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Jon fucked Summer in the ass Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200540074
kill all /bant/ fags
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Get anissa Kate on the show
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I get the cash so fast, my Hellcat so strong
Bag full of cash, if you mad, then go home
If Chief Jon fuck with you, then call Chief Jon phone
I'm runnin' out of patience, don't like when shit get prolonged
Red Ferrari, catch up, if not, then so long
Your money so short, bitch, my money so long
White diamonds on my body, bitch, I got some coke on
If you talkin' hot, lil' nigga, call my throwaway phone
Tell Tayleigh to stop doing drugs and it's the main reason she looks 10 years older than she is.
They're hurting the thread.
Anything interesting today? Better Day 2?
vamp attack incoming
oh i'm so cool i go on the television and movies board i'm totally not gay
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Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
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>Did a bunch of streams that people loved
>Once got teary eyed and said she loved us because she was lonely and it was nice to have interaction
>People were drawn to her because of her being a chudette, living in a trailer, being spergy, and having a strange cuteness to her
>People making memes, edits, etc. like crazy for her.
>She came off as genuinely sweet, appreciative, and humble for 2-3 months
>She literally proudly talked about being /ourgirl/
>Opend up her crochet store people bought stuff from her
>People sharing on twitter of what they bought from her she retweets some of them
>Back in April, when Jordan first tweeted his video to Tayleigh and Tayleigh followed him right after, likes on twitter were public.
I checked Jordan's likes, because I wondered who this random guy Tay follows was, he had no followers.
>Multiple liked tweets about shrooms and psychedelics. Tayleigh is heavily into shrooms and psychedelics.
>Then she started acting SUPER cunty out of seemingly nowhere
>Started skipping streams constantly while blaming it on bad internet and having depression
>When she did stream, she was acting bitchy, didn't want to be there, and got drunk on multiple of them. snapchatting someone while streaming and giggling.
>Had multiple breakdowns where she straight up screamed at chat
>Got drunk and insinuated she had a boyfriend, "NO COMMENT"
>Then the next stream, the one with the orange striped sweater, she tries to deny it. She then gets asked the BF question again, and she starts saying, "I'm married. How about that? I'm married," followed by
"Have you thought maybe I like fucking with you?"
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so is Scott just gonna pretend this never happened?
wonder if the l4d sounds is spawning vampires
the vanpire and larping stuff is not making any sense i have no idea what the point is. this would be better if they just left them to their own devices in the woods and we got a lord of the flies scenario
everyone is calling jon gay. jon doesnt understand the role playing bit and tries to meta-game everything

With tj out of action greg and taylor have a lot of time together
>jon just gave scott a 15 silver blowjob
God damn she’s so hot
>Got mad that people didn't want her to go on 2.5 and claimed she wasn't going to
>She starts straight up shit talking and humiliating multiple fans for no real reason other than they were being a little cringey and cared about her. Brock,wes ect
>Through all of this people were buying her thousands of dollars worth of stuff like vinyl records, a steam deck, a camera, a green screen, etc.
>She claims she's just burned out from working so hard and is depressed.
>She's going to stop streaming for a month before 2.5 to catch up on crochet orders and to visit family and friends for a month. She says she will make youtube shorts and tweet more (lol)
>Tayleigh tweets before 2.5 starts of just simple pictures of the outdoors, one of which is a picture of a cave.
>Q reverse image search the cave picture, its revealed to be Mammoth Cave in Kentucky
>she wasn't really working on orders, she was shacked up with a guy from Kentucky who bought a chicken plushy from her (seriously)
>only knew this dude for 20 days, btw (calls other women sluts)
>The guy uploaded a video of him with the chicken plushy at almost the EXACT same time her personality changed and she started acting like a cunt towards her fans
>Day one of 2.5 fish giving shoutouts to fans and people they know
>Tayleigh's turn "Uhhh, shoutout to my family, my mom and dad... gets upbeat smiles and laughs shout out to cock buddy, you know who you are laughs"
>She doesn't know he's been doxxed
>TTS is on. Get TTS about her fucking a dude for only $50 in Kentucky
>Tell Jet off screen away from mics to shut down TTS that speak of it
This was kino, based Scott!
What's wrong with us? We have the most influence over the greater fish tank universe, and the fish actually post in our general. Betty, Megan, Cole, Taylor, Tayleigh (lurked), Jimmy (lurked), members of production, etc. It has far more influence than /tv/. We influence outcomes.
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I need Trish to dress up like this
Jon asks questions like a child
Do the fish ask about the services each npc offers?
Jon is so fucking dumb, man.
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Wow sounds badass and really important you freaks should over there its clearly way better
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is this part of some arg for this season? It seems to have loredumps that match some of what the xavier npc has been saying. could there be clues in it?
it's wardragonxavier dot tumblr dot com.
Hi channing creager
>... why?
>jon: solbor
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>trish confirmed tradwife
Scott is gonna PLAP
>forgetting letty, vance and jon all posted or lurked too
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Sam hates KWABLeigh
I love Trish so much
man the very first thread was bad but I'm shocked at how much worse it's gotten so quickly
why can't you guys just tone down the autism a tiny bit
Jon sold Wetty into slavery earlier and now he's selling Twish lmao
So when are they gonna get attacked?
They need to know when to stop humoring Jon and move on.
Good role playing according to Jon
>constantly ask why
>make unrelated hypotheticals
>offer to sell a female party member into slavery
You're fucking faggots who stalk and harass people
I don't get it
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My mail-order filipina bride
Trish is gonna get porked again
hi jet
hi betty
clues of what? they're making this shit up as they go
this is why cole was so pissed that he was called jon 2.0 when cole was just trying to channel some jon energy but not too much to help him win
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
>>Sam Hyde is a gay jewish child rapist owned by Peter Thiel
damn that's gay
We know, he hated her on season 2 too
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Another Neptunian day and it's still not over
Ayo shoutout to that loser who is constantly complaining about how this show sucks and he is TOTALLY not hate watching because he is TOTALLY above this show <3
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I love her do
What can I do to get back in her good graces?
I don't believe Jon would be capable of posting nor lurking here
its 4chan what did you really expect
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Cockbuddybros.. are we gonna recover from this?
she's cute
you all stalked taylor youre fucking crazy
>Channelling the energy of the guy that quit twice to try and win
Cole isn't too bright either
fuck off jet the arg last season sucked and lead nowhere im not falling for that again unless you go hide $500 worth of crypto at the GPS coordinates
Fishtank is for fags nigga don't watch this shit nigga
so is jon trying to fuck scott or what
Trad wife Trish is delish.
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its frank
Scott's attempts to be funny are making me depressed
i searched up "wardragonxavier" and theres a doxbin page for him wtf
He is a homo, afterall
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..why did summer say he fucked her in the butt...
>Josie never posted in your thread
it's so over
This season has such bad viewership that the /bant/ schizos are able to take over the /tv/ general with their spam that nobody but they care about.
They spend the downtime between seasons obsessing over these people and waiting for the day they can samefag their hearts out getting into the same arguments they've been having for 6 months.
Jon is carrying the show.
Jet, I hope you stub your toe.
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Trish and Taylor mogging every girl
Jon is gay so he refuses to penetrate a vagina
frank wishes he was that skinny again
the way jet talked about xavier before the show led me to believe that he's indeed a real life autist and not just an actor they hired
Kino shot
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this is my wife :)
this us vs them shit is just as autistic u dingbat
we're all retarded faggots and social failures wasting our lives away on a cantonese knitting forum
Summer into anal just go ask her boyfriend Jeremy about it
Be mexican
Jimmy lost the only thing that made him useful
have i missed anything in just the last hour? i had to dip out while tts was going and trish was delivering a message.
you be puttin that big ass thumb up yo mothafuckin ass nigga
Scott made a joke about Letty's revenge porn on that stream that didn't land and it was very awkward
Does she know that?
steven tyler ass nigga
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>Severely mentally ill
>Cognitively-impaired & retarded
>Pisses on the floor
>Posts degenerate porn & melancholic nudes
>Probable daddy issues
>Cuts, burns, and shoots herself
>Easily gullible and riled
>Wears porn merch
>Owns a black dildo and is enough of a disgusting whore that she put it her mouth
>Wants respect for some reason
Bettycels, why didn't you save her?
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what did he lose?
Cole is unironically one of if not the most intelligent fish
no, they've been acting like they're going to start a bit for an entire hour now.
Xavier has mentioned that he submitted a script to production and has expressed frustration that production seems to not be following it
They probably told him they’d go along with it - but most of his ‘lore’ is just stolen elder scrolls stuff anyways
they have a completely separate containment thread for those freaks
His virginity?
I still haven't cum tributed her

