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What could've been...
prev >>200616713
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Cute and canon!
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>The Codds were there, though every decent man despised them.
>thoughts of Victarion Greyjoy
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Baela is an ugly nog and Rhaenyra cowers in the corner
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Behold the enemies of ASIOAF
The true Protector of the Realm is Brynden Rivers
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inb4 Bloodraven is just a pawn of the great Other
As a non-racist, I actually said out loud, "REALLY" when I saw her, because she's just so obnoxiously black. It's such an obviously political casting. She looks like George Floyd in a wig. And they're going to be trying to play her up for some romantic angle apparently. Ridiculous. Get real
There are so many hot black women out there and they keep choosing these utter monkeys for brownie (lol) points
>As a non-racist, I actually said out loud, "REALLY" when I saw her, because she's just so obnoxiously black.
There needs to be a subreddit like "sentencesfrom4chan"
sorry I like jace and the black chick is kinda cute but they're just way too ugly compared to the others
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Book accurate Jon Snow
At the very most a pawn of the CotF
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Please Shiera…..just a crumb….
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I'm a GreenCHAD, that name means something. We're not cravens or traitors to the crown. We don't stab our rival's children in the eyes with daggers or behead toddlers in their sleep. I swore an oath to house Targaryen.
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>With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed
More like Bittercel, BR fuggs
we are so alone
Reminder Jon is from Rhaenyra's bloodline that's why they look similar
i cant get over how kino this shot is
Will Alicent and Criston have sex next episode? If yes, are they going to try something new?
Nah I think that’s it. She says good bye to him when he leaves to rooks
he is the great other
Rick Grimes?
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I failed you my Queen.

Forgive me..
>he is the great other
how is that possible, the others existed thousands of years ago and im guessing the great other was involved somehow with the long night
That's not how the world works. You look nothing your grandparents from 300 or whatever years ago
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It’s over.
>are they going to try something new?
i can't wait for doggy style.
they will fuck doggy style, right?
Don't try to understand, there's no Great Other, no R'hllor, they're just deities that a group of people invented to explain magical things they couldn't understand
Monday is coming fast, any leeks on episodes 4 yet na?
Top 5 actors in the show (going with their character names bc I'm only rating their performance in the show)
1. Rhaenyra
2. Daemon
3. Aemond
4. Helena
5. Otto
okay but the others are real
I would put Jace on 3rd desu and Viserys 4th and Aemond last

