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He is awaited edition
previous >>200587436
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Honorable lords, glorious knights and other good people!

Following the results of the Great Council, we pass a verdict - for any man to lick a woman's gate, both front and back, is an unnatural, vicious abomination, condemned by the old gods and the new. With this decision, we once again confirm the old ban on such obscenity.

The culprit of it, formerly known as Ser Criston Cole, a knight of the king's guard, is subject to condemnation and punishment. He is shamefully expelled from the guard, deprived of his knighthood, the honorary nickname "Colyan" and named Cunnymaker. From now on and in the future, no one should call him anything else or shake his hand when meeting him.

To my Russian brothers, нaздpaвe!

Chairman of the Great Council Prince Consort Ser Daemon Targaryen, also known as the Black Baseman, hero of the Storming of the Throat
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the guy they picked is absolutely perfect, I can't wait
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muh northern wife
Is that some kind of disgusting perverted sex act? I need details.
About Otto:

Yeah.. thinking about it... one of them needed to be killed, they couldn't let one alive, and the other might've well lied to save his companion for all they knew even if they tortured him...


Otto insulted vehemently his king like a fucking angry retard, he lost his cool, Tywin would've handled asserting his position much better. He deliberately made the king ostile towards him, if he had told him his complains more queitly without yelling at him and calling him a good for nothing land an idiot ike 4 times the king would've heard him and he would've kept his position.
I want to lick his tongue.
Dragon digestion is slow, but don’t worry you’ll see Vhagar poo out his bones in the next few episodes.
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Never forget what they took from us
Gay Daeron soon
i want to see cregan and jacaerys hug each other and ... stuff
Yeah I was hoping there would be at least half an episode of Jace and Cregan at Winterfell, that was basically nothing. Fuck.
So anons, how confident are you that this new tripfag Daeron is pulling your leg?
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I need a Fujo retelling of the book
>Ywn be in a steamy sloppy 3some with Jace and Cregan
This hurts
More like Gaeron.
i know the feel, fren.
Where did all the Velaryon go in Game of Thrones?
So Cragen will take Sara Snow's plotline?
Sara snow never existed
anyone have the wojack dayne tower of joy?
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>died pure and untouched
They won't have any more scenes together, they completely skipped their storyline.
I've spent enough time on tumblr to know women view being underweight (make no mistake Ewan is underweight) as a female trait, and a negative one at that. Lots of young unstable girls with negative self-image starve themselves as an expression of self hate and masochism, or they lose their appetite when under stress, so correspondingly a skinny male signals someone who's as emotionally volatile as they are, which is precisely the opposite of what these women value in men; strength, stability and even mindedness
Reddit absolutely HATES this bitch & Cole
It's fucking hilarious
You realize this varies, right? Some women find the skinny sadboy types cute. Like me.
Half of twitter too. Although they are too busy hating Aegon.
>not hating everyone
>Reddit this
>Twitter that
You all sound like pathetic bitches who only come here to whine about your favourite characters getting hate and expecting some comfort from other pathetic fags here who self-insert a little bit too much.
maybe we'd be talking about the show if it wasn't so gosh darn boring
first off ywnbaw, second yes I'm generalizing but but even when a girl says their type is "skinny white boys" they usually mean athletic ottermode body types, Ewan is yet skinnier again
>women view being underweight (make no mistake Ewan is underweight) as a female trait
this is the most incel science ive heard so far
They support Stannis
One of their bastards stole Cersei's brand new fleet too
Ewan is very thing but clearly has muscles and that body type can be appealing, t.elf enjoyer.
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Ewan is slim with definition in his abs and arms, literally ideal male form.
We can unironically talk about Mongolian basket weaving as long as it keeps the gen alive til the next episode.
bro I love generals so much
Isn't that the monk bastard of Alfred if Wessex from The Last Kingdom?
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Did you not know Aemond is Osferth?
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Speaking of the last kingdom does anyone have that nosferatu esque pic of Alfred in the dark doorway? I misplaced it.
faggotbros...we conquered this thread
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What happened to the legendary dagger of
