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last: >>200610159
>glacial genny
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
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>i caught you glancing at my fine penis yesterday
>Jon going to pout again
some things never change
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>Bloodgames Season 1 starts June 25th at




>MPV script for clipping

>What do I do with item drops?
Consume them for XP, craft them into rarer items worth more XP

>Missed the show and the previous seasons?
Archives: https://pastebin.com/raw/wxn1Nv5D

>Thread template if needed
Jon in shambles KEK
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I caught you looking at my penis
sex with xavier
Xavier catches you glancing at his fine penis, what do you do????
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>We meet again, Sexavier.
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which way /fishtank/ man?
switch from a glance to a stare
WTF why are there only 4 cams. What happened to the bodycams?
Not watched in days did they give up on body cam
>>im just here to make fun of you parasocial gooning cucks
suck it obviously
Nobody cares Jet! Why are you so autistic about this? You literally do it for free.
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baesie mogs
This and the post from the other day were real btw. Taylor has already dropped the dead husband plot.
It’s really big tbf
Damn Xavier is so cool…
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reject the false dichotomy
Both are kinda freakish looking
reminder to all third worlders you can make $5usd if you post 50 times

look for posting jobs on fiver
Link them
I'm more pissed that the site freezes up every 2 minutes forcing me to watch on jewtube, fuck you Jet.
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Was Xavier written and designed by Kojima?
I almost believed this until it said Taylor is a nice girl
Nice girls don't get nose piercings and show up on Sam Hyde streams
Holy dimes
what happened to that gay basketball tard wangler they brought yesterday?
Mine's been working perfectly this morning for some reason
no, Xavier's actually cool and funny
>motorcycle-riding, dual katana-wielding yakuza
2080 rules
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>only 2500 viewers on the director cam
Get this she said....ahhahahahaja.ahahah.COCK BUDDY...ahahahaha.hahahaha o hahaha
holy based maybe i can finally buy the newest fromslop
Xavier using anime logic is fucking killing me
Some of the gangs in Japan ride on the back of ninja motorcycles with dual katanas.
was something brought up or has it been nothing since yesterday?
Impossible, he's not wearing a skintight borderline bondage bodysuit
>> fuck you jet here's more of my money
sex with Xavier no homo.
no it's just that same retard reposting that in every thread
Jon ethered
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my penis never slips the mind of the fair maidens
streets are saying this
Lmao cuck buddy seethe
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Jesus, shut the fuck up loser. You don’t know anything about anything.
i wasn't at home so missed the season so far
how is it?
also who is xavier
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Love this nigga
this is when sam hyde peaked

>Tai licked Xaviers sword

The DUKE & his brother XAVIER RAVENBLOOD have been locked in battle for hundreds of years. As a result of this feud, XAVIER has been exiled from the vampiric clan. This summer, the STARS are in alignment for the BLOODMOON RITUAL. This is Xavier’s opportunity to strike. By gaining the support of the VAMPIRE HUNTERS, XAVIER can use the FIVE ITEMS to enact the BLOODMOON RITUAL to cause all of the vampires of his old clan to be not just harmed by sunlight but also by the moon. However, the VAMPIRE HUNTERS do not trust XAVIER and consider him a potential threat. THE DUKE denies that vampires exist, merely fairy tales, and has offered an alliance with THE PALADIN, against XAVIER. Knowledge of any vampire’s TRUE NAME may also allow a degree of control over the VAMPIRE, and so each closely guards their true name.
THE DUKE, even after the BLOODMOON ritual, may only be slain by GREG HELLSING’S family heirloom - the CROSSBOW.

>Current BLOODMOON status:
RELIC 1 of 5:

Secret Quest:
Tayleigh has accepted the role of XAYLEIGH RAVENHEART, and agreed to serve as bait for her dark masters plot against THE DUKE
By donning her patron’s mask, XAYLEIGH can cast BAT FORM (24 hour cooldown, immunity to firearms for 20 seconds)
lets make up a number so the 20 people gooning to this doesn't feel like losers
I've been watching since day one of season one and never given Jet one thin finna dimeola, try again tranny.
Where’s King Fattius?
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totally not gay at all
Gun is better than swords because you can make a gun that shoots swords but not the reverse.
that fucking beard mask cracks me up every time
I hope one of you guys got a screencap of tai licking xavier's sword
No, gooks have zero creativity
a hard worker and a good sport
died at this, Xavier is walking kino
>i wasn't at home so missed the season so far
>how is it?
better than S1 or 2
>also who is xavier
the explosion in Taylorfags coinciding with the collapse of the Taytriots is going to lead to some epico seethe when Taylor inevitably blows up her image and their false impressions of the egirl are ruined all over again
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bow to wosie
What are people using to get AI video that looks like this? When I use RunwayML, any prompt that calls for movement more complex than just "character in this still image turns slightly or changes their facial expression" it results in chaos. But this looks pretty convincing at first glance, aside from the fucked up hands.
XAVIER RAVENBLOOD is the centuries old vampire lord - exiled from the vampiric clan following his attempted coup against his elder brother, THE DUKE. His TRUE NAME is a closely guarded secret as it would allow great power over him.
you're watching the lowest form of media, so depraved that even the creators call you losers after every season

