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Baela and Rhaena Edition
Prev >>200572688
spotemgottem looking motherfucker
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will Otto be okay?
I honestly don't give a shit if you believe what I'm going to tell you, but here it is.

Ryan Condal had decided to cut Daeron from the show but they added him at the last minute before filming season 2 due in part to fan criticism and in part because some writers saw potential to accommodate him in a "big reveal" related to the AlicentxCole plot. That's why Sacha Vodegel Matzen was cast as Daeron. Although they want to keep his role a secret until the "big reveal".

Daeron will not have silver hair, although it is not clear if it is specified to the audience that he is a bastard, however, they want to imply it in subtle ways, especially with some dialogues that will be between Alicent and Cole.

Regarding the character, he honestly strikes me as a Jace 2.0, he is shown conflicted because his mother sent him away and he believes it is because he is not like his siblings (with silver hair). He will also have a strange "tension" that some may interpret as sexual with other characters of the Hightower family, one male and one female, it seems that they wanted to make a kind of Sansa with Margaery and Loras, controversial for fans of the books but I think suitable for the casual viewer.
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fingah up tha bum
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>no grief sex
This sounds fucking awful, which probably means it's true.
I would actually watch this if they removed the random diversity inserted black people
They're implementing dragons right now, will probably be out in August or September.

Loved the Cargyll fight.
Sara Hess specifically made the strongest case for his inclusion in the TV show and for linking it to Alicent and Cole's plot. There was a discussion with Condal about this and about her role with some of Daemon's scenes with Rhaenyra that were discarded in season 2. She was on the verge of leaving the show.
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Do you think he accepted the lesson?
I wish she had left the show. She's a freak that's ruining the show.
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Targcucks FEAR him. His memory makes them WEEP IN FURY.
>be greatsword wielded by house living in 70% winter conditions
>have an extremely slippery handle
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Imagine being a greencel.
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>he fears me

God Nigger look so out of place in this show, just ridiculous.
> There was a discussion with Condal about this and about her role with some of Daemon's scenes with Rhaenyra that were discarded in season 2.
Elaborate please
why are these threads so dead compared to /got/?
are you saying that he's a sword swallower? not even mushroom had the audacity to imply something like that
They can imply it all they want, it's still canonically impossible
Condal softened or flatly eliminated some scenes where Daemon was more toxic and violent with Rhaenyra. Sara wanted those scenes to stay, she accused Condal of not agreeing with her vision of the character.

Condal also didn't want to add Daeron to the show but, despite the criticism, she seems to be more of a book purist than he is.
Show's a piece of shit
GRRM confirmed the show canon supersedes the book.
Whoever made this pic didn't even get the eye that was pierced right
Think about it. Alicent has to listen to her autistic daughter and manlet son have sex together. That's why she avoids them.
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its black culture, whites are just pets that were potty trained and let inside
I hate that fat bastard
when is Abigail Thorn aka PhilosophyTube appearing?
Built for STRONG cock
hotd already won a golden globe
someone should make a film about dachau and make half the jew inmates coal black negros but all dressed in rabbi clothes and speaking yid, with pale jew wives and chinese children. then have one turn to the camera in the middle and say "we wuz de reel viktimz" and stare blankly with its yellow surrounded ape eyes for about a minute, before raising its paw to show the terrrrible tattoo on its paw
these bucks are downright peculiar
Imagine if GOT came out and already from the beginning of S2 Stannis was made to look like a 100% evil wrong retarded incompetent weakling, and all the other characters were lame and passive and got nothing done. How much do you think /got/ would care about that show?
Never his cameo got canned. They don't want a troon to be part of the show. They're already have their lgbtq+ quota filled with Emma, Matt, And a few other actors.
I think he is going to appear during s3 during the gullet
>abduct a child
I don't think the writers think this right....
Yeah I'm gonna go ahead and ignore that.
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cute and canon
That's not even the worst thing he's said. He said once if he could do it all again he would make the Valyrians- all of them- niggers to subvert colonialist tropes.
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I think Kevan Lannister is an underrated and underappreciated character

>is competent on a level comparable Tywin
>but isn't anywhere near as bloodthirsty and Machiavellian
GRRM has said the show canon and the book canon are separate universes.
He was a fine Regent until Varys had him ACKed
>until Varys had him ACKed

