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who cares
abi Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200535263
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does anyone have a reupload of this? i NEED it
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sweaty leatty confirmed
honestly once for a million dollars no problm
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What do you think of BEX?
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Listening to letty talk is exhausting
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>Shoutout to the Taytriots
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Where the fuck is TJ?? Why won’t they say his damn name?
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can't believe I missed the jace and countkino today. clips anyone??? I already went through the wsg thread
bex = sex
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Reminder to subscribe to Taylor's youtube channel for when she inevitably posts the boxing video
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>Omg I heckin loooove abi!
Was Letty referencing Konosuba?
we love letty she is so beautiful i would die for her
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thank you so much, you're the best
walled bitch
The what? Who? Where?
xavier is Q
doctors appointment. taylor leaves tomorrow and then both come back near the end.
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i wish she would look at me like this
Now that it's beginning to settle in.
Are you glad Jon is back or do you hate him?
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horrid creature
He died (this is canon)
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classic letty hahaha
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gosh letty is beautiful
>You need to treat men like animals
I look like this and say this
Feminist Letty speaking truth about how men are just stupid animals
>I see Jon more of an animal than a human
Letty is retarded lmao
>you have to see jon as more than an animal than a human

>Jon is more like an animal than a human
her face is so mid
Letty is the type who pegs, that's why she's perfect for Jon.
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post this cat
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Imagine a small cohort of mde simps desperately spamming threads in a vain attempt to drum up interest in a dead on arrival flop
How many times has Letty brought up gay sex so far? I've lost count.
He definitely isn't but it's hilarious to me that Tayleigh thinks it's a real possibly they brought Q onto the show just to fuck with her. She must think Sam and crew really hate her
Letty thinks Jon needs to be buck broken
>buy a $50 plushie (plus shipping and handling)
>be interested in shrooms and psychedelic drugs
>have a white trash family that's had news articles for getting arrested
I feel Jet secretly put this season together to finally figure out which was better - Season 1 or 2?

1 is winning easily so far
Letty just fucking SLAUGHTERED jon
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kek this is me
kek based letty
letty truly does have a pegging fetish
kino. content king.
Letty is so awesome
Oh shid. BPD Letty time.
I feel like there's some lingering sexual tension between Letty and Jon.
season 1 cast are carrying this show
>tfw you will never get buck broken by letty

>you're... LE GAY! OWNED haha
>taylor is lettys favorite npc
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Taylor got a shout out from Letty!
based and rfhpilled
She wants his dick so bad it's not even funny.
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Man what the fuck happened to Cole. He has maybe the most opportunities of any of the contestants (like in real life and not part of the wigger ass crew) and yet look at this.
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my favourite pretty princess!
Scott is the best NPC wtf. Fuck you Letty. Whore.
They do
how do you know nigga?
potbelly ginger btfo
>least favorite is Scott

QRD on Q
>19 year old friendless loser from /bant/
>Fell in love with Tayleigh
>Thinks she's special and isn't like the other girls who are all libtards
>When asked what they have in common "we both like sam Hyde"
>huge pseudo intellectual
>His goal was to either get on 2.5 or season 3 so Tayleigh would fall in love with him
>Constantly talks about hating his fellow zoomers because all they do is "play elden ring and smoke weed"
>He still loves Tayleigh even though this is what she spends her life doing
>He got so infamous she actually talked to him on stream
>He stuttered like a retard and she made fun of him
>He wrote her a poem and she called him gay
>Has been trying to get Tayleigh to move in with him
>Rode his bicycle to look for the 2.5 set last week
>Completely disappeared after he found out about Kentucky man

He's basically /bant/'s personal lolcow who gets bullied and manipulated by 30 year old bored guys all day
Reminder that Tayleigh is NOT an actor and is love with Jordan!
>Tayleigh followed Jordan after he bought a plushie from her
>Tayleigh visited Kentucky where Jordan is from
>Jordan tweeted that the cat was out of the bag
>Jordan said he had conversations with Tayleigh privately
>Tayleigh joined and left Jordan’s twitter space
>Tayleigh told Jet to censor TTS about her boyfriend
>Tayleigh confirmed to Xavier she has a boyfriend
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so she wants to buck break john?

She can be your Sylvia Dream or your Sylvia Nightmare

It's the former for me
To be fair that's how they all see the people outside their tribe.
i'm tech support
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Scott bros... Letty just doesn't understand our intelligence, nihilism, and wicked sense of humor.
We're getting Letty and Tylor sex confirmed
What did Abi mean by this?
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The duality of man.
Hey Scott, you fucking suck
She's so cute bros....
Live confessionals are boring
>but it's not funny
fat ginger faggot scott sullivan go kick rocks
kek I missed letty
>implying he wouldn't
xavier theme kicking in
Love this one
he looks like layne staley circa 1994 here
He's constantly plagued by the memories of his 9 days of fishtank fame
guess i’ll just check for updates till then, too boring
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>satanic trips
obvious abiphobe
>we follow each other on instagram and she's just so cute
lets goooooooooo
Thomas Jefferson
Every single person in chat was typing "Scott W" because they like how he hurts Letty's feelings.
They do, and she had been warned ad infinitum to not go back by her fans. She gets what she fucking deserves
Justice the whore GOATED
gay if you wouldn't
She's phobic towards you if you're not black.
What a fucking cum daemonette.
>tickle magic
>tickle tickle tickle tickle
lol stupid bitch
Obese ginger, you look 46
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you would come to regret it
Didn't QAnon meet Tayleigh IRL?
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Jet should have invited him
>not making it look like sam is about to run him over
Is Elden ring really popular with zoomers?
I’m a 31 year old boomer who bough demons soul on launch so I’m inside of the bubble anyway
this was one of my favorite moments yet. seeing them fight and just immediately have fun after was great
>no one knows this is an edit
i'd rather not end up like jezza, thanks
she just needs corrective plap therapy
Do you think the level of seethe would have been the same if she just said "i met a guy and he makes me happy" instead of lying out of her ass for 2 months?
Lol thanks
Taylor’s npc story pretty obviously involves TJ. Either he’s already there and he’ll get resurrected soon or he had to show up later and that’s why they wrote that plot.
Also a boomer but yeah they love it.
zoomers love millennial things
You people say this but she's never going to guck you.
dallas, get letty on taylors streams. preferably with jacuzzis involved.
This one's way more concise lol
They won’t mention either winner. I think it would be an interesting discussion on an “All-Stars” season. I’m curious what both seasons think after 6 months or whatever.
Yappin' Jimmy
Jimmy's pretty entertaining when staff isn't trying to fuck him over. Of course he's even more entertaining when staff IS trying to fuck him over, but then he's gone.
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Do you guys know anyone in real life who watches? The consensus between us is the season's been good so far, at least shit's happening and the fish are forced to do shit other than work out.
Nigga got the SSRI stare
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Jimmy looks good with a shirt on, barely obese
ok here is the greg fall with sound
honestly them fucking with her and making her think he's actually there is just as funny as him actually showing up. He's a sped so he never could have pulled all of this all.
Jimmy has molested speech cadence
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duh im yuropoor
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I don't understand how people get so upset at Letty. Its so obvious that she makes up or exaggerates shit to get under people's skin and it works pretty well. Pretty funny.
Have her and Trish even had quests yet
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>oh sweet I'm gonna go out in public and see my favorite comedian
>better not shave and put on some sweatpants, tennis shoes, and a meme tshirt
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>Jimmy Downey
>28 Years old



