest betrayal just fell out of the sky.
yeah dude we know. he might be the most obviously closeted man to ever exist
He doesnt want to grapple, it was explicitly no hands. Do you even pay attention
it's funny how the woman-hating andrew tate-style thought process just makes you a faggot. or it just attracts closeted people like jon
date a 2/10 who's shorter than you. I see ugly couple all the time anon. You just gotta look
Great image
Both of the women are cunty to him, and "grappling" isn't gay
>no tits
>no ass
nightmare creampie scenario
If i buy chill pill do i get handjob please sir
Shinji is omega cringe, I stopped following that gay nigga a while ago. Boo hoo Jap
Explains a lot of my hate for Tayleigh. Hate Jim too.
hate this stupid cunt
if that helps you sleep, sure
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How many days is this again? Will it conflict with the Olympics?

I only have two monitors.
step 1: want a girlfriend
step 2: act accordingly
it's really that easy. stop making it so complicated in your head just because you're afraid. get out there anon you can do it.
It's an illness.
Do you not remember the Jimmons romance?
Has TJ even been mentioned yet?
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taylors fat tits
They have clearly planned a story but Jet is a faggot who wants to pretend hes cooler than his own show so he has been sabotaging it.
aw man I miss the deathbed dad posting
>Fans of a schizo retarded bitch are schizo retarded bitches
Color me shocked
Honestly I'm not even sure Jon 100% realizes he's gay yet even though he's obviously gay.
become a contestant in S3
I hate this. I this bitch and her jim face.
yea i heard a couple people mention him, but talking about s2 is failrp i think
Tai is the one that came up with the no hands rule. Jon kept trying to find a way to use his hands
Just by Tai, no TTS at all
>John whining about the heat
>Used to be a firefighter

Sam looks so fucking dumb in that get-up but it makes me laugh every time I rides up somewhere
taylor mentioned her dead husband "RP" and tai said it was just TJ
14 days if the trailer can be trusted
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All of the Duke's ghoul minions don't prove anything. He's secretly not a vampire at all.
Is that Vampire drinking gasoline?
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fat fuck
Letty is cunty to him because he's cunty to her, if he were nice to her he would have tapped that already
duke kino
if you're that kind of closeted you're 200% in denial. tay is the same way, neither of them will ever let the thought remotely permeate. the christianity probably has something to do with it
Sam has gone full theater kid for this one
Gormedius kino
go big or go home.
He just like me fr fr
the husband is an obvious tj reference anyways
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>More said than done
>more said than done
>yes greg
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>kinda good looking
>voice of a retard, brain of a retard

>charismamaxxing (in a borderline psychopath way)
>looks fucking 45 years old
well said, greg, well said...
damn that sucks
well said Greg
More said than done huh
A silly superstition
Do you think they regret bringing Tayleigh back? They obviously just wanted the simpbux from her jeet fans but probably weren't aware she pissed them all off right before the show started. Now she is there with TTS being filtered while she ruins every bit.
Sam actually looks like he’s having fun
yeah right. what's next, goldstraven is a vampire?
indubitably, greg, more said than done
Greg can't go 5 minutes without being kino.
this is a fucking RE cutscene lmao
whots the goth mommy with the gas can
Yeah but does that mean he’s coming? There’s so much up in the air about them that I’m wondering what the point of Taylor coming alone is.
He is. This is like a big long sketch for him
>they’re not vampires
>they’re zombies
deputy Brian was right huh
damn imagine if we had TJ instead of tayleigh
fuck you retarded ass TJ for breaking your arm two weeks before 2.5
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teyleigh shut the fuck up
now it makes sense why he got gassed after 2 minutes of boxing against TJ
thats creature, pay her no mind
Dude they hate each other now
no they love when things are ruined, they think that THAT'S the funny part, like they're above the audience
It's like to tidal waves of autism crashing together. It's so fucking funny hahahaha
Confirmed just now Sam is over her shit.
Is Jimmy on his meds? He's surprisingly calm
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The Jim face posts have been noted
You can tell that Sam's having fun here.
that was so kino
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Approximately how much milk could one squeeze out of Letty and Taylor respectively?
These girls could be providing to thw other fish but NOOOOOOOOOO.
I swear he brought Tay back just to dog on her
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>1488 Tayleigh!
Why does Sam love humiliating her so much? She literally got all the MDE questions right in the swamp Olympics. She's the biggest fan there.
>They brought back Tayleigh and Jon just to torture them again

