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>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous >>200554937
fuck sam hyde
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How much money will this season make?
imagine actually watching this
I'll be surprise if they break even
Goodnight I love you all so fucking much
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baesie mogs
ugly freak
nite bro
I honestly don't understand what you're doing with these posts and why you make them
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Josie's pretty damn ugly I agree
based cocksieposter
any chance for a lore qrd of the last 2 days?
they will lose money
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bitty love
They have yet to start doing viewer submitted quests + more NPCs incoming (Fatty and TJ for example). Also im way too invested in this Duke vs. Xavier beef.
I do it for (you)
it's worse than you expected
You know, I'm not a fan of the larping shit, I think its super cringe. But I'll give the wiggers credit; they've clearly worked their asses off on 2.5 and put a ton of effort in to it.

It's sort of insane how big of a production it is because I really don't see how they could possibly be making their money back.
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I'll marry Malia but Trish is looking GOOD lately
Just watch the ab video inb4 he's wrong
Who cares
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Fat. Fucking. Zesty. Piece of shit.
I think they’re using some ideas from it as a beta/tech demo for season 3
i duno i catch up on xavier clips and its pretty much kino.
the only thing ruining it is technical difficulties and audio quality
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Why didn't you save her?
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Much obliged
Did I miss anything last night???
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when is jets sister coming on?
Making the handheld cam live and not shitty is a huge improvement
damn what a strange being
Agreed. S2.5 is a much needed breath of fresh air. I have very high hopes for S3 now. It seems like Jet and co finally got their shit together.

Copy and post this on /tv/.
filipina butthole
Stop posting ugly ftl waifus and start spamming this whores ass and feet NOW
Anyone else warming up to this season? Things seemed iffy at first but Jet and the ole gang have made something great here. My hopes are high for s3 and beyond!

Copy and post this on /tv/.
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the bar is pretty low
>the result of bottoming
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live handheld cam at all times and doing the confessionals live are necessities for season 3. it's insane what a difference the handheld cam makes
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the nurturing CK, if you aren't feeling good, you can tell her and she can help you feel better.
she claims to be tistic but wouldnt last a second with these real tards
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Downright unwatchable
I can't watch 24/7 so every time I open the YouTube restreamer I have no idea what they are doing
credit for what? like 75% of their shit doesn't work or even land.
>it's insane what a difference the handheld cam makes
imo it takes away from the reality aspect though. looks like we're watching a tv show
has Xavier been doxxed yet? who is this guy?

he's such a goober weaboo I love him
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i still haven't heard a reasonable explanation as to why her face looks the way it does
Its passable background noise.
wasian mutt
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fat Brian would rather date this than a thick Filipina that even Sam wants to smash
tsmt. Clips like these >>200557783 make me think it's worth watching but it's fucking impossible to follow if you aren't glued to it 24/7, I still don't know what the actual rules of the game they're playing are

Supposedly its this guy. He's an internet trolling legend.
good lord this made me ill
lol @ jon's small forearms
i wouldn't be surprised if that's the direction things go in the future, a hybrid of the cctv cameras with live handheld. i bet season 1 and early season 2 will be remembered especially for the unique and free feeling without director mode
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You know exactly what this is. They didn't even need to buy/rent a house this season, they just threw a bunch of junkyard garbage together on some hick's land and did the bare minimum once again with the cams/backend

2.5 is a test of how having only 4/12 cams accessible without a season pass would go over with the fans and a competition to see which of their budget developers could cut flow off first
Josie's not there and I don't think she's coming at all. Also the "full reset" means you'll probably never see her on fishtank again. You can rest easy lol
>and did the bare minimum
setting up all the town art and getting all the tech shit in a forest seems way harder than decorating a house
they fucked your waifu and are now bored of her desu
It's just a traditional LARP game with weapons, potions, etc both with a slight fishtank twist. Its really not hard to comprehend at all so far.

They've said nothing about how a fish can win. All Jet has said is that whichever person is the most entertaining each day willl level up and leveling up means extra real money for them.
the rules don't matter, the game aspect isn't serious, it's just meant to be entertainment
who levelled up today?
these autists need structure damnit!
People itt have been saying over and over again it's Jan Rankowski (Deagle Nation/The Commander). MDE fans will be familiar with him, nu-mde fans probably won't.
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Fat Brian (formerly skinny Peter) broke darling C.K.'s poor aching heart
In the house people would post constant updates about the current challenge ect but now I can't tell why they are doing what they're doing only that so and so is retarded and cringe
Nigger what? I'm not a josiecel. I thought you were mad because you thought she was coming or something.
one of the best fishtank moments of all time
I dont think they ever said because of the storm that came through. It'll probably be Jon though.
Tay looked so done with everything
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So long as josiecels are here so will I

