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conductor we have a problem
If the bitch mad then I take her to bucky
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>Agua … Agua
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TJ never ever
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Betty is
>supreme talent
>superior to Taylor Swift in every way imaginable
>the GOAT
>cat enthusiast
>good pet owner
>hard working
>great butt
>great gardener
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what's up with the general thing, did they say a general was coming today?
Flowstreams care to explain?
letty is a princess!
Fishtank fags are worse than kpop bugspammers, if that’s even possible.
it was revealed to me
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The DUKE & his brother XAVIER RAVENBLOOD have been locked in battle for hundreds of years. As a result of this feud, XAVIER has been exiled from the vampiric clan. This summer, the STARS are in alignment for the BLOODMOON RITUAL. This is Xavier’s opportunity to strike. By gaining the support of the VAMPIRE HUNTERS, XAVIER can use the FIVE ITEMS to enact the BLOODMOON RITUAL to cause all of the vampires of his old clan to be not just harmed by sunlight but also by the moon. However, the VAMPIRE HUNTERS do not trust XAVIER and consider him a potential threat.
THE DUKE, even after the BLOODMOON ritual, may only be slain by GREG HELLSING’S family heirloom - the CROSSBOW.

>Current BLOODMOON status:
The BLOODGAMES is a tournament to earn the CRYSTAL CLUSTER - a component for the BLOODMOON RITUAL. The blood games was won by GUNSLINGER. This night, one of the HUNTERS will be slain, as prophesied by VOODOO MAMA JUJU, and join the VAMPIRESS.

Secret Quest:
Tayleigh has accepted the role of XAYLEIGH RAVENBLOOD, and agreed to serve as bait for her dark masters plot against THE DUKE
By donning her patron’s mask, XAYLEIGH can cast BAT FORM and she has plotted to steal the CRYSTAL CLUSTER for her dark master.
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Send. Her. In.
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What's Caillou doing in Schitty?
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What the fuck how did Xavier get the Gem Cluster?
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Jimmy is king.
multiple generals is what was said.
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Mondoniggers, how heavy are those bags?
Jon has excellent hearing
Trish predicted it in her crystal ball, also that someone will become a vampire soon
lots of taylor simps in flowstream chat
xayleigh gave it to him
Is this nigga collecting the infinity stones?
Glad it upsets you! Stay mad loser ;)
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Betty is le ebin based and redpilled?
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>cole said no to coming on
she was mewing!
what was the full quote if you remember
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is that the beautiful CK?
Sylvia finds out the gender of her baby on Tuesday
See >>200638950

A necessary component for the BLOODMOON RITUAL
same with tjaylor
stay mad fag kek
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Say it with me
fuck off bettycucks, not funny didnt laugh
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I forgot about this
Why haven't the Mondobaggies been in here shilling for the show like last season?
I need to know if he's learned how to flex yet
Why would she willingly post this?
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M o m m y
Jon, what do you see with your retard eyes
Fucking traitor CUNT
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Good news, he's on his way!
Colefags are worse than Bettyfags at this point. They love black cock more, too.
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Josie owes Sylvia a collab stream
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I am so fucking tired of seeing posts about tj and Taylor. You guys are fucking insane. Like gossiping women
I've actually spent this entire time believing the merchant is Cole.
Reminder that TJ has had unprotected sex with Taylor and ejaculated into her warm, wet vagina

