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these threads are a great example of sunk cost fallacy. simps/npcs won't understand this is more for those of you who might wake up. You have wasted your time, energy and possibly money on this shitshow. you now think "no its not that bad muh jet sam" and you're completely wrong. this show is bad real bad. sam is actively making this shit worse and worse too ween you off this aids. don't waste your precious time on this dogshit. stop funding garbage content so sam can amass enough sheckals to buy a million dollar ferrari from 1992 Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous >>200550715
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>Sgt Pendleton's hospital bills, whatever happened there
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Make the call jet
good morning saar
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>you are coming home with me right now mister.
taxcin I kneel
Somewhere out there the s3 cast are living their lives or getting ready for bed, unaware of what's about to happen to their lives
it's crazy that it took some people so long to realize that she's a pathological liar
Tayleigh's bodycount is higher than Trish's because she was broke and wanted drugs don't ask me how I know, just trust me
this post is a great example of sunk cost fallacy. simps/npcs won't understand this is more for those of you who might wake up. You have wasted your time, energy and possibly money on writing this post. you now think "no its not that bad muh 4chan /tv/ board" and you're completely wrong. this post is bad real bad. i am actively making this shit worse and worse too ween you off this aids. don't waste your precious time on this dogshit. stop replying to garbage posts so i can amass enough (you)s to buy a lifetime 4chan pass
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XavierGODS run /ftl/
Doesnt this guy fuck birds?
i mean yeah trish was married for years
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I only come into these threads to watch simps fight and argue between each other like there's some high ground here and they're not both pathetic cucks lusting over an ugly bitch
This is cucktank and you are all cucks.
People above room temp iq were calling her out on that shit the moment she started with that sob story
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manifesting the return of CK on Bloodgames
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she bought the newest iphone last month lol, hospital bills gotta wait
finally music
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legend shit
If TTS is turned on tomorrow and I can find out a way to get past the filters I'm gonna send the worst shit ever to Tay lmao.
Octavius Thunder
I bet Bedroom 1 still smells funky.
What are you planning?
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Dear Tayleigh
I did not know that you were a snake
It genuinely hurts me that you are so fake
Lying about the things that made you flake
It's sad to admit but my heart actually aches

We thought you were special and you abandoned us with lies
We thought you were different but you had the wool pulled over our eyes
Now your greatest allies are praying for your demise

We loved you even though you were flawed
Why did you have to turn out to be a complete fraud?
An army of anons ready to serve
Now we hope the leader of the Taytriot army GETS WHAT SHE FUCKING DESERVES
Xavier would be 100x more kino if he did a racist japanese voice
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cool picture betty, i'm sure you didnt post it hoping people would photoshop something into it
Xavier’s pretty funny
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Where all my Intimidator bros at? Should they bring him back?
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Fuck this I missed all of tonight because of irl drama. At least got some kino shots
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Reminder that Jeremy and Tommy set up a chain of events that led to S2 being the disaster it was:
>S2 cast announced
>leads to jeremy and tommy posting a picture of them on a discord call with black frank, one of the contestants
>leads to black frank getting gulag'd
>leads to brian getting flown out last minute
>leads to brian getting in summer's face
>leads to summer's BPD freakout
>leads to summer telling jimmy and shinji that she has knowledge of S1 and she's in on it
>leads to jimmy figuring out that everyone except JC and shinji are "plants" and they're all in on it
>leads to gator squats
>leads to JC leaving after brian cries about eating at soup kitchens
>leads to dog piling
>leads to cole being isolated
>leads to cole saying NINA and getting kicked
>leads to new simp bait filling the house after so many people get kicked or leave on their own
>leads to jimmy getting kicked
>etc etc
>kentucky... fried.. cock??
fetal alcohol syndrome ghoul
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I am an unironic enjoyer of Josie's content. I've basically watch every stream she's ever done and I don't think I'll stop anytime soonl.
>simps seething about an autistic nobody because she picked a different simp
wouldn't you like to know Jet? hahaha.
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Jet: It's just a little fucking rain and we're getting no TTS, nobody's paying for anything. Sam's on a heavy tren/trt cycle and threatening to kill me
I'm like 80% sure I wrote this post 6 months ago did you save it or something
Still feels like a fever dream to see Emp in the tank
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I am an unironic enjoyer of Jet Neptune's content. I've basically watch every stream he's ever done and I don't think I'll stop anytime soon.
>Got mad that people didn't want her to go on 2.5 and claimed she wasn't going to
>She starts straight up shit talking and humiliating multiple fans for no real reason other than they were being a little cringey and cared about her. Brock,wes ect
>Through all of this people were buying her thousands of dollars worth of stuff like vinyl records, a steam deck, a camera, a green screen, etc.
>She claims she's just burned out from working so hard and is depressed.
>She's going to stop streaming for a month before 2.5 to catch up on crochet orders and to visit family and friends for a month. She says she will make youtube shorts and tweet more (lol)
>Tayleigh tweets before 2.5 starts of just simple pictures of the outdoors, one of which is a picture of a cave.
>Q reverse image search the cave picture, its revealed to be Mammoth Cave in Kentucky
>she wasn't really working on orders, she was shacked up with a guy from Kentucky who bought a chicken plushy from her (seriously)
>only knew this dude for 20 days, btw (calls other women sluts)
>The guy uploaded a video of him with the chicken plushy at almost the EXACT same time her personality changed and she started acting like a cunt towards her fans
>Day one of 2.5 fish giving shoutouts to fans and people they know
>Tayleigh's turn "Uhhh, shoutout to my family, my mom and dad... gets upbeat smiles and laughs shout out to cock buddy, you know who you are laughs"
>She doesn't know he's been doxxed
>TTS is on. Get TTS about her fucking a dude for only $50 in Kentucky
>Tell Jet off screen away from mics to shut down TTS that speak of it
We were robbed of noir frankino
hey Jet you gotta give someone a level up tonight
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unfortunately she couldn't get enough funds for his plastic surgery
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/FTL/ KWABOTY Rankings:
>Tayleigh (sacrificed her entire audience for methhead dick)
>Shinji (No Gorden Beetre, Dropped out w/ student loan debt)
>Betty (everything)
>Summer (RAPED)
>Cole (Fat, alcoholic, QUIT!)
>Abi (streams to 5 viewers, poor)

