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No son of mine Edition
prev >>200554950
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Cute and canon!
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First for my Queen
>implying Viserys is watching from heaven
nah m8 he is looking upwards
Young Alicent tummy
Name ONE thing he did wrong
I'm not posting in a Bl*ckfyre thread
Raise a whore daughter
How is Helaena a whore?
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How many Alicole scenes next episode
All Greens can FUCK OFF.
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Green board.
... except for Helaena of course.
Sleeping with Corlys after Rhaenys' death and Aeggy got crippled
/tv/ loves Aegon because is literally /tv/
>Hate my dad
>Want to fuck kids
>Younger brother is cooler than me
>Constantly fantasize about abusing my authority (if I ever got it)
Two more weeks till Rook's Rest BLACK NIGGER
what the FUCK is her problem???
The battle where your king and his dragon get crippled for life because his brother is too much of an unga retard?
>Aegon would have won if not for Aemond being a school shooter retard
0 chance against Meleys
True but Aegon did nothing wrong.
>Aegon did nothing wrong.
He drank, and raged, and drank.
Why does Aemond have to kill Aegon's bros? Is he jealous because he has no friends?
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I think the outfits look good this season. I like Jacaerys's outfit a lot. The only problem is the dark filter they're using.
second sonitis
>2000 years later smallfolka are still being butured or working as slaves.
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This general was posted first, you pathetic shits

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For example, this is how the colours actually look like without the dark filter. Baela has a beautiful outfit too but you can barely see it on the show because it's very dark. I really dislike the filter they're using.
Fuck off faggot. Rightful thread.
Fuck off faggot
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Is his armor going to melt onto his arm?
It’s over, just abandon it.
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Thoughts on Cersei?
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>dead thread with 3 posters trying to keep it alive
bros mad no one cares about his general. im gonna stay here out of spite alone
Would do a sex on her
I wonder what she smells like?
>Free palestine
Best POV behind Theon
kek cry about it. OP was far to slow when posting and is (You)ing to cope
this one has more replies so I'm staying here
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would fugg
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It’s because the my one had a book character that showfags know nothing about. I should’ve been more considerate.
Also he clearly (you)maxxed to get more replies but I won’t hold it against him.
He kinda gives Daemon vibes in there pictures
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I miss him so fucking much bros
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Crab gang will rise again.
I'm not ready for Ep4
Every single chapter in the books should be narrated by wine drunk Cersei
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if it be his lord of light's will to feed your whore queen to the sun
He did you dirty bro.will should fight for ur honor or be quiet like a cowarywndd ?
It's too early for bookfag threads, wait till offseason when all the tourists leave
Be quiet like a cowarywndd.
Bracken >>>>>>>>>>> Blackwoodcels
team black has the most fuckable characters no wonder greenfags are seething
yeah just imagine Rhaenyra getting gang-banged by 10 niggers
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Mods delete this fake thread
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Stop seething
are you that autistic about it
Everything, really. But just the "Cut open my wife and make her suffer so I can have my son/heir" is a guaranteed seat in the Seven Hells.
It was either try to save the baby or lose both
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yeah so there was no way to save Aemma right?
the baby wouldnt come out and had turned?
Here's the thing: in Fire & Blood, Aemma Arryn was extremely young, 11 years old, when she married Viserys and early on in their marriage, more or less after her periods started, he kept trying to get a son / heir out of her. This led to multiple failed pregnancies, which only made it harder for her to bear a child to pregnancy. Rhaenyra's birth was a miracle basically.
>watch yesterdays episode
>see the post credits convo with the writers or producers or whatever talking about
>one of the writers said "uhhh well Daemon is basically Rhaenyra but a man so that's why he can do whatever he wants because SEXISM!!"
or maybe it's that she's the queen, and there's a higher risk of her just fucking off out of the castle without protection? I didn't grasp the full retard of some of these people until I saw this. Forgive my optimism and autism.
At least the maesters said so
Rhaenyra was the first and came without issue. She started having multiple abortions almost immediately after GC101. Don't think about it too hard.
Yes because his family failed him which isn't his fault. He is acting out because no one but his mother showed him affection. People should have been nicer to him if they didn't want him to be mean. It's a very relatable situation.
>but his mother
Not even her
She'd rather go fuck Criston than comfort him
He truly is the most sympathetic character.
I would totally be this guy...feed my enemies to crabs then have literal crab feasts with my homies every damn night eating like fucking kings of the sea. Just me and the lads. I wish....
No, she had several miscarriages and a stillborn before Rhaenyra was born.
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>At least the maesters said so
Daemon also has that badass final fantasy dragoon armor.
Does Rhaenyra have final fantasy dragoon armor?
Will we see Gwayne Hightower next episode?
You would eat your subjects?
What's wrong with Arryn genes? How have they not gone extinct with their awful fertility?
still mad the emmys didn't nominate him
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Did Aerea have the worst dragon baby pregnancy ever or did she get invested by some sort of valyrian bio-weapon parasite, seems like the kind of thing blood mages would create.
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Sunfy next eppy?
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He bore the sword. Simple as.
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made for purification
Blacksissies.....Daeron IIsisters......
They are my subjects, and we need fighters well fed. Think of it like an ant colony. They willingly give up their lifes in the utmost sacrifice for the future feasts on humans for their kids. Its a noble act basically guranteeing the baby crabs will grow up strong healthy and fat. Thus making my men strong thus feeding them more bodies. Its a cycle of life.
Join us. Also when you die in battle, we feed you to the crabs. Crab in crab out.
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Crabchads... I prostrate...
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They had the black guy stare at a crab ominously for a held shot.
We are so fucking back /crabros/
>preston jacobs still on travel, too busy glowniggering to release an episode 2 review

