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dunk and egg edition
prev >>200535870
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First for Dunked Dunk
They're so pretty, bros
who was Duncan Egg anyway?
I had forgot just how kino this moment was. Daenerys finally stops being retarded and uses the dragon we've been waiting. After 7 seasons to finally see the moment we had been waiting for, and it was well executed. the visible fear in all the lannisters even before the dragon appears, the dothraki jumping through the fire (retarded but kino) on the ashes of burnt men, then proceeding to stand on their horses to shoot whilst doing their native american war cries (again retarded but kino).
and the cgi is crazy
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Thoughts on Cersei?
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>tfw no Naerys wife to cherish
This world is too cruel
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“What they did to my poor girl”
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For me, it's Wylla Manderly
at what point did you realize her character was retarded?
When I saw created by George RR Martin before I watched the first episode.
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So, anyone have a QRD or source of the new leak of Aemond killing Aegon’s friends?. There are two situations this could be in, the first we heard Aemond allegedly burns green men at rooks rest (not just Aegon at the end). But there was also a scene the guy with the drone caught with Aemond executing 2 men in the kings landing courtyard. Maybe those 2 were aegons friends? They seem to be dressed in fine clothes. I can find the drone video if anyone is interested. /
Myrish swamp is first thing that comes to mind.
Pale sticky princes
Aegon III marries Vaemond's daughter, who is black in the show, let's say her mother is white, that means Daeron the young dragon and Baelor the blessed are both 1/4 black, and Daemon Blackfyre is at least 1/8 black, depending if they make Viserys II's wife black or not, could go either way since she's lyssene.
She was traumatized already but I believe she trying to accept that she knew what was going to happen
maybe he kills the eyewitnesses of him fucking the hag
The Targs seem to be white in Dunk and Egg so Larra Rogare should be white.
I am, you are probably correct in your theory
I'm interested
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Why did they spend so much time to get to know each other and even went on private vacation just for one scene? We won't even see Cregan again this season and we know what happens to Jace. It was all for nothing.
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>there are people itt who actually believe we're getting rook nest episode
The fucking Tarlys were fierce Targaryen loyalists with Randyl Tarly defeating Robert at the battle of the bells. Still mad they made Randyl and his son retards for house Lannister because fat?
Method acting, they have to get inside the minds of Cregan and Jace and for that Cregan has to get inside of Jace.
>In the end the Blue Bard told them his whole life, back to his first name day. His father had been a chandler and Wat was raised to that trade, but as a boy he found he had more skill at making lutes than barrels. When he was twelve he ran off to join a troupe of musicians he had heard performing at a fair. He had wandered half the Reach before coming to King's Landing in hopes of finding favor at court.
>"Favor?" Qyburn chuckled. "Is this what women call it now? I fear you found too much of it, my friend...and from the wrong queen. The true one stands before."
>YES. Cersei blamed Margaery Tyrell for this. If not for her, Wat might have lived a long and fruitful life, singing his little songs and bedding pig girls and crofter's daughters. HER SCHEMING FORCED THIS ON ME. SHE HAS SOILED ME WITH HER TREACHERY.
she's the funniest person in all of Westeros
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Go to 0.50. Now that I rewatch it those two guys are definitely Aegon’s friends. Should be kino. https://youtu.be/uI79wO_QBdA?si=JyyS8PeTZF9ZLnIQ
Cersei's chapters read like schizophrenic ramblings sometimes, it's great.
Lmao post more Cersei quotes
A chandler =/= cooper. Who the fuck was making this ghostwriters barrels?
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>the no Myriah wife to ravage
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Looks like Hugh Hammer is there on the far left as well and I think that is the director Claire Kilner with him. So this scene will be in episode 5.
peepee in the poopoo on HBO’s dime
Could be in Harrenhal?
How were 3/4 of her kids white
Nope, it’s the kings landing set. Larys is watching the scene take place from the balcony if I remember correctly when I watched all the drone videos. Daemon is in Harrenhal for most of the season.
No the riverlands shit is s3.
Will she become a ruling queen in the books?
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The Realm's Delight
Hightower propaganda, Rhaenyra is as lovely as she ever was.
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Baby bro is so big...
It’s too bad they cut Faegon because it would have been way more satisfying watching her get driven out of Kings Landing and watching Jon torch Casterly Rock on Rhaegal before Jamie drives a knife into her back
They probably combined her plotline with FAegon's. FAegon will definitely capture King's Landing with the Golden Company before Dany gets there which will be the thing that makes her chimp out. Cersei will get tossed out on her ass sometime before that.
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He isn't, Jace is just shrunken.
I’ll tell you why HotD writing is trash tier. Watch the end of the episode shit. They have to explain “what they really meant”. That’s like the hallmark of shitty scriptwriting and execution.
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I always imagined pic related (on the left) to be Hugh Hammer
who/what the fuck is FAegon??
Aemond is going to be the Regent with Aegon incapacitated and Criston Cole the retard dying this season right? Aemond can kill whoever he wants with Aegon and Criston out of the way. No one can likely stop him until Otto comes back
One has the face, the other one has the height. Can't have both.
false aegon/young griff/blackfyre fucking shit/mummer's dragon/lyseni whorespawn
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What do you mean?, you literally met Hugh in the episode we just watched anon.
>Hugh Hammer
>has a huge hammer
Bravo GRRM
Young Griff claims to be Aegon Targaryen, the son of Rhaegar and Elia. He is currently invading Westeros with the Golden Company. Fans call him fAegon because they believe he is an imposter, either a Blackfyre, Brightflame, or random Lyseni commoner.
Aegon Targaryen, supposedly slain son of Rhaegar, cut from the show, invading Westeros with the Golden Company. He's already met with early success and it's theorized he will destroy Mace Tyrell's army and take King's Landing at least, becoming wildly popular among smallfolk and lordlings alike. He's often called Faegon because people think he's a fake, either a Blackfyre or some random kid with Valyrian coloring, but those are vile calumnies.
and this would be a different aegon than jon?
Would you prefer if he was named after Sesame Street characters instead?
Daeron was just hat potent.
>He's often called Faegon because people think he's a fake, either a Blackfyre or some random kid with Valyrian coloring, but those are vile calumnies.
t. varys
Yes, it's theorized Jon's true name is Aemon Targaryen
If Faegon isn't a fake then why did fatty sign off on cutting him entirely
No I think Criston will die like he did in the book, when the relationship between him and Aemond sour in the riverlands and they go their seperate ways. Maybe Otto comes back at the end of the season to reign Aemond in and he beheads him, I can see them doing that. /
i heard some theory that daenerys only really connected with drogon, is there any merit to this idea? we know dragons traditionally at least only connects to one human at a time
FAegon is a Blackfyre bastard supported by Varys (another Blackfyre) and the Golden Company (founded by a Blackfyre). He’s currently pretending to be Rhaegars true born son Aegon (Jon’s half brother) who died at the hands of the Mountain when the Lannisters sacked Kings Landing. It’s claimed that Varys got him out before Tywin arrived