Reply with revisions / suggestions
It's Jeremy's fault mostly. I remember him posting your screenshot like a day before s2 started.
I wuv you bwo.
this but for taylor
here's your reply
Cole was kicked
Should I be nice to Taylor in this thread? Does she deserve it? Why should the Taytriots be the only ones who get to drop trvkes?
I will rape you
where the FUCK is VANCE
i thought you guys said the storm was going to get worse? even that has turned into a letdown
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Xavier Gay fucks birds.
For the people who don’t watch Taylor streams: She once got her identity stolen by a guy she knew at Wendy’s and she almost failed every class in high school. She is genuinely retarded. TJ is a sperg but he isn’t stupid.
How much does it cost to stream all these cameras 24/7? Didn't they have to shut down at the beginning of season 1 because it was way too much?
Because their trvkes are pathetic and gay. Don’t stoop.
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>talks about how her entire family is watching
>apologizes to them because she "hasn't been home in a while"
>calls some white trash son of a meth head she fucked after he gave her $50 her "cock buddy"
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I need to get a wookout in before the rain asmr makes me too sleepy. What is a good podcast or long form youtube video to listen to?
she's public
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Josie owes Sylvia a collab stream
Probably never coming at all after today
shinji dropped out of school? but why, he didnt really seem like he wanted to start a full e-clown life or anything like that?
what was that doorbell for
POV you are watching the most mind numbingly boring ass conversation of all time
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what did we learn today /tv/?
These two together will be the highlight of the season mark my words
they should make taylor the judge of girl fishtank drama. mostly because i want to see abi sentenced to 100 years.

perfect for a workout, make sure to take notes
Legendary Fishtank moment.
The Japanese Yen crashed and it got too expensive, plus Crash didn't pay his bill on time and he got hit with an insane late fee
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>Historically, Sam always said the basement was nothing more than a glorified wigger crew. Plain and simple.
>Let me tell you a couple of three things. Forget Summer, forget Cole who says Nina and never comes back, forget Jimmy...
>Jet Neptune has no respect for this thing. He's never been a producer, not really. Here's a guy who abandoned his /r9k/ tripcode to grab the big seat, his father's board. I'm embarrassed.
>Listen to me, they cast anybody and everybody over there. And the way that they do it, it's all fucked up. People don't get a background check, there's no legal team on standby...
>And the Tayleigh thing... the man's coddling a faggot!
>Two fucking World Peaces, and we got this other pygmy thing over in Cumberland.
Combine Lettys eyes with Tayleighs teeth and you've got the perfect woman
>Scott (potbelly)
That Jon is the main character in this game.
Taylor should cosplay Cammy and/or Lara Croft.
Yet you post some obscure josie cap you could have only got on /bant/ or directly from her stream. You understand you are just as bad, right?
because taylor is hot and tay is ugly
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What an insane night. Feels like I just finished watching some outsider wigger art film
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>Tayleighs teeth

>I-i swear I'm not a tayfag guys!
No use replying to josiefreaks, they're completely out of touch with reality
what's this nigga stealing. or is he fixing tts?
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Idk if he dropped out but he doesn't have to money to pay TUITION one semester is like 50k iirc
Who is Xavier? Is he a legit actor? He is quick with everything, also funny either intentionally or unintentionally
>missed the first two days because of nocturnal sleeping schedule
but did i miss anything? this seems like a cluster fuck. caught some comfy basecamp moments though
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silly bitty
sam owes taylor some crest white strips and tayleigh a full dental plan
Absolutely flawless set of gnashers
There's no scraps in my scrapbook
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>we're already at the simps having a white trash bum mid off period of the season two days in because there isn't shit else to talk about because jet's fucking retarded
imagine being tayleigh thinking you still have support. do you guys think she will do a return stream? when she gets out she will see all the hate, /ftl2/ gone or gone completely rogue save for a couple of simps, norway twitter account sending daily tayleigh hate posts.

i think she will do one last stream to milk all the hate watchers TTS and then never stream again.
You are now aware that Jet only owns 22% of Fishtank

Sam gets most of the money while doing almost no work
I love soprano posting
>There's no clips in my archive.
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Friendly reminder we have a comfy thread over on sturdy's /tv/ board!
all of the funds for this come right out of Sam's pocket however
Despite my (righteous) crusade against the cruel crone Taylor, this is one point I am yet unable to refute.
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>bitty is so cute i love bitty betty
not really. like all of fishtank it has potential. some moments have come close to kino but nothing like the bliccy night.
bill gates and steve jobs both dropped out
He did some boxing and rode around on a dirt bike what do you mean
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Shouldve included a red Jon in this pic
I am once again politely asking for the Jon cock outline pic or webm
There's no way she streams after this, especially once she finds out Jordan got doxxed. I'd be surprised if she ever posts anything online ever again
He's the one taking the risk paying for it no? at least with S1, imagine gambling all that money on a Jet Neptunes reality show
Source: my ass

That may have been true in the first season but definitely not now
Top three nights in Fishtank history for sure.
this guy
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> Taytriots... STAY STRONG.
Yesterday was a clusterfuck of technical issues until evening
Today was good but ended early due to a storm
Watch a recap episode on YouTube, I ain’t writing out two days of shit for you
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Yeah... but there's a strong chance we wouldn't have gotten the whole Taylor arc if Cole never quit. They probably would've eliminated Taji earlier since he didn't have to fill the protagonist void that Cole left.
On tayleigh's last few streams she said she needed a break from streaming because depression and needing to work on her beanie crochet orders

She instead spent a month in Kentucky with some guy doing shrooms.

So far not a single beanie has been shipped other than ones to Sylvia and Frank(lol) that she made before fishtank.

She got over 200 orders, not a single shipped, think about that. She hasn't gotten any money either, because she will reach out to the people ordering them and ask if they still want the beanie and then they pay for it. They can just ignore her and not lose money

Not ONE beanie in MONTHS since fishtank.
Don't do drugs.
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>just sitting, listening to the rain on roof sounds while I finish up some work
kind of comfortable kino. Who else basecamp cam
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kek she thought
these threads are a great example of sunk cost fallacy. simps/npcs won't understand this is more for those of you who might wake up. You have wasted your time, energy and possibly money on this shitshow. you now think "no its not that bad muh jet sam" and you're completely wrong. this show is bad real bad. sam is actively making this shit worse and worse too ween you off this aids. don't waste your precious time on this dogshit. stop funding garbage content so sam can amass enough sheckals to buy a million dollar ferrari from 1992.

you've sunken enough or your time into this turd you can still pull out and function. letty is everything wrong with modern women she has tits a lot of women do get over it.
Nigga who the fuck cares

Kill yourself and die
did we ever fogure out whose playing him?
Unironically what happens if the Jordan stuff ends up being bullshit lmao.
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my bad that's a good one. looks like some giallo shit
i could see her with the mindset of
do a quick one hour stream to milk the last drops of cash and then go awol for the rest of her life
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Insane. I was thinking today how crazy it is that people like Jon and letty were living in obscurity roughly a year ago before s1.
Does it matter either way it's still an L for taytriots
yeah she is going dark after this
Why is it that I find Jon's autism charming and entertaining but Jimmy's completely unbearable?
Jet said Vance coming tonight in fishtank chat
wow, finally something useful to come out of a ftl thread: an alt board desperately trying to poach users from one of the most cancerous serials to convey that it's absolutely not worth using.
I have not wasted my time if I have made money off of this show.
femcole confirmed for fishtank s3
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Did you know you can identify a slut without mind-reading?