I might do a CHADfyre playthrough later. Is the CK3 AGOT any good now or is it still shit?
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He bore the ARROWS
Oh nonono fellow dornishlovers bros....we MUST destroy all evidences!
Daemon is a right wing chud supported by anti-dornish chuds. He CANNOT became king!
Gotta have a 5 hour discussion with that creepy midget Destiny.
Shit by core design unless all you care are le wacky memes to post on Reddit for a laugh
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This is the way. A cycle of true samsara.
his interview with Destiny was like 4 years ago

He's gotta convince my wife Bookborn to read the fanfic
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I can fix her.
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Has there been a more perfect casting?
Crabfeeder Redeemed S2 Funko Pop
>Had to assassinate his best General because they were getting BTFO before that
>Lost 1 Vs 1, has to kill him and his children with arrows from a distance like the cravens and cowards they are


is that easy
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This can't be real
>homicidal 11 year old aged up to homicidal 17-year-old

I mean it was to be expected but I'm still excited, even as a brackenfag
Yeah it's not as good as CK2 obviously. But I do like the portraits in 3 more than the static ones in 2. Last time I checked in on the AGOT mod for 3 they didn't have dragons implemented at all.
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this is all they wanted, friends
>Look jaehaerys i'm just going be straight with you, we got into some shit and I think it was a GPS mistake. I think there's Balrogs in Old valyria
>No actual argument to the craven and coward allegations
I accept your concession.
>no actual-ACK
dead cuck
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Bookfags. Who (that's alive) is in the current HotD age is stronger than pic related? I enjoyed arguing about powerlevels during Game of Thrones, but can't say I know anything about the fighters around this time.
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>I accept your concess-ACK!
Shiera = Quaithe
Bloodraven = Alive
Bittersteel = Skull currently sitting outside of Storm's End
Blackfyres = Confirmed in control of Westeros by the end of Winds
Targaryens = Irrelevant in Essos or dead
kino autism attack
Roderick would crush them.
he didn’t raise her
He can try as hard as he wants but he is eternally mogged by Aemond through and through
Aemond is a fucking jobber
Prime Barristan could stand against Cole. Maybe Jaime too. Mance assuming he's Arthur Dayne (lol).
how many times do we have to teach you this lesson
wine and old tuna
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>Queen o' whores
I imagine the convo between Balerion and Jaehaerys uno would be....interesting.
the funniest person in all of Westeros, I would read the previous books over again if they had Cersei povs
it's fucking insane just how STACKED Aerys II's kingsguard was. I don't think Aerys' lineup will EVER be topped
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Helaena next episode!
the science is settled
And can anyone from Cole's time beat body Cole?
It's bad writing. GRRM had no foresight giving all the legendary fighters to some mediocre king. He should've spread them out between Aerys and Jaehaerys II
you are delusional
>Why, yes, I do let my youngest son be raised on the road by a hedge knight, how could you tell?
the good ending
Aerys II had a 98 era WWE lineup of fighters in general compared to the others who sat on the Iron Throne. Present day ASOIAF in general while the least magical, has the best overall fighters in terms of swordsmanship.
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For me it's Tommen, first of his name
Cole was the very best knight of his age. Skilled in every single weapon, altought his favorite was was the morning star.
This Is the reason it was one of the "litterally me" characters Jaime used to self insert to in the books, as both were highly skilled but highly morally controversial knights.
Sadly the show havent do anything to show Cole' skills.

