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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxaknmfr1Wg [Embed]
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
Kill off Tayleigh and Mauro, STAT. They suck so bad.
>not even 100 threads
its over
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>going along with the rp is failrp
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Taylor Gang
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>almost 10k people watching
I don't believe it.
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bug love thread
Someone should throw something heavy at her face
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What was the tts to Brian
is flowstreams lower quality than the main site?
>you should really work on your self respect it would keep you from getting into situations like this

Do you guys think Tayleigh will take Xavier's words to heart?
They should get rid of that shitty camera viewfinder filter
its bullshit
>giving jimmy a loud as fuck leafblower
Don't give Mauro a gun or he might eat it
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love this bug girl
>electric leaf blower
Jon cawntent
Im a fucking loser im about crack beer 5 at 7pm :(
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wtf I love bugs now
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i fucking hate simps
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She does not look good with glasses.
Kek I love a good fat joke esp towards that boring mf.
T*yleigh just completely gave up and pouting
I think shes on the verge of leaving lol
>>>>i'm just here to laugh at you parasocial gooning cucks
>everyone in this thread won’t stop speculating about TJ and Taylor
>Jon is the first to bring TJ by saying he’s not in the picture and that she likes Vance
>Taylor stands right by the camera next to Jon
>non TTS asks her about it
You guys are all docile faggots
alright want a medal faggot? keep watching for mauro or duanye or whatever
Tay was too busy Jimfacing to listen to any of his words
What's sad is that it's actually great IRL advice that she should take
Literally all she had to do was rebuke any of Xavier's advances and she wouldn't be now holding hands with him walking down a path kek
I really hope they throw an RP marriage for them while Tay jimfaces to the camera the entire time
>Didn't even put /ftl/ in the title
Fuckin useless
She misses her cockbuddy
>We should discuss our strategy
>So, anyways what is your guys' MBTI types and zodiac signs
TJ Cuck angle soon
Quick guys what's your MBTI and Zodiac
you mean tai, jimmy and jon. you dont HAVE to simp for some fucking foid you retard
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post guest ideas
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Cole lost
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Sam looking not a day over 20.
none, no guests
Kobe Bryant DIED?
you are flaming aids-ridden homosexual
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Dude if I were on the fishstream I would make all of these MDE losers cry by insulting their unoriginal humor using my cunning wit and avant-garde comedy. If they tried to bring Frank in I'd max him out with my jiu-jitsu skills and hold him in an armbar until he agrees that his name for the rest of the show and all future appearances will be "Advil Andy." What can I say, I'm built different.
incredible how ugly letty looks with the glasses and no make up compared to day 1
Being a newfag tourist and fucking up a bake should get you a week ban
>Vance x Tai
She is still with Tj bro I'm not spending $20 to know that, Your the broke if you care that much lol
Letty feet song confirmed
you are a simp retard
>1000 viewers dropped in the last 15 minutes
>>i'm just here to laugh at you parasocial gooning cucks
they will run this bit unfortunately
kek this
>Jimmy vs Jon
for future reference, you need to put /ftl/ in the OP so people can search it, you dumb fucking nigger
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>put my face in it, too
God I hate women
yep thats 100% a Jet bit
taylor left thats why
honestly there shouldve been at least SOME stakes
15k prize or something
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>taytriots simped for this
>>i'm just here to laugh at you parasocial gooning cucks
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What is the blood tournament?
what is the bloodgames tournament?
>that TTS asking taylor to show her tits
Jet thinks this will lead to an epic TJ reveal
Wouldn’t be surprised if they try to make Jon flirt with Taylor. They’ll tell him that he’s the alpha and that he’s better than TJ so he can steal her.
its me sucking Tays period after I heem Jason
Damn I hope she sees this bwo!
Based Soda Man
cole spends all day watching BLACKED and getting fat on beer
Ella mogs
Tayleigh gets eliminated first
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10 years apart
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The seethe was hilarious. Pure jealousy
But enough about your mom
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>assemble the cole army
Of course Xavier will win. The others would bend the knee now if they knew any better
please get this stupid CUNT off the show
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Bring in Jack Doherty and Neon or pull the plug
kino shot
They will force Taylor to go on a date with Jon. Then they’ll have TJ barge in like he did with Jackie and Shinji and that will be his big reveal .
Brian’s southern accent gets more southern each day
There are no eliminations
she's jealous because Taylor mogs her elliot Paige boy body
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Bring back Nifty and tell Tayleigh the fans wanted nifty more than her.
>Bring in Jack Doherty and Neon
kys faggot
Kill yourself peter you're a boring broke faggot
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chuds are feasting
She's ruining it for me. She's not RPing or anything. She's not even fun to hate like Nifty was, she just makes me want to not watch.
Jet. Make the call and have Cole replace her NOW
>>>>i'm just here to laugh at you parasocial gooning cucks