I'm not familiar with the books but isn't he killed in the bombing of the Sept of Baelor (orchestrated by Cersei because she's a retarded megalomaniac) in the show?
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They needed to add more black people
Asking in a thread advertised by 2 niggers.
Why could it be, such an enigma

Ironically most of the black actors seem to give more exciting performances than their white counterparts in the show although that might just be the writing
why are these "quarter black" girls darker than their mom was?
Honestly I'm drawing a blank here.
dragon these nuts
hope more articles shame this shitshow
I'm going to be surprised if the show survive this season.
kek no
Jace has BJ lips tbqh. Aemond looks much more intimidating.
M'lords can you please spare the mega link with the maps
In the books Varys has him assassinated to destabilize the throne right before Aegon Blackfyre can land on Westeros. That whole plotline was cut completely from the show
Varys kills him because he thinks Kevan is too good and Varys wants cersei to screw up
he killed kevan himself and Faegon already landed when he does it
these kind of ships attract only men with jungle fever and I know there are many who post here and have major jungle fever even if they pretend otherwise, the same white men also hate when these kind of ships are gender swapped and the woman is white while the man is black
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I love Alicent. She's perfection walking on this earth. A goddess who has graced us with her ethereal presence and I submit to her glory.
Baela was talking to Jace like it's so obvious that Harwin Strong was his father. Meanwhile Baela looks NOTHING like Daemon. Her real father was probably some random Velaryon knight.
>No Nettles
>Daeron is the bastard dragon wrotery
This show is straight up fanfiction.
>Faegon already landed when he does it
Yeah well whatever you get the point
I know that, I just have no idea how he dies on the show which is what the other anon was asking me
>Sheeit dragons n sheeit
Varys is just like Baelish except one is honest and the other one copes with "the realm"
>Even women writers are criticizing this shit
Baela is shit.
even GRRM is regretting killing him too early how he is underrated?
Who is this Hollie Richardson chud? What is the Guardian? A chud newspaper?
GRRM is a weird dude

Originally he wrote that Aegon II was found abed with a paramour when King Viserys died, and was surprised no one cared or thought this was bad.
So he rewrote it so Aegon II was at child fighting pits.
The dude is playing off his audience too much to write a straight story anymore.
these two are so fucking stupid in the show.
They literally have ZERO personality except being niggers and Rhaena having no dragon yet. In the books they are tetriary characters at best, but still we know that Baela is rule breaking tomboy who likes trashing squires (and kissing them) while Rhaena is le proper wholesome valyrian lady. In the show they literally cant be described other than
>uh... they are... Daemon black daughters!
It would be fine if they were some redshirts but they survive whole dance so we will have to watch them all four seasons. Some character or personality would be nice
He just wanted to establish he was evil and wrong because the blacks are the good faction.
>So he rewrote it so Aegon II was at child fighting pits.
Getting his dick sucked by a 12yo girl no less
The guardian is the communist newspaper of record in britain
Baela is basically supposed to be a female version of Daemon, but the feminist slop show can't have a daughter idolizing her father so they made her hate him.
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God, book Catelyn was so hot. Jon or Robb or the Stone Crows should've fucked her at least once
Wait. So, him is Daeron?
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I unironically have no problem with this I can't wait for Cole's son to the next based character
I hope they explain that the "valyrian blood " requirement was made up by valyrians to monopolize the dragons to themselves, ie anyone properly bonded with a dragon can become a rider.