has anyone here or in /bant/ posted josie cum tributes yet?
God DAMN Sylvia is gross looking. Her face is like a literal ogre...
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Call the ambulance luna just hung xerself guys
Nah fuck off you freak faggot. these generals used to be 90% people actually talking about the show at least during prime time.
Now every thread you freaks spam your folders of whatever beat 3/10 you fell in love with and talk about things that exist outside the show.
go back
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no he hasnt lost that
I have 0 summy lore so I'll just take your word for it desu
My dad won't let me use his credit card anymore. Can someone match me from season 2
I don't even go to /bant/ you deranged mutt, I'm an /int/ and /cum/ poster until I die
You seriously need to get over Tay.
simp drama isn't just gay, it's fuckin pathetic. it's tranny pathetic. it's balding 40 year old man crying at a marvel movie trailer pathetic.
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i wish this was mine :(
>Through all of this people were buying her thousands of dollars worth of stuff like vinyl records, a steam deck, a camera, a green screen, etc.
All simps must hang. I dont even like her but to get this obsessed and upset that she fucks a dude its so beyong psychotic.
>but she cried! I had to give her money and gifts!
No, you are a faggot and deserve to lose your money
Xavier is a sympathetic character
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I think this has been very boring so far, same old autists. I want to see people lose their heads and live in filth
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You picked a good hour to skip
It was just the potbelly’d MMA man talking with Jon & Tay
Now they’re all headed to the downs for a battle
Do u have the video
Why are there still mosquitos? I thought they used bug repellent?
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>Weeks passed like molasses
I kneel.
Cole fucked me. yup. he fucked my ass. he made me cum by pressing on my supple prostate. yeah. he made me cum really hard and i made him cum really hard. who even cares. he should have stayed on the show. i would give up our love if it meant he stayed on the show and kept being fucking epic and basedsauce. yup. i'd even give up him fucking my ass. seriously.
sincerely not saying much
Why not just goon in private and keep it to yourself
>Jon trying to produce kino
>Everyone refuses to follow along
Yeah stay at camp for the next 2.5 weeks that'll be fun
When the fuck is shit going down?!?
god you are pathetic
these threads are a great example of sunk cost fallacy. simps/npcs won't understand this is more for those of you who might wake up. You have wasted your time, energy and possibly money on this shitshow. you now think "no its not that bad muh jet sam" and you're completely wrong. this show is bad real bad. sam is actively making this shit worse and worse too ween you off this aids. don't waste your precious time on this dogshit. stop funding garbage content so sam can amass enough sheckals to buy a million dollar ferrari from 1992.