The ending of Game of Thrones will be between Jon (Rhaegar‘s bastard), FAegon (a Blackfyre bastard), and Dany. It should be a complete clusterfuck before Bran takes over
Probably because he's going to meet a tragic end either way and D&D convinced him they could do an effective Mad Queen arc without him (they couldn't)
ah ok thanks
what's our opinion on him? he sounds like /ouruy/
As a traditional Targ rider yeah, but the other two see her as their mother anyway.
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Danerys is just fucking around on the other side of the world in the books, only like one other group crossed paths with her and not drogon melts his 1/16th targ face off
>3 dragons
>3 targs
bravo vince
>Danerys is just fucking around on the other side of the world in the books
tbf she did so in the show
it was so fucking boring watching her mereen scenes just so that she doesn't just finish the story immediately
dany will win and her sons and daughters will re-establish the freehold on the backs of a new horde of dragons
it is known
>Aegon incapited
>Aemond reign of terror as regent
Could this be the play
But how is she gonna chimp out? Is she going to blow up FAegon or something?
Dany is not a male line Targaryen and therefore won’t win. George is very weird about maintaining unbroken male lines.
i spoke with grrm recently, and he relayed this information to me with signs and gestures.
Anon that was merely a mummer’s farce
It’s because the fat fuck brought him into the story too late. D&D thought show watchers would have hated seeing the evil Cersei getting driven out of Kings Landing by a literal who. It would have also been weird seeing Cersei sidelined in the show being effectively locked in Casterly Rock after she leaves Kings Landing until Jon, Danny, Arya, Jaime, the Starks/Tullys, the Golden Company, Euron, or whoever showed up to finally kill her
Faegon will call himself the real Targaryen there to free his people and all the peasants will cheer him and boo her and Dany will seethe because she's the Mother of Dragons and all her other fancy titles and she's the only real Targaryen and she's supposed to be getting cheered for retaking her throne.
he would not lie to me.
Far too many theories to list off. Many suggest that she won’t be the one to burn King’s Landing and another character called Jon Connington will (either because he realises that Aegon is actually a Blackfyre or because Aegon dies and he gets pissed).
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Here's my top nine Ice and Fire women I'd like to shag. Thoughts?
>Doubting Cersei
She's going to fall upwards and win
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Hope so, would be so kino. I can’t trust my own memory so take it with a pinch of salt but I’m pretty sure there was a leak during filming of a dragon burning a village. People thought it may have been Daeron but that’s not the case now so it could be Aemond. /
>Dany is """mad""" just because she does what every other Westeorsi lord oes in battle.
Wrong and likely said by a Lannister man-at-arms.
I think more than half of this list is going to kill you.
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I blame RDJ for this
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>Blount's chest was heaving. "One of the gaolers has gone missing too, Rugen, his name was. Two other men we found asleep."
>It was all she could do not to scream. "I hope you did not wake them, Ser Boros. Let them sleep."
>"Sleep?" He looked up, jowly and confused. "Aye, Your Grace. How long shall-"
>"Forever. See that they sleep forever, ser. I will not suffer guards to sleep on watch." HE IS IN THE WALLS. HE KILLED FATHER AS HE KILLED MOTHER, AS HE KILLED JOFF.
Val YES. Jon should have accepted Stannis' legitimization offer, become Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, and married Val. He could have refused the dipshit condition that he tear up and burn the heart tree. Stannis would have ground his teeth and accepted this concession.
my cute mentally ill queen

