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>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
>jet's brain
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The Duke was raped by Xavier Ravenblood's bulge and Vance cried.
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point a cam at taylor at all times
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You just know Xavier has a harem of black booty cuties devoted to his BWC
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The DUKE & his brother XAVIER RAVENBLOOD have been locked in battle for hundreds of years. As a result of this feud, XAVIER has been exiled from the vampiric clan. This summer, the STARS are in alignment for the BLOODMOON RITUAL. This is Xavier’s opportunity to strike. By gaining the support of the VAMPIRE HUNTERS, XAVIER can use the FIVE ITEMS to enact the BLOODMOON RITUAL to cause all of the vampires of his old clan to be not just harmed by sunlight but also by the moon. However, the VAMPIRE HUNTERS do not trust XAVIER and consider him a potential threat. THE DUKE denies that vampires exist, merely fairy tales, and has offered an alliance with THE PALADIN, against XAVIER. Knowledge of any vampire’s TRUE NAME may also allow a degree of control over the VAMPIRE, and so each closely guards their true name.
THE DUKE, even after the BLOODMOON ritual, may only be slain by GREG HELLSING’S family heirloom - the CROSSBOW.

>Current BLOODMOON status:
RELIC 1 of 5:

Secret Quest:
Tayleigh has accepted the role of XAYLEIGH RAVENHEART, and agreed to serve as bait for her dark masters plot against THE DUKE
By donning her patron’s mask, XAYLEIGH can cast BAT FORM (24 hour cooldown, immunity to firearms for 20 seconds)
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>season viewers
Is this the new cope?
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Chances of Tay hooking up with Xavier irl increased from 17% to 21%
NSBM vinyl lmao
what is this fucking metric, what does it mean
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Damn Tay's cock buddy is an asshole
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Have they told us what the point of yugioh card even is?
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Unleash Damius the dark umbra council vampire and Jose the skinwalker to make this truly kino
>yugioh player
>hates jews
>loves tayleigh
>little bit gay

Xavier is 100% based on us
found the guy who donated
I can't bring myself to watch this shit, has it been good?
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sam can't afford josie
investorbros... i don't feel so good...
Fuck lettuce.

Based? uhhh, try BITCH.
what server is this
Fucking kek that's a unbelievable cope. Sad.
nigga talk like xavier
Shout out to Vance putting in no effort whatsoever
Chat is botted to hell too
vance fucking sucks why is he even here? what the fuck is up with this fucking baldy's apparent popularity?
am i missing something?
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Im still repping Tay

Im just a gangsta I suppose
the party has completely forgotten this
Because fatty and his friend are into yu gi oh
that xavier mask 100% stinks
i think the xavier guy is a sperg and just demanded it before he agreed to perform
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baesie mogs
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no spend some more time with letty
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Here's your Xavier Ravenblood.
Holy shit that pic
I think it's supposed to be unique viewers.
>ie 6796 online now, 94272 unique IPs have watched at some point
letty and shinji both have weird eyes
letty at least trying to scheme
Its just ironic support same as peterphiles
>vance does nothing
>letty does nothing
Do you speak Japanese?
Xavier is a genuine weeb.
One of us!
One of us!
One of us!
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love letty
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She should clamp that soft palm over my mouth and nose while she jerks me off from behind.
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jimmy has a crush on green dress girl
i think lettys getting tired of the RP lol
she cant be bothered anymore
makes sense, a sum of total unique viewers up to this point. really gay, must be pandering to sponsors
>sorry I got bored so i started fidget spinning

no one loves tayleigh
Same seems only British and Portugal are taytriots now only loyal niggas left
You know it’s fucked when they have Taylor setting up cameras
every season there's less viewers

every season costs for viewers gets more expensive

every season the house cost more money

every season production gets bigger

they really did hire a MBA smooth brain to run this into the ground huh?

Jet is trying to over mange the project, it's really as simple as just setting up cameras/mics and letting the autistic forces collide. Overscripting makes it fall apart. He's desperate to claim this idea is some artistic endeavor when it's just bottom of the barrel content farming the mentally ill
They discussed building a moat but THE PALADIN, having some experience digging trenches for the wildfire service, became UPSET by how much the hunters underestimated the amount of work/water it would require and any effort to build FORTIFICATIONS descended into squabbling about the most that is NEVER going to be built.
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>Letty speaking in nipbabble
her witch charms are working on me
Is that the negrita girl?
Balkans represent
also, you forgot about Poland
His schizo roleplay in S1 was good so people thought he would be good at LARPing in S2.5
Look how that turned out lol
>hear jon tard raging in the background
>try to switch cameras to see
>none of them fucking work
What happened today?
Yeah. Poland too, Im mexico tho, just a street ass nigga and I want my corners .....
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taylor showing letty what her and bex were doing last night
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Is she back?
>Tai is the main character of the show, a quick witted, quick shot, balding asian man
>Jet had to scrap the entire story line to fit jon in as the plot tard so he wouldn't have a retard fit for 2 weeks

Jet really is a real life boeings jet
This nigga X is roasting Letty fr fr
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>I'm going to need more than vocal fry and a vacant stare

>He's nice
>doubles as a tard wrangler
>Is the only person who actually thinks tactically

Pretty sure literally everyone was invited back anyways except for people like Summer and Betty.