you've sunken enough or your time into this turd you can still pull out and function. letty is everything wrong with modern women she has tits a lot of women do get over it.
It was on the family feud stream but he edited it out of the vod cuz he's a pussy. Someone probably has the clip tho.
she wouldn't let me
i made this collage earlier today how is it already so compressed kek
time to plap that whiteboi clitty
Lightning flashes where I am here, boys. Rain and thunder for the fishes soon I think. They must be a bit further east I reckon
Just started watching now, did Wosie give a reason why she's no showing?
kill yourself right now
reposting this made it a lot funnier dude, good job
ur weird
Nothing is even happening right now. You are wayyyyyyy too invested in this show, Anon. It's not that serious, it's a silly little internet show produced by Jet Neptune.
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So is Xavier an actor or a friend of MDE? I'm leaning towards the former because he's actually really talented.
remember when something happened?
I bet she is so jealous of Josie. Josie makes an easy $20,000 a day live streaming and being cute while this old hag has to give truckers blowjobs to get something warm in her stomach
i have this in the background on one monitor while I'm going to HMVs lil bro it's not that deep
She's going to some furry convention
Boy do I have some news for you
anyone got a qrd on the past couple hours? last I saw they were airsoft training and I gave up
You fucking SIT you asian
cool thank you.
>fuck christmas
>same bullshit, different year. god please end it all

Fishtank Season 2 and onward
100% hired, I'm assuming he's just one of those hardcore larp guys
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she doesnt wanna be saved. she's gooning right this moment to thinking about how she tricked a bunch of alt right simps into having a QOS as their waifu
Idk how real it is but someone shared a screenshot of her saying “soon” in the fishtank chat
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The storm is coming
So did they bankrupt themselves and trade pretty much anything of worth for a rifle with three shells, Sensei Scott protection, and to lose a vampire killing flashlight?
this is Xavier Ravenblood's world, we're just living in it
Wish these goobers had the pov cams on.
Nothing has happened in the last 2 hours except I think they bought a mercenary
are these custom jon clothes all made by production?
you faggots think you are so funny, people outside your discords think you are pathetic little perverts and retards
actually vile
modern day olive oyl
that's not a cum tribute that's some "cocked" garbage or cockbabe shit or whatever they call it, that's ust some pornbrained weirdo degen cuck shit, cum tributes are a pure expression of desire
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The most mentally stable /bant/ user
What's a hmv? Homo video?
all the NPCs are probably a part of a club of LARPers they hired.
sorry she picked a different simp instead of you, geek
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WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT? It took me like 5 minutes to finally be able to capture it with a screenshot. It's like snow that keeps falling or some shit on the dark cam?
megan and her obiter fought with summer on bant and summer admitted having anal sex with jon
It happens at around 12:43 and you can see the cut after he says "send nudes challenge" and Letty being visibly pissed afterwards
yeah it's weird they'd do PVE without the POV cams on I thought that was half the point
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>"cocked" garbage
i’m not hate watching i’m watching because i’m hoping it will get good/interesting but so far this has been a lot of nothing and the rp aspect is lame.
kill simps, kill simpcucks, kill simps, kill simpcucks
It's tobuscus
hentai music video
how do you fullscreen the stream on the website?
>taysimps coping so hard they are spamming copypasta
Y so serious
Insects are attracted to the light and fly around. Theres a bunch of flies and mosquitos around.
christ, this is reminding me of christmas morning on season 2 where they were setting up the hogtie challenge for hours
okay so cole fucked me. AMA. he made me cum hard.
the pov cams look like trash when it gets dark so they gave up on using them at night
i like that she does this.
>S2 Flashbacks
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So this discord screencap posted by some seether was the same xavier, scammed 5k lmao
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anyone else finds Josie kinda sexy when she's dresses like a man and not a child?
who has the screenshot of someone that DM'd summer the edit of her getting raped. it was really funny
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>no you didnt hit me
>i hit you first
>fuck you did not hit me
>i shot all of you
It's a spook
What are the chances that Xavier is Q?
Trish looks so pretty.
Should I friend request tayleigh on Facebook
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they're so embarrassing
>haha hellhouse!
>dude don jolly!
>betty and simmons are gonna show up and RUIN letty!
dilate immediately, skip to the end and kill yourself troon
I have a sneaking suspicion that this is an underageb&
where in ri are they?
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There is a general sentiment that Tayleigh is one of the smarter fish but her past behavior suggests otherwise
>Goes out of her way to nonsensically antagonize people like TJ and Jon who would be much more helpful to her as allies
>Sam told her the key to winning season 2 is an uplifting character arc but instead she doubled down on debasing herself and abandoning her morals
>Physically assaults another contestant despite knowing a someone else was just disqualified for this same behavior
>Thinks letting Jet and the wigger crew attach an IV into her is a good idea
>Was consistently outwitted and outperformed during the Swamp Olympics by a mentally challenged person and someone who can't speak English
>Mistook the NPC that is an homage to the RE4 Merchant to be a Minecraft reference
>Thought the reference to HAL from 2001 was a reference to the Kirby dev HAL Laboratory
>Looks up to Jimmy during times when Jimmy is being an idiot
>Starts to gain the audience's respect by defying Frank and then immediately switches to become Frank's bitch and kisses him and talks about fucking him
>Finds the simple act of streaming to be a mental challenge
>Fails to understand how angles and mirrors work together so everyone saw her naked on the bathroom cam
>Thinks dressing like an edgy ten-year-old boy is cool
>Easily gaslit into shaving her head for no reason
110 percent
Yeah but she has massive milky tits.
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this is abuse wtf
lol I forgot about that
can we stop goonposting until tomorrow
bitty got lost. she's so silly :P
Is Jimmy mentally ill?
I second this
>i dont know what this means
is still the funniest response
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>he's our tank. don't be a dick
no one cares about your gay op or schizo theory. you could have made a discord and several alt accounts and posted some shit with the same name. even if you randomly stumbled on it you havnt established this discord user named xavier is the same as the CHARACTER in this larp show. what the fuck are you on about NIGGER?
Holy shit
>nothing gets me off more than blood
>well then, youre gonna he cumming buckets tonight, my friend
Have you heard Q? No shot
and by this you mean booksmart
This shit SUCKS
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goonposting should stop forever
scott is so brutally unfunny
Man this is slop...
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Well josie's quite ugly so it'll be down to you
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this is xavier
Ohhhhh brother, this show STINKS
I guess F doesn't work anymore. Click the pop-out window button and fullscreen from there.
Always goon
>some retard got scammed 5k by THIS
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Wait did Greg retreat for the night again?
tay tits and bex butt are fine imo
everything else is cancer
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trish going beast mode
real shit nigga
Who 30+ here? Bros I'm turning 36 this year and it honestly feels like fish tank is supposed to be for younger kids..
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out of your mind but I'll take up the burden
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Damn, Tayleigh is pale.
You'll still watch it. You'll watch it all and masturbate.
Kill simps. Behead Betty. Roundhouse kick Josie into the concrete. Slam dunk simps into the trashcan. Crucify filthy whores. Defecate in Allie's food. Launch Summer into the sun. Stir fry JC in a wok. Toss Bex into an active volcano. Urinate into a simps gas tank. Judo throw Taylor into a wood chipper. Twist Nina's head off. Report Tayliegh to the IRS. Karate chop white knights in half. Curb stomp simps. Trap Megan in quicksand. Crush Syliva in the trash compactor. Liquefy Ella in a vat of acid. Eat simps. Dissect simps. Exterminate simps in the gas chamber. Stomp simp skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate Delaney in the oven. Lobotomise simps. Mandatory beatings for simps. Grind simp's balls in the garbage disposal. Drown Trisha in fried chicken grease. Vaporize Jackie with a ray gun. Kick old Nifty down the stairs. Feed Abby to alligators. Slice Marky with a katana
>Tay was about to have an IV
what the fuck
The turd on his head makes him more attractive
I'd buy her for 10 silver coins
Cole fucked me. yup. he fucked my ass. he made me cum by pressing on my supple prostate. yeah. he made me cum really hard and i made him cum really hard. who even cares. he should have stayed on the show. i would give up our love if it meant he stayed on the show and kept being fucking epic and basedsauce. yup. i'd even give up him fucking my ass. seriously.
wheres the funny?
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what about letty tits?
>so feeble and passive aggressive he can't even quote my posts anymore
You are so pathetic it is astounding.
Where are they location wise? Just cool to know, Europoor anyway, know exactly where Season 2 house is but only kinda Season 1.
what the hell are they even doing rn?
make sure to post it and use her hashtag.
smelly whore...whore that smells like poop...poop whore...
What causes the level of retardation in these threads?
Ketucky cock withdrawl
>tayleigh not doing airsoft
i want to have rough, degrading sex with her. i think she'd enjoy that
>neurons activated
Are we really surprised a crypto scammer
Is working with scam hyde and his shady wigger crew?
havent seen any nudes since she gained weight and shaved so hard no sorry
Totally not preparing to be attacked by vampires
Damn I bet you have a real job and can give the fish a lot of donations. How much do you donate?
preparing for some kind of bit
terminally online porn addicts, it's like 3 or 4 of them engaging in an autistic cross-board shitflinging fest
Jimmy has fucked literally dozens of women, which is dozens more than you.
Can someone sum up the day?
Notice the whore isn't there.