One major tell is the infamous “thousand cock stare“.

She has the look that cock-addicted women put on to conceal emotional torment. She looks wound up.

Remember fellas, women like this live a double life

1.Cutesy Wholesome Girl Next Door Persona
2.Addicted to Cock Slut (she will only revealed this aspect of her life to men who aren't needy, weak or boring, asumming she's attracted to him)
are we literally discussing here if taylor is whore or not? lol.
there was this guy on twitter who would often tweet at taylor to hangout and meet up and most of his likes and replies were to onlyfans girls thrusting. a couple of weeks ago taylor followed his private insta account
Yeah, I just want to know where they would go from there. After all this drama, could they just go back to normal?
you're typing too much, the /tv/ threads skew younger and aren't full of 35 year old boomers with the patience to read rambling bullshit
I checked this site out and it seems to be mainly interracial and anime pedo porn
Jon has more freakouts where he yells. Jimmy just tries to sound smarter than he is while making everything about him.
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Xavier Ravenblood, up to his ole trixs again?
you had me until the letty part now i'm disregarding how trvthful the rest of your message was
Vance posted a pic of his plane saying he's on his way about 7 or 8 hours ago so that makes sense
This post is a bit toxic no? Here's the thing, you don't need to get this mad over internet posts, but go off ig
for me it constantly flips back and forth between the two of them
mid compared to highlight nights from s1 and 2, are you new?
It's a pretty nice site, obviously way slower than here but it's got a lot of features I wish 4chan had
>this show is bad real bad
Why the fuck do you think Im watching it? You fucking retarded animal
"cockbuddy" seriously wtf is wrong with these niggers?
weird I don't see any of that on /all/ or /tv/
Currently dragging luggage through the mud
pure reddit post
jesus christ
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Goodnight I hate TJ he did not have a character arc he was pushed through by the producers and was one of the most boring contestants and was way too docile and him winning was one of the results of s2 failing. Taylor is only with him for clout because she is a whore party girl and dropped him the second the wiggers invited her back to 2.5 and as I type this she is getting railed by one of the wiggers while teejay is at home. You know it's true. TJ also didn't win any fight in s2. Redditors and twitter faggots only began to like him when sam and co started pushing him on his fake character arc because mde is a cult and everyone always parrots what sam says and does.
josie keeps ticking despite similar incidents. instead of dropping from 1k to 200 though she'll be dropping from 200 to 60 or whatever taylor gets
vance crying on the plane caused the storm
Letty’s boobs remind me of that John Lennon quote about Ringo not even being the best drummer in the Beatles. Best boobs in the world? Letty doesn’t even have the best boobs in the tank
Yeah this is probably why
I find Jon unbearable at times but I've never once thought Jimmy was entertaining or anything other than detestable
The irony in this is when she goes home this time, the hate she thought was gonna get after season 2 is gonna be a reality. KWABOTY, Total Tay Death
How did come to light that she has a bf in the first place

>couple weeks later
"This helps you guys, this really helps"
"I'm lonely, it's nice to talk to people"
"You guys are my friends, we're just friends shooting the shit y'know?"
"I thought everybody hated me"
"I love you guys" (complete the heart)
Then after following chicken plushie guy she didn't need it anymore.
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Seriously, there isn't any real taytriots left. Those who still are just haven't caught up but they too will when they find out, and they must.

The only one left is Tayleigh, the leader of none
Considering that every single one of them are currently reporting her old videos & giving up on her i say no, they are done for. Everything they cried about the josiepedos turned out to be true for the taytriots. This is the end for them i'm afraid a first time in fishtank history
nobody talks about how insane that nickname is
N-no Taylor is the pure girl of my dreams who doesn't even know what a penis is and I will be the one to tenderly make love to her for the first time as she is assuredly a virgin maiden as her heart is as pure as the undriven snow on a cold winter's morn!
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tj won
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been no lifeing the show since the first hour of the first day and this past night was something i'll never forget. sorry that you missed it or whatever
It's literally an altchan for dregs that think /b/ isn't depraved or pedophilic enough, report this fags posts for advertising
I hope Vance doesn't just come in the middle of the night, he should have a proper entrance when everyone is awake

Also I bet he's going to portray some weird character the whole time, like he won't even be called Vance
is it cancelled for tomorrow too?
why are they streaming from a chinese restaurant?
genuinely did a spit take when she said "shout out taytriots!" in the interview
You have said the actual truth.
There's a really long copypasta that I don't have saved explaining it in more detail but the only person to ever receive one of her commissions is this guy in Kentucky and she posted pictures of herself in Kentucky the other day. On the show she said something like "shoutout to the taytriots and my cock buddy, you know who you are" referring to the dude who bought a chicken plushie
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let us know when they drop some killer Don Jolly posts
it's a soup kitchen but whatever
Horse dick idiot got the money, the girl, and the KO
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hot take: boyfriend drama is irrelevant to fishtank
>but muh strea-
kys zoomer
>i bought a plushie!!!!
refund/backcharge if you cant wait
>but i can be a better boyfriend then that crakhead!!!!

i am shocked people actually got swept into watching any of the fish post-tank (besides vance his prank call streams were cool)
He'll probably just hang out with the staff/sleep in their area until morning.
man you should probably just kill yourself to be honest
if you really developed feelings for the girl just from watching her streams
that's fair
>”and now I wait for the (you)s…”
>”heh, any second now”
Nigga was zonked this stream
This is why I like betty better than these other whores. She may be mentally ill but at least she doesn't farm her simps for money
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Tayleigh will die a lonely death in her mobile home from a drug overdose
there was actual kino tonight and all the threads have just been /bant/-tier cuckposting
Okay but here's the thing though, you do understand not everything you don't like is automatically "reddit", right? Please excuse me while I just take a moment to appreciate all the people within this thread who AREN'T acting like total incels
Is there a clip of the Greg kino that happened earlier today?
The attention span here is ipad baby subway surfer family guy slime level
maybe because there wasnt actual kino and it was mid >>200553339
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Too much substantially incriminating evidence for it to be a false flag
She'll die a lonely death tonight after exposure to the elements
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Only if he doesn't really care about her which I think is probably the case. Maybe he's had experience with hoes like this before.
most of you faggots are wasting oxygen
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Gonna be throwing a bachelor party for my Ugandan buddy soon. What are that whore Betty's usual rates?
fuck the taytriots, whether you're a current or former one. anyone who has ever been a taytriot is a BITCH!
I liked TJ and Taylor on the show and I was rooting for them, but holy shit he does not deserve her at this point, he’s so fucking lazy
kek tj was so fucking stoned that stream
>Greg spanking his monkey in his hotel room
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Why would Tayleigh be in Kentucky, in a cave, 52 minutes away from where the Chicken guy lives.
She said she was going to her brother, in Ohio, that's at least 6 hours from those caves I think.