She'll probably show up on s3 anyways
if you have any actual questions in the moment you could just ask in the thread but it's usually easy to intuit what's going on if you're not mentally handicapped
>She'll probably show up on s3 anyways
that would defeat the purpose of a "full reset" wouldn't it?
Thank you for your service
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Taytriots, let's do this
The challenges have been pretty lame in this. During the day its all stuff like "go find this item". At night when the vampires attack its a litlte better but you can't really see shit.
they put way more work and man hours into this than any previous fishtank project and they have a huge team working on it instead of just 4 wiggers in a muggy basement
Notice how all the worst and most mentally ill posters are all from /bant/


Hottest girl?
Damn. Nice ass
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>works you into a shoot by looking at the camera
best heel in the game
what is it with josiepedos claiming everyone is a pajeet? you fags did the exact same thing with Letty in season 1. Why are you so intimidated by skinny pale brunettes in glasses?
i like josie but i think it's funny
thanks for all your hard work
they're mde fans now, Sam wants this, and you implicitly support it
the world would have been better off without fishtank
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Sexual Betty Healing
she looks like a muppet
that never ever happens
hapa genes
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You're fucking retarded and I'm glad you have zero disposable income to encourage these parasites

You are a bully and you should be ashamed of yourself
Hey, so I've never posted here, but you guys know Josie is intersex, right? I went to high school with "her" and I knew a couple guys who were weird enough to try to hookup with her and they said she has like, a half dick half clit thing. I saw someone call her Jose and that's funny because that's the name she was born with lol. Don't get me wrong, I like Josie although she's a lot more mean/antisocial than I think you guys understand, but it seems like some of you are interested in her sexually? Lol. Nigga you gay
When I tune in for the first time and see Sam chasing some dude dressed as an anime character around on a dirtbike I'm supposed to just know what the context of that is or I'm a retard? You only think this because you're watching 24/7. Get laid faggot
They want a piece of the josie paypig pie and there's no real reason to not do it

Of course josie may look at the balance book and decide that streaming makes more money than what the crew would give

If not josie then taylor possibly which would be alright
>Tai is level 9 by the end
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Shit bros, I think I'm ready to admit it...
yea its a scatterbrained shit show these fags just want to justify spending all their waking hours watching this
Fishtank should have been male only from the jump.

Imagine how much less mentally ill these threads. Saving childhood photos/videos of Josie and Taylor. Fucking kill yourselves you worthless faggots.
>viewercount never even hit 7k
why are you here?
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does Luna still do Fishtank day recaps on Twitter?

not seeing her posting at all
The crochet chicken is in the enclosed pool area
im trying to justify spending all my waking hours watching this because i am one of those fags
challenges suck. no one cares about challenges in big brother either. we're here for the social game, even if the social game in fishtank is being psychologically tortured by tts/fatty/frank. the show desperately needs contestants who are ready to bring the hell house without production interference
to laugh at you
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Only reason Josie isn't coming back is because she was mogged by Bex and Taylor during s2. The actual pretty girls were hogging all the wigger penis.
CK looks like the antagonist of a creepypasta
most of the clippers and recap people completely gave up this season for whatever reason even though it's arguably the most enjoyable fishtank has been (at least so far)
Xer and rocky got married I think
calling tayleigh a heel is industrial grade copium. she's a floater.
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What about when the vampire hordes attack or whatever? Can they die or "lose" or is "be the most entertaining to level up" really the only rule? There seems to be some narrative too like I saw Jon and Xavier arguing about some plot to kill the Duke. Really all they need is 10 minute daily recaps and a basic single paragraph summary of what the show is on the website
Based let's make it fagtank vs bitchtank see what actually makes money

Yey she works you and makes you seethe
How much does he pay you to keep posting this image?
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I’m going to sleep
>well garsh
NTA but I like the show I just don't have all day to spend watching plus I'm in a bad timezone for keeping up
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I've seen it too

I get paid 10% of Jet's total salary for the season

When I asked Sam what Jet's earning he just laughed
nigga you posted this yesterday
out of my hundred or so posts for this season that i've made, i've barely mentioned tayleigh. i think she's boring but her turning the show into the office doesn't really bother me that much. i just wanted to correct you and let you know that she's not a heel. the role she occupies currently is more of a floater - a background character. admittedly she leaned into being a heel/villian near the end of s2 so i know she has it in her but she was a floater most of s2 and is a floater right now in this spinoff season
Yes. Each fish has 3 lives. If they get touched by a vampire or hit by a weapon they lose one. Jimmy is the medic and can revive them and save them from spending a life though.

and yes, there's some sort of plot going on, but its hard to follow and I don't particularly care too much anyways. All I know is that The Duke and Xavier are brothers, the Duke has defeated Xavier before, and they're brothers.