call one of the best video games every made slop

git gud smooth brain
Quite literally wet anytime Xavier is on screen
beggin' ya to go dilate
watching on his site that mines bitcoin

watching on youtube that gives im ad revenue

sam fucks tranies
Every single video game is below every single form of media ever created
They’re censoring TJ tts towards Taylor
I wish we had a count of their gold and kills. I get kills would be harder to count but I'm sure those retard vampires could keep track. and they could just do a gold count at the end of every day like they did for the chips (but gave up after a few days) At least it'd be easier with only 6 people
I love fromslop actually
no cap I'm jealous of Xavier's rizz
Fatty looks healthy desu
I'm happy for him
I hope his real name is Reivax or some retarded shit like that
i want to be like xavier when i grow up
t.30 years old
I hope Xavier has a face reveal.
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Have they given an explanation for the bodycam situation? This sucks. We have missed so many things because of this.
Tay lost
You're asking a lot anon. Very small indie production, not a lot of money or resources!!!
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>Taylor inevitably blows up her image and their false impressions of the egirl are ruined all over again
wrong because my obssession with taylor isnt because she is pure or a virgin you tard, its because she is cute and has big boobies
>Fatty looks healthy desu
He's still morbidly obese, you retard.
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trish delish my favourite fish
kek stay mad discord troon
Kinda funny fatty talks normally until he comes into contact with blacksmith and his wife and then does a piss poor British accent until he forgets.
Thought he would be better at playing a character.
Dude has Ozempic brain
They were saying that it was "Jake" something yesterday
It’s actually Ella under the mask, dedicated to redeeming herself after a pathetic season 1 performance
Tay apparently lives rent free in your head
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Given that the diehards already know who he is, he should never do a face reveal and remain as much a mystery as possible
Cockbuddy here ama
How do you know? I’ve been reading the threads.
okay Jordan
How in the fuck hasnt Taylor been doxed yet
does it grip?
you tried to send one?
Damn, could you please tell me who he is, it's just driving me crazy, could you at least say if he does other role play shit like this.

Is is he just that good
we're so fucking back bros
He occasionally slips back into a British accent at the end of a conversation, that being said.
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nazi dude's glasses are awesome
the mgs similarities continue
Do you like meth?
Most fishtank people haven’t been doxed
people call me a fat virgin loser and it hurt my feelings so now i use words to hurt other anonymous people on the internet to make me feel better
letty is 29 years old.
Not his style. The guy behind the mask is quite humble. He doesn't brag about behind the mind behind the best MDE bits
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Here's a lead
good to know
jon holding Betty’s big black bam ma lam
luma ai
Why are fat people so good at singing?
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Start wondering what happened to the people from her past
Then cease your inquiries
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He is Daredevil.
They're using Taylor to wrangle Jon now. Beauty soothes the savage beast.
Greg looks like a fat heisenburg from resident evil village
>>im just here to make fun of you parasocial gooning cucks
are they really censoring tj tts
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who are you quoting?
Taylor is so boring
yeah no shit
Is The Great War actually funny? What's the appeal?
Is he the commander?
Like throwing a hot dog down hallway
Like meth? I LOVE METH
>>im just here to make fun of you parasocial gooning cucks
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TJ status?
he's actually handsome
>Is The Great War actually funny?
>What's the appeal?
some lads playing soldier in the woods
cucked by Jon
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>assemble the cole army
If the bitch bad then I take her to bucky
okay he's clearly The Commander as people have suggested before.
no one has shared proof
oh boy here we go
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sex kitten
She’s by the camera with Jon right now. Now would be the time to try.
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erm I love cole
cool story troon
Idk , you can always use his alternative names to send a tts ...Thomas,teej, teejay, tomas, jt, tardzan
Better acoustics
I appreciate the honesty.
Trvthnvke and everyone knows it. The walls are closing in on this whole thing and unironically I might be proven correct even sooner than I initially expected. Refill your popcorn etc etc.
Why is TJ such a C-UCK?
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If you like season 2.5 you will like The Great War. Maybe.
he's the commander guy.
looks like taylor is going to repent and admit her whorish sins to Jon
cole's BBCcord woke up!
Why has the succubus wench lured Jawn away? Is she trying to test this man of God?
oh shit are they gonna kick letty out?
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post more taylor
>jon making Kino for once
What ever happened to that Kevin guy
please someone make jon stop trying to read
Reminder that only mentally ill retards defend this season. Season 1 was watchable for the most part even though it was boring for most the time, at least the production put effort in. Season 2 was a complete shitshow and barely watchable, production put in no effort and whenever they got involved they ruined everything. 2.5 is so fucking bad it's unwatchable live, it's so bad the highlight recaps on youtube are unwatchable. This is so fucking shit I wouldn't force a tranny to watch this shit as torture.
That's half the thread already. Calm down
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*teleports in front of you*
wouldn't mind if she took a seat on my face to be honest
I called that shit. I know the chessmaster. He carried most of that show.
yet you are still here, shut the fuck up.
I am mentally ill
I am retarded
I love this season
Why I had friends to go on a camping larp trip ;_;
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Trish simps are real niggas cause they know she's a slut and STILL simp
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Cute lanky spruce. I love her.
Someone send in a tts asking if jon could beat TJ in a fight. That would create content.
feel like im watching Golden Sun
You watched all three, thoughbeit, and I’ll see you in the next season’s threads too
season 2 was better than season 1
you typed this out and then managed to post it during kino
should have waited
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>Brian belongs in the airforce
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Trish is a real one
>The walls are closing in on this whole thing and unironically I might be proven correct even sooner than I initially expected. Refill your popcorn etc etc.
wrong again. taylor already had a bf and any fans of hers left before she started 2.5 knows this. so they wouldnt get booty blasted by a guy like tayleigh fans. secondly, she hasnt acted like a cunt towards her fans.
seethe cope and dilate discord troon faggot, in that order
Simmons won.
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*teleports behind you*
Fuck you you wouldnt know kino if you were submerged in it
she giving him the eyes.
I hope you weird faggots have a grand seizure together when it’s all wrong
lol no
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Bruh the music and everything
Im sensing TJ entering the show
How do jimmy fans cope with jon being everything he is and more?
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taylo a cute
I am only here to tell you to kill yourself. I've watched a total of maybe 20 minutes live and 40 minutes of recaps, and made about 3 posts. You seriously need to kill yourself, dude.
>>im just here to make fun of you parasocial gooning cucks
I will be going camping with the lads next month