Aemond was a good swordmen, trained by Cole. But nowhere as good as him, especially because of his missing eye. So no anime swordman tier-powers unlike showAemond
that anon was trying to correct >>200574843, but I think the anon saying abortions was implying that the Maesters were trying to ruin her reproductive chances and inducing abortions/miscarriages, whatever you want to call it.
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Daemon birthed him actually
is he coming back to dragonstone, if so what was the point of his tantrum
i shubbosh he's off to Harrenhal to take it off the table
Honestly whatever got a hold of Bally B to leave him in the state he was had to be some LOTR levels of "oh shit"
As a showfag that's the feeling I get from Cole. That they haven't shown his skills and it makes him come off like he isn't actually all that.
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>baelon dying suddenly and mysteriously from a burst belly
>otto hightower, a literal rando in court, taking his place as hand of the king
>vaegon the maester suggesting a great council to settle the succesion
>stubborn, headstrong, with a son rhaenys passed over for kind, reserved, amiable without a clear male heir viserys
>maesters hiding the numbers
>aemma who had previously produced a healthy daughter without complications before, proceeds to have 5 stillbirths and die
>alicent hightower marries the king, produces a son
>almost immediately after his health takes a turn for the worse
What an unfortunate series of events!
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Probably Harrenhal
I'm pretty sure that was Harry's idea because he's a huge Daemon fanboy.
You're transported to either the green or black court, which do you choose and at what point in time? if you die you just go back to your real life and you're immune to torture.
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gee cole, how come your mom lets you have two titles
who wins the greens or the blacks?

>inb4 read the book
In this case it probably wasn't Arryn genes to blame but Targaryen genes. Aemma Arryn was the daughter of Daella Targaryen, who died giving birth to her in her one and only pregnancy. Daella's mother Alysanne also had at least two stillbirths
I can't believe they made him look older
Will anything interesting even happen next episode bros? Or will it just be another wheels turning episode with nothing but boring Condal dialogue trying to mimic grrm?
Both and none
benjigod might burn some bracken shits
The greens kill Rhaenyra and the sons go before daughter law stays intact and Aegon is remembered as king but the green bloodline is destroyed.

The blacks continue the line even if Rhaenyra is remembered as a usurper and not queen and her son doesn’t recognize her as queen.
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I can save her.
The blacks technically win because Rhaenyra's son Aegon ascends the throne, though it isn't the victory they wanted since Rhaenyra died and for generations to come she was cited as an example for why women can't inherit the Iron Throne
I think Dorne also helped the maesters, at he point Viserys died, his family had so many fucking dragons and dragon riders, that they could've probably taken Dorne in a few months.
The Young Dragon took and held Dorne without Dragons, imagine what the greens and the blacks could've done together.
>Present day ASOIAF in general while the least magical, has the best overall fighters in terms of swordsmanship.
Makes sense that the art of the blade would continue to progress.
Lads debut this Sunday
Rhaenyra didn't fight for equal inheritance
No, she fought to be queen on the grounds that her father made her the heir, but she was only able to be queen for a short while before she was chased out of the city, and she became the main example used to show why you can't just make your daughter the heir even if she is your eldest child