I didn't even have to say a name, because you already knew.
tay tits are underrated.
Are you black?
incredible she's packing those
They need to bring on new characters that are like freeloaders to keep things fresh. They should be somewhere between NPCs and fish.
The guy who posted this pic also linked to a doxbin that had the accounts mentioned in the description of the ravenblood tumblr page before it was found in this thread
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He’s arrived on scene Ben leaks is running for his life
do jet and sam deserve this audience?
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You wish a nigger would
I wish I was 15 again too
Lmao true
Wosie is a man? It all makes sense now
A lot of talking and sitting around
it's called being based
still can't believed i captured such a juxtaposition in one screenshot
honestly just having like 5 or 10 lite npcs roaming around would be amusing
people keep asking, and i keep saying yes
Don Jolly?
not with you she wouldn't, fatso.
Doesnt surprise me in the least. Jezza and tommy were wrapped around her finger she probably could get them to do a lot of gay shit
Tay faking to get off the tank to scrape up whats left
Ok I've got a visa giftcard ready to donate
i fucking hate this community
ur life revolves around people who don't know u exist lol
Tayleigh is staying behind for a cutscene with Xavier. My theory is they production saw all the hate about Tay’s kfc shite so they’re shipping her with Xaviar to ingratiate her to the audience since they know Xavier is insanely popular.
leaf cuck idiot, go back to bant you unfunny weirdo
>arg shit
dont care
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>sorry y'all, we're gonna have to bring them indoors for the night. cameras will be off until tomorrow morning.
Sexy and Letty
I'm 35 too, but mentally young, like Jimmy.
she definitely wouldn't like that.
why is Tayleigh not going?
>shouldn't we go in before we hear the vampire call?
Jon is BASED
>Scott is getting plan mogged by Jon
bitty literally sucks off fat niggers for a living
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She's getting an iv to keep her healthy, now that she's pregnant
Holy fuck Jon is retarded
Is that a f"cking cigarette? Ok I'm putting a charge back
Anon: I really, really, really like this image.
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imagine running into this elf in the middle of the woods
he's the only one using his noggin
big jon ebk really out here drillin shit and causin problems for the vampy opps
>day off work
>new fishtank?
>open site
>change camera
>buy season pass!
>try a different one
>season pass!
>one more try
>give jet money!
>close site
I miss banned Sam.
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30 this year
same aside from the mentally young like jimmy part
kek, Jon.
Napoleon Dynamite is not dead confirmed
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it would go like this
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One of the most brutal moggings in Fishtank history
Lol Jon is going to get them all killed
Flowstream is a thing
he’s transcends bant by virtue of the fact TJ has DM’d him back
he’s also funny, faggot
at least namefag so i can filter your asinine self
>even the fish are being impatient and want content
>Jon fucking up the RP again
had a really good torta asada and chips and guac from a local mexican place for dinner
>he isn't using flowstreams
no... no she doesn't, actually.
she might just wanna stick to discord streams like laney at this point
love me a bitch that's so white she looks chinese
You must be rich. My stupid dad doesn't let me use his credit card anymore
over 30 on a racist anime site talking about a livestream show. you guy are fucking fags man lmao really pathetic.
It gets dark so fast and early there. No wonder East-Coastcels are so mean and standoffish.
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the whole point of the Tayleigh Xavier romance arc is to make fun of Tayleigh's simps and to make her uncomfortable
jon doesnt understand that they're setting shit up
I will
In 2 weeks
As a /pol/ack it doesn't feel any different than usual
He's been too quiet lately
>it's gonna storm just in time for them to head into the wilderness
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john is such a fucking moron holy shit. does he not understand they are trying to make a show?
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Yes (skip to 36:55)