Girlfriend says camping is stupid though ‘gross and dirty’ (she also fears nighttime forest spirits)
I will never be a woman
I will never dilate
I dont have discord
I love this season
at least she's honest about what she is
what is Taylor thinking??
Xavier is the best.
Someone with such hate in your heart wouldn't get it.
>now hold on there sheriff let's hear him out
>Jon cucking TJ

best thing this whole season
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that's why trish delish is my favourite fish
First week of season 2 was excellent
Mid season was a disgrace!
>the light shining down onto jons back as he reads the bible
kino shot
Down and out while Taylor is on her multi week long excursion into the woods with dozens of wiggers. Channel all available energy to him.
LOL I forgot Simmons mogged Damiel on day 1
fraid so bud
gat dayum!
i NEED to give her HEAD
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holy kino
Gooning to cp
can a tts pay pig ask jon to summarise what he just read
It was hard to watch the last two weeks. I had to force myself to watch it because everything and everyone was so unlikable by that point
‘I can’t understand a thing this retard is saying, I wish I was at home with my other retard’
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>it's a re-run of a s1 bit episode
TJ's doing the worm by himself with only one arm
hasn't had sex in 3 days and beginning to go insane, taylor that is.
one of the gayest posts i’ve read on here, congrats
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Taylor and Vance relationship what are we thinking?
Season 1 was the same way, there was just an unbearably air of dread
criterion bros, 50% off sale starts today what are you picking up?
lmao Jon
hows kevin doing?
S1 > First week of S2 > S2.5 > cock and ball torture >>>>> *power gap* >>>>> the rest of S2
Swamp Olympics was fine and the final boxing match was unironic kino but the final week aside from that was a SLOG and everyone knew it
I think that experience is what will lead to them cutting a week or two from the length of Season 3
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Where is she?
he’s bald and even as a rockstar this lame nigga is getting zero pussy
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Vance has a GF already.
evil kevin is railing her in the basement
I really liked Man Bites Dog back in the day
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All my niggas love Xavier.
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Jimmy carried it
riding wigger cock in the shed
I don’t think anyone on the show is single
Men only want one thing, and it’s fucking disgusting…
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These threads aren't as fun as they were in S1 and first week or so of S2.
I fucking hate chip
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Gm lads, any new xavier kino?
>not even taylor couldnt carry jons bit
good lord
They’ll get worse every season
That’s a pedophile
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S(c)hitty map
I'm enjoying it despite the shilling discord troons.
Divine image, Jon could still yet save this godless hussy
Kek. Seethe TJfag
You should go camping with your friends
Message them on discord and try to arrange a weekend
nigga nothing, i am broke, a sale cant even save my pockets
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it's hard to even compare because the first week of season 2 was better than all of season 1 but season 1 mogs the rest
Broke up months ago
in 5 years theres going to be a documentary on the birth of alternative reality tv shows and the horrid working conditions and fishtank will be the main subject

i'll be buying that
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he made tai lick his sword and called jon out for miring his penis
why doesnt Tai want to shower lol
any guessed on jimmys cup size?
Based greg wants to fuck Xavier even.
I have no friends
Taylor can’t carry any but, she’s extremely boring and useless
Greg can't stop thinking about sex with Xavier
WTF greg
>these delusional people thinking S1 was anywhere as good as S2
holy shit lmao
He made the gunslinger admit that the blade is the superior weapon, and the defeated gunman licked the vampiric blade
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theres 20 people left here

the worst of the worst
kys colefaggot
>T-TJ is just a friend...
>still only 3 cams
>director still stopping and starting over every 10 seconds