magic blood was such a stupid concept anyways
Daemon was a garbage father in the book. He doesn't even intersect with them and abandons them for Nettles. The show is trash but not because of how they portray Daemon scum haha.
See, i don't even get the feeling that she hates him. I would actually like that because it could give her some character grow, but she had like one scene with him? And now that Daemon is gone to Harrenhal we won't get anything with that plot anymore
Doesn't matter. Baela is supposed to be a free sprit and a bit of a miscreant. The show made her a po faced moralizer like Rhaenys.
Kill Yourself.
>hurr durr Daemon is the devil
Greenniggers have totally bought into the anti-man propaganda of the show.
I don't think any greenfag has anything about Daemon. Characters being driven to win the war for their side is respectable. It's cunts like Rhaenys we despise.
I have something against Daemon ; he's a fucking Mary sue character. Extremely boring and predictable edgelord and GRRM's gay wank fantasy
Nope I despise daemon. Show daemon is annoying.
>heh *quips*
Don't tell that to the fangirls who were screaming for Hess's head when she cut a scene of him hugging his daughters after Leana died.
Honestly, at this point I believe these leaks are true. They're going to make Daeron a bastard, lmao.
Nah Daemon just sucks. and Matt Smith looks retarded with the wig
Aemond is an even bigger meme and the actor is a tranny.
Nettles = cut and half of her storyline is going to Daeron (challenging Valyrian supremacy because he's a bastard) and the other half is going to Rhaena (taming a wild dragon).
Matt Smith's face is horrible, he looks mentally retarded.
love the arya horseface here
Nettles is a non-entity anyway so it doesn't really matter
valyrian and dornish wives
old valyrian or just the survivors?
all purple eyed women owe me sex
>Sacha Vodegel Matzen
How old? Is he cute?
>Sacha Vodegel Matzen

awfully jewish sounding name
>Daeron can ride dragon despise not have Targaryen or Valeryon blood
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People like it because it's actually a normal and non toxic relationship.
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>MUH mAgic BloOD

what other (((valyrian))) lies have you fell for ?
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Been a hot minute for me stopped after season 4... But are Targaryens' black now?
It probably will but people are losing interest. Each season premiere of GoT had more viewers than the last, the s2 premiere of HotD declined in views compared to the first. It’s already on the decline.
She looks like a dude.
that would be the Val'Aarons and they do be brothas
Hello Sara Hess
Yes they be riding dragon and sheesh
No one like it but virtue signalers trying to pretend they care about Baela
After breaking Star war lore, they're going to break got lore next kek
It is this boy, he appears on the imdb of the show, although unlike literally all the other actors, his role is not specified. Habemus Daeron
Kys shill
The Velaryons in the show hail from a southern province of the Freehold that is halfway between the Summer Isles and Sothoryos, ok, chudcels!?
>No one like
yet it's the most popular straight ship this season
You can see benioffs drunk ass in the background kek.
Cast a tranny that can't act for a woman role is for you chudcels
Damn! That's freestylin'
Is Otto the only non-retarded person in this series?
Anon you're going to trigger the greens
Kill Sara Hess behead Ryan Cuckdal
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I don’t know why but I believe you. It just doesn’t make sense why this specific actor is being left out from his role being credited when everyone else’s is. Especially when his agency said he was filming for months. It’s obviously an important role that they want to be a surprise, but whether or not it’s Daeron is the question.
He executed a bunch of nobles then lost his shit over 10 ratcatchers. He's also a hand of the king who has no idea how to work with his king so don't know about retarded but definitely out of his depth.
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>no Aemond stills because of the graphic nudity
FFS. It’s so hard to find high quality pics for aemondposting as it is this season.
Oh he is going to stay still during e4
>No argument

I accept your concession of being a fag.
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He's a striking lad
Those are Velaryons, but yeah, they blackwashed a house
he literally cause all this shitshow
We well get our Aemonds anon, don't worry
The first season we had to go several episodes without even seeing him, can you imagine that?
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>what did he mean by this
Vissy should have done what he said and married Aegon and rhaenyra ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Take it with a pinch of salt, but Jamie Cambell Bower (who was cast in the cancelled Bloodmoon series) and Tazmin Merchant (Daenerys’s original actress in the pilot) are our Bloodraven and Shiera Seastar in The Knight of the Seven Kingdoms.
He followed the laws of politics, and the laws of gods and men. Viserys broke it.
I understood that scene as him being pissed at Rhaenyra, not hating his daughter
Pretty much
It's amusing that anyone thinks killing a few rat-catchers is retarded when the opposition loosed a dragon on unarmed smallfolk and purposefully murdered a member of the royal family.

