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>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
Thanks Jet!
>Thanks Jet!
definitely gonna need some edits of Jimmy using his leafblower during the battle with fire coming out
>>>>i'm just here to laugh at you parasocial gooning cucks
>8k people watching
I don't believe it.

Jet you nigger make goontank already
QRD on today? Just tuned in my Nifty Niggaz
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more of this please, this one next
Not the Mauro thread
Brian cringe
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Taylor probably wouldn't need much convincing from Jet to actually do this on camera
>coomer getting absolutely shamed
Ha ha Imma intwovewt. Send an emaiw to pwoduction.
Femoids upset over tits request. Prudes

greg walk homie
taylors feet
Letty is so insanely crosseyed that she looks like she's about to pass out
They could treat her like the trishcan if sam and chat put a little pressure on her desu
She has no personality or standards (she moved in with tj)
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How did Jon tear his hamstring?
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Still no cole avatar for fishtank 2.5
>assemble the army
putting jimmy vs jon was a good call
Next idea for sure
Anyone got good still images
Enough fagtank, yuritank is in
retardation or something
I like TJ well enough but I agree that Sam could do pretty much anything to her on cam and she'd just blush and giggle over it. Bleak.
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is this tournament elimination challenges, or is it just some gay tournament?
Wait where's Evil Kenny on this list?
Amazing that we had to wait so long for some high-quality Taylor close-ups
finnish this thread first
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>be me
>make a post on /tv/ telling them what should be in the show
>within 1-2 days whatever I posted in in the show, but it’s done in a half assed, shoddy manor, that shows they didn’t prepare for it at all
This is absolutely driving me effing insane, but is also kino af
not an /ftl/ thread
if it was, it'd say /ftl/
Goontank now Jet. You know it's inevitable. Want to keep increasing profits? Fees the gooners
>you know what da site is
He doesnt even want people watching this embarrassment

>jimmy vs jon

If one of them doesnt lose their shit then theres no hope for this summer camp
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Welcome to fishtank nigger. Most of us came up with the ideas for S1 and S2
But fees too.
This isnt like that. Its friend larp for 2 weeks
twitter deboosts the tweet if it has links to other sites, he should post a reply tweet with the link or just write the address out with spaces
One thing I've noticed about the director camera is that the TTS from the speaker isn't blowing out the audio on the video; this was a huge problem with season 2 security cameras
they're using a super directional mic unlike whatever they're using for the "room" mics
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>no taylor
guess im watching little kitty big city !!! instead
nice.jimmy's tard rage making an appearance.
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It's me buddy boy
“Sup Kang”
Bro… I was in all those threads and if you saw a post over 10 lines long it was probably me.
did they wake up at sunrise again today?
why is jon breaking the illusion by hanging out at the woodshop
Commando Jimmy
nobody there gives a shit anymore lol
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this nigga looking zesty
why does some retard keep making more threads
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Stop posting in these fake Kiwi Farms threads you FAGGOTS.
It's Kiwi Farms trying to get us banned from /tv/, they did this during season 2
It's so funny aren't you laughing?
It's insane how hard Taylor hit the wall (in her early 20s at that)
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>Taylor has uploaded a video every day since Monday
Greenshark deserves an award for giving us constant Taylor content
Did Jon say his routine is just pullups pushups bench and farmers carries?
he looks like a eunuch
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The most beautiful girl I have ever seen
he's upset people think the girls are cute and fishtank isn't just sam torturing homeless people
most of you deserve to be euthanized
>goaw an silvow
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Out all day, did I miss anything funny or anything important?
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>Flowstreams hurts MDE,

are you retarded? do you think anyone here cares about what happens to sam and the wigger crew?
pretty funny that someone just spammed a million fishtank/sam hyde threads to get us kicked off of /tv/
honestly great, release me from this prison
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>flowstreams hurts mde dont support it
You can tell Jimmy is one weird interaction from blowing up again. He was serious about that rabbit not being taken down
Flowstream people have a better layout, it's just better than the alternative. If they do a redux page just to watch I will switch even if it's marginally worse than flowstream but for now it's leagues better.
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FACT CHECK: Jimmy flew across the country after season 2 ended to pound mauros thick hawaiian buttcheeks