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you must not have been there anon. It sucked too but it felt a lot more new and interesting as a whole
>why am I doing this
>I could be playing new Vegas right now
>I should have stayed in Michigan
>I miss TJ
In daycare probably wtf
He’s asexual (pedophile) so he doesn’t count
No, I’m serious. If you look at what actually happened, you’re a weird fag for typing that. What were you thinking?
I’m willing to be your friend but, at this point, unwilling to go camping with you
Reverse florida is crazy
>what's the gulch
fucking kek
oh my god man
shes fucking perfect
I last went camping with them this time last year.
We don't use Discord because we're all normies.
no shit thats why you're watching this
S2 had fewer lows but also fewer highs
holy shit
Qrd on who this is?
>Taylor after seeing my small penis
What if I bought you flowers
Me when I forgot my meds
s2 had way more pure entertainment
>b-b-but it didnt go as planned!!!!
if it did it would have sucked
have to be custom made for his giant retard hog
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hey buddy enough of the cuck fantasies
Jesus christ Ben trying to explain health buffs and bonuses to Jon... he had no fucking idea what any of this means

>shwime gets a limiw?
jet here, i'm not fixing shit
was that colepost from last night real? worried about that nigga
>Taylor after seeing my small penis
I am an obese Indian man, keep that in mind before spending much on roses
how did her dress get torn
I was hoping somebody clipped that
me when im gay and retarded
jimmy wants to fuck letty so bad its unreal and honestly i wish him the best
Over/under on pov cams working today?
BTW when they reveal Xavier they will body swap him for someone random like Ella
>Jesus preaches to Mary Magdalene.
>if it did it would have sucked
unfortunately true, turning production into lolcows is more fun than the actual show
I forgot tayleigh existed until she showed up.
>Getting mad at an /ftl/ comment

seems like you're the real fag here lmao get off the internet and go outside
I love Jon
You are pathetic and she is ugly inside and out.
someone this cute has no business being this shy
Tay been on a drug binge? she looks fucking awful
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hey cat
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Ughhh I dont want to see this ugly man
is it Xavier or is it Exavier lol
I miss her being able to just stay in the bunk 23/7
a guy was testing them earlier
xayleigh is so fucking ugly
Cole quit

That would be kino

I’d say 60% chance of them using body cams at all today - but it will only be in the afternoon (one battery length)
He’s not a homewrecker
Xavier kino in s3?
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>immediately avoids eye content when she sees the camera is on her
autism bros....
tay is a cute chud gf
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I miss this fucking sperg like you wouldn't believe

Ummm, how? Even if this a global count for how many season pass owners there are, that's an absurd amount of money. This can't be correct
how fucking delusional you are jesus christ
it was a larper, cole doesn't post without a trip
I wanna hammer smash tay right in the face
reporting now, thx
every single time I've ever seen that name it can be pronounced either way
you first, homo. leave me alone.
fuck is this niggas problem
Nigga, CinemaZ's got everything from Criterion already. Physical media is nice, but piracy is superior.
Fishtank is the most important thing on the internet right now
300 of those views are my various mobile IPs
how do you make a hotel room so messy in a day?
its probably a count for total viewers, not just season pass holders
xayleigh-anne pendleton
fr such a cute cat chudwife
That's you now
LOL gay retard boy
yeah....can we get a hot chick on camera
id take letty at this point at least her crossed eyes provide entertainment
>playing up the le quirky autist girl act for a sliver of e-fame when in reality she's a party whore
She got beat up by a dyke when she was a kid. She had no chance.
what ever happened to bic flame?
he bends over, assumes the position and spreads his ass
your'e next move?
>S2 had fewer lows but also fewer highs
S2 is a season of extremes. The lows were far worse and the highs were far higher. Overall it was better than S1 until Trish's elimination and then it was a complete and total collapse that was unwatchable when S1 was quite lively in the final stretch.
he did in the /bant/ threads
two and a half hours ago it was 92,000
I think they just set it to go up about 1,000 an hour
it's definitely completely fake
hey buddy enough of your cuck reality
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cole begged betty for her nudes in dms lol I bet he's one of her discord gooners
he probably loves that black dildo video
What are the camp grounds for?
>he got beat up by a dyke when she was a kid

Wrong it was a year long relationship.All dykes are violent they are kinda known for it.
damiel x letty domestic abuse arc was my favorite part of s1 i hope we can get a part 2
s1 was an actual hell house

do you not remember the prison torture ending?