nope a real fucking faggot that slandered cole, and just because he is your discord sister (lol) does not make him funny, Kill. Your. Self.
I’m 31. It’s whatever man. We’re here, it is what it is.
blair witch but really scuffed
any one of us could be benleaks...
Flowstream nigga
use the director cam retard
>you're Asian aren't you
Oh Jon.
touch grass has never been so literal
self important tool, fuck off already
>he posted his wife's fat brown ass on /bant/

This is so retarded
Actual cinema-tier
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this feels like The Great War but good
ethan ralph?
Jon runs this show. Fat Sensei is a pathetic beta.
And only weak fags would allow their woman to have a say in the matter. Tommy is a fag who admitted to sucking dick once.
This is the quest where they rescue Vance and unlock him as a party member
today is my friday and I can finally watch fishtank for 3 days straight
Would be a shame if someone did a friendly fire on Jon
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Lol thats funny as fuck
All it'd take is someone sneaking a real gun in there.
Who else is excited to see Jon take it too far and actually hurt one of the actors?
>S-stay, Jon. I'm a profesional
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Use flowstream
thats why im still watching
i hope to god they don't take greg away when vance gets there. I'm gonna miss the lil fella :(
And Cole likes all my memes about him
good riddance, they can't get the audio levels right
remember jon chasing the sharks trying to steal toilet paper on season 1?
When are BI, Wes, and Docile showing up?
>dunye broke his ankle
wtf is taylors deal
anyone else getting LIVEPD vibes right now?
Jesus christ jon needs to stop attempting humor it's beyond his mental computation
this is kinda scary what is going to happen to them bros
Okay their screams are actually pretty damn creepy.
what did you say when you "explained" it to TJ? you are a faggot and worm i have no doubt
I want to see him try to fight Scott and get choked out.
>Jon ruins this show
turned 30 this year. It's okay, Tai is a great self-insert
holy shit i forgot shinji massaged fatty's nutsack
What the fuck is flowstream.
based jon going out at night to hunt vampires in a high vis jacket
is tai invisible?
based invisible tai
Tai is the fucking king of this shit
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Based Tai dropping niggas
This is highly retarded
>invisible potion works after Tai attacks

Needs a nerf
Guys is he invisible
>didn't read the OP
not sure, there's no clues to let us know
tai said the same thing during his nam days
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Would you trust the wiggers to hook an IV into your body?
Sensei Scat really thinks he him
Ok we need to nerf the invisible potion
How about switching to the camera with all the lights, genius.
What's the music from?
Lets did this with no lights/night vision. We cant see shit
ill be shocked if they make it through this whole thing without somebody fucking themselves up in the woods.
Why don't they give Tai something to wear so the vampires know he is invisible instead of yelling he's invisible
This sounds like Devul May Cry music
cant see a fucking thing
Thanks for the rare Tay photo
that was crings as fuck.
It's called immersion, it's like we are really there
Sounds like Unreal Tournament
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Where is she?
they probably made a bunch of AI music
Day 1 Sam just let Jimmy take off on his dirt bike into the woods
i wouldn't even trust the hospital to do that after a nurse failed to find my vein 4 times and made a pool of my blood on the floor
>They kill all the vampires and end the show 2 days in
>no night vision
>cam is darker than it should be because they didn't white balance
genius, goran
Jon getting filtered by light in the darkness
Jon is the king of tard RP
>jon took his goggles off already
then how would they know if he's invisible if they can't see what he's wearing because he's invisible, idiot
I fully expect Jon to forget to hold back and legitimately hurt someone
>Jon took his goggles off
He's gonna lose an eye
This is lame as shit, I unironically prefer to watch them just sitting around talking about nothing
doesn't start where they are for another 2 hours
>jon takes his mask off
dangerously retarded
>Jon takes off his goggles
Retard alert
uhhhhhhhhhhhhh did you just do a heckin racism...
I keep hearing about those
any of those archived somewhere? or any way to join?
Soon the real fun begins
Jon doesn’t RP he TP (tard play)
Borderline unwatchable
at home
no she's not and no she doesn't.
He might be invisible but they can still hear him kek
Vampires need a buff. They shouldn't be falling so quickly.
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Now now that's not a very nice thing to say
I gave him an objective retelling of cole's tripposting
check base camp u fool
i like the future taylor (even chubbier) vampire
i've captured better shit
in my basement
When Jon hits level 5 they should give him metal bats
There are literally 0 stakes since Jon is going to tard rush every vampire and never own up to taking damage
Turns out vampires are just as weak as regular people
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>trapper joins the party
Letty asscrack !!! Screenshot that!!!
stop replying to him idiot
>all stars
>no josie
You must be fat as fuck
>tayleigh moping alone
I kneel
Someone tell Jon to take a vampire hostage and have him and Tai interrogate it
Why was Tayleigh left out of this?
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those are bugs.
They need to figure out the lighting because this is rough. What happened to IR?
Kek poorfag Moe only gave $3.
what? she couldn't find your vein but made a pool of blood?
Jon is fucking GOAT. Why does chat hate him so much? He's funny as fuck and mogs everyone, and he's one of the most entertaining fish.
she just ended stream fake fan
>Sober Chip
What the fuck is going on
because she’s a nontent dyke
how in the fuck did they think they could get away with no night vision
yeah its great. i think the actors kinda gave up after this sperg out last night
because she sucks
They should stage chip’s death and make it really dramatic and have sad runescape music accompany it
i'm really skinny actually
she has an appointment due to ongoing illness. I think she mentioned earlier getting a drip but I slept a few hours and lost track.
it's more atmospheric without the IR
the vampires fucking suck
I honestly love this kid’s face. He cracks me up.
Anyone else getting bored of the LARPing?
abi i dont know how you join her server. laney server is in her bio linktree thing.
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you steppin'?
see i knew you were some malicious faggot. dilate and kys fucking troon
I think him being retarded and his inability to rp is funny.
No, she's just sitting in front of the bed
hit the weights and get a clue
do you mean totally inscrutable and unwatchable?
>still can't see shit
They just walked all over the vampcucks, it's over.
>he's funny as fuck
>What happened to IR?
Interracial is still pretty big. As long as its some minority girl like a white fucking a bbc in ALL of her holes
this sucks
it was better earlier
male or female
she already got one this morning
Jet here

