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Garbage edition

Regenerated from: >>200519726
>not even a whole week since the finale
>threads struggle to reach bump limit
It's over
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it's been like this since Capaldi
The show is shit.
The threads are usually shit, owing to one specific poster.
The wider fanbase is really shit.
What are we meant to do?
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We fade away into the Wilderness.
Steven Moffat and Russell T Davies 'schemed' to end Doctor Who series 10 with a pregnant Missy

The showrunners planned to prank new boy Chris Chibnall

final creator commentary was interesting. RTD wrote Ruby being 'ordinary' with ordinary parents as a response to the Rey reversal in the last Star Wars.

To be fair the doctor having a kid with the master is completely in character.
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>Completely and utterly redeemed
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>we fucked the show but at least we got paid for it
>(yes, we all thought of the same ‘Master’ joke)
>Andy Pryor Cog
pure kino
I don't know what's worse: this, or him taking cues from Star Trek Discovery and Picard because those shows were the first time he ever liked Star Trek
remember when they accidentally released the Smith-Capaldi regeneration scene without the Murray Gold blaring in the background, and it was a million times better?
he also accidentally refers to Bonnie/Mel's hand as 'the hand of Anita' (Dobson; Mrs Flood)
which was probably on purpose as a reference to that time he claimed the Master's ring was picked up by 'the hand of the Rani'

i operate on the same ADHD schizo logic as him so Mrs Flood = The Rani, it's why she got a mention in episode 1 or 2.
pure kino
>uploaded 13 minutes ago
>10 minute video
are you their social media guy or summat
yes, now watch it and help our numbers
Ncuti mispronouns Jinkx Monsoon. i've already downloaded a copy to send to Ofcom your time's up matey.
holy shit lmao
i unironically wish i could produce something as beautiful as this.
>These are the people telling you that the Capaldi era was bad
just from looking at his list of videos i am ready to admit he is some kind of authority on Doctor Who.
They need to re-release everything from S5 onwards on home media without marigold's retarded soundtrack
AI Doctor Who songs
make it stop

Are there any good Doctor Who YouTube channels? Or are they all shit?
they just need to have a think about the term 'incidental music' for more than five seconds.
Search up one called "bowlstrek" he's usually spot on with his analysis
>anti-AI comment
>from a 'real musician'
>all his music is just Murray Gold MIDIs with custom soundfonts
why can't artistes accept industrialisation? what makes them special?
I am the Doctor
Doctor Mysterio > rtd2 specials
then Piers Brosnan points a gun at you as you go through a tour de force of emotional range
can't believe Moffat thinks Mario Mario is called 'Super Mario'. clearly says in the manual he only becomes Super Mario after acquiring a mushroom. then he's LESS likely to die, only by pits.

from here on out all my /who/ posts will have a Bob Hoskins connection. see if you can spot them all.
No! I will kiss boys and cry!
Mona Lisa is about a lesbian paedophile, if you think about it
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Hi /who/

Just started making my own magazine, all about me. What would you like to see inside it? Please make sure it's related to me in some way. Thank you. (And thank me.)
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an image of david being pegged by billie next
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>why can't artistes accept industrialisation? what makes them special?
Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu > Doctor Who
Clyde Langer
what order should i watch it in?
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>Imagine the type of person who wants Season 1 on physical media
>Imagine the type of person who wants a steelbook special edition version
imagine the greasy face of homobame judging you on your shelf
the moustache is really bothering me
AI is all fun and games until the Internet ends up filled with pictures of Matt Smith on a motorbike wanking his greenis, the shills are going to be awfully quiet once the pooinloos have proliferated
Nah, for me it's his impenetrable Caledonian burr
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nothing about his accent makes me think of Scotland
Doctor x Master was and will always be the end game romance.

PLEASE - Invest your hard earned cash into IAN LEVINE'S Missing Episode reconstructions instead.

SO much more worth it. I liked one or two episodes from Season One, but the rest was CRAP.

£60 for this inexcusable drivel, or £100 donation to restore the LOST CLASSICS. I know which one I would choose.

No unwanted opinions please.
Ugly nigger
>Invest your hard earned cash into IAN LEVINE'S Missing Episode reconstructions instead.
Why did Sutekh think Ruby's mother was the biggest mystery of all when things like Bad Wolf, Donna, The Cracks in Time, Clara, River Song existed...?
He checked the wiki for those answers but the Wiki didn't have the answer of Ruby's mum yet because the finale hadn't aired, duh
it was important because WE thought it was important, bigot
That's like The Collection pricing. Only with The Collection you're getting at least 14 episodes + absurd quantities of special features

To be fair, if it includes commentary for all the episodes that won't just be on iplayer next week I might bite.
It doesn't. Only the commentaries on iPlayer are the ones done, and the only ones on the set.