episode 1 of season 1 bros?
Aegon has it, for now…. It falls off Aegons body when Aemond tries to kill him at rooks rest. Aemond picks it off the ground where it has fallen and walks away leaving Aegon for dead. /
How good a fighter could a guy with one eye be?
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Aegon has it
that's why he only has one sword instead of two
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Aegon carries it. Will get stolen by Aemond soon
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Finally someone said it. This show is unwatchable without him
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oh so it's going to be a metaphor for who currently has the throne?
when is Abigail Thorn aka PhilosophyTube appearing?
GRRM said Stannis will burn her in the books, cope
why are you obsessed with this
Is it also why he can't seem to control his dragon?
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>King Robert I Baratheon won the dagger from Lord Petyr Baelish during the tourney on Prince Joffrey's name day. It is unknown where Petyr originally acquired the dagger, or if it had any significance before he owned it.
>or if it had any significance
>or if it had any significance
>or if it had any significance
>or if it had any significance
Prophecy bros i dont feel so good
Unless I see it on paper, I don't believe it.
I don’t think so, my schizo theory is that Aemond is going to think the prince that was promised will be born from his line, Helaena’s ramblings will cement that in his head. But Alys will manipulate this and that’s why he knocked up some strong bastard much to everyone’s confusion. Alys will tell him their child will be the prince that was promised.
Then why are you staring at a screen right now?
GRRM also said he'd finish the books.
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I don’t get it, is that the older brother from the wizards of waverly place getting head?
So she'll put on the mommy act so he wants to have said baby with her instead of his actual fiancee/wife the Baratheon girl? Possible and Aemond is dumb enough to fall for it. But it would make sense to have the dagger follow whoever is the power in the realm too.
I definitely think Alys is going to manipulate Aemond in some way. I don’t think we are going to get any morally grey or black female characters from the writers room. So i think her baby will be daemons and everything she does is to eventually eliminate the danger that is Aemond and Vhagar from the realm.
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Cute and canon!
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Which one did you prefer? Season 4 Leaf or Season 6 Leaf?
Left is season 4, right is season 6
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Too good to be true, anon. We'll always have that one scene. It's better than nothing.
Would fit the Aemond Whents theory rumored from Fire and Blood 2: with both Jon Snow and Arya being of Aemond's line
sexier on left
Season 4 is closer to canon. Season 6 basically just ripped off Witcher dryads, they look like women not children.
Where do people get this thing? If anything GRRM did everything to ensure the green line is completely dead.
The Whent genetic features are basically Aemond with brunette hairs
words cannot describe how bitterly angry and disappointed I will be if this is the direction they go in for rooks rest
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Punished aegon soon.
Unless it was never through Viserys’s line but Daemons and he’s the father of Alys’s bastard. It could have skipped his first two sons to Rhaenyra. I genuinely wouldn’t be surprised about anything at this point. I really like what they are doing with Rooks Rest but I never would have guessed in a million years they would take this route.
Are the whents the ones who warged direbats?
If it really happens it's clearly an attempt at cliffhanger.
They look good together...
It’s happening anon, it’s good you have a week and a bit to prepare for it atleast.
Yeah it is. Cole will be on his knees and the scene and ending is very much set up like it couldn’t be possible Aegon lived through it. Looking forward to the non bookfag team black reactions to be honest. They will be so disappointed to see him alive in the next episode. /
where are these described exactly? and where is Aemond described in the book
>with brunette hairs
so not looking like Aemond?
I hope Sunfyre survives too.
> They will be so disappointed
I don't know, Aegon somehow has a decent amount of Team Black fans, though it's mostly people pitying him or women finding him cute.
Of course he will anon. We need our golden chicken.
Honestly I don't think blackfags hate Aegon that much. He's been made so pathetic and sympathetic that they feel more sorry for him than they hate him for opposing Rhaenyra.
how can you have any faith a based punished aegon will be what we get when
is supposedly happening. god this show is such an utter travesty
Blackfag here
Cole is No1
Alicent is No2
Otto is No3, will fall off now