My broken queens.
Ryam Redwyne was also Lord Commander and Hand of the King, he just sucked at being Hand and was fired from it after a while.
Rhaenyra will visit KL secretly to talk to Alicent. They'll talk about the time they used to love each other and apparently Rhaenyra will share the prophecy with her. I wish I was joking but I'm not. Many sources confirm that this meeting is going to happen and it's going to be a long scene too, lots of dialogue between the two women. The writers keep pushing the relationship of these women a lot. It's basically a Rhaenicent fanfiction.
reminder the maester insisted forcing rhaenyra to marry laenor was a great idea because laenor being gay wouldn't be a problem for having heirs
Greens won. Everything after Rhaenyra getting ate by a dragon is just treason from the other houses and lords.
>Greens won.
Rhaenyra's and Daemon's son is crowned. Sounds like a win for the blacks to me.
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“Stop moping Helaena omg who cares about your dead son lmao”
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If Aegon is so Evil, then why didn't he kill Rhaenyra's children after killing her?
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the evil queen suggested it but the noble lords roasted his ass
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Dragon shit says what?
where are the feet scenes this season
You're a child
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I am not a traitor, oathbreaker, or murderer, so naturally I choose the Blacks.
Just muff eating season, I fear
>he writers keep pushing the relationship of these women a lot.
kinda baffled at the promo posters downtown featuring these two
I thought its Rhaenyra vs Aegon
Once you bee black, you never zum black.
Yeah the Velaryon marriage proposals were a joke meant to "fix" the council of 101.

>Viserys is presented with the option of marrying a literal child or Alicent (who's been trying to sleep with him since before Aemma died)
>Rhaenyra is given an outted gay husband so there can be doubt in any of her children's legitimacy
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just watched ep 2. best moment so far. plenty of bad acting in and around the filler, but the best bits shone.

i just really enjoy otto. he's basically another attempt at a tywin character but i don't care.

you would think a team of writers would think of a better line than something like "which one is erryk?"

they could have framed the drama in such a way that the action takes place without a large contingent of guards standing there forcing the audience to beg the question of why they don't arrest the two of the fuckers and ask questions later

the highlights are otto here. he and his daughter are so close to really and genuinely talking to each other for the first time. allicent wants to confide in him. he doesn't care. she hates herself for it but she's so desperate for dad to love her and not just ally with her that she goes to bloody cole for it in an enjoyably freudian way
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U seem upset
*Once you bee black, you never zum back.

Guess I botched it
Typical Green.
kinda crazy that edgelord Ramsay never killed someone and then sent dogshit back as "their remains"
There are some theories that Viserys had to marry Alicent because she was already pregnant with Aegon right after Aemma died.
Does the perfidy of the maester and (((Hightower))) know no bounds? Dany better roast them all.
I don't think it means that he doesn't care. It is more that he doesn't want to blemish his opinion of her or rather it doesn't matter to him. In that moment it shows that he trusts her and sees her as the last bastion of reason in the red keep.
The pretender thread is dead.
>allicent wants to confide in him. he doesn't care.
He loves her so much he doesn't want his image of her to be blemished in his mind. I thought it was actually kinda sweet.
that's not how she reads it, hence her reaction, but fair analysis
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What goes on here?
stone men, curses, and valyrian steel out the ass
Ancient Dragons, Valyrian Blood Abominations and Volcanoes.
he loves her "unblemished" as his own little doll which, importantly, he can control and nourish and nurture. not as a real human, not in the way she wants/needs. great drama really. you get the feeling his feelings are genuine and strong though, but still as i describe, imo
>I thought it’s rhaenyra vs aegon