Waiting a while before making a post -_-
Any video games similar to GoT
The adaptations are never as good as the books, are they?
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There's a Crusader Kings mod that's really popular, also there's a spinoff Telltale game set during the show that is good for what it is
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What type of game? The Witcher 2 has a very similar feel to it.
You have to remember that Kings Landing has been in absolute chaos since Robert’s death. It’s speculated that FAegon will be a halfway decent King, which is way better than how the Lannisters are running the place after Tywin’s death, and the small folk will fall in love with him. It’ll come out some how that he’s really a Blackfyre bastard, but at that point the small folk won’t give a flying fuck. Especially after Cersei nukes the Sept of Baelor and pisses everyone off which is a pretty low bar to clear

Then Dany will show up with her flying nukes and demand fealty from Kings Landing because she’s a true born Targ that deserves the throne while FAegon is just a Targ bastard from long ago. After the entire city tells her to go back to Essos where she belongs, that’ll cause her to sperg out and nuke Kings Landing with all of its inhabitants. The point of Game of Thrones is that monarchy is a retarded governing system, with nuking Kings Landing being the most egregious offense in regards to atrocities committed by a monarch in the series. D&D just rushed it and didn’t set it up well
Dragon Age Origins, it's pretty much plagiarized ASOIAF

>Blight/Darkspawn = Long Night/white walkers
>Grey Wardens = Night's Watch
>War of the 5 kings = Ferelden civil war
Aegon's going to land in Kang's Landing around the time Cersei's trial by combat is happening and during the middle everyone will receive news that the Golden Comapny has arrived. Cersei sees this as an oppurtunity, using the distraction, and chaos to flee from the capitol back to Casterly Rock by using the secret tunnels hidden throughout the keep.

Thoughts on how likely this scenario is going to go? I see it happening because it would be a believeable way for GRRM to get from the Iron Throne to Casterly Rock and we could see it in a POV for the first time in her last Winds chapter.


I got a feeling Jon would've pissed off a good chunk of the north no matter what he did and him becoming Lord of Winterfell would've ended even worse than his reign as Lord Commander.


Death by Snu snu sounds great

By the way bottom left is The Other Woman who seduced 13th Lord Commander
Don't play Origins it will make you want to play more Dragon Age games but they're all shit and also make you realize it's got a better ending than anything the Fatman will leave behind in his cheeto stained notebook when his heart finally gives up.
>Dragon Age Origins
Yeah, the Long Night should devastate the country like how Ferelden was devastated by the Blight
Basically a country in ruin with a majority of the population dead
Who is the alien in the bottom left?
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>He is in the walls
Oh, Cersei...
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This is murder!
This is why the Stannis winning nonsense doesn’t make sense. Jon cannot just rock up as a Night’s Watch deserter and claim Winterfell due to Robb’s Will shenanigans. The North is a deeply traditional society and doesn’t take kindly to bastards and Night’s Watch deserters. He would have to do something truly heroic, like marching down to Winterfell after Stannis loses, with some ragtag Wildling army, rejecting Robb’s will and planting Rickon on the throne, and ruling as regent. Then when it’s revealed he is actually a Targaryen people won’t just assume he’s an opportunistic fraud.
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>“No need.” Cersei felt too alive for sleep. The wildfire was cleansing her, burning away all her rage and fear, filling her with resolve. “The flames are so pretty. I want to watch them for a while.”
all brackens must die
>Battle of Gods Eye finally happens
>they literally unironically begin playing Through the Fire and Flames in the background
How would you feel? Mad they played a song that doesn’t fit in with the rest of the series? Or would you have a laugh over the meme of the whole thing?
>Fatboy fucks around
>Fatboy finds out
Nothing to see here.
>One day a Bracken fell in love with a Blackwood, or in some versions it was a Blackwood that fell in love with a Bracken.

This could be Ice and Fire's Romeo and Juliet
He lied. He's a fathack. He will die before he finishes the books. It is known
>yet another wildfire possibility
So it’s basically confirmed that KL is getting nuked by someone huh
She's a Targpilled Aerysmaxxing Sigma Female.
I only see one person in this post. She is pretty, though
Brackens don't count as humans so they can't be murdered.
>t. George Round Rumbly Martin.
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Really darn boring in the show. Poor Lena Headey had to keep that one expression for something like 4 seasons straight.
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You mean literally or a Ramin Djawadi piano version? That might be kinda cool.
Why did they make the Bracken kid fat?
The fact they didn't let her go and be the crazy drunk she is in the books will forever be a disappointment.
Seethe and cope you big midwits
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I want a Dunk and Egg criminal investigation into a serial killer (that is actually a doomsday cult or something) which Dunk has to get to the bottom of in the midst of a tourney he's attending
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>that one chapter where Jaime envisions brutally smashing Cersei's face in and watching all her teeth rattle out
Because the Brackens are the bad guys
faithless friend, when grrm comes into his power you will bend the knee
Bloodraven did nothing wrong
Gas the blackfyre
True and correct
Just because Chudfyres deserve death doesn't meat Bloodraven deserves life.
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>Within the tower, the smoke from the torches irritated her eyes, but Cersei did not weep, no more than her father would have. I am the only true son he ever had.
What do you lads think about The Children of the Forest, like what are their motives? I don't trust them entirely but I don't think they are necessarily evil either especially since they seem to be working with Bloodraven and preparing Bran for something no doubt they have an ulterior motive for him I'm just curious as to what it's going to be.
Well he is alive because he is based
>I don't think they are necessarily evil
>they seem to be working with Bloodraven
Pick one and only one.
They are good creatures but they made some mistakes out of desperation.