you can see the creature good on jon cam
just me or is 2.5 getting worse?
>noooo don't hurt us !
>normie anime discussion
that girl did not look like bex wtf
stop making spam threads man get a hobby
Had a dream I was having rough disrespectful sex with Betty
These threads would be dead without flowstreams nibba
I hate nightmares too
glad you're ok anon
trisha delicia
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love this trash flip
Delish fish, must be Trish
we lost fishniggas...
lmao trish needs a card with her lines
I know there are a number of Trish simps, but she sucks too. Kick her, Mauro and Tayleigh.
sexo con bexo y lexo
trish kino
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I cant stand these normalfags talk about anime
Xavier is going to turn Xayleigh into a Vampire... heheheh
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Trish about to bust
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>the spirits are contacting me-OH SHIT
Lmao even with the script Trish still can't do it. It's a good thing she's hot
In what world are these normalfags to your eyes?
Trish sucks so fucking bad bros
thst bitch looks like my.ex who turned into a heroin addict
Trish retarded ass literally reading off a script and still fucking up lmao love that dumb bitch
give this bitch an oscar
Trish is so fucking bad at RP jfc.
you seriously need to seek professional help
>Trish on screen for an extended period of time
Time to fap again
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Jimmy is fucking manic
Trish humiliation continues
what did jet say over the speaker?
TJ is going to be a general.
just got here why is my gay retarded son on crutches?
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she's so retarded its adorable
reminder that Dumbgay leaked TJ being involved with whatever this shit is that's coming
>"one of you will become a vampire"
Well it's not gonna be Jon. He's literally too retarded.
hes turning into a vampire
Should I buy dragons dogma 2 or Starfield?
quadriceps contusion
W sound guy
trish struggling with words is always funny
It's tj and josie as rhe generals
Letty or tay is the vampire (evil)
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>hells kitchen violin screetches
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look at her boobies
It's either going to be Gayleigh or Jawn
dd2. even as a bethesda dick rider, starfield stinks
based trish
dd2 not even a question
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obestity, he got the gout
the bandage is below his knee
Is it not Tayleigh? Isn't that her whole thing with Xavier?
hell yeah
Trish is like the most innocent girl that just decided to follow the most trashy men's lead. I love her. I want to save her.
its crazy cause usually gay black people have such good judgement and high IQ
Yes the General Retard
Tournament will be live on Sam's youtube channel

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Fucking homo spoiled it.
That desperate for views?
it can't be tayleigh because the wiggers want to humiliate her. it can't be jon because he's too violent.
greg was initially supposed to be a vampire, so it's going to be him if not vance.
Why lol
I've already played starfield on console gamepass, the gunplay was fun but the lore and story was gay. I've heard dd2 is very jewish and runs like shit
slopfield is cheaper right now too
Josie in full goth makeup
Tj wearing some gay warlock shit
Those are the generals
Neither. Wait a few years for DD2's dlcs to release and just buy DD:A if you haven't played it already.
I would use an invisibility potion and then just point a gun directly in someone's face. If they reacted then they would be Fail RP.
Because their site is shit
probably for the job fags that need a notification to know when something big is happening
Good, a second stream when the site inevitably shits itself for the 9 billionth time