It'll be the episodes + iPlayer commentaries + Unleashed episodes I think
>Disc 1

The Church on Ruby Road


Behind the Scenes
In-vision Commentary
Millie Gibson’s Set Tour
Behind the Scenes Trailer
Get to Know Doctor Who – Ncuti Gatwa
Get to Know Doctor Who – Millie Gibson

>Disc 2

Ep1 – Space Babies
Ep2 – The Devil’s Chord

Space Babies – Behind the Scenes
The Devil’s Chord – Behind the Scenes
The Devil’s Chord – Scene Breakdown
Ncuti’s Message
Video of a Bogeyman – Video Diary
Finding Fifteen
Jinkx Monsoon tries British food
Millie Gibson’s Set Tour
Jinkx Monsoon – The Looks of Maestro

>Disc 3

Ep3 – Boom
Ep4 – 73 Yards

Boom In-vision Commentary
Boom – Behind the Scenes
73 Yards – Behind the Scenes
Ncuti & Millie’s Guide to Get Your Zen On
Steven Moffat preview
Bringing Virtual Production to Doctor Who
Mundy Flynn Profile
Boom – Script to Screen
Welsh Lingo with Ncuti & Millie
Roger Ap Gwilliam Profile
Millie Gibson’s Very First Day – Video Diary

>Disc 4

Ep5 – Dot and Bubble
Ep6 – Rogue

Dot and Bubble – Behind the Scenes
Dot and Bubble – Scene Breakdown
Rogue – Behind the Scenes
Rogue – Scene Breakdown
Ncuti & Millie’s Top 5 People in Their Bubble
Lindy Pepper-Bean Profile Sneak into the TARDIS
Dot and Bubble Set Tour
Regency Costume Quiz with Jonathan Groff
Most Likely To…with Ncuti & Millie
Rogue Profile
Getting to Know – Jonathan Groff
Rogue Dance Scene

>Disc 5

Ep7 – The Legend of Ruby Sunday
Ep8 – Empire of Death

Empire of Death In-vision Commentary
The Legend of Ruby Sunday – Behind the Scenes
Empire of Death – Behind the Scenes
Empire of Death – Scene Breakdown
Jemma Redgrave’s UNIT Set Tour
Who is Susan Triad?
Villain Reveal
Getting to Know – Lenny Rush
Empire of Death – Script to Screen
Bonnie’s Remembered TARDIS Tour
Ncuti & Millie’s Favourite Memories
Genesis in the TARDIS

>Disc 6

Unleashed Eps 1-5

>Disc 7

Unleashed Eps 6-8
Unleashed Unseen
Tales of the TARDIS – Pyramids of Mars
DVD: £40
Blu ray: £50
Steelbook: £60
Fuck it, that actually looks rather good.

Much better value than the Chibnall ones were.
the series itself was still dogshit though
>all available on streaming
>all extras available on iplayer and/or youtube
>pay us £40 please
nah thanks
just download stuff if you wanna keep it
Moffat didn't.
somebody should take those Veronica Chaos 13th doctor videos and replace her voice via AI with Jodie's because I can't stand the bad cockney she's doing
keep coping and carry on
by the end, his show was down to the pits of 3-4m
and viewed as a joke by the public
>all extras available on iplayer and/or youtube

They're not all on iplayer, thats the point.
did you miss the "and/or youtube" part, anon?

you can search all of those up on the official youtube channel and simply download them if you want them
IATD is kino.
But not The Giggle.
Racism is bad.
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>Hey Moffat, can I copy your homework but make it worse?
At least it was better than series 2.

>graphic design is my passion
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Golly gosh I love

I like how the Daleks are both staring off into space. And the front one's not got any arms.
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What did he mean by this?
Amazing. Plus the Daleks inside the TARDIS, something that never happened ever between 1963 and 1989.
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The idea of a giant invisible dog riding the TARDIS during every single story since the Fourth Doctor is incredibly funny to me

There are just so many times this wouldn't work at all, like the Pandorica episodes where the TARDIS exploded, or The Doctor's Wife where the TARDIS became a woman
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So what's going to be the next returning Classic villain to get a shit CGI redesign and/or a pointless attempted-progressive "update"?
Ha! That self-aggrandising speech he did about Davros was so fucking awful. I bet you someone said "oh no, we can't have a scene with a black Doctor dispatching a humanoid-like being into the vortex which bursts into flames, think of the optics!" so they all settled on CGI dog.
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I like it, for the memes
Sontarans but they'll be average height and the Doctor will tell people off for calling them potatoes.
Vervoids, they'll somehow look even more penislike
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I always thought they were more vaginal, personally
I wouldn't know, I'm gay.
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They are pretty good
It's a penis poking out of a vagina
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RTD Indicates Davros’ Classic Look is Being Retired as it “Associated Disability With Evil”

Davies explained: ‘We had long conversations about bringing Davros back, because he’s a fantastic character. Time and society and culture and taste have moved on, and there’s a problem with the old Davros: he’s a wheelchair user who is evil. I had problems with that. A lot of us on the production team did too, associating disability with evil. Trust me, there’s a very long tradition of this.

