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Best prostitute edition
previous thread >>200610547
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Daeron the GAY
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Greensissies...tis cannot be true
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love Jace
Genuinely ZERO reason to not include Daeron besides the female writers not wanting team Green to have a nice good male character as it ruins their minorities and women vs team evil bad men theme.

Women are pathetic
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>blood and cheese?
>Are you ok? None of that happened. Now let’s go pick some more bugs.
From Chad show to Faggots show what a fall
Lukepedos will latch onto him like lampreys the second he shows up
the top three were just as bad as the bottom three though
>Team Green don't win a single 1v1 sword fight or dragon fight
>Every single "good house" supports tram black
>Team Black absolutely dab on team green "killing Haelana son, dabbing on Aegon etc (won't list due to spoilers
>Team Green never dab on team black at any moment
>Team green don't win a single pitched battle in the entire story
>Every single minor "good" character supports the blacks, Nettles, Addams Veleyron, the lads etc
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is there actually any coming back from this? Like drop the cope for just a sec, I CANNOT imagine being a blackcel and knowing this is the fate of my queen and my cause? the asshurt must be immeasurable! Because I just imagine how I would feel if rhaenyra fed Aegon to syrax?! Oh my god…I would never have the gall to talk shit about anything ever again, that must be truly humbling after investing so much and riding so hard for her, desperately trying to own the chuds for years and for what? It’s why I can’t take any blackcel seriously when they get smarmy and uppity with their little Reddit jests and their little Brazilian gibes, I know it comes from a place of true COPE and pure fucking SEETHE after being FUCKED so thoroughly, and not from a Place of actual smug superiority. Every time I see it I just chuckle to myself knowingly. Heh…. Your. Queen. Is. Dragon. Shit. BIIIIIITCH! :/
There are ways to make Daeron part of a minority
TG kills Luke though :(
I dunno about all that but I do know Rhaenyra's line sits the throne.
Is it true that Aegon makes fun of Aemond at the brothel in High Valyrian? That sounded amazing.
They should include Daeron but make him a homosexual who all the chud men like Otto, Aegon, Aemond etc hate because he's a homosexual

Then have him constantly say that Rhaenrya is the true.queen but he is forced by the Green Chuds to fight
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Sunfyre died from this
>GRRM plays favorites
We know, he always had a hard time sticking to his "realistic characters and conflicts, not heros and villains" bullshit.
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Is Daeron's actor going to be as cute as Harry? Even if he is, I'm not sure if I'll keep watching. I prefer to read the books again.
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I love Luke...
Aemond and Aegon casually arguing in High Valyrian while Jace can't even speak it properly would be hilarious
I can't imagine Aegon giving a fuck, he's probably experimented while drunk before. And Aemond is fantasizing about Daemon-senpai noticing him.
That is my one biggest criticism of GRRM, he constantly peaches that "The dance was not a black and white conflict there was no good or bad it was full of grey characters"

Then proceeds to basically makes Team black into Aragon and the fellowship and Team Green into Sauron and the orcs
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>Team Green never dab on team black at any moment
Well there was that one time
Aemond is into weirder shit than being a homosexual, he'd be fine.
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I love him more
I'll be watching specific episodes but I agree with you, it won't be the same without Harry
>aegon loses his shit because she is laughing at him and sunfyre
not the biggest dab
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>well you see the human conflict in conflict with itself is the only thing worth writing about, you know, nobody wakes up and says “what evil can I get up to today?”, everyone is capable of good and evil
>oh the brackens, peakes, ironborn and greens? Ontologically evil. Yeah just rotten bloodlines, nothing good ever comes from those monsters, it’d be better if we just genocided them
Even here Sunfyre refuses to eat Rhaenyra after Aegon orders him to and they have to draw blood to rouse him and Aegon is seething the entire time.
Jace can probably speak it well by now, he was just having trouble with complicated history texts and obsessing over learning it properly. But wow I wish we got him and Aegon bantering about it.
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Are you bitchez ready to cry for next episode
>Aegon mangled and burned crying every day for milk off the puppy
>Sunfyre basically ripped to shreds and dying in agony
>Rhaenrya shows up like a G but Aegon is waiting like a little crippled mong and has his dragon eat her
>crying over Rhaenyra Alicent love shit
>Rhaenicent scene that makes 0 sense
what, that's the rhaenicent scene? i already hate everything about it
I'll cry when Rhaenyra and Alicent finally fuck and not a moment sooner.
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Yeah it will be the retarded Rhaenicent Argument in the Sept.
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The blacks won in a genetic sense, but the greens won in a deeper ideological sense that has more impact in the longrun.