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This is 100% on point. They thought because she was the most popular s2 streamer that it would translate to money but they didn't realize everyone turned on her.
Someone needs to fucking press her on crying and acting depressed when it was really just because she had a secret bf
Greg is the only one that even tries to RP
What is happening? I cnat watch rn
>only shoot at ppls dicks
ok jon
Xavier hard carries this shit
Tayleigh probably wouldve been invited no matter what
3 foot world kid
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This is quickly turning into kino
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I wonder if this time-traveling autismo is vintageseikomaxxing
Do I even need to say Jon W?
she humiliates herself
you answered yourself anon
No way Tayleigh makes it the full 2 weeks.
>Jon talking about dicks as soon as the Duke leaves
How long until he troons out?
kek i was getting that sense as well
>wake up
>realize im not the duke
>kill myself
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Get that bitch
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I've heard the people want abi actually
Taylor is getting milked
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Xavier is a fucking fraud
Doxbin dot com slash upload slash edxavierdeadbeatrat
greg it up
thats exactly why he hates her you fucking retard
Trish really won in the long run.
the never ending nightmare
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>wrench zipper
Was this originally some biker suit or something?
lol @ tayleigh being quiet with her head down since getting clowned on by sam
He’s just in a different environment, S2 was constant antagonisation you can’t remove yourself from, here he’s just one of Jet Neptunes paid friends for his summer camp
Because she's the most embarrassing form of wignat. All style, no substance.
you have severe autism
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I'm honestly impressed, it really feels like they went all in with the larp shit. It's not really my thing but this season actually has shit going on and people don't seem miserable. Nowhere near as cringe as I thought it'd be.
clip? whatd he say?
That is not the same Xavier you fucking retard. Xavier is Jan you absolute fucking weapon
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i wish i was xavier ravenblood
holy kwab this is funny
I love Trish.
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Duke arrived at camp with a group of vampires, claimed that vampires aren’t real, cautioned the contestants not to work with Xavier, and then broke RP to call Tay cringe
Tay was being cringe

Letty must bring 10 silver to the shopkeeper by down down
Tay will train with Xavier after sundown
After dinner: Combat training for the rest of the cast
They're going to get locked into the Xavier route. They're getting the bad end.
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She's unstoppable.
making fun of her being a cringey loser
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>tays face for the entire duration of sam calling her 1488
she mad
Made fun of her for being a performative chud

She’s literally about to cry lmao

he broke character and violently screamed 1488 tayleigh in her face and then told the cameraman to zoom in on her
he dropped character and started saying "1488 tayleigh!! get a close up on her!"
a callback to when she ruined every bit last season with her cringe soi facing shit
no fucking clue why they thought she wouldnt do it again
why do you believe this particular character named xavier has anything to do with some crypto scam
2.5 > 1 > 2
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Same vibes
scroll back a bit, he just says "tayleigh 1488!" a bunch of times lol
any jiggling Taylor clips?
The entire plot and setting would fly over his head.
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>"Woo! 1488! Fuck Idubbz!"
jimmy looks so much better with a shirt on
Everyone hates fanboys
Josie licked airsoftfatty's armpit
jon is gonna unload on jimmy and jimmy will literally murder the guy. it's gonna be hilarious.
this. even greg is mogging her, shit everyone is. she's so fucking bad at larping and is being an even bigger cunt just because she's got some fan's cock waiting for her after the show.
He's got the energy of an early Souls game NPC
he's not that type of retarded anon, he would've been good at this honestly
i forgot i set my name to this lol. i mean, YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCK YEAH!!!!!!!! :O
Evil Jon + Letty arc >>> discord kitten Tayleigh arc
She's an unlikable retard
Post more of the blacksmith's wife
Jimmy doesnt square up with guys unless he thinks theyre weak ala TJ
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how long until he asks the duke to forgive him with his dying breath
more like zespy. I'm gay
Greg is killing it.
And his bellybutton and his feet and Letty did it too. Who cares.
He was the only one who expressed any interest in art and when he role played his ‘uhhhh’ mostly went away
He wouldn’t fix the season but he would be much better than Tay or, imho, Jimmy
Are they gonna do a
>they weren’t vampires they were jews
Could be good
no apparently nobody clips anymore. also I don't know how to clip since they changed the stupid website again
and even then he's extremely reluctant
and even then he's trembling from fear
One day Sylvia's child will be on Fishtank. Imagine that.
You blasted rascal!!!
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>taytriots simped for this
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Perfect roleplaying. 10/10
perfect troll roleplaying that not cringe but legit funny 10/10
basically acting too cool for the roleplay but also talking like it's serious 6/10
Right in the pocket but a little too retarded to fully RP 8/10
legit too retarded but is redeemed with laughs 7/10
Refuses to both play along or make content. Only points are for potential troll target 3/10
need to punch this bitch in the throat and rub my sweaty hairy balls on her face while she's down
17:04:00 ish is when it happens
>Roadblock saves Xavier's life
He would literally be the only person who actually understands what is going on and what to do lol.
does the music remind anyone else of diablo 2 and harvester?
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based duke
bro.. the hivemind
>not wanting to fuck a petite girl until she acts right
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Hey guys sorry can i get a qrd from right after they chopped down the tree til 10 minutes ago. srry
>"Lord Goldstraven... Forgive me!"
Pretty accurate
fuck that's funny lmao
bring out the booze already