>no Aegon
>rhaenyra at 1
Monotone, one expression having rhaenyra? Cmon bro
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Takin heads like I’m red Ned, ain’t no redemption
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Maybe Maelor will cheer her up for a bit.
Until they fucking kill him.
Best case scenario would be the Show merging Gaemon Palehair and Maelor into one character and him becoming Aegon IIIrd companion, even though it would make no sense succession wise.
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Why is everyone in this general gay? The gay lust has even bled into OP
Alicent above Rhaenyra...how? You do realize that Emma D'arcy is a they/them playing a warrior queen and a mother character, right?
I’m rewatching got and it’s sad to see how far we’ve fallen. So much female nudity lost to time
There's femanons posting ITT too anon, you're clearly new if you didn't aware about them
Alicent crying and saying “what they’ve done to my girl”>Emma
Your favorite British slag reactor just uploaded her reaction to episode 2
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>that body
Bro probably can't even hold a shield and sword, lmao
Are we just going to ignore Aemond is already OOC?
>Ser Hypocriston
Lol, that's a good one!
Please stop body shaming Ewan. His body looks good. You're just jealous wimmin are fawning over him.
I've never heard so much malarky in my life.
Listen Jack... the IDEA... the IDEA that... Lookit... We find ourselves in a situation where, the IDEA... And no foolin.
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The show is a very female story, game of thrones was more male centric. It’s like asking why a bridgerton discussion is full of bitches. Don’t worry though a knight of the seven kingdoms will bring back some test into this limp wristed estrogenic fandom
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Why is he so hot, sisters?
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Was he yummy? Salty, sweet?
He's always brooding and not eating.
A fucking pig was put in front of him and he got mad. If Aemond was real he would be the guy who seethes at something that happened to him in preschool.
Women will definitely be fawning over Dunk
wtf..aemond is literally me...
No because Rhaenyra is in the city so Alicent has to go and chat with her for some reason, that is the only thing that supercedes sex with Criston
>even more men to thirst over
It will be refreshing to see them lusting for a wholesome guy instead of a murderous psychopath for once
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He looks like a bland Timothée Chalamet
How will they fuck up Dunk and Egg?
>muh Dunk
They are gonna turn into shotasluts, just watch
valyrian and dornish women bullying me (sexually)
>same insult twitter femcels use against him
I believe in the fisherman's theory. Wait for him after episode 4
They already passed the first test with a white dunk. It’s going to be kino
Focusing too much on Egg, having a Blackfyre conspiracy on the background of every episode, adding some bullshit about Aegon's dream like with HotD.
I fought. I lost. Now I rest.
threesome for old times' sake?
The Blackfyre & Summerhall plot is all I care about tbqhfamalam
I've seen Luke bots on ch.ai using his kid version. You're not that far off anon
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He is OK
i just know that the maesters were involved
how do i know?
it came to me in a dream
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>"The rightful king was Daemon Blackfyre. The King Who Bore the Sword. The men of the red dragon call themselves the loyalists , but we who chose the black were just as loyal, once... If Daemon had ridden over Gwayne Corbray . . . if Fireball had not been slain on the eve of battle . . . if Hightower and Tarbeck and Oakheart and Butterwell had lent us their full strength instead of trying to keep one foot in each camp . . . if Manfred Lothston had proved true instead of treacherous . . . if storms had not delayed Lord Bracken’s sailing with the Myrish crossbowmen . . . if Quickfinger had not been caught with the stolen dragon’s eggs . . . so many ifs, ser . . . had any one come out differently, it could all have turned t’other way. Then we would called be the loyalists, and the red dragons would be remembered as men who fought to keep the usurper Daeron the Falseborn upon his stolen throne, and failed."
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How many toddlers did Team Green assassinate in their sleep again?
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Chalamet has a weird asymmetric ugly face. If you think they are similar because of the hair, you are a cunt.
Holy based
At least they could've casted a 1/4th black actress since, you know, the characters are 1/4th black with the whitest of parents?
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My favorite part is when Aemon says the thing to Baemon, and Caemon walks in and Daemon laughs. Everyone just looks at each other and then Eaemon stumbles in drunk and pukes all over Faemon. That's when Gaemon punches Haemon in the face, making him fall in to Jaemon. The whole thing was falling apart until Kaemon blew the horn, giving the floor to Laemon, where he called out Maemon because he stole the wife of Naemon, but she said she actually loved Paemon. The whole hall fell in to silence for a bit. Shortly after Maester Qaemon came in with a message that Raemon was under siege and is petitioning for assistance. Nobody wanted to offer help until Saemon spoke forth and said it is their duty, than all one after another Taemon, Vaemon and Waemon came forth in support. Forcing Xaemon to accuse Yaemon of treason. Which is when the King looked in to camera and said, it's Zaemon time.
