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Hello Nurse Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous >>200552713
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Silly Bitty!
Taylor insider here. Taylor and TJ just had a big argument. Taylor is probably going to leave in the next couple of days and TJ is not going to be showing up. Taylor has been really bored this season because she’s just been waiting for TJ and has been creeped out by Greg. She had only made up with him out of obligation but has been weirded out by how he has been acting around her. TJ was supposed to show up this weekend after his last doctor checkup to make sure he was healthy enough to be there without his sling. Apparently, he fell again and hurt his arm again so there’s no way he’s showing up now. TJ had wanted Taylor to stay with him until he was healthy and basically told her I told you so to all of her complaints about her time there. Taylor got mad and called him entitled because she had already taken a week off streaming to take care of him after he had hurt himself. She blamed him for getting hurt in the first place. Apparently, TJ and Taylor were supposed to have a much bigger role this season before he had hurt himself. They were supposed to be something like the vampire king and queen and TJ was really excited fi play his role. That entire story about Taylor’s husband being dead was a way to write in him being late. The worst thing is that apparently TJ was supposed to move in to Taylor’s apartment after this season ended but that’s probably not going to happen now. If the situation escalates further I’ll post some real proof tomorrow.
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Beneath the stars, a quiet sea, loneliness, a silent plea. Echoes in the empty spaces, solitude dons its quiet graces. A lone tree in a moonlit glade, loneliness, a fleeting shade. Whispers lost in the night, seeking solace, yearning light. Isolated steps on a path untrod, loneliness, a silent nod. Yet, in the hush, a chance to find, strength within the quiet mind
Josie bros...
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Friendly heads up we got a comfy thread over on sturdy's /tv/ board
slop post

kino post
Jon and Xaiver carry the show
Clayton Mayo did nothing wrong.
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Any good photos of The Duke?
based dewky
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Xavier's ramblings are kino
wardragonxavier dot tumblr dot com
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I don't need any tranny alt chan to run away too
brah theres just too much of the tj taylor cuck shit hes not even on the show rn, find some other topics to shitpost about
Kys dewkynigger
>retard jet yesterday: yeah it rained the other day so we're probably not gonna get any rain during the show
Ah the pajeet poster from bant is back. Fellow TJ chads, Taylor bros, and Brian buddies kindly smite this abominable bastard into a vat of boiling poo immediately.
thats something something gooners, nothing awful perverts love more than exposing their perversion to unsuspecting people
If your momma drove your lil brother Waylon around drunk on Fireballs and meth.... You might be a redneck.
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i fuck with TJ but this post is too gay for me to cosign
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>The shadows of Okinawa had witnessed my transformation, and as I stood amidst the aftermath, I knew that this was only the beginning. The path before me was shrouded in mystery and danger, but I would walk it with unwavering resolve, for I was destined to rise above the darkness, a force to be reckoned with.
based jeff
Who is that
Jordan got railed by this gigachad
Taylor gives off golden retreiver vibes.
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Taylor fags are actuall literall cucks, the fantasy of TJ fucking her is why they like her in the first place. Its freaky.
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post this cat :)
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>it's not the cuck fantasy posters who are cucks, it's taylor fans!!
sure man
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What made them so good together?
Fake and gay
That’s why TJ and Taylor are meant for each other.
Its the same people
xavier needs a buff he was getting mogged here
That hail is fucking insane holy shit
don't forget greg. greg's been carrying RP hard
ur ngmi
Tayleigh's bf's (KFJordan) mom
>cuck fantasy
the bitch is used up and a slut, get over her
lmao lurk more
cheeky lad
Just tuned in.
What's thar noise that sounds like hail?
Serious inquiry: who would make good returning guests as NPCs?

Fatty is a given. Teej might have a role. Josie could scalp Greg.
Umm… so that just happened…I guess that’s a thing now…….
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You're not wrong.
No one has responded to the TTS and media, yet the retarded paypigs continue to give Jet and Scam Hyde shekels. XD
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it was even crazier earlier
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>That’s why TJ and Taylor are meant for each other.
fucking self insert npc faggots
Giant padded bra
Despite the faggotry here recently (partially due to my retarded posts which I regret) they seem good together. They're the right amount and type of retarded for each other.
I didn't watch one second of this shit the entire day
it's true
Anons ITT: if you have the timelapse of the state of the couch throughout S1 can you do me a solid and post it? Would appreciate it immensely.
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>Did a bunch of streams that people loved
>Once got teary eyed and said she loved us because she was lonely and it was nice to have interaction
>People were drawn to her because of her being a chudette, living in a trailer, being autistic, and having a strange cuteness to her
>People making memes, edits, etc like crazy for her. Trying to turn her into the next Boxxy
>She came off as genuinely sweet, appreciative, and humble for 2-3 months
>She literally proudly talked about being /ourgirl/
>Then she started acting SUPER cunty out of seemingly nowhere
>Started skipping streams constantly while blaming it on bad internet and having depression
>When she did stream she was acting bitchy, didn't want to be there, and got drunk on multiple of them
>Had multiple breakdowns where she straight up screamed at chat
>Got mad that people didn't want her to go on 2.5 and claimed she wasn't going to
>Got drunk and insinuated she had a boyfriend, then the next stream she adamantly denied it
>Greg stops visiting her streams because she calls him gay
>She starts straight up shit talking and humiliating multiple fans for no real reason other than they were being a little cringey.
>Through all of this people were buying her thousands of dollars worth of stuff like vinyl records, a steam deck, a camera, and more
>She claims she's just burned out from working so hard
>She's going to stop streaming for a month before 2.5 to catch up on crochet orders
>It was revealed yesterday that she wasn't really working on orders, she was shacked up with a guy from Kentucky who bought a chicken plushy from her (seriously)
>The guy uploaded a video of him with the chicken plushy at almost the EXACT same time her personality changed and she started acting like a cunt
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let me sum it up
Congratulations anon, you won the blood games.
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BRUTAL mogging
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I love fishtank and I love posting in /ftl/ with you cuties
Are they comfortable at all?
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>You think you know dark? Try stepping in my shadow. >Darkness was all I knew in my past life. When I died the first time, I thought I’d finally see light at the end of the tunnel, but instead out I went into a deeper void of blackness.
>Look at these bloodbags wage their lives away like they’re anything more than cattle, their day-to-day subconsciously crafted to block out the dark reality that they will be harvested some day.
>The only thing that is uncertain is who, or what, they will be harvested by. Will it be their government? Will it be their corporation? Will it be… Me?
Its not hail. Its way too hot for hail
great tits on that cat
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you missed out
He’s a talented guy
That jumpscare actually got me
I self insert as Fatty crushing Trish under his fat gunt
Neptunian as fuck
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Wait the bear is just a mask? Fucking lol i thought he was based but he is just a fag that cant grow an epic beard
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What clip channel is uploading the full segments not just short clips
we are undeserving
self-flagellation for having gay thoughts
Are all the fish at basecamp? I can't tell if all the beds are occupied.
night time is when things turn mega kino in 2.5
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Poor Cole
thats jontent
Qrd past 4 hours?
he would've loved being on bloodgames
Nothing wrong with cracking a cold one in your car after missing work in the morning