‘I’m not blaming people in the past at all, but the world changes. And when the world changes, Doctor Who has to change as well. So we made the choice to bring back Davros without the facial scarring and without the wheelchair – or his support unit, which functions as a wheelchair.

‘I say, this is how we see Davros now. This is what he looks like. This is 2023. This is our lens. This is our eye. Things used to be black and white; they’re not anymore. Davros used to look like that, and now he looks like this. We are absolutely standing by that.’
I am not sure exactly how but, I get the feeling if the Cybermen return they will get some bizarre 'progressive update'.
He already did that in series 4.
Davies explained: We had long conversations about bringing the Cybermen back, because they're a fantastic creation. Time and society and culture and taste have moved on, and there’s a problem with the old Cybermen: they're cybernetically enhanced people who are hell bent on changing everyone into them. I had problems with that. A lot of us on the production team did too, associating bionic limbs with evil. Trust me, there’s a very long tradition of this. As such, in 2024, we made the decision that the future of the Cyberpeople will be that their primary goal is not to change everybody into them, but to accept every being in the universe as they are and instead politely suggest bionic upgrades if they consented.'

Davies also noted how many villains had been previously voiced by men, so the decision has been made to introduce Nicola Briggs alongside Nicholas Briggs, to diversify the cast and make everybody feel included.
They should do an episode where the Doctor goes to a transition clinic and find out that all the people who want to change their gender get converted into Cybermen.
Unironically, they should actually explore this in an episode: people who actually do want to be upgraded into Cybermen. If people consent to it, what does the Doctor do? Moral question for him: if people actively want to become Cybermen, can he stop them?
They should do an episode where a man falls in love with an auton that's leftover from a recent invasion. The doctor can cry about how non sentient plastic can't consent or something.
Becoming a Cyberman must be so scary, even John Lumic was saying "no, i'm not ready" after his life support system got broken.
RTD was a mistake.
I've just had a wonderful idea for a Torchwood episode:
an Auton sex doll
Since you no longer have the capacity to feel anything it must be awful.
What the cybermen need to do is modernize and rebrand a bit. Keep the organic components but create a cloud storage for all the people to be happy and content. You'd get loads of willing voulenteers then.
Perfect for the mature adult audience that torchwood was aimed at
For the life of me I can't find decent quality rips of Classic Who anywhere. Would any kind anons know where to look?
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A wiling volunteer?
An immortal life of digital bliss where I'm always content and unaware of the unending nightmare of my meaty bits powering a murder robot? Sounds good.
iPlayer has (almost) all of it for free, anon
>inb4 "I don't have a TV licence"
>inb4 "I don't live in the UK"
Not my problem desu
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It's copyright Lumicposting, sign me up
>no season 26
broadcast quality
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didn't know Moffat wasn't paid for his job as the best showrunner of the revival.
in the commentary he bangs on about how there's swirling mist in the gemstone, and they're all chuffed to bits that he breathes steam and you can see his hind legs.

i am 100% certain they could have made a better puppet.
if the tardis was duplicated for homobame, does it mean troonant tardis has own sutekh?
>pointless attempted-progressive "update"?
Rassilon returns and is made out to be the villain for trying to stop the spaceboats.
if it was an allegory for fears of prosthetics or something, i can't grasp RTD's stance on cosmetic surgery. there seems to be a lot of it skewing towards "yeah that'll be cool and normal and even better in the future" early on.
Remind me why Ruby could summon snow
>if it was an allegory for fears of prosthetics or something
It directly came from a public debate that was going in Britain at the time
>In the 1960s, "spare-part" surgery began with the development of gigantic heart-lung machines. Public discussion included the possibility of wiring amputees' nerve endings directly into machines.[2] In 1963, Kit Pedler discussed with his wife (who was also a doctor) what would happen if a person had so many prostheses that they could no longer distinguish themselves between man and machine.[3] He got the opportunity to develop this idea when, in 1966, after an appearance on the BBC science programmes Tomorrow's World and Horizon, the BBC hired him to consult on the Doctor Who serial The War Machines (1966).[4] That eventually led to him writing, with Gerry Davis, The Tenth Planet (1966) for Doctor Who.
> No, I mean it. I would rather die. It's better to die than live like you, a bitchy trampoline.
> I was born on that planet, and so was my mum, and so was my dad, and that makes me officially the last human being in this room, 'cos you're not human. You've had it all nipped and tucked and flattened till there's nothing left. Anything human got chucked in the bin. You're just skin, Cassandra. Lipstick and skin. Nice talking.
Hmm, what is RTD's perspective on cosmetic surgery, this is very unclear???
So after watching the big Sutekh finale, I'm a bit confused about the TARDIS.
When he cloned the TARDIS in the "giggle" - how did Sutekh know to jump onto the new one?
And what happened to the "memory" TARDIS - was Sutekh on that one as well?
Are there multiple Sutekhs floating around?
Where is the memory TARDIS now?
Is the TARDIS even real anymore???
can these be downloaded
And what about when the Tardis exploded and turned into a sun.
Just ignoring what retarded creative changes or angle they may go for, how many classic villains of any proper note are there even to bring back at this point? Daleks, Cybermen, The Master, Autons, Sontarans Zygons, Ice Warriors, Silurians, Sea Devils, The Celestial Toymaker, Great Intelligence and Sutekh have all been brought back already - and a lot of them you can't really do anything more/fresh with. The Monk, The Rani, Omega are all going to get ignored so RTD and keep the last of the Time Lords stich. The only one that comes to my mind to actually bring back is the Rutans.
And while we're at it - where did Joxer leave off when the series ended?
Was it just the beginning of his journey to find his father?
If the TARDIS is real, could he be in it?
What happened to his other girlfriend?
Will we ever know the truth of the TARDIS?
>And what happened to the "memory" TARDIS - was Sutekh on that one as well?

