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Red Jon Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous >>200549153
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>Did a bunch of streams that people loved
>Once got teary eyed and said she loved us because she was lonely and it was nice to have interaction
>People were drawn to her because of her being a chudette, living in a trailer, being autistic, and having a strange cuteness to her
>People making memes, edits, etc like crazy for her. Trying to turn her into the next Boxxy
>She came off as genuinely sweet, appreciative, and humble for 2-3 months
>She literally proudly talked about being /ourgirl/
>Then she started acting SUPER cunty out of seemingly nowhere
>Started skipping streams constantly while blaming it on bad internet and having depression
>When she did stream she was acting bitchy, didn't want to be there, and got drunk on multiple of them
>Had multiple breakdowns where she straight up screamed at chat
>Got mad that people didn't want her to go on 2.5 and claimed she wasn't going to
>Got drunk and insinuated she had a boyfriend, then the next stream she adamantly denied it
>Greg stops visiting her streams because she calls him gay
>She starts straight up shit talking and humiliating multiple fans for no real reason other than they were being a little cringey.
>Through all of this people were buying her thousands of dollars worth of stuff like vinyl records, a steam deck, a camera, and more
>She claims she's just burned out from working so hard
>She's going to stop streaming for a month before 2.5 to catch up on crochet orders
>It was revealed yesterday that she wasn't really working on orders, she was shacked up with a guy from Kentucky who bought a chicken plushy from her (seriously)
>The guy uploaded a video of him with the chicken plushy at almost the EXACT same time her personality changed and she started acting like a cunt
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>letty and her wonderful, wonderful soul....
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josie won
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mfw the funny actor guy starts talking
>Jimmy when he thinks about raping Letty
Are people actually paying for the spam TTS that the fish can't hear or is it just Jet spamming
Jon is doing that thing where he tries really hard to get attention.
I gotta say I had my doubts about 2.5, and even though it's only day two so far this shig is kino
I want to beat you with ballpeen hammers
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>no seriously this is ugliest dyke I've ever seen
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>college drop out
>has hours of tape of her talking about being a nazi and racist
>Is by far the least popular fish of 2.5
>has basically nuked her entire fanbase
>her only real skill is blowing up and screaming at the top of her lungs at literal retards like Jon and Fatty

I really don't think this retard realizes just how much she's fucked her life up. Its actually impressive.
How does this guy talk so good????
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big shout-out to Nick Fluentes
I look like that and I do that when he does that
The fact that the stream is still holding up is quite impressive. Bravo Jet
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Legitimately: why keep Tayleigh around? Not only is she constantly ruining bits with that fucking retarded Jim Halpert look to the camera and is somehow worse at RPing than Jon, but she's now a medical liability. Is Jet that desperate? Could he really get nobody else to participate in his gay vampire LARP for 2 weeks?
please go outside
tay thinks the threads are all shitting on him too like you but we actually all Love him and you and her are the retards
taylor vampire incoming? when was she wearing shoulder armor today?
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Trying my best to imagine there's actually something worth watching here. Maybe if I sink another 8 hours into this tomorrow it'll be worth it! Goodnight everyone! Love you all!
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john rn
It's the internet. Everyone sucks on the internet, don't know what the fuck you expected. You're probably an MDE fan so you should know this. She's not like that in person, as evidenced by the tank
>terrible form
as expected
what kind of lawsuit are they looking at if tayleigh dies in her sleep tonight
get taylor and put her in a white tank top in the rain please @Jet @Ben
Erm I love Xavier
kino night
>jon on the pool chair in the rain
xavier is inspirational
why is jon flashing his dick with the light
Jon pneumonia arc please
List of things that would happen if TJ appeared:
>cameras would start working
>No more lag and no more low bit rate
>NPCs would stay after dark
>Camera batteries wouldn’t run out
>everyone would successfully RP
>viewership would triple
>Xavier would get twice as much screen time
>Tayleigh would start getting mean TTS
Your choice Jet!!
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>me when I think about Jimmy raping Letty
it's funnier with xavier at the start of the clip
>Jon just chilling out in the middle of the thunderstorm in a lawn chair
This night is wonderful
>don't fucking touch me you smelly NIGGER
what on earth did vance mean by this?
lol remember that
kek he's gonna wake up with a cold
clip it
she's already been a vampire multiple times
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is she still there?
No way the built all that shit with a structural foundation
how long till shit starts falling?
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I love this autistic retard so fucking much
Finally able to watch some fish tank. Can anyone give me a qrd, how was today?
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please let the TJ arc be real
>Tay cucks her entire fan base
>Overheats first day, is medically inactive first half of second day
>Gets IV drip morning of second day
>Has to have another IV drip to refresh her druggie whore body
At this point she's gonna need IV drips for breakfast, lunch, and dinner the rest of the show. She will probably leave by tomorrow, Jet isn't gonna risk the legal issues with keeping her. Plus she probably already told him to filter any negative TTS towards her, that's why you only heard that 1 positive one earlier.
Honestly though how hilarious would it be if Xavier actually turned out to be QnAnon?
>can't hear shit over the rain
kek classic Jimbo
Uh.... I ono "swings arms"
xavier is jacob and the duke is the man in black
the lost comparisons this season are real
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This is one of the best moments in Fishtank history. The cut away from Xavier and Tayleigh/the nurse was perfect.
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May this little nigga live forever
add the camera cutting away from xavier to jon to make it more kino
there hasnt been a short girl yet, just the thick one and bex
Admin should cast lightning bolt on Jon
Wow that's so fucking funny man I laughed so fucking hard when he said that
they hate to see a white boy win
He is gonna catch a cold and die
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Princess booba...
Nice to see she is changing her hairstyle up from that absolutely retarded cut she had
>>Has to have another IV drip to refresh her druggie whore body
the fuck? Just drink some gatorade/water and eat a burger or something.
TRUTHNVKE: If Shinji was any other variant of Asian Sam would've made him hold pads.
For new people
Tayleigh shouted out taytriots yesterday AND "cockboy" which is her junkie boyfriend who she spent last month with in Kentucky.