Because of the events of the Dance nobody in westeros takes female rulers seriously and they are always considered as a last resort option when all the male heirs are dead. The greens follow far more reactionary ancient rules than simply "muh targ exceptionalism"

Also mating press alicent into the bed
no one cared about that, both sides wanted to put one of their own on the throne
>the top three were just as bad as the bottom three though
>plays harp so hard he ended up cucking a Baratheon
>a based schizo
>starts a genocide a few after she won a war against white walker
There was no ideological reason to the dance, Otto and Alicent (primarily Otto in the show) wanted to install a Hightower as the king, nothing more.
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> Dear brother. I had hoped you were dead.
> After you. You are the elder.
> I am pleased to know that you remember that. It would seem we are your prisoners … but do not think that you will hold us long. My leal lords will find me.
If they search the seven hells, mayhaps.
Yea blackedsisters, Aegon was totally seething and definitely didn’t completely gag Rhaenyra with the coldest line in all of Asoiaf.
War scene -No
Sentimental scene-hell yeah

Why are they like this /Tv/
This video changed me. I cannot longer see him in a sexual way because he's too adorable for that. I want to cuddle him and kiss his cheeks.
>There was no ideological reason to the dance
most people here pretend she was fighting for feminism to cope
>shows up like a g
>has to sell her crown like a peasant to get passage with her miserable son
>gets betrayed and her guards slaughtered
>gets BTFO by cool one liners
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>House BrACK-
Why didn't you include the part where Aegon was basically crying and having a panic attack because his dragon wouldn't eat Rhaenrya and Rhaenrya laughing at him being a crippled mong?
well why don't you?
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>my killer was slightly inconvenienced before he murdered me, heh guess I win
Reminder that Chads wield blackfyre, sword of kings. While their virgin little brothers wield dark sister
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I turned House Rowan into Golden Targaryens.
>descended from Aerion Brightflame in the matrilinial line
>got a spot of Cersei Lannister in the mix
>pure dragon and GOLD genes for 7 generations
>reliably spawn Twins in the family
will name the next pair Jahaerys and Jahaera in honour of our beloved Prince.
>it's 510AC by now
been running this one for a while
What the fuck are you even talking about, there was an ideological difference, have you read the books? GRRM always does this
Well, no.