Letty seriously just needs to start wearing contacts instead of those grandma glasses. Looks so much better.
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king X running the show, and rain
He's so fucking dumb, I love it.

How is Tayleigh's hair still this short
Holy shit he has giant tits
TJ's is like thrice as long at this point, lol
>fish go to sleep
>the next 12 hours are waifu fags arguing who is the best fish girl and if you call them out you're a simp
i'm not even joking lol
Poor nutrition
what a night
ngl listening to the rain on stream is very relaxing
Entertainment value ranking
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Tai does that face all the time where he looks shell shocked, like he's wondering what the fuck he's doing out in the woods larping as a vampire killer
Her diet consists of cigarettes, energy drinks, alcohol and hardboiled eggs.
You can literally hear it clattering, cant imagine that its easy to fall asleep
her mom fucks her shit up every other week
vance has been cremated
she's a malnourished chain smoker.
I didn't watch 1 second since it began
Take Sam off and replace with Jimmy, Letty takes Jimmy's place. Replace greg with duke.
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truth kek
>Its way too hot for hail

So does anything interesting happen after like 12 AM? When do these vampires attack (I'm assuming when it's fucking dark). I am in Europe so I don't get to see all the 6 pm > 12 AM (their time stuff) and thus fair I have missed all the interesting shit. I am back in Florida in fucking December so I will probably miss 3 as well.
Jimmy if the Mormons never got to him
Damn, where did the Tay simps go?
Qwick recap of earlier this night?
LOL come back with a real source dumbass
i think he was just farming (you)'s, i refuse to beli anyone's that retarded.
raped and roped
>I am back in Florida in fucking December so I will probably miss 3 as well.
season 3 starts in august

>So does anything interesting happen after like 12 AM?
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Patrician diet
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see what i mean? >>200555496
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from last thread
>vampire encounter paused because tayleigh is getting a real IV administered by a real nurse
>pouring fucking hailstorm starts
>xavier shows up out of nowhere and starts monologuing
>tayleigh looks like she's gonna pass out at any second
>all the fish, the nurse, and crew members are huddled in the bunks
>xavier gets up in everyone's faces saying crazy shit
>xavier starts explaining yugioh to tayleigh
>gives her a card with "to my little pup" written on it
>real nurse takes a phone call while this is happening
>she starts talking about diarrhea as xavier continues to monologue a foot away
>camera pans over to complete darkness
>flashlight turns on
>jon half naked doing pushups in the pouring rain
kill yourself
Xavier V Jon
>Residual effects from years of heroin with Clayton
>Windex-nutmeg MDMA made in the toilet
>Meth with Jordan
Pick one
>hot ice falling from the sky
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They came to their sense.
Now they are spamming how the show sucks and how we are all pieces of shit for watching it.
hardboiled eggs in a bag from walmart*
stfu man nobody's biting
If it was hailing then the ice would fucking melt before you saw it I'm sorry they didn't teach you what happens to ice when it's hot in your inner city brazilian school
Stupid AI slop what's supposed to be happening?
buying preboiled eggs is diabolical
Does anyone know why the lives changed from 100 to 3? And does the level decide who wins or the last one who dies? I swear the lives were set at 100 on day one.
vance's funeral is this afternoon
alright, thats kino
This should’ve been a sign for the taytriots to drop her
> >>200555575