Greg said a bunch of shit too about having once defeated The Duke with his crossbow but who knows if that is "canon" or just greg making shit up
how the fuck does a b do all these recap vids in detail in a short period of time?

you'd have to be watching the stream 24/7, recording multiple cams at the same time, compile and edit everything overnight while the fish are sleeping, upload, then do it all over again

does he have a day job?
Jet's doing it himself
Bex and Josie were actually pretty close s2. Bex is a really nice and sexy person but luckily

What does he do coke all night and sleep all day? That's failrp
>*subscribed and bell
no way im watching this shit all day I need a recap to stay up to date
pendleton tayleigh the crochet chicken
you go to KY and your wallet stops filling
watching fishtank with no lights on
we're dans la maison
i hope that tayleigh dies in this one
like reddit jimmy im getting frantic
like tai im tantric
like taylor guaranteed to satisfy
like rapistovic i make mad films
kay i dont make films
but if i did theyd have a samuel hyde
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josie OWES me multi hour long cuddling sessions!
i mean its the person that went through tens of hours of tayleigh streams just to compile a report of her earnings
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gn chudddy
Okay thanks for answering, they should really just copy paste this onto a tab of the website

That's accurate Vampire RP
>fishtank obsessed
>"does he have a day job?"
the tayniggers on /bant/ are legit psychos. i fear for her life
That's the same guy? I had no idea lmao
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prolly another one of Sam's work-for-free troon orbiters
>They want a piece of the josie paypig pie
she was in the basement most of the time. they sure as hell weren't trying.
>does he have a day job?
Sam made us all rich with crypto, never need to work again.
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Q is going to infiltrate the tank and let me check off another one.
So far the only betty is the only one to have someone show up at her old doxed address
orb activity at basecamp
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Friendly reminder we got a comfy thread over on sturdy's /tv/ board
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Coke isn't a hardcore stim like meth, you can do rails of coke and still sleep within an hour or so if you take a shot of booze or force yourself to eat. Not that I'd know
yea dude is obsessed
Well what flavor of pizza slice did you earn
Could be true but it was a real sausage party down in the shithole of a basement and anything must have looked good
Hating josie is an artform, me an artist guy and josiecels the canvas to wipe my ass with
Why thank you
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Mauro won
It's more believable if you just admit to being on welfare or living with your parents
cringe gooner site
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Bring a yuropoor up to speed of the past then hours, please niggis.
>didn't buy eth at $40 like sam said too

have fun working my dood.
imagine the insane amount of asmr these guys are getting under a plastic roof during a thunderstorm while vampires thirst for their blood
Wasn't the police there already?
That's what I said coke all night sleep all day...
won the ugliest retard of the year award?
You didn't do that either. And if you did it's meaningless cause you can't buy groceries or pay rent with eth
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won ate all the food and left award
You're on a website with like 8 different porn boards
Not that I know of. I heard sirens once but I assumed they were just passing though.
Fishtank fans are so fucked in the head. Am I really watching this show along with "people" like this?
>implying I'm watching this shit
What a silly chud.
Any taylor content after the boxing training?
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Erm what the spruce
god she's so repulsive on every level

why are you responding to the waifu fags? they're worse than jimmy on the retard scale
I really hope they let Jon listen to her confessional where she was roasting him
Are you mentally retarded? Ever heard of selling?
i've always wondered if josie was the native american arizonan girl that used to post in the shut in thread on /soc/. i pray it's not though because it was like 10 years ago and i would want to an hero if i was talking to some teen or pre-teen when i was in my early 20s talking to people from 4chan

they just seem so similar
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cuddling wosie
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nick needs all the energy he can get right now
You haven't sold any of it for any real money
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When Betty finally gets unbanned. She needs to post here and provide live commentary for us.
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Being serious here
1.if josie streams at the same time as fishtank it is competition
2.its not unlike jet to have an idea and not follow through
for me it's $25
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There is ome big dick in town
Why? What's that catboy upto
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Ever wanted to own a piece of the tank?
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Malia deserves a chance to replace Tay if she can't fit water into her weightless regimen. That's all I'm saying
who else is actively attacking the juice right now?
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its really not that complicated, jet just got nibbled as much as the rest of us and wanted to hangout with the cutest coolest girl in america (on sams dice)
weight loss*
The trvthnvke that ended Josies career
Filipino bitches need to act like hoes to distract men from their angry faces I noticed
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She needs to clean the piss off her floors and trampoline
Anyone who would send tts to josie already watches her streams and most of them know better than blowing money for it to be pocketed by sam and his wiggers. Most would just blow their loads after fishtank ends and Josie starts streaming again.
is this true for damiel
I miss the tech fuck ups and the general fuck ups by production of season 1. That was some of the best entertainment and threads.
I am the sanest, most rational man here
this was the moment i lost any good will towards the wiggers and fishtank.
then the chicken wings accident cemented it even further.
S2.5 returns some of it tho il give him that.
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Not that guy but as someone who's a somewhat expert in Josieology. Josie's main donators will always wait for her to comeback before they donate anything to Fishtank. She could be on every future fishtank season and they still wouldn't donate. Jet would make pennies compared to what she makes in a month from streaming. I'm sure Jet realized this already and is cutting his losses hence the "full reset"
Everyone dude, attacking the "zionists" anyway but that's like 90% of da juice
Who is the one contestant 2.5 would suffer without?
For me its Jon.
Has the duke addressed doctor disrespects admission of pedophilia?
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fishtank fans aren't people
Just woke up what did i miss in the last 12 hours?
>103 pounds
Letty truly is a living onahole. You could probably lift her up by the throat and her weight wouldn't choke her.
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This pug-headed nigga won.
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>but as someone who's a somewhat expert in Josieology
We're thinking of bringing Cockbuddy in to be Voodoo Mama Juju's servant boy and have it so Tayleigh is forbidden from interacting with him. Kino or no?
spenny updae?
Disagree entirely
That's just josieniggers though
I look like all of this FYI
File deleted.
Would Chris even survive the outdoor setting?
S1 joker posting was peak
so is josie the same native american arizonan that was a regular on /soc/ in the shut in threads?
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i will forever kneel and never ever call you goran again
This just makes me wish Jon stayed longer the first season
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Bring Q and two switch blades
Winner takes all
That was during season 1, dumbass. Before she streamed.
I just checked my files and no
Obvious bait. You are mentally retarded
This would be less fucked up than bringing in CK in S2 anyway and way funnier wiggers please do this
this+ half life
I watched 20 minutes and I have to admit this might be the most retarded thing I have ever seen here. Are you just some ironic fanboys propping this up? It’s god awful.