I'm seeing double here

four taylors!
not sure, letty said her name is frankie and she is also a vampire

letty was telling this to xavier to get something from him
Holy shit Letty BTFO by Xavier

>surely you can think of things besides romancing, though you are a woman - now speak up, I need more than vacant stares and vocal fry!
she looks so hungover, bitch has been slamming rum with the wiggers
Also its day 4 and they are yet to do the viewer submitted quests which could potentially be a great way to produce content and money.
Adam Friedland looks so cute in this pic
Xavier carrying this whole show rn
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Qrd on today?
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Noice. So many traitors its disgusting.
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sex with xavier
Bro when are they going to start using AOE attacks.
I wanna see them go "THUNDERBOLT! THUNDERBOLT!!"
jesus christ the flowstream chat defaults to talking about drugs multiple times a day

you fuckers need to get help
I'm gonna go to Barnes and Noble and pick up Mishima on blu ray since the 50% off criterion sale starts today
>he's nice

no, it's sociopathic niceness. he's a boring dead inside insecure fag, and wants nothing more than the blood of those he envies.
He's probably the only one getting paid
Xavier massaged Tay's bare feet.
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Xayleigh is RAPEDleigh now, lets just put it that way
>55 in the american version
Xavier confirmed fake yugioh player everyone knows it's between 40 and 60
we need that dress more tattered jet NOW
Called Jon out on staring at his penis
>knows the hook ruffio went to jail

this nigga is so quick it's insane, definitely being under payed by jet for sure.
So now that the dust has settled...
How is season 2.5 stacking up to seasons 1 and 2?
Xavier is a footfag
Xaileigh foot reveal
you are projecting
Xaiver played with Tay feet
Better than season 2 worse than season 1
Jet, make the call.
Too busy nodding off in the wigger den for that buddy. Two more weeks and hundreds of miles away, oh for TJ we must pray!
It's been downhill since the first half of season 1
Better than both
better than both
How long until Sam kicks Xavier for all the bulge discussion?
Is he jealous ?
No point in comparing them because they're all different. It's fun though.
he's got those janitor sub-human eyes
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I'd take Xavier over Frank Hassle going into the tank any day. This motherfucker is good
this is what happens when you get into blacked
S2 > S2.5 >> S1
what is the camera they put on the wall in town??
Did anyone screenshot the new tiddie queen
agreed, I hate to say it but Jet finally got it right this time. Can't wait for s3.

Post on /tv/
content wise better

technical production side in the shitter
>no trip
Why is /ftl/ filled with so many off siters jesus christ
The cope is not new by a long shot, but kek they never pushed the botting as far as this
Uh, investorbros?
Call who? The Suicide prevention hotline?
xavier is an old school troll known as Jace Conners and he's been friends with Sam for like 15 years.
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but that doesn't mean i'm necessarily wrong, FAG
Afterall, it takes one to know one.
Does Cole know he can just call Jet and make it happen?
They're probably desperate for more interesting characters
His arm's broken
>Letty did a Pokemon roleplay on Omegle as a pokegirl
Not surprised at all
Good afternoon I love Xavier
>letty omegle roleplay
jet you know what to do. get taylor with her for it as well. points game NOW.
>I think i first started to get into ballet to... fix my feet, which were crooked
He has a much more tactical approach to molesting Tayleigh
I think 2.5 is fun but it ain’t Fishtank
There’s also a population required for larping that requires (1) okay with being really cringe (2) high enough IQ to understand what role playing is
A sort of high intelligence/charisma stat check that many of the contestants do NOT pass
S2 intro>S2.5 intro>didnt watch s1> late S2
Best one yet with the worst technical issues (since this time they're trying to do something better)
el abominacion dios mio....
Is this a fully cooperative spin off or will the fish fight each other at some point?
Blacksmith's Wife loves stringing people up
You are all mental retards and you should feel very bad about it
she's not as evil this season
you'd be more chill if u smoked kush bruh
It's fully cooperative but they've already found plenty of chances to get into screaming matches over the dumbest shit
Neither the audience and production know
that would be too entertaining so nope
here's the (You) you ordered
fuck you i was quoting JC herself
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I love how Cole knows they'd bring him back any time, and yet he continues to yell "NO" before going back to being friendless and drinking alone. It's a shame as he'd be kino this season. This man excels when he's showing off his bitterness on camera.
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Letty brought up that they invited Cole but he decline. This was like on day 2 or 3, during the morning while in basecamp
Finally using chest cams and it’s already so much better
All this faggot has to do is reach out and I'm sure they will have him join as an npc
they're all docile. except jon
la creatura...
vance better linger around taylor all day now that he has a camera
I honestly don’t know how they can go back to a normal season of fish tank after this. the larping has added so much
these threads are a great example of sunk cost fallacy. simps/npcs won't understand this is more for those of you who might wake up. You have wasted your time, energy and possibly money on this shitshow. you now think "no its not that bad muh jet sam" and you're completely wrong. this show is bad real bad. sam is actively making this shit worse and worse too ween you off this aids. don't waste your precious time on this dogshit. stop funding garbage content so sam can amass enough sheckals to buy a million dollar ferrari from 1992.