Tayleigh says she has a boyfriend.
Q did say he had a "summer project to win Tay's heart" a while ago so maybe
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green penis XDD
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jet = ben
ben = mr friendly
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>college drop out
>has hours of tape of her talking about being a nazi and racist
>Is by far the least popular fish of 2.5
>has basically nuked her entire fanbase
>her only real skill is blowing up and screaming at the top of her lungs at literal retards like Jon and Fatty

I really don't think this retard realizes just how much she's fucked her life up. Its actually impressive
take the shitty discord cuck memes elsewhere
Nah they got concierge nurses now.
The real issue is how are they gonna hold Jon down for the IV?
he lived through alchohol poisoning and severe dehydration and was back doing pushups a few hours later.
He'll be fine.
the levels of kino would create a fucking black HOLE
As someone who is completely out of the loop, what is this and why is this a thing?
nobody cares
cat got your penis?
Do people get physically sick from watching this, inclined to think so cos I keep see these threads appearing. Scrolled it like /kpop/ thread, outsider, and saw all these diseased bug people worshiping all these sick looking bug people.
What's the punchline? It's You, right.
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imagine having to use the porta shitter during this

GRIM -- [] ----------------------------------------- KINO
The rain combined with jets gay tts spam has made the show unlistenable for the past 2 hours
its complicated
don't forget the kentucky part
she still says "shoutout taytriots" like she's completely unaware.
Jon is immune to all environmental damage and poisons
I'm so bored and pissed off.
Goran Rapistovic created Fishtank Live as a human trafficking and money laundering operation for his boss, Sam Hyde.
Ok, I gotta get this off my chest (and yes I'm seething, and yes I probably have over 60 PIDs I'm not even gonna check), but FUCK I hate that bitch so much. Straight up fleeced some poor souls. She should go straight to hell and be forced to be a greeter at Walmart forever. You know she was taking that Jordan retard horse cock and moaning out like crazy. His grandma probably had to fucking close the door so she wouldn't hear that shit. Afterwards he busted on her face behind her shitty 1920s cottage house. Fucking Tayleigh, fuck that cunt.
You wouldn't get it.
Jon has main character plot armor
get filtered lmao
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it's thunderstorming here too what town are they in is it Mass again
>why is this a thing?
go back to plebbit
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This is fucking amazing
This puts a smile on my face whenever I read it lol
Probably near RI.
Alan Wake 3 looking great so far.
wait... what did TJ do to him again...?
Sams outfit this season reminds me of that black cartoon duck meme with his hands out, anyone know what I’m talking about?
They tried to get Cole and he declined
My name is Alan Wake. I'm a writer.
they're in Plainville, Massachusetts
the whore would gladly do it. don't forget to sub on twitch teehee. Also watch GreenSharks edit of the Duke beating me up >:)
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someone did this last thread but i think it cuts off too early
There's a fucking river in Schitty right now
>why would we plan for a light rain in New England
Jet you fucking live there
>no where to dry off
>no where to change clothes
>wind will cause water to hit their beds
They are all going to be sleeping in sopping wet matresses and blankets and be miserable tomorrow. This is the begining of the end.
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We got a little visitor
>thank you g
what is this about
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guys, this is kinda like fishtank, but outside.
JET, I fucking love you man, you did it again!
I'm asking what is it, you're posting this on /tv/ what is this? Yeah I know it's related to Sam Hyde and Fishtank but what the fuck is this?
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trish, taylor, and letty mudwrestling tomorrow please Jet make it happen
thank u guys for wa
Jet I know one of your cronies are in this thread
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>Have fun in the rain, losers.
it's so over
>s1 spam:JJJJJJ
>s2 spam:^^^^^^^^
>s2.5 spam:|||||||||||||
What will the s3 tts spam be?
>Hank you G
kek Hank is a muthafuckin' G
>thank u guys for watching
it's actually over
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>lost money on s2
>lost money on 2.5

jet bodily safety status?
hello fren
skibidi chungus
thank you ifunny
You should sincerely, beyond all jokes and anonymity that this website entails, either fix your shit or kill yourself. You are unwell in a way that 99% of people across all of history could not even begin to reach. Get off of this website or blow your brains out and record it. For your and everyone around you's sake. I don't really care for Tayleigh btw.

GRIM [] ------------------------------------------- KINO
We planned for the elements fellas don't worry :^)
Not even 2 days
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this whole night has been amazing
vertical bar was last season too, along with [][][][][][]
why do you have to be mean to her, you dont even know anything about her
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alright I'm going to watch AEW Dynamite fuck this
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Morale status?
Trish has got me under her evil magical spell again
darkwing duck
This is the perfect length actually
Is it raining hail?
God titcow is such a fucking vulgar and hilarious thing to call them
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thanks i will
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2 days of kino and thats a wrap. Was fun while it lasted
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How is Tayleigh still pretending taytriotism is alive?
She was in that twitter space when WE found out, she listened, is she really that stupid?
I hope she gets to see people hating her on every platform fishtank is on.
>things would be different if this person was a completely different individual who was raised in another country born to parents of another race and culture
coddled tank
Fourth time I've pretended to turn this off tonight! Cya guys!
those porta potties are so fucked
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how i sleep knowing i'm not on 2.5
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Wait, wait, wait...is this just Fishtank, but outside?
Because of rain it's over already?
all time viral clip potential right here
are they getting ddos'd?
>don't really care for Tayleigh btw.
sure Jordan lol
where's vance
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So Over
that nigga RPs like his life depends on it
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based elite chad
the fuck happened?
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triple down on season 3, come on sam. we're going to get true contestants that don't know who we are
It's one of Letty's minions
plane crashed
now they took money from them to be a sponsor
The longest punctuation to pronounce is "opening curly bracket" so I hope it's that
I want to smell her stink hole
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Vance flight status?
It will be in the red when the humidity hits tomorrow
Bet they're all regretting their decision to come back as they lay in their cold wet beds.
The tiger blanket hits different brah
go to the ifunny site, they're actually sponsored by them
Just make all the freeloaders/sharks/guests or whoever be previous "cast". That way they can still milk the simps, but 80% of the show is new people.
If its really over for real, i like how the message was exactly at midnight
drowning in the atlantic
I dont think anyone would care if they let them go in for the night. This will actually get them fucked up if they sleep in it. 100% of their things are probably soaked
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His plane is gonna crash right into basecamp for the perfect ending.
ah, I thought it was ifaggots sperging about tay
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Jet has took their money.... the watermelons have lost
i hope tayleigh od's on fent in some trailer park in Clarkson, Kentucky.
Ive been shitting on aew lately but this is a based squad, forbidden door looks like itll be dimes
I'll try to do a QRD
>Did a bunch of streams that people loved
>Once got teary eyed and said she loved us because she was lonely and it was nice to have interaction
>People were drawn to her because of her being a chudette, living in a trailer, being autistic, and having a strange cuteness to her
>People making memes, edits, etc like crazy for her. Trying to turn her into the next Boxxy
>She came off as genuinely sweet, appreciative, and humble for 2-3 months
>She literally proudly talked about being /ourgirl/
>Then she started acting SUPER cunty out of seemingly nowhere
>Started skipping streams constantly while blaming it on bad internet and having depression
>When she did stream she was acting bitchy, didn't want to be there, and got drunk on multiple of them
>Had multiple breakdowns where she straight up screamed at chat
>Got mad that people didn't want her to go on 2.5 and claimed she wasn't going to
>Got drunk and insinuated she had a boyfriend, then the next stream she adamantly denied it
>Greg stops visiting her streams because she calls him gay
>She starts straight up shit talking and humiliating multiple fans for no real reason other than they were being a little cringey.
>Through all of this people were buying her thousands of dollars worth of stuff like vinyl records, a steam deck, a camera, and more
>She claims she's just burned out from working so hard
>She's going to stop streaming for a month before 2.5 to catch up on crochet orders
>It was revealed yesterday that she wasn't really working on orders, she was shacked up with a guy from Kentucky who bought a chicken plushy from her (seriously)
>The guy uploaded a video of him with the chicken plushy at almost the EXACT same time her personality changed and she started acting like a cunt
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i saw him crying in the airport
it has an aura that guarantees a deep sleep
every time i went over to a friend's house who had parents that smoke indoors, this blanket was always somewhere in their house
How are there mentally ill orbiters desperate enough to even watch this shit? Name one single interesting thing that has happened
>put the cameras in the woods in shit locations
>audio shit, site barely works
>can't follow anything
>no plan
>some LARP about vampires
>invite terrible contestants we already know, all of them dogshit, all of them the shitty side characters of season 2 and fucking Letty
>strap those terrible cameras on them with shit audio so you watch a blurry shaking 160p mess with bad audio
There is nothing here. At least with the first two seasons you could delude yourself into thinking it will get better because you don't know who these people are
They turned off the cameras and now they are getting pizza and a warm shelter
you guys think ifunny pulled the plug for antisemitic jokes?
>seething because she is cool with great tits
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She said she was depressed and needed time off streaming, visit her brother and family.