Why havent they replaced Wes yet
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>innocent girl
Bro she sucked and fucked multiple people for money last season. She's literally a whore by definition.
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we're 2.5 seasons into fishtank, how have they still never added ANY way to recap what has happened
I’m excited and will watch. Hoping this true cringe kino.
Sure you would big guy
It's going to be Jimmy, they are counting on him sperging out tonight
She's so photogenic
they cant even keep the stream stable
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There's literally a guy who does daily recaps on twitter.
Smart move. The show has not really been going up in views because S2 left a really bad taste. They need the boost
The director came this Season is so much better, even though they do cringe larping most of the time, its much more enjoyable through all the interactions.
It's got some merit if you see it as some sort of post-modern deconstructed theatre
Especially with all these canon scenes... WTF how are we supposed to watch them all or figure out what's going on?
anon, I like her too but she's a textbook trashy whore
let this be a lesson, whores are people too they can be kind and have lots of good qualities
>Trish is like the most innocent girl that just decided to...
Cool way of describing a literal whore
>It's got some merit if you see it as some sort of post-modern deconstructed theatre
aight i'm out
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oo ee oo aa aa
Trish is like if Taylor was actually a whore. They’re both sweet but very dumb.
>Trish literally tattooed her sister Malia's pussy on live stream
>not a whore
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Dropkick Tayleigh out of a 50 story building window.
friendly reminder thay only discord trannies hate /ourguy/ jimbo
Haha any source? Haha
Most of why fishtank isn't growing in viewers is because they have shit publicity
alright guys
whats the fucking lore explanation for having airsoftfatty there in the camp
How is this whore behavior? Was KFC involved?
I'm scared Jimmy is gonna do something bad
flashing back to the very first cell, now that was some damn kinography
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Josie and TJ as generals. Hopefully they don't drag the bit out and use them somewhat sparingly.
he's a king
Is this the main thread? Can't even tell
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I'm excited Jimmy is gonna do something bad
I mean from Fishtank itself
not faggot youtuber fishtank orbiters that want their own views
just put a few bullet points on the site of the important things that happened that day
he's King Fatteus, he does as he pleases
this but excited
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He's some sort of former king from a distant land and he came to show them the trinket they're competing for
Anyone else notice the weird noises jon makes
the view count only goes up now so based no way its fake. pure nontent and it still rises LFG
I remember at that very moment I knew she was gonna win.
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Tai is going to be a vampire.
He will submit to Jontent
evil bitch
Fatty, Jimmy and Jon seem like they'd all hang out in high school
If Josie is gonna show up it won't be for another couple days. She's doing a stream in about 30 minutes.
I wonder how this guy's life is. No way he's straight
I think I'm going to pass out
they’ve been announcing an event for 9pm all day
Trish is genuinely 80IQ, but Taylor isn't that dumb
When Jon kicked a hole in the wall and Jet told him the cost of repairs were being deducted from his winnings lol
It's vance.
Did Trish say general or generals plural? TJ would be very good at this.
Get brian peppers in the tank
lol okay buddy
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>*makes a weird sexual remark every 5 minutes*
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Love Malia <3
>>im just here to make fun of you parasocial gooning cucks
Yeah just saw that after I posted lol. Surely TJ is one of them though. Using total randos as generals would be gay.
They'd be like a retarded Ed, Edd & Eddy.
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>season viewers
kek what a cope
kek another masterpiece
>implying Ed isn't already retarded
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Busted freak, Clayton mayo did nothing wrong
Taylor is like maybe 95 IQ. Trish is what would have happened to Taylor if she fell down the wrong path.
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the promised general is nearly here
>every 5 seconds
Lmao she said everything and nothing at the same time, in classic retard Trish fashion
Why does Goblina love John so much? Did he fuck her?
Built for Letty
I'm noticing a pattern here honestly
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buttew towst
keep crying every time that number is higher than you’re comfortable with
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I muted the stream and now the volume bar has disappeared and i cant get it to reappear. THANKS JET
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>wiv no camewas
Will Sam sign my goobas at his next comedy show?
Jon trying to bribe the Schitty store cashier with real money while on camera is funny as fuck
>full hair
>she's also a retard
kek i'd add greg too.
she looks so much better with eyebrows. now we just need to bully taylor into taking out her nose ring.
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TJ is the only good fish we ever had. I wanted so badly to enjoy his hair. But now it's gone. I have a VERY small penis.
only one cyrin be you faggot. i already know numbers b fake chomo.
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playing yu gi oh at the lunch table
constantly being loud and yelling cringeworthy shit
every table around them is constantly snickering at them and has inside jokes making fun of them
he's dripped tf out
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They're tard soulmates
kek Trish has 0 patience for jon's retardation
This but unironically
Hey guys, ReactSimply here. Make sure to check out my twitter for the latest FTL updates.
she honestly doesn't come off as a whore or a slut to me at all. she seems pretty wholesome.
This is first trip I actually believe
why did Jon switch classes
Put their body cams on for the tourney jet, thanks
did jon ever explain why he has a speech impediment?
>>im just here to make fun of you parasocial gooning cucks
letty is going to cuck tax with this bandana trader guy
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When she was 14 years old she got caught getting fucked raw in a public bathroom.
At least Jon is kind of trying with the RP now.
uhmm proof??
I'd rather be watching them count rice
are you the nigger one or is that a different faggot orbiter
Hope Letty gets turned into a vampire, but the Lifeforce kind, meaning she walks around naked with a full bush from now on.
Based Trish delish
She said it in season 2.
"comms is gay"
not when she was 14
Jet said comms was gay
she was manipulated, 22 year old Trish is already retarded imagine 14 year old Trish
what's this general thing? i dont care about tj, i just wanna know what bullshit "gameplay" jet is trying to introduce
Every time I glance over at the stream it's just a bunch of people standing around in the woods
uhmm clip??
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Jet really saved today with his Anonymous character. Like a mixture of Xavier and Sam Hydes comedy. He's really proven himself lately and honestly, I'm all for it.

Post this to /ftl/ and attach an image for more attention. Thanks man.
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>hottest Romulan woman
Nigga it's just something that happens. It's not like he talked normal and one day started sounding like a retard.
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Love Trish <3
why TF did tj let taylor leave michigan and go hang out with tons of sweating men for three weeks? literally WHAT TF WAS HE THINKING?
the big guy did this!?!?
If anything, we're literally saving them money. Anyone who watches through flowstreams consumes our bandwidth, not theirs. Streaming through a cloud service like Cloudflare stream or Livepeer gets expensive fast and the bill grows proportionally to the amount of people watching and for how long, minus whatever discounts they get.
She also told the story of how she was the fleshlight for her ex and all his buddies
He’s there right now.
i'm on top of my game wite nao
is Taxcin the little brother of Money Goblin (chip)
they look kinda alike
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>imagine 14 year old trish
I need the bottom right skirt pic NOW
holy fucking shit , some retards still believe tj will show up , he is not coming
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>imagine 14 year old Trish
Mmm good idea
boss neighbor wanted to get away from his yapping retard girlfriend for a week before being sent back hydensteins summer camp for tards
If TJ is Xavier's top general I kneel
Did Jon just take his steroids? Is that what he was talking about?
dunye is calling himself the prince, chris the king and apparently a general is appearing tonight. so you figure it out.
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>>imagine 14 year old trish
okay, I what now?
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Anon, you know she fucked Brian, a guy she barely knows, with no condom in a reality show?
Hey guys I'm a gay bottom and I crave cock, hit me up on Twitter I'll suck you off.
Does Jon unironically have coke on him?
>xavier has generals
why they stalling so hard
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No, Tacxin is just a Yakubian test tube baby
"I've got a lot more than just pain pills." What you got Jon?
they didn't fuck they said so!!
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Great tits
Is Soda Man in the blood games?
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I am now imagining also
>>im just here to make fun of you parasocial gooning cucks
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who's gonna tell him
>This tournament is getting streamed on their youtube too
Not surprised a /pw/ faggot would keep driving this pasta into the ground
She's a whore and he's tired of her shit. That said, he's there right now and about to make his debut as the Boss General
i hope TJ keeps these retards in check with RP kino
Tayleigh is probably going to be surprisingly good at this. She beat TJ and Shinji 2v1 at both the balloon and the electric tennis racket challenge.
I think Jet has redeemed himself with this season. It's obvious the first two seasons were just a learning ground for him to get his feet set and really sprint to the finish line.