Lol I'm from arizona and when it hails in late summer, even if its 80 degrees outside the hail lasts for 2-3 hours on the ground
this nigga is a walking kino machine
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A second chance?
King Cole giving us one last morsel of kino before the end, he was in a bad way that stream, singing and shit drunk at 6am
Do Americans really?
...goddammit this little detail totally slipped my mind, nice catch lmao
Lazy ones do
no, i had literally never heard of this before tayleigh
Did the restream get flagged by Jewt?
I'm from usa and i never even knew those existed. to be fair I'm pretty sure most people don't know about those, she's just that much of a trailer trash poor
that's not AI
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do you remember?
Tai above Jon because he has been poking him about his gayness and that has caused good Jontent.
Greg above Jimmy because he has developed more RP but no further up because he plays it mostly straight instead of funny
Letty tied with Greg because she comes up with very funny lines but she doesnt do much else
Jon's going to kill Xavier for The Duke
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The camera panning away from the Xavier action to reveal john doing push ups in the dark while it rained buckets was insane. Bravo cameraman.
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>In the year of our eternal twilight, beneath the moody skies of Okinawa, I was thrust into this mortal coil with the human moniker of Jake Adelstein. Such a common name, for one destined to rise above the dreary existence of mere mortals. My birth, a blend of human and ethereal, was marked by the dichotomy of my parentage.
>My father, a shadowy figure of immense wealth and influence, preferred the company of his gold-laden vaults and corporate towers over the warmth of familial bonds. A billionaire, he was cloaked in the guise of a perpetual absentee, his presence felt only in the emptiness of our home.
very curious
miss this little retard like you wouldn't believe
I said “oh my god” out loud to myself alone in my apartment
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Dis nibba still wearing blankets instead of actual clothes? I thought his character arc on s2 cured his retardation.
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i dont
When the joints were filled to the brim with ice cream, but we didn't knew it yet...
weird gay nigger you
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do you think teej has ever scrolled the thread
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Going back to my S2 folder puts me in a sad mood. Week 1 S2 was a beatiful thing to witness.
I hope not but I kind of hope he somehow has seen my posts supporting him
he drinked all of that by himself
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Bex update?
i really don't. people's obsession with him here is weird. i liked him but wtf could be possibly add here
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all i have is cole
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why is tayleigh still alive?
he saw the cast leaks that were posted here the day before s2 started
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I really wanted to see the end of his BG3 campaign and CK3 streams were comfy. fuckin little monkey
Da boss nigga..

Thinking about TJ and Frank were trying to get Greg to say nigger one of the first nights he was there, right around the same time Frank asked Greg what drugs he's done and he immediately responded with Percocets lmfao.
>any tranny alt chan
Anon...you know 4chan has literal transgender staff members right?
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sam it's me, TJ
the guy you paid 70k a few months ago
sorry about all the debt you're in but i'm sure jet can pull this off!!!
10/10 honestly for me.
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some things will never be the same
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thanks for the gf by the way
When Greg said percocets it might’ve been the hardest I’ve ever laughed watching fishtank, that night was so good
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That's fair
Why can't I find 20-60 min clips of the segments on Youtube? Did Sams clip jannies all abandon him?
he let go and devolved just like sensei Scott warned him not to
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You guys think Jon will level up after last night? He really went above and beyond. Even the soda man was impressed.
same, dawg
LMAOO i remember
stop posting this fucking lump like people actually like him
Based Bossmanjack
Jon starts doing pushups whenever he feels mogged by another male. They should bring Octavius back, would work better for Jon than for Brian.
kek I forgot how much brian acted like a tool
>guy uploaded a video
link doko?
you can check back in the vod here for anything from the last 12 hours. clippers seem dead this season sadly
Clippers are checked out this time around. I’ve only found a couple channels uploading stuff and it’s just short clips. I think the rest of them saw what became of guys like rocky stream and react simply
Don’t see who else could. Tai hit some good shots on that rescue mission tho
Jon is bloatmaxxed to hell and back.

That TTS earlier about his body looking like it was inflated by a penis pump was so on point lmao
Treacherous worm
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why do people get so emotionally involved with the people they watch for entertainment? Is that phenomenon common or fringe?
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the great other guy i forgot his name
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jet coochley lubeson
insane comparing jon in this to s1
A lot of the fish got fat, Brian and Trish have both thickened up a bit as well.
he's gettin fat
My husband :)
Tayleigh has been nontent on this season
thomas posting
the beautiful CK owes me sensual love with a bag over her head
post some rare teejs, someone was dropping new ones recently
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Damn I love this chud queen. I wonder what she's going to do next.
Taylor’s husband (may he rest in peace)
>this season
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Xavier... had a hard life
>Coddled in S2
>Coddled in S2.5