you've sunken enough or your time into this turd you can still pull out and function. letty is everything wrong with modern women she has tits a lot of women do get over it.
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>cole mentioned
Brian go join the Air Force you fat fuck
t. didn't watch season 1 live
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Letty ass
So thats how theyre gonna force people to watch vance and his cam
cole is probably gooning in betty's bbc discord RIGHT NOW
need these taylor caps
>The only ones that can rp is
Blacksmith's Wife
and Tayleigh (pretending to be Jim Halpert)
>Everyone else is dead weight
>Fact check that nerds
Yes even if that is true it doesn’t change how Jace is getting the shine for his BWC
jon soda man sexual tension is palpable.
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>sub-pixel edging
god I hate gooners
Season 1 was 90% downtime, 10% kino
This has less downtime therefore way better
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>assemble the army
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They invited Cole, Letty brought it up with the rest of the fish but he declined. Not sure if we was meant to be a player or an NPC
That's what Cole posted in that Screencap
t. tasteless retard faggot
Who is the new big tiddie mommy in green dress
gross whore unironically through divine intervention Letty might come out of this looking the least bad
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from earlier, dont feel like capping the vance cam since it looks worse than the caps i got earlier from the HD cam
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the audio alone made it trash tier
>you are now breathing manually
>you now remember mario exists and is on the show.
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I think I'm willing to accept that this show has always sucked and the fun is purely in the threads, but, as the threads get worse every season, the show subsequently seems worse.
Why do the redditors of the fishtank community seethe about Jon so much?
why are you concerned with how I play with my small penis Anon?
How come every woman they have on this show is a confirmed snowbunny?
thats probably the prettiest cap of Taylor out there
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What's holding ya back Cole?
Make the call and have some fun for once in your miserable life.
Super mario?
not good then?
the thousand cock stare is literally just BPD

>source: BPD hypersexuality being a thing, my BPD ex (don't ask)
because they’re boring like vance
literal succubus, I feel the urge to give her all my money, her eyes are drawing me in, help!
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did cole delete his instagram?
jon is so retarded he keeps putting stuff in front of his cam
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oh yeah I didn't notice the date
makes more sense now... damn, poor fucker isolates himself
reminds me of me when I was younger (im only like 4 years older than him but still)
2.5 > first few days of S2 > S1 > the rest of S2
nobody likes ur self insert man
Maybe I can see why you'd like S2.5 better than S1 but if you think S2 was better than either you are soulless satan spawn
Because he's a man of God and they're filthy dogfucking heathens
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To sit in solitude, to think in solitude with only the music of the stream and the cedar to break the flow of silence...
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finally taylorfags are stepping up
took you a while to realize tayleigh is an ugly dude

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just do it anon. only 2 more weeks until this shitshow is over and she is back to streaming!
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he deleted all of his socials
>bag under right eye

fuck is that Xavier..
it was not as engaging for me
>little fellers
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RAT is such a perfect word for this creature, scurrying around with her small supple body, feinding for the big C (not cheese, COCK)

and, well, see pic related....
I can't watch for too long the cringe is unbearable
letty and xay plotting at basecamp
Surely this is worst to best
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>barricading the door unintentionally so you can beat her longer
No one seethes about jon being retarded, it's funny. He gets protected from the consequences of his retardation too much because jet is too scared to piss off his tts cash cow.
Being christian is actually the only thing he's able to rp as
Nope. USA Taytriot here. We’re still alive and well.
hes gonna end up as a blading 300 pounds cuck lover
right until they killed summer yeah it was waaay better
she actually looks like an elf from skyrim KEK
not really, there is occasional retard kino from a contestant and every now and then an mde alum has a good presence and makes the atmosphere fun, but largely, much like the other seasons, there is a lack of overall planning and structure, low stakes, and the format of a show like this relies on heavy hitting personalities of its contestants but most of them are meek autistic mde fans who are constantly caught between being too dumb/irony poisoned to be entertaining (jon literally not being able to keep up with what people are saying and tayleigh mugging to the camera, respectively)
If you want to see this go and look at AB’s latest fishtank video’s comment section
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What did jet do to her? Bring her back you cunt
S1 pre Jon leaving > S2 pre the reveal > S2.5 > S1 post Jon leaving > Whatever the fuck post reveal (i.e. most of) S2 was
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thank you for making me laugh so hard man i needed that
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Did you know you can identify a slut without mind-reading?

One major tell is the infamous “thousand cock stare“.

She has the look that cock-addicted women put on to conceal emotional torment. She looks wound up.

