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gwayne hightower editon
prev >>200545674
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Chad Lord Corlys taking one pussy at a time.
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Threadly reminder
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Why do Targaryens love dronish women so much?
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I like their relationship its very sweet,
my wife, I'm really curious how her and Rhaenyra will interact, I can't see her being sent to be gang raped at a brothel like Mushroom suggests happend. I think Rhaenyra will apologise for her loss of a son and try to comfort her out of geniune affection
Does that mean Lord Corlys is playing Bill Clinton kek
>be a shitty mother and neglect your son all his life
>your son rapes a maid
>act shocked like you raised him better than that
What the FUCK is Alicent’s problem?
I’m team green but I’m really starting to dislike Alicent. Specifically because instead of comforting Helaena after blood and cheese her first words to her “what you saw last night” showed she was more concerned about Helaena snitching on her and Cole having sex.
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Honorable lords, glorious knights and other good people!

Following the results of the Great Council, we pass a verdict - for any man to lick a woman's gate, both front and back, is an unnatural, vicious abomination, condemned by the old gods and the new. With this decision, we once again confirm the old ban on such obscenity.

The culprit of it, formerly known as Ser Criston Cole, a knight of the king's guard, is subject to condemnation and punishment. He is shamefully expelled from the guard, deprived of his knighthood, the honorary nickname "Colyan" and named Cunnymaker. From now on and in the future, no one should call him anything else or shake his hand when meeting him.

Chairman of the Great Council Prince Consort Ser Daemon Targaryen, also known as the Black Baseman, hero of the Storming of the Throat
1. **Joe Biden as Viserys I Targaryen** - As the current president, Joe Biden represents a ruler trying to maintain stability in turbulent times, similar to how King Viserys tries to keep the realm together amidst political strife.

2. **Kamala Harris as Rhaenyra Targaryen** - As the Vice President and a trailblazer in her own right, Kamala Harris could be seen as akin to Rhaenyra Targaryen, a strong and ambitious woman navigating a male-dominated world.

3. **Donald Trump as Daemon Targaryen** - With his controversial and often rebellious nature, Donald Trump can be likened to Daemon Targaryen, a character known for defying norms and stirring conflict.

4. **Nancy Pelosi as Alicent Hightower** - As a long-serving and influential figure in the political sphere, Nancy Pelosi might resemble Alicent Hightower, a character deeply embedded in the political machinations of the realm.

5. **Mitch McConnell as Otto Hightower** - Known for his strategic and sometimes ruthless political maneuvering, Mitch McConnell could be compared to Otto Hightower, the Hand of the King who is always scheming behind the scenes.

6. **Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) as Laena Velaryon** - As a young and dynamic leader advocating for change, AOC can be seen as similar to Laena Velaryon, who also brings a fresh perspective to the established order.

7. **Bernie Sanders as Corlys Velaryon** - As a seasoned and influential figure advocating for the working class, Bernie Sanders might be compared to Corlys Velaryon, who is a powerful and respected lord.

8. **Ron DeSantis as Criston Cole** - With his rise in political prominence and often divisive stances, Ron DeSantis could be seen as resembling Criston Cole, a character known for his intense loyalty and later controversial actions.