I don't believe in coincidences that big.
look at this demon at work.
lower viewers this season, probably lower amount of unique posters as well, grim
Oh that's where /cumg/ has went to
>if you really developed feelings for the girl just from watching her streams
if i was ever going to simp for a girl online, she would at least be hot. im just a plain old hater pointing out her hypocrisy.
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Why do you hate him?
I like both Josie and Cole streams
Ask the old dude she took with her to the Trump rally in nh
Idk about Betty but Tayleigh will suck you off if you buy a plushie from her
For you, $50. For your Ugandan friend, she pays him $50
how the fuck is he lazy you retard, you haven't seen him in months
he's annoying
I'm actually liking him a lot more this season.
day 1: bad
night 1: kino
day 2: mid
night 2: bad
tonight was giga mid, the cultists here are peak goycattle
They hate Jimmy cos they hate themselves
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chaotic night in the tank tonight and the entire thread is just talking about Taylor, Tayleigh, TJ, and Betty
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My immersion is ruined.
Fucking this. I dont give a shit about Jimmy or Tayleigh but TJ fans are the most insufferable faggots of all of fishtank. He was pretty much all retarded nontent in season 2 but his normie ass reddit fans for some thought he was so "HeCkeRiNo WhOleSoMe" and "HiS ArC wAs sO ePiC!!!" Cant wait until it comes out that Taylor cucked him and all his "fans" by getting a wigger train ran through her butthole and TJ fades into obscurity.
>you haven’t seen him in months
Haven’t I
>getting her smell on him like a cat
Yapping. A few percieved slights from turning into a comic book villain.
>test test test
>are superchats on, jet?
Jimmy's my nigga
This is part of my FUCKTANK theory. Jet spent months tweeting about how he wants sextank/fucktank leading up to S2. In the first couple of days, the contestants talked about how being single was a requirement during later rounds of the interviews.
I believe they casted all the contestants to looksmatch eachother:
Fat black guy had his fat white chick at the bottom.
Cole x Summer Aryan power couple or WMAF at the top.

Frank being replaced with a 6'4 white "chad" threw off the entire social equilibrium and caused the shitshow we got.
Other way around nig she's spending her days getting beat up by fat old ogre rapists with her tits out in front of thousands while TJ does literally anything else (which is a better use of his time no matter what)
I'd really prefer if he were quiet
post coords
Largely overshadowed by other contestants and hasn't been given any big things to do. Also he is annoying to hear.
This will always happen once they all go to bed. The threads aren't really worth monitoring while the fish are asleep.
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>night 2: bad
sad but true
nobody has mentioned betty nor should they
Does reporting actually work?
I think Xavier is great and it’s annoying that most of his interactions are with Tay, who just Jim faces it all

Xavier - Duke scenes are good but that’s all actors, I’d rather see contestants interact with actors & each other
He tries too hard to be the center of attention. Also he threw a hammer at a girl once in a tard rage. Kind of funny but still retarded
>”can’t wait until I can see some cucking”
The absolute state of Taylor-hating cuck fetishists
She made like $15k in 3 months of streaming and she just nuked it to bounce on some Kentucky meth head's dick. And she'll never be able to get a real job because there's hours of footage of her online throwing romans and screaming HEIL HITLER/1488/NIGGER/etc. She is so fucking retarded, it's incredible
Terrifying post
I was rooting for Tayleigh and thought TJ's fans were completely insufferable during S2 but they seem to have fucked off completely anyway, and now Tayleighs fans have proven to be the most batshit insane. At least they're entertaining schizos and not just insufferable redditors like the TJfags were though
has he tried to interact with letty or jimmy and it's just gone nowhere?
black man here
bettys gonna pay ME for a good time?
is dat rite? dammm
same :3
>with her tits out
lol her tits couldn't have been covered more, she has big tits she can't make them disappear
He needs someone like Brian around. Maybe Vance can keep him corralled but I doubt it.
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Why don't you hate him?
>TJ lives in a vacuum and has no offline connections
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>Tayleigh: Ok my streaming career and crochet business may be gone but at least I still have my sweet Jordan and nothing can take that from me.
>The fentanyl in her white trash drugs: Am I a joke to you?
I hate him because I got a fucking call to be on S2 and they picked him over me
They need to start taxing this
when he's the butt of the joke he is very funny
when he's trying to be funny himself, he is the most annoying reddit tier faggot i've ever had to listen to
that's cool, but you know nothing
he hasn't interacted with them 1-on-1 yet as far as i know
He basically asked Letty to get Tay to date him
Letty tried to get Tay to come over and talk with them but Xavier got shy and ran off onto the trees
I don’t think he’s ever really talked to Jimmy
no way
wtf same
Yeah nigga
He makes everything about himself and has never been entertaining unless in genuine distress
I don’t watch this whatsoever, they all look like methed out ed edd n eddys
I dont even hate Taylor or TJ. I just hate you. Kys
People keep saying tonight was crazy but i didnt watch and all i see are a clip of jon doing pushups in the rain and a bunch of tayposting
fucking lol
letty would be as good if not better than tay to larp with i suspect. i guess it's still early.
How can you be certain of this
Legitimately one of the dumbest people to ever be on fishtank and that's a very high bar to clear
>Hey... Hey... hey Tai... Hey..
>would you let jim gaffigan rub his ass on your head then fart on you
Am I the only one that doesn't want Vance to return?
>Getting so mad at anonymous 4chan posters you start fantasizing about cuckoldry
That's up to Janny, /tv/ mods are usually pretty good at purging stuff like that compared to /v/ who leave all racebait and pedobait shit up for hours
because i happen to know a lot
I also got another call on Christmas Eve, but then nothing with that one as well
I think I fucked up when I mentioned Johnny Neptune and Hack Blastard in the interview, I had been reading too many /tv/ threads and I got too excited and spoke without thinking lol
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A year ago Taylor was getting ran through in public bathrooms and here we are a year later and she's still doing the same thing
Jon-Brian rivalry is one of the most entertaining parts of the show so far.
i dont see how he'd add anything. we dont really need a straight man for this.
I genuinly dont understand why people are so up in arms over her fucking a dude
not like any of us are going to fuck her
It was a fairly heavy storm and it was kino seeing Tay get an IV while Xavier yelled yugioh rules and larp to her while a nurse talked on the phone next to them
Then camera panned to Jon doing push-ups in the rain and Tay looking like she was going to die

