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Sexy Grandma Edition

>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at
>What is Bloodgames?
Fishtank is back, but before we head into our third season we bring you Fishtank All-Stars Vampire Bloodgames-- a real life first person RPG game occupied by your favorite characters from fishtank fame. 6 all stars return to camp out in the woods for 14 days. Their objective: stay alive and don't get bit. During the day, players may visit the town, explore locations, loot for supplies, or fortify their camp. At night, the monsters come out to play. Fish must avoid the vampires, level up, and brave the unpredictable elements. Beware: your bitten allies may come back to get you. They know your camp well.




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed

>Thread shall be created when hit page 10 or image limit
Previous: >>200557511
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Season 3 will take place here
My fellow taytriots we need to get tay a BBC dildo like Betty. Imagine her saying something like YOOOOO I FUCKING HATE NIGGERS BUT THEY GOT SOME HOT COCKS MAN. Then she starts depthroating it lmao
>tfw been listening to the rain asmr for hours
its so comfy
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went to bed during tayleigh's iv last night, anything happen or did they just fuck off to bed?
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baesie mogs
charleston white rape rp
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Damn, that chicken plushie guy is so lucky!
I want to suck the farts out from trish' asshole
beat dyke
they should force tayleigh to do a hitler cosplay she'd nail it
Well she mogs Trish anyway.
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This thread is full of niggers
why did fishtank stop getting good fanart after season 1?
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Fat fuck.
Yet is such an Aryan goddess. Love me those aryans with black hair and brown eyes.
Ew. She literally has a stache.
get in line buddy
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Loved him on Kenny vs Spenny
Tayleigh trying to look away, she still loves him
sgt. chuddleton
Bigger tits than tay
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Because its a trash show followed by beaners, niggers and redditors
Everybody stopped following it besides losers
Hey, so I've never posted here, but you guys know Tayleigh is intersex, right? I went to high school with "her" and I knew a couple guys who were weird enough to try to hookup with her and they said she has like, a half dick half clit thing. I saw someone call her Gayleigh and that's funny because that's the name she was born with lol. Don't get me wrong, I like Tayleigh although she's a lot more mean/antisocial than I think you guys understand, but it seems like some of you are interested in her sexually? Lol. Nigga you gay
Tay trying real hard not to mire.
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Mentally ill simp
There is somethingwrong with you, seek help
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based, keep the good work and ignore the haters
Some sad news breaking out of Stephenville, Texas: Sgt Pen has died. I repeat Sgt Pen has passed away.
Hey, so I've never posted here, but you guys know OP is a faggot, right? I went to high school with "him" and I knew a couple guys who were weird enough to try to hookup with her and they said he has like, a half dick half bussy thing. I saw someone call him Faggot and that's funny because that's the name he was born with lol. Don't get me wrong, I hate OP although he's a lot more gay/homosexual than I think you guys understand, but it seems like some of you are interested in men sexually? Lol. Nigga you gay
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can someone OOTL me on why Tayleigh's fan base hates her now?

>I mean they still loved her even when she gaslit TJ about be a sex predator all season
>still loved her after she licked franks boot and made out with him
trvth nvke
Stop fucking talking shit about me
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Judging by all the posts about tay, she's more popular than ever
>can someone OOTL me
Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!
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I'm her fanbasex and I will never hate her. I'm ignoring your schizo headcanons
Never got to meet his grandchild
Running list of birds I have heard in the background of the stream:

>Chipping Sparrow
>Pine Warbler
>American Robin
>Northern Cardinal
>Black-capped Chickadee
>Tufted Titmouse
>Red-Bellied Woodpecker
>Carolina Wren
>Eastern Wood-Pewee
>Wild Turkey

Best Birdcall Cam right now: Merchant
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>used her winning money on drugs and getting dicked by a druggie hick instead of paying her fathers medical bill
damn that's low
I would much rather fuck a fat chick than Tayleigh.
They at least are friendly and warm to you.
Fucking based. Fuck that fake chud cunt.
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Will Letty stream again after 2.5?

BASED Birdwatcher
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It should take place here. Make it an all-Brirish cast, including 2 Indians.
>Wild Turkey
I should get a bottle of whiskey
Based nature enjoyer
>stage 1 of grief: denial
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wow, her jaw, chin, so weak
she got it from both her parents who have no chins.
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Do you think they will stream after the show ? I hope so.