s2 ending was rushed and lame
fat faggot hippo Mauro does nothing. a black hole of gayness
I believe it honestly
They should've gotten mauro a plague doctor mask
1. Because it's cool
2. So I don't have to look at his ugly acne scarred face
I keep forgetting Mauro's there. Even that random brown chick from last night is more memorable than him and she's barely been on camera.
>L-leAve Me aLoNe

Lmao you responded to me first faggot. kys
>likes dating shitty guy
>TJ is the nicest guy she dated

Poor TJ is done for once the honeymoon phase is over.
yeah like once where he set it up for you guys to find and one anon thought he was owning cole like he found his secret posts when in reality he wanted people to find them
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It’s where they spend half their time, hanging out or sleeping
hey someone has to make sure all the food doesn't go to waste
Not worth it past that point anyways
i love deputy brian, he hasn't once broke character
Retard i’m not even a TJmaxxer
You guys are just so much more annoying than the people that hate Tayleigh at this point. If you’re aren’t the same people.
S2 was consistently mid
some of the fighting was entertaining but not much else comes to mind
where as S1 was consistently boring with some pure kino moments
why the fuck do you mentally ill people still character assassinate cole? You realize cole talked about bbc once, his two haters who keep bringing it up talk about bbc multiple times a day every day
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Why does he look like that?
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i would hear none of that.
mauro is a beautiful princes
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remember when xavier waterboarded himself with zipp?
>can we pay john $200 less?
*radio static*
>uhhh doctor mauro has been eating so much. We don't have money
>make it $250 less
i hate everyone except xavier
hes amazingly good at it. guy is in the wrong line of work whatever he has been doing. he even has a caricature face
>i love deputy brian, he hasn't once broke character
He did, he had to break character at the base camp and speak normally to Jon to explain something because Jon is too stupid to understand shit.
He needs to stop looking directly down the camera lens it drives me nuts
incel found
not my fault cole's a slut for bbc
>Brian now jimming the camera
How is that incel?
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taytriots have gone insane
Trish is a real one and you know what you're getting with her, unlike.....some other ladies on this show.
The bunks are basecamp. The campgrounds is a bunch of tents on the ground.
you mean he's one of the few people in the entire show with a BA?
Damn... let me consult the council of autistic faggots on /bant/ to see if this gay drama posting is accurate before I consider calling one of the contestants entertaining again
that's pretty funny though desu
>boring vance shows up
>self inserters claim "he's boring but he's gonna be good at roleplaying like schizo vance that one time!"
>has not made an attempt to RP once
Blacksmith's wife cheering on her husband
Worst cameraman yet
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Uhhhh sorry Taylor its summer i don't want to go i want to play crusader kings and watch films.

Kinda based ngl
I simply don't care what they're doing.
Yeah they're mentally ill whatever.
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>*enhances your kino*
I want to join the Blacksmith polycule
i dont know a single thing about him outside of fisthtank
That is a good question
If you even know what Fishtank is you are quite literally an incel
Her having a boyfriend isn't the problem at all, but the opposite actually. The terrible things she will do that hurt and humiliate him are. It will ruin their illusion of her as just being a nice quirky awkward girl.
Bic basically runs everything mde that isn’t fishtank and WP. He made zipp and makes all the merch at the minute
Tayleigh in particular should be banned from talking about internet stuff this is seriously unbearable
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the best of me 2024.
bant retards are something else. At least they're not doing worse
Yeah I saw this coming, he's already in with the crew so he almost certainly feels above this shit instead of being clowned out like everybody else is being
>Tay confirmed larper, mogged by Soda Man
>based on what
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Partying doesn't make a girl a whore
have greg showered even once yet?
Taylor cute.
>Greg almost crushed Taylor
Lmao he is determined to fall over as much as possible
he never did last season either lol
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Taylor Cute!
Anon. She was a whore.
has the little brownie been on cam today?
Brians not bad when hes not being a self pitying faggot that thinks he deserves the world for being poor
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I'm not watching this slop for mexicans stop talking about the show and keep responding to my bait posts please
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sweet angel
No. He's too afraid to shower
They're currently discussing how to best harass Tayleigh's family just for letting her get a boyfriend. Tayleigh managed to forge an army of Jeremy-tier psychos.
>Cameraman shaking the camera with Fatty as he dances
Alright, that was good
they're the majority of the posters here samefagging, this doesn't feel like a real /tv/ thread
taylor being the most talked about person despite saying about 6 words is impressive
hes autistic and sensitive to the sensation of water from showering
what if he never did SINCE last season
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last season people were shitting all over him, not me
>tfw i take her to bucky
not the word i would use
I wouldn't get nude with jon within 5 miles.
based desu
Exactly, it’s funny how people here still use it as an insult in 2024
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people wanna talk about cute girls what a surprise
Quick /ftl/ what do you like on your hamburgers
Its almost like these people don't care about the girls beyond their looks
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tbf its probably me and a couple others spamming her but that says a lot of the rest of the crew if a handful of simps can take over the thread

show is dead dead
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Does Vance live in/near Seattle? Why is he wearing a Mariners hat????
There’s been so little TTS
>Anon told Jet to have Taylor do a gambling game where they bet silver last thread
>Taylor now saying she's thinking about doing that
Bravo Jet
wow... really funny greg.. got the whole squad laughing bro.