Tag: Can somebody contact me when Josie is on the premises? I'd like to have a 1-on-1 chat with her. Sam doesn't need to be bothered with it, so just keep it on the DL for now.
Dat Nigga Tayleigh (Nigga Tay) for short
i dont give a shit about taylor, can someone who watches her regularly inform me if she is acting differently? i just wanna know if my husbanfu tj is coming (im a girl)
They were talking about pink powder earlier, is that something?
We're getting a Deagle Nation x Xavier crossover. You people aren't ready for Jace Connors o7
Not sure but they mentioned vampire generals so I assume they're under the Duke or Xavier
TJ isn't coming you fucking morons, cap this post now
>>im just here to make fun of you parasocial gooning cucks
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I have good intel that the General is RockyStreams, my friend i think i don't know man
Is Shinji the only top contestant who wasn't invited back? lol
i demand images of CREATURE
Bidet is for gay foreign men only
Fuck this waiting around I'm going to make an egg sandwich
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TJ won. twice.
everyone says the paintball sucked in s2 then share clips of her pov, I wouldn’t bet on it
>Jon has an irrational hatred of bidets
Hey Jet she just got done sucking me off I'll send her round
jon took his stewoids
summer, betty, meg and shinji lol
He looks very intelligent and dignified there. The culinary skills on display are admirable as well
Josie will be swagged to out
Bex is applying the make-up as we watch right now
You have been warned
Thread Theme: https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1719251759469253.webm
Trish is a whore but with a heart of Gold. She helped TJ by fucking over Tayleigh and Shinji in the finals
Prove it.
nigga really tried to sneak in betty kek
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rub a dub dub
go back to your containment board, bitchtits
none of that gay butt stuff for jon
What happened today?
lmyourfatherbros…what the fuck…
you should probably make your move , taylor is a massive whore and is getting railed up there and tj probably knows but he is too good of a soul
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i straight up did not read the full post and just thought they were asking who wasn't invited
the racket challenge was just shinji and tayleigh tagging back and forth, making tj the person with the least amount of time being "it", but i'm pretty sure they didn't even keep track and count the challenge
On what planet are Summer, Betty or Meg top contestants?
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I still cannot fathom this face is real.
> Be Clayton Mayo
> Struggling to pay rent because she dropped out of college to snort Windex
> You ask her to get a job and she responds with that face
> A few months later after you have served her with what she rightfully deserved you're finally alone
> Finally Free from the puker dyke
> This time she's humiliating herself on an Internet show trying to make up an abusive story to make her look good.
> It takes S 2.5 for people to realize her true character and you to get redemption
Jon leaves his ass dirty in an attempt to ward off the gays
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>Jon vs Jimmy in the first round
Retard fight kino is on the menu
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She's elusive
>imagining 14 year old Trish
Josie is not appearing tonight. She's doing a stream from her house in 20 minutes
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Same as the first three days.
we don't sign our posts here
It's going to be pitch black and impossible to see anything by the time they kick this shit off
I am so hyped for Clayton's arc this season.
>>im just here to make fun of you parasocial gooning cucks
Shinji literally had to leave the country and tj blew all his money and moved back with his parents because of that
>heart of gold
My ass
anyone else going to stop watching when tj shows up? if i get word he even gets within 3 feet of taylor im fucking killing myself.
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>Jon's so terrified of his internalized gayness even a stream of water could potentially crack the dam of gay urges.
Airsoft guns sound so lame. Wish they were using real ones.
Don't worry. Jet's on top of it.
TJ can't come back, the winners don't come back. They don't need to, right?
Shinji deserved it
that's what we in the industry call goranian chemo
they're already fucking anon. kill yourself.
the fuck does that have to do with her?
you know they're fucking each other right?
tahgowt pwactise
Can you guys stop with the FailRP? You're breaking my immersion.
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>imagine 14 year old Trish
1 employee who does everything does not make a business. tay is just a crochet pimp.
unzip dick
i hate that stuttering fuck
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Why aren't y'all posting on /bant/ instead of /tv/...
>far more posts allowed on /bant/
>more engaging posters
>actual namefriends with interesting personalities like Benleaks and Q
>has influence over the greater fish tank universe
>fish and freeloaders come visit all the time and post/lurk
>can post bettyporn and goon
>feels like you're part of something, BUILDING something rather than here where your post gets lost in the wind..
being a /bant/bro is just better
>20 minutes is when the blood games start
surprised Pikachu dot jpeg
>the right way
>the wrong way
>the army way
so did they just give up on the rest of the bodycams?
What the fuck is Jimbo doing??
nice right??
but what if...
you subtracted about a decade?
I can't wait till he's back, love teej
Yeah Shinji ended up being kind of a gay loser.
a borgorw and war eggs
He's already blown retard loads on her fat chipmunk retard face
Is it really that desperate of a situation on /bant/ that you fags need to advertise now? Holy kek
I dont know if you know this but she has not sent out a single crochet order since season 2 ended. She only sent a few things that she had sitting around already.
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bad bait
i hoping these losers freak out
because some of us only give a fuck about this show when it's on like normal people and don't actually give a fuck about these losers.
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>imagine 14 year old Trish
>come and goon to bbc with us
no thanks
fuck off pedos
i have over 200 posts describing her fucking alphas and you're just telling me this now? how? you know what, dont tell me. goodbye anons. fuck you taylor for hooking up with that beta and not me.
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He's officially paranoid of production fucking with their stuff because Sam ran his bike over some stuff while they were building the shrine.
>>im just here to make fun of you parasocial gooning cucks
kys pedo fuck
She kept fucking up in the swamp games but I'm not getting into it with you. They wanted tj to win so it would have happened anyway
pretty sure they all fuck up when they're in close proximity so they're only had a couple running today
I post on both it's easier to run psyops on here
last time i checked a fishtank thread in /bant/ it was 99% josie webms
thats awesome if you faggots like that kind of "content" but id rather stay here
clayton won
I simply don't care enough about this shit
I'm almost convinced that the Crochet thing was a quick grift she managed to learn just a couple of months before fishtank. Simply because some 45 year old cunt friend-of-her-mothers told her she made a couple of 100s through Etsy doing that