The killer was a mangled, crippled corpse of a man who was basically begging his dragon to kill Rhaenrya because she was laughing at him being a crippled yet his own dragon didn't want to kill her because she was a G and his own dragon respected her
Am I supposed to feel sadder for luke than jaehaerys? Like I felt nothing when Luke died but felt bad when jaehaerys did. Is it the age diff?
>King Aegon II would soon stand naked before his enemies, all of the king’s men knew. Bloody Ben Blackwood, Kermit Tully, Sabitha Frey, and their brothers-in-victory were preparing to resume their advance upon the city, and only a few days behind them came Lord Cregan Stark and his northmen. The Braavosi fleet carrying the Arryn host had departed Gulltown and was sailing toward the Gullet, where only young Alyn Velaryon stood in its way…and the loyalty of Driftmark could not be relied upon.
>“Your Grace,” the Sea Snake said, when the rump of the once proud green council had assembled, “you must surrender. The city cannot endure another sack. Save your people and save yourself. If you abdicate in favor of Prince Aegon, he will allow you to take the black and live out your life with honor on the Wall.”
>“Will he?” King Aegon said. Munkun tells us he sounded hopeful.
>His mother entertained no such hope. “You fed his mother to your dragon,” she reminded her son. “The boy saw it all.”
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Name a single thing blackfyre was involved in that's cooler than the battle above the god's eye.
Hope Aemond is naked in that scene
It's weird they thought the kid would have a say in the matter, Cregan decided everything during his short mandate.
wish Aegon was too
But he didn’t? The show is doing that, but the books are more nuanced
I mean that would have happened way before Cregan got there.
>conquering Westeros and uniting the realm
>the entire blackfyre rebellion and the lengths bloodraven had to go to in an attempt to weed it out
The entire sword is a meta conversation on the “right to rule” and how it is gained, through force or birth or divine right. Meanwhile dark sister is a meta conversation on being a seething little bitch because you’re not the man in the ring.. just a jealous dork.
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>The bitch queen of bastards, the smug cunt of Dragonstone
Cregan made little Aegon make him hand of the king when he arrived, there was no way of knowing that would happen.
that's a meme, the books were clearly pro-black
That's fucking cope b&c is not enough to make it black and white.
>>The bitch queen of bastards
he said while fathering a bunch of bastards himself
Not his problem
He's not trying to pass his bastards off as legitimate heirs to the throne
Does Aemond do anything brave or badass in the entire story?

>Wins a 2v1 dragon battle and still almost loses
>Loses a 1v1 dragon battle

Does he even win a single sword fight or anything?
So no aerial dragon duels that end with jumping dragon to dragon impalement and mutually assured destruction? Dark Sister wins so.
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I've never seen him in a sexual way, he's too young for me. I just want to protect him.
No lol. He ditched cole and then burns villages and dies with daemon.
opposite for me, so i dunno
in the show at least i don't think helaena's kids got to really acknowledge the horrible choice, since it was largely up to how blood & cheese interpreted her claim and the surviving kid wouldn't know who she was giving up for dead
Pretty sure being a hypocrite king is problematic
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No Aemond is an unhinged psychopath who gets suckered in by a Strong bastard witch in the book and mostly exists to roast smallfolk
It's not
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Official asoiaf feud ranking
No Aemond is a fucking retard in the story
>kill luke because he is butthurt
>barely win vs rhaenys
>go to the vale because he has his super strat to capture daemon but ofc he is not an idiot so they accomplish nothing
>he is so mad daemon slipped he kill his only ally in the riverlands
>break his bows and marry a random whore
>do nothing with vaghar and basically get Cole killed
Eh but still. I know we spent more time with Luke but jaehaerys was just more innocent. I guess that’s why I was like “aw.” Vs “meh” with Luke.
If I was an anon that hadn't read the books I'd be absolutely seething, literally every single post on these threads is a spoiler kek
I get it now. I really do.
Joffrey spoiled the ending over a decade ago on primetime television.
He’s Gregor clegane with a dragon
Did he at least fuck Helaena in the book? No way he's that pathetic
He was quoting from history book for all we know could be bias and wrong
No lol. Helaena and Aemond never interact and Helaena is basically in a catatonic state the whole time.
Daeron will be fag for sure. Loras 2.0
Has anyone in the history of ASOIAF ever been bitched more than Pate, Garibaldi and and Dustin by Criston Cole