Remember fellas, women like this live a double life

1.Cutesy Wholesome Girl Next Door Persona
2.Addicted to Cock Slut (she will only revealed this aspect of her life to men who aren't needy, weak or boring, asumming she's attracted to him)
are we literally discussing here if taylor is whore or not? lol.
there was this guy on twitter who would often tweet at taylor to hangout and meet up and most of his likes and replies were to onlyfans girls thrusting. a couple of weeks ago taylor followed his private insta account
>Brian just keeps asking Jon random questions to get more retard kino
Thank you Brian
this is better than season 1 and 2

if you don't like this I don't know what to tell you, maybe you just don't like this show
shes a vampire dual role
>i was not... aiming at her.. I was just aiming at the space beside her head..
>but that dyke bitch specifically fell under the camera to look- to make me look worse. I didn't even touch her stupid head
Jimmy is so much
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>me when it's ratposting time
Link to that cord? I have a bbc profile so I will fit right in

She might be a meth fiend but she moves the needle
objectively correct ranking
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So what is the pussy stench ranking list?
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Goodmorning I hate TJ he did not have a character arc he was pushed through by the producers and was one of the most boring contestants and was way too docile and him winning was one of the results of s2 failing. Taylor is only with him for clout because she is a whore party girl and dropped him the second the wiggers invited her back to 2.5 and as I type this she is getting railed by one of the wiggers while teejay is at home. You know it's true. TJ also didn't win any fight in s2. Redditors and twitter faggots only began to like him when sam and co started pushing him on his fake character arc because mde is a cult and everyone always parrots what sam says and does.
shutup jet and fix your fucked up cams
>Being a fake christian is actually the only thing he's able to rp as

based psycho analyzers.

is this why she just sits in fucking silence flicking between people's gazes hoping to entrap a supple bodied victim?
Insider here.
Jet is going to make THE CALL to Cole soon.
agent Cole
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How did they not cast her as the village idiot.
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josie called jet to have her removed
>Only 3 players are getting vests
That was over a month ago. Even if it was still in a sling he should still be there.
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how did they not cast her as the village milking cow
Need Tai cam NOW
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cole gonna say no again because he’s a faggot
They did
First week was kino I agree but there were 5 weeks after that
who is cole
Jimmy touching Taylor inappropriately.
lol, letty is disgusted with this chick
How did they not put her in the stockades to be used as the contestants see fit
Cock buddy
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trish delish my favourite fish
I miss this swarthess like you wouldn't believe
Cole? Do you mean Coal? The famous blacked connoisseur?
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Even the paypigs are starting to notice
humiliating jet and the wiggers was awesome tho
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i love watching the letty can a rp'ing as her. im playing with my titties and rubbing my hairy pussy rn
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? They're both hoes wym
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She used to be just plain ugly.

but after watching her every move the past 3 days, now I know she is ugly on the inside too...
Just tuned in what is their quest right now?
why is Letty so jealous of Xavier interacting with Tayleigh. its just roleplay lol
She’s not
Letty kept mentioning the foot massage, she probably wanted it too
She sees the force femenisation potential in him
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Have I missed anything on bingo? I didn't see any of last night because of the debate
if they had a tayor cam i'd be plapping myself all day until i couldn't think anymore
find dom jolly and get him to stop smoking weed, a most difficult task indeed
actually impressive on Betty's part given she's an anorexic
Build a shrine
they discussed this last night. Xavier seems like the boss of the show, and its kinda hot. Letty is jealous that a man in power is flirting with the other girl
It would be if the cams worked
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Oh man she is just absolutely perfect! Total Josie love!
When bigolmtwndew isn't on screen the camera crew should be asking themselves, where's bigolmwndew
Fuck before Vance got up I was about to send "Lady Taylor u r cute. are you available. would you consider courting any of these heroic studs" to see of I could get anything out of her or they'd even let it through
you can’t accept it because you are a pussy to your core
who cares? we were all watching fatty at the merchant. notably we know he has tenpai cards, so we know his deck is going to skullfuck everyone
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It’s not envy or jealousy at all it’s like when an ugly and stinky child gets up close to you and you just don’t have the heart to shew it away because you can tell it’s been rejected and mistreated it’s whole life so you just amuse it for five minutes before making an excuse.
When did Jimmy have a violent outburst
Those who don't think Tayleigh is the best fish at the moment - Why?

No personal attacks allowed.
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Based Luna
Honest opinion on me and my recap videos?
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Jon and Jimmy have dropped several trvthnvkes about da jooz
erm... she has a boyfriend, DUH
I dont watch them
Why does Jon always carry a ladder
Hey anon cutie, would you be nice and give me a qrn since yesterday because I missed it.
late last night over Jon
Jon causes conflict and Tai is actually funny
you take the fun out of the show
never heard of you
good, don't stop, work harder, you deserve pay from crew as you fill a huge gaping GAP in their production
Needs more Taylor
They have trash taste thats why
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Back over 7k, yup I'm thinking were back. Thank you Jet Neptune!
>tfw luna completely fell off tweeting
He must be a full time gooner now
post cock first?
Clip channel

bad RPer, not interesting, and to top it off ugly
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he's a fiwa man
Letty thighs
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lol cmon van rainier is total piss beer
remember when this bitch was constantly showing her ass to the cameras and arching her back like crazy on the show? she's so awkward....and autistic...
I do not think jimfacing at the camera is interesting or amusing.
what is this nigga talking about
I told you guys they would get in a retard fight, does anyone have a clip?
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FISHTANK 2.5 | Day 4 - 11 AM Gun Update

Jet appears! Apparently Tai The Gun Slinger has to get a Gun Downgrade, turns out the Airsoft Revolver he was using is BANNED in most Airsoft Ranges for being to powerful!! Lol oops!!