Chudfyre seething.
>marching down to Winterfell after Stannis loses, with some ragtag Wildling army, rejecting Robb’s will and planting Rickon on the throne,
We know there is going to be a Battle of the Bastards in the book, since GRRM wrote a note to the showrunners to hype up Ramsay's dogpack since they'll be going against the Stark direwolves. Those direwolves have to be Ghost and Shaggydog and their army will be wildlings and Skagosi
Bloodraven is a force for order and balance, the only goods in the world.
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Anyone have a good bannerlord MOD for ASIOF ?

an actualy good one , mind you
Whatever you do, don't post Aemond's physique.
>before he died, Nyra likes the Braken bully and laughs at the Blackwood kid

does this foreshadow nyra being a dumbfuck always picking the wrong men to fight for her?
based larys
That's not true.
>look up house wyl sigil

>tfw wont get fat ‘nyra
I want the real realm’s delight
Whats not true? that nyra laughed at the blackwood chad and liked the Braken fatties insults ..
watch for yourself :
The usual cope with this is that Stannis will still win the Battle of Ice, Ramsay will escape, and will be met with Nymeria’s wolf pack in the Riverlands.
did it too and all i can say is lmao
Did she regret everything that's transpired in this moment?
What’s Aegon and Aemond’s relationship like in the books?
idk if u were making a joke but emma d'arcy is nonbinary and go by they/them pronouns which is probably what that guy meant.

i actually didnt know this until literally yesterday
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the myrish swamp
>“Do what you will.” Taena’s hair was as black as Robert’s, even down between her legs, and when Cersei touched her there she found her hair all sopping wet, where Robert’s had been coarse and dry. “Please,” the Myrish woman said, “go on, my queen. Do as you will with me. I’m yours.”

>But it was no good. She could not feel it, whatever Robert felt on the nights he took her. There was no pleasure in it, not for her. For Taena, yes. Her nipples were two black diamonds, her sex slick and steamy. Robert would have loved you, for an hour. The queen slid a finger into that Myrish swamp, then another, moving them in and out, but once he spent himself inside you, he would have been hard-pressed to recall your name.

>She wanted to see if it would be as easy with a woman as it had always been with Robert. Ten thousand of your children perished in my palm, Your Grace, she thought, slipping a third finger into Myr. Whilst you snored, I would lick your sons off my face and fingers one by one, all those pale sticky princes. You claimed your rights, my lord, but in the darkness I would eat your heirs. Taena gave a shudder. She gasped some words in a foreign tongue, then shuddered again and arched her back and screamed. She sounds as if she is being gored, the queen thought. For a moment she let herself imagine that her fingers were a bore’s tusks, ripping the Myrish woman apart from groin to throat.

>It was still no good.

>It had never been any good with anyone but Jaime.

>When she tried to take her hand away, Taena caught it and kissed her fingers. “Sweet queen, how shall I pleasure you?” She slid her hand down Cersei’s side and touched her sex. “Tell me what you would have of me, my love.”

>“Leave me.” Cersei rolled away and pulled up the bedclothes to cover herself, shivering. Dawn was breaking. It would be morning soon, and all of this would be forgotten.

>It had never happened.
Not really a relationship but is not fucked up like the spoilers indicate.
So I watched the twin fight, it looks like the Green's twin won the duel since the Black twin had the leg wound. So did his guilt make him kill himself?
Is this AI?
You missed the part when the green one also gets a leg wound when the door opens.
erryk won
they both had leg wounds
I was joking, sort of, but nonbinary is stupid faggotry of the highest order. I don't care about her pronouns.
I take it you son't subscribe to this theory so I'm not directing this at you, but that doesn't make much sense. The GRRM note said "direwolves"- plural. Also I believe Stannis WILL win the Battle of Ice, the Freys will be laregly wiped out, and Stannis' men will still be stuck freezing and starving out in the cold while four thousand fresh Bolton men man Winterfell. Ultimately these conditions will force a Stannis retreat to the Nightfort where one way or another he will come to the conclusion that he must burn Shireen (adding yet another spooky tale to the NF mythology... the King who Burned His Daughter).

Anyway Jon and Rickon will march on Winterfell sooner or later and blood will flow. It will be so much more satisfying for the Starks to take back their own home than for a southron king to do it.
>Rhaenyra isn't fat
>Aegon isn't fat
What is this body positivity erasure?
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for me it's this
What is GRRM so autistic about magic? Magic is cool.
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I miss him so much, bros.
If these are all book ratings then Shae should be up in S, along with Arianne Martell. Half of the shit you have in S should be dropped down to like B. I'd also put Asha higher for preferences but A is also acceptable. Also Chatayaya is supposed to be objectively and should at least be up in A
>Not having Criston wear his Hand of the King badge when going to fuck Alicent

Wasted chance for keks
nah fuck Shae dude, and not interested in summer islanders so that's why I put Chataya there
You're letting your opinion of show Shae cloud your judgement, book Shae is one of the hottest girls around
shae did nothing wrong
She wasn't all that funny really. Cersei is much better at comedy and she's not even trying.
If you watch The House That Dragons Built they say they gave them both identical injuries so you couldn’t tell who was who.
Some posted an interview the other day and it mentioned the winner but I forgot.
it was obviously erryk
arryk would not call rhaenyra "your grace"
>A rank