And you are right but in the writers mind, Alicent is the leader of the Greens and aegon has taken the backseat so they can push the shipping crap between the two women.
also a bit of don't ask, don't tell I feel, like he doesn't want to know because he might be forced to do something he doesn't really want to do.
I think she might have understood him, but thought that even if it wasn't prudent the burden is too great to bear alone. she just wishes that her dad would take a nonwise decision for once
no one wins, it's about a family (with dragons) tearing itself apart.
But the Blacks win, sadly. They get a male heir on the throne, who marries a green
I won't cope by calling this a tie. Male heir obviously wins, it's the entire reason to be a green lmao
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Also the green wife dies before consummating the marriage
Ser Pounce, the Purrmander of his Meowguard
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>There the demons dwell, up there. Fire and blood, blood and fire. This is their city. If you would make it yours, first you must destroy them. If you would cleanse yourself of sin, first you must bathe in dragon's blood. For only blood can quench the fires of hell.
Reminder Dany was within her rights to nuke KL due to the sins of the smallfolk shown here, among many other sins they committed.
He will die a painful death
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Blackbros, we won.
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Daemon and Caraxes are pretty aesthetic over rainy Harrenhal
I'm from Northern England what scenes would you like me to record from the books? I would vocaroo later
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I'm here to summon all the Aemond and Jace girlies
Reminder that Team Black asks you for your pronouns
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Daemon would behead you for your impertinence
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He's here....
neck isn't long enough
Great...guess another episode where's more time spent on skipping rather than watching these insufferable characters
need them both at the same time
very valuable real state in a few years
Aegon and Aemond will argue in high valyrian in a brothel
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It should be worth it, they have big roles to play in almost every major land battle.
Caraxes is also the best dragon (or at least one of them)
is not the lads just the blackwoods
is Jace's actor non-binary?
No? What are you smoking tf
Bloodraven won
I don't have pics of the Tullys yet, throw me a bone here
the tullys join the war later
true true
Because their fence-sitting dad has to die first.
Greens win the meta, Hightower gonna laser beam Euron and his kraken
grandpa but yes this episode is daemon taking harrenhal and the other castle while the blackwoods fuck the bracken
I love being a woman and freely admiring the beauty of men. Please keep posting about them I'm in love.
Post tits or gtfo
>Blackwood good and awesome
>Bracken bad and lame
Shit writing
.....the being biggest craven contest.
dornish wives
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>The Children of the Forest won

It's hard facing reality, but Brackens just suck that much.
Best wives.
We could’ve had a nice cozy general. Instead, we’ve been inundated with gay lust and useless questions to pad out the thread. I hope every OP image until Sunday is just some shitty twitter screencap.
The Dornishman's wife was as fair as the sun,
and her kisses were warmer than spring.
But the Dornishman's blade was made of black steel,
and its kiss was a terrible thing.

The Dornishman's wife would sing as she bathed,
in a voice that was sweet as a peach,
But the Dornishman's blade had a song of its own,
and a bite sharp and cold as a leech.

As he lay on the ground with the darkness around,
and the taste of his blood on his tongue,
His brothers knelt by him and prayed him a prayer,
and he smiled and he laughed and he sung,

"Brothers, oh brothers, my days here are done,
the Dornishman's taken my life,
But what does it matter, for all men must die,
and I've tasted the Dornishman's wife!"
>Viserys, was her first thought the next time she paused, but a second glance told her otherwise. The man had her brother's hair, but he was taller, and his eyes were a dark indigo rather than lilac. "Aegon," he said to a woman nursing a newborn babe in a great wooden bed. "What better name for a king?"
>"Will you make a song for him?" the woman asked.
?"He has a song," the man replied. "He is the prince that was promised, and his is the song of ice and fire." He looked up when he said it and his eyes met Dany's, and it seemed as if he saw her standing there beyond the door. "There must be one more," he said, though whether he was speaking to her or the woman in the bed she could not say. "The dragon has three heads." He went to the window seat, picked up a harp, and ran his fingers lightly over its silvery strings. Sweet sadness filled the room as man and wife and babe faded like the morning mist, only the music lingering behind to speed her on her way.