Good quality upload here on that part

where's cat poster?
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So, I was outside for that Sam/Tayleigh moment. Should it count as a Tayleigh humiliation?
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>6216 ONLINE fishtank
>822 ONLINE flowstream
Jimmy and Jon are there this is a dry camp
she may be the fish with the least self awareness besides jimmy. but it's super close
I'd say so yeah
isnt it just this one?
very matt uelmen esque
Under psychiatric observation since Chickengate broke
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The duke cracks me up on that fucking dirt bike.
definitely she's been silent since
So is vance not going to be on s2.5? I thought he was just going to be late a day
>Greg chases down the duke, vaulting over the roadblock branch and falls on his face
gonna clip it
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aw fuck I missed that, tell me when you clip it
Greg is too funny today
Legit thought they were using the Diablo OST for a while.
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get this nigga xavier an inhaler
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such a princess...
it's really funny how hard it is for sam to hide how much he hates tayleigh. she singlehandedly ruined season 2 for him, every time he complains about about the MDE fans ruining the season he's just describing her.
It’s obvious he was supposed to be Vance Helsing but they finally convinced greggy to come back to do something and swapped him out
>do you have an inhaler
>we can give wou ciggerwettes

Vance is Xavier bro watch the show ffs
When he's on he's fucking ON
Greg is lagging
vance coming tomorrow

TAYLEIGH 1488!!!!!!!
Sodaman is the best actor. Doesn't even seem like a character.
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How else is he supposed to launder bitcoin money from the 10s?
He's TJ retard its fucking obvious
The lazy eye was a bit she can control it
definitely, he dropped character and everything
>dinner time
>greg fucks off to go eat with production
kek. he was much smarter with his contract this time
Tayleigh looks like she wants to go home lol
And she's a retard and thinks Sam likes her. You could literally see her having PTSD flashbacks in real time to the /bant/ posts telling her that they only wanted her to come back because they hated her and wanted to abuse her more lmao
seethe central
Greg's lazy ass is going to go sit in the AC
>Shinji lost his mind and fucked off back to japan
>Tayleigh lost and is currently destroying herself and her army of simps

if TJ can avoid having his whore girlfriend humiliate him he will have a complete and total victory over his former adversaries
Dinner at 5pm?
Fucking based Xavier
taytriots crumbling
sam's character its pretty surreal
jon better watch his fucking ass
She misses that Kentucky fried cock
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why did he spergout like that?
Flowstream caught viewbotting!
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>I'm using bat form
>I'm using "bat form"
>Jon ignores it completely
lmfao you can tell sam can't stand her
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>duh weak shouwl feaw duh stwong
i think xavier has asthma lmao
TJ sacrificed his physical body for wealth and success
>what the fuck did you just say?
Jon gassed Xavier lmao
xavier is gonna DIE
xavier's gonna die lol
jon is gonna get another warn on his account for ignoring xavier's bat form
>so full of herself she refuses to rp properly
>not self aware enough to realize she is cringe
truely the worst fish
use the pruning script
the actual number is roughly 200
Funniest thing ive ever fucking seen
Jon just completely mogged Xavier lmao
Jon is tiring. Literally the retard on the playground that refuses to play fair.
>whadda hell did you say
Xavier came to ask for an inhaler and Jon offered him cigarettes and began fighting him
The dude is wheezing to death
jon is too retarded for rp
xavier is having an asthma attack lmfao
>Xavier dying irl