looks like we got a Greg here
I want to smell taylors breast crack.
Have a laugh cole
And a bbc
you poor, sad, retarded soul
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day 1 peterphiles vindicated
>real /tv/ thread
sorry there aren't enough posts about who got plastic surgery or the size of sydney sweeney's tits, you'll have to settle for taylor's tits instead
Yeah he lives near Seattle
This would be so much better if there were 2-3 more Brian tier NPCs so people actually try to RP
Can you post a version with sound in /wsg/?
taylors beauty is otherworldly
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He's stinkmaxxing so he can attract and therefore kill more vampires. Its part of the RP.
Damn Taylor really cant interact with any guy without people calling TJ a cuck
False you guys be the ones having the grand seizures. We're getting close here. It will be revealed soon enough because she's putting herself out there more outside of her controlled environment.
Man fuck all these TJ haters, Godless people fr
what point are you even attempting to make? all i suggested was that he should be doing acting or playing characters for a living instead of whatever it is he does.
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the sweetest
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Feels like the show is actually dead this time
peak boipucci has arrived
It literally doesn’t, Kys genetic dead end
He's actually from Conshohocken Pennsylvania but is a big fan of artisanal coffee and grunge music
Retards here just simp for her because shes pretty without realizing she absolutely no personality
>Letty's ex sends her nudes to her dying grandfather
>Tayleigh's stalkers send a gay man to her grandparents
What is it with these people and grandparents?
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its how its always going to go on 4chan what do you expect just ignore it
/cbg/-chaturbate general when?
3 people spamming for their egirl object of worship is not impressive it's pretty standard even
grow up and get boyfriend already, anon
so whats the point of the yu gi oh cards in this "game"
is there one yet?
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he's honestly my favorite part of the entire thing
No you’ve literally never had sex
its says he is from seattle on his bio
I mean the Fishtank Chat and Twitter
Xavier you dumbass
Are they actually blocking TJ TTS towards Taylor? Someone test this.
A hoe is still a hoe... Tread carefully.....
>wake up
>josiecel is still spamming the threads
I wish I lived in a place where it was in the 70s during the summer. I get some kind of seasonal depression sitting in my fucking house for months while it's 110 outside.
xavier drinking is always kino
>needing personalities
all they need to be is cute and not a giant cunt

if you want to talk about your favorite hobbies and 4chan, talk to your guy friends about that shit
Xavier is kino personified. If Xavier is on screen I sit my white ass down and listen
fuck off
makes me sad because unironically i think i'm enjoying this a lot more than seasons 1 and 2. it's just a lot more comfy / fun. everyone is making me laugh a lot more just being themselves. i think part of it is because they did a terrible job marketing this project. i had no idea it was happening, a friend had to tell me on day one.
Real talk I have had sex but it's been a while.
They would be blocking TJ TTS towards anyone, it's season 2.
yeah ofc, taylor doesn't even like TJ tts/chat on her own stream she probably asked for it to be blocked
I don't care I just think she's hot lol
yu gi oh is based
>Xavier talking shit on the Jews
A true hero
the circumcision ritual
Mohels are vampires confirmed.
Every one has got fat, and the only person to have lost weight is Chris lol.
simpfags ruin every season
>Xavier talks about Jewish circumcision then leaves
>Camera immediately pans to Letty
She would be horrible to be around
fuck you doing nigga
>Toby is redpilled on the JQ
I never knew
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She is so arrogant after coming out of fishtank season 2 because of all the simps blowing smoke up her ass.

Literally every single interaction she has with a male, she fully believes they want something sexual from her because her fat fucking ego just can't make fucking room in her mind for any other reason someone would be talking to her, in a 24/7 RP game no less.

wake up.
These generals feel less and less active. I hardly see anybody talk about it on twitter either.
jet looks healthier desu
Of course it must be, sorry my Jet Neptunes Fishtank enthusiast sex with women haver
yeah i like it a lot more than s2

only thing killing it is the absolutely shitty cams

we are missing 90% of the content due to shitty cam placement
Tay is fucking cringe
make it failrp to jim face the camera. jet, i will praise your show if you do this.
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get used to it nigger
Xavier runs this season
settle dow
Sorry you feel that way. Makes sense why so many boomers ended up hating their wives
No one here has sex with non obese ugly women
The shop keeper guy looks like an anime Nazi.
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Any Tayleigh updates?
no he doesn't, nothing would happen without him
Cuckbuddies close your eyes for this part
Remember to report for nsfw on sfw board.
settle down, retard
he barely posted and you replied anyway you fucking retarded mongrel faggot.
‘Self conscious about feet’
>tay feet