I really liked that part
Condal said she found his body. It's just covered with cloak
the men in this show are prettier then the women
Still a better writer than GRRM
So if Bloodraven didn’t BTFO of them, they would’ve been the winners… lel
they did my boy Aemond so dirty with this one
Ewan is still handsome, he's not ashamed of his body.
>Condal said this
>Condal said that
Maybe it's time he puts all of that in the show
Baemon is Laemons half uncle through his brother Maemons dads grandfather too
Being green is cringe
If you’re a Redditor NPC that follows whatever is popular, yeah I could see that
I really hope there are going to be no more dumb deviations from the source material, at least major ones.
Cast, it’s cast* you ESL troglodyte
Oh, my sweet summer child
Many redditors want to be "special" and therefore pro-green (but they don't want to be "bad" side at the same time)
>I Think It's A Half-Gram Heavy On The Back End
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He's here....
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I'm reading Fire & Blood and Maegor "The Cruel" is actually based as fuck and a good king?
Maegor is the spawn of blood magic and Visenya's cursed womb
literally genuine Valyrian culture
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Can’t blame them for not wanting to be seen as the bad side when that’s how the show is supposed to be, as advertised. But yeah at this point they should just own being the bad side out of spite because the black dick riding will only continue
If you think redditors expect you to be Green because you're a contrarian edgelord, the truly enlightened contrarian position by which you might feel euphoric over your own intelligence would be to do the truly unexpected, and be normal (ahem, Team Black).
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Chalamet has aura and mogg him, would be a better Jacaerys.
Valyrian culture is extinct and the faith of the seven still reigns supreme in Westeros. Maegor is burning in seven hells for all eternity
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People like conflict and characters who aren’t boring. Why do I have to root for the good side when they’re boring as fuck. I like rooting for messy families.
sorry I don't like ugly people
The Blacks are literally the only reason the show is watchable. If you had was Olivia Cooke and the Greens this show would have half its viewership at best. It's Emma D'arcy and Matt Smith that carry it.
Luv Timmy, simple as
*if all you had
The only knight role he'd be good in would be a 21rst century version of Joan of Arc as a twink in armour
Out of my way best Targaryen Prince coming through!
Book accurate desu. There's not a woman or man that doesn't want Dunk's lunk. I hear it's thick as a castle wall too.
Matt smiths daemon does nothing for me all he does is smirk and quip and get mad, also he’s like 60 so his manchild behavior is cringe, leave the edgy shit to aemond gramps
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Are we getting more Cregan Stark this season?
Correct, don't fall for maester propaganda that says otherwise
What does "messy families" mean, redditor? You get hysterical about Aemond wanting to be king instead of Aegon
There is still hope for bromance
I think he has great chemistry with Rhaenyra and watching their relationship evolve is by far the best part of the show. I don't know the story in the books but if one of them died off next episode suddenly I'd immediately drop the show. No hesitation
>this show would have half its viewership at best
I don't give a shit about what normalfags like to watch
Fuck off
Lol no. Everyone on the black side is wooden and boring. Don’t need to watch Matt smith quipping.
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Some say perfection does not exists
Clearly that is wrong
Egg not being charismatic enough. The show really depends on how well the actor portrays him because if he isn't charming or he doesn't have good chemistry with Dunk's actor he will be unbearably annoying. The only reason Egg is endearing in the book is because he's savvy beyond his years.
lovely picture, love the scenery
Probably not.
Are people just memeing or do they really not understand why Otto is pissed at Aegon
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That's unfortunate.
Memeing. No one could be that blind.
Both sadly.
greencels are just eternally seething
That scene only exists because the writers didn’t want the audience to root for Aegon dismissing otto, as Otto has grown to be a hated character, so what should have been a scene of Aegon humbling Otto and showing his independence outside of being a puppet, it’s framed as a good and a blunder on aegons part by making Otto care about the small folk all of a sudden
Live threads were asking "Why should he care about Y if he didn't care about X?" when it's obvious he cares about the wasted optics
maybe they are related
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>No its fine, I'll get over the Death of Jahaerys in time
Tell, don’t show that’s his show writing method
>that mutt dayne
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>be Mysaria
>tell Helaena her son died horribly
>chuckle to yourself as she ends her life in grief
>get whipped to death