Otherwise, day was fine - night got cut early because combat was supposed to be in the gulch and it became a giant puddle
Vance is boring in casual situations but he's really good at LARP shit if you remember season 1 when they had to be gangsters and other roleplay challenges, he'd probably come in with some character planned
He is the archetype of the coworker that you don't like that shows you unfunny memes on a cracked android and you have to pretend to laugh because you're afraid he's gonna kill you
Not as much as you think apparently
I feel like there's no real negative to adding him, he's either boring or entertaining. Also the rest of the cast is so eccentric I feel like he'd be a good offset.
>Xavier going on and on about fantasy bullshit bombarding them with mountains of unnecessary info then getting angry about not being able to speak over TTS
After all is said and done he’ll be seen as s2.5 star
Imagine being one of the dudes who contributed to that $15k. Imagine giving money to streamers at all.
she's an iphone hoe? what a slut
I dont
>im going to ruin your makeup baby *ziiiiip*
I’ve never cared for Vance
He’s probably better behind the camera than in front of it
stop simping, i dont wanna hear what gross fantasies you have about your waifu.
to exist as a white man today is to exist in a perpetual state of being racebaited
>to bounce on some Kentucky meth head's dick
glad the taycucks aren't still seething
No retard. The actual fantasy's about you all killing yourselves from getting cucked.
You have proof of this? Or is it another cuck fantasy?
Fucking retard of course they wouldn't let you on the show if you start bringing up esoteric Jet lore lmao
I get second hand embarrassment whenever i see this shit. What is it like? Is it like turn based or are they really running around shooting at vampires with toy guns?
shut the fuck up betty. no-one likes you and your blacked pussy
would it fucking kill jet to put a camera above tayleigh's bunk?
low quality b8 *yawn*
He’s the only person on any season who has the potential to actually host a show
Season 2 especially suffered because people mostly waited for Sam to show up
Now, Xavier and Sam both do a good job of driving the ‘main plot’
Taylor and TJ are getting the niggerlips treatment by one fucking loser lmao
if you buy twitch subs you get into her slack where she rides black dildos
already better than Cole vs Brian
I hope Vance can get the other fish to join in on the roleplay more. Only the NPCs are even trying right now.
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Maybe if you're american and spend all your time on imageboards full of porn addicts
Hes dead weight and almost the male equivalent of tayleigh
also same except i was retarded in a different way, she asked if i knew anything about the show and i lied badly
Yeah I realized that after I hung up, I tend to have a very weak filter when speaking
Probably for the best that I'm not a z-list internet lolcow though kek
I was the guy in the public bathroom. Still am actually. I was just hanging out with Greg.
It’s airsoft rules and pretty stupid
There’s a ‘medic’ and armband system but yes, it’s mostly shooting at vampires with toy guns
olivers still awake
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>vampire encounter paused because tayleigh is getting a real IV administered by a real nurse
>pouring fucking hailstorm starts
>xavier shows up out of nowhere and starts monologuing
>tayleigh looks like she's gonna pass out at any second
>all the fish, the nurse, and crew members are huddled in the bunks
>xavier gets up in everyone's faces saying crazy shit
>xavier starts explaining yugioh to tayleigh
>gives her a card with "to my little pup" written on it
>real nurse takes a phone call while this is happening
>she starts talking about diarrhea as xavier continues to monologue a foot away
>camera pans over to complete darkness
>flashlight turns on
>jon half naked doing pushups in the pouring rain
Tj/Taylor seethers explaining why you should hate Taylor picrel
jesus fucking neck yourselves.
>if I stick my head in the sand, the world ceases to exist
thanks for sharing
theres exceptionally more cuckposting this time around, people aren't even focusing on the show
They thought she was obtainable, their dream egirlfriend. Now the harsh reality has come crashing down that she isn’t, at least not anymore.
u: gay
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Xavier is 2.5's Greg
TJ vampire arc solves all of this in an instant
no you're gay
I dont hate Taylor or TJ. I just hate you. Neck yourself
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nah she is hot and has a nice ASMR voice