>Jimmy's voice gettind deeper for the interview
They need to get Ivy on
its like im there with him
jordan also trip fagged and pretended to be his brother to attempt to dispel the rumor
just my girlfriend. we no lifed season one and two and she is totally uninterested in this one. i'm liking it a lot more than s2 so far, lots of laughs.
thousand chud stare
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>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't like jimmy
Those mormons did a number of him
god i hate women. so retarded and unfunny.
>28 years old
i didn't like her during s1 but i really regret it because she's been incredible here
It would be very interesting, wondering why people haven't prodded the fish with TTS
pov: you are an ashtray at hoarderman's
>POV: You listened to the SMASH IT! SMASH IT! TTS
There is no life behind Jimmy's eyes, just absolutely nothing going on behind them
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kino energy from this very simple shot
not sure why
My hero
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The vacant gaze of the porn addicted retard
Imagine caring about this slimy sea hag's personal life. It's a ghoul
She gave tai a quest to guard her while she was collecting flowers for her husband's (tj(not confirmed, but come on, right?)) Grave
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post this c- I can't do this anymore Fuck this lying whore cunt
I burst out laughing at this idk why
People forget that Jimmy knows Q too and was the one who facilitated the first conversation between Tay and Q and then spent like 2 hours trying to talk some sense in to him after and even offered to be his friend and take him out to try to meet girls
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Do you even lift?
tranny drama faked KYS Lol
I've changed my mind. I'm now a jimmychad (and a jontent enjoyer, and a lettychud)
yeah seriously, I hated her in s1 but I think it was because I didn't fully "get" the show. As soon as I got to know tayleigh I understood that letty always kicked ass and tay was just a cheap half-assed clone
Pretty obvious they gave Jimmy "Medic" class because he can't be allowed weapons and he tried to feed everyone pain relievers and ice packs in s2. You think he realizes that?
Only 1, we have a pow wow omce the show is over to reminisce the lulz.
cause you are one of the most simple minded people who are easily entertained by slop or you are with production getting paid to make these posts
he's liking it more than me. he didnt watch season 1 and thinks letty/jon are super entertaining. also wants tj appearance.
How can you hate this nigga? Ya gotta love Big Jimmy, ya just gotta!
except the majority of it ended up being true
def a lot better than s2 got to see bouncing taylor tits so thats pretty GOATED
>You think he realizes that?
Absolutely not lmfao
His origin story, that he’s told many times, was that his parents sent him to live with racist Mormons
not false
>despite being jewish
>jimmy confessional
>despite being jewish
classic jimmy!!!
people are guessing they’re blocking them but it’s like, why? It’s relevant and kind of gay that we don’t even get more than a slight nod.
akc ack ack ack dont care gb2 discord
Jimmy is based and I'm tired of pretending he's not.
She'll make everything about her
>despite being jewish
>Jimmy fumbles and spergs out with a failed jew joke at the end of the interview
classic jimmy
>stay strong taytriots
>because he can't be allowed weapons
kek, they gave him a hatchet last night.
stupid potbelly ginger
stop watching? you dont have to watch
This season is making me like Jimmy a lot more.
ngl he is a lot more tolerable when he is emotionally stable
This is my first time seeing jimmy from an HD frontal POV. Legit serial killer psycho phenotype
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nah son. it was effortless delivery
Excuse me, I meant ‘rapist Mormons’
her face screams insincerity
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Zach TTS voice when?
He has eyes like a doll or a shark, completely lifeless
They’re scared to mention them out of embarrassment to the opposite season.
They probably sold it to him as being an extra special role that they can only trust him with so his ego was satiated
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what'd that tay TTS say? director changed cams
I have the same reaction to TJ
>if you are critical of simptank you should just not watch

>dont you dare say anything negative about our sorry friend simulation
Gathering in Schitty
is letty still with taxcin?
>All these areas
>Nobody ever leaves base camp
tomar next to josie is insane
Yeah but Ben told him "women's skulls stay intact". It was just for building the camp site fire. He can't use it in the RP
what do you think wil happen with the thunderstorms tonight
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Caw caW cAw Caw caW cAw Caw caW cAw Caw caW cAw Caw caW cAw Caw caW cAw Caw caW cAw
Caw caW cAw Caw caW cAw Caw caW cAw
Caw caW cAw
Trish delish. My favorite fish.
What did that Tay tts just say?
gb2 discord tranny pleaaaaase
TJ lacks the confidence required to become a serial killer
it's over(again)
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You're thinking of Letty.
Teej ressurection
Look at those eyes. It's screaming "Fuck you, Taytriots."
Everything everyone says about Tayleigh being 1488 cringe can be applied to Jimmy too
I say this every season but I hate sfx so much. They add nothing and just make it impossible to hear the fish and anyone who buys them deserves to die.
Probably. She was still liking his insta posts as recently as like 2 weeks ago.
haha yes the you are a tranny reply