OFFICIAL CRINGE LIST (Fail RP Rating Included):
>even a woman who looks like this has higher sexual market value than the average incel
someone email or call them and tell them to get her off the show, someone who is an investor
No one is typing out FISHTANK when they search the catalog for the thread. Hang up your apron youre never baking again, retard.
Die in a fire a lil
Theres no demos in rap theyre called mixtapes educate yourseld Jet
youre making it up right
Kino shot
trish isnt cringe
taylor isnt based
objectively correct
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fucking tourist
Coke declined already making jet seethe even harder
>>>>i'm just here to laugh at you parasocial gooning cucks
fucked beyond repair
based retard
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I don't believe the endorsements. There is NO way Tayleigh has 700 endorsements
What are you a fuckin parakeet? Kill yourself faggot.
Yeah and letty and Tay got upset saying to quit the Taylor tts she’s an npc and can’t even win
>youre making it up right
no, go to director cam when tai letty and tayleigh are sitting around in teh chairs, i think its at the beginning when they sit. tts comes in asking for more taylor screen time and she could win bloodgames if she could show her tits.
Failed normie ahh :skullemoji:
I hate all of you
They should have made Vance an NPC, not a cast member.
she fucks and you don't
wait, you're right. trish has been poppin off with RP and taylor has been kinda slacking
>They will force Taylor to go on a date with Jon.
I believe thats totally possible ever since Xavier LITERALLY massaged Tayleigh's feet LMAO.
>sam humiliates jimmy for tj
>now he's setting up a jon humiliation ritual
fuck off, get better ideas and stop simping for lubecooch jet/sam
Everyone said this about her last season, too.

You're probably still a Cole fan. Y'all don't learn.
she makes /bant/fags seethe
that alone makes her worthwhile
these faggots are gonna get us kicked off /tv/ ffs
>>i'm just here to laugh at you parasocial gooning cucks
Jimmy's gettin pissed, major spergout incoming
oh fuck jimmy is gonna make both of lettys eyes wonky
>trish has been poppin off with RP
dude attempting RP and just going
>uhm...abracadabra, i guess?
isn't proper RP. Stop. Taylor's fucking costume is better RP than Trish in general
Letty is actually afraid of Jimmy it's kind of funny to see
OMG Ac7ionman just said the f slur
Wait what just happened with jimmy
Jimmy's going to beat the shit out of Letty by the end of this isn't he
man, jimmy is slowly and slowly start get tense. It's been building since last night.

we belong in /bant/
Jimmy is getting shorter and shorter with Letty
I can feel it, he's gonna have to hit a hoe soon
any decent recap videos? havent been able to watch until now
Sam could spit in Taylor's face on the director cam and she'd just giggle and blush









he's going to beat her lol
Jimmy forgot to take his meds this morning.
i think jimmy has stopped taking his meds
You act like that's a win.
Fucking is easy when you're offering up a hole
Shut the fuck up you whiny faggot
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He was livid last night. That screaming vampire triggered his PTSD from Utah. He's not in a good headspace now
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>Wife beater Jimmy is awakening
>Morale in the green
go back to /bant/ and masturbate
>You're probably still a Cole fan. Y'all don't learn.
I liked Cole until he started putting up conditions for his return to the tank.
Bring in Mr. Based or pull the plug
Its not Letty, Jimmy is furious with Jon because he shouted at Tayleigh the other day. Jimmy starts seething every time he is around now.
Jimmy will lose to Jon easily and then have a psychotic break at Letty before 10pm tonight.
> hitting his toy phone
> getting out of bed
> not finding what he’s looking for
I never wanted to fuck her so I don't give a shit about her having a boyfriend, total parasocial /bant/nigger death.
Letty is getting concussed tonight
Kill yourself faggot.
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Outstanding work there, camera guy.
Last night Tai kept openly talking about how guilty he felt shooting the larpers, and then when they takes his gun away because its actually hurting people he complains about it all morning. He's really just as immature as Letty and Jon at the end of the day
Jim facing is so based guys! Meth is good for you!
Kill yourself