Tomorrow we're planning to have Dr. Mauro give Tayleigh a prostate exam since she's still under the weather
How did she miss your veins then? Are you an IV user?
NTR kino
stabbing someone's arm with a needle a bunch makes you bleed yes
Larping is only fun if you're one of the faggots doing it. If you're watching it, it's fun to make fun of the faggots doing it for about 30 seconds and then it's over.
I mean thats the idea, but the camera man is already struggling to keep up with vampires jumping out, it mostly happening in darkness makes it impossible to follow
Jet said he wants light but still dark enough where they need flashlights
an advanced form of humiliation ritual: making tay sit alone by herself
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Did anyone in the party even take damage?
the only thing that would be better is if he lost both eyes
male. he pressed on my prostate and made me shoot the thickest ropes of my life.
did letty cast a single attack spell this wave?
His retardation can be very rewarding but also equally as frustrating.
This really really severely sucks
not necessarily right this second but it was mentioned earlier and before they left her behind. idgaf either way
4 stabs with a needle isn't going to leave a pool of blood
someone tell jet that lettycam is muted
cute :)
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the vampires are instructed to suck, at least right now, they don't want to end the show during the first few days
If I had to guess, Jet as scripted when the fish are supposed to take damage, for pacing reasons
it's hard to see because they need fucking stabilizers and the cameraman is moving like a maniac
I think they were supposed to be attacked at the camp but Jon insisted on leaving.
What an incredible faggot
>buhhh my cortisol levels
these vampires are level 1 slimes in the tutorial zone. the vampires dont even have ranged weapons and they seem to be unable to use their legs once in combat as they are always crawling when they are shot or hit by a boffer weapon.

I'm guessing they'll get upgraded
I would be extremely embarrassed to tell someone about this show rn.
>discord troons are onto the ERP part of their posting
we need mass banning and dilations
tay is alone while it's raining. her drawers must smell like dookie.
i've had health problems in the past so some of my veins have been injected in a bunch so they're not very easy to access
Jon and Letty are bonding! Kinda.
thanks king
Yea the lack of steady cam makes this shit unwatchable
They need to do these LARP fights during the day, in a clearly defined area which is captured by one camera
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Reminder that Xavier Gay fucks birds.
yeah one fire spell, she got a bunch of loot though. classic gatherer behaviour and very trvd.
QRD on the last few hours?
Only storm kino can save tonight.
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why TF do they keep complaining about how hot it is.. six months ago they were saying it was cold
Tay doesn't get to participate, she's too sick :(
>letty looting during the fight
class change to goblin confirmed
Am I supposed to know what I’m looking at during the vampire attacks?
medic seems wack
find it really intriguing that there's a single mentally ill faggot spamming twitter links, screenshots, and dms
>Vampires attacking in daylight
Are you fucking stupid?
Well there you go
have you heard of seasons?
maybe they should send her bony ass home if she's too sick to participate in anything
Jet, idea: if/when Vance gets there wait til night and plan a vampire raid on basecamp, have Trish be there and cast a protective spell around the area that will wear off so they have 5 minutes to come up with a plan, as soon as the force field wears off have Vance show up in a scripted event where he quickly dispatches all of them and then joins the party.
you must be as retarded as john
Only if a grenade is involved
stop posting your twitter nobody gives a shit
this they're such fucking pussies and they need to make up their minds
how does he talk so good?
it would be funny if the duke isn't a vampire at all and he's just romanian
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Holy fuck Jet did it again, kino as always
It's love-hate with those two tards
thanks for reminding me to unsub i forgot to earlier
Are you new?
that's too good of an idea
Fuck off Jet
Where's Greg?
Yea they should ditch her. She's just cucking tts about her new bf.
What happened to Greg?
here's the rain boys
this show is good i really enjoyed the last 10 minutes
just some bant schizo that broke containment
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rain kino inbound