Why did they invite her back?
They thought simps would paypig for her, not realizing she's used goods
Has S2.5 been any good? Watched for an hour or two on day one but haven't seen shit aside from that
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i call this one curious teej
you can still hear them talking on schitty cam
this is what will happen when tayleigh rejects him in the finale
pedo pj
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better than season 1 and 2 imo but it's been very polarizing
yes lol
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Other than Jon being a retard and Brian's Arthur Morgan cosplay not really
literally me
what's the appeal to you?
Any Blacksmith's wife action?
>"yeah it looks like its not ganna rain for the 2 weeks we are out here"
>24 hours later everything is soaked, thunderstorm into hot hail
One of the biggest jet'd up things to happen.
it's more consistently entertaining than the previous seasons but it's so different that it's hard to judge
I think has crazy potential they just gotta iron out tech issues and settle into the LARP
i want to use betty as my personal fleshlight
Peter V Jon is pino (peter + kino)
Anyone any good BBW pics to goon too?
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they need to have a bit where Brian randomly shoots and kills Dunyae lmao
If he didnt run do you think sam would have hit him with his bike?
it's not even midnight pacific and the streams are dead kek thank god bb26 is only 3 weeks away
Her face is great
Like I'm tried hard to get into on day one but it's just too much for me. I'm barely watching.
>most views out of any clipper
>everyone else you guys praise made less than $3500 for much more work
>all of them still post about fishtank daily
what happened to me?
namefag nigger!!!! die!!!!
he veers off to the side to avoid chasing him so probably not
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you either get the joke they're going for or you don't. either way the cast itself is strong and the fish usually have something to do i guess it's just a matter of whether you're in on the joke or not. it seems like a major filter season
The “all stars” cast is great. Between Jon, Tai, letty, Jimmy and Greg somebody is always saying retarded shit. The NPCs are a nice touch too.
I forgot about this. All her fans are friendless incels so they have no idea how bad browns and blacks can stink
sex wit xavair
they are sleeping you retard
Beaners literally smell like shit constantly
You’re in these threads everyday begging for attention, a fate I wouldn’t wish upon any clipper or janny
you're ugly and severely overweight i think that's a pretty big problem
He should kneel on his neck for 7 minutes
Ah shitskin here we go again…
I just get second hand embarrassment whenever i see the fish try to act at all. Seeing xavier, ben, sam or brian doing their characters doesnt bother me but when the fish try to come up with something i close the tab and go for a walk
is your name jamal?
word. I was surprised by this. S2 was producing content until 2AM PST every day for first 3-4 weeks
exactly, you retard. people in big brother are typically up for at least a couple more hours. even the geriatric negress who controlled the first part of bb25 would usually be up at this point as well as the other old fucks
To be fair, the house was caked in shit and food matter for weeks at the point.
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every reply is a kiss on the forehead goodnight
some of the best stuff in S1 and S2 came from the fish being up in the middle of the night. Although the environment now makes it much harder. I hope every night isn't the same thing of them fighting off attacks and then just going to bed after. The storm and nurse gave us some kino we otherwise probably wouldn't have gotten.
it's been 2 days
I literally havent been here since S2 ended
i pulled all nighters the first 2 seasons
this time i'm just watching the recaps
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that's part of the joke. they're larping that they're larping. it's pretty retarded but it's had a lot of great moments and the pace is good which is rare for fishtank
>The NPCs are a nice touch too
hopefully they with Shitty town NPCs a little more on following days. They interact mostly with the ones they are forced to through story (Duke, Xavier)
Without aritifcial lights and walls its harder to stay up. Not to mention they are out in the heat all day it makes sense they go to sleep earlier than 4am
yep, i am pretty sure there was even a meeting with, i think cole, jimmy, brian and shinji at the reef during the first week at like 4-5am, where they were all bullshitting but also discussing strategy
He's the MVP so far. Dude is landing one liners like crazy and is actually good at the combat stuff
Same as before. He's obnoxious and annoying but still highly entertaining. I can't wait to see him inevitably get his ass kicked soon
She's been alright. Her whole schtick is hanging back and manipulating people though and ti takes a while for that to payoff
When he's trying to be funny he's the most cringe bastard alive and when he's just being himself he's unintentional comedy kino.
I don't know if him being 100% committed to the larp is based or cringe. Being so committed he never took that trench coat off when it was 95 degrees was insane. I guess its a good thing to have that dichotomy with the other fish
Boring, unfunny, and the only possible thing she could do that would be entertaining would be getting humiliated again

Best NPCs have been Brian and Ben. Scott is growing on me. If Xavier is meta and ironic its funny, but if its serious its cringe.
thanks for the update
I actually like jimmy more when he larps. I guess its just the ones that are bad at it i cant watch. I physically cringe and recoil when i see them try to act. I did this during larp challenges too
Goodnight sweet TJ
Jimmy is a good contestant but imagine how kino he would be as an npc
Why did you stop
a pair of fucking numbskulls
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What will he bring to the tank this time around?
He's much better in small doses. He had everybody tired of his shit almost immediately on day one.
that's a fair point. they were up later last night when jon arrived i believe. i'm just so used to the first two seasons plus all of big brother usually peaking from, like, 10pm-2am pacific
>This live stream recording is not available
They had working showers and laundry machines I think
>but if its serious its cringe
that makes it kino
Hes going to have a full character sheet and never break character
Prescription vancepills
the rain is picking up again good lord
please be nice we are having a decent thread, thank you.
> He really went above and beyond. Even the soda man was impressed.
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I'm waiting for dumbgay to either snap at trish or jon
Frank hassle next
Do you think Jon should get nerfed? Him immediately running out with two swords and kamikazeing everyone completely defeats ruins it for everyone else when they have much slower weapons and his swords are so long that the vampires have basically zero chance of touching him.
If Tayleigh left at this point, would it make a difference?
Alex Stein looking fried.
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ummmm vANcepills much???
Why did every fish get fatter
yeah we'd end up with all of The Office tier camera glares being done by Jimmy instead
Jet here

Tayleigh has sadly passed away.
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yes we would miss out on humiliation kino
Hes a paladin be should have a shield and smite evil. Vamps should crumble to him
S2 was fun to clip because you could find stuff happening all around the house that many people missed. Now every clip I see is just a rip of director mode and none of the other cams really matter.
no. it's obvious fatty is going to be the final boss so everyone needs to level up. tbqhfampai i feel like this spinoff season is just paying homage to fatty
I am not a tayseether but this format just does not play to her strengths. I like her in regular fishtank but with this being more relaxed and silly, it doesn't suit her well.
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are mauro and jimmy on prep?
The living conditions of the S2 house were so bad they retroactively fucked up the S1 contestants too.