If they fuck with any other fan than me ill go mad and seethe on 4chan all day long
this is even more sad the second time round
You're drinking yourself to death. Take a break at the very least.
this dive bar slut knows exactly what she's doing
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tay said all the time in S2 she loves her father , but keeps doing all this shit, I don't even think her father is in her life at all.
Maybe some kind of projection
Fuck off pizza rolls
Wake them up Jet
Trish is cute :)
>stage 1 of being a fag:(you)
How do you learn to identify bird calls and how long have you had this ability?
>thinks jet is not nodding off xannies himself right now
oh my sweet summer child
she shouldn't love him he failed her big time
our boy has gained some weight. glad to see he's taking care of himself
>jimmy: yea i grew up on a farm
>doesn't know how to chop wood
>tried to use moisture soaked rotten wood
>doesn't know how to ride a dirt bike

these stupid zoomers lie and don't know anything, now the fire pit is soaked and there is no dry wood or kindling

its like survivor but everyone is a woman even the men.
Based fat nigga got the reverse turtle shell going on
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mental illness
*starts depthroating a big chocolatey nigger cock*
If his arms/legs had some form or residual muscle from being active years ago he could have a dadbod.
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>yeah i ride these all the time *stalls it ten times in a row*
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Got my Samsung Galaxy and watching blacked porn in my car, drinking whiskey and whining about my alcoholic mom.
How's your day guys?
jimmy aint a zoomer, niggers like 30
Tayleigh is a bad person. she is ugly both physically and personality wise.
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The us is a brown country, deal with it, 1488 simp
Every fucking time
Are we all watching basecamp right now? What is that noise in the background?
The funny thing is that it's clear he at least knows more than all the other fish.
>pay for a decent plot of land
>setup elaborate larp landscape
>the players dont use 99% of the land, would have been better off making them larp in a warehouse.
how big of a loss will this be
He is brown too, you're in good company with him, muttbro.
He rode horses and used manchettes to cut trees.
she's clingy and attention starved of daddy's notice
Hey SkitzyScrubs! How's GREG doing?
>walls in the beds with a lattice instead of actual walls to save $50 and now their beds get soaked when it rains
>muh daddy
Yeah she talked about him constantly in s2 it was pathetic
Isn't Jon a firefighter? Wouldn't HD know about dry wood vs damp wood?
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Tay and her dad (Tay is on the left)
Very strong 1488 genetics, they must be preserved no matter the cost!
Yes Jon is 100% a firefighter
he actually brought up that point tho
that poor poor fucking kid growing inside her womb rn has no idea what kind of meth riddled life he's in for
mommy will feed him only the most nutritious window cleaner
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Her mom too!
Jon is/was a volunteer wildlands firefighter. It's fairly easy to join and all you'll be doing is digging trenches and shit. I doubt he did it for more than a summer.
oh you bet they MOIST.
Stay hydrated little fishies
Things that need to happen:

TTS telling Jon his pushup form is garbage because his chest doesn't touch the ground and he doesn't fully extend his arms.

Blacksmiths Wife for mayor she is the best npc larper and needs more lines and bits

TTS tell Ben and the deputies that Jon robbed the store last night during the vampire attack

Vampires trying stealth and stealing from the fish at night and making a treasure horde

Someone making Tay eat and drink regularly because she's too retarded to know how on her own while doing physical stuff in the heat despite being from fucking Texas.

A new onions tax on Tay for Jimming the camera.