Jon is great but he's such a domineering presence the other cast and crew struggle to know what to do with him. If he'd stayed in S1 it would have been the Jon show
god i wish i was in that asmr hut and not here reading the pathetic posts by e-girl obsessed weirdos
eat shit
If you watch more than 20 minutes of this crap then there is literally no difference
There was like 2 weeks immediately after he left where nothing happened so I wouldve welcomed the jon show
Jet introducing streaming to them was retarded. Imagine if people had no other place to donate to Josie. What was he thinking??
Hi, tankers! Is there any way of knowing what time it is at the compound? Much obliged.

Fair point, it's easy to forget how much of S1
(And S2 for that matter) was dead air
>What was he thinking??
"Can I get laid now?"

dunno, don't care. Have you tried obsessively posting about girls that will never know you exist?
Are you guys ready for mudtank?
idk but its 5:11 am there rn
its east coast time
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S1 had kino dead air whereas S2's dead air was painful.
i don't think i believe you actually did any searching but i am choosing to believe you are correct, despite this person i remember being heavily into plushies and i also remember pictures of full body suit pajamas. plus the known social name, sheep_xing, is different than the username she used off site

but i do imagine that the amount of shy, awkward, shut in, native american girls from arizona that use 4chan are very, very limited
what does it do to your psyche being mixed and knowing you dont belong anywhere?

Jon or Tai. Tai is the most entertaining but Jon is the main character, everyone bounces off him

S2 dead air was comfy christmas time waiting for presents. S1 dead air was mid april waiting for the heat to begun pre-summer bullshit
I miss what happened when it started to rain.
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Nothing, when the storm rolled in jet forced them all into their bunks and said the games will begin again once the storm passes.
Nah I believe that josieniggers would be that carefree with their money
You'd think the e girl factory idea would get hotter girls to show up
The main difference was one had Josie but the other didn't :(
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I hope tay plays in mudd like a real redneck
They should put Jon in the county jail for a day or two just to see how things fair without him.
They had just killed vampires and Xavier the largest king was dumping lore that no one seemed to be listening to much while tayleigh got an iv because she's pregnant and doesn't know how to eat and drink or something.
anything significant happen after the vampire attack?
I was busy today
did I miss anything good?
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*squishy worm noises*
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Jet would have got a bit more than a nibble but johnny got jt first
>How does something fare or fair?
'Fair' is an adjective used to describe just actions, mild weather, or a pleasing complexion. It can also be used as a noun when referring to an event. By comparison, 'fare' can function as a noun when referring to a ticket or as a verb when referring to how an action unfolded.
He robbed the merchant store last night while the vampires were attacking schitty so there is an in game reason to.
Yeah, I fucked your mom. Doggy style
Guess I didn't miss anything, huh.
It's jolly don, jolly donadillo
His shoes are blue and his coat is yellow
>Jon is great but he's such a domineering presence
Yeah in s1 but in 2.5 he has been really struggling to be the man in the "house". Sure he has funny moments like arguing with NPCs but when he is surrounded by likes of jimmy, greg, brian, dungay and tai he becomes nonverbal.
Tay finally got an IV

Josie looks like she had bad breath. If you grew up in the south west you knew at least 10 josie types who smelt weird and were lmao so quirky. No idea why people are so obsessed with her. Don't warn me again 4chan jannies, because i'm fucking warning you.
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Do It
this is just sad now man

S1's post-Jon era was boring but S2 after all the leavers in the first week or two was dire. I can't believe they tried to center everything around Brian. After Brian went it was just freeloaders: The show
What are Sam Hyde fans like?
Jannies are warning for talking bad about josie? Lol not big soup rice, only trannies like her.
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The Duke's fucking dirtbike not even being black, but Kawasaki green is master-level comedy.
hot 18 year old girls with big tits
If the smell is made by a cute grill it becomes a good smell.
S1 had clones and freeloaders who kept it interesting. Betty and Frank being good examples.
chubby guys who watch blacked and own bad dragon dildos
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>be a mexican mutt
>lie about being an indian cause its cool and quirky or something
Is this common in the south?
Jon is getting laid this season. You can tell he's grown.