At the end of "Happiness is a Warm Doctor" he gives the memory TARDIS (which was actually the original one) to Joxer and tells him to take it to the beginning of time (which I guess he had cloned) and set the TARDIS on a collision course so it would be destroyed. It's never stated why he does this but I always assumed it was to make sure the original wasn't accidentally cloned again.
I believe it was Sutekh's intent that the memory TARDIS hit the TARDIS at the beginning of time, but when Joxer came back to it and saw what Sutekh had done, he reprogrammed the TARDIS so it would land on Earth instead.
You're probably right. I always assumed he did it to make sure it didn't accidentally get cloned again. Though he didn't seem too thrilled about it when the second TARDIS came back to life.
The new one came back to life *after* the memory TARDIS was gone. The original TARDIS was cloned as a safety measure after it was destroyed. That's the whole reason for the giggling of the TARDIS, to avoid any confusion about which one it was (the new one
Stop asking questions. RTD won a BAFTA. Have you won a BAFTA? No? Then shut up.
Memory Tardis vanished when the screen device thingy was destroyed.
Rutans, Guardians, Mara, Omega

After that, it's really scraping the barrel.
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just don't worry about it, anon. RTD literally has no answers for you. I would assume that since Sutekh had a physical form as they were fucking around in the memory TARDIS that it didn't have a Sutekh on it. That memory TARDIS is probably still in the Parliament building in 2046 until it dissolves or whatever
Ruby cleavage shops
what the FUCK are you talking about, man

did anyone realize that they made Rassilon some fat black guy and Omega just some fucker from down the pub in The Timeless Children?
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>Rassilon some fat black guy
BF did it first
That's why when Sutekh took control of the TARDIS for the first time, he just giggled in confusion when he arrived, not knowing which one it was. But after the fourth clone, he knew what he was getting into, and said "This is it!" when he took over the clone of the new TARDIS. He didn't know it was actually the new TARDIS's memory when he controlled it.
>The new one came back to life after the memory TARDIS was gone.
Yes, I know, but he still seemed surprised and pissed when he showed up for the first time and the Doctor was dead.
Surprised that the Doctor was dead, but it was the clone of the new TARDIS, not the original. He wanted to avoid any confusion about it.
Sutekh couldn't kill the doctor because he just couldn't. Bravo RTD
accept that his son was really dead. He wanted desperately to have the opportunity to kill his father's body as well. "Why did you kill him?" demanded Sutekh, as though he couldn't quite believe it.

"So I could go on living," his father whispered.

"You're lying," whispered Sutekh.

"No," the doctor whispered. "It was his idea. When he first appeared, he showed me his weapon. It was made of crystal, and it made me very curious. I asked him what he was going to do with it." The doctor took a shuddering breath. "I didn't even know who I was talking to. But he let me play with it. It gave me tremendous powers."

Sutekh said nothing.