These comparisons are subjective and based on public personas and character traits rather than direct equivalence in roles or actions.
>Aegon wants to be loved
>Literally everyone hates him
My king
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Cute and canon!
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greenbros is this our champion?
Our champion is Sunfyre, the most beautiful and loyal dragon ever seen.
This triggered all my nurturing instincts at once
Based mommy lover
That's green propaganda
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I can’t read any discussion anywhere other than here about Aemond and the brothel madam without the majority of the takes being that the brothel madam raped Aemond and that’s he’s in an abusive relationship with her. I don’t know how these people are going to cope with what Aemond is going to do in the future.
Honestly Aemond found a winner with that prostitute. She's not too ugly, knows to not drop the roleplay and even sprinkles in an attempt to make a royal care for smallfolk.
He should get a proper gf like Alys instead of getting mad at Aegon for stupid things
so is there any saving grace to this show or is it full on propaganda?
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He will anon he will. But not before Aegon pays for what he said.
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Are we really getting Aemond full frontal next eppy? Green is already taken...
Yes. Holy based.
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We sure are anon. It will be like when we became a high life gen for a day all over again.
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I don’t get this meme you are pushing lol, shouldn’t it be Criston Cole instead at the rate he’s sleeping with characters?.
What are we calling it? Blackis?
The gen or his penis? Lmao.
Speak freely, what has Kingsguard Cole done with my wife?
>House of the D
The general needs no name changes
He's eating sushi
how the fuck is a noble raping a maid even considered problematic in a fucked up medieval world like this one?
why do they keep trying to reinvent the wheel with the armour designs
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>It was Maester Orwyle,My Lord.
Royals live in a city of a million peasants, if they fuck with smallfolk enough they could face a Nika revolt.
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Mmm bbc
eh irl commoners have always massively outnumbered the nobles too but one of the latter screwing a maid has never caused a revolt, and this is a world where Rhaenys killing a few dozens of peasants isn't even considered a significant event
Blacked kek
The they/them actress for Rhaenyra is literally one of the most beautiful actresses I have ever seen she is gorgeous with a unique looking face and a wonderful complexion. Beautiful eyes and feet too, which we finally got a glimpse of in the last episode.
Its from random anon dropping leaks for season 3 in earlier thread
>Aegon will offer Halaena for Corlys support
You wish mentally ill freak
>has numerous bastards
that part fits
Shit tier show
House Velaryon were also bastards of Dragonlords of old Valyria
Is that confirmed? I thought they were basically upper middle class, like merchants or something. Relatively high in society without being one of the dragon-owning houses.
So Hugh and Ulf are going to be so disgusted that they flee King's Landing to join Rhaenyra's cause? How will they get them from their current position to being dragonriders from where they are now?

The dragonseeds will ruin this season
reached the edges of her dungeon, the weaponry you have been granted never could, your grace
Yeah, they don't really need more of an explanation other than Dragonstone and Driftmark are littered with Dragonseeds who have a better shot at taming the dragons, for them they get a lordship, a castle, and a dragon if they do their part successfully.
Some think they're going to make the dragonseeds have no Valyrian ancestry and just drop that part of the lore while instead giving them this weird anti-Aegon motivation. Which is going to make it that much more confusing when they then turn on Rhaenyra later.
>Walk into a room in Dark Souls
>See this
>The music slowly kicks in as you realised shit is about to go down
Most people watching it are enjoying it, it’s just the cool contrarians on 4ch looking for things to complain about.
They aren’t upper middle class. They are still a great house, upper middle class would be the bannermen to a great house.