Serious answer: a lot of them are getting into their mid-late 20s so the slop diet and lack of exercise is starting to take its toll
that's a retarded excuse you lazy bum
If he actually went down every time he was hit tonight he would already be dead. It's not an OP problem, it's an RP problem
It's obvious that Sam riding his motorcycle is going to be the final boss
jimmy doesnt do that shit
Since he's a cancelled celeb, will he be more open with being on Fishtank?
Has fan favorite Mauro done anything so far?
Paladin class is a noob trap everybody knows this. Once the difficulty scaling ramps up he's fucked
Postlander and Prelander rotund lore
what was his game plan here?
busted those fat hawaiian cheeks open for jimmy
Frequently arrive and leave
Everyone gets the joke retard and it boils down to "we're just pretending to be retarded" which is what they've been doing since season 1. I think it's fairly entertaining but it's insane to act like it's some high brow comedy only certain people will get when it's the same irony shit they've been doing forever
I agree with him. Maybe it’ll open up later.
I also have better things to do now compared to S2. genuinely not as obsessed with the show as I was then. S2 was a perfect storm for my attention and free time
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My favorite part is when he said no cameras. I would have twisted his head off for saying that if I was Sam.
I hope they say something about this just because I want to see him chimp out again. He's way too cocky about his combat skills now after mogging xavier and beating scott in a fight that scott wasnt trying in.
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>ate all the free food
>says he doesn't want to be on camera
>captured a vampire all by himself
>gave jimmy his uv light weapon and taught him how to use it
Dr. Mauro is a comp beast this season ngl
motorcycle? are you talking about the noble steed that the players have learned to use for fast travel purposes? this entire rp bit is the content that fatty truly enjoys making. to me, it seems like this entire spinoff season is just the wigger crew way of showing their appreciation to fatty's work with them, which is why i imagine he will be the final boss of the "game"
It's free money for less effort isn't it? Aint no way lil bro was a stream clipper for the passion of the craft
It’s a satire of larping but they haven’t found their footing
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>i was only using 1% of my power
I'm leaning towards that too. Xavier getting pissed about people breaking RP, Jet constantly talking about canon, and Ben making Sam and Jon reshoot a scene all seems very tongue and cheek.
The feel is it's in between the slowness of early S1 and the insanity of early S2 - it's a nice balance. Sometimes the forced bits can be cringe, the natural reactions are better, Jet is still trying to "push" and "steer" certain events to happen by shutting down certain moments which is lame and he should've learned by now not to interfere so much.

Xavier, Greg, and Brian (and the staff/actors) are trying to take the LARP seriously, everyone else is following somewhat. Tai is naturally funny with his observations and reactions. Jon tries to bend the rules at every turn and becomes very argumentative which can also be funny in moderation.

besides the insufferable tech issues, it's decent, for now they seem to have general ideas of what to do on a daily basis. The stakes aren't so high. it seems sort of fun to be there, watching it depends, sometimes the bits don't translate well on camera. it's good to have on in the background at least.
Nobody cares
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hate that fat beaner so much. such a pathetic human. literally only there for the free food.
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>It's free money for less effort isn't it?
not really. Same amount of "work" but less control or fun doing it. Pretty tedious. I uploaded over 120 hours of S2 but I watched like 400 hours. It's boring as shit if you can't have a unique take or perspective.
>Aint no way lil bro was a stream clipper for the passion of the craft
unironically this
Is this real?
they reshot the scene because the cameras stopped working
A small -> medium -> large shield upgrade would be better. He's too OP atm. This might be null when a vampire mage throws a beanbag at him.
he's an all star
that's so gay
That's what I'm thinking too. He's going crazy now because all of the vamps are just mele guys. We know that there's going to be ones coming that can use guns and spells and they'll probably wreck Jon's shit.
you guys are mauro posting at 12am pst
/ 3am est

can it get anymore grim?
he really said he didn't wanna be on cam? jfc i always hated this lazy faggot beaner but godamn. someone please throw an entire treestump at his temple
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that's exactly what we were doing night 1 of season 1 at this same time
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Hopefully they can get JF too
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>in bathroom taking a shit
>this thing opens the door and gives you this look
I can't sleep and have to be awake in 2 hours.

Mauro is underrated. The majority of the time he literally does nothing but once he turns in to a zesty angry latinx he's OP.
i guess but I can put 1/6 the time into work and make more money so no incentive to sink 2 weeks into this.
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I saw DSP spitting on this guy's grave even though DSP got away with doing basically the exact same thing. Cockroach luck once again.
Norwegian flipped on her so quick lmao
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evening all, how we feelin about day 2? i thought it was pretty good for the most part, sam was really feeling it and having a good time and the rain was kino. xavier was his usual CARRYING self

buddy this has been brewing for months now
>Xavier, Greg, and Brian
brian has been incredible with the screen time he has. really hoping there's a clip of sheriff ben attempting to arrest letty only for tai to autistically screech that he just consumed a charisma potion, ben seeming like he was confused, only for deputy brian to hop in, override his superior, sheriff ben, and say that they need to listen to tai's case.

brianbuddies should feel vindicated seeing his commitment to the bit and tardwrangling ability
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This is Bex. What do we think?
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What did Jet mean by "full reset"? Does that mean finally no more Frank Hassle and Fatty?
josiecels like the gayest cringiest shit
>Jon tries to bend the rules at every turn and becomes very argumentative
Bending the rules to win happens in fantasy play. These games lead to arguments over the rules. They should be poking fun at that
He's a retard and a pedo
shes too old to be dressing and acting like that
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vgh wosie....
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Damn, y'all, she's so DANG beautiful. I love this cat.