>Cole offers to surrender to save his men
>Cole then offers to run the fade with all three of them at the same time.
>"N-n-NOOOO we won't fight you because uhhhh because we don't want people to write songs about you, quickly archers kill him please hurry
>he gets killed from a distance by archers before he gets the chance to slap the fuck out of all three of them
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have we talked about this?
>Addam barely appeared on screen
>Twitter already ship him with Jace
Cregan/Jace sisters I don't feel so good
And then they die in the next battle like fags Kek
? Then where did the hype came from?? Not a bookfag btw just been here since s1
Addam x Daeron is the better fujoship
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Reminder that the Cargyll twins have a popular song about them in universe and the kingmaker has none.
It’s the same people who think bloodraven is some badass for taking out daemon B while he was helping a guy.
I honestly don't care about those characters
BITTERSTEEL. Now that’s how you do a proper badass edge lord meme character. He’s not a Mary sue who wins every time, he’s just an epic ragetard chad who doesn’t give up.
What do you want them to fight one of the most competent kingsguard at the time and win?
Hype for Aemond? People like crazy shitters. They just gave him a little more love in the show. People know he does stupid shit in the book lol.
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Me too. Totally NOT pedo way!
Never relax in the kiddle of a war, dumbass
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Because Aemond is an unironic anime swordsman and he's amusing even if he never actually gets a major win on his own, and his death is probably the most kino in all asoiaf.
>*launches another rebellion*
Lmao imagine claiming to be a soldier and turning down a 3v1 against another man.

All three of them were bitchmade
It’s not relaxing. It’s called honor you faggot. That’s why you became a tree.
Oh no….
Why would Bittersteel appear in Dunk and Egg when he should be chilling in Essos
He doesn't even support Daemon II's attempted rebellion
>another man
Again, he's kingsguard...they never stood a chance, even Ned bring his own good men to fight Rhaegar's kingsguard
damn he's such a sexy twunk. hopefully daeron is cute, not weird looking or character assassinated to be unlikeable.
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Bloodraven is cringe.
Bloodraven was such a little faggot, genuinely wish Bittersteel got his hands on him, but would have manhandled that little twink
People like “heh nothin personal” characters for some reason.
He's the most anime character in asoiaf and yes I'm counting Aemond
Yeah but Ned was also a bitch though and Ned didn't turn down the fight
>t. Bitterchud
my guess is they want to set him up for an eventual blackfyre show
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>character assassinated to be unlikeable
I wonder how they'll portray him. I'm a bit worried considering how they've treated the rest of the greens, personality-wise he shouldn't be as fucked as Aegon or Aemond considering he grew far away from his dysfunctional family, unless the Hightowers treated him badly or something.
I genuinely can see them making him a homo
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>to save his men
Unironically women should not be allowed to vote out hold jobs, this is the result
not using console commands to remove Helaena fat trait baka
that's not what happened, anon.
Why does GRRM hate the Brackens so much? I hope the Bracken twink from the trailer doesn't die this sunday.
no lol, you're missing the point if you think that.
the dance was about the question of whether Targs could do whatever they want, or if there were limits to their power. The green targs never made any claims or statements regarding this. Readers can infer that the hightowers would push to curb Targ power, that were was a conspiracy or w/e, but this was never made explicit by gurm.
The feminist argument about whether a woman can be queen was also never pushed explicitly. Rhaenyra wasn't advocating for women to rule in a general sense, it was actually her falling back on the targaryen doctrine of exceptionalism.
So the whole Dance was about that: are the Targs limited or not? and in pushing those boundaries and losing all their dragons, they found that yes they were. but this was a lesson suffered by both sides, so it wasn't ideological, it was a narrative theme or w/e.
If gurm wanted to show an ideological battle being won, it would have a green in charge at the end making moves and proclaiming the end of the doctrine, or putting into written law the no female rulers clause.
the blACKfyres are seething
I think the show runners will be forced to change some things to make Aemond more badass or likeable due to the fan support for him (like they done with Daemon charging the army, Rhaenrya not actually killing laenor etc)

What events in the books have enough grey area or undocumented moments that they could include that could potentially give Aemond a badass moment?

Because in the books all he has is almost lose to Rhaeneys in a 2v1 (the show will definitely highlight this due to the women slay crowd) and burning random villages then dying will stuck to a dragon.
this reminds me show aegon was drinking himself into a stupor when he was like 12, nice of helaena to finally notice
Can anyone explain all the pointless scenes with white worm or whatever that whore with an awful accent and manner of talking. What is the point of the scene with her walking to the boat and seeing Arryk if she isn't gonna fucking do anything? Was she just in the show so that there could be a convo between two women not about men for the fucking bechdel test? lmao
Dry your eyes.