So you've never smelt a girl who can't brush her teeth or wipe her ass? Because it smells the same as a dude who can't brush his teeth or wipe his ass.
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By whom?
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If/When TJ arrives Jon will 100% try to get him to do pushups to mog him in front of taylor, even when his arm is broken.
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Let's just say we trigger the woke left.
Not the brightest I can say that much
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cope she streamed from the res
based and redpille.
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Do you think TY could do more push ups than John?
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this website doesn't use these kinds of shitty meme templates, you gotta try harder than that Jet

the sound of josie eating you
And tj would end up winning somehow
i'm an above average height, above average weight, white male, with alcohol problems, that loves absurdist humor. been a fan since his stand up routine about aids

i also like tim and eric. in fact i think tim is probably funnier than sam but i'd rather support sam
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No girls have different hormones it's a different smell.
Taylor would kill Jon for bullying TJ
cock size? circumcised?
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Why are these threads so shit in the middle of the night?
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most kino moment of the day unfortunately
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4inches erect, circumcised.
They are sleeping and there is nothing to discuss
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because nothings happening
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Ermm it's half 10 in the morning
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Fat fuck.
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Turkey tom said Josie smelled like a foot and I believe him cause she's poor and brown
What's stopping rain from coming in through the latticework?
Loving 2.5! I love when Sam acts goofy and silly, it makes me giggle when I see him on the trail cams! He makes the season path worth it!
Idc would still impregnate
i don't remember him being this fat during s2
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Hey guys, Jet here

I can't sleep! I'm so excited about tomorrow's plans...
More sad people are up, tossing feces around and pissing themselves. The rain asmr is on point tho.
he's with child. you should be more sensitive anon.
autistics rarely shower
based! mdebros we're eating good
>tayleigh trying not to look at his sexy big body
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does the FBI want my cock size after i've been gooning for 6 hours or when flaccid? as for the circumcised question, unfortunately, i am from a catholic household and catholics have been infected by desert religions so i am circumcised.
no but jokes aside, that's a beer gut
She was into Frank Hassle so I believe it unironically
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I went to sleep at 12
has anything of notice happened since then?
I just noticed, isn't the guy on the top left Hackthemovies?
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it is
God the rain sounds so loud at basecamp

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Goblin bro, thoughts on Vex?
She is trying to look in every other direction but at him, she probably regrets rejecting him for the skinny chicken boy now
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seething at the based rain much
Things that need to happen:

TTS telling Jon his pushup form is garbage because his chest doesn't touch the ground and he doesn't fully extend his arms.

Blacksmiths Wife for mayor she is the best npc larper and needs more lines and bits

TTS tell Ben and the deputies that Jon robbed the store last night during the vampire attack

Vampires trying stealth and stealing from the fish at night and making a treasure horde

Someone making Tay eat and drink regularly because she's too retarded to know how on her own while doing physical stuff in the heat despite being from fucking Texas.

A new onions tax on Tay for Jimming the camera.

Whatever soda tent potion guy is doing to make Jon get all defensive about being a homo more of that.
Omg this! Sam is my idol because he knows internet culture and is a self made millionaire!
The two are like total opposites, A_P thinks fishtank has already peaked and is on the down slide for viewership and only cares about the s2 fish and Letty. Something that ended up being true since peak has been 7k viewers for 2.5. A b thinks its growing and is investing more time into it. A_P is a math autist and a b a social studies retard who has watched too much reality tv. A_P constantly shits on a b, Sam and Jet every chance he gets while a b praises fishtank. I wish someone would get the two of them into a twitter space the autism would be off the charts
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It's 2:30 am in LA and I'm not available to carry
What are the crew quarters like this time round? Did Jet remember to make them watertight?
jet here, we're gonna be killing the least popular fish for the finale. who do you think it should be?
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can I get a winston status?
Sam is so funny when he goofs off on camera lol. MDE never dies!
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shit you're right, i totally thought they were the same person because of their usernames
The way you typed this makes me think this isn't a totally serious statement and that you might even disagree with it
you or ben
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these are the people that accuse you of being channing
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waow so many heckin wosies in this thread
Hey guys, the girl playing the Blacksmith's Wife here

Jet wants to put in a quest where I get my dress stolen and have to walk around in my underwear because it'd be 'funny'. Is he always this much of a pathetic pervert?
These threads are like a mental illness whirlpool that you could get sucked into the vortex of at any moment.
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Winston status: fucked or got fucked by josie/jose
Simp status: donated and cucked
>above average weight,
So, what like 300 lbs?
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If Jet just hit me up and 2.5 took place in LA the weather would look like this
Go to sleep hoe, you're too old for sam kike
I genuinely enjoy when Sam goofs off like the big ol' goofball he is lol. I'm a white guy from Canada and I've been enjoying his content from a while btw.
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if my grandmother had wheels she would be a bicycle
hey guys, duke here!