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>be mysaria
>hate being a whore and a slave
>gets whipped to death while paraded naked through the streets
Who’s laughing now bitch
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Guy was Ride or Die for his nephew Laenor.
He doesn't care about the smallfolk that much, nor did he really think they would revolt over the rat catchers. He cares about the fact that:

a) Aegon undermined him and the position of Hand yet again
b) Made a decision directly opposed to their previously agreed on strategy of dealing with the aftermath of B&C that reduced the goodwill generated by the strategy
c) Was the straw the broke the camel's back in terms of Aegon being impulsive
d) It was trifling AND ill-considered
*ting ting ting*
I didn't expect this positive response about Laenor because I thought he never had time for the kids.

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P-p-please stop...
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>finish watching a Game of Thrones
>decide to go to movie theater
>dress in my furs, boiled leather, and hauberk, befitting my status as a Northman
>fill my pockets with roasted capon, and Frey pie, in case i get hungry
>bring a skin of wine
>my mom drives me to the theater, but I pretend she’s a destrier since Ned Stark’s mom never drove him
>get in line to get my ticket
>speak in a clear and proud Northman voice
>the smallfolk distributing tickets clearly respect me, “Theater 3, ok?”
>”The North remembers!”
>witness what appears to be a Summer Islander accosting a fair maid
>realize she will reward me with her maidenhood for helping
>”Summer Islander, leave that chaste maid be. Are you of Jalabhar Xho’s tribe?”
>he looks at me confused: “Yo wat dis cracka talkin bout?”
>”You look strange without your feather-cloak, Summer Islander. Leave us.”
>try to keep up a brave face, but realize the pie and capon have leaked out of my pockets and are overflowing from my sweatpants
>”Yo dis cracka shit hisself!”
>Other Summer Islanders suddenly surround me
>Begin some sort of dance from their native isles, chanting “Woop there it is!”
>Not sure what IT is, I attempt to escape and summon my bannermen
>my cape gets caught on the door
>slam my head and wake up in an ambulance
>my mom is giving me a frustrated look: “No more watching Game of Thrones, Anon.”
>”It is known, mother.”
>he doesn't kow kek
I hope you like perfect feminin penises
He really called that hoe trifling
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This is a bastard-free zone. No one posted here is tainted by such sin.
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Westeros as depicted in HotD does not look like a thriving medieval empire at the height of its power. It looks like a blasted wasteland with a population density lower than Russia's.
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>dem lil niggas aren't real niggas
he went down as a real g
Is it just me or the Luke wig was too voluminous
They're such a cute couple guys...
>He loved us, I think
>Of course he did
I love Baela for reassuring him about Harwin. That was so sweet. She's best girl.
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It's... It's just Baratheon blood I... I SWEAR!
why do they hate the dialogue so much ? Is it that hard to show a few scenes of Daeron ? Is Maelor cut off entirely ? I never understand why do they want to rush things so much. You are already in that location, just shoot some more scenes, make the show richer, who the fuck cares about just 10 episodes, make it 12-20. Why do we have to wait 2 years for 8 episodes when you can make so much more dialogue . Is it that hard to show the reaction of the greens when they found aemond killed luke ? Does it cost that much ?Show me the story, show me Jace`s journey to the vale, white harbor, show me his time and grief with Cregan at Winterfell and the wall
i don't get the obsession with the Strong boys since we all know they're doomed and basically forgotten by history like they never existed

is it a creepy pedo thing or just general shitposting?
My bastard cannot be this cute!!
People have to pretend to like them because they know the green kids are more fun to watch.

Could be a pedo thing though.
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>Many redditors want to be "special" and therefore pro-green (but they don't want to be "bad" side at the same time)
It’s a creepy pedo thing
You'll probably be able to see his brain through those nostrils if you squint
If that Strong boy had just given Aemond his eye none of this would have happened. It's all his fault.
>they're doomed and basically forgotten by history like they never existed
All characters in the dance like that. They are made to die.
This. Luke could have put a ruby in his eye and then he could have gone on adventures with aemond as his sidekick
they could have also not been spergs with their nog half-step-siblings and left aemond alone
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I mean..
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Incorrect, history buffs remember Rhaenyra.
kek that smirk at rhaenyra's defeat
Aegon trained them to bully Aemond.
Yeah I don't get it either anon..
she calls herself non-binary
not a tranny
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Ladies from r/HOTDGreens, calm down. Luke did nothing wrong!
holy based!
Laenor was busy getting drunk and fucking men. Jace just didn't want to be rude about it so he said a few good words because Laenor was Baela's uncle.
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oh no no no
>House Targaryen goes functionally extinct a the end of Game of Thrones
>House Hightower is still wealthy and powerful

what the fuck, GRRM
>when you realize everyone around you is brain dead
Schemers tend to outlive their puppets.
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Ayy Lmao
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He's been having that feeling since Viserys was crowned lmao
>end of Game of Thrones
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Don't worry water is soft!!
Daenerys will win and Euron will destroy the Hightower however?
like littlefinger and varys?