They'll do a flashback in the beginning to aegon 4 and probably the first rebellion like they did the council of 101 in hotd
most likely they'll just make him naive/arrogant and a tool of the hightowers. that will remove any sympathy for him.
He's apparently executing Aegon's friends so I don't know about that
She warned the other twin (that's why he rushed in) and she will become the mistress of whispers.
They're the rivals of the EPIC/UNIQUE Blackwoods who live South but still worship the old gods.
The tree that rules the world
Because she turned back around to warn Erryk.
Nothing can make him look good.
Even though hot i used to rage at her scenes. DD with there stupid OC .
Speaking of the Hightowers, I wonder if Otto will take Ser Hobert's place in the narrative? Seeing how he's apparently not staying in KL for the rest of the season (so he probably won't be executed after Rhaenyra takes it in the finale).
I'm not sure, they're already making him MORE of an asshole trying to kill Aegon and killing his friends/hangers-on because Aegon mocked his mommy fetish prostitute.
A thousand and one
Haven't been here since it dropped so I don't know what you guys think but that last episode was the worst I've ever seen in the GOT world period. It was really feeling that writers' strike. Then Alicent and Aegon's awful overacting. The random FILLER scenes like townspeople in their house and the black pirates. I even got fed up and started skipping through the sassy brown slave's conversation with Rhaenyra, which I've never done for any GOT/HOTD episode ever. If you told me I'd be skipping parts of the episode before I watched it I wouldn't have believed you. I love this show. But it was bad.
I really want a life & times of punished viserys 2. start with him getting lost and captured in battle, end with his son having him killed.
living through all that shit and 3 different kings until he finally accedes to the throne, only to be cut short, would be kino.
the "filler" scenes will be relevant later
that would suck if he's not executed. I mean he's one of the better actors left, but losing that moment would take away more from the story.
>The random FILLER scenes like townspeople in their house and the black pirates.
The blacksmith and the black sailors are very important.
The townspeople and black people are important characters and Aegon was the highlight of the episode.
>The random FILLER scenes like townspeople in their house and the black pirates
They will take until there’s nothing left
Doesn't make sense since team green thought the show is making Aegon the bad guy and Aemond killing Aegon and his friends supposed to be a heroic moment for him though
I just want to see him dealing with his son Aegon especially after he tried to kill his baby brother with a dragon egg
Maybe but nothing important was happening, it was like a five minute scene of them going "Brother!! Whither henceth thou?" "Brother! Brother mineth!" And arguing about something I can already see is a foregone conclusion, for five minutes. It was an unnecessary scene that was unnecessarily long on top of that.
>It was really feeling that writers' strike.
hotd was totally and utterly unaffected by the writer's strike. not only had it almost totally finished filming (let alone being written), it was neither filmed in the US nor employing actors in any US unions. It's just terribly written, there's no excuse for it.
Do you actually think they're following around random black sailors and blacksmiths for no reason?
it was important to establish their situation especially the scene with the dragon stalking one of them.
Percentage of women/lgbts on the writer’s team?
You should watch Glidus videos abkut this episode, he explain really well on how brilliant this episode is
aegon would be shown as the major weakness for him, that he's never able to reign him in or prevent his excesses. they'd definitely foreshadow aegon being his downfall. you'd also get to see the youth of his kids, how all that tragedy starts out.
Why do Greencels cry about the Blacks not being portrayed as grey or evil enough? The Black faction:
>Has Daemon, a psychopath nutter
>Rhaenyra becomes bloodthirsty and vindictive as teh war progresses
>Has Tyland horribly tortured for no reason since he had the treasury moved to a location even he did not know
>Gave dragons to two other psychopath nutters
>Alienated the Velaryons and made them switch sides because of the aformentioned two psychopath nutters
>Tried to have Nettles killed
>Constant executions in KL of anyone even rumored to have helped the Green leaders escape
>Bitterbridghe massacre
>Cregan, le honorable Stark, was pissed he didn't get a chance to rape and pillage before the war was over and settled for shitloads of executions before fucking off back North
The Black faction is only portrayed as slightly more preferable to Greens in F&B.