It all fits with what Rhaenyra said to her during the dagger scene. She was just pretending to be nice all along.
How do Velaryon bastards have the ability to be dragon riders? How are there Targ bastards in Dragonstone, isn't it just a castle on a volcanic island?
In Valyrian society, anon.
Velaryons have already been intermarrying with Targs for decades if not centuries by this point, and that is assuming that it has to be a Targ. Most old lore says all Valyrians should innately be capable.
How old is Gwayne supposed to be? Freddie fox Gwayne is supposed to be 20 years older then episode 1 Gwayne
Oh sorry I missed the beginning of the conversation.
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It's pretty funny watching the season 2 trailer and they spoil Cole being made hand like 30 seconds in.
That's cause Targ were low tier Dragonlords in Valyria
Yes I know, he asked how Velaryon bastards can tame dragons and I explained they're heavily mixed with Targs. And that's if you subscribe to the theory that Targs are more capable of taming dragons than other Valyrians around.
Assuming normies know where the Hand sits. Which they don't.
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Why does he look like post tortured Griffith?
Aegon’s conduct last episode can accurately be described as… thoughtless…. Feckless… self-indulgent…. Incompetent… egotistical… impulsive… grotesque… inappropriate…. Careless…. Unjust…. Incautious… Arbitary…. Negligent… and absent-minded
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>Despite House Celtigar being a Valyrian house, the Targs never once thought to bring their houses together through marriage
For all that talk on purity, they sure seemed to ignore the Celtigars
You forgot churlish
What happened to that Valeriyan show ?
Keeps going back and forth between cancelled and back on like the Jon Snow show I think.
Hopefully it keeps to just Knight of the Seven Kingdoms for now. Fake nigs in fake china sounded terrible, and it would just be them butchering world building that all ultimately ends up being unimportant
As of right now the only shows in development are Aegons conquest and nymeria and her 10,000 ships. The rest are either cancelled or put on hold. The Hedge Knight series is currently filming.
Fuck crabs
>nymeria and her 10,000 ships
Who the hell wanted this or even thought it would be a good idea
How do DnD still get work?
Didn't mean to quote there
How is this twink supposed to be a god-tier fighter? If you get close to him in hand to hand combat (which many sword fights do) he's done
I wouldn't describe cat ladies on twitter as "people"
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Why is cole such a fag?
He didn't want to fuck Rhea but has no problems fucking Alicent?
The best swordsmen are long and lithe. Not roided up super mutant types.
woah he is literally me
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>There the demons dwell, up there. Fire and blood, blood and fire. This is their city. If you would make it yours, first you must destroy them. If you would cleanse yourself of sin, first you must bathe in dragon's blood. For only blood can quench the fires of hell.
He didn't want to be her whore. He explains this on the ship.
Jamie wasn’t more masculine
>dex vs str
Jaceposters I humbly fall on my sword for you in apology for calling him a himbo. https://youtu.be/lE3D3SUXLSw?si=YTWcXYFNd6yBDUoY
>single handedly ends dragonshits
Their new boss probably saw HotD and thought ‘they are not that bad after all’
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Proof that the Seven exist. Someone explain to us how a bunch of peasants could slay half a dozen dragons without divine intervention.
is it going to be the same guy who asked for the sheep back?
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Imagine a fight between Mountain and Aemond
a man denied his sheep
you take muh sheep i take yer dragons
Harry is genZ so of course he gives that impression sometimes but he genuinely cares about the books. I remember during season 1, he mentioned in a live that he read all the books and he was talking about his favourite characters. He's so obsessed that it's hard to make him stop talking (about the books).
>ties for first place on when he’s on his own
>becomes alicent's whore instead
alicent is his whore
Alicent doesn't have a husband
pretty sure that's illegal, you should call the cops or sue them
They didn't even cast pretty ones. Most of them look oonga boonga.
>not tapping prime rhea pussy before marriage
>not tapping rhea pussy after since hubby is a fag and you can even knock her up like 3 times