Aemond is cool
Aegon is cool still, he ain't a schizo, yet
If anything I thought F&B hinted at Jace/Sara maybe having a kid that ends up with the Starks. My personal silly theory is that Val is somehow from that line too, what with the hair and the princess thing and possibly a love interest for Jon later.
Oh wow... the scene will get me on the edge of my seat...
somebodys gotta eat rhaenyra
Jace is so pretty, kinda need him.
hasn't captivated me...at all yet
the blacks are out of place
The shows limited scope is boring, the best part of GoT was the array of characters and their quirks. The hound, tyrion, the mountain, the different places and the magic aspect of Westeros
This, most of the time I just want to give him a hug. He didn't even want to rule before Alicent talked him into it with what's actually a lie.
Literally? I don’t understand sarcasm anon.
Aegon unironically needs a hug and some affirmations, Alicent would rather fuck some brown cock than comfort her own son who lost a child

from what i've seen most hate aegon because he's a rapist (even though book tyrion, robert and show jaime are rapists too)
aegon showed his true side during the petitions scene. he has a kindness about him like viserys, just a little more rapey
Oh no, I'm joking! I guess that's how it feels to be a book reader, nothing can excite me anymore. I fear general audiences will probably get spoilers first day the episode drops.
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Kinda sad how they dumbed down Rhaenyra's banner in the show.
They so good for each other.
it looks obnoxious and makes it seem like she's not the true heir.
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pretty much
Aegon didn't give Helaena a hug either when she needed one too
Hurt people hurt people
>jace 16 y.o
>aegon 21 y.o
Save Luke from this creature!
Why didn't Helaena give Aegon a hug? Why does he need to be the one to give her one? He lost just as much as she did.
It's appropriate then.
Because she's autistic
Yes because he never got one from Alicent.
You're never too old to recieve a hug anon...
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She never hugged young Aegon either.
>Otto calling him weak and telling him his dad never loved him just after his son got beheaded
Fuck otto tbqh
I don't like otto, poor mans incompetent Tywin
Otto kicked him too earlier in that episode. Poor Aegon, he has only ever been hugged by prostitutes probably.
According to Aegon and Halaena's actors this scene mas misunderstood: they had a silent nod of shared pain as the loss of their kid made them a little close
Its still only like what 2 weeks since Aegon got made king? That time when Argon essentially said "yeah just let me run away, you get to be king I get to be a wandering fuck machine in Essos" hilarious then it only took 14 days for us to get to fratricide for the throne
Come on.
Aemond >>>>>>>> Rhaena.Can talk to about Harwin and bastardy at any time.
I wonder how his plans with Daeron will backfire.
Aegon possesses it.
The direction for the new season do seem to blackwash Aemond and whitewash Aegon, at least compared to their Season 1 personas
More actor fanfiction
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To be fair Aemond was an anime villain in the book so it fits
Aegon had a few redeeming moments so he wasn't all black either (sparing Gaemon, knighting Trystane)
And it's so much worse when that's what convinced Aegon to be king in the first place so now it's like
>wow your kid died as a consequence of the civil war we started and forced you to take part in?
>which you only did because your mom told you your dad cared about you after all and he's the one who wanted this?
>lmfao that was all bullshit he never gave a shit, we just stole his throne and used you to do it
>also lol at least your son's dead body was briefly useful as a pr stunt for me
poor Aegon :(
It'll be Coles kid with brown hair and tanned skin like the rumors are saying, he'll known in an instant
Will probably take Ormund's place as Daeron mentor in the Reachverse and share his end. Cant have good Rhaenyra executing captured enemies, even if in fault
She tired of being only fighter on the team. Watching son not being able to overcome his resentment towards father and being so weak irritates her.
Yeah episode 1 is 9-10 days after Luke’s death. Rewatching the episode with Cole and Aemond looking for Aegon it’s very clear how much Aemond loathes him already. The brothel scene will just be the final push off the knifes edge.
I love how every time Tom Glynn-Carney describes Aegon its essentially the complete opposite of what the shows actually doing to him. He's really trying to wring whatever characterisation he can from these awful scripts.
>Alicent forgot she had a son
>Otto never ever saw his grandkid
They are trolling us right?
Because he's lying around like a drunk pig...
And then Aemond blamed him for the bastards thing and Viserys yelled at him. Poor kid just wanted to get drunk and avoid his shitty family for one day.
>jace 16 y.o
Wtf? Is that why we aren't getting sex scenes? I wanted to see him naked, I thought he was supposed to be older in the show compared to the book.
Poor guy is given some cringe lines yet he manages to make them work (like the bitch queen from dragonstone one)
He seems to really like Aegon from what I've seen in his interviews
Ask “Daeron” he should join us again at some point.
He's killing it though, all things considered