Link that crazy bitch's nudes I know you have them
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Jesus Christ
Whos your favorite
Vance is getting flashbacks to that apology
this guy fucking sucks
>Tayleigh just admitted she was the last person to have the relic
Fuck off bitch
to filter the geeks. she bought it to shoot at, and has been using it for mewing.
they're the same people. they love two things, ninaseething and bbc.
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She really is.
vance looking like metal gear solid
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you're lame
hi doveman
is the new mad max worth watching?
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shes 12 years old on the left....
Trish very poorly read off a script and mentioned The Duke having generals who would be arriving. Trish is retarded and could barely read it off the page.
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Kill yourself peter faggot loser
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fuck you
with ayynya? fuck no retard.
It's so low effort and dumb but don jolly posting gets me every time
you're a viewtiful pussy tho
she is officially of Clan Ravenblood. (everyone else is too stupid to comprehend that Xavier also wants to kill The Duke.) i hope it bites her in the ass later.
got it thanks. she didn't mention when?
Cole is in schitty?
Stop with this "Vance makes 10k a show" bullshit, he would barely get 1 or 2.
No its safeway ben
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the GOAT ofc
they're just salty in general
i saw him for a second couldnt screencap
we don't mind that trish is retarded because she is otherwise perfect
This is actually pretty good kek
Were the Generals just the Vampires with Armour?
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She looked good in the tank desu
lol they should of seen my tj account in chat from time to time :3
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You're a boring faggot peter no one gives a fuck
>i'm a boring faggot? that's fair
You sound made anon. Maybe listen to a nice song
It's crazy what fucking up your eyebrows can do to your face, she nearly looks like a different person. At least Trish is letting hers grow back.
Why would you be so desperate to mosaic a photo like this when she has had plenty of nudes already
part of what makes her perfect you fool
Can someone post the full video of Betty sucking the dildo?
>I know Italians aren't white
rare Letty W
qrd on the events of tonight? Last thing I saw was them preparing the defenses
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That tai letty exchange was going gold
colehaters are such cucks its unreal
I thought tonight during all that shit earlier but evidently not.
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>Jet my tweet got 500 likes you gotta buy me a plane ticket. I can't make videos anymore since my arrest last year and I put on another 60 pounds since season 2 ended. Please
THIS. cole is probably crying rn jerking off to girls that bullied him in high school.
Letty retarded and jewish
that wasnt me but hi
retarded coomer fagshit
sub to her twitch and dm januki. he'll probably suspect you're going to leak it. so wait a few weeks.
nigga I'm watching trump v. biden debate recaps and gooning to jav right now while posting on /tv/ at the same time, I'm not on some nontent reality show
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does flowstreams not have the extra cams, they're all down
they have been wandering around in the woods with no real objectives
Do i fit in
Average WMAF spawn
Hes back..coledemort is back
18 actually
Nah, I'm banned from her twitch chat lol, although Betty follows me on Twitter
FAKE COLE though very convincing
crazy that Letty defeated both Cole and Betty by.....doing nothing.
She is ukranian she is of goranian kin
what kino jav vids are you watching?
the baby should be able to choose its own gender, transphobic bitch
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>I only JUST NOW realized that random fucking guy is Nick Caminos
Has he done anything this season? Why's he even here, any time he's on the 2nd monitor I'm not paying attention
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>doxxed you and your family members
>exposed you as a homosexual
>exposed your mom as a meth smoking whore
>sent grindr dates to your grandmother's house
>now pedo allegations on the cusp
Was Tayleigh's pussy really worth it?
Blacked betty is further proof that LettyGods are simply better
julia boin
cole cum receptacle
Why is Jet rocking this cut? WTF is going on here
I thought she was indigenous
I kinda wanna start larping now.
It's probably unpopular but I never liked Frank's appearances on the show. He just makes the miserable neets even more miserable and boring.
I'm too nontent for this show, sorry
insider here. tj was supposed to make his reveal but him and bex aren't back from the airport yet. his flight arrived at 4pm. taylor is in tears. we have dunye and trish trying to give her a xanax and send her to bed but she just keeps screaming something about dallas losing?
I mean he did start it goading on taytriots
He did it to himself really
this guys a faggot
Who the fuck is Nick Caminos? Did he just say they are at his house?
jimmy is boring, have a tiny girl antagonize him already
>ain't gon be me
holy foreshadowing. goran, i kneel
how druk are you right now be honest
jetty, you were mean to cole

sylvia large
>Has he done anything this season?
yes. what he's doing right now. it's day fucking 3 nigga
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all the posters here are such fucking faggots, get cole in already we need to kill bettycucks taylorsimps petefaggots and abifucks
it's le ironic
Not unpopular. He’s horrible
Nigga, are you for REAL?
Spurned cuck posts are on the menu from here on out! Thanks Tayleigh!
i was at the airport can confirm
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>Tayleigh says she's attracted to TJ physically but wants a strong assertive dominant man