Reality is she visited a fan of hers who does shrooms for a whole month and fucked him.
People found out via a picture she posted, it was from Kentucky, the guy lives in Kentucky, one hour from the caves (we know because he got doxed)
fishtank historians, have they ever slept in worse conditions than this?
What the hell this guy looks just like my boss
Was Greg downgraded to a NPC?
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letty and taylor have made the season worth it. realistically jet should just send everyone else home except maybe bex and trish and just let them all hang out camping and having fun together.
I haven't followed a lot of fishtank since about halfway through s2 I remember letty hate in season 1 was due to sam pretending to hate her also her low tier rage bait that only retards couldn't see through but the tay hate is something else what creates this level of seethe?
Why bother writing a post that long do you actually think you're gonna change anyone's mind
Who cares if they go in for the night. This is just going to make them sick and miserable tomorrow.
maybe tj sleeping in a room of asbestos
pretty good summary, tanked her fan base 24 hours before the actual show started
fatty snoring
dont admit your boss is a 19yo wigger thats embarrassing
a morale reset as goran would put it
anyone that slept in a bed after Airsoftfatty, but otherwise no
what is Tai thinking right now
Lol, did they lose their only sponsor already?
He always was one. They just have him wear the Vance vest during the day until he gets here if ever
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>hey sam so i didn't think it would storm at all for the 2 weeks we were gonna do this and now everyone's cold and soaking wet and all their shit is getting wet from the pouring rain and hail
>oh and tayleigh might be dying
>anyway can i get paid now?
They should start wrestling naked in the mud pit
you didn't need to put a vhs effect over it for this just post the clean webm. vhs made decent sense for the 70s theme of s2 but it's not necessary here
The cell in s2
the cigg rooms were worse
camping arc was pretty bad after they threw trash everywhere
They're in a possible tornado zone, so no.
letty slept on the floor of a room that had toilet water, chili and mustard all over it. tj in his pinkeye room was pretty bad also.
love me some fishtnak
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i really enjoyed the girl talk
>taylor thought twin peaks was a titty bar
I know enough and soon everyone else will too!
Sure would be nice to have a fucking camera on the bunks
They have slept in actual biohazards in the past so yes
You got it buddy. I actively dislike her and want her gone for good but this shit is so beyond pathetic I can't even imagine the sort of subhuman worm you would have to be to get this tilted over a girl that does not and will never know you, let alone ranting about it on 4channel. Get off the internet.
these threads are a great example of sunk cost fallacy. simps/npcs won't understand this is more for those of you who might wake up. You have wasted your time, energy and possibly money on this shitshow. you now think "no its not that bad muh jet sam" and you're completely wrong. this show is bad real bad. sam is actively making this shit worse and worse too ween you off this aids. don't waste your precious time on this dogshit. stop funding garbage content so sam can amass enough sheckals to buy a million dollar ferrari from 1992.