>nah. i'd be a fag but i'll sex alicent's used up 3x kid roast beef that vizzy t's zombie-rot dick nutted into like 5000+ times
cole is fag/10
lol at all these fag defenders
Could be the old man that yelled "A curse on Rhaenyra the monstrous" during the funeral procession.
> 3x
Get out showfag.
No, he's helaena's number one fan from the procession
You mean the most ardent Helaenaposter?
I'm pretty impressed with Baela knowing about Cannibal and Sheepstealer
>every show ever has a to an allegory of modern American politics
I'm so tired, bros
very based, also Baela's actress
He did have sex with her before marriage, which isn't impressive since she looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome.
Yeah I think she read all of Gurms work for the part.
She looks like Oliver Reed in drag
Considering Otto walks out on his family two episodes in, 2 weeks after Aegon was crowned King and a day after his great grandson dies. I'd say that's fine. Fuck Otto and what the writers did to his character.
What is he going to do for the rest of the season? Is he going to come back after Aegon gets burnt or will he appear again in S3 with Daeron? Or maybe they'll show him in Highgarden this season?
Rhys is one of the better actors
knights are cool as fuck
I want to be a knight
He's so into the lore and worldbuilding and really gets his stuff I love him
Otto still needs to be there to sell out to the Triarchy which is relevant because it's what gets Jace killed. So he should be back later.
Well anon, you're in luck. If you are a subject of a still existing monarchy and you either preform a valourous deed or have done something very important you too might be knighted. Some of them can even raise you into nobility.
Won't that be this season which is about 1/3 done now? Is he only retired for 2 episodes.
I can be nubile too???
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Who Harry or Ewan? There are so many Ewanposters that have are turncloaks for Harry or Tom I can’t keep track. (Tis but a jape).
>Season 4, Episode 7 (penultimate episode)
>finally get to see Aegon command Sunfyre to eat Rhaenerys
>episode ends with an Alicent and Cole sex scene
Anon, in the higher spheres of society that is called "well-bred"
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We can't fix her anymore. (((They))) have gotten to her. It's too late, bros.
It should be but since the Battle of the Gullet is next season they might leave it for later so the audience doesn't forget.
I meant Ewan, but Harry is swell I think he also reads the book. They're both excellent I look forward to their tragic deaths on screen
>Its from random anon dropping leaks for season 3 in earlier thread
Sounds fake af.
Weird thing is Ewan actually hasn’t finished the book, he said he won’t read past where they are in the show. I guess he read everything but the entirety of the dance.
He doesn’t mean the real leaks, we were discussing real leaks and an anon threw meme ones in there at the same time.
he seriously didn't read what happens to his character at least? i don't buy it, i think anyone with any interest in the book would do that for their character at least out of curiosity
>interview reveals the High Valyrian word
>Ewen locks in
Tyland is the one who will negociate with Tyrosh judging by the trailer
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Can you provide a source for that? He seems like a big fan of the book and in that video he references cannibal and sheepstealer, so I think he has read the whole dance
Then how did he audition? He said in an early interview he went to the audition on the train thinking he wants to bring justice to the character above all. He is full of shit in interviews
I genuinely can’t tell when he’s lying in interviews for a meme anymore he’s too good at it with all his talk about Aemonds loyalty this season. Hold the line, I’ll have a look for it.
Do you have dementia or something?
Absolute dumb cunt.
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He's here....
I can't fucking wait
Found one, pretty sure he’s mentioned it a couple of times in other ones though. Go to 4.00. The question is “have you read the books or do you prefer to play the character without knowing his fate”. https://x.com/timeforewan/status/1804816328760471617?s=46&t=jsqp4EWNYX3XG4TGTt6B1w
Yeah I don't buy that he hasn't skipped through the Aemond scenes at least. He seems to care about the character and he'd know he'd get spoiled for it anyway if he didn't read it.
Also lol at the "show is the true telling" meme.
I think he enjoys lying in interviews. He also said he never saw GoT, that must be a lie as well.
Makes sense, he says he hasn’t seen got and then makes a statement that the long night would have ended quicker with Vhagar and then in that quiz higher up in the thread he said “which Viserys” when he says he hasn’t finished the book.
>Otto saying that jaehaerys's death did more than a thousand swords
Aegon should have hanged him
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would you?
Post the ship pic. Gets me everytime.
Is he a schizo? Or just enjoys bullshitting
Nobody knows anon. Probably the latter. I’m assuming he’s not being serious when he says he puts 7 sugars in coffee.
What a beautiful devoted woman. Does she play the innocent princess?
>Every show needs to represent the California and New York population demographics
>Every show needs to represent the California and New York politics
>Every show needs to represent the California and New York gender identities
>Every show needs to represent the California and New York beauty standards
It's all so tiresome. Escapism is nearly gone, you'll be as miserable in this life as you are in fantasy.
Hello friends, I recently started watching hotd and holy shit this silver-haired nigger shit has got to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. Thought I might get used to is, but 6 episodes in and the clown show just keeps getting more ridiculous. I cannot get into the story at all because of this.
>Hello friends
Hello discord tranny
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here you go anon
>Does she play the innocent princess?
yeah thats basically her role
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Thank you for your service anon.
didn't mean to give that impression, my apologies
Surely even a child can understand the concept of imagination. I feel like somewhere along the line the person giving the directions was equally as retarded if they weren't able to tard wrangler her.
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GRRM has yet again brought us pure kino with that dogshit fucking Elden Rang DLC
swords have always been a DEX weapon.
>hand to hand combat (which many sword fights do)
closing range to hand to hand means daggers but where did you get idea that sword fights derailed into hand to hand?
duels are hard to go into hand to hand and he didn't fight in any battles.
>is there any saving grace to this show
there might be but i'm struggling to find it in season 2.
in season 1, Viserys carried the show. he was great.
this can't be real kek
is the original pasta about a child?
Anyone have the preston jacobs grrm picture with the thought bubbles
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>this can't be real kek
pretty sure its just a meme
but i wanna think its real
>season ends
>last scene is Helaena alone
>”The winds of winter has arrived”
>GRRM and HBO refuse to further elaborate leaving fans to wonder if The Winds of Winter is actually finished and if this GRRM’s way of advertising it
Post yfw
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>Win back Kingslanding for the blacks
>Tries to give away pardons to the greens in the name of Aegon III
>Cregan Stark comes to the Redkeep, calls you a retard, takes Aegon III away from you and fucks your aunt
Well, at least having a Blackwood married to the Lord of Winterfell made the Brakens shit themselves.
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Writers are setting him up to be pathetic and a chivalric folly to contrast every other actual good knight on the show. Someone who spent their entire life pursuing a goal of heroism and what he thought it meant to be a knight and fucking it up at every possible step, often to the detriment of others. His scene with Alicent prior to sending Arryk off on a suicide mission to 'redeem our honour' seemed a pretty big indication for me.