Jon will climb up a tree and get struck by lightning.
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100% happening im looking at the cloud cover here in notheast CT and we got some purple hues in that mix, you know what that means, the storm is a coming
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i like josie :)
He’s a complete retard and I wouldn’t get along with him if I ever met him in real life but as a source of drama yes he is one of the most entertaining aspects of the show.
>trish eating an entire vegetable platter by herself in her booth
I hope they make it cool at least but I kind of doubt he’s even there, at least right now.
Basically that she betrayed her simps and needs to dump her boyfriend
jet you need to give these boring fish alcohol
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Josie posted this right now. Bloodgames appearance soon????
She was invited again this year. Part of the reason she's not on fishtank rn.
This is never funny spot posting it stop thinking about black dick /pol/troon
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>but it's like
You should probably take a break from hearing Jimmy
theres criticism and theres just saying "this shit fucking blows" all im saying is you don't have unlimited time just do something you like if you hate the show do something else. idc what you think about the show but you should care about what you think about it so if you dislike it don't watch it
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Or maybe he is teeming with nerves about being caught
Yeah that’s about right
A/V equipment issues
Hilarity, if we can actually stay connected to watch it

Give one reason, aside from bird watching, to visit The Gulch
they will cut all the cams and make them play some game and sleep in the garage
what the fuck
based trish needs her veggies to maintain thiccness. i need to compile a trish folder
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Personally, I like my Trish disheveled, dirty, sweaty and slightly smelly. She's still attractive when she's clean but, I digress.
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>haha yes the you are a tranny reply

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All going to plan.
>Her child is going to be bullied for having an OnlyFans
Reminder that her editor's edit of her elimination was way better than the official one. Referencing Summer's Elliott Smith thing was kino. They need to give him the director camera footage. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I0sw3mCB3sI
>What type of females do you like?
>Shout out to Nick Flentes
>Jon is a groyper
The final piece of evidence for his homosexuality
How'd she respond? Thanks
she better not be skimping on the ranch
Vance undertaker entrance
The colors represent rain. Nothing else.
so you need me to give you a list of reason why i think this shit blows for my opinion do be valid? seriously listen to yourself
Jon you fag
who is nick flentis?
>shoutout to a gay guy
not helping your case here jon
Just walked away
>literal retard watches nick fuentes
holy shit lmao
>I just need to have physical and emotional attraction
Do you guys agree with Jimmy?
bitch got the "Allan from Smiling Friends" build
nick fwentis is running a gay sex cult
>Jon shouting out another gay man
for a fatty she has nicely shaped ass and really smooth skin
Here's the full Jimmy interview, you're not gonna wanna miss this crazy lore

FUCK u guys jon is a based retard
Stream down
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Yes, yes. Eat up Trish delish. Have some meat and sweets too.
Makes totally sense he’s a Fuentes fan
He’s a prototypical groyper
All he’s missing is being Mexican
lol fair enough
he plays for the twins
It’s multiple years old

that one always wins, you totally owned me. im not sure how or if i will ever recover
he doesnt have a type because he doesnt fuck
Jon and Jimmy alliance is shakey. God I hope they try to kill each other
jon should join af so he can slam fashy whiteboy bussy
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do you endowse nick fwooentes
Some random internet guy who says he's gonna be a political figure. He's very gay but denies it and is also friends with a pedophile who he shields for. (Not joke pedo either. Kids have told him he was hitting on them at rallys)
Jimmy fucks Xavier Gay.

The TTS in the camp area is horrible and it totally drowns out conversation.
The only Fuentes fan I know is flying out to the Philippines to meet his internet girlfriend next month
Good lad but the alt right Catholic army seems to be extremely Latino
if jon ever dies we can just take andrew tate podcast transcripts, google translate them to chinese and back until it makes no sense, run it through the Jontent ai and stick it on a roomba
>The only fish who is only getting negative tts
>Sam has been a dick to her twice now
>She thinks they have her personal stalker on an NPC

I can't imagine what is going through her head right now. She's probably completely mindfucked and wishes she listened to her simps lmao
Jon is so based and alpha and masculine
no you don't but saying im getting upset about anyone saying something negative about the show isn't true theres plenty of things not to like but theres nothing to add to the discussion just saying the show blows
Jimmys full of shit, all he needs is a pulse. He tried to rape Nifty last season
that little camp setup is pretty cozy desu
nifty a pawg doe
Anyone got the webm with sound of the "you cannot save them" moment?
>Fuentes is raising a latino SS division.
Kinda based ngl
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something like that
this implies she has even a modicum of self-awareness, which she clearly does not
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Why did they wait till prime to charge the phones? Jet is a retard.
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Wow dude that's just like the Sam Hyde joke lol based please help me haha based that's just like Sam he made a joke like that once top kek
showt ou to nick flentes
we can rebuild him. we have the technology.
I'm getting all kinds of horror movie ideas watching this shit.
>shoutout to nick flentes
again KEK
>Internet gay men gets a shoutout from fishtank gay man
jon being wholesome
i never said anything about you being upset. you clearly have issue or you wouldnt have replied and keep doubling down. ive given you 4 or 5 reason to reply to me which is indeed adding to the discussion
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no, nick is a fag just like john
Jon would split this twink in half
throw his bible in the fire now
She deserves all of this and more. kwab
fuck fakecels
fuentes still gay
I'm gonna do this already
Reminder that Bicflame works on Smiling Friends
Tai, Xavier, and Greg are carrying this show
>he's pissed off you don't know how to pronounce his name
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omg the retard is anti semitic like me! based!
>more antisemitism