The dragon has three heads. It works out, because Rhaegar's firstborn was Rhaenys, and then Aegon. He needed a third child, but the maesters told him that Elia Martell was far too sickly. The birth of Aegon was hard on her, and another pregnancy would likely kill her. Despite this, he still tells her that he needs a third child. After all, Aegon was nothing without his two sisters. So she compromised, and let him take the Stark girl as a second wife, in an attempt to push Targaryen exceptionalism to new heights. But then something went wrong- Lyanna gave birth to a boy, not a girl. Instead of a Visenya, she gave birth to a Viserys, or mayhaps a Jaehaerys. The prophecy was ruined.... or was it?
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Mummy :(
Winds is never coming out and Euron will knock that dumb tower over if it does.
What does alysanne blackwoods pussy smell like bros
Frey spittle
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reminder that this fat bastard listens to podcasts about his books instead of writing them
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>Otto, faithful in tight bonds

>We stand with you like a rock

>To you, my Hand

>Let it be granted

>Old glory and new luck.

>In Kingslanding, you are staying

>Oh, hope of the Reach

>Bring the people's prosperity at last

>Return to Oldtown soon.
Maesters win as always
>Who do you think killed all the dragons the last time around? Gallant dragonslayers armed with swords? The world the Citadel is building has no place in it for sorcery or prophecy or glass candles, much less for dragons. Ask yourself why Aemon Targaryen was allowed to waste his life upon the Wall, when by rights he should have been raised to archmaester. His blood was why. He could not be trusted. No more than I can.
t. Marwyn the Mage

>If I were queen, the first thing I would do would be to kill all those grey rats. They scurry everywhere, living on the leavings of the lords, chittering to one another, whispering in the ears of their masters. But who are the masters and who are the servants, truly? Every great lord has his maester, every lesser lord aspires to one. If you do not have a maester, it is taken to mean that you are of little consequence. The grey rats read and write our letters, even for such lords as cannot read themselves, and who can say for a certainty that they are not twisting the words for their own ends? What good are they, I ask you?
t. lady Barbrey Dustin
Why do you all still watch this show? It's basically fanfiction and not even close to the books at this point.
I hate Alt Shift X.
trust the plan


Fabien Frankel (30)
Tom Glynn-Carney (29)
Ewan Mitchell (27)
Harry Collett (20)