I'm not sure how TG sees it but I've been having a lot of sympathy for Aegon and Aemond doing all this especially now after Aegon lost a son and is probably miserable from the revelation that Viserys didn't actually love him, it's like kicking a sad puppy.
If such a pleb story point is the only thing appealing to you then it makes sense you’re a dork sister fan and there’s no saving you
For me it's Trystane Truefyre.
why would watching a youtuber's explanation of an episode change someone's already determined view of it? do people really get their opinions from or have their opinions flipped by youtube reviewers?
Wait what? The velaryons never change sides
>Aegon especially after he tried to kill his baby brother with a dragon egg
That was funny thoughever.
You would think but no, Just like how Otto was the bad guy everyone hated, but when Aegon dismisses him, suddenly Otto is le smartest in the realm. Nah people will just hate on greens for whatever reason because they oppose the whore queen
Percy Hynes White is going to be Daeron
Why? At least Gaemon Palehair had dyke mommys and has a purpose post-dragon dance.
95% of this has either not happened yet or has already been changed. No reason to think they'll stick to the book regarding Rhaenyra's descent into madness. I mean ffs she was upset at Daemon for getting revenge already.
so far, even when the blacks have been violent or destructive it's been portrayed sympathetically or as not their fault.
Idk maybe a man who lost his son shouldn't kink shamed his little brother who clearly been verbally abused throughout his live
He fought like The Warrior himself that day....
>suddenly Otto is le smartest in the realm
Otto's dialogue was non-sensical last episode and only Rhys' delivery could save it
he got canceled and fired from Wednesday already, anon.
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It's school shooter behavior (i.e. book accurate Aemond behavior).
They kinda do, Rheaneryra want to kill the seeds because of the two betrayers but Carl save his heir and they throw him into a cell, when the peasants revolt they release him and then when the greens take the city he join their council and Alyn let the vale pass around driftmark.
He made some good argument in the video that maybe could change your mind, anon.
Everybody sees through that bullshit though, it’s just girlbossyaskween arya badass 2.0
Don't pay attention to that. It's really him. They got him based on his similarities with Ewan. They look like brothers.
Fuck this faggot, shouldn’t have started shit
Greer was too based for her time..
Anyone with a bit of dignity would admit that Otto's arguments, disagreements, and grievances with Aegon were nonsensical. Seriously, the only thing that might make you doubt this is the delivery of the lines, once you actually hear what he says, he sounds like his asshole is sore and just lashing out. Aegon didn't do anything that would hurt the Greens significantly. Otto overreacted.
This is /tv/ so I'll answer you in tv terms, which is that the show clearly emphasizes that Rhaenyra is a Good Person. And Daemon is only a "psycho killer!!" in a reddit way, meaning in a way that the audience always sympathizes with but which is supposedly "bad" on the surface. But even if they WERE genuinely bad, like the Lannisters, they'd still be favored over the Greens because they're hotter and more charismatic, which is ultimately all anything ever comes down to.
Most of Corlys's men and the fleet stop fighting for Rhaenyra when she tosses him in prison. I don't think they actually switch sides in terms of battles, but they do stop fighting for her. Corlys then joins Aegon II's small council after the Blacks lose KL.
Doesn't matter what kind of sappy music they play in the show, Rhaenyra still has to become mean and hard as the Dance progresses.
Daeron shouldn’t have sold out the realm to those brown smelly degenerate piece of shit d*rnish
wants him arrested over rumors
>surprised he wants to fight back
Fuck you
There's literally nothing wrong with dorne
>Rhaenyra still has to become mean and hard as the Dance progresses.
maybe if you expected any kind of fidelity to the source material or faithfulness to an interesting story. she and alicent can very easily stay perfect, calm, innocent heroines while the evil men around them cause everything bad. it's naive to expect more from the writers.
... except for the Dornish people.
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They turned Ser Criston Cole from Kingmaker to Aegon's Waluigi villain sidekick
The show emphasizes that she has "good intentions", this is not the same as being a "good person." She still makes the same shortsighted decisions in the show that lead to problems for her faction. And yes, I do think they will show her become more and more paranoid and bloodthirsty as the war goes on, even if they make it seem like she has "no choice".
He was just a side villain anyway
I really loved the courtyard scene where Aegon patted Lucerys on the back and then later pushed him away when he got too close.