You know she's not actually an instagram qt like her actress right? In the books she has her mother's ugly big ears and greyscale is a literal hard crusty scab across her face.
Finally found the video of Phia and Tom talking about the bedroom floor scene they have. Literally what do they mean by this. https://x.com/helfyre7/status/1802792408603828352?s=46&t=jsqp4EWNYX3XG4TGTt6B1w
Also Erryk was the one that was supposed to win if you're going with the non-fairytale version where they both don't die instantly
He fell on his own sword because he was a kinslayer. A true knight.
I know she's supposed to be ugly in the books but she's cute in a homely kind of way, maybe I should've put Brienne in A too damn
Even if Arryk decided to kill himself over the fight he wouldn't have spared a thought for Rhaenyra before gutting himself anyway.
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If Arryk wasn't a moron, he would have just bent the knee to Rhaenyra. Forcing your brother to become or becoming a kinslayer is obviously the greater dishonor, and Cole showed he wasn't worth loyalty by sending Arryk on a suicide mission. The Greens are also oathbreakers, traitors, and murderers, so serving on their KG is dishonorable from the start.
The other guard was protecting Rhaenyra
Why would he ask Rhaenyra for forgiveness or call her your grace after killing his brother? Only Erryk would care enough about her and what she thought since he was about to break his oath to her by killing himself. Arryk would just jump on his sword without a word
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Today I will remind them; TTD
Maegor was right.
Caraxes is red.
Dreamfyre is blue.
I banged Rhaenyra.
And Alicent too!
Justify this heresy
NTA but if it is in fact him, it would because in killing his brother he realises he chose the wrong side and doesn’t want to live with what he’s done. In his last words he acknowledges Rhaenyra as the rightful heir. Come on anon you know Condal would do this.
Not like the Baratheons are much better.
I'm just saying he cant take her out because the other guard could stop him easily
Shae is the funniest whore.

Jaehaerys I was greatest king Westeros ever had and was a giga Targ who got his sister pregnant like 10 times
Sure, here’s the revised script with Larys physically confronting Criston Cole:



*The room is dimly lit by candlelight. A tense atmosphere fills the air as CRISTON COLE stands guard near the entrance. LARYS STRONG enters, his presence unsettling.*

(with a sly grin)
Ser Criston, always so diligent. I must commend your dedication.

What do you want, Larys?

Oh, nothing of great import. Just a conversation... about certain privileges.

(narrowing his eyes)
What privileges?

(stepping closer, voice low and menacing)
You see, Criston, everyone has their place in this court. And some... privileges... are reserved for those who truly understand their worth.

Speak plainly, Larys.

*Larys suddenly lashes out, striking Criston across the face with surprising strength. Criston staggers but quickly regains his balance, his eyes blazing with anger.*

You’ll regret that, Larys.

*Larys moves with unexpected agility, landing another blow to Criston's stomach, causing him to double over. He grabs Criston's hair, yanking his head back to meet his gaze.*

Alicent’s feet, Ser Criston. They belong to me. Not to some lowly knight who fancies himself her protector.

*Criston struggles, but Larys twists his arm behind his back, forcing him to his knees.*

(gritting his teeth)
You overstep, Larys. Such actions can cost you dearly.

And yet, here I am, still standing. Perhaps you should learn your place before you find yourself... replaced.

*Larys releases Criston, shoving him to the ground. Criston gasps for breath, his anger palpable but restrained by the pain.*

(smiling cruelly)
Remember, Criston. Some battles are won without ever drawing a sword.

*Larys steps back, his smile never wavering, leaving Criston seething and humiliated on the floor.*
>Brother wants to kill you
>Autistic wife
>Mother hates you
>Father hates you
>Grandpa hates you
>Son just got beheaded
>Best friends get executed by your brother
Being Aegon is suffering
I wonder if they Reynes/Estermonts will still support the greens after this
He was an indecisive bitch who let the nobility think they got to pick who gets the throne if they don't like the upcoming Targ. He inadvertently caused the dance, if he had just said I pick Viserys and that's final because I'm king nobody would question it when Viserys did the same thing with Rhaenyra.
Roberts rule was long and stable. Not really his fault Ned was a pussy. He made the right decision and recruited a trustworthy and competent man as his Hand. He simply remembered young war time Ned, not Ned as he was today.
>Literally one really good king
No one disputed Jaehaerys as a great king, but for every one of him, you get like 10 Aegon IVs. Not a good trade imo
Jaehaerys was a fucking retard and responsible for the Dance
Don't forget Helaena
Don’t forget his autistic sister
Can we all agree that Aegon’s actor has pretty much stolen the show in season 2 so far?

Anyone who puts Petyr Baelish the (((Braavosi))) in charge of his finances is not a good king.

He's a dragonrider anon... his autistic sister is also his wife
He always found the cash and the 7 kingdoms are un-impoundable. Love to see those runaway slaves collect on their debt
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>Bastards and incestbabies
Well adjusted and well behaved children who love their mother and listen to her.
>Honorable trueborns
Mentally unwell, anger issues, alcoholism, engage in mommy roleplay with prostitutes rather than talk to their mother.
Subtle pro-Blackfyre foreshadowing
Darcy > Alcock
>Roberts rule was long and stable. Not really his fault Ned was a pussy.
So contrarian that you become a Joffrey supporter
Darcy is one of them lgbtards. At least Olivia isn't pretending to be anything yet.
this is why men shouldnt have kids after 40
>Darcy is one of them lgbtards
Yet she's still hotter and a better actor than Alcock. Sad.
>Such an assmad targshill that he's convinced himself Joffrey is a Baratheon
No, as most competent Targs were killed by Bloodraven, a bastard
>Nothing personal Bob
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brother sister is okay but uncle niece isnt??
Why did Alicent marry off Helaena to Aegon? Seems like a waste of two children you could use to forge/reinforce political alliances through marriages.
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i mean..no grief sex?
I believe in the book it was Viserys who insisted they get married. In a way it's to stop them from seeking alliances.
The Baratheon reign was not stable, it fell immediately when the first king died with a cuck incest Lannister baby taking over.