Whatever soda tent potion guy is doing to make Jon get all defensive about being a homo more of that.
Field birdwatching, and sometimes I practice with recordings while I work my job. I started a few years ago but still learn new bird calls all the time
holy shit
the children of trashy whites often turn out fine
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What does Tayleigh bring to this season?
TJs fanbase seems to be most well adjusted and normal people among all the fishes
I've been messaging her nudes to her occassionally, she's blocked like 20 of my accounts and I think she's starting to get rattled kek
>the children of trashy whites often turn out fine
that's good to hear, Tayleigh isn't one of them though.
her dad was stone cold?
some of them are really gay
Would tell her I'll pull out and then cum inside anyway
many of them are faggots and femcels but at this point yea, maybe
The undertaker
Taylor in a tanktop. There any HD footage of that?
Couldn't watch today
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Sup cole
Instead of using security cameras to cover partial angles of the woods it should have been 2 people operating drones to cover the action as it happens on top of the guy running the director's camera. And just like the first two seasons they have a herd mentality and stick to the spot with the most furniture to sit around all day.
It's a shame they've only used the lesser used parts of the map at night when it's almost impossible to tell what's happening, it's definitely a better experience in person than as a viewer.
>leaving out OctoGODs
Is it still hailing?
tldr on the 3 foot world shit tayleigh cried about in s2?
mmmmmmm badass
she was all covered up anyways most we got is a jiggle there nad there
A week ago I would've said that's fucked, now I'd say to send them to her dad too.
Drones are loud you wouldn't be able to hear anything
so tayleigh admitted to having her secret boyfriend just because xavier asked her on a date during larp roleplay?

shes actually fucking retarded
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>3 days from now
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They both look pretty similar nowadays
22 years old, those wrinkles
Ugly as sin
some terrible genes going around America, must be the toxic shit in the food
Post it.
Please I have so little
she couldve just said Jimmy was her kayfabe boyfriend/husband since they were role playing
Not really, they happen to be weird faggots. He just doesn't have a unhinged fanbase because he's not a chick.
Will Sam try to drive the bike in this mud today
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shes looks older than tai
A lot of talk about tay being ugly, but she also has weird posture. The way she walks is the least feminine I've ever seen for a woman. Is it the lesbian part of her.
The marks are in the fishtank
corn syrup + lead in all the paint
>Is it the lesbian part of her.
she should try being a boxer
Why do you care about the face of a 22 year old ugly ass hoe? Go back to r/redscarepod so you can call her fat too
she doesn't joke around about dating or fucking people, its like shes some teenager who thinks everyones going to take it seriously

its like the date with tj in season 2
it's probably some side effect of being a fat kid
Imagine a BBC between those big pale ass cheeks...
Thank you. Didn't think it was possibly for my balls to hurt even more from jacking off to her
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I only have two HD clips, this is the second one
If someone has Jimmy's POV camera from earlier, he was boxing with Taylor at one point briefly and probably had a front row seat to Taylor's boobs
Ngl she walks like she's a good shooter, but that's probably how everyone walks in Texas
that's a potent mix for sure
>Jimmy's POV
I need a hero. Please
dysgenic bunch
why do you guys call trish fat, but not taylor?
good thing they made xavier’s crush on her crucial to the plot
i could see myself shaking his hand and having a man to man conversation about stuff, while thinking about how i made his daughter cum a lot earlier that day and after we leave, maybe even in her room where the danger of being caught will get her really creamy
>drinking whiskey