Keep it up jet I'm ready to contact the payment processors
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Who's the guy Ben said was coming, has he showed up yet?
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that was not Portuguese mister Jimmy
kek who said this
Jon is probably the most intelligent groyper
he did one photoshop at the end of a single episode
It sounds like Jon wants to.
tell me how it goes, we can theoretically have infinite jontent
We've seen her face dumbass.
that description could equally apply to tj
Octavius, he's getting into costume rn
>Greg swaggers in with his sword at his hip
Insanely based
that's creature dumb fuck
John is like Joe Anglim from Survivor
He did a bunch of video editing or something in the newest episode too.
they should do TTS SFX dialogue from S1 and S2 fish arguments or discussions
>portuguese is its own language
I love this retard
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Oh yeah, I remember seeing him.
Okay, Taytriots, here's how we can still win:
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>based fuck fakecels
she's little without her 12 inch platforms on
joe is way less charismatic
>spend months building this shit

>most of the time is spent sitting around doing nothing

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This is what winning looks like
>Sam has been a dick to her twice now
What was the other besides 1488 TAYLEIGH!!!
idk who that is, which character was he in the idubbbz vid
Damn didn't realize they got rid of the La Bambo SFX
>the rest of the time is all the cams going down
have they had a single airsoft fight yet?
that's vance
no way, these sets look like they were thrown together in a weekend
Trish delish!
isnt she doing a members stream like rn
called her out on failrp when she brought up dracula for no reason
how does a bulimic acquire such a fat distended face
There’s a good movie, ‘one cut of the dead’ - all (sort of) filmed in one cut - about a larp zombie situation that turns real
Sort of reminds me of this
This pictures could be the very motivation for all the zoomie chuds of what not to become
TJ took ownership during S2. Playing it for anybody else would be wrong.
without tj it's pointless
just looking at him being a sperg is funny, this nigga could actually make it big with comedy.
none of those things are true

charismatic enough to marry this piece of ass

Yeah, Tai took out a sniper and some other one earlier.
Word for word something Jimmy said with the confidence of someone delivering you brand new information
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>streaming career is dead
>taytriots are charging back their beanie orders
>Jet confirmed full reset after bloodgames so production on s3 is unlikely
Unironically what's next for her?
these threads are a great example of sunk cost fallacy. simps/npcs won't understand this is more for those of you who might wake up. You have wasted your time, energy and possibly money on this shitshow. you now think "no its not that bad muh jet sam" and you're completely wrong. this show is bad real bad. sam is actively making this shit worse and worse too ween you off this aids. don't waste your precious time on this dogshit. stop funding garbage content so sam can amass enough sheckals to buy a million dollar ferrari from 1992.

you've sunken enough or your time into this turd you can still pull out and function. letty is everything wrong with modern women she has tits a lot of women do get over it.
she's pretty ugly
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shitty genetics, being fat, then doing toilet windex mdma and being bulimic, and then reverting to a diet of fast food for 6 months at the behest of her followers
incest genetics
>taylor left already
fuck off tj
>>Jet confirmed full reset after bloodgames so production on s3 is unlikely
how is cole so effortlessly kino? is it the ass burgers?
>mom can we have bloodgames?
>we have bloodgames at home
>bloodgames at home:
scott don’t let jon mog you like that
Josie turned them down. Sorry.
They will play it on director camera when they resurrect him
i also love letty
White trash phenotype
who said
i think sierra is hot, but isn't she like almost 40?
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built for loving
he literally said it tho. Unless Jet is a retard who doesn't know what reset means.
I like the idea hes making it bad on purpose to drive people away.
>You have wasted your time, energy and possibly money
Believe me, if I wasn't stuck away from all of my friends between university terms, I would not be watching this. I just have nothing else to do.
whats with lettys pooch belly>>200538662
trish's feet are out
TJ isn't tall
ugly hunchback whore
That would actually be fucking kino
He comes out of the ground and immediately starts dancing
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>these threads are a great example of sunk cost fallacy. simps/npcs won't understand this is more for those of you who might wake up. You have wasted your time, energy and possibly money on this shits-AHHHH WAIT DONT NO DONT DO ACK ACK ACKKKKKKK ACKK NO DONT KILL ACKKKKKKKKKKK
shes' on her period
tall female is 5'9
Jon upgraded to paladin. A fitting choice.
Good get that whore out of there
jon wants to fight scott
Hoping her relationship lasts. She unironically cannot come back from any of this. It's truly over for her
>I think he's a welp
>What does a wewp mean?
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don't be mean to letty...
You realize Sam doesn't really hate her because of the 1488 shit right? Jon does the same shit and he loves Jon. He hates Tayleigh because what she did to AirsoftFatty
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she's fertile
she's kind of fat in her recent beach photo.
>letty will never make you wear a dress and tickle you
why live
thats just the uterine pouch silly billy
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he hates tayleigh because shes an obnoxious cringe ass fangirl.
>group activity with Jet watching over it
They were actually doing better without this type of shit.
Coddletank is back
Has jon even used his radio yet?
Angle and posture
wtf when did she decide to fertilemaxx?
you're retarded
>does it matter where to blow is?
Jon can't stop being gay
it’s her womb
She's hunching her back like a damn goblin, her belly's doing pretty fine considering that.
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TJ is like 5'7". His height on his description last season was wrong.
interest but also contempt.
>things start to happen
>cameras lag
every time
scotts clothes were protecting him, his ginger complexation won't survive
>paladins dual wield
what is jet on
jon doesn't yell le epic gas the kikes 1488 out of nowhere even if he is into to some non mainstream stuff at times.
i hate tayleigh, no idea what you're talking about