She's only 31

Granted that does mean she's 2-3x older than the average Fishtank fan
Yeah but just 12 hours ago he was adamantly defending her, the boyfriend comment was like the three gorges dam breaking for him
I fucking hope so
shes the age group that started those style trends
love when she makes goofy faces and pitches her voice up. funny cat!
She wasted her youth and will never have children
>Fail RP! Fail RP! MOOOOODS!!
Of course it's satire this is what you do when you troll in a RP server
What's Jet thinking right now?
Fatty saved S1
They brought him in too early in S2.
If anything it’s them not him
pretty sure shes leso anyway
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Her face is so dang expressive. She's like #Jim from the #Office.
she's probably wearing that ironically, but, if not, that she needs to stop her cultural appropriation. she probably doesn't even know what operation LAC is
oh shit thats an IV
You’re supposed to grow up…

Bex is a true believer

When will they start doing viewer submitted quests? "Get x amount of rocks" is getting a little old.
jim and pam's son all grown up!

one act wonder
shouldnt you be working for money rn
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love this cat
>one act wonder
unfortunately so
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post this cat and her perfect cat gyatt :3333
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>Holy shit.... I just did an RP!
Well fellas it's been a slice but i'm tired and i'm gonna have a snooze.
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my babby <3
very trve xavier carries
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What happened to my bouncing baby boy? He's become such a menace...
Hopefully the wiggers are cooking up something good for the 4th. What's the firework legal situation like up in the New England area I wonder? Some places have lame restrictions whereas you can damn near set off car bombs in my area.
Zesty ahh nigga
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>umm ok so jon basically rule 34 is like this rule on the internet where...
Tay making "get a load of this guy" faces when she is the "this guy" most of the time
Hey cuck I'm anon
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This autistic redneck has such nuclear seething heat that its actually impressive. She's a proper heel.
i miss when she was cute and not evil and spiteful
Great way of putting it
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>hey dad and mom sorry i haven't been home for the past month
>oh and shoutout to my cock buddy! you know who you are haha
sgtpen wept
jimmy has already said he brought fireworks and left them in his trunk
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catching up on xavier right now and he's kino intricate.
him peter and greg are killing it with the RP
Is the duke a vampire? Why can he walk around in the sun? Is it because of his big hat blocking the sun?
No holiday is safe from him
honestly stuff like this really proves to me that she is legitimately autistic so she gets a bit of a pass from me just like Jon, Jimmy, and AirsoftFatty do.
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I always say that, people who hate her are marks. She canwork them into a seethe by just looking at the camera kek.
>as long as she ain't fuckin' queer or fucking a nigger, it's fine by me!
You just know Melinda is dying laughing at the jimfacing
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I bet she was thinking
>I'm gonna mug at the camera every chance I get. They're all gonna love it and make memes of me!
I am. Just taking a little break before logging another 8 hours
>these aren't vampires they're neggas
xavier and the duke are both day walkers but they're half-jew half-vampire so do with that info what you will
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tay needed an iv because her eating disorder is so bad she feels fat drinking water and a little rain completely killed the evening early. zero tts, toys/deliveries, etc. it was undeniably scuffed kino. faggot.
Classic mauro, That's my nigga
jon was fat before tate inspired him to change, this is him reverting.
him and jet should do a weight loss character arc.
yeah they're the top RPkino producers
this little autistic 42 year old gal from texas mindbroke the entire internet
She was right in a way
tShe 100% started doing it after 4chan guys started making memes of her. She lurked those threads every single day and always used the edits as her thumbnails. She probably thinks she's going to get out of the tank and have dozens of new epic trvth nuke edits.
I think he's supposed to be a dhampir (half human half vamp) so they can have a little sun, just for fun. I think Xavier is too thus his hat and face covering. Alternatively they just never thought about it beyond if it looked cool and left it at that.
she looks good for someone in their 40s tbf
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Will Tayleigh even be alive by morning?
the thing is.. she doesn't just make these faces for the camera, that's just how she is irl, she makes those faces normally
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The seethe and mindbreaking this 100lb autistic girl from Texas causes is unreal. She's the next Boxxy in the making i've been saying this and i bet she'll be on Joe Rogan before Sam
What happened to that guy's wife, did they ever find her?
anons we must get her to stop jimfacing
i'm not going to take a podcast appearance at face value. a fan of MDE content probably knows not to take an appearance on a platform at face value. i do know she apparently has a history of schizo posting but the sincerity of it, i don't know. so, again, it's either irony or cultural appropriation.