>gets with this guy that looks exactly like TJ, but is the complete opposite personality wise
Wonder if he's fatter than AirsoftFatty.
leak more customs your ordered from betty
Theyre actually down lol. Have been for days
This nick fella talks without closing his mouth
>>sent grindr dates to your grandmother's house
is this fr?
it would be kino if cole was there the whole time in plain sight but hiding. truly neptunian
cole is the biggest faggot in the ftl cinematic universe
That's the point you empty headed faggots.
betty is not blacked, actually. she finds bbc yucky, and one could never fit into her petite peach anyways.
feel like shit need him back
deserved all of it for being so smug
that guy doesn't look like TJ
No attacks today?
some brazilian nutjob on /bant/ did that
thats chicks for ya
big if true
im crying whiow I jerk off to BBC. I'll never be anything because of my negative canthal tilt.
fuck off
She seems to enjoy sucking it off while flicking her bean to compensate
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>i'm not autistic
TJ and Taylor regularly have rough sex followed by cuddling, then they fall asleep together. You have never had sex
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Hes going to leave KWABleigh after all the harassment he's getting and then she will have nuked her fanbase and online presence for nothing LMAO
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>what he's doing right now.
What even is that? All I saw him do was talk about how Jon also didn't realize it was Nick fucking Caminos
Why's he there?
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dont be ridiculous
taytards really lose it over the tiniest prodding
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idk. they just had a swordfighting tournament and Tai won.
Pays frank in his favorite currency
Jet called it a Night
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your life sucks and watching retarded neets get fucked with gives you a dopamine hit
>T-Tall guy just came on to mog me!
they still haven't realized they lost the crystal
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my heart aches
>i'm not like autistic
>i don't watch that shit
kek ok jimbo
Thank god for the non degenerate schedule
I don’t care about the stuff he does, I just think it’s a stale bit that they pull out because they have no good ideas
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promised general inbound
Oh yeah that will pack out a 500 person venue at 20 bucks a head for sure.
Patting himself on the back for nothing lmfao
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not even the best looking gookess of season 2
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This picture is always so grim
The absolute sorrow in his face
>tj taylor shit
only virgins liked that fucking garbage because all self insert as him.
>implying you haven't done that at least once
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YES.. yess.. Fuck this dyke bitch. She fucked a 'man' and for that her life should be RUINED, 4chan style if you catch my drift. Get more TTS messages so she knows how FUCKED she is for betraying us. LYING evil ugly Cunt
Jet's plan is to do a reunion and bring back most people from previous seasons for a 'final send off', so expect to see more niggas like that again
this is quite a cucky post anon
remember when he lied in every question on the autism test? kek
has anything good happened in the past 40 minutes i was rewatching frank hassling tayleigh on s2
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worst night so far thanks for nothing jet
betty in hot pursuit
never got bullied by girls because im not an autistic freak that has the same phenotype as squidwards house.
Random TJ seethe is not ok.
so they arent like angry virgins, like incels, they just want gf and find one? like normal people? curious what aspect of this upsets you
This is real btw I just delivered a bunch of pizzas to the residence and I could hear her yelling in the background.