realtalk: when tayleigh punched trish they told trish if she wants tay gone it was up to her and she said no and let her stay. if she had said yes i want that bitch gone we wouldnt have to deal with so called taytriots and /bant/ shit and all the retard drama

she looked like a monkey back then. even more than now
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Relax Sam
Letty told Jimmy she wants alcohol and candy because she thinks it will wake her up.
>>im just here to make fun of you parasocial gooning cucks
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>imagine 14 year old Trish
It's like he completely forgot what they do on fishtank
what's with ex-taytriots and coming up with bizarre fanfiction to justify their seethe lmao
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lesbo haircut trish is cute
translation: i need to find a way to blame a woman for two mens' retarded mistakes
not dark enough yet
Lol this is not true. Trish said she expected them to kick Tayleigh but they didn't.
You're too optimistic. It would just have fueled their victim complex.
the joseipedos come out at night. they are not welcome in ftl2 though
woah woah woah.. don't go there
just saying... imagine
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Trish's chest has been breaking out, she desperately NEEDS big white cock to help keep her skin clear. I can save her
something tells me he won't be back and the generals are thoses masked guys that walk around strapped all the time.

I could be wrong though.
Jimmy really REALLY wants a gun
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The result of living in a wigger traphouse for a year
I wish Letty was my Stinky NEET Queen...
jet literally asked her on cam
has anyone talked about cole besides nina bringing him up once? if so what did they say?
I hope he autistically flirts with taylor, at least one fags will self harm
kys retard
why is xayleigh so quiet?
If you like that shit so much why don't you go back to Reddi* or some Discord-Tranny space ?
His anger levels are obviously increasing too. No way he's getting a real weapon lol
yeah but Jimmy got kicked for way worse and they've brought him back multiple times now
the only way to get rid of the dyke is taking matters into your own hands, anon
you deserve to rot in prison
they said cole was raped and is an alcoholic
/ftl/- 14 year old Trish edition
Don't question it, hopefully it will stay that way
yeah they all said that they saw a video he sent to jet of him sucking his own cock to impress jet and get back on the show
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She must be thinking of her new vampire boyfriend Xavier
tts was seething at tayleigh about the stolen panty thing and she started to yap defending herself. i tuned out.
Outside /ftl/, nobody really gives a shit about Cole
If Josie was gonna be involved she would've already gone over there. Doing all that travel for only a week of time on the show is not worth it. For season 2 she went over so she could hang out for over a month. TJ is probably gonna show up, though.
you are a pedo
seethe harder faggot lol
Jon has said "mass majority" instead of "vast majority" multiple times.
>>im just here to make fun of you parasocial gooning cucks
Her name was dee
Shocked they gave him the big ass leafblower but it's unavoidable in a game like this.
What happened to sheriff Ben? Did he kill himself after Xavier's slander?
flight to RI from Michigan is what 3 hours?
I don't think so either he's probably done with this shit at this point
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>Midna from The Legend of Zelda. Both imp and human forms.
ftl2 is all simps that are brown, mutts, or slavs.
virgin niggerfaggot
jimmy's kicks were standard and not for physical assault even though he came close. they clearly have an affinity for jimmy cause he brings the bants. tay brings nothing
It's called fucking hebephilia, NOT pedophilia. Learn the proper terminology and stop misusing pedophilia, which is sick and not natural at all.
who else is
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Croatian hands typed this
nah you're just really fucking dumb, take your cringe ass back to whatever subreddit you came from
because he's a C-UCK
vertical bahhhh
nah thats you
I'm not mentally ill.
hahaha i spammed the tts window again hahaha
hey guys what'd i miss?
and he thinks he is smarter than his current city council
trish needs to make an onlyfans
he might not tonight but he'll definitely end up being a general. why else would duanyay ask that weird ass question?
I didn't ask for your full legal name.
vertical bar
>>im just here to make fun of you parasocial gooning cucks
Jimmy is teetering on the edge of losing his shit
pedo cope
TJ probably already got there earlier today if he is gonna show up tonight, so the flight from Michigan shouldn't be a problem.
good bait
my cat came in my room growling and made me follow him to the front window where there were 2 black dudes hanging around a car. they left but now i think they were scoping out my house to rob, im scared.
what do i do /ftl/?
Jimmy threw a mallet full speed at a girls head
what the heck are you on about anon
A lot of sitting around and talking
jimmy has been unhinged all day. it's only a matter of time till he flips out again
I hope Jimmy snaps Jon's jaw
What slander? I missed it
If by two men's retarded mistakes you mean sam and jet, then sure.
let them rape you
kek but it works too
why didnt they string lights in the basecamp