It plays into his eventual book death pretty well where he is ambushed by a squadron of Riverlords after his army gets shit on at Harrenhal. He tries to throw out some faggy one liner about fighting them one at a time or all at once making no difference to him, to which the opposing commander says something like "I'll have no songs written to your honour, or that you died nobly. Tens of thousands of men are dead because of you" and just riddles him with arrows.
They are most likely going to fuck it up
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I will not believe his mummers farce until I see a physical copy.
They definitely neutered and defanged HOTD to make it more palatable to general audiences. I'm not a coomer, but there isn't "HBO nudity" from the principle cast, or excessive violence. Blood and Cheese was tamed, Blood's fate was toned down (he was slowly tortured for 13 days in the books). They wanted to make the characters more likeable, so they introduced "Egon's dream" to give the characters an excuse to clutch for power. They aren't fighting a bloody civil war because they are "power hungry" they are fighting it because the realm needs to be "united"...Against a threat that is 150 years in the future. To think that this really all starts because Alicent misunderstands Viserys is borderline comical. I really don't think it was necessary to begin with, I think general audiences can understand that paranoia and suspicion can drive conflict, they don't need some magical justification to make everyone's actions more acceptable, but then again people are harassing Criston Cohle's actor on Instagram.
The mere memory of this gigachad is enough to drive targshits (the few surviving ones lmao) into spasms of fury.
>Blood and Cheese was tamed
They might as well be different characters
>They might as well be different characters
Blood is fairly consistent, Cheese is a psycho in the books, but is just an average dude in the show.
God I hope not, it's one of the most Kino moments from the whole saga
Do we think Aemond will be leading the parade through kings landing of Meleys head? /.
it's always disgusting reading arrows killing fully plate armored people.
Who was the best swordsman, Barristan Selmy or Arthur Dayne?
>Who was the best swordsman, Barristan Selmy or Arthur Dayne?
Dayne with Dawn = unbeatable.
without Dawn = top tier swordsman but can be bested by other top tier swordsmen sometimes so Selmy's equal.
Crossbow bolts would go right through.
Based Viserys II.
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you finna know it
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I hope George personally named Dung Eater, but yes its very kino, I thinki Messmers crusade and genocide of the Hornset in revenge for the genocide of Marikas people/ shamans is a george story beast. His design and demeanour reminds me of Aemond and Daemon
>I'm kinda bored, better abandon my husband and children and go back to the island where my father, my uncle and my brother were brutally murdered by banking rivals.
Women, am I right? She is the reason Aegon IV was such a dickhead.
You're going to be so disappointed when it's revealed this is just a random Blackwood that dies instantly
Even Based Barriston himself said that with Dawn, Dayne had no equal. Mind you this is the same guy who killed Maelys Blackfyre and went leroy Jenkins on a whole fort to save Aerys the scabby.
Same skill level, Dayne only wins if he's using his magical greatsword.
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Criston in Alicents room. Probably having a panic attack over having to do even more work.
Its alright, but its severely undercooked. Messmer and the hornsent end up being background padding anyway to the real abomination that is redditdahn and memequella
>gets buck broken by a swamp boy with a net
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>lets hire a literal pornstar for Bronn to play around with
Why dont they do this anymore?
I heard he has moved into Otto’s room?
Maybe. I hear he waits in Alicents room. Gwayne doesn’t like what’s going on
Yeah its weird you'd think hiring actual sex workers to be background whores would be the easiest legally, and ethically way to do all the sex stuff in a show.
yeah its a real pity, the most interesting stuff of the DLC is a background story to following Miquella which is itself half baked
You could feel Jerome Flynn was having the time of his life on every scene he was in, except on season 8.
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>Yeah its weird you'd think hiring actual sex workers to be background whores would be the easiest legally
yes and you dont even have to coerce them into showing booba