In an ideal world, Rhaenyra becomes Queen, Jacaerys marries Helaena and has kids with her, Aegon gets to whore and drink and pal around with Lucerys while Aemond spars with Uncle Daemon to both become badass rogues. No civil war, both sides of the mainline Targ family are united by blood via Jacaerys and Helaena and there's still dragons.
Aegon screeching after his son died "i am the king" felt fandom tier. I'm considering dropping it desu. Directing was also ass. A lot of Witcher vibes all around
dont really care about the humans involved (except jace i guess), but I would be happy to have all the dragons live in peace and thrive. that cute silverwing x vermithor couple.
No such thing as rumors in a world with Brynden Rivers
>dont really care about the humans involved (except jace i guess), but I would be happy to have all the dragons live in peace and thrive. that cute silverwing x vermithor couple.
t. valyrian blood mage that mates human slave women with beasts
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Brackenshits have been real quite lately.
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The kids were all somewhat friendly with each other when they all lived in KL, close enough that Aegon thought it'd be funny to pull the pink dread on Aemond with his nephews at least.
They're obsessed with him getting blacked especially Baela/Jace shippers
See you here after episode 3 bro!
Better since blacks look so damn masculine already.
there is literally nothing wrong with this and you can't tell me otherwise.
memes aside, I would want to be some obscure dragonlord on an island somewhere growing my population of dragons, having more bastards than aegon 4, and building an economic empire. if the targs had stayed on dragonstone (maybe with an outpost or two, could even have built a city where KL is) and just controlled trade to the continent and even done mercenary work, they'd still be intact and doing well.
Get fucked blackfyre shit.
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based bloodraven
Looks like some day time TV soap shit. Miss me with that.
Do you have girl Luke by any chance
>Kin Slayer
>Child murderer
Bloodraven was a piece of shit.
Danny was a complete tard though.
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checked and keked
all blackfyre shits must die
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just wait until he dispatches faegon using bran
She literally won
Maekar would’ve been friends with Daemon
>No counter argument
You lost....again.
I don't need "arguments" you're gay.
No. I didn't make it just found it but I'm sure Aemond/Luke shippers already did something like that.
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He bore the sword. Simple as.
>? Then where did the hype came from??
Women mate.
He’s gonna let faegon take the throne until daenerys pulls up
>u r gay XD XD
What grade are you in?
Free him! Seriously majority of Baela and Jace shippers act as if she's the alpha and the man of the relationship. This post does even surprise me.
seething homo
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Queer says what?
So like 6th grade? Or are you still in elementary school?
>shitting on the based Viseryses
*spits on you*
>She literally won