probably some cheap beer
TJ is so lucky he gets to clean up after
>The pale contestants aren't the vampires
Sam's gonna bring black people to be the higher echelons of the vampires isn't he
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This was the scene
shes got the chud walk
They are going to find excuses to show Taylor more on camera after this one.
>these aren't vampires -- they're NEGGERS!
lead shields radiation, (((they))) got rid of lead paint so our homes can be penetrated by satanic fag frankenstein brain waves
there is no lesbian part of her, just one whole dyke
extremely virgin post
Everyone here takks about her when she's not even doing anything
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lol it's funny seeing what's left of the tay simps, I remember they'd call us cruel for making mean edits and calling her rude names, now they want to fuck with her life because she fucked someone who wasn't them, kek
Yeah the ambient buzzing would be too much noise on top of the storms and the construction going on next door
god her voice is so hot
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trish da lish
Gonna be muggy as hell in the woods today
>because she fucked someone who wasn't them
how many times do you illiterate imbeciles need to be told that it's more than just this. fuck
this existed last season and people chose to simp for tayleigh, i don't get it
my favorite biach
Taylor is cute but super low iq. I could easily get her to suck my dick after a couple beers.
Just pictures of Jet Neptune's penis and I'm relieved I have a bigger dick even though he's taller than me.
>sam is cigarillo pilled
based. large cigars take too long to smoke
brunettes > blondes
esp. fake blonde emo party girls with bull rings in their nose
i want to plow her mom and inseminate her crusty old web ovaries
i could see myself shaking her dads hand and having a man to man conversation about stuff, while thinking about how i made his daughter cum a lot earlier that day and after we leave, maybe even in her room where the danger of being caught will get her really creamy
>she betrayed her fanbase
>whens muh beanie coming!
KEK they became the thing they hated, all roads lead to hating Tay
me 2
in comfytown rn
She was super sweet to us and was "accidently" showing off her ass all the time until she got a dick. She was shopping and we didn't even realize it.
Tbf she never was attractive
we told you retards shes a liar and a manipulator the entire time you didn't care, you only care when you find out some other guy is fucking her
plus Sam looks like he does when he sicks black dick
quit acting like you wouldn't still have a field day sucking on her tits
but it is tho, you virgins can pretend all you want. kinda like when people find out popular hot streamer has a secret boyfriend
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forgot to larp as a trucel lol havent been on tv since season 2, x is better than the fag containment board but i came looking for memes. get cooking you loveless handholdless cant have a normal conversation with a bitch pussyyyyy
At least everyone can agree that Marky is the cutest
based keep up the good work
it 100% is, you're salty over some kentucky fried dick and view it as betrayal, you're a retard for thinking she ever respected her fans lel
well at least youre waking up brother
She's a hot piece of ass says cloudsprout
sounds fair to me, niggy
taytriots started dropping off weeks before the bf revelation though. you guys are fucking weird for choosing to ignore the lore. the bf was the final straw.
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>Eastern Wood-Pewee
yeah that's probably why he's got the rillos. can't be walking around bricked up on camera with a big black stick in his mouth
>Loves white dick
>Hates Duanye
she's perfect
wanna have a ticklefight?
unfortunately yeah. where is she now?
>x is better
begone troon
its called a dirt bike
nick fuentes is a faggot
tight little brapper.
did the post this cat guy kill himself?
remember when the marky tts was blaring over sam trying to do a bit with everyone in the room in s2
i'm just not attracted to those sorts of girls. sorry but
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josie mogs her to oblivion
Okay sam, I get it now. I'll give you a pass on that one
i mean sam hyde is a faggot yet here you are
actually, it's nick flentis
is there a clip?
objectively incorrect
memes, chop chop crybaby bitch, lets go
I want a nursing handjob from the blacksmith's wife, but I'd settle for taylor
she could make you beg to huff her farts within 30 minutes, virgie
just say you're gay bro
You get to go on S2.5 as a Fish without any negative consequences for your personal life (You won't get doxxed etc)

Would you?
groyper brown jesus, theve done more damage to the jq than hate speech laws and they think theyre winning
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In what world?
many taytriots have
not a virgin, i just have standards and different preferences.
>I get to fuck around in the woods for a few weeks with no responsibilities
Sure why not.
i don't know what that has to do with you being a twitter obsessed transsexual
Yes, unquestionably. I'd beat the piss out of Jet the first time I saw him in person, consequences be damned
i think its just one guy calling everyone virgins, very sensitive young man
this guy here
I want a nursing handjob from taylor before i die
How come josie was the only girl who knew how to throw a punch

unless josie was actually a troon
dont reply to the /bant/ nigger
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factually correct actually
there is nothing cute about a drug addict mentally ill slut that let sam hyde of all people to blast her anus
Hey, so I've never posted here, but you guys know Josie is intersex, right? I went to high school with "her" and I knew a couple guys who were weird enough to try to hookup with her and they said she has like, a half dick half clit thing. I saw someone call her Jose and that's funny because that's the name she was born with lol. Don't get me wrong, I like Josie although she's a lot more mean/antisocial than I think you guys understand, but it seems like some of you are interested in her sexually? Lol. Nigga you gay
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gm abi nation
Yes, it's like a cool vacation with bros
Get to really get in to the LARP and have fun
can we all agree that bettycels are the worst of the simps?
wtf is this man, come on >>>/bant/20648948
NEED to see this bitch shitting
lets have a Jerk-off to prove it
EASILY the most attractive girl to ever been on that retarded show
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That's spider betty
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she's simply on another level
they're definitely the ones bbcposting lmao
You people lose your shit over any decent-looking girl
aren't you fags into blacked/bnwo stuff?
She actually has a pretty smile
Sucks about the resting bitch face
shes so foul
only if we frot dicks against each other
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no you don't wtf
every post about betty is a /bant/ nigger 100%
day 3: tayleigh is given the 'abortion' quest
How do fans react when the girls on this show get boyfriends/fuck men?
You have to be trapped in a room for 24 hours with one Fishtank girl's fanbase, who do you pick?