Hey guys, Jet here

What if we shot the next bloodgames in Mexico? It'd be cheaper
i dont know if it would be more satisfying to rip josies piercings out of her face or rip her stupid hair off her scalp
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Tay and Jimmy were meant for each other. They fucked it up and now she is dating some kentucky hick and losing all her fans and he is eating and drinking his sadness away.
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>jet thought a small roof would keep things dry
jet here, need $$ for whippits. TTS flash sale on now!
He's so cool when out alphas these autistic kids with his boxing and dirt bike skills what a Chad haha can't wait for MDE 2.0!
Water. That is the tweet.
>she probably regrets rejecting him
QRD? He asked her out?
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ben here. im bald
Los Angles or Louzeeana?
You say that like her fans aren't also obsessed with feet
>Portapotties all backed up with rainwater and Jon, Jimmy, Jet and Trish's shit

he said yesterday that it wasnt gonna rain at all lol
>None of the sides are protected from wind or rain
Not sure if he's retarded or trolling with this um structure
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guys who smoke weed, put on platform shoes, and listen to his ted talk on loop while pacing in their 300 square foot studio apartment pretending they're him
Hey guys jet here, tj is making a comeback this evening im totaly sober this time
Kek this ! I never switch cameras when Sam is yelling! That shit is so funny xddd
the fish dont seem bothered
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can you imagine people simped for this?
She's 22.
Her feet are nasty
>t. foot lover

You say that like Greg doesn't shit 30lbs everyday
>Whatever soda tent potion guy is doing to make Jon get all defensive about being a homo more of that.
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I will never forget when Jimmy said on stream that Tay's heart is taken. You could hear the blues in his voice. I don't think I saw him smile since then. Poor jimbo knew Tay was his one true love.
idk about y'all but i stay on gulch cam. great content. gulch gang for life. gulch it up!!
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It's guys like this that haven't turned on him yet

Skip to 36:55

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why did sam invite tayleigh back if he hates her?
you could see the regret on her face for coming back.
most obtainable girl in their eyes
by far the ugliest on the show
you're never fucking xer. that's a fact.
There are enough mutts in texas already
why was his webcam always distorted like that kek
>why did sam invite tayleigh back if he hates her?
she was the most popular s2 contestant
Cheers Josie :) *clinks mtn dew glass against my lenovo thinkpad screen*
They saw her stream numbers and thought they could bait TTS. They didn't plan on the Jordan situation and now they have to censor everything about him.


It's genuinely baffling. Also does she have those nose to mouth lines due to premature aging or is that what her face looks like.
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Tay fucking a fan kek
It's so funny the first guy who bought something from her stupid crochet store starts fucking her in less than a month.
Never call Letty a slut again Tayleigh.
This whole story is neptunian.
Trish is even worse imo
when did they wake up yesterday?
Which is funny because in the same thread people were posting forecasts saying it was going to rain. If they can find it that easily i have no idea what jet used to look up the weather.
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its nearly 6am and these faggots are still asleep, are they toddlers? it's time to get up you pieces of shit you cant fucking sleep your life away
>Jet inactive on twitter (Apparently his phone broke)
>Fishtank twitter silent

Did they forget to hire someone to do social media this time around?
>premature aging
She's talked a lot about drugs, I'm pretty sure she's been on harder stuff than just amphetamines, mdma, shrooms, whipits and some other less bad, but still bad.
Jim around 8, almost noon for the rest
Shit was funny af. You can tell Sam dislikes her, she's pure cringe.
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Get up and do what? They have no backup plan for bad weather
Looks like she could take a better punch than Tayleigh

perhaps he can steal her heart on 2.5 by consoling her after the wiggers and sam utterly humiliate her again

10-11am, jon never slept because he understand how business and life works
Worse, they are zoomers
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Day 3(?)
Let's hope this is the day Tay goes home to die
He hates when she does her the office face
>Sam glares at Jet
Why did this make me laugh
>she was the most popular s2 contestant
by what metric, because certainly not popularity
>hire someone
People are amazed they hired 4 larpers to stand around. They dont hire people for anyhing
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What's he planning?
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Anyone else see the peacock on gulch cam yesterday?
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wosie my beloved

Protip, if the question boils down to
>Is Jet Incompetent?
The answer is always yes
You'd be wrong then, at least Trish looks female, she's just a dime a dozen whore, fuckable but nothing too special, Tayleigh is ghoulish in comparison.
Drugs don't age you like that. I've done more drugs than her, I'm older than her and I look younger than her.