you've sunken enough or your time into this turd you can still pull out and function. letty is everything wrong with modern women she has tits a lot of women do get over it.
>Jet's POV
So the taytriots are just mad because she... has a boyfriend?
>Did a bunch of streams that people loved
>Once got teary eyed and said she loved us because she was lonely and it was nice to have interaction
>People were drawn to her because of her being a chudette, living in a trailer, being spergy, and having a strange cuteness to her
>People making memes, edits, etc. like crazy for her.
>She came off as genuinely sweet, appreciative, and humble for 2-3 months
>She literally proudly talked about being /ourgirl/
>Opend up her crochet store people bought stuff from her
>People sharing on twitter of what they bought from her she retweets some of them
>Back in April, when Jordan first tweeted his video to Tayleigh and Tayleigh followed him right after, likes on twitter were public.I checked Jordan's likes, because I wondered who this random guy Tay follows was, he had no followers.
>Multiple liked tweets about shrooms and psychedelics. Tayleigh is heavily into shrooms and psychedelics.
>Then she started acting SUPER cunty out of seemingly nowhere
>Started skipping streams constantly while blaming it on bad internet and having depression
>When she did stream, she was acting bitchy, didn't want to be there, and got drunk on multiple of them. snapchatting someone while streaming and giggling.
>Had multiple breakdowns where she straight up screamed at chat
>Got drunk and insinuated she had a boyfriend, "NO COMMENT"
>Then the next stream, the one with the orange striped sweater, she tries to deny it. She then gets asked the BF question again, and she starts saying, "I'm married. How about that? I'm married," followed by "Have you thought maybe I like fucking with you?"
>but the tay hate is something else what creates this level of seethe?
it's a combination of original haters from S2 (quite a few), but now she fucked over her whole fan base by lying about why she wasn't streaming for 2 months when in reality she got thousands in donos (15k) and went to go fuck a random dude who bought a plushie from her. So now she's catching shots from BOTH haters and former supporters.
stale pasta
she's not wrong, it's also a hooters ripoff.
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hubba hubba
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but it’s spooky
>>oh and tayleigh might be dying
that would actually be a plus if she died on the show at this point. imagine the stream when she finally gets back, especially if it's another Maria couch stream with shot dono goals.
twin peaks is a titty bar
Have there even been enough Tay hate TTSes to justify her being there?
This is embarrassing you should delete it
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She's also a huge lying cunt but besides that . Yes.
Twin peeks is a titty bar like hooters lol
does anyone know how to get rid of these damn ads. why the fuck would you add these. I cast this shit to my TV and it makes the show unwatchable
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>Abi has been DMing Vance on the regular
What a massive upgrade going from his Argonian ex to this QT Altmer
>Got mad that people didn't want her to go on 2.5 and claimed she wasn't going to
>She starts straight up shit talking and humiliating multiple fans for no real reason other than they were being a little cringey and cared about her. Brock,wes ect
>Through all of this people were buying her thousands of dollars worth of stuff like vinyl records, a steam deck, a camera, a green screen, etc.
>She claims she's just burned out from working so hard and is depressed.
>She's going to stop streaming for a month before 2.5 to catch up on crochet orders and to visit family and friends for a month. She says she will make youtube shorts and tweet more (lol)
>Tayleigh tweets before 2.5 starts of just simple pictures of the outdoors, one of which is a picture of a cave.
>Q reverse image search the cave picture, its revealed to be Mammoth Cave in Kentucky
>she wasn't really working on orders, she was shacked up with a guy from Kentucky who bought a chicken plushy from her (seriously)
>only knew this dude for 20 days, btw (calls other women sluts)
>The guy uploaded a video of him with the chicken plushy at almost the EXACT same time her personality changed and she started acting like a cunt towards her fans
>Day one of 2.5 fish giving shoutouts to fans and people they know
>Tayleigh's turn "Uhhh, shoutout to my family, my mom and dad... gets upbeat smiles and laughs shout out to cock buddy, you know who you are laughs"
>She doesn't know he's been doxxed
>TTS is on. Get TTS about her fucking a dude for only $50 in Kentucky
>Tell Jet off screen away from mics to shut down TTS that speak of it
they won't even let them through
not going anywhere buddy lol
post the taylor leaks (you wont)
>everything I experience on the internet MUST be true or else!!!
what fucking ads lmaoooo
what even happened to tay for her to need an IV i missed it
Very nice lol
Vance has no personality
Can you at least do something interesting?
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I get the latest memes from Ifunny
I post the best memes to Ifunny
I use an Ifone with only Ifunny on it
Thank you ifunny for neptunian kino
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It's me, sir; the last remaining taytriot... I come before you today, humbled and humiliated, to ask you for one thing....... I want you to kill Peter Parker.
a single TTS went through asking if she'd fuck them too if they bought a beanie and then she immediately asked to talk to jet in private when he showed up to explain something after
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>So the taytriots are just mad because she... has a boyfriend?
That was a video project and Q is 100% gone now anyway
these threads have somehow reached a new low, this is worse than the /bant/ threads
google flowstreams fishtank
any other gossip from her stream tonight?
heat stroke ALLEGEDLY. how she got it and not letty i'm unsure.
Druggie whore body shutting down from years of meth abuse
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What do you want too see? Nudes don't exist bruh
heat + dehydration + didn't eat
pretended to be sick, heat stroke, dehydration, bulimia relapse, windex withdrawals, or she's pregnant with her cockbuddy's son
i would like to unzip her shorts and pull them down and pull her panties down and open her pusy up and put my self in to her pusy until it goes cum cum
Tell me about Red Jon. Is he more powerful than Blue Jon? What about Grey Jon?
She got a couple talking about how she would be to fuck because they would just needed to buy a plushie/beanie, she got out of bed and talked to jet off camera.
He would actually understand Xavier and would have named all his weapons shit like Orlok's Bane
Yeah dubs you're right
Open up the poll tab in the left sidebar and scroll all the way up. I never see them
But everyone knew that during the show. Are you just admitting to being retarded and taking 6 months to figure that out?
>vance settles for a race traitor
Jon watching Jimmy pee.
Forgot to drink water
lmao forgot to make peter larker into tayleigh pendleton.
ok so you got too parasocial with a streamer? taytriots are just retards lmao, why are you treating her like some kind of gfe kayfabe vtuber?
oh her being an evil whore i guess then? or is this all your headcanon?
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where we at?
I've counted a whopping 5 tts to her LOL
holy shit anon thank you
I thought she was different :(
What did his ex look like?
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>me listening to Schitty cam on max volume
somewhere in between
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i hope he's ok right now
Think we're heading towards It's so over tonight into tomorrow. Everybody is going to be tired and miserable.
Anything good happen during or supposed to happen after the rainstorm
lets just get abi vance backshots 24/7 for the next two weeks itd be better than this
storm is almost passed
As an actual homosexual man with an impeccable gaydar I can say without a doubt in my mind that Jon is a closeted gay man
They are the fake 90's style popup ads that will come up. They obfuscate the entire screen sometimes. Not actual ads
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Imagine a forehead the size of an airport
Nice and dry in the NPC lodging hanging out with Taylor
fishtank: asmr edition
retards slipping in mud. maybe jon will crack his head open on a rock
>start streaming after being on crazy reality show
>lots of fans so i'll make a little money
>they're a little strange but it's kind of funny
>play along for a while with these autistic freaks
>eventually realize it's not an act it's not exaggerated
>these people really are that pathetic. they really are that obsessed with me.
>can't pretend to not be disgusted when they talk about me like i'm their girlfriend anymore
>stop streaming and get a nice boyfriend
>if I ignore them maybe they'll go away
i can hear jet talking but i have no clue what they're saying
He'll fuck whatever he can
that's fair
all of the above
where is everybody besides jimmy and tay?
That's fair
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People are not sending TTS to tay because she already admitted to everything we needed to know about kentucky, it's just over

The funny part is that Tay herself hasn't realized yet. She still says "shoutout taytriots" to maybe 2 people.
Everyone everywhere else just says "basedtax" and "ugly dyke".

She doesn't know the guy got doxed.
In English doc
i don't get why it's such a point of contention with taytriots that she only knew the guy 20 days before meeting him. like get mad at her for skipping out on streams and lying all you want, but complaining that she met the guy in person is just giving away that you're mad that she's dating someone lol.
you weren't there
in their bunks
Drug withdrawal symptoms
how long has the banner said "vance is inbound"
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rain rain go away come again another day
Cool story
That "nice boyfriend" was one of her "customers" and probably a lurking viewer, too lmao
Would be funny to see her reaction to "$15,000 for 3 months of work to do this"
Tayleigh is actually doing great. About as well as her streams the past month, her merch she has been working so hard on, all the crochet orders she's fulfilled, and all those edited shorts and videos for her youtube channel.
think i heard Jet say "maybe the winner..." on schitty cam couldn't hear the rest
They're all in their bunks
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He doxed himself dide he
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Which one of the wiggers is fucking Taylor right now?
As a straight man i can 100% confirm jon is straight
it's been sixteen days
>be a druggie whore
>go on random reality show after doing meth and ruining your body
>whine that you're lonely and say to your simps you love them and appreciate them
>fleece 15k
>ignore them for 2 months
>get dicked down by random hillbilly to satisfy your drug fix
She did it to herself
Are they just going to sleep now?
its feeling low energy, i'd say we're dipping into it's over territory
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anon. do you actually thinks she likes you
It's another joke on Greg. He thinks he is staying for 1-2 days max but instead will be forced to take Vance's place for the whole 2 weeks.
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>taytriots spent half a year worshipping a 2/10 frump paypigging thousands just to get cucked by an inbred from kentucky
>The real issue is how are they gonna hold Jon down for the IV?
Just tell him someone else is getting one too
Can we talk about how Tay's not-so-secret bf looks just like TJ?
lazy. they're sleeping outside in a hailstorm right now no reason to be joker posting
pedo pedo hope you die give another thread a try
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Are they really staying in bed for the rest of the night?
so is it over for tonight?