It’s useful but you analyze too deeply and your hatred of Jon is cringe
That just how she stims
she eats and does ballet and yoga on stream almost every time so she's not that anorexic
Trappin aint easy
looks sad put some real flowers in there or a real cementery
i just got back wtf is going on
what do you mean anon, thats a totally normal way to get into a bed
>here’s your goth succubus bro
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she is the female jon, unwilling to let her ego down when challenged, which is most unwise especially in such an RP game environment. she is childish.

This isn't a personal attack, but an observation of her position on the hero's journey. she has a long way to go and I wish her luck.
jimmy was talking to the camera at base camp and talking about 15 seconds until something, what's he talking about?
I did, this is better.
kys fatass
is that the one he shot letty in the leg with?
comfy, s2 recaps were good to put on in the morning with coffee
that's all AGP trannoids. their life is a goon session
Stole letty's bit from season 1
do u not lie down like this?
Disagree about TJ, Agreed about Taylor. I look forward to the Taylor equivalent of the Taytriot downfall.
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>Chip the freeloading drug dealer
Oh yeah, chris plays yu gi oh. I bet he would get along well with xavier ravenclaw
Why exactly does Tai hate Jet? does he try to big league Tai behind the scenes??

Did Jet get butthurt at the whole broke the tank thing? i didnt watch s1

the animosity is uncomfortable
JimmyJon = Xavier>all else
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I didn't know Josie did a terraformars cosplay.
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>Why exactly does Tai hate Jet?
What is there to like?
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That's Jet's personal bear fursuit
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pretty good man, switch up the ai voices occasionally

personally i think the 1 hour 30 min long one you did on fishtank recently was really good but a bit to long, i felt like it could have been hour instead of longer, but other people love longer content so its all good
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taylo :D
someone ITT last night told Jet to put on a bear costume and crawl on all fours and he actually did it lol
its crazy how a haircut can make someone hot
You’ll come to realize that doing this is the same as hating TJ. Fake fan.
They just left trapper man alone with the bear wtf
Do something useful like ask about TJ.
Tai loves Jet, shitting on people is part of his comedy
Oh... that's unfortunate.
jet prob pulled the same shit with tai as he did with hassle
insider here, jet tried to explore his body
This whore has swallowed gallons of cum
Dude I just ate

it's a real bear you fucking imbecile (fail RP)
hes awesome to make fun of
the audio on letty cam is louder than everyone else
The lighting in this shot actually looks likes its from some heartwarming indie comedy. Cameraman is the most competent person production has ever had
This so much this
this but unironically
Ugly fucking nigger.
We are basically running this show. That's already two ideas taken directly from these threads they've used today.
Does Chris have Trident Dragion? Xavier's gay ass Mannadium deck doesn't stand a chance.
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Bet the girls would rather be alone with that bear than Jet Neptune
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CHoot em
I think that was the point of his message lol
I concede.
agreed, big ups to the crew this season
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milg truk
No way the beat got up from that
I'm going to soccer kick thus bitch in her retarded face one day. Mark these words.
IMO letty should throw a beanbag at the bear's nuts
>try to have a prolonged bear RP skit

>jon comes charging in like an autistic spastic and kills the bear in 30 secons

This show is a waste of time. Shit audio, shit video, shit production. If this didn't have Sam Hyde nobody would watch it. This is a total waste of the last few years of Sams prime
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Summers voice mails > Season 1 > first week of season 2 > cumberland city council > season 2.5 > Jet Neptunes fucking rap music videos > the rest of season 2
did Jon just start eating the bear's ass...?
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Why's Jon going down on that bear?
Hey Jet here, the bear suit is really hot, what else do you guys want to see in the show??
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become the bayow
>tay hate rising

Thank you god for casting a light upon this devil bitch and her sins, for you have enlightened many a poor man misguided on a path to destruction
Now THIS is a good furry party
>jon is ruining the show
OK, faggot!
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>dislike tay because of her shitty acting and performance
>can't dislike her because I'll be roped in with the retards going after her family because she has a boyfriend
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>the crew
No, jet. Just that 1 guy. You still suck.
What boyfriend?
Can someone TTS and ask Jon why he ate the bears penis
the bear is running away from Jimmy (he wants to fuck it)
Bring back brown girl and make her the Soda Man's wench
dont let they tayjeets ruin hating her too lol ignore them and let the hate flow through you
Some random guy from kentucky I think. Right now they're going after his family
my enjoyment of this one is higher than both the previous ones at least
she Jimfaces and still somehow is the only one willing to do any sort of storyline lame as it is
no no, you can hate her, a wise man will understand there is a divide between extremists and the average man of good sense and moral compass.
is lumber wood guys?
Lumber is wood right?
The first man to buy her crochet (a chicken) and offer her drugs received a bountiful reward
>lumber is wood right?
Letty im esl and even I know this
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Shitting on Tay is always based, just because her pajeet fans have joined in doesn't mean it's ruined
put leash on her and make her letty's pet so she is always on letty cam
Combat needs to be slown down and turn based. Jet will learn eventually. Or he needs an rng generator to decide damage - armor points to account for the tard.
>Lumber is wood, right?
>annoyed at tay because she's been lying out of her ass for months
>don't really care about the boyfriend
>contrarian so it makes me want to root for her because the insane amount of hate she's getting
>Still look like a /bant/ psycho
we need to build da swine out of wumbar
Why didn't they bring TJ back?
letty is a retard
jimbo too stronk
he’s on his way
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>bloodgames / live sport / larp arena games are the future
Good decision? Yay or Nay?
my bad, it really is just that one guy huh.
well, big ups to the man, he has kino in his blood.
Mrs Blacksmith should be the mayor of schitty
Too high of an asking price
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Here's that squared away employee I was telling you anons about...