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>yfw this is a cursed artifact
anyone got any clip at all of jimmy upset with jon?
Autistic faggot kill yourself.
LOL he said KANG. Like the meme! So fucking litty dood
Imagine they all throw a tantrum and leave at once. What a sight to witness.
Why the fuck she is so white. Actually rage inducing how pale her skin
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Its just been a lot of nonsense, like mocking his accent. "You want me to way on the fwoor Jon?" and he was fucking furious with him last night during the vampire attack and refused to rez him.
I'm so sick of Fatty
Except he won't challenge Jon. He'll go after Letty or some random female npc.
Did Fatty just say "I'm not PERVIOUS to every single detail"? lol
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TJ still living rent free off kiwitroons
What a disgusting post
Pale White is the absolute best
cole is the triple S tier faggot of ftl
Interesting that they're risking either Jimmy or Jon sperging out and leaving so soon. They must be confident that the others can pick up the content slack.
make the call, jet
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>I'm not impervious to every single detail
You should stay there
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To be fair tayleigh right before that said "what would that intake"
nice thread splitting retards
tell them to shut the fuck up in here. they've got all the taylorcels "manifesting" shit again
highly ironic post
this would be disaster kino
>Why the fuck she is so white.
That's how you immediately know all the
accusations are wrong
dude he sells ass for fen shits sad
Kill yourself peter you're a loser faggot.
your life is a joke, just wnd it already
>fedora crown
There’s no proof of this because it isn’t true. Instead of making a gay ass character to make fun of 4chan and KF, he should just bring back TJ to piss them off.
>Actually rage inducing how pale her skin
I don't understand this sentence
Yeah, Jimmy vs Jon is going to be a disaster but hopefully kino. Jimmy is doing to break.
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When Jimmy spergs out I get super fucking nervous, I think I have PTSD over following him around the S2 house being an absolute ticking timebomb (I caught the phone incident live).
>posts discord
Your an actual low IQ individual. Begone
yeah hes a whiny little cunt
Kiwitroons keep out
did anyone catch fatty saying "im not pervious to that information" lol
WTF this faggot is just allowed to smoke weed?
thats the kiwi
try not to blow a fuse, colecuck
he's right you cancerous fucking tourist discord niggers, now shut the fuck up and go kill yourselves
Fatty's ego is through the roof
Is that Nick's realtor brother?
Fatty W
Trish looks so good with the weight gain
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Chances of Fatty relapsing and gaining weight again?
fuck off faggot
not this thread splitting bullshit again
>nice thread splitting retards
its just one faggot, keep doing what you must do (you know what i mean)
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by the time this starts it'll be too dark to see shit
>"simptank" seether acting up
lmao, pathetic
That's Zane
Thats the kiwifarms chat i meant
the viewbotting has reached kick levels now
Oh, Cole is throwing a tantrum on the internet again? Who'd have guessed...
>>i'm just here to laugh at you parasocial gooning cucks
Fatty continuing to exist despite his morbid obesity and other health issues is the greatest tragedy of our age
kek what a ripped pants bitch
Fatty is a blessed saint and you're lucky to be on the same Earth as he.
None of these gay cringe zoomers can RP
Cole is petty enough that he was probably never invited and made this story to make people feel like it was his choice to not be there right now.
>7 fishtank threads up
>the one without /ftl/ in it is the main active one
How did we get to this point
this nigga...
wooo! tay nodding in agreement again! great RP tay keep it up!
>tall guy
woundt she know brians name
fake af
tyranny of will
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Say hi, anon!
Organized by the tjcord. Again.
It's so fucking tiresome.
Two threads were made on accident
Some JOKESTER decided to make 30 additional threads
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taylor is not on camera i stop watching
letty did, jimmy just agreed kind of.
ngl I missed Jimmykino
>Cole is petty enough that he was probably never invited
I've heard some fish on the show say he was actually invited
clip nigga here. what happened to Greg?
/bant/ fags trying to their best to ruin the season
>fish #174
why is there no chris lynch this season
i want to see him get drunk and simp over an ugly girl again
mondotranny try again
Thats the guy posting all the threads btw
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>This fat retard's browsing the thread right now looking for ideas
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chicken leg sam
>sam can only do 5 pullups
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Is this the thread?
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HEHEHEHE so funny!
Just report him for spam. They'll be taken down
Fuck off nigger, theres no such thing. Stop being a pussy.
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>Actually rage inducing how pale her skin

Anon, the polite way to say pale is "fair"
Taylor is fair-skinned
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>wake up
>this is staring at you
he weighs a lot
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>taylor is not on camera i stop watching
Keep watching anon. Taylor may appear again.
Imagine the fucking bragging rights TJ has online lmfao. "I'm only fucking the hottest chick on fishtank/an amazingly hot chick in general"
some fag who takes baking too seriously is sperging out cause this thread got posted before him and doesnt have /ftl/
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Something big is planned for tonight. Thanks for the support guys.