Targs will be the only reason Westeros survives the Long Night.
I think in the book Viserys has a hand in that to prevent the Greens from getting too strong
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gods.. remember her wine drunk scene during Blackwater imagine the evil tyrannical version of that she would be great
>cersei increasingly losing mind and control in king's landing
>more wine
>it's empty my queen
>so get... more
>close up of her face
>fire from the tower of the hand reflecting in her green eyes
for me its visenya
Because she's retarded and in her obsession to undermine Rhaenyra, she shoots herself on the foot
To reinforce that they're the real Targaryen rulers.
i will make this edit and post it here just 4u anon when it airs
There might be yet, see >>200550763
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someone please post the one with warhammer 40k. kek.
Tender moments are only reserved for the blacks. Everything sexual the Greens do must be viewed as sinful. Have we see young Jace naked and being indecent? No, but they had no problem doing that with young Aegon. The only couple that isn't incest and full of grooming is viewed as the biggest sin ever despite Alicent being a widow and having known Cole for over 20 years.
I 100% believe they'll make Aegon rape Helaena, because they need to drag his character down the mud even more.
>O no u killed r king
>Long live the king!
Keep 'em comin, there's no shortage of westerosi nobles
>it fell immediately when the first king died
You mean right when a Baratheon stopped being the king? What a coincidence!
>Targs will be the only reason Westeros survives the Long Night
Head cannon. If the show is anything to go by (which it is the only thing to go by beyond fan copes) a STARK stops the long night and in true TARGSHIT fashion, a targshit ruins everything afterwords
Someone pointed out in the video of Phia and Tom talking about the “floor scene” that Helaena has a cut on her lip later in the trailer and that means Aegon is going to rape her. I don’t think Phia and Tom would be laughing about the scene if that was the case though, more likely the cut is from the riots.
>The actors had to beg for scenes together
Meanwhile we got 3 alicent/cole sex scenes no one asked for
One of the most accurate portrayals of an attractive woman in literary history. Her POV chapters are basically perfect. I don't know how GRRM manages to do it honestly.
That’s actually petty based if Viserys thought that far ahead. The show makes it look like he got played by Otto and Alicent. Viserys not being brainwashed enough to just give them more power is actually based.
A royal line that lasts one king is not even a dynasty, it's pathetic.
>Shifting the goalposts to critiquing dynastic longevity because the original point is now lost
I accept your concession, Targcuck
>you will never be a lad
>you will never go on an adventure with your lads
Post yfw.
The riots are stupid imo. They are taking all Rhaenyra's negative traits and giving them to the Greens. I wonder how they'll tackle the riots at the end after Helaena's suicide. Probably will be blamed on the Greens as well. It's so tiring.
Viserys was always a dumbass.
The length of Jaehaerys I’s reign was over triple that of Robert’s.
People don't even like Robert's reign. The good ole days for the smallfolk was Aerys' rule.
anon its called networking for their future career as up and coming stars, they'll no doubt work together again long after HOTD
I don't think there's anything wrong with Joffrey's tax policy
I heard the riots in this season are going to be instigated by Ulf, you saw him stealing food in the most recent episode. Which I like the idea of. I very much doubt the Aemond we are going to see this season is going to give a shit about feeding peasants, that’s probably what will instigate it, Aemonds rule as regent. /
Riots are the Greens fault, the Lannisters steal the treasury which is the only reason Rhaenyra has to raise taxes.
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100% peaceful reigns
Constant bloody civil wars featuring dragons fought over petty, avoidable nonsense
Horrible track record. You rule for hundreds of years, you're going to have 1 good king or 2 by accident alone
>People don't even like Robert's reign
Yeah which is why there was constant civil wars, faith militant uprisings, capital riots... oh wait all of that happened outside Roberts rule. Weird, huh?
Maybe it'll be Helaena helping Aegon after he gets almost burned to death.
Another interview implied the two short scenes they shared would be the only ones they'd have in the entire season
Good, at least Aegon still is the king of the people, defender of the smallfolk.
> Another interview implied the two short scenes they shared would be the only ones they'd have in the entire season
That was misunderstood piece of information, the reviewers only got to see the first 4 episodes which Helaena and Aegon do only get 2 scenes together in. Helaena is briefly in episode 3 and not at all in episode 4. Episode 5 is not even finished being edited yet.
We're getting robbed of their scenes since season one. Yet we see plenty of nigger x whitie scenes. I am sick of seeing those abominations.
All hail Aegon the Magnanimous.
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Look how many battles there are. Are you so retarded that you still think we'll see shit ton of battles and fights in an 8 episode season? Then you consider the fact that 3rd season will be the final one and that one is released 2026 or 2027, most likely an 8 episode season too, could be 6 too.
The 4th episode of this season is called "dance of the dragon", that's the only one with a bigger fight, most likely the battle of Rook's nest where Rhaenys dies and Aegon is badly mutilated
>most likely the battle of Rook's nest where Rhaenys dies and Aegon is badly mutilated
It is anon, we have been discussing it for days with the new leaks of how it’s going down.
Alright, I dont need details but does it follow the book?
Come to think of it, the catastrophe that followed Robert's rule is technically a hold-over from targshit rule. The Lannisters were only a major player post rebellion was because tywin was Hand for so long and was semi-alienated from the throne because of typical targshit shenanigans. If tywin wasn't on the outs prior to the civil war, the Lannisters would be on the losing side of the war and likely would never have married into the baratheon line.
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The only reason the Lannisters married to the Barathrons was the fact that Lyanna broke her bethrothal with Bobby and married Rhaegar.
The book does leave it open to interpretation but it’s probably not what you expect. Aegon teases Aemond at the brothel over his mild girlfriend and Aemond burns Aegon and Sunfyre deliberately and leaves him for dead in the aftermath, taking the cats paw dagger and walking away. The episode will end will Cole on his knees implying Aegon did not survive (but he did obviously). Also Rhaenys is not burnt, dead but not burnt. /
Well shit
Milf* gf not mild gf lol
No more brother wars.
What, we're taking the show as absolute cannon now? Bad idea, considering the show all but proves that Targs are literally incapable of making sound decisions while in power at least 50% of the time. Dani wins the throne and her literal first action as acting queen is to burn down kings landing for no reason whatsoever
>Come to think of it, the catastrophe that followed Robert's rule is technically a hold-over from targshit rule
Come to think of it, I think it’s because Robert was a fat retard who didn’t know that his wife was fucking her brother behind his back, that his kids were bastards, and that his Master of Coin was embezzling money and loading up the realm with copious amounts of debt.
Not to mention that his Master of Whispers was literally plotting a Targaryen restoration KWAB
Debt has literally no impact on Westeros. Genuinely no impact whatsoever in the books OR the show. As for bastards, that's a Lannister fuck up. You'd think Tywin would have a better grip on his children but he was too much of a coward to confront the fact that his offspring were fucking.
Anyway, Robert was in charge and things were going absolutely fine. Lannisters kill him, seize control, and oh what do you know, things go to shit.
I feel bad for Aegon
Death to all Greens
>Selling a targshit to a horselord who's scared to cross the sea
>Funding a fake targshit with no army and tutored by a troop of nerds and fags
Wow real scary stuff. Sure hope that doesn't become a real problem
are we gonna see aemond's full frontal scene?
the show is canon to the other show.