let me ask you a serious question and im not trying to be rude

fat ugly paypig
>asking questions is bad
At least she didnt go off a wrong assumption, and wanted to make sure she was right.
Taylor microkini plox
He broke his arm two days before the show was supposed to start
Currently he’s playing Baldur’s Gate (not on stream, he’s just online steam playing it)
the cultural impact of Xavier is off the charts
mental illness
I refuse to watch them because the h john benjamin voice is cringe.
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>Lumber is... wood?
Good question. Why won’t they mention him either? I’m getting really annoyed of the cuck and hate posting, these people need to get shit on ASAP
Ed = Jon
Double D = Someone on production
Taylor Foot Massage from Xavier
>I dow even wead youw pouws, I couw caew wess
Oh I’m retarded.
If you fell for the "Lumber is wood, right?" from Letty you're the retard.
>Chris trying it on with letty
This nigga never learns
that's not cole, fucking retards
Rocky Stream was Don Jolly'd. Pray for Pete
he mogs everyone else every time he's on screen, it was the same in The Great War
>2 days
fucking retard can’t even get the facts right to troll
jon is the only body cam up now

nice work jet
kek. probably a genuine belief held by many.
treasure maps to buried treasure
bikini armor
splitting the group into two rival factions
beach day / pool episode
lettyjeet cope
Letty is a bored cunt, poking pigs.

fucking cunt.
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Need more Ben today
what did they say
Agreed. Turn based is the only way forward. The excuse can be these were just grunts and the new vamps are more powerful or some shizz
I want to toknow AB is out there seething over him being there. Hopefully he’s a villain that takes out his fav
taylor and the brown girl mud wrestle with letty
Yeah. Hes really good at panning to the right person or point of interesr and the zooms are usually on point. Like the jon rain pushups was all him and his timing on turning then flashing the light
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Bring back Tacxin as a hunchback serf
Jimmy tard wrangling Letty and Jon is some actual warm tummy shit
No, I don’t think body cams will ever really work in sports settings because the movement is very jerky - sports already exist and the cameras are stationary from tall poles
False because one is good the other is bad. I want good for the good and for the bad to not be able to harm the good.
yeah weeks ago
i see no reason why she would be. is she interesting in particular compared to the others somehow? not that i've seen. i'm so confused by your sentiment. wtf
Jimmy is getting real done with Jon
To an /R9K/ oldfag like me it's pathetic seeing how many of my boys shows viewers are retarded tourists
Jimmy going against Jon would be better if he wasn’t so catty about it
Get Jimmyt off his meds so he attacks Jon
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>didn't watch for a day
>tune in
>fucking Fatty and Vance are back AGAIN
Jet seriously has no ideas huh
>Jimmy getting fed up with Retardo Jon
Jet groomed Sam (lol) on /r9k/
Xavier is: parkourdude91, team gamerfood, commander in great war, data pagan in ideas guy, jace connor
>jimbo is the voice of reason
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he must be an operator
he posted off trip several times faggot
Again, you’re wrong but i’m done arguing.
Thats a child sire
They are decent but the fact that you are able to release them before the action starts on the next day makes them great. I usually can't watch the show live to the end of the day since i am european so they help me catch what i missed.
nope, xavier is much younger
U-uuu-u-uhhhh w-wellll... uuu-u-uhmmmm.... uhh.... I'm the c-c... I'm a g-genra-... u-uhhhhhhh
>their are people that actually miss this and want more of it
it is called duel monsters actually
he knew if he came back things would just get worse for him. he's done with fishtank niggers
We did bury treasure but they found it on day 2
We’ll try to get an above ground pool set up, screencap this post and you’ll see in legit

Maybe we can use red dye to make a ‘blood pool’
ayyy my brudda. keep doin em. they're good and they'll be even better as time progresses and people want to look back on what happened.
I've said it in these threads before but only retards hate retards. Jon and Jimmy are destined to be enemies
Jimmy is always right
She was only 19 years old in the photo you sick fuck.
A coven of hot evil witches