Time for Jimmy's bugspray bath
Yes. This is the tread
Report all others
haha jimmy is being wacky and epic again
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Jesus F. Christ Jimmy
cum instantly
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>reddit Jimmy wants to watch Chris fuck his sister
I like how nobody laughs at Jimmy’s try hard edgy jokes
>guess I'm just built different. Sorry Anne Frank
More like
jimmy, the guy who uses advil for when you're dying of alcohol poisoning, thinks it's ok to spray bug spray all over your face and does it all the time.
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Xavier vs. Letty and Jimmy vs. Jon is actually pretty hype. I think Jet said they're playing board games
That was Cole posting. He calls Brian the tall guy.
Taylorbros, we eating good this evening
With each pound her eyes wobble around.
Jimmy is so sick of Jon ...
Man she's so fucking hot jesus christ
How can she be so hot yet so ugly at the same time
I'm sleepy and crawled into bed. Maybe I should get back up and make cofe
Built for paper bags
>board games
>involuntary lick of the corner of the lip
>mmmmmmm poison
It's so funny to me that somehow Jon is more retarded and annoying then Jimmy
Even jon knew that was retarded
Who wouldn't be? He's entertaining to watch, but he'd be exhausting to be around
Taylor on Schitty cam
LMFAO just shut the fuck up about things you know nothing of or decide to lie about you cooched up freak
this man has God on his side
i hope letty and taylor are careful! those bb's could hurt their boobies!
That just BEGS for an edit with josie giving head. Do it anons
its sorta funny that there are ZERO beach pictures of her that I have ever seen. Taylor legit does not go outside.
fuck off mondonigger
This season production ensured that all the contestants would have access to their meds
I think that is part of it
she's insanely hot, like holy fuck. Diamonds.
Nothing interesting has happened yet, so probably not.
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>happy buwfday, who evuw you aww
friend tank sucks
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I forgot how funny his Advil, milk, and ice hangover cure
is that.... actual stakes?
Not advertised enough
>8.2K Viewers
No way in hell that's real.
Seriously they should have had the director cam up close in S2 as well (outside of the edits).
It makes you realize why everyone close to her is turned off by her and finds her disgusting.
Did I break the bot? Or are you that stupid you're gonna post it again?
she's so cute and innocent with her big blue eyes but then with these big natural tits that make me wanna COOM
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fugg was literally clipping those rn, beat me to it.
When is the last day? This might be airing during my bday
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>jon begging for compliments for his fatceps
>Jet is killing it this season. Seems like he finally learned from his mistakes this time. ngl Im hyped for s3 now
>copy and post on /tv/
I'd like to see him trying to inhale directly from the can
Another Jon needs an ego boost episode
Those bags must be heavy.
jon = genuinely retarded
jimmy = just stupid
my favorite chuckpost chuckframe
give in to sleep
succumb to the bliss of temporary nonexistence
your eyelids feels so heavy
maybe just let them close for a bit
that shit was so funny. wasn't that the same time where they honked the horn box in his face for like ten minutes, then ben dragged him downstairs and he threw up on the kitchen counter?
If you're still getting filtered by TJ six months later it's time to just get the rope and make your exit
Get fucked then.
Sleepy sleeps..
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Jon switches sides faster than Italy
>Jon = genuinely a retarded faggot
Don't worry! Mommy Bex will be around to give them booboo booby kisses!
So, uh... Trump is getting elected isn't he
twump sucks bawls
charls is right to steer clear of fisthank shit...he knows
Lord Fatty aka BurgerKingNigger is killing it at being ignored
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reddit debunked this
michelle obama coup occurring, hillary on standby. patriots are in control.
Faggot Jon is actually getting into RP. Good for him.
fake and gay lies
That interaction between Sam and Jon was pretty awkward
How is Jon's voice so loud, like they're outside and all I want him to do is use his inside voice.
it's clear the senile old criminal is going to win
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yeah the debate was funny i liked when they got heated over golf handicaps.
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>Jimmy sitting like a shy anime girl
Did Jimmy not bring any clothes?
Does Jimmy have one outfit?
last time they played board games jimmy threw the pieces at the wall after losing...
Here comes taylor hnnnnnnnng oh my god im gonna cuuuuuuum
What's wrong with spraying bug spray?
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Can you imagine having to explain all of this to her?