"So I asked him why. His answer was that it was a _present._ His son was dead, so he was giving head
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Reminder that this scene aired while RTD was forced to take care of his dying wheelchair-ridden husband.
based moff
If Daleks show up in S2 then what do you think RTD2 will do?
something gay
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I've always liked theTerileptil design.
Might confuse the smoothbrains though since Silurians are already lizardlike.
That goes without saying. I was looking for something more specific.
it will be a trans alegory for conversion
that they are not evil, they are only violent because they are seen as freaks
>threads die for a few hours
>new one is a thinly-veiled marketing thread for the DVD of the season we've all been laughing at for weeks
>"Oh, hey, I might pull the trigger on this haha!"
>"Only £40? I'm tempted, fellow bros!"
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It's about time for Kroton supremacy.
The Doctor hangs around urinals now
>RTD on his 20th line of coke whilst shit posting on /who/
As >>200569046 says and what >>200568995 was getting at, that is a case of scrapping the barrel. Even if the show was not in such dire straits, hard to build hype up around the return of the Terileptils.
Doctor Who and the Crisis of AIDS
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I think Wirrin are a genuine possibility, just on account of The Ark in Space being RTD's favourite classic serial
He's not crying, I'm assuming this isn't Dr. Who
cant wait for the CGI wirrn to be dogshit
I get now why Ncuti needs the mustache as the doctor, looks extremely androgynous without it. If you told me that's a black woman I'd believe you.
Michaela Coel > Homobame
There's not been a propper iconic introduced in nuwho monster since the Weeping Angels
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I too would love to see the return of the evil crystalline space Saffers
Slenderman rip-off that they are, I remember the Silence having a certain mainstream recognition.
>seven discs
>two episodes per disc
>other discs are a bunch of bullshit they could have fit on the others
Jesus fucking christ BBC.
big bloated cost
>>two episodes per disc
total rippoff attitutde
The Ood.
The Silence.
Vashta Nerada.
Gasmask Zombie (are you my mummy?) thing
3 of them were before angels
The Capaldi series had it down; four-five episodes per disc and one for extras
This is just being greedy
it would have to be in 8k to require that many discs
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>I remember the Silence
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Season 2

The full range of costumes pictured on set, also including 2 costume reveals from Entertainment Weekly (middle 2, bottom row)
Season 2 stuff we know thanks to filming, full thread: https://x.com/set_dw/status/1806325551512031424
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Many of the iconic Doctor Who villains come from the first three Doctors:
>Celestial Toymaker
>Great Intelligence
>Ice Warriors
>The Master - and really this is just a refinement on The Monk (First) and The War Chief (Second)
>Silurians and Sea Devils
Why are the sea devils iconic when their episode was just a shitty remake of The Silurians, and further appearances by them were also shit
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Jesus Christ Russell
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...but he already did that twist in the season we've just had
Apart from that you have a few notable villains but none that stand out above these.

The Fourth Doctor (again)
>Davros, who was around but not a regular enemy.
>Sarah Jane Smith’s alien abductor.

>Garm, the Valeyard was the one and only big baddy for his Doctor. Again, he might have been around but not a regular enemy.
>And the Daleks re-emerged as a regular enemy.

>The Master again
>Daleks again.

>Master again
>Emperor of the Racnoss (one time enemy)
>The Master and Daleks for a final time.
>Why are the sea devils iconic when their episode was just a shitty remake of The Silurians
Who have sort of answered it yourself. The Sea Devils coast by on being connected to the Silurians.
it becomes more of a clusterfuck if you watch the video commentary. something to do with the whistle and him handing it to his past self, they couldn't edit around it. AI can't come soon enough.
I almost quit my Pertwee marathon because of The Sea Devils and The Mutants. They were just so fucking dull and dragged out two parts too long.
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>>Emperor of the Racnoss (one time enemy)
What the fuck are you on? Is this just more weird AI spam?
BF pal
Vervoids > Varos
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I would say only the Zygons, Davros and Sutekh (all Fourth) to be Classic Who villains post-Third that have an iconic status in the franchise. In the case of Davros, who is very iconic, he is nonetheless attached to the Daleks rather than fully being his own thing. Up until RTD2 Sutekh, regardless of whatever extended media, was considered (similar to The Celestial Toymaker) just a notable one-off villain. I can see any argument for Omega, The Rani and The Valeyard have a certain iconic status but, they seem like meme answers more than anything.
>repeats of the Daleks, Cybermen, The Master
Which are just reappearance as opposed to anything fundamentally new being created. Those three are the most iconic Doctor Who villains. Both Daleks and Cybermen originate in the very first era, and as said you have a proto-Master concept also in that era. I do not think this is that strange, as a point of comparison if you look at a character like Batman or Spider-Man than many of their most iconic enemies were created early in their creative history.
I would say the Mondasians and Telosians are very different
What's this I'm hearing about Tennant once again having some outburst where he defends trannies? Spoonfeed me pls.
get fucked Russell I hate you
Twice, no less.
Monsters were always the big focus of a lot of Doctor Who's coverage due to the success of the Daleks, so even the naff monsters like Ice Warriors and Sea Devils still ended up being hammered into the public consciousness through the Radio Times and various publicity campaigns
You do have to wonder if JNT hadn't gone full blown fan pandering, if he'd come along and primarily focused on all new villains, might they have had a chance at giving us a couple more new iconic monsters?
Watching The Three Doctors and, even though Hartnell's in a massively reduced role, it's so good to see the first three Doctors sparring with each other. Simple, effective, great.