We saw him conceived in episode four, in perhaps the most boring pleasureless, starfished act of sexual congress in the history of Westeros
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New Aemond still for episode 3. NSFW.
Wherever Starks go they must suffer
Yeah, he was in a rage and didn't want to take it out on his daughter so he ignored her.
>the actresses who play Baela and Rhaena are both gay irl
Baela (lesbian with a girlfriend)
Rhaena (gay and non-binary)
What went wrong?
>What went wrong?
Social media. Everyone wants attention. That's why 30 percent of Gen Z identifies as LGBT.
Did he at least realize that he fucked up?
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Are you saying that it's fake? Why would they lie about something like that? You know that there are many homophobes who cancel actors for being gay so why would they risk such a lie?
Yikes. But sure
What do you mean? Both are perfect for the parts.
>Daeron will not have silver hair, although it is not clear if it is specified to the audience that he is a bastard, however, they want to imply it in subtle ways, especially with some dialogues that will be between Alicent and Cole.
This is nonsense considering in the books the Hightowers have silver/golden hair. But knowing that cunt Ryan he'll 100% make him a bastard. How will they justify him having a dragon tho?
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Lies. By the treasonous Black cunts.
The twins fight would have been cool... if it meant something lmao, what a waste of time.
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Why is there no racism in Westeros? You're telling me there's complete racial harmony? No one discriminates? No one is racist? There's no racial slurs or epithets?
This is crannogmen erasure
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Westeros racism is based on culture and religion difference. First Men VS Andals VS Dorne VS Valyrian.
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Me on the far right
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My wife is itching for grief sex
>Westeros racism is based on culture and religion difference.
well, it is a fantasy.
What an awful choice of word anon.
Alicent destroyed this
>He will also have a strange "tension" that some may interpret as sexual with other characters of the Hightower family, one male and one female,
He should only have sexual tension with Addam of Hull
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Thanks to the anon who made the Arryk falling on and off his sword gif. It’s going to be used alot for the upcoming episode if you catch my drift.
Sara Hess' role is not certain in the following seasons. Condal hates her and she hates him. He hasn't fired her because she has the backing of much of the team. Maybe enough for him to be the one fired?

And in case it wasn't clear. Condal actively lied in the interview about casting Daeron. He does it to make the revelation shocking.
The Strong bastard photoshopped himself into this photo, it was originally Aemond and Vhagar.
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The Night's Watch's campaign against the Wildlings is entirely driven by violent racism.
That's Erryk.
OK let's assume all this is true, post more showrunner gossip. Where do Sara and Condal stand on Rhaenyra/Alicent and Rhaenyra/Daemon? Sympathetic vs psycho Aemond? Aegon? Nettles?
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It's fine anon I can help her
The book telling is literally just in universe fanfiction made up by a bunch of lying twats and Mushroom.
yeah guess the book just got everyone's ages and wrong and forgot maelor wasn't born at the time of b&c
Aegon did nothing wrong.
He's getting Nettles' storyline about being a non Valyrian dragon rider.
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FFS. Why couldn’t gurm make Erryk team grEen from the E and Arryk team blAck from the A?.
According to Condal tessarion is already bound to him so i don't know how they'll handle that nonsense
I'm calling bullshit. This would completely shit on the lore. Making him gay and have none of the Targaryen features would be retarded.
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Cute and canon!
I'm only a little annoyed their black. I know they're supposed to be gorgeous white girls, which is the thing about it that annoys me.
They look good for black girls, though that hair is just wrong. But it's not like I'd say no either.
It's probably fake like all the shit people spammed last week about jace
Everywhere I look online says he hasn't been casted yet and we won't see him this season.
>Rhaenyra cowering in an unguarded corner despite being given plenty not opportunities to escape while Erryk and Arryk are fighting
Why did they make her so dumb?
What's the point of the sudoku if she is not there watching?
Wasn’t the door locked?
>only one niggress got her hair fixed
it's fucking incredible how how much better the one on the left looks
It's for drama you autist, do you think it would be as good if Rhaenyra ran away rather than be a target for Green twin to swing at in his duel?
The last thing I will say today is that HBO knows, knows about the internal tensions in the team and is doing absolutely nothing to fix it.
Are you going to hang around for the rest of the season anon?, I’d like to hear more from you on the off chance you are being genuine.
Cool rp anon
They won't do shit as long as it generates income.
Drama is not worth the stupidity. Also see : Rhaenys popping up through the floor of the dragonpit.
It is my obligation to be there. Although probably reporting more on internal tensions than plot leaks. All of the current leaks (not just mine) are made possible by all the toxicity within the team
If there is anyone from HBO watching this and is furious about the leaks. THIS WOULDN'T BE HAPPENING IF YOU HAD DONE SOMETHING ABOUT ALL THE COMPLAINTS.
Yeah and if that fat fuck finishes the books then I’ll accept that until now the shows are fanfic
No it’s retarded since dragons were made by blood magic in the first place
Are you Sapochnik out for revenge by any chance?
lore accurate women behaviour
I don't think leaking is the problem for there have always been leaks about any type of show. The real problem is the shitty ass writing. Did they hire Mushroom to be head writer?
He’s going to be revealed to be someone important in the story isn’t he.. the second I see someone lose their hand I’m going to assume it’s him
Nta but I’ve heard discouraged writers often leak the plot of the public and use the public’s reaction to show the higher ups “see I told you they would hate it”.
thats the main issue, every single leak so far has puzzled people with its stupidity and retarded writing decisions. And worse they have been true so far.