Taylorfags are going to end up like the Taytriots soon and things are already quickly headed that way.
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Jet you need to send some JJJJJs to make sure it's working
kek does he really? pics?
josiecels won the war and honestly, it's kind of beautiful
Thats tj
Isn’t the view count pretty low compared to S1 & 2?
Ex-taytriots seething in thread that your chuddie online crush she got a boyfriend

kill yourselves, seriously
he faced dox, i think he had a email or something and his friends (one's a tranny) were posting about him.
Someone should TTS
but why the a junkie guy who is her fan and the actual first person who bought her fucking chicken plushie. don't you think that's funny and weird?
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josie w
amen brother
what is jet discussing
Not a tayfag, but it's about the hypocrisy because she would call other women sluts
Plus it shatters her self made image of some relateable femcel if she can just willy nilly get a cock in her poon whenever she wants
Is TTS on?
letty once this cringe shit is over
about the same as midway season 1/2
this is day 2 though, so lower than usual
yes. If you're in actual pain you deserve it.
Lol the fact that she still has cucks like you defending her is more pathetic
Yep, content is over.
at least she's actually hot
Literally all of them fucking look at her dead drugged out eyes. Remember the deleted insta posts people!
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I actually like Taylor and I don't think she is some evil person. Maybe I'm biased idk
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hahahahahaha josian kino
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Is TTS on?
the constant debating every thread about taylor this season when she's only had maybe 10 minutes of relevant screentime is really annoying. she's hot obviously but who fucking cares
seriously... if you even watched her streams youre a fuckin creep autist.. who gaf about this hideous beast
How do you know this? Isn't she with some Mexican dude and he's with some hapa?
i never donated or subbed. just put it on in the background. but man i never understood why she would just take the schizo shit and act like it didn't bother her and never ban anyone. it was the dumbest shit she could've done. she literally asked for this.
i thought the point of contention was the fact she would act better than other girls she perceived to do slutty things then do the exact same thing.
Holy fuck you got so assblasted by Taylor truthnvke in that last thread that you had to repost your same cope in this one.
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What's he look like?
I love it for her but its kinda cringe that she got a cringe twink tho
holy shit I made the tayjeets cry tonight lmao
>TJ on meth
Look into his eyes...

Where did the light go?

Why do they look so empty...?

What did he do to him...?
I'm Kenyan. Do I have a chance with Betty?
looks like a retarded version of tj & that crash guy that follows shinji around
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Tonight, I will remind them
Holy shit THATS him?? Lmfao
vance broke up with his gf a few months ago and he's going on bloodgames to finish what he started on s1 and finally fucking letty
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ugly boy
Taytriot incels from /bant/ are mad that she's popular so they have to call her a whore every thread. Very sad behavior
don't (you) me brah i was just saying you had incorrect information.
>/bant/ thread over
>torrent of taylorseethe from one guy shows up
That's fucking grim.
this dudes gay....
They were probably counting on simp tts and her not tanking her entire fanbase a day before the show
here's his mom
lowest point in fishtank history
this officially made me hate MDE.
Letty is going to peg him while he screams "yeah"
It's not gay (according to her)
>a little strange
They are worse than josiefags. They are beyond unhindged
based bex
You got owned bro all you did was throw out incel, could've just posted on Reddit and got the same response
this is when josie joked about tayleigh getting raped by that feral nigger they brought in
he's literally counting the days to leave
dude even I could have my way with him
if you've ever posted on /bant/ please leave this thread and then put a gun directly in your mouth and pull that fat trigger
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Imagine filtering your TTS more than YT filters chat messages.
i mean, it's not slutty to date someone and i don't think she ever said that.
she doesn't like you dude
>He doxed himself dide he
Nope, he has a femboy friend with pornhub links (that's a story for another time).
He tried defending Jordan in /tv/ AND /bant/, pretending to be his brother , turns out it was his friend, not brother. people found his twitter and got Jordan's information by looking through the femboy's follows.
The femboy then deleted all his socials.

Tayleigh is fucking a broke junkie she's known for around a month who lives at his grandmothers house, hailing from a strong meth family. Convicts etc.
the party that broke the tank and the fans
He said you're gay
Taytriots are so embarrassing. They're straight up admitting they got swindled and baited by some zoomer druggie whore who's a massive retard. Let that sink in.
This was the gayest shit I've ever seen on livestream.
anybody else listening to production shoot the shit on schitty cam?
You're the only guy in this thread who has a chance with that weirdo
if kike piss was in control he would have ended it by now
ice is shit
i like that i can show my flag over there commands respect
These people are so maladjusted that they cope by willfully telling lies about a perceived enemy in Taylor and then convince themselves that it’s all true.
Remember when all the posts in /ftl/ praising production and how well S2 was going stopped as soon as they all went upstairs?
looks better than all of you. post your picture lmao
Having sex and doing drugs with someone immediately after meeting them is slutty
Ngl if I were a fish rn I'd be jonesing for some alcohol
Bless it up
So to the people disrespecting Taylor on these threads, I have one simple question. Why? What has she done to you? Why can't you just leave her alone she is a good girl. She cannot help that she was born voluptuous and dazzling. Is it too hard for you to simply not objectify women for I don't know 10 minutes? She is innocent and stays in her own lane, she is self made and has and always will be an important character on Fishtank, yeah - deal with it. Women deserve respect in our sphere and it's our job to give them it. So enough of the fucking hate on Taylor because it's really starting to piss me off. Give up the fucking little act you all put on here, hell at least Reddit shows at least a little respect for her. The show has been great so far with her on and I'm so proud of her for doing good work thus far.
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This counts as a manifesting bros win
holy fuck she's dating a guy with a femboy friend? lol christ pathetic
It's like losing chess to a dog
Go for it nigga.
what's your flag this dictates whether or not you should die so choose wiseley
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Ah yes, I am a cuck because I am the one seething about some bitch with a wet towel as a personality getting a boyfriend.