what a shit production. im going to the bunglaw
Great a new epic TTS spam character
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If you dont know what to do, you cant be saved.
>easily do a basic beanie in a few hours or less
damn, tay really is just a lazy cunt isn't she?
Nah Jimmy only attacks women, it'll be Letty
Who said this? I haven't been watching
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good. need some good fucking entertainment
>138 waiting Scheduled for Jun 28, 2024

Josie usually has more waiting than that. Is it officially over?
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just imagine
>laney is one of the generals
we're going to see jimmy lose his virginity tonight
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>thread derailed by imagining a supple, young, very fertile Trish
Never change /tv/
jimmy couldn’t even break tj arm
Ben here
the real bloodgames starts now
he threw it at the wall
preempting an attack and defending your home against negros is still legal in most states.
just shoot them with your gun… you do have a gun, right anon?
/bant/fags simped for this???????
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Well, she usually doesn't have a Fishtank tournament happening at the same time as her stream.
caves 1
jimmy 0
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Peppy says pedophilia is not epic, lets keep it clean boys!
Im watching bloodgames. Her pre stream chat is full of retards anyway
bloodgames in arena yes/no?
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By Laney you mean NIFTY
Hes not a virgin and they'd have to bring the nurse back to stitch that poor woman's pussy.
amping up the chaos
how did she male her face look like that?
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vertical baaa
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Blacksmith's Wife is in the tournament too, right?
TJ isn't showing up you idiots
Octavius fans are gonna be eating good tonight
What did she say about the panties though
Yes of course. Why have an area if you won't host bloodgames in it?
>8.6k viewers
Was this AI edited like Cole and Shinji's pics? I can't tell.
some fag a few threads ago said this is what taylor must be thinking while laughing at the camera. probably the same nigga pasting it in every thread. very specific type of tard to say and be doing something like that
>one cam where you can hear anything
>vertical bar lol!!!
This girl is so retarded its adorable
she's getting ready to give me a prostate exam
i kneel
the number is fake, its obvious if you're not a retard
She wasn't lazy, she was just spending all of her time with her new boyfriend.
whatever she usually says
>dude like! i donno dude! like i said before!
and i just hear white noise.
These TTS's are making me lol
You think Taylor got the ick when TJ broke his arm
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Jet is so cool
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but what if?
How many people do you think are actually watching? A few thousand?
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Niggas was really sleeping on Jimmy in those early days. What a beast.
So is anything going to happen or is it another chilling at basecamp and going to bed at 10:30pm night again?
tj is not coming, he had a surgery 4 weeks ago , he needs 4 more weeks to heel
>Jet pointing the gun at Letty
Classic Fishtank
admin ban vertical bar posting
lol she collects starbucks cups like a faggot
It's actually my rotten cum causing it.
she spent the week after wiping his ass
but its like longer and wider
looks like a completely different person
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actually its real because the stream is shitting the bed
no, she spent a week taking care of him
Damn, Taylor must've really tore his asshole up with her strapon.
dumb looking bitch
is the director cam audio completely fucked for everybody?
what if he does tho
If I had to guess a couple thousand at most desu. They barely promote the show at all though.
So is the big event happening soon? I feel like they've been doing nothing for hours now.
Maria is a better crocheter than Tay
flowstreams says 738
>What are you gonna do? Shoot me?
t. Letty
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I know people said that pic was shit, but I actually found it okay.
My question is, how do you go from that to picrel ????
The stream is a few minutes behind. It’s supposed to start at 9
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what do you think about these women?
>Jon trying to get the full supply of happy pills so he can "take them as needed"
He obviously is.
source? someone probably would’ve said as much if he wasn’t, stop coping and brace yourself
thats her parents house.
Are all flip women as dumb as Trish? I might have make a trip to flipland.
Weird sex pervert!
>title drop this early
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Great numbers, Jet. We did it!
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i don't believe jon hurt his leg.
This. Sam absolutely despises TJ and so does Jet
vampires will come but jon will spaz out like retard and kill all of them in 3 minutes instead if it taking an hour like they planned
this tournement thing is gonna suck cock
What went wrong, bros?
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Are her parents siblings?
8 weeks is only for weight bearing if you're fat. normal is 6 weeks for weight bearing. 4 weeks is standard for 90% of broken bones.
if I have to listen to tts spam during the games im never watching this shit again
pepe looking ass negga
it's the camera lens
post on both at the same time, it's cozier this way
you were in the wrong thread, /ftl/ is for the josiepedos and /ftl2/ is for the 3 remaining taytriots
She just needs her beautiful long black hair.
Classic Fishtank
If he doesn't
>I told you so you retard
If he does
>It was obvious from the start you retard
To be fair they look pretty similar. Explains a lot
God damn she looks like she aged 10 years in less than a few. Meth does hard shit on the body.
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>its another TTS is more annoying to the viewer than the fish episode
same with letty. they're obviously bringing him back to make him watch jon fuck taylor. i bet jeremy shows up to fuck with letty.
tj isn't showing up but sam does likes him, he had likes a no of tweet about tj post tank wvhjh
Was it ever even officially stated that he broke it? I just remember Taylor saying he hurt it but never elaborated on exactly what it was or how bad.
oh now the merchant cam works, when nobody is there perfect
damn let the bisexual have tay, let me get at that milf
catch me on schitty cam, not listening to the same jokes spammed a million times
>let's put the TTS speaker right next to the camera's microphone
goran does it again
her mom is hot man she just looks like her dad