Noone would be complaining if any of it wasnr complete shit, and complete shit that seemingly only intends to spite the source material.

It is fanfiction written by someone who hates the original story and seems to hate most of the characters as they were depicted, replacing them all with retarded OC versions.
They have been doing this since season 1 to be honest. They whitewashed Alicent and Rhaenyra, they made Aegon a rapist, they showed the Greens as usurpers.
Not only do they hate the source material but they also think the viewers are retarded which they are but the fact they removed the Master of Law and the long discussion about the Council of 101 and added the white stag bs was telling.
This season they just intensified the bs writing.
Seems like the writers learned more from George than we believe. If this is proven true then we have another Blackwood-Bracken scenario in our hands, where one side is blatantly favored over the other, in a story where both sides should be fighting for selfish reasons and commit atrocities in order to accomplish their goals, mind you.
Rhaena a cute!
Needs the part where he turns around and just stares in disbelief
They don't give a shit about the lore anyway
Keep leaking so we can keep shitposting
Keep your cuck fantasies to yourself faggot.
He didnt say that, fucking faggot spreading false shit.
They're already filming s3
I’m enjoying the leaks so far, it’s like a puzzle we can collectively solve before the episode. And it gives the anons upset with the changes a few days to seethe so they can just enjoy the episode and shitpost about it when it airs.
Bludraven or Bittersteel.
Are they filming already? Jesus. I thought they were in pre production and about to start filming in the next few months?
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>They needed to add more black people

Americans millennials are absolutely obsessed with blacks. But why is it always black? Why not arab or asian or latino or indian or polynesian or scandinavian or eastern european or mediterranean? Why is it that it is a black? What is with American millennial's obsession with black people and with forcing black people into everything? Explain it. Thank goodness that obsession dies with the zoomer generation who are rejecting everything about the millennials.
what tensions?
Matt said they would start filming this fall iirc.
I mean yes you're right. Forgive me
You just know everything bad from this show is because of Sara Hess
Maybe we should throw all of them into a black hole so that they get a hyper compressed nigger, or kaffir. It would make them all very happy.
And anyhow, the niggers could probably sneak into a black hole in the first place, so like, it would be very efficient thermodynamically to have the blackest niggers that ever nigged go to a black hole.
Condal really isn't any better judging by his comments
How was the first 8 episodes of S1 so good. Why did you go to shit so hard after that?
And I do mean a literal black hole, not a figurative,sexual, or prison innuendo type of joke.

Blacks are naturally stealthier so they have stealth in space,fun fact about blacks. Also melanin explodes when bombarded with enough light. Another fun fact.

I need so much less melanin that I will avoid the sun and supplement vitamins just because I hate being any type of dark.
I’m a Bloodraven guy because I like the implications of his surveillance state but the way the Blacks/Blackwoods are shoved down our throats is why I root for the Hightowers and will be happy when FAegon takes the throne.
>start filming this fall
I guess Ewan will lose the Bond villain role to Freddie fox then, bond is supposed to start filming then too.
Idk why nu Hollywood enables talentless retard like Sara Hess and a lot of other
You saw a thief losing his hand in S1E1
Blacks would probably be the most comfortable close to the blackest dark thing imaginable. Which is a hyper compressed black hole.

Maybe then we can finally convince the blacks to read a book, about quantum physics.