Also Chip is a surprisingly nice guy, actually speaks in a British accent when not on camera weirdly enough. Good tipper too.
Lying Jet trying another gaslight
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ma'am it seems it is a milky way
hey vance is here! first time i've heard him fucking speak anyway
why do I like Vance and Letty on this season but dislike tay even more?
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Take it easy pal. That's my ugly big chinned wife you're talking about.
W vance
>1 or 2
you realize that some somewhat big touring bands MAYBE make that for a show. no way vance makes that.
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He finally did something. He played peekaboo
nobody will believe me, but i told them to put on a black pro mist or glitterglass in here and they did
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>is the only fish who explicitly just wants to kill the vampires without betraying his team
vance kino yeah
Based Vance
how does vance keep disappearing and reappearing like that wtf
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Vance won. In the end, he won.
What upsets him is he can’t accept that TJ is having sex and he’s still an incel
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best girl by far
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Everyone trying to make sense of the michael cera joke lmao
vance knows exactly how to entertain his fans
he is risen.
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>i-is that the only thing hes done....o-okay
It should be miserable for these faggots. No one else is willing to do it, might as well get a fat ogre who can actually do it to play the role.
Nothing happened
alex stein is the worst freeloader on fishtank
tay is such a bad liar
>watch season 2
>see Tayleigh
>think she's cute af, and hey cool she says nigger and does heils and shit
>over the next few weeks get excited when i watch her after work, start getting this fluttering feeling
>show ends, become a /bant/bro
>discover our Tay is planning on streaming
>get excited as fuck, watch her first stream
>she's amazing
>over the next few months, watch her religiously
>start noticing that she's becoming less and less interested in streaming as time goes on, but chalk it up to fatigue
>then she does the big vote, asking everyone whether she should drop streams from Sunday-Tuesday-Thursday to just Tuesday-Thursday
>DESPITE everyone fucking voting against it, she does it anyway, blaming her crochet orders
>defend her on /bant/
>criticize anons for attacking her
>then she pulls the mime shit, making us pay $300 to talk to her
>realize she's becoming conceited as fuck
>watch as she lies about refusing to go on 2.5
>lies about having a boyfriend
>gets drunk and obliterated during streams, ending after only 1.5 hours
>watch her streaming career utterly implode
>see this fucking cunt exposed as the bitch that she is
>now get just fucking pissed whenever I see her
Fuck bros, our Tay really fucked us and fucked herself. She has no career and probably no savings. She can go fuck herself.
he looks like a halo 2 brute
Because this time it's more laid back than an actual competition.
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Who's even left that isn't banned? Josie, Milkman, fat guy from S1 finale, maybe Alex Stein but he's more of a micro celebrity cameo than a Fishtank guy
He did it for clout with the wigger crew.
He let creeps dig deep into his life for a shitty bit.
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insider here. the nurse who gave tay an IV was laney from the future if she finally goes non contact with otto.
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Maybe the worst actor in Fishtank history
letty (NINA) was pushed through by the showrunners because she fucked one of the crew members. it's just that shrimple.
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That’s just because he doesn’t understand the plot and instead of getting an alliance offer from Xavier or The Duke, Tai was offered an alliance from MIKAIL of TROLLSEC
eh, i disagree, and i hate stein in anything outside of fishtank.
tai wost his kwistoe
affirm I will marry a Seras Victoria lookalike
>peek a boo
What even is Tay's game here??
>That’s just because he doesn’t understand the plot
nobody does
Because she has humor?
>she's amazing
I stopped reading there. Please euthanize yourself.
delaneyMANIACS let’s fucking go
Letty ain't buying it.
who is this corny white bread bland no butter looking ass NIGGER
hey cole that was you in schitty wasnt it? i knew i saw you
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See >>200638950
tay is gone, she’s XALEIGH now
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Hello 4chan! Thank you for your support! My plane late, I mean to be new vampire. See you soon!
tick status?
there's like 4 tay fans left, its unbelievable