think of a shirt as a billboard, as shirts are essentially mini billboards advertising a message or a brand. if you were to make a billboard and wanted to bring awareness to chemtrails, wouldn't you, oh, i don't know, bring attention to something like operation LAC? because of the exclusion of operation LAC, again, tip of the iceberg information regarding chemtrails, it's either irony or it's some roastie culturally appropriating people into conspiracy, or just real life schizo posting and well poisoning
hopefully not
even during the most grim hours of s2 they would at least attempt to placate the base. the storm kicked all their asses so hard literally everyone has checked out
more like because she was binging drugs and jordan cock for a month straight before going into the show.
look at how pale her skin is, they have been fucking nonstop for a month straight in his trailer.
she needs to stop smoking and eat properly now shes pregnant. she needs to be putting lil freddy dursts (lol) needs above hers
she should to keep doing it it's her only defining character trait this season and if she loses that then she has nothing
What could Tay do that would make people hate her even more? Idk what level of heat is above nuclear but she could somehow achieve it at this point.
Schitty is basically all mud at this point
>She's the next Boxxy
this literally means nothing
Vance should show up pissed about it
i'm thinking tayleigh jimface posting is gonna be a kino meme!!!
How are the citizens of Schitty going to cope come tomorrow? Maybe they're like Indians and like to roll around in the mud and shit
They're creepy little twerps
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It's me, sir; the last remaining taytriot... I come before you today, humbled and humiliated, to ask you for one thing....... I want you to kill Tayleigh Pendleton.
Ben here,
We're getting Tayleigh a pregnancy test tomorrow because Bex and Taylor both believe Tayleigh is actually pregnant. Not a joke
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What did the hottest girl poll stats mean by this?
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Kek, it's kino!
become x-pac
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But it's so quirk chungus
Anon here,
Thank you for the update Ben, keep us posted.
no fucking way kek
if she made a rap song with her cockbuddy after the show that'd probably do it
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>dude im gonna fucking jimpost whether you like it or not. now cum on my fucking face bro.
If she did anything to mess with Tai at all this place would explode
Getting Jon eliminated would probably do it since he's Sam's surrogate son and all of his simps would be just as angry as he would be.
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>That awkward moment when someone at the LARP you signed up for starts roleplaying
i hate how her lips do the trump thing
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>Tayleigh and the Taytriots just created the first epic meme of season 2.5
>this is somehow a bad thing
oh great, its another
>I hate Tayleigh, so I MUST keep posting her thread
why did none of the fish around her even ask what “cockbuddy” meant lmao
this is one of the lowest points these thread have ever been
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>not even 2 days into the show and she already hops on another cock
what the fuck is wrong with this dyke
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The Tayleigh Jimface super collage is going to be 14 gbs
They don't wanna know
just matching the state of the show
How are they going to keep this up for two weeks? This should have been a one week thing at most.
at this hour it's fairly chill in comparison
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>Was no longer a Taytriot
>People are seething about her so much its actually making me root for her again

Contrarianism is some sort of disease and it grips me tightly.
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At what level does Tayleigh unlock some new facial expressions?
>i just freaking love fishtank dude what am i supposed to when there's a camera in my face like dude do you want me to close my eyes or what of course im gonna look at it
I dream of trish
Same reason they don’t ask Jimmy to elaborate on his show and tell bits
RIP sophie
Tayleigh looks so fucking ugly
I liked it better when they were completely demoralized
Jimmy and Letty most likely know. Jon wasn't there yet. Tai probably knows since they've hung out irl
they are now after being kept up all night with loud noises while sleeping in soggy sleeping bags
Is Trish's character name still Voodoo Mama Juju or is Greg just calling her that out of habit
Why would you need further explanation on what a cockbuddy is? It's rather self-explanatory
you were always gonna come back to her, be it now or when she inevitably goes back to streaming to catch that post s2.5 viewership wave. however you rationalize it is up to you
this applies to all taytriots currently hating on her
I meant taytriots
yeah it's canon
Think so yea
It will take a long time to accept your transgression but I allow you to post her pictures to bait angry replies like I do
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that's how she was officially introduced but i prefer to call her Miss Trish Delish My Favorite Fish
He's so based
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>Taytriots (plural. multiple, many, group, more than one) STAY STRONG!
its avant garde to be a taytriot now
her mom, dad, and cockbuddy are 3
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that xavier guy is pretty cool. him screaming yugioh rules in tay's face for an hour was kino. that was two moments of tay humiliation in over the course of a few hours

is she going to be ok?
kwaboty moment
many such cases!
Hey that's me
i'd order this dish every night
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i love my mama
what would you prefer to talk about?
jose is so fucking cringe
I think its pretty funny
>him screaming yugioh rules in tay's face for an hour was kino
any clips of that?
josie is so fucking cool
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They should set up Tayleigh with the opportunity to go full heel in the storyline. It is her natural alignment. Its the absolute only way she's ever going to "level up" too.
I'm astonished how Tayleigh took away KWAB of the year from Shinji. And she had a much better start. To throw it all away to be humilliated AGAIN and be sick during a rainstorm.
At least Shinji moved on and it's now on the grind again.
equivalent of shinji shouting out the shinjigang now
Why? Because it's not full of simps posting the same images over and over again? This is the first time I've ever been able to have a proper discussion about the show
is 2.5 testing a town type area for s3?
he was literally grovelling
This is the least angry and schizophrenic /ftl/ night threads have been since the first couple weeks of season 1
Comfy fishtank rain noises to sleep to
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Hey, so I've never posted here, but you guys know Josie is intersex, right? I went to high school with "her" and I knew a couple guys who were weird enough to try to hookup with her and they said she has like, a half dick half clit thing. I saw someone call her Jose and that's funny because that's the name she was born with lol. Don't get me wrong, I like Josie although she's a lot more mean/antisocial than I think you guys understand, but it seems like some of you are interested in her sexually? Lol. Nigga you gay
>him screaming yugioh rules in tay's face for an hour was kino
gonna need to see a clip of this. i'm probably one of the only people from /mdg/ and /dng/ that likes fishtank.
yeah. hes probably one of those little /bant/ bitches that stays on there to post because he says its too negative on here lmao.
I thought Trisha would be the KWAB after the show ended because TJ won the show, Tayleigh won some diehard fans and Shinji was still the most popular fish and had the best potential out of the 4 of them to find success after the show.
woman moment. she's too fatigued or depressed or some shit. niggas job is to collect donations off horny losers and knit bullshit beanies
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As the most Loyal Taytriot I crown myself the magistri militum and second in command after our empress.
Whatever I say goes untill she comes back.
Trish being the only normal contestant is unsurprising, she seems pretty chill
I think Tayleigh is a lying snake bitch but if you look at things objectively she found love, made a bunch of money, and was showered in gifts. Even she gets out of 2.5 relatively clean and then just disappears, she won.