Bliccy as a vampire queen
qrd on today?
>bat drones
viewer-controlled RC car cameras (make the cars out to look like pigs; they're the "pay pigs" because the cars are expensive to control)
>who can chop a tree fastest competition
vehicle races
>fire building lessons
Ok at this point Im waiting for someone to fuck Jon up
I hate this fucking retard so much you have no idea
Bex pool party
Put some kind of dye that'll stain them if they swim in it
based. TJ is one of the worst contestants. I really think his fans are just faggots that want to fuck him
no they changed it, as Chris was trying to point out
It's an asian guy. Look at his eyes next time.
He broke his arm a month ago. He was still wearing a sling a month ago but could still move around.
Yes, it is. He's been posting on /bant/ and I know his typing style. He swore off tripods after being made fun of for it
if this ends up being the case taylor’s wack for going back
Bitrate on the director cam is abysmal dogshit
>tfw show is so grim we're still talking about cole
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That’s a great idea Jet you should totally do this
Women do that shit all the time. Just the other day my mother went from saying something very logical and thoughtful, to saying something incredibly stupid like Letty just did. I've heard similar things from my sisters and ex before.
fraid so
dIRECTOR CAM IS UNWATCHABLE I'm on jon cam so I don't have to see jon.
no, we're not
Taylor needed an outing with a bunch of retarded wiggers to get her energy back up, being away from the Florida scene for so long has sapped her of her hoe powers.
He's their self-insert, so of course they'd want more of it.
i prefer the basecamp cam
Casting Jon as fish here was a big mistake by Jet
Jimmy penis
no, Xavier said so
Is that some kind of priest or something?
It was weird when Letty was asking Taylor about TJ a couple of days ago and was clearly avoiding talks about him. >>200617608
TJ was the best role player of both seasons
this shit is lagging like crazy for me. stop motion 2024 kino.
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Have they told us why most of the static cameras and the bodycams are off?
It's literally not cole you fucking schizo
Yeah but rn I'm stuck using the main site instead of flowstreams
The girls aren’t allowed to talk about their bfs because jet doesn’t want to lose simp tts
be quiet bant nigger
Trish delish my favorite fish
has fatty lost weight
ding ding we have a winner
your family is wetarded as jon
Allegedly the storm fucked up some of the trail cameras, they’re ‘fixing it’ and they’ll be made available to non-pass holders
Yeah, he lost a good bit. He even has loose skin under his arms
Yeah a lot.
I think ozempic is doing the heavy lifting but yes.
Jet, I beg of you to leak the video Q sent you of him dressed like a vampire and running through the forest.
impossible sadly. they've barely even had 10 challenges total
actually the bitrate is probably nominal but that's what happens to video when you're in the woods with a million leaves, and a million shades of green and brown, none of it is going to compress well without turning into a blobby mess.
Swamp Olympics had some good ones
it's a fucking trainwreck. I couldn't even watch the Xavier foot fetish thing because of lags.
We should've added donjolly.com to the template, we should've listened
Bring back the green dress girl
stream laggy as fuck for anyone else?
if they do a season 4.5 it can be set in a house vs zombies like a tower defence game
guess oliver’s shoe size in slow motion
What were they using as trail cameras? Actual trail cameras would not get fucked by rain. Still doesn't explain the MIA bodycams
jimmy and fatty are on the same vibe, sad we didn't get much of them last season
They used galaxy pro androids as trailcams

Source: top guys
Place your bets.
How long until jon freaks out?
And who will he start fighting with?
She didn’t ask about him, I saw that
make a big muddy pit, and have a boys vs. girls tug-of-war
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he cant afford ozempic, he lives in a shed in the backyard of his weed dealer.
It's insane how Jon manages to make Chris and Jimmy seem like normal and well adjusted human beings.
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>i caught you glancing at my fine penis yesterday
How do you respond without sounding mad?
Xavier most likely
She didn't ask about tj she just asked about michigan. What were you watching?
Sweaty gaspy Letty
don jolly suckles fat black penises just like Cole
Can't believe how many people think the schizo bit was some amazing acting, all he did was stop hiding his power level and let all his autistic intrusive thoughts out. That's why he could do that but nothing else

She looks nothing like that
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riveting, jet
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He’s on Cole bennetts and workingondyings payroll
kiss him.
>To be fair it is fine penis
you're supposed to play dead against a brown bear dude wtf
Deputy Brian chasing off the bear attack in schitty is more kino than the shrine building
you can't, just gotta hold the L
>well in my defense, Xavier, you do indeed have a formidable mound! I was not expecting to lay eyes upon such an... exaggerated... specimen... I couldn't help but stare!
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i dont trust any of these fuckin idiots to hammer in nails
i would do what i usually do when he speaks: chuckle.
Jimmy and Fatty really only seem to act super retarded and violent if they're actively being fucked with. This has been more laid back so they're just having fun.