In the house with the rest of the NPCs
Wait didn't they take the weatherproof case off the basecamp cam last night
the silent majority
they are outside in a forest with bugs everywhere and shit falling from the trees and blowing around but there was still more shit flying in the air on the s2 house night vision lmao they all got cancer
they should force her to sit at home base the entire time. even if she wants to participate.
Put a shirt on bitch tits
It's weird hearing Chip sound normalish.
I don't know, this seems like a pretty costly operation. Can they really make a profit off this?
>rain on the rooftop asmr
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>I'm ripping my hair out as we speak..... Crying and screaming and kicking my legs right now..... Steam is blowing out of my ears.
>I cannot believe the first-person cams don't have night vision...... What a fucking joke.... Jet is a loser..... Zero innovation, zero talent.....
people will give them money no matter what at this point
Rain was part of the plan guys don't worry we know what we are doing!
jinnbegone on discord lol, you're the ONLY person that called jeremy jezza. for months you rode my dick the hardest out of anyone (me, tommy) and you're still posting about me on 4chan 7 months after some discord drama. eat s hit and die faggott
reminder: jet told them yesterday that theres no rain in the forecast for 2 weeks AHAHAHA
Actually so based. Those same niggers were simping for that vomit inducing feather nigger subhuman that looks like an animal that starved to death. I can't wait for season 3 where all fishtroons get cucked by the next disgusting hideous beast who fucks Chad anyway LOL!!
This but unironically
Post Rare Letty Nudes
Would be a real shame if a large tornado came through and wiped out Schitty.
Why are they pumping this garbage out so fast, was a 2.5 really necessary?
this is the twitter poster btw
t. jet
imagine defending jet lmao
Don Jolly has summoned the wrath of heaven, it's over
are you retarded
Tayleigh's pregnant with lil freddy durst lol <3
it will if your nurse keeps stabbing you for over 5 minutes
also had a issue with not producing enough platelets to stop the bleeding
Jimmy needs to get attacked now
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He started posting again
He thinks 2 weeks is 10 days
Go back
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The rocky stream edit was the best version and Cole probably made it
Props to him
It's actually jet laundering money through 6 million accounts according to BI
Yeah Jet, it's a no-brainer
Oh fuck yeah it's hailing
season 1 was the first successful/profitable thing sam did. they're addicted.
was she just repeatedly jabbing you? wtf kind of hospital did you go to
Oh yeah, finally some fuckin kino.
>the fish are having some down time with pizza and beer tonight to repair the vibe. Cameras will be back up tomorrow.
rain tank is a go
inb4 the shelter collapses
cover the firepit, retards
retarded faggot
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>inb4 they get to sleep inside tonight
holy fuck
Josie does a rain dance.
It's very effective.
a free one, you get what you pay for
Vance flight status?
holy shit I didn’t even consider this…
you never added me on discord bro
That was before. Its obviously rain now, idiot.
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so WTF people said this shit was insects is this locusts?
you could see it bounce off the roof
clip of her screaming at her chat?
Honestly it's more retarded they didn't think of a steady cam when the director has to run around all day and night
Mama Juju is WET
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>talks about how her entire family is watching
>apologizes to them because she "hasn't been home in a while"
>calls some white trash son of a meth head she shacked up with after he gave her $50 her "cock buddy"
>no but yeah it's like if I'm in the rain I completely shut down like I won't be able to physically function and it's like I want to be out here doing silly shenanigans but I need to go inside
At 10:00 at night?
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Uhhh shit I never thought about the rain...
oh shit you do?
>cant hear anything due to rain being loud.
time for bex and taylor to bring trish and letty white tshirts
>Wet voodoo momma
Ponder the aroma...
vampire attack in the heavy rain holy fuck you people thought jet was gonna let them go inside kek
Tai asleep at the wheel
there was no rain in the forecast. maybe we should just include donjolly.com in the op
Vamps just attacked and killed letty. She’s laying in the dirt in the rain.
jesus this is so bad