GRRM told D&D how the story ends, anon
Mark my words, he is going to die because Hugh and Ulf betray him, they either force him down or just straight up attack him.
>watch season 1 of hotd
>constant whitewashing of Rhaenyra's actions
>Daemon kills his wife but Rhaenyra can't be shown murdering Laenor, having him flee with his gay lover instead
>Rhaenys sides with Rhaenyra after she "murders" her son and gets her borther in law killed by giving his husband's inheritance to some random bastards
>the blacks are always portrayed as the heroes of the story
This show infuriates me to no end but I can't stop watching
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>another mongoloid think the show is canon
grrm literally said the show and the book are different
Won’t happen in the books. DEFINITELY didn’t happen in show canon
>another targfag seething
GRRM literally said the ending of the show basically matches what will happen
>green kids are more fun to watch
Only if strong boys next to them. Just look at how boring this show is when it's focused on greens.
Alicent is constantly whitewashed too, however it's harder to make her not look retarded while doing it because the blacks were always written as the protagonists regardless of whatever George mumbles about moral relativity.
ah is just coping posting ok
Not true
Well obviously, they've been coping since Dany died lmao
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>the blacks were always written as the protagonists
Not always, that was a retcon. Originally there were no protagonists and it was meant to mirror the Anarchy.

But GRRM started making changes and seemingly has grown more attached to Rhaenyra as a character, judging from all the retcons over the last 30 years.
Protagonists don’t murder babies. It was an antihero vs antivillain story, always, and this is lost on everybody it seems
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How does it feel to have all these father figures but still feel empty inside? Is this how foster kids feel?
who are these?
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Anon. Look at him. How can you not feel what I feel? Don't you want to give him a towel? Hug him, escort to his mother? (Luke too, but Arrax first)
Boys raised by strong women do better in life anyway
Harwin was the only one who truly cared. I miss him.
That looks good. Fucking hated Kit Harrington
how many episodes was he in?
>empty inside
Yeah, especially when your biological father abandoned you to be safe, "official" father was gay and was miserable because people said he was cuckold, Daemon just there.
>Daemon just there
kek why is this so funny but also tragic
Harwin should have never leave, that was a stupid decision.
If it makes him feel better Daemon is just there for all his children, biological or not.
>constant anger and depression and fun
>muh dad liked me but not daemon hmmmmph daemon made mom mad mmmmmph
this picture is funny because it's so obvious who the biological father is
It would have been better if HBO showed more about Daemon and strong boys instead of wasting time on Alicent and Rhaenyra.
Sort of. At least he avenges them if something happens. Harwin and Laenor couldn't.
I want my general back.
I like to think that Laenor was just that violently repulsed by women that there was absolutely no way for him to get aroused if Rhaenyra was in the room, even if he had a harem of pretty boys with them
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>meanwhile team black scenes
Riveting stuff
Hopefully the Strong boys were too young for him to lust after..
How would you have saved your boy, Lukebros? Fire a fucking scorpion bolt at Vhagars senile head, for starters
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>and fun
Not fun, anon. They're boring as hell. I haven't rewatched a single scene from these two episodes.
I'm posting again because I'm drunk and can't write properly but the show made it obvious because they made Laenor black. In the book it was about the colour of their hair but in the show it's about skin colour. This bothers me. Rhaenys in the books also has black hair btw but in the show they made it obvious that she's a Targ.
Gay fag
They don't even have screen time or lines. Greens have two series about themselves and still boring.
Only Borros could save him
anon it's not even ambiguous in the book
every single of alicent's sons, despite her comparatively plain heritage, has white hair. as soon as rhaenyra marries daemon and has his kids, she immediately gives birth to kids who stop looking STRONG and immediately look like pureblooded targs. and viserys cuts himself on the throne while defending the lie that rhaenyra's sons are trueborn.
yes we can say that the book has more ambiguity about these matters and that may be true, but narratively jace and luke were always coded and framed as bastards. it's also part of GRRM's deliberate contrast of how the blacks are "pure" targs while their kids are ironically nontargs, while the greens are "fake" targs while their kids are ironically quintessential targs
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Will we ever get a Telltale sequel to their GoT game?