Greg sucks
Kino shot
She’s also holding a dark magician girl card that has markers on it, allegedly drawn by Xavier, to make the character look more like Tayleigh
Taylor is a good streamer and it’s insane people think she’s boring. The gaming streams are whatever but she has a ton of good stories that are either funny at her expense or just funny by themselves. The live blackjack stream was incredible with her talking to the dealers
>Probably for the best that I'm not a z-list internet lolcow though
Yeah I'd say you dodged a bullet by not being on S2, you would've been too based for production to handle like Cole was if you'd started Johnnyposting irl
>gives her a card with "to my little pup" written on it
was this a reference to that weird ass military furry?
sounds like a disgusting fucking dyke you fucking homo.
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What are the best clip channels?
i refuse to believe this makes any straight man upset. therefore; all taylorseethers are trannies/gay.
how fucking embarrassing
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its a sexy sultry voice, stop watching anime you freak
TTS and SFX at basecamp are on
From what I’ve seen half watching on and off he’s been funnier than Sam.
are none of these ai sound effects working? I dont think i have heard one yet.
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Shes never going to fuck you bro. Oh wait its Taylor she might after she fucks 37 guys
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I'd much rather have Vance than Jon's loud stubborn turbo-autism. He's ruining the RP
I love Vance.
That moment when you see Jon doing pushups was probably the hardest I've laughed during any moment of any Fishtank season.
Truly cinema
You might actually be gay anon
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Xavier is not comparable to anyone
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I'm just a man from /r9k/ who enjoyed seeing Johnny Neptune schizo posts and witnessed Jet in his tripfag era posting in his natural habitat lmao
>4chan is "the world"
>going outside is "sticking your head in the sand"
Jesus Christ dude even by /ftl/ standards this is a profoundly mentally ill view of reality
hating jews is desirable now doe, unless you're a subhuman trumpcuck
I love the way he snaps that fan open and closed
Proof that Taylor is a whore without making assumptions?
She's legit the hottest Fishtank girl so far.
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>I'm sure it'll work out fine
/pol/ has completely broken the minds of so many men it's absolutely insane
taylorstalker will never beat jeremy. that's just facts.
>amir cum!
is way more memorable than
>uh she's a slut
Not sure but he asked if she had a bf and then sounded disappointed afterwards hahaha it was good shit
forgot to mention that this entire time Tayleigh genuinely believes that Xavier is her crazy stalker from /bant/ and is fearing for her life
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>Oh wait its Taylor she might after she fucks 37 guys
oh word ill keep watching her then. thanks.
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>one dude got so mind broken by this he keeps projecting his cuck fantasies on every mention of her
liking vance is maybe the most pathetic cause as much as i hate some of these fishtank people at least they're not boring and have a personality
vance is the painfully boring guy who's just kind of there and brings absolutely nothing but you'd feel bad not including him
there's no taylorstalker, there's just shitposting on /tv/
taylor is a light in this dark world youre so broken that all you want is for her to not be that
Im not upset about them. I just dont get why you reddit trannies prop them up so much
will this bit ever be topped?
Nah, I lived in Korea and people think it’s weird that western media suddenly started casting the way it did
I’m leaving now. Taylorseethers were eliminated by a single post and it’s over. Goodbye.
Is there going to be a Xavier face reveal in the end?
true but even during the day this motherfucker is in here repeating the exact same lines
Today he said "I don't like this kinda stuff" but then went on an on about how much joy he receives from imagining things
like Pearl fisting Squidward's urethra because it's such a silly mental image (then did that rapid nasal huffing he does when he's very satisfied by his own silliness but no one gives him any feedback)
This nigger has a 24/7 Lubecooch generator in his brain and doesn't have the decency to shut the fuck up about it
that's not summer..
there were people on bant that would find photos of her when she was a kid and post them, theyre all crazy
Haven't been following but why would Tayleigh even say she has a boyfriend? It's just a net negative for her during the show (which is only 2 weeks)
who should replace vance?
>oliver fucks kangaroos in the jew tunnels
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>tfw haven't seen even a second of xavier content because it always perfectly happens when im a sleep and ends exactly as i wake up
both you troons need to go back
He was always good at roleplay challenges, and his LPC style prank call streams are funny. I think he'll do good on bloodgames.
because she's bad at roleplay and thinks xavier actually wanted to fuck her
anybody but lance.
that's a different bunch, people here just make shit up to rile you up and get (you)s
Xavier Ravenblood, lord of the grey, suggested that he might win her heart
This led to her concretely stating that she had met somebody else already
Bitches get wet when Xavier rolls up
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she sounds like emma stone. some people(faggots) hate her voice too, so i understand i guess
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What'll Betty do next with her BBC dildo?
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you gotta catch it’s, he’s based
Holy fuck you're gay
You have to go back but unironically
Vance is one of the least entertaining fish (except when he's playing roles like being schizo), but if I had to pick one fish to actually have to spend time hanging out with IRL he would be near the top of the list. He's just a normal dude who's not annoying, but also not really interesting to watch. Hopefully he'll lean hard into the RP aspect and be more entertaining than normal like Brian has been so far.
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bliccy, damiel, cole, greg
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minecraft teej (manifesting resurrection)
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ngl I kicked off most of the Taylorseething earlier as a bit to stir up some heat in the threads but now a bunch of others have joined in and it's a whole crazy thing now. I'm actually starting to believe it all.
Who cares?
anything hopefully
this is the best thing that's happened on the show so far.
has she said this was AI yet?
The beach episode and GregCam were objectively the best moments of the final weeks of S2
The hail is back
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wtf wrong pic

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Go back to the bettycord.
thats not cutesie...
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>grasping this hard
You are the only one posting about this. Stop it
>no personality
He looks "bland" compared to other contestants because he's not an eccentric NEET. He a normal, functional person that contrasts nicely with the characters around him. It led to a lot of unintentional comedy in S1.
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>Being a non-demoralized white makes you a troon
Get ye gone satan you'll never convince me I should be upset about shitty american movies for retards or porn addict trannies on image boards
All time moment
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not even the best Xavier moment
Will saving pictures of anime plushies save the white race?
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Taylor went on test and refuses to acknowledge why she sounds so different from highschool.
Maybe there’s clips.
Here’s what I half saw
>fantasy story haranguing
>trouble sheathing pretend sword
>sword fights Jon, he’s losing and saying he’s a bat, Jon in full puppy mode unable to comprehend rules, ends up wheezing and gasping for air like he as asthma, very funny bit
>arguing with Jet about TTS being too loud
>jilted romantic interest with tayleigh
Guy is good
greg still sucks, and no one watches his streams
it's weird to read peoples opinions on twitter or kiwifarms surrounding fishtank, they talk about the show like it's high art and the contestants are great performers or something, how the fuck can you be pretentious about FISHTANK???? I'ts literally a show about niggers raping
Does anyone else wish future seasons will be shorter?
fetal alcohol syndrome phenotype
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Think we'll see Damiel at some point?
they will be probably 4 or 5 weeks im guessing
nah. not if they're in the house, and still have 8-10 retards and not actors.
Josie is just cute. I want to cuddle her and pat her head. Taylor is hot. I want to fuck her like a whore and put a cigarette out on her back.
4chan is just very negative about most things
Instead of a voting/‘likes’ system, reinforcing a hive mind, the (You) system rewards inflammatory posting
he missed a bunch of dates when same took him to open standup for them. so no.
>this page doesn't exist
welp i guess il never catch up on the xavier lore
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I'd take 2 weeks with a lot of stuff happening over 6 weeks with a ton of empty days
Yes more compact less down time
Oliver gay.
the concept of the show is to watch weirdos do funny shit and laugh at them
not watch chill guys you want to be friends with. at least not how i watch it. but i always forget there's lots of friend simulator guys in here
Agreed. He's not someone who can carry the show by himself, but as long as you give him something or someone to bounce off of he tends to get really creative.
doesn't even have a butthole...
Fuck off
Bummy Buster? I hope so. That little niggas been on my mind lately
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'fraid so
Hopefully she doesn't drown TJ's seed with PBR
it's not a coincidence that the first week was the best, most consistent week in both seasons
a josieseether used that cap last thread you're friendly firing
hi eggy
Hot vampires.
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That's not a goal of mine, will seething at people on a chinese cartoon website save the white race?
Fishtank is kill
i accidentally included some of the captcha.