>You could feel Jerome Flynn was having the time of his life on every scene he was in
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How fucking rich were the Rogares? Larra had a bodyguard with a huge valyrian steel sword, it was probably bigger than Ice, and her brother Moredo had his own valyrian steel sword, Truth.
I think the only other house to have two valyrian steel swords were the targaryens, and they sure tried to lose them over and over.
Cristen realising he's fucked his way to falling upwards to a job he's completely unqualified for and having a breakdown sounds like comedic gold
Diff show diff showrunners, Although I doubt anybody can take D&D place in forcing nudity.
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>Sandoq's history before his service to House Rogare is uncertain, but it is said that he had been a veteran pit fighter in Meereen, with a hundred wins to his name.
>Sandoq wielded a great curved sword of Valyrian steel with a dragonbone hilt, as well as a tall black shield of nightwood, boiled hide, and iron.
could he have become rich as a pit fighter and bought the sword?
I doubt you can just *buy* a Valyrian steel sword. House Lannister spent several generational fortunes to buy their family Valyrian steel sword when Valyria was still around (and may have funded the faceless men to carry out the Doom in the process). Most likely it was a gift to him by some Essos prince to win and ensure favour with the people, for giving something so priceless to a mere pit slave. Always winning would make him a crowd favourite. Rome had a tradition of gifting gladitors a wooden sword when they could buy/earn their freedom.
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13 years since ADWD
He could've won it, for all I know, but I just find it weird. it's like Caggo, the sellsword that is hired to help Quentyn Martell steal one of Daenys' dragons, mothefucker had a valyrian steel arakh.
Why would mercenaries walk around with weapons worth more than a fucking castle? They could just sell them and be set for life, hell, they could be set for several generations.
>He could've won it
makes more sense, like you anons say its very expensive and probably not easy to even find a seller
Some people can't grasp abstract thought. There was a dude that was a fren of a fren. He insisted he spoke 'American'. Me and two of my other frens attempted to explain that the language was called English. He could not understand how Americans could speak anything but American.
sounds like severe autism where you can't even grasp basic metaphor
Caggo likely just looted it from some city they attacked or killed some guy on the battlefield and took it
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Since Phia Saban needs to be pregnant for Season 3 I solemnly volunteer to do the needful.
I've met other people that don't understand metaphor and abstract thought. I've literally had to draw men (twenty years older than myself) pictures to explain how cordless telephones work because the idea of a radio wave is beyond them.
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That's alright anon I've got it
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No need brother I'm doing it. I've nothing else going on anyway.
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I actually like the Shows Blackfyre.