Mira and Tom were meant to end up together.
Aaaaaand yurofag detected, opinion discarded
Only Luke could save himself by giving his eye to Aemond.
Do you think he'd be a good father? Usually guys with daddy issues end up as shitty fathers themselves.
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Found the Brazilian. Have a Helaena.
This will break cycle of justice in Westeros. Our noble prince would never!
>Literally grubby fat finger
Sword and sorcery fats crack me up
>implying B&C wasn't boring
post finger for comparison
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we can only speculate but unironically I think he'd be a great father (and ruler too) if he survived
Poor Jace. He doesn't have friend anymore.
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All I said was to have a Helaena.
never cared about Luke but that was sad
If Helaena's actress at least looked scared it would have been better.
poor kid, he's going to lose another brother soon
Gouging his own eye would had been metal as fuck. The maidens and whores in Harrenhal would had ran a train on him on that very night
If I did it would derail the general for a week
What mine looks like doesn't change the fact that you literally just pulled your fat finger out of your ass
This, it would have been a power move.
>your still upset about the eye thing? Here gimme the knife I’ll show you how much of a pussy youre being
>*cuts out eye*
>gains respect and drip
Never lifted anything heavier than a bag of apples in my life due to a fucked up Injury.. Arent children heavy??
>Alys cucks Aemond with one eyed Luke
Honestly I like that idea. Or just confirming that Viserys II really died and the guy that returned is just some random boy with Valyrian features
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Sharingan option?
lol ok brownie
If I was Rhaenyra Targaryen, it wouldn't have went down like it did
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Read Tolstoy sometime
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Ill tell ya. And im not afraid to admit it. My opinion of Rhaenyra Targaryen, just fucking plummeted.
heartbreaking when your little bro died because of you... Eye situation and Luke becoming messenger - both because of Jace.
tldr; picking side s in this Abomination of a show is retarded
CONdal is the one being cringe giving Rhaenyra muh prophecy excuse and also giving Alicent muh Aegon on death bed excuse while the males are scrambling for power and personal vendettas.
and ignoring the Greens' argument of typical primogeniture succession that runs Westeros and that Jaehaerys the big fucker himself ruled over his older sister.
he made them all admit to being usurpers as well.
writers have a clear favorite while also whitewashing Alicent because she's a woman.
>Strategically crops out bone structure
20 years in the black cells...i wanted mulled wine. i compromised, i drank warm piss off the brazier instead.
based nooticer
i subscribe to the theories that Aegon was sterile and that Rhaenys was cucking him while Visenya was true to him.
and that Maegor is the result of magical shenanigans.
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I am JK Rowling supporting c.c posting radical feminist. I'm always surprised when you guys think actual choo choos post here. Do you not realize this is the last place they'd want to be lmao
I don't want to show my nails because they're distinctive, just in case
based troon
she's pretty but nowhere near perfect.
Emilia Clark mogs her.
Laffed hard
Maybe if you’re from a malnourished irrelevant brown part together.
Who is the most popular among terfs, radanon?
Jaehaerys I’s nieces were technically the heirs to Aenys under normal succession laws as they were the daughters of his eldest son. But as Maegor usurped the throne and it was Jaehaerys’ claim that was pushed by the rebelling lords he didn’t usurp anyone. Read the book, showfag.
Lol. Rhaenyra is ironically the audience surrogate in my circles but I don't speak for the terf community
>There would have been a lot of blood in that Red Keep
this nigga looks so much better irl than the show
Best scene in the show. Man stuck to his guns and died with honor
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I'm going to write fanfiction about my ASOIAF OC and disguise it as an RPG campaign to cope.
When _____ was talking in an interview about ____,
____ couldn't stop smirking because ____ knows that _____ and _____ are a couple.
>normal succession
no such thing but thanks for reinforcing that Jaehaerys is a fucker.
>But as Maegor usurped the throne
lies and slander. house Targaryen was about to fall and he merely restored order.
even the Father himself supported Maegor by making him the lone survivor of that battle of seven.
that fucker Aegon would have inherited anyway if he supported the rightful ruler.
>and it was Jaehaerys’ claim that was pushed by the rebelling lords
don't try and make them sound like they actually did some fighting.
they assassinated the true king.
>Read the book
i did.
i hate this retarded show.
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the cut webm is so much funnier to me
Dany wont win, but she’ll definitely nuke Kings Landing before Jon kills her off just like the show. Euron may actually pull off exterminating Oldtown because the Lannisters are still distracted besieging Riverrun and the Vale is about to betray the Lannisters. Also FAegon is about to blitz Kings Landing after he defeated the last of Stannis’ garrison at Storms End
>autistic targ Stan
>doesn’t appreciate the one good targ to ever exist
Many such cases. What is it with you types? You just hate Jaehaerys cuz he bitchslapped that whore Saera don’t you, don’t lie
>Protagonists don’t murder babies
did you miss the fight between Rhaenyra and Daemon over this and Daemon being either too cowardly to own to it or it was really a mistake?
Imagine your nephew looking at you like this
>no such thing
Under normal Andal succession rules Aegon the Uncrowned’s daughters were the heirs to Aenys.
>incoherent Maegor ramble
He objectively usurper the throne.
>don't try and make them sound like they actually did some fighting.
Never wrote that.