Why was it Aegon's job to tard wrangle Aemond? Maybe his actual parents or Otto or Cole should have done that for a change.
Criston isn't even that tanned. I guess they could leave it ambiguous since at that point there have been no brown haired targs, I think Baelor was the first one
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Nope. It's beautiful and unique!
Why not give older brother some work? Is it so hard for him not to be drunk for one day?
Nope, It would assasinate the characters of Daeron, Cole and Alicent even further
Have him having the Hightower hair color and a scene with Alicent alone in the church asking the Seven why the fourth kid of Viserys came out with that hair of needed. We need a scene that debunk Cole bastard stuff imnediately
Even so he was clearly unwell, that's no reason to kick him.
Velaryon and Vale?
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>my nephew's already taken that one
I'm a Jace fan and normally hate that joke but drunk Aegon saying it is somehow funny, like it's part of their old banter (also I ship them)
Rhaenyra is half Arryn, and the Velaryons her strongest supporters
>Is it so hard for him not to be drunk for one day?
Yes. Imagine trying to be sane and sober when your family is Alicent, non-existent Viserys, Otto and Aemond.
I can read all the spoilers because I still don't know who is Aemond and who is Aegon. I'm really a brainlet
It just confuses people. He makes fan fiction and then writers give him something completely different. It's sabotage.

Evan also talked about Aemond was "loyal". Now Aemond's wives crying and saying that character is "ruined".
"Aemond" is longer and is the taller guy with longer hair.
Never underestimate Condal's ability to assassinate Criston's and Alicent's characters anon
source or you are gay
Someone who can sit on the iron throne so comfortably is meant to have it
Aemond: Eyepatch
Aegon: No eyepatch
Didn't this happen in the middle of the night anyway? Even if he'd been sober he'd have still just woken up in the morning and wondered why his brother lost an eye
shouldve just stuck with the red and black dragon sigil
>We need a scene that debunk Cole bastard stuff imnediately
We're getting a scene of Alicent wanting to abort a child this week i think, lmao

Would be funny if the septons say "Again, bruh?"
>I'm really a brainlet
That's apparently a major criticism critics have for HotD there's a bunch of characters with very similar names and not much characterisation to tell them apart.
If that was the intention then the director butchered it. Or TGC is just desperately trying to avoid the Joffrey label that S1 created.
That's not an excuse. Harry is 20 years old, this show doesn't care about morals. If they wanted they'd easily show him naked but unfortunately based on the leaks it's not happening.
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What a shit job
>It's a throne made out of swords. She probably gripped the damn thing too hard
My theory is he doesn't get hurt BECAUSE he's being so casual about it and intuitively finding the comfiest way to sit on it because he doesn't actually care about the power itself.
why does the woman on that mosaic have a beard?
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Yeah but supposedly if he'd been around Aemond he would have stopped him from going off on his own. Which is bullshit and as usual it was actually Criston's fault.
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> Ewan also talked about Aemond was "loyal".
He’s a troll. But a very good one.