Shinji made a video of him literally on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness from MDE fans. The same MDE fans that Tai said are "all retarded teenagers" lmao
seconding this. the mondo megabits project from mde hinted that someone in the wigger crew plays YGO or MtG or both, plus the merchant reinforced that by trying to sell a deck to everyone with mannadium prime heart of all cards being the card on top of the deck
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and cute!
You could barely hear what he was saying. There was a huge thunderstorm going in the background and Tay had a nurse giving her an IV at the same time. It was chaos kino.
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Trish got really bad luck, getting her car broke in like, three times? that shit really demoralized her. Her streams with Tai were chill and her simps were normal, not deranged degenerates.
trisha turned out great after the show to everyones surprise. its funny that the biggest gamer out of s2 fish, she played loads of old shit too
She smells like a foot
>funko pops and swastika in the background
>"My first genie wish would be to live in ancient roman times"
This audition tape is kinema, not as good as summers though
sounds like the perfect time to explain the pendulum mechanic
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big unit
> trying to sell a deck to everyone with mannadium prime heart of all cards being the card on top of the deck
what does that mean?
>she played loads of old shit too
Like what?
>of all cards
What's the significance
The fact that Sam doesn't have the biggest gut this season is concerning
isn't that skinny by american standards?
>day 3
>girl poo piling up in porta pottys

critical mass soon

ASF is basically guaranteed to be involved with the yugioh stuff. He uploads pack openings to his channel and one of his most iconic moments was having defcon 1 retard rage because Letty destroyed his $100 dark magician deck
Is 28, looks 48, mentally 13
i hope tayleigh falls into it head first
does anyone else remember when Jimmy was streaming with Tayleigh and was talking about eating a pot of "weight loss soup" and said he always did it to build a killer summer body
Every fish is either otherweight or emaciated
its still fucking raining
letty's so fucking ugly, looks like a fucking axolotl this bitch
based jimmy pissing at basecamp to avoid this fate.
only one i can recall at this time is F.E.A.R., she streamed it. fallout 3 too but everyone did fallouts
The tree covering the top left bunk was an essential part of the mise en scène. I bet Jet is pretty pissed.
It is highly unlikely Jimmy did this, but in shows like Survivor and Naked & Afraid contestants frequently pack on weight beforehand to make the starvation easier.
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Made me go look at his channel what the fuck is this

/ourguy/ is in it too
I didn't see summy's tape before. Link?
Letty is a princess, you low class knuckle dragger
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How the fuck are they going to do anything tomorrow? Everything is going to be wet as shit.
F.E.A.R is such a goated game and it hold up well
>he doesn't remember Animal crossing and Nintendo emulator streams
OG letty hater here; all the weight she has gained has gone to her titties and hips, I'm kneeling sadly
heh, this city boy is afraid of a lil ole mud
the card is a meme. the archetype, mannadium, is a good and relevant archetype, but the boss monster that konami pushed, mannadium prime heart, was put into a very high rarity slot (making it artificially expensive) and given excessive advertising on their twitter and during their live event coverage. it was so excessive that the card became a joke and mentions of the card and the main tweet advertising the card became a copypasta within the yugioh community.

no one who plays mannadium plays mannadium prime heart. the synchro 10 slot has so many better options, and because of that, konami forcing prime heart into the spotlight turned the card into a meme
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I want just one last stream, for closure. and to see how mean the TTS get too.
gay faggot games
They should've seen it coming from a mile away

They’ll do things in the mud
When she gets out and sees just how bad things are, I think there's a good chance she just pulls a Letty and disappears. If not, the first time she turns on TTS she's going to get buck broke.
looks like a failed jackie kennedy clone
New bake already so I can thirst post without feeling tempted to skim this cringe. You people are the worst
resident evil and splinter cell shes mentioned before
scott's curse is haunting s2.5, everyone has a potbelly now. literally a shot from trailer park boys
>weight loss soup
lol jimmy is so fucking bizarre man, bet he stuffed himself with it too
oh yea
Mate no one wants to see these "thirst" posts >>200557291
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This is Sylvia. Say something nice about her.
Can't believe Sam and the wiggers raped this poor young woman on a dirty mattress in a flooded basement

I do nigga
Do you think they actually have anything interesting planned? Or is it just going to be fetch quest/vampire attack every day for the next 11 days?
Big milkers
she is pregnant
and vance was so sad
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Ugly welfare drain
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nice tits
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Vance here, don't remind me, makes me want to cry
what if she tries to paly everything down with outright denial and her simps coming back crawling on their knees?
30/70 chance of this happening, but yeah
they definitely have scripted lore developments throughout the 2 weeks. at some point villagers will begin turning into vampires or some shit
I'm sorry I didn't mean to trigger your ptsd
There is absolutely no way she can do that at this point. I'm sure there'll be some retards like Brock Landers there still no matter what she does, but there is absolutely no denying she's fucking the Kentucky guy and actively lied about being holed up grinding away on crochet orders.
yeah i can't wrap my head around how anyone simps for any of the fishtank girls besides taylor bex abi or ella
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Betty can look hot sometimes
what a sad ass
ehh yeah I'd put her above tay and letty
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smella forever <3
alright so show her looking hot
better than tays

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