preview of tonights bloodgames
the peach fuzz on her face makes this photo especially unattractive
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Be honest, is this what you expected from Bloodgames? Is it better or worse?
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I haven't seen an explanation, but do you think he still swings his good arm?
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Did anything cool, epic, funny or amusing happen since this morning?
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earthworm Jim
remember when tts was actually trying to make fun of the fish in like season 1. so many laugh out loud moments from it back then.
there are pictures on his friends private insta ,he broke his elbow bone and needs a recovery period of 8 weeks
I think the biggest problem is the fact that she deforms her face unnaturally, does not take care of her appearance and acts extremely masculine from 2.5 onwards.
Just look at this: >>200632896
She looks fine there, pretty normal and a lot more feminine.

What is going on ?
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Josie is LIVE if you wanna watch some real content !
josie just went live and tj is on her stream. in arizona.
TTS is fucking braindead, do these niggers think they're actually being funny?
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For me it's Scott Sullivan – intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.
This is a certified kino shot.
Josie is live and on time
better but its turning into to just fishtank but outdoors
they should have punished failrp hard
Schrodinger's Retard
Doesn't she just open simp gifts every stream?
was watching 39daph stream this game called "Still Wakes The Deep" and i saw a familiar face. didn't know jet was in it
That's not true he liked multiple photos of him and Taylor together iirc
josie just went live and betty is in the background riding a big black dildo
okay ben
Josie's always on time, she's a literal angel.
Brings goran right back to Srebrenica
Honestly I didn't expect them to be able to pull anything off so I'm pleasantly surprised. Letty and Tai carry though.
Nobody asked FAGGOT
They are used to it. I'm sure that will on happen season 3. Thanks for your support man.
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josie or fishtank? this is like wcw or wwf in 1998
the fish are my frens :(
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Who does Sam actually hate from Fishtank?
he’s liked photos of TJ with fans
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Why do you tell these lies?
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>its fake
No one asked for any of this, but here we are.
wtf, abi just went live for a second and tj had a shirt on but no pants or underwear?
The audience.
mad you cant afford to donate and get some Josie attention?
if jimmy and nifty had a baby
Imagine 14 year old Tayleigh.
jesus what the fuck happened?
>shoutout to nick fuentes
jon confirmed gay
>Jon doesnt know afpac was cancelled with NO REFUNDS
Josie is 10x more American than Jon
Except for me
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This guy doesn't understand Bosnian cinema
Fucking THIS. The only fucking people who think "vertical bar" bullshti is funny and appropriate and who spam it are literal cat-hurting/killing anti-social psychopaths.
lol he doesn't know
everyone besides maybe jon some of the time
He liked photos of TJ and Taylor when they were at Brian’s.
God these TTS suck. People who spend money on this shit are subhumans

GET IN HERE!!!!!!!
Wonder what Vance is thinking during this excruciating setup
WHAT ?!?

This should be part of an anti-drugs PSA
senior prom?
My stinky NEET queen...
kek imagine being such a sissy that you get worked by the tts as a viewer
they waited until it got too dark now you wont be able to see shit
windex mdma and toilet meth
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Why are people paying $20 for this?
When the fuck do these Bloodgames start the TTS is fucking cancer and I just know those wigger faggots are hyucking it up
never understood this.
if they could learn ANYTHING from this season is don't put the damn tts speakers right next to the mics. please god
Cheers Clayton, any other photos you care to share ?
We are on your side
they desperately want to top spamming JJJ as Jon blows a hole through the wall but they never will
he's chill
COPE for the fact you have NOTHING in the face of my trips
This, Melinda can get it
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>Jimmy vs Jon in round 1
The tts is funny
who is this i keep seeing this shit
a month or was it ppv?
Why do you believe anything people say here
That's on you
Only a manbaby who wears diapers would say such a thing.
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wrong nigger, i save lives for a living
She makes money off of this
I just want him back man
honestly better than i expected from production. the fish? yeah, it's about as grim as i thought. greg, fatty, brian, xavier, and a couple others are hard carrying
ay l(ee)mao
>Xavier talking
>TTS on
>Can't hear shit
exactly i don't he hates Tj at all. He likes Chris at the end of the day lol
>watching fishtank
>watching Josie
>music on in background
>posting on 4chan
>checking twitter
>vaping with a Zyn in
>stopping for pushups every 5 minutes