"lore reset" has nothing to do with who's working for them. do you think this is ben's last season too?
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my favorite daywalker
that 'jak looks exactly like sam kek
that's a gyatt to you?? is it opposite day?
scott is fucking cringe and annoying. so are jet and ben. When do Xavier and Count show up?
i remember when scott was ragdolled by cole
We love fat Trish! They should turn on fishtoys so people can deliver her snacks.
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Yeah continue spamming how you're totally not watching and how WE are the oathetic ones.
0 self awareness.
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>cage loser
>Jon idiocy = funny
>Tayleigh idiocy = ruins everything
It's not difficult.
Xavier kino when?
The sun is setting, night walkers like him can emerge from their armor now
>Jon gets hit immediately
This is going to be over quick.
well they already have a medic and probably don't have a shield because they didn't plan shit
potbelly ginger
Scott’s nihilism, wit and stoicism is too much for Jon
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fencing meta is to just charge
You’d think that having two swords would provide some advantage
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He got like 5 hours of sleep and was busy carrying the show all day so he's probably asleep.
I've like barely watched this slop, has anything dope happened yet? is it even worth watching?
trish architect bros from s2 are eating good now
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>bring back "fan favorites" to rake in money for s3
>one of them loses almost all of her fans 24 hours before the show starts
>cries to you in private to censor TTS
>somehow even worse at playing along than jon, ruins every bit
>is gone for the entire day and literally nobody notices or cares and the show is completely unaffected
Jet, no bullshit: kick Tay off and cut your losses. You are making no money by censoring TTSes for her and there are no simps left to shower her with praise. She brings literally zero value to this show now.
They could get one easily. Shit, they could just use a trashcan lid or something like that.
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>h-he's fast
Why do all the viewers hate John when they loved him during season 1? Nothing has changed.
imagine being trish and seeing /ftl/ and twitter freak out all day because of some annoying blonde freeloader and then like 5 guys wanting you to get fat
This was pretty kino.
Anyone have the clip with sound when duke was talking to tai yesterday?
Then get swatted and smacked
Having two rapiers against an opponents one should make you win every time, since you can parry then riposte at the same time
Jon going to win this.
taylor put on shorts and a tight shirt and boxxed with sam and scott for a while

other than that, no
Scott getting MOGGED by the retard
Hes very much changed. His ego is fucking enormous every since returning in S1
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potbelly ginger gassed out by a retarded gay man...
I fenced for 4 years, charging is only the meta for sabre (the shittiest blade type)
It'd be funnier if he lost but they have to coddle the tard
i think what you're witnessing is that people love to hate him. he's one of those types of people. fully willing to admit i like jon a lot btw
basically Tai having a bunch of funny one-liners in reaction to everything that happens.
kino wardrobe
1-4 now LMAO
add jon to the list
Anyone have this in webm form?
The fact you need others to tell you what to think or do is heavily problematic. This show ain't for you homie...
>losing record in mma
>losing record in foam sword fights
what a LOSER
wigger crew MDEjeets hate him same way they hate Cole for bringing content and not sucking up to their wigger zoomer friends like jet and scott and ben
basically only times when duke has something to do and set up
Jon learned absolutely nothing from that.
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In the cage and in fencing
He lost to Greg in VR boxing too
who is the goon in the mask?
did abi quit streaming?
Megumin Letty mode
No, he is literally the same person, and I've hated him since the beginning, but I have more sympathy for him now

No he isn't, he was considered the hero during season 1

Cole didn't "bring content" and the wiggers obviously don't hate that, hence why they've brought Jimmy back twice. You are schizophrenic
What a weeb
Megumin cosplay letty hot
Letty knowing Konosuba makes me like her a little more
debunked already
>Megumin cosplay Letty
based bex getting letty into cosplay outfits
Ugh jets flabby body is ruining this
Probably the funniest thing ive seen today sam looks so fucking goofy
you are delusional
Put on a shirt Goran you look like shit
uh... no. his ego was exactly like this in S1. he seems to have not changed at all. he immediately came into the S1 house with insane grandiose lies and talked over everyone. he caught a lot of hate for it
Letty is so fine
>abra cadabra
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perfect for me
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dummy thicc
he's 6'0 he just hunches over cuz of his retard horse dick pulling him down
she asked bex to get her a costume kek
Cool non-argument. I win
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Im a lettychud now
my dick
because they're also autistic, but he mogs them as they are either fat autistic or pencil-neck autistic. it's as simple as that. (also he's "not playing right.")
Jeremy, I’m going to fuck her
Cole did bring content and that’s proven by his rooms constantly having more viewers than any other
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scott is SOAKED
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I love how Jet has zero shame.
is scott being a training dummy for the combat tutorial?
We need to go BIGGER
I can see Scott so many Live Leak videos of people burning
Konosuba is not funny and has never been good
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>Fire and bullets kill vampires
What makes vampires so scary and tough then huh?
More, more, MORE!!
I wonder if the bike is a rental, or it's own. If it's the latter, then they missed out on the opportunity to paint it black, add skulls, etc.
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My thicc goddess

he was only considered the hero around the time he left lol. this board largely hated him at first
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what stopped you? were you gay?
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>36 hours in
>finally giving them a combat tutorial
jet it up
Even if that's true, which it probably isn't, that just means the fanbase is full of retard shitkickers like you
will she be lore accurate and wear black lace panties?
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>when Tay shows sexual interest in you
They drink blood and kill you, dumbass
jesus fucking christ jet
this just applies to the low level ones. There's going to be boss battles.
nigga shut yo dumb ass up
Powershitter physique inspo
Jet securing his Oscar
Jon and Jimmy are based, and anyone who doesn't like them doesn't belong here.
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What I would do to own and overfeed this girl like a gluttonous slave
If only Jet was hit by a real fireball.
absolutely Goranian acting
oh my fauci she is so attractive
Letty is such a vapid prostitute.
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They call us shitkickers cause us colechads kick you’re ass!
Dang Greg looking like Penn Gillete
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Taylor is worse
"John is gay" is a forced meme, even worse than "Oliver gay"
Cutty arms
the way their abilities and tutorials is just like a video game it's surprisingly well done
Jets having so much fun with his friends. A great story of redemption for a r9k fag
it wasn't content, it was just that so many of the viewers saw themselves in him / empathized with him. he sat around and did nothing removed from everyone else most of the time and people said he was "le based" for doing so. if you like cole and he serves as your self-insert, thats fine... but he really didn't bring content, let's be honest.
what's she thinking?
its fucking retarded
>t. fag
theyre just copying baldurs gate
Please cast it on Jon, shit writes itself
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Letty is sticc enough for Megumin.