Okay, found some info about Alys. Nothing worthy of a spoiler though. She has a heavy Scottish accent and has floor length black hair. Has an evil pet goat, has two scenes in ep3, she gives Daemon a ‘potion’ while he’s hallucinating, and spits at Daemon’s guards when they grab her.
>Has an evil pet goat
Best girl already.
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Everything bad in the last 30 years of Westeros really can be traced back to Criston Cole.
She looks like Thomasin McKenzie in this shot.
Aegon was like 14 when they had him jacking off out the window so no thats not why.
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>Rhaena is taming a wild dragon
>Daeron will be able to ride a dragon without any valyrian blood
RIP in pieces Nettles
Harry Collett has a jealous partner who doesn't allow him to do nudity. That's the main reason.
This is why I don't really buy the Daeron bastard rumor. Then again they haven't addressed Addam getting Seasmoke while Laenor is still alive.
Laenor may have died off-screen.
>Rhaenyra is half Arryn
La creatura....
They wouldn't gone through the trouble of showing us he's alive only to kill him offscreen
Addam should have been Laenor.
more like laelnor
You underestimate the writers
Fuck no, that was one of the worst rumors people were spreading around in S1.
I mean the real point was that Rhaenyra and Daemon didn't kill him, if he dies later that's not their problem.
>We're getting a scene of Alicent wanting to abort a child this week i think, lmao
That's every Alicent and Aegon scene.
Isn't he a scared crybaby in his first battle? Is he the same Benji actor from season 1?
Anons, we all know he didnt die in season 1 to keep just to keep Rhaenyra pure. They couldnt just t find a way to kill him without keeping her innocent, so he just fucked off and died offscreen.
No, he cries after the battle at the sight of all those dead men.
> Is he the same Benji actor from season 1?
No, that's another Blackwood.
fucking blackforest out here
That's true. I'm the jealous partner.
So is Larys a smart guy with his own goals or is he just an autistic foot fetishist?
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We don’t know if she’s actually pregnant, my interpretation reading the leak/scene is she’s drinking moon tea to prevent a pregnancy.
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Lol. We love you Helaena.
lmao look at her trying to belong
Aemma was half Arryn half Targaryen so more like a quarter.
Helaena board newfag
>can only corrupt my own post as a retort
ok redditor
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Tfw no autismo wife
Helaena board newfag
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>Rhaenyra: the idea that i of all people would deprive a mother of her child? preposterous!
>meanwhile Rhaenys is sitting right there believing her son was killed by Rhaenyra and she's STILL supporting her
The motivations of house Velaryon continue to baffle me.
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>can only repeat himself
my victory shall have songs written about it
I noticed there are many femanons here so I'm curious which male character would you choose to fuck and who would you marry?
Helaena subreddit newcel (sorry for the homophobic and chancentric language in my previous comments)
How did helaena mindbreak you this hard?
>>The motivations of house Velaryon continue to baffle me.
ok anon let me offer apologies in return for ever doubting that this was a place that mostly talks about the character known as Helaena Targaryen
or fuck Daemon and marry Jace
I assumed they were going to do that, it would have made sense too