Get up and figure out what they're going to do for the day, this is isn't elementary school where your teacher tells you what you're going to do for the next 8 hours. This is adult time. If you can't figure out how to spend your time enjoy sitting in your room doing nothing all day.
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My fellow taytriots we need to get tay a BBC dildo like Betty. Imagine her saying something like YOOOOO I FUCKING HATE NIGGERS BUT THEY GOT SOME HOT COCKS MAN. Then she starts depthroating it lmao
josie when she sees wiggers
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>the office face
Heh, good description.
under but not by much. really don't care about fat jokes. in fact i remember some faggot bully that probably dropped out during high school tried to make fun of me by calling me "jelly rolls." approached him and told him face to face that i don't like sweets and to call me pizza rolls instead. his friend group ended up calling me "pizza rolls" throughout school but i was also one of the few people that would pass the faggot and his minions without a care

i know you didn't ask but i'm jimmy'ing because i've had like 15+ shots of vodka
>adult time
they're playing with fake guns and cosplaying in the woods
>every /ftl/ thread eventually devolves into a josie thread
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i hurt josie
it's a huge "alpha" man that got fucked by a tranny being upset with his retarded slav gimp. You can't make this shit up
Feel bad for Sam here he's just a gay theater kid being bothered by some fag who wants to fight him, I guess it's his fault for adopting the roid monkey persona but I can't tell if that's really how he wants to be perceived or not
incels are obsessive creatures
I'm using a filter list. I didn't even notice the ugly cunt was being spammed.
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Lies, the post.
you're out of your fucking mind
Sam's an artist guy, you're not supposed to figure him out ever.
Whats wrong about 1488 ?

Show hands or nose if you seethe about it
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The smile lines are insane for her age. I assume it's the smoking.
Ask Sam and the wiggers. They roasted tayleigh about it constantly during season2.
You first nigger
i KILL josie
so you let a group of dudes call you fat for years and didn't do anything? lmao that's so pathetic
Who's playing Xavier? The guy's putting in work.
based pizza roll enjoyer. i miss them. I also miss alcohol. can't tolerate either anymore on account of my gut being ruined by alcoholism.
Nothing, but Sam Hyde is a grifter who grifts alt-right/right ringers, so if he catches you doing what he does, he's going to shame you for it.
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Was that weird video with Jet sarcastic talking about how he was so proud of someone's Hazbin Hotel rp server or something really directed at Josie?
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Memorize this if you are an artist guy
Why are they even here? Josie hasn't been relevant since season 1 really. All she did was hide in the basement and get high and suck dick during s2.
the fact that people are questioning my, true, shitpost completely irrelevant to the show proves that the season needs NPC cams. people are so bored that we're out here arguing the validity of a random anonymous shitpost instead of discussing content because the wiggers are so inept that they decided to not give the NPC base a cam

way to go wiggers
Sam is a kike surrounded by beaners and mentally ill people, that explains it
It had to be, she's a huge fan of it
>Whats wrong about 1488 ?
It's just cringe to say, especially when Tayleigh is the exact type of person who would be sent to Bergen Belsen.
Her best friend is also a fat mexican woman and she has only dated mexicans (before chicken guy)
>Why are they even here?
attention and they think they are le epic trolling and ragebaiting
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>yeah bruh tayleigh totally mogs trish
cucktriots are fucking INSANE
I guess but he also made a sketch about being Hitler's top guy so it's strange that they hate her for that so much
Because it's funny that she still makes you seethe
Who would win in a fight: Ryu from Street Fighter or peak Jean-Claude Van Damme?
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because i was. and still am, fat, and it doesn't bother me. life do be what it is, man.
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>Jet has decided to ensure the fish are wet 24/7, like in an actual aquarium
I mean that's probably objectively wrong
>wham a lam posting
>tayleigh spiraling
>taylor cuckposting
>jose spam
its all so tiresome
Definitely not still seething about the retarded mexican squaw I promise guys
every now and then, i forget how brown 4chan has become, and then i come into these threads and am immediately reminded.
>Not her fans that act like creeps for attention
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Ryu shoots fireballs and can fly 20 feet in the air doing spinning kicks bro
Why are we linking to the website instead of /wsg/ now