Too bad her face is fit for Hogwarts though.
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Magic, or some say, magicka...
Jon and Simmons were sucking each other off in S1
>fuck, maybe the /bant/ psychos were right...
it seems pretty clear cut desu
The guy who did this was an Asian guy who worked IT for the feds and wasn’t in the house, he talked shit about the feds online after it happened, and I think is now in prison
>taylor is going to have tanlines by the end of this
oh mannnnnnnnn
What don't you understand, faggot?
>poop your pants spell
adult diapers confirmed
>poop your pants spell
adult diapers confirmed
>poop your pants spell
adult diapers confirmed
Jon already has permanent deeply confused debuff
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>they really do hate me... I should have listened to 4chan...
can't wait for Jon to disregard every rule and make up his own every time
he was literally giving simmons a foot rub
God i wish i had windex right now
>only one to immediately start doing stuff
>kicked off summer's meltdown
baldur's gate is just dnd man it's the same shit
or any video game or ttrpg in all of history
an ugly skinny girl with saggy little tits wearing that outfit is lowkey 10x hotter...
have they abandoned the idea of pov cams?
Yes, it is clear cut, and you're wrong about it.
Sam shouldve twisted this fruity chinks head off
>why do you sound like that
scott winning me over
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Bloodgames has had far less hiccups than Season 1 and 2, it's constant content. The only thing holding this back is the cast (No Cole)
>that's your fuckin dad
>jon immediately manhandling scott
autism mogged
>deep confusion lasts ten minutes
Insanely op
Deep confusion sucks
>Jon babble
>Why do you sound like that?
Sensei Potbelly still sucks but that was amusing.
When all the fish gather the signals bleed into each other and it fucks them collectively.
jon is mogging scott any chance he gets
that was the single funny thing I've ever heard him say
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>why do you sound like that?
shit tier btw
Hey I guess you didn't get the memo but nobody is simping for Tay anymore, the simps have their tails tucked between their legs and are now assimilating and pretending they never simped for her.
They gave my bob Alzheimer's...
TJ was getting into character this whole time
letty deep confusion sissification meta
No chance any of them understand what the fuck is going on
she has to find a scroll to cast it.
I thought Scott was 6ft
What is considered Neptunian?
Bro, this whole show sucks, there's nothing to enjoy here.
the cast with the npcs is good though
Do they really expect Jon to remember all these rules?
i give it roughly 24 hours before jon decides to start teamkilling to assert his dominance
>"I wonder if i could eat those mushrooms by the water tank"
jon needs to stfu lol
>Letty will use deep confusion to sissifiy jon
oh god...
Allegedly it’s only not in use at base camp
In practice, the body cams are only used in the afternoons
Megu is flat though.
>Day 2 and they are now finding out how to play the fucking game
yea 6ft in giantville LOL
You can't be a witch while dressed like you're going to fuck your college crush
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Whoa Letty really went to town on her arm. Some of those look pretty recent too.
Jon bwoke the bwoodgames
>letting Fatty cook again
autistic people are usually pretty good at understanding rules. the problem is if things aren't clearly explained they freak out
how big is her butt?
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Letty looks so good man
he's already saying it lmao

he's gonna teamkill letty and say he's purging the witch as a paladin for jesus

those are burn marks she was in a car accident as a child
every time i denied one of her advances
People don't like the idubz is a cuck girl because she has w a bf?
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He was seperate to the others because they all sucked and were retarded. He actually talked to the viewers and interacted with them, which is why he got the most TTS and loot crates and why viewership tanked as soon as he left
why the fuck aren't they all cosplayin already this is what is missing
>Can write her own scrolls
This game needs a patch NOW
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>mfw Letty finds a gay scroll and uses it on Jon
It's sex magic, and it's working on me
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holy yummola tummola
it takes years for scars like that to turn white
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Jet planned this for 5 months and never even considered friendly fire
the start has been fucking weird. all this shit should have been explained before the cameras even turned on
The King Cole arc was kino.
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Tayleighs demeanor has changed completely. The reality of the situation is setting in

like i suggested this last season that it should be dnd theme. glad they took that suggestion but its kinda half assed
also i want to suck taylors titties
do two gay spells cancel each other out?
Did she crash into a truck filled with razors?
perfectly explains that rant on men she went on
god he's literal vermin
It was but they're literally retarded. John has been explained this 9 times.
Which is?
whats happening?
the tutorial is integrated with the story. it immerses the viewer into each player's experience to learn about these things at the same time
retard, she has no tits or ass
>doing stuff
if I claim he wasn't a source of content and the first thing you counter with is such an arbitrarily vague statement like that, then I don't know what to tell you anon. the biggest content that he brought in was the "love interest" arc with JC. then he cried and people felt bad for him. he really didn't add much to the show. summer's leaving and meltdown was moreso because she's out of her fucking mind, and not because of cole really.
She's level 1 breh. She's gotta be at least level 4 or 5 to make a level 1 scroll.
He's so much healthier now wow. Goran glow up
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>KFC president is literally called Dyke
cannot make this shit up kek
where is taylor btw? she in production house already?
Just tell them they CAN technically team kill but they should agree to as a team to not do it unofficially
Those aren't burn scars anon...
>greg you aren't a retard and actually understand how to have fun and improv
letty and jon just leveled up.
you are a know it all retard, they used body cams all day so they are being charged for the events tonight.
You're free to leave whenever you want you masochistic weirdo. Hate-watching is not healthy and you should really go and do something productive is this isn't entertaining you.
If they were smart they'd all gang up on Jon and betray him because if they don't he's going to fuck it up for all of them lmao
A couple darker ones closer to her watch look more recent imo but I'm no professional. All we can really confirm from this is Letty's left handed
>uses it on Jon
>nothing changes
>lore reset
Dr Disrespect wants a lore reset as well. That's not how it works Jet.
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>Allowing friendly fire
That kind of fucks the whole point, no? A sperg like Jon will just grief his teammates and fuck everything up.
Master strategy to get him to immediately walk off the show
t. closeted autistic faggot queer in the same boat as jon
Is Josie there?