Fuck targcucks and their pets.
the book in question is dogshit
he is probably going to lift a bunch of fan theories and use them to finish his book.
based femcel with fine taste
It's kino, if only you were slightly schizophrenic/autistic too you'd see so much life in the footnotes. Try to map out all the different characters that were name dropped and minor details in the larger context of the story and you'd see entire character arcs in footnote characters like Emory Hill.
based footnote reader
Is anyone else worried they're gonna pull a D&D at the end of this series and have the Blacks win?
Well they won the war so yeah.
The Blacks already win. Having the Greens win would be subverting the source material.
They all die, the throne is inherited by a son of Daemon and Rahenyra though so technically the black line is the one that survived
>won the war
>Rhaenyra dead
>Daemon dead
>Aegon III recognizes Aegon II as the rightful king
>this is winning
Anon, I...
>Male heir obviously wins, it's the entire reason to be a green lmao
But that would mean the green argument won
>every green is dead
>this is winning
One thing that rubs me wrong about the ending is that they execute the false king Trystane Truefyre, a 16-year old kid, while his puppetmaster Ser Perkin the Flea and a bunch of other shitbags get the mercy of the Wall. Lord Stark should have told them to go fuck themselves and beheaded every last one.
16 yo is actually the age of manhood for them and no one forced him to usurp the throne.
Ser Perkin did and then he betrayed him. He was twice as foul.
Trystane is my king
Both of them are guilty but Aegon is evil so he just executed him.
Arrows pierce full plate armor with ease.
Fat man is such a hack
>arrow tax policy
its the war of the roses with dragons
they still teach the war of the roses right?...
I thought viserys died why is he old now
I read F&B and kept looking for ways the show could've adapted it. The bastard of Lannisport was part of the Westerland invasion alongside Clarent Crakehall and dies at the Lakeshore. Pretty irrelevant but...
Have the two young squires accompany Tyland Lannister in KL. During the Velaryon succession crisis, people publicly use bastard as an insult infront of him which makes Lord Caswell pity Emory.
>maybe Clarent bluntly says something rude about bastards whilst eating before realising and saying Emory is one of the good ones in an awkward "not you" moment
Lord Caswell opens up about how bastards are mistreated for the sins of the father, blah blah blah, Emory scuffs at him before Caswell reveals he has his own bastard son. Emory wonders if Caswell regrets having a bastard son but instead he says his only regret is not fighting for him harder against his wife and wishes to say he's sorry. Caswell acts somewhat as a father figure to Emory during training scenes with the other characters and is proud of him.
During the green coup, Tyland gathers his household knights and squires to help out. Emory catches Lord Caswell trying to escape, contemplated releasing him but unintentionally stalls him long enough for Clarent to sneak up behind and knock Caswell out. For their deeds, Emory and Clarent are knighted at the end of season 1. When Emory goes to the dungeon to visit Caswell, he finds Larys who informs him "the traitors are no longer with us".
Emory and Clarent are given the job of escorting the gold to Lannisport/Oldtown as well as passing a letter secretly along the way. They pass Bitterbridge, they're greeted by Lady Caswell and Emory is unable to tell her the truth. Later on, his guilt builds up (Larys dream manipulation implied) and he takes a detour to tell Tom Flowers his father is dead. This is how news broke out of who died in KL amongst the lords of the Reach and instigated the infighting. Emory has no clue what he's caused until season 3.
>they still teach the war of the roses right?.
They never did.
t. American public school alumnus
Fuck up the succession by not having successive generations renew an oath to Rhaenyra as heir (which should have been standard like their other oaths)
youtubers will be the one to finish the series
desu george has it so easy, fan theories have mapped out the next 2-3 steps for him whatever way he decides to go
someone needs to make a proper asoiaf rpg damn it
>viserys watching the king do what he wants
gay ass meme
Harry as Jace is getting viral this season because of his visuals to the point where I keep seeing no fans asking what show it is because they want to watch it for him. Imagine their disappointment when they find out what happens to his character. I think it's convenient that he'll be for another season because he attracts audience from what I've seen so far. In the first season Ewan as Aemond was also someone who attracted no fans into watching the show.
i always figured that schools teach world history as it leads into their own countries history, eg british history upto the american revolution etc
Nope, all that matters about the British is the war of independence here.
That would make sense but DEI has infested our curriculum. We learned the basics of American history but instead of exploring of exploring our European heritage we learned about Mansa Musa (not joking). None of the students liked it. During Black History Month the entire (White) classroom would be asking why we didn't get a White History Month and the teachers would have no answer. None of this shit is popular, it's just pushed from above. I've educated myself as an adult somewhat, reading books about European history because I find that shit fascinating but yeah, if you don't have a curious mind you're fucked.
It feels like this show is for women after all, that's why they cast attractive men and the women are average. Not so different than Bridgerton.
does he really? this is just a marketing interview
The men are not that attractive. Only Jace and Aegon are really attractive, everyone else is mid
matt smith has a lot of female fans despite being not attractive
probably the tumblr crowd from doctor who
Yeah. Ewan has female fans too (because of Aemond, I presume). I guess femcels have a type