Jon breaking RP is 100x funnier than any other contestant doing it. He's ready to die for this shit.
>Shinji lost his mind and fucked off back to japan
I can't believe he got broken the worst out of everyone
common jon w
>cameraman laughing
lmao jon needs an admin sit
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jet bros??
Jon definitely won every pretend fight as a child.
the only ones who aren't are tayleigh for some fucking reason (still sick maybe?) and jon just jumps between angry and annoying.
Xavier must be feeling deep regret about being forced to work with a retard who can't grasp RP rules
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you cannot have RP with an autist
>xavier is a pussy. he's weak.
he won...
also tayleigh:
>fucks the first fan that gives her $50
Jon is psychologically incapable of losing a play-fight.
Xavier is the goat
Jon bodied Xavier's bitch ass
i wish jason goldstriker would show up and kick duke dimmadome's ass.
Tayleigh the fumbler. Tayleigh the stinky hill jack cumslut.
idk, greg is pretty good
>xavier is a pussy he's super weak

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i hate jon so much its unreal
cant have nice things with a retard like that
I don't like Tayleigh, but this seemed a little much.

She hasn't been doing her obnoxious 1488 shit.
much to think about...
Jon is fucking perfect as The Duke's strongest soldier
But seriously get Xavier an inhaler
forgive me...zanzibart
imagine sucking on those
If I were Jet, I’d just set up Tayleigh for elimination and send her home early, not even Jimmy can cheer her up, shes 100% regretting her choice to come back at this point.
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fishtank needs some girls like this desu
i think he's pissed about her constantly mugging the camera like she's jim from the office lol
He obviously still hates Tayleigh because of the AirsoftFatty stuff.
Sam I kneel that 1488 was kino
I try not to be mean about Tay because I feel kinda bad for her since it's likely not her fault she's low energy/moody cringe but she fucking sucks from an entertainment standpoint. Nobody wants to suck, they just do.
someone post the xavier vs jon clip
Tai looks like Laker from behind
Xavier and Tai is RP kino
Xavier and Jon is incredibly stupid
Jon and Jimmy is good for filling dead time

Each has their place
what's this about Jimmy vs Jon last night?
we must pray
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please someone post the ai edit of king jon on his throne lmao
what a retard chad king
gimme taylor titty now
Where is letty
i keep flip flopping on thinking its hilarious he keeps ruining things and also wanting to see it actually play out how they intended lol
If the pron Yakuza were he dealt with were no match for trolling internet faggots.
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Big things are happening on the Bus cam
>jon just ignores it and keeps trying to hit him
>She hasn't been doing her obnoxious 1488 shit.
worse, she has been doing the jim office bit for the entire time she has been here
Well, she was right about that one
Least Xavier can speak eloquently. Jon will always be a speech therapy failure.
Don't worry, he will inevitably have a meltdown and quit halfway through
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is it bussin?
I don't think Sam likes Tayleigh too much
>Jon if he wins
"Yeah I'm de best fwighter hewre. I'm so stwong and evewyone ewse is a puwsy!"
>Jon of he loses
"I didn't know the wules! No won towd me the wules!"
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i dont think jon is able to grasp what this whole thing is supposed to be
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Xavier deserved it
Eliminations don’t seem to really exist
Just tell her to stop making faces at the camera and try to RP, she’d be fine
I hope Frank Hassle shows up as a minion to Xavier and mogs the shit out of Jon
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Jon actually has funny moments unlike Tay who fucks up the bit every scene she is in
This is better than I thought it would be
nah man he was crying when she was sent off.
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you think lol she has to have tts curated and no one is sending positive tts lol they are losing money with her
He deserved the ass whooping
Lol you faggots are so mentally busted its insane, can you explain how she "singlehandly ruined season 2" I can't tell if its faggots mad about the fact that she fucked a guy in kentucky or you're seething about her her political beliefs, but either way you should dilate harder you troon faggots
Frank too fat to rape Tay again or harass Jawn
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is xavier the guy from the great war
S3 Spoilers.. mutttank
He can summon him from Yugioh cards like Exodia. Xavier gets Frank, Duke gets Fatty
Imagine being this much of a simp faggot lol
I don't really believe that, because Sam was a little choked up when Tayleigh got eliminated.
kwab keep donating so she can buy birth control cucky
They obviously weren't aware she torpedoed her fanbase right before the show started. They were counting on at least making money off her simps. Without that she just sucks all around

just ignore the dudes who non-stop repeat the same 5 tired lines about fishtank girls, your life will be better
if you had read two words past that i said she singlehandedly ruined season 2 "for him". meaning, for sam, the subject of the post.
Wouldn't you cry if you saw a bummed out bald dyke ready to go home with nothing?
is Tayleigh dying just from being outside? kek
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wld be kino...
She’s just the most hatable contestant of the day and simps are mad
Jon & Jimmy catch a lot of hate too but Jon also has many fans and Jimmy hasn’t been much of a focus