I think it looks really cool.
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Don't trouble youself anon , I'll do it
>Phia Saban
is she related to Haim Saban? if so, she should suffer for how her family botched the adaptation of Kamen Rider to the west.
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It's no trouble at all anon, I want to do it.
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I would say this puts the whole "is Longclaw Blackfyre?" debate to rest, but they retconned the looks of the Ironthrone for this show, so who the fuck can say, really
Also, fuck whatever retard in the production decided that they should add easteregg swords to the throne, this shit is distracting.
For me, it's not very nice looking. But they did a great job making it look like an ancient sword that's been well kept and seen many battles.
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There's no need to be so polite anon, your amongst friends here. Let me do this favour for you
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There things a man has to do themself, anon, one of them is knocking up Phia Saban for her role in Season 3.
Lol, there are people like this on all 4chan boards.
I shall sacrifice myself for you, honourable brother. I shall be the one to do the deed.
Someone that has seen the upcoming episode said it’s both the worst and the best episode so far.
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I must be the father of her many, many children.
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No man is an island anon, we must all rely on others to get through life. I will do it for you
sounds promising, anything else?
is the best because something finally happens but you know the aemond thing
>1 hour into a Bugs World and she gives you this look
So apparently, and I know this is going to sound crazy, but APPARENTLY they change a very minor thing from the book and so this thread will lose it's shit pretending they are offended. Sounds crazy, I know.
Aegon is one lucky twat.
is rook's rest this next episode or the one after?
He said Harrenhal is some of the best stuff we have ever seen that rivals got. He basically said the majority of the episode is the best one so far, but he doesn’t like the execution of a scene at the end of the episode. He’s obviously talking about [Rhaenyra meeting with Alicent in kings landing dressed as a septa, Alicent is angry at her and rhaenyra explains aegons prophecy to Alicent but the meeting ends on very bad terms. /
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I sort of understand simps now. That look makes me weak.
Episode 4.
nice, looking forward to harrenhal then
yeah i already hate the rhaenicent thing, i don't think it's possible for it not to be terrible
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Artists are so talented
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The one after, episode 4.
Fuck I’m half asleep and forget to write spoiler in brackets lmao sorry guys.
>He said Harrenhal is some of the best stuff we have ever seen that rivals got.
What the fuck are they having happen at Harrenhal when it's just
>Daemon shows up with dragon
>They just give up because Harrenhal is a fucking prime example of just how little fucks a dragon gives about a big fuck off castle
The Harrenhal plot has been said to be half horror movie half Macbeth.
nta but there seems to be more as Daemon is shown fighting inside the castle
You’d need like 20 Valyrian steel halberds to do any type of effective pole formation. It would just look dumb like the unsullied never fighting in formation
All I take out of this trailer is that the casting for Benjicot seems to be fucking god tier.
? I don't disagree with needing at least 20 men to do proper formations, why Valyrian steel ones though?
to be based
House Celtigar has one Valyrian steel halberd. Just seems kinda pointless to have it mixed into a unit with a bunch of regular steel ones
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that's so sad
There is also whispers that the confrontation between Aegon and Aemond in the brothel will be spoken in high valyrian. Sounds like bullshit to me, but would be kino though.
>drunk Aegon mocking Aemond's taste in whores in High Valyrian
holy fuck please be true
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Is this Tyland Lannister? Are we going to get a kino side story where Tyland goes mud wrestling with pirates?
how do you say "lmoa your bitch is fat" in high valyrian
Same, I've rewatched those seconds of footage dozens of times. Please give this dude a lot of screentime.
Probably not he spent all the dance on kings landing.
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>You whored your way into this, now be a man and stand by your vows
I wonder if a Valyrian steel halberd is the only weapon that get penetrate a dragons hide to stab its heart? its a dragon slayer weapon
Says the guy who did nothing while aerys raped his wife
I mean, they've already changed a bunch of things though. I don't think they care very much about staying true to the book
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They are going to bring back Harold Westerling, right?
>its a dragon slayer weapon
They should make a real Valyrian steel dragon slayer.
Sure but wtf is he going to do with some random pirates around the free cities or something like that?
who dis
It looks like Otto, you gets lys invovled and the triarchy right, he goes to them they have a mudfight then they ally
Fingers crossed.
Pretty sure it’s one of the twins wrestling a tyroshi pirate. But I don’t know if I made it up or read it somewhere.
I'm thinking he might be sent to make a deal with the Triarchy
Otto does it in the book, but they will probably give it to Tyland with Otto having fucked off back to Oldtown to mentor DAERON THE DARING please
His moral compass was stuck between killing the king or upholding the vow he made as kingsguard. Honestly he was too good of a man for the time he lived.
Barristan may be a great warrior but his convictions are like those of a dog's. He does exactly what his master tells him to do, acts within the confines of a world others have shaped for him. Sure, he does abandon the Lannisters in order to serve who he believes is the "rightful" Queen, but his primary drive for it is that he failed his previous master, the family of his current one. For all his bravery, deep down, sir Barristan is a coward. The same thing was true for pretty much the entire Kingsguard of Aerys, except Jaime Lannister
It's really interesting that it seems Otto is going to leave King's Landing. He's probably going to replace Hobert Hightower in the Reach campaign