no Josie = not interested
Probably. She just walks around doing nothing all day. Lends credence to the theory that TJ is already there.
Things going just right despite a lack of preparation, synchronicity. I think Abi smashing the phone is prime Neptunian for example, the perfect TTS "SMASH IT, SMASH IT", the look she gives to the camera, her stance, the way Jimmy ran into frame

Neptunian Kino is chaos turning into art.
Give me THREE reasons why Brian is bad (you cant)
>Improv and RP show
>Didn't get Josie
This whole thing is just the kind of bullshit she's into, wtf
letty has spells and jon has been informed friendly fire is enabled.
Greg is drunk 24/7
I recommend taking your own advice, anon.
Josie doesn't like the woods.
They discuss it at camp later. It's not confirmed yet.
it's clear that once again jet actually has nothing ready or planned. they were testing cameras for the first time while they had like 5 mins until start
he basically literally did that

>it's up to your to decide on teamkilling but it'll make it easier if you don't
this entire speech is for Jon and he isn't listening to a word of it lmao
griefing is funny and doubly funny when it's a retard like jon doing it
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>Shinji lost his mind and fucked off back to japan
>Tayleigh lost and is currently destroying herself and her army of simps

if TJ can avoid having his whore girlfriend humiliate him he will have a complete and total victory over his former adversaries
letty is shooting jons eye out the first chance she gets lmao
>airsoft safety time

Jons not going to retain this junk
Josie didn't want to do any of that
>trusting Jon with airsoft guns

Yeah, someone is losing an eye.
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why are they all waiting to rape letty?
you kind of just admitted to liking him for the reasons i pointed out. many viewers took to his personality and viewpoint. like i said, it's fine if you like cole and see yourself in him. still, it wasn't much content. S2 was pretty shit overall in my opinion. not much good content to be seen there, with or without cole
Josie has prior commitments and wants to focus on her streaming.
this is the "you were instructed, we are not liable" part of the show
Taylor is nice. Please stop being mean to her.
why did this whore narrative spring out of nowhere?
is she's they're the full two weeks jiggling around sam and he doesn't show up, tj lost.
good girl
are there any schizos who can make a bot tally and estimate like what was done during s2
it's more obvious this time
>don't fucking touch me, NIGGER
what the flip did xavier mean by this?
thats why they made him a melee class
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If only there was some fat guy who was into airsoft who could explain airsoft procedures. Fatty
>P-please listen to the airsoft safety instructor
HOW are there no jokerposts yet
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He will always make the fags seethe.
I'm enjoying this you retarded fuckfag.
Jesus christ Anon.
He'll be fine, he refused to go on 2.5 as he is busy getting his life together
>Thu, Jul 4, 2024 – Sun, Jul 7, 2024
That "prior commitment" is Anthrocon, isn't it?
damn i forgot how fat goran was
too much effort. there was a lack of good ones last season too
They don't want to blow the surprise when he shows up
He WILL win
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the simp rebellion has begun
less than 48 hours in and she's already getting beat up by Sam with her tits bouncing around and then immediately running to Twitter to retweet the clips of it
>learning safety is le bad
that's not the Goran way
yeah and why even use foam swords and just just give them real edged blades
fucking LAME !!!!
I trust Jimmy more with a gun than Jon.
>out of nowhere
yeah you never went to her instagram
that's fair
TTS it
Is it just me, or is there somehow even less going on than when they were inside? It's all just standing around awkwardly in the woods as people ask about rules.

Did I miss anything at all happening? Saw some stuff of Sam's Duke character that was kind of funny and Jon had about 5 minutes of tard rage, but anything else going?
nice file name
there are no coincidences
the only thing going through greg's mind for the past hour has been the thought of letty emasculating him
>goggles on all night
Sure. You guys are going to be bitching about it if he actually does it. It will totally derail the game, and Goran will have to walk everything back.
this gun safety nanny shit is really gay and killing the vibe
cutfag here, those cuts are years old and they will never go away.
another overblown cope, it’s no wonder she deleted those posts
jet you still have time to cancel this
the fact that nobody has doxxed it yet is a testament to how much nobody fucking cares
jet please, just cut your losses and put everything in to s3
this is terrible

I can fix her
>"Is it just me or is nothing happening?"
>"I'm not actually watching by the way, so I don't actually have any idea of what I'm talking about"
blame Jon. he refused to wear goggles when they were shooting earlier despite being told several times
honestly the proximity of being stuck IN A HOUSE with no ventilation made people more insane, more likely to snap
the outdoors kills the feeling of "proximity" and "cabin fever" which is what really causes the meltdowns like when jimmy attacked or any of the other mega autism blowouts that happen daily in s1/s2
why is fullscreen still gone on desktop...
>It will totally derail the game
yes and that's why it'll be funny
>Goran will have to walk everything back
and that's when i'll post JET IT UP/GORANIAN
seethe harder troon
I get they have to do it, but a competent production would've done all of this bullshit before the cameras started rolling.
The show just started dude
I'd give it like 2 more days for everyone to really settle in and get into it properly
They need to get acclimated to the environment first
When TJ gets ressurected, that's when things will start really happening
Anime expo
hope she sees this bro
Fishtank is Satanic.
The location has already been doxxed lol
YOU are the troon, sir, YOU!
Not out of nowhere, people have said it since day one. You should look into her old insta pics she deleted.
Here is the whole Jon fight with Scott