Now we have about 47 fucking Doctors, secret ones, brown ones, woman ones, pre-Doctor Doctors, etc. uuuuuggghhh

When they invented the rule of 13 lives, I think they pretty much nailed it. 13 is plenty.
>many iconic from JNT
Black Guardian
BF doesn't fucking count
I guess so, but they're hardly on the same tier as Daleks, Cybermen, Sontarans, Ice Warriors.
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Well, when he backs off at the end and lets Cartmell do his thing we get Kandyman and the Haemovores
Why did JNT think it was a great idea to have the Master show up every two serials
it worked with 3, so?
He liked working with Anthony Ainley
there was continuity between his appearances back then, during 5's era he just shows up randonly
More like Anthony Anally
Anthony Ainley was so camp.
In the commentary, both RTD and The Moff have waxed lyrical about how much they LOVE Paradise Towers. For Russell he said that was the reason he wanted to become involved in Doctor Who's production in some way as he snuck onto the set during a break he had when he was presenting Play School. For Moffat it is simply his favourite classic era Who adventure, he based the ambulance from Boom's look on a Cleaner and spoke about how much he would love to write a sequel to it.

It's pretty clear that they intend to revisit Paradise Towers with Mel next series in some way and there are at least 3 episodes mid series 2 that are entirely shot in the studio so it's going to be one of them. Because the sets would be cheep to make and it could be Mel heavy and Doctor lite it's probably the bottle episode and might even be the first Davis and Moffat co-written script.
>RTD's favourite classic serial
Basic bitch
>2005-2013 - 13 episodes per series + xmas special
>2014-2017 - 12 episodes per series + xmas special
>2018-2020 - 10 episodes per series + all-inclusive "winter special"
>2024-onward - 8 episodes per series + xmas special
Chibnall should fuck off forever for nerfing Christmas specials in favor of pussy New Year's ones simply because he found Christmas "campy and silly".
Isn't Paradise Towers the one where Richard Briers overacted so hard it looked like he was shitting himself?
>Isn't Paradise Towers the one where Richard Briers acted
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>everyone shit on chibnall for delivering a terribly slow output of episodes while praising RTD as an example of a workhorse who does it right
>RTD returns
>even slower episode output than Chibnall
>be chibnall
>agree to do job in 2016
>"soz im busy can steve do another series in the meantime"
>finally gets a debut series out for 2018
>kills any kind of momentum stone dead by announcing no Who the year after
>get hit by covid right after series 12 finishes airing
>(to his credit) gets 6 part serial made
>john barrowman return surrounded by controversy, suddenly has to drop him
>chris noth also involved in some controversy
>gets bonus episode, shits out Legend of the Sea Devils
>>finally gets a debut series out for 2018
>later admits the finale of his first series was a first draft script
Pip & Jane won
I haven't seen the old episode (and I ditched this show years ago, just like checking out this threads from time to time to see how much of a shitshow this has become), but the og Suketh looks pretty badass, looks like it'd be really cheap and easy to recreate that costume. Instead they went for PS2 tier CGI to make him into a generic CG slop monster? How are these decisions made and greenlit?
>he's evolved into a titan
is their excuse to make him souped up and le epic
it's garbage

He's right though.
...and it was kino as a result.
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this guy belongs in the 2000s
The only reason you guys think Cybermen, Davros, K-9, Autons, Zygons etc are iconic is because they were in the reboot.
Look at how you're all talking about forgettable shitters like Sutekh and Toymaker after just a second appearance.
If Frobisher or The Mad Monk showed up on BBC One you'd all claim they were iconic mainstays too.
>The only reason you guys think Cybermen, Davros, K-9, Autons, Zygons etc are iconic is because they were in the reboot.
The only reason they were in the reboot is that they were iconic.
Cybermen and Davros appeared a bunch of times before nuwho though.
They made a replica of a screwdriver that only appeared in three episodes? Still, at least it looks better than Ncuti's remote-control.
I wonder if tennant has this big one and also the old one in his house
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Cybermen were certainly iconic and had a presence in the British public's conscious before NuWho. Same with The Master being someone that many who were hardly fans of Doctor Who had some vague idea about as being a Doctor Who enemy. K-9 was in what was peak popularity Classic Who - Sarah Jane also being a companion that many people would have given if asked to name one. The likes of The Celestial Toymaker and Sutekh were not known outside of the fanbase but, they were noted within the fanbase that was familiar with Classic before RTD2.
15's sonic is already the most iconic one of all time. Jodie's is second.
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the more I see this set, the uglier I think it is
>handrails that look like they were taken from a bus
>endless joints and messy fixings
>lots of weird floor mats
>ugly off-white colour
>crap console
railings themselves aren't bad, but the ones in RTD2 TARDIS just look so cheap and badly integrated into what's meant to be a futuristic advanced bit of tech
how much is RTD paying you to say this
They seem to be really going heavy on the merchandise for RTD2. Who has been one of the BBC's most consistently lucrative commercial properties for a long while, even while others like Top Gear have naturally fallen off with time, so it makes sense from their perspective. Every single episode since The Star Beast has had an assortment of merch to go with it (t-shirts, pin badges, mugs, etc., basically anything you can jam a shitty, low-effort graphic onto)
why is the console white not the same as the white for the rest of it and also what the fuck are all of those doors for
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now I sound austismo as fuck but whatever, but even the first Smith era TARDIS was tweaked from having cheap as fuck railings to some that at least felt better integrated
David made it feel wonderous
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what a downgrade
i know it doesn't make a lot of sense but capaldi's had those vents in the floor for steam on occasion and it gave it all a sense of atmosphere, and like it was a working machine. gatwa's is just basically a raised studio floor with mats on
what if 12 kept a basil plant collection in one of the rooms other than the console room. Is that just shuffled around every time the TARDIS regenerates? Or is that just gone
>what the fuck are all of those doors for
to give the sense the TARDIS is infinite
but the doors don't even work, and are obviously just fake doors slapped on the wall
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>>ugly off-white colour
I think it's supposed to be invoking the pale green of the original TARDIS console prop. Of course, that was never meant to be seen in colour, and was never meant to *look* green, but let's not let a little thing like the designer's intent get in the way of a dumb reference
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>mfw I accidentally jettison my meticulously cared for bonsai tree collection
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I'm one of those fans who likes the idea that the original console was green, even though the intent was for it to be white (and painted green because it looked white in monochrome), but yeah.