Tai & Letty are the only two that get mostly positive comments
come on man
actual vampire
she's dying on inside actually
"when are we gonna sit down and explain all the rules?"
lol jon is somehow being the most logical
she from texas bro she can handle it dude her dad took her camping all the time
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there's only one man that can do that
Get the feeling she's gonna end up quitting
And just on cue, the Canuck binder dundat.
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>2 days from now you'll understand the rules
great game jet
>guys please stop being mean to the internet girls
why is letty obsessed with vance?
>2 days from now you’ll understand everything
how do they keep overestimating what jon is capable of
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Jon is literally this

they're all retarded and gross, I don't care about them enough to hate them, I just enjoy being entertained by retards, I'm sorry your parasocial girlfriend doesn't like you faggot
>4 days to fully understand the game
jet, this gay shit isn't that complicated, everyone should have known the rules from the start
sounded like he was pretending to cry to soften the blow for her and help her leave with some dignity. i could be wrong, but it didn't sound sincere to me like his season 1 speeches to jon and letty.
12 years of camping experience
yooo da fuck is up with jets cut? who told him that looks good?
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jet a CUTE!
no hes just a retard that doesnt understand RP or improv
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shes a lil homewrecker
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we all know who really ruined s2
Was trying to spell "Denying" but I have fat sausage fingers on account of me being a fat disaster.
But you are not wrong.


The lord is true prankster for making these considering the results of breeding them.
Only contestant attending that she actually likes
She repeatedly confirmed if he was really going to be late
he just like me
Of course Tay's gonna quit, she sucks. Only a day in and she's already "ill" and reverting back to laying around whining mode. Just get her the knitting needles so she can be full nontent another season.
if only they all looked like that there would be no racism.
Jet doesn't know all the rules yet. Just like the past 2 seasons
there aren't really even any rules it's just kids playing and "rules" get made along the way to keep the thing interesting
She's not smart enough to sabotage anything
yeah that too
she was dying while inside the s2 house. she's always on the verge of dying.
All of those things are awesome actually
Poophands Jim touching the weiners ewwww
Okay thats really funny coming from letty faggots who fucked production literally the week they finished, I guess its different though because although shes a bug eyed narcissistic retard she also shows off her body constantly.
Great edit kek
Some indian nigger saw this post and seethed for months thinking it was real and that she was going to get sued by sam
I don't give a fuck about any of these whores, I just think you should neck, when's your beanie arriving?
Normal people don't care when a girl they don't know gets a boyfriend
Yeah okay buddy, post some more queen letty shit faggot
>cat :)
alright simp, I'll stick to posting xavierkino
>yeah i stole jet's watch that's why im here
LOL wtf
Didn't happen you're a retard
She lied and said she was crocheting commissions and stopped streaming for a month. When in reality she was fucking a dude and paying her friend to crochet for her.
even funnier jet got on the loudspeaker to correct him
This, exactly. They are regretting it
Xavier is kino, Tay is an ugly dyke bitch that got pounded by kentucky fried cock
Yeah, isn't that what my point is? or do you just care that tay isn't a muh empowered womyn who loves kiling infants, knowing how people like that infest every corner of social discourse I don't doubt the Kentucky shit is just an excuse to perform character assassination against people they hate politically, you discord faggots are so pathetic and fragile its insane
Tay is literally no different than Nifty.
>Bliccy is Jimmy's waifu

based lmao
who are people going to eternally seethe over if Tay leaves? I don't even like her but jesus christ
How does that affect you? Answer this honestly and you'll find out how mentally ill you are
your brain is irreparably fucked
Don't care about the political angle either. My girl is a pretty princess and yours is an ugly dyke. Case closed
Can we get more Letty I jorkin rn
>muh based trad 1488 politics!
has it occurred to you that she might just be an annoying retard, and that people just dislike simps?

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