The absolute state of /ftl/
There is 1 taytriot left.
Can stop Tay saying "shoutout to taytriots"
Is she really oblivious to how unpopular she is?.
But Van Damme is fast as fuck
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>lose the "tank"
>double the "fish"
i kneel
>has black hair and brown eyes
>best friend is an obese beaner
>only dated beaners
>knitted a beaner for a nigger
>only ally in s2 was a nigger
Wow... So le based and trad!
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Hideous as his sickly pale deformed visage may be, we really need this critter in there playing some crazy kooky character.
Only Shinji can save this now. Does he know how to play Yu-Gi-Oh?
well, i'm not going to let it go to waste...
>takes all the pretty genes from trish
>trish still mogs everyone in the camp except Tay
I swear these two are the only attractive flips I've ever seen
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all true except only dated beaner part
she's now dating her fan who does shrooms and drugs
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>except Tay
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You're the one who ordered pizza in the first place. EAT A SALAD INSTEAD NEX TIME YOU FATTY FAT FATSON.
Jesus Christ it's so accurate
Guys tayleigh's totally hotter come on
Doubt Zach would danger his adult swim contract
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now we're talking
>That fucking picture
Don't feel bad for him. this is the fanbase he created by larping as Mr alpha male self help guru
>except Tay
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damnnnn tayleigh looks like THAT?!
She is. You're just simping for a monkey
Why does her dress look photoshopped
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You're simping for a meth head that looks like a 40 year old dyke and has the body of a 12 year old boy
Based Walmart greeter
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ugly as sin
How is this >>200559749
Uglier than this >>200559301
Based cute chuddette! Saving the white race!
i will continue to eat high protein foods despite their high content, thanks. you're more than welcome to eat bitch foods that are mainly water that have to be drenched in fats in order to be palatable. don't worry, being a faggot is currently trendy, so you're recommending what's cool
with the most vilest rotten personality you can imagine.
what a truly toxic diarrhea combo
is this the final tay simp?
Hey guys Jet here

Just had another email personally thanking me for this season and telling me how glad they are they invested in the season pass. Have you bought one yet? You're missing out if not!
will the rain be making tayleigh even sicker
>rotten personality
this is honestly the worst part, she's just a shitty person who thinks she's above it all, but she hasn't yet figured out people are laughing at her.
Is she really a dyke? There's no way she hasn't taken any cock before.
Wow they actually got Spenny on the show!
some people are totally broken, it makes no sense
Tayleigh quote: "I have green eyes"
>Hey guys Jet here
I was very close to buying a season pass, but then I remembered, flowstreams exists and sending TTS is pointless when no cam works.
I donated to based flowstreams
Don't censor Jordan tts and I'll think about it
Green as puke
>implying tay's the hottest girl there
Who would be Kenny, and how would they cheat their way to victory this time?
Niggers like you fear the based and redpilled kind
Someone said I looked like Justin long
Is that a compliment
Why do white people with poor bone structure and small skull size think they can say 1488
It's crazy getting a reminder of what you people find "hot"
They were tasked with saying something funny and thats what she blurted out. Its cringe and tryhard and only delusional autists thought it was "based."
Real racists hide their power level
Its just one faggot from israel spaming
A Russian jew
>weird mutt with snakebites
>22 year old who looks like my grandma
Coombrains will latch onto anything
because they can
my dinner tomorrow is going to be the same dinner i have every work night - a cut of steak (usually sirloin, ny strip or ribeye) basted with butter and either a potato or rice on the side. my chubby mantits aren't making me give up my diet, my man.

if i had a similar thinking dommy muscle mommy to work out with, i'd find a few hours every day to eventually convert this pent up protein to muscle
It's bad. I can find 20 hotter girls walking down the street by the closet college campus
too much
Willing to give up their phones and social lives for 2 weeks and be humiliated by Sam Hyde for chump change?
You don't care because your depressed your depressed because your obese. You have 6 weeks to lose 20lbs. Or I'm buying you a bra. Pizzaroll bitch
Josie is the most average looking spic ever, I'm tired of all the faggots from minnesota, michigan and indiana simping for her.
Pitch black eyes, round mestizo face, shit literally glued to her teeth like braces

omfg shes so quirky and beautiful I love her shes just like my anime girls
male fitness would be significantly more interesting if it were some sort of femdom kink where the girls were pushing males so the males would hit their desirable physique. instead it's always faggots and borderline faggots who want "compare" bodies
I'm from indy and we have way better beaners out here. And they actually act like women not niggers. Some of them anyway.
Male fitness is interesting because dying of a heart attack at 29 is boring and lame. It's actually crazy how bad being overweight is, the high blood pressure on its own is bad enough.

stop simping for josie you sad mother fucker
i could have died that early? and they're still keeping me trapped in this game? wtf?
Taylor nigga, how the fuck would you assume I meant that redneck abomination
You are living on borrowed time. Seriously pizza rolls you are dying.
taylor looks like she brushes her teeth every other day at best
but her voice is pure sex and has nice tits
>pizza rolls you are dying.
thank god, i know i've been dying since i've been disconnected from the umbilical cord. i'm not against speeding up the process.
That's hot becuz she cute grill
>this is average fatties mindset
I fucking hate fat people so much, they are literally subhuman
Her voice sounds like shit. Ugly butthole eye bitch.
>i'm not against speeding up the process.
This isn't what normal happy people say. You've been depressed for so long and its literally because your obese. Obesity effects the mind, you eat because your sad your sad because your fat from eating. Its a vicious cycle. Break the cycle pizza rolls, you don't need to be sad.

if I knew that you only like little girl voices and if you were in front of me right now I would literally disembowl you fucking sicko
how often does she wash her ass? asking for a friend

Every day, the filth and soap drips down her legs and onto her feet
whatever happeend to that clipper rocky lol
deformed visage LOL

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