I am the red skull now, I guess.
You're stupidity is amusing.Any special course Anon or just genes?
>You're stupidity is amusing
Early life
Diversity quota + early life
With Daemon and the gold cloaks? Good point.
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I want to FUCK Book Catelyn
> You're stupidity
> special course
kek the absolute state of favella monkes
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She canonically has cum dripping out of her this entire scene
Fuck the blacks, fuck Daemon and fuck Maegor with teats
I thought the kid was going to fall when they got stuck, kek
Samefagging while seething kek
>Can't fill a thread in 8 hours
Fuck man I miss /got/ during its heyday
Rest in Peace, sweet Prince.
and is hoping Ned knocked her up again lmao
I miss the poster counter, how many anons do you think are in the gen these days?
35 tops
*3-5 tops
69 because its the sex number
She's not too old, she could give him another son. I wish I had a tradfeudal lady wife to give me 5+ children despite me not having castles for all of them
We had 45 voters in total for the most hated greens vs blacks poll.
where is Preston's video?
at this point Alt Shift X is gonna be out with his video before Preston
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Our ACTUAL King.
He’s in the process of moving to the Dominican Republic
keep seething
>Tommen has been taught kingship is his right
Tommen only cares about his kittens, what is Varys on about
And then Aegon told the king slayer to blow up the entire city, simply because he knew that he(and his descendants)would be the only ones alive because of fire immunity.
>old gods ignored again
it's hard to be a first man
>Preston moves to latin America
>sudden coup attempt in Bolivia
The man
>fire immunity
No such thing in the books.
You are severely autistic, but who am I to doubt quads?
Rhaenyra is in the show and it's been established that the show supersedes book canon
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Some artists depict betha blackwood as a Native American.
Some "artists" are severely mentally handicapped
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You can find cute art on Tumblr.
the need to have everyone be black or dark-skinned in some way is very strong on Tumblr
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>"h-h-he made me king"
>"Is that what you think?"
Aegon on suicide watch
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What’s with all the autism accusations lately, how is it autism to want two nearly identical names to share a vowel with their associated team so you can remember which is which?
This is treason. Otto should have been beheaded by Aegon, not Daemon
Viserys was a greenseer and saw that making Aegon king was the correct timeline that led to the defeat of the White Walkers.
so some Targaryens have prophetic dreams, or at least they say they have
is that because they are greenseer's or because of their "blood of the dragon"
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Seriously, that was the only reason Aegon accepted being king to begin with. Otto basically told him he's an idiot for believing Alicent and that he would have been better off running away like he planned, but now it's too late and his family's bullshit has gotten his child killed. Fuck Otto (and Alicent).
He didn't though, he thought he was talking to Rhaenyra about Aegon the Conqueror's dream again.
Brag actually warged into Viserys off screen
Otto acted like an utter retard this episode. How is the execution of 12 suspected murderers going to hurt Aegon's image? Maybe in the eyes of 500 commoners of King Landing, maximum. There are 500.000 more of them that think Rhaenyra is a cold-blooded killer, and he has already hanged a dozen lords that didn't bend the knee immediately to Aegon in season 1. Then, he chastised Aegon for his plan with the Twins, but the plan almost worked. Arryk was 99% there when his brother barged into the room, and even then, if he rushed at Rhaenyra he would have killed her, he had the distance advantage. So what exactly was the problem with the plan if the plan failed due to an unpredictable event, i.e. Mysaria spotting Arryk at the docks? It felt like the episode tried painting Aegon as an idiot when literally every action of his worked/was about to work but someone else botched the job.
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He's here....
(Cotinued) Also, his grievances with Aegon are his fault entirely. He must have been planning to take the throne for him for some time. By all means, he should have educated him in the ways of governance. But he didn't, he knew that Aegon acted like a prince who wouldn't get the throne since he had no way of knowing Otto's plans, yet he didn't didn't anything about it. So who's fault is it really that Aegon isn't acting how Otto expected?
Which Aegon is he talking about Aegon1,2,3,4,5,... ??
Aegon Snow is my true king
With southern and northern blood in his veins, it only makes sense
This is the "just turn your brain off!" argument, and your standards are too low. If a scene is set up in a way that bothers the viewer and makes them think "why doesn't the character just do [thing]?" then it's a flawed scene. They could have done a hundred different things to the set or the directing to make it seem impossible for Rhaenyra to leave the room.
Jay from the Inbetweeners lives in the Riverlands?
Bastard, oathbreaker, traitor, wildling lover, thrice a turncloak and a deserter beside.