HARD MODE: No Meg (Noone) or Sylvia (Her baby Daddy)
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No but she is
>can we all agree that bettycels are the worst of the simps?
those are the gaytriots actually
>There be a vampire in your womb!
taycels went apeshit and now they all hate her kek
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You can go into the season two archives, pull up the bathroom cams and hear here peeing
I hate Betty but this is kino
Well the bettycels are openly hoping she gets blacked so I think they'll be fine
honestly you have to have pretty high IQ to get bam-a-lam posting
taylor/abi/trish fags do not care
betty/tayleigh/summer fags had or would have insane autistic meltdowns
isnt slyvia giving birth to frank hassle baby very soon
they still simp for Betty after she's done this?
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Spider betty spider betty
Does whatever spider betty does
lil freddy durst lol
>bathroom cams
can't believe they actually did this shit, Jet is a fucking retard
thats so hot lol have you ever frotted irl?
Wasn't her discord shut down for cp stuff? I'd say they're the worst, yeah.
I don't think most Bettycels are serious, but even if they are it's pretty funny because of how insane she is
cigarette mom sylvia she lets the girls drink at home so they dont get into bad situations
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Spooky spider betty
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What's wrong with you?
they have poopdick fetish
They love this stuff
so nothing funny happened this season either? just sam doing more boxing larp?
That was a false flag from Lance and his goons
she will piss
on your rug
then immediately
suck black cock
bam a laaaaaaaaaam
she's spider betty
to play devils advocate, it would be kinda funny if she got blacked
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was it?
She is clearly grosses out by sucking the BBC dildo. It's like you didn't even read the tweet. She hates doing it and had to tweet out this video to show how much she hates it.
I don't like Tay, but THE TAYMAKER was undeniably a proper punch.
It's too bad they cant play licensed music
I would pay for a black betty TTS song


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imagine telling everyone a year ago that the girl that they got on the show to be le based and redpilled replacement for letty now sucks black dildos on twitter for her simps
Idk I never saw this pic so and it's unclear was indecent means unless she was dumb enough to upload cp of herself or send it to one of her simps privately
its nearly 7:30 am on a weekday and none of the fish or production, including jon, are wake.

How do you reconcile the fact that your idols are loser wastes with your attempts to elevate them to godhood?
she just wanted to prove everyone how disgusted and repulsed she is by thick dark juicy BBC
you retards truly can't grasp even the simplest things
>Wants people to forget about it
>Makes a post about it on twitter
This girls sick in the head. How would that photo even get out anyways without her posting it?
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this chigga fell off so hard
>it's unclear what indecent means
Come on, dude. You look retarded
not everyone is a soulless wagie husk automaton
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She used to pose with nazi hats and draw swastikas on her head
actually he's on a come up lately
She didn't say nude it could be something suggestive but not illegal. Still fucked I know
what was that bang
I heard. What the actual fuck was that?
Letty piss alert!
did one of us just go open fire there?
I just hope you are not a fan of hers, anon. She is beyond disgusting
someone play noises of trees falling
>I don't think most Bettycels are serious
she gets about 50 viewers when she streams

I work full time at taco bell, 24 hours a week. I've also started three businesses. One cleaning trash off of the side of highways, one doing landscaping and one buying items off of temu and selling them amazon. Despite making minimum wage at taco bell, I work at least 80 hours a week. Business is my life, I'm getting ahead in life. Meanwhile these zoomers are sleeping in literal shacks when the sun is shining in their faces. You know what happens when the sun shines in my face? It means i've been asleep for 2 hours longer than is acceptable.
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You could say I'm a fan in the same way that someone is a 'fan' of a lolcow
she gets more views than taylor and that's so depressing
Is that Januki?
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wake them up they've been in bed since 12
Taylor has a bf. Why would anyone want to sit in the virtual cuck chair?
woah bro i hope the government see's this and rewards you for being such a good obedient productive wagecuck
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Betty isn't disgusting
you say this but if they broke up her view count would go down
Damn Luma AI is getting good
For me? It's Xavier.
extreme and brutal mogging. adult braces dawg come on
letty would make you suck her big black strapon instead
poor Betty had a botched dental operation
xavier, duke and brian for me
i went to bed when they started fighting the vampires at night and it started raining. did anything happen since then?
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She actually seemed kind of normal during the one stream of hers I watched, idk why she is so crazy outside of that
All these girls have sex worker body language
Letty is fucking ugly but Betty is downright hideous.
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tay got IV fent
for me its xavier, duke, brian and greg hellsing
nah its pedo bait
Kentucky cum IV
How is the temperature in camp? What are you eating for brekkie?