Main books are canon to themself.
Targaryen rule was total chaos from the start with Aegon's wives each plotting against the other's children and the one ending up in power basically being sterile. So then you end up with Jaeherys who does a bunch of good stuff, but then that's pretty much it. After him, it's a downward trend where the family line loses their dragons, basically pisses around for a few generations, and reaches all new depths with a guy who is basically such an awful king it borders on the Satanic.

After him you get Daemon Blackfyre who may have been able to set things on a better course, but he's a bastard and dies trying to be a hero. You get Baelor who may have been able to also set things straight, but he dies and then his shitty brother becomes king. After him you get a whackjob Targaryen that burns himself and a bunch of other people to death. And after that it's pretty much a ride down even lower culminating with Aerys who ends up losing the throne. There's a ton of opportunities for the line to revitalize, but shitty turns of fortune seem to just make sure it never happens and then finally they end up unseated.

Really, Westeros as a whole seems like a complete clusterfuck because even Robert Baratheon ends up coming in and bankrupting the whole kingdom. If you assume the show is how the books play out Jon doesn't do any favors by defeating the White Walkers. He ends up just saving a depraved civilization at his own expense from a much deserved annihilation and just enables them to keep doing the same debaucherous and wasteful shit they've done for hundreds of years.
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>Daemon Blackfyre
>Fix anything
I don't disagree. Unifying the 7 kingdoms might have been the worst thing a Targ ever did because it just created an opportunity for immense human suffering. As if that one Ironborne dude took over the entire continent instead of just half of it.
But if we're comparing human suffering generated per dynasty/family, Baratheons come out on top as even a mid-tier king was able to keep things relatively humane whereas a mid-tier targ is statistically nightmarish
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Your king was a FAT clueless retard whose entire small council was conspiring against him. His dynasty collapsed after him. His rule was 1/3 of Jaehaerys I. Cope, seethe, ect
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>Your king was a FAT clueless ret- ACK
Yes. In episode 3. The gen is going to be madness. it’s right before the scene Aegon is at the brothel with his squire and takes the piss out of aemond only ever sleeping with one woman. Aemond tells him his squire can have her but is secretly seething about it. We apparently see him “plotting” what he will do at rooks rest in episode 3 too but I’m not sure what they mean by that. /
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>It was all for nothing.
Are you sure about that? Maybe a beautiful friendship developed because of that.
I'm just saying that if Lyanna stayed bethroned to Bobby B, Lannisters wouldn't have gotten their claws at the throne
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Would’ve been better if I attached the image. PRETEND I did, Barathcuck
Why is Aemond seething when his gf is a literal prostitute
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I will.
>We're now pretending a Lannister plot to kill a king piss drunk is somehow a Targshit win
I wanna smell their pits
Is it hard or soft?
the world makes prostitutes of us all, there is no shame in it. aemond is a cur for not telling aegon to shut his bitch ass up while thinking of fat milf ass and tits.
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Honorable lords, glorious knights and other good people!