>"So uhhh....your entire fanbase hates you....like literally of them....there is no one left. They didn't even bother taking screenshots of your feet, it's THAT BAD"
Yeah right, the vote to put him into an asylum
There's a huge rip in his pants
how terrible...life was so much worse before covid.
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>They didn't even bother taking screenshots of your feet
Oh shit, it really is over
>5 second rule countdown
kek jon
Nothing, if you use it like a normal person
Jimmy sprays it on THICK and directly into his face
a real boss nigga would embrace it
Why isn't she naked and in my house on my dick?
tts is pointless with fatty jon and jimmy yapping over it
4 A.M. Michigan
>We have discovered ballots in the basement
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Tay Derangement Syndrome

Why do you care this much about an e-girl on a reality show?
Taylor looks like she lies about liking dadbods
Cute taylo
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will it end like this?
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Taylor is CUTE
>Jon still thinking about Brian's dick
What a fag
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>tts is pointless
Yeah. For this type of shit it is. All it's done is make Sam break once.
Damn the vibes inside that fucking house were dark
Tj is nontent. I'm the one doing the filtering.
Jimmy scaring the hos again
S 2.5 is proof that Tay deserved it even worse in S2
Oh shit, the rabbit represents Letty...
>Jimmy is literally Lenny
this is the real answer
Jimbo intervention
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They're sending us to /bant/
Who was the other girl that was kinda like Nifty? I forgot her totally.
>Be a women with huge tits
>is instantly attractive to any man with a working dick
This world is crazy
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Jimmy looks particularly unhinged today
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its a pathetic little sharty raid
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>how jim imagines his surroundings after he tells a "joke"
a couple of retards do this every season
These threads are made by people upset that no one is interested in their 0.2 PPM capeshit threads
That was Delaney, some sort of indie "musician", she wrote some gay sad schizo shit on the inside of the dog house
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Hes been on edge all day. Cant wait to see what happens when he loses in the tourney
Actually this is a setup so they can threat to ban /ftl/ threads and Sam raises the money in the payroll
Stop baking like a retard
it's been discussed and debated for about a year now, still no clear answers
Your seeing shadows move but there is no motion. I don't own a fucking nft.
You just make up labels and throw them at everyone who disagrees with you.
Gives me more keywords to block. Thanks
Yeah they should've focused on fishtoys instead this season. Not a very good setting for TTS really but there's loads of things they could do with fish toys if the team had any imagination. They could just ask Xavier to come up with some ideas and they'd probably have a load of good ones in a few minutes
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>Sharty is impotently raiding again
zoomers creating their own chan is funny as fuck
all they can do is mimic millennials
no originality
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good GOD
get her jimmy
staff would take so long to get there
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delaney (who owes me sex btw)
It’s one faggot who’s been doing it the last couple of days.
Is Jimbo like manic or some shit?
I am retarded, but it's because I don't even know how to do that
Yeah that's it. Thanks.
no you’re not, gay ass nigger
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This show STINKS
>Fatty had a blood infection
Holy shit
fraid so
if I'm 100% honest I think she actually does like men you think should wouldn't.
jimmy got fuckin really weird today. did he not take his meds?
Delaney, aka the total waste of time and money
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She really thought she could win
seems like it
what clear shot?
it's called being based
Greg is a pothead? I thought he was straight-edge, didn't know he was chill like that.