He was a hypocrite and a piece of shit still longing for a woman he never got while letting his queen become an abused wreck. Fuck him. Jamie was worth more. He’s worse than cole.
You mean the book Cole? There's no way anyone could top the TV series Cole
Show Cole won't even get the guys putting him down like a dog to drop a zinger about it.
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>Harold Westerling
Would be funny if he gets barristan selmy fate
>Stabbed in some flee bottom valley for no reason
He's gonna be one of the seven who rode
So you're right
Please don't remind me how dirty they did Selmy.
I mean only three of them died... Though I'd assume he takes the place of the Lord Commander in which case...
So democracy is great and equitable until it doesn’t do what you want kek
Hillary got the most votes at least unlike Rhaenys
>Cacklea as Rhaenrya
Fuck you AI I will unplug you
more like Paenys
>shamed for being fat
>shamed for being skeletal
>shamed for being too muscular
Men can’t catch a break
Anyone else think this season is a bit boring so far? Even the twin bowl was lame.
Major glow ups for Helaena and Rhaenyra. Don't know if it's improved styling/makeup but they both look stunning
This part of the dance is fucking boring, all the good stuff will happen during the next season.
I still don't know what the fuck they do to pad the last four episodes after Rooks Rest.
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Revenge is a dish best served Cole.
My normie father complained it was extremely boring and was asking me when will they fight?
two of those episodes are dragon sneed related and they can also set the kingdom of the 3 sisters invasions and the total brackenshit destruction
If they're making Harrenhal more exciting that's cool though.
He also has that interview where he says that to Aemond there's something "romantic" about Daemon targeting him because Daemon is his greatest idol or something, no way he's not considered it in terms of God's Eye.
they are jewish
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no they wouldn't. bows and crossbow shoot arrows with similar energy and momentum.
>1000lbs crossbow, 110j. 4.598kg.m/s (momentum unit)
>150lbs longbow, 130j. 4.42kg.m/s
>160lbs longbow, 138.65j. 4.56kg.m/s
here is a calculator site
>Keeps surviving against all odds
>Only dies because his own allies poison him
My cockroach king...
Stop bumping this yawnfest.Nobody likes it.
yeah they should storm the capitol instead
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Do they have condom in westeros? Do you think he cums in her?
nepotism and cronyism. Its how they got into the job in the first place
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know what isn't?
Sunfyre eating Rhaenyra
bet you they will change that too
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>they will change that
Doubt it, they aready teased it in the show.
she might just be burned
He allows Corlys to join his court, that was a suicidal idea, Corlys lost almost his whole family fighting the greens, he had to have his bastard legitimazed in order to have an heir.
Of course he would betray Aegon at the first chance he got.
Sara Snow is not a real character. Mushroom made her up to cover up for Cregan's homoeexual adventures with Jacaerys.
Reminder that Sunfyre didn't want to eat Rhaenyra and had to be roused into it in the book, so imagine how it's gonna be in hotd
Nettles is getting replaced by Rhaena
Mushroom was straight up inventing sexual deviancy to add to the story, there is no way he would hide anything as juicy as highborn faggotry.
Cregan would stomp on his head, it's okay to make up stories about how Aegon jerked off to Mushroom fucking his women for him and the brothel queens because they're all dead or on house arrest.
Ew, she's Daemon's daughter
>Mushroom made her up
Too bad because Mushroom's account is considered word of god by the show, most of the time.
>Cregan would stomp on his head
Mushroom said Rhaenyra used to suck his cock, why would he fear Cregan, but not Aegon III ordering his death for saying such things about his mother?
so was nettles probably
He wasn't even in Winterfell
So? He wasn't in King's Landing either yet his account of Aegon is 100% canon to the show.
I don't understand the dragonseeds storyline. Are they all supposed to be bastards? How can they tame a dragon?
They are targ/velaryon bastards yes.
When the Targaryens were just Lords of Dragonstone, they practiced the right of First Night, meaning a lot of the peasants on Dragonstone have Valyrian blood.
Same way Jon snow can ride a dragon.hope George Will clear it in TWOW
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Its true, GRRM has been doing this for a while now. For all his took about muh grey morality and le human heart in conflict with itself and whatnot, he has slowly been playing clear favourites with almost every villainous non-protagonist faction in the franchise. Only the Boltons escape this
>Mushroom's account is considered word of god by the show
To be ho, episode 2 is the best tv show i've seen all year, this was a fantastic episode right of the gate i enjoy it a lot. The broidery opening is just perfect. The episode open with the bloody sheets is really tasteful same as the reattached head in the baby's body, very tasteful. Tbh when the wagon bumped I thought his head is gonna falls off, it was upsetting. Although we don't get to see the funeral ourselves,. This episodes is the fall out of the last 11 episodes. So best. Rhaenyra and Daemon scene is well acted too, Rhaenyra finally said what's been going on with her and Daemon that he's a loose canon and he never respected her, ssh-f-fucking spectacular stuff. Aegon is destroying Viserys's project is crushing his father legacy like a symbolism that he's going to destroy his father's legacy that he build his entire life(poor Vissy). Aegon is bringing doom upon Valyria (what's the point of being a king if he can't even protect his retarded son although he can drink wine all day, clearly he's not a true king)
Aegon III is too depressed to do anything about it.
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Nice copy paste from youtube
Why would Rhaenyra do this? and to Helaena of all people?
>implying Viserys is watching from heaven
nah m8 he's looking upwards
Which is it?
Uhh...because this whole thing is a war?? And on top of all the Helaena is her war prisoner, she can do whatever she likes, better than selling her to Corlys like Aegon II did
>basedsteel or fucking viserys
Usually the one that is made first.
we can barely finish one general and now there are two? bad timing
Newfags don’t know how to make threads and so don’t refresh before posting

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