I dunno though, cos in this promo pic it looks white. Is it just strange lighting, or is it a weird colour of material for the console?
No he didn't.
Sutekh ate it as a snack after it got jettisoned
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Wait, so when 15 smacked the original Tardis with the mallet Sutekh jumped onto the new copy? Or did Sutekh get duplicated too and is still sitting on 14's Tardis? Fuck, this whole finale just gets stupider the more you think about it.
weird nitpick but i see this set and my brain just goes "this is a super advanced time and space machine, yet it's covered in nuts and bolts and fasteners that are clearly 21st century manmade"... i get they're a bit stuck here, cos they cant just have a floating all-one-piece railing but it's UGLY
Most likely lighting, I don't think any of the proper filmed sequences have used lighting that bright and even. Reminds me of how the late-Smith/Capaldi set looked super claustrophobic at first, then all of a sudden they started lighting it more evenly and you could see how big it actually was
They went through the doors in The Devil's Chord.
Fuck offerelli
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the main problem is how cheap and plasticky it all looks desu

they walked into the corridor and with clever direction walked out of another, they didn't go through the doors, it's just clever camera work
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>panels aren't even aligned properly
what does that say in Gallifreyan
it says
>fuck off tennantfags
Each row spells out a different word, which can be roughly translated to
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Still, could be worse.
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>Doctor Who turns into a woman
>fills the TARDIS with crystals and Himalayan salt lamps
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>Doctor you said you were going to show me other planets, but the only place we ever visit is the gentleman's lavatories on Hampstead Heath.
normally the TARDIS only regenerates itself when it's damaged, so why did it ditch the crystal cave for apple store?
but not once did she dress like a woman
because it knew it was shit and, free of the woman, it went back to a classic look
You can just change the theme at will or the bitch can herself of she wants. The Doctor's just kind of abusive especially 10 and 12.
the DWM Liberation of the Daleks comic has something melt all over it, so maybe it was damaged and changed between Destination Skaro and The Star Beast
someone stole part of her eyebrow
>Some fans had thought the actress, who had a gap in her brow, had styled it that way as part of her evil character.
>evil character
Yeah, Kelly was a right bitch desu
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Kino Season 2 outfit?
>I whacked my head off a corner on the bannister and my head just went massive.
Based retard
Do people really sit around and watch fucking coronation street?
>blue suit
>black hat
>pinstripes are cool
10, 14 and 15. probably.
Aye, and one of them's the current showrunner
14 wore a checker pattern I think
you're right, my mistake.
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the only good thing about this set is the midget from unit could fall through the railings and die
how come RTD is playing loose, almost as loose as his asshole, with regeneration? how would clothes regenerate along with the body? why would he suddenly split into two people and the clothes stay intact (each split gets about 50% of the clothing which means one of them was going commando)
The Doctor changes the desktop theme to fit his personality.
Both Millie and Ruby are bimbos and I am here for it
>how would clothes regenerate along with the body?
In a new interview, Davies, who has returned to showrun the BBC series, said he “was very certain that I didn’t want David to appear in Jodie’s costume” as he was worried it would “make a mockery” of drag culture.
He told Doctor Who Magazine: “I think the notion of men dressing in 'women's clothes', the notion of drag, is very delicate. I'm a huge fan of that culture and the dignity of that, it's truly a valuable thing. But it has to be done with immense thought and respect.
“With respect to Jodie and her Doctor, I think it can look like mockery when a straight man wears her clothes. To put a great big six-foot Scotsman into them looks like we're taking the mickey.”
Davies also said that, should the still of Tennant in Whittaker’s clothes have leaked, “I guarantee you it's the only photograph some of the papers would print for the rest of time.”
He continued: “If they can play with gender in a sarcastic or critical way, they will. We could have the Doctor dressed as a knight, or dressed as God, or dressed as William Hartnell, and the only photo they'd print would be of David in what they considered to be women's clothes. Then it becomes weaponised – as a mockery of feminire traits, a mockery of drag, of that culture. So that was never going to happen.
“Knowing that David was coming in, I was absolutely certain that the clothes would regenerate. Nothing would've change my mind.”
I feel like I've been spoiled by Star Trek (up until 2005). Everything has a satisfying explanation and nobody is saying "because"
No it just means you're normal and like people who put effort into the writing
Well as is typical with the shit that spews out of his Welsh piehole, that's just a load of guff, but none of that is a satisfying explanation in-universe for why it happened because, unless the rules have changed, clothes are not an extension of our bodies but things we put on our body
Yet the previous episode from the previous showrunner had the Master wearing Jodie's clothes. Curious.
>"Amazon is based, actually"
>*Doctor hands the brown Master over to the Nazis
>*Master parades about in women's clothes for a joke
Chris Chudnall
he did look ridiculous though
and press/people didn't give a fuck about jodie's era
this was tennant's big return, and the last thing they wanted was people going "he looks fucking stupid" in his first scene
yeah but he looked stupid in just the vest the rest of the time
at least it was male clothes
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no man would ever look good in jodie's costume
sacha didn't either, which probably explains why they quickly threw other costumes on top
Does it still have the coffee maker or was that just for one gag?
Jodie looked like shit in her own costume too
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kek true