And you haven’t read the book
Also in another interview with the cast, when _____ mentioned _____ again, everyone was looking at _____ with a smile because they know. It's very obvious couple.
The fuck are "choo choos"
It wasn't a mistake at all, they don't show it (one of the few times Condal respects the intelligence of the audience) but he 100% tells B&C "a son for a son" if they can't find Aemond. There are a few reasons why he leaves it unspoken, one being he doesn't want to say it to her face when she is so upset. Or, it is for plausible deniability in case the conversation is overhead. Kinda silly either way, since in the books he sent a fucking raven about it lmao.
>doesn’t appreciate the one good targ to ever exist
that's Maegor the Cool.
>You just hate Jaehaerys cuz he bitchslapped that whore Saera don’t you, don’t lie
did he even bitch slap her?
he sent her to the silent sisters and it was only intended for some time iirc.
anyway, i don't really care about her.
i hate him because maesters fellate him.
and because he disinherited his son's daughter and her son because he took the throne from his older sister (and her daughters according to anon and primogeniture) and was too much of a pussy to codify succession.
he could have straight up disqualified all women from inheriting.
train = troon = choo choo i surmise
Expectations: Subverted
fuck you.
there were rebellions when Maegor took over.
and Aegon and his sisterwife were under siege.
if Maegor didn't take over, there would have been no Targaryens.
Aegon could have waited until Maegor died of old age then succeeded him.
>He objectively usurper the throne
>t. maester
>Never wrote that.
you said they rebelled and *pushed* the fucker's claim.
that implies they did some heavy lifting.
>And you haven’t read the book
yes i did.
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My King.
yep, somehow "train" became a slur for trans
at least according to law and tradition, but those are sexist
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B-Blacksisters... I don't feel so good.
>I'm always surprised when you guys think actual choo choos post here
They do
>Do you not realize this is the last place they'd want to be lmao
As opposed to women?
Nah, we’re getting Hightower mech tech and laser beams to stop Euron in his tracks
Find a cute twink that looks at you the way Luke looks at Jace
They’re in all online spaces, it’s joever
>if Maegor didn't take over, there would have been no Targaryens.
>no dance of dragons
>no blackfyre rebellions
>no mad king burnings
>no Roberts rebellion
Targaryens are niggers who deserve genocide. The only good thing to come out of the rotten brood were some roads
Euron doesn't have the strength to take Oldtown lol
Bishounen tier boy..
Why do you think those are equivalent lol, every other insult here is tranny related
>tfw no cutie pie tall Welsh bf
>Targs marry Blackwoods
>never resolve the Blackwood-Bracken feud
an early sign how weak they'd become
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Do we have a single canon yaoi targ romance.. At least implied???
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>Hello darkness my old friend
Of course we do >>200621047
nothing worse than being shorter than your younger brother
Luke had to die to make Jace look like the hot brother
can this stupid fucking tv show have a single morally decent characters to root for?
theyre all whores, scums or idiots. nice modern storytelling there bud.
go new
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Do you think they'll ever use the interesting version of events floated as a possibility in Fire & Blood. Everything is so boring.
Retarded in a bad way
i dont want to root for an autistic character.
Rhaena than
Well then you are lost.
interdimensional parasites turning people into trannyfaggotpedos

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