Again, consider the following
The beginning of Taylors scheming. Reminder that she spent days down in a basement with wiggers doing this type of shit while they put TJ through humiliation rituals in front of thousands of people
NGL sounds kinda based
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>i don't think she ever said that.
She fucking said "ew; I'm not a slut" every time "Letty" was mentioned to her over TTS in S2, it happened in the goon cave I remember.
I mean they were still simping for her after than night in S2 she was begging to suck Franks dick. They are hopeless
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Is everyone just sleeping now?
i hope not
How's it going Jordan!
if you're dating someone, the expectation is that you're going to have sex with them eventually. probably sooner rather than later. that's just the way human beings work. i cannot speak on the drug use however, that sounds pretty degenerate lol.
Yeah nigga she loves, trust me.
in hindsight she would have totally fucked TJ
I remember watching this with a Kubrick stare
is that you in that picture
thank you finally someone with a brain, you guys are so mean to her for no reason at all
0/10 false flag
If she was hot I would understand but she looks beat
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Hokay buddy.
Femboy or full troon?
Is this a shitpost or are you retarded?
they slowed down after the plant reveal and then completely dissipated after cole was gone
I actually missed this and have no idea what it was about
She only fucks guys that can get her hard drugs
Mexico, i would post about Tay, Abi, Summer and Taylor dating latinos it was dope bro
So to the people simping for Taylor on these threads, I have one simple question: Why? What has she done for you? What can't you just leave her alone she is an innocent girl. She cannot help that she was born voluptuous and dazzling. Is it too hard for you to simply not objectify women for I don't know 10 minutes? I am watching gay porn as we speak. She is innocent and stays in her own lane, she is self made and has and always will be an important character on Fishtank, yeah - deal with it. Women deserve respect in our sphere and it's our job to give them it. So enough of the fucking hate on Taylor because it's really starting to piss me off. Give up the fucking little act you all put on here, hell at least Reddit shows at least a little respect for her. The show has been great so far with her on and I'm so proud of her for doing good work thus far.
Again, what scheme? You have nothing.
even covering his nose it's still massive
Nobody cares either way dude stop posting about her
she's been dating this jordian guy since before s2 thats why she said multiple times that her heart is for someone else and it explains her behavior on TJ she didn't want to cheat on jordan
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the beautiful CK
Give me one real reason why anyone would hate her. A real reason.
Behind the scenes on Jon cam
its just the one dude that spent over 18hrs in the thread replying to anyone mentioning taylor and post seethe. pretty fucking wild you can waste your life one daily like that
wait what happened here? i don't remember anything grim
It’s a combination of former /bant/ taytriots and cuck posters from last season who only just realized this season that TJ and Taylor got together. The latter ones are the people making up all these fantasies about her.
I've never felt such dread in my life
basecamp would've been less effort to set up if they just got one of these for them to live in
i laugh every time
And the femboy posted a picture from inside Jordan's room, so they hang out irl
as i recall, she said that because letty has like a hundred leaked nudes out there. i don't fault letty for that, her ex is fucking crazy, but a lot of people had the wrong idea and thought she was literally a porn star because of those being out there. tayleigh is very retarded so i wouldn't doubt she thought that was the case lol.
If you are replying to that obvious bait post you need to leave and never come back

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Greenshark go to your wife not even Ethan and Dallas are mind broken enough to post this type of shit anymore.
Only if he has a pic with stockings.
People were unironically calling this satanic
I’m signing off, the night has obviously winded down and now it’s nothing but annoying waifu war fags in the thread. GOODBYE ASSHOLES
give me a reason to like her outside of her looks. nigga you are way too thirsty
Kayfabe nuked
you guys are all hateful losers, you cant even see when someone has a good soul becuase youre too broken
literally nobody would give a shit about her if she weren't attached to TJ and his time on the show and once she runs that ship dry she'll bounce to something else to lengthen her streaming career

prove me wrong: pro tip you can't
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Weak bait.
What the fuck, man. DO SOMETHING
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If anyone missed anything, good sized recaps on this channel

alright you're good, mexico's based. can you tell me your absolute favorite meal and what ingredients it needs? i need more mexican food in my life especially after moving up north none of these gringos can do it right
this solidified my hatred of S2 and my active hope it would fail spectacularly (it did)
The threads imploded with "fishbnb" to the beanie guy and saying taylor was cowboy's girlfriend because she asked him a question
I usually skip this part of the video
holy shit forgot about this shit
>he responded to it
Please don’t be stupid
>stupid bitch isn't allowed to have a boyfriend after ALL THE STREAMS I'VE WATCHED
Have you even watched her streams? I doubt you have considering i've watched almost every single one start to finish. If you knew anything you'd know she is self made.
So is it over? I don't see a single person
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If only she was on this season.
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i think u meant to say cute angel
Fireside chat with Jet & Ben when?
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>she's been dating this jordian guy since before s2 thats why she said multiple times that her heart is for someone else and it explains her behavior on TJ she didn't want to cheat on jordan

The "my heart is taken" comment came from Jimmy because he said Tayleigh told him in S2 that her heart was taken.

Tayleigh explained on her stream that Jimmy misunderstood. Tayleigh said that she still had feelings for her ex , the one who beat her up, but she has moved on from him and said "my heart is not taken, but it's not up for grabs either, I'm not cheating on you guys"
Bro a girl like Taylor would chew you up and spit you out, leaving you with complex trauma to deal with on your own
>holding hands
/x/schizos call anything satanic
they're like the "save me niggerman" meme in real life
dodge dealership
Still cant believe shes literally sells ass
Jet looked pretty disappointed.
trish feet
i would honestly kill myself if i spent my time simping for a methdyke.
he was probably laughing his ass off the whole time are you kidding
>Tayleigh is fucking a broke junkie she's known for around a month who lives at his grandmothers house, hailing from a strong meth family. Convicts etc.
Why does this make you so mad? Who cares?
Proof that she would do this? How are you able to make this claim without assumptions?
they should do some kind of ALL YOU CAN TTS

$1000 for 15 min of all you can tts and only your tts come through for the 15min
the best 48 hours of season 2
>wake up
>/ftl/ is being spammed with summer cuckposting
>summer has a complete meltdown after TTSes about her liking BBC come through
>summer warns jimmy and shinji about s1
>jimmy finds out everyone but JC is a plant
>summer's night long screaming meltdowns in the basement
>"where's the ice cream in this joint? hehe"
Atleast I would feel something bros... :(
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still can't believe anything that happened tonight
what a wild ride
you're killin me
i can tell you have like 80 IQ and sam hiring you over jet would be a better option
what being half korean does to an mf
Her fans were simps, of course all 7 of them are upset now.
has mr neptune done it again or what boys!!
I seen ben for about 5 seconds in the past 30 minutes if that counts as things happening.
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/FTL/ KWABOTY Rankings:
>Tayleigh (sacrificed her audience for methhead dick)
>Shinji (No Gorden Beetre)
>Summer (RAPED)
>Betty (everything)
>Cole (Fat, alcoholic, QUIT!)
>Abi (streams to 5 viewers, poor)
almost every single person who tuned into her early streams only did so to see what she would say about TJ once she left the show (and stopped actively participating in humiliating him with the wiggers, the bitch). They hung around watching for weeks during and after the show ended just to see what she would say about him and where it would go.
People debated if Letty had BPD because she has some complexity to her character. For instance, she can appear to be nurturing and then people debate if that's genuine and maybe she's just trying to manipulate.