its not IV, its a banana bag
A lot of girls are without makeup or filters
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If Sam and Jet want this season to be a success, they need to get Betty on the show.
throw in taylor boxing somewhere and you've got a good cast
Nah you're still a fucked up evil person
especially damiel

You can watch a lot of recaps here

why's that little man? it's just some words

nobody cares, fuck off
It would make them a lot of money but she already burned that bridge
all streamer chicks have bfs, most are open about it too
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betty will never be on fishtank again
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>fondling the gulch tank
>sticking my dick in the gulchussy
>thrusting in and out until i reach climax
>inseminating the gulch tank
bring her in as the town hole
What the fuck is that? How much crack does she smoke in a day?
she doesn't really, taylor sits at 70-80 including youtube viewers. but betty is good coombait she could be doing really well on twitch if she tried
She refused Sams advances?
>Be Jon
>Go to 2.5 in hopes of being badass alpha male who mogs everyone on sight
>Everyone keeps calling you a closeted homosexual
wut da hell
I don't like Betty but if she knew how to act she would be perfect for the role of a streetsmart junkie prostitute in a neo-noir or cop movie
She pissed on jet's bed
wtf I love betty now?
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She owes Jet a new mattress.

dont samefag your posts, if it falls flat, then you weren't funny. Reflect and improve your game.
They should make Tayleigh and Jon box and then tell Jon that his body blows made her have a miscarriage.
hey guys this thread sucks and i feel like the quality of discussion went downhill in the evening last night. since nothings happening can anyone give me a qrd of all the really bad stuff DSP has ever done? it seems strange to me he just seems like a bad darksouls player and maybe a little dorky but why does he draw so many haters?
Wut da hell
why do they do this?
he is not me
im not him
What did it sound like?
If they want to get rid of the satanic vines they have to get TJ on immediately.
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betty doesn't smoke crack, you dick
It doesn't cost any money to put on a glove and spar with someone
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he said some racist stuff like 10 years ago
this pic always cracks me up
das right
she smokes BLACK CAWK
They're lying I was samefagging you caught me I'm sorry
thats it?
theres thousands of other unsuccessful streamers why would there be a huge community of 'alogs' for just this guy
Why don't they do stuff? It stopped raining.
Is it worth watching yet? Haven’t seen a single minute
He has a ridiculous ego about being a pro fighting game player even though he was never that good and nobody in the FGC really liked him
Actually she hates sucking black cock, which you would know if you actually looked at her tweet >>200561186 where she proves how much she hates it with video evidence.
he's been hardcore begging and guilt tripping his tiny audience into funding his 100k a year lifestyle in a closed community mansion while being a gacha addicted alcoholic and spending up to 50k$ on said gacha of sweaty wrestler jpg
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imagine if everything lowtiergod ever did was done by a white man
and also he's addicted to wrestling gacha games and has the gall to whine about being poor
He got caught jerkin it on stream once too
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he also talked shit about MGS so kojimadrones formed an internet posse to try and mess with him (they failed and the group fell apart)
he also accidentally jerked off on camera one time
All me.
sounds based
Christ can this general go five minutes without talking about black dicks
pretty sick life desu
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all the while acting like being above going to wallmart and looking down on the poorfags that do.
the same guy who was begging for money on stream saying he would have to consist on ham sandwiches and can't afford heating for the winter.
thats hardly a big deal i feel like weve all accidentally jerked off on camera before