If Rhaenyra isn't recognized as a legitimate ruler by her own son and dies after being killed by her brother, the figure head of the Greens, calling the aftermath a Black victory is retarded. Neither was waging a war of extermination, else Aegon would've just murdered his nephew and Rhaenyra would've murdered Alicent and Jaehaera.
Whatever helps you sleep at night
>here's how hillary can still win
The next time we see Emory and Clarent, they're meeting with Lord Jason Lannister who hosts a dinner with Johanna, their daughters, Roland, and some other Lannisters/cadet houses.
>easy way to introduce them
>I'm unsure on who to make his mother, he's a highborn bastard clearly but that's open ended honestly
Jason is cocky and doesn't consult the other lords with a formal strategy, his brother wants him to march to Harrenhal to meet up with Criston and Aemond so he calls his banners and marches off ASAP.
War Council meetings are tense. Jason ignores Adrian Tarbeck/Lord Reyne who insist on securing Riverrun first as they know Grover Tully is adamantly pro green and winning them over would help win over the Riverlands. Matching straight through is retarded but Jason shuts down any more discussion on the topic. Jason doesn't like being undermined by rival houses at every moment. Lord Reyne sends a rider to Riverrun anyways and when Jason finds out he's pissed and executes.
During the Battle at the Red Fork, Jason gets bogged down so Adrian takes a bunch of knights including Emory and Clarent to help out manoeuvre the enemy. It works but Jason dies, Adrian is blunt about it and since he won the battle no one questions his authority.
He's a competent leader who realises they've already fucked it up by entering hostile territory and he's now forced to commit to Jason's plan of speedrunning past castles to reach Harrenhal.
They get ambushed multiple times and Adrian duels a hedge knight to the death. The Westerland forces are now stuck with Humphrey Lefford as the most senior lord but he's badly wounded and stalls the march because he can't move very fast. This allows the Riverlands to prepare for battle.
He loses it mentally by the Lakeshore and the younger lords, Emory and Clarent take charge for a valiant last stand. There's kino 1v1 duels during the final battle to explain how Forrest Frey and some others died.
Top 5 TV battles of all time.
Not a single bio woman browses >>>/tv/, trust me. It is impossible.
>from a previous post last year about how the episode should go down from the Westerlands POV
Humfrey has a little tantrum where he's clearly stressed but sort of asserts his authority. So they send ravens and wait. He keeps looking off to Harrenhal across the lake and believes Vhagar is coming to save him. The battle begins and Humfrey literally has a stroke or goes insane muttering about Vhagar coming. The guys panic for a bit but they take the lead. Mini battle speech by the 4
>Clarent Crakehall vs Roderick Dustin
>Emory Hill vs Forest Frey
>Swyft/Reyne vs Bigglestone/Charlton 2v2 fight scene but they're all crushed by a cavalry charge
Cue the sad music as the Westermen begin running to the water, Emory tries to scream "stand and fight" but his voice is drowned out and the crowd pushes him into the water where he begins to drown. Cut to Benji crying from a distance and do the whole bit around that and the end of the battle. Roderick later jokes about slaughtering piglets which as a reference to Crakehall probably in another episode.
That final war council meeting with the 4 of them would be memorable. Started off with them on the background, looking forward to war, all smiles to grim, gloomy and depressing faces all around. Even change the lighting and the colours of the tents from a bright red in a sunny day to muddy, partially torn with a heavy overcast so it's grey af. They're just trying to buy time for Vhagar to come to their rescue as Daeron did for the Greens down south. It's pure cope.
This is the way we can get the war to be a lot more grey. Normies would genuinely like these 4 and despite liking the blacks on the opposing side, they'd hope that Emory will survive the battle. No bad guys on either side, just likeable characters killing eachother.
The men are that attractive.
Matt Smith has that kind of charisma where you just know he probably has a massive dong.
t. watches the show with women
Hard to say.
Greens win by virtue of the Green leader capturing and executing the Black leader.
Then Blacks win through military might which leads to the Green leader being poisoned.
The Throne is then claimed by the son of the Black leader who marries the daughter of the Green leader, but in the future the Green leader is considered the legitimate monarch while the Black one is considered a usurper.
Sounds more like its you that want to fuck him

I honestly don't give a shit if you believe what I'm going to tell you, but here it is.

Ryan Condal had decided to cut Daeron from the show but they added him at the last minute before filming season 2 due in part to fan criticism and in part because some writers saw potential to accommodate him in a "big reveal" related to the AlicentxCole plot. That's why Sacha Vodegel Matzen was cast as Daeron. Although they want to keep his role a secret until the "big reveal".

Daeron will not have silver hair, although it is not clear if it is specified to the audience that he is a bastard, however, they want to imply it in subtle ways, especially with some dialogues that will be between Alicent and Cole.

Regarding the character, he honestly strikes me as a Jace 2.0, he is shown conflicted because his mother sent him away and he believes it is because he is not like his siblings (with silver hair). He will also have a strange "tension" that some may interpret as sexual with other characters of the Hightower family, one male and one female, it seems that they wanted to make a kind of Sansa with Margaery and Loras, controversial for fans of the books but I think suitable for the casual viewer.
You're a shitposter
I kind of agree based on solely on his performance. But given I hate the creators so much at this point I never want HotD to win a real award.
Why would a dornishman's wife be fair?

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