she literally controlled bant and had a big stream following before all this
I'm warming up to Alex ngl
desu I don't even know, I just google jav xxx every time I want to see it and see a new image and I click on it and watch the video. good stuff. I ate hibachi tonight and my jap waitress was godly cute. made me feel sad. i will escape the arkansan hellhole one day and find my one true love in japan one day........... one day
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let him cook
>is guy that looks exactly like TJ
He looks more like justin bieber than tj
I like to believe there can't really be people that are this gay and retarted in real life, because if there are holy FUCK do you all need to be rounded up and scourged
I believe it. These guys are that amateur to not think of that.
Swears on her mom's life. She fears no new low.
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>peek a boo!
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you should have dropped her when she got drunk and insulted all her supporters; and then doubled-down on it multiple times when she was sober.
that gymbro "comedian" from season 2 was the worst freeloader
followed closely by ella and then stein
what is happening something about a crytal going missing and tay is lying or something idk?
simmons trooned out?
stfu stop pretending to be cole faggot
time stamp or its buillshit
>they already are about to finger Tayleigh
Jimmys ultra autistic deduction skills coming in handy again.
>there's like 4 tay fans left
there's like 1 lettycel and two taylorcels who thing xavier might be one of them. that's it.
Sex is owed
>I swear to god, I swear on my mother, I swear on my childhood cat
(She was lying)
Cole's need?
>Dies in the middle of the woods due to a heat stroke or a heart attack.
Not gonna happen. Frank is a delicate, overweight sphynx cat that can't be outside for too long.
buddy, if you're shitting on octavius thunder... theres gonna be a real problem
Tay took it and gave it to Xavier.
Tayleigh just swore to God and on her mom's life she didn't take the crystal. What a fucking idiot
this to every single impersonator in here
half-white half-korean
kek Goran don't miss
of course its bullshit
tay hid the crystal tai one for some reason
So Tay stole the crystal and gave it to Xavier and is playing dumb?
dontarius, and charles white were also worse than stein. and the only reason everyone else was better is because they were all so good. not because stein was bad.
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When he is just hanging out i like him a lot because he has a way of pressing them on shit that no one else does. Not a fan of the spitting and other gay shit but he is good in convo with them
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There's a couple lettyjeets out there still, I'd say theres more of them than the taytriots
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talm bout THE Octavious Thunder?
>mfw oliver was cole's clone
>blown out highlights
>cringe halation meme
>retarded soap opera look
you and the wiggers are plebs
Not again
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You did this to me
I have 1,705,980,111,198,438 photo
>yeah that's where it falls
Tai got jokes sometimes
what does the crystal do? why would she give it away? sorry i havent been watching since the first day
Oliver gay
nasty sideways gash
I dunno, I'm kind of warming up to him.
taylor comes on screen this place turns into /taylor/ general, and its not just the 3 taylorcels
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The reward for the BLOODGAMES was the CRYSTAL CLUSTER
XAVIER can use the Crystal to begin the BLOODMOON RITUAL. Though the Crystal was won by THE GUN SLINGER, the evil thrall XALEIGH RAVENBLOOD has stolen the Crystal for her dark master.
she's just mentally ill
tj and bex just got back and totally weren't doing anything guys it's cool now dallas still won >:)
Le QUIRK Chungus
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>I swear to God. I swear on my Mom's life that I did not take the crystal
he mogs you
this is actually believable because asian women are constantly taking photos of things for some reason
Blacksmiths wife's fat thighs.
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She owes me sex.
had me worried for a sec
>say something?
>you want me to
>say something??
I love the chubby blonde chick who plays the Blacksmiths wife. Has anyone found her socials yet?
It's an essential quest item. Not sure of what it actually accomplishes.
hi brian
>Tayleigh just swore to God and on her mom's life she didn't take the crystal. What a fucking idiot
She didn't, Xavier came and took it.
thats what im sayin
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>tfw night shift

I saw Jet's tweet thanking everyone, did I miss something big this evening?
looking to propose or something?
Lame gay L
thanks b
fat tattooed slob
she is of Clan Ravenblood and knows that Xavier also wants to destroy the Duke.
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>thinking squidwards house is a roast and not a compliment as it means cole has a chad face
tune in now
cole is an npc and jc and tj are both en route
nothing good
ab here, this is simply part of tay's gamer strategy. tay and xavier have the most shadow points at this moment and will win bloodgames
>what does the crystal do?
read the cannon, lorelet
Some gay RP fights that’s it
i know who this actually is. get back here now or we're gonna have a real problem.
She was literally on camera taking it and explaining to the camera where she hid it, retard
I wanna goon to her pics if she has any
Still have no fucjing clue what’s happening
Big battle and then a tournament
See >>200639672
the first bloodgames. tai won a neccessary quest item and tay gave it to xavier. they've also built a shrine that gives them some sort of buff when they're, and gives vamps a debuff.
All of these anons simping after the blacksmith's wife remind me of sex with sylvia anon.
Will another chubster fall to /tv/anon?
physiognomy check??
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A b, nobody likes her anymore. Almost all of her fans have turned on her Are you going to include this in your recaps? That is a very important part of her arc this season.
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whats the deal with tays skin isnt she like 22 or 23?
She said she was met off camera by Xavier when she went to the portapotty. He came up from the side and went into Tai's bunk to steal it while she was on guard duty. Her job was to put it under Tai's mattress.
Woot. Dwop the woot. Wun his pockets.
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Enter the general
me neither bro. the fact that they aren't using the personal cams is quite lame
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tay owes simps structural items and merch
true, but she's doing better!
she's a big tjfemcel, you can probably dm her on discord with some bare minimum investigation
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bulimia and drugs
I saw that nigga too
man when Jon really gets into it he's the fucking best
>Vance too beta as a leader, so now Jon is taking charge
*One punches Tay*
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her viewers are dropping....
Jon really stepped up the rp since he came back earlier. Did Sam beat him into submission?
this bitch is 22 and looks 32, fucking drugs man
windex toilet mdma, meth, and swordfighting with her cockbuddy
This shit is boring, I’m off to bed. See you niggers tomorrow
Tai failRP
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Can I get a qrd for today bros? Was away at a shitty fucking concert that wasnt worth the time
>inb4 nothing lol
it's just her genetics and bulimia, not the drugs
They are busy watching season 2.5 bloodgames
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>line of methhead faggots from grinder knocking on his grandmother's door where he lives
>all for tayleigh
good half hour of larp swordfighting but that was pretty much it
all the twitter orbiters suck jets dick so hard cause they all want to be on the payroll/have a friend
which inflates Gorans ego thinking everyone loves the show except for a few loser trolls on 4chan and reddit
and thats why he never makes any good changes when something sucks
Sleep well
coal has a twp and is a virgin
Some shitty arena battle that rewarded some crystal or something. Tayleigh gave it to Xavier without anyone knowing
John isn't Sam's ally anymore?
i've been watching this shit for 6 fucking hours
Sam is one of the only people in the world who Jon respects and listens to.
What should I goon to
This show kinda sucks when people aren’t getting dogpiled by TTS with no escape
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giga cope jawlet
That's fucking hilarious
He won
Foot massages, shrine construction, 1v1 tournament, XAYLEIGH treachery
Hopefully no vampires will come and get ya. The show’s over for today, best get some sleep.
Don't goon. Just coom and move on.
Is she really? Why did so many girls fall for that goofy goober?
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Tacxin won
Might lay off the concern trolling about TJ and Taylor. I actually like the little retards and wish them the best and the trolling isn't hitting anymore and just feels unnecessarily mean towards them.