i didnt know about the other stuff though
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I'm so sexy and anyone who disagrees is ugly and fat.
why are you talking about black dicks??
Dude eats fast food 3 meals a day off paper plates but likes to think he's not white trash because he lives in a gated community instead of a trailer park
you can smell the jealously from this post
Someone tell this disrespectful young man to put some clothes on NOW
your holes are PRISTINE bitty
tj is the one who creates the satanic vibes, because they're not here for 2.5
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Yeah I wish I had this dude's wife
Any more rare Betty's?
Hey guys jet here you thought I went to bed but I've actually been here the whole time masturbating and filling balloons with whippets haha don't forget to buy a season pass don't donate to flowstreams they suck.
We must pray
when will they get up?
i dont get it
I'm in MN and my Somalian co-worker has been pretty depressed lately. How much would it cost to get Betty over here to cheer him up?
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betty will pay the black man
wut da hell
they need dig a grave and RP mock a burial
they need to bury tay in the ground alive
Hell house.

The jokerposts were more funny than a lot of season 1.
somalis arent black enough, you need a proper subsaharan bantu gorilla nigger who's as black as oil for her to be remotely interested
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hey jet. buy some drones and have them drop nades on the vampires
>lives in a mansion
>makes 100k a month
>has a wife
what do you have again?
It gets her trailer trash heart to skip a beat
Did the fish cover some wood up so they'd be able to have a fire tonight?
>Vance Inbound...
hes so fucking boring, get anyone else
The best part was when they shut the cams off and bought every one pizza and alcohol because they got swatted
Ariana Grande doppelganger is coming this week
>lives in a mansion
A duplex
>makes 100k a month
It all gets spent on a mobile gacha game
>has a wife
She's 300lbs and just sits eating doordash and playing skyrim all day
you don't get it he's gonna do some awesome prank calls it's gonna be really funny
>too scared to answer the question
are they really gonna throw vance in a quarter of the way though? they didn't wanna just get someone to take his place? inept tank
Did they bring rain jackets?
No one else was interested
yeah man for sure
gregs doing great with vances cam, why change it?
Are they close to a road? I can hear a truck.
stop putting down white women
They should include the rain into the rp, like it's acid or gives/takes something from the characters
Or the rain destroyed some place in the lore
There are no rain jackets in Neo Romania
>jobless, smokes weed all day, chimps out over the slightest inconvenience, history of domestic violence
tayleigh isn't a white woman shes a nigger
Tayleigh is a white mexican with Irish descent
Jimmy said there's like construction nearby and a factory or something
>smokes weed all day
don't betray your race
Totally ruins the immersion. Great job Jet

Where my E D rockers at? (Channing said it wrong)
bros shirtless jim jim is awake! <3
Hot. I wish he was my boyfriend or maybe my dad.
Still has an ugly gook face. Damn that's what they all look like without the aegyo undereye makeup
Does noone know where the land is yet? I'm waiting for a fan to show up since it's just out in the open
Jimmy is awake
Sam's just playing along at this point, 90% of nu mde fans knows everything about Marky, Edie et Channing, the repetition of these motifs made him immune to it since it's all just MDE lore now
It's true. The only cute ones are half white
LMAO what a king
it is funny how they've gotten fatter whilst jet has gotten thinner
NGL Jimmy's growing on me. I think he's got what it takes to take home the grand prize (there's no grand prize)
its go time
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an ice cold ziip
Based Jimmy entertaining us
I can't understand what he says after would you shut up
hes chilled out and fun this season

maybe putting him in a mormon style cult house put him on edge
God damn thats a hell of a beer gut, what an absolute unit
Post posted a street in MA but I don't know for sure
I hate that puffy undereye shit, it gives the girls the 1000 dick stare
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beautiful, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful boy
my theory is they attached a shock collar to his balls and will crank it up if he gets out of line so he's on his best behavior
The have dry wood?
Boxing .... whats next, karate ?
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They better not
where jimmy go?
he’s so cutepilled puppy coded babyboy maxxing
early morning jimmy is comfy ngl
Jimmy is fucking majestic

fail rp
I think he might feel tense and anxious indoors, being in the woods probably keeps him calm
Well this thread just got gay bye
Jimmy is gonna win this season for the Funnyjunk Army