>No kids
>Legacy is being crazy
>Dies before doing anything important
I don't understand what the blackfyres were trying to attempt after their failed rebellion
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>Replying twice
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Bittersteel got cucked and couldn’t let it go
Usurp the throne I guess.
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I'm saying she won the war and would've gone on to conquer the entire world. The only reason she "lost" is because the man she loved betrayed her. She wasn't retarded
I ship it
based and correct
QueefPigeonkeks, our response?!?
Why are you in this thread then.
she doesn't do that though? we mustve watched 2 diff episodes
she just stops walking, looks back and thats it

or is it a "OH IT HAPPENED OFF SCREEN" bullshit
The entire reason why Bittersteel supported Daemon so vociferously is because Shiera rejected him for Bloodraven you stupid idiot
Killing that faggot Bloodraven.
>or is it a "OH IT HAPPENED OFF SCREEN" bullshit
It literally is nigga, why do you think he decided to run inside the sleeping queen personal quarters?
Women wouldn’t understand
Dude!rhaenyra would had been a legend among fujos for generations to come
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Most based Targ king.
>She would've won if she didnt die before winning
Anon why else would Erryk burst into the chamber of his queen sword drawn? He was walking to the other side of the castle when Arryk saw him.
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Don’t know why you’re posting this like it is an own
did she not send her servant who was in the room with her out to get the other kingsguard? or did we literally watch a different fucking show lmao
Jace and Baela are the greatest couple in the 7 kingdoms
Maeker is lucky the Blackfyres didn't start throwing rocks.
Really Lannisissy
>shiera rejected him for bloodraven
And then she rejected bloodraven for oswell kettleblack, lancel and moonboy for all I know Kek
yeah good twin runs in AFTER evil twin and other kingsguard dude were fighting ofc there's gonna be a commotion
yes she got the other guard, the dismissed almost naked guard not the twin
>Starves himself to death because he can't go on knowing his satanist family's blood runs through his veins and will, inevitably, corrupt his faith.

Based indeed.
He's as bad as Jonathon Majors with that stupid face
She just told the servant to skedaddle, White Wyrm warned black twin that green twin was on his way to slay Rhae
Yeah felts like they put the "I am the king" line just to make him similar to Joffrey for the audiences
Her being a whore is not a stain on Bloodraven if anything it makes Bittersteel look even more pathetic
Non book fag here. From what it sounds like these two based gentlemen were both fucked over by a treacherous whore? Both sides should come together against the true enemy: women
i love sluts tbqh
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then I'm just legit retarded dudes I'm sorry.
Nah Bloodfyres are just evil usurpers.
She also calls a guard over, presumably informing him that the actual bodyguard was just back at the castle with Rhaenyra, so something's wrong.
Beautiful art
Dude, our guy is an asexual dark wizard, your guy started three failed rebellions because he got his heart broken. We are not the same.
maybe book baela. woulda been cool if they had a kid before he died.
Oh that's ART
Their whore sister and there’s also the Bracken/Blackwood beef to consider.
>heh sure my wife fucks other men but this guy is still trying to bang her lol!
Whatever helps you cope
Shiera is a based slut. Bloodraven and Bittersteel are both cuckolds, the first becomes a fucking tree and the other one seethes to death after having multiple embarrassing rebellions as an excuse to fight the tree man.
Nah, you were half right, she left to get the other kingsguard.
Kek, of course it was a Fujo...
Hot though
Bloodraven didn’t really care about Shiera after the first rebellion and she basically just became his helper in whatever magic shit he was attempting. He was more concerned about killing off Targs and engineering the bloodline to bring about the Prince that was Promised
>that baby
Luke was the one pregnant, right?
>draw nice arts
>wasted it on drawing blacked shit and faggot stuffs
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I don't mind this ship but why majority of shippers make weird stuff like that? Do they self insert?
>woulda been cool if they had a kid before he died.
>they have a son
>is either a stillbirth or dies in the most retarded way possible
yeah no thanks
Hunter Schafer in hotd when?
I don't know in busy staring at those thighs
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God they are just despicable, I fuckin hate codds
As Shiera
imagine being so vile even the unwashed ironborn hate you
>look up art
>someone drew daemon with his hands underneath an underage Helaenas skirt while she’s on his lap
>blocked by the artist when I said to get some help
Why does he look like a lesbian?
Based artist
I fully understand you but what did you thought would happen
>what did you expect
For him to get some help.
At least you tiried
I'm tired of media trying to force heterosexual relationships on us
Wednesday is not straight
Rhaenyra and Alicent are not straight
Women are deranged perverts who romanticize rape grooming and abuse

Based artist, you on the other hand is not ready for the internet. Please go back

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