Might turn my attention to shitting up threads during downtime with Nifty screenshots and copypastas.
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obvious choice is taylor. degenerate choice is betty. elder choice is letty. patrician choice is delaney.
I'm enjoying this a lot more than season 1 or 2. Yeah, it could be better, but at least they're giving them some actual defined objectives and direction this time. Jet still needs to fix the fucking cameras though.
erm cole has a big dick, I know because I've had sex with him that's y he doesn't post anymore :3 teehee
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it's over
>I'm taking that ass
how the fuck did an annoying haggard dyke like tayleigh pull this handsome guy
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Is there a grand prize this time? Has it been stated?
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Main character status
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perfect timing
Why are jon and Tai and them running around in the woods at night. Did they realize the crystal was gone?
he's desperate
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Season 1: has Tacxin
Season 2: no Tacxin
Season 2.5: no Tacxin
uh oh
I disagree, this has been fun so far.
I watch fishtank for goranian rape / mental breakdown elements
Delaney is peak. Girls get extra crazy for dick in their early 30s
ugly motherfucker
goranian playing with the sword
A silver scarab
kill this little negger
haven't watched all day. did anything interesting happen?
winner gets to go no holes barred with ___Ben____
webms you can smell
I for one would pick mis Delaney if I had some of her stuff. Could you so kindly provide?
He's almost airsoft fatty size now
did anyone record when she was saying "breed me" in the fishcord call? i know she was joking but it still sounded good.
The only person who earned any money on screen is Jon, who was offered 1000 for some challenge
The reward was later dropped to 750 because of budgetary concerns (‘doctor mauro are our food supply’
they know crystal was taken and apparently fatty was kidnapped
they lynched duany'ay. he's still hanging. check gulch cam
wdym by pull? Xayleigh did all the work by going to kentucky and fucking him. there was no effort on his part besides a few dms and $50
I knew that nigga was type swarthy
i am the Xavier AMA
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>that pic
damn i remember when people used to make fanart for fishtank
feels like so long ago now
HUH????? some please post this
As usual
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Tai won the BLOODGAMES tournament and received a shrine relic. Tayliegh immediately stole the relic and gave it to Xavier.
why are you gay
>I know she was joking
She wasn’t though. She’s terminally horny
Sound like I didn't miss much
Any new npcs or something important? Was this just a slow day?
no there is no grand prize because they've only made a few thousand dollars this season so far