Daenerys Stormborn, daughter of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark is the only piece on the board worth kneeling to
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This show is for women and that is also the reason they have more attractive men than women. The women they got are also actresses who are queer, lesbians and enbys.
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Like much of the series it's contrived and badly written, either deliberately so for a stupid audience or simply by stupid writers who think it's smart. I've grown to hate this show sadly, it insults my intelligence
The writers just want to shit on Aegon at this point
Only Corlys does what you say, the rest give oyur typical "tense but relaxed when needed" performance which most black actors resort to
Aemond is so much of a meme that it'd make more sense for him to appear in a 90s comicbook
>they have more attractive men than women
there are only three attractive men on the show
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>he looks mentally retarded.
Pretty fitting.
He dun wunnit
all actors are fags
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Do you need a break bro
Which 3?
>Maybe in the eyes of 500 commoners of King Landing, maximum.
Words are wind, they are prone to travelling. Fast.
Jace, Aegon and Criston
Men call me Darkstar, and I am of the night
what a thought-provoking character
funny how he's more attractive than his brother but Aemond is more popular with female audience because he's very anime fantasy coded
Aegon is now equal with Aemond in popularity. He wasn’t popular last season because of the rape.
So. Freaking. Zased.
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I prefer Aegon, idk he's cute and broken in a more endearing way than Aemond somehow. Or I'm just too bitter about Aemond killing Luke to care about him as much.
Granted. How is killing 12 suspected child murderers going to hurt the Greens more than Rhaenyra allegedly ordering the murder of the heir, and Rhaenys killing/wounding hundreds of commoners with her dragon? Otto overreacted.
>more than Rhaenyra allegedly ordering the murder of the heir, and Rhaenys killing/wounding hundreds of commoners with her dragon?
Otto might have overracted, true, but I can't blame him as he wants his side to possess every advantage unblemished
The brothel madam scene has put a lot of former Aemond girls off too and some are being real bitches about it too. There’s a girl who published a smut book based on Aemond, who even went to the premiere and met Ewan. Who was joining in with the gollum and Voldemort jokes last week.
>its ok to do retarded things because the other side also did retarded things
How you guys feeling overall?
While I have major complaints and have had autistic meltdowns over them (blood and cheese being ruined, Sunfyre, other things) I'm so far kinda happy
I like being able to watch this autistic family fall apart even though I wish some parts were better

I feel like non-book readers must be totally lost though. The show complements the book, even though it also insults the book. Many scenes rely on you having a mental image of the characters, I feel, and without that, it's just.. what am I even watching

Overall kinda happier than I expected even though some things are enraging. Episode 4 is where they have to nail it though.
e1 was shitty, b&c was bad, outright bad
e2 was amazing, felt like old school game of thrones, just people talking of the outcome, ending was kino too
That seems extreme and mean, like I get that it's kinda creepy but it's because of him not being able to be vulnerable around Alicent and how his mommy issues are adding to his mess of a personality in general. It's one of those things where I'm like, logically I get it and emotionally it would be right to have some sympathy for him but also him bringing up Luke at the same time as his deranged Daemon fanboyism, at a time where his actions got Aegon's son killed all kinda pisses me off. But the Voldemort thing is still fucking rude and I've never been an Aemond fan to begin with.
I mostly agree except I think Arryk and Erryk was super cringe, but I already knew that was going to happen given how bad they were in season 1. At least the swords clang loudly which is nice