OFFICIAL CRINGE LIST (Fail RP Rating Included):
Delaney acts and looks exactly like my cousin, making my attraction to her shameful but not unexpected.
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can't wait for vance cpr part 2
The IPTV cameras made her look normal. All these faces she's pulling and the way she's actually sperging for even the smallest situation that involves her is pretty repulsive to see up close.
I used to feel bad for her treatment, but good god, it was such a warped perspective
>blood infection
Glad he survived that. Sepsis can fuck you up quick.
i fucking hate this "camera filter" they put on, it literally reduces the quality needlessly
Amazing his knees survived that
She looks ghoulish
Fatty looks like a 70 year old woman now, I hope it's true that his skin is going to shrink down eventually.
Tay you fucktard are you burning marshmallows with a lighter?
Jimmy's about to blow I can feel it
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I fucking hope im waiting for some content
I hope he blows up at Jon so its not that easy to kick him off the show
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Good evening
Good morrow
Life without you Betty
Is such sorrow
Where is Lex?
You could had done something funny and cool like a laser but you did something gay. You are obsessed with sucking cock, you can't stop thinking about cock. You are gay
Kino incoming
He's been on the verge all day today, many mini-sperg outs
If Letty pushes him he will attack
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Time for Smackdown
Jon vs jimmy fight would be so kino. Just pure unfiltered autism
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what do you call this hairline
jimmy is gonna lose it sooner or later
No one cares
Yeah something shifted in him last night.
need to tatter those holes
Thanks for the reminder, Smackdownie.
hope he gets really violent during the bloodgame tonight
What day did Jimmy start sperging out on Season 2?
Maybe we literally have to wait the similar amount of days (not a ratio of days) in Season 2.5.
norwood 4
the signs are there
He's exhibiting his weird obsession over inanimate objects again.
Norwood 4
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scuffed scorpio
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Jon and Jimmy tard fight is inevitable
Jimmy looks like Arlene Foster

Just sayin
Shut the FUCK up, Jimmy
He needs to drink lots of water
very early on
i think his first big freakout was when he threw the chair at meg? maybe?
2 weeks
oh yeah they're supposed to be discussing their tactics
Fuck off nigger kys
I don't think they even know what the "game" is going to be yet lol
This is the jimmy i missed
if they get jimmy to start fedora tipping about religion around jon it's over
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jimmy and jon are going to larp fight in an hour, a freakout is imminent
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Anime. Not even once.
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Who is more autistic, Jimmy, Jon, or Greg? I think Jon is more autistic but Jimmy is more unhinged.
real mondonigger energy
i assume it's a 1v1 pvp but who knows
im so fucking watching
Jimmy is obviously gonna lose cause he lost to TJ in boxing even
Im sad Jon is gonna win
hanging on for dear life
Jimmy was molested as a kid
Jon was dropped on his head
Greg just seems like a funny guy
its is cringe so many people bake early
its a larp fight though, jon will misunderstand the rules and have a fit like in day 1
>Jimmy and Fatty talking about Evangelion
yep it's muting time
Oh goody, a sore loser and an unsportsmanlike fighter pitted against each other.

Jon: autistic
Greg: söy
Jimmy: manic/psychotic
gotta love the jimster, ya just gotta!
has anyone tried sending tay hate tts today?
kek I hope it's just boxing again

they doin that shit on purpose, it's a gayop
no jimmy first freakout was yelling at jc for stealing the chips
its one guy sperging out. he spams new threads in the hopes they ban fishtank threads forever.
the "media talk" section of the show is the absolute fucking worst
>Jimmy talking about shit he doesn't know
Need to rewatch Dirty Harry, it's been 10 years
jimmy confusing evangelion with ghost in the shell
>Jimmy prefers Rei
nah id rather die
>Jimmy decided who's the best character of fucking Neon Genesis Evangelion from only seeing clips
Classic Jimmyism.
kinda wish i were there with them
Jimmy is on the psychotic side of the spectrum while Jon is on the clinically retarded side
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Just own the rip Jimmy, you look like a faggot
Jimmy is fucking manic right now
jimmy thinks he's fucking killing even though nobody is laughing
Trish retarded ass literally reading off a script and still fucking up lmaoooo love that dumb bitch
>trish reading from a paper
>Trish needs to read off a note
bless her double digit IQ
Kawaii~ >/////<
if you're not endeared by this dumb whore idk what to tell you
Slopdown was cancelled
Trish is an absolute numbskull.
Why is Trish being a retard making me love her more?
I need me a dumb bitch like trish fr fr a true airhead
Trish's side profile is pretty
I need a cute retard Trish gf
can you imagine if the vampire was Vance and nontent would happen
Jon always fucks up RP, but I swear he looks like he believes every part of the lore to be real.
It needs to be Xavier turning Xayleigh against her will while she verbally consents because she is incapable of saying no
Please make Tayleigh be the vampire so we can watch her get shot and slapped with shit all season
he's got the right spirit sometimes but has zero idea what he's doing
He's not really conscious like a normal person, it's 80-90% just reactions to stimuli. That 10% is what fucks his RP up.
Makes sense, dumbfuck was ready to ride or die for the Count, going to bat for him over the vampire allegations, just because he's played by Sam.
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its their bots/script the numbers are pure fakery now.
100% provably fake. can't believe more dont say it and more often.

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