they are only doing this because it is in the backyard of the house that S3 will be set in and they already had all of the camera equipment from S2 so there was no reason not to do this. It's still failing spectacularly because there isn't much traction on twitter, reddit, youtube, or even /tv/
/ftl/ will cease to exist by 2025
micro plastics
In real life? yeah
In an autistic neet big brother? no
no, she had this on her kofi and screwed up and didnt put it behind the paywall. you maybe can still even see it without paying. her account is laney_teara. i think you click on album view and could see it.
I’ll make fanart for season 3
Currently I’m (sadly) too employed and busy
just the Taylor nip slip, otherwise it's been pretty boring
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winner has to pay Shinji's tuition
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total TJ death
g8 b8 m8
Where are her tits
Did we ever get her full Manifesto she wrote in the doghouse about how her life is in shambles lmao?
she was sarcastically saying
>oh yeah im totally gooning right now BREED ME
I wouldn’t say it was slow but the new NPC (evil Kevin) is super annoying and I hate him
He is not plot relevant and just swaps between Indian and ghetto black accents
kek, Tai just ripping into Scott.
Does Sam live in a house or apartment? Does he live alone? I know nothing about his personal life, he's always at the office
I think it was shitty of Letty to ask someone to swear on their IRL mom in a roleplaying game. Like what's Tay spossed to do, admit it and ruin a whole treachery storyline that's already pretty far in?
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>xavier threw the bloodgames because he knew xayleigh would do whatever he wanted anyway
deepest lore
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blain and compruta
>hate and death chooser detected
It lowers every day.
Why did you crop mommy Bex out?
Yeah, she wrote it on the doghouse wall
I think Tay might’ve read it aloud to people after Delaney left
He has multiple apartments for multiple baby mommas
yo I'm ngl but this nigga been on my mind lately
hi jordan!
What did she gain from it?
>Ironically, this is the very nature of insight, like the moment one licks one's own blood, only to be startled by its sweetness.
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he bought a 1 million dollar house for season 3, he's definitely loaded
>i hate fatty widda passion
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TJ is immortal.
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another TJ W
the chessmaster
A character arc (betraying her Allies, fans, new boyfriend)
Are we sure he bought that? There's so much glass and so many windows they'd have to cover
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>delaniacs are crawling out
Someone post the full copypasta
I never saved it
Haven't read it in months
what the hell happened to this nigga and his tall friend
sensible and perky, fantastic
woah when/where did this happen?
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I was out with my family, was the tourney any good?
gonna hurt to see them destroy that nice place
nothing. she just does whatever a male authority figure tells her to do
honestly forgot shinji existed
Did the Elvis depressly Wikipedia article edit war ever end?
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boys i just want to go back to the comfy S1 threads where everyone was happy and we made jokes about jet turning the cameras off ad we all had fun even the producers and we made edits of josie spinning in the chair why does life have to be like this and everything gets ruined in time i just want to be happy and go back to season 1 it was so new and fresh fuck 2.5 and season 2 i miss the purity of s1
She got the 15k and got the guy! TOTAL TAYLEIGH W
That would only take a day lol. They had to repair every wall of the S2 house
Any more?
She would probably do anything you told her to
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He had to sold his ass to the yakuza for tuition
i'm a season 1 enjoyer but there was too much boring shit, this show is better
>we made edits of josie spinning in the chair
kys a little bit
if otto wont give her a baby i will
unshooped JUST
The Greg vs Xavier fight was the best
Tai won but that’s because, despite the wrens claims, guns defeat swords
>we made edits of josie spinning in the chair
slit your throat josiepedo
he lives in a house with roommates (gay lovers)
shinji is nontent now worse than simmons kek
steawth mowed. steawth mowed...
Crash paid his tuition late so he had to pay a lot in late fees. They also got scammed by some Save the Children charity or something idk the details
yes, she has extreme mental issues. her twitter is an asylum
what does xavier have to gain by taking the crystal for himself if the fish were gonna do what he wanted them to do with it anyway
It's on the same property
>everyone was happy
It was absolute chaos.
S3 reset
Neptunian days coming soon
The Goranian nights are nearly at an end
NOBODY made fanart of season 2, it was kinda sad. Being on /tv/ during season 1 was fire in a bottle, no way it could ever pop off like that again.
i actually like Elvis Depressedly so she's an opp
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>everyone was happy
He wanted the Crystal and the only person who would give it to him for sure & for free was Xayleigh (which she did)
josiecels are pathetic because they pretend they aren't still watching 24/7
Go to sleep anon & pray you get a comfy s1 dream. That's our final cope for the day
you're literally not missing anything
>Jimmy just referred to him and Tayleigh as a couple?
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hopefully they succeed in making s3 more pure like s1 was but im doubtful
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Those simple days are sadly over.
I have not super been paying attention to the story
My guess is that collecting all of the 5 pieces will let you permakill an immortal. Xavier probably wants to use them to Kill Duke. Duke probably wants to use it to kill xavier. They're gonna have to choose a side eventually or try to merk them both
i think a lot of why there wasn't cool video edits of season 2 was because there was no archive available. so the footage was totally reliant on clippers screen recording.
Nobody wants to see that
She did this for me in Bettycord. she was clearly intoxicated on something and I asked her to show off.
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Because they consider arm and leg shots lethal, no the fights were stupid, but the results were good. Greg Helsing lost to Xavier but looked strong and Xavier looked like a punk using swords and will almost definitely upgrade to guns now.
no homo
triggered that bex favored tj obviously
She's boring but her ex made good music.