>Jimmy nit reviving letty
they killed the princess...
hot tip for u, just go to a major hospital and refuse to pay the medical bill
what are they gonna do take your health back?
every time you get a call you just hit them with "oh yeah I really can't afford that right now" and keep working the number lower or just hang up if they won't negotiate
i miss that nigga like you wouldn't believe, he would've easily been the best part of nu-MDE if he kept his nose clean
shes not making it out the trailer park
The music is a crutch. It's like a laugh track at this point. Fuck off with it, JET...
cheeseballs are down
cheeseballs are down
hail passes in like 10 minutes.
Attack on Taitan
Jon just tossed that fat blonde girl lmfao
my name is in the post noob it's 7_77 on discord
>letty filthing herself up so she “has to” change in front of Jon
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i'd be doing the same thing in his position
I'm about to be at my monlthy donate limit of $2500 and there's still a few more days left. AAAAAAAHHHHHHH
Is it good yet?
jon really running nigga down out here
>cant hear shit
>cant see shit
cant even smell lettys bush. this fucking sucks. i hope their having fun i guess. i'll tune back in for tj's gay reveal next week maybe.
Who the fuck are you and why should we care
the hail is the only good part the rest is total dogshit
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Ben's DEAD? oh no.....
ranged is so much worse than melee
>jon gets very clearly hit and just ignores it
>in comes the tornado
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Isn't jimbo running out of med kits??
I bet Trish smells fucking awful right now. I'm glad I'm not there smelling her damp sweaty fat ass. That would suck.
it's okay. betty's not on this season. she tweeted that she's scared of the storm though :(
Top kino today was Xavier and Cage's rendezvous at the Bus.
Jon never got tagged as a kid, guaranteed. 100% dodge rate.
Its more fun when you pay because the reward system in your brain realizes it was worth it
lmao hes so mad he cant use an axe to physically assault people
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Can we get an Amir cum status?
i don't understand why TTS isn't on
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It truly is Neptunian
>in rhode island
Fuck off, Bettyfag
back to bant with you faggot
>no you diunt touch me
>na ah i killed you fiust
>They effortlessly murder a whole tribe of vampires
Hes never lost a pretend fight in his life
These vampires are way too way and pathetic. I know they're not really allowed to rough up the fish, but damn this sucks. A little bit more tactical effort or something would be nice. This is so gay. I feel like I'm watching a 12 year old show me his minecraft world.
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He was mk ultra'd by the wiggers, dons drug use was a coping mechanism
This would be better with Greg there
redpill me on the cockgifs poster
even vance would make this better
>actually its Massachusetts
Shut the fuck up
i'm not a fag, idiot.
Tay's wretched energy summoned it anon>>200546588
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have they gotten letty her costume yet?
He's a king
They downed two of this fish during this attack
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The place looks like it was built with leftovers from the renovation of S2 house
Not much than can do. Tai shoots 5 of them and Jon hits the rest while pretend to never get touched lol
Yes, you are :)
Where is friggin Greg
What would Vance be saying right now to make this better?
Who is that behind the tree on the right on basecamp cam?
I stalk tj through Taylor
I wish all my sigma males a very short goblin wife
They're really missing out. I've got a visa giftcard from Walmart with $100 that I'm going to drop on tts
>ruh roh raggy
Anyone doxing the location based on the storm patterns and time the rain started?
i dated letty for 2 years you are a fucking newfag
Yea not only is this gay but it's borderline unwatchable
There's a tornado watch in Rhode Island this Sunday, actually
Admin turned the difficulty down for day 2
he'd probably at least roleplay, he's pretty good at that
take one fucking guess what vance would say
we've had the exact location for at least a week already
who cares
how the fuck are the vamps even running at night in the fucking WOODS without flashlights? wouldn't they bump against the trees?
remember when jet told them yesterday it wouldn't storm at all over the next 2 weeks
Are you the guy with the disgusting room with holes in the drywall? fag
Haha same. I make my mom buy me one every time she goes to get food and toilet paper from walmart
people don't care enough about this shitshow to bother.
>Tay stays in her bed while a horde of vampires attacks the basecamp
Theatre kid powers
I've had prostatitis for a while. doc put me on some antibiotics that i had an allergic reaction to, and now i'm on some different ones but i haven't really seen an improvement the whole time. really sucks guys. hurts like fuck when i piss and i piss blood a lot of the time.
Good ole' trashua
Wish I could comfort betty, that storm looks scary :(
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oli gang
it's only like day 2. you want the tards to lose all their lives?
Yeah thats him, he’s the one letty feminized and made sock cock or some shit
That’s true actually he was great at being a slave and a gangster, they should’ve made him LARP as a black guy again for this if he showed up
toliver mage
I was in Vermont this past weekend and a tornado touched down a couple miles from where i was at, 'nados in the NE are uncommon but certainly not unheard of
What happens when they lose their lives?
it feels like day 6
no idea what's going on
Is this the "Amir cum" fag?
10,000 hours of larping in the dark woods
Probably become an NPC vampire or something
i assume they're out of the game. that's why they have multiple and jimmy has revives for now.
schizo arc was pretty funny too
kek was that taylor playing a vampire too?
You should make Josie your beneficiary before you die. How much money do you have?
somebody get that clip of fat Trish on the director cam
It's the Tommy fag Jon got in trouble for speaking to and who's an alcoholic.
they become a vampire (sleep at airbnb and lazily larp 1 hour a day)
yeah i fuck my walls up because i'm manly, i just had a girl at my house yesterday AND she had sex with me. you can meet her if you join my discord call right now. I can also prove that I am the real tommy.
Are you black?
she rarely made me do that
They're all going to be unironically and fully invested into the larp by the end of the week.
Imagine the mental defective she'd have to be to link up with your mentally ill ass
>40 images before limit
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You also got pegged by letty let's not forget
Vance is actually good when he isn't himself
Cutting edge of humor
jon was clearly hit again lmao
I think it's the blacksmiths wife. She has huge thighs compared to Taylor.
"but that can change, weathermen are liars" is the rest of the quote
what the hell is going on
Didn't ask.
Does tay have two-step verification on? hmm...
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Oliver ghey
nice vocabulary dumb fuck, pick up a thesaurus!!!
also why has nobody added me
im TOMMY!!!!!!!! IM TOMMY1!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brown why?
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Tay isn't even fun to hate anymore, she just has go-away heat lmao KWAB
I don’t get it, why does she not have to participate in the larp? Is she really pregnant?
lmao, even
Kick Tay off and replace her with Trish
They should have at least a dozen vampires or at least 12 speakers that the vampires can place around their base to scream and shout to intimidate the fish.
She only fucks nogs, I'm sorry
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everybody add tommy on discord please 7_77
Necrophilic Rape
no i'm the guy that the "amir cum" guy was saying was his bull. don't believe the propaganda on here everybody on /tv/ is a fucking pleb.
Defense missions at trail cam points are a smart idea. Not everytime, but the basecamp attack was way easier to follow everything happening instead of rolling the dice on whose trail cam gets the most action
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thanks, soldier. i only got one friend request and he blocked me instantly.
Exactly. Fuck these retard black niggers. There should be IR cam drone footage but jet is a homosexual retard who wears diapers.
We like Jeremy better. He posted nudes without asking for gay discord friends
does anyone have a copy of the doxbin before it was removed? Did it have anymore screencaps?
i dont want friends i want autistic fishtank fans that i can abuse. i have my own friends noob!!!!!!
So how is that our Xavier?
Didn't they brag about and use drones in the trailer? you'd think that'd be something they'd want to bring out for combat
imagine considering people on discord "friends" get a fucking life
They should do that thing from Evangelion where a guy comes in and seduces Jon and then it turns out he's a vampire
>only a single lettygooner willing to give tommy attention
anon learns about internet friends
>Follow a jew
No thanks, I'm White.
>The rocky stream edit was the best version and Cole probably made it
He did, I remember him posting it after someone posted the template lmao
This music is fucking kino, what genre is this?
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Dungeon synth would probably be the closest
I'm like 65% sure this is from one of the Castlevania games
N64 type battle music

One sounds like Turok
Shut it down. This dumbass trash needs to stop. You've embarrassed us all, Jet Neptune.
Lighten up I'm having fun
Does Jimmy think that he's not allowed to have guns because they wanted to nerf him and not that he's mentally unstable?

of course he does
This shit sucks
Agreed. It's really bad.

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