Jon's autism manifested in him thinking he has to be a super macho badass who walks around with his chest puffed out all the time and feels like he HAS to get in a confrontation at absolutely any perceived slight.
you're so mad lmao
what area are they building in since the cams are down?
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you should hire Don to write for you, your game needs work
Sorry I meant when Letty was asking Taylor about Michigan Letty was clearly avoiding mentioning TJ.
It was to distract us from realizing 97% of the cameras don't work ADN IT WORKED KINOOONEPTUNIANKINOOOO
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Schizo Trish <3
Someone should punch those disgusting teeth out of her cocksucking little mouth
>Such a sword it is.. Indeed... and yet when lain side by side along mine own blade it quickly becomes a dagger... Ahoho...
seethe more, bitchtits.
maybe she was, idk
either way it was disappointing to not hear about him
surely not
Letty owes the bear sex.
get out of here you...bear!
Where my /Ambience/ bros at?

just enjoying director cam on in the background, random hijinks and character development moments adding color to my daily 12 hour PC routine.
Which I think is Wildlands near the soda merchant
Jet W
I just bought 10 mondo mega bits for this epic bit!
Tj would be carrying this right now
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erm i love chip
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uhm.. fail rp thats fail rp you're SCARED right now you're SCARED because I caught you staring at my fine penis
What's a taylor lookalike with an OF?
how are you guys watching this shit? it's lagging so bad I can't see anything. It's going like 1 fps
Soda Man's saves the day with his Zipp
They’ve talked about Cole more than him. Has a single person besides Tai even mentioned him?
tayjeets are flirting with men on grindr to 'own' jordan LMAO
Yeah the girls’ bfs are off limits, doesn’t take a genius to figure that out
she looks like this
God Bless Deputy Brian
A beautiful community
Us employed men, the most oppressed group in society, watch on one monitor while editing excel files on the other
That ain't no bear. Bears don't wear timbs
one of the lowkey funniest bits from S2 even though it was so dumb and meant nothing
I miss his diabetic naps and the ensuing meltdowns when he wakes up
I'm collecting stills of Letty anyway so it's all good.
Many people are saying this!
that place has devolved into absolute defcon 1 insanity
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What did you spend on the bear costume, Jet?
not gonna lie I do like the recurring "make these retards try to build a simple construct" bit. much better than counting rice, and led to such greats as ben saying "are you fucking retarded?" last season
I look like chip irl but cuter
Rise of the Rhajas was alright
the "build a table without any actual table parts" always gets me
This is a great example of the possibilities for entertainment these faggot lamewads like AB and other tjseethers just want to miss out on over still seething 6 months later. Jet bring him in.
lmao that's exactly why i couldn't be on this show. i would be laughing too much and then sam would get fed up with me and come by and break my ribs under the guise of "boxing match" just like he did with TJ
Jet needs to walk up to Tayleigh and show her this post
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Hypothetically speaking, how hard would it be for someone to break into this compound and commit a mass shooting?
holy fucking kek hahaha I was just thinking earlier that the "calm" song they keep playing sounds like aoe2
/build shwine
Is this clash of clans?
for some reason my lag is only a little blip every minute or so. barely an issue for me
It’s a feasible task, ‘table parts’ is a pretty broad category
You could really make a table with 3 random pieces of wood and two nails
Ok this settles it. She's jewish
no it’s crazy and people keep saying it’s failrp but…they’ve talked about cole???
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That would probably be FailRP

yeah thats RDM dude
I believe Letty said that they had asked him if he had wanted to come and he said no.
are people just memeing when they say this would be better if TJ was here? i genuinely can't comprehend this
post pics of yourself in a dress and thigh high socks
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age of empires
How does one goofy ass Midwestern nigga make so many people seethe to this day?
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Drunk peice of shit challenge set the stage for a kino the likes of which had not ever been seen before
Decoy Channing is a master of disguise and infiltration, if anyone can do it its her
mingebag spotted
Shooting with real guns is fail rp
random death murder
TJ was the best at role playing. You got filtered.
you would have to beat xavier in yugioh first, so very difficult. sorry anon
She doesn’t look Jewish there
fuck off, fed
>Really Deserved Massacre
she's a ukranian jew. came out in S1. old news.
Blockheaded bitch
Creature getting in some target practice with the AR
Damn I haven't played in so long. I always sucked on the actual strategy part of it lol even though I had all the hotkeys memorized and was super efficient. fun as fuck. was aoe4 any good?
No she’s just Ukrainian, why do you type in all lowercase with overemphasized punctuation?
i remember, tj was implied when letty mentioned michigan as the place she moved to and they both giggled it off, but yea no namedrops
yeah but there's metal in the wood and wood in the nails
She's a Ukranian Jew came out in S1 old news
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Doesn’t look it
where is the volume slider on this retarded faggot website?
i never played because i didn't like how it looked
aoe 2 or age of mythology were my go-to's

that's fail RP bro
listen to her any time money is involved, she acts just like Sam
dude same, I never got into aoe3 either. Age of mythology was crazy underrated, and it looked so cool. I liked how it was kinda plastic-y and the god powers were dope as fuck
What was the deal with this?

He would be great specifically for the RP part because he has shown numerous times that he's actually willing and able to put effort into taking it serious
shut the fuck up this joke isn’t funny anymore
Hearing tay talk about yarn makes me feel sick sitting here heartbroken with no beanie.
unfortunately it's not a joke
>yeah im not calling you all that skank ass hoe ima just call you nina
why is greg so based
denial is a river in egypt
Strike 3…

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