ugly subhuman whores
imagine the smell, those are some ugly hoes. (besides taylor, she's pretty hot)
Average TJ/Taylorfag
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One of taylors three boyfriends that according to her was a piece of shit.
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damius will be the first shadow blood boss
feeds are down
Why is this not the entire vampire cast
that does look like a guy who would be on /r9k/ discords tbqh
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For me, it's the trapper
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Good morning, any Tay updates?
not really, nothing indicates he was a bf
its over give up
For me, it's first on the left and whoever is on Taylor's right.
Still alive and breathing unfortunately
tay died in her sleep, ambulances got called
twitter wanted this guy gone for sperging out and not rping the way they want.
because sam is allergic to success and money
>we can exploit and humiliate people
ugly. kill yourself.
When he was in schizo mode he was easily the most fun thing on the show. If they can just give him roles that he can work with then he can be entertaining, but the problem with that is Jet has an extreme problem with planning things for the fish to do. At least, this season seems like it might be Vance's best shot since he's better at playing a role than just being entertaining as himself.
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Taylor before test turned her into a husky voice man lady.
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Haven't watched since s2 ended. How's our girl Tay doing?
False, because I have never done any of the cuckposting shit about her being a cheater. I was more on the wave of her being a scheming scoundrel trying to trick people into thinking she's autistic and shit for simpbux.
You might wanna sit down for this one, there's a lot to unpack here... so basically,
Her friend looks so much like a demon. Or what you see when you have sleep paralysis
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Forcing well-adjusted people into uncomfortable situations is way more entertaining that watching a spergs throw tantrums and argue with production.
It’s weird to have this picture saved, man
jon has been trying to summon damius
youre a creep
Is that one of Taylor’s boyfriends?
Are there any black guys here?
pedo projection much?
Content King
mogged so bad they put the dyke on an IV
Letty always wins, even when she loses
that's her mid 40s (step?) brother
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Arena B is kinda kino
quads confirm Damius will be summoned
>Just posting images of her as a kid now
Nigger what is wrong with you.
Is the Season Pass worth it?
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it's funny to me there are people who watch this show who don't get the point at all and sit there confused and dumbfounded every time something "goes wrong"
nigger thats her father are you retarded, why would you even respond if you dont know shit
Nah her dead dad
Is it true that autists cannot read body language?
all of them except for the dark one
qrd last few hours?
this is 2 weeks with empty days
flowstream nigga
what's the body language here
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I want to have sex with Dallas
Ok xavier goes above and beyond with thr larp. It must be really hard to keep it up when the people you are larping with break character all the time
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sniffing jackie's armpits
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see >>200553860
no don't do it anon don't give these niggers money until they deserve it
there's absolutely no need for the season pass
don't need those cameras, chat is gay and moves too fast, and clans and XP and shit means nothing it's just for farming microtransactions
Chip is hot when he's not being retarded.
>You were still sleeping when I left for work and didn't want to disturb you, leftover tenders and hash browns in the fridge for you my love =)
Betty I need you to be my GF!
TJ resurrection arc to save the threads. It's like bringing Christ to savages. Do it Jet. I solemly swear to be nice about Taylor and TJ moving forward. They are a sweet couple and deserve good things!
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>if sam wasn't a weird prude we could have fishtank full of sluts like this

see >>200553860
They went to bed a couple hours ago after all that.
this but unironically
>our girl Tay
i've got news for you anon

also as if people spend their money on SFX instead of TTS. spamming vomiting or yelling is just retarded
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Word ty brothas
is this roided up pitslut actually only 18? I can hardly believe it.
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And I am done. There is some Jerod stuff but other then lost tik tok accounts being found that’s about it
Why did Brian break the beautiful C.K.'s heart?
>this jordan retard really wanted frank hassle's sloppy seconds
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Betty is
>#1 player in the universe
>supreme talent
>an emoji
>superior to Taylor Swift in every way imaginable
>winner of the Joshi Civil War
>a draw
>the GOAT
>cat enthusiast
Betty is
>good pet owner
>hard working
>great butt
>great gardener
What cryptid is this?
Nah, Jet should save TJ getting revived until way later.
Xavier is a GOD
Who is he? Is he MDE? Sorry, I don't know everyone Sam has been involved with.

>gives her a card with "to my little pup" written on it
kek they're fucking with her. making her think the site is infiltrated with her dreaded fans
I think you mean Cwyptid
Sensei Scott and Taylor knew eachother before season 2??
More proof she is an actor
go to bed ethan
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*cheats on you epic style*
you guys have no heart whatsoever, you all deserve the pain youre suffering from
What has happened during the evening?
Anything notable?
Being a fishtank fan sucks for night shifters
Bitty Betty we love you!!
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Gap tooth taylor
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he's some unknown LARPing autist that Jet found. he's great
kek imagine if more and more of the cast members started to come on to her, Tay would have another schizo break
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Commander Jace Conners
>tayleigh has track marks
[Sad news]
That’s fucking gay, it’s a reunion season essentially, why not get to hangout out with him a bit for one last time? According to Jet the next season is a hard reset.
bitty rocks
Imagine being a euro fan…..
>cole quit
why are you niggers still saying this shit?
I hope thats the case. I thought jet wouldnt try and fuck with them because this is just a camping larp stream but i hope he messes with their heads like regular fishtank
Jawntent will awenge CK
>kek imagine if more and more of the cast members started to come on to her, Tay would have another schizo break
jet we need this. cheers.
it was all posted countless times nobody cares bro
okay after looking at this i'm 100% convinced it's jan now
didn't cole say this
see >>200553860
He has his hands around her waist
nope, said he was kicked and we all saw it
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Love that Jon said this was his favorite part of 2.5 so far
For basically any Fishtank production with returning cast members they're gonna have to choose between TJ and Jimmy and they're gonna choose the entertaining one every single time. Hopefully they can make amends, Jimmy surely knows he overreacted to the lubecooch stuff but doesn't want to admit he sperg'd over nothing that serious
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Why is Jon so obsessed with Brian's penis?
fuckin ugly pig
the hands you cannot see, gotcha
joniver gay
I ponder the aroma. Fishy. Tuna-like. A stench of ammonia mixed with seaweed perhaps? The faint smell of an old timey bakery putting up their most fresh bread for the morning? Oh how I long for a whiff, or even the faintest taste to satisfy my curiosity.
Does Taylor have a stalker?
did anyone catch jimmy saying
>im not a homewrecker
when tts told him to hook up with letty? taxcin status?
Thank you flowstreams
That deviantart doesnt exist
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Crazy how hot she got
Yeah. you're missing out bud
This is how Jon makes new friends
he wants to see if it's clipped, and possibly wants to be friends (in which case he'd need to inspect it anyway)
Look at the position of his arm and her body. I may have the tism
Peter W
she looks like my mom
Yes. She thinks Xavier is her stalker because of how creepy he's been. She's wrong, but she's not completely senseless with those thoughts considering all the weird touching and flirty stuff he's done.
lol Nice.
He keeps going on about her and now He's posting images of her as a kid. You tell me.
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This is the first time she's looked hot, add her to the collage of perfect women
>bloody fuck you
>fuck you bastard you running like lady
*I think you
she's completely senseless for thinking her stalker is capable of being in character at all times, and not a total retard.
Jet is a coward for not actually getting the real q on
Who's bottom middle?
bro are you fucking stupid? they were never going to bring TJ back as a competitor after he already won the real season. You make it sound like he can’t come back because Jimmy is a pussy and production have to keep baby calm.
i just love the way jimmy always responds to similar TTS in a way that implies the girl definitely wants to fuck him and he would do it if not for ___
I think she knows its not him and is playing it up too
looks like he's holding a phone or something if you zoom out, she's also facing another way
I stopped watching just tuned back in and kek that they are just getting blasted with sounds out in the woods while trying to sleep while wet
Thats literally normal ftl fans, happened to every single fem. iirc Bex is the only one that has not had tonnes of information dug up about her because Bex is hot and we all want her so we dont want her to get scared off.
>josie has a thread
>letty has a thread
>fucking ella and taylor have some weird combo thread?
wtf is going on with /bant/?
Bettybro, is that you?
Sol Pais
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Which house is more iconic. Season 1 or 2?
really? if that fucker so as even looks at her wrongly while im watching im flying out and duelling this fucker. dont touch her you fag. you have been warned..
You forgot
>"No homo"
Weirdos always want to split
goth taylor is lovely
Jet here,