nostalgiafaggotry is unreal
Theyre small and sharp
Just look in the mirrorz tubby, you'll probably get a better sight
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I miss it, bro. Take me back.
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we have to go back
it's going to have more overbooking and jet fuckery than season 2, sad'ta say
there were a bunch of cool edits
there just wasnt as much obsession on 4chan because the insane josie freaks were already in /bant/
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the good old days
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S1 was a snorefest and Josiefags were insufferable. Only Jon, Letty, and Fatty carried that shit.
so this is set in the same cannon as sam video game right?
Josie was never good
She had to set off fireworks for 200 viewers
hate this era like you wouldn't believe. what a shitty final 4
Did someone even bother making a collage like this for Season 2?
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Morguebros starving
trvth nvke
even with the 5 pieces, only greg's crossbow can kill the duke.
post more on bant
All these smiles… destroyed…
Except Trish I guess, she’s chilling

TJ had to sacrifice a broken arm, a broken rib, pinkeye, & a concussion in exchange for a large breasted goblin gf and 50k - would you have made the same trade?
Look at how happy Shinji was
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Jimmy lost to TJ
beggin' ya to acquire some standards
nigga it was 6 months ago
Rapesie W
betty discord link? i'm told the telegram has ended.
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bring me back
all Jet has to do is not fuck the show up
season 1 was barely good and we all loved it
that's how bad he fucked up the last two seasons
>casts all MDE fans to run planned bits instead of strangers you can fuck with
>does poorly planned outdoor larp game and nothing works
just fucking give us voyeurism again youRETARD
>the jon and josie hug
i miss it bros
rent free
>disrespecting damiel
That's a lot better than being Jet personal maid for another 2 weeks.
God this shit was hilarious
>would you have made the same trade?
i'd make that trade for a covered blowjob from taylor
I miss during the youtube stream the first time the site went down when jet would randomly cut to the /morgue/
Medicated Jimmy is pretty cool desu, sorry I was so mean to him during season 2 when he was off his meds.
>spends half of the show in a xanax coma
>obnoxious and cringe when awake
fuck damiel
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kek i made this. i made so much shit s1 and i have very little of it anymore because i deleted the folder. that was a massive fucking folder
She was also invited to an expo
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better hug
falsehood nuke
2.5 feels more popular that season 2
S2 after the first five days was grim with a quiet house and TTS down to $10
unless you want actual actors, MDE fans are literally the only option from here on out. the mistake was having them pretend their not, and then having so much friend tank. even being fans, they obviously weren't ready for hazing anyways. he ditched sharks because he was worried about them baseding over them, even though season 1 fish knew they were the sharks immediately and sharks still worked fine.
he was the worst part of season 1, even simmons was more tolerable than him
He came to this
so did I
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ella mogs
season 2 felt like 10k people watching and only 1k people liked it. season 2.5 feels like 4k people watching and 1.5k enjoying it

God damn it I don't know how to link between boards, just go wsg, there's a good nostalgia clip there.
why was he so rapey then but hasn't even touched anyone this time?
need ella onlyfans NOW
2nding this wtf
don't believe the rumor though, what's the point of an onlyfans if it's never even hinted at on her twitter?
payment processing and DRM i guess. makes more sense than just selling stuff directly in DMs
there was tons of fan art only during the first few days of s2 from what i remember s1 had fan art consistently the whole way through
is letty trying to get into bed with tay?

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