Otherwise I did also enjoy the ep a fair bit. Ep 1 was pretty bad, could abeen okay if they didn't fuck up B&C but it was farcical. Rhaenyra landing at the bottom of the hill only to walk to the top of it and then get back her dragon to continue flying makes me laugh.
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>But the Voldemort thing is still fucking rude
Why? it's funny
Hardcore Aemond shill who thought the scene was perfect and hilarious btw
Aemond wants the approval of a father and he's trying to get it from Daemon who he looks up to in some ways, obviously
And he gets it by Daemon trying to murder him in his bed. He was so happy about it. I loved that.
people actually watch these niggers pretend to be Targaryens? I know the ratings are awful but its shameful anyone here is even talking about it
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This is good. Women don't deserve to like or understand Aemond. He's not for them.
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It's just not a big deal
even in the books the Valyrions are useless.
>Rhaenyra landing at the bottom of the hill only to walk to the top of it and then get back her dragon to continue flying makes me laugh.
jfc lmao
I feel like it was always a show that was impossible to watch without being a book fag initially. I’m fine with how blood and cheese was done as you have to be realistic about the limitations with child actors and violence against children being depicted, I wish the scene went on longer though to build tension. My only big issue is we are spending unnecessary amounts of time with some actors and characters whilst not having enough of others. I want more interaction of Helaena and Aegon, and Aemond with anyone at all. Phia and Tom had to fight for the scenes we have had, and now it sounds like Phia had to do the same for them to give Helaena any interaction with Aemond too. I’m still enjoying the show and really looking forward to rooks rest.
It's really weird how the show can at times actually have a lot of depth and nuance in depicting this family, but then at other times completely fail to do the most basic things. It's so weird. For example, Viserys not having one scene where he talked to his sons.

I get that they're limited by time but that's not my decision.
For the most part I just hate the lighting.
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One of those things that you don't necessarily notice or think about at the time but is hilarious when you notice it on rewatch
>Viserys not having one scene where he talked to his sons.
He does, it's when he yells at Aegon and Aemond over the Vhagar bastards thing.
anon i am in fucking tears
I guess I meant more talking to them in a family, father to son manner or something like that rather than interrogating his own kids who just got his eye cut out lmao
Ah yes the old screenshot of my screenshot of your post
What I'm trying to say is that the retarded action that Aegon took isn't as bad for the Greens' cause as Otto makes it out to be.
it wasn't my post. I wish I could take credit. It was a good one
He looks like a wet cat
I think the only nice scene he has is when he's looking over the training yard and being happy that the kids are training together and how that should get them to make friends (lol lmao, though I guess it worked on Aegon with Jace/Luke for a while).
People aren’t comparing the position he’s in anon, they are making fun of his body and size of his head.
That's true I guess there was that
But I still stand by my point that overall the show has this weird thing where it can depict some parts of the family with depth and nuance, and then other parts where they fail on the basics
Yes, and it's adorable.
it is a bit bad, they need everything they can get and that's certainly not killing innocents who were working for you
maybe interrogate the rat catchers first, like they did with blood
then again the writers would never think that logically so....
>Aegon Snow
I doubt that Rhaegar would name another one of his sons Aegon
Also they were married so he would be a Targaryen
That was literally Ewan body acting. It's a compliment to him. He shouldn't take offense at all but rather the opposite.
idk it just seems mean when it's a scene about him being sad and vulnerable, also I don't get what's so bad about being tall and having muscles and low body fat
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you sound like a woman, it's not that deep
>you sound like a woman
wow anon you figured it out that was literally the point
>you sound like a woman
Anon thinks he’s been aemondposting with other men.
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Post tits or gtfo
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my dude I would guess half the thread is women
who do you think is thirsting for hot guys and calling them cute itt
Retards ??
faggots which make up most of this site's demographic
Varys is a traitorous blob of fat who should be skinned alive.
there are some fags here but most of them are women, you can tell by the long paragraphs, fags usually just post thirst pics and then leave but women also care about the characters
how do you know all this
He was here last season when the show stopped airing.
I've been here since the beginning of these generals
>my dude I would guess half the thread is women
this seem very optimistic
Generals are the cesspits of boards, I am certain there are women ITT
Start the next thread before this one dies!
Luke was a BITCH and now he's DEAD. The lukeBITCH is DRAGON EXCREMENT. Does that make you MAD?

Bastard, oathbreaker, child killer, traitor
Yeah.. thinking about it... one of them needed to be killed, they couldn't let one alive, and the other might've well lied to save his companion for all they knew even if they tortured him...


Otto insulted vehemently his king like a fucking angry retard, he lost his cool, Tywin would've handled asserting his position much better. He deliberately made the king ostile towards him, if he had told him his complains more queitly without yelling at him and calling him a good for nothing land an idiot ike 4 times the king would've heard him and he would've kept his position.
Its them?

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