Not a joke, we have reason to believe Vance's plane crashed somewhere nearby and we're sending out a search party to look for him in the morning. In the event that we can't find him I'm sorry to say that he will not be returning to Bloodgames.

Everything else is on schedule as usual. Hope you enjoyed tonight, we'll have plenty more Neptunian HAARP chemo in the coming days.
i detest sluts who wear those giant binoculars on their face
Jimmy wouldn't be able to hold himself back
Then there's no reason they couldn't have brought him back as an NPC
>You make it sound like he can’t come back because Jimmy is a pussy and production have to keep baby calm.
This is literally what would happen if they haven't made up already idk I don't follow the lore when the shows not on
S1 was great for absolute chaos, s2 was good for more “content”
season 1
season 1 house is classic, season 2 house had more to do but it's hard to recognize without all the shit on the walls.
I never really hate tayleigh, I dont give a shit about who she fucks etc.
but fuck me she's ruining every fucking bit with her stupid ''let me break the 4th wall guys, im like jim from the office, isnt this a weird situation guuuuys'' shtick
All of them think the other groups are crazy and dont want to interact with them.
>not thinking Q and Xavier will duel for Tayleigh's hand in marriage
If he wasn’t docile he wouldn’t need Jet to invite him
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Season 2
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does tay think xavier is Q?
S1 will forever have the virtue of being first. It will always be "The" fishtank house.
Season 2 was a much nicer house but I feel like I'm having flashbacks to vietnam everytime I look at it while the S1 house invokes cozy memories
erm.. who leveled up tonight?
1 because people actually watched that.
TJ said he would forgive Jimmy and Jimmy has said they’re cool. Maybe it’s a Jimmy issue if he can’t get over a 140lb kid getting one over on him 6 months ago.
S1 house and outfits gave avant-garde psychological experiment snuff film vibes
Smaller houses, more interaction.
Someone needs to tell them to stop looking into the camera completely
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seriously hurt that betty would prefer black men, especially after all thaty nazi larp :(
if tj is not on the show then it's his decision, he was invited. perhaps his doctor discouraged it or maybe he's coming on later
They're not gonna have every NPC there at the start. Guys like Fatty will show up later on and probably be given some appropriate lore.
season 2 looked cooler
season 1 was more practical. action felt more interesting because the aesthetics weren't too busy
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I feel the exact same way, it’s getting to Jimmy levels of obnoxiousness
>TJ back as a competitor after he already won the real season
Is there even something to win?
Someone will have to bake the next one
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she's a jew
what did u expect?
She does, as he was leaving she said something along the lines of "don't let that be who I think is...".
i forgot all the weird blindspots the first floor of the season 1 house had. there was a wide open space in the middle where you couldn't hear anybody unless they were yelling
>the aesthetics
not a term you stupid fucking faggot zoomer cunt
TJ would find something to win
They need to force them to RP with some kind of penalty
S1 had a single open-floor as downstairs that coincidentally worked out extremely well for the show. All the "energy" naturally pooled in that area and people tended to spend most of their time there and not upstairs or in an adjacent room.
>complaining about Tay and Jimmy
I see redditors are here
she fooled me with her princess looks :(
S1 purely because of how fucking mangled beyond all repair the couch became because of fatty. Do any Anons have the timelapse .webm?
Also fatty turning the b3 bed into a straight up bilogogical hazard in less than an hour during a competition was pretty hilarious. Grotesque, but hilarious.
I hope you can beat his Mannadium synchro spam deck
Everytime she does that face it slowly goes from cringe to cringe-kino, if she's still doing it everytime a camera is pointed at her for 2 weeks it'll be so retarded that it will become absolute cinema
>22 years old
>looks older than tai who is 36
maybe the best she could do in this life really is getting knocked up by the first fan that buys her $50 plushie
he's too autistic to larp like this. also he sounds nothing like Q. she is actually schizo
Lil nigga would fuck around and win Taylors heart twice just to say he got back to back rings
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I have this
actually it is a word and it was used appropriately as defined not as a buzzword
but for your sake swap it with "visuals"
Nice cope Jordan
holy FUCK she beat
Nope sorry it’ll always suck
GOD spits on mans designs, he destroys neptunian chemo for his own, we are all HIS FISH
The couch starts to fall apart pretty rapidly once chris gets there.
thats taylor?? whats her last name
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Jordan fucked him…lucky guy…
is everyone at basecamp? I can't tell if all the beds are occupied.
really? cool
cant find anything on her anywhere
i genuinely feel kinda bad for the kentucky guy
he looks like he could pull pretty decent normal girls
instead he boldly went after some girl he saw on fishtank
i'm sure it felt like a win at first and a month or so in it might not have hit him
but one day one little thing tayleigh says will come out the wrong way, or he'll see her at the wrong angle, and it will hit him like a train. gross. what am i doing. for my coomers it feels like post nut clarity but in a romantic sense. you keep going but you go through the motions. if you're bold you just completely ghost them. if not you just slowly get distant until it's understood by both parties that things here are done. and nothing would be funnier than reddit dyke tay coming back from this all bullshit hopeful to have a real relationship after all her pathetic simps have been crying and freaking her out, and the normie boyfriend is gone. no mas. lmao

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