Tabbin out to a safe space.
this, Xavier just trying to RP and have fun and her doing jim from the office face every single time
>simping switches to the only attractive girl of fishtank (Taylor)
>tasteless retards absolutely losing their mind
Like clockwork
She’s insecure about her feet
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What? Thats what I said??
yes! that's another thing. a consistent issue is always tech issues and then they just give up on figuring them out. if everyone's bodycams were actually on and working the whole time this would be a lot more interesting for many people... wtf fuck you jet get your shit together
>Tay's feet
Did Jet bring the brown girl back? cant watch rn
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Just tuned in, did anything happen this morning?
>after season 2
She was always like that see:
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>Bulge Stance
Boomers hate their wives cause they are bitchy and fat the exact reason why we like Taylor.
>Makes sense why so many boomers ended up hating their wives
they hate their wives because they end up not putting out and becoming giant cunts

trust me bro all a girl needs to be is nice and cute
Jon level literacy

Tune in FAST!
oh shit my bad, thought you put 'ruined' kek
Tayleigh is so retarded for coming back on
replied twice because you forgot one letter award
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She jimfaced again
Anything happen yet today?
Has anyone interesting happened today
tayleigh got some shit feet damn
because shes bitchy and fat? Probably true
Ok im tarting to hate Xavier
tayleigh is so epic, she's really trolling xavier
We get tayleigh but no Letty soles...what a grim day
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Damn cockbuddy really has a hold over her. She's doing the Jim face for him it's so obvious
look like breadloafs
no, go to bed
Xavier is thirsty as fuck for feet
when did she appear
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Tay humiliation
It’s true about everyone here including me and you
Tay humiliation ritual part 2 begins
why is xayleigh the main character im so sick of her nasty shit
Nothing has really happened so far
A few good clips and screencaps but no actual drama or tension
The only thing that's vaguely interesting is Jon being a lolcow
will do
they should do this with taylor, letty, trish or bex instead
LMAO @ this fucking bit
She would never show her feet kekw
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bros i fucking love xavier
>you would have to be quite deformed to be a 1488 girl
I hate footfaggotry can someone post in the thread when it's safe to watch again?

Fuck you jet degenerate pandering bosnian
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feet mogged by letty
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Holy shit this dumb bitch did not learn anything from season 2. The meltdown from the dyke fans is going be even worse lol
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New Tayjack dropped
No, they need to get them to box in bikini's.
this isn't pandering it's literally just to make her uncomfortable
What if Xavier actually likes Tayleigh?
jesus, mercy.
List of niggers carrying the show:
kino fade to black
Taylor doesn't give a shit about TJ. Of all the things on her mind, that is among the last.
That's funny because i'm starting to like him
>say something different instead of making the same face over and over again

everyone hates tayleigh, i love it
*Horse stances with fucking huge bulge*
Xavier chads report in
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>he cant enjoy nicely shaped feminine feet
skill issue
this is fucking great lmao

sorry cockbuddy!
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How does xavier keep this act going? It's almost natural.
seen blokes like this down the pub
Would but I'd want to be able to actually hear and see people's reaction and want Letty, Jimmy or Tai there because I think they'd take the bait and press the TJ question
Because Xavier is the best and he simps for her, leading to her becoming the primary non-NPC character
Jon is the only other person with enough vril to become a major character
>Xavier calling out Tay's retarded Jimfacing
about fucking time
Xavier better be the host of S3
Cuckbuddies jonestown soon
>what do have to say besides the face you make in the lense? Say something different
Is this photoshopped? Ugly dyke looks like a 200yr old tortoise.
British people are so ugly
How it looks when I hot on girls
Based extroverted autism
hes an hired actor
shes turning into shinji lmao
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>nicely shaped feminine
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imagine putting as much work into this as xavier and all you get back is a stupid fucking face
It’s literally just Xavier
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She's fucking wet.
most male TJmaxxers are actually gay
Probably has some acting experience
iirc Brian also did acting or some shit
If you do this maybe use the larp name, I think it was RB or something
Who is in charge of autocam? Fire his ass inmediately
I'm glad the audience finally got a real self insert with Xavier
he's really good, watch The Great War and you'll understand
He does and seemed sincerely shocked to learn that she had a boyfriend
now we know how Dwight felt
Mauro bodycam when?
its not an act, he's always like that
that's just how he is
he straight up groping her feet
xavier is a FREAK
We do not claim her she is a weird American subhuman mix.
sgt.chuddlton genes, man made horrors beyond comprehension
alright bros that does it. i am offically a /xavier xenomorph/
Nigga I didnt say hers were nice
notice the ''NICELY'' I put infront of the ''Feet''
NICELY SHAPED feet. not Tayleigh's feet