Following the results of the Great Council, we pass a verdict - for any man to lick a woman's gate, both front and back, is an unnatural, vicious abomination, condemned by the old gods and the new. With this decision, we once again confirm the old ban on such obscenity.

The culprit of it, formerly known as Ser Criston Cole, a knight of the king's guard, is subject to condemnation and punishment. He is shamefully expelled from the guard, deprived of his knighthood, the honorary nickname "Colyan" and named Cunnymaker. From now on and in the future, no one should call him anything else or shake his hand when meeting him.

Chairman of the Great Council Prince Consort Ser Daemon Targaryen, also known as the Black Baseman, hero of the Storming of the Throat
Well I had to look it up because I had no idea what it was, but no it sounds pretty shitty so I don't think I would approve of that.
Meagor's pregnant wifes were all poisoned by Tyanna.

>As the torturers prepared their tools, she confessed her responsibility for the two abominations born of Alys Harroway and Jeyne Westerling, claiming she had poisoned the babies in their mothers' wombs. Tyanna also promised that the same fate would befall the pregnant Elinor Costayne
daemon 100% eats ass and pussy my g

I dont understand how people dont see what is coming, you guys just need to read his other novels and his idiotic short stories to understand what GRRM is doing, hes not unpredictable at all. Here is what is going to happen, Stannis will be winning the batle of the ice, but then something will happen and he will die during it, could be an arrow or something, after hearing the news Melissandre and Selise decide to sacrifice shireen thinking it will ressurect Stannis, but its Jon snow who returns from the dead instead. It ties up a ton of loose ends, and is definetely a better ending for Stannis than the abomination the show did.
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>Not using the Christopher Multisanti edit of this image of this post
Missed opportunity
>it's a zoomer, which is ok
>is also autistic enough to take anon's question seriously
if aegon is mean to him again then he deserves to get burned
Fun fact that few ever talk about: Rhaegar wounded Robert badly in their duel.
It’s confirmed that Stannis will burn Shireen in the books too.
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It’s complicated, she’s his lover but is also a motherly figure for him that he can talk to about things he wishes he could talk to his mother about it. That’s why when she was comforting him in pic related and tried to initiate sex he said “not here”. That place where they are is a place for Aemond to regress into being almost childlike. Naked, drinking warm milk and being comforted. Aemond is deeply affected by teasing because of his childhood, so when aegon embarrasses him over Sylvi he’s trying to save face by brushing her away like he doesn’t actually care about her. But losing her (specifically the nurturing motherly part not as much the lover) will be detrimental to Aemond’s psyche.
Not badly enough, it seems
I'm nearly 29, I just have better taste in music
>It’s confirmed that Stannis will burn Shireen in the books too.

Yeah he still died obviously, but it wasn't some one-sided asswhupping that Bobby B stans like to imagine
>”It wasn't easy for me. I didn't want to give away my books. It's not easy to talk about the end of my books. Every character has a different end. I told them who would be on the Iron Throne, and I told them some big twists like Hodor and 'hold the door,' and Stannis's decision to burn his daughter. We didn't get to everybody by any means. Especially the minor characters, who may have very different endings.”
Soft obviously anon Jesus Christ lmao.

Its not, the only person who said this is a guy who wrote a fanfic book about game of thrones and his sources are literaly "i know a guy who knows a guy who heard it from grrm". Dont be stupid, anon.
>Wasn't a one-sided ass whooping
>Entire dynasty save 2 members wiped out
Idk seems like a pretty sick own to me
Source for those badly wounds. I'm pretty sure you're confusing the badly wounded person in question for Barristan Selmy.
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>I told them who would be on the Iron Throne
Bran actually wins in the end
Unbelievably retarded. George confirmed for total hack lmao
Stannisbro, it is a direct quote from GRRM.
grrm is actually rusing everyone, trust the plan
No, Ned Stark says Robert took a wound from Rhaegar that left him unable to command which is why he put Ned in charge of the vanguard. Selmy was a mess though.
>the battle was decided when Robert and Rhaegar met in single combat on horseback in the stream. Robert eventually crushed Rhaegar's chest with a blow of his warhammer. The blow was so hard that the rubies adorning Rhaegar's armor were shattered free to litter the river, giving the ruby ford its name. Leaderless, the royal army broke and fled back to King's Landing.

>Barristan was close to death when he was brought before Robert. Although he was counseled to kill him by Lord Roose Bolton, Robert spared Barristan's life and sent his own maester to tend to his wounds.

Seems pretty one-sided to me

I know the quote, and its not from grrm, its from Hibberd who wrote Fire cannot kill a dragon, a guy who SAYS he heard it from grrm.
they did not fuck?! wtf
>Although he was counseled to kill him by Lord Roose Bolton, Robert spared Barristan's life and sent his own maester to tend to his wounds
There are genuinely people who think Robert isn't a total chad despite his Caesarian tier understanding of where to show mercy for maximum impact. What a lovable king
No it isn’t, Stanniscel. He literally interviews him.
The quote is from GRRM himself, quoted by Hibberd:

>"It wasn't easy for me. I didn't want to give away my books. It's not easy to talk about the end of my books. Every character has a different end. I told them who would be on the Iron Throne, and I told them some big twists like Hodor and 'hold the door,' and Stannis's decision to burn his daughter. We didn't get to everybody by any means. Especially the minor characters, who may have very different endings."
new thread
They could have at least made Alyn/Addam's hair silver for fucks sake
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Took me time in finding this in my backup

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