I have problems.
Ready to throat
The contestants aren't even reacting to it, it's just fucking gibberish mostly
just shit my diaper come clean me up
>Josie almost burned her fingers opening her grill top
that's why i don't want tj back, i need tj back. we all do
looks just like jon and jimmy too
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>Captcha G0YAR thank you based god
Jon is a TTS farming machine, wow
Kill yourself peter
i can't fucking hear xavier
get a real camera in there ffs
Every TTSer should be thrown into the brazen bull and boiled to death
They can barely hear the TTS lol
he always was lol
>watching kentucky fried cock tts get deleted in real time
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I have some of those
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>Xavier talking
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Josie made over 10k during her anniversary stream alone
sam hates betas like tj
>t. Zoomer
is that Paula Dean?
kys fucking creep
kentucky fried tay tts went through
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Why do you care about the money someone else makes? Cuckold mentality.
do you not realize how fucking weird you are for posting this shit?
lol Everyone is aware of Jordan
Apparently not kek.
indeed it did
>Kentucky fried tay
Jontent is a certified moneymaker. Why else do you think they keep inviting him in spite of his trash talking sam and jet?
I hate Jet so much it's unreal
Maybe I'm not online enough and dont watch livestreams but how the fuck do people deal with this tts earrape. I love fishtank and had to turn it off multiple times
If this had actual decent production with even just average level video and audio then this would be my favorite start to any fishtank season, but jesus christ this is unwatchable half the time just because of the technical problems.
They're a Tayfag, what do you think?
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10 minutes late. I have porn to watch, Jet
TJ is beyond alpha/beta shit. That’s gay actually and he thrives to the beat of his own drum.
some random troon
>all the boss niggas will ally
jimmy leaking
i'm an equalizer enjoyer
send j bless it TTS
They keep it because the wiggers think its funny to ear rape the viewers
>its fucking boring, nothing happens. Another basecamp hangout, this time with TTS
>Vertical bar
if that were the case he'd have him on
i tune it out and just read this thread while waiting for something to happen
Jon is the main protagonist
Kek if Simmons is Sam's general for this whole thing
For fucks sake turn off this retarded shit LOL EPIC!!! RUIN ALL ACTUAL CONVERSATION BETWEEN FISH!!! VERTICAL BAR!!!!
they're prepping for the bloodgames. TTS likely isn't being moderated at the moment.
Wasnt there supposed to be a fucking tournament or something like an hour ago
Someone (some ONE, ONE person) make a new thread. ONE thread
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It's more interesting than people repeating 4chan loser shit at me.
Man, Tayleigh fucked her whole shit up in just a few years
Jon's shirt is still the funniest shit in the world
would be way too based for the wiggers to do
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legalize ranch
Da vertical or da horizontal bar for today ma niggaz?
Mom I sent the vertical bar TTS again!
just wait for bloodgames
you wont be able to see shit for the lag and how dark it is and you can only hear VERTICALBAR VERTICALBAR VERTICALBAR
how much does she make per stream on average?
every TTS is manually approved
kentucky fried tay
Would instantly make this season the best
>Josie is making ranch and Budweiser steak
Oh my god
If it came down to you becoming a successful millionaire off of the back of utterly ruining Josie's career and consigning her back to the recycling plant, would you do it? Your answer determines whether or not you are a cuck.
don't do drugs lads
tight cutie destroyed by METH
>cutting to a letty still
go back to gooning to brow tranny porn, cole
im thinking /////// this evening
Is that Jim and Pam from the office?
>Jon says Wendys is cheaper than mcdonalds now

Theyre both retardedly overpriced. a Baconator meal is like $16 after tax
Tay seethers you know what to do
what is this gilligan’s asshole joke in the fishtank chat? idgi
Taylor's green pointy ears
>bump limit
>image limit
$200-300 via streamlabs and $80-100 via superchats
Josie's streaming btw guys
content queen mentioned
193 viewers KWAB
2 wiggers and a kike walk into a vertical bar. They walk towards the horizontal bar where the vertical bar tender awaits them. “Hi” says the Jew. “My name is Sam Hyde and these wiggers are Jet and Bic. I forgot the rest of the joke but they all fuck a 15 year old at the end
You just outed yourself as living in a democratic socialist hell city
Half from 1 loser.
tj just went live on instagram and i hear abi
It's joeover
Did they really wait till night to do the blood games shit? Do they have any lighting so it's possible to even see what the fuck is going on
this nigga jimmy thought sylvia was a content queen
I go to Dublin TX to buy plants. They don't have good cell reception.
>smelly pedophile
lmao jimmy

new bake
Haha tay get fucked
he's a leaf
Total and utter L cutoff
Is that just on flowstreams or is it for the actual website
>Xavier cracked Sam
Jimmy is the nicest guy until the most minor of inconveniences happen to him

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