Frobisher has never been in the TV series but if RTD had the balls to put him in an episode I suspect enough cum would be loosed by fans, including those who had never heard of him before then, would be enough to flood the Taff.
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still there (top right of this screencap)
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Sacha looked about as good as anyone could possibly look in the (fairly crap) outfit
The whole thing is odd though because it's overtly NOT women's clothes. By design, by intent, it is an androgynous outfit. It's just a t-shirt and trousers
a more cynical person might speculate it's because RTD didn't want his return / Tennant associated with the previous era
>13's sonic never seen again, 14 instantly has a new one
>13's interior never seen again, 14 instantly has a new one
>13's costume vanishes, 14 instantly has a new one
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Jodie would have looked amazing in Ncuti's dance outfit from The Church on Ruby Road
>nuTennant is 14 to distance 15 from 13
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Wrong. They made THREE
>13's interior never seen again, 14 instantly has a new one
Isn't that the bonfire in the memory tardis?
Rubbish design tbdesu
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I forget what pointless lie RTD came up with but some behind-the-scenes thingy spoke to a set dresser or sth who said the real reason is they didn't have a Jodie costume in Tennant's size.
And he's only in it for a brief scene before they cover the rainbow t-shirt with a jumper and a tie, and ditch the earring, all mid-episode. The last shot of Tennant was the cliffhanger, the moment people hopefully tuned in for, the shot that would be plastered around for a year leading up to the 60th, so I get why RTD didn't want it to be of Tennant in that costume.

I think his comments about drag etc. are just shit. He should've just said "we didn't want the image of David Tennant in Jodie's costume to linger for 2 months."
>I was just this brilliant woman, but you can't see inside my TARDIS and I chose a different sonic screwdriver out of the drawer I keep them all in on my way here just because
Jodie never looked better than in Peter Capaldi's raggedy old clothes in her very first ep.
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For me, it's 12's retarded tardis sonic screwdriver
She looked better when she was in space jail.
>RTD doesn't want the sonic to look like a gun
>60th sonic is a mix of old sonics and Dalek blaster
why was his hair different
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Which just so happens to light up green.
probably had another role when they were filming and they were like
>eh its fine
why did they make 3
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>because it's overtly NOT women's clothes
true but it's never looked good on any man ever
>has a marker inside
kino of the highest order
dress her in academia chic and grow her hair out and she'd look as beautiful onscreen as she does off screen
method acting. probably had it like this, then they decided each disguise would get a different hairstyle. so he cut it for his scenes as the DoctorMaster, and then a wig for Rasputin
did they run out of gel for this bit of hair
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How does this shit even work? He regenerated himself into the doctor's body?
You know how the cool bit about a bodyswap episode is that you get to see the actors' takes on each other's character?
Well, what if we did that, *without* the cool bit?
I saw the episode but it doesn't make any sense
welcome to NuWho
This raises some very interesting implications about regeneration and a Time Lord's mind. Where do the personalities come from if another Time Lord can essentially hijack your regeneration and become your next incarnation?
Chibnall was wallowing in a nearby pigsty whilst writing this so he can't give you a concrete answer
I like Bowler Ncuti.
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I'm still mad that a god tier interior like this one got demolished just to make room for the godawful Whittaker interior.
The floor of the series 5 set being the unpainted concrete of the studio was a bit shit
Meant for >>200576478
He is still an ugly black faggot
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He's not ugly.
he is.
we had to get her in baggy capris and a shitty hobo shirt and coat that made her look completely sexless like Chinball
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He is one of the most handsome Doctors.
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