Now victoria justice, those are some quality feet
>HD footage of her feet
>cucking her cockbuddy

That was pure taytriot fan service. Thank you, Neptune.
She's going to fucking ruin the boss nigger man.....it's going to be rough.
It's like getting blood out of a stone with her. GIVE XAVER SOMETHING TO WORK WITH YOU STUPID WOMAN
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>justifying footfag
horse stance is one of the funniest bits
I swear he is a reference to Q

obsessed with tayleigh, talks like a weird autist, wears a weird outfit for 2.5
>Not a single identifiable Anglo feature
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>xavier's anime laugh
inb4 xavier gets scammed and underpaid after carrying the whole season
>That was pure taytriot fan service. Thank you, Neptune.
>the one time theres a fucking foot gag
>in fact a... BLISTERING pace oh ho ho ho ho
luv this lil nigga
>Tay humiliation
>Let's switch to a blank cam with nothing happening
Almost worse than S2
its a hard life on these cursed isles
the mexican nose with the pallid skin is not a good combo
>annoying attention starving dyke
>blonde hoe who pretends to be innocent
stop focusing on one leaf and look at the forest
There's nothing wrong with feet leave us alone
Elliot Page looking ass
>you’ll never be able to read Fall of Reach through Mauro body cam
>tay gave up an army of dedicated simps and 5k a month doing 40 hours of work to be humiliated on 2.5
whys this faggot here again?
annyone have tayleigh nude in the shower?
kek letty still has those fake nails on
Why are her toes so fat
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and they're fucking erotic
he just wants to see letty and taylor hangout. i do not blame him.
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Tay was supposed to keep her feet pure til our wedding day.
She’s pure British isles ancestry
missed it, got any caps?
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Jon needs tardwranglers
i need more blacksmith's wife
last night.
Letty is jealous of Xavier hitting on Tayleigh1488
I'd love to crush this cunt's skull with a hammer
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How do you think Q reacted to that if he hasn't suicided yet
Brian and Xavier are carrying hard
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Jimmy told her she had to put them on for a quest, Jet confirmed it was part of a quest but a ‘secret quest’
tranny tier modern social contagion fetish
What do they keep switching to Vance's inactive cam?
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don't do that!
based xavier calling out her pick me bullshit
>I found him (her bf) at a rooster fight
Uhh this doesn't fit with the plushie story taytriots
...and letty cam dead already LOL

It would be really funny if Xavier made her shave again. Or cut her hair in some weird way so she's just fuck my shit up again for an entire year.
Ben I know your reading this.
Make it happen man.
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xavier is fucking running this show
i see myself more of a greg
He’s going fishin’
anglos are subhuman and do nothing but serve their jewish masters and get raped and shit on by Indians and pakis
the fuck is going on with the autocam
There is no pretense here, that is Xavier speaking from the soul. It's not an act. Xavier is the real deal.
yeah keep switching cams director, that seems to be working great you fucking retard
They’re testing body camera feeds

Obvious lie
Can any bonganons confirm if blacksmith’s wife is legit? Have never heard her break character once
cock fight is meaning 4chan since kentuckychad was a /bant/bro
simple, one's a boyfriend one's a fuckbuddy
this but vance and xavier
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what's the point in being a paypig if none of the paypig cameras are useful
Please understand sirs, Josie is trying her best
yeah i know that was 2 days ago and nothing has come of it which is why im laughing that she is still wearing them. jimmy told her it was bs and said she should keep the nails on though
He is the yeahman
Probably an inside joke as the plushie he bought was a chicken
Have they got josie doing auto cam again or some shit? Missing all the interesting shit
no you can tell she's putting on an accept but it's pretty good desu
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She sits in passive silence to eavesdrop or prods others for information in order to collect dirt on people to later use as verbal arrows.

it's literally all she does, other than snickering at people she hates.
But they can view each cam individually. Why test them on the director cam?
just put it on letty cam nothing else is happening
Wouldn't it be wild if they had a system where you can switch between multiple cameras at once.
It would FEEL like you're right in the action.
Oh well.
We only have one camera.
You can ugh... type bullshit that no one will read into the chat

But best of all you can play audio messages through a mic which the cast will be forced to listen to
sounds pretty based desu
She's a princess though.
Vance is based af. Him and Tai are the straightmen to balance out the retarded energy of Jon, Jimmy, Tay, and Letty. Tai's chill too but hes a goofy looking mf
>perhaps his mind is more lively than I originally deduced
God he's funny
she's like the personification of the ugly thoughts reflect outwards meme
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... even though ye be a woman...
The way jon says Xavier cracks me up

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>I'm going to need more than vocal fry and a vacant stare, please

that wasn’t me
The things I would do to her...
why is Letty so jealous of Xavier interacting with Tayleigh. its just roleplay lol
she did this all the time in S1. she gets very jealous and is easily insulted. on top of this she usually tries to get even/revenge. she's an extremely self-centered weirdo
lying award

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