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>jet you still have ti-ACKK ACK AC ACK
>i have a sneaky suspicion
Jon is painfully retarded lmao its great
did jon seriously just call jet "skinny"
they should hold a witch trial. letty needs to be stripped and checked for a witch's mark.
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Slay the demon, Greg.
mondo bagholders really got upset with this one huh
It's been doxxed since day 1 LMFAO, like every season has been. C'mon Anon...
At least 2/3 of any fantasy game is explaining how it’s played
Jokerposters retired during halfway into s1
Jon just called jet skinny failRP
zoomer, go back
greg looks like every 30+ year old at a convention
good. also kek she's fucking a crochet customer?
Greg means business
what the fuck is this?
Been watching. Nothing's happening.
Honestly curious if I'm somehow missing something. Judging by your response though, it doesn't seem like it.
nah I just checked and it's still yoj
seppuku bros let's go
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trish's full lips
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autism kino
cope with what kek you fucking retard
She's also going to Anime Expo to be waifu judge again. She's also focused on her streaming. She probably realized that she made less money fucking with fishtank than doing her own thing.
greg bouta commit suicide by cop
It's Shinji.
"Fat it up y'all, fat it up!"
I want to see the blacksmith's wife's soles
beauty <3
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A clash of worlds
Sensei Potbelly sucks all the air out of the place with that big ol' nose, all the air goes to his heavy bag gut
Gay vamps > goth vamps
Stupid bullshit since S1, ignore.
K. I'll be waiting for the inevitable kvetching.
she looks a lot better with eyebrows. Unreal how such a small detail people barely notice can have such an impact.
good riddance
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Is this Jet's boyfriend?
REMINDER THAT GREG IS A BRONY https://rainbowdash.net/greglecates
... and I'm feelin' rather lucky...
blacksmith's wife is cute
>do you understand what SOL means? it means shit out of luck
>and I'm feelin' rather lucky
the hardware doesn't suit her flip face
This is like playing with your friends as a kid.
sheriff is a crook
Letty is a soljeet.
>barely notice
It's the first thing people notice when it's missing. Shaved eyebrows have NEVER looked good on anyone
Who was in the wrong?
reminder nobody but kiwitroons give a shit what these people are like when they arent on the show
so does anybody actually know who sold them?
Tayleigh sucks ass at RP
I jjust found out that Greg is short for "Gregarias". This nigga is greek. Full name Gregarias Papadoulas
Ah, ok. That makes sense. I'll keep it on in the background and will give it another ~2 days
Trish is there too, guys
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so is Josie and everyone loves her

I for one would eat her pussy for hours while he marathoned MLP
WTF is Shinji crying in dogeza for? Jesus.
Frankie got fat titties
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It is orr about da matrix
greg is so retarded man. tells them his plan to steal his shit back with jon for no reason.
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we know. I'm always keeping my eye on her.
she's the only one that's ventured out for quests, and led to the best scene in the show (xavier with duke)
who is this in the retard hat
He's rp'ing faggot. It would suck if they didn't get caught faggot.
is that chick from the s2 dating show?
whose the bitch in the trucker hat?
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>i wonder why the sky is blue
it actually worked on her holy shit lmao
Is that gypsy rose
does anyone know the story here? pls pls pls. is he being serious? what in the unholy fuck compelled him to put this on camera? did someone threaten to kill his family?? wtf
super retarded
>the village retard is a titcow
he said he got fucked over by the wigger crew and all the fishtank sycophants descended on him for it
what's the deal with greg's hair
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She's perfect
why are her titties so fat god damn
that scene was forced on her and she fucking ruined it. stop being a faggot simp dude
frankie is ugly. i want more dialogue with the blacksmith's wife.
I NEED that retard hat and ALSO to BOOBFUCK the titcow who was wearing it
oh that is her huh
did someone get those hangers
i gotchu senpai
Who is granite mommy?
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cutie and booba
Have you seen the show?
>Jim Halpert faces the whole scripted confrontation
She was ass
he's kidding, and fishtank fans are retarded so many "forgave him" and told him not to feel bad.
new waifu just dropped
>It would suck if they didn't get caught faggot.
they have cameras you fucking retard
bro is blinded by booba.

don jolly
do you guys have literally any standard other than has a vagina? she's literally wearing a hat that says retard on it
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Carrying on the tradition of fishtank girls having piercings. Come to think of it, Letty might be the only one who doesn't.
She was in that scene?
shut up you fucking loser.
i like jim halpert.
They’re not that bad. The closest thing to bad are pics with gay black guys. All negative opinions are just hearsay and assumption. Weirdos.
That's how japanese people are. He put a bunch of shittalking about about fishtank and sam, then when people said shut up retard he did that. He got fucked out of a lot of his money but he was still being a tard
oh ok. so it was just all a joke. couldn't see his face even at the end of the video so I couldn't confirm if he was really crying or not
Looks like a female Michael Moore in the face.
I know that but that's over the top. He could have done well but shit on everything. I don't know what he was thinking with his pouting.
i was merely pretending
>hey tai can you get tayliegh to go on a date with me
>soda man runs to base ok tayliegh xavier wants to meet you
10IQ faggot!
I'd like to apologize. Greg was right.
yes it started because she sought out xavier to find the meaning behind her note.
Was Tayleigh forced to dress like that
where to find letty nudes brothers i must investigate i cant take it any longer
huh, barely noticed.
lmao no
after soda man railroaded her into it bc she wouldn't do it herself
hahahaha no
And the pics of her shitfaced drunk making out with mentally ill alt women in public bathrooms. A recipe for a solid, truthworthy relationship no doubt!
sorry, lib, but she's the main character this season.
This is normal nip male behavior
Attention starved
this was a good idea but none of these people have ever played D&D + they're retarded so it's not as interesting and creative as it could be
Jon is the main character (until he quits)
tay could get jon to leave any time she wants. jonster's my favorite, but that's just the facts, jack.
fuck off lifesucksthenyouACK, troon

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