But Abi is pure, pure BPD.
She only has surface level opinions of people (they're cute, they're ugly, they're clothes are bad etc) and she capriciously seethes over people and says they're evil or satanic or something when they don't treat her like a princess.
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you're cucks too, you just don't know it. Total Cuck Death.
enjoying the sounds of the gulch
when are they gonna give these faggots booze?
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Lowest of lows. Something about it rubbed me the wrong way. Most self-masturbatory shit I've seen Jet pull. I actively wanted S2 to fail after this.
Felt like an acid trip
She is the only reason anyone gave a shit about him in the first place
>still no Jon cock pic from the rain
i feel robbed
They really got to step up the game with these enemy NPCs, otherwise it's going to be lame as fuck
you guys want the actual taylorleaks? she was in a few /r9k/ and /soc/ discords and has some ex-orbiters who stalk and harass. nothing letty tier because she never met up irl with anyone. but there's is an extremely watered down jeremy who shitposts her with a vpn in /bant/ and looks like in here now.
>Betty (everything)

first few days of s2 before the mde fanclub reveal were probably my favorite fishtank parts
Best shot of the night
She ruined S1
Based list. Except put Betty above summer and remove cole
put Betty above Summer and perfect
I like this season of fishtank and I like posting here with you guys
no this actually is a pretty funny idea
did she ever show her tits because i'm still keen on seeing them
i dont know how much tts costs. do they make more than $1k in 15m?
is the random doorbell ringing a jet neptune inside joke? season 1 had the same thing
Taycuck absolutely SEETHING lmao
>You dont get it! She said she was depressed! I HAD to give her money!
bad pic she's a goddess.
What do you expect them to do?
Even if they go run around in the mud in a rainstorm, you expect mics or trailcams to capture anything?

See you tomorrow

That’s cope

That’s factual
And now, the real game begins.. (hope you aren’t still waiting)
is it not just a super cheap sound effect you can buy with fishbucks?
huh wait I do kinda remember that
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It would have been one thing if they did this when there was nothing going, but to actively kill content by sending all the fish to bed so they could jerk each other off was pathetic.
My cat, who I have had since he was a kitten, and has never lived in a place with a doorbell, perks his little head up whenever the doorbell sound plays
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oh no is that real lmao
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They forced all the fish to go to bed at like 11pm so they could throw a production party
the worst retard would buy it. none of the paypigs have both $1000 and 15 minutes of material.
s1 it would ring whenever the basement door or the door to the outside of the basement was opened.
I guess they turned it into a sound effect.
you dont know what youre talking about shes a good person
Season 1 doorbell was just from the Door opening.
only Shinji can save this shitshow
Bring my favorite homosexual japdick back

Idk I can hardly even remember. They came up for drinks and it felt like they wanted viewers to see how cool they were. It was awkward and they bullied Chris Lynch.
In season one that was a security thing when somebody opened the back door
of course we want them stop being a retard and just post them
God i wish she would chew me up piece by piece
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im just glad i jumped of the tayleigh wagon once HD turned on
Seriously: is Tayleigh actually dating the Kentucky dude or is this just one big artificial seethe? At least Taylor and TJ met irl and spent time together before she moved. How long could Tayleigh have even known this guy?
Have you seen the shit they send for TTS? It'd be 15 minutes of unfunny spam
Very sweet please give him some treats
He's too busy sucking off businessmen in Tokyo to come back.
>remove cole
shut up faggot
Sometimes I tune in to gulch when Jimmy is REALLY yapping and then wonder who the other 3 people listening to the gulch crickets are
Yes, she admitted it earlier. Don't care enough to go into further detail.
she confirmed it when xavier asked earlier today in another fail RP then refused to tell him his name (everyone already knows now though)
hang in there shinji gang
Tayleigh literally confirmed it herself multiple times are you dense
Whos the granny? Ive just spent my time baiting tayfags and havent really watched
the walk of a man who put everything on red
fucking over fans and sucking hillbilly cawk is so punk rawk
yeah i remember that but what's everyone grim posting about? am i missing something?
why is letty cute to me now? I've never found her cute at all before
She can't get enough of dem 11 herbs and spices from KFC
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>Cole (Fat, alcoholic, QUIT!)
What happened?
I just did and told him these are from someone from the computer :)
I feel bad for Tayleigh honestly, her “fans” are psychotic freaks. No matter how much of a retarded dyke she was in season 2, doesn’t deserve this.
her face looks like a mask
he got kicked off season 2 for saying letty's real name (nina)
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Cole was KWAB'd hard. could've saved himself if he went on 2.5 but he's too much of a coward to face his trauma and find closure in the pain
nurse to give tayleigh an IV for her dehydration
She made S1
that's it, that's the leaks. she has orbiters from 2020 who shitpost. she banned a guy for mentioning one of the servers she was in during her an early michigan laptop stream.
Crazy how much jimmy redeemed himself after that return and boxing and QUITTING night. Hes still retarded but knows how to have fun in this shit
Without the golden beetle, that’s the only way he’ll be able to pay his tuition
have they ever recovered from this moment?
fyi i can tell when you're tayseetheposting because you think she's annoying and cringe and when you're tayseetheposting because you're a bitter ex-simp and you're mad she didn't pick you
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Better camera angles
>Tayleigh actually dating the Kentucky dude
Yes, she said "shout out to my cock boy, you know who you are" and giggled, referencing Jordan, a shrooms/drug guy who bought a chicken plushie.

She's known him since april 16th when she opened her store and he bought her first plushie she sold.
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>is still actively ruining bits by being a cringe dyke
>is somehow worse at RPing than jon
>will not fucking stop looking at the camera like she's jim in the office
you're right, she deserves worse
time goes on and nobody will know the magic that happened in this very room.
>cameraman catches jon fucking her in the ass by accident
Everyone besides Letty look far worse than when they were last seen on Fishtank
Taylor's streams give her almost minimum wage levels of income, and she lost her job by going on fishtank. If you think she's some gold digger manipulator you are delusional.
Anybody follow her? What does she post nowadays since Brian got with another woman?
Who asked, faggot? Your opinion is worthless lmfao
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CK, the perfect girlfriend. Why did Peter Brian break her poor iHop-working heart?
I'm mad she's still doing drugs and destroying herself. And lied about it too, she said "I'm not really doing drugs anymore".
she would've died by now
Looks better without glasses and more high quality video in this season.
A androgynous sped who walked in circles all day. Truly riveting content.
I actively avoid listening to her annoying Sid from Toy Story ass talk so I must've missed her saying it. That's crazy. Guess that explains why she completely stopped streaming for seemingly no reason.

so it's over for her now?
>at least im not in a flooding basement
as opposed to what it normally is for 15 min?
>he actually thought he had a chance with the epic redpilled chudwife
They'll probably be able to smell it for generations
$2k+ a month is above minimum wage tbqh
she's in my heart, always.
just remember that Jet tried slid into her DMs after season 1 and was trying to fuck KEK
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Jimmy and Tayleigh are the worst things to ever happen to Fishtank and I think they are both shitty annoying people but I want them to live normal lives
>Seriously: is Tayleigh actually dating the Kentucky dude
i'm sorry she didn't pick you, man.
Kind of wild to think some boomer is going to buy that home and have no idea the chaos that occurred in there, livestreamed to 10000's of people at some point.
absolutely she just doesn't know it yet but it will hit her when she gets her phone back
i just realized.... how do you tayjeets know that he didn't already know tay before fishtank and that's why he bought a plushie from her in the first place
Would we be that lucky?
Does tay have her phone on her?
you can see where they tried to etch off the trish spray paint on the fireplace stone
The CK saga was so bizarre
Brian whisper yelling at her was always funny though
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What are we supposed to do until the fish wake up?
Unequivocally over. She has 2 remaining simps on /bant/, that's it. Even the tayleigh daily twitter account turned on her
that's fucking wild.lol
Tayleigh getting humiliated is really funny tho
it was on director cam unfortunately
>so it's over for her now?
basically. a lot of the /bant/ psychos are disavowing her now and her biggest one hasn't posted since he found out about her trip to kentucky. she keeps shouting out the taytriots but she has no idea she's lost it all
nigga didn't even think about this bait he just let it fly
>tayleigh, who did nothing all day, up when everyone else is sleeping