people hate seeing themselves on the big screen (i am very autistic and cute)
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Anyone else really tired of seeing this smug cunt on screen
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>Helaena board newfag
if anything he should be shown more, considering the role he has
Stop pretending to be me incel
mah wajf
nta but my hopes for this show and adaptations are too high but this will teach me my lesson
Yeah. It is. We won. Bugchads always do.
I'd let Aegon, Cole and Daemon to fuck me because why not and I'd marry Jace so we can fuck daily
she makes this face when I penetrate her
I sure hope that role comes down to being grilled alive by a dragon very soon
There no females on 4chan outside the cosplay/soc boards, anon.
Everyone Who talks about handsome men in this general is a faggot pedos, especially the Lukeposters (in this specific case, necrophiles too)
Know what's fucking weird? Preston Jacobs never made a series of 40, 50 minutes videos of him analyzing Elden Ring lore to try and figure out if GRRM left any clues fo Winds of Winter in there.
I think his fate is worse than that, not from the pain but regarding his honour
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Aegon. He'll make a good dad.
My favourite is Aemond but I don't see myself having sex with him so I choose Jace for sex and Aemond for marriage
He's a deranged rapist and a pedophile.
>fate is worse than that
Your words fill me with joy then
>Already planning to cuckold the future husband for no reasons
Good morning from Kazakhstan
There are many women here, fags are the minority. Lukepedo is probably the only guy and he's an old man. Aemondposters, Jaceposters and Aegonposters are women with good taste.
why do you hate him this much? he isn't a nice guy but I doubt I would do any better if I was in his place
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>YFW Balerion takes you for a ride
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Ok and?
I love pretty boys like him and Jace, my weakness tbqh.
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I do give him points for this
None of this matter to most women as long as they find the specific pedo rapist handsome.
that's adorable
So is daemon
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Stuff like this make me crave him more. Tfw no husband to make children with.
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I already said I like Aegon, you don't have to convince me to like him.
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i am single
Imagine sex between Stannis and Helaena.
Will make a better ship than Stannerys kek
the autism would explode the known world
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I would fuck aemond but purely because of who he’s played by not because of who is as a character. But really I wouldn’t want to fuck or marry any of the hotd characters. As for asoiaf maybe Jaime for both, but still not enthusiastically.
>if only luke's penis was in my hand rn
Stannis x Helaena x Corlys ship sex Im GONNA EXPLOOOODDEEE
Based on the answers all the women here like white men
stannis' ships also exploded in the battle of the blackwater and davos lost all his sons loooool
Westeros wouldn't be able to handle that much autism
The one that casts fireball at spooky scary skeletons
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Great taste. Imo both Ewan and Tom are extremely attractive. More than Matt and that pajeet kike.
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>Helaena: What if he doesn't want to be king?
>Aegon: Fuck it. Where is he?
>Reddit: Awww he's not like the others!