whats this
facts. funnyjunkers run this shit
How does one "win" this game? Are the finals a Battle Royale between all of them?
is director cam fucked for anyone?
say hello to everyone's /favourite/ fish!
director is still sleepoing
i always found this weird, this bitch dressed emo for like half a year and suddenly thats her personality? she's a dork
pass a nigga some dew, anon.
what do they eat?
Was that bug spray that Jimmy just fucking doused himself in lol
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Yes Jimmy, spray that entire can of Off! Bugspray onto your bare skin, yes Jimmy right into your face as well, breathe it in
What a fucking tard lmao
I wanna know what Jimbo is thinking about right now
old spice
Of course you spray it on your skin that's where bugs try to bite you idiot
If Tayleigh grows her hair back and gets dumped by the chicken guy would you take her back?
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what am i supposed to do with this
elliot page
where the npcs sleeping at?
taylor or or tai or trish's email address
yuro hours are so boring…
....or tayleigh’s
it's the other t
some people in these threads have actually never been outside
It's Truman's email.
Where did you get this
There is no winner for 2.5
B-But le 36 Dramatic Situations...
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When did you take this image and what am I supposed to send. I am a 6'6", 246 pound black male with a 7" dick. I am basically a black Sam Hyde but not gay, not on T and I have hair.
i'm surprised no one else saw it

The one with the highest level at the end wins.
>black male
>I have hair
that's not a positive anon
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>Did a bunch of streams that people loved
>Once got teary eyed and said she loved us because she was lonely and it was nice to have interaction
>People were drawn to her because of her being a chudette, living in a trailer, being autistic, and having a strange cuteness to her
>People making memes, edits, etc like crazy for her. Trying to turn her into the next Boxxy
>She came off as genuinely sweet, appreciative, and humble for 2-3 months
>She literally proudly talked about being /ourgirl/
>Then she started acting SUPER cunty out of seemingly nowhere
>Started skipping streams constantly while blaming it on bad internet and having depression
>When she did stream she was acting bitchy, didn't want to be there, and got drunk on multiple of them
>Had multiple breakdowns where she straight up screamed at chat
>Got mad that people didn't want her to go on 2.5 and claimed she wasn't going to
>Got drunk and insinuated she had a boyfriend, then the next stream she adamantly denied it
>Greg stops visiting her streams because she calls him gay
>She starts straight up shit talking and humiliating multiple fans for no real reason other than they were being a little cringey.
>Through all of this people were buying her thousands of dollars worth of stuff like vinyl records, a steam deck, a camera, and more
>She claims she's just burned out from working so hard
>She's going to stop streaming for a month before 2.5 to catch up on crochet orders
>It was revealed yesterday that she wasn't really working on orders, she was shacked up with a guy from Kentucky who bought a chicken plushy from her (seriously)
>The guy uploaded a video of him with the chicken plushy at almost the EXACT same time her personality changed and she started acting like a cunt
I woke up to that horrible pit feeling in my stomach as i remembered everything that happened. I want to kmks
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smella foreva! <3
yeah, back behind the barn
No she's a nigger in disguise

do you think niggers look better bald I'm not getting your reasoning here
I would take protect her any momment
black people have high estrogen. the fact that you have hair and are black means you're low t high e.
She needs a nose job. An Italian nose would look better that that thing
it's a predicament, neither looks good
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>look at mah horse
I have jerked off to Jimmy twelve times already. Probably gonna go for 13 now. I'm so fucking tired.
your trauma is valid.
>simp for some 4/10 internet roastie
>give her all your money
>find out she's getting fucked by some other retard
>have a mental breakdown
Is it true if you have ADHD and you snort cocaine, it turns you "normal"?
odds on tayleigh finding an excuse to throw up again?

Let's do a hypothetical. I am holding Tay hostage. The only way to free her is for you to dive into a pit of needles and find the key that unlocks her cage. If you don't jump in, she dies. If you die in the pit, she dies. This thread is so fucking boring I'm stealing saw scenarios.
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wrong! her nose is her best feature <3
Only temporarily
yes but no TTS so she is essentially useless
am I allowed to push Tay into the needle pit?
she is a good whore.
for me it's ice poseidon's hunger games
they all need to start digging a giant hole to find the tunnel jews who keep poisoning the well

For you to be able to push her into the pit, you would need the key first. Which is in the pit.

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