Nocturnal freak
sleep or sumn idk
every thread a josiepedo posts in I'm derailing a bant thread with naked airsoftfatty
everybody that posts that fucking image says the most retarded ass shit. sit down faggot.
Depends on the state, but it's still not very much money at all.
>so it's over for her now?
yes, but she's unaware of it. She still gets TTS from him.
KFJordan is his user on fishtank. They have codewords and everything. Tayleigh thinks we don't know they're sending coded message to each other.
He got doxed
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Soulless. They think they can get 900k for this shit?
Shit on Jet for not having a backup plan.
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Shouldve sold the house as is(was) to some whale
It's beyond hilarious and she deserves it but only on the show
it's funny how tired being outside all day made them compared to season 1 and 2. i dont ever remember them going to bed before like 3am.
Taylor has talent but a lot of other hot girl streamers do too, and you're right about TJ and every anon who denies it don't know shit. Part of her mystique is that she's a hot girl dating a retard who she met in an irl romcom type situation. We're all waiting to see how long they last.
No shame in her game even if she really likes him.
She's an adult you retard fuck off
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is she on her phone? if so I hope she sees all the shit so far lol
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>shows up to a hell house of torture and horrors to come bring her man home.

I did, apparently, I just had to buy a plushie and post my face
I prefer the 70s aesthetic.
No wonder Xavier is so enthralled with her, she's basically a vampire herself
Think about it, she can't eat human food
The only contestant to need an IV drip because she can't get enough blood to sustain herself?
that's my contractor John Stupid
careful now
i think he meant the phone they have on their chests to stream
Exercise, read a book, and sleep

That question is the only think that could save her reputation
Love and Life prevailed over Hate and Death in that room
Xavierbros... our guy got turned down for THIS >>200551842
>gets over $400 alone just to do a fucking 24h stream
>goes on fishtank again to get beat up by Sam Hyde with your tits bouncing for the cams instead
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I don't know about save but I honestly do believe bliccy or Damiel or even that homeless nigga from S1 showing up permanently would make this extremely entertaining and worth watching all day. Frank or Fatty isn't really needed this time around. the xavier/jon interactions and tai are carrying right now. Don't know what role Vance is playing or what entertainment value they expect from him.

Fuck you, Nigger.
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Truly goran
>ck acting like betty in that webm
>ck was one of bettys first 50 followers on her new account
what does it mean?
Wait for the tornado to destroy them all
Jimmy is too retarded to be affected by any regular KWAB metric. The only thing that could ever bother him is Hoarderman disowning him.
crickets will still be in that house and eggs will still be inside the walls
we found out because tayleigh posted picture showing Mammoth caves in Kentucky

Which was strange because she said she was going to visit her brother.

Then people saw that the guy who bought the chicken plushie has his location on twitter set to "Kentucky"
Then he got doxxed, found out he lives 52 minutes away from the exact caves Tayleigh was in.
i agree with your perspective, but if she tries to go back to streaming then she's kinda asking for whatever is coming her way. she had her chance at exploiting her weird ass simps, she got some decent money out of it, it's time to move on with her life.
Many would kill for a woman who'd go the lengths she did for him.....and he traded her in.

a Peter L?....or a Peter W?
shes only been hot for less than a year and is actually retarded how would she plan this all out from way before it was certain that TJ would win?
$400 for 24 hours of work is fucking awful pay. Are you 14 years old or something? You think $400 is a lot of money?
Because he was just a random fan
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sounds like a nothingburger if even true, nothing really ever happens around her
This is where Oliver Gator happened.
>Which was strange because she said she was going to visit her brother.
strange because her brother lives in OHIO, not kentucky*
This isn’t true lol
It looks like some spooky liminal space now.
Go kiss your dad gay boy
talking about uber driver?
>zoomers when they see an empty room
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Funny how her womanly need to post on social media is her downfall
It took her over 3 streams to hit that goal too.
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Vance is good at rp, and he's "the sniper" so hypothetically he doesn't have to show up at all
Tay lied fanbase died
>is actually retarded
For all the incels still screeching she's a sociopathic succubus actress gold digger who's going to ditch TJ for 20 BBCs when his money(?) dries up, this is the most important thing to read.

She's actually, genuinely, retarded. She could not put on an act for a few weeks, the same way Jimmy couldn't "play the role" of the Joker on his return without just devolving to his real schizophrenia.
that's absolutely insane lmao
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no you're right she was a child prostitute at florida casinos and is stealing tj's entire fortune of $32,000 and anons are going to expose this soon enough.
She planned nothing out but capitalized on the opportunity, and it worked out. Taylor's got a hint of the 'tism, but if you notice how hard she works for her shit you'd realize she's very smart with good social-business sense. She would have crashed and burned months back if she didn't.
fwiw I'm not calling her a whore or anything like that or that she doesn't like TJ or whatever. I just recognize game.
all girls have BPD and all boys have autism. the actual conditions are meaningless.
maybe half of that time will be actual "work", but besides that's not even what I meant. My point is about what she's doing instead of the stream she was paid to do, not about the amount of money itself.
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What do we think? Will Jon level up after tonight?
I keep hearing people say he broke up with his gf but is there literally any sauce on that besides hearsay
it was all the more shitty because it's when s2 was sucking the hardest.
Jon will have pneumonia after tonight
he deserves it. jet should be counting xp, and jon's done a lot of killing. jimmy should also get xp whenever he heals someone.
I think he deserves it, he did the most today
So your point is that she decided to delay a stream goal to go on a show that all of her fans watch... and somehow this proves she is a bad person? Bizarre line of thinking
Keeping that editor around was the smartest thing she’s done
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pray for betty, guys. she's worried that her new flowers might have been destroyed by the storm :(
deserves max level atp
this reminds me he didn't announce who leveled up tonight.
oh yeah she's definitely doing it "for her fans", that's why she's there.
He might have announced it, there was a period of time where he was at basecamp talking to them but all you could hear was rain.
>assuming she values money more than attention
she's probably doing it because it's fun, but why would any of her fans care about that? they all watch fishtank anyway and she will stream after it's over
She's gross and deserves to suffer
not a single taylorcel has complained about her being on 2.5 I'll give them that
She's pretty and deserves a kingdom.
you're giving her too much credit, and there's no game regarding tj
yeah the ghana empire
did josie's fans complain about her going on season 2? i don't remember.
take it back.
They complained about the amount of wigger penises that would go inside her
Yes. They were mad she wasn't streaming specifically to them instead

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