And that's how they experience all this show.
All of GRRMs banners are stupidly complex 18th century larpcore
I mean he's not like the others because he is in fact letting the kid have fun sometimes. But yeah it's not like he'd be perfect or that he wouldn't force the kid to be heir even if he didn't want to, it's just that caring about him as a person a little is more than his family gave him.
>meanwhile, irl banners
Aegon: We're a hereditary monarchy. The fuck you want me to do?
if the "comet" brings magic back into the world, what took it away? Was Aegon III's hate for dragons so strong that he somehow shut off magic by will alone?
poor jahaerys..
This is just cringe-worthy reading. Jaehaerys didn't want "ride the horse". Aegon wanted him to do it. To humiliate Tyland.
The dragons dying
>Jaehaerys didn't want "ride the horse".
Why wouldn't he? He has wooden ponies in his room.
>Jaehaerys didn't want "ride the horse".
He said yes
Also Tyland was being extremely autistic over a ball, he deserved it
All children we've seen have this pony. In the scene, Jaehaerys doesn't do anything about riding. He plays with a ball. Tyland gets annoyed and Aegon wants to "show him his place." That's all.
Back to twitter.
back toreddit
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dont talk shit about our prince
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In a world without blacks we could have had this.
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lol. castamere cucks stay losing.

by the way my sister-wife was pregnant and won her duel in this tournament. thats targ blood for you.
For me it's Prince Jacaerys. Take your trash away please!
Azor Ahai reborn
He looks like all those fembois I see around Tokyo.
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a bastard cannot be a prince
The rightful heir! The king with no crown.
>Literally half a second of screentime in a trailer so far
>Already the best character
How does he do it?
He looks like yasified Tommy Wisseau
Laenor accepted him as his son. Viserys legalized him.
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Thanks to Seven didn’t happen!
Doesn't change the fact he's a bastard. Besides with the way he looks what are the chances Laenor touched him?
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Are you saying he looks like those ugly Japanese men? Literally fuck off.
>Cannot even speak high valyrian
best potential ruler out of everyone available
>Viserys legalized him.
no he didn't
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>Viserys legalized him.
Nope, because that would mean that he first accepted that they were bastards, which he never accepted he was in denial and did not legitimatize anyone
He looks as flamboyant as them.
Laenor was a wonderful father otherwise he wouldn't have nice words to share about him in his conversation with Baela.
>heheh he looks like my secret tokyo femboys
>n-no he actually looks as gay as them
I'm guessing the show is setting up Rhaenyra being overthrow by the Kingslanding smallfolk being the fault of Daemon, since he is the one fucking up her image.
Vis officially confirmed Jace and Luke as heirs to the Irone Throne and Driftmark multiple times regardless of who their father may have been
>Aenys I
>Daeron II
Honestly this is show is so goofy I can’t watch it. Nobody is ever at fault for anything directly. Rhaenyra in particular it’s just dumb writing
>regardless of who their father may have been
no he didn't, he insisted laenor has his trueborn father
there's a difference between legalizing bastards and straight up denying their bastards while killing people who dare broach the subject
The funny thing is that Jacaerys is the grandson Otto wish he had. He would be a wonderful ruler.
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Slander! The most intelligent prince of them all!
>Aenys I
Gay rumors
>Daeron II
Incel accusations, unfounded
These sad creatures are no real prince of the seven kingdoms and basically everyone pronounced themselves kings when Robert died
Thanks for proving my point anon
>heheh he looks like my secret tokyo femboys
Anon, I am orthodox christian and my father has forbidden me from dating. I am expected to marry and produce children. I simply don't understand understand the hype about Jace when he looks like ragging homo.
I need his outfit, it's perfect.
>>Anon, I am orthodox christian and my father has forbidden me from dating. I am expected to marry and produce children.
man are they going to be dissapointed as fuck !loool
Funny how the show made Viserys I somewhat similar to Aegon IV, both would bend and break rules and tradition in order to satisfy their wishes, both had clear favorites in their families and both led to a severe loss of power to their House.
At least Viserys wasn't a sadistic fat man trading dragon eggs for sex.
How exactly does someone look like a homo? Just because someone has pretty features, it doesn't make him a homo. It sounds like you are jealous.
considering he has to make all these dumb lies up, then yeah they are pretty jealous
and you could tell they were lies because she immediately started making moronic jokes
Are you American?
>accusations, unfounded
Same for Jace.
>everyone pronounced themselves kings when Robert died
Rebellion that was suppressed.
sounds very german
Bloodraven wins
Greatest offense I have received so far. I am from the Balkans.
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>Same for Jace.
pic related
>Rebellion that was suppressed.
no, Stannis is still out there, Mace Tyrell is on his way to Kings Landing and Euron the Crows eye still sits on the Seastone chair
Pffft actual balkaneer here and no you aren't, weebo
Oh I think I remember you from last year, did you post a pic of weird can of drink on a desk or was that the Polish girl?
sassy prince
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he reaffirmed him as heir to house valerian when the brother had his head chopped off by daemon. How was this missed?
Viserys reaffirmed that he's not a bastard to begin with, which is different from legalizing bastards.
That's not the same as legalizing a bastard.
What you're arguing for is covering a mistake up and pretending there was none. Legalizing bastards is owning up to